Metronidazole for thrush in women dosage. Treatment of thrush with metronidazole in men and women. Frequent adverse reactions

As the instructions for use indicate, it is an antibacterial drug with a wide therapeutic effect. The general mechanism of its action is directed against dangerous microorganisms. The drug violates their DNA structure, due to which many diseases can be treated with this remedy.

Metronidazole has two forms of release, which can be used to treat thrush in women and other diseases:

  • Tablets
  • Gel.

You can take pills when diagnosing such diseases:

  • Vaginitis
  • Thrush
  • Giardiasis
  • Gastritis (chronic form)
  • Urethritis
  • Dysentery
  • Peritonitis
  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Gastric ulcer.

Gel can treat such diseases and conditions:

  • pink eel
  • Against skin infections
  • Against Burns
  • Pelvic abscess
  • Trophic ulcer due to the development of diabetes mellitus
  • Phlebeurysm.

After treatment with Metronidazole (tablets), a person may develop the following side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Malaise
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Candidiasis
  • Headache
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Metal taste in mouth
  • Pancreatitis
  • convulsions
  • Depression
  • Ataxia.

After treatment with Metronidazole gel, a person may experience a skin rash, burning sensation and pain.

Contraindications and features of admission

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Pregnancy
  • breastfeeding period
  • Disorders in the work of the central nervous system.

Also Metronidazole should not be taken during menstruation.

During treatment with this medicine, you should be aware that:

  • Urine may turn brown or red
  • Do not take any alcoholic beverages
  • When treating vaginitis, you need to refrain from sexual contact. In this case, both partners should be treated.

If dizziness or other disturbances in the central nervous system occur, the drug should be discontinued.

metronidazole and thrush

Thrush is a disease of the reproductive system, which is diagnosed most often in women.

The causes of thrush are usually:

  • Hormonal disorders in women
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking contraceptive drugs
  • Various pathologies of the thyroid gland
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased immunity.

You can identify thrush by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • White thick vaginal discharge
  • Unpleasant odor in discharge
  • Burning and discomfort during sexual contact
  • Pain while urinating
  • Itching in the genitals.

Features of treatment

Metronidazole can be taken with thrush, but it helps only in combination therapy with other drugs. Self-treatment of this disease with Metronidazole will be ineffective.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to take this drug in the form of tablets. The dosage depends on the complexity and neglect of the disease, so it is selected for each patient individually. To enhance the effect on thrush, many doctors recommend additional use of vaginal suppositories.

If properly treated, this disease will not recur for quite a long time. At the same time, a woman should take care of herself as much as possible and carefully observe the hygiene of the genital organs.

When diagnosing mild thrush in women, drinking Metronidazole tablets alone will be pointless, since they will not be able to completely suppress the activity of the fungus in the body, which will provoke the resumption of the disease (relapse).

In order to eliminate the mild form of thrush once and for all, it must be treated comprehensively and always in case of acute inflammation (during the period when the disease manifests itself to the maximum).

The traditional course of treatment for thrush involves taking antibiotics and various antifungal medicines. With an increase in temperature (may develop when a woman's genitals are additionally inflamed), a specialist may prescribe antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What can Metronidazole be combined with

With chronic thrush, drugs such as Metrogyl and Trichopol help well. They can be combined with Meronidazaol, since in conscientious treatment they enhance each other's action.

Metrogil can be used against an advanced form of candidiasis, but it will not cure acute thrush. Also, experts recommend treating them with fungal and infectious diseases of the reproductive system in mixed women.

Metrogil should not be used during menstruation, especially in the form of vaginal suppositories.

As for Trichopolum, they can treat thrush, lambiosis and infections that were introduced after operations. These tablets effectively eliminate thrush in women, especially when combined with Metronidazole.

It should also be remembered that the “fight” against thrush should be long (at least two to three weeks), otherwise the course of treatment will be incomplete and after a few months the disease will again make itself felt.

Often, urogenital candidiasis in women is associated, that is, with the addition or on the background of a bacterial infection, which is sometimes difficult to treat. An important point is the selection of an adequate and suitable drug. therefore, this article will discuss how to take Metronidazole for thrush and when it is not recommended to do so.

Metronidazole is a drug that has not only an antimicrobial, but also a protozoal effect. At the same time, it has a bactericidal and antiulcer effect.

Metronidazole for candidiasis is used only in its two dosage forms - in suppositories and tablets. The latter are round in shape and greenish-yellow in color, with a bitter taste. Available in standard blister packs of 10 or 20 pieces. Dose of the active substance: the tablet may contain 500 and 250 mg. Auxiliary components are represented by starch, acetylacetic acid and steatite.

  • Antiulcer.
  • The mechanism of action is based on the biotransformation of the active substance and the restoration of its 5-nitro group under the influence of transport proteins of protozoa and bacteria. Reduced metronidazole affects the DNA of the pathogen cell, blocking the synthesis of nucleic acids in it. As a result, the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

    For the treatment of acute or chronic genital candidiasis Metronidazole tablets are prescribed 250 mg twice a day for 10 days. Non-specific vaginitis involves the use of 500 mg tablets, which are drunk once a day or divided into 2 times, also for at least 10 days.

    Candles Metronidazole with thrush is introduced into the vagina 1 piece (500 mg) in the morning and at night before bedtime. The course of treatment should not exceed 5-10 days. Or you can use suppositories once at a dose of 2 grams.

    Side effects and contraindications

  • CNS lesions of an organic nature (tumors, degenerative diseases, epilepsy, etc.).
  • Early pregnancy.
  • Decreased white blood cell count (leukopenia), even in history.
  • While taking the tablets, patients may develop some adverse reactions. Most often, these are dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, thinning and frequent stools), weakness, headaches, insomnia, dizziness. In some cases, seizures, hallucinations and confusion may occur. Also, a woman may complain of pain in the joints and burning in the region of the external opening of the urethra. Somewhat less common are allergic reactions to the drug and symptoms of dysuria.

    How to use?

    If metronidazole tablets for thrush are prescribed as a treatment, then they should be taken at the indicated dosage during or immediately after a meal. Do not chew, but drink plenty of clean water. It is desirable that the use of the drug is carried out at the same time of day.

    Many patients ask themselves: is it possible to cure thrush with suppositories or Metronidazole tablets? In fact, this is not a specific antifungal drug, but an effective combined remedy that is prescribed both in isolation (for the treatment of bacterial or protozoal infections) and as part of complex therapy.

    Also, prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to severe vaginal dysbiosis, which will only aggravate the course of candidiasis and complicate its treatment. Recall that Metronidazole will help against thrush only if, as a result of bacteriological seeding of pathological materials, cultures of fungi and pathogenic bacteria in the diagnostic titer are isolated from the vagina.

