Body myostimulation in cosmetology: indications and important contraindications for use. What is body myostimulation - indications, contraindications, features of the

Impeccable forms are what any self-respecting woman strives for without exaggeration. Therefore, various methods are used to achieve them - strict diets, physical activity of varying severity, mesotherapy injections, massages, exposure to electric currents, in particular myostimulation and other methods.

In today's article, we will focus on myostimulation of the face and body: how effective is the procedure, is it possible to do it at home, due to which the effect is achieved and is there any, what are the contraindications - and much, much more.

What is myostimulation?

The procedure is also known as electromyostimulation - it has been used for a relatively long time in physiotherapy and restorative medicine, as well as in cosmetology - as an aid in the fight against excess weight and cellulite.

The essence of the method is to use impulses of electric current, which acts on muscle fibers, thereby improving muscle tone and skin elasticity. The main advantage of myostimulation is that it engages even the most hard-to-reach muscle groups, stimulating their work.

Important: myostimulation does not affect cellulite or excess adipose tissue, but only the muscles, activating them. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the appearance of the abdomen, buttocks or thighs - the muscle tone improves, the skin is tightened.

In addition, due to the effect of electric current, blood and lymph circulation improves, and, accordingly, provides better tissue nutrition and the removal of toxins and toxins even from the deep layers of the skin.

In the salon or medical and health centers, myostimulation is carried out by a specialist who controls the process, ensures the maximum efficiency of the procedure, by applying applicator electrodes to certain points.

You can also practice myostimulation at home - for this you need to buy a myostimulator for home use.

The principle of myostimulation

Going in for sports or simply performing certain actions - a person uses a certain muscle group. All the rest remain intact (for this reason, even a person leading an active lifestyle feels muscle pain when practicing new exercises). While myostimulation acts on all muscle groups of the selected area, including striated and smooth muscles, as well as motor and sensory nerves. Thanks to this, the electromyostimulator prepares immobilized and weak muscle groups for stress (as mentioned above, myostimulation is practiced as a recovery procedure after a stroke or for patients who have been immobilized for a long time) and helps to lose weight with an additional visit to the gym.

The effect of myostimulation is achieved by alternating electrical impulses supplied to the tissue with periods of complete rest. With the passage of a pulsed current, ions of the same name accumulate in the cell membranes, which lead the cells in the muscles to a state of excitement, which manifests itself in involuntary muscle contraction, similar to motor reactions. The electromyostimulator delivers a pulse current to the cells with a frequency of 15-150 Hz.

Contraction and excitation of muscles leads not only to an increase in blood and lymph circulation, but also stimulates metabolic processes that are aimed at providing energy to the muscles.

When carrying out myostimulation, the specialist, depending on the sensitivity of the patient and the treated area, selects the shape of the impulse current, adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the impulses. The duration of electrical impulses ranges from 1 to 100 ms, and the current strength is 3-5 mA for the face and hands and 10-15 mA for affecting the muscles of the shoulders, lower legs and thighs. The main indicator of the correctness of the procedure is the maximum possible painful muscle contraction when exposed to a given current strength.

To achieve this goal - the most effective impact on the muscles, rectangular or exponential currents are used in the form of one or a series of pulses with pauses between them. Currents can be diadynamic, sinusoidal, rhythmic, and also close to the biopotential of the stimulated muscles.

Indications and contraindications for myostimulation

Myostimulation is indicated both for medical purposes (the procedure is prescribed by the attending physician) and for cosmetic purposes (for body shaping). The procedure provides good results in almost all cases, especially with an integrated approach.

As for the contraindications, they are as follows:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, liver and kidneys;
  • blood diseases, a tendency to bleeding, poor blood clotting;
  • epilepsy;
  • use of pacemakers;
  • the presence of metal plates in the body;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • intolerance to electrical impulses (this is revealed during the first procedure);
  • pregnancy, lactation, established by the IUD.
  • tumors, inflammations, cysts, fibroids and other neoplasms.

Advantages and disadvantages of myostimulation

Figuratively speaking, the procedure, if it is performed for cosmetic purposes, is intended for those who do not want to physically strain, but to get the result “here and now”. In addition, myostimulation is also suitable in the case when it is necessary to use muscles that are quite difficult to load exclusively with physical exercises, for example, the inner side of the thigh.

The procedure is also good for those who want to prepare their body for the start of active sports: myostimulation tones weakened muscles, so the result, provided that physical activity continues, not only remains, but also improves. In addition, at the beginning of training, there is no pain whatsoever.

For all its effectiveness, it is necessary to remember about contraindications for myostimulation, and she has plenty of them.

