Mycoplasma hominis incubation period. Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis: routes of infection and clinical manifestations. Reasons for the appearance, methods of transmission and possible consequences

Mycoplasmosis is an inflammatory infectious disease that develops when mycoplasmas, the smallest known bacteria, multiply.

About the causative agent:

Mycoplasma is a family of small prokaryotic organisms of the Mollicutes class. They do not have their own cell wall, only a membrane, due to which they easily attach to the epithelial cells of the genitourinary, respiratory system and sperm.

Mycoplasmas occupy an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria - due to the absence of a cell membrane and microscopic size (100-300 nm), mycoplasma is not visible under a light microscope, and this brings these microorganisms closer to viruses. At the same time, mycoplasma cells contain DNA and RNA, can grow in a cell-free environment and multiply autonomously (binary division or budding), which brings mycoplasma closer to bacteria.

Mycoplasma infection affects the joints and mucous membranes of the eyes (conjunctivitis), and can cause autoimmune reactions (allergy to tissues of one's own body).

In total, more than 100 types of mycoplasmas are known, of which only five are dangerous to humans - representatives of two genera - Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma, from the Mycoplasmatacea family.

Pathogenic to humans are M. pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. genitalium, M. incognitus and Ureaplasma urealyticum.

The first of them - M. pneumonia is the causative agent of respiratory mycoplasmosis, M. incognitus causes poorly studied generalized infection, the rest - M. hominis, M. genitalium and Ureaplasma urealyticum cause the development of urogenital mycoplasmosis.

Mycoplasmas are resistant to sulfonamides, penicillin, streptomycin, but sensitive to tetracycline antibiotics, macrolides and fluoroquinolones.

Mycoplasma Hominis is considered conditionally pathogenic: they can cause diseases, but only if the body is weakened.

In healthy people, M. hominis does not manifest itself in anything, being commensal bacteria, that is, without bringing any benefit or harm. The asymptomatic presence of mycoplasmas (M. hominis) is detected, according to various studies, from 25% to 50% and 25% among all newborn girls. In men, carriage is practically not detected; self-healing is possible with infection.

Mycoplasmas are sensitive to high temperatures and humidity, die under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and weak radiation, acidic and alkaline solutions, but are resistant to cold for a long time. They can exist and multiply only inside the body.

Boiling and ultraviolet

Mycoplasmas are quickly killed by boiling, ultraviolet irradiation and exposure to disinfectants.

Transmission ways:

  • The leading route of transmission of mycoplasma infection is sexual (unprotected genital, oral-genital contacts). The probability of transmission of mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas with a single sexual contact (genital, anal) varies from 4 to 80%, but is not predictable in each individual case;
  • when kissing mouth-to-mouth, ureaplasma and mycoplasma are not transmitted if there was no prior oral contact with the partner's genitals and sperm. When kissing the skin of the cheek, forehead, body, limbs (arms and legs), hair on the head, mycoplasma and ureaplasma are not transmitted;
  • Other urogenital diseases are often concomitant - candidiasis, chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
  • Contact-household contamination is possible, although very rare, it can be realized through the use of shared bed linen, towels and washcloths, toilet seats (including in public toilets), non-sterile gynecological and urological instruments.
  • The possibility of asexual intrafamilial infection with mycoplasmosis is confirmed by the fact that M. hominis is detected in 8-17% of schoolgirls who are not sexually active.
  • vertical path. The probability of transmission of mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas from an infected mother to the fetus transplacentally (through the placenta) is quite high. A number of researchers believe that the penetration of mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas through the amniotic (fetal) membrane into the amniotic fluid and infection of the fetus when the amniotic fluid is swallowed is possible. When passing through the birth canal, the risk of infection of the fetus with mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas reaches 50-80%;
  • Pets are not a source of infection.

When it gets on the mucous membranes, the pathogen, attaching to the cellular epithelium, provokes the development of local inflammatory reactions, without showing a cytogenic effect. Mycopalma interacts with the cellular apparatus, which leads to a change in its cytogenic structure and provokes the development of autoimmune processes.

Dangers and consequences

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy can cause:

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • intrauterine infection and fetal death;
  • the development of congenital defects in a child;
  • postpartum sepsis in a newborn;
  • the birth of children with low body weight;
  • inflammation of the uterus after childbirth.

At the same time, some gynecologists completely disagree with the statement that mycoplasmas are dangerous to the health of pregnant women. They indicate that Mycoplasma hominis is found in 15-25% of pregnant women, and complications for the fetus develop in 5-20% of them. Therefore, it is believed that mycoplasmas can harm the health of mother and child only under certain conditions:

  • in association with other pathogenic microorganisms, mainly with ureaplasma;
  • with a decrease in immunity;
  • with massive lesions of the genitals.

As a result, there is a frozen pregnancy and spontaneous abortion in the early stages. The danger is incomplete abortion, when parts of the fetus or membranes remain in the uterus. Death is possible without intensive medical care.

Female infertility
- can develop as a result of endometritis or inflammation of the fallopian tubes (adnexitis). When the endometrium of the uterus is damaged, the fertilized egg cannot implant and develop in the inflamed tissue of the uterus. With inflammation of the fallopian tubes, occlusion of the lumen can occur, which leads to the fact that the egg is not able to reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg. Therefore, the process of conception becomes unlikely.

Male infertility - associated with damage to the prostate, and possible damage to the testicles. These damages lead to quantitative and qualitative disturbances in sperm composition.

Impotence - is primarily associated in men with damage to the prostate and testicles. At the same time, sexual intercourse often becomes impossible due to the lack of an erection, and even if it does occur, the painful sensations do not allow bringing it to its "logical conclusion."

Premature birth or spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy. This process is associated with infectious lesions of the endometrium of the uterus, which is a breeding ground for the developing fetus.

Autoimmune diseases - can occur as a result of a malfunction of the immune system, which is caused by a chronic infectious and inflammatory process. In this condition, immune cells begin to fight the tissues of their own body, often causing irreparable damage.

The incubation period of mycoplasmosis

In the experiment, urethritis develops within three days after the introduction of a pure culture. In practice, everything is more complicated:

The incubation period of mycoplasma respiratory infection ranges from 4 days to 1 month, and can last several months or never go into the acute stage at all. Then the person will remain an asymptomatic carrier of the infection.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

There are no typical clinical symptoms for mycoplasmosis. Mycoplasmas can manifest themselves as inflammation and secretions, or they may not. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on external signs. Therefore, the main criterion for infection is the results of laboratory tests.

However, with all the perfection of laboratory research methods, a gynecological examination for women or a urological examination for men is still necessary. The thing is that mycoplasmosis can be combined with other sexually transmitted infections, as well as with a violation of the vaginal microflora. Therefore, in order to prescribe an adequate complex treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the entire spectrum of possible lesions.

The doctor will be interested in your complaints, chronic gynecological / urological diseases, history of sexually transmitted diseases, health status of your sexual partner / partner.

Gynecological examination - associated with the need to examine the mucous membrane of the vaginal cavity, the cervix, the external os of the cervical canal. With this examination, as a rule, with mycoplasmosis, mucopurulent discharge, swelling of the vaginal mucosa and its inflammation are revealed. Also, during this examination, the doctor will be able to take a biomaterial (smear from mucous membranes).

Laboratory examinations

The most informative in identifying mycoplasmosis are PCR studies of biomaterial obtained with a smear, as well as bacteriological examination (to identify concomitant possible genital infections).

More details about each survey method:

PCR diagnostics - this method is highly accurate in identifying even a negligible population of microbes. This method is used to multiply a specific pathogen "in a test tube" and then identify it.

This examination is fundamental in making a diagnosis and in determining that the patient has been cured.

Serological examinations (ELISA, PIF) are performed to detect antibodies to a specific pathogen. However, this examination does not provide accurate information about the dynamics of the process, about the activity of the infection, and whether the prescribed treatment was effective.

Bacteriological and microscopic examination of a smear - allows you to identify concomitant diseases (bacterial or fungal vaginosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis). Thanks to this examination, it is possible to timely identify the entire “bouquet of infectious diseases”.

Symptoms in women

Urogenital mycoplasmosis in women manifests itself in the form of bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), mycoplasma urethritis, inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, pyelonephritis.

Often mycoplasmosis is combined with chlamydia and ureaplasmosis.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance in the microflora in the vagina. Normally, it is inhabited by lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid and a strong oxidant - hydrogen peroxide, which prevent the development of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. If lactobacilli for some reason become less, then the acidity of the walls of the vagina decreases and the rapid multiplication of microorganisms begins. Lactobacilli are usually adjacent to Mycoplasma hominis and Gardnerella vaginalis, with the growth of their populations and the clinical manifestations of bacterial vaginosis are associated.

In bacterial vaginosis, pathogenic bacteria cling to the cells of the vagina. Reasons for the development of vaginosis:

  1. Frequent douching with antiseptics containing chlorine (miramistin, gibitan);
  2. Condoms or contraceptive suppositories with 9-nonoxynol (panthenox oval, nonoxynol);
  3. Uncontrolled use of oral antibiotics, suppositories or vaginal antibiotic tablets (terginan, betadine, polginax);
  4. Change of sexual partners.

Symptoms of vaginosis are vaginal discharge, not abundant and liquid, grayish-white, with the smell of rotten fish. Women often associate the appearance of unpleasant amber with lack of personal hygiene and use douching. However, these actions only exacerbate inflammation and contribute to the spread of mycopalmosis to the cervix and ascending infection up to the ovaries. Among the possible complications of gardnerellosis are endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis and infertility, as well as problems with not carrying a pregnancy and premature birth.

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra associated with Mycoplasma genitalium.

In 30-49% of non-gonococcal urethritis, mycoplasma is determined, and in women they are found more often and in higher titers than in men.

Symptoms are typical - burning during urination, mucous or pus-filled discharge from the urethra.

In an acute course, the temperature rises, general intoxication appears (head and muscle pain, chills, weakness).

Infection ascending from the urethra affects the bladder, then the ureters and kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages begins with pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, then mucous discharge from the cervix and vagina appears, bleeding during menstruation and between them.

Women complain of constant fatigue and lack of strength, lack of appetite and sleep disturbances.

This picture is typical for the chronic course of genital mycoplasmosis.