    Reviews of women about the use of Metronidazole

    Barbara, 29 years old: the doctor prescribed me the treatment of thrush with Metronidazole, since the bacteria were also sown. I took pills for 2 weeks together with antifungal suppositories and I was pleased with the result, since the results on the second smear were satisfactory.

    Valentina, 27 years old: after I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis and thrush at the same time, the doctor prescribed Metronidazole in tablets and suppositories together. I went through treatment and everything went back to normal. I am very glad that I used this product.

    Metronidazole - an assistant in the treatment of thrush

    There are different opinions about the treatment of thrush with Metronidazole, both gynecologists and their patients. Reviews about this drug have widely spread around the “Internet spaces” and each of them misleads a woman. Some believe that Metronidazole is an effective tablet against thrush. others note that their treatment did not bring the expected results. Why are the reviews of women treated with this drug so “diverse” and will it help get rid of candidiasis once and for all?

    metronidazole and thrush

    Metronidazole is an antibacterial drug that is intended for the treatment of various infectious diseases of the genital tract (specific vaginitis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis, and others). Often, doctors prescribe a drug for the treatment of duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers.

    Despite the fact that Metronidazole is an anti-infectious, antibacterial agent, when taken on its own, it does not have the proper effect on Candida fungi.

    This is the very first aspect of the fact that reviews of Metronidazole are ambiguous. But sometimes thrush "grows" into other, more complex forms of the disease, which leads to other infectious diseases of the genital tract. Then Metronidazole "demonstrates" its ability to act on infectious diseases of a mixed type.

    Metronidazole tablets are a preparation that contains nitroimidazole substances. Its action is based on the biochemical restoration of the nitro group through the intracellular transport protein of anaerobic microbes and other cells of pathogens. Thus, this nitro group acts on the DNA of microorganisms and inhibits their synthesis, which leads to the destruction of the bacterium.

    Tablets are active against many venereal infections, their pathogens, as well as against some strains of fungi. Metronidazole is not sensitive to Candida albicans or Candida tropicalis, which are provocateurs of candidiasis. The drug becomes effective only when taken in the presence of Candida quillermondii, pseudotropicalis, lusitaniae and other modified species Candida .

    In order to determine what kind of fungi "progress" in your body, it is necessary to undergo clinical diagnostics without fail.

    Comprehensive treatment of complex forms of thrush

    Metronidazole helps to treat the aggravated form of thrush, and this is a fact. But taking Metronidazole tablets alone is not enough for complex treatment. Therapy should include a course of antibiotics, as well as the use of intravaginal suppositories. It is worth noting that more than one Metronidazole treats complications of candidiasis. Trichopol copes with such a “task” perfectly.

    These tablets are also antibiotics, but their peculiarity is that Metronidazole is included in the composition. Thus, the spectrum of action of the drug "Trichopol" is much wider, so it can simultaneously treat "crossed" infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract.

    Based on the information from the instructions, Trichopol is indicated for the treatment of many infectious diseases, including amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, and even surgically introduced infections. The list of diseases that he treats can be continued for a long time, but Trichopolum is widely used in gynecological practice, not only because of its "wonderful" antibacterial properties.

    Often it is prescribed to women before surgery on the genitals to prevent infection. Prevention with the drug is prescribed by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient, as it has a number of contraindications.

    Trichopol is contraindicated for women who have a physiological tendency to intolerance to the metronidazole component, pregnant women (first trimester) and lactation.

    Trichopolum is also contraindicated in children under 14 years of age, so prevention for them at this age is not possible, even if necessary.

    Often women are confused in the names Trichopolum and Metronidazole, believing that this is the same drug. In fact, these are different pills, but their action is really very similar.

    It is believed that Metronidazole is the name used by foreign countries, because on the Trichopol package you can see the same concept in small letters - Metronidazole. As already noted, Trichopol includes the active ingredient metronidazole, therefore, if you have been prescribed Trichopol by a gynecologist, then you should buy and take it.

    The chronic form of candidiasis can sometimes cause acute symptoms that are close to unbearable. In order to get rid of them and facilitate the process of thrush as a whole, it is necessary to use topical preparations: suppositories or gel. Candles and gel are fairly common forms of drugs in gynecological practice.

    With aggravated candidiasis, a drug such as Metrogyl can be used for local treatment. You can find it on the shelves of pharmacies in two forms: Metrogyl-gel, as well as Metrogyl suppositories (vaginal tablets). The composition of this drug also includes the active ingredient metronidazole, the action of which was previously discussed. By and large, Metrogil is ineffective in acute thrush, but is recommended by experts for use in the presence of fungal and infectious diseases of a mixed type.

    Metrogil gel is more often used for external use on the surface of the external genital organs. This allows you to direct its action against Candida fungi that enter the outside along with vaginal secretions. The substance prevents the process of irritation of intimate places and "relieves" unpleasant symptoms (burning of the external labia).

    While the gel relieves swelling and regulates the inflammatory processes of the external genital organs, Metrogyl suppositories are able to treat a aggravated fungal infection “from the inside”.

    The drug is active against adnexitis and salpingo-oophoritis, which are possible when the appendages are affected by Candida fungi. In addition, suppositories heal multiple sores during cervical erosion, and relieve swelling of the inflamed genital canals.

    Metrogyl does not allow other infections to enter the urogenital canal, which contributes to the prevention of a disease such as cystitis. Due to the penetration of the active substance deep into the female genital tract, suppositories are contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy.

    A potent antibiotic can enter the uterus, where it can harm the developing fetus. In the presence of hypersensitivity to metronidazole, the treatment of candidiasis with this drug is impossible, as this can cause allergic reactions on the mucous walls of the vagina and aggravate the situation.

    In chronic aggravated candidiasis, the course of treatment with the described antibiotics is possible only according to the instructions of the gynecologist. It must be remembered that not a single drug, which includes the metronidazole component, is intended for the direct fight against Candida fungi. Only a specialist can determine the advisability of taking these antibiotics, having previously examined the patient. On the contrary, self-medication can only exacerbate the symptoms.

    Metronidazole for thrush dosage

    This will also have a positive effect on the child that is born.

    Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Fluconazole, Futsis, Pimafucin, Baneocin with balanoposthitis

    His immunity is still very weak, cannot resist microorganisms, and the antibacterial properties of candles will help protect the child from exposure to bacteria and microbes. When taking any medication, side effects can occur. This is due to the response of the body, with its condition and ability to resist infection.

    Therefore, after treatment with Klion D suppositories, women respond differently to this drug.

    According to women who took Klion D suppositories for infectious diseases, the effect came soon after the start of treatment. The medicine did not bring any discomfort. The symptoms of the disease gradually disappeared, and normal health returned. At the end of the course of treatment with Klion D suppositories, the women were re-tested and the result pleased them with their positive data.

