Mineral waters of Pyatigorsk. Carbonic water in spa treatment. History, methods, indications. The best resorts Conducting a balneotherapy session

Hydrogen sulfide baths are classified as physiotherapeutic procedures, the indications and contraindications of which we will consider today. A positive feature is the impact on absolutely all organs and systems of a person. Thanks to this, after completing the course, you can get rid of various pathological phenomena. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's study the most important aspects in order.

Hydrogen sulfide baths - indications

Hydrogen sulfide baths can be prescribed for certain diseases. The benefits and harms of the procedures depend on the initial condition of the patient. Baths will be useful in the following cases:

  • dermatological problems - psoriasis, urticaria, ichthyosis, dermatitis, eczema, itching, etc.;
  • pathology of the vascular system and heart - atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, first heart attack;
  • gynecological diseases - tubal infertility, low estrogen levels, thrush, menstrual disorders;
  • nervous system disorders - neuralgia, psychoemotional disorder, depression, insomnia, post-traumatic disorders;
  • difficulties in the activity of the endocrine system - diabetes, thyroid dysfunction;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - joint pain, rheumatism, spondylitis, arthritis, etc.;
  • pathologies caused by slow metabolism - obesity, overweight, and diabetes;
  • diseases from the field of urology - prostatitis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, male impotence.

Hydrogen sulfide baths have many more indications, and contraindications must be taken into account. Now let's take them apart.

Hydrogen sulfide baths - contraindications

Despite all the benefits that these procedures have, you should refrain from bathing when:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • the second and subsequent transferred heart attacks;
  • diseases of the vessels of the brain;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • hypotension;
  • duodenal ulcer, stomach;
  • chronic ailments of the urinary system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Some of the prohibitions are relative. To get the correct answer, it is recommended to take tests and get specialist advice.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths

The procedures are especially useful for certain pathological conditions. Let's take a look at the whole value of hydrogen sulfide baths.

# 1. Promotes overall health

With moral exhaustion and physical fatigue, you should take a course in order to improve your health as a whole. After the first session, the correct functioning of organs and systems is being established.

# 2. Treat dermatological diseases

The main focus of hydrogen sulfide baths is the ability to eliminate dermatological problems. The affected areas of the skin are disinfected, and their regeneration is accelerated.

Number 3. Rejuvenate and tighten the skin

Nutritionists unanimously say that after successful weight loss, you need to take hydrogen sulfide baths to increase skin turgor. After considering the indications and contraindications and consulting with a specialist, we recommend using procedures to rejuvenate the body. Baths smooth out creases, relieve itching in case of allergies, eliminate irritation.

No. 4. Reduce blood pressure

Hypotensive patients cannot resort to such measures, but for hypertensive patients this is a real salvation. The bath, enriched with hydrogen sulfide, increases the lumens in blood vessels, improves blood viscosity, seals blood channels and lowers blood pressure.

No. 5. Increase hemoglobin

Such procedures promote the production of hemoglobin against the background of iron deficiency anemia. If you take the course at least once a year, you will always be able to maintain the hemoglobin level at the proper level.

No. 6. Stabilize the psycho-emotional environment

The nervous system of a modern person is attacked every hour, even if not everyone notices it. In case of psycho-emotional disorder and insomnia, baths will help a lot. They reduce anxiety, relax, cheer up.

No. 7. Improves the work of the cardiovascular system

Hydrogen sulfide baths help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle. Along with this, blood pressure is normalized. The indications and contraindications of the procedures have been studied earlier, so baths are recommended to be taken to prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

No. 8. Eliminate inflammation

Hydrogen sulfide has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the procedures have a positive effect on the entire human body. The wellness course allows you to get rid of various inflammatory processes, even chronic ones.

No. 9. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system

Baths will have a positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. The advantage of the technique is that joints and ligaments are strengthened in a complex manner. Such baths are often taken for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernias, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

No. 10. Get rid of excess weight

Baths have a lot of useful properties. Due to the unique technology during the procedure, the body is cleansed of excess fluid. Puffiness disappears, harmful compounds and slags are removed. Natural weight loss occurs.

No. 11. Treat diabetes

Even with such a serious disease as diabetes, hydrogen sulfide baths will help to significantly alleviate the condition. During the procedure, the body produces the optimal amount of insulin, as a result, the level of glucose in the blood stabilizes, and the dependence on drugs decreases.

How to take hydrogen sulfide baths

It should be noted that useful hydrogen sulfide baths can be taken at home. If you take into account the indications and contraindications, you will get a decent healthier. Get hydrogen sulfide salt at any pharmacy and follow the instructions.

1. Fill the tub with hot water. Dissolve the required amount of salt in it, according to the instructions on the pack.

2. If necessary, stir in cold water so that the temperature in the bath is no more than 38 degrees.

3. The duration of the session is 7-15 minutes. Keep in mind that the indicator depends on the complexity of the disease and the diagnosis.

