Materials for making paving slabs yourself. Making paving slabs with your own hands: analysis of the process from kneading to drying. How to lubricate forms for paving slabs at home

When planning the arrangement of garden paths on your personal plot, you always want to create functional and at the same time beautiful elements of landscape design. Wooden cuts, natural stone, gravel can serve as material for garden paths ... But paving slabs, which have an attractive appearance and excellent quality characteristics, are still the most popular among owners of suburban areas as a coating for playgrounds and paths. Do-it-yourself paving slabs will become an original addition to the site design, in harmony with the style of the house and garden.

The production of paving slabs with your own hands is quite laborious and rather long, but at the same time quite an exciting process. The result of the work is exclusive products, successfully combined into picturesque paths.

Interesting ideas for decorating garden paths can be found in the material:

Such unusual paths serve as a worthy frame for flowering garden plants.

In addition, making paving slabs with your own hands will significantly save money in the family budget, because the purchase of a finished coating is much more expensive.

Homemade tiles may not be suitable for covering areas that are designed to accommodate heavy structures or vehicles, but they will be an excellent solution for walking paths in the garden. With the correct manufacture of the concrete mix and exposure to all stages of production technology, you can get a product that has 100% durability.

Using color schemes and pigment dyes, you can create tiles in a variety of shades

By experimenting and coloring solutions using color schemes, incredible combinations and patterns can be obtained. Himself - an interesting activity that allows you to reveal your creative potential, bringing a lot of pleasure and positive.

Manufacturing process step by step

In order to make an original paving slabs with your own hands, first of all, you need to purchase the material of manufacture and stock up on the necessary tools. The tile is created on the basis of a mixture of cement, sand and water with keeping proportions that depend on the purpose of the product and the brand of cement used. For the manufacture of durable garden sidewalk tiles, it is advisable to use cement grade M 500. You should not save on the quality of the material, so that later you do not stumble on a crumbling path.

The sand and water for the mortar must be free of dirt and leaves. It is not scary if small stones are present in the sand. The quality of concrete will not suffer from their presence. But the product will acquire an unusual texture.

Advice! With the help of plasticizers, you can increase the strength of paving slabs and their resistance to temperature changes.

A wide range of plastic molds for pouring are presented in specialized stores. They can have completely different shapes and sizes. Each of them is designed for 200 fillings. To speed up the manufacturing process, it is advisable to purchase ten pieces of each type of form.

By combining 2-3 product configurations, you can create unusual ornaments and bizarre "snakes"

It is also quite possible to use plastic food containers as molds, which are flexible, soft and strong enough. With the help of containers of uncomplicated shapes with flat sides and right corners, you can make rectangular "bricks".

When laying such tiles, they easily dock with each other.

Solution preparation

The necessary components are ready, we can safely start making exclusive paving slabs with our own hands. It is possible to mix the sand-cement mixture both manually and using a perforator with a mixer attachment. When planning to create coatings numbering several tens, or even hundreds of tiles, to facilitate the process, it is advisable to stock up on a concrete mixer. It's great if it is already in the owner's arsenal. After all, such construction equipment can be used for many purposes, from concreting the stream bed in the garden and ending with the repair of fence posts.

In a container, which can be used as a basin or bucket, 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand are poured

Mixing the solution in a concrete mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass, first you need to fill in the sand, and then cement is poured into a continuously rotating container.

Add water to the mixture gradually, without ceasing to stir the solution. Excessive amount of water in the solution can lead to a decrease in the strength of the finished concrete. To prevent this, at the stage of mixing and pouring, water-repellent additives and reinforcing fiber are added to the solution.

The consistency of the mortar should be doughy: slightly liquid, but not slipping off the trowel

You can paint the tiles in the most unusual colors with the help of inorganic pigments, which are highly resistant to light and weather conditions, as well as an alkaline environment. The amount of dye for the solution is selected by the "test method", starting from 30-50 grams and gradually increasing the proportion. The composition acquires a uniform color after 5-7 minutes. The readiness of the composition is determined by the absence of lumps and uniform color of the entire volume of the material.

Pouring into forms

Before filling the mold, it is advisable to lubricate with emulsol or any oil (you can even use waste machine oil). This will make it possible in the future to facilitate the demolding of the frozen product.

Forms are filled with mortar and compacted with a trowel

You can increase the strength of the product by laying a metal mesh, bar or wire into a mold filled up to half with concrete, and then adding it to the edges with the remaining solution.

In order to compact the cement mass and expel excess air bubbles from the solution, it is necessary to create vibration in the concrete. A vibrating table is used for these purposes. In the absence of such a design, an alternative to it can be a rack or shelf. To create vibration, it is enough to perform a few taps with a mallet on the table.

Drying and removal of products from containers

Forms filled with concrete are covered with plastic wrap and kept for 2-3 days. It is important to maintain adequate moisture levels during this period. For this, it is advisable to periodically wet the hardening products.

The place where the workpieces dry must be hidden from direct sunlight.

