Perennials blooming on flooded swampy soil. What to do if the garden is in a lowland. What is the difference between hygrophilous plants

Swampy, constantly moist areas are not particularly popular with gardeners.

Meanwhile, having skillfully picked up plant crops, it is possible to turn a problem garden area into an attractive place without much difficulty.

Between garden areas with varying degrees of moisture, as a rule, there is no rigid border, most often they smoothly pass into each other. For example, a site with slightly waterlogged land goes into a wet lawn, which in turn can gradually turn into a constantly moist lowland.

Plants for sites with varying degrees of moisture

The adaptability of some perennials greatly facilitates the selection of plants for these zones. Attractive and hardy cuff soft (Alchemilla mollis), for example, feels in areas with high humidity, on marshy soils as comfortable as in a normal flower garden. And such a "superman" as loosestrife loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), perfectly develops not only on waterlogged soils, but also simply in stagnant water.

Representatives of the iris family have similar abilities. If a siberian iris (Iris sibirica) feels at home on wet lawns, then Asian to iris smooth (Iris laevigata) does not even care about a 10 cm deep swamp, in which it can be found throughout the year.

True, most other hygrophilous plants do not really like stagnant dampness. For example, cascading primrose Bull (Primula bullesiana) and swimsuit (Trollius) adapted to places that are temporarily flooded with water, but then dry again. Therefore, they prefer the banks of streams or periodically wet lawns.

When choosing plants for damp places, it is necessary to take into account the changes in humidity caused by the seasons and the flowering periods of perennials.

In spring, lush colors bloom kaluzhnitsa wading (Caltha palustris) and primrose pink (Primula rosea). Blossom until late autumn tradescantia (Tgdescantia) and buzulnik (Ligularia). Spurge marsh (Euphorbia palustris) in spring dresses up in a yellow floral outfit, and in autumn flaunts red willow-like foliage.

Since excessive variegation of color combinations sometimes acts annoyingly, it is recommended to include plants with a relief structure in the composition. A lover of moist air near ponds can become such a pole of peace between brightly flowering perennials. host Siebold (Hosta sieboldiana) "Eleganz" with large gray-blue leaves. Another plant with expressive leafy outfit - darmer thyroid, or palmistifolia palmate (Darmera peltata). She prefers soils with stable moisture and blooms in the spring before the appearance of leaves, which in the fall acquire a bright copper color. In a word, with skillful care, even the dampest corner of the garden will have an attractive look all year round.

Exotic game of colors

Tibetan Blue Violet meconopsis as if competing in beauty with a red and yellow cascading primrose. And in the background he flaunted his purple outfit iris.

Every day new flowers

Early flowering varieties of daylily, or red-blooded (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus), can be admired in May. Its light yellow fragrant flowers are especially good on the banks of the pond.

Spring on the banks of the pond

The flowers of yellow marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) and white poetic daffodil on the shore of the pond already in April announce the arrival of spring. On this bright lawn, a little white ceramic chicken is good.

Beautiful perennials for areas with swampy soil

The name of the plant is Russian (Latin)

Height cm

Flower coloring

Image (clickable)