4. Gently submerge yourself in the water and relax. The liquid level should not be higher than the middle of the chest.

5. After the specified time has elapsed, wrap the body with a thin cotton cloth. Wipe off is prohibited. Wait for natural drying.


Before self-medication, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe from 10 to 15 procedures, which should be performed 2-3 times a week. If the condition worsens, stop treatment immediately.

Hydrogen sulfide baths will help to cope with various ailments. Study the indications and contraindications carefully. In the presence of the latter, you will have to refrain from procedures. However, in rare cases, the doctor may prescribe an easy course. Therefore, it is worth asking a specialist about everything in advance.

Hydrogen sulfide baths belong to the category of balneological procedures, in principle, this technique is based on the use of mineral water, which contains hydrogen sulfide in its composition. This kind of treatment procedures play an important role in the treatment of diseases, but, like all types of any therapeutic effect, they have their own indications and contraindications. Their comparison, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, is done by the doctor, who determines what is necessary for the treatment, and whether this procedure will bring benefit or harm.

The specificity of this type of treatment lies in the mechanism, which is determined not only by the temperature factor of water, but also by hydrostatic and mechanical influence, which is typical for all types of baths in balneology, but also by the presence of free hydrogen sulfide and hydroxyl ions.

Classification of hydrogen sulfide baths

Hydrogen sulfide baths are subdivided according to the concentration of the active substance:

  • Weak sulfide, with the amount of total hydrogen sulfide from 10 to 50 mg / l.
  • Medium sulfide - 50-100 mg / l.
  • Strong. Contain from 100 to 250 mg / l.
  • Very strong. They contain more than 250 mg / l of hydrogen sulfide.

The most commonly used for medical purposes are procedures with strong baths, slightly less often baths with medium and low concentration. When using sulfide baths, it should be taken into account that the excess content of the active substance in the water during these procedures is toxic and can harm the body.

Useful properties of hydrogen sulfide baths

In numerous studies and according to the supervision of doctors, the benefits of this type of treatment lie in their antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Their beneficial effect on the healing of skin lesions and muscle tissue was also noted.

Mechanism of action

Hydrogen sulfide in such baths is an active agent. In water, it is in a free and semi-bound form, by dissociation it decomposes into hydrogen ions and hydrosulfide ions, it is these particles that have a therapeutic effect.

It penetrates into the internal environment of a person through the skin and respiratory tract. During the period of taking such a bath, the substance diffuses through the skin (about 10%), forming a small depot in the epidermis, allowing to prolong its action. This can explain the specific smell that appears from a person after taking such a bath, which lasts for some time. When hydrogen sulfide enters the blood, morphological changes are observed in the vessels and the endings of the nerve bundles. At first, the capillaries react in the form of a spasm, and 1-2 minutes after the start of the procedure, there is a prolonged hyperemia (redness) of the skin, swelling and loosening, its temperature rises by an average of 0.5-2 degrees. Such a reaction does not depend on the temperature of the water, on the contrary, the cooler the hydrogen sulfide bath, the higher the temperature rise. Thus, there is a training of blood vessels and an increase in functioning capillaries, and this significantly improves the peripheral circulation system, and, accordingly, tissue nutrition. It should be noted that hydrogen sulfide is able to penetrate not only into the blood, but also into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Taking a procedure such as hydrogen sulfide baths causes the following changes in the body:

After adopting such a procedure, some patients, especially in sanatoriums, may experience a kind of balneological reaction. Changes in this case are of both local and generalized nature, and consist in the appearance of severe fatigue, increased pain, exacerbation of inflammation, insomnia, and fever.

This does not mean that hydrogen sulfide is harmful to the human body in such cases. Some experts consider this initial reaction even absolutely necessary to obtain maximum effect.

Who needs hydrogen sulfide baths

The main effect of hydrogen sulfide is not only on the central, but also on the peripheral nervous system, and also has the ability to relieve pain and inflammation, therefore, given its medicinal properties, and the main indications for this type of therapeutic effect, this technique is used in the complex treatment of the following pathologies :

Sometimes doctors prescribe such procedures in order to alleviate the condition during hypertension at a young age and under strict pressure control. In neurology, hydrogen sulfide baths are sometimes used to eliminate the consequences of dynamic disorders of the cerebral and peripheral circulation against the background of the initial stages of atherosclerosis, in combination with oxygen therapy.


Any method of treatment has its own contraindications, and therapeutic hydrogen sulfide baths in this sense are no exception.

