Menu for birthday recipes for adults. Birthday holiday menu

Chicken fillet rolls with curd cheese and tomatoes, in bacon.
on 6 rolls:
- 3 chicken breast fillets
- 1 medium tomato
- about 100g. curd cheese
- thin strips of bacon
- 3 cloves of garlic (pass through a press)
- 2 tsp your favorite chicken spices
- salt
1. Each fillet is cut in half lengthwise to make plates, slightly beat off.
2. Salt, pepper, coat with garlic and spices. Allow to lie down at room temperature min. 30.
3. Preheat the oven to 200g.
4. Lubricate with cheese the width of the fillet, put the tomato.
5. Each roll tightly wrap bacon plates.
6. Place the rolls in a heat-resistant form (oil is not necessary) and bake for at least 20-30.
Serve hot with your favorite sauce. (I have it garlic with dill)
Enjoy your meal!)
P.S. Rolls can be prepared in advance for the night / day, put in the refrigerator, covered with foil, and then simply put in the oven, for example, before guests arrive)

Snack sandwiches with cod liver.
Cod liver
3-4 eggs
grated, hard cheese - amount as desired
long loaf french
2 cloves of garlic
green bow for decoration
Cut the loaf into slices and fry in a dry pan.
Grate the eggs, crush the cod liver with a fork.
Combine with cheese, chopped dill and mayonnaise.
Grate slices of loaf (if desired, garlic on both sides),
put the stuffing on them.
Serve sprinkled with green onions and dill.

Stuffed cabbage with chicken and mushrooms in muffin molds
300 gr chicken fillet;
1/2 cup rice;
1 small carrot;
1 onion;
1 clove of garlic;
3 tomatoes (or 2 tablespoons of tomato paste);
300 gr sour cream;
1 small forks of young cabbage;
5-6 champignons;
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
butter, for greasing molds;
salt, pepper to taste.
We wash the rice under running water and soak it for 15-20 minutes in boiling water so that it swells a little.
In boiling water, lower the forks of cabbage for 2-3 minutes. We take out, separate the leaves.
If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the mushrooms. In vegetable oil, we pass the onions for several minutes. Add carrots with mushrooms and fry for a few more minutes. Then add finely chopped garlic.
Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Add onion and carrot mixture, rice, spices to it, and mix everything thoroughly.
Cooking the sauce. Tomatoes need to be grated, then pass through a sieve to get rid of seeds. Mix the tomato mixture with sour cream.
Muffin molds are greased with butter. We lay out the cabbage leaves in the molds so that the hanging edge remains. Put the minced meat in each tin, and put 1-2 tablespoon of tomato sauce on top. With the free part of the cabbage leaf we close the mold, or cover it with a separate leaf on top. Pour over the remaining sauce.

Pancake pie with canned fish (mmmmmmmmmm, my husband just loves).
We bake ordinary pancakes, any of your favorite canned fish, knead well, add greens, a little mayonnaise, and grease each pancake, let it soak, and before serving, I cut like a cake, so it’s more convenient to take

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potatoes with cheese.

Composition and preparation:
Lay this salad in layers and grease each with mayonnaise
1 layer - chicken breast cubes
2 layer - fried champignon with onion, salt, pepper
3 layer - grated cooked carrots on a coarse grater
4 layer - grated apple
5 layer - chopped walnuts
6th layer - yolks, cheese on a grater
7th layer - proteins
Cut thin ribbons (fresh) from carrots and decorate the salad with a bow and chopped dill and parsley.

Composition and preparation:
For the basics:
500 g of salted salmon, 4 boiled eggs, 4-5 tbsp. l boiled rice, 1 pack of crab. wand
For cream:
100 g of Philadelphia cheese, 4 tbsp. l sour cream, 4 tbsp. l mayonnaise, 8 g of gelatin
To decorate:
Greens, red caviar.
Grate yolks, squirrels and crab sticks on a fine grater (in a separate bowl).
Cover the mold with cellophane film. We cut the fish into strips, put them on the bottom and the walls of the mold. Then we spread layers of rice, eggs, crab sticks, smearing with cream.
We send salad cake in the refrigerator for the night. Then we get it, cover it with a plate on top, turn the salad cake on a plate. Decorate the top with greens and red caviar.

Canapes with herring:
1. Borodino bread cut into small squares
2. Mix butter with greens, spread on slices of bread
3. On a greased slice put a piece of herring, on top a small circle of onions, previously soaked in: water + a little vinegar + salt + a little sugar
4. Pierce the whole thing with a beautiful skewer.