Flowering time

Landing place


(Alchemilla mollis) 30-50 Light yellow June July Beautiful coastal plant; pruning after flowering prevents self-seeding. From June to July it is covered with a light yellow veil of inflorescences. Its green leaves with a bluish tinge are beautiful too.
(Euphorbia palustris) 100 Yellow April June Rabatka, shore; on wet or damp soil Willow-shaped leaves with red autumn color; unpretentious; tolerates temporary flooding. Greenish-yellow bracts appear in May. And in the fall euphorbia pleases with red coloring of narrow leaves.
(Filipendula ulmaria) 120-150 Light cream June August Wet lawn, shore; on wet or damp soil Wild perennial with fragrant flower clusters and pinnate leaves; ancient medicinal plant
Bushes of the red-pink garden variety "Venusta" on fertile clay soils reach 1.5 m in height.
(Iris sibirica) 80-100 Blue May June Wet lawn, discount, shore; on slightly or moderately moist soil Narrow grass-like leaves; attractive blue, purple, or white flowers. He loves moist and fertile garden soil. Its narrow leaves and tall slender peduncles are emphasized elegantly.
(Ligularia przewalskii) 120-150 Golden yellow July-September Rabatka, Perennial solitaire with long golden yellow svezhevidnye inflorescences and large carved decorative leaves; honey plant. On hot days, "drinks" a lot of water.
(Lysimachia nummularia) 5-10 Yellow May-July Near the bush, shore; on slightly or moderately moist soil Ground cover plant with coin-like leaves and star-shaped flowers; forms beautiful carpets
(Lythrum salicaria) 60-120 From pink to crimson June-September Bright, direct svezhevidny inflorescences honey plant; can grow in conditions of stagnant dampness. It grows well along the banks of water bodies. In the summer, his crimson flowers attract insects like a magnet.
(Primula bullesiana) 40-60 Yellow, pink, orange, red, purple June August Near the bush, shore; on slightly or moderately moist soil Cascade-shaped floral whorls of various colors; a good plant for decorating the banks of ponds and streams
(Tradescantia andersoniana) 40-60 Blue, white, red, pink, purple June-September Rabatka, shore; on slightly or moderately moist soil Unpretentious long-flowering perennial with reed-shaped leaves; blooms again after pruning. In favorable places, tradescantia can produce seeds. White, blue and blue varieties are known.
(Trollius europaeus) 50-70 Yellow, orange May June Rabatka, wet lawn, shore; on wet or damp soil There are varieties with cup-shaped spherical flowers on straight peduncles; grows in large bushes. Her flowers of yellow and orange colors will adequately adorn both the shores of the garden pond and the interior of the house.

It is not always possible to acquire a plot of land in good fertile soil, sometimes it happens that plot is in a swampy or too damp place ...

If the land is in a lowland, then the soil on it is quite dense, and often has a clay structure. Clay absorbs water very poorly, so after even a little rain on the surface of the site there are large puddles. Due to the fact that wet clay “does not breathe” practically, the soil products accumulate vital products of soil microorganisms - and, as you know, an overabundance of these products is a poison for plants.

The situation is slightly different if the site is located near a lake, river or other body of water. In spring, especially after heavy snowfall, water can flood the land, and all plantings run the risk of being under the thickness of melt water. Besides, for wet soil a close location of groundwater is characteristic, therefore excessive soil moisture is not excluded even in a hot period.

However, do not despair and put an end to such “unfavorable” lands, because there is always a way out of any given situation. Try to plant certain shrubs for wet site and continue to enjoy their beautiful greens, flowering and even fruits!

Not all plants are suitable for the wetland, because due to increased moisture the soil is not saturated with oxygen, and the roots of many plants are not adapted to such conditions. However, some shrubs feel quite comfortable in such extreme conditions, so they grow well and even bear fruit exactly where other plants die.

So, what shrubs can be planted in an excessively wet area?

  • For lovers, you can recommend white, silky or blood-red doeren ( Cornus alba, C. sanguinea, C.stolonifera) The height of the bush quite often reaches a 3-meter mark, which allows you to reliably hide your site from prying eyes.

  • A suitable plant for a wet site is spiraea. The most popular types of sprays are: felt ( Spiraea tomentosa), loosestrife ( S. salicifolia) or Wangutta ( S. x vanhouttei) Spirea is unpretentious and easy to care for, under comfortable conditions, the flowering of the bush occurs repeatedly during the season.

  • (Sorbaria sorbifolia) will also help to hide from prying eyes. The height of the bush varies from 120 cm (new low-growing variety ‘Sem’) to 200 cm (wild plants).

