Furniture for small-sized kitchens Khrushchev. Corner kitchen for Khrushchev - tips for choosing. Color harmony in Khrushchev

The kitchen in any apartment is one of the key, perhaps the most important room, where cooking and eating takes place. If you live in Khrushchev, then when renovating a kitchen, you need to decide how you can transform such a small space.

After all, kitchens in Khrushchev often range from 5 to 7 square meters. m. Therefore, it is required to use the space as efficiently as possible, so that every centimeter of the area is occupied really productively, making the room more comfortable and functional. Let's now figure out what is worth paying attention to.

How to properly equip kitchen spaces

The refrigerator is usually placed at the side of the room or at the intersection of walls. So you can make the most efficient use of space and, at the same time, open the refrigerator doors without any problems. It is advisable to select narrow and tall models that will not take up a large area.

The washing machine, if you decide to install it in the kitchen, must be mounted inside the fittings, that is, be an organic part of it. The color must be selected according to the shade of the furniture in the room in order to maintain harmony in the interior. Take care of safety precautions so that using the washing machine does not lead to a flood, short circuits and other troubles.

It is also advisable to mount a gas burner or the surface of the stove in the fittings. This should only be done by professionals who can carry out this procedure as safely as possible. After all, jokes with this technique are bad! Electric burners are usually used, which are safer than gas burners, but you always need to be careful with fire.

The window sill in the kitchen can also become a useful functional part of the interior., because with such a limited space, it is required to competently use all the possibilities. So, under the windowsill, you can install a compact cabinet or lengthen it, making it look like a compact corner bar counter. Windowsill fittings have recently become especially popular.

The bar counter can be a great alternative to the table, especially if not many people live in the apartment. So, this version of furniture is compact and very stylish; it will become not only functional, but also a stylish part for.

Which layout to choose?

U-shaped layout it is not often found in the kitchens of Khrushchev apartments, because it requires oversized furniture, as well as a wider space. Therefore, this option is only suitable for those who are used to eating or cooking alone, because several people will find it inconvenient to move around the room due to the narrow space. But, with the right selection of furniture, such a layout can be a very good solution.

Corner layout perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev, because in the corners, as a rule, the maximum overall objects are located, and the rest of the space remains for moving and placing additional elements of the interiors. This layout option requires a competent selection of the dimensions of the refrigerator and kitchen furniture. Then it will be really optimal.

Parallel layout can also be considered as an option, but in a limited space it is quite difficult to arrange furniture and household appliances in this way. This is usually done under the wall, resembling a U-shaped layout, but the parallel way of arranging interior items leaves more space for people to move.

Layout in one row used in Khrushchev very rarely, only in cases where the rooms are narrow, but long enough. This method of planning space is quite convenient for residents. But the complexity of its implementation in conditions when every centimeter counts, does not allow its widespread use.

Color spectrum

The choice of color for the kitchen depends, rather, on your preferences, but usually no one decorates a small kitchen in colors such as black and white, because they are very easily soiled.

Often, light colors are chosen for the design of kitchens., since it is they who visually expand the space, and also look very pleasing to the eye. Yes, and it is quite easy to choose interior items for a similar color scheme; you do not need to order furniture of a specific color.

A dark color scheme for kitchens of small squares is practically not used, because as a result of such an interior solution, the space is further reduced, which is very inappropriate.

Much more often you can see a kitchen made in warm colors. Peach, olive and other shades give the eye a pleasant sensation, improve mood, and give positive. Especially often, kitchens in a similar design are made if the room is located on the north side.

You can also combine colors, do not be afraid to experiment even with bright colors.

The main thing is that you adhere to some rules.

  • Finishing elements should be in light or neutral colors.
  • Create a single composition using all the interior elements present in the room: furniture, household appliances, curtains, cornice.
  • Furniture must be in harmony with the walls so that there is no dissonance.
  • When using bright colors, it is important to place accents correctly, which will attract the attention of the hosts and guests of the Khrushchev.

