The dead don't leave us forever. Communication with the dead. Magic and mysticism: how to talk with a dead person How to communicate with the dead

Answers to questions about communication with the dead and told the rules for the commemoration.

It is very important to commemorate deceased relatives, because this is a certain reverence for the deceased relatives. But it's important to do it right. And how exactly do you learn from the article.

How to commemorate deceased relatives?

All people are mortal. Sometimes their life is cut short tragically, sometimes by an absurd accident, and sometimes the time just comes. You shouldn't be upset about this. After all, no one is immune from this.

The least you can do in such a situation is correctly commemorate and see the deceased in another mi R. Everyone has a different understanding of how to do it right. The ignorance in this matter is sometimes astounding.

One should always look for answers in the church or the Scriptures.
Many under the phrase "remember the deceased" understand the distribution of sweets and cookies to people. This is correct, but there are many more customs and rules in this matter.

First of all, it is worth mentioning how to properly bury a person. After all, even in this, many people make mistakes. Mistakes that should not be made:

  • In no case should you commemorate the deceased alcoholic drinks. Faith forbids this, many scriptures talk about it. Thus, the deceased person will be doomed to inevitable torment. The best way out is to distribute food and clothes to the homeless
  • Don't order a funeral band. Sometimes you go and hear heartbreaking music. It makes her feel bad and uncomfortable. From it you can determine that someone is buried nearby.
    Wise people say they come to this music crafty. They rejoice and dance. And the deceased cannot say goodbye to this world calmly.
  • People have died and are dying. And so it will always be. Nowadays, the grave and monument are hung with wreaths. But if you go back to the past, you can understand that in those distant times there was no all this. They always came to the grave with fresh flowers. But the godless time of Soviet power made its own adjustments to this tradition. There is no such custom abroad.
    If you remember the movie "Visiting Eternity", you can be horrified. The hero talked about his journey through that world. There, all the people were hung on wreaths. They became gallows for them. Therefore, before buying a wreath (and they are not cheap), think about the deceased. Does he need him and do you want to find your deceased relative for eternal torment?
  • Don't commemorate a dead person sweet food. Almost all of this is done with sweets and cookies. But you shouldn't do that. Such delicacies are foodstuffs that are attributed to the weaknesses of gluttons. And with this you only delight them, and do not commemorate the deceased

So what's the right way to do it? What should be done, what should not be done? These questions should always be answered in the Bible or asked old people. In any church, they will help to understand this matter, provide the necessary literature and simply give advice.

It is believed that the soul of a person after death roams our land for another 40 days. Most often, she is near her body. You should be attentive and listen to all extraneous rustles and sensations. After all, a person can contact loved ones.

His soul seeks peace and tranquility. She tries to get through to the people around him.

On the fortieth day, the soul flies away. And before deciding on her place in heaven, she has to go through several circles of hell. To help the deceased in this difficult moment, you should read Psalms.

Love for the dead should be shown through funeral services. They are held in any church after morning prayers. Prepare in advance: buy products. You will then give them to those in need.

Do not forget about the ban on alcohol and treats. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that for such a ceremony they write a note according to the model, which indicates the name of the deceased. You should go to memorial services Saturdays for parents. These days, the power of prayers increases several times.

There is a special day for the remembrance of the dead. He is called commemorative. It falls on the ninth day after Easter. This day is called Radonitsa.

Many people go to the grave on Sunday, that is, a week after the holiday. But this is wrong. The souls of the dead come to their grave only after a set time - 9 days.

Parental Saturday - the main day of commemoration of the dead

If for some reason you cannot visit the tombstone of a loved one, then the souls come to your home or work. They can also wait for you in church churches.

It happens that a person passes away of his own free will. The church does not pray for suicides. They consider it a great sin. But relatives can read the prayer themselves and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the actions of the deceased.

On the date of death or birth of the deceased, order a magpie in the church

You can commemorate a person on the date of his birth and date of death. Don't forget to order magpie in the church. All commemorations are best arranged a day or two before the expected date.

Can our dead relatives see and hear us?

The church answers this question affirmatively. It is worth a little all the same to understand this matter and clarify the main aspects.

According to church beliefs human soul is immortal. And death is just an intermediate state in which a person is reborn, acquires a new body and a new life.

People who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they remember everything and saw their body from the side. From this we can conclude that death is just a dream. But sleep forgets the body, not the soul. The soul wanders, seeks shelter, visits loved ones.

According to beliefs, a sinful soul gains a chance to atone for its evil deeds. She is reborn and lives life again. Sinless souls go to heaven, to a place where there are no diseases, sorrows, grief. There they follow the lives of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

They not only hear our speeches, but also look into our souls, read our thoughts and learn about our innermost secrets and desires. Therefore, you should not burn your life just like that, you should not plot bad deeds and commit bad deeds. The souls of our loved ones will suffer.

Do dead relatives see us at the cemetery?

On memorial days, all relatives and close people of the deceased gather near his grave. There they talk about him, remember all the joyful and happy moments with his participation.

As the saying goes: "they say something good about the dead, or nothing." These days, souls also come to the cemetery to see everyone. On other days, the soul that has found peace does not visit the earth. If you decide to visit the deceased person on other days, then he is watching you from heaven.

This is what the church teaches us. Skeptics are suspicious of these points. They believe that the person died, and his consciousness was forgotten by eternal sleep. It cannot come to life in another reality and watch everyone from the sidelines. This is the work of Faith. If it is easier for you to survive the death of a person, hoping that he sees and hears you, then just believe in it.

How to call the spirit of a deceased relative?

Magic has always allowed to penetrate into another world, to call the spirit of any dead person and talk to him. But before the ritual should think about the consequences. Spirits don't always want to be disturbed.

It is better not to perform such a dangerous ceremony yourself. You should trust a trusted medium in this matter. Only he can summon the right spirit. Seances are best done in a relaxed state, with good thoughts.

You can call the spirit yourself or seek help from a medium

Alternatively, you can use a Ouija board. A few tips to help evoke the spirit of a deceased relative:

  • Relax, throw away all problems and worries, free your mind
  • Don't feel fear. If the session is not conducted correctly, then an evil spirit will come. He will feed on your fears
  • Before the session, fumigate the entire room incense
  • It is advisable not to eat or drink anything on the day of the ritual, do not drink alcohol for 3 days
  • call the spirit at night - after 12 and before 14 hours
  • put wax candles in the room
  • thread the black thread into the needle and make it look like a pendulum
  • On the sheet, write all the questions you would like to ask the deceased
  • call the name of the deceased and call to come
  • if the needle starts to move, then the spirit of the deceased is nearby. You can leave the window open, so it will be easier for the soul to get into the room.
  • if everything worked out for you and you received the answers, then do not forget to thank the spirit for coming and say that you are letting it go back

How to communicate, talk with a deceased relative?