Myostimulation - allows you to regulate the strength of the current, so the patient can independently regulate it based on pain (naturally, in order to achieve maximum results, women are ready to endure pain, so many consider the procedure to be quite painful).

What is important to remember when going for myostimulation:

  1. a significant effect of the procedure is possible only if it is combined with a diet, anti-cellulite wraps or sports. Otherwise, after 10 sessions, you will receive only a minus - 2-3 cm of reduction in volume.
  2. There will be no result from myostimulation, or practically will not be, if you are already doing sports and your muscles are in good shape - this will only be wasted money. In this case, it will be optimal to continue playing sports and an effective anti-cellulite program, for example or.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before the procedure - you should consult your doctor. This will help to avoid complications after myostimulation, if it is contraindicated for you.

Then you need to select a clinic and find a specialist who will conduct it. The professionalism of the specialist who will do myostimulation determines the effectiveness of the procedure.

Shortly before the start of myostimulation, it is necessary to remove all metal objects: chains, earrings, etc. Ideally, a body scrub (at home) or a superficial exfoliation can be done before the procedure to ensure better penetration of electrical impulses into the skin cells.

The procedure itself consists in the fact that electrodes are attached to certain points, which, thanks to the flexible material and special belts, fit tightly to the skin. the gasket between the electrode and the skin is lubricated with a special contact gel for myostimulation, and only after that the electrodes are attached to the skin.

In some cases, disposable electrodes are used, which are attached to the skin in the same way as a patch (in this case, the surface must be degreased and completely dry).

The exposed surface should be relaxed so that the muscles contract freely. That is, if myostimulation of the body occurs, then it should be in a horizontal position. Incorrect position of the body or any other area, such as the face, can cause excessive pain during the procedure.

In general, the general rules for carrying out the procedure are as follows:

  1. Elimination of the likelihood of contraindications to myostimulation;
  2. Placement of electrodes according to the scheme provided by the manufacturer of the electromyostimulator;
  3. Before starting the session, you should make sure that the electrodes are in good contact with the skin, and the amplitude of the electrical impulses should increase gradually, starting from zero;
  4. It is forbidden to simultaneously act on the antagonistic muscles, if this is not provided for by the design of the apparatus (for example: internal and external muscles of the thigh, buttocks or abdomen).
  5. During the procedure, you cannot move the included electrodes - you must first turn them off and only after that change their location.
  6. The maximum duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes.
  7. During the period of myostimulation session, you must follow a diet.

During the session, the patient feels a tingling sensation (as mentioned above, many patients are ready to endure painful sensations to achieve maximum results). The absence of visible muscle contractions and excessive pain sensations indicate that the currents are applied incorrectly.

To prolong the result at the end of the myostimulation sessions, it is necessary to observe the correct diet and start practicing physical activity, otherwise, the displaced centimeters will soon return, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

If the goal of myostimulation is to remove cellulite, then after the procedure for at least two hours you cannot eat anything, just drink water, and if you build muscle mass, then after the sessions you need to eat foods rich in proteins (according to the principle of ordinary physical training): protein shakes, meat, nuts, eggs, legumes, etc.

Results, consequences, reviews and cost of myostimulation

After myostimulation, in those places where the electrodes were adjacent to the body, slight redness is possible. This problem is solved with the usual nourishing cream, which needs to be lubricated with inflamed areas.

In rare cases, allergic reactions or burns are possible, which are explained by the individual characteristics of the skin or the body. In this situation, it is better to refuse myostimulation, replacing it, for example,.

The results of myostimulation depend on whether the diet is being followed, the individual characteristics of the organism and other conditions. So. If all the recommendations are followed for 10 sessions of procedures, it is possible to achieve the following results (by zones):