  • Do not forget about such a plant as an alder. Both of its varieties (gray alder Alnus incana and black A. glutinosa) feel quite comfortable in areas with high humidity. It's nice to enjoy a spring day on the beautiful alder earrings, with which the breeze plays so funny! Some varieties attract attention with their original leaves, for example, gray alder ‘Aureomarginata’ has variegated leaves.
  • If the land area is impressive, you can plant a willow on a plot. For wet soils, ash willow is ideal ( Salix cinerea) or three-stamen ( S. triandra) Willow looks very colorful in the spring, because the flowering of the plant occurs much earlier than the appearance of leaves. In small areas, you can plant white, rosemary-leaf or whole-leaf willow.

  • Planted plants can not only serve as a fence for a summer cottage, but also bring a harvest to their owners. A striking example of a fruiting shrub is common viburnum (Viburnum opulus) Viburnum berries improve digestion, kidney function, and also have antihypertensive, soothing and anticonvulsant properties.

  • Do not forget about all the known hawthorn, but before planting it is necessary to thoroughly loosen clay soil. Smooth hawthorn ( C. laevigata) has three-lobed leaves, blooms in May and June with bright crimson double flowers. The benefits of the fruits and flowers of hawthorn have long been known. Thanks to the use of hawthorn berries, a person normalizes pressure, and also improves mood and fatigue disappears.
  • Fruit chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) can be safely used for food. Compote is cooked from the chokeberry berries, they are liqueurized and tincture made. Aronia berries are very fond of birds, so it is better not to hesitate with the harvest.
  • Fruits have very beneficial properties. honeysuckle blue (Lonicera caerulea) The plant itself is quite unpretentious, grows well on flooded soils. Blue honeysuckle begins to bloom and bear fruit long before other shrubs and trees. Honeysuckle is used for hypertension, edema, vitamin deficiency and even colds.

  • No less tasty and healthy berries ripen in the berry ( Amelanchier) For planting, it is best to choose a varietal plant, for example, varieties of irgi Lamarca or Canadian ( A. Lamarckii, A. canadensis) bear the largest and most juicy berries. Compote and jam are cooked from berries, various tinctures and even home-made wine are made.

  • Berries black currant (Ribes nigrum) are known to all, but few know about the fact that the shrub loves swampy and moist soil. From the "vitamin" fruits of blackcurrant, you can cook compote or jam, and grind it with sugar without heat treatment.
  • Among lovers of poorly aerated soils can be attributed and rosemary ( Ledum) In our country, 5 species of wild rosemary are known: marsh ( L. palustre) creeping ( L.decumbens), Greenlandic ( L. groenlandicum), large-leaved ( L. macrophyllum) and awl-shaped ( L. subulatum) However, remember that all parts of the plant are poisonous!
  • When choosing plants for a wet site, do not forget

What conditions can be called ideal for growing most garden plants? The answer seems to be on the surface - fertile, loose, moderately moist soils (neutral or slightly acidic), the place is lit at least three quarters of the daylight. But life is a harsh thing. Ideal sites are rare. But problematic ...

Both sour and dark

Most obstacles to the successful cultivation of a traditional set of crops arise when the land is acidic, moist or, conversely, dry, shade - more than enough. There are two ways to solve such problems.

The first is a change in these conditions. It is laborious, expensive and justified only in exceptional cases.

Another simpler way is to plant those plants for which such conditions are more or less suitable. Yes, some species will have to be abandoned altogether. But the plants will feel at home at no extra cost. The appearance of the garden organically fits into the surrounding landscape and at the same time will have its own face. True, with the extreme manifestation of adverse factors, some reclamation work will still have to be done - lay drainage or add moisture-retaining additives, lime to the soil, etc.

Consider each of these problematic situations from the point of view of choosing decorative shrubs, without which the design of a modern garden is unthinkable.

Dry but not comfortable

For central Russia, the drought problem is not very relevant. On loamy soils with good water-holding ability, almost all woody plants grow well without additional watering. But in areas with permeable sandy soils and low groundwater occurrence when establishing dry and hot weather, watering plants is necessary, which means that the choice should be made in favor of those with good drought tolerance. Fortunately, there are many such shrubs.


