Urinary stone in the toilet bowl. How to clean urinary stones from the toilet with home remedies. Home remedies

Every woman dreams of perfect cleanliness in her home. However, the too active rhythm of life of a modern person does not allow this to be achieved: work, taking care of children practically does not leave time for high-quality cleaning. This is especially true for cleaning the toilet. If it is not cleaned in time, urinary calculus accumulates on it. It is formed from minerals found in human urine. The most favorable environment for the formation of urinary stones are places of stagnation of water and the rim of the toilet bowl. Therefore, the problem of how to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stones is very relevant for modern housewives.

A urinary stone is formed due to the following factors:

  1. Poor and irregular cleaning.
  2. Untimely or insufficient drainage is especially relevant for families with children who rarely remember that they always need to be flushed after themselves. As a result, minerals are gradually eaten into the walls of the toilet bowl and form a yellow coating.
  3. Broken tank.
  4. Defects on the surface of plumbing are a favorable environment for the accumulation of bacteria.
  5. Very old plumbing.

If you do not clean the toilet in a timely manner, the stone deposit in the toilet very quickly accumulates, increases in size, as a result, the outlet is greatly narrowed. If you find this problem, you should not delay with its solution - immediately start fighting the urinary stone. If the plaque has become very dense, it will be very difficult to remove it and no household tools will help you. As a result, only a complete replacement of plumbing will help to solve the problem.

Cleaning instructions

If the hostess constantly monitors the cleanliness of the toilet, its condition always remains good. It is necessary not only to follow the instructions for use, but also to use the necessary means for cleaning.

Cleaning the toilet comes down to using folk remedies and household chemistry. How to remove urinary stones from the toilet bowl? Let's consider the main stages of work:

Remember: the older and thicker the formation, the more aggressive agents should be used. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove thick yellow plaque from the first dose. You can withdraw it completely gradually. Important! Children should be kept away from plumbing fixtures when cleaning them with chemicals, as most cleaning products are very toxic.

Basic methods

The question of how you can clean the toilet from the stone on your own worries many housewives. Consider the most effective means and methods:

Domestos and Whiteness

The composition of these alkaline agents includes caustic soda, which acts directly on the urinary stone, while dissolving it completely. First, wipe the surface to be treated dry, after removing the water. Apply the selected product to the affected areas, let it stand for 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


You need to take 1 glass of ordinary vinegar, pour it into a bowl and heat it up a little over a fire. Then add baking soda (3 tsp) and mix well. Treat the surface of the toilet with the resulting solution and leave to act overnight. Then rinse off the remaining product with water.

Lemon acid

The easiest and cheapest way. It is enough to pour 4-5 sachets of the product on the walls of the toilet bowl and leave for 2-3 hours. You can use lemon essence. After that, also use a brush and rinse with water. This method will not completely remove the stone, but it can easily cope with a small coating.


With this tool, you can not only remove urinary stones, but also destroy microbes. In addition, chlorine is excellent at whitening. It is necessary to treat the walls of the toilet bowl with bleach and leave for 12 hours. For the best effect, use a special brush. Important! Although effective, chlorine has negative health effects.

Carbonated drinks

Coca-Cola, Sprite and other high-gas drinks are very effective in removing urinary stones. To clean the toilet, pour 2-3 bottles of the drink and leave for 12 hours. Due to the high citric acid content of carbonated drinks, the urinary stone dissolves quickly and the surface becomes dazzlingly white.

Oxalic acid

Experienced housewives recommend cleaning the toilet bowl from the stone with oxalic acid. It can be purchased at any business department, especially since it is inexpensive. The acid should be poured into the toilet and left for about 8 hours (with the lid closed). Then treat with a brush and water.

Caustic soda

It is a very popular tool that can clear almost any blockage from pipes. In addition to urinary stones, caustic soda removes fat from the surface. Remember to wear protective mask and gloves before work.

Orthophosphoric acid

To cleanse the stone, you need to make a cleaning solution: dilute 150 g of acid in 1 liter of water, apply it to the contaminated surface and leave to act for half an hour. Then brush the surface thoroughly and be sure to rinse with plenty of water.

Hydrochloric acid

With the help of a 33% hydrochloric acid solution, urinary calculi can be removed very quickly. However, you need to use the product very carefully, using all means of protection. Pour 1 cup of acid into the toilet, scrub it with a special brush and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Then use your usual detergent and wash it off with water. Remember that this method is not recommended if you have plastic sewer pipes in your house.

