Mycoplasma genitalia is treated surgically. What is mycoplasma genitalium (genitalium), symptoms and treatment. How can you get infected with mycoplasma

Mycoplasma - these are microbes living in the human body, and when favorable conditions occur, they cause the disease mycoplasmosis. The microbe is transmitted from person to person during intercourse and can provoke the development of serious pathologies of the genitourinary system.

It is quite difficult to diagnose mycoplasma due to its scanty size, conventional light microscopy in this case does not cope, therefore, special studies are used to detect infection.

What is mycoplasma genitalium

There are many varieties of these microorganisms, and all of them can live in the human body without causing harm. They are present in the microflora of the urethra and are considered the norm until their population begins to actively increase. This happens when the protective functions of the body decrease under the influence of various factors.

There are two types of conditionally pathogenic:

  • mycoplasma hominis;
  • mycoplasma genitalia.

The greatest danger is the genital mycoplasma, penetrating into the cells of the body, it begins to actively reproduce and can not only infect, but also contribute to the development of various diseases. Until the end of the twentieth century, this microorganism was not discovered, and the etiology of some diseases remained unknown.

Infection routes

The main route of infection is unprotected sex.

But other ways are also allowed:

  • domestic;
  • vertical.

It is possible to become infected with mycoplasma during any type of sexual intercourse, both genital and oral or anal. Another way of infection is possible - vertical, during childbirth. A baby passing through the birth canal of the mother can become infected with mycoplasma, especially female infants.

Symptoms in women and men

Urogenital mycoplasmosis has different symptoms in men and women. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the genital organs.

Signs of mycoplasmosis in women

Mycoplasma genitalia causes the following symptoms in women:

  • Vaginal discharge, which is often overlooked due to its scarcity. They may not always be present, have a yellowish color, and usually have no smell. The presence of a smell characterizes the inflammatory process or the addition of another infection.
  • Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen occurs when the urethra and the entire genitourinary system are affected. Pain and burning sensation in the urethra appears at the time of urination, discomfort during intercourse may occur. The pain can radiate to the lumbar region, especially if the inflammatory process has spread to the kidneys.
  • Mycoplasma also affects the external genital organs, causing swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes. Redness may occur on the labia, and itching may be felt in the perineum.
  • Genital mycoplasmosis is often the cause of bacterial vaginosis. In this case, the discharge becomes purulent gray-green in color and has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. In severe cases, the temperature may rise and swelling of the external genital organs may develop.
  • In many women, because of the inflammatory process, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, which is expressed in a delay in menstruation or heavy bleeding.

Symptoms can be supplemented by other manifestations of the disease in the event that another infection, Trichomonas or Chlamydia, joins the mycoplasma.

The female body in rare cases reacts sharply to infection, the disease is often asymptomatic, which increases the risk of complications and complicates treatment.

If mycoplasmosis is detected during pregnancy, the risk of the following pathologies increases:

  • spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • infection of the baby with mycoplasma during childbirth.

In the antenatal clinic, it is mandatory to test a smear for mycoplasma of the genitalia for all pregnant women. If the result is positive, treatment is started immediately, this is necessary to minimize the risks that threaten the child.

Signs of mycoplasmosis in men

The incubation period in men ranges from 2 days to 1 month, depending on the general state of health, the human immune system, age and living conditions. In men, there is practically no latent form of mycoplasmosis, so they rarely carry the infection.

Mycoplasma genitalia in men most often manifests itself in the form of urethritis and has a set of corresponding symptoms:


Sowing from the urethra is considered an uninformative diagnostic method, therefore, other methods are used:

A woman's smear, unlike a man's, contains a greater number of microbes, although both sexes are infected equally.

For a more accurate diagnosis, a smear and blood test are used. A smear is taken not only from the urethra, but also from the cervical canal, as well as the walls of the vagina.