Interior stylistics

If we consider the style, then it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • The classic style with its rather bulky interior elements is not suitable for Khrushchev. It is advisable to use it in kitchens where there is more space for interior items.
  • High-tech kitchens are very popular for kitchens in Khrushchev, because here all the functional elements are located as compactly as possible, built-in household appliances, appliances and even furniture are widely used. Therefore, it can be recommended for use in the confined space of the Khrushchev.
  • Modern is also suitable for this kitchen option due to its compactness and comfort. This style is characterized by smooth lines that look very impressive even in a confined space. And modern technology fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.
  • Provence style can be used in terms of color schemes., but its pomp is not suitable for the kitchen in Khrushchev. As a rule, Provence is used in larger rooms in order to reveal all its beauty.
  • Minimalism is ideal for Khrushchev's kitchen, because there are built-in elements, interesting solutions, and special elegance. It is he who can be called really optimal for such a room.

Choose the style of the room correctly so that it is aesthetic and functional, comfortable for the residents of the apartment.


It is extremely important in a small kitchen to correctly arrange its components:

  • Walls. They should be in light colors. A very common and convenient option for decorating and decorating walls will be the creation of a kitchen apron that will help divide the space into functional zones.
  • It is desirable to make the ceiling stretch, because this material visually increases the area, it is easy to look after it. The finish must be light without fail.
  • The floor can be installed from a variety of materials, but recently, wood-like colors have become very popular, which are laid out with tiles or laminate. This lower part of the room looks very impressive and interesting.
  • The doors to the kitchen may even be completely absent., often use an arched entrance. If you decide to use the door, then it is advisable to choose the option with an abundance of glass elements, which makes the area of ​​the room much brighter and more interesting in terms of design.
  • It is advisable to choose curtains a tone darker than the general space in the room.... But in no case should you hang very dark ones. Interesting options are turquoise, purple, pink. These tones look interesting, perfectly complement the space, and protect from the sun.

Furniture selection rules

The headset should be compact and, at the same time, as functional as possible, contain built-in elements.

It is also important to choose the right table. It should have rounded corners. Using a bar counter is also a great idea.

The sink must be integrated into the headset so that it does not take up unnecessary space. There is usually a bin cabinet underneath.

All cabinets in the kitchen should contain a large number of elements, be roomy in order to put dishes and other utensils as compactly as possible.

The pencil case will fit perfectly into the interior.

The stove should also be integrated into the headset so as not to be conspicuous in the space of the room.

Lighting and ventilation

In the kitchen, the Khrushchev must definitely install the most powerful hood, which will not allow odors to spread throughout the home.

As for the lighting, it should be bright. But in view of the small area, you will not need too powerful chandeliers.

When placed correctly, your kitchen will always be light and bright.

You have noticed that often conversations about apartments begin with the traditional questions: "how many rooms?", And "what is the square of the kitchen?" And the question of squaring does not surprise anyone. Firstly, the kitchen has become not only a place for eating, but rather a gathering place for the whole family. Secondly, the variety of proposals of modern kitchen furniture that surrounds us sometimes makes us regret the small area of ​​the room - as in the interior of the kitchen of 6 sq. M in the Khrushchev "to shove" the proposals of the developers of furniture and kitchen appliances. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. See 50 photos of small kitchen design ideas.

How to arrange a refrigerator, gas stove, sink, microwave oven and much more, from one view of which the hostesses are dizzy. And on top of that, there is also a dining table for three to four people. Therefore, the owners of the Khrushchevs toil because of the small area and not always successful layout in their apartments. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev is a big "headache". Nevertheless, there are optimal options that allow you to successfully place the necessary equipment and furniture, even in the interior of the kitchen of a Khrushchev 6 sq. M.

Watch the video: Interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. 50 photos of small kitchen design ideas

Some options include expanding the space by redeveloping the kitchen and living room. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the wall between the rooms and install the bar in its place. Other options are more gentle, requiring no major work. For example, replacing a gas stove with a hob. In this case, an oven or dishwasher can be built under the hob. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev

In any case, the main emphasis must be on the optimal arrangement of furniture, then a lot of equipment will fit and there will be enough free space. Small kitchen interior design - the ideal option is the production of custom-made kitchen furniture. Fortunately, there are plenty of relevant companies today, and computer programs will allow you to choose the most successful sketch of a furniture kitchen set.