After 2-3 days after casting, the tiles can be disassembled by slightly moving the sides and shaking them. It is necessary to dry the product in the shade for another 3-4 weeks. During this time, the tile will acquire sufficient strength, and it can be used as a covering for garden paths and recreation areas.

Paving slabs are an aesthetic and resistant material to the effects of various external factors. However, its cost is also significant, so many owners of country houses are thinking about how to make paving slabs with their own hands.

Do-it-yourself paving slabs

Step-by-step instructions will help in the manufacture of paving slabs by hand.

... We purchase the necessary materials

To make paving slabs with your own hands, you need cement and sand... Additional components are colorants and superplasticizer. The latter is needed to increase the strength characteristics of products and their resistance to frost.

paving slabs by hand step by step instructions. A photo

... We select equipment

Do-it-yourself equipment for the production of paving slabs requires a vibrating table and forms. Vibrating table - a special device that creates small vibrations. Thanks to this, the mixture is compacted and the tile acquires the necessary strength. Buying such a device for household needs is not profitable. If there are no rental options, then you can use the available options. For example, the old one will do. washer, which remains in working condition if it vibrates strongly enough in any mode.

The next equipment required are shape... Next, there will be information on how to make forms for paving slabs with your own hands, but in some cases it is more convenient to use ready-made ones.

how to make paving slabs with your own hands. A photo

Finished molds are available in rubber, plastic and polyurethane. Most durable rubber... They stand five hundred castings. Least durable polyurethane... They are only able to survive a hundred casts. In the middle plastic- two hundred and fifty castings. Rubber and plastic molds are more expensive than polyurethane molds.

... Production technology

Preparing to fill out forms mixture. The number of components will be as follows. For five kilograms of cement, twice as much pure fine sand and thirty grams are taken superplasticizer... The dye is added as desired.

do it yourself paving slabs at home. A photo

All components are thoroughly mixed first in dry form. Then water is added, which is poured in small portions. The result should be a homogeneous and sufficiently viscous mixture. There should not be too much water. Not strong enough products are obtained from a liquid solution.

In addition to the main components, fine gravel or screenings can be added to the solution. It will make the paving stone more durable and give it a natural look. In this case, the ratio of the components changes slightly. Take thirty grams of superplasticizer and two parts each of cement, sand and gravel.

Before pouring the solution, the mold is lubricated with a special emulsion... There are many types of them. However, you can use a simpler option - dishwashing detergent. This liquid is applied with a brush to the entire inner surface of the mold.

do-it-yourself paving slab production. A photo

After processing all the forms, they are poured solution. For this, the containers are half-filled and placed on vibrating tableor a device that replaces it. The vibration is turned on and then the forms are filled to the brim.

After a while, the forms are transferred to the room and covered. filmso that the concrete does not dry out too quickly. After about two days, do-it-yourself paving slabs are removed from the mold.

For quick extraction, the mold with the tiles is immersed in hot water (80 degrees). The shape expands and the tiles can be easily removed.

The finished tiles are laid on a pallet or pallet made of boards and covered with foil. Better the first ten days of her withstand in the back room, i.e. under the roof. After that, she is taken out into the street and left for another month so that she can type strength.

Paving slabs with river pebbles

There are many options for paving slabs. Additional components are often added to the basic solution, for example, river pebbles or other stones. Let's consider how to make paving slabs by hand in step-by-step instructions.

Do-it-yourself paving slab production begins with preparation solution... To do this, we take a plastic bowl or other container, as well as a measured container. Pour one part of cement and three parts of sand into the basin.

Pour water into the mixture, stirring continuously. The consistency of the finished solution should be pasty.

To make an interesting paving slabs with your own hands, you should prepare not only a solution, but also stones. Pebbles of interesting shape and color are selected.

To make tiles requires the form... It can be made in the form of wooden formwork. If tiles of different sizes are required, then you can additionally take flat polyethylene containers.

molds for paving slabs with their own hands. A photo

The molding process is more convenient to carry out on a plank platform covered with polyethylene. The formwork is placed on the platform. The bottom is coated with used machine oil so that the concrete does not stick to the film.

Concrete mortar spread trowel and spread over the entire area. It should be spread gradually, smoothing the composition and tamping it.

After creating an even cement layer, spread on its surface pebbles... The layout is carried out taking into account the color and size of the stones so that the entire area is filled.

After laying, the stones are pressed into the solution with a trowel. This process will require the use of force. Simultaneously, similar procedures are performed in small molds. Molds with tiles are covered with polyethylene and kept for three or four days. If the weather is hot, then they are additionally watered with water in the morning and evening. The formwork should be removed when the tiles begin to move away from the walls.

The resulting paving slabs are laid in various combinations. The result is consistently impressive.

Molds for paving slabs do it yourself

Many people would like to make their own paving slabs with their own hands for a suburban area. However, they are frightened by many moments, and in particular, the high cost of forms. Consider how to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands.

... Plastic construction

Plastic is one of the most convenient materials for making molds. It lags well behind the edges of the tile and is quite durable. If you make such forms for paving slabs with your own hands, then they will be a relatively inexpensive option. Naturally, a homemade mold will not create an ornament on the tile surface.