Before donating material for laboratory research for mycoplasma, you must comply with a number of requirements:

  • You should stop taking antibiotics and use vaginal suppositories a week before your smear.
  • If blood sampling is to be done, it is necessary to do it on an empty stomach, do not drink coffee or smoke.
  • It is not recommended to use antibacterial hygiene products before taking a smear.
  • Before sampling biomaterial from the urethra, you should not urinate for two hours.

If mycoplasma is detected, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, unauthorized prescription of drugs is unacceptable, this can cause resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Mycoplasmosis treatment

It is necessary to treat mycoplasma genitalium with antibiotics, at the same time, the treatment should be comprehensive and include several types of therapy:

  1. Antibiotics should be selected on the basis of diagnostic tests and the individual characteristics of the patient. If an associated infection is present, a drug is needed that will be active against all microbes. In cases where such a medicine cannot be applied, two antibacterial agents are prescribed. If the patient has not previously used tetracycline antibiotics, they can be used for treatment. But most often they are prescribed.
  2. To increase the body's resistance, general strengthening agents are used to increase immunity. These can be various vitamin complexes.
  3. Probiotics are needed to restore intestinal and vaginal microflora. You can use fermented milk drinks with lactobacilli for this purpose.
  4. Local therapy is also used. Women are given tampons with antibacterial ointment, vaginal suppositories, medicinal baths and douching are used. For men - rectal suppositories, enemas with antimicrobial drugs, baths for the external genital organs.
  5. Additionally, antifungal drugs are prescribed - Nystatin, Fluconazole, Metronidazole.
  6. Modern medicine has such a method of treatment as laser therapy. This is the local destruction of pathogenic microflora, which caused an inflammatory process in the genitals. The laser beam is directed to the urethra and lesions to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
  7. During treatment, the patient must adhere to a sleep and rest regimen, exclude bad habits, and follow a dietary diet.
  8. As home remedies, you can make baths and douching from decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. They promote healing, relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. Before using traditional methods of treatment, you should consult your doctor.

An infection in the body cannot be left untreated; this can lead to irreversible consequences. It is extremely rare for a person to be a carrier of infection, infecting sexual partners, while he himself does not experience any symptoms.

To prevent mycoplasmosis, a number of conditions must be met:

  • use barrier protective equipment during intercourse;
  • avoid casual sex;
  • conduct an annual examination at the clinic;
  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • live a healthy life.

If one of the sexual partners falls ill, treatment must be done mutually.

It is an acute infectious disease that develops when affected by special microorganisms - mycoplasmas. To date, about seventy subspecies of mycoplasmas have been identified, but only a few of them are considered dangerous. Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of mycoplasma in men and the methods of treating this ailment.

Human cells can contain up to eleven types of mycoplasmas, but only one subspecies of this microorganism called Mycoplasma genitalium can cause mycoplasmosis.

A man can accidentally catch mycoplasma during unprotected sexual contact with a carrier / carrier of mycoplasmosis.

Through oral sex or everyday life, infection is extremely unlikely. There are no cases officially described by medina, but there is medical evidence that indirectly indicates domestic contamination.

Genital mycoplasmas include:

  1. Ureaplasma urealyticum;
  2. Mycoplasma spermatophilum;
  3. Mycoplasma primatum;
  4. Mycoplasma penetrans;

What can not be said about the presence of genital mycoplasma, in which, even in the absence of symptoms, compulsory treatment is required.

Often the disease is asymptomatic, mycoplasma is determined only in analyzes. That is why a rather long period of time can pass before the disease is detected. But, since the necessary medical care during this period is not provided, patients, as a rule, come to a specialist with a pronounced picture of the disease. From the urethra with a mycoplasma infection, a clear or yellow discharge is released.

Often there is pain during urination and intercourse. In addition, the color of the urethra changes, it becomes hyperemic, itching and discomfort in the genitals appears. With the progression and spread of the disease to other organs, pain in the groin, lower back and rectum is possible, and the skin can become covered with a rash, since mycoplasma can cause an allergic reaction.