Instead of a regular dining table, you can install a folding or pull-out table, or a bar counter. As a dining table, you can also use a window sill, having previously expanded it to the desired size. It may be advantageous to use drawers with drawers equipped with casters. The angular layout of the furniture will make it possible to realize the idea of ​​reducing the depth of the base cabinets installed near adjacent walls. At the same time, the depth of cabinets, in the worktop of which there is no built-in equipment or sink, can be reduced to 40 centimeters. 20 centimeters is also a tangible savings for a 6 square kitchen. Small kitchen interior photo:

Believe me, there are plenty of options for turning a small room into a comfortable, practical and rational kitchen.

Small kitchen interior design

How often designers are happy to give their advice on how best to equip huge kitchen-dining rooms. What should people do who are forced to be content with tiny kitchenettes - the problems of ordinary "Khrushchevs"? Such a tiny place is reserved for cooking and eating in such a “masterpiece of the thaw epoch”; residents of large families often have to take turns eating lunch. Kitchen interior in Khrushchev photo:

Whatever one may say, but you should not despair. Even the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev can be turned into a functional, comfortable and beautiful room. The main thing is to correctly develop the interior design of a small-sized kitchen, and then find a manufacturer who will be able to bring your idea to life.

Since in the kitchen area of ​​a small apartment every centimeter counts, it is necessary to use it strictly for its intended purpose, thereby squeezing out the maximum functionality. It is important to know and also take into account all the design features. For example, it is highly undesirable to clutter up the room with heavy furniture. No matter how exclusive and expensive the set may seem, because of its bulkiness, a small kitchenette can turn into a closet. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

The interior design of a small kitchen in a classic style, which involves the use of contrasting elements, is undoubtedly the best option. Using small cabinets, large shelves, transparent surfaces of cold shades and mirrors, you can visually increase the volume of the room, expand the interior space of the kitchen Khrushchev 6 sq m. to the entrance.

As for the headsets, linear and angular kitchen models are an excellent choice. To achieve a free and functional design, it is highly recommended to order furniture with ready-made connectors for household appliances. Washing machine, stove and oven can always be selected in small sizes in order to save space. Built-in kitchen furniture is very popular today, effectively saving the area of ​​the room. The interior of the kitchen in the Khrushchev photo, created with the built-in headset, will become functional and neat.

Additional lighting of furniture is also important, which can bring special originality. Amazing effects can be achieved with light sources placed on walls or under furniture or in cupboards. It is not recommended to use more than three colors when decorating a small-sized kitchen, as this can "overload" the room, making it several times smaller visually. Small kitchen interior photo:

So, in this article we will show the best options for repairing and redeveloping a kitchen in Khrushchev, tips on design, decor and a lot of photos on the topic.


The kitchens of that time have a couple of very significant disadvantages and these are:

  • Very modest area (only 5-6 squares)
  • Low ceiling (2.2 meters)
  • The presence of a gas water heater (why this is a minus - we will describe below)

But, in contrast to these disadvantages, there are significant advantages, in comparison with block houses, and these are:

  • There are no load-bearing walls in Khrushchevs (that is, you can crush and break anything at least)
  • It is very easy to expand the area in them due to the adjoining rooms, and this applies not only to the living room.

When you see the photos presented in the corresponding blocks, you will understand that Khrushchev is not a sentence! True, with the proper approach, it is quite possible to make a very stylish room design, and the kitchen will look miniature, but not cheap.

What are the most popular repair options?

Few of the owners of Khrushchev leave the layout in its original form. A lot of ways to modernize such a room have already been tested, therefore, in this article we will not open America to you.

Just - let's recall the most successful solutions and provide illustrative examples.

In short, the best option in this case is a small redevelopment, with a displacement of the walls. Otherwise, however, there is practically nowhere to turn around and there can be no question of any originality.

Therefore, we will describe to you the best kitchen remodeling in Khrushchev, and also tell you about the furniture modules that are best suited in this case.

What is the best way to equip a kitchen with a gas water heater?