Production will require wooden form with carefully fitted parts and plastic (you can secondary). The form is set as evenly as possible using a level.

When everything is prepared, plastic is poured. She grabs for about an hour. After that, the product is removed, the roughness is cleaned. The finished plastic form is dried for another two or three days.

Homemade plastic molds for paving slabs are made from any plastic containers. Most importantly, they should not crack when compressed.

Another way is to cut unnecessary PVC pipes into rings of the desired height. They make great shapes for round tiles.

... Wooden form (formwork)

The wooden form is one of the simplest and most inexpensive and can be easily made. To create this form for paving slabs with your own hands, several pieces are taken wooden bars... The necessary figure is formed from them, its corners are verified with a special tool. The connection is temporarily made with adhesive tape.

When everything is ready, the bars are connected screws... For the rectangular formwork, eight screws are sufficient for secure fixing.

Finished frame sand... To extend the life of the tile and make it easier to remove the tile, the surface can be coated varnish.

The wooden frame can be easily disassembled to remove the tiles. This will avoid damage and cracks.

... Iron form

The iron version of the mold is one of the most durable and relatively easy to manufacture. You can create such homemade forms for paving slabs from the remnants of reinforcement or other similar materials. Slats are selected, which are cut into the required number of pieces of a certain size. Next, the corners are checked and all parts are welded together. For ease of use, handles are welded on.

... Polyurethane mold

Polyurethane is one of the varieties of polymer masses. Forms from it are best suited for the production of paving slabs, since they are distinguished by a combination of strength and flexibility.

When creating such a form for paving slabs with your own hands, be sure to consider security measures... You have to work with gloves. If the processes take place indoors, then good ventilation is required. The container with polyurethane must be tightly closed. A rubberized apron is required in addition to gloves immediately prior to pouring the polymer.

To create a polyurethane mold, first prepare matrix... This is a product that should look like a future tile. First, a master model is prepared, i.e. a sample made from any material. Starting with clay and ending with plasticine. You can take a ready-made tile as a basis.

The sample is washed and dried, and then applied to it adhesives... It is better to take wax-based options. With this composition, it is necessary to process all surfaces with which the polyurethane will contact during pouring. The adhesive dries in about twenty minutes.

Make formworkwhere the sample will be placed. It should be three centimeters taller than him.

The polymer mixture is prepared in strict proportions. The prepolymer and the hardener are heated to room temperature and then mixed in equal proportions. The finished composition should be homogeneous, without air bubbles.

The composition is applied to the surface of the stone with a brush, and only then it is poured completely. The matrix is \u200b\u200bready. The next step is to create the mold itself.

Further, the manufacture of a mold for paving slabs with your own hands is performed in a day. The matrix is \u200b\u200bplaced on a flat surface and gradually filled in two-component polyurethanelifting one of the edges of the matrix. The mixture will flow on its own. The finished forms are taken out in a day and left to dry for another two days.

... Silicone molds

The silicone version is highly flexible. This is convenient for removing tiles, but if the shape is not correctly positioned, the product may be skewed.

They make such a form for paving slabs with their own hands from three-component silicone mixture... A base, catalyst and hardener are required. They are mixed in specific proportions.

A container is prepared in which the form will be created, it is degreased. At the bottom, you can lay out a pattern with sculptural plasticine. The entire surface of the mold is smeared with a thin layer of vegetable oil. After that, the silicone mass is poured in a thin stream, trying to avoid air bubbles. The form is completely ready for use in a day.

Landscaping has long and firmly entered our life. I would like to make the suburban area not only useful, but also beautiful. And for this it is necessary to add original and beautiful elements there.

The uniqueness of the site is given by original paths, if the paving slabs are made and laid by their own hands according to their own sketches. She can lay out not only paths, but also platforms, patios.

Paving slabs are a modern coating for city streets, squares, sidewalks, paths. A more environmentally friendly material, in comparison with asphalt - it does not melt in heat, does not emit harmful substances, does not interfere with plants, and withstands large temperature drops. Very easy to use.

Unlike gravel paths, tiled surfaces are more aesthetically pleasing. If you have an art education or just a good skill, you can lay out whole mosaic pictures on the road. The original handmade tiles on the porch will decorate the entrance to the house. In addition, such a surface will be easier to clean.

This coating is easy to repair by replacing the damaged element with a new one. You can give a flight of imagination and create surfaces of any configuration and pattern. And sidewalk anti-slip tiles, made by hand from modern components, will help not to fall even in rain or ice.

The original solution is paving slabs for the lawn. It turns out a kind of "lattice" on the lawn. The grass continues to grow, but you can walk on it without trampling, because there is now a special path.

Often for these purposes, paving plastic tiles are used to make the grass grow. So there are now a lot of modern design options for paths and grounds in country houses, for every taste and income.

The advantages of homemade tiles

Now on the market there is a wide selection of various tiles, all colors, shapes and materials. You can find craftsmen who can make tracks of any complexity. Why do you need do-it-yourself paving slabs?