Symptoms in men

The main manifestations after infection with Mycoplasma genitalium in men are urethritis and prostatitis. Differences from female urogenital mycoplasmosis: an almost asymptomatic course is characteristic; mono-infection rarely spreads to the kidneys, but often results in infertility; there is no carriage of mycoplasma among men.

Urethritis begins with a slight burning sensation when urinating, after a couple of days the symptoms disappear. Inflammation of the prostate gland runs latent, appears mild dull pain in the lower back and gradually increasing problems with erection.

More clearly, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis are manifested in the presence of a combined infection and in combination with urogenital ureaplasmosis and chlamydia. Ureaplasmas together with mycoplasmas are found in 30-45% of patients with prostatitis, chlamydia - in 40% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis. In such cases, signs of arthritis appear more often - joint pain, local edema and redness of the skin; ascending infection with kidney damage; local inflammation of the genital organs - orchitis (testicles), epididymitis (epididymis), vesiculitis (inflamed seminal vesicles).

Male infertility with mycoplasmosis develops not only due to inflammation, but also in violation of spermatogenesis.

Where does mycoplasmosis come from in children?

In children, mycoplasmosis is observed after infection in utero, in normal childbirth or after a cesarean section. The upper respiratory tract is more often affected - rhinitis and pharyngitis, then tracheitis and bronchitis develop, and then pneumonia. The causative agent of respiratory mycoplasmosis - with the help of flagella, attaches to the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and destroys their walls.

As a result, interstitial pneumonia of newborns develops, which is characteristic of congenital mycoplasmosis.

In premature infants infected with mycoplasmas, respiratory disorders, the development of neonatal scleroma (thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue), hemorrhages in the parietal and occipital regions (cephalohematomas), increased bilirubin and jaundice, the development of inflammation of the brain and its membranes (meningoencephalitis) are possible.

In term infants - pneumonia, subcutaneous hemorrhage, late symptoms of meningoencephaltitis.

25% of pregnant women are asymptomatic carriers of mycoplasma. In the vast majority of cases, the placenta and amniotic membranes protect the fetus during pregnancy. But if the amniotic bladder is damaged or during childbirth, mycoplasma can enter the baby's body and cause infection.

Infection with mycoplasmosis in children can occur:

  • with infection of amniotic fluid during pregnancy;
  • with damage to the placenta;
  • when passing the birth canal;
  • when communicating with sick relatives or carriers of mycoplasmas.

The entrance gate for infection can be:

  • conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • mucous membranes of the mouth and respiratory tract;
  • mucous membranes of the genital organs.

In healthy term babies, contact with mycoplasmas rarely leads to the development of the disease. But premature infants, who suffered from chronic placental insufficiency during the period of intrauterine development, are very sensitive to mycoplasmas due to the immaturity of the immune system.

When infected with mycoplasmas, children may develop:

Conjunctivitis. Mycoplasmas infect cells of the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that covers the outer surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Symptoms:

  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • tearing;
  • slight swelling of the eyelids;
  • mucopurulent discharge.
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Meningitis - inflammation of the soft and arachnoid membranes of the brain. Manifestations:

  • heat;
  • headache;
  • stiff neck muscles - increased tone of the occipital muscles, due to which the child cannot press the chin to the chest;
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • severe weakness.

Respiratory distress syndrome or noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Mycoplasma damage to the lung tissue can lead to massive secretion of fluid into the alveolar lumen, and sometimes into the pleural cavity. Pulmonary edema leads to impaired breathing, and patients suffer from acute oxygen deficiency. Its manifestations:

  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • severe lethargy;
  • violation of consciousness;
  • coma.

Neonatal sepsis - the entry of mycoplasmas into the blood. "Blood poisoning" is associated with impaired immunity, namely the inability to phagocytose microorganisms. In this case, symptoms of a systemic inflammatory reaction appear:

  • temperature above 38 or below 36 ° C;
  • pulse over 90 beats per minute;
  • increased breathing rate over 20 per minute;
  • a large number of leukocytes (leukocytosis) in the blood test - above 12x10 per μl.

Carrier... Mycoplasmas settle on the cell membrane of the mucous membrane, but there are no symptoms of the disease. Mycoplasmas often colonize the reproductive system of newborn girls - colonization was detected in 20-50% of them. Carriage in newborn boys does not occur.

Forms of mycoplasmosis

  • Respiratory mycoplasmosis, which is an acute anthroponous infectious and inflammatory disease of the respiratory system. It is provoked by M. pneumoniae mycoplasma (the effect of other types of mycoplasma on the development of respiratory diseases has not been proven at present);
  • , which belongs to infectious inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. It is caused by M. Hominis and M. Genitalium mycoplasmas;
  • Generalized mycoplasmosis, in which extra-respiratory lesions by mycoplasmas are detected. Mycoplasma infection can affect the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, eyes, kidneys, liver, cause the development of bronchial asthma, polyarthritis, pancreatitis and exanthema. Extra-respiratory organ damage usually occurs as a result of generalization of respiratory or urogenital mycoplasmosis.

Depending on the clinical course, mycoplasmosis is divided into:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • sluggish;
  • chronic.

Since the presence of mycoplasmas in the body is not always accompanied by symptoms of the disease, the carriage of mycoplasmas is also isolated (when there are no clinical signs of inflammation, mycoplasmas are present in a titer of less than 103 CFU / ml).

For the first time, mycoplasma was isolated in 1898 in France from the body of cows with pneumonia. A little later, in 1928, scientists drew attention to a strange "virus" in sick bulls, and in 1937 Edzall and Dienes found out that mycoplasma also lives in the human body. They isolated it during the study of abscesses of the Bartholin glands. In the body of healthy women (in the region of the cervical canal), the pathogen was identified in 1942, and at the same time, mycoplasma was found in the urethra of men. A few years later, it was proved that mycoplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease that can provoke quite serious consequences.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis is separated from the environment by the cytoplasmic membrane (contains proteins that are located in the lipid layers).

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

The causative agent is Mycoplasma pneumonie. Bacteria are secreted from the respiratory tract for a week or a half after the onset of the disease, transmitted by airborne droplets or through objects. Respiratory mycoplasmosis has seasonal tendencies, more common in the autumn-winter period. 2-4 annual incidence increases are characteristic. Immunity lasts 5-10 years or more, the course of the disease depends on the immune status. In general, respiratory mycoplasmosis in humans is 5-6% of all acute respiratory infections and 6-22% of diagnosed pneumonia, during epidemic outbreaks - up to 50%.

Method of transmission of respiratory mycoplasmosis. The source of infection is sick people and asymptomatic carriers. The disease is transmitted by airborne dust. When coughing, particles of mucus containing mycoplasma fall on objects and settle on house dust, and subsequently on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Young people under 30 are more likely to get sick.

The consequence of respiratory mycoplasmosis is pneumonia.

Mycoplasma respiratory infection is more common in children and young people. Children 5-14 years old are infected with M. pneumonie in 20-35% of all ARI cases, adolescents and people aged 19-23 years - in 15-20% of cases. There is a combination of mycoplasmas with viral infections (influenza and parainfluenza, adenovirus, HIV). Complications - pneumonia, sepsis, meningoencephalitis, hemolytic anemia, inflammation of the joints.

The incubation period is up to 1 month, then symptoms of a common cold appear, turning into a painful dry cough. With a mild form of the disease, the temperature rises slightly, the patient complains of breaking pain in the muscles and general malaise. On examination - dilated blood vessels of the sclera, punctate hemorrhages under the mucous membranes, "loose" throat. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. Dry rales are heard in the lungs, the general condition of the patient is satisfactory. The disease lasts 1-2 weeks and ends without complications.

  • The disease can occur in various forms :;
  • rhinopharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • atypical mycoplasma pneumonia (its share is about 10-20% of all pneumonia).

Mycoplasma pneumonia is characterized by:

  • acute onset of the disease - chills, a significant increase in temperature;
  • intoxication is moderately expressed, the condition worsens when the temperature rises;
  • weakness, weakness, muscle aches - the result of poisoning with a neurotoxin secreted by mycoplasmas;
  • annoying dry cough with a slight discharge of mucopurulent sputum, less often with an admixture of blood;
  • in the lungs dry or moist fine bubbling rales, the lesion is usually focal one-sided;
  • the face is pale, the sclera are reddened, the vessels are sometimes visible;
  • some patients experience nausea and vomiting.

For the treatment of respiratory forms of mycoplasmosis, antibiotics are used,


Medical measures are not always justified, details:

Treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs. In acute uncomplicated urogenital mycoplasmosis, which:

  • Caused by mycoplasma, metronidazole, clindamycin are used. Treatment can be local;
  • Caused by mycoplasma, tetracycline drugs (doxycycline) or macrolides (azithromycin) are used.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with antibiotics should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist attending physician. Self-medication in this case can lead to a deterioration in the dynamics of the process and the development of resistance to antibacterial agents of mycoplasma.

Standard antibiotic regimens for the treatment of mycoplasmosis:

It is important to follow some rules when treating with antibiotics:

  • Treatment should not be interrupted or discontinued earlier than the period specified by the attending physician.
  • In the treatment of mycoplasmosis, even protected sexual intercourse should be stopped for the period of treatment.
  • Treatment is considered successful only after laboratory tests confirm this, and the disappearance of the symptoms of mycoplasmosis is not a reliable criterion for cure.

An important component of effective therapy for mycoplasmosis is the need to undergo treatment with a sexual partner. If this is not done, then chlamydia will circulate within the couple, causing re-infection.

The success of the treatment is ensured by maintaining personal hygiene. It should be remembered that on sheets, towels and underwear, chlamydiae survive for a week. And simply boiling the laundry for a minute is guaranteed to destroy them.

Probiotics in the treatment of mycoplasmosis

Since antibiotics affect the entire body, then there is a high probability that they can destroy the beneficial microflora. In order to prevent its place from being taken by a microflora that is aggressive for the body (fungi, some types of conditionally pathogenic bacteria), live cultures of bifido and lactobacilli are prescribed.

The most famous and commonly used drugs from the group of probiotics are: hilak forte, bifidumbacterin, linex.

Mycoplasmas are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are found in the human body. At the same time, microbes in small quantities can be present in the body of a completely healthy man and not manifest themselves in any way. The situation changes when the immune system weakens. The number of microorganisms increases, and the person begins to feel some discomfort.