  • First of all, the use of sulfide baths is not recommended for people who have general contraindications for spa treatment.
  • Intolerance to hydrogen sulfide.
  • You can not use such procedures in the presence of decompensated conditions in infectious diseases of the heart muscle - endocarditis or myocarditis.
  • Angina pectoris from the second class and above, as well as severe stenosis with valve lesions, rhythm disturbances in the form of atrial fibrillation or various blockages of the cardiac conduction system, hypertension and vascular diseases in the last stages are the reason for refusing to use hydrogen sulfide baths.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver with signs of failure of these organs.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy, starting from 5 months, excludes the use of hydrogen sulfide baths.
  • Acute manifestations of any inflammatory processes and exacerbation of chronic ones.
  • Bleeding tendency.
  • Bronchial asthma, frequent and repeated myocardial infarctions, hyperfunction of endocrine organs, pronounced atherosclerotic phenomena.
  • Contraindications to baths also apply to cancer and blood diseases.

In any case, the use of hydrogen sulfide baths for therapeutic purposes cannot be prescribed independently.... To do this, it is necessary to be examined and consult a doctor who can compare, individually for each patient, whether there are indications for the use of this type of therapy, or whether such procedures will be harmful.

Procedure rules

The hydrogen sulphide bath room should be well insulated, with a separate drainage system and extractor hood. The walls and floor are covered with special tiles. Metal parts - pipes and radiator are painted only with oil varnish. The bath itself for such a procedure is made of faience or concrete with a tiled coating.

The air temperature in the room during the session is kept within 25 degrees. Water - from 35 to 37 degrees, depending on the indication. For example, for diseases of the nervous system, lower temperatures are usually used for a hydrogen sulfide bath. The volume of liquid in the bathroom is 150-200 liters. Session duration - 10-12 minutes (in case of hypotension and joint pain, the first session lasts no more than 6 minutes). The course of therapy includes 10 to 15 procedures.

If a gentle effect is required, weak and medium sulfide baths are usually used, lasting no more than 10 minutes.

In addition to general baths, half-baths, foot baths are also used, for individual parts of the body - multi-chamber, as well as irrigation and inhalation. Local baths are carried out at a water temperature of 38 degrees, lasting from 10 to 20 minutes, a course of 10 to 20 sessions, daily or every other day.

After the procedure, in order to stabilize the patient's condition, the patient must take a horizontal position and lie down for at least 30 minutes, for sessions in hospitals or sanatoriums, and about 1.5 hours in a ward at a hospital.

Carrying out the procedure at home

For a hydrogen sulfide bath for therapy at home, you can purchase special formulations that are on sale. It should be borne in mind that using a regular bathroom for this purpose significantly increases the risk of poisoning with vapors of volatile compounds, since it is impossible to observe all precautions for conducting such sessions at home. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the instructions for the manufacture of medicinal solutions for hydrogen sulfide baths and ventilate the room well.

There are many sanatoriums in Russia where you can take both artificial and natural hydrogen sulfide baths. The most ancient place where the use of this type of procedure began to be applied back in tsarist times is Sergievsk, located not far from Samara. Then the same waters were found in Matsesta, Pyatigorsk, Goryachy Klyuch, Yessentuki, Pskov.

Doctor Lapushanskaya V.V.


Update: October 2018

Hydrogen sulfide bath is a balneological procedure based on the use of mineral water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. It is one of the most frequent and affordable procedures during spa treatment, rehabilitation and therapy for a number of diseases. The specificity of treatment is determined not only by the composition of the water, but also by its temperature, exposure time and a number of others.

Hydrogen sulfide baths have strict indications and restrictions, therefore they cannot be assigned to everyone who wishes: all contraindications are absolute.

A bit of history

The benefits of water from hydrogen sulfide springs were first noted under Peter I. Already at the beginning of the 18th century, factories were built near Samara, whose workers bathed in Lake Sernoye, and the water from it cured various skin diseases well. This lake was located not far from the Sergievsk fortress, therefore, the waters began to be called Sergievsky.

A little later, a specific effect was noted that develops in humans against the background of the use of these baths, which was called the Matsesta reaction. The name is associated with the most popular Russian resort Matsesta, located near Sochi.

Baths with water from natural hydrogen sulfide sources began to be actively used in sanatoriums, which were built in places of hydrogen sulfide deposits (natural waters containing from 10 mg / l of total hydrogen sulfide are referred to as hydrogen sulfide). These waters are used for baths, inhalations, irrigations, etc. In addition, this method is offered by many beauty salons, and using concentrates, you can undergo the procedure at home.

Types of hydrogen sulfide baths

Depending on the level of hydrogen sulfide content, baths are classified into:

  • weak, with the amount of hydrogen sulfide from 10-50 mg / l;
  • medium, with an active ingredient level of 50-100 mg / l;
  • strong, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in which is 100-250 mg / l;
  • very strong, with a concentration of hydrogen sulphide from 250 mg / l.