To create a menu for the birthday of a house for 10 people, you must have at least a basic knowledge of home economics. Reception of guests, let them be few - troublesome business. But, with proper preparation for the holiday, each guest will be full, happy and satisfied in the evening.

Important! You can start cooking on the eve of the holiday, for example, on the evening of the previous day. This will help the hostess to save her strength, as well as reduce the time of general cooking directly on the solemn day. You need to go to the store in advance, boil vegetables, meat for salads. If you are planning a birthday cake, then it is best to make it in the evening.

Menu for a 10-person birthday at home

Sandwiches with Meal

Canned sprats are not expensive, and other ingredients for this simple appetizer are required at a minimum. We also need a French loaf, a clove of garlic, pickled cucumber. So, cut the loaf thinly and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Put bread on paper so that it absorbs butter.

Now rub each piece of bread with garlic, put a circle of pickles, and on top - two fish. Sandwiches can be decorated with greens or lemon. To prepare sandwiches for a company of ten people, two cans of fish are enough. It will be a good snack.

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic filling

A traditional appetizer that many love and are waiting for at every feast. You will need a kilogram of tomato, 300 grams of hard cheese, a couple of cloves of garlic and tablespoons of mayonnaise. First you need to prepare the filling: grate the cheese, squeeze the garlic into it, season with mayonnaise and salt. Cut each tomato into medium-sized slices and put cheese and garlic on each circle. You should not cook this appetizer in advance, because the cheese may be weathered.

Carrot and cheese salad with crackers

Without fail, even the menu for the birthday of a house for 10 people should include several options for salads.

Required Ingredients:
300 grams of crackers. They can be made from long loaf by slicing bread and frying it in a dry pan;
300 grams of cheese;
250 grams of carrots;
Two cloves of garlic;

Peel and grate the carrots, grate the cheese in the same way. Mix the ingredients, add the garlic (pass through the press) and season the salad with mayonnaise. Rusks should be added to the salad just before it is served on the table, otherwise, they can soak and simply lose their taste.

Sunflower Salad (puff)

Required Ingredients:
300 grams of chicken (boil);
150 grams of champignons;
Three chicken eggs (boil);
150 grams of cheese;
Three boiled carrots;
Large chips and pitted olives for decoration;

Dice the fillet, grate the eggs and carrots on a coarse grater, also grate the cheese. Finely chop mushrooms, fry with chopped onions in vegetable oil until mushrooms are ready. Spread the salad in layers, each will need to be smeared with mayonnaise mesh.

First comes the chicken, then carrots, mushrooms and onions, eggs, cheese. The last layer is cheese, you don’t need to lubricate with mayonnaise. On it it is necessary to lay olives, cut into two parts. It is good to cook the salad in the evening so that it has time to soak. Before serving, place chips around the salad to make a beautiful sunflower. A good option: .

Radish Salad with Sour Cream

Simple and budget, but a vitamin salad. It is good to cook it in autumn and winter, because seasonal vegetables are especially appreciated in high cooking, and what makes your holiday worse?

Required Ingredients:
500 grams of radish;
200 grams of sour cream;

Peel and grate the radish. Mix with sour cream and salt to taste. The radish has a specific smell, if you want to avoid this awkward moment in front of the guests, you can buy a Chinese radish (daikon).

Baked Chicken with Mashed Potatoes

Required Ingredients:
Two kilograms of potatoes;
150 grams of broccoli (you can use frozen);
Two kilogram chicken carcass;
A kilogram of coarse salt;
Black pepper to taste;

First you need to do chicken, put the oven to heat up to 200 degrees Celsius in advance. Cut the carcass in the center and open it like a book. Rub all over with black pepper. Pour salt evenly on a baking sheet and lay the chicken so that it lies on its back. The chicken will not be salted because it absorbs exactly as much salt as it needs for a great taste. The crust will be crispy. Cook for about two hours, look at the readiness of the meat.

To prepare mashed potatoes, peel and boil the potatoes. Boil broccoli and add to the finished potatoes. Add a little butter, a decoction of vegetables and mash. Thanks to broccoli, the side dish will have a pleasant green tint.