Many people are interested in how to talk with dead people. It's not hard to do. There are several ways to do this:

  • Seek help from a medium. A good specialist in this field will provide you with such an opportunity. He will not only do this, but also tell what state the soul of the deceased is in, what his aura is, what he lacks. But don't get too carried away with séances
  • You can communicate with the dead in your sleep. Sleep is considered a small death. In this state, all human organs stop working. A person simply plunges into non-existence and his consciousness turns off. It is in this state that it is easier to talk with the deceased
  • You can also communicate through paper. This method is similar to communicating through a Ouija board. Only in this case you will need paper with written letters and a saucer

You can talk to the dead in a dream or call them

Can deceased relatives help the living?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Even if this happens, it is in rare cases. The dead help only those who really need it. They can do it through signs. But people do not always understand them correctly.

There is an opinion that after death the soul is not able to feel anything, it does not know what love, hatred are. Therefore, in this case, there can be no question of any help.

Do not heavily "load" the spirits with your problems and requests. After all, a person freed himself from the physical body and left the world. He lived a life full of not only joys, but also grief, tears, sorrows. He drank his cup of sorrows to the dregs. Why should he experience such emotions in heaven?

How to ask for help from deceased relatives?

In difficult life situations, people sometimes turn to deceased parents or relatives for help. There are many prayers and conspiracies for the implementation of such actions. In some, it is proposed to go to the cemetery, others simply use household items when reading the plot. You should think about such rituals. They are true and will not bring you more trouble.

It is better to ask for help through prayer, but from God. So you will find peace and tranquility. This will help you find a solution to even the most intractable problem.

If you still decide to resort to the help of deceased relatives, then below is a conspiracy. It should be read near the grave of the person from whom you are asking for help.
“My dear (my) father (mother) (name of the deceased), get up, wake up, look at me, at your baby. How miserable I am in this white world. My dear, look at me, an orphan from your home, amuse me with a kind word.

You can communicate mentally with a dead person. In a conversation with him, you can outline the situation and ask for advice. Some people go to church and pray. Within the walls of temples, it is easier for them to concentrate and understand what the deceased wants to advise them.

Do not turn too often to the spirits for advice.
If you have any doubts about making a decision, go to the cemetery. At the grave of the deceased, you will express all the pros and cons of this situation. And the first thing that comes to your mind, consider the advice of a deceased person

Will deceased relatives meet after death?

This question has always interested close people of the deceased relative. Even the priests do not give an exact answer.
Some mediums claim that will definitely meet. Indeed, in the case of clinical death, people say that they met their loved ones there.

But in order to meet them again, a person should be cleansed of sins, go through Purgatory. And only then will he reach Paradise, where all his relatives are waiting for him.
Priests on this score say that it is possible that they will meet if the place of their final stay coincides. And this is known only to God.

Do the souls of the dead come to relatives?

People give many examples that prove that deceased relatives visit their relatives. Some of them have things falling, others are honoring a light breeze that cannot occur indoors.

One woman said that her dead son was calling her from that world. But no one can say for sure that this is the soul, and not the fruit of their own imagination.

According to beliefs, the soul roams the earth for another 40 days. At this time, she visits relatives, relatives and acquaintances. Many say they feel the presence of the spirit of the deceased. Sometimes it happens in a dream.

If this happens after forty days, then it is worth considering. Usually this means that the soul has not found peace. Or guilt haunts her, and she wanders in search of forgiveness. The priests advise go to church and light a candle for the repose.

Video: Contact with the dead or life after death

Good afternoon.

Telepathic communication with a deceased loved one

I want to dedicate this issue to a topic that, I think, is of interest to everyone - the death of loved ones, parents, relatives, friends, relatives. I think everyone has gone through this. The prevailing public opinion demands that we suffer, weep and mourn. In most cases, this is how it happens. Suffering leads to depression and other serious illnesses. Is it necessary? Let's try to understand this issue. The majority of the population on our planet professes various religions, and all religions unambiguously say that a person is a spirit, and the spirit is ETERNAL. And indeed it is. The body dies, while the spirit is released and leaves it. After leaving the body, the spirit continues to possess the basic abilities of a person - to perceive information, to think and communicate with their own kind. Yes, he does not have a physical body, and he can only communicate telepathically. But this is still the same person who remembers everything, who thinks exactly the same as he thought when he had a body. You can object to me that he has no brain. Well no. But the brain does not think, it only controls the physical body. The spirit in the body is located in the head, and from there controls all processes. Accordingly, we have a feeling that the brain is thinking. After leaving the body, the spirit tries to communicate with those who are dear to it, and is still in the body. To do this, he creates an energy image of his physical body. We call this phenomenon ghost. These images are best seen at night and in fog. The fog interacts with the energy image of the spirit and manifests it. Ghosts should not be afraid, especially if they are your relatives. Try to overcome fear, and communicate with them mentally. Do you and those who left their body need it? My practice shows what is needed. 1. The realization that the person you love is alive, albeit without a body, but alive, greatly relieves your pain from loss. 2. Communicating with the deceased, you can ask for his forgiveness and forgive him. And this is very important. 3. Telepathic communication with the deceased will fill the void that has arisen in your soul. 4. Communicating, you support each other, get the advice you need, because it is easier for the spirit to look into the future and warn you of possible troubles. 5. You can fulfill the requests of the spirit, because without a body it is difficult for him to do something on earth. This is how the situation turns out. The man seems to be dead, but in fact he is alive. Accordingly, there is no need to cry and grieve. When you cry about the departed, he feels your condition, and he also wants to cry and grieve, he also feels bad. Do you want your loved ones to feel bad? If so, then cry, grieve, suffer, get sick and know that they feel the same way. And if you want them to feel good, then remember the good things that happened between you, and the brighter your memories, your feelings, the more likely it is that you can make telepathic contact with your loved one. Communication with him will bring you a lot of positive emotions, dissolve the pain of loss. When I work with people during the sessions, with almost everyone we work on this topic - the loss of loved ones. For many, this is such a painful topic that they are afraid to just remember it, tears immediately appear, pain fetters the whole body. But people still agree to go through everything, cleanse themselves, and finally communicate with those whom they consider to be forever lost to themselves. You cannot imagine how much easier it becomes for a person after such a conversation. A light appears in the eyes and a desire to live for two, and not to suffer.