Healing mechanisms and beneficial action

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths are realized through the action of active substances. Hydrogen sulfide ions enter the body through mucous membranes, skin pores, and the respiratory system. When free ions enter the bloodstream, they are oxidized and, having exerted a certain effect, are excreted naturally through the kidneys and partially through the lungs.

The higher the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in water, the more it penetrates the body through the skin. At high concentrations of 250 mg / l and higher, hydrogen sulfide begins to circulate in the blood. In addition to irritating skin receptors, hydrogen sulfide, which is found in blood vessels, has the same effect on interoreceptors.

Most of the hydrogen sulfide is oxidized to sulfates, hyposulfite and other inorganic sulfur compounds. A small part of hydrogen sulfide takes part in the synthesis of organic compounds.

Hydrogen sulfide is a strong reducing agent: a natural antioxidant that can be oxidized. Oxidation produces sulfur dioxide. Its increased concentration is dangerous for humans, but natural water contains the substance in small concentrations, so baths have a healing effect.

Also, water from natural sources contains ions of fluorine, iodine, bromine, trace elements such as iron, barium, potassium, magnesium, gold, sodium, copper, as well as hydrocabronates.

What happens while taking a bath?

Reddening of the skin occurs 2-3 minutes after immersion in the bath. Penetrating through the skin, hydrogen sulfide affects the nerve endings localized in the walls of blood vessels. A pronounced reaction of cellular elements develops, namely mast cells that secrete active substances such as heparin, acetylcholine and histamine. Under the influence of these substances, the capillaries expand and in such an expanded state are able to place 1/3 of all freely circulating blood in the body inside. Those. blood from the internal organs, as it were, collects under the skin, is saturated with active substances and continues to circulate throughout the body. The consequence of vasodilatation are objective sensations: a rush of heat to the skin, a slight burning sensation. The second stage of this reaction is the expansion of the blood vessels located in the internal organs.

The microcirculation of blood improves not only in the skin, but also in the tissues located under it, in the internal organs, cartilage, articular bags. Thus, the effect of baths is associated with reflex reactions that develop in response to irritation of the sensitive nerve endings in the skin and blood vessels. And humoral reactions transmitted by lymph and blood are also associated with reflex action, which are included in the general response of the body to procedures. It turns out that the response is complex - neurohumoral and manifests itself in relation to the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, endocrine glands, metabolism. The most complex chain of reactions is realized, which captures all the main systems of the body.

It should be understood that this is a course of treatment, and the maximum effect can be expected after passing all the procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Hydrogen sulfide baths:

  • activate the activity of enzymes and hormones in the body;
  • accelerate blood circulation, thereby improving the blood supply to organs. During baths, the minute and systolic volume of the heart improves, the blood flow rate increases, and this is especially noticeable in patients with slow blood circulation;
  • slow down blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • increase the permeability of cell membranes, improving the quality of tissue nutrition,
  • normalize blood sugar both in patients with diabetes and in healthy people with a sugar load;
  • activate metabolic processes. Hydrogen sulfide accelerates the oxidation processes and increases the activity of sulfur-containing enzymes, helping to increase the energy resources of the myocardium. It has been proven that hydrogen sulfide affects acetylcholine and histamine metabolism by changing the activity of the corresponding enzymes (cholinesterase and histaminase) involved in metabolism;
  • improve metabolism in the heart muscle, due to which the energy of heart contractions is more economically spent;
  • increase oxygen consumption by organs and tissues;
  • increase the speed of recovery processes in damaged tissues, which helps to resolve sluggish inflammatory foci;
  • improve ventilation of the lungs;
  • improve energy and metabolic processes in joints and skeletal muscles, which lead to a decrease in pain, inflammation; the processes of restoration of cartilaginous tissues are accelerated;
  • normalize blood pressure. The procedures equalize the work of the vasomotor centers by regulating the main nervous processes and normalizing vascular reactions. More significant shifts in blood pressure are observed in hypertension: there is a phase change in vascular tone in patients with this pathology. When they are in the bath, the pressure in such patients decreases, when they exit, it rises, and after 15-20 minutes it drops below the initial state and becomes normal or close to that;
  • normalize the pulse and heart rate. In the first minutes of the procedure, the pulse rate increases, and by the end of the procedure, the pulse slows down;
  • soothe and relax the central nervous system, cause slight drowsiness due to the prevalence of inhibition processes over arousal;
  • restore the disturbed balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, which regulate the activity of internal organs and metabolism;
  • improve the condition of the skin, which heals and smoothes. Its elasticity increases, allergic, inflammatory phenomena decrease or disappear;
  • stop premature aging of the body.


There is a wide range of indications for the appointment of hydrogen sulfide baths. Necessarily taken into account: the concentration of hydrogen sulfide (most often, increasing), water temperature, duration of the procedure, the possibility of combining with other types of treatment, the number of baths per course and the general state of health, especially the activity of the pathological process, which is the main indication for the appointment of treatment.