In contact with

The causes of mycoplasma in men

Where does this disease come from:

  • Weakening of the body's natural protective functions;
  • Contact with an infected woman;
  • Concomitant diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • Systematic hypothermia of the body.

When the immune system weakens, microbes attack the man's body, they begin to multiply actively, as a result of which infection occurs. At the same time, the symptoms of mycoplasma in men can be disturbed by periods, then, increasing, then, decreasing their intensity.

Unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman who is a carrier of mycoplasmosis can lead to infection. In this case, the infection does not appear immediately, but after a few weeks.

Mycoplasma hominis in men often manifests itself against the background of other sexually transmitted diseases, for example, together with gonorrhea or chlamydia. In this case, it is very difficult to diagnose the disease, since it proceeds in a latent form, and its symptoms are mild.

Frequent colds and the constant presence of a man in the cold negatively affects the health of his reproductive system. Frequent hypothermia leads to a decrease in immunity and can also cause mycoplasmosis in men, the treatment of which should not be postponed.

A child can also become infected when passing through the birth canal. In the event that the mother is a carrier of the infection, then the baby can become infected during the natural process of childbirth. Disease-causing bacteria can cause meningitis and pneumonia in a newborn.

The disease often proceeds without visible symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose. The presence of concomitant infections can confuse the doctor and make a biased diagnosis for the patient.

But in most cases, the symptoms of mycoplasma in men are manifested by the following unpleasant factors:

  1. Pain or burning at the end of urination.
  2. The appearance of mucous discharge from the urethra in the morning.
  3. Swollen lymph nodes.
  4. Groin pain.

The signs of the disease do not appear immediately, they begin to bother the man after the incubation period, until this time mycoplasmosis in men proceeds without any symptoms and he does not suspect that he is the carrier of the infection.

In its advanced stage, the disease can lead to infertility, it reduces the quality and quantity of sperm. If, when symptoms of mycoplasma in men appear, treatment is not carried out in time, this can lead to prostatitis, orchitis, etc.

Incubation period

When in contact with an infected woman, the symptoms of an unpleasant disease do not appear immediately. The incubation period is one to five weeks... The disease can make itself felt earlier if it arose not due to unprotected sexual intercourse, but due to a weakened immune system.

In such a situation, the signs of the disease are pronounced, they can occur for no apparent reason and disappear spontaneously. This does not mean that the disease has receded, but rather it has become chronic.

A special analysis for mycoplasma in men, and the definition of any norm does not exist, but it is enough for a qualified doctor to take a smear on the microflora in order to determine the presence of pathogenic flora in the body. Also, the diagnosis is made based on the following procedures:

  • RIF blood test;
  • Immunoassay diagnostic method.

All these studies will help to quickly diagnose the patient correctly and determine whether he has concomitant diseases, against which mycoplasmosis can develop in men and how to treat it.

Also, for the treatment of the disease, another analysis is used, it reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics and helps to effectively influence mycoplasmas with the help of medicines.

Treatment of mycoplasma hominis in men

Drug therapy is prescribed after an appropriate analysis. Bacterial culture will allow you to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics and antiseptic drugs, such as:

  1. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group.
  2. Antifungal drugs.
  3. Immunostimulants.
  4. Probiotics.
  5. Pain relievers.

Only a doctor can choose the right drugs necessary for the treatment of mycoplasma in men, therefore, before starting a course of therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass a number of tests. After carrying out drug therapy, it will be necessary to undergo a series of studies again to determine the effectiveness of treatment. This is due to the fact that microbes quickly adapt to antibiotics and can develop "immunity"... Therefore, if the symptoms of mycoplasmosis remain, their treatment continues with other medications.

Drugs for the treatment of mycoplasmosis in men

Naturally, the specialist chooses the necessary means for the treatment of mycoplasmosis after the diagnosis and diagnosis. Mycoplasmas, for example, are insensitive to the penicillin group of antibiotics, so they cannot be used in the treatment of the disease, they will not give the desired effect.

Experts consider the following medicines to be the most effective means for treating the disease:

  • Doxycycline;
  • Nystatin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Vagilak;
  • Gynoflor;
  • Interferon
  • Echinacea;
  • Creams with metronidazole.

You should not start treatment of genital mycoplasma in men on your own - this can lead to unexpected complications and cause a relapse of the disease.

The course of medication treatment lasts from 3 to 7 weeks, after that additional diagnostics are carried out. It does not matter according to what scheme the treatment of mycoplasmosis in a man will be, the course of therapy is also assigned to the sexual partner... During therapy, it is worth excluding alcohol intake and following a diet that will increase the effectiveness of drug therapy. It is also recommended to observe sexual abstinence, at least for some time.

What experts say about the disease:

The content of the article

A urogenital infection that is associated with other urogenital STIs and can cause post-gonorrheal inflammation.

Etiology of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasma - saprophytes widespread in soil and water, causative agents of human and animal diseases. For humans, conditionally pathogenic are Mycoplasma hominis, M.genitalium and its T-type Ureaplasma urealyticum. Diseases of the urogenital tract are caused by the latter three types. Ureaplasma urealyticum produces urease, which breaks down urea, unlike others that break down arginine. This property allows them to be distinguished from other types of mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmas are pleomorphic microorganisms, which, unlike other bacteria, lack a cell membrane. They are covered with a three-layer membrane and, like viruses, are able to multiply in cells and overcome bacterial filters.
There are opposite opinions about the role of mycoplasmas in the occurrence of inflammation of the urogenital tract: some scientists believe that mycoplasmas are absolute pathogens that cause urethritis, prostatitis, postpartum endometritis, pyelonephritis, pathology of pregnancy and fetus, arthritis, sepsis. Others believe that mycoplasma is an opportunistic microorganism that can cause inflammation in some cases, most often together with other pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms.
The incidence of mycoplasmas is estimated from 10 to 50%. Ureaplasmas are often diagnosed in gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, as well as in the presence of gynecological diseases (58%), and only in 4% in clinically healthy people. In accordance with modern concepts, it is believed that M. genitalium is a pathogenic microorganism that can cause urethritis in both sexes, cervicitis.
Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum are present on mucous membranes and in the secretions of the urogenital tract in 40-80% of practically healthy people of reproductive age in an amount of less than 104 CFU / ml. Under certain conditions, the pathogenic properties of these microorganisms are realized, as a result of which they can cause urethritis in men and cystitis in women. Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum in association with other pathogenic and / or opportunistic microorganisms can participate in the development of various pathological conditions, including bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, cervicitis, PID, complications of pregnancy, postpartum and post-abortion complications.

Pathogenesis of mycoplasmosis

Getting on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract, microorganisms are adsorbed on the surface of cells. Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas cause inflammatory reactions associated with other pathogenic microorganisms.

The incubation period of mycoplasmosis

In the experiment, urethritis develops within three days after the introduction of a pure culture. In practice, the incubation period is not specified.

Clinic of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasmas can cause acute, chronic or oligosymptomatic inflammation of the urinary and genital tract. Since this infection is usually associated with other urogenital diseases, their main clinical symptoms are similar. In 50% of cases, mycoplasmosis is diagnosed in patients with post-gonorrheal inflammation, gonorrhea causes residual inflammation, and can also cause adhesions, chronic infiltrative process and other complications.
The diagnosis is established in accordance with the ICD-X. The topical diagnosis is indicated with the specification of the identified infectious agent (for example: urethritis due to U. urealyticum).

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

1. Bacteriological method.
2. Immunofluorescence tests.
3. Method of DNA probes (GEN PROBE).
4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Bacteriological method

In practice, bacteriological methods are most often used using various certified diagnostics. Mycoplasmas are simultaneously cultivated in a liquid and solid medium supplemented with the necessary substance for the growth of microbes.
There are methods that allow you to simultaneously determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. Urogenital mycoplasmas are diagnosed in scrapings from the mucous membrane of the urethra, the cervical canal, the outer side of the cervix (in pregnant women), as well as in the joint fluid, in the punctate from the Douglas space and in the peritoneal punctate, in the urine and semen centrifugate. In newborns, bronchial aspirates can be examined.
Receiving material
The correct receipt of the test material is the most important diagnostic step. With careful observance of the rules for collecting material, the specificity of the method is 100%. In most cases, the collection and delivery of material to the laboratory is carried out by doctors of various specialties or nurses, who must master the technique of this procedure. The collection technique should be standardized to maximally prevent the attachment of concomitant flora and match a certain number of colonies to the number of mycoplasmas in the area of \u200b\u200bcollection. It is important that epithelial cells are present in the sample, since mycoplasmas are attached to epithelial cells using special adhesive factors. Before taking the material, the patient should refrain from topical use of antibiotics or other substances to disinfect the cervical canal.
In women, the material for research is obtained from the cervical canal. The sample should be free of mucus, so the first step is to thoroughly wipe the canal with a swab. Taking a swab from the urethra, you should also clean its opening from mucus, then making a scraping from the mucous membrane with a special brush. Urine: The urine centrifugate sediment is dissolved in sterile saline. Semen: diluted in sterile saline solution 1:10. Synovial, peritoneal punctate, punctate from the Douglas space: the centrifugate sediment is dissolved in sterile saline.
Method principle
Material for research, obtained from the mucous membrane, is placed in a bottle with a liquid nutrient medium - urea or arginine broth. When examining liquid samples, 0.2 ml of the corresponding liquid is placed in the vial. Sowing on agar: before use, the agar must be placed in a thermostat at 37 ° C for 15 minutes, and then using a pipette, apply 3 drops of broth to the agar surface. Inoculation should be performed without droplet coalescence. Dry for 5 minutes at room temperature. Then both culture media are incubated in a thermostat in an anaerobic or microanerophilic medium at a temperature of 36-37 ° C. If agar inoculation cannot be done immediately, the broth can be used as a transport medium. Samples can be stored at room temperature for 4-5 hours, in a refrigerator at temperatures from +2 to + 8 ° C - 48 hours.
Assessment of results
Growth results are assessed after 48 hours incubation in a thermostat in both liquid medium and agar and should take into account the color change in the broth and the number of colonies in the field of view during microscopy. The indicator is expressed in CFU (Colony Forming Units) units: if there is 0-1 colony in the field of view, the result is 103, if 1-5 colonies - 104, if 5-15 colonies - 105, if 15 or more colonies - 106.
The pathogenicity of mycoplasmas is manifested with an indicator of 104. Indicator 103 should be regarded as the presence of mycoplasmas.