Battery electrolyte

Thanks to the sulfuric acid it contains, it is a very powerful remedy for almost all deposits. It is necessary to treat the contaminated surface with liquid electrolyte and leave it literally for a few minutes. Battery electrolyte is sold in any automotive chemistry department.


An excellent tool that can remove any kind of dirt. It is necessary to pour one package of the product into the toilet and leave to act for 12 hours. After that, you will see that the plaque has fallen off on its own. Any remaining dirt on the walls of the toilet should be removed with a stiff brush, then rinsed off with water.

Special means

Today, hardware stores offer a huge range of products designed specifically for the removal of urinary calculi: gels, solutions and creams. All of them have a very fast action - about half an hour. During this time, all plaque dissolves completely. Liquid products should be applied to the rim of the toilet and cleaned with a brush after processing. Unlike abrasive powders, they do not scratch the faience surface.


Ordinary pumice in this case will not be very convenient, it is better to purchase a special pumice stone on a stick.


There are times when a person cannot use household chemicals for cleaning, for example, due to allergies. An excellent solution is to use regular soda: pour 1 glass of the product onto a dry surface and brush it thoroughly.


To avoid the formation of dense plaque, there is no need to regularly use powerful products. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

Remember, it is better to prevent any contamination than to clean it up afterwards.

To remove urinary stones, housewives, along with household chemicals, use folk remedies: citric acid, vinegar, soda ash, whiteness. In the case of long-term plaque, they use more radical methods, such as cleaning with battery electrolyte, orthophosphoric or sulfuric acid. In this article, we will tell you how to clean the inside of the toilet bowl from urinary stones using these and other means.

A urinary calculus inside the toilet is, frankly, an unpleasant phenomenon. Especially a lot of it happens on old plumbing, which, due to its shape and rough enamel, accumulates an incredible amount of urinary calculus and lime deposits. The problem is aggravated by rust if the toilet is equipped with a metal cistern, and the water pipes of your house are old, made in the USSR. It is better to replace such plumbing with a new one, and if for some reason this is not yet possible, then you will have to tirelessly clean it weekly.

What is a urinary stone? The bulk is just limescale. An unpleasant color and smell is given to it by particles of feces, rust and urine, which fill the pores of lime formations. In such an environment, bacteria and microorganisms actively multiply, which only intensifies the stench.

If you are serious about cleaning up all this mess, then do not forget to wear rubber gloves, because in the cleaning process we will use quite corrosive substances.

It is best to cleanse in the evening to apply the product and leave it overnight - the longer the exposure time, the less you will have to scrub and scrub. Before starting work, turn off the tap on the pipe through which water is supplied to the tank and press the drain button. Next, you need to remove all the water from the toilet, you can scoop it out with a jar, soak it with rags or remove it with a large syringe.

Folk remedies

Many housewives are interested in the question: how to remove urinary calculus in the toilet using "home" means. In fact, there are many budgetary ways to solve this problem. Basically, acids and acid-containing agents are used to eliminate such contaminants, and alkaline agents with chlorine or caustic soda give good results, for example: “ Domestos», « White", As well as baking soda and soda ash.

You should not use abrasive powders for cleaning the toilet, they leave microscopic scratches on the surface, because of this, lime deposits are formed even more intensively.

Let's take a closer look at how to clean the urinary stone from the toilet.

In good conscientious owners, the plumbing always shines with cleanliness. However, sometimes, after prolonged use and rare preventive cleaning, limescale and urinary stones begin to form under the rim and on the walls of the toilet. This problem is not the most pleasant, but solvable. Consider how to deal with pollution and what to do if you inherited a toilet bowl with a stone from the old homeowners.

We are looking for the reason for the appearance

To skillfully solve a problem, you should familiarize yourself with its root causes. What limescale? These are deposits of minerals in the water you use to flush down the toilet. These minerals are present in both river water and well water. Thus, the more often water is flushed out, the more the existing problem is exacerbated.

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You can not only clean it yourself old plaque but also to prevent its occurrence. In especially advanced cases, plaque can clog the hole (or holes) from which water is supplied to clean the inside of the toilet bowl. TO You can read in our article.

Urinary stone the same - this is a phenomenon testifying to the laziness of the owners, who forget to flush the water in the toilet after themselves after relieving themselves. Drops of urine dry out on the walls and lead to very ugly stains, and subsequently - the appearance of urinary stones. It is possible to clean them, but it is much better to prevent them by timely sanitary cleaning and cleaning of plumbing fixtures.