    There was a normal state of health, discomfort in the genitourinary system disappeared, and the symptoms of infectious thrush did not recur for a long time. This medicine is relatively inexpensive and any woman who requires appropriate treatment can take his thrush.

    Some women convinced that using vaginal tablets is very inconvenient and uncomfortable. Sometimes, according to the dosage, allergic reactions were manifested: The consequences, most likely, depended on the health of the woman who took them, on the state of her sexual sphere. According to the comments of the treated women, pinkish discharge appeared after the use of suppositories. This alarmed them, and patients stopped their treatment without consulting a doctor.

    In some cases, during treatment with candles Metronidazole for thrush dosage D women took milk milk while at a party or at a party. They suddenly became dizzy, nauseous and vomiting. As it became known later, alcohol and metronidazole, which is part of the drug, are absolutely incompatible between them. With thrush, it is possible to use Klion D suppositories.

    The treatment has a positive effect and eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms of metronidazole with thrush dosage of the disease. The medicine gives a good result after a few days, the thrush started metronidazole with the drug.

    The symptoms of thrush disappeared for a long time, and normal health returned. There was an improvement, the itching passed, the burning sensation stopped. Often pregnant women suffer from vaginal candidiasis.

    But doctors do not recommend treatment with this drug in the early stages of pregnancy, as it can have an undesirable effect on the development of the embryo. But if thrush poses a threat to a woman and her fetus with a growing infection, then doctors may decide in favor of treatment with mmetronidazole.

    Before starting treatment with Klion D, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. Although there are many positive reviews about this drug, each individual organism reacts to the active substances of this drug in different ways.

    After weighing all the pros and cons, the decision to prescribe the medicine should be made by the doctor. Such suppositories were prescribed to me by a doctor for infection and thrush, I liked their effect, the result did not have to wait long, the next day the itching and discomfort disappeared.

    In general, Metronidazole is always in my first aid kit, I like the wide range of its action, which haircut is better, but it does not save from thrush.

    It remains only unclear how you can use candles during menstruation, will there be any effect from them at all? Klion is one of the most common drugs. If, for some reason, the patient metronidazole with thrush, the dosage is able to take the prescribed medication, its substitute is selected.

    General information about the pharmacological agent

    Analogues of the drug can setronidazole perfect and indirect - this is reported by doctors. In the first case, we are talking about products based on the same active ingredient - metronidazole.

    These are drugs with trade names: All these drugs have different composition and active substances. But their method of application and the principle of operation is the same. Reviews of doctors say that the drug belongs to antibiotics. The use of any antimicrobial agents in the first third of pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the child in the future.

    Therefore, any therapy that requires an antibiotic is tried to be postponed until the onset of the second trimester. In metronidazole for thrush, the dosage for the use of the drug says that it is contraindicated before 14 weeks of pregnancy. Later, the drug is used with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The gynecologist must weigh all the pros and cons of such therapy. If the expected benefit is higher than the risks for the child, then suppositories are prescribed for use.

    Reviews of women say that the drug in the form of suppositories is injected exclusively into the vagina. Other use of this form of funds is unacceptable. The daily dose is a milligram of metronidazole. For pregnant women, it is advisable to reduce the dose of the drug to milligrams. With bacvaginosis, the medicine is prescribed in milligrams twice a day. If desired, the daily dose of mg can be administered once at bedtime.

    Such treatment involves the additional oral use of antibacterial agents.

    Tinidazole - instructions, application, analogues, reviews

    The duration of the use of suppositories is from 5 to 14 days. The drug must be used at the indicated dosing time. Despite the fact that the remedy has this form, it is an antibiotic. If you stop using the drug on the 3rd or 4th day of therapy, then the microorganisms will develop resistance to this active ingredient in your case, metronidazole. In the future, this medicine will no longer be effective. Analogues based on this component will be just as useless.

    Even with a significant improvement in the condition, it is imperative that metronidazole for thrush dosage treatment to the end point. Use suppositories for as long as indicated by the doctor and not a day less.

    Forms of release and composition of the medicinal product

    They are usually based on the manifestation of adverse reactions. These are always described in the annotation. Some unpleasant symptoms are the reason for discontinuation of the medication. But this decision is made by the doctor.

    Remember what was said above. Early cessation of therapy leads to the emergence of microbial resistance. Among the side effects is a violation of the digestive system: Negative reactions reported by patients: Some women developed candidiasis after emtronidazole. Less commonly, people complain of dry mouth, a change in taste sensations.

    Reviews of doctors say that suppositories dissolve almost instantly.

    "Metronidazole" (candles)

    Most of the active substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation and is determined in the liver. Then the component starts its work. He is metronidazole for thrush dosage reproduction of colonies metronidazole for thrush dosage. The drug contributes to the death of already existing microorganisms.

    The drug is excreted by the kidneys and through the intestines. Despite this, the liver is involved in its distribution. After a few days of regular use, a woman should feel herself. The main signs of pathology disappear for a day. However, this is not a reason to stop treatment. In combination with other drugs, the effect of the use of metronidazole may increase. The drug is used to treat alcoholism.

    But more often other forms of the remedy are used. If this is not possible, then it is permissible to prescribe vaginal suppositories. From simultaneous use with alcoholic beverages, patients develop disulfiram-like reactions and an aversion to ethanol. Patients say that one of the advantages of the drug is its composition. In the annotation, what is the danger of an ovarian cyst and it is clearly indicated that the suppository contains an antibiotic and additional components that help shape the medicine.

    Extraneous unknown components in the medication.

    The low price of the drug is also important. You can buy one pack in the maximum dosage for only rubles. Whereas other similar drugs are much more expensive. The advantage of the tool is its effectiveness.

    Macmirror, Metronidazole, Clotrimazole, Tinidazole, Trichopolum, Genferon, Polygynax with gardnerellosis

    dosage In 80 percent of all cases, the drug is useful. Women say that after treatment, their discharge with an unpleasant odor disappeared, the fever, thrush, and general well-being improved.

    The effectiveness of metronidazole is confirmed by laboratory studies. Harmful microorganisms are no longer detected in the smear, the level of leukocytes returns to normal. Many women are prescribed multiple antibiotics at the same time.

    "Metronidazole" (candles): reviews and instructions

    This active ingredient is present in many trade names of drugs. The combination eliminates the resistance of microorganisms to metronidazole, which increases the likelihood of a complete recovery.

    There are women who speak about this remedy in an unflattering manner. The therapy was beneficial and saved the patients from the pathology.