From your letters:

Ziyat's question: Hello! What you write about transient energies is very interesting. The patient seems to be in the position of a drowning man. I have exactly the same story. When a loved one had cancer, I also suffered for her. And when she died, my pain did not stop. If she wants to take me to her, then I do not mind. And how can you find out or establish a connection with her? Establishing a connection with her is very simple, you need to imagine her image and start mentally communicating with it. The most important thing in this matter is faith. If there is any doubt, they will cut off the connection. When, during the sessions that I conduct, people communicate with people who have left this world, I help them energetically and support their faith in the reality of communication. In this case, there is a good contact and there is a full-fledged communication. The departed people do not demand from those living in this world that they also leave for their world. They calmly expect them, and can even help with advice and their love.
In order to better establish contact with your beloved, return to some episode when you were good together, and make yourself and her a large and powerful biofield there, read how to do this. Perhaps she will need your support, then with the help of a beam of light add to her energy and support it. When we remember loved ones with pain, they feel this pain. Do you want her to get hurt? I think not. Try to erase your pain with the help of a beam of light or take it out as a dark mass and dissolve it. Question from Andrey: In your article about clairvoyance, you mentioned "other" ways of creating a powerful mental image. Please advise how to achieve this and what are the methods? Let's approach this question from the point of view of the laws of holography. Holographic images can be stacked to create a new image, complete with details and energy. Let's try with a specific example. Imagine at a distance of about two meters from yourself, the image of any person, you can also your own. Then make a copy of this image. Then merge these two images into one. The result is a new image with more details and more vibrant. After that, again make a copy, but of a brighter image, and fold it again. Again, there will be more detail and an increase in the brightness and power of the image.
Continue the process of copying and adding images until you reach the quality and power you need. Elena's success story: I would like to tell you that I tried to treat my left hand, for 7 years now a bump has formed on it from a strong blow (near the wrist). I began to mentally imagine that I take and take out this bump, clean everything there after it, put it in a bag and tie it. The place where the lump was was filled with an orange liquid. And then I imagined that I pick up the bag itself and go to the station, get on the train and go to where there are big mountains, and then I get on a small helicopter and climb high into the mountains, find an abyss there and throw my bag there and still imagine , how all this is covered with stones, I did such an improvisation, and you know, it became very noticeable how the bump decreased, it became completely small. And I did all this quite recently, during my vacation, about 3-4 times. I can’t even believe that such a result, it turns out, is possible to achieve if you really want to, this is such a small victory for me.
My opinion is that Elena has a real victory. She solved her problem on her own, came up with her own creative solution. Share your ideas and achievements. This is interesting to other people, it can help someone, suggest a direction for work. Sincerely, Alexander.


When someone close to us dies, the living want to know if the dead hear or see us after physical death, whether it is possible to contact them, get answers to questions. There are many real stories that support this hypothesis. They talk about the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny that the souls of the dead are next to their loved ones.

What does a person see when he dies?

What a person sees and feels when the physical body dies can only be judged from the stories of those who survived clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors were able to save have much in common. They all talk about similar sensations:

  1. A person watches other people leaning over his body from the side.
  2. At first, strong anxiety is felt, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calmness comes.
  3. Pain and fear disappear, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. The person does not want to go back.
  5. After passing through a long tunnel in a circle of light, a creature appears that calls for itself.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not relate to what the person who has gone to another world feels. They explain such visions with a hormonal surge, exposure to drugs, brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separation of the soul from the body, speak of the same phenomena - watching what is happening, the appearance of an angel, farewell to loved ones.

Is it true that dead people see us

To answer whether dead relatives and other people see us, you need to study different theories that tell about the afterlife. Christianity talks about two opposite places where the soul can go after death - this is heaven and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteous, he is rewarded with eternal bliss or doomed to endless suffering for his sins.

When arguing whether the dead see us after death, one should turn to the Bible, which says that souls resting in paradise remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who, after death, were recognized as saints, appear to sinners, trying to guide them on the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close relationship with loved ones only when he has unfinished business.

Does the soul of a deceased person see their loved ones

After death, the life of the body ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to heaven, she is present for another 40 days near her loved ones, trying to console them, ease the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions it is customary to appoint a commemoration for this time in order to guide the soul to the world of the dead. It is believed that the ancestors, even many years after death, see and hear us. Priests advise not to argue whether the dead see us after death, but to try to mourn the loss less, because the suffering of relatives is difficult for the departed.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit

When the connection between loved ones was strong during life, these relationships are difficult to break. Relatives can feel the presence of the deceased and even see his silhouette. This phenomenon is called a phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the spirit comes to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is asleep and the soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from deceased relatives.

Can a dead person become a guardian angel

After the loss of a loved one, the pain of loss can be very great. I would like to know if the deceased relatives hear us in order to tell about their troubles and sorrows. Religious teaching does not deny that dead people become guardian angels for their kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person during his lifetime must be deeply religious, not sin, and follow God's commandments. Often the guardian angels of the family are children who left early, or people who have dedicated themselves to worship.

Is there a connection with the dead

According to people with psychic abilities, there is a connection between the real and the afterlife, and it is very strong, so it is possible to perform such an action as talking to the dead. To contact the deceased from the other world, some psychics conduct spiritualistic sessions where you can communicate with the deceased relative and ask him questions.

The transition we call death was compared in Edgar Cayce's readings to moving from one city to another. Even when we travel long distances in this world, we still continue to communicate with people on the phone, in correspondence, on the Internet, and so on. Similarly, there are ways and means by which the living can communicate with souls in other dimensions of consciousness.

Once Casey was asked an interesting question about communicating with the dead in a state of trance:

(Q) Is it possible for this subject, that is, Edgar Cayce, who is in trance, to communicate with those who have passed into the spirit world?

(A) The souls of all who have left the physical plane remain near this plane until their evolution takes them further or until they are brought back to evolve here [on the earthly plane]. When they are on the communication plane, or stay within that realm, anyone can communicate with them. There are thousands of them around us.. (3744-1)

In some periods it is easier for the dead to communicate with the living than in others. The optimal state of consciousness for meeting the dead is dreaming, or the "intermediate state" of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep, sometimes referred to as hypnogogic state of consciousness. It is in this state that our souls are most receptive to the realms where the dead reside, thanks to the "network" of the collective unconscious of all people.