Differential diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

It is necessary to differentiate from other urogenital infections using laboratory diagnostic methods.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

Treatment of M. genitalium infection

- Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for 10 days or
- Azithromycin 500 mg orally on the first day, then 250 mg per day for 4 days.
Treatment of urogenital infectious diseases caused by U. Urealyticum and M. hominis
- Josamycin 500 mg 3 times a day for 10 days or
- Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for 10 days.
Treatment of pregnant women
Josamycin 500 mg 3 times a day for 10 days.
  • M. pneumonia - causes pulmonary (respiratory) mycoplasmosis;
  • M. incognitus - causes a generalized form of mycoplasmosis;
  • M. hominis - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis;
  • M. genitalium - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis;
  • U. urealyticum - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis.

The causative agents of the disease are sensitive to antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. They also die outside the human body from boiling, disinfecting solutions and from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Causes and mechanism of development of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasmosis: symptoms and treatment

Human mycoplasmosis is divided into respiratory (pulmonary) and urogenital. Each has its own characteristics of the course and treatment. Respiratory therapy is treated by a general practitioner or pulmonologist. Urogenital - urologist or gynecologist.
A certain type of mycoplasmosis has its own incubation period. Let's consider them separately.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

It is transmitted by airborne droplets or from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. It is divided into mycoplasma bronchitis and mycoplasma pneumonia (pneumonia). The former are similar to the downstream flu or other viral infection, only with a longer course.
The incubation period is 1-2 weeks. In rare cases, it reaches 3-4 weeks. It starts with fever, nasal congestion, and severe coughing. After joining the lungs into the process, an even greater increase in temperature occurs, the cough becomes with a small amount of sputum, and shortness of breath occurs. The duration of this variant of mycoplasmosis is about 2-3 months.
In case of a severe course of the disease, it is necessary to be in a hospital. For therapy, antibiotics, antitussives (in the first few days), expectorants, antipyretics and vitamins are used. Antifungal drugs are also used in treatment.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis

Clinical manifestations after contact with mycoplasma begin to develop after a period of time from 3 days to 3 weeks. In 80% of cases, infection occurs through sexual contact. However, the contact is not excluded. It can be asymptomatic, acute and chronic. It manifests itself in minor discharge from the vagina or urethra. It is also worried about itching of the genitals, cramps during urination, pain in the lower abdomen. In women, menstrual irregularities are possible, in men, pain in the scrotum and anus.
Chronic mycoplasmosis sooner or later leads to various complications. For women, this is most often infertility, persistent miscarriages or premature birth. In this case, the child becomes ill with the pulmonary form of the disease. For men, infertility is most often characteristic. In both sexes, pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), arthritis (inflammation of the joints) can occur.
The consequences of mycoplasmosis of the respiratory form are bronchiectasis (irreversible expansion of the bronchi) and pneumosclerosis (replacement of normal lung tissue with connective tissue). These are the most common complications. But with the wrong treatment, more serious consequences are possible. This is encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or generalized lesion (when almost all organs and systems of human organs are involved in the process of the disease).

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

There are no vaccines for mycoplasmosis. Therefore, for the prevention of pulmonary form, it is necessary to follow the same methods as for other colds. And in order to avoid the genital form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude accidental sexual intercourse, especially not protected, carefully examine pregnant women, correctly process gynecological instruments, and carry out adequate treatment of patients with mycoplasmosis.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is a rather difficult task. This is explained by the fact that with this disease there are no signs characteristic only of it. They can also be found in a number of other pathologies. But the presence of chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system can push the doctor to think about mycoplasmosis, after which the doctor's thoughts are confirmed or refuted in the laboratory.
Laboratory diagnostic methods include:

Mycoplasmosis does not have symptoms that would be characteristic only of this disease. All the complaints that the patient can present are also found in other pathologies of the respiratory or genitourinary system. However, the combination of several signs helps to push the doctor to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to examine the patient for mycoplasmosis.
Mycoplasma is capable of affecting the human respiratory system (respiratory or pulmonary mycoplasmosis) and urogenital (urogenital mycoplasmosis). Complaints will differ depending on the location of the disease.
Respiratory mycoplasmosis includes the following symptoms: in the first days from the onset of the disease, a sore throat appears, nasal congestion and a strong, paroxysmal dry cough occurs, and the body temperature rises to 38 ° C. After 1-2 weeks, the temperature rises to 39 ° C, the cough becomes paroxysmal, with a small amount of sputum, sometimes streaked with blood. There is severe shortness of breath, blue lips. This suggests that the lungs were involved in the process. This condition can last up to three months.
Signs of mycoplasmosis of the genitourinary system can be so poorly expressed that the patient does not pay attention to them for a long time. First of all, patients notice a slight discharge from the vagina or urethra. Itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe glans penis and urethra in men and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance to the vagina in women will also be characteristic signs. Cramps and discomfort when urinating may be troubling. If the infection spreads higher in the body, then women may have intermenstrual bleeding, irregular menstruation, and pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In men, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis are divided according to the affected organs. If the testicles and their appendages are involved in the process, then the severity in the scrotum, its slight swelling, is added to the above complaints. If the prostate gland is affected, then there is frequent nocturnal urination, pressing pains in the lower abdomen or anus. The urine becomes cloudy, sometimes streaked with pus.

Complications of mycoplasmosis

Given that the causes of mycoplasmosis are a small microorganism that does not always cause any complaints in the patient, complications of the disease are often possible. These include bronchiectasis (pathological irreversible expansion of the bronchi), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). As well as arthritis (joint inflammation), infertility, premature birth, frequent miscarriages. That is why, in order to prevent such serious consequences, it is necessary, at the slightest suspicion of mycoplasmosis, to consult a pulmonologist, gynecologist or urologist (depending on the affected system).

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

Treatment of respiratory mycoplasmosis

For the treatment of respiratory mycoplasmosis, antibacterial drugs are the main ones. Most effective against mycoplasma:

  • tetracyclines - tetracycline (750-1000 mg per day, divided into 3 doses), doxycycline (200 mg per day, divided into 2 doses);
  • fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin (600 mg per day, divided into 2 doses), ciprofloxacin (1000 mg per day, divided into 2 doses);
  • macrolides - sumamed (500 mg once a day or 1 g once a day), erythromycin (2000 mg per day, divided into 4 doses), clarithromycin (1500 mg per day, divided into 3 doses), azithromycin (1 g once a day or 500 mg once a day).

The duration of treatment can take from 7 days (in mild cases) to 21 days (in severe cases). Antibiotics for mycoplasmosis are selected strictly individually.
Symptomatic drugs are also used to treat pulmonary mycoplasmosis. These are antitussives (codterpin, 1 tablet, no more than 4 doses per day, stoptusin, 1 tablet in 3 doses) - used in the first few days of illness with a painful paroxysmal cough. Expectorant drugs (ambroxol 1 tablet in 3 divided doses, lazolvan 1 tablet in 3 divided doses, ACC 1 sachet in 4 doses) - with a painful cough with difficult sputum. Antipyretic (paracetamol, 1 tablet in 4 doses, nimid, 1 tablet in 2-4 doses, ibuprofen, 1 tablet in 3 doses) - with an increase in body temperature from 38 ° C. For sore throat - sprays with antiseptics (Yoks, Stopusin, Givalex) or tablets (Decatilen, Strepsils) - every 3-4 hours. For nasal congestion - spray or drops (nasol, noxprey, aquamaris, naftizin).
In severe cases, treatment should take place strictly in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis

The main drug in the treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis, as well as respiratory, is an antibiotic. The groups and dosages are the same. However, the duration of treatment is 3 to 7 days. This is due to the milder course of the disease. In addition to this drug, antifungal drugs are used (fluconazole 100 mg, 1 tablet daily for 10 days or 500 mg once after a course of antibacterial drugs). Probiotics to restore microflora (linex 1 capsule in 3-5 doses, bifiform 1 capsule in 3-4 doses, lacidophilus 1 capsule in 3-4 doses). To strengthen immunity, vitamins are used (vitrum, kadevit, undevit - 1 tablet in 4 doses) and immunostimulants (laferon, 1 tablet in 3 doses, interferon should be instilled into the nose every 2 hours).
Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women, to all of the above, adds vaginal suppositories with antibiotics (metronidazole, 1 suppository at night for 10 days, gravagin, 1 suppository at night for 7-10 days).
After the end of therapy, a woman must undergo a control study. To do this, 10 days after the last antibiotic pill, a female doctor (gynecologist) takes a smear and sows it. This procedure must be carried out three times, during each subsequent menstrual cycle. Only if during these three months all the results are negative, the woman can be considered healthy.
Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men adds to the general principles of ointments or creams containing antibacterial substances (metrogil, oflokain - rub into the head of the penis 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks). At the end of the treatment, the treatment is monitored. By any method of laboratory research that is available in a medical institution, a male doctor (andrologist or urologist) checks for the presence of mycoplasma in the body.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children is one of the most difficult tasks. The reason for this is the severity of the course of the disease. It is recommended that all children be hospitalized after establishing such a diagnosis.
Antibiotics are the basis for eliminating the cause of the disease. If the child is under 12 years old, then macrolides are shown in the form of a suspension or capsule, and if the condition is extremely severe, then intramuscularly or intravenously fluoroquinolones.
An indicative treatment regimen for mycoplasmosis in children includes drugs such as:

  • Antibacterial drug - azithromycin (sumamed) - 10 mg / kg body weight;
  • Expectorants - Dr. Tice's syrup, Dr. IOM syrup - up to 6 years old, ½ teaspoon, from 6 to 12 years old, 1 teaspoon, from 12 years old, 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
  • Antipyretic - nurofen - up to 3 years old, 2.5 ml 2 times a day, from 3 to 6, 5 ml 2-3 times a day, from 6 to 12, 7.5 ml 4 times a day, from 12 years old, 10 mo 4 times a day day.
  • Probiotic - bifiform 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.
  • Immunostimulant - leukocyte interferon to be instilled into the nose every 2 hours.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.