  • Myostimulation of the abdomen... It is indicated for strengthening the walls of the abdominal cavity, with weak muscles (most often after childbirth). After a full course, the waist, as a rule, decreases by 4-6 cm. In this case, the electrodes are attached to the points of the rectus and external abdominal muscles.
  • Body myostimulation... Recommended for complex disposal of subcutaneous fat. Helps improve muscle tone, tighten loose and saggy skin. Restore muscles after prolonged immobilization or prepare them for high loads.
  • Myostimulation of the chest and pectoral muscles... It is carried out to improve elasticity and slightly lift sagging breasts in women and to build pectoral muscles in men (subject to a protein diet). However, it is precisely to electrical stimulation of the pectoral muscles that should be treated with special attention: mastopathy and cysts. Which are contraindications to myostimulation, are quite common among women.
  • Myostimulation of the thighs... It is practiced to reduce the volume of the thigh, to stimulate the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh, where excess fat is most often observed. Myostimulation of the thighs, ideally, is best done with additional procedures, for example, wrap, lymphatic drainage or.
  • Myostimulation of the buttocks and breeches... The application of electrodes to these areas is usually performed in combination with the thighs - it is a good prevention of cellulite.
  • Facial myostimulation... The procedure is also known as myolifting, and is recommended for aging sagging skin to completely or partially eliminate gravitational ptosis, double chin, puffiness under the eyes, expression wrinkles, facial spasm and other age-related changes. Contraindications for facial myostimulation, in addition to the above, are also: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the presence of reinforced threads for a facelift, thyroid disease. As a result, after 10 sessions, it is possible to achieve the correction of the face contour, increase the muscle tone, get rid of senile wrinkles and double chin, eliminate edema and other defects. Facial myostimulation is carried out synchronously - that is, the muscles of both sides of the face are equally involved. An average session lasts 20 minutes. The procedure is quite painful and is recommended in combination with other methods of rejuvenation: ozone therapy, photorejuvenation and others. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to do 2-3 courses of procedures for 10 sessions - 2-3 times a year.

As for the reviews about myostimulation, in general they are positive: there is a reduction in the fat layer from 2 to 4 cm in 10 sessions. In some cases, myostimulation does not give a visible effect - in particular, when the patient already leads an active lifestyle and plays sports. Myostimulation will also be ineffective in obesity. In other words, it is suitable only in cases where there are problems, but they are not critical.

As for the cost of myostimulation, the price of one session in Moscow or St. Petersburg fluctuates around 800-1200 rubles. Some salons offer coupons and discounts to their clients, so you can find cheaper options.

You can also carry out myostimulation at home - for this it is enough to purchase a manual myostimulator, and follow the supplier's instructions to use it (as a rule, a home myostimulator is designed for the effects of the muscles of the thighs, abdomen, buttocks).

One of the most effective ways of body shaping and rejuvenation is myostimulation of the face and body. The hardware procedure helps to get rid of cellulite, correct defects in problem areas on the sides, hips, abdomen and buttocks. With the help of such treatment, a facelift takes place, muscles are strengthened, and age-related manifestations decrease.

Electrical myostimulation is the effect on muscle tissue of low-frequency electrical impulses that mimic the natural signals of the receptors of nerve fibers. This procedure is also called gymnastics for lazy people, since after the use of apparatus therapy, the volume of the fat layer on the face or body decreases without dieting and exercising.

Under the influence of currents, muscles contract, which helps to increase blood flow, normalize lymph flow, restore water balance and metabolic processes, and remove harmful toxins and toxins from the body. Myostimulation allows you to achieve a quick result, accelerate the breakdown of fat cells, correct problem areas, increase the tone of blood and lymphatic vessels, eliminate skin laxity, and cellulite disappears.

Body myostimulation

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus equipped with electrodes that are applied to the body. Using a muscle stimulator is like jogging or exercising in the gym. Impulse currents force muscle fibers to contract, while even those tissues that cannot be acted upon from outside are worked out.

Indications for use:

  • cellulite;
  • loose skin;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • excess weight;
  • improving body shape;
  • violation of blood and lymph flow;
  • decreased tissue sensitivity.

Since the main reason for the appearance of cellulite is a violation of the water, lipid balance, blood circulation, stagnation of lymph in the subcutaneous tissue, myostimulation can effectively cope with these problems. Impulse currents contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes, cause the breakdown of fat. As a result, excess volumes and kilograms go away, the skin tightens, and the "orange peel" disappears.

One procedure takes about 30 minutes, the full course of therapy consists of 10-15 sessions. To maintain the effect, it is shown to do prophylactic treatment 2 times a month. To get a good result, myostimulation must be combined with massage and cosmetic wraps, a visit to the sauna. An integrated approach will allow you to achieve an excellent effect in a short time. How useful the procedure is, you can see in the photo before and after therapy.

Description of facial myostimulation

Apparatus treatment has been successfully used to rejuvenate the face. Stationary electrodes are connected to the chin, nasolabial folds, cheeks, and forehead. The client feels a slight tingling sensation, muscle contraction. The frequency of the current and the type of impulses are selected individually for each patient.


  • loose, saggy skin;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • elimination of the consequences of the introduction of Botox, gel fillers;
  • double chin;
  • the presence of a fat layer;
  • poor face contour.

The full course consists of 10-15 sessions per week; to maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment once a month.