It is not unusual for those who died shortly after their death are to the living and communicate with them in one form or another. These "appearances" take many different forms and can occur in the waking state of consciousness, in dreams, or during periods of deep meditation. In many cases, the dead "talk" to the living through certain circumstances, coincidences or episodes, where they somehow make themselves known to the mourners. In some cases, the soul tries to communicate with the mourners in order to console them, in others, the soul itself needs guidance and help from the living, and we talked about this in previous chapters. In Evidence of Light, Francis Banks details how this communication between the living and the dead takes place:

"There are Stations on this plane that make communication with the earth plane possible."

“At these Stations there are helpers and servants who have dedicated their knowledge and service to helping those who wish to send news of themselves to their loved ones left on earth. As I understand it, the technique they use is very "special", and very difficult at first, even for those who wish to use it. But there are Stations, there are Instructions for this work, there are administrators and, in a sense, technicians who know how to run this technique ... "

“...On this telepathic wave I can record snippets of information regarding such a controversial topic as Life After Death ... but now I can tell you that, on my part, this was not a solo performance ... There is an Orchestra, who assists and guides me in the selection of episodes to be telepathically transmitted to you... there are others in this Orchestra, and I understand that we are but instruments in this work. The veil between the worlds must be parted... People living on earth, possessing erudition, culture and mental abilities, believers and religious people, as well as uneducated, ignorant and closed minds - all need to be contacted. Everyone needs knowledge to get rid of fear, which is one of the darkest and most powerful earthly emotions and must be conquered before peace and progress can come to earth.».

Edgar Cayce Helps the Soul of a Deceased Head to the Light

Hugh-Lynn Casey told the story of his father's extraordinary encounter with a dead woman he knew when he started his photography career. This woman died at a relatively young age and visited Edgar Cayce's home in Virginia Beach a few years later:

“One morning he woke up very excited about an interesting and strange story that happened to him. He said that at night he heard some kind of knock on the window in a dream. He began to realize that someone from the other world was talking to him, and he found out who it was. It was a girl who had worked for him at his studio in Selma, Alabama, years ago. And he knew she was dead. But she was a true young lady, and so she begged him to be so kind as to come downstairs and let her in at the front door. She wanted to meet him and decided to do so in good manners. He went downstairs and opened the door: she stood in front of him. He could see through her, but she was thick enough to walk in, sit down and start talking to him. She wanted to know what to do.

“I know I'm dead,” she said. - I live with my mother and father. They constantly avoid me, leave me alone and I don't know where to go or what to do. I was near the photo studio and remembered that if I can get to you, then you will tell me what to do. I'm in a terrible situation right now."

The following part of this story illustrates the holding power of our beliefs and the unusual circumstances that can surround the soul after physical death:

“You know that I died of a stomach ailment that I suffered from,” the woman explained. - The doctor began to operate on me, and during the operation I died. When I passed into the other world, I continued to get sick and suffer, and I was very worried. Then this doctor also died and, already in the other world, completed this operation. Now I'm all right."

Hugh-Lynn said that many years had passed since she died, but how much time had actually passed, she did not realize:

“Years passed, but to her they seemed like ten minutes ... So dad told her about the light, how to look for it and how to pray for it. He said that he would pray for her, that he would gather a group [for healing] for her, and that when she saw the light she should follow him: then she would know where to go. You will hear us mention from time to time about the light that comes during meditation, and that it would be better if we found it before we cross over to the other side. Apparently, we need this light to understand where to go. Losing the sense of time on the other side can be quite disturbing. So we need to be able to move on.”

Murdered woman returns to her son

Six weeks after her disappearance, Jay had a very vivid dream about his mother, in which he believed she was communicating with him. In this dream, he was driving along some highway and crossing a rusty railway bridge. Immediately after crossing this bridge, he saw the ghost of his mother.

“I saw her torn to pieces,” Jay said, “but because she was torn to pieces, one could say for sure that she was not the victim of a grizzly bear. There were gaps on her body separating the head from the torso and the arms from the shoulders, but I did not see her legs. Her face was very distinct, and in her expression one could read “pay attention ... it is very important for you to understand” ”.

He followed his mother in the dream through the woods to a wasteland about twenty-five yards from the bridge. As they walked towards this wasteland, the sun came out from behind the clouds and illuminated the entire landscape. His mother pointed to the ground. When Jay looked, he immediately realized that in front of him was a shallow, poorly buried grave. Surprisingly, neither Jay nor his mother lost their minds in this dream. As he looked at his mother and that shallow grave, he was filled with a paradoxical sense of relief. Jay said that when he suddenly awoke from his sleep, he was filled with "knowing" two things at the same time: he knew that his mother was dead and that her soul was all right.

“Somehow I knew she was killed,” Jay said. - And as strange as it may sound, when I woke up and this understanding came to me, I was filled with a great sense of peace. I felt that my mother was relieved, simply because I now know and understand what happened to her».

The Definitive Book of Thomson J. Hudson The Law of Psychic Phenomena("The Law of Psychic Phenomena") illustrates one incident that surprisingly echoes Jay's dream encounter with his mother:

“The nature of the manifestation [appearance of the deceased] is as varied as the phases of human emotion or the objects of human desire… When a mother dies away from her children, she is often overcome by a strong desire to see them again before leaving. This is often expressed in the transfer of her phantom to the place where they are: this phantom peers into the faces of her loved ones for a long time, and then fades away.

All the ghosts of the dead are the phantoms of those people who died under conditions of severe mental or emotional stress ... At this climax, the murdered person feels a strong desire to acquaint the world with the circumstances of his "departure", and the idea of ​​​​reproducing the scene and its place is born in him. murder until its meaning is understood and until the perpetrator is brought to justice ... those [of the living] whose nerves are strong enough to withstand this shock can see every night a realistic reproduction of this tragedy. This can go on for days, months, and even years, but it will definitely stop when the goal is achieved ... "

Jay's mother came to tell him that she had not left him of her own free will, but had become a victim of a murder and could not return to him physically. The evidence that the mother's wish was fulfilled was precisely the state of calm that Jay felt in his dream. This dream was repeated for seven nights. With each successive night, Jay's sense of peace increased and his sadness subsided. After the seventh night, the dream encounters with his mother ceased, as did the paralyzing grief he had experienced for six whole weeks before. Jay has not yet found that railway bridge and that grove where his mother showed him her grave in a dream. But he is sure that this meeting with his mother in a dream was a real experience that allowed her to calm down after her cruel death, and also gave him the opportunity to move on, knowing that death is not the end.