Gas water heaters in Khrushchevs are not always installed in the kitchen. Sometimes they are in the bathroom, which is very convenient on the one hand. Why is that? And because you have no safety restrictions and you can safely demolish the partition that separates the kitchen from the living room.

In other cases, if the column is still in the kitchen, you should not choose this particular type of redevelopment. It is much more reasonable to expand the room at the expense of the pantry adjacent to the kitchen, for example, since there should be a door in any case.

No, you, of course, can not give a damn about the laws, but one day there is a risk of deeply regretting it. For example, when selling an apartment, you will be required to provide a document confirming the legality of the redevelopment. And where will you get it if the gas workers do not agree with this state of affairs?

Yes, you can dodge and bribe in some way. But do you need it? Moreover, in all honesty, this is not such a chic option.

This is good in one case: if you live alone in an apartment. And when there are two of you, or even more, such a layout will add inconvenience. It's not even about the smell that will spread throughout the apartment.

The main thing here is the discomfort from visiting the kitchen by family members at the moment when someone is sleeping in the living room. And for small Khrushchevs, this is a very common situation. The hall usually performs many functions, including replacing the bedroom.

So, if you have a speaker in the kitchen, start from this key point.

In the photo below you can see options for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev, namely with a column. Doesn't it look great? And you can't say that the area is too small.

What is the best color scheme for a small area?

We think you already understand that the best option is a light scale. But, of course, I want something bright, interesting ... What can we offer you?

The most important thing here is the color of the walls. They are the ones who "make" the visual volume. That is, if you paint the walls white, you will definitely not go wrong.

When doing this, be very careful with your work surface. You should not choose something very colorful and bright, because the walls are white. Due to the fact that the area is small, this small segment, visually, will occupy a significant part of the room.

Then, the color of the floor is very important. If you make it dark, then even with light walls, it will "narrow" the room. Therefore, try to make the floor in light colors.

What materials should you choose?

Furniture with monograms and carvings - not for such a room! Forms should be as simple and straightforward as possible.

Do not even look in the direction of marble, natural onyx and other things that “play” well only on large areas in a classic-style interior.

Curtains also should not be pompous, otherwise it will all look ridiculous, cramped and out of place.

It is best to dwell on something like "minimalism" or, if you want something more homely, on "Scandinavian" style. There, the priority is a tree of natural colors and white tones. For Khrushchev, this is the very thing.

As for household appliances: match them to match. In this case, it is not so striking and, as it were, visually, does not "eat up" the space. And here it is interesting that it is the white technique that looks more cumbersome.

Give preference to either silver or completely dark. It is very important that there is no "confusion". For example, a silver stove looks very sloppy next to a white refrigerator.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the ceilings. Since they are extremely low in Khrushchevs, stretch glossy ceilings will come in handy here. Moreover, you should also choose them in white. Any bright ceiling, even one with reflective properties, reduces the room.

Due to the fact that the room will be visible in them, the ceiling will seem much higher, and, as a result, the room itself is more spacious. It is a pleasure to take care of them, therefore, we safely recommend this option.

Now, let's look at specific options and ideas.

Kitchen-living room

Main article:... To implement such an undertaking, you just need to demolish the wall. It is not difficult to make a similar project in Khrushchev, since there is no concrete.

After the partition is gone, you need to think about how you will finish the walls and floor.

In general, according to the laws of the genre, it is necessary to make floors of different structures or colors, thereby setting a line. But, in the case of a very modest cubic capacity, it is better to lay exactly the same floor in the living room and kitchen.

This also applies to the ceiling. You don't need any tiers, boxes and arches. It is best if the kitchen and living room are a completely single ensemble.

The curtains should also be the same, not mismatched. Only in this case, the interior will look truly harmonious.

U-shaped kitchens with a bar counter in Khrushchev

This is a rather interesting solution for Khrushchev. Furniture, which stands in a U-shape, gives great convenience in terms of comfort, however, it occupies as many as three walls!

It would be extremely unwise if you had a separate kitchen with a door. But, if you have a kitchen-living room, then the problem disappears by itself.

You can decorate the dining area right in the living room by installing a table and chairs there, or you can make a bar counter that stands in place of the wall.