    Tags: Metronidazole, with, thrush, dosage

    Metronidazole is an effective remedy for thrush

    Metronidazole is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that can be prescribed to women suffering from thrush. It has a powerful effect against pathogens of venereal diseases and some types of fungi. The sensitivity of Metronidazole to Candida fungi is limited to mutated strains - Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida lusitaniae and Candida quillermondii. It does not work on Candida albicans. This means that it is possible to treat thrush using this remedy only in advanced cases, then it will be effective.

    Metronidazole does not work on all strains of thrush

    When is metronidazole prescribed?

    The first thing a woman needs to do if disturbing symptoms are detected for quite a long time is to consult a gynecologist. Self-treatment in this case will be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. It is imperative to undergo clinical diagnostics, the results of which help determine which type of fungus the woman's body is affected by. In addition, even with severe forms of thrush, Metronidazole alone will not be enough, you need a whole range of narrowly targeted remedies in the form of various suppositories, gels, and also tablets against the pathogen - the fungus.

    Not all women go to the doctor with such a delicate problem, delaying the visit until the last, when the symptoms become completely unbearable and interfere with their usual lifestyle and work. All this time, thrush progresses, turning into more severe forms that contribute to further infection of the genital tract. It is much more difficult to fight against thrush in advanced cases, therefore, a complex treatment is prescribed, consisting of tablets, suppositories and gels.

    Treatment of women from thrush is possible not only with the help of Metronidazole, there is another drug - almost a complete analogue, effective against candidiasis - Trichopolum. The active ingredient is the same, in the same dosages, Trichopolum can differ only in auxiliary additives, the presence of which depends on the manufacturer. The difference is also possible in the cost of these drugs, sometimes differing significantly in favor of Metronidazole. Generics are almost always more expensive, and Trichopol belongs to them.

    Both Metronidazole and Trichopolum are indicated for use both against infections of the genital tract, and in severe conditions of peritonitis and sepsis, as well as abdominal abscesses. General diseases are also included in the spectrum of action of these tablets and suppositories - especially in postoperative periods. They are also applicable in oncology during treatment with radiation therapy.

    Trichopol is an analogue of Metronidazole

    Metronidazole suppositories

    Metronidazole vaginal suppositories for thrush are prescribed to women because this form of the drug is more effective and the frequency of side effects will be minimal. It should be noted that for each woman, the dosage and dosage regimen is selected by the doctor individually, candles are no exception. As a rule, this is 1 candle per night. It takes 10 days to treat thrush in this way.

    Immediately before use, the capsule must be moistened with water and inserted deep into the vagina to the length of a finger, lying on your back and bending your knees.

    Do not get up immediately, let the medicine dissolve and act for about 30 minutes. Wash hands with soap before and after the procedure.

    Metronidazole vaginal tablets

    Tablets are considered the most convenient and common dosage form, the treatment of which in most cases helps women cope with the disease. Vaginal tablets are almost as good as suppositories, but sometimes suppositories are still preferable for quick relief of symptoms. Both of these drugs are combined to speed up the process, but with strict adherence to the doctor's instructions for dosage.

    Metronidazole in the form of tablets and suppositories is very convenient to use.

    metronidazole orally

    The use of metronidazole in the form of tablets for oral administration is advisable in the case of concomitant diseases caused by infection. The general scheme of therapy: a single dose of 200 g 1-2 times a day one hour before meals or 2-2.5 hours after, no more than 7 days. It is better to drink the tablets with milk so as not to irritate the stomach. Tablets are not used against mild forms of thrush.

    Metronidazole injections

    Intravenous administration is required only for complicated forms of the disease, therefore it is rarely carried out and prescribed strictly individually. A single dose of 500 mg is infused 2 times a day by jet administration with an 8-hour interval. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor who treats the woman.

    Gel and swabs

    Treatment of thrush with the use of a gel is carried out in almost the same way as with the help of candles, but using an applicator. A small amount of gel is evenly distributed into the vagina once a day for 3-5 days in the acute period, 7-10 days in the chronic course.

    The tampon is made of sterile cotton wool, twisted in the form of a small, elongated roller, moistened in a solution of Metronidazole and wrapped with a bandage on top. A tampon is inserted lying on the back, shallowly into the vagina so that it can then be easily removed. You can repeat the procedure from 2 times a day and more often, according to an individual scheme.

    For impregnation of tampons, Metronidazole is used in the form of a solution.


    The conditions described in the instructions in which the drug should not be used, whether it be candles, tablets or gel, are as follows:

    • intolerance to the components of the drug, allergic reactions;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • leukopenia;
    • organic lesions of the central nervous system, including epilepsy;
    • a history of liver disease;
    • Crohn's disease.
    • In the case of these restrictions, another drug with a similar effect is selected to fight against thrush.

      Liver disease - a contraindication to the use of Metronidazole

      Side effects

      It should be remembered that Metronidazole should be used for thrush in compliance with the prescribed dosage, violation of this rule can lead to unpleasant side effects:

    • reactions from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, metallic taste in the mouth;
    • pain and pain in the bladder area;
    • headaches, irritability, insomnia;
    • skin reactions;
    • changes in the composition of the blood.
    • Every woman should have an idea of ​​what she can do in order to avoid fungal diseases in order to take timely measures against the appearance of thrush. The natural habitat of the pathogenic fungus Candida is the intestines, from where it enters the mucous membranes of the vagina. The protective barrier created by the normal intestinal microflora helps to prevent this.

      However, with reduced immunity, hormonal disruptions and antibiotics, there is a risk of developing candidiasis. Preventive measures against this are easy to do, and prevention is easier than cure.

      With a protracted cold, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes and immunomodulatory drugs, consume fermented milk products in sufficient quantities, avoid alcohol and tobacco - all this will be a good prevention not only of candidiasis, but also against the appearance of other health problems.

      Metronidazole - a drug for the treatment of thrush

      Thrush torments women; remedies have been developed against it, one of which is metronidazole. Metronidazole treats thrush as a non-specific agent.

      The effect depends on the type of pathogen: when weakened immunity provokes the reproduction of bacterial microflora, the drug fights against microorganisms. When a disease appears as a result of fungi, the effectiveness of the remedy decreases, which is reflected in the rate of recovery of patients.

      What is this drug?

      Vaginal suppositories with Metronidazole

      Metronidazole, getting into the body, has the following effects:

    • antibacterial;
    • antifungal;
    • antiprotozoal;
    • trichomonas;
    • antiulcer;
    • anti-alcohol.
    • Several types of pathogens can provoke thrush, metronidazole is a drug with a wide spectrum of action against anaerobic bacteria, fungi, some protozoa, therefore it is often an effective remedy in its treatment. Against aerobic bacteria, the drug is powerless. The active substance heals by disrupting the respiratory processes in the cells of microorganisms or by inhibiting DNA synthesis, causing cell death. It is characterized by good penetrating ability into human tissues and cells, therefore, treatment with a tablet form will lead to the spread of the substance throughout the patient's body, and the use of topical agents will reduce the likelihood of penetration into cells.

