Do-it-yourself ceiling tile machines. Crafts from ceiling tiles - original ideas for the home. For work you will need

Victoria Zhorova

Lately I've been very busy production of design elements of the group from ceiling tiles, covering them with a mixture of gouache with PVA glue.

This experience helped me design music hall for celebrations.

In my master class I want to tell you the technology manufacturing.

We will need:

- ceiling tiles(not foam);

Simple pencil;

Stationery knife;

Paint brush;

PVA glue;

A jar for mixing paint with glue;

- tile adhesive.

To begin with, I choose a drawing that suits me. (coloring page).

Enlarge the image to the correct size. I use the method of drawing by cells, familiar to me since childhood.

Then I transfer the drawing to tiles, Considering elements, which will act, creating some kind of layering.

After everything elements transferred to tiles I cut them out using a utility knife.

I mix the desired paint with PVA glue in the ratio 1 :1 (you can add some water if needed). You should get the consistency of liquid sour cream. coloring everything elements.

After complete drying, I collect them together using tile adhesive.

Data elements served me well registration by September 1. The height is about 150 cm.

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In anticipation of the New Year, we continue to invent decorations for the house. Prepare for work: ceiling tiles, stationery knife, simple.

Falling leaves, falling leaves, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow sun circle in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around.

Ceiling tiles are a great material for creativity. It is easy to cut, can be painted and sticks well. Assessing the quality and possibilities.

In the kindergarten group, it is constantly necessary to update the spatial developing environment. In my work, I have been using ceiling tiles for a long time.

Who didn’t enjoy paper crafts as a child, especially if your parents were with you?

They cut out snowflakes, folded cockerels and boats - a special chic. Then they did not know that this work is called origami. It would seem that everything is clear in the name: ceiling tiles - sculpt up. But no!

The composition of tiles suitable for crafts

After the repair, who did not collect the remains of tiles, skirting boards, their pieces and trimmings, glue? And it’s a pity to throw it away - and suddenly it will come in handy, but it suddenly may never come. Perhaps our instructions will allow you to take a fresh look at the used material, and your children will enjoy communicating and creating together with you on New Year's Eve.

For clarity, we offer a few photos, which show hand-made crafts:

It is necessary that children's crafts hang on the Christmas tree in the most visible place, because the main thing is not the price of toys, but the importance of joint production.

  • perfectly cut with a knife, scissors, well painted and glued;
  • Styrofoam household packaging allows you to get voluminous crafts and various gizmos;
  • Combine tiles of different thicknesses in your crafts.

Making various crafts

Let's start with simple crafts, as in mathematics - from simple to complex.

Christmas tree pendants

The New Year is coming, we are preparing Christmas tree pendants or toys:

  • Circle the outline of a heart, bell, tulip, star or snowflake with a pencil, and cut out your contour sketches with a paper knife or just scissors;
  • They should be fairly simple. Consider attaching crafts. Alternatively, loops of threads will be glued to the toy with glue, or holes are made in crafts and threads are stretched through them;
  • Help small children cut out the drawings. Do not make complex figures, so as not to discourage desire from either yourself or the children;
  • from which the blanks are prepared, let them lie down in anticipation;
  • From simple colored paper, various foils from sweets, sequins, rhinestones, beads, we will prepare a whole heap of decorations for our drawings;
  • With PVA glue we attach and decorate tile crafts: colored paper clippings, sequins, rhinestones, beads;
  • You can sit and paint everything. Gouache, tempera, felt-tip pens or artistic oil paints are most preferable. If there is time to dry them, oil paints dry for a long time;
  • Pencils, even the softest ones, do not draw, but push through the material of the blanks; it is not advisable to paint with them;
  • On the Christmas tree, of course, it is better to cook figures of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and snowflakes. They are distributed either one at a time in different places, or garlands are prepared from them.

Attention: In order to avoid melting of the foam, the composition of the paint must not contain acetone or other active substances.