The drowned girl announces herself

Edgar Cayce experienced a similar situation when he and his wife Gertrude experimented with the Ouija board in the early thirties. Casey told how, using this tablet, news was received from a little girl who drowned in the lake:

“Saw a few Ouija board messages that struck me the most... got a few messages one evening proving it to be the absolute truth. Although all those who were in this room did not know anything about the messages received, and about the people from whom, apparently, they came from or to whom they were addressed. However, the address of each turned out to be correct, and the message turned out to be useful to the person to whom it was sent. For example, one of the messages said: “I am a little girl named B.E. Please inform my father DR that I didn't run away from home but drowned in a log pool. My dad is a foreman at a sawmill. Please tell him to get my bones from such and such a place in the pool ... ”A father who lost his little daughter was written about this, and he found her remains exactly where it was said. This may serve as supporting evidence for many other cases...” (1196-1)

In this example, the father's immense grief was directly conveyed to the little girl on the other side. Naturally, this prompted the child's soul to seek communication through any opened channel. The Ouija tablet, and Edgar Cayce as one of its operators, represented this opened channel through which the soul in the other world could communicate. Before advancing to the higher realms of the afterlife, this child needed to console the grief of his father.

Around the death of loved ones, many strange phenomena can arise, in many cases removing the barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead. In his book The Law of Psychic Phenomena("The Law of Psychic Phenomena") Hudson describes a theory that explains this experience, especially when it comes to cases of sudden or violent death:

“The generally accepted theory, which, in theory, explains this coincidence, is that the soul, suddenly and prematurely torn from the body, retains more of the material elements of the body than if death was the result of gradual destruction and the natural separation of material form from intangible. It is believed that the physical elements, held by the soul for some time, enable it to become visible to the living, and also to manifest itself in actions on the physical level, which we are accustomed to attribute to different spirits. At first glance, this is quite plausible, and in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, this theory can be considered correct ... "

Phone call from beyond

In many cases, souls living in another world communicate with the living intangibly, that is, without appearing in dreams or visions. The following two cases illustrate the fact that sometimes contacts with the dead are expressed in signs and circumstances that bear the "stigma" of the deceased person, to the point that they express the humor that was inherent in the deceased.

It is important to remember that the integrity of our soul and our personality is preserved even after death. The dead can console the living in exactly the same manner in which they consoled them when they themselves were alive, that is, leaving an "imprint" of their humor, their gaiety and love. As Edgar Cayce said:

“...and don't think that the individual soul-entity that leaves the earthly plane, belonging to the Catholic, Methodist or Anglican Church, becomes different, simply because the person has died! It's just a dead Anglican, Catholic or Methodist." (254-92)

Father communicates with his daughters

Just like Barbara, who received the news from her husband, Janet and her sister knew without question that their father was happy and alive in the other world.

Girl consoles her friends after her death

Gina underwent a liver transplant, but the operation was unsuccessful and after a few days in a coma, Gina died. While Gina was in a coma, her father called Laura, one of their family's close friends, and asked her to pray for Gina so that she could make her transition more easily.

Laura, terribly upset by this news, wandered the streets for a long time, praying for Gina and talking to her all the way. During this walk, Gina's face appeared in front of her, which looked very worried. "I don't know what to do," Gina said. Laura felt that the very words that were supposed to help her dying friend immediately came to her mind. She said, “It's okay, Gina. Just let yourself go. Everything will be okay". Laura could clearly see Gina's face, and after she said those few words, Gina seemed to calm down. The vision is gone. Laura said that this event happened at about 4 pm.

While Laura was experiencing this vision, a few miles away, Gina's sister noticed a distinct change in her dying sister, who was lying in a hospital bed. “Her expression became peaceful,” her sister said. Gina then made her transition easily at 4:25 pm.

Shortly after Gina's death, her close friend Mary was driving to the hospice where she worked volunteering to help children with AIDS. On the way Mary suddenly felt Gina's presence in the car. Gina and Mary met at a spiritual conference and became close friends. They discussed many topics: spirituality, the possibility of reincarnation, and what happens to the soul after death. Mary remained with Gina and her family throughout Gina's transition to the other world.

“I felt static electricity in the car,” Mary said, “as if my whole body was tingling with tiny needles. I knew that it was Gina. And I felt her next to me when I entered the hospice. I loudly said: “Well, Gina, now you will meet my children.” I took in my arms Johnny, a little boy with AIDS, to whom I was very attached. I started telling him a favorite story about angels, about how they always hover around him and watch him. I told Johnny that he now has a new and special angel named Gina. As I began my story, the toy musical rocking horse that was in the room began to rock on its own. She rocked for ten minutes while I told Johnny about Jean and the angels.

“At that moment, I knew that this was a sign that Gina was with me and with Johnny,” Mary said. Johnny died in October 1992. "I had the feeling that Johnny served as an intermediary between me and Gina, and that when he died, Gina would be by his side."

This experience did not so much surprise Mary as it gave her a certain understanding. During their brief time on earth, the two women developed a spiritual bond, and many people say Mary was not at all surprised by this phenomenon. On the contrary, Gina's response filled her with knowledge that life continues after death.

Visiting a dead friend in a dream

It is very important to note how Mark appeared to Bob in the dream. He appeared to him healthy, strong and strong. Often people say that their loved ones who have died appear to them in the same way that they did when they were alive. In addition, Cayce's readings emphasize that the physical body, exhausted by an incurable disease, in no way becomes an obstacle to the soul. The physical body dies, but the soul and spiritual powers are preserved:

“... if we learn more and more that partings [at the time of death] are only passing through the rooms of the abode of God, then we will begin - in these partings, in these experiences - to realize what is meant by which has always been and will be the law: "The Lord our God is the One Lord." And you must be one - one with each other, one with Him, for you are flow particles the life of your Savior!" (1391-1)

At the moment of death, the soul is given the opportunity to free itself from its earthly bonds and the material dimension of consciousness and go to the light for further growth and development. For some souls, this possibility is not obvious: if a person spent his entire earthly life in pursuit of material values ​​​​and did not strive for spiritual development, then his soul will remain so absorbed in the previous earthly activities that it can continue to hover near his home or close to friends, household members and acquaintances whom a person knew during his lifetime, or try to participate in the affairs of living people.