In the absence of timely drug therapy, mycoplasmosis can lead to the following complications in the condition of a male patient:

  • Due to the multiplication of mycoplasmas and the lack of proper treatment in the body, urethritis... The disease is an inflammation that affects the lining of the urinary canal. The characteristic features of urethritis are itching, burning, which intensifies during emptying and intercourse. Severe pain and stinging may be present during ejaculation.
  • Often against the background of this develops prostatitis... The disease is an inflammatory process that affects the prostate gland. In this case, pain in the groin area is noted, which increases with pressure. In addition, prostatitis contributes to soreness and decreased potency during intercourse, making it almost impossible. Some doctors consider the connection between the occurrence of prostatitis and mycoplasmosis unproven.
  • Mycoplasmosis is a provocateur of testicular inflammation - orchitis... At the same time, painful sensations appear in the scrotum area, which intensify with pressure.
  • Infertility in men, it is the most common problem with the bacteria mycoplasma. It is caused by a decrease in the volume and quality of sperm secreted. Obstructive form of infertility in violation of the patency of the vas deferens by inflammatory infiltration.
  • With damage to the testicles and prostate appear potency problems... Together with this, sexual intercourse is almost impossible, since the erection is short-lived or completely absent due to pain.
  • Often, the work of the bladder is disrupted, and at the same time, diseases that affect the kidneys and provoke the development of a chronic or acute form pyelonephritis.
  • Prostate abscess, a rare complication and occurs with a sufficiently significant decrease in a man's immunity;
  • Chronic urethritis, prostatitis, orchiepididymitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis.
  • Maybe even joint damage.

What is the role of mycoplasma infection of the prostate (RV) and in the development of prostate cancer (PC)?

One of the most common etiological agents of infection of the male reproductive system is mycoplasma. To determine the role of mycoplasmas in the development of prostate cancer, a study was conducted in 250 men with suspected prostate cancer (PCa). In this regard, all patients underwent a pancreatic biopsy under ultrasound guidance. In addition to the main columns of prostate tissue sent for morphological examination, two additional ones from the peripheral zone of both lobes were taken to search for mycoplasmas in them.

In 127 patients, the study of prostate tissue for the presence of mycoplasmas was performed by the standard method of qualitative PCR analysis. Subsequently, to obtain more accurate results, 123 patients with suspected PCa DNA of Mycoplasma hominis were determined using the method of quantitative diagnosis Real-time PCR. Thus, according to the results of the study, it was found that mycoplasma infection of the prostate is more common in patients with IDU VS and PCa. The very fact of the presence, persistence and damaging effect of this infection in the tissue of the peripheral zone of the prostate was established, which was not previously established and was questioned.

Symptoms and signs

Like many sexually transmitted infections, mycoplasma has a "quiet" course and for quite a long time may not make itself felt at all.

When the immune state of a person weakens (under stress, respiratory illness, etc.), the patient may observe the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Weakness and disability;
  • Discomfort and discomfort during intercourse;
  • Soreness and burning, cramps during urination;
  • Frequent urge to urinate, false urge to urinate;
  • Pain in the perineum and lower back;
  • Redness of the urethra;
  • The appearance of yellowish, transparent, vitreous discharge from the urethra;
  • Morning discomfort in the groin and pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the groin, perineum, testicles, pulling, aching;
  • A characteristic rash in the genital area;
  • Redness and swelling of the urethral sponges, as well as their adhesion in the morning;
  • Itching of the genitals.

Moreover, if the defeat by mycoplasmas occurred a long time ago, then these pathogens can also reach the male prostate gland and cause its inflammation. This in turn will lead to prostatitis. Less commonly, testicular inflammation and edema are observed.


It is difficult to diagnose mycoplasma by external signs; an accurate diagnosis can be made only after PCR. However, the selection may look like this:

Treatment regimens for mycoplasmosis in men

The types of pathogens - hominis, genitalia, pneumo - differ in properties, but are treated in the same way.

All antibiotic warrants:

Doxycycline - a semi-synthetic bacteriostatic agent from the tetracyclines group. It penetrates into the cell and suppresses the protein synthesis necessary for the microorganism. Does not affect bowel function. The daily dosage is 100 mg 2 times. Duration of admission is 10 days.