It is the homemade version that has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Availability of raw materials and inexpensive equipment.
  2. Originality. Color options, shapes and layout of individual elements are endless.
  3. Lower cost compared to purchased materials.
  4. Savings in laying tracks, shipping and unloading materials, etc.
  5. Qualitatively made samples will not yield to the factory ones. And they will surpass them in diversity.
  6. By applying imagination and artistic taste, you can achieve a variety of colors that you cannot find in store samples.
  7. Subject to technology and the use of quality materials, these tracks are very durable.
  8. You can achieve 100% uniqueness and exclusivity in design.
  9. It should also be borne in mind that the purchased material, despite the high price, is not always highly reliable. As a result, the coating will quickly deteriorate and will need to be replaced. Again, additional time and cost. With self-styling, you can be sure that the coating will last the required period.
  10. Having mastered the technology, you can make tiles to order, for friends, acquaintances or for sale.

Disadvantages of the method

It should be noted right away that the manufacturing process is quite laborious. If a person does not have free time and the skill to do something with his own hands, then this method is not suitable. Craftsmen should take note of it.

Homemade tiles are unlikely to hold up to large trucks or heavy equipment. At home, guests on paving stones are unlikely to be able to comply.
But for decorating paths on a personal plot, this is ideal.

Molds for casting

First, you need to decide what configuration the future tile will be, based on this, and you need to choose the appropriate shape. For example, the simplest and cheapest option is plastic food boxes - containers.

Mold for casting paving slabs with your own hands - video

If you use them, you get rectangular paving slabs. Or square, depending on the container. In the same way, a brick paving stone is made with your own hands.
A square or rectangle is the simplest configuration.

For a beginner master, it is best to start with a simple option. But if you want something more sophisticated, you can offer a hexagon option - a honeycomb tile. They are also easy to make, but look more interesting.

How to make simple forms for paving slabs - video tips, drawings

For more sophisticated configurations, you will have to get purchased "molds". They are in stores, they are rubber, plastic or polyurethane. The price varies, depending on how long they are in use and how many fillings they will last.

Skillful craftsmen do not spend money on purchased forms. And they are made right at the place of work, separating places for future fillings with boards, planks or other similar material.

Paving slabs without special shapes - video

But for novice craftsmen, it is better to purchase ready-made matrices. In addition, they already have a drawing that will be printed on the finished tile. In this case, you can try to make curly and embossed blanks, such as a turtle tile.

Necessary materials

  1. Cement. In order for the cement-sand tile to be durable and of high quality, it is necessary to take cement of the M400 brand, or better M500. Then the solution will be reliable, water - and frost resistant. Only fresh cement should be taken; after a short storage period, it significantly loses its properties.
  2. Filler for mortar. These are crushed stone, slag, pebbles, sand. The sand should be fine, clean, sifted and free of impurities.
  3. Water is better distilled.
  4. Plasticizer for tiles. Served in shops.
  5. Dye (optional).
  6. Fiber to increase the strength of the product (especially if colored).
  7. Mold lubricant. Any machine oil (you can waste it), soap, vegetable oil (if not sorry). If not lubricated, then the frozen product will stick to the walls and it will be difficult to remove it without spoiling it.
  8. Vibrating table for vibration treatment of the future product.

Material ratio:

  • cement - 23%;
  • sand - 20%;
  • crushed stone - 57%;
  • plasticizer - 0.5% of cement;
  • water - 40% of dry components.


The solution must not be liquid! A minimum of water will make the concrete stronger and prevent cracking in cold weather. When correctly mixed concrete is poured and compacted into a mold, no milk will form on its surface!

Operating procedure

To prepare the solution at home, a tool with a mixer attachment or, if available, a concrete mixer is used. If the volume is very small, you can also interfere with your hands.

The main thing is to achieve a homogeneous mixture. There should be no lumps in it; in consistency it should resemble dough - not too thick, but not liquid either. Therefore, you should not overdo it with the addition of water.

It is recommended to mix sand, cement and plasticizer first. Then add rubble (or whatever replaces it). All mixed ingredients are poured into a container of water gently and in a thin stream. It is necessary to stir constantly.

DIY paving slabs - video

Before pouring the mixture, the surface of the mold should be treated with some kind of oil, for example, machine oil. Immediately after pouring the matrix, place it on a vibrating table.

Why do you need vibration treatment of fillings?

At this stage, the smallest air bubbles are removed from the mixture. If they are not eliminated, water will enter them in winter and the tiles will begin to crack.

At home, you can try to replace the vibration table with a washing machine, after putting one wet rag in it to create vibration. If the filling is done directly on site, then the container with the solution must be shaken well before use.

The molds filled with solution must be installed on the machine and turned on. The main thing is to make sure that the fill does not fall from vibration. Approximate time is 3 minutes. Do not shake for longer, otherwise the solution will begin to exfoliate. When the solution "settles down", add the solution.

When the vibration is over, the molds removed from the machine should be removed for two days, so that they do not dry out too much, you can cover them with foil. The room should be warm and dry, moisture should not be allowed.