Contraindications to the myostimulation procedure

Despite the fact that exposure to pulsed currents has many advantages, it helps to get rid of cosmetic and aesthetic problems, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before visiting a beauty salon.

When to abstain:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, the presence of a pacemaker;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • varicose veins;
  • urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • infectious, viral diseases;
  • damage, inflammation of the skin;
  • reinforcement of the face with gold threads;
  • blood diseases.

The list of contraindications is quite large, since currents affect not only the muscles, but also the vascular system, forcing the internal organs to work hard.

With varicose veins, there is a violation of the outflow of blood, nodes are formed inside the vessels. Myostimulation leads to the appearance of spider veins, the feeling of heaviness in the legs increases, the limbs swell. Impact on the affected veins can significantly worsen the course of the disease, cause various complications. Therefore, with varicose veins, the use of pulse currents is contraindicated.

Physical muscle contraction warms up the pelvic tissue, which is strictly prohibited with uterine fibroids. Strengthening blood and lymph flow also negatively affects the patient's condition. With this disease, it is contraindicated to do massage, wraps. After these procedures, the growth of a benign node may accelerate, and fibroid torsion on the pedicle may occur.

How the myostimulant affects pregnant women and the unborn child is not fully understood, but in order to avoid any complications, a visit to a beautician should be postponed.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, impulse currents can intensify the inflammatory process, cause malfunctions of the heart, pacemaker, and accelerate the multiplication of cancer cells. Especially carefully, the therapy is carried out for women in the chest area, it is recommended to first undergo additional examination for the presence of breast tumors, mastopathy.

Possible consequences of a hardware procedure

Only qualified specialists are allowed to conduct myostimulation. The electrodes should be located on certain parts of the body or face, if they are incorrectly located, serious consequences, up to cardiac arrest, are possible.

After that, redness, inflammation of the skin area on which the sensor was installed may appear. The side effect disappears in 3-4 days. If the procedure is performed by an unqualified specialist, skin burns, electrical injuries, and increased muscle tone may remain.

Reviews of doctors and patients

“I’ll tell you about my experience with myostimulation. With the help of her, she performed the correction of the hips and waist area. The result was impressive, cellulite disappeared, the skin is toned, there are no sides. I leave positive feedback, this is an effective way for a low cost. "

Margarita, Moscow.

“Electromyostimulation is an effective means of restoring blood flow, normalizing metabolism within the dermis, water and lipid balance. The therapy allows you to improve the condition of the skin and reduce the fat layer, increase muscle tone. This method is used for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, recovering patients after injuries. The disadvantages include a large number of contraindications and short-term preservation of the result. "

Cosmetologist Alexandra Ivankina, Nizhny Novgorod.

“And I did myostimulation for the face to tighten flabby skin. I saw the changes after the second session. When the whole course was completed, wrinkles became less visible, the second chin disappeared, and the cheeks decreased. The procedure is painless, it only slightly tingles the skin. I would like to recommend this method to those who are afraid to do injection therapy, the impulse effect is very effective, besides, the cost is low. "

Natalia, St. Petersburg.

“The use of a myostimulator makes it possible to obtain a healthier effect to a greater extent than a cosmetic one. For body shaping and face rejuvenation, you will additionally need to undergo a course of vacuum massage or warming wraps, lifting masks. The procedure has received positive reviews from regular customers. But there are many contraindications. "

Cosmetologist Svetlana, Yekaterinburg.

Body myostimulation is a physiotherapy procedure, the purpose of which is to exert stress on certain muscle groups and to correct the contours of the body. Initially, myostimulation was used for weakened and paralyzed patients to prevent muscle atrophy.

Then the method began to be used by astronauts, whose muscles weaken and lose mass from a long stay in zero gravity. Now you can carry out the procedure in almost any salon. Women usually visit for correction of problem areas and weight loss. For men, the volumes of certain muscle groups and the overall fit of the body are more important.

How it works

This is a device that generates electrical impulses of a certain strength and transmits to the electrodes. The electrodes are positioned on the skin in a specific way so that the impulse is transmitted to the desired muscle or muscle group. Under the influence of an electrical discharge, the muscle contracts. The force of contraction is determined by the force of the transmitted electrical discharge.

Muscle contractions that a person produces during exercise are somewhat different from the contractions caused by the operation of the apparatus. This procedure can make to work even those muscles that are difficult to "pump" by physical exercises.

For example, you can strengthen the pectoralis major and minor to lift and plump your bust without having to pump up your shoulders and arms. Or pump up your glutes without having to squat with a barbell (those with knee problems often simply cannot afford such an exercise).