      Forms of metronidazole preparations

      A wide range of effects determines the use of the drug in diseases affecting various organ systems: from the digestive to the sexual. The drug can be used for candidiasis of the genital organs and oral cavity.

      The drug is available in the following forms:

    • vaginal suppositories;
    • tablets;
    • cream;
    • gel for external use;
    • vaginal gel;
    • injection.
    • With candidiasis of the genital organs in women, it is better to take vaginal suppositories to reduce the effect of the drug on the brain, through breast milk and the placenta. Against thrush in men, it is more effective to use tablets or ointments.

      The drug has a high pharmacological activity: it is excreted mostly through the kidneys, and its changes occur in the liver.

      Side effects on the body

      A wide spectrum of action, high penetration through barriers and a rapid increase in the concentration of a substance in the blood lead to side effects in patients:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • disturbance of consciousness;
    • irritability;
    • increased excitability;
    • insomnia;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
    • convulsions;
    • hallucinations;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • anorexia;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes;
    • hyperemia of the skin;
    • nasal congestion;
    • skin rashes.
    • Contraindications for use

    1. Violation of the functions of the circulatory system: an increase in leukocytes - leukopenia, even in history.
    2. Changes in the central nervous system, possible convulsions or seizures of epilepsy.
    3. Violation of the liver.
    4. Pregnancy, especially the 1st trimester.
    5. Lactation.
    6. Allergic reactions to the drug.
    7. Treatment should be prescribed by a competent physician, taking into account contraindications and dose. Do not seek help from pharmacists and doctors of other specialties for help.

      Even if you take the drug again, reread the instructions for it to prevent the occurrence of complications, especially from the blood side. Pregnant women should be extremely careful not to use metronidazole for thrush if it is possible to recover without it.

      metronidazole tablets

      metronidazole tablets

      This antibiotic in tablets is prescribed more often for diseases of the digestive tract, and not against thrush. Tablets quickly dissolve and enter the bloodstream, being a highly effective remedy. The Candida fungus is resistant to this complex medicine, so it makes no sense to take pills against thrush caused by this fungus. The tablet form can only be used in the fight against an advanced infection, when the drug treats systemically. The dosage is selected individually depending on the duration of therapy. In women, the effect occurs faster with combined therapy with tablets and suppositories, antibiotic treatment is more effective with a combination. You can take the tablets during or after a meal. Between courses, women need to check the condition of the blood by analysis, the interval lasts up to four weeks.

      With a mild course of thrush in women, antibiotic tablets do not cure the disease, so drinking it is pointless. A complex of drugs with metronidazole treats the disease, but consult a doctor to determine the group of drugs.

      Cream for external use

      Metronidazole Gel

      Side effects are less pronounced when using a topical cream, but metronidazole does not treat thrush in women through the skin surfaces, so using it in the form of a cream does not help get rid of the disease.

      How to use vaginal gel for thrush?

      Vaginal gel treats thrush effectively, produced in tubes: the applicator provides the release of 5 g of the substance required for a single application. Treatment is a course of five days in women, the active substance must be administered intravaginally twice a day, in men this form of medication is not used. The entire contents of the applicator must be squeezed into the vaginal cavity. The applicator should always be cleaned after use and stored in a protected place. When treating with a gel, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

      This form of the drug has a lower concentration of the active substance, but the pharmacokinetics of the drug is that more than 50% of the substance is absorbed systemically into the blood, so the likelihood of metronidazole spreading through the blood vessels of women into milk and through the placenta is high. Breastfeeding and pregnant women are contraindicated in the use of vaginal gel.

      Application of metronidazole solution

      Metronidazole solution

      Against genital thrush, a course of infusions is rarely done, because this turns out to be too many side effects on the body. Douching with a solution of metronidazole is not carried out.

      Features of drug treatment

    8. When treating with metronidazole, you do not need to drink alcohol, otherwise the following symptoms may appear:
    9. sharp pain in the abdomen of a spastic nature;
    10. pain in the head;
    11. increased flow of blood to the face.
    12. Do not take the drug simultaneously with amoxicillin for persons under 18 years of age.
    13. Treatment leads to a change in the blood picture, so constant blood monitoring is required.
    14. The antibiotic heals, and the urine darkens.
    15. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously in both sexual partners.
    16. It should not be used orally, intravaginally or externally by patients who drank disulfiram less than two weeks ago.
    17. Metronidazole has a reinforcing effect of indirect anticoagulants.

    Thrush torments women; remedies have been developed against it, one of which is metronidazole. Metronidazole treats thrush as a non-specific agent.

    The effect depends on the type of pathogen: when weakened immunity provokes the reproduction of bacterial microflora, the drug fights against microorganisms. When a disease appears as a result of fungi, the effectiveness of the remedy decreases, which is reflected in the rate of recovery of patients.

    What is this drug?

    Vaginal suppositories with Metronidazole

    Metronidazole, getting into the body, has the following effects:

    • antibacterial;
    • antifungal;
    • antiprotozoal;
    • trichomonas;
    • antiulcer;
    • anti-alcohol.

    Several types of pathogens can provoke thrush, metronidazole is a drug with a wide spectrum of action against anaerobic bacteria, fungi, some protozoa, therefore it is often an effective remedy in its treatment. Against aerobic bacteria, the drug is powerless. The active substance heals by disrupting the respiratory processes in the cells of microorganisms or by inhibiting DNA synthesis, causing cell death. It is characterized by good penetrating ability into human tissues and cells, therefore, treatment with a tablet form will lead to the spread of the substance throughout the patient's body, and the use of topical agents will reduce the likelihood of penetration into cells.

    Forms of metronidazole preparations

    A wide range of effects determines the use of the drug in diseases affecting various organ systems: from the digestive to the sexual. The drug can be used for candidiasis of the genital organs and oral cavity.

    The drug is available in the following forms:

    • vaginal suppositories;
    • tablets;
    • cream;
    • gel for external use;
    • vaginal gel;
    • injection.

    With candidiasis of the genital organs in women, it is better to take vaginal suppositories to reduce the effect of the drug on the brain, through breast milk and the placenta. Against thrush in men, it is more effective to use tablets or ointments.

    The drug has a high pharmacological activity: it is excreted mostly through the kidneys, and its changes occur in the liver.

    Side effects on the body

    A wide spectrum of action, high penetration through barriers and a rapid increase in the concentration of a substance in the blood lead to side effects in patients:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • disturbance of consciousness;
    • irritability;
    • increased excitability;
    • insomnia;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
    • convulsions;
    • hallucinations;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • anorexia;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes;
    • hyperemia of the skin;
    • nasal congestion;
    • skin rashes.