Main indications:

  • skin diseases: dermatitis, dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, scaly lichen, ichthyosis, urticaria;
  • gynecological diseases: chronic inflammatory processes, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ovarian failure, menstrual irregularities, not associated with increased synthesis of female sex hormones;
  • urological diseases: chronic prostatitis;
  • cardiovascular pathology: uncomplicated hypertension, circulatory disorders, heart defects (aortic and mitral valves) with circulatory failure no more than 1 tbsp. and in the absence of severe stenosis, myocardiostrophy, uncomplicated obliterating endarteritis, the consequences of deep and superficial vein thrombophlebitis after 3-6 months. after an acute period;
  • diseases of bones and joints: arthritis, arthrosis, infectious polyarthritis in remission (6-8 months after exacerbation), non-infectious polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, brucellosis polyarthritis (3 months after acute events), osteochondrosis, slow bone fusion after fracture;
  • endocrine pathologies: diabetes;
  • neurological diseases: neuralgia, radiculitis, post-traumatic conditions, reflex traumatic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of poliomyelitis, meningomyelitis, paralysis and paresis of the spinal cord;
  • conditions after suffering flu, tonsillitis;
  • pediatrics: cerebral palsy, condition after birth trauma, perinatal encephalopathy, CVS diseases described above.

How are the procedures carried out

The procedure is carried out only in a specially equipped room with good ventilation and an exhaust hood - this is a very important point in order to exclude poisoning with volatile hydrogen sulfide. Floor and walls are covered with special tiles, and metal parts (pipes, radiators) are painted with oil varnish. The bathroom is made of faience or concrete and covered with tiles.

How to take it correctly:

  • The air temperature is 25 C. 200 liters of water T 35-37 C are taken into the bath and the concentrate is added, bringing to the required concentration (or water from a natural source with a predetermined concentration). The patient is immersed in the bath and takes 6-15 minutes. After the bath, he rests for 30-40 minutes in a horizontal position.
  • The course is 10-14 baths at intervals of 1 or 2 days. You can repeat a similar course in 4-6 months.
  • Also used are half-baths, foot and multi-chamber baths for individual parts of the body, irrigation and inhalation. Local baths can be held up to 20 minutes at T water 38 degrees, daily or every other day.

After the procedure, a slight specific odor emanates from the body, which lasts for a certain period of time.

Treatment modes

Clear treatment regimens have been developed that have already known, expected effects on the patient.

  • Weak impact (1 mode). Baths with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 25-50 mg / l, taking 6-15 minutes, every other day. A combination with a local procedure using mineral water (irrigation, inhalation) is permissible. They have a soft and gentle effect and do not cause harsh responses. They normalize the impaired reactivity of the body gradually, improve metabolism and blood supply and lead to strengthening of the defenses.
  • Moderately intense exposure (mode 2). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide is 100-150 mg / l, the exposure is 6-15 minutes, the frequency is in 1-2 days. They have a versatile effect that can be called a gentle trainer. Increase the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body.
  • Intense exposure (3 mode). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide is 250-350 mg / l, duration is 3-10 minutes, after 1 day. A multifaceted action that causes a deep restructuring of functions, reactivity and metabolism in the body, improves blood supply and compensatory capabilities of the body.

The indicated modes are an example scheme that is modified for each patient. In any regime, treatment begins with low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide baths at home

On sale there are special compositions for bathing at home. But it is very important to observe all precautions and adhere to the instructions in order to exclude poisoning by volatile hydrogen sulfide vapor. However, it should be understood that baths have a lot of contraindications, before they are taken, you should undergo an examination and exclude pathologies, diseases and conditions in which the procedures cannot be taken.

Contraindications for hydrogen sulfide baths

There are a number of strict contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • hyperthermia;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology and the acute period of any disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • myoma, uterine fibroma and other gynecological diseases against the background of hyperestrogenism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • all kidney diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • blood diseases;
  • a history of repeated myocardial infarction;
  • decompensated endocarditis or myocarditis;
  • exertional angina pectoris 2 or more, severe stenosis accompanying valve lesions, atrial fibrillation, blockade of the cardiac conduction system, terminal stages of hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

With these conditions and diseases, hydrogen sulfide baths can only harm the body: worsen the condition and lead to an exacerbation and progression of pathologies.

Adverse reactions

The course of procedures leads to a significant favorable restructuring of the whole organism, but in a number of patients it is accompanied by a passing imbalance in the functioning of different systems. This is called a balneological reaction. Main manifestations:

  • deterioration of health;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • local temperature rise.