In terms of appearance, it is decent and cute, but as for convenience, here you need to think carefully.

After all, the bar is the place for a quick bite to eat. You will definitely not be able to accommodate guests there, just as you will not have dinner together with the whole family. And, if you make a bar counter, then in most cases you will have to give up a full-fledged table.

It is best to put it between the kitchen and the living room, by the window, in the place where the wall was. But you can't put it anymore, since there will be a bar counter.

Increasing the kitchen in Khrushchev at the expense of the bathroom

Surely, many will be surprised by this option, since the bathtubs in Khrushchev are so miniature that it does not fit in the head that there can be cut.

But, people have found a rather interesting solution: to replace the bathtub itself with a shower cabin and "drown" the refrigerator in the resulting square. Of course, for this you need to knock out part of the wall from the side of the kitchen.

Basically, the idea is pretty good if you don't use the bathroom under any circumstances and you don't need one. For example, there are overweight people for whom the cabins are many times more comfortable.

But, if, nevertheless, you use it, it is better not to expand the area at the expense of depriving yourself of such benefits. No shower will warm you up after freezing temperatures as well as a hot bath. And in terms of functionality, it is very necessary: ​​wash something, wash ...

Therefore, you should not get excited. Just take note of this method.

In conclusion, I would like to say: go for it, everything is in your hands! Try to stick to these basic rules and you will succeed.

If you live in a Khrushchev and your kitchen is about 6 square meters, then this article is for you, in this article we will look at how to properly and efficiently use the area on. We will tell you how to place everything you need for the hostess in a small area, and so that nothing gets in the way, but is at hand. With the correct arrangement of kitchen furniture and household appliances, as well as competent lighting of kitchen areas, you can not only free up a little space, but also visually increase the area of ​​a small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator, the correct placement of the refrigerator

Refrigerators are bulky and take up 1/4 of the space in a small kitchen in a Khrushchev, but there are several ways to place a refrigerator in a small Khrushchev kitchen.

The refrigerator is an important element for the kitchen, it stores everything you need and everything the most delicious, it also somehow needs to be placed in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

  • Choose a refrigerator of non-standard sizes. Nowadays there is a huge selection of small refrigerators designed for a small kitchen.
  • Buy a refrigerator with one compartment, the freezer can be purchased separately, placed in a niche. You will gain a huge amount of square meters if you use this method;
  • Built-in refrigerator. If you have one compartment, you can build in your refrigerator, and it will look like a continuation of the kitchen set.
  • Freezer on the balcony. If you have a kitchen with a balcony, then the ideal option would be to move the freezer to the balcony room, where you can easily use the freezer without any difficulty, and the kitchen will be unloaded from additional furniture.

The main task of the hostess of a small kitchen in Khrushchev is to visually increase the area of ​​her kitchen

Correct arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Each housewife is comfortable in such a kitchen, where all the necessary things for cooking will be at hand, and nothing superfluous will interfere. In order to create an interesting interior and design in a small Khrushchev kitchen, it will take a lot of effort and patience, but everything is possible if you adhere to the rules for creating a design in small Khrushchev kitchens. Kitchens come in rectangular and square layouts; custom-shaped kitchens are very rare.

In order for the furniture not to "eat up" the square meters in the kitchen, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary items

In small kitchens, it is necessary to correctly place furniture, namely:

  • choose a kitchen set with the letter "G" or "P", it is recommended to arrange all the necessary furniture and equipment in the kitchen in this order;
  • choose compact furniture, it is best suited for Khrushchev - built-in furniture, it will help save space;
  • You can remove the doors if you have an extractor hood in your kitchen, which will widen the opening.

L-shaped arrangement of furniture in a cramped kitchen in Khrushchev is the most suitable option
If the small kitchen has a square shape, then the U-shaped placement of the kitchen set is more suitable.
Built-in compact furniture is the most suitable option for a small-sized kitchen in a Khrushchev apartment

Combining kitchen and balcony in Khrushchev

If the kitchen in Khrushchev has an exit to the balcony, then due to the area of ​​the balcony, you can increase the space in the kitchen by combining them, or use the balcony, for example, as a dining room. In addition, you can move most of the household appliances to the balcony, which you can use on the balcony. By combining the two spaces this way, you will visually enlarge your small kitchen.