Clarithromycin - macrolide antibacterial drug. Affects bacteria located inside and outside the cell. Binds to microorganisms and disrupts protein formation. The amount per day is 250 mg twice. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Josamycin - bactericidal action is aimed at destroying the membrane of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Take 1 gram in the morning, 500 mg at lunchtime and in the evening. Duration of admission is 10 days.

Levofloxacin - antimicrobial fluoroquinolone, which blocks the DNA of the pathogen, disrupts the structure of the cytoplasm and the cell membrane of the microorganism. Take once a day, 250 mg. Continue treatment for 3 to 10 days. The dosage for the chronic form of bacterial prostatitis is increased to 0.5 grams 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Azithromycin - 1 g once or 0.5 g once a day, the course is 3-5 days. The drug is taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after.

Clindamycin- 200-400 mg every 6 hours, the course is 7 days. - Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day, the course is 10-14 days. - Ofloxacin 200-400 mg once.

To cure mycoplasmosis, it is necessary to give up sexual relations, take means to strengthen the immune system, B vitamins and ascorbic acid, intestinal cleansing sorbents. It is important to follow a diet and exclude smoked and fatty meats, spicy and spicy dishes from the diet, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Unfortunately, due to mild symptoms, mycoplasmosis is detected in an already quite neglected state, when the disease has caused complications. For this reason, the above diseases are not uncommon and, together with mycoplasmosis, a man needs to treat other diseases of the kidneys or reproductive system.

You can add drugs based on natural immunomodulators:

  • echinacea purpurea;
  • lemongrass;
  • ginseng;
  • eleutherococcus.

After treatment:

Control of cure by PCR method is carried out in patients one month after the course of drugs. Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men is considered effective if the number of mycoplasmas remains within the normal range for 4 weeks.

If studies have shown the presence of mycoplasmas or ureaplasmas, a new culture is performed on the IST medium with the determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. After that, a second course of therapy is prescribed using an antibacterial drug from another group.


To reduce the likelihood of contracting mycoplasmosis, it is important for men to adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

  1. Every six months, undergo a full examination by a urologist and be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including mycoplasmosis. Also, the sexual partner must also visit the gynecologist and take preventive tests.
  2. Have one regular (proven) sexual partner in whom you are confident.
  3. In case of casual sexual intercourse, it is imperative to use a barrier method of contraception (use condoms).
  4. A man needs to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain a normal immune state.
  5. Refuse to drink alcohol, smoke and take drugs.
  6. Avoid severe physical fatigue. 7. Get adequate sleep and rest. 8. Strengthen your body with sports and regular physical activity. 9. More time in the fresh air.
  7. Avoid stress and strong psycho-emotional overstrain, as they suppress the immune system.
  8. Eat properly. Moreover, the diet should be well balanced and rich in vitamins.
  9. It is very important to discuss with the sexual partner the possibility of infection with mycoplasmosis from her side, because a man who has one sexual partner has no other. For this reason, a woman is to a certain extent responsible for the health of her sexual partner. Moreover, the question of safe sex is especially acute if a couple wants to have healthy children in the future.

Today, mycoplasmosis is an intractable disease. The success of general therapy largely depends on the timely diagnosis and treatment initiation.

Apparatus treatment of mycoplasma blood

What physiotherapy techniques are used in the treatment of ureaplasmosis and its complications?