After two days, carefully remove the finished product and store it in some room for 10 days. You cannot put tiles on top of each other, store them in a "slide", they are not yet strong enough for this.

For strength, they should then be held for at least another month in the open air, and only then used.

Painting paving slabs

If you want to get a colored coating, then you need to take care of purchasing suitable dyes. Choose ones that are resistant to all weather conditions.
You can paint in several ways.

  1. Add liquid or dry color to the concrete mix. If mixed completely, the mixture will become uniform in color. But you can also achieve multi-colored stains if you do not mix it completely.
  2. Pour the paint into the mold, in this case you will get a material with partial staining.
  3. You can also paint the finished coating using a spray gun to make the painted layer even.

Errors in the manufacture of paving slabs

If the master is still just a beginner, it will be difficult to avoid mistakes when working. But it is necessary to list the main ones, then the work will be easier.

  1. Unsuitable cement. An attempt to save money will lead to the fact that the finished product will quickly begin to deteriorate.
  2. Unsuitable sand. It must be sieved, otherwise unnecessary inclusions, even completely invisible, will create voids. Which will lead to rapid wear.
  3. Excess or lack of water. The wrong amount of liquid spoils the quality of the product.
  4. Poor quality lubricant. The form should be lubricated with a thin layer. Engine oil can often produce black spots. So it's best to test it first.
  5. Not using a plasticizer. It significantly improves the quality of the coating, so it is better not to abandon it.
  6. Removal from the mold too quickly, earlier than two days.
  7. Improper storage - in the rain, sun, cold.
  8. Too fast to use. Finished products should be kept for three weeks - a month, only then lay out the tracks with them. If they dry out in very hot weather, they should be moistened with water to prevent dryness and cracking.

Secrets of technology for the production of paving slabs with their own hands - video

Every person who has his own private home knows about cement and concrete production technology. Based on this, making paving slabs at home will not be an innovation for him.

Since there are several types of manufacturing, the vibration casting technique will be the most profitable and simpler for self-manufacturing. In this case, the solution is placed in molds and compacted on a special vibrating table.

Home production technology of paving slabs

The technology for the production of paving slabs is very simple. But you need to know some points when planning the production process. To carry out the manufacturing process, you need to know 2 main directions:.

Vibropress scheme

They have some differences among themselves. Subsequently, this is reflected in the prepared products.

The technology of manufacturing paving slabs at home by means of the purchase of an expensive aggregate, namely: a heat chamber and a vibration process.

The solution with water is poured into the mold, then compaction occurs using vibration and pressure. At the end of these procedures, the workpiece is sent to the drying chamber. The strength is obtained due to the rather high humidity and temperature, which is excellent for laying in places with a powerful load.

Making paving slabs with your own hands helps to tamp the mixture under vibration, that is, it spreads measuredly in shape and is compacted. The mold is moved to the racks for drying.

The workpiece is dried in molds

After two days, the finished tile is pulled out.

Vibration casting at home

Vibration casting is suitable for the production of paving slabs at home. This requires the purchase of inexpensive equipment and tools. As for the vibrating table, it is not difficult to build it yourself. To start making tiles, you need to follow these steps:

  • preparation of molds;
  • mixing the solution;
  • shaping in a vibrating table;
  • holding and drying in molds;
  • stripping of tiles.

Paving slabs, which have been manufactured using vibration technology, are excellent for garden paths. When it comes to a car park, it is best to use pressed products.

Pressed tiles are best used for installation in car dealerships

Equipment and tools for the production of paving slabs

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to prepare equipment and tools. If a person can make a vibrating table on his own, then a vibropressing machine must be bought ready-made.

Then you need to choose a shape for the tile. According to the standard, it is a square or in the form of a brick. For this type, it is necessary to make the formwork from plywood or wood. If we consider the production of paving slabs at home as more complex options, then it is better to use polyurethane or silicone molds. With their help, the tile is obtained as in a store. It is also possible to make tiles similar to natural stone.

Material for making

The basis of any technology is concrete. This requires the following components:

  • water;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • river sand;
  • slaked lime or other plasticizer;
  • additives and colors.

In order to end up with a homogeneous mass, you must use additional tools: a concrete mixer or a construction mixer. The first tool is for large volumes.

Before preparing the concrete, you need to prepare the dye. It is required for making colored tiles. If ordinary gray paving slabs are made, then the color scheme does not need to be used.

Manufacturing instruction

The walls of the concrete mixer must be slightly damp, so inside it is rinsed with water and then drained. The proportion of water and cement to obtain the required solution must be accurate, otherwise the concrete product will be fragile.

Proportions for the manufacture of paving slabs

Making paving slabs with your own hands requires mixing concrete half wet. This is done as follows: water must be 30% less than cement. For example, 3 buckets of cement are filled with 2 buckets of water.

First, water is added to the concrete mixer, and then the required amount of cement. After that, the components must be mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass. Screening is added, then a ready-made solution is obtained. After thorough mixing, slaked lime, previously well mixed, is poured in, as well as a dye, if necessary.