The pediatrician (pediatrician) will prescribe full treatment depending on the symptoms, condition of the child and his age. In no case should you self-medicate.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with folk remedies

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with folk remedies can be allowed only with the urogenital form, not complicated. Here are some recipes that are good to use for asymptomatic or asymptomatic options:

  • Insist 3 tablespoons of goldenrod herb in 3 cups of boiling water for 45 minutes. Take ½ glass 4-6 times a day for 21 days.
  • 15 g of the collection (upland uterus, winter-lover and wintergreen herb) pour 3-4 glasses of hot water and leave for 45-50 minutes. Take ½ cup 5 times a day for 21-28 days.
  • 2 tablespoons of oak bark and 1 tablespoon of borax uterus pour 1 ½ cup boiling water, leave for 30-45 minutes. Use as vaginal douching 2 times a day.

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

There is no specific prophylaxis (vaccine) against mycoplasmosis.
For pulmonary mycoplasmosis, it is necessary to adhere to the same rules as for other respiratory tract infections (hardening, maintaining immunity, taking vitamins).
Prevention of urogenital mycoplasmosis includes adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, adequate sterilization of gynecological instruments, and water purification in public pools. It is also necessary to adequately identify and treat patients with mycoplasmosis. We must not forget about safe sexual intercourse. In addition, women need to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist every six months.

Mycoplasmosis in women

The incubation period after contact with mycoplasmas is from 4 to 55 days (average 14 days). But due to the fact that most often mycoplasmosis in women passes in asymptomatic or asymptomatic forms, it is practically impossible to determine the moment of infection. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.
Due to the fact that the sexual route of transmission is predominant, women are able to become infected not only directly through sexual contact, but also through the household route - through towels, sheets or gynecological instruments.
The frequency of detection of mycoplasmas in patients and a low level of social status, the use of hormonal contraception instead of condoms, and a sexual partner with various sexually transmitted diseases increase.
Mycoplasmosis in women is classified according to the location of the lesion:

  • mycoplasma bartholinitis (damage to specific glands near the entrance to the vagina);
  • mycoplasma vaginitis (damage to the vaginal mucosa);
  • mycoplasma endometritis (damage to the inner lining of the uterus);
  • mycoplasma salpingitis (damage to the fallopian tubes), etc.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in women

Several laboratory methods are used to diagnose mycoplasmosis. These include:

The main complications of mycoplasmosis in women include an abscess of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina (purulent inflammation), inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, infertility, recurrent miscarriages, chronic endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus), placental insufficiency (pathology of the placenta that causes a number of diseases in the fetus), intrauterine diseases of the fetus without pathology of the placenta.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women

Mycoplasmosis in men

The incubation period of mycoplasmosis in men is from 4 to 55 days (average 14 days). But due to the fact that most often mycoplasmosis passes in asymptomatic or asymptomatic forms, it is practically impossible to determine the moment of infection. Men get sick less often than women. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.
Mycoplasmosis is divided into lesions:

  • mycoplasma urethritis (damage to the urethra);
  • mycoplasma prostatitis (prostate damage);
  • mycoplasma orchitis (damage to one or two testicles)
  • mycoplasma epididymitis (damage to the epididymis).

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men

Mycoplasmosis does not cause the typical symptoms in men. Most often, everything proceeds almost imperceptibly and there is no thought to consult a doctor. The disease begins with minor discharge from the genitals and unmotivated discomfort. Also, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men include itching and pain in the penis. In rare cases, painful sensations may occur in the perineum, scrotum and even give into the anus.
With mycoplasma urethritis, the symptoms include purulent discharge of various amounts, clouding of urine, discomfort in the glans penis, itching or burning throughout the urethra. If this is an acute course of mycoplasmosis, then the symptoms are more pronounced and this can push a man to go to the hospital. But in the chronic course of complaints, there are practically no complaints, the patient does not go to the doctor, which can lead to various complications.
Mycoplasma prostatitis occurs in men who already suffer from urethritis, and due to predisposing factors, the infection penetrates into the gland itself. These factors include regularly interrupted or prolonged intercourse, the presence of frequent constipation, the use of alcohol, etc. Patients may notice more frequent urination at night, the appearance of purulent filaments in the urine, or even clouding of urine. With a long course of chronic prostatitis, a decrease in potency occurs.
With mycoplasma epididymitis and orchitis, a man feels slight pulling pains in the scrotum, rarely a slight swelling of the scrotum may occur, which the patient may not notice.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in men

Some laboratory methods are used to diagnose mycoplasmosis. These are such as:

With untimely or incorrect treatment, mycoplasmosis in men can cause a number of complications. These include:

  • Mycoplasma pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney substance);
  • Mycoplasma cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • Male infertility (caused by a violation of the movement of sperm or their formation);
  • Mycoplasma arthritis (joint inflammation).

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men

Mycoplasmosis in children

Mycoplasmosis in children is a rather serious disease that is caused by mycoplasmas and has a number of clinical signs. The incubation period ranges from 4 days to 3 weeks (depending on the form of the disease). Just like adults, children can be carriers of mycoplasma or the disease can be asymptomatic. The appearance of clinical signs in these cases is possible after stress or against the background of reduced immunity. Infection can occur intrauterinely (from a sick mother), by household (through towels, bed linen, underwear), sexually (with sexual perversion, rape) and by airborne droplets (infection rarely occurs).

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in children

Mycoplasmosis in children is divided into clinical forms:

  • respiratory - affects the upper respiratory tract;
  • pneumonic - affects the lower respiratory tract;
  • urogenital - affects the genitourinary system;
  • perinatal - affects the fetus from the mother;
  • generalized - damage to the whole organism, extremely severe form.

Mycoplasmosis in children, depending on the form, causes the following symptoms:
Respiratory form: From the beginning of infection to the development of the clinic, it takes from 4 to 7 days. The body temperature rises to 38 ° C, but there is no intoxication (weakness, body aches, headache, drowsiness). The upper parts of the respiratory system (larynx, trachea, bronchi) are affected. Rarely, symptoms of obstruction may occur (difficulty breathing in and out). It flows quite easily. However, with improper treatment, complications may arise: the addition of other microorganisms, lymphadenopathy (damage to the lymphatic system), cervical lymphadenitis (inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes).
Pneumonic form: From the onset of infection to the development of the clinic, it takes 1 to 3 weeks. The onset can be both acute and gradual. With acute development in a child, within a week, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, after which it remains at 37.5-38 ° C for another 4 weeks. Signs of intoxication are slightly expressed, the upper and middle airways are affected (up to the bronchi of medium caliber), slight shortness of breath appears, the liver and spleen are enlarged, there may be pain in the joints. With a gradual onset, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in children are more severe. During the week, the body temperature ranges from 37.5 to 38 ° C, after which it rises to 39 ° C and does not go astray for a long time. Signs of intoxication are very pronounced, the lower respiratory tract is affected (up to the level of the lungs), severe shortness of breath, the lips become blue. Bilateral pneumonia appears. A dry, painful, paroxysmal cough is characteristic, which after 3-4 weeks of illness becomes wet, a large amount of purulent yellow sputum leaves, possibly even with blood. Complications of this form of childhood mycoplasmosis can be sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), otitis media (inflammation of the ear), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (blood clotting pathology), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), emphysema (increased airiness of the lung tissue).
Urogenital form: incubation period from 3 days to 3 weeks. The symptoms are the same as in adults. It is not common, in adolescence. Slight discharge from the genitourinary organs, mild itching, discomfort, possible cramps when urinating, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, guys have a heaviness in the scrotum. For diagnosis, the same methods are used as for men and women. Complications can be cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). The long-term consequences include infertility (both male and female), spontaneous miscarriages.
Perinatal form: infection occurs in utero from a mother with mycoplasmosis. The child is born prematurely, does not correspond to its developmental period, has severe respiratory and cerebral disorders, pathological jaundice. The immune system is also poorly developed. This is evidenced by the development of thrush, a long-term non-healing umbilical wound. Intrauterine fetal death is also possible.
Generalized form: This mycoplasmosis in a child affects almost the entire body. The process involves the cardiovascular system, nervous, musculoskeletal, skin. The survival rate in this case is not very high.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

Treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

Treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy should be based on the basic principles:

  • it is necessary to prevent the transmission of microorganisms to the fetus and the unborn child,
  • therapy is prescribed only if mycoplasmas are found in an amount of at least 100 CFU in 1 ml (colony-forming units),
  • treatment must be complete and not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother.

Due to the fact that most antibacterial drugs can pass through the placenta and cause fetal malformations, the doctor must carefully weigh the choice of medicine. Considering the deterioration of the immune system when carrying a child, a woman should take a large amount of vitamins. There are special vitamins for pregnant women, in which the content of all substances is increased by 2-3 times. These are, for example, pregnavit, vitrum prenatal, elevit. But the treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy still cannot do without antibiotics. The safest are drugs from the macrolide group. They have the least effect on the fetus, do not cause malformations and have the shortest course of administration. The most optimal of all drugs in this group is to prescribe josamycin. It must be taken only from the second trimester of pregnancy (not earlier than 12 weeks). This is due to the fact that up to 12 weeks, the fetus is forming organs, and after that they only increase in size. Therapy regimen: take 3 times a day, 500 mg (7-10 days). Or, another option is possible: drink 1 g of azithromycin once, and then 250 mg for 3 days.
After the course of therapy has been completed, and the doctor does not see signs of inflammation in the mirrors, it is necessary to conduct a control study. It is done 1 month after taking the last antibiotic pill.
We must not forget that together with the expectant mother, it is imperative to treat her sexual partner. Otherwise, all the symptoms of mycoplasmosis may return again.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis

Urogenital mycoplasmosis is caused by two types of bacteria: Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis. Of all inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system, mycoplasmosis has recently occupied 40-45%. Due to the fact that patients rarely go to a doctor and are increasingly self-medicating, or do not pay attention to the signs of the disease at all, neglected forms of the disease are increasingly common, with many complications.
The incubation period for genital mycoplasmosis ranges from 3 days to 3 weeks. But due to the fact that the disease is often asymptomatic or asymptomatic, it is not possible to determine the time of infection. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.
The route of transmission of urogenital mycoplasmosis is mainly sexual. However, it is possible to get infected by household means - through bed linen, towels. Women can also get mycoplasmosis at a gynecologist's appointment with poor processing of instruments (through gynecological mirrors, gloves).

