Furniture under light blue wallpaper. Heavenly blue wallpaper: design features. Wallpaper for the bedroom in blue tones

The color blue has many shades. That is why it is often used to decorate rooms in apartments. Blue wallpaper for walls is a great way to fill a room with joy and peace. They can be used in any room from the kitchen to the nursery.

You can see the most successful examples of combining blue wallpaper with other interior details of various premises in our gallery.

Blue wallpaper for different rooms

The use of blue is appropriate for most modern styles. Designers recommend choosing finishing materials of this shade for rooms and rooms facing south, since deep sunlight makes them play with bright colors. If you want to use blue wallpaper for poorly sunlit rooms, you should make sure that the artificial light is bright enough. Otherwise, the walls will look faded and expressionless.

It is interesting: It is believed that the fashion for the use of blue in the interior came to us from the Empire era. Then the floor in the houses was made dark, and the walls were preferred to be painted in heavenly shades or decorated with fabric of this color.

It is not a problem to find beautiful wallpapers in blue tones today. However, before you buy them, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of use in certain rooms.

Choice for the living room

Blue wallpaper in the interior of the living room will look elegant and make it bright. If you are planning to purchase solid materials, give preference to more saturated shades.

If your plans include using a pale blue wallpaper, then it is better to choose products with a floral pattern. Walls decorated in moderately bright colors with monograms with gold or silver will look elegant and stylish.

Blue wallpaper in the living room, the photo demonstrates plain wall materials

How best to use in the bedroom

Blue wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom should be used carefully. This rather cold shade can not only give people a sense of peace, but also depress consciousness, and also increase irritability. These are situations where it is used in excess.

So, for example, a room in which the walls are decorated in bright blue, curtains of the same shade hang, there is a cornflower blue carpet on the floor, and a bedspread and bed linen on the bed to match everything else is unlikely to bring moral satisfaction to its owners. They will feel much more comfortable in a room decorated with light blue wallpaper and warm-colored accessories, for example, mustard or lemon curtains or a light green bedspread.

Blue wallpaper in the bedroom, the photo shows the decoration of the walls with a pattern

Important: try not to overload the interior in the bedroom with details. For the walls, it is better to choose a plain or with a discreet pattern blue wallpaper for the bedroom. If you want to make the room bright, decorate the headboard with a wide strip of wallpaper in brighter colors or with large ornaments. In this case, it is better to refuse blue striped wallpaper. This pattern is unlikely to let you relax.

Room with blue wallpaper, photo shows the design of the headboard

Use in the nursery

A children's room with blue wallpaper is an excellent interior solution for a boy. A similar room can be decorated in a nautical or pirate style. It is desirable to make the rest of the interior details bright.

For the nursery, you can choose both plain and wallpaper decorated with drawings. The ceiling can be decorated like a sky with clouds or stars.

Decoration of a nursery with a heavenly ceiling

Blue wallpaper in the kitchen

It is advisable to decorate the kitchen in blue tones. Wallpaper for this room is better to choose practical vinyl or paper washable. If the facades of the kitchen set do not contain bright prints and other finishing details, then it is better to give preference to wall materials with a pattern. Otherwise, it is advisable to choose a plain blue wallpaper for the walls of the kitchen, so as not to overload it with bright accents.

Blue wallpaper in the kitchen, the photo shows an example of using materials with a cheerful pattern

Hallway or hallway applications

If you want your entrance hall or hall to look interesting, and at the same time not flashy, then decorating the walls with plain blue wallpaper will be an excellent interior solution for this room. Against their background in the hallway, paintings in the same style or photographs in the same frames, as well as wall panels, will look great.

In a wide hallway, it is advisable to use striped wallpaper. For a narrow hallway, this option is not suitable, since it can visually reduce it.

Blue wallpaper in the interior, the photo shows the decoration of a narrow hallway

How does blue affect the overall perception of a room?

The blue color represents two elements at once - water and air. Most people really associate it with the sea and the sky. Psychologists believe that blue can be present in the interior of a room, but only in moderation. In this case, pleasant shades of the entire gamut of this color, from pale to bright turquoise, will contribute to harmony, the development of healthy optimism and hormones of happiness.

The so-called "overdose" with blue in the interior is fraught with completely different feelings. A room in which it is used in abundance can eventually turn into the least favorite place for all household members. Such a room will be depressing and annoying. In especially impressionable people, it can cause outbursts of unmotivated aggression.