On a rough surface of plumbing, plaque forms much faster. Therefore, it sometimes makes sense to purchase new porcelain plumbing fixtures.

How to clean the toilet bowl from stone using folk methods

If your toilet is so "overgrown" that the brush no longer rescues, and you and your guests are simply unpleasant to use the toilet because of disgust, you should arm yourself with the knowledge accumulated by many previous generations. at home?

Folk methods can be applied in private houses with a local sewerage system (septic tank) and plastic pipelines.

Attention! As part of safety measures, the respiratory organs and the skin of the hands should be protected from the ingress of cleaning agents and their vapors. Use rubber gloves and a respirator. Protect your eyes from accidental splashes.

Strong chemistry to combat mineral deposits

Attention! Before using this or that remedy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the factory instructions for use, where the amount of the drug for a single use and the duration of action are prescribed. It is necessary to protect the eyes, breathing and skin of the hands from accidental contact with acids and alkalis. Most of the products are not suitable for cleaning toilets in houses with plastic pipes and local treatment plants (septic tanks).

Liquid acids and alkalis

  1. ... With this acid, you can clean not only the toilet from the stone, but also the internal parts of the cistern from the corrosion that has appeared. For use, pour about 100 g of acid solution into the tank and the toilet, after 10-15 minutes rinse with water and clean the surfaces with a brush (brush). The acid is not expensive, it does not affect enamel, rubber and plastic. Use with rubber gloves to protect hands.

  2. - This is a very powerful toilet cleaner, but requires extreme care when using it (protect your hands and do not inhale vapors). It is enough to wipe the walls and pour about one glass of acid into the toilet to quickly get rid of the dirt. Action time - 15 minutes. Close the toilet lid after application. Not suitable for use in toilets connected to plastic pipes.

  3. ... Usually used by car owners, but such a super powerful mixture of sulfuric acid and distilled water can rid your toilet of even strong limescale. The method of application and safety precautions are the same as for hydrochloric acid. Not suitable for frequent use.

  4. Chlorine... Many cleaning products are produced on the basis of chlorine, including the domestic "Whiteness" and the imported "Domestos". However, chlorine-containing preparations are extremely detrimental to health, therefore, despite their effectiveness, their use is not recommended. Method of application: apply to the surface, after 30-60 minutes (with a brush and wash it off with water. Some "experts" pour "Whiteness" into the toilet bowl.

    It is also effective, but quite dangerous (including for the health of the female reproductive system).

Popular cleaning products... In stores, you can find a variety of liquid (creams, gels, solutions) products created specifically to combat chronic lime deposits and urinary stones. Such preparations are applied for 30-60 minutes under the rim of the toilet, after which the surface is cleaned with a brush. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. Popular brands: Cillit and Dressing Duck(preparations based on hydrochloric acid).

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Toilet bowl cleaners prices

toilet cleaners

Abrasive powders

All commercially available abrasive cleaners are good at solving the problem of cleaning the toilet. However, tiny granules often leave micro scratches on the surface of the sanitary ware, as a result of which the limescale will reappear after a short period of time.

If there is no alternative to using abrasives, then they are used as follows: water is pumped out of the toilet bowl, after which a layer of powder is poured. Then you can leave the agent for action or immediately start cleaning with a brush / brush / hard washcloth. It is necessary to rub until the plaque completely disappears. The procedure is rather unpleasant and tedious.

Cistern tablets are not only a plaque remover, they are also excellent for the prevention of urinary stones. In addition, the means for the cistern have a pleasant aroma, disinfect and disinfect the surface of plumbing fixtures, and extend its service life. It is enough to purchase a package of the product you like and put 1 tablet inside the tank. As soon as the tablet begins to dissolve, the water will be colored in some shade. The disappearance of the coloring pigment in the water will indicate the need to add a new tablet to the tank.

In addition to preventive cleaning and emergency stone control in the toilet, it is recommended to adjust the water supply to the cistern. After all, excess water for flushing is not only financially disadvantageous, but is also one of the root causes of the appearance of lime deposits. The easiest way to reduce the volume of the tank is to put 1-2 plastic bottles of water in it. This will reduce consumption by 2-3 liters per use. And in the case of purchasing new plumbing, choose a tank with a double button and a mode of economical use of water.