The freedom of the soul continues after death. Each soul is responsible for its position both here and in the other world. The soul, both in this world and in the next, abides wherever its desires lead it. The less the desires and intentions we cultivate are focused on the material and the more they are focused on the spiritual, the higher the consciousness to which we will gravitate after death.

Father who committed suicide appears to his daughter

Susan's experience of receiving a rebuke from her father is reminiscent of an incident in the readings of Edgar Cayce. One woman sought answers to questions regarding post-mortem contact with her late husband:

(Q) Will I continue to communicate with my deceased spouse?

(Oh) If there is a desire, then he will continue to wait ... Do you want to return him to these restless energies or do you want to pour out your soul to him so that he is happy? What is your desire: to satisfy yourself with fellowship, or to continue to retain it and thereby delay [its development]? ... Hand it over into the hands of the One who is the Resurrection! Then Prepare Yourself for the Same (1786-2)

After Susan realized that her desire to communicate with her dead father interfered with the continuation of his spiritual development, she was able to let him go. She knew for sure that she had made contact with him. Subsequently, she only contacted him when she felt very lonely and needed his advice, just as she had turned to him for advice when he was alive.

Later, Susan developed a very positive contact with her father, just as her granddaughter was born. Susan was very happy about the birth of her granddaughter and wanted her father to be alive and see baby Chrissy. Shortly after Chrissie was born, Susan had a conscious physical sensation that her father was with her.

“I didn’t hear him so much as I felt him talking to me,” Susan said, “but I clearly understood what he was telling me. He said of Chrissy: "I knew her here before she came to you!" He was very pleased and, apparently, even surprised that I thought he did not know Chrissy. He told me that he knew Chrissy already there, in the other world.

Edgar Cayce often said that death in the physical world is birth in the spiritual worlds, and vice versa. We should take Susan's account of her interactions with her father as evidence that our loved ones continue to be aware of many aspects of our lives even after they die.

A gift from the "other world" for the granddaughter

Edgar Cayce described a similar encounter with his dead mother. During a period of great financial hardship, Edgar Cayce had an appearance from his late mother who materialized a silver coin:

“I had a lot of experiences, and I, of course, believe in materialization, but not in order to receive any instructions, but to have this or that confirmation. In March 1934, my mother came to me and spoke to me, although I was at that time in a pasture in New Mexico. And she materialized a silver dollar to assure me that I should not worry about money, but I should believe in God, live right, and then the money that I need will come to me. I took it as a reassurance, and so it turned out ... "Reports, (294-161).

Scientist investigates the ghosts of the dead

Many years after Dr. Raymond Moody did his extensive research on near-death experiences, he began to study the phenomenon of the appearance of dead loved ones to people.

“Many people come back from their near-death experiences transformed,” said Dr. Moody, “because they see their loved ones happy in the other world. In the same way, visions of meetings with their deceased loved ones help people.

Dr. Moody said that in recent years the question of communication between the dead and the living has begun to be explored in specialist medical journals. “There were articles that clearly stated that a very large percentage of people experiencing loss, for a certain period of time, feel close to the dead and really communicate with them. In fact, several medical studies have claimed that nearly sixty percent of widows have this experience. Widows make up the largest bereavement group. We also know that people who have lost siblings, parents, and children experience similar experiences.”

Dr. Moody's research on near-death experiences sparked a great deal of debate among his medical colleagues in the 1970s. He was heavily criticized when he announced that he was going to systematically study communication with the dead in a controlled situation. Unwavering in his intentions, Dr. Moody began his pioneering research and came to amazing results:

“A number of things have opened up to me. One of them is simply the recognition that communication with the dead is a fairly common phenomenon. And if this phenomenon is indeed widespread, then there is reason to believe that the probability of getting these experiences in some controlled situation is very high. Since encounters with the dead are a very common part of near-death experiences (NDE), it seems to me that if I knew how to arrange a meeting with a ghost in a controlled situation, I would have an additional way to study near-death experiences. The vision of deceased loved ones produces a colossal therapeutic effect. Encounters with deceased relatives are one of the elements of near-death experiences that make these experiences less frightening and traumatic. Many people return transformed by their NDE because they see their loved ones happy in the afterlife. Visions of meetings with deceased loved ones help the living in the same way. They alleviate fear and grief. People usually don't get scared when they see the ghosts of the dead. This experience brings them considerable comfort. This prompted me to do further research.”

To conduct this research, Dr. Moody created the so-called "Mind Theater", that is, a place where people could experience visionary encounters with deceased loved ones. The ancient Greeks had institutions called "psychomaniacs" where people came to interact with the souls of the dead. They summoned ghosts using reflections or mirrors. After researching this ancient tradition, Dr. Moody began to create his own version of the "psychomanteum" in Anniston, Alabama:

“I found an old mill built in 1839. She was standing on a creek that ran through a very old agricultural area of ​​Alabama. I wanted people to be able to do it in a place that brings back fond memories. I had a feeling that if this experiment succeeded, it would arouse very, very strong emotions in these people. I designed this place so that people don't have a sense of time. I furnished it with antique furniture and created an environment that makes you feel like you are moving back in time.”

Dr. Moody created the "ghost room": it was a room with black velvet curtains. On the wall, at such a height that a person could not see his own reflection, hung a very tall Victorian mirror. On the floor stood an easy chair with sawn-off legs. The walls were also covered with velvet, and thus the space in which the person was placed, except for the surface reflected in the mirror, was a completely black cocoon. Behind the man, Dr. Moody placed a lamp of dim incandescence, giving a very diffused light. Since the only source of light in this darkened room was behind the man's back, this light was not reflected in the mirror.

“I ask people to just relax and then sit and wait,” said Dr. Moody. - I ask them not to worry about the time and assure them that in half an hour I will look at them. But I also tell them that they can be here as long as they want. After that, they leave, and we start a processing session, during which we discuss what happened.”

Before the participant enters the ghost room, Dr. Moody spends a lot of time talking, during which he discusses with people the reasons that led them to meet with deceased loved ones. At the beginning of his studies, he carefully selected participants and invited only specialists, priests, doctors, nurses, and so on, as well as those who did not have any prejudices about this experience. In other words, he selected those who could perceive without prejudice everything that happened. The results surprised even Dr. Moody himself. Participants had far more experiences with the dead than he had originally thought:

“This study really amazed me. When I first began expounding these ideas, I made certain assumptions about what my results would be. All of these assumptions turned out to be absolutely wrong! I assumed that one in ten people participating in this experiment would see their deceased loved one. I thought this assumption was quite reasonable. In addition, I believed that if they saw anyone in this mirror, then it would be exactly the person they wanted to see. I also expected the experience to be entirely visual, and that everyone who had the experience would claim to have had a "vision." It never occurred to me that there would be any communication between the deceased and the person in the room. In addition, I believed that the people I chose for this experiment would approach their experience purely speculatively.