Symptoms of urogenital mycoplasmosis

Urogenital mycoplasma infections are classified as acute, chronic and asymptomatic. Very often, mycoplasmosis is detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist by accident.
Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men are minor discharge from the urethra, slight itching inside the canal or on the head of the penis, cramps during urination, and a feeling of discomfort in the genital area are possible. Also, when the testicles and their appendages are damaged, there is a slight soreness and slight swelling of the scrotum. With the addition of a genital mycoplasma infection to the prostate, an increase in nighttime urination, slight pressing pain in the anus or lower abdomen is possible.
Symptoms in women are divided into mycoplasmosis of the external and internal genital organs. Signs of damage to external organs include slight itching at the entrance to the vagina, minor discharge from the urethra or vagina. And when mycoplasma enters the internal genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region or in the anus, may occur. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, intermenstrual bleeding is possible. With the advanced form of genital mycoplasmosis in women, "habitual" miscarriages or infertility are possible. Also, if a sick woman still managed to become pregnant, then fetal stillbirth or premature birth is not excluded. In this case, the child has a number of pathologies.

Diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasmosis

In order to correctly diagnose a urogenital infection of the genitourinary system, examination and laboratory research methods are required. On examination, you can find inflammatory changes, swelling, redness, erosion, soreness. This will lead the doctor to the idea that there may be some kind of microorganism. For clarification, such methods of laboratory diagnostics are used as:

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

Respiratory mycoplasmosis symptoms

Initially, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis resemble the flu or other viral infection. There is an increase in body temperature to 37.5-38.5 ° C, a dry, hacking cough appears, there is a sore throat, a stuffy nose. A little later, after a few days, the infection descends lower into the bronchi. In this regard, the cough increases, it becomes unbearable and paroxysmal. Sometimes with a little phlegm. In the future, the lungs are involved in the process, mycoplasma pneumonia (pneumonia) occurs. Severe shortness of breath joins the above symptoms, and there may be streaks of blood in the sputum. With adequate and timely treatment, the subsidence of the disease processes occurs from 3 weeks to 3 months. For mycoplasmosis in patients with weak immunity, complications in the form of meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain), arthritis (joint damage), nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) are characteristic. A transition to a chronic form is also possible. In this case, it is necessary to periodically examine the patient for the development of bronchiectasis (pathological and irreversible airiness of the lungs and expansion of the bronchi) and pneumosclerosis (replacement of normal lung tissue with connective, scar tissue).

Diagnostics of the respiratory mycoplasmosis

In order to diagnose pulmonary mycoplasmosis, an X-ray of the lungs and a complete blood count (as in other types of pneumonia) are not enough. There are a number of methods for determining the pathogen in a patient:

Treating mycoplasmosis of the respiratory tract is a long and difficult procedure. The main drug is antibiotics. The group of macrolides is mainly used (erythromycin, azithromycin, sumamed, clarithromycin). If it is impossible or ineffective to use them, there are stock antibiotics (tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones). The duration of treatment is much longer than with other infections, reaching 21-25 days. In the first few days of the illness, when the cough is still dry and painful, antitussive drugs (codterpin, stoptusin) are used. In the future, until the cough stops, expectorants are used (ambroxol, lazolvan, ACC). At elevated temperatures, it is necessary to take antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimisulide).
In no case should one engage in self-medication, it is necessary to monitor the treatment by a doctor.

  • M. pneumonia - causes pulmonary (respiratory) mycoplasmosis;
  • M. incognitus - causes a generalized form of mycoplasmosis;
  • M. hominis - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis;
  • M. genitalium - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis;
  • U. urealyticum - causes the urogenital form of mycoplasmosis.

The causative agents of the disease are sensitive to antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. They also die outside the human body from boiling, disinfecting solutions and from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Causes and mechanism of development of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasmosis is transmitted sexually (genital form), contact-household (urogenital form), airborne (pulmonary form) and vertical (from a mother with a urogenital form, causing a pulmonary form in a fetus or child) routes.

Human mycoplasmosis is divided into respiratory (pulmonary) and urogenital. Each has its own characteristics of the course and treatment. Respiratory therapy is treated by a general practitioner or pulmonologist. Urogenital - urologist or gynecologist.

A certain type of mycoplasmosis has its own incubation period. Let's consider them separately.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

It is transmitted by airborne droplets or from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. It is divided into mycoplasma bronchitis and mycoplasma pneumonia (pneumonia). The former are like the flow of flu or another viral infection, only with a longer course.

The incubation period is 1-2 weeks. In rare cases, it reaches 3-4 weeks. It starts with fever, nasal congestion, and severe coughing. After joining the lungs into the process, an even greater increase in temperature occurs, cough becomes with a small amount of sputum, occurs dyspnea ... The duration of this variant of mycoplasmosis is about 2-3 months.

In case of a severe course of the disease, it is necessary to be in a hospital. For therapy, antibiotics, antitussives (in the first few days), expectorants, antipyretics and vitamins are used. Antifungal drugs are also used in treatment.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis

Clinical manifestations after contact with mycoplasma begin to develop after a period of time from 3 days to 3 weeks. In 80% of cases, infection occurs through sexual contact. However, the contact is not excluded. It can be asymptomatic, acute and chronic. It manifests itself in minor discharge from the vagina or urethra. It is also worried about itching of the genitals, cramps during urination, pain in the lower abdomen. In women, menstrual irregularities are possible, in men, pain in the scrotum and anus.

Chronic mycoplasmosis sooner or later leads to various complications. For women, this is most often infertility , persistent miscarriages or premature birth. In this case, the child becomes ill with the pulmonary form of the disease. For men, infertility is most often characteristic. Both sexes may experience pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), arthritis (inflammation of the joints).

The consequences of mycoplasmosis of the respiratory form are bronchiectasis (irreversible expansion of the bronchi) and pneumosclerosis (replacement of normal lung tissue with connective tissue). These are the most common complications. But with the wrong treatment, more serious consequences are possible. it encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or generalized damage (when almost all organs and systems of human organs are involved in the process of the disease).

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

There are no vaccines for mycoplasmosis. Therefore, for the prevention of pulmonary form, it is necessary to follow the same methods as for other colds. And in order to avoid the genital form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude accidental sexual intercourse, especially not protected, carefully examine pregnant women, correctly process gynecological instruments, and carry out adequate treatment of patients with mycoplasmosis.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is a rather difficult task. This is explained by the fact that with this disease there are no signs characteristic only of it. They can also be found in a number of other pathologies. But the presence of chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system can push the doctor to think about mycoplasmosis, after which the doctor's thoughts are confirmed or refuted in the laboratory.

Mycoplasmosis does not have symptoms that would be characteristic only of this disease. All the complaints that the patient can present are also found in other pathologies of the respiratory or genitourinary system. However, the combination of several signs helps to push the doctor to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to examine the patient for mycoplasmosis.

Mycoplasma is capable of affecting the human respiratory system (respiratory or pulmonary mycoplasmosis) and urogenital (urogenital mycoplasmosis). Complaints will differ depending on the location of the disease.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis includes the following symptoms: in the first days from the onset of the disease, sore throat appears, nasal congestion occurs and a strong, paroxysmal dry cough , there is an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C. After 1-2 weeks, the temperature rises to 39 ° C, the cough becomes paroxysmal, with a small amount of sputum, sometimes streaked with blood. Strong appears dyspnea , blue lips. This suggests that the lungs were involved in the process. This condition can last up to three months.

Signs of mycoplasmosis of the genitourinary system can be so poorly expressed that the patient does not pay attention to them for a long time. First of all, patients notice a slight discharge from the vagina or urethra. Itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe glans penis and urethra in men and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance to the vagina in women will also be characteristic signs. Cramps and discomfort when urinating may be troubling. If the infection spreads higher in the body, then in women it is possible intermenstrual bleeding , irregular menstruation, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In men, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis are divided according to the affected organs. If the testicles and their appendages are involved in the process, then the severity in the scrotum, its slight swelling, is added to the above complaints. If the prostate gland is affected, then there is frequent nocturnal urination, pressing pains in the lower abdomen or anus. The urine becomes cloudy, sometimes streaked with pus.

Complications of mycoplasmosis

Given that the causes of mycoplasmosis are a small microorganism that does not always cause any complaints in the patient, complications of the disease are often possible. These include bronchiectasis (pathological irreversible expansion of the bronchi), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation). As well as arthritis (joint inflammation), infertility , premature birth, frequent miscarriages. That is why, in order to prevent such serious consequences, it is necessary, at the slightest suspicion of mycoplasmosis, to consult a pulmonologist, gynecologist or urologist (depending on the affected system).

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

Treatment of respiratory mycoplasmosis

For the treatment of respiratory mycoplasmosis, antibacterial drugs are the main ones. Most effective against mycoplasma:

  • tetracyclines - tetracycline (750-1000 mg per day, divided into 3 doses), doxycycline (200 mg per day, divided into 2 doses);
  • fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin (600 mg per day, divided into 2 doses), ciprofloxacin (1000 mg per day, divided into 2 doses);
  • macrolides - sumamed (500 mg once a day or 1 g once a day), erythromycin (2000 mg per day, divided into 4 doses), clarithromycin (1500 mg per day, divided into 3 doses), azithromycin (1 g once a day or 500 mg once a day).

The duration of treatment can take from 7 days (in mild cases) to 21 days (in severe cases). Antibiotics for mycoplasmosis are selected strictly individually.

Symptomatic drugs are also used to treat pulmonary mycoplasmosis. These are antitussives (codterpin, 1 tablet, no more than 4 doses per day, stoptusin, 1 tablet in 3 doses) - used in the first few days of illness with a painful paroxysmal cough. Expectorant drugs (ambroxol 1 tablet in 3 divided doses, lazolvan 1 tablet in 3 divided doses, ACC 1 sachet in 4 doses) - with a painful cough with difficult sputum. Antipyretic (paracetamol, 1 tablet in 4 doses, nimid, 1 tablet in 2-4 doses, ibuprofen, 1 tablet in 3 doses) - with an increase in body temperature from 38 ° C. For sore throat - sprays with antiseptics (Yoks, Stopusin, Givalex) or tablets (Decatilen, Strepsils) - every 3-4 hours. For nasal congestion - spray or drops (nasol, noxprey, aquamaris, naftizin).