Video - How to clean the toilet from the stone

Cleanliness in the toilet is one of the primary tasks of a conscientious housewife. All items in the bathroom are kept clean not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for hygiene reasons. The toilet is not an exception. This plumbing item needs to be washed from ordinary daily dirt and periodically arrange a general cleaning: wash all parts of the device (tank, lid, toilet seat, etc.) and prevent the appearance of rust, stone, plaque. Otherwise, the toilet will become a breeding ground for bacteria or even clog up and cause a lot of unpleasant troubles. There are many ways to clean surfaces from dirt.

How to clean the toilet

Today, the range of cleaning products for plumbing is very wide. But in addition to household chemicals, there are also folk recipes for the compositions. We list the main folk and professional remedies.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes for cleaning the toilet are intended primarily for regular cleaning. Old deposits and contamination will require special professional products.

  • Vinegar. Heat a solution of 9% vinegar to 40 - 50 degrees, having previously covered the container with a lid. One 250 ml glass is enough for the procedure. Add one tablespoon of baking soda and a drop of iodine. Fill the toilet with this solution or apply a dampened napkin to a dirty place. Wait two to six hours and start removing the dirt. This product is suitable for removing limescale deposits, as the acid eats away mineral deposits.

    Vinegar helps fight limescale deposits on the toilet

  • Lemon acid. Citric acid, like vinegar, will help get rid of plaque and urinary stones. Cover dirt with citric acid crystals and leave overnight. The powder should not remain completely dry, it is necessary that the acid is moistened to the consistency of a slurry. The amount of the product depends on the area of ​​the dirty place. If citric acid does not help from the first application, you can repeat the procedure. Some housewives advise adding wood ash to citric acid, which will give a foam effect.

    Citric acid crystals will serve as a toilet bowl cleaner

  • Baking soda. Baking soda helps to deal with dirt on a variety of surfaces. It can also be used to clean the toilet. Sprinkle baking soda over the dirty areas and let sit overnight. In the morning, treat the stains well with a brush or sponge and rinse with water. Repeat several times as necessary. Another way to clean with baking soda is to sprinkle baking soda on the surface to be cleaned and wait half an hour. Then pour in the vinegar and, while the reaction proceeds, wipe with a brush. Soda will help in the fight against oily deposits and disinfect the surface, and acetic acid will cope with limescale and rust.

    Baking soda is a versatile cleaning agent

  • Coca Cola. Finally, to make the toilet shine, you can pour into it the well-known cola, which contains orthophosphoric acid. She will remove plaque and stone. It is better to fill in at night so that the product is guaranteed to work.
  • Mustard powder. Mustard is perfect for everyday cleaning - it disinfects and washes away the greasy film. Mix dry mustard (1 tablespoon) with starch (100 grams) and citric acid (1 tablespoon). Add water to make a gruel and apply to the walls. After a couple of hours, wipe with a sponge. Mustard cannot cope with old plaque and rust, therefore, with thorough cleaning, it can only be added as a disinfectant.

    Mustard powder can serve as an antimicrobial agent

Professional remedies

The special products contain strong acids, alkali or chlorine. Therefore, before using them, take care of your safety: wear rubber gloves, protect your respiratory system. Unlike traditional “mild” cleaning products, professional household chemicals quickly deal with dirt on the toilet bowl surfaces, acting more aggressively.

  • Oxalic acid. The product is sold in pharmacies and hardware stores. Apply this powder to a wet cloth and scrub the dirty area. If possible, pour acid into the toilet and let it sit overnight. There are also professional products based on oxalic acid - Sanox Ultra, Sarma - gels of domestic production.

    Oxalic acid eats away deposits on the toilet bowl

  • Orthophosphoric acid. A 5–7% solution of this acid will perfectly cope with dirt in the toilet. Moreover, this tool can be poured into the tank. Plastic pipes will not be damaged when using phosphoric acid. Pour acid into the toilet and cistern for 15 minutes, then thoroughly wipe and rinse. This product removes rust and limescale. But you can buy a miracle reagent at car dealerships or in stores specializing in radio goods, since phosphoric acid is used for soldering.

    Phosphoric Acid Helps Remove Rust

  • Chlorine. Quite often, in public toilets, we meet the acrid smell of chlorine. This is not surprising, since chlorine has antibacterial properties and whitens well, which is why it is used in public places. But at home, it is not recommended to regularly use chlorine for cleaning, because it can damage the ceramic surface of the toilet bowl, and is harmful to health. But in isolated cases, you can still use such a tool. Especially if you need to properly disinfect and bleach the bowl. The well-known bleach based on chlorine "Whiteness" is suitable for everyone. Apply "Whiteness" to the surface, and after half an hour wipe with a brush or sponge and rinse with water.