Hawthorn (Crataegus) - large shrubs and small trees with spiny branches. Almost all of their species are unpretentious, suitable both for a single landing, and for groups and hedges. They tolerate pruning well, which allows them to limit their size and adjust the shape of the crown. In May-June, hawthorn blooms are usually white flowers, but there are forms with pink and red and even double. In autumn, they are decorated with fruits, often red, edible. For conditions with insufficient moisture, for example, single-hawthorn (C. monogyna) with a beautiful crown shape and dark green leaves turning yellow in autumn, and Daurian hawthorn (C. dahurica) with purple autumn foliage are suitable.

Lilacs (Syringa) are more diverse than hawthorn. Even one common lilac (S. vulgaris), if you use its many varieties, will provide the garden with rich bloom in spring and early summer. True, varieties are still more vulnerable than the main species, so in extreme conditions it is better to opt for "savages". In addition to common lilacs, the less common Persian lilac (S. persica) is also suitable for planting on a dry site. Famous for its unpretentiousness Hungarian lilac (S. josikaea), which blooms later than ordinary. It is resistant to both drought and temporary waterlogging, and its powerful dense crown is able to protect the site from noise, dust and gases.

Tummy leather

Leather mackerel (Cotinus coggygria) is another large shrub or small tree with a dense rounded crown. Loose inflorescences from subtle flowers completely transform during fruiting, covering the bushes as if with a fluffy air cloud. Decorative and autumn foliage, blooming in red and yellow tones. Very attractive and original form of skumpiya. Purpureus. with purple leaves.

Suckers (Elaeagnus) also tolerate a lack of moisture. These are small trees or shrubs with silvery leaves and edible fruits; many species of sucker are suitable for cultivation in the middle lane. They will decorate a dry area, for example, narrow-leaved goose (E. angustifolia), which is also cultivated for the sake of fruits, and multi-flowered goof (E. multiflora).


Guelder-rose of Aurea

Karagana tree-like "Lorbergii"

Viburnum pride (Viburnum lantana) is also from large shrubs suitable for the structural basis of the garden. This drought-tolerant and shade-tolerant viburnum with pubescent leaves is decorative all season - and in flowering, and fruiting, and in autumn attire. There are garden forms with golden and yellow-motley leaves.

Caragana arborescens (Caragana arborescens), better known as yellow acacia, is widespread in street gardening due to its exceptional endurance. Not the most spectacular and slightly annoyed appearance of yellow acacia does not allow it to enter the number of popular garden plants. But from the caragans, good hedge hedges are obtained. And her wonderful decorative forms - “Pendula” with a weeping crown shape, “Lorbergii” with fine openwork foliage, etc. - can become a worthy decoration of any garden.

Barberries (Berberis) are very decorative and drought tolerant and also suitable for any use case - from single plantings and small groups to hedges. Numerous small yellow flowers of barberries completely transform the bushes in early summer, and later-appearing fruits decorate them even after the leaves fall. In the middle zone of Russia, relatively large species of barberry are stable - Korean (B. koreana), odnoznochkovy (B. heteropoda), common (B. vulgaris) and Ottawa (B. ottawensis). The latter two have forms with purple leaves. Especially a lot of decorative forms and varieties, differing both in leaf color and in the shape of the crown, have B. thunbergii barberry - one of the most spectacular not only among barberries, but also among garden shrubs in general.

Wrinkled Briar

Snow White

Privet ordinary

Wrinkled wild rose (Rosa rugosa) - a widespread, unpretentious and decorative look of wild rose. Blooms profusely throughout the summer with large pink very fragrant flowers. In garden forms, flowers are white, red, double. Large and oblate-spherical edible fruits are also beautiful. A dense crown with expressive wrinkled leaves and prickly branches makes it one of the best plants for creating free-growing hedges.