When combining the balcony and the kitchen, you will have to insulate the balcony, put a warm floor, put plastic double-glazed windows so that the balcony is always warm and cozy. It will be necessary to carry out repairs on the balcony and the kitchen at the same time, since the design of these premises should be made in the same style. Further in the photo are options for the design of a kitchen combined with a balcony in a small apartment in Khrushchev.

How to visually increase the area in a small kitchen

To visually increase the space in a small-sized kitchen, it is better to place the kitchen set with the letter "G" or "P", so the area is significantly won. It is better to choose furniture with hinged doors so that nothing interferes with opening the necessary department. No need to choose a large dining table with bulky chairs.

A small or pull-out table with light chairs will look aesthetically pleasing in the kitchen in Khrushchev. Chairs should be chosen light or glass, such chairs will not seem too large and will not take up much space.

Choose furniture with pull-out sections or departments, in such sections you can not only store the necessary things, but you can also use them as a work area

Lighting in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

To visually enlarge a cramped kitchen, you need to use as much light as possible.... If you have a kitchen with a balcony, then by combining these two rooms, you will get twice as much lighting.

Life hack for a small kitchen in Khrushchev - roller blinds for windows, they will save space

Choose small chandeliers of a flat shape and light colors in a small kitchen, and place small sconces above the dining table at a distance of 60 cm.For full illumination of working areas, small spotlights are placed around the perimeter of the room in a small kitchen.

Remember, the more light in the room, the visually the room will look bigger.

Video - Budget lighting in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Wall and floor design in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

And the floor in a small kitchen area must be followed by the following principles:

  • choose wallpaper and flooring in light shades for the kitchen in Khrushchev, which will visually increase the space;
  • if your wallpaper is white, then the floor covering must be made one tone darker, for example, gray;
  • choose washable wallpaper, they look perfect in a small kitchen, and the choice itself is more practical.

Below in the photo, see examples of the design of steles and floors in a kitchen with a small area in an apartment in Khrushchev.

Video - Small kitchen - design ideas for Khrushchev

If you no longer have ideas for designing a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev, we suggest watching this video.

Decor in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

In a small kitchen, it is undesirable to use a large number of decor items, but if you like decorative ornaments, then choose not too large:

  • place flowers on the windowsill in the kitchen, let it be several small flowering plants than one large one;
  • apply the same principle to the placement of paintings and photographs in the kitchen;
  • pictures must be placed at different heights, this design trick visually makes the walls higher;
  • curtains in a small kitchen should be light, not on the floor of light fabric.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev, with the right choice of design and furniture arrangement, turns into a very cozy and comfortable room. Follow our recommendations, then your small kitchen will visually increase and look stylish and interesting.

Video - How to fit everything in the kitchen in Khrushchev

We also invite you to see how you can functionally and comfortably accommodate absolutely everything - both appliances and furniture, in a very small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Most Soviet-built apartments in the 1950s and 1970s have very small kitchens. Typical panel and block houses-Khrushchevs of those times were conceived as temporary housing for workers - provided by the state free of charge and subject to demolition after 25 years of operation. However, due to various economic and political reasons, such buildings still make up a large part of the architecture of every city in the territory of the former USSR, and their inhabitants are constantly finding new ways to improve the design and increase the space of their home.

Redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev

The first thing you need to know about redevelopment is that it involves changing the location of the partitions in the apartment. Reckless destruction of some walls can lead to an emergency, therefore such actions (regardless of the ownership of the housing) require prior agreement with the relevant government services, which must approve the draft changes and issue written permission. Details on the procedure for processing documents in your locality can be found by contacting a lawyer.

It is often possible to expand the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe kitchen in Khrushchev by combining it with the living room or hallway. The result is a comfortable studio apartment. Sometimes it is enough to remove only part of the partition to make a beautiful arched opening, or instead of the old brick wall (if it is not load-bearing), arrange a spacious wall-rack made of plasterboard or wood. Changing the location of bathrooms, gas stove, sink, heating batteries is not allowed by communication pipes and openings, which in such houses are connected into a single system.