    Whiteness bleaches and disinfects

  • Hydrochloric acid. On the Internet there are tips for using a hydrochloric acid solution, but in its pure form it is very dangerous, so we recommend using only products based on it: "Silit Bang", "Dressing Duck", "Domestos". In addition, all professional products are equipped with a convenient thin spout for cleaning the surface under the rim and have the consistency of a thick gel. In addition, many packaging with factory products have child protection.

    Domestos contains hydrochloric acid

  • Pemolux. Pemolux is a soda-based cleaning powder. Pemolux also contains marble chips, surfactants and fragrances. The effectiveness of Pemolux is achieved due to its abrasive structure. Therefore, it is good for them to clean plaque and urinary stones. Pump out all the water from the toilet before using the powder. Sprinkle the product over the dirty areas and scrub with a sponge. The downside is that the powder scratches the surface, and dirt gets clogged into microcracks in the future.

Do not use electrolyte for cleaning, as some sites advise. The risk of a chemical burn outweighs the potential for effectiveness.

It is worth noting that if you have a colored toilet, then you should not apply products with citric acid and chlorine to it. They can bleach the surface or leave streaks.

To summarize: folk remedies are safe, but require a lot of effort and time to cleanse. Special products are hazardous to health, but when used correctly, they cope with cleaning more efficiently and faster. The choice is yours.

How to properly wash the toilet

When the product is selected, proceed to cleaning.


To wash you will need:

Getting started cleaning

To be happy with the results of cleaning the toilet, follow these steps:

  1. Clean everything around the toilet to avoid splattering. Do not put your funds and tools on the tank: they can simply fall inside.
  2. Before cleaning the toilet bowl, remove the water from it with a plunger.
  3. If sand has accumulated inside that cannot be washed off with a simple drain, try pouring in a bucket of water at the same time as the drain and work with a plunger. The sand should go away.
  4. Moisten the inside of the toilet with warm, but not hot, water. This will make it easier for your product to deal with dirt.
  5. Apply the cleaner to the dirty areas inside the bowl, not forgetting the surface under the rim. The time to wait after application depends on the type of product, but not less than 30 minutes. This is necessary to disinfect the toilet.
  6. While the tool is in effect, we proceed to cleaning the outer surface. Start at the top: wipe the tank, handle, lid. To do this, use the same product as for the inside of the bowl.
  7. Wash the seat thoroughly and wipe it dry.
  8. Apply the cleaner to the hinges that secure the seat and clean with a hard sponge or brush. A common rag will not be able to reach all hinge areas.
  9. After the seat, wash the glass - bottom.
  10. Then we return to the inner surface and use a brush or sponge to grind the product and clean it from dirt. Be sure to clean under the rim, where a lot of dirt and bacteria accumulate. Then we wipe the bottom of the bowl, and then we clean the drain to the bottom.
  11. Close the lid and drain off the water and residues of the product.
  12. After cleaning, do not leave the brush wet in the tray, but dry it by placing it under the toilet lid - the water will drain into the bowl. This will prevent bacteria from growing in the litter box and unpleasant odors in the toilet.

Preventive measures

To avoid having to deal with rust, stone and plaque, prevent their appearance by following these recommendations:

  • do not allow a constant flow of water, for this, monitor the good condition of the drain tank;
  • do not throw food leftovers into the toilet, especially greasy waste;
  • use tools that keep clean every time you drain - discs, tablets, containers with washing gel, attached under the rim;
  • Flush the toilet with a cleaner at least once a week.

Toilet bowl cleaning. Video

To ensure that plumbing is always pleasing to the eye and does not become a source of disease, clean the toilet regularly, using adequate means and methods. And timely prevention will save you the extra effort when cleaning the toilet.

Quite often you have to deal with such a problem as urinary calculus on the surface of the toilet bowl. What to do in such a situation, and how to clean the toilet from urinary stones? You can use both folk remedies and chemical compositions specially designed for this business, created in industrial conditions.

You can clean the inside of the toilet with whiteness and vinegar. It is worth noting that the most proven and old remedy is considered to be the good old whiteness, which is used for washing, bleaching things and for caring for various surfaces. Before processing the surface, you need to dry it as much as possible from moisture and water, for which the most common rag is suitable.

After that:

  • Whiteness is poured into the places where the stone is formed;
  • Then leave for at least 12 hours;
  • As soon as this period is over, the toilet bowl must be cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water.