An example of an overabundance of color - the bedroom is decorated completely in blue tones

What color is best to combine blue with wallpaper

Since blue should be used carefully in the interior, a great solution would be to combine it with wallpaper of other colors. You can see interesting interior solutions of this kind in our gallery.

Combination with white

Bright blue wallpapers go well with any shade of white. When choosing such an interior solution, do not forget that it will also be important to pay special attention to the flooring. It shouldn't be too bright or dark. It is ideal to use a laminate or linoleum of honey-woody warm shades for a white-blue interior.

A good example of a combination with white

Combination with gray

Gray-blue wall paper can be used in the bedroom or living room. Such an interior solution is a design classic. Dark and slightly moody gray, combined with heavenly hues, turns into an interesting and moderately bright.

Intense combination of sky and gray

Gray monochromatic wallpapers with a bright accent in the form of a wide strip of blue, decorated with monograms, flowers or ornaments, look good.

Combination with green

The green and blue combination is ideal for lovers of natural shades. In this case, the accent can be made both with the help of blue wallpaper, highlighting a part of the wall with their help, and with the help of green wall materials.

Bright green pattern on the wallpaper

Combination with yellow

The yellow-blue combination of wallpaper can be used in any room. It is important to remember that wallpapers of such bright colors require careful selection of other details that should be discreet.

A great example of a combination with a yellow tint

Combination with beige

This option can only be considered if your choice initially fell on a pale blue wallpaper. Bright turquoise can steal an interesting look from an already dull beige color.

A successful combination of turquoise and beige

Bedroom design in blue tones helps to get a light and fresh design that will not leave anyone indifferent. For many of us, blue is associated with heavenly purity and lightness.

Stretch ceiling in light blue color will create an atmosphere of purity and serenity above your head.

To prevent this color from looking too dull in the design of a blue bedroom, you should choose the right color accents that will favorably emphasize the main tone.

Textile decoration and flooring will help with this. Such small details guarantee the desired result.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a blue sleeping area

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain up to a thousand different shades of blue. In the interior of the room, both rich and muted palette can be present. The pluses of this color include:

  • a blue bedroom helps to quickly restore energy;
  • light shades add lightness to the space;
  • light blue visually enhances the surrounding interior;
  • in people with respiratory diseases, this color is associated with cleanliness and freshness;
  • the combination of blue and pink allows you to create a delicate design for sophisticated natures.

In addition to advantages, like any other color, it has disadvantages:

  • the excessive presence of blue makes the bedroom rather cold and uncomfortable;
  • an incorrectly selected rich palette of blue creates a gloomy atmosphere in the sleeping area;

The combination of blue with other colors in the bedroom

A blue bedroom needs the presence of soft shades that will help create the most comfortable indoor environment. Designers prefer to combine snow-white and blue. This option is considered the most optimal. The room will be quite spacious.

A great combination is a beige and blue palette. This blowing simultaneously brings a warm atmosphere to the interior of the blue bedroom. The walls are cool.

Textile decor in pastel color helps to add a little coziness.

Gray - blue combination is typical for high - tech and minimalism styles. Blue wallpaper in the bedroom is perfectly combined with gray pearl textiles. These colors of the sleeping area are typical for people with a refined character.

Light brown and blue. The bedroom in blue tones with the presence of soft shades of brown dates back to the early 80s. There should be no excessive brown color present.

The fact is that the dark color dominates the blue, as a result you risk getting a gloomy room. Curtains made in brown will serve as the main accent.

Bright colors in the blue bedroom

Juicy shades have their own peculiarities. These include:

  • yellow. Its application adds solar heat to the room. These colors are in perfect harmony with each other;
  • the presence of warm shades charges with positive energy;
  • green. Both colors look good in a finished interior, but it is recommended to add another warm shade here. It can be: beige, pale yellow, light brown;
  • do not combine orange and blue. You run the risk of getting a rather saturated atmosphere in the interior;
  • pink. This shade adds a touch of warmth and tenderness to the sleeping area. This kind of blowing has a good effect on the well-being of a person and helps to relax.

Furniture in the blue bedroom

The color of the furniture with the sleeping area also plays a huge role. To create a harmonious interior, it is recommended to select furniture paraphernalia to match the color scheme.

Natural wood coloring fits perfectly into the blue bedroom.