Snow-white berry (Symphoricarpos albus) - an elegant, undemanding shrub, growing decorative in bloom and especially in fruiting. Tassels of large white berries adorn it until late autumn and even in winter. Snow-berry easily grows into curtains and is therefore convenient for filling empty unused spaces.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare), golden currant (Ribes aureum), silver chingil or champlet (Halimodendron halodendron), horizontal cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis), low almond, or steppe (Amygdrodus nus) are also well adapted to arid conditions. Genista tinctoria), stunted broom (Cytisus), cherries (Cerasus) - Bessey (C. besseyi), shrub (C. fruticosa), dwarf, or sand (C. pumila).

Dry areas are usually light, and this makes it possible to "play" with the color scheme of the landscape project. Indeed, almost all decorative-leaf varieties and forms ideally show their color in the light. Moreover, combinations can be not only bright and “funny”, but also strict, solemn, and refined. Suckers give a stable silver background up to 3-5 m in height. Small, up to 1.2 m, Bessey cherry in summer looks like a bluish cloud, and in the fall it turns bright purple. The choice of forms with purple foliage is generally rich - you can find both high (scoopia, barberry ordinary and Ottawa), and low (Tunberg barberry) samples. Thunberg's barberry has forms and varieties with golden (“Aurea” and others) and variegated leaves (“Rose Glow”, “Silver Miles”, “Golden Ring”, “Kornik” and euonymus). Golden yellow color have the leaves of privet ordinary "Aurea".

Bessey Cherry, fruits

Almonds low

On a dry and sunny site, the Mediterranean-style garden looks organically, for the creation of which all the above varieties are suitable, as well as shrubs with beautiful flowering and a decorative crown shape. Low-growing shrubs - cherries, almonds, gorse, throats, Thunberg barberry - fit perfectly into mixborders in combination with perennials and gravel.

For freely growing hedges, hawthorn, lilac, wrinkled rosehips are suitable; for shorn ones - a white snow-berry, a tree-like karagana, barberries and the same hawthorn. Just remember that plants that undergo frequent cutting and pruning are more in need of nutrition and moisture. Therefore, it is worth using every opportunity to water them, and mulch the soil around with organic materials.


Although light is vital for plants, they relate to it, or rather, to the degree of illumination, in different ways. On this basis, they can be divided into photophilous, shade-tolerant and shade-loving. A photophilous shrub planted in the shade is unlikely to die from this, but it will look depressing. Therefore, for shady conditions, cultures that are able to come to terms with a lack of light are chosen.

Honeysuckle maak

Honeysuckles (Lonicera) are quite diverse, and among them are many shade-tolerant, stable and at the same time decorative. Tatar honeysuckle (L. tatarica) is noteworthy - an unpretentious beautifully flowering shrub that has many garden forms, differing mainly in the color of the flowers - from white to crimson-red. Alpine honeysuckle (L. alpigena) with a dense crown and spectacular red fruits is less common, but very attractive and original. The honeysuckle of Maak (L. maackii) - a large shrub, sometimes growing like a tree, is distinguished by impressive flowering. Shade-tolerant is also edible honeysuckle (L. edulus), which is more valued as a fruit shrub, which yields black and blue sour berries before all other crops.

Common hazel (Corylus avellana) is a tall shrub common for undergrowth of broad-leaved forests in Europe. For decorative purposes, it is better to use garden forms of hazel, which differ in the color of the leaves and the shape of the crown.

Euonymus (Euonymus) - small trees or shrubs, decorative due to the bright original fruits and autumn color of foliage. Colored spots will decorate the shady forest area with a warty euonymus (E. verrucosus) with pink fruits and autumn leaves turning pink in the fall and winged euonymus (E. alata), “dressing” in crimson-red tones.