The result can surprise even a cleaning service specialist. As for cleaning the toilet bowl with vinegar, it can really effectively remove urinary stones, but this requires a whole glass of this composition.

It is poured into a container, for example, a saucepan and heated to 40 ᵒС.

Then baking soda is sent there, and everything needs to be mixed as thoroughly as possible. The solution is applied to problem areas in the toilet and left for 8 hours, after which it is washed off. This is a pretty good toilet cleaner that can clean even old stone formations.

Instructions: how to clean the inside of the toilet from urinary stones

To remove a stone from the surface of the toilet, you need to choose not only the means, but also be guided by the recommendations of specialists in this field. Most importantly, before starting work, protect the skin on your hands with gloves.

Harsh chemicals can cause:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Formation of severe ulcers;
  • Ozhegov.

Even if the stone is formed only on a part of the toilet, then all the equipment inside must be processed, otherwise, the problem will reoccur.

That is why it is necessary to completely drain the toilet before cleaning the toilet, for which it is necessary to remove water even from the pipe, for which a plastic cup is suitable.

To effectively remove dirt from the walls of the toilet, you will need to read the instructions for the product to be used. The product must be kept on the surface of the toilet bowl as much as the manufacturer advises, since otherwise, the enamel surface can be corroded.

How and how to remove urinary stones from plastic

If the choice falls on vinegar, then you need to choose vinegar essence, since it is more effective. A rag is moistened with it and applied to the dried surface for several hours. It is quite possible to use vinegar at 9%, but it is better to warm it up to a temperature of 40 ᵒC and mix it with baking soda, which will significantly improve the effect. The solution made is poured into the problem area and left overnight.

What else do we clean the stone from the plastic:

  • Lemon acid;
  • Baking soda;
  • Soda.

Pure baking soda is not particularly ideal for removing plaque on the toilet or any other plastic surface. If you want to use this particular remedy, you need to apply a large dose, in particular a whole pack, pouring it onto the toilet and leaving it overnight.

Citric acid is considered an affordable and budgetary remedy, since it is inexpensive and is available in almost every home.

It is enough to pour the contents of a couple of bags into the toilet and leave for 10 hours. If the layer of the composition is much thicker, then less time is needed. If the case is very neglected, then much more acid is needed. Few people know that it is possible to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stones by means of all known Coca-Cola. It contains citric acid in large quantities, and therefore, if you pour several bottles into the toilet and wait a while, you can get a high-quality result.

Pros of hydrochloric acid for cleaning the toilet

Did the usual tools fail? A number of other compounds can be used - hydrochloric acid, battery electrolyte, phosphoric acid, chlorine, or well-known branded cleaners. Naturally, chemical compositions can cope with the most neglected means, however, when using them, special instructions from the manufacturer must be observed.

  • Gloves;
  • Respirator;
  • Kerchiefs;
  • Sleeves when it comes to using a spray.

It is especially important to use protective equipment if hydrochloric acid is used, since it can corrode not only urinary stones, but also the skin. It is strictly forbidden to use acid if the pipes are made of plastic.

In terms of power, there is a remedy comparable to hydrochloric acid, and this is a battery electrolyte.

It has a liquid state and allows you to remove even the most chronic plaque. The only thing that can be noticed as special instructions is that it is absolutely not advisable to use funds if the pipes are not made of a durable material such as metal. Phosphoric acid is an effective and inexpensive remedy that will help you deal with a lot of stubborn mineral deposits. As for the volume, only 100 g of solution is enough. It is applied to the walls of the toilet and left for 20 minutes. Chlorine is an equally effective and affordable remedy. Some people compare its effect to whiteness, but it can cause significant harm to health. It is much safer to use whiteness, as it will not harm your health or the equipment itself.

As for the funds from many well-known brands, there are an incredible number of such, and you can choose them by:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Composition;
  • Power or efficiency;
  • Price;
  • Condition such as powder, liquid or gel.

Most often, such compositions are made on the basis of hydrochloric acid, but only in limited quantities, and therefore it is worth following all the recommendations from a specialist as carefully as possible so as not to harm the equipment or your health. It is worth noting that it is categorically undesirable to use strong abrasive substances, as this can negatively affect the integrity of the toilet bowl cover. There are a number of specialty tablets that are placed in a barrel where they dissolve. They can cope, but only gradually, with various deposits, and also prevent their formation.

Remedies: how to clean the toilet from urinary stones (video)

Before choosing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations from the manufacturer, as well as how to use them and for which surfaces. This will prevent damage to property and, in particular, harm to health.