In severe cases, treatment should take place strictly in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis

The main drug in the treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis, as well as respiratory, is an antibiotic. The groups and dosages are the same. However, the duration of treatment is 3 to 7 days. This is due to the milder course of the disease. In addition to this drug, antifungal drugs are used (fluconazole 100 mg, 1 tablet daily for 10 days or 500 mg once after a course of antibacterial drugs). Probiotics to restore microflora (linex 1 capsule in 3-5 doses, bifiform 1 capsule in 3-4 doses, lacidophilus 1 capsule in 3-4 doses). To strengthen immunity, vitamins are used (vitrum, kadevit, undevit - 1 tablet in 4 doses) and immunostimulants (laferon, 1 tablet in 3 doses, interferon is instilled into the nose every 2 hours).

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women, to all of the above, adds vaginal suppositories with antibiotics (metronidazole, 1 suppository at night for 10 days, gravagin, 1 suppository at night for 7-10 days).

After the end of therapy, a woman must undergo a control study. To do this, 10 days after the last antibiotic pill, a female doctor (gynecologist) takes a smear and sows it. This procedure must be carried out three times, during each subsequent menstrual cycle. Only if during these three months all the results are negative, the woman can be considered healthy.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men adds to the general principles of ointments or creams containing antibacterial substances (metrogil, oflokain - rub into the head of the penis 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks). At the end of the treatment, the treatment is monitored. By any method of laboratory research that is available in a medical institution, a male doctor (andrologist or urologist) checks for the presence of mycoplasma in the body.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children is one of the most difficult tasks. The reason for this is the severity of the course of the disease. It is recommended that all children be hospitalized after establishing such a diagnosis.

Antibiotics are the basis for eliminating the cause of the disease. If the child is under 12 years old, then macrolides are shown in the form of a suspension or capsule, and if the condition is extremely severe, then intramuscularly or intravenously fluoroquinolones.

An indicative treatment regimen for mycoplasmosis in children includes drugs such as:

  • Antibacterial drug - azithromycin (sumamed) - 10 mg / kg body weight;
  • Expectorants - Dr. Tais's syrup, Dr. IOM syrup - up to 6 years old, ½ teaspoon, from 6 to 12 years old, 1 teaspoon, from 12 years old, 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
  • Antipyretic - nurofen - up to 3 years old, 2.5 ml 2 times a day, from 3 to 6, 5 ml 2-3 times a day, from 6 to 12, 7.5 ml 4 times a day, from 12 years old, 10 mo 4 times a day day.
  • Probiotic - bifiform 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.
  • Immunostimulant - leukocyte interferon to be instilled into the nose every 2 hours.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.

The pediatrician (pediatrician) will prescribe full treatment depending on the symptoms, condition of the child and his age. In no case should you self-medicate.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with folk remedies

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with folk remedies can be allowed only with the urogenital form, not complicated. Here are some recipes that are good to use for asymptomatic or asymptomatic options:

  • Insist 3 tablespoons of goldenrod herb in 3 cups of boiling water for 45 minutes. Take ½ glass 4-6 times a day for 21 days.
  • 15 g of the collection (upland uterus, winter-lover and wintergreen herb) pour 3-4 glasses of hot water and leave for 45-50 minutes. Take ½ cup 5 times a day for 21-28 days.
  • 2 tablespoons of oak bark and 1 tablespoon of borax uterus pour 1 ½ cup boiling water, leave for 30-45 minutes. Use as vaginal douching 2 times a day.

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

There is no specific prophylaxis (vaccine) against mycoplasmosis.

For pulmonary mycoplasmosis, it is necessary to adhere to the same rules as for other respiratory tract infections (hardening, maintaining immunity, taking vitamins).

Prevention of urogenital mycoplasmosis includes adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, adequate sterilization of gynecological instruments, and water purification in public pools. It is also necessary to adequately identify and treat patients with mycoplasmosis. We must not forget about safe sexual intercourse. In addition, women need to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist every six months.

Mycoplasmosis in women

The incubation period after contact with mycoplasmas is from 4 to 55 days (average 14 days). But due to the fact that most often mycoplasmosis in women passes in asymptomatic or asymptomatic forms, it is practically impossible to determine the moment of infection. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.

Due to the fact that the sexual route of transmission is predominant, women can become infected not only directly through sexual contact, but also through the household route - through towels, sheets or gynecological instruments.

The frequency of detection of mycoplasmas in patients and a low level of social status, the use of hormonal contraception instead of condoms, and a sexual partner with various sexually transmitted diseases increase.

Mycoplasmosis in women is classified according to the location of the lesion:

  • mycoplasma bartholinitis (defeat of specific glands near the entrance to the vagina);
  • mycoplasma vaginitis (damage to the vaginal mucosa);
  • mycoplasma endometritis (damage to the inner lining of the uterus);
  • mycoplasma salpingitis (damage to the fallopian tubes), etc.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women

For convenience, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women were divided into mycoplasmosis of the external and internal genital organs. External include damage to the vagina, urethra, specific glands at the entrance to the vagina. And the internal ones included the defeat of the inner lining of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

With mycoplasmosis of the internal genital organs, the infection rises from below and affects the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Symptoms of damage to these organs are pain in the lower abdomen, profuse vaginal discharge, fever, menstrual irregularities, intermenstrual bleeding , infertility and miscarriages.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in women

Several laboratory methods are used to diagnose mycoplasmosis. These include:

The main complications of mycoplasmosis in women include an abscess of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina (purulent inflammation), inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, infertility, recurrent miscarriages, chronic endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus), placental insufficiency (pathology of the placenta, which causes a number of diseases in the fetus), intrauterine diseases of the fetus without pathology of the placenta.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women

After the end of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a control study of the effectiveness of treatment. To do this, 10 days after taking the last antibiotic pill, a female doctor (gynecologist) takes a smear and sows it. This procedure must be carried out three times, during each subsequent menstrual cycle. Only if during these three months all the results are negative, the woman can be considered recovered from mycoplasmosis.

Mycoplasmosis in men

The incubation period of mycoplasmosis in men is from 4 to 55 days (average 14 days). But due to the fact that most often mycoplasmosis passes in asymptomatic or asymptomatic forms, it is practically impossible to determine the moment of infection. Men get sick less often than women. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.

Mycoplasmosis is divided into lesions:

  • mycoplasma urethritis (damage to the urethra);
  • mycoplasma prostatitis (prostate damage);
  • mycoplasma orchitis (damage to one or two testicles)
  • mycoplasma epididymitis (damage to the epididymis).

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men

Mycoplasmosis does not cause the typical symptoms in men. Most often, everything proceeds almost imperceptibly and there is no thought to consult a doctor. The disease begins with minor discharge from the genitals and unmotivated discomfort. Also, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men include itching and pain in the penis. In rare cases, painful sensations may occur in the perineum, scrotum and even give into the anus.

With mycoplasma urethritis, the symptoms include purulent discharge of various amounts, clouding of urine, discomfort in the glans penis, itching or burning throughout the urethra. If this is an acute course of mycoplasmosis, then the symptoms are more pronounced and this can push a man to go to the hospital. But in the chronic course of complaints, there are practically no complaints, the patient does not go to the doctor, which can lead to various complications.

Mycoplasma prostatitis occurs in men who already suffer from urethritis, and due to predisposing factors, the infection penetrates into the gland itself. These factors include regularly interrupted or prolonged intercourse, the presence of frequent constipation , drinking alcohol, etc. Patients may notice more frequent urination at night, the appearance of purulent filaments in the urine, or even clouding of urine. With a long course of chronic prostatitis, a decrease in potency occurs.

With mycoplasma epididymitis and orchitis, a man feels slight pulling pains in the scrotum, rarely a slight swelling of the scrotum may occur, which the patient may not notice.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in men

Some laboratory methods are used to diagnose mycoplasmosis. These are such as:

In case of untimely or incorrect treatment mycoplasmosis in men can cause a number of complications. These include:

  • Mycoplasma pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney substance);
  • Mycoplasma cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • Male infertility (caused by a violation of the movement of sperm or their formation);
  • Mycoplasma arthritis (joint inflammation).

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men

Treating only one man is not enough. It is necessary that the sexual partner also undergo diagnostics and, if necessary, treated. Otherwise, re-infection is possible.

Mycoplasmosis in children

Mycoplasmosis in children is a rather serious disease that is caused by mycoplasmas and has a number of clinical signs. The incubation period ranges from 4 days to 3 weeks (depending on the form of the disease). Just like adults, children can be carriers of mycoplasma or the disease can be asymptomatic. The appearance of clinical signs in these cases is possible after stress or against the background of reduced immunity. Infection can occur intrauterinely (from a sick mother), by household (through towels, bed linen, underwear), sexually (with sexual perversion, rape) and by airborne droplets (infection rarely occurs).

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in children

Mycoplasmosis in children is divided into clinical forms:

  • respiratory - affects the upper respiratory tract;
  • pneumonic - affects the lower respiratory tract;
  • urogenital - affects the genitourinary system;
  • perinatal - affects the fetus from the mother;
  • generalized - damage to the whole organism, extremely severe form.

Mycoplasmosis in children, depending on the form, causes the following symptoms:

Respiratory form: From the beginning of infection to the development of the clinic, it takes from 4 to 7 days. The body temperature rises to 38 ° C, however, intoxication (weakness, body aches, headache , drowsiness) no. The upper parts of the respiratory system (larynx, trachea, bronchi) are affected. Rarely, symptoms of obstruction may occur (difficulty breathing in and out). It flows quite easily. However, with improper treatment, complications may arise: the addition of other microorganisms, lymphadenopathy (damage to the lymphatic system), cervical lymphadenitis (inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes).