The striking aspect of this study was the fact that the results exceeded all of Dr. Moody's expectations. Not one in ten had a visual encounter at all—fifty percent of the twenty-seven participants who initially went through the psychomanteum experience had an encounter with a deceased loved one.

“Participants didn't necessarily see the person they chose to see,” added Dr. Moody. - A man came to us, and we were preparing all day for him to meet his father. Nevertheless, in the evening, his deceased business partner appeared to him! One woman, a lawyer by profession, was preparing to meet her husband, but, as a result, she saw her father.”

Another intriguing fact about Dr. Moody's research is that these experiences went far beyond seeing ghosts. Participants not only saw the ghosts of deceased loved ones, but also talked to them, and in some cases, these ghosts even came out of the mirror into the room in which the participants were sitting.

“In many cases,” said Dr. Moody, “people had very difficult long conversations with the dead. In many cases, the ghosts of the dead actually came out of the mirror and appeared in the room to talk to a loved one. One woman said that her grandfather actually hugged her and wiped away her tears. It was amazing!”

Participants who had experiences with deceased loved ones experienced profound changes as a result of this experience. They realized the reality of this experience, they realized that they were communicating with their loved ones, and that their deceased loved ones were in every way no more "dead" than themselves. The goal of Dr. Moody's research was not only to satisfy curiosity about this phenomenon, but also to help people alleviate their grief and sense of loss. In most cases, when our loved ones and friends die, there is a real feeling of "unfinished business". Many of us yearn to be able to say goodbye to them and also to remind them one more time that they love them. Dr. Moody went to the painstaking job of documenting all of his research in order to put it on a scientific basis, even though his main goal was to help people understand that there is no death.

Dr. Moody himself had a very deep experience after the session in the "Psychomanteum". His own grandmother appeared to him, and they had a detailed conversation:

“I was ready to see my maternal grandmother. But the truly amazing experience came later, and it involved my paternal grandmother, who died a few years ago. She appeared to me as real as any of us in this room. We had a long and detailed conversation. There was not the slightest doubt in my mind about this. I should add that those who have experienced this, including myself, tell me that the image of a dead person is not at all ghostly. The deceased, like you and me, had an image that had a three-dimensional dimension. I tried to hug my grandmother, but she motioned for me to step back. In all other respects our communication was verbal. We talked about things that happened when I was little that only she knows about. My grandmother even called me by the nickname she herself once gave me. I didn’t even remember this nickname since childhood! It was an impressive experience. The same was true for most people. People who have had visions of such encounters say that these encounters had a profound impact on their lives. I can confirm it."

Further details of Dr. Moody's pioneering research were published in the book Reunions - Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones("Reunion. Visionary meetings with deceased loved ones"). One of the more impressive cases documented by Moody was when a woman came to Moody to talk to her son, who had died of a terminal form of cancer:

“This woman missed her son terribly... She came to the psychomanteum hoping to see him again, just to see if his suffering had passed. We prepared all day for this meeting, and then I asked her to go to the ghost meeting room. She was very satisfied with the experience. She saw several "memorable visions", vivid pictures of her childhood. She also reported a strong feeling that her son was with her in this cabin. “He was sitting next to me,” she said when she came out. “We sat there together and reviewed the events of our lives together.”

A few days later, she called me and told me something incredible.

A few days after visiting my clinic, she woke up from a deep sleep. She not only woke up, but felt "hyper-awakened", that is, more awake than usual, and saw that her son was in the room. She lifted herself up in bed to look at him and saw that the devastating effects of the cancer had disappeared. Now he looked energetic and happy, as he was before his illness... She got up, turned to her son and began to talk to him... They talked about many things... Finally, it dawned on her what was happening. She was talking to the ghost of her son. “I couldn't believe it was him,” she told me. “I asked him if I could touch him.” Immediately the ghost of her son, without a moment's hesitation, stepped forward and embraced her. Then, as the woman said, he lifted her off the ground and lifted her over her head.

“What happened was so real, as if he was actually standing next to me,” this woman told me. "Now I feel like I can disconnect from my son's death and get on with my life."

The appearance of the dead, whether in dreams, in visions, or through awareness of their invisible but tangible presence, confirms that the complex matrix of interpersonal relationships that we form during life continues to grow and develop after death, just as if these relationships continued here on earth. In addition, according to the readings of Edgar Cayce, we can be useful to our loved ones even after their death, and they can appear to us in dreams, visions and meditations:

“Be sincere towards yourself and other external influences. Then even disembodied entities, with the help of which and through which you can receive a lot, will be sincere with you. Sincerity will lead away from you those who can interfere with you: do not use them and do not insult them. Know that these [entities] come to you for help, not to help you. Help them! That is why we are advised to pray for the dead. Pray for the dead, for they only sleep - as the Lord bequeathed to us. And when we are able to tune in to them, we can help them. Although we cannot bring them back to life as the Son did, we can show the way. For this is the only way. And also to point out that salvation is in Him, who is the way, the truth and the Light. (5657-1)

Personal interview with Robert J. Grant, April 1995

Alias. Susan is a 45 year old landscape designer based in Virginia.

Personal interview with Robert J. Grant, May 1998

Alias. Heather is a 34 year old housewife living in Virginia.

Personal interview with Robert J. Grant, November 1998

Moody, R., interview

Do you really want to talk to a loved one who has died, or learn more about an ancient ancestor? Perhaps you want to communicate with a spirit that seems to be living in your home? People have been talking to the dead for thousands of years using a variety of methods. Read on to find out how to contact invisible spirits on your own or with outside sources.


Part 1

Direct conversation with the dead

    Shift your focus to sharpen your sixth sense. If simply focusing on the image of a deceased loved one is not enough to create a connection, you can try a more structured method of shifting your attention to the higher world.

