Interior doors from MDF. Description of the advantages and disadvantages. Interior doors from mdf Interior doors from mdf characteristics

Plates are distinguished by high strength, excellent sound insulation characteristics, and are resistant to temperature extremes. Due to the introduction of special components, the material does not deform and is durable in operation. MDF panels are environmentally friendly, do not contain or emit harmful substances. The main advantages of interior doors made of this material:

  • light weight. The products are light, do not sag under their own weight;
  • biological resistance. Models are resistant to damage by microorganisms and fungi;
  • preservation of the form. Interior doors made of MDF do not crack or deform during temperature and humidity fluctuations;
  • durability. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the average service life is at least 10 years.

Types of interior doors from MDF

There are paneled and panel door designs. In the first case, the frame is made on the basis of a pine beam, and finishing plates are attached on top of it, the hollow parts are filled with cardboard or hardboard. Paneled interior doors are made on the basis of a frame of vertical posts and horizontal sidebars, and the filling is performed with MDF panels or glass parts. The outer coating of swing or sliding models can be different: natural veneer, PVC film, laminate, enamel, eco-veneer, etc. Check out the options for colors, textures, product characteristics in order to buy your favorite option inexpensively with delivery in Moscow. Place an order for white and other types of interior doors from MDF through the online shopping cart.

Every owner dreams that the decoration of his house is beautiful and cozy. And in such a case, any little thing plays a role, not to mention the interior doors. Many requirements are imposed on these structures, including: strength, durability and, of course, a stylish appearance that is in harmony with the design of the room. An excellent choice for almost any room is MDF doors that can satisfy many of the needs of their consumers.

Interior doors can be made from a wide variety of materials, but MDF door panels occupy their niche in this market.

What is MDF? If we decipher this abbreviation, then we get a fine-dispersed fraction or, in another way, a board made of medium-density wood fibers.

Currently, MDF is a good replacement for natural wood. In addition to shavings, manufacturers can add various carbide resins and melamine to the material. These components help to reduce the concentration of harmful vapors when processing fabrics.

But, it should be borne in mind that there are manufacturers who save on components for MDF. Often, they use cheaper adhesive mixtures, which negatively affects the safety of the final product.

As for the external cladding, it is quite diverse. You can sheathe doors:

  1. Natural veneer is the most expensive type of cladding made from a thin cut of wood;
  2. Laminate is a good material consisting of a paper layer with a pattern applied to it and a film that protects the base;
  3. PVC film - allows you to give doors any shade and pattern, is moisture resistant, inexpensive;
  4. Enamel or paint is the option where you can not limit your imagination and create a unique, one-of-a-kind drawing.

In addition to internal filling and cladding, MDF doors must also be varnished, which protects the canvas from external influences and gives the product a more expensive and stylish look.

Interior doors made of MDF: the pros and cons of operation

Why, when choosing a door, is it worth paying attention to those structures that are made from MDF? The main reason lies in the fact that this is a fairly high-quality material with good characteristics. There are disadvantages, but they are much less than advantages.

Advantages of MDF doors:

  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity - here they completely outperform wooden doors, which tend to crack or crack under such influence;
  • Light weight - in order to operate such doors, you do not need to make frenzied efforts, they will fit even very thin partitions and practically do not sag;
  • Strength - the material perfectly resists physical stress, although it all depends on the thickness of the sheet;
  • Fire resistance - thanks to special additives, MDF is not afraid of fire and rather smolders at very high temperatures than burns;
  • Immunity to moisture - the protective film, which covers the door surface, is "responsible" for this;
  • Variety of shades and textures - you can choose doors for almost any interior and color scheme;
  • Ease of maintenance - it all comes down to periodic wiping of products with a damp cloth.

Another advantage of MDF doors is their more affordable price compared to canvases made of natural wood.

But such products, unfortunately, have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, given which, some people refuse to make their choice in favor of such doors.

Cons of MDF door leaves:

  • The inability to repair the doors in case of serious damage;
  • Low sound insulation - however, this factor largely depends on the internal filling of the door, which can be very different.

It should be understood that the listed disadvantages for the most part relate to thin and poorly made doors. As a rule, they are very cheap and look too flashy. Buying such a door leaf, you can expect from it a discrepancy with the characteristics of MDF.

Interior doors made of MDF: their types and shapes

When choosing doors from MDF, one should take into account their purpose and appearance, because such door sets differ in their design and filling.