You need to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Stirring the solution is easy to do by hand. This requires good physical fitness, as well as a margin of time.

So that later cleaning and stripping does not bring additional fuss and does not take time, it is necessary to lubricate the form with a special lubricant.

It is imperative to lubricate the mold for further easy extraction.

The thickness of the layer must not be too large, as the product will deteriorate due to bubbles. For the successful implementation of the process, it is better to use aerosol lubricants.

A faster and better quality tile with your own hands is carried out if a person uses the help of another assistant. He will help you quickly bring the needed tool or thing.

As for the dye, it must be dissolved in hot water in advance.

You can make paving slabs at home without a vibrating table, only in this case the quality will not work.

After the molds are filled with solution on the vibrating table, they must be removed and placed on the rack. Freezing takes place within 2 days. At the onset of heat, the molds need to be moistened with a spray, in order to prevent the concrete from hardening prematurely.

The process ends with such a stage as stripping.

It occurs three days after pouring. Neatness should be present here, because the tile has not yet completely dried and has not gained sufficient strength.

To make the product as strong as possible, it is recommended to dip the molds in hot water with a temperature of 50 to 70 degrees. After 5 minutes, the paving slabs are removed, but before that you need to knock on them with a rubber mallet.

After the completion of the process, the tile should dry and lie for another 7-8 days. For this, shrink wrap is intended.

The nuances of tinting paving stones, made by hand

To paint the tiles, you must use organic or mineral pigments. Artificial colors have a fairly high dyeing ability, resistance to temperature changes. Natural pigments can be used to create muted natural tones.

There are 2 tinting options:

  • dilution of the dye in the wet mass;
  • painting on the finished product.

Painting paving slabs

The first method will require a lot of money. The price of dry dyes that have a water-repellent property is quite high. And for the color to exceed all expectations, you will need to add 7% of the total mass of concrete.

The second way is more difficult. The quality of painting depends only on time. To make it easier for yourself, it is recommended to use a spray gun. This option has one drawback - it will be very difficult to obtain uniform coloring.

The form is filled with colored concrete, but only up to half. On top is ordinary cement. The time between fillings should not exceed 20 minutes.

Pros of paving slabs

At this point, paving slabs are in great demand. It has some advantages:

  • vapor permeability and moisture permeability of the coating;
  • implementation of the construction of paths by a more complex method on your own;
  • the suitability of the repair;
  • aesthetics. It appears thanks to all kinds of colors and shapes. If desired, craftsmen can lay out an ornament or some kind of pattern on the path in the garden or cottage.

Laying schemes for paving slabs

Decorative tiles with stone

Paving stones in the landscape style of a private house looks quite interesting. The method of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. The usual composition of the solution will help to build country paths attractive. It is often used in combination with natural materials.

To carry out the manufacture of decorative tiles with a stone, you should prepare forms of various sizes. Planks will help you make large squares, and plastic containers are great for miniature tiles. River stones must be thoroughly cleaned and all the necessary components must be prepared to prepare the mixture.

It is very important to observe the ratio, mixing sand with concrete, water and dye. After preparing the solution, you should take the form. It is required to lay out a horizontal platform of boards, put polyethylene under the formwork.

Thoroughly coat the form itself with machine oil. The mixture should be evenly distributed over the area of \u200b\u200bthe mold, a trowel is useful for this. Then stones are laid out, they must be selected in color and size, and then placed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe mixture. Upon completion, the stones must be added to the solution.

The molds are covered with cellophane and dried for 4 days. The workpieces must be sprinkled with water 2 times a day. At the moment when the tile begins to move away from the formwork, it should be pulled out and dried without a mold.

Making paving slabs with your own hands is quite a fascinating process. With the help of accurate guidance, each person can easily make high-quality and original tiles. It will serve for a long time in the garden or yard. If a person is not sure that the product will turn out to be durable during the manufacturing process, then the topic should be studied in more detail.

Video: DIY paving slabs

Paths and platforms on, paved with paving slabs, look aesthetically pleasing. Such a coating is durable, reliable, with a long service life, it is easy to care for it. But if you purchase the material on the market, then the cost of finishing the tracks can be significant. Therefore, many owners are engaged in the production of paving slabs on their own, and they themselves lay it. Fortunately, the market has everything for this today. As part of today's review, we will try to lay out the entire technological process of making paving slabs with our own hands on the shelves, and also consider how to lay it.

Two technologies are mainly used today:

  • vibrocompression;
  • vibration casting.

How do they differ from each other.

Vibrocompression technology

This is an industrial method for the production of paving slabs, which uses special equipment consisting of a press and a vibrating table. the tiles are laid on the table, a cement mortar with the addition of pigments is poured into it, after which the mixture is subjected to great pressure from the press. In the process of pressure, the vibration of the table immediately occurs, which evenly distributes the poured solution throughout the entire volume of the mold.