    • Be fully aware of yourself in the present moment. Mark your location, time and feelings. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to return to the feeling of yourself later.
    • Gradually bring your senses into "soft focus", a state in which you are less aware of the physical details around you.
    • As your physical consciousness drops, focus on the energy in the room. Do not look for it, but only open yourself to the forces present in the room. If you feel someone's presence, try asking questions. Keep in mind that the responses you receive can be not only verbal, but also in the form of images or emotions.
  1. Try to talk with the power of thought. Some paranormal experts believe that the ability to speak to the dead is not limited to professional mediums, but that this ability lies within any of us who can heighten our spiritual awareness. It will take time and practice before you can contact a deceased loved one, but according to this theory, it is still possible.

    Ask for answers to simple questions. This technique is not as useful for contacting a deceased loved one, but it is a common practice that paranormal researchers use when trying to contact spirits in places where they (possibly) reside. Go to the room where paranormal activity is observed. Ask one-word yes/no questions, and ask for a specific method of answering. The two most common response methods are tapping and using a flashlight.

    Part 2

    Third Party Help
    1. Work with a medium. Mediums are well versed in contacts with the souls of the dead. The medium can usually be contacted by searching the Internet or the phone book. If you wish to speak with a deceased loved one, the medium may ask to meet at your home or ask you to come to their place of work.

      • If you want a medium to speak to a spirit you think is in your home, then the medium will have to come to your home. Not every medium will agree to perform this service, but most of them will perform the previous one.
      • Be careful with the medium you choose. Even those who are not skeptical about the practice of communicating with the dead are ready to admit that not all mediums are professionals. As in all other areas, there are scammers among them. Find out more about the medium before making an appointment with him, and try to make sure that he is not a scammer. When meeting with a medium, pay attention to whether he leads you astray with questions and whether he forces you to answer as he wants.
    2. Try FEG or EMP technology. EEG, or the phenomenon of electronic voice, occurs when a voice that is inaudible to the naked ear of a person is recorded on a digital recording. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, can only be captured with an electromagnetic pulse meter. To try these options, you need to go to a room where there is a high spiritual energy and ask questions there.

      Have a séance. A séance is a gathering of people who communicate with the dead using their collective energy. To conduct such a session, you will need at least three people who are open to such an experience. This practice can be used to communicate with deceased loved ones or contact wandering spirits.

      • Create the necessary atmosphere - dim the lights and light candles. Use three candles or a multiple of three candles. You can even burn incense.
      • Participants should stand around the table, holding candles in their hands to form a circle. Chant the words, calling to the spirits.
      • Alternatively, you can also try summoning spirits using a Ouija board.
      • Wait for a response, repeating the scan if necessary.
      • Once you've established a connection, feel free to ask your questions.
      • To interrupt a séance, break the circle and light candles.

    Part 3

    Prayer and other practices
    1. Pray. Not all religions have practices that can be used to pray to or for the dead. But some do have them. There are two forms of such prayers.

      • At the first time, you pray for peace and joy to a deceased loved one in the afterlife, and do not specifically address him. But know that he hears your prayers.
      • In the second, you pray to a deceased loved one. You do not ask the spirit for salvation, but ask your loved one to take care or pray for you from the other side. Some believe that, as part of the spiritual realm, the spirit of a person whose faith was strong in life will be able to make a stronger request or prayer for you to a deity from another world.
    2. Gaze into the mirror. Some use the mirror method to talk to deceased loved ones. It is similar to the mind contact method, but in this practice you use a mirror to establish a clearer connection.

      • Calm your thoughts. Go to a quiet room where no one will disturb you and stand in front of a mirror. Close your eyes and rid yourself of anxiety, intense emotions and incoherent thoughts.
      • Focus your thoughts on the person you want to talk to. Create an image of this person in your mind. Make the image as clear as possible until you can practically see the features of the deceased person.
      • Slowly open your eyes and look in the mirror. Imagine an image from your mind appearing in a mirror. Even if the image is blurry or superimposed on your own reflection, you will be able to see the image of the deceased loved one in the mirror.
      • Ask your questions. Don't force answers, but be open to them. Also remember that responses may come in the form of emotions or images rather than words.
    3. Contact the deceased through a personal item. Some believe that items that belonged to the deceased person may still be associated with their spirit. A personal item can give you the energy to summon the spirit of that person and the opportunity to communicate with him. If you want to talk to a deceased loved one, find a piece of clothing, a book, or a friend's personal item that the person used. Bring it with you to the place where the person lived. Hold the subject and try to start a conversation.

      Talk without asking for an answer. If you are hesitant or skeptical about talking to a deceased loved one through paranormal or supernatural means, you can always talk to the dead without waiting for a response. For those who believe in the existence of spirits: it is also widely believed that these spirits can observe living loved ones. You can talk to a deceased loved one anywhere, or you can choose one that has special meaning, such as a grave, or a place where you experienced something important together. Tell the person everything that is on your mind. You can ask questions, but since you're not looking for answers, you don't have to limit the number of questions.

    • You must be extremely be careful when trying to contact the dead, especially if you are still grieving, as you are more vulnerable to evil spirits that way. There are bad or evil spirits - if you even faintly believe in communication with the dead, believe in it. They can take possession of you for a short time in such a way that you do not even notice it. Believe it... be careful and just in case, don't get behind the wheel and don't pick up a weapon right after talking with the deceased!
    • Combine skepticism with an open mind. For one of the above practices to work, you need to open your mind to the experience. At the same time, it's easy to get carried away and fake answers if you're desperate for the practice to work.
    • Talk to the deceased person in a dream. Ask a question to the deceased before going to bed. If you really want an answer, chances are you will get it in a dream. However, this does not always work.
    • Ask yourself why you want to talk to the deceased person. If the reason for this is only passing curiosity, you should reconsider. This is not a matter to be taken lightly, and should only be considered if the connection really needs to be established.
    • Ask yourself if you feel that the way you have chosen to communicate with the dead is correct. Some religions forbid conversations with the dead, and there are good reasons for this. Ask yourself if your own belief system, personal or organizational, allows you to make contact with the deceased.
    • If you have any items that belonged to the person whose spirit you want to contact, or items that were given to you at his/her funeral, try holding them in your hands when trying to talk to the spirit.
    • You may not be able to contact a dead person exactly as described in the article, but this does not mean that you are not being watched from above. Mediums have been practicing for years, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.
    • Engage music. Pick a song that makes sense to you, listen to it, imagine being enveloped in a mist of a color that suits you best, and imagine that the spirit of the person you want to talk to is standing in front of you. Talk a little or just be silent in his presence. Do this regularly until you make progress. Always use the same setting. In the end, you will learn how to call spirits just by the sound of music. Most often this works when it comes to a recently deceased person.