As for the main types, the door kits can be:

  • Paneled - consist of several parts: the main leaf and various inserts in the middle of the door. Quite often, glass is used instead of panels.
  • Shield - they are a solid, one-piece canvas, consisting of three main parts: a frame, an internal filler (as a rule, it is cardboard) and sheathing. Such doors can also have decorative inserts, mainly of translucent glass.

According to the mechanism of operation, MDF door leaves are divided into:

  • Swinging - classic models, most often used in living quarters. They can have one, two or one and a half sashes. In the latter case, it looks like a door with one sash much narrower than the other.
  • Sliding - used, as a rule, to delimit small areas. They are very convenient in the sense that they can play the role of a partition between rooms, and when necessary, combine them into one. To do this, simply push the canvases apart until they stop.

With the help of sliding doors, you can save a lot of space in the room, especially for small apartments.

There are only two main forms of MDF door leaves: arched and standard rectangular. Here, everyone is free to choose what they want and what is more combined with the overall design of the room.

White MDF door and its advantages

Today, the most popular are MDF doors covered with laminate. One of its indisputable advantages is that such a facing material has a wide range of colors. Thanks to this, you can choose a door for almost any room design.

But many people love the classics and unpretentiousness. In this regard, a white MDF door is perfect. True, some people think that she has a too simple, "plastic" look. But this is already a matter of taste.

Now, at the peak of popularity, it is light colors. Their advantage over the rest is that they seem to compensate for the lack of natural light.

Therefore, by choosing a white door, you will receive:

  • A universal shade that matches any color scheme of the room;
  • Light effect of visual enlargement of the room;
  • Compensation for lack of lighting.

MDF door options (video)

MDF door leaves are high-quality products that have firmly taken their place in the interior door market. They are durable, fireproof, not afraid of physical impact and moisture, easy to clean. Choosing such a door, you can choose the texture and color in accordance with your preferences, desires, and also taking into account the general interior of the room.

The stylish image of the interior will be successfully complemented by MDF side doors. Possessing a laconic but interesting design, such products offer an alternativesmooth interior doors when decorating ensembles in the spirit of minimalism, techno, loft. And thanks to their excellent operational properties and high practicality, they are appropriate in rooms for any purpose, be it bathrooms, unheated summer cottages or living rooms of urban areas. The laconic charm of fashionable designs is reflected in the collections of Alfa, Gamma, Epsilon, Riga under the Academy trademark.

The company's models differ:

  1. a wide palette of natural shades, for the recreation of which the finishing of a new generation - eco-veneer - is responsible. The canvases are presented in the colors Merbau, Teak, Cappuccino, Linen, Melinga gray, etc .;
  2. discreet design. Thanks to the unusual design, the MDF side door is attractive in itself and does not require voluminous decorations. Decorative elements that emphasize its original character are narrow inserts of white, black and gray glass, moldings, flat trims.

What does the product consist of?

A close "relative" of the model is the classic paneled construction. Indeed, the MDF side doors are based on the same principle of detailed assembly. However, the modern solution has its own distinctive features. The canvas device contains:

  • frame made of synthetic or natural material. A durable, lightweight, inexpensive frame is obtained from solid glued pine. In the structure of the sash, it has an external location and is equipped with grooves for fixing the inserts;
  • drawers - narrow strips from MDF. Fiberboard allows you to create elements that are resistant to moisture, inconsistent temperatures, impacts, etc. It is practical and environmentally friendly, as it is produced without the use of toxic binders.

You can buy a side door made of MDF, in which the strips are directed horizontally or vertically, have different widths, are presented in different quantities. By combining inserts in different ways, placing them at an angle or at a distance from each other, combining with translucent elements, expressive and unique solutions are obtained.

What are the advantages of a prefabricated structure?

The detailed models of the Academy company combine the advantages of MDF board, practical polypropylene cover and original design. Possessing low prices, MDF side doors please:

  • resistance to mechanical stress. The planks, securely fixed in the frame, withstand intensive use, resist impacts, due to which the products are effectively used not only in residential but also in public premises;
  • constant geometry, stable parameters that do not depend on the vagaries of the environment;
  • low weight due to the combination of light pine and synthetic material in the sash structure;
  • unpretentiousness and comfort in handling, ease of maintenance.

The company is engaged in the sale of MDF side doors, assembled with moldings and fittings, and also provides a comprehensive service.

Today, MDF interior doors are becoming more common. This is due to the practicality and low cost of the material. A wide variety of external cladding allows you to choose a product that will harmoniously fit into the existing interior of an apartment or house.