The tile material is accurate in shape and size, its density is increased, which means that the strength will be great. This technology, depending on the type of equipment used, is practically devoid of manual labor, there are no problems with demolding. More recently, for this, steaming of finished products was used to pull them out of the molds. This increased the cost of the products. Today, all this is not used, so the prices for paving slabs have dropped sharply.

But the topic of the article is how to make paving slabs with your own hands, so we will not talk more about this method of its production. The only thing we should note is that the products made using this technology are superior to homemade ones in terms of quality characteristics. And, accordingly, they will have a longer service life.

Vibratory casting technology

This method of production can be categorized as "do it yourself". True, for this you have to make a vibrating table. About it a little lower, and now we will consider the principle of the production of paving slabs by this method. First, you need to acquire molds for the production of tiles. What does the market offer today?

Molds for DIY paving slabs

There is no need to talk about dimensions and geometric shape here. In this regard, the choice is huge, and each consumer will find for himself the option that will satisfy him in all respects. The choice is based on the material from which the molds are made. Manufacturers today offer three varieties:

  1. it polyurethane molds for making tiles or paving stones that can be used up to 100 cycles. They are well suited for those who decide to make a small volume of tiles.
  2. Plastic. These molds can handle up to 250 revolutions.
  3. Made of special plastic type rubberwithstanding more than 500 cycles.

Buying forms for paving slabs today is not a problem. The main thing is to make your choice. For small volumes, polyurethane is suitable. For example, if you buy five pieces, you can make 500 tiles, which is a lot. In addition, molds made of this polymer are very cheap, so they will not greatly affect the cost of the final product.

Technology for the production of paving slabs by vibration casting

So, for this you need a vibrating table on which the forms are installed. A standard cement mortar is poured into them, to which plasticizers and pigments are added. The main requirement for paving slabs is full body color.

The vibrating table turns on. Inside the mold, the solution is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, while all the components mix even better, the air comes out, and it is this that causes the deterioration of the product quality. Cement milk moves and concentrates at the walls of the mold. In the process of vibration, the tiles are smooth and even in terms of geometry. The most difficult thing is to remove the finished product from the formwork. Therefore, such a method is proposed - the tiles, together with the mold, are immersed in hot water (not lower than + 40 ° C), the plastic or rubber becomes soft, which makes it possible to extract the finished paving material without problems.

In the same way, double tiles can be made, in which the lower part is ordinary gray cement mortar, the upper part is colored. To do this, a colored mixture is first poured into the mold, and after 30 seconds - a gray one. After 30-40 seconds, you can turn on the vibrating table.

Attention! The paving slabs made by vibrating casting must be in shape for two days. Only then can the stripping be done.

How to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands: photos, videos and drawings

The drawing below shows what the vibrating table is assembled from. In fact, these are two separate structures that are connected to each other by springs. The lower table has a standard shape with four legs and a reinforced base, because it must withstand significant loads not only from vibration, but also from the molds located on the upper table with cement mortar in them. The top table is a kind of trough with small sides.

Now for the drive, which is supposed to create vibration. There are a lot of different options here:

  1. There are special vibrators that are attached to the top of the vibrating table (to the bottom surface). An eccentric has already been inserted into their design, which creates vibrations. This is the most convenient option, but expensive because the vibrator is not cheap.

  2. You can use an electric grinder, on the shaft of which two loads offset relative to each other and the center of rotation are installed. It is the latter that create the displacement of the device itself, due to which the vibration of the entire structure occurs.

  3. Any electric motor that is unbalanced can be used. For example, as shown in the photo below, you can use several nuts welded to each other, mounted on the motor shaft. Instead of a pyramid, you can install any weight, the main thing is that it is located relative to the axis of rotation on one side.

  4. A separate eccentric can be produced in the form of a shaft mounted in two bearings. This structure is attached to the top table. In this case, the shaft must be unbalanced. The rotation of the eccentric will be transmitted by an electric motor (here you can choose any), which is installed on the structure of the lower table (the place does not matter). Most often, the belt is taken as a rotation transmission element.

Be sure to watch the video, which tells how the vibrating table was made from a profiled pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs made using different technologies

The table shows that the paving slabs produced by vibrocompression are better than home-made ones in all respects. Let's add precise geometric shapes here, so it's easier to work with such tiles. Although it has one drawback - it is difficult to cut such a stone, it is too strong.

Step-by-step instructions for making paving slabs with your own hands at home

First of all, you need to choose a form for paving slabs, which, as already mentioned, have different sizes, traditionally it is 500 × 500 × 50 mm. We will deal with this particular form. But we will first designate from which solution the product will be poured.

Most often, a recipe consists of several standard components:

  • cement M500;
  • a mixture of crushed stone and sand in a 1: 1 ratio, where crushed stone of 5-10 mm fraction is used;
  • pigment;
  • plasticizer.

As for the latter, the market today offers a huge assortment. These are both dry and liquid additives. The main thing is to accurately maintain the concentration of the plasticizer relative. The dry additive is added to the solution in a ratio of 0.7% by weight of the cement.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need an ordinary construction mixer. You can knead in a bucket, taking into account the volume of the required solution, so that it is enough for the manufacture of tiles located on a vibrating table. For example, if only four tiles fit on the table, then the minimum batch size should be enough to fill four forms.