Volumetric Christmas tree

Volumetric Christmas tree made of ceiling tiles is an original idea and is prepared quite simply:

  • It will only take 10 pieces or more of Styrofoam, and a circle is drawn on each. The principle of nesting dolls is from a large circle to a small one. A large circle is the base, a small circle is the top and inside of circles of different circles is a pyramid;
  • We cut teeth on each contour of the circle, imitating branches with needles;
  • A rather rigid wire or a thin metal rod is taken on the rod of the Christmas tree, a burnt electrode can be used and one end is inserted into the stand;
  • The mugs are painted green and strung on a rod from below.


Have you tried making Valentine's Day cards with your own hands and surprise your loved ones? Everything starts sometime for the first time - so let's try to experiment.

  • Valentine's card is cut out in the form of hearts, painted as desired, substrates are made of paper, sequins, foil, decorated, smeared with transparent glue. Sequins for manicure are poured onto these artistic spots of glue, ribbons, butterflies are glued;
  • You can make a postcard in the form of a book. Two identical square or rectangular foam plates go to it, fasten the edges with a paper strip glued to both halves;
  • Letters and numbers for teaching reading and counting to small children are cut from ceiling tiles;
  • Various parts to collect educational toys and build entire cities with cars, trees, flowers;
  • Various details are glued onto a large sheet of cardboard, and a picture of the city is created, a swamp with reeds and frogs, Vasnetsov's paintings are recreated, and warning signs about danger on the roads are made.

Volumetric paintings

Cut-out pictures from the remnants of foam tiles can be compared with woodcarving - and this is aerobatics. With a sharp clerical knife, everything superfluous is removed and a drawing is left, previously applied with a felt-tip pen to the tile, or pressed with a sharp pencil from paper;

The reverse side is either sealed with colored paper and the drawing on the eyelet is hung on the wall, or a stand or leg is prepared for it.

Attention: The walls of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums are decorated with such crafts.

House models

From the leftovers with your own hands, you can make houses of various sizes and complexity. Separately, all the details of the house are made: walls, roof, doors, windows and much more.

  • Interior items, furniture and household appliances are cut out of tiles.
  • Using shreds of fabric, they make imitations of curtains, furniture upholstery and other home textiles.
  • All parts are painted and glued with transparent glue. The process is quite laborious, but very exciting.

You can create copies of architectural monuments or simply beautiful buildings. The cost of raw materials is quite insignificant, and the result is impressive.

flying models

Many exemplary dads, who not only love to launch airplanes themselves, but also prepare flying models with their children, and enjoy their flights, are engaged in crafts from foam.

They are more reliable than a kite, and watching them fly is much more interesting. A glider made of ceiling tiles is very light, maneuverable, well controlled, stays on the air flow and flies for a long time.

To make it, you need to prepare:

  • Ordinary, without relief pattern tiles;
  • PVA glue;
  • Reiki 4x4 from pine;
  • Buttons, clothespins;
  • Pins or needles;
  • Templates, pens, markers;
  • Stationery knife, small skin on a bar, plasticine.

Responsible work requires a scientific approach. It is necessary to make a drawing and make airframe templates:

  • A printout of the drawing is glued onto the cardboard, a template is applied to the tile, the buttons need to attach and circle the wing, stabilizer and keel;
  • Remove the templates, after which we cut out the blanks with a medical scalpel or clerical knife, allowing 1-2 mm;

Attention: Do not touch the lines of the blanks, remember about the allowances.

  • We proceed to the processing of blanks, having previously noted the restrictive lines;
  • With a bar with a skin, a profile is attached to the stabilizers and the wing by translational movements back and forth;
  • Try not to spoil the part, process with smooth movements. The profile can also be given with a heated iron, but this requires skills;
  • Did you get the right shape? Start gluing with PVA glue.

Attention: Do not use Moment glue, which will turn the plane into an amorphous substance similar to porridge.

  • A rail 18-25 centimeters on both sides is smeared with glue and placed for 5 minutes to impregnate the wood;
  • The stabilizer and the wing are smeared along the center line with glue, fastening is done with clothespins, the keel is attached to the wing with pins along the same center line;
  • 5-8 hours the design dries, settles and you can start setting up the model;
  • The glider is launched from the hand, and its flying properties are visually determined;

Tip: Your glider goes up sharply - place a piece of plasticine on the nose. Dive - sculpt plasticine on the tail or bend the stabilizer a little, which will balance the structure.