There are several degrees of balneological reaction. It is latent, subclinical, subclinical with manifestations, moderate severity, bordering on exacerbation and strong, which almost always leads to exacerbation of chronic pathology.

A mild balneological reaction is not a pathological phenomenon. But if the reaction is pronounced, it threatens with an exacerbation of the disease, from which, in fact, the treatment is carried out, therefore, it should not be allowed. And here there is a very fine line - and the possibility of an acute inflammatory reaction, and its transition to an acute process can be in different patients with the same intensity of balneological procedures, i.e. the benefits and harms of treatment are actually on two scales. Therefore, it is very important to select all the parameters of the treatment in accordance with the reactivity of the patient's body.

The most popular resorts and sanatoriums in Russia with natural hydrogen sulfide sources


The most famous Russian resort located near Sochi. Matsesta mineral water has a record hydrogen sulfide concentration of more than 700 mg / dm3. In addition, the climate of the resort is unique - it is the only place of humid subtropics in Russia. In a relatively small area, mineral waters with different concentrations of hydrogen sulfide have been brought to the surface of the earth, which are indicated for balneotherapy.
In Sochi, there is the country's only installation for the preparation of medium-mineralized high-sulfide therapeutic mud from local freshwater silts and Matsesta strong-sulfuric water. These muds have found application in the spa resorts. In addition, they are exported to other resorts in the country in prepackaged form.

Hydrogen sulfide baths in the body of Mashuk mountain

These are the oldest baths in Pyatigorsk, which are formed in natural rock at the places where hydrogen sulfide springs come out to the surface of the earth. These baths have long been a source of health for the local population. The people talked about them as "shameless" or "Yermolovsky" baths. They still exist today: modern bathrooms were built above them, where patients from all over the world come for treatment.

Resort "Sergievskie Mineralnye Vody"

located in the Samara region, or rather - in the steppe part of the Samara Trans-Volga region. There are multi-flow sources of hydrogen sulphide waters that have no analogues in the territory of the Russian Federation. These are low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-sulphate magnesium-calcium waters, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in which is 50-100 mg / dm 3. The resort is also rich in lakes and key sulphide muds.

Resort "Ust-Kachka" is located in the Perm region

It is rich in natural iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide waters, which are extracted from a depth of wells of 200-500 m. Hydrogen sulfide water belongs to 2 groups: brine with a concentration of H2S and HS of 76 g / dm 3 and very strong (301 mg / dm 3). Used for baths, as well as irrigation for the gums and scalp.
The history of the resort is interesting - hydrogen sulfide mineral waters were accidentally discovered in 1935 during geological exploration, when healing water was extracted from the well of "Glavneft". Its composition turned out to be close in composition to the sources of Matsesta, and after a while a health resort was built here.

Balneo-mud resort "Usolye" is located in the Irkutsk region

The natural water deposit is unique both in its composition and in education. Usolsk waters are saturated with bromine, chlorine and sodium, iodine, silicic acid, potassium, manganese and hydrogen sulfide. Water, flowing through underground labyrinths, washes rocks and is saturated with useful minerals, salts, gases, acquires medicinal value, and comes to the surface in the form of springs and springs with the help of natural pressure. Those. sources are natural in all characteristics.

Hydrogen sulfide baths in Abkhazia

On the territory of Abazia there are many natural sources of mineral waters with hydrogen sulfide, which are popular.

  • In Kyndyga, there are famous thermal springs, the water from which at the exit has a temperature of +110 C, flows down the mountain, cools down to a comfortable temperature and falls into special distributor troughs, under which you can take a kind of therapeutic shower.
  • Besletka is a river located on the edge of Sukhumi. It is here that 7 wells were drilled, from where warm waters with temperatures from +29 to +42 are extracted and supplied to special baths.
  • The hydrogen sulfide spring in Gagra contains about 44.2 mg / l of hydrogen sulfide, the outlet water temperature reaches +43 C.
  • Hydrogen sulfide springs in the Primorskoye village are a modern small complex where, in addition to water treatment, you can also take procedures with healing mud.

Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to take hydrogen sulfide baths with intolerance to the specific smell of hydrogen sulfide? If this condition is not associated with an allergy to the substance, then minor discomfort can be tolerated, for example, by using a special nose clip during the procedure.

Carbon dioxide baths are an active balneological procedure, the main active ingredient of which is carbon dioxide. But the high therapeutic effect of the baths lies in the effect of three factors: temperature (hot and cold procedures), mechanical (massage with carbon dioxide bubbles) and chemical (carbon dioxide). Most often carbon dioxide baths are prescribed for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Let's talk more about carbon dioxide baths, indications and contraindications for these procedures, consider:

How do the procedures affect the body?