Muscle contractions activate the work of the entire cardiovascular system, improve the outflow of blood through the veins, and accelerate the lymph outflow. Thanks to this, the metabolism is accelerated, the body is freed from metabolic products (toxins) faster and easier. Working muscles absorb large amounts of nutrients. Moreover, this happens not only during direct training, but also long enough after it.

Therefore, if you do not increase the daily calorie content of the diet, it is quite possible to get rid of extra centimeters during the course of procedures. And this will happen not due to muscle tissue, as is the case on a diet, but due to the breakdown of fats.

Video: Procedure on the Transion apparatus

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Not all muscle stimulants are created equal.

Myostimulation is positioned by sellers of devices for home use as "gymnastics for the lazy." Like you can lie down, relax, read a book. In fact, you can set yourself the minimum settings in a simple device and after several procedures on the couch you will not get any result.

Or you can choose an apparatus for salon myostimulation for yourself, which works much more efficiently and during one session involves several muscle groups at once.

  • You can get the desired result.

The goals and problems that different people come to the salon with are completely different. Among those who perform myostimulation, there are those who need to reduce the volume of problem areas, those who need to remove excess fluid and get rid of cellulite, those who lack volume or relief (the same cubes on the stomach).

Salon devices allow you to select the desired exposure program, depending on the needs of the client. Accordingly, the result will be different for different people.
  • It leads to an increase in skin tone.

After a course of procedures, the body lines become more harmonious, not only due to improved muscle relief and tone, but also due to the fact that the skin becomes denser and more elastic.

  • The number of effective procedures per course is limited.

It will not be possible to go to the procedure as often as to fitness or to the gym, since gradually the muscles become insensitive to electrical impulses received from outside. Even after performing 10 procedures, you will have to increase the current strength from session to session in order to maintain the strength of muscle contractions at the same level.

After some time, muscle sensitivity is restored. Therefore, the course can be repeated if there is such a desire. But a long break between courses is required.
  • By attending procedures, you can harm yourself.

This happens in cases when the cosmetologist does not find out the presence of contraindications before the start of the procedures, or when the client tries to hide any health problems, as he underestimates their significance.


Execution will be effective in the following cases:

  • flabby muscles, lacking tone, which make the figure loose;
  • excess weight, cellulite;
  • "Pumping" muscle groups that are difficult to work out with the help of physical exercises;
  • the need to improve the contours of individual parts of the body (abdomen, buttocks, etc.);
  • for weight loss as a means to overcome the "plateau" when it is not possible to shift the weight down with the help of normal physical activity and the previous diet;
  • the presence of muscle clamps;
  • improving the condition, appearance and tone of the skin;
  • the need to strengthen the back muscles in order to improve posture, relieve the load on the spine in case of osteochondrosis;
  • seasonal decrease in mood;
  • elimination of swelling of soft tissues.


Should not be performed in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the presence of an implanted pacemaker;
  • diseases of the veins, including the presence of thrombophlebitis;
  • presence of kidney or gallbladder stones;
  • infectious diseases, including tuberculosis or seasonal viral infections that occur with chills and fever;
  • hypersensitivity to electrical procedures;
  • period of heavy menstruation;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, etc.).
  • diseases of the blood system.

How is the procedure performed

Usually, the first procedure is preceded by a consultation with a cosmetologist or physiotherapist, who determines the presence of indications and contraindications for myostimulation, selects the desired regimen, duration and frequency of procedures.

The myostimulation procedure itself is as follows:

  • Preparatory stage.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to take a shower to wash off cosmetics and sebum from the skin. A special transparent gel is applied to defatted skin, which facilitates the passage of an electrical impulse from the electrode through the skin to the muscle. Instead of a gel, ampoule concentrates can be used, the active components of which are directed under the action of an electric current into the deep layers of the skin and accumulate there.

Then these substances from the depot for a long time enter the dermis, where they activate the processes of skin rejuvenation and improvement of its structure. The electrodes are positioned on the skin so that the antagonist muscles contract alternately. The electrodes are fixed to the skin with elastic straps.

  • Stage of direct execution.

After the electrodes are applied, the doctor turns on the myostimulator and sets the previously selected mode for performing the procedure. The intensity of the impulses is selected taking into account whether the muscle contraction force is sufficient, whether it hurts when an impulse is applied to the skin. The intensity of muscle contractions must be sufficient for the body to receive sufficient stress during the procedure, otherwise the results of the sessions will be weak.

  • The final stage.

The device is turned off, the electrodes are removed. The gel is washed off the skin with water or wiped off with a napkin. Additionally, a special cream can be applied to the skin.