Common viburnum

Guelder-rose ordinary "Roseum"

Panicle hydrangea

Holly mahonia

Viburnum (Viburnum) - shrubs or small trees, very decorative throughout the season. Most species are characterized by shade tolerance. Viburnum vulgaris (V. opulus) is also an excellent choice because its fruits are edible, and even varieties without bitterness exist, for example, Taiga Rubies. She has varieties and "for beauty." The Roseum variety with spherical inflorescences from sterile flowers is very popular; “Variegatum” with variegated leaves, etc. The only serious drawback is that in the forest plots the viburnum suffers from leaf beetles and needs protection.

Elderberry (Sambucus) is a genus of shrubs, many of which have long been widely used not only as ornamental, but also as food and medicinal plants. It differs in unpretentiousness red elderberry, or cyst (S. racemosa), which has several decorative forms, which also scares off mice. The black elderberry (S. nigra) also has decorative forms, and its fruits are suitable for food. This elderberry is less hardy, but still quite stable, especially when planting in a place protected from cold winds.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) will serve as a real decoration of the partial shade. They bloom from July until the fall, and their large inflorescences retain decorativeity in dry bouquets for a long time. Tree hydrangea (H. arborescens) and its forms are very simple and convenient to grow. Paniculata hydrangea (H. paniculata) is perhaps the most spectacular of hydrangeas suitable for growing in the open ground of the middle strip, especially its large-flowered “Grandiflora” form. Hortensia Bretschneider (H. Bretschneideri) is a tall shrub whose large flowers turn from white when blooming to purple by the end of summer.

Mahonia aquifolium (Mahonia aquifolium) - a small evergreen shrub with large shiny spiny cirrus leaves - attracts bright yellow inflorescences in spring, and edible berries in bluish-blue in late summer.

Medicinal bay (Laurocerasus officinalis) is also an evergreen shrub or tree with beautiful glossy dark green leaves. Small fragrant white flowers, collected in a brush, decorate it in June. The low prevalence of laurel cherries in the gardens of the middle zone is explained by its low frost resistance. More reliable if she will winter with shelter.

Japanese Keria (Kerria japonica) is a shrub with thin long shoots, characterized by long spring-summer flowering, sometimes repeated autumn. In the open, keriya blooms more abundantly, but also feels rather well in partial shade. Its large (over 4 cm) yellow flowers resemble buttercup flowers. The form "Pleniflora" has double flowers. Keriya is also not very winter-hardy, therefore it is better to provide her with a protected place with nutrient moist soil and shelter for the winter.

Derain male, or dogwood (Cornus mas), is also thermophilic, although it can grow and bear fruit in the middle lane. It is advisable to shelter it in the winter, especially at a young age.

Also suitable for shady conditions are the crown marsh (Philadelphus coronarius) “Aureus”, the Thunberg barberry (B. thunbergii) “Aurea”, the guanillaria (Physocarpus opulifolius) “Luteus”, the black elderberry (S. nigra) “Aurea” and other forms and varieties of shrubs with golden and yellow foliage, which very effectively enlivens the shady corners of the garden.

For mixborders in the shade with a deficit of catchy perennials, hydrangeas are ideal, wigels, magonium, and kerium are good. For hedges, Tatar honeysuckle and laurel cherry are suitable. However, it makes sense to make a hedge of laurel cherries only when it is provided with a soft wintering - to “lose” a piece of hedge is worse than a single bush or even a group.

If not only dark, but also dry. Perhaps this is the most unfavorable combination of conditions for plants. However, in a thin shade and partial shade on a dry site, Tatar honeysuckle and guelder-rose pride can grow. The good news is that this honeysuckle has shapes with different colors of flowers, and the pride has shapes with yellow, variegated, and wrinkled leaves.


In fact, moisture is necessary for plants. The problem of moist soils is not the presence of water proper, but that waterlogging impedes the normal respiration of the roots. Nevertheless, there are a lot of shrubs ready to put up with this, and for some, constant soil moisture is simply needed for full development.

Derain white

Kuril tea


Birch leaf spirea

Japanese Spirea

Canadian igra (Amelanchier canadensis) is able to tolerate temporary flooding and dryness. It is a tall shrub with edible fruits; blooms profusely in spring with small white flowers collected in brushes, and in autumn attracts with bright coloring of foliage.