  • Laser therapy... Depending on the irradiation technique, a stable and labile laser therapy technique is distinguished. The stable technique is carried out without moving the emitter, which is in a fixed (more often contact) position during the entire procedure. With the labile technique, the emitter is arbitrarily moved along the fields into which the irradiated zone is divided (irradiation by fields). Apply a transurethral effect on the urethra with an urethral nozzle. A general effect on carotid sinus zones, projections of the liver, perineum, coccyx, suprapubic region is possible. Low-intensity laser radiation has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates general and local immunity, improves microcirculation in the focus of inflammation, acts on the permeability of the vascular wall, has an analgesic effect;
  • Extracorporeal hemocorrection... A modern method of purifying the blood composition outside the patient's body with its subsequent return. The essence of the procedure is based on the removal of inflammatory mediators, cellular decay products, toxins, removal of cholesterol, antibodies and antigens from connective tissue, restoration of natural blood microcirculation.
  • Often used thermotherapy: transurethral or transrectal microwave thermotherapy or hyperthermia. Superficial heating of the urethral and prostate mucosa is required to a depth of no more than 5 mm in order to sanitize the urogenital tract or provide better conditions for subsequent local drug therapy. It requires warming up with a smooth rise in temperature from 39 to 45 ° C and automatic control of it directly in the urethra or rectum. With urethritis and prostatitis, urethral and rectal heating are used simultaneously against the background of exposure to a traveling magnetic field. It is possible to combine heating of the urethra with laser therapy and electrophoresis for ureaplasmosis. This opportunity allows you to optimize the impact and shorten the treatment time with the maximum percentage of favorable outcomes, even in advanced cases. As a result of treatment in sick men with prostatitis, pain and edema of the prostate disappear, the number of leukocytes in the secretion of the gland decreases, the number of lecithin grains increases, and the linear blood flow rate improves;
  • Using magnetotherapy, you can act on the problem area or inject drugs into the lesion using magnetic fields. The effectiveness is questionable. The device "Intramag" is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere in men and women, including urogenital infection using a traveling magnetic field in combination with local drug therapy. The therapeutic properties are based on the pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic and poretic effects of the running magnetic field excited in the emitter, as well as on the possibility of carrying out local drug therapy with simultaneous heating. In addition to intraurethral exposure to the drug, rectal exposure is possible with a special rectal irrigator catheter, which, like the urethral one, allows you to combine magnetophoresis with electrophoresis;
  • Electrophoresis - This is a method of physiotherapy, which is used in this case for chronic inflammation of the urethra, female genital organs. With the help of electrophoresis, not only the therapeutic effect is achieved, determined by the administered drug, but also the stimulation of skin capillaries, metabolism, a pronounced analgesic effect, a pronounced effect of eliminating the inflammatory-edematous process, improving tissue nutrition and the ability to regenerate not only at the level of the skin, but also in deep layers, tissue micromassage is carried out. The advantages of drug electrophoresis are: the possibility of creating a skin depot with medicines, the possibility of painless administration to any place, the creation of a high concentration of the substance in the pathological focus, the introduction of the drug in ionic form, which allows to reduce the dose, direct current increases the sensitivity of tissues to the drug. Medicinal electrophoresis of abdominal organs is widely used: vagina, rectum, urethra. With the help of electrophoresis, various antibiotics, trace elements, enzymes are administered, both according to a general method and locally. Galvanic mud therapy has proven itself well;
  • Effect ozotherapy achieved with the help of autohemotherapy with ozone, rectal insufflation with an ozone-oxygen mixture and the use of ozone irrigation in an overalls connected to an ozonator. The healing effects of ozone are based on the known mechanisms of its biological action. When applied externally, high concentrations of ozone, its high oxidative potential provides a bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal effect against the main types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as a number of pathogenic protozoa. The effect of parenteral ozone administration in pathologies accompanied by hypoxic disorders is based on the activation of oxygen-dependent processes. Ozonides formed as a result of ozonolysis of unsaturated fatty acids improve the state of cell membranes, provide intensification of enzyme systems and thereby enhance metabolic processes in the production of energy substrates. The immunomodulatory effect of ozone makes it possible to mildly correct immunodeficiencies, a decrease in blood viscosity leads to an improvement in microhemocirculation and gas exchange at the tissue level;
  • To increase immunity, intravenous laser blood irradiation is used ( ILBI), it is the most effective and versatile laser therapy technique. Unlike local laser therapy procedures, the therapeutic effect is due to the activation of systemic healing mechanisms of the whole organism, an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of the blood supply systems, the immune system, other organs and systems, as well as the whole organism as a whole. ILBI is used as an analgesic, antioxidant, desensitizing, biostimulating, immunostimulating, immunocorrecting, detoxifying, vasodilating, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, antihypoxic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory.