Sweet pancake cake (no baking)

Required Ingredients:
12 large pancakes. You can bake it (at least for the simplest, on water);
A kilogram of apples;
Two tablespoons of cream or milk;
Two tablespoons of rum (cognac);
Half a glass of sugar;
Half a glass of chopped almonds;
Two tablespoons of butter;

Pancakes need to be allowed to cool, they can be baked in the evening, and a cake formed in the morning on a public holiday. Cut the apples into slices and put in a saucepan under the lid. Stew so that the fruits turn into mashed potatoes. Add sugar and butter, cook for another five minutes. Then remove the mashed potatoes from the heat and add milk, rum, almonds.

Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Put pancake on the bottom, and then grease it with applesauce. So do with every pancake. Before serving, literally for 30 minutes send the cake to the oven, because it must be served exclusively in hot form. You can still make it light.

Different drinks can be included in this menu for a birthday party for 10 people. Vodka and cognac will go well with chicken, wine goes well with poultry. The dessert is quite sweet and can be supplemented with the same sweet cocktails with or without alcohol. Let the celebration be successful, and each guest will remember the refined and delicious holiday table for a long time.

Birthday is the most important holiday for most of us. But over time, fantasy is exhausted, monotonous dishes appear on the table. I want something new, but no less tasty. What should be the birthday menu? What original can be put on the table, surprising guests?

Menu composition for birthday.

If you decide to celebrate your holiday at home, you need to decide in advance which dishes and in what quantity you will prepare. However, one should not overdo it and cook too many all kinds of dishes, most likely, most of them will never get to the point. In addition, it should be relatively simple to prepare, especially if you are cooking alone. Otherwise, you will become so tired that you will no longer want either a holiday or a festive table.

The choice of dishes for your birthday depends on the format of the event. Will you sit at the table all the time, or maybe you want to have a buffet, and soon you will move on to the entertainment program and dancing. In addition, it is worth taking into account the age of your guests and the time of year. The colder it is outside, the more food will be eaten.

Write on the leaflet how many salads you want to cook, how many snacks, hot. Moreover, try to cook as little as possible of the same type of dishes. For example, if you decide to make a traditional salad “Herring under a fur coat”, you should not make another fish salad, for example, “Mimosa”.

  • Firstly, of course, snacks. There should not be too many of them, their goal is not to interrupt the appetite in front of the main course, but rather stimulate it. Three to five kinds of snacks will be enough on the table.
  • Secondly, it is of course salads. Three types of different salads will be enough. And it’s just wonderful if the basis of these salads will be different, for example, fish salad, vegetable and meat.
  • Thirdly, slicing. Slicing is not considered a separate dish, but it should always be present on the table. Do not make too many slices of one product - such dishes quickly airy and spoil the overall appearance. It will be enough for 1 plate (depending on the number of people) meat, fish, vegetable and cheese slices.
  • Fourth, a garnish must be present on the birthday table. At least one species. Most often, this is either mashed potatoes or potatoes baked with mayonnaise.
  • Fifth, and this is almost the main dish on the table, hot. One kind of hot must be required. But you can cook 2-3 types, for example.
  • And the final chord of the holiday is dessert. At the festive table, it should be required. This can be a cake, pie, a variety of cakes or cookies, ice cream, jelly and puddings. Here, focus on the preferences of most guests. If you do not know their tastes, you can prepare two or three types of dessert in order to surely please everyone.

Birthday Party Snacks

Lavash roll with crab sticks


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Sausage cheese - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Pita - 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch


  1. Cut the crab sticks into small cubes. Grated chilled sausage cheese and butter and grate with crab sticks.
  2. Finely chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix with the mixture prepared earlier, add mayonnaise and spices. Spread the resulting mass with a thin layer on pita bread, roll up, roll on top with cling film and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, cut into beautiful pieces, obliquely.

Salads for the birthday festive menu

Salad with Chicken and Pickled Mushrooms


  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Smoked Chicken - 400 g
  • Pickled mushrooms - 50 g
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Fresh tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - with ½ lemon
  • Salt, mayonnaise


  1. Finely chop the onion, fry it with mushrooms. Dice the chicken. Three cheese and eggs on a grater.
  2. Making the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with lemon juice and garlic.
  3. We begin to spread the salad in layers, spreading each layer with the prepared sauce and crushing it a little. The first layer is chicken. The second layer is mushrooms with onions. The third layer is eggs. The fourth is cheese. Fifth - tomatoes.
  4. Figures can be cut from tomatoes to decorate the top of the salad.