How often can you do

Usually, the procedure is performed once every two to three days. More frequent sessions prevent the muscles from recovering from exercise.

Price for one session

Photos before and after body myostimulation

Myostimulation is actively used in cosmetology to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and tighten the skin of the face. The technique allows you to improve the contours of the face and body, to reduce the fat layer in problem areas. Myostimulation is used in the treatment of obesity. During treatment, you can get rid of the fatty layer in places where the fatty tissue leaves poorly even with intense exertion and an adequate diet.

The concept of myostimulation, indications, restrictions on the appointment of physiotherapy

Myostimulation means the supply of current to the muscle area. In this case, the muscles under the influence of the current begin to contract. The therapy helps to strengthen the muscles of the body, face, buttocks and other muscles in the body. For myostimulation, there are special schemes that allow you to correctly position the electrodes.

When electrical impulses are supplied, the nerve cells that innervate the muscle tissue are activated (an action potential appears), an impulse is transmitted to the muscles. The muscles begin to contract. During the procedure, the muscles become stronger and increase in volume. The blood flow in the area of ​​the working muscles increases.

Muscle contraction during myostimulation does not cause strong tension. No accumulation of lactic acid is observed. This explains the absence of pain after therapy. Myocytes are not damaged, so muscles regenerate faster.

Myostimulation is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for the treatment of paralysis and paresis. It is actively used in patients with cerebral palsy. Therapy is prescribed in courses. By stimulating muscles, you can eliminate atrophy of non-working muscles, prepare it for passive and active movement.

Myostimulation has its own indications and limitations. They must be taken into account when prescribing therapy. Before carrying out a cosmetic procedure, it is better to consult a doctor for a complete examination.

Indications and limitations for the appointment of therapy

Indications List of contraindications to myostimulation
Edematous syndrome on the face and body.

Signs of cellulite.


Lack of blood flow to the muscles.

Atrophy, weakness of the muscular apparatus, weak skin turgor.

Vascular pathologies (varicose veins and others), impaired hematopoietic function.

The period of bearing the fetus.

Dysfunction of the kidneys and liver.

Inflammatory diseases.


Intolerance to current.

Increased stone formation in the kidneys, gallbladder.

Heart pathologies, the presence of an artificial pacemaker.

Psychiatric pathology.

Drug and alcohol abuse.

Myostimulation should not be prescribed during pregnancy (at any time). If you apply current to the abdomen, the uterus begins to contract.

This leads to premature birth, the threat of miscarriage, fetoplacental insufficiency, uterine bleeding, placental abruption. Such consequences are very dangerous for the child. They can lead to intrauterine death of the baby in the early stages (frozen pregnancy), developmental delay, hypoxia.

Varieties of devices for stimulating muscles

There are special devices for myostimulation. They are subdivided into landline and wireless. Stationary is used in beauty salons. They work from the mains, have a large number of electrodes, which allows you to stimulate several zones at once (face, abdomen, thighs, and others). Wireless devices are inexpensive, small in size, and equipped with rechargeable batteries. The power of the devices is much lower than that of professional or semi-professional devices. Muscle stimulants are divided into universal, male and female.

Women's devices may have programs that allow you to massage against cellulite, settings for bodybuilding, improve the condition of the skin and muscles. For men, the devices allow you to improve the relief of the muscles, train different muscle groups, and reduce pain in the area of ​​the articular apparatus.

Device types:

  • Versatile (suitable for any muscle group).
  • Myostimulator belt (for the press).
  • By butterfly type (for arms, thighs, legs, buttocks).
  • A device in the form of shorts (thighs, buttocks).

What is the muscle stimulation technique used for?

Cosmetologists, before carrying out myostimulation, must examine the patient's body. Identify problem areas that may require correction. The doctor must draw up a plan, which is followed in the future. The doctor describes the scheme for applying electrodes, as well as options for stimulating several areas at once. Cosmetologists pursue several goals when carrying out myostimulation. Taking them into account, an individual patient management plan is developed.

The main directions and goals for therapy:

  • Body shaping (weight loss through muscle stimulation as part of complex measures).
  • Improvement of lymph outflow (cellulite therapy, elimination of edematous syndrome).
  • Tightening of the skin and muscles.
  • Improving skin turgor.
  • Reducing pain, relaxation.
  • Muscle stimulation to tighten the chest.

Myostimulation is often combined with wrapping, masks and other procedures to improve the condition of the skin and increase immunity.