Now you know what else, besides cladding, ceiling tiles are suitable for. Of course, this is only a small part of what can be invented and made. Try to invite your children to come up with crafts themselves, and you will be surprised by their fantasies and desires.

irina kononova

Such Christmas tree can be done with a child at home in a few evenings and at no great cost

You will need the following materials:

smooth white ceiling tiles;

acrylic paint;

Light green tinting paste. dark green, blue;

Universal polymer adhesive;

Stationery knife;

Thin elastic wire;

A set of beads or old beads.

We make patterns of details Christmas trees made of paper.

Cut out four symmetrical details:

1 - top Christmas trees(bottom detail,

2 - top Christmas trees(top detail);

3 - bottom Christmas trees(bottom detail);

4 - bottom Christmas trees(top detail)

and one detail "snowdrift".

Laying out the details on the sheet ceiling tiles on the reverse side and circle with a ballpoint pen.

Using a utility knife, cut out the details Christmas tree ceiling tiles

Let's start coloring.

Dilute some green paint (you will need no more than a teaspoon). We will paint over the front side of the parts with it.

Paint the sides first (thickness tiles)

Then - paint over the front side of the details.

Now we breed light green and blue paints (they will need even less)

We paint the upper details with light green paint Christmas trees

Paint with blue paint "snowdrift". Let the paint dry.

Collecting herringbone.

With glue (a small drop is enough) joining the bottom pieces Christmas trees(upper and lower parts). Let the glue dry a little.

To the bottom Christmas trees glue the top part. Use a small amount of glue (one drop in the center of the part).

Glue the top part to the top Christmas trees.

Paste herringbone on"snowdrift". Let the glue dry well.

We decorate herringbone

From the cut wire we make small staples.

We thread the wire into beads.

We pierce herringbone through a staple with a bead.

From the wrong side, bend the ends of the wire

For Christmas tree garlands lay the beads next to each other. You can string several beads on one wire.

We place balls and other decorations throughout herringbone in random order.

Here it is ready christmas tree.

Such herringbone Can be attached to a wall or any flat surface. For this, it is enough "snowdrift" From the wrong side, stick two strips of thin double-sided tape and stick Christmas tree in the right place.

You can stick a small magnet and hang it on the refrigerator


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Autumn! The sweet smell of apples, Unprecedented harvest, Many of them under the canopy of apple trees, Bend down, pick them up. I really enjoy this wonderful time.

The New Year is just around the corner to keep your child busy on cold winter evenings and prepare for the upcoming holiday. I offer a master class.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are a material that is easy to make crafts with children. The work requires the use of simple tools, which allows even novice craftsmen to make crafts. Yes, and the material itself is easy to purchase at any building supply store or use the tile that was not useful during the repair.

Material Features

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are a pliable, lightweight material that is a pleasure to work with. It can be freely cut with scissors or a clerical knife, glue the parts necessary for work, paint, decorate with additional materials. However, you need to remember some of the nuances of working with tiles.

  • Gouache, felt-tip pens are suitable for coloring tiles.
  • It will not be possible to color the foam with colored pencils - it is too soft.
  • For gluing parts, use PVA or double-sided tape.
  • It is impossible to use acetone-based adhesives, because. they will damage the tiles.
  • Non-laminated tiles are suitable for work.
  • The prepared parts from the ceiling tiles can be slightly bent, giving them the necessary shape, but you can’t bend too much so that the tile does not break.

DIY options

From tiles you can make both flat and voluminous crafts:

  • postcards;
  • letters and numbers;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • models of houses and various equipment (aircraft, tanks, cars, etc.);
  • figures of animals and birds;
  • also make multilayer products;
  • etc.

Execution technique

The execution process usually involves applying the elements of the product to the tile, cutting, gluing (if necessary) and decorating the craft.

In the detailed photos in our master classes, you will see how you can make crafts from ceiling tiles, and then embody these ideas, doing it yourself or with your children.