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

  • Refuse casual sex, especially without a condom;
  • Before having sex with a certain person, complete mutual examination for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Refusal of paid sexual services;
  • Annual screening for sexually transmitted infections.

What do we know about the significance of ureaplasma urealiticum and mycoplasma hominis?

  • Mycoplasma genitalium - a pathogenic microorganism that can cause urethritis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • M.genitalium - the leading causative agent of non-gonorrheal urethritis in men;
  • M.genitalium more often causes acute urethritis in men, but there are also low-symptomatic recurrent or asymptomatic forms;
  • It was established that M.genitalium is the cause of mucopurulent inflammation of the cervix in women;
  • There is evidence that M.genitalium infection is associated with fertility and pregnancy.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Pathogenic microorganisms that cause respiratory mycoplasmosis in men under 35, mycoplasma pneumonia, and symptoms of the inflammatory process of the respiratory system. They primarily affect the trachea and bronchi and become a source of SARS, pharyngitis, asthma and bronchitis. They penetrate the cell and provoke autoimmune diseases. Can cause meningitis, encephalitis, otitis media, anemia.

Mycoplasma hominis. It occurs on the mucous membranes and tissues of the genitourinary system. It affects the urethra and foreskin, worsens the quality of the sperm and makes it unsuitable for conception, disrupts erection, and promotes the development of pyelonephritis.

Ureaplasma urealyticum. It provokes the development of herpes, genital candidiasis, urethritis, reduces sperm activity.

Even a healthy person contains small inhabitants of the Mycoplasmataceae family. Some of them are completely harmless, but there are also especially insidious ones. So M. hominis and mycoplasma genitalium are the causes of mycoplasmosis, which can cause complications of various diseases of the urogenital tract. In people with unequal immunity, these diseases proceed in different ways. In men, a large concentration of mycoplasma genitalia is the cause of dangerous diseases:

  • Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that develops mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prostate gland.
  • Orchitis is an infectious disease when the testicles become inflamed. Sometimes the epididymis can also be affected.
  • Urethritis is a dangerous inflammation of the walls of the urethra.
  • Infertility is damage to the sperm and a direct effect on fertility.

Although much less often than men, women can also suffer from the presence of this virus on the mucous membranes of their organs. In women, mycoplasma genitalia most often causes vaginitis. This disease occurs against the background of inflammatory processes in the vagina. The causative agents of mycoplasmosis can cause endometritis in women in the uterus. This disease is more common in those who have had an abortion. Often it is a companion of weakened women immediately after childbirth. If the fallopian tubes are also affected, adnexitis develops. Its end can be the adhesion of the tubes, leading to infertility.

How is mycoplasma genitalium transmitted?

To prevent many STDs or STIs, you need to know how mycoplasma genitalia is transmitted. The main source and route of transmission is contact between partners. However, one should not think that this is just an unprotected intercourse with a condom. Cross-infection begins when the patient receives a new cell line from an external source. And here it does not matter at all whether it was an ordinary vaginal act or a relationship in a homosexual couple. Any oral contact and anal sex that was not supposed to be protected from the virus by a condom will cause infection. Relations with new or fickle partners are especially dangerous.

Erotic games that involve the use of appropriate accessories have increasingly become part of the modern life of families. If a partner infected with M. genitalium virus has used dildos or other toys and then passed them on to his lover without disinfection, there is no reason to doubt that infection has occurred. Mycoplasma genitalia has already found a new organism, but it will develop under favorable conditions. It is very important to observe hygiene and adhere to the elementary rules for preventing the disease, if you do not want to find out on yourself how mycoplasma genitalia is transmitted.

Mycoplasma is a microorganism that causes a disease such as mycoplasmosis. They normally live on the body of every person, but not in large numbers. These microorganisms are classified as conditionally pathogenic. Under certain conditions, they can cause serious diseases that affect the human urinary or respiratory system. How is mycoplasma transmitted, how to protect yourself from it? Can I kiss a sick person? How dangerous is it?