Interior style for "Khrushchev" kitchen

When planning the interior design of a small kitchen, you should give preference to those design solutions that will help increase the usable area. Modern, classic and Scandinavian styles, as well as Provence, are perfect for arranging the kitchen area in Khrushchev.

Modern kitchen

Contemporary, modern - this is laconicism, clear lines and maximum functionality. Instead of a bulky "antediluvian" stove - an electric hob and a built-in oven; neat countertop combined with the window sill or at the same time acting as a bar counter; closed shelves and drawers from floor to ceiling; spot lighting; restrained tones of furniture, harmoniously combined with the metal surfaces of technology; comfortable blinds.

Classic kitchen

The classics show impeccable taste and adherence to tradition. Such an interior is somewhat reminiscent of the houses of noble nobles or merchants: wooden sets covered with varnish or light enamel of milky shades; gold and silver accents; gypsum stucco molding; high soft chairs; satin curtains. It will not be difficult to choose kitchen appliances to match the expensive furniture - a beautifully decorated stove, hood and refrigerator can be bought in any large store. All this will help to forget about the Soviet past of the apartment and turn it into an oasis of luxury.

Provence style kitchen

This style combines the simplicity of a country house with the comforts of city life. Provence is characterized by pastel shades, lace inserts, natural textiles (chintz curtains and tablecloths in a small flower, polka dots, a calm cage). In the tiny kitchen of Khrushchev, this design will create an atmosphere of freshness and lightness.

Scandinavian style kitchen

Scandinavian minimalism is a reflection of the purity of the Icelandic fjords among the snow-capped mountain ranges. On the crystal-white background of walls, ceilings, furniture, minimal inclusions of almost transparent bluish-gray elements or bleached wood are allowed. The design of the Khrushchev kitchen in this style will visually enlarge the room and give relaxing peace to all residents.

Color solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev

For 5-6 sq.m. your kitchen did not seem too cramped, you need to choose the right shades. Light colors, as well as smooth mirrored surfaces, are best suited for optical expansion of the area.

White color

A pure white tone reflects light best. It looks good with other colors, giving them contrast. This is a good option for ceramic tiles, headsets, walls, ceilings. Most stoves and refrigerators are also painted white. But for the floor, countertops, the space around the sink and the hob, it is better to choose muted colors.

Natural wood color

The unique texture and noble shades of wood are what you need for a cozy kitchen interior in Khrushchev. Even the imitation of the natural surface of pine, linden, walnut, oak will make the cooking area comfortable and soulful. Beautiful additions to wood are offered by nature itself: these are grassy green, grayish tones of stones, blue shades of water and sky, an autumn palette from amber yellow to chocolate.


This color will illuminate and warm your small kitchen with warmth if the sun's rays rarely enter its window. In combination with spring orange, light green, pink, white, this shade can be both a background and a bright accent. Yellow looks exquisite among purple and gray interior details.

Green color

The life-affirming tone of young foliage is one of the best options for designing a small kitchen in Khrushchev. You can paint walls in this color or use it for decorative elements. With lacquered woods, orange, gray, pink and brown surfaces, it will look flawless.

Red color

Pastel shades

If any color is mixed with white, it acquires a delicate lightness. Surrounded by pastel colors, there is a feeling of calmness, harmony, purity. It is the perfect choice for a small space, giving it an airy feel.

It is better to complement bleached shades with saturated colors, but not bright ones. For example, you can combine light violet with purple; transparent blue with turquoise; milky with coffee color.

Finishing and materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

In the decoration of any kitchen, it is important to find a balance between the beauty and practicality of materials. They must be moisture resistant, easy to wash, and some must also withstand heavy mechanical stress.


The most affordable option for finishing the floor in such a room is linoleum. It is inexpensive, looks aesthetically pleasing and is very easy to clean. For a more sophisticated kitchen design in Khrushchev, large ceramic tiles of light colors are suitable (by the way, you will need very little of it). A floor made of small, attention-grabbing elements can visually reduce the space. Laminate in the kitchen will not last long - accidentally spilled boiling water or drops of hot oil from a frying pan can easily damage its surface.