Hot for birthday party menu

Meat under cheese and mushrooms


  • Pork - 600 g
  • Mushrooms - 250 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Pepper, salt


  1. On a greased baking sheet with butter, put half the onion, which we previously cut into rings.
  2. We cut the meat like chops, along the fibers, about 1.5 cm thick, beat, salt and pepper. Spread the meat in a baking sheet, on top of the onion.
  3. Fry the mushrooms and spread on the meat.
  4. On top we put the second half of the onion, cut into rings, gently press.
  5. Grated cheese sprinkle our dish on top, pour with mayonnaise and put in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
  6. You can make this dish even simpler, and use not raw mushrooms, but pickled ones. Then they will not need to be fried.

How to decorate a holiday table?

What is the main difference between a regular table and a festive table? Everyone will say: a large number of salads and bright design. Add also: and some non-ordinary, interesting, “key” hot dish, some “highlight of the program”. Hot festive dishes are a whole art, which every housewife needs to master. Preparing for the holiday, any housewife first thinks about how she will have a hot meal on the festive table, and then salads, drinks and all that. With salads, it is advisable to be creative. After all, even the most ordinary salads can sparkle with new colors, if you approach them with imagination. The use of new ingredients can change your dish on a festive day beyond recognition. Recipes for festive dishes allow you to experiment with products, their combinations and colors. Not only a festive salad, but also any second dish on the festive table must be bright. Do not skimp on unexpected moves, try to combine more ingredients of different colors. Just look at the illustrations of real holiday dishes! Photos of these masterpieces are fascinating! Be sure to consider the experience of culinary specialists who have already prepared dishes on the festive table. Recipes with photos of their creations can seriously facilitate your task.

Delicious holiday dishes are not necessarily holiday meat dishes. Indeed, many meat is not eaten at all, or they love vegetables and fruits more. You can not deprive these guests of the holiday, make them fasting festive dishes, the list of which is also quite large. After all, the main thing here is how to draw up and file. Carved vegetables and fruits, original roses from boiled eggs and carrots, beautiful flowers and real mushroom glades - your imagination can be limitless.

Of course, no one cancels meat dishes for the festive table. They need to pay special attention to try to surprise guests, to create a real festive atmosphere. It is festive meat dishes, together with some special festive cake, that can become the "highlight of the program." Celebratory dishes for a birthday require special decoration. Here beautiful inscriptions, drawings, figures, etc. are appropriate. But the main thing is that they are delicious dishes. Ordinary snacks should not be placed on the festive table. As well as very simple dishes on the festive table. After all, this is a holiday, you need to surprise and delight guests. The recipes for the festive table are distinguished by their special taste and special design. Therefore, we advise when preparing for the holiday, study and prepare those festive dishes, recipes with photos of which you will find on the site and which you especially like in appearance.

And here are a few more "holiday" tips: - Take time to decorate the table. It’s even very exciting. Guests will appreciate your efforts, and you yourself will receive a great mood. The list of food colors for decorating dishes will help you:

Red color is given by tomatoes, cranberries, sweet peppers;

Pink, raspberry - beet and cranberry juice;

Orange - carrots, bell peppers, tomato;

White - rice, egg whites, cottage cheese, sour cream;

Lilac, blue - grated egg white, rice, stained with red cabbage juice;

Burgundy - beets;

Yellow - egg yolks, corn, lemon;

Violet - egg whites tinted with red cabbage or red cabbage itself;

You need to decorate salads just before serving, so that the products do not flow and look fresh and mouth-watering;

Try different salads to give different colors;

Dishes are served on the festive table in various options and ways. Original - salads on slices of bread wrapped in pita bread in portioned baskets.

If the birthday of a loved one is planned in your house, it is important to prepare thoroughly for this event. Ahead of a lot of pleasant trouble preparing the holiday. If the issues with gifts and the guest list have been resolved, it's time to plan the menu on the table for the birthday at home.

  1. Decide on the theme of the holiday - The list of dishes at the cowboy party and the ball at Barbie will be clearly different. The theme of the evening or day depends on the hero of the occasion: on age, preferences, interests.
  2. Count the number of guests invited. Only knowing the total number of guests can competently plan the variety of dishes and the number of servings.
  3. Important not only count the guests, but also decide on age categories. If children will prevail, then the menu will be appropriate. For adults, there are also nuances: advanced youth who are open to new taste experiences or people of respectable age with prevailing taste preferences, and maybe contraindications.
  4. Solve a holiday format issue: a traditional table or a buffet table, or gatherings on the veranda in the case of a house in the country. The format primarily depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. A typical city apartment and a country cottage dictate different rules.