    Contraindications for use

    1. Violation of the functions of the circulatory system: an increase in leukocytes - leukopenia, even in history.
    2. Changes in the central nervous system, possible convulsions or seizures of epilepsy.
    3. Violation of the liver.
    4. Pregnancy, especially the 1st trimester.
    5. Lactation.
    6. Allergic reactions to the drug.

    Treatment should be prescribed by a competent physician, taking into account contraindications and dose. Do not seek help from pharmacists and doctors of other specialties for help.

    Even if you take the drug again, reread the instructions for it to prevent the occurrence of complications, especially from the blood side. Pregnant women should be extremely careful not to use metronidazole for thrush if it is possible to recover without it.

    metronidazole tablets

    metronidazole tablets

    This antibiotic in tablets is prescribed more often for diseases of the digestive tract, and not against thrush. Tablets quickly dissolve and enter the bloodstream, being a highly effective remedy. The Candida fungus is resistant to this complex medicine, so it makes no sense to take pills against thrush caused by this fungus. The tablet form can only be used in the fight against an advanced infection, when the drug treats systemically. The dosage is selected individually depending on the duration of therapy. In women, the effect occurs faster with combined therapy with tablets and suppositories, antibiotic treatment is more effective with a combination. You can take the tablets during or after a meal. Between courses, women need to check the condition of the blood by analysis, the interval lasts up to four weeks.

    With a mild course of thrush in women, antibiotic tablets do not cure the disease, so drinking it is pointless. A complex of drugs with metronidazole treats the disease, but consult a doctor to determine the group of drugs.

    Cream for external use

    Metronidazole Gel

    Side effects are less pronounced when using a topical cream, but metronidazole does not treat thrush in women through the skin surfaces, so using it in the form of a cream does not help get rid of the disease.

    How to use vaginal gel for thrush?

    Vaginal gel treats thrush effectively, produced in tubes: the applicator provides the release of 5 g of the substance required for a single application. Treatment is a course of five days in women, the active substance must be administered intravaginally twice a day, in men this form of medication is not used. The entire contents of the applicator must be squeezed into the vaginal cavity. The applicator should always be cleaned after use and stored in a protected place. When treating with a gel, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

    This form of the drug has a lower concentration of the active substance, but the pharmacokinetics of the drug is that more than 50% of the substance is absorbed systemically into the blood, so the likelihood of metronidazole spreading through the blood vessels of women into milk and through the placenta is high. Breastfeeding and pregnant women are contraindicated in the use of vaginal gel.

    Application of metronidazole solution

    Metronidazole solution

    Against genital thrush, a course of infusions is rarely done, because this turns out to be too many side effects on the body. Douching with a solution of metronidazole is not carried out.

    Features of drug treatment

    1. When treating with metronidazole, you do not need to drink alcohol, otherwise the following symptoms may appear:
    • sharp pain in the abdomen of a spastic nature;
    • nausea;
    • pain in the head;
    • increased flow of blood to the face.
    1. Do not take the drug simultaneously with amoxicillin for persons under 18 years of age.
    2. Treatment leads to a change in the blood picture, so constant blood monitoring is required.
    3. The antibiotic heals, and the urine darkens.
    4. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously in both sexual partners.
    5. It should not be used orally, intravaginally or externally by patients who drank disulfiram less than two weeks ago.
    6. Metronidazole has a reinforcing effect of indirect anticoagulants.

    Names of metronidazole preparations:

    • "Metrogil";
    • "Trichopol";
    • Trikaside";
    • "Eforan";
    • "Flagil";
    • "Siptrogil";
    • "Trichosept";
    • "Neo-Penotran";
    • "Metroxan".

    Metronidazole for thrush cures you if the causative agent is known, otherwise you will be taking a serious antibiotic that penetrates tissues and destroys cells.

    Thrush or candidiasis is a very common fungal disease that mainly affects women of childbearing age. In men, this infection is much less common, sometimes occurs in children, including newborns. Normally, representatives of the genus Candida are found in small quantities in the composition of the normal human microflora that lives on the skin and mucous membranes, including the intestinal mucosa. A healthy person does not feel the presence of candida in any way, however, under certain circumstances, fungi begin to actively multiply, provoking the development of an inflammatory process.

    What will the article tell you?

    Causes and symptoms of the disease

    Active reproduction of fungi is facilitated by a weakened immune system, inflammation can occur against the background of physiological or pathological hormonal changes, prolonged antibiotic therapy, certain infectious diseases, and poor hygiene. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease appear suddenly, without visible prerequisites. Most often there are different forms of urogenital candidiasis.

    Downstream candidiasis can be acute or chronic. The acute form of the disease is accompanied by itching and burning in the affected area. A whitish coating forms on the mucous membranes, sexual intercourse becomes painful, vaginal discharge is abundant, and acquire a curdled consistency. In men, with advanced urogenital candidiasis, ulcers can form under a raid of fungi, whitish discharge from the urethra is possible.

    With timely detection, acute candidiasis is easily treatable. In the case of this disease, time plays a very important role, since the infection can become chronic. In severe forms of thrush, there is a risk of serious complications, including potentially life-threatening ones. For the treatment of thrush, antimycotics (antifungal agents) and broad-spectrum drugs are used.

    Untimely or incorrect treatment of acute candidiasis is fraught with the transition of the disease into a chronic form with a relapsing course. The basis for the diagnosis of chronic recurrent candidiasis is the frequency of episodes of the acute form four times a year or more. In severe cases, exacerbations occur shortly before each menstruation.

    The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a persistent course. The infection is resistant to antifungal drugs; against the background of fungal infection, bacterial and protozoal secondary pathologies often develop. Patients will have a long course of systemic treatment in combination with the treatment of concomitant diseases.

    Treatment of candidiasis in women

    Due to the prevalence of the disease, thrush is often not taken seriously. Oil is added to the fire by the ubiquitous advertising, which claims that one pill is enough to eliminate the disease. In fact, treatment requires an integrated approach. In addition to the use of medicines, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene and not only intimate. The set of measures includes:

    • Disinfection of underwear and bed linen;
    • Replacing synthetic tight underwear with products made from natural fibers;
    • Refuse flavored intimate hygiene products;
    • Stop using oral contraceptives;
    • Stick to the diet recommended by your doctor;
    • During the period of treatment, as far as possible, observe sexual rest or use condoms.

    Until recently, it was believed that when thrush is detected, treat both sexual partners. Today, this is being phased out.

    The choice of treatment tactics and the appointment of a specific drug depend on the clinical manifestations and severity of the lesion. The main goals of therapy are the elimination of the inflammatory process, the restoration of the balance of microflora and the prevention of relapses. Treatment of candidiasis can be local or systemic, taking into account the general condition of the patient and comorbidities. In addition to antifungal drugs, the patient may be prescribed drugs to strengthen the immune system. If candidiasis is diagnosed against the background of diabetes mellitus or other endocrine diseases, treatment lasts about six months.