Mycoplasma is the smallest organisms living freely. It is a large family that includes two genera. They, in turn, are also divided into more than 100 species. Only 5 of them pose a potential danger to humans. A feature of mycoplasma is that it gets along well with other microorganisms that can be sexually transmitted (gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia and others).

According to statistics, mycoplasmosis rarely occurs as an independent disease (no more than 12-18% of all cases). Much more often it develops in parallel with other problems - in 87-90%.

Recently, cases of detection of mixed mycoplasmosis, which are difficult to treat, have become much more frequent. The causative agents of the disease in many cases are resistant to antibiotic therapy and are not always detected during diagnosis. Therefore, they pose a potential danger to humans and lead to the development of chronic diseases.

Mycoplasma is a sexually transmitted microorganism. When the pathogen enters the human body, it manifests itself after a few weeks. The average incubation period is 3 days to 3-5 weeks (maximum 2 months). It is possible to become infected with mycoplasma during unprotected intercourse (vaginal or anal) with a probability of 4-80%, depending on the person's immunity and the presence of other diseases. This problem is most often found in women, since it is accompanied by the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. In men, mycoplasmosis in many cases develops asymptomatically.

Transmission of this microorganism can sometimes occur during oral sex, but this is rather the exception. This infection cannot be transmitted through a kiss. A feature of mycoplasma is that it is completely unstable to external influences, therefore it quickly dies outside the human body. This microorganism cannot be transmitted by household means - through a towel, toilet seat, in public saunas or baths. Although there are cases when children were infected when using shared bedding, pots, etc.

Some types of mycoplasma can be transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. They affect the respiratory system and are accompanied by symptoms that resemble SARS. After the first signs of the disease develop, the person remains infectious for 10 days. Therefore, kissing and closely contacting him is undesirable throughout this period.

Also, sometimes this disease becomes chronic. Then in the saliva and sputum of the carrier of the infection, dangerous microorganisms are detected for 3 months. During this time, the sick person may feel good and not suspect that there is any problem.

Outbreaks of respiratory mycoplasmosis most often occur in early spring or late autumn - similar to influenza or SARS. A feature of this infection is that it very rarely affects a person with a single contact. Most often, it develops in closed teams - kindergartens, schools, offices, etc.

Can you get an infection from pets?

There are types of mycoplasma that affect not only humans, but also animals. They can even live on the surface of the soil, on plants. But such microorganisms do not pose a danger to humans. Mycoplasmosis, which develops in cats and dogs, is not transmitted from animals to their owners. This disease can affect only one species.

Mycoplasmosis in cats causes conjunctivitis (most often bilateral), disruption of the respiratory tract. The infection usually has many dangerous and severe consequences. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of this ailment, you should show the animal to the veterinarian, and then proceed to treatment.

Other routes of infection

Also, mycoplasmosis can be infected in such cases:

  • during blood transfusion, organ transplantation from sick people;
  • for any medical intervention with instruments that are improperly disinfected;
  • mycoplasmosis can be transmitted from mother to child. This occurs exclusively during childbirth. During pregnancy, the penetration of infection to the fetus is unlikely, since it is reliably protected by the placenta.

Treatment and diagnosis methods

It is impossible to detect mycoplasma in the usual way using microscopy. For this, PCR diagnostics are used. Serological methods are often used to detect specific antibodies to a given pathogen. With the help of this diagnostic method, even chronic diseases that do not appear outwardly can be determined.

Also, one of the most effective ways to detect infection is cultural, which involves sowing on a nutrient medium. In this case, not only the type of pathogen is determined, but also its amount, sensitivity to different methods of treatment. With mycoplasmosis, antibiotics are the basis of therapy.

The choice of a specific drug is carried out precisely on the basis of the results of this analysis. In laboratory conditions, it is determined to which antibiotics the causative agent of mycoplasmosis is sensitive, which guarantees the best treatment result. Also, in the presence of this disease, additional drugs are prescribed:

  • restoring normal vaginal microflora for women;
  • with an immunomodulatory effect, since after an infection the patient's body is usually weakened and cannot independently fight other pathogenic microorganisms;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • local procedures in the presence of concomitant infections of the genital area.

Usually, with early detection of the infection, and its timely treatment, it is possible to get rid of it without any consequences. The main thing is to follow all the doctor's recommendations and not forget about preventive measures.

Mycoplasma genitalia is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism that lives in the human body. But only with the activation of the inflammatory process under the influence of external or internal provoking factors, mycoplasmosis can develop. Considering the danger posed by genital mycoplasma, you should pay special attention to your own health and respond promptly to suspicions of mycoplasma infection.

Mycoplasma genitalium or genitalium has its own characteristics, which will not be superfluous to learn about.

Genital mycoplasmosis or urogenital mycoplasmosis is the name given to the disease caused by genitalium mycoplasmas.

Moreover, both women and men are able to penetrate into the body of the genital at the intercellular level. However, the symptomatology of genital mycoplasmosis in men and women is different, therefore, the emerging symptoms should be taken into account.

  1. Men. For men, the symptoms of genitalia are almost the same as those of ordinary urethritis. When the incubation period of mycoplasma is over, a man may experience discomfort, itching and even pain when going to the toilet. It is not uncommon for you to urinate with an unpleasant odor of urine, although this is not a requirement. Gradually, the problem spreads, and the genitalia virus infects the testicles, prostate, thereby provoking other symptoms and diseases. It is not uncommon for men to feel unpleasant pain in the groin area, the testicles swell, and the body temperature rises noticeably. If you ignore the symptoms and do not prescribe timely treatment, genital microorganisms can lead to infertility;
  2. Women. In women, mycoplasma genitalia may not manifest itself for a long time, proceeding sluggishly and asymptomatically. But nevertheless, the manifestations of certain signs soon come. So, women experience irritation on the labia, they swell. Often, infection with this microorganism is accompanied by pain, burning sensations and discharge with an unpleasant odor and color. This indicates that the disease has managed to affect the kidneys and ureters. It is not uncommon for the menstrual cycle to be disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of a delay or abundant discharge of blood.

It should be noted that the most dangerous is genital mycoplasmosis, which affected a woman during pregnancy. This situation can potentially threaten premature birth, miscarriages or difficulties with bearing a baby. Therefore, having noticed the very first symptoms, it is recommended to pass a DNA PCR analysis, that is, a polymerase chain reaction. In addition to the DNA test, male and female patients are prescribed an ELISA test, smears and other research methods.


Only after the diagnosis of genitalia has been confirmed, the number of microorganisms and the complications to which they have led have been identified, the doctor can prescribe a course of therapy. Let's say unequivocally that with mycoplasma genitalia, treatment is carried out strictly individually and in full agreement with the doctor. Don't try to self-medicate.

Currently, the main emphasis in the drug treatment of genitalia virus is on the patient's intake of antibiotics. However, these microorganisms have developed resistance to a range of drugs, which makes it difficult to find effective antibiotics. Antibiotics of a new generation are actively used, which reliably resist genital virus-bacteria and destroy this virus, achieving the desired recovery.

Only under the condition of competent treatment and further adherence to preventive measures will a person be able to protect himself from repeated diseases of mycoplasmosis. According to experts, no one can guarantee 100% protection of the genitalia, therefore there is always a potential risk of facing a problem again.

If genital mycoplasma was detected and it caused complications, then the doctor can apply a treatment regimen based on several methods and means:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • drugs to normalize the immune system;
  • probiotics;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • physiotherapy methods, among which laser therapy is popular;
  • preventive measures, etc.

With the genitalia virus, in no case try to change the treatment regimen on your own, violate the medication regimen prescribed by your doctor, and do not skip these appointments. It is necessary to be treated strictly as the specialist said. Otherwise, therapy may not give any result, as well as lead to complications.