Pneumonic form: From the onset of infection to the development of the clinic, it takes 1 to 3 weeks. The onset can be both acute and gradual. With acute development in a child, within a week, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, after which it remains at 37.5-38 ° C for another 4 weeks. Signs of intoxication are insignificant, the upper and middle airways are affected (up to medium-sized bronchi), a lung appears dyspnea , enlarged liver and spleen, there may be joint pain. With a gradual onset, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in children are more severe. During the week, the body temperature ranges from 37.5 to 38 ° C, after which it rises to 39 ° C and does not go astray for a long time. Signs of intoxication are very pronounced, the lower respiratory tract is affected (up to the level of the lungs), severe shortness of breath, the lips become blue. Bilateral pneumonia appears. A dry, painful, paroxysmal cough is characteristic, which, after 3-4 weeks of illness, becomes wet, a large amount of purulent yellow sputum leaves, possibly even with blood. Complications of this form of childhood mycoplasmosis can be sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), otitis (ear infection), pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation), hepatitis (liver inflammation), DIC syndrome (blood clotting pathology), encephalitis (brain inflammation), pulmonary emphysema (increased airiness of the lung tissue).

Urogenital form: incubation period from 3 days to 3 weeks. The symptoms are the same as in adults. It is not common, in adolescence. Slight discharge from the genitourinary organs, mild itching, discomfort, possible cramps when urinating, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, guys have a heaviness in the scrotum. For diagnosis, the same methods are used as for men and women. Complications can be cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). Long-term consequences include infertility (both male and female), spontaneous miscarriages.

Perinatal form: infection occurs in utero from a mother with mycoplasmosis. The child is born prematurely, does not correspond to its developmental period, has severe respiratory and cerebral disorders, pathological jaundice. The immune system is also poorly developed. This is evidenced by the development of thrush, a long-term non-healing umbilical wound. Intrauterine fetal death is also possible.

Generalized form: This mycoplasmosis in a child affects almost the entire body. The process involves the cardiovascular system, nervous, musculoskeletal, skin. The survival rate in this case is not very high.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in children

In severe cases, an antibiotic must be added to all of the above drugs. In children, the group that allows the treatment of mycoplasmosis is the macrolide group (azithromycin, sumamed, wilprafen, clindamycin). The doctor selects the dosage and convenient form of release (capsules, tablets, syrup) individually, depending on the condition and age of the child. Together with antibiotics, it is necessary to take probiotics that will help restore the normal microflora in the body (bifidumbacterin, linex, bifiform). If the signs of intoxication are too large, then special solutions for detoxification are prescribed intravenously or by drip for detoxification together with diuretics (in an age-specific dosage). Also, drugs are needed that will improve the state of the immune system (interferon, viferon, cycloferon).

Generalized and perinatal forms of mycoplasmosis are treated only in a hospital, in an intensive care unit.

It is necessary to treat mycoplasmosis in children strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication or non-adherence to the medical treatment regimen can lead to unwanted complications.

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy is found 2-2.5 times more often than without it. And in women suffering from "habitual" abortions, mycoplasmas are detected in 25% of cases. This is a serious reason to think about the problem. It is believed that mycoplasmosis in pregnant women so often occurs due to changes in the hormonal background, as well as from other physiological processes that occur with a woman (for example, the state of the immune system).

The presence of urogenital mycoplasmosis causes a huge risk of premature birth and the birth of a child with an extremely low body weight. It is believed that mycoplasmosis during pregnancy most commonly caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum than other species.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis quite often causes postpartum or post-abortion complications, which are difficult, accompanied by high fever and can lead to undesirable consequences. Also, mycoplasmosis in pregnant women is able to penetrate through the fetal bladder, causing inflammatory changes in the membranes and the inner lining of the uterus. These conditions are precisely what causes premature birth and early abortion. It is generally accepted that asymptomatic and asymptomatic variants of the course are more dangerous for a pregnant woman and more often contribute to the development of complications.

The baby can be infected from the mother both during pregnancy and during childbirth. The more premature a child is born, the more severe the manifestations of mycoplasmosis will be in him. Mycoplasma is found in the spinal cord and in the respiratory system.

To prevent such serious consequences for the mother and the unborn child, it is necessary for pregnant women to be examined for genital mycoplasmosis. It is advisable to do this even during the planning of the child.

If a woman comes to the gynecologist with complaints of minor vaginal discharge, and in the mirrors the doctor finds yellowish discharge and symptoms of inflammation of the cervix and vagina, then she must be sent for laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

Treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy should be based on the basic principles:

  • it is necessary to prevent the transmission of microorganisms to the fetus and the unborn child,
  • therapy is prescribed only if mycoplasmas are found in an amount of at least 100 CFU in 1 ml (colony-forming units),
  • treatment must be complete and not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother.

Due to the fact that most antibacterial drugs can pass through the placenta and cause fetal malformations, the doctor must carefully weigh the choice of medicine. Considering the deterioration of the immune system when carrying a child, a woman should take a large amount of vitamins. There are special vitamins for pregnant women, in which the content of all substances is increased by 2-3 times. These are, for example, pregnavit, vitrum prenatal, elevit. But the treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy still cannot do without antibiotics. The safest are drugs from the macrolide group. They have the least effect on the fetus, do not cause malformations and have the shortest course of administration. The most optimal of all drugs in this group is to prescribe josamycin. It must be taken only from the second trimester of pregnancy (not earlier than 12 weeks). This is due to the fact that up to 12 weeks, the fetus is forming organs, and after that they only increase in size. Therapy regimen: take 3 times a day, 500 mg (7-10 days). Or, another option is possible: drink 1 g of azithromycin once, and then 250 mg for 3 days.

After the course of therapy has been completed, and the doctor does not see signs of inflammation in the mirrors, it is necessary to conduct a control study. It is done 1 month after taking the last antibiotic pill.

We must not forget that together with the expectant mother, it is imperative to treat her sexual partner. Otherwise everything symptoms of mycoplasmosis may come back again.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis

Urogenital mycoplasmosis is caused by two types of bacteria: Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis. Of all inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system, mycoplasmosis has recently occupied 40-45%. Due to the fact that patients rarely go to a doctor and are increasingly self-medicating, or do not pay attention to the signs of the disease at all, neglected forms of the disease are increasingly common, with many complications.

The incubation period for genital mycoplasmosis ranges from 3 days to 3 weeks. But due to the fact that the disease is often asymptomatic or asymptomatic, it is not possible to determine the time of infection. The ratio of the incidence of mycoplasmosis in men and women is 1: 2.

The route of transmission of urogenital mycoplasmosis is mainly sexual. However, it is possible to get infected by household means - through bed linen, towels. Women can also get mycoplasmosis at a gynecologist's appointment with poor processing of instruments (through gynecological mirrors, gloves).

Symptoms of urogenital mycoplasmosis

Urogenital mycoplasma infections are classified as acute, chronic and asymptomatic. Very often, mycoplasmosis is detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist by accident.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men are minor discharge from the urethra, slight itching inside the canal or on the head of the penis, cramps during urination, and a feeling of discomfort in the genital area are possible. Also, when the testicles and their appendages are damaged, there is a slight soreness and slight swelling of the scrotum. With the addition of a genital mycoplasma infection to the prostate, an increase in nighttime urination, slight pressing pain in the anus or lower abdomen is possible.

Symptoms in women are divided into mycoplasmosis of the external and internal genital organs. Signs of damage to external organs include slight itching at the entrance to the vagina, minor discharge from the urethra or vagina. And when mycoplasma enters the internal genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region or in the anus, may occur. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, possible intermenstrual bleeding ... With an advanced form of genital mycoplasmosis in women, "habitual" miscarriages or infertility ... Also, if a sick woman still managed to become pregnant, then fetal stillbirth or premature birth is not excluded. In this case, the child has a number of pathologies.

Diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasmosis

In order to correctly diagnose a urogenital infection of the genitourinary system, examination and laboratory research methods are required. On examination, you can find inflammatory changes, swelling, redness, erosion, soreness. This will lead the doctor to the idea that there may be some kind of microorganism. For clarification, such methods of laboratory diagnostics are used as:

It is imperative to undergo examination and treatment for the sexual partner. Otherwise, re-infection is possible.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

The source of the disease is a person infected with mycoplasmosis. In the acute course of pulmonary mycoplasmosis, the pathogen is excreted from the body 10-11 days from the onset of the disease. And with a chronic version of the course, it reaches 12-13 weeks.

Transmission occurs mainly by airborne droplets, but household (through a handshake, children's toys, various objects) is also possible.

After the transfer of respiratory mycoplasmosis, immunity is developed, which lasts up to 10 years.

The incubation period of the disease is 1-2 weeks.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis symptoms

Initially, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis resemble flu or another viral infection. There is an increase in body temperature to 37.5-38.5 ° C, there is a dry, hacking cough , there is a sore throat, stuffy nose. A little later, after a few days, the infection descends lower into the bronchi. In this regard, the cough increases, it becomes unbearable and paroxysmal. Sometimes with a little phlegm. In the future, the lungs are involved in the process, mycoplasma pneumonia (pneumonia) occurs. The above signs are joined by a strong dyspnea , and there may be streaks of blood in the sputum. With adequate and timely treatment, the subsidence of the disease processes occurs from 3 weeks to 3 months. For mycoplasmosis in patients with weak immunity, complications in the form of meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), arthritis (joint damage), nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). A transition to a chronic form is also possible. In this case, it is necessary to periodically examine the patient for the development of bronchiectasis (pathological and irreversible airiness of the lungs and expansion of the bronchi) and pneumosclerosis (replacement of normal lung tissue with connective, scar tissue).

Diagnostics of the respiratory mycoplasmosis

In order to diagnose pulmonary mycoplasmosis, an X-ray of the lungs and a complete blood count (as in other types of pneumonia) are not enough. There are a number of methods for determining the pathogen in a patient:

Treating mycoplasmosis of the respiratory tract is a long and difficult procedure. The main drug is antibiotics. The group of macrolides is mainly used (erythromycin, azithromycin, sumamed, clarithromycin). If it is impossible or ineffective to use them, there are stock antibiotics (tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones). The duration of treatment is much longer than with other infections, reaching 21-25 days. In the first few days of the illness, when the cough is still dry and painful, antitussive drugs (codterpin, stoptusin) are used. In the future, until the cough stops, expectorants are used (ambroxol, lazolvan, ACC). At elevated temperatures, it is necessary to take antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimisulide).

In no case should one engage in self-medication, it is necessary to monitor the treatment by a doctor.