    In acute candidiasis, the course of treatment lasts 5-7 days. In chronic candidiasis, the course of treatment is longer, it takes several months. There is an opinion that a full recovery in such cases is unattainable, we can only talk about achieving a stable remission.

    Metronidazole in the treatment of thrush

    To date, there are diametrically opposed opinions on the use of Metronidazole in candidiasis. Some patients and doctors answer in the affirmative to the question of whether it is possible to cure thrush with Metronidazole. Their opponents reasonably refute this statement and consider the use of Metronidazole to be ineffective.

    Metronidazole is an antibacterial drug that is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive system of various etiologies. Sometimes it is prescribed for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Candidiasis can be caused by different types and strains of the fungus, which differ in sensitivity to nitroimidazole, the active ingredient in Metronidazole. In this regard, before using Metronidazole for thrush, the patient is sent for examination to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the drug.

    The action of the drug

    Metronidazole for thrush in women is indeed often effective. The drug has several types of activity, namely:

    • Antibacterial;
    • Antiulcer;
    • Anti-alcohol;
    • Antiprotozoal.

    Metronidazole is effective against anaerobic bacteria and some protozoa, partially inhibits the development of fungi and is almost useless against aerobic bacteria.

    Penetrating into cells, the active substance causes disturbances in the respiratory cycle and DNA synthesis processes, which leads to cell death. Easily penetrates into cells and tissues, so the choice of dosage form depends on the severity of the disease.

    Dosage forms and preparations

    The drug belongs to the broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents and is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of various nature, including fungal. Metronidazole is also prescribed for candidiasis with different localization of the lesion, including candidal stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

    For ease of use, the industry produces several dosage forms of the drug for external and internal use, namely:

    • Tablets;
    • Injection;
    • Gel for external and intravaginal use
    • Cream;
    • Candles.

    Against the acute form of candidiasis in women, external preparations of Metronidazole are mainly prescribed. This is a necessary precaution to reduce the effect of the active substance on the brain cells. The active substance is able to penetrate the placental barrier and accumulate in women's milk. Given this feature, Metronidazole is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating patients.

    The drug is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys.

    The pharmacy chain has a fairly large selection of Metronidazole drugs, the most famous are Trichopolum and Metrogyl.

    Side effects

    The active component is characterized by high penetrating power and cumulative effect (accumulates in the body). As a result, the use of Metronidazole in candidiasis may be accompanied by side effects from different systems. Sometimes there may be:

    • General weakness;
    • Irritability;
    • Headache;
    • Increased excitability;
    • Nausea;
    • Digestive disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
    • Vomit;
    • Insomnia;
    • convulsions;
    • Skin rashes;
    • Anorexia;
    • Disturbances of consciousness;
    • Nasal congestion;
    • Dryness of mucous membranes and skin;
    • Hallucinations..


    When prescribing Metronidazole for the treatment of thrush, the doctor correlates the potential harm of the drug with the expected beneficial effect. Among the contraindications:

    • Pregnancy;
    • Lactation;
    • Allergy to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug;
    • Hematopoietic disorders, in particular leukopenia, including a history;
    • Violations of the liver;
    • Epilepsy.

    During treatment, it is important to strictly observe the dosage, frequency and method of application recommended by the doctor. During pregnancy, treatment of candidiasis is carried out only locally, Metronidazole is prescribed extremely rarely.

    Features of the use of Metronidazole for thrush

    • Tablets

    Metronidazole in tablets or capsules is mainly used for infectious diseases of the digestive system. In acute candidiasis, it is sometimes used as an additional remedy against concomitant infections. Treatment with this drug is indicated for advanced cases of the disease and its chronic form, when systemic therapy is required. The dosage depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the duration of the course of treatment. To achieve the maximum effect, the doctor may prescribe a combination therapy. In such cases, oral administration of the drug is combined with vaginal suppositories or gel. The treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the patient regularly takes a blood test for the timely detection of possible side effects.

    • Cream

    Treatment of thrush with a cream is much less often accompanied by manifestations of side effects. Women are not prescribed a cream with Metronidazole, due to its inefficiency. This form of the drug is recommended for male urogenital candidiasis.

    • Vaginal gel

    For the treatment of candidiasis in women, a vaginal gel is intended. The gel is available in tubes with applicators for easy dosing. When using the applicator, 5 grams of the product is released. The course of treatment is 5 days, the drug is injected into the vagina twice a day. After administration of the drug, the applicator must be cleaned and stored under conditions that exclude the possibility of contamination. For the period of treatment should refrain from sexual intercourse.

    The concentration of the active ingredient in the gel composition is lower than in tablets, but due to the high penetrating ability, a significant amount of the active substance penetrates into the blood. Given the cumulative effect of the drug, there is a risk of its penetration through the placental barrier and into breast milk. During pregnancy and lactation gel with Metronidazole is not used.

    • Solution

    Due to the maximum risk of side effects, the injection form in the treatment of urogenital candidiasis diseases is used very rarely.

    Treatment Precautions

    During treatment, patients should refrain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumed while taking Metronidazole increases the likelihood of some side effects and can cause acute crampy abdominal pain. Sometimes there is a sharp rush of blood to the face.

    Against the background of long-term use of Metronidazole, changes in the composition of the blood occur, so blood control is a mandatory precaution. The drug enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants, which must be taken into account in the simultaneous treatment of candidiasis and comorbidities.

    In the complex treatment of thrush and concomitant diseases in patients under 18 years of age, Metronidazole should not be administered simultaneously with Amoxicillin. After a course of treatment with Disulfiram, you can prescribe Metronidazole in any available dosage form no earlier than 2 weeks later.

    Manifestations of a fungal infection may indirectly indicate the presence of serious problems in the body. Advertising of pharmacological preparations is modestly silent about this, and many perceive the warning about the dangers of self-medication as an annoying refrain. Metronidazole - the drug is unsafe, it can be taken only as directed by a doctor strictly following the instructions.

    Thrush is a disease that got its name from its main feature - intense white curdled discharge resulting from the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa. Provoke the inflammatory process yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

    Symptoms of the disease do not always manifest themselves, but in the case of an increase in the intensity of reproduction of yeast fungi, candidiasis manifests itself quite clearly.

    Establishing diagnosis

    Diagnosis and treatment of the disease is carried out by a specialist in the field of gynecology, a gynecologist. The main unpleasant signs of vaginal candidiasis are:

    If a woman is concerned about only one of the listed signs, then we can talk about the erased course of vaginal candidiasis. And if a woman is not given due attention to the treatment of thrush, then she can become chronic and return to the patient at least four times a year.