First you need to decipher the abbreviation. MDF translated from English means medium density fibreboard. The material is made from dried wood fibers treated with synthetic binders. They are formed into a carpet and then hot pressed and sanded. The density is 700-870 kg / m³.

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF interior doors

The material has the following advantages:

  • High strength. There is no air between the fibers of the pressed sheets. Thanks to this, the panels do not crack, do not crumble and keep their original shape for a long time. The material is able to withstand strong mechanical stress and abrasion. The thicker the slab, the greater the strength characteristics.
  • Ease of processing. Products of any shape are created from MDF; you can cut rounded corners.
  • A wide range of claddings allows you to choose the material for any room design. Also the plates can be painted.
  • Light weight. Due to this property, MDF panels are used to create arched openings, because over time, the structure will not sag.
  • Moisture resistance. The use of special additives increases the moisture resistance. Such doors are installed in bathrooms without fear of deformation during operation or the development of microorganisms.
  • Life time. MDF boards serve for a long time due to the fact that they are not subject to decay, and minor damage is easily masked.
  • They have good thermal insulation and sound insulation.
  • High resistance to temperature extremes.

MDF is considered a substitute for natural solid wood. At first glance, it is almost impossible to distinguish wood shavings from wood products, provided that the material is made of high quality.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  1. highly flammable;
  2. water ingress (can completely ruin MDF);
  3. low strength of thin sheets;
  4. high cost of thick slabs with quality finishes;
  5. not subject to restoration.

Canvas structure

The cost of an interior structure made of MDF depends on the type of canvas. Of this material, mainly panel board and panel products are made. The former are one-piece fabrics with or without inner filling, and the latter have decorative inserts. The latter are a lighter and more economical design thanks to the panels, which are light in weight.

Panel doors consist of three parts:

  • frame;
  • internal filling;
  • sheathing.

The base is made of beams. For production, mainly pine materials are used. The bars are located along the perimeter of the structure, and in some cases, additional inserts are made for the installation of accessories. The filling of the door is more important. The quality of sound and heat insulation of the structure depends on this. Mostly cardboard or hardboard is used.

The main reasons for choosing such materials are the preservation of the lightness of the doors, a decrease in sound permeability and the coefficient of thermal conductivity. In expensive products, the interior is made of MDF, which increases the weight of the structure and its cost. The cladding is done with wood chip boards.

Paneled doors consist of the following parts:

  1. frame;
  2. inserts.

The base is made of solid wood. Depending on the number of panels, 1 or more horizontal lintel is made. To give the structure a uniform look, it is often pasted over with MDF boards. Inserts are made of wood-based material or glass. MDF is convenient because it is easy to mill. This allows you to create panels of any shape and size.

Decorative coatings

Decorative coating is an important parameter in the selection of slabs for the design and decor of a room. There are such types of finishes:

  • Laminated panels. For creation, a paper base and PVC film are used. The paper is color and pattern, and the film is the protective coating. The quality materials are based on melamine, but the cost is high.

  • PVC film. Under pressure and high temperatures, the coating is applied to MDF panels in a special chamber. This ensures high-quality fixation and moisture protection. In this way, it is easy to paste over doors with complex relief.
  • Enamel. A wide range of colorful materials will allow you to choose a color for every taste. The material is applied in several layers, and at the end it is covered with a protective layer.

  • Eco-veneer. To create an expensive look in the interior, wood is always used, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Eco-veneer will give the doors the look of wood and allow you to save money.

  • The most popular type of cladding when installing interior doors from MDF is natural veneer. It is applied to the structure under pressure using glue.

What you need to know about choosing a quality MDF door

When buying, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Cladding material. There should be no damage and signs of poor-quality work: swelling, peeling, chips, etc.
  2. The tightness of the adhesion of the film to the end. It is advisable to purchase models with a plastic edge, since it is less harmful and more wear-resistant.
  3. Soundproofing characteristics. For interior partitions, this indicator is important. To provide quality protection, the kit must be sealed. This indicator is also influenced by the thickness of the product and the internal filling. Solid MDF canvases provide good sound insulation.

DIY installation

To install an interior door from MDF with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drills of different diameters;
  • loops;
  • latch handle;
  • lock.

Installation of the door leaf is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. the opening is being prepared;
  2. a tray is installed and fixed with spacers;
  3. the space is filled with polyurethane foam;
  4. install hinges on the box and canvas;
  5. attach the handle;
  6. provide a latch and lock, if used.

It is not difficult to install the door yourself if you have basic locksmith skills.