The beige and white color of the bedroom set allows you to create a luxurious design. In the photo of the blue bedroom, you will mark the correct combination of the main palette with other colors.

Photo of the blue bedroom

The choice of wallpaper for a particular home room is often accompanied by doubts about the correct choice of their tone. And these doubts are quite understandable, because everyone wants to bring some fresh and invariably cozy notes to the design of their home. Take, for example, a bedroom, this room should first of all be conducive to relaxation, here it is extremely necessary to create comfort and coziness, so that in the end sleep comes as quickly as possible, and a person can wake up in the morning refreshed and in a great mood. So what color wallpaper will meet the requirements described above ?! According to the assurances of the designers, the choice of wallpaper in the bedroom should be made in favor of your most beloved color, but still one cannot but go to extremes, so for example, if you are an ardent fan of red, then it is better to buy wall canvases in a calmer scale - brick, and not scarlet. But today the site "Comfort in the House" intends to tell all the same not about the red shades of the walls, but considerably light and unobtrusive - blue. In fact, with the right choice of the design of the paintings, the blue wallpaper in the bedroom will look not only good, but really great! See for yourself by examining the pictures of the interiors presented below.

Variety of blue palette.

The blue color, like any other color, can be very diverse, since it has a rather impressive number of subtones in its arsenal. It is thanks to this incredible variety that literally everyone will be able to find for themselves the most pleasant tone in their opinion. Among the most popular shades I would like to highlight: heavenly, azure, cornflower blue, turquoise, aquamarine, cyan, thrush eggs, electrician.

Plain or printed wallpaper in a blue palette.

Naturally, everyone chooses the choice of the degree of decoration of the canvases based on their preferences. We just want to say that designers tirelessly create more and more new collections of wall clothes that simply amaze with their incredibly beautiful design. And even monochromatic collections, without a color pattern on the top layer, look gorgeous. It is clear that just smooth surfaces of plain wallpaper will not produce the desired effect, but various embossed patterns will definitely cause admiration. Among such embossing, the most popular are the effects of burlap, bark beetle, imitation of bark, voluminous plant patterns - twigs, grapevines, flowers, as well as the ever-topical, as it were, printed stripes or peas.

Well, modern printed wallpaper can be called masterpiece without a twinge of conscience. What are the collections that imitate embroidery on fabric or decor with rhinestones and sparkles? All this looks very fresh and impressive. And of course, the print can be present against the background of blue wallpaper, it can be a yellow floral pattern, beige, silver or golden monograms, fashionable multicolor abstraction, rhombuses, circles, ovals, stars, hearts, etc. Moreover, all these prints will look actual in the interior of the bedroom. As for the shades of the print, for the bedroom, you can safely pay attention to the collections with yellow, red, orange, green, gold, silver, blue, gray, beige or brown patterns.

Blue wallpaper to the color of the floor.

What shade of the floor will such light canvases look spectacular with ?! They will be perceived most advantageously against the background of a white floor, then it is also quite possible to pay attention to the caramel color of the laminate, light gray, and even much darker tones, for example, black, wenge, cherry. In addition, we must not forget that the floor in the bedroom can be covered with a carpet or carpet at any time, so you should not worry too much about the discrepancy between the shades of the wallpaper and the floor.

Furniture against blue walls.

The style of furniture should correspond to the style of wallpaper design, for example, modern laconic furniture will look harmonious against the background of walls depicting abstraction, geometric patterns or images of people's faces. Well, furniture decorated in a classic style should be placed against the background of wallpaper, decorated with monograms or spectacular floral patterns. As for the fashionable Provence style, such white furniture should be placed against the background of the most lightened wallpaper, in the design of which there is a small print in the form of flowers.

Additional selection of photos:

Water surface, heavenly blue, air, chill, freshness - it is with these beautiful concepts that we associate all the tones of the blue palette. The blue color scheme makes the bedroom atmosphere more airy, light, relaxing and soothing. It even seems easier to breathe in the bedroom with blue wallpaper, the interior looks very delicate, more voluminous and spacious.

It would seem that blue refers to cold tones, but it is with this color that we can create a beautiful and cozy bedroom interior.

When decorating a room, you can use absolutely any shades of blue - heavenly, turquoise, aquamarine, azure and blue. In these colors, you can choose wall finishes, furniture, textiles and decor. In the room, which is decorated in heavenly shades, it will be as comfortable and pleasant to relax as possible.