Derain (Cornus) - a genus of shrubs, many of which are willingly used in landscaping due to their year-round decorativeness. Resistant not only to conditions of high humidity, but also to dryness and shade of derain, white (C. alba), blood-red (C. sanguinea), offspring (C. stolonifera or sericea). All these species have varieties that differ in the color of not only foliage, but also shoots, which serve as a wonderful decoration of the garden in winter, when nature does not have enough bright colors.

Kuril tea (Pentaphylloides), formerly called Dasiphora, also known under the Russian names cinquefoil and five-leafed, are low shrubs resistant to adverse conditions. Valued primarily for long spectacular flowering, but also have a beautiful dense crown and graceful leaves.

Fieldfare (Sorbaria sorbifolia) is a fast-growing undemanding shrub that forms lush thickets. It blooms in mid-summer with small white flowers collected in fluffy pyramidal panicles. In autumn, foliage is painted in red and yellow tones.

Spiraea (Spiraea) - medium-sized beautiful flowering shrubs, diverse in appearance and in terms of flowering. For moist soils, white-flowered nippon spirea (S. nipponica) and birch leaf (S. betulifolia), blooming in spring and early summer, are suitable. Late summer flowering will be provided, albeit similar to each other, but having many spectacular varieties of spirea Bumalda (S. bumalda) and Japanese (S. japonica).

Stephanandra incised leaf (Stephanandra incisa) - a small elegant bush with openwork foliage on arched curved shoots. It is rare, but deserves attention. It sometimes freezes, but is easily restored.

Reticulated lilac (Syringa reticulata), which is also called "Japanese", is a large tree-shaped lilac from the subgenus Ligustrin, which blooms later than all lilacs - in late June - in July. Of particular interest for large areas, although suitable for ordinary ones. We are better known for a variety similar to it - Amur lilac (S. amurensis).

Weigela (Weigela) - flowering shrubs, demanding on soil moisture. They can tolerate partial shade. Some "effeminacy" of these plants, requiring their planting in protected places, is compensated by the high decorativeness and variety of species and varieties of weigel. Pretty unpretentious flowering weigels, Middendorff (W. middendorffiana), and hybrid weigel forms and varieties (W. hybrida) will decorate the site.

It can tolerate stagnation of water and waterlogging Honeysuckle Maak (L. maackii).


To one degree or another, all hydrangeas and viburnum are common, as well as its varieties Roseum, Compactum, etc., Canadian elderberry, black, cystic and their decorative forms. They withstand excessive moisture and unpretentious plants with wide adaptability - privet ordinary and Hungarian lilac.

If the area with moist soils is also shaded, then it is suitable for Maak honeysuckle, black elderberry, hydrangea, weigel, derain and their varieties.

Erica is four-dimensional

Waterlogged soils are often acidic. In wetlands, large-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon), lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea), marsh rosemary (Ledum palustre) and other rosemary will organically feel in wetlands. Sour soils are a good reason to create a stylish heather garden. Common heather (Calluna vulgaris), Erica four-dimensional (Erica tetralix), many types of rhododendron (Rhododendron) and their varieties are suitable for this.


Published on the website of the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts” (
AIF at the dacha, issue 08 (243) dated April 20, 2007
Article Address:

Gardeners and gardeners, owners of summer cottages consider excessively wet areas problematic. The choice of flowering plants for such habitats is limited, but they are. With the help of hygrophilous cultures (hygrophytes), you can create an attractive garden corner, a flower garden, pleasing the whole season with juicy bright shades.

Constant excess soil moisture is an undesirable factor for most plants, making it difficult to breathe in the root system. The soils of such habitats are usually heavy, clayey, structureless (one of the options is peat-acidified, poor in nutrients). Water stagnates due to the lack of full flow and drainage. To the hygrophilous cultures of the lowlands, marshy areas are suitable, there are among plants that tolerate shading.