Taking a bath with carbon dioxide affects the processes of thermoregulation, namely, the process of heat transfer is activated. Exposure to carbon dioxide increases the activity of heat-producing receptors and, conversely, inhibits the activity of cold receptors. As a result, the body temperature decreases slightly, the blood flow in the skin increases. Let's take a closer look at the impact of the procedures:

The cardiovascular system

Baths have the most positive effect on the work of the heart muscle, condition, vascular permeability. As a result of the effect of the bath, the capillaries and blood vessels expand, the blood flow is accelerated, the blood flow is activated, the tone of the vessels and veins decreases.

From the side of the heart muscle, there is a suspension or complete cessation of angina attacks, the general indicators of the electrocardiogram improve, blood pressure decreases, memory, sleep quality improves, and insomnia is eliminated.

A person becomes more resilient to physical work, mental stress. As the course of procedures is carried out, irritability decreases, headache attacks pass, dizziness, and impaired coordination of movements stop.

Brain activity

Carbon dioxide bath procedures have a positive effect on the functioning of the human brain. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, metabolic processes in this organ are activated, which contributes to an increase in the amount of gamma-aminobutyric, adenosine triphosphoric acids, decreases the level of norepinephrine in the diencephalic parts of the brain, as well as the walls of the cerebral vessels. As a result, the brain activity increases, the efficiency increases.

Autonomic nervous system

Exposure to carbon dioxide contributes to the formation of active biological substances that affect the sympathetic (decreased tone) and parasympathetic nervous systems (increased tone). The production of acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, cholinesterase is activated. All this contributes to an economical, normalized activity of the heart, all internal organs and systems. Their nutrition improves, their oxygen supply increases.

Lipid metabolism

During the course of procedures, lipid metabolism is mastered, the level of harmful cholesterol is significantly reduced. In patients with atherosclerosis, the content of low density lipoproteins is markedly reduced. There is an activation of the breakdown, removal of excess fat and some fat-like substances.

It is very useful to combine carbonic water procedures with carbonic-chloride-sodium mineral baths. It is very useful to alternate them with the use of hydrogen sulfide baths and mud. Carbon dioxide interacts well. Such combinations increase the healing properties of each other by an order of magnitude.

It should be noted that carbonic mineral waters are also used for bowel lavage, as well as for irrigation, rinsing, inhalation.

Indications for carbonic baths

As we have already found out, the main indication for the application of the course of procedures is cardiovascular diseases. They are often prescribed to recovering people after suffering myocarditis, cardiosclerosis. They are indicated for ischemia, the initial stage of hypertension.

With their help, diseases of the central nervous system, pathologies of the thyroid gland, and also the gonads are treated. Baths are useful for broncho-pulmonary diseases, including chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Baths are prescribed for the complex treatment of varicose veins, for metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Dry carbon dioxide baths, in addition to the listed indications, are prescribed for the treatment of peripheral circulation, sclerosis, neuritis. Dry procedures are prescribed for the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases, skin diseases, especially with itchy skin. Dry baths are very useful for long-term non-healing wounds, skin ulcers. The procedures for the treatment of arthritis are shown.


As with all medical procedures, carbon dioxide baths have their own contraindications. For example, it is impossible to carry out procedures with carbon dioxide with severe neuroses, accompanied by strong nervous excitement. They are contraindicated in menopause, when pronounced angioedema is observed. You can not undergo a course of procedures for nephritis, nephrosis, as well as rheumatism in the active phase. Refrain from taking baths during pregnancy.

I must say that in any case, the need for carbon dioxide baths is determined by the attending physician. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the necessary course of procedures, taking into account the existing contraindications. Be healthy!

A lack of carbon dioxide in the human body can be very dangerous. The list of diseases to which it can lead is scary: diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction, difficulty breathing. To eliminate the deficiency of an important compound, dry carbon dioxide baths have been created, the indications and contraindications for which you will learn from this article.

Balneotherapy: what is it?

A physiotherapeutic technique based on improving the patient's condition by bathing in medicinal baths is called balneotherapy... This term can also include rinsing with mineral water, showers, inhalation of vapors, etc.

Today this therapy is very popular in a number of regions of the world. Among the famous balneological resorts:

  • Sapareva Banya in Bulgaria;
  • Ananda in India (located in the Himalayas);
  • Ein Bokek (in the vicinity of the Dead Sea);
  • Geothermal spring Blue Lagoon in Iceland;
  • Baile Govora (Romania);
  • Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic);
  • Rogaska (medical complex in Slovenia);
  • Rio Ondo (Argentina);
  • Warm Springs (Georgia, USA).

In Russia, the development of this type of therapy began with the Peter's reforms. During the 19th century, several domestic sources of mineral waters were discovered; a number of foreigners were popular among the nobles.

In this video, therapist Diana Soboleva will tell you why the procedures are carried out using dry carbon dioxide baths, how this happens:

Anhydrous balneotherapy

One of the varieties of "bathing treatment" is carbon dioxide baths. In their traditional version, ordinary water saturated with carbon dioxide is used.