Important to remember! Planning a menu for a birthday table at least at home or at a restaurant is a serious and responsible matter. Never leave it at the last moment.

Traditionally, the following dishes are present on the birthday table:

  • snacks
  • salads;
  • hot dishes;
  • cake.

There is no universal option. Each holiday forms its own table. Here are a few options for treats, so that there is a maneuver for choice.

Snacks - simple but tasty babes

If only the main course were on the table, then this would not be a festive option. It is a variety of snacks that set the proper tone and mood. There are countless options, the main unit is cold or hot.
Variants of cold appetizers for the menu on the table for a birthday at home.

1. Lavash rolls - based on traditional thin Armenian lavash, but the filling is already a flight of fantasy. The cooking method is simple: the pita bread is spread with a soft component, the rest is crushed and laid in a thin even layer, then the pita bread is twisted and cut into pieces.

Possible fillings:

  • cream cheese, slightly salted salmon, fresh dill;
  • mayonnaise, crab sticks, cheese, herbs;
  • mayonnaise, Korean carrots, cheese, herbs;
  • mayonnaise, ham, cheese.

2. Tartlets. We buy or bake the molds and fill them with various mixtures:

Cod liver, cream, mascarpone;
boiled chicken, fresh cucumbers, onions, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

3. Cheese balls - grated cheese and garlic mixed with mayonnaise. Balls are rolled from the resulting mass and sprinkled with coconut flakes or paprika.

4. Snacks on chips.

5. Ham rolls.

6. Rolls of crab sticks.

7. Canapes.

Options for hot snacks for the menu on the table for a birthday at home

1. Vegetables breaded:

Zucchini cut into circles, slightly salted and sprinkled with flour. An egg is placed in a bowl, into which prepared zucchini should be dipped. Separately mixed breadcrumbs and grated cheese with spices, if desired. Vegetable circles must be rolled in the resulting breading and baked in the oven until browning;

Sliced \u200b\u200bavocado breaded from crackers and spices to fry in oil.

With such appetizers, sauces based on mayonnaise, ketchup, greens are served.

2. Lavash tubes - feta cheese is kneaded with a fork and mixed with yolk, pita bread is cut into triangles. Put the filling on the base of the triangle and twist the pita bread with a tube, fix the edge of the roll with egg white. Bake in the oven or deep-fry.

3. Fried feta cheese. Pieces of cheese with a thickness of not more than 1 cm are dipped in an egg, then in a mixture of crackers and sesame seeds. Fry in a skillet until golden brown.

What is a holiday without salad? Holiday Salad Recipes

Chicken and pineapple salad

In equal proportions we take boiled chicken breast, eggs, canned pineapples and corn. We cut the ingredients and lay them in layers: chicken-pineapple-corn-eggs. All layers are smeared with mayonnaise. At the end of the salad sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Squid Salad with Rice

Cut boiled squids into strips. Chop onions into half rings and simmer with boiling water. Cut the eggs. In a dish, mix the chopped products and boiled rice, season the salad with mayonnaise. To serve, put the finished dish on a plate decorated with lettuce.

Korean smoked chicken and carrot salad

Mix chopped chicken, carrots and canned corn. Season with mayonnaise.

Main course - main table decoration

What is the birthday table at home if the menu does not have the main decoration - a hot meat or fish dish?

Delicious meat on the festive table

1. Baked Chicken - This is an original Russian version of the dish for any table. To add festivity and showiness, you need to use non-standard options for marinade and sauces.

Mix onions, soy and pomegranate sauce, olive oil with spices (paprika, garlic, salt, pepper), beat with a blender and add starch. Pour the chicken into the resulting sauce and send it to the fridge for marinating. After an hour, bake the chicken at 190 degrees for an hour.

Honey sauce for marinade - grated ginger and garlic, chili pepper rings mixed with honey, seasoned with soy sauce and olive oil. Add curry, salt, pepper to the sauce and pour over lemon juice at the end. Grease the chicken with the resulting sauce, bake in half an hour.

Important to remember! For these recipes, not a whole carcass is used, but pieces of chicken!

2. Pork with cherry jam. To cook this aromatic roast, take: cherry jam and a drop of apple cider vinegar, mix everything with olive oil and Tabasco sauce. Add herbs - chopped fresh or dry mix.

A piece of pork is poured with the resulting marinade and stands in the refrigerator for several hours. Before baking, the meat is additionally salted. It is necessary to bake in a form with high edges in order to fill the meat with red wine. A dish is prepared for a little more than an hour, every quarter of an hour you need to lubricate the meat with the juice released during the baking process.