Hygrophytes need constant hydration for normal growth and development, they do not tolerate drought. The list of other requirements is short, such plants are usually unpretentious, they are little susceptible to disease, almost not damaged by pests. Most blooms beautifully, and leaves and stems have a special emerald hue.

For many years, the delicate yellow corollas of simple and terry forms of a marigold and a leotard, a luxurious raspberry color of a loosestrife, a multi-colored carpet of primrose, tenderness of forget-me-not, greens of the hosta will delight your eyes for many years. Among moderately hygrophilous plants - aquilegia (catchment), frankincense, periwinkle. The gardener can pick up perennials with different flowering and color, maintain the elegant look of a swampy garden from spring to autumn.

Plants that prefer moist soils:





The head of the



Lobelia - purple - sparkling

Fern -Onoklea-Osmunda -Strausnik
Grassy peony



Shrubs for wet places


Bird cherry

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably lying on the ground, but do not repeat this experience in the suburbs. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all kinds of pegs, garters, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fences. Each method of plant fixation in an upright position has its own advantages and "side effects". I’ll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises, and what comes of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers of infectious diseases that are dangerous for both humans and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the brand “Evil TED”, which specializes in means of protection against flies and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of drugs to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and without unnecessary costs.

The summer months are hydrangea blooms. This beautiful deciduous shrub is luxuriously fragrant with flowers from June to September. Florists willingly use large inflorescences for wedding decors and bouquets. To admire the beauty of the flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom from year to year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. Why this happens, we will tell in the article.

Every summer resident knows that for full development, plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But at the same time, not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only on their own, but also for the effective assimilation of the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call it, is one of the early fragrant berries that summer generously endows with us. How happy we are for this crop! In order for the “berry boom” to be repeated every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which the ovaries will form in the spring, and the berries in the summer, begins about 30 days after the end of the fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon - a savory snack for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon peels have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is time-consuming and time-consuming. According to my recipe, just cook pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening a spicy snack will be ready. Stored watermelon pickled with spices and chili in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not just for safety - this appetizer is chilled - you’ll just lick your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes unassumingly with the main modest - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not apply to the appearance of the plant. The reddening stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots that form a very large but strikingly elegant silhouette look very elegant. Blushing philodendron requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and an egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first meal based on oriental cuisine. Such thick soups are cooked in India, Morocco, and countries of Southeast Asia. Spices and seasonings set the tone - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices that you can pick to your liking. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in melted butter (ghee) or mix olive and butter in a pan, this, of course, is not the same, but it seems to taste.

Plum - well, who doesn’t know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, it surprises with excellent yields, it pleases with its variety in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere it feels better, somewhere it is worse, but practically not a summer resident refuses to grow it on its site. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except drought tolerant, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period - from sunlight, amplified by reflection from the snow. In this article, we will talk about a unique drug for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunset Agro-success. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

"Each vegetable has its own time", and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has encountered planting is well aware that the hot planting season is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring, the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, often the circumstances are such that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish - chili with meat. This is a dish of Texas and Mexican cuisines whose main ingredients are chili peppers and minced beef. In addition to the main products are onions, carrots, tomatoes, beans. In this recipe, chili with red lentils are very tasty! A fiery dish, scorching, very satisfying and awesomely tasty! You can cook a large pot, put it in containers and freeze it for a whole week will be a delicious dinner.

Cucumber is one of the most beloved garden cultures of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good crop. And although the cultivation of cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a small secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. It's about pinching cucumbers. For what, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in the article. An important point in the agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in his own garden. The Atlanta microbiological fertilizer will help in this. It consists of helper bacteria that settle in the zone of the root system and begin to work for the good of the plant, allowing it to grow actively, stay healthy and produce high yields. Usually, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms I want to admire the magnificent inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this, it is not necessary to use cut flowers. The assortment of the best indoor plants has a lot of flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and the optimal duration of daylight hours, they can overshadow any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops look like living bouquets.