If you want your bedroom to feel fresh and clean, then opt for wallpaper in blue tones. Wallpaper can be turquoise, azure, sea color. Designs with floral notes look beautiful - they will add sophistication to the room and at the same time emphasize your delicate taste and tenderness of the interior.

Today, the design of rooms in a monochrome style has become trendy, when only one color is used in the interior, which is complemented by various details in tones close to it. If you opt for plain blue wallpaper for the bedroom, you can use the decor in turquoise, purple and gray shades.

Light patterns look very gorgeous against a background of heavenly shades. The presence of gzhel, monograms, curls, floral patterns will give an elegant accent to the wall covering.

The combination of blue and green tones for wallpaper in the bedroom will be very harmonious. These colors can be considered similar, so any of them can dominate the interior. The room will look very natural and harmonious. Living plants and decorative palms will be a great addition to the interior in green and blue tones.

If your bedroom is made in a nautical style, you can emphasize it with wicker chairs, bamboo accessories, as well as various types of seashells that can be placed as decorative elements on the shelves.

Window decoration

It is very important to choose the right curtains for wallpaper in blue tones. It is best to choose them in the same color scheme, in which case they will be combined with all decor elements and furniture, and also harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the bedroom.

Luxurious bedrooms, made in the "royal" style, will be topical to complement with expensive beautiful curtains, using lambrequins and lush draperies.

For a bedroom designed in blue tones, smooth blue curtains combined with perfectly white tulle are perfect.

If your bedroom is decorated in Provence style, you should definitely buy curtains with ornaments in the form of small delicate flowers or in a thin cell. It will be very good if the shade of the curtain pattern will be repeated in the design of a cover for a sofa, armchair, bed or in any other textile element.

To give the room airiness and visually increase the space, it is necessary to frame the windows with light translucent monochromatic curtains, as well as delicate tulle or organza.


Blue shades have amazing optical properties. Even a small room made in heavenly colors seems visually much larger and freer. There is no need to add strong contrast to such a room. That is why the ceiling and walls are best decorated in the same color palette. The best option would be to make the bedroom ceiling a few tones different from the blue walls.

For multi-level ceilings, you can come up with interesting solutions for transitions - in the form of a combination of colors. You can also use moldings and polyurethane skirting boards.

To make the room look taller, use glossy stretch ceilings. For them, you can pick up beautiful gentle photos of nature - clouds, or large flowers in calm muted tones and many other options.


If you have chosen the color of the sky as the main color in the design of the walls of your bedroom, then the pieces of furniture should be selected in warmer shades. The blue bedroom goes well with beige and cream furniture, furniture made of real wood will look especially beautiful. These warm shades compensate for the cold blue tones and the room becomes very cozy.

In a room setting, you can use interior items that have mirror or glass inserts, as well as silver decor elements.

Wallpaper in blue tones will also be a great backdrop for furniture in blue, gray and white.

Design combinations of various colors

The cold and restrained range of azure shades can be introduced into a wide variety of interior styles - modern, minimalistic, French Provence and many others. However, it is very important that when decorating the interior of the room, the correct combinations of different colors with a blue palette are selected.

With gray

The use of blue in the design of the room in combination with gray and silver shades will allow you to achieve a colder and even "winter" effect. In this version, fluffy fur bedspreads, as well as exquisite pillows with lacy winter patterns, for example, snowflakes, will successfully complement the interior. The window can be framed with silver satin curtains and snow-white tulle, and pictures of winter landscapes can be hung on the walls. Such a room will give a feeling of lightness, cleanliness and freshness.

With brown

This combination of colors is suggested to us by nature itself - the color of the sky and the sea in combination with the land and trees. A bedroom made in heavenly shades with brown interior elements made of real wood or with elements of textiles in chocolate shades will give comfort, a sense of confidence and stability.

An excellent option for a bedroom interior with a blue wall covering would be the installation of a massive brown wooden bed, bedside tables or chest of drawers.

Brown can also be found in curtain patterns, wooden frames for paintings or photographs, and other delicate accessories. The use of golden accessories in interior items is allowed. Shiny elements will give the interior a zest, make the room luxurious, especially if it is decorated in a classic style.

With blue

Vibrant celestial hues can be balanced by adding darker, more saturated colors to the interior. By adding blue elements to the interior of a blue bedroom, you can achieve a more representative and solemn appearance. This color combination looks very bright and elegant.