Sections of the article:

One of the most common materials for the manufacture of interior doors is MDF. The popularity of products based on it lies in the combination of practicality with a low price. MDF interior doors are currently the best alternative to solid wood structures.

Material manufacturing technology

MDF canvas is a medium density sheet made of fine dispersion wood chips. During the manufacturing process, the shavings are compressed by a press to form sheets of the required density. Adhesives in the form of carbamide resins are used for high-quality chip bonding. To reduce the emission of harmful substances when heated during the production of sheets, melamines are added to the composition. Thus, the finished product is environmentally friendly and safe.

The use of other adhesives is undesirable, since it negatively affects not only the quality of the product, but also the degree of its safety.

MDF door constructions

The pricing principle for MDF products directly depends on their design features. So interior doors, based on the type of canvas, can be:

  • Shield;
  • Paneled.

Panel doors

The canvas can be either solid or with various decorative inserts (mainly from glass). Designs of this type are very popular due to the variety of appearance and technological features. Interior panel doors consist of 3 main parts: frame, filler and external decorative cladding.

The frame is made, in most cases, from a solid pine bar. Such a frame can be equipped with additional inserts for mounting hardware elements. On top of the frame, MDF sheets are fixed. The voids are filled with filler in the form of cardboard or hardboard. Due to the cellular texture of the filler, a lightness of construction is provided in combination with high insulating properties and good strength. Such structures are called Masonite. There are also denser and more expensive models of this type. They are filled exclusively with MDF fabrics. Such doors are correspondingly heavier.


The frame of paneled interior doors is located along the perimeter of the canvas. It is possible to use horizontal or vertical inserts from the array in the middle of the structure. These elements significantly increase the strength of the product. MDF plates are installed on top of the frame for the evenness of the canvas. Internal voids are closed using panels made of glass or MDF.

A canvas of this type has a very original appearance and is a completely collapsible structure.

Types of decorative coatings

In addition to the type of door leaf construction, the type of external coating used significantly affects the cost of the product. The decorative material that covers the interior doors of MDF performs the function of not only a beautiful decor in the photo and in reality, but also is an important protective element. Thanks to the decorative coating, you can easily increase the resistance of the canvas to an increased level of humidity and changes in temperature. In addition, the coating effectively protects the structure from various mechanical damage.

Most often, MDF doors are used as a finishing material:

  • Natural veneer. Such a coating is the most expensive, since it is a thin cut of natural wood that fully preserves the texture of the material;
  • Eco-veneer. It is a material made by gluing thin layers of natural wood cuts;
  • PVC film. Allows you to evenly cover the entire surface of the door. The material provides high-quality protection of the canvas from moisture and has a wide range of colors;
  • Laminate. The cover consists of several layers in the form of paper with decorative elements and a protective film. Provides a high degree of wear resistance;
  • Enamel. The cloth is coated in several layers, which provides a high degree of protection against moisture and temperature extremes. The color palette is unlimited.

Coating MDF doors with varnish is a mandatory procedure, since it is it that allows you to achieve a high degree of protection of the product from various external negative factors. In addition, MDF interior doors after varnishing take on the appearance of an expensive product and, based on customer reviews, have a complete and concise appearance.

Advantages of MDF doors

The popularity of interior doors made of MDF is based on the large number of advantages of this option. The main advantages are the lightness of the resulting products, combined with durability. Prices for MDF doors are much lower than the cost of products made of solid wood.

Thanks to special technological processes, MDF doors perfectly resist the influence of moisture, temperature drops and are largely protected from various mechanical damage.


As with any product, MDF interior doors have a number of disadvantages. The disadvantages of structures of this type include a high degree of flammability. Also, in the absence of proper external protection or a high level of humidity, the canvas can swell.

Thin doors are not difficult to break through, and reliable and dense MDF structures are comparable in cost to doors made from natural solid wood.


Doors made of MDF, due to their cost, are available to virtually any buyer. However, it should be understood that the price directly depends on the quality of the product. To choose a high-quality door, you should first of all pay attention to the design of the surface of the leaf. It is important that there are no defects in the form of blisters or chips on it.

Masonite door structures are the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. Products from solid MDF canvases surpass them in this indicator, however, due to their rather large weight, they are permissible for installation in openings of strong and thick walls. They are not suitable for thin plasterboard partitions.

When choosing MDF interior doors, special attention should be paid to the presence of a manufacturer's guarantee both for the decorative part of the canvas and for the entire structure as a whole.