A photo Description of work

The cement mortar is laid out in shapes.

The vibrating table turns on. Under the influence of vibration, the solution begins to take on its dimensions inside the form.

If necessary, the solution is added to the molds.

As soon as the solution fills the entire inner space of the mold, the equipment can be turned off.

The next step is drying. This process can be done naturally. It is impossible for the rays of the sun to fall on the tiles, it is good if the room is ventilated. It is even better if the process is carried out outdoors under a canopy. The main task is the horizontal arrangement of the forms poured with cement mortar.

The last stage is de-molding. The form with the tiles is turned over and the edges of the form and corners begin to bend, gradually removing it completely.

DIY step-by-step instructions for laying paving slabs

With the seeming simplicity of laying tiles, paving stones or with your own hands, this is actually a process that requires a special approach. Therefore, knowledge of the nuances will help to carry out the installation correctly.

A photo Description of work

The sod is removed, on which the paving slabs will be laid.

Curbs are set that will form the boundaries of the sidewalk or site. They are installed on a sand-cement mixture. A prerequisite is placing each border horizontally, for which a long rule is used.

Paving slabs are laid on sand, so it is necessary to fill the space between the curbs with this bulk material. The sand must be compacted well. Please note that the thickness of the applied layer should fill the space so that there is room for laying the tiles in height, flush with the curbs.

Now a mixture of sand and cement in a 1: 5 ratio is being prepared, which is poured over the sand cushion. The paving slabs will be laid on it. This layer must be leveled and tamped to prevent the tiles from sinking.

You can start laying. It is better to do this from the corner of the site.

They laid down the tiles, knocked on them with a mallet to press down on the flooring.

A prerequisite is to check each laid element for horizontalness. For this, a building level is used.

Thus, the entire site or sidewalk is assembled, it is imperative that all flooring elements are checked by the level among themselves.

Attention! Even at the stage of filling the sand cushion, care must be taken that the finish is slightly sloped. This is done so that rain or melt water does not stagnate in the finished area.

We also offer you to get acquainted with the video - how to properly lay the paving slabs.

And two more points:

  1. If possible, then the laid material should be tamped using a vibrating table.
  2. Between the elements it is necessary to sprinkle a mixture of sand and cement in a 1: 1 ratio, which will fill the gaps between the tiles. This will give stability to the entire structure.

Alternative technology

Today it is possible to solve the problem of finishing sidewalks and areas in a simpler way. To do this, you will have to purchase a special form, consisting of several cells that form the paving slabs. In this case, we are not talking about vibration casting, because the solution is poured at the place of installation of the tiles. That is, right on the tracks or sites. But this technology of laying paving slabs also belongs to the category "do it yourself", because the elements themselves will be poured directly by the owner of the site.

The formwork, which is sold specifically for this technology, does not determine the size of paving slabs, because there is a huge assortment in terms of a variety of shapes. So that you understand what is at stake, look at the photo. Although we must pay tribute to the fact that cells can be geometric shapes: rectangles, ovals, circles and others.

The technology itself in terms of preparation is carried out in the same way as described above with the laying of the finished product. That is, a sand base is being prepared, curbs are installed. After that, the form is laid in place, leveled, and cement mortar is poured into it. De-molding is performed two days later. As you can see, it takes two days to dry, which means that to increase the speed of work, you will have to acquire several forms.

The cost of paving slabs from the manufacturer

Buying paving slabs today is not a problem. The market is simply overwhelmed with products of different shapes and sizes, colors and shades. Depending on the amount of cement mortar used for the manufacture, the prime cost is calculated per one element, and therefore the price of paving slabs.

A photo Size, mm price, rub.

500 × 200 × 50 - curb.83

300 × 300 × 50 - Gray Florida.56

500 × 500 × 50 - 12 bricks.140

We add that paving slabs from the manufacturer are not only a material made from cement mortar. These are ceramic tiles in the form of bricks, the manufacture of which is impossible with your own hands. The model of such an element called Lode BRUNIS brown and dimensions 200 × 100 × 52 mm costs 45 rubles. The price of cement paving slabs with dimensions of 400 × 400 × 40 mm is 65 rubles.

How to check finished tiles for quality

It is almost impossible to visually determine whether the tiles are of high quality or not. But there are some tricks that will help you choose more or less quality material:

  1. Tap it. If the sound is ringing, then the density of the tiles is high. Accordingly, the strength is at the proper level, the product is well dried.
  2. Vivid color is a sign of a large amount of pigments introduced. And they lower the quality characteristics of the material.
  3. If on a cut the color is located only in the upper part of the product, then there is a high probability that the color will fade or fade over time. The pigment should be evenly distributed over the entire body of the tile.
  4. The absence of bubbles and cracks is also a sign of quality.
  5. The presence of a certificate indicates that the production is established according to standards or technical conditions that are registered with state bodies.

So, we have sorted out the topic of the production and laying of paving slabs. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer them. Contact us in the comments.