It would be appropriate to place a photo wallpaper with the image of the azure sea on the wall above the bed. It is better to choose furniture in blue in a more classic style.In shades of blue, you can also choose curtains and a bedspread.

This color combination can also be used to decorate a bedroom in a nautical style.

Try experimenting and making striped walls in the room, for example. It is also important to choose a stylish themed decor - choose prints with starfish and ocean inhabitants, paintings that depict ships and ponds and other interesting decor elements.

With white

Blue is also ideal for cool white. A bedroom in white and blue shades is the best win-win option.The room will always look fresh and elegant. Use wallpaper with white stripes, add accessories in coral shades - pillows and a bedspread. You can also install a modern, stylish, light bed in the room. Gold or silver trim will add royal luxury.

The bedroom is the place that should fill you with strength and energy. And any mood of the room is set by its color scheme. Bedroom design styles in 2017 are reduced to light and calm tones. Trends speak for themselves, because European designers are increasingly resorting to blue, white and beige, combining them with other colors and among themselves.

Blue, like other light shades, is associated with lightness and weightlessness. However, it is used with extreme caution in interiors, as it can make the room cold and unpleasant. At the same time, it is the color of calmness, peace and lightness. These characteristics allow blue to take a leading position in modern bedroom interiors. Modern in blue tones will allow you to embody any ideas for creating airy and romantic interiors.

How to properly decorate a bedroom in blue tones:

Photo of a classic bedroom in blue: cloudfront

A bedroom in blue tones looks very light and spacious, gives a feeling of vigor and tranquility. A palette of heavenly and azure shades fills the room with endless freshness and the feeling of a light sea breeze. Being the middle link in a combination of white and blue, blue refers to cold shades and it is important to remember this when decorating a bedroom.

The design options for the blue bedroom vary depending on the color combinations. In addition, the variety of shades of the bluest color is amazing. It can be sea blue, heavenly mutedness, delicate turquoise, or rich ultramarine. This color is so diverse and unique that everyone will definitely like it.

Photo of a modern bedroom design in blue: knights property services

Blue bedroom interior

Such options are most popular in modern designs. According to psychologists, the interior design of the bedroom in blue shades has several advantages:

  1. Such interiors promote relaxation and pacification, so it is easier to fall asleep in blue rooms;
  2. Blue color in the bedroom creates a feeling of fullness of air and visually expands the walls, so such interiors are suitable for people with claustrophobia or respiratory problems;
  3. Saturated blue can be tiring, therefore, the lighter the shade, the more positively it affects the human condition;
  4. Decorating a blue bedroom for a child will help calm hyperreactivity and direct his energy in the right direction.

This color can turn an ordinary bedroom into a luxurious room in the style of the English royal family or a romantic nest with Provencal motives. The bedroom interior in blue is ideal for the Empire style. Since this color tends to visually expand the space, such a design will look very advantageous in the interior of small bedrooms. Decorative accents in a blue bedroom can be lighting fixtures (chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces, suspensions), vases, figurines, table clocks, large and small carpets.

Photo of white furniture in the interior of a blue bedroom with a wooden floor: sieder3

Blue expands the boundaries of imagination and allows you to embody unusual ideas. The design options for such a bedroom can be different: imitation of the sky with clouds on the walls, the cheerfulness of the captain's cabin with red notes, the tenderness of the surf with decorative elements in the form of seashells, or aristocratic sophistication combined with impeccable purity. Interesting color combinations of blue with other bright colors will help to achieve an unusual effect. For example, pink accents will give the room a retro feel.

Photo of a children's bedroom in a nautical style: cdn.decorpad

Photo of a blue children's bedroom: projectnursery

Photo of a bedroom in a nautical style: 4.bp.blogspot

Photo of the interior of a modern bedroom in blue shades: images.designtrends

Marine bedroom photo: trends4us

Renovation of a bedroom in blue

Renovating a bedroom in blue tones should start with the walls. You can choose paint or decorative plaster for wall decoration, but wallpaper is the most common option.