    Thrush that has become chronic is more difficult to cure, and it often leads to secondary diseases of the genital area.

    The reasons leading to the occurrence of the disease are many:

    The diagnosis of the disease and its treatment is carried out by a gynecologist, who must be contacted immediately, when the first signs of a developing disease appear. The specialist will conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe an adequate treatment strategy.

    Therapeutic therapy of vaginal candidiasis is performed according to the basic principles:

    1. Identify and eliminate the causes of the disease.
    2. Normalize the metabolism in the body.
    3. Restore the protective functions of the body.
    4. Eliminate intestinal dysbiosis.
    5. Normalize the acidity of the vaginal environment and its microflora.

    After completing the course of treatment, the patient must undergo a second examination to exclude the latent course of the disease and establish the fact of recovery.

    Release forms and indications for use

    In gynecology, Metronidazole is often prescribed to combat many diseases. The drug has a wide range of actions and is able to quickly improve the patient's condition. Since Metronidazole is an antimicrobial, antibacterial drug, it is used in combination with antifungal agents to treat thrush.

    And in connection with his helplessness against certain types of fungi, before his appointment, it is necessary to carefully establish which pathogenic organism has become the causative agent of the disease.

    Metronidazole is available in several forms:

    1. Tablets.
    2. Cream.
    3. Candles.
    4. Solution.

    The drug in the form of tablets is effective against the unpleasant manifestations of vaginal candidiasis. Tablets can also be taken by men against candidiasis, as well as a drug in the form of a gel.

    It is more expedient for women to use the drug in the form of vaginal suppositories. The drug in the form of a solution in ampoules, used intravenously through droppers, is more often prescribed against pulmonary infections, gangrene and infections of the abdominal organs.

    Metronidazole can be prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with:

    Taking medication for various ailments of the genital area

    With bacterial vaginosis, the use of Metronidazole is the most optimal method of treatment. The recommended dose is 0.5 g orally in tablet form, twice a day. The course of taking Metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis is at least a week.

    Despite the possible side effects of taking the drug and its absolute incompatibility with alcoholic beverages, bacterial vaginosis can be successfully treated and there is practically no risk of bacterial vaginosis moving into more complex forms and stages.

    In addition to the use of tablets, bacterial candidiasis is treated with a gel. It is injected into the vagina at least twice a day. The course of treatment is five days.

    It is worth noting that with vaginosis Metronidazole in the form of tablets is prescribed in the presence of related infectious diseases. In other cases, it is more expedient for women to carry out therapeutic therapy with vaginal suppositories.

    In the case of an acute form of trichomoniasis, a loading dose of the drug (2 g) is prescribed at a time. In some cases, with trichomoniasis, the following treatment regimen can be prescribed: 0.25 g twice a day, a course of 10 days. Chronic trichomoniasis is treated according to the scheme: 0.5 g of the drug, three times a day, a course of 12 days.

    If trichomoniasis is diagnosed in a woman in a state of pregnancy, and the risk of complications of the disease is high, then starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, Metronidazole, 2 g once, at bedtime, can be taken.

    Complicated trichomoniasis, recurrent trichomoniasis, as well as in cases of carriage of trichomoniasis, the drug is prescribed as follows: 0.5 g three times a day, for at least 12 days. At the time of treatment of trichomoniasis with Metronidazole, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages.

    For therapeutic therapy against Giardia, the dosage of a single dose is from 0.5 to 1.5 g, with a course of up to 5 days.

    For patients diagnosed with gardnerellosis, Metronidazole is prescribed both topical application of the drug in the form of a gel and suppositories, and oral administration of tablets. The drug is used for gardnerellosis in the form of a gel or suppositories, mainly at night, by introducing suppositories or gel into the vagina, and in the case of an acute course of gardnerellosis, the drug is injected into the vagina several times a day, morning and evening.

    In the form of tablets, a remedy for gardnerellosis is prescribed twice a day. Due to the ability of Metronidazole to destroy the DNA of anaerobic microorganisms, it is quite effective in this disease. The drug has a high permeability and accumulates not in the blood, but in the focus of accumulation of pathogens. The withdrawal of funds occurs through the kidneys.

    Ureaplasmosis is also treatable with Metronidazole. The drug against ureaplasma is used mainly in the form of tablets. The method of using Metronidazole against ureaplasma differs from the treatment of other diseases. Drink a tablet exclusively during meals, washed down with a glass of milk. Taking the medicine on an empty stomach with water is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to break or crack the tablets. Side effects in the treatment of ureaplasma with Metronidazole:

    When treating, it is important to consider that the simultaneous use of Metronidazole with alcoholic beverages leads to adverse effects.

    Treatment of chlamydia is also carried out with Metronidazole, but in this case, parallel administration of amoxicillin is often prescribed. The fact is that chlamydia quickly adapt to Metronidazole, and the combined use of two drugs enhances the action of both drugs, eliminating the development of bacteria adaptation to Metronidazole, making therapeutic therapy against chlamydia more effective.

    Side effects of metronidazole in the treatment of chlamydia:

    Having found one of the above signs, it is recommended to immediately inform the specialist who prescribed the treatment.

    Vaginal suppositories Metronidazole for thrush are prescribed only in combination with antifungal drugs, because. they are not effective against certain fungi that cause candidiasis. Candles have many contraindications for use, and, in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, the candles are replaced with a gel that is applied topically, on the external genital organs, to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis.

    Important! The drug Metronidazole is contraindicated for the treatment of women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding!

    Preparations in the form of suppositories containing a substance

    Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system is more appropriate to carry out locally, using vaginal suppositories.

    The most popular preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories containing the antiseptic metronidazole are:

    • Metronidazole suppositories;
    • Metrovit;
    • Metrovagin.

    Apply preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories once a day, mainly at night. The course of treatment is, on average, ten days. A specialist, a gynecologist, a course of treatment can be re-appointed no earlier than a month later.

    Despite the local use of drugs, they are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. They also do not recommend their use in cases of blood and central nervous system diseases. An important condition for the treatment with these drugs is the complete rejection of the use of even the weakest alcoholic beverages.

    Side effects in the treatment of drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories can occur from the genitourinary, digestive and nervous systems.

    The effectiveness of treatment with drugs with metronidazole increases when they are used together with vaginal suppositories containing nystatin. Reception of these funds is prescribed in the first half of the woman's menstrual cycle, after critical days. At the time of therapeutic therapy, it is necessary to limit visits to pools, ponds and baths. It is also worth refusing to douche.

    Conducting therapeutic therapy for diseases of the genital area, it is necessary to jointly examine and treat the patient's sexual partner.