Therapy rules

Preparation for myostimulation consists in conducting an examination, as well as drawing up a therapy plan. The doctor draws up a diagram for applying the electrodes. Before applying the electrodes, the skin is cleaned with a scrub, treated with a gel for better conduction of current.

After the preparatory stage, electrodes are applied. Then the doctor installs the plates and adjusts the program (amperage). The current strength is set according to the patient's sensations, if pain appears, then the power must be reduced. Initially, a weak amperage is applied. As therapy progresses, it is gradually increased. It is impossible to expose immediately a strong current supply, as pain may occur.

If the power is set correctly, the patient should not feel pain.

During the procedure, the patient must breathe correctly. Inhalation is performed during the relaxation of the muscles, exhalation - when the muscular apparatus is straining. These rules must be followed so as not to damage muscle cells. The duration of the procedure should not be more than 45 minutes.

After the end of the session, the electrodes are removed, the skin is wiped off the gel. You can apply a moisturizer to your skin. Course therapy is equal to 15-20 physiotherapy procedures. The interval between procedures should be 2-3 days.

After therapy, side effects may appear:

  • Redness of the skin at the site of application of the electrodes.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Toothache, discomfort in the area of ​​the eyeballs, headache (with facial stimulation).

Women should not stimulate the abdomen during menstruation, as very long and heavy bleeding is possible due to strong contractions of the uterus, a violation of the cycle. Therapy is not indicated for patients with endometriosis, uterine myoma, as well as during pregnancy planning.

Place of therapy and cost of myostimulation

Muscle stimulation can be done at beauty salons or at home. The cost of cellulite elimination therapy is about 1,500 rubles. To stimulate 1 area, you will need to pay 800 rubles. If you act on 3 muscle zones, then the price will start from 2,000 rubles or more. To stimulate 5 zones, you will need at least 2800 rubles. Course therapy (10 procedures) costs about 18-19 thousand rubles.

For home use, you will need to buy a special device. They can be different. The following devices are available for purchase: Beurer EM35, Abdominal M11, Bottom S7, Beurer EM 41, Beurer EM38, Bradex Electrotrainer, Beurer EM20. Depending on the power and the number of electrodes, the price of devices ranges from 1,500 to 12,000 rubles.

Before buying, you need to check the device, require a warranty card. The warranty allows you to replace the device in case of any malfunction. The warranty card must contain service centers that can be contacted in the event of a breakdown. Home devices are not professional. They have much less power, so their cost is lower, their service life is shorter.

Before conducting electrical stimulation at home, you need to contact a beautician or attending physician to exclude contraindications.

Obesity therapy in conjunction with myostimulation

Obesity is treated only in a comprehensive manner. To carry out weight correction, you must first establish nutrition. You need to eat in small portions, give up fatty, fried, salty. More vegetables and fruits are introduced into the diet. Meat and fish should be eaten only boiled, stewed, or baked. Soups should be eaten preferably vegetable soups with the addition of boiled meat or fish.

Do not use fatty sauces, high fat dairy products. Patients need to reduce their consumption of bread to a few slices per day. It is better to refuse confectionery. Overweight people need to drink more water, especially before eating.

The second condition for treatment is the organization of active recreation, physical activity and physiotherapy exercises. Without fail, patients are shown an evening or morning walk for 1-2 hours. You are encouraged to visit step aerobics, gymnastics, dancing, training on simulators 3 times a week (as often as possible).

When the correct treatment regimen is organized, you can start myostimulation. It is prescribed in the amount of 5-10 procedures with a break of 2 days. It should not be done more often. The therapy will quickly tighten the muscles and skin. When carrying out a comprehensive treatment of obesity, it is imperative to observe a drinking regimen (at least 2-3 liters per day), since intense physical exercise will lead to strong sweating.


Myostimulation is performed to strengthen the muscles of the face and body. The therapy is relatively safe, as it does not cause any discomfort when performed correctly. Muscle stimulation is not recommended for adolescents, as it can damage skeletal muscles that are not fully formed. In obesity, myostimulation as monotherapy is ineffective. The effect of it is observed only with the complex treatment of the disease. The use of stimulation is not indicated without a doctor's recommendation.

Body myostimulation is a hardware procedure that influences low frequency microcurrents on the muscles of the body. Currents of this kind are perceived by the human body as natural impulses that make the muscles of the body contract. Thus, they receive intense physical activity without any effort on the part of the person.

After exposure to currents on the abdomen, the skin becomes elastic, the wasp waist is formed, the hanging sides disappear. Excellent results are achieved in both women and men.

The impulse effect on the thighs guarantees the disappearance of cellulite, the reduction of the appearance of stretch marks of the skin. Legs look slim and fit.