Photo of the dark blue bedroom: i.pinimg

Wallpaper for the bedroom in blue tones

For such an interior, plain wallpaper of a light shade is best suited. If you want to make the bedroom visually smaller, you can choose a shade darker, but here it is important not to miscalculate and not to overdo it. For lovers of interesting designs, neutral wallpapers with contrasting blue inserts are suitable. This will refresh the room and add some playfulness. Another idea of \u200b\u200bthe original wall decoration is a panel of wallpapers of different shades and textures. But here you need to be very careful not to make the walls lurid and flashy. Blue walls in the bedroom will also look great if you choose the right shade.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom in blue tones with stripes, you can create a nautical style without any problems. Wooden accents in the form of shelves or picture frames will help to consolidate the effect.

Photo of striped wallpaper in a classic bedroom in blue tones: cdn.shopify

It is better to decorate the ceiling in a classic white version or in a neutral light gray tone. If you choose a stretch ceiling, you can achieve the effect of mirroring and even greater visual expansion of the room. Otherwise, it all depends on the size of the room and preferences.

The dark floor finish will look harmonious. Ideally, carpet or laminate is a couple of shades darker than the walls. If you decorate everything in one shade, you risk making the room cold and uncomfortable. At the same time, a light floor with dark furniture will look great, so it all depends on the final result.

Bedroom interior design photo in blue: s3-ap-southeast

Blue curtains for the bedroom

For window decoration, it is worth choosing curtains. Decorative textiles are usually matched to the tone of the walls. The curtains for the bedroom in blue tones with white stripes, floral motifs, floral ornaments and even strict geometric patterns look spectacular. Bamboo curtains are perfect for a nautical style, and light roller blinds will fit into a modern style.

Furniture in the interior of the blue bedroom

The main thing in the interior of any bedroom is comfortable and stylish furniture. The bed is central to the design of the bedroom, and its choice should be given special attention. The dimensions and shape of the bed should be selected based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself. If the scale allows, you should give preference to a large bed in the center of the room, which will be the main element of the entire interior. For small bedrooms, you should choose a modular design that can be easily transformed into a sofa or wardrobe. An excellent choice would be a dark model with light-colored bedding. This is practical and will keep the accent of the entire bedroom on the bed.

Furniture for a blue bedroom can also include a bedside table and a wardrobe or chest of drawers for things. Women can add a dressing table and a couple of armchairs. All this should be harmoniously combined with each other and correspond to the general style of the blue bedroom. The blue color in the interior of the bedroom allows you to combine different shades of blue with each other, diluting it with a lighter gray, beige or white.

The combination of blue in the interior of the bedroom

To create a harmonious bedroom interior, blue must be combined with other light colors so that the room does not look cold and uncomfortable. The color palette of the light bedrooms consists of white, gray, beige and brown. If you don't know how to dilute the palette of blue shades in your bedroom interior, add light shelves of one of the above colors and the whole design will sparkle in a new way.

Bedroom in blue and white

This option is considered classic and not unreasonable. The combination of these two colors gives the room a solemnity and elegance. Ideally, a blue and white bedroom interior should be smoothed out by a large window with direct sunlight, as the combination of these colors can make the room very cold. Bright decorative elements will be inappropriate in such an interior, as they can kill the feeling of airiness and lightness.

Bedroom in beige and blue tones

This combination visually makes the room warmer and more comfortable, while not neglecting the freshness. The beige and blue color of the bedroom will be emphasized by light furniture made of wood or materials imitating it. To make the bedroom in beige and blue tones a little more interesting, you can add some bright accents in the form of pillows or shelves.

Bedroom in gray-blue shades

This color scheme combines not two, but as many as three colors - white or light gray can be paired with gray and blue. Smoky shades slightly land the heavenly lightness, while in conjunction with white, blue acquires elegance and restraint. So that the gray-blue interior of the bedroom does not seem too prim, use different materials in the design of the room: silk, velvet, aged wood, brass, bronze, mirrors and original chandeliers. Against the background of the tenderness of the blue walls, gray furniture looks great, and the light gray walls perfectly set off the blue curtains. Such a bedroom in gray-blue shades will create the effect of belonging to high society.

Brown-blue bedroom shade

This color scheme was popular in the 80s, so looking at such interiors gives a slight retro hint. The interior of a brown-blue bedroom is often chosen by successful spouses, since this range emphasizes status and stability. But do not get carried away by the abundance of brown, otherwise you will get a dark and uncomfortable room. Remember how everything looks in nature: the light blue of the sky and the brown accents of the earth merge into a beautiful natural combination. So in the interior: dark wooden cabinets or a bed will perfectly set off the lightness of the blue walls.

Photo: i.pinimg

Photo: i.pinimg