Hot fish

1. Dorado is ideal for a festive table. Easy to prepare and looks spectacular. Fish should be cleaned and rolled in a mixture of spices and salt. Allow to marinate for half an hour. Fry in a grill pan until golden brown on both sides. To bring the fish to readiness, reduce the heat and fry for another three minutes on each side.

His Majesty's Cake

To complete the holiday dinner at home, on the birthday on the table in the menu must be a cake. A birthday boy of any age will make a wish with pleasure and blow out candles. Especially if the cake is prepared with candles made by a man loving him. However, cake is not always easy, it is actually the pinnacle of confectionery art.

If you are not distinguished by culinary talents, then for holiday cake, you can use ready-made biscuit, sand or waffle cakes. Any cream is suitable for them: traditional butter with condensed milk, or custard, or sour cream.

If you add fruit layers, the taste of the cake will become even richer. For those who are not afraid of culinary experiments, you can make a cake from and to yourself.

Pancake cake

A glass of flour, one and a half glasses of milk, 3 eggs, a third of a teaspoon of soda and vinegar to extinguish it.

  • Shake the eggs, pour the milk, salt.
  • Sift flour into the milk-egg mixture.
  • Add slaked soda at the end.
  • Bake traditional pancakes from the resulting batter.

400 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla.

The ingredients for the filling are mixed into a homogeneous mass.
The cooled pancakes are smeared with cream and stacked on top of each other. In the refrigerator, the cake should stand for at least two hours.

Then you can decorate with chocolate chips or chopped nuts.

Prague Cake

95 g flour, eggs 5 pcs, granulated sugar 130 g, butter 30 g, cocoa 20 g - a set of products for chocolate biscuit.

Separate the yolks from the proteins.
Beat half the sugar with the whites, and the other with the yolks.
Pour cocoa into the yolks, gradually add the flour, carefully introduce the proteins.

Note! The mixer cannot be used!

Melt the butter and carefully pour into the dough.
Bake in a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.
The biscuit cools down in shape.

1 yolk, 140 g of condensed milk, 10 g of cocoa, a bag of vanilla, 200 g of butter, Art. a spoonful of water is all that is needed for the cream.

The yolk is mixed with water, condensed milk is added, brought to thickening with continuous stirring.
Mix the oil with vanilla.
Beat butter and cooked chilled cream portionwise.
Add cocoa and bring to a creamy condition with a mixer.
Cut the cooled biscuit into three layers.
Apply cream on the first and second layer. Coat the entire surface of the cake with jam or jam.

Butter and chocolate 75 g each - for glaze.

The components are heated over low heat and stirred until smooth, cool.
Pour the icing on the cake.

Cheap birthday menu

Birthday, even once a year, but it is not always possible to spend thoughtlessly on a festive feast. To budget a birthday table, the main thing is to use traditional affordable products, but to serve and decorate them in an original way.

Pita and crab sticks snacks don't hit hard. Salads are best chosen from seasonal products. In the summer it will be economical to prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, and in winter choose a more satisfying option - the classic Olivier or Mimosa.

For hot, it is better to take chicken - a minimum of labor.

Cake can be made without baking: cut the gingerbread into cubes, prunes and dried apricots into pieces, mix everything and pour sour cream with sugar. After the cake is well soaked, serve it to the table.

All kinds of cuts - a great addition to the festive table

When the menu on the table for the birthday celebrated at home is already determined, you can make a couple of delicious nuances using sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, cheese and sausages.

The components fit beautifully on the dish, decorated with carved figures from the same products and herbs. You can form roses from stripes of vegetables or cheese. Add dressy and circles of olives, sprinkled on top of the cut.

Fruit slices are best left out from the start of the fruits may lose their attractive fresh appearance. Better put them on the table already closer to the dessert.

Ideas for decorating dishes for a festive table

Dishes can be arranged in the most bizarre ways:

  • you can unconventionally lay out salads, for example, in the form of a ring;
  • to decorate cuts and snacks with roses from lettuce leaves, flourishes from feathers of green onions, just sprigs of parsley;
  • salads can be served not in a common dish, but portioned in elegant sockets;
  • at a children's birthday, you can create whole edible compositions from egg mice, fungi and hedgehogs.

Experiment! Do not be afraid of new recipes! Cook with pleasure, and any holiday feast will delight you and your guests.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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