It is also impractical to lay natural wooden parquet in the cooking area - dirt will get into the gaps between the elements, and traces may remain from a hot pan or a water puddle.


Since condensation can settle on the walls, it is optimal to paint them with water-repellent enamel or paste over with washable vinyl wallpaper.

The most expensive, but environmentally friendly way is, again, ceramic tiles. It is better to choose a glossy, medium size, without contrasting details. Light colors and almost imperceptible small patterns (for example, golden flowers with curls on a sandy background; silver shimmer on white; imitation of brick or masonry) will help to add volume to the kitchen. Vertical lines on the walls will visually make the ceiling higher than it really is. And for better light reflection, you should use mirrors.


It is enough to level the ceiling in the kitchen in Khrushchev with plaster or thin drywall and paint it with moisture-resistant light paint (dark or saturated will reduce the space). Options with a stretch film, suspended beams, pvc panels in such apartments will only reduce the height and turn an already small room into a closet.


Kitchen curtains, tablecloths, towels and napkins often require washing. Stains are most easily removed from synthetic fabrics, so a high-quality polyester is the best choice for everyday use. It looks no worse than cotton or linen products, moreover, it dries quickly and looks beautiful even without ironing.

From an aesthetic point of view, in a small kitchen, it is preferable to use simple blinds that match the color of furniture or walls, short veils (tulles), light curtains, Roman, Japanese, bamboo or roller blinds. And massive draped curtains are best left for the bedroom and living room.

Furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

The main furniture in the kitchen in Khrushchev is a set, a dining table and chairs for it. The main requirements for these things are compactness, reliability and aesthetic appearance.

Kitchen set

The set is made of wood covered with waterproof varnish or chipboards with pvc film or veneer on the outside, with the addition of metal, plastic, glass elements. Dark matte surfaces are more suitable for spacious rooms, but luminous glossy ones are an ideal solution in the interior of a small kitchen.

To optimize the space, it is better to buy built-in appliances first, and then order furniture with connectors according to the standards of the stove, oven, refrigerator, sink. The apron covering the hood can be matched to the color of the equipment or in the style of the headset itself.

Dinner Zone

Placing a full-fledged table in a 5-meter Khrushchev kitchen is an almost impossible task. In a studio apartment, it can be replaced with a bar counter, which will simultaneously function as a partition. Folding furniture, wide window sills, tabletops with adjustable height, folding tables can also be a good solution.

Storage systems

Before you buy or order a kitchen set, you need to think about where the dishes, small household appliances and food will be stored. This will help to provide sections of suitable sizes, instruct the manufacturer to make the required number of drawers, shelves and niches. It is very important that the furniture does not absorb moisture and is easy to clean.

As for space saving, it can be achieved by increasing the height of the cabinets to the level of the ceiling and making the most of the corner area. It is convenient to place rotating carousel shelves in them. Cookbooks, photographs, and souvenirs are great if placed on open shelves above the dining table. Such a composition will simultaneously serve as a decoration for a free wall.

Refrigerator in the kitchen in Khrushevka - where to place it?

The question of where to put a large-sized refrigerator in a cramped kitchen and how to position it so that it is convenient to open the doors is a headache for most residents of Khrushchev. The best way out of this situation is the built-in model.

An interesting solution would be to place a low refrigeration chamber (or even two) in a free niche under the windowsill, after removing the old cast-iron battery from there. A low-rise refrigerator can also fit under a sink or countertop.

Proper kitchen lighting

What you certainly shouldn't do in a small kitchen is to hang a large chandelier. 2-4 spotlights mounted in the ceiling will look much better. Additional LEDs can be installed above the dining area, worktop and hob.

If the soul still asks for hanging lampshades, then it is better to place them above the bar counter or the central part of the countertop.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev - photo

Our photo gallery will help you find inspiration and fresh solutions for kitchen interior design in Khrushchev. These are ideas that have already been implemented in small rooms that can be taken into service and turn a dull Soviet life into a bright modern fairy tale.