General indications for myostimulation are:

  1. lethargy of the muscles;
  2. cellulite;
  3. muscles that are not amenable to physical activity;
  4. improving the contour of body parts;
  5. obesity;
  6. muscle clamp;
  7. violation of posture;
  8. depression;
  9. swelling.

The principle of operation of the device

The device for myostimulation transmits electrical impulses of low power to electrodes located on the body so that the current can affect the desired muscle group. After the received discharge, they are reduced.

Hardware impact on problem areas differs from physical activity created by human efforts.

The device can make to work even the muscle group that is not pumped through exercise, no matter how hard you try.

The big plus is that not muscle is lost, but adipose tissue, which no diet can provide.

For example, if there is a desire to strengthen the pectoral muscles and make the bust more lush and elastic, then it is not necessary to swing the shoulders and arms.

Myostimulation will cope with this task perfectly. In general, the same as giving shape. Today, in the world of modern cosmetology, it is not necessary to squat with a barbell, you can get a beautiful body in a salon or beauty clinic.

When a muscle contraction occurs, the entire body goes into action. The outflow of blood, lymph flow improves, the cardiovascular system begins to work more intensively.

Thus, the metabolism is enhanced, provoking the elimination of toxins. Working muscles consume more nutrients, therefore, if you do not abuse the amount of calories and eat, as usual, then by the end of the procedure the extra centimeters will surely go away.

But, you need to know that a lot depends on the apparatus. A simple device is not able to give the required load on the problem muscle group. In salons, as a rule, a pulse apparatus is used for myostimulation of a more effective action with additional functions.

Preparing for the procedure

It is imperative that before starting myostimulation of the body, you will need to consult with a cosmetologist, or at least with a physiotherapist. They can assess the state of the body and exclude the presence of contraindications for exposure to current pulses on the body.

Also, experts must select the desired regimen, the duration of the effect on the muscles and the number of sessions required.

The body must be prepared for the procedure - you need to wash off all cosmetics and cleanse the skin of sebaceous secretions. After that, a transparent gel or other similar concentrates are applied to the affected area, which improve the permeability of the electric discharge from the electrode to the muscle.

It is allowed to use substances with active ingredients that get into the skin and, due to the effects of currents, penetrate deep into the tissues. There they become more active, and the skin becomes rejuvenated.

How is myostimulation going?

The electrodes are placed on the body so that the muscles contract alternately. The sensors are fixed on the body using elastic straps.

The specialist turns on the device for myostimulation and sets the mode. At this stage, an important point is the correct determination of the impulse delivery force. Otherwise, there is a risk of not achieving the desired results. The force of the contractions should be intense enough, but not causing severe pain.

After the exposure time has elapsed, the device is turned off, the electrodes are removed, the gel is washed off, and a special cream is applied to the skin.

Myostimulation is carried out no more often than once every two days. Muscles must necessarily rest and recover after exercise, otherwise there is a risk of developing their immunity to electrical impulses.

The course usually consists of 10 sessions. And with each subsequent current, the current increases so that the muscles continue to work and contract.

A long interval must be observed between courses so that sensitivity fully returns to the muscles.

Benefits of myostimulation

The effectiveness of the method is undeniable. First of all, myostimulation is capable of:

Regular exposure to currents on the body relieves flabbiness, lethargy, making it beautiful and elastic. Electrical impulses are effective and noticeable after the first session.

With each subsequent visit to the beautician, the result increases. It is recommended that you complete the full course of treatment to get what you want.

Upon reaching the cherished forms, they should be maintained with minimal physical activity or the myostimulation procedure should be repeated.


Cons of myostimulation

There are several of them.

  • Firstly, despite the created effect, the method will not replace full-fledged physical activity.
  • Secondly, it is difficult to lose weight on one myostimulator; you need to supplement the procedures with diet and physical activity.
  • Thirdly, the result may soon become imperceptible if you do not keep your body in shape.


It is formed from the required number of sessions and the applied muscle stimulator with its capabilities. As a rule, the prices offered by the rehabilitation and recovery centers are quite affordable.

For example, one zone costs from 1,500 rubles, although the device will most likely be modest. If hardware stimulation is performed with an Italian-made muscle stimulator, for example Vipline, then one session of one zone will cost from 2500 rubles. For microcurrents they will ask for less - from 1600 rubles.

The average price for myostimulation in Moscow is 1800 rubles per 1 session. It will take about 10 procedures.

Myostimulation is often used during the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. In this case, the price rises and you will have to pay from 3300 rubles.