The therapeutic effect is based on the beneficial effect of gas bubbles on the human integumentary system. This "massage" relaxes muscles, stimulates blood circulation and improves well-being.

However, the use of water is not without some disadvantages:

  1. Temperature exposure to hot water can adversely affect patients with a number of medical conditions;
  2. Hydrostatic force (that is, the force of water pressure) makes wet balneotherapy inaccessible to "heart patients" and hypertensive patients;
  3. The design features of physiotherapy devices create difficulties for the elderly and people with mobility problems;
  4. Price. The best mineral springs are found in Europe. The cost of treatment in the West is sky-high for the majority of the Russian population.

Thanks to modern technologies, dry balneotherapy has been created, which is devoid of the disadvantages of wet, and at the same time retains all the advantages of the old method.

Balneotherapy session

The procedure includes a number of such stages:

  1. Before starting the session, you need to undress. Exposure to underwear is quite enough;
  2. The patient's body is placed in a sealed container. Most often it is a large plastic bag fixed at the neck level;
  3. The paramedic indicates the required temperature level on the instrument panel;
  4. When the required level is reached, heating stops automatically;
  5. Carbonic acid is supplied to the "cocoon", which after a short time penetrates through the skin into the blood and tones up the vital systems
  6. At the end of the session, the remaining carbon dioxide is removed from the system;
  7. The nurse removes the camera (it is forbidden to do this on his own), after which the patient can get dressed.

The therapeutic effect of carbonic acid continues several hours after the end of the session. Its duration may vary depending on the disease. Timing ranges from 10 to 30 minutes.

To achieve a healing effect, the physiotherapy room will have to be visited about 10 times over the course of two to three weeks.

Dry carbon dioxide baths: benefits and harms

The procedure will not be superfluous for those who suffer from such ailments:

  • Severe chronic heart disease. Conventional "wet" baths create unwanted water pressure on the organs, while the dry technique does not have this disadvantage;
  • High blood pressure and blockage of blood vessels. Due to the effect of carbon dioxide, the vessels increase in size, the blood flow improves;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Enhancing the supply of oxygen to the brain, improving memory and thought processes;
  • Rejuvenating effect: the procedure slows down the aging process of cells;
  • General strengthening of the immune system.

However, in some cases you should refuse to hold a session: acute phases of heart disease and hypertension, fever and fever. The effect on the fetus during pregnancy is not fully understood, but it is better not to risk it.

"Reabox" dry carbon dioxide bath: reviews

There are many modifications of chambers for dry balneotherapy. One of the most popular models, which has been used for a couple of decades, is the domestic “ Reabox". It is a closed "bath" in which you can sit.

Over the years, "Reabox" has managed to acquire an army of loyal fans. Here real patient reviewswho have tried this method of treatment on themselves:

  • Larisa, 26 years old, Kemerovo: “The child was prescribed dry bath treatment. I was surprised to hear about such an unusual device. It is a booth with a stool in which warm air circulates. The kid is absolutely delighted with this attraction. We did not get sick all winter. I advise everyone who has not tried it yet ”;
  • Margarita, 54 years old, Smolensk: “I have been suffering from high blood pressure for several years now. A friend advised "Reabox". And I'll tell you: the treatment process has never been so comfortable. A warm relaxing breeze flows through the body, which soothes well. Both pleasant and useful ”;
  • Oleg, 48 years old, Krasnodar: “For a year and a half I suffered from weakness in the male part. During this time, I managed to poison myself with all kinds of chemistry, I thought about unsafe operations. But then my wife came across an alternative solution in the form of dry baths. For almost a month, I visited the office every two days. And the result was not long in coming: I feel even better than when I was young. "

Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths: indications and contraindications

A beneficial effect is also achieved when the human body is immersed in a hydrogen sulfide environment. Molecules enter the cerebrospinal fluid and delay oxidation in tissues. Thus, hydrogen sulfide acts as an antioxidant. Hair growth accelerates, recovery processes are activated and aging slows down.

The list of indications is as follows:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Peripheral nervous system disorders;
  • Brittle bones;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Problems with the integumentary system;
  • Loss of fertility.

Contraindications include liver and kidney disease, severe blockage of blood vessels.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, treatment by immersion in the waters of mineral springs has been known. But you shouldn't save up for a ticket to Kislovodsk or Essentuki. Dry carbon dioxide baths can be an excellent solution. Indications and contraindications will be listed in detail by a qualified medical specialist. And the process itself will bring real pleasure.

Video: the process of taking carbon dioxide baths

In this video, therapist Anna Morozova will show how the process of taking dry carbon dioxide baths "Reabox" by patients is going on, she will tell about the benefits of this procedure: