Kitchen sink - how to choose the right combination of modern sink and mixer (80 photos). Black sink for the kitchen Black round sinks in the interior of the kitchen

As a rule, the stove is considered to be the central element of the kitchen. But this opinion is not entirely true. The car wash can rightfully take the place of the leader. It is she who collects all the dirty dishes in herself. It is impossible to fully carry out the cooking process without washing. The necessary products are washed in it. Most importantly, it is also a source of water. When equipping the kitchen, it is very important for every housewife to choose not only a beautiful, but also a convenient, durable sink.

There are a lot of criteria for choosing this kitchen element. As a rule, the choice is influenced by: the cost of the product, reviews of friends and acquaintances, the material for making the sink, the manufacturer.

In order not to get confused and choose a really high-quality and practical product, and create a beautiful one, you should adhere to certain selection rules:

  1. When buying a sink, be sure to pay attention to its volume. The bowl should be large enough to comfortably not only wash the dishes, but also fill large containers with water.
  2. One of the most important selection criteria is resistance to high temperatures and mechanical damage. The surface must be able to withstand continuous streams of hot water and possible impacts from heavy pans and other kitchen utensils. Also, the kitchen preferences of the family and its size can affect the size. For many family members, the most practical option is a deep sink, consisting of two compartments. If the owner of the kitchen is a lonely person, then in this case, a single medium-sized model will be enough.
  3. Ease of cleaning. The kitchen is a place that requires constant wet cleaning. The sink is the center of the kitchen, and, therefore, it is in it that the most pathogenic bacteria accumulate. Its surface should be easy to clean with abrasive and chemical means.
  4. It should be bought after the stylistic direction of the furniture has been determined. Washing is part of the interior, and in order not to disturb the harmony, everything in the interior must be done in the same style. It is good to buy it in the same store with furniture, then there is a guarantee that these two elements will fit together perfectly.
  5. When choosing a model, immediately think about which type of mixer is suitable in this case. Consider the way the mixer is installed in the sink.

You may need a waste shredder or water filter during operation. All these important details should be thought out in advance so that you do not have to deal with reinstalling the sink in the future.

How are kitchen sinks distinguished by the method of installation?

Overhead sink

The most traditional type. Provides for installation on a water drain pipe. Most often, these types are found in kitchen furniture sets. The overhead model is very easy to install, easy to move, dismantle and transport from place to place.

But when choosing this type, you should be prepared that water will constantly get into the cracks between the bowl of water and the countertop, which leads to the fastest destruction of furniture and the emergence of hotbeds of mold fungus.


Allows you to fit the element into the headset most accurately and aesthetically. It is mounted in a specially cut hole in the worktop. The worktop combines various kitchen elements into a single composition, creating a very stylish and harmonious interior.

Kitchen sink integrated into the tabletop

A modern, but very laborious method, while only gaining its popularity. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of special devices, it is not simply superimposed on the hole in the surface, but fits into it.

Thus, a visual perception of a single space is created. Installation work of the integrated model is carried out only by specialists who have the knowledge and experience of this kind of work. For this type, countertops made of stone and plastic will be most suitable.

Kitchen sink integrated into the tabletop

Under-table sink

A special kind of integrated model, which is installed under the worktop. Artificial stone is most suitable for her. She is very hygienic and easy to take care of.

Washing materials

The variety of materials from which sinks are made sometimes confuse the consumer. The price of the product, its style, personal tastes and preferences - all this plays an important role in the choice. How not to be mistaken and get a really high-quality and durable product.

  1. Stainless steel sink. The most common option. Stainless steel is used by everyone: from small private manufacturers to large factories. This look fits perfectly into any interior and is very easy to care for.

However, there are still significant differences between stainless steel sinks.

Product cost. The higher the quality of the material of manufacture, the correspondingly more expensive it will cost. Quality products contain nickel and chorus.

It is the high percentage of these substances in the total mass of the material that allows it to retain its original beauty and shine for a long time. Take a magnet with you so that you can check the quality upon purchase. It will glide very easily on the surface if it is made of high quality material.

It happens that stainless bowls make a loud and unpleasant sound when water gets into them. Conscientious manufacturers produce models with denser bowls, on the back of which a special sound-absorbing membrane is attached. Accordingly, the cost of such models is much higher than other options.

Stainless sinks can be matte, glossy and patterned. The variety of options allows you to choose the product that fits perfectly into the desired interior.

  1. Ceramic models. Ceramic products have a completely unique and very beautiful appearance. Contrary to popular belief that ceramic sinks are very impractical, modern manufacturers have been able to prove the opposite.

They successfully withstand mechanical shock, scratches, and detergents. You can easily put a pot of boiling water in the bowl or throw frozen meat. Ceramics is an environmentally friendly material that is very easy and pleasant to care for. Such models are ideal for.

The surface is easily cleaned from oily deposits and retains its original beauty for a long time. But when choosing ceramics, one should take into account its rather high cost and heavy weight.

  1. It is a stylish and practical kitchen item. There is only one drawback - it is very expensive.

But the high price is more than compensated for by the excellent quality of the material, stylish design and long service life. These models are very practical. The artificial stone surface does not absorb odors, and pathogenic bacteria do not grow on it. Such models can even be treated with chemicals.

  1. Acrylic sink. A fairly new material for the production of kitchen sinks, but thanks to a large number of positive characteristics, it managed to win the consumer's interest.

Acrylic withstands boiling water, mechanical shock and chemicals well. Due to its special plasticity, the manufacturer can make acrylic models of the most unusual shapes.

Fungi and mold do not grow on the acrylic surface. Acrylic allows you to keep the original structure and color of the model for a very long time.

Here you need to rely only on personal preference. It doesn't matter what shape it will be: square, oval or even triangular. The main thing is how the hostess feels when she uses it.

Usually, if a free-standing cabinet is provided for the sink, then it will be more practical to install a shape that will match the configuration of the stand. If a mortise model is planned, then its shape depends only on the taste of the hostess. Classic, square models are the most spacious.

The round shape is well suited for small kitchens. They do not hide excess space and are easy to use. Also, in order to save square centimeters of the countertop, you can use an angular shape.

You can also distinguish the following types of sinks:

  • with one bowl. The simplest models without any additional elements;
  • with 2 bowls.
  • with stand - an additional surface for drying dishes is provided here.

As practice shows, the round shape is more convenient to use, as it repeats the shape of the dishes used. The style of the sink and its size should correspond to the general stylistic direction of the entire kitchen, create a single ensemble with it.

How to successfully fit the sink into the kitchen interior?

It has been repeatedly said that the sink should emphasize the style of the existing furniture. The high-tech and avant-garde trend will be successfully supported by models made of glossy stainless steel.

Retro and vintage will support models with a matte or "linen" surface. Mixers are also selected according to the style.

A sink made of artificial stone will successfully fit into the interior of both a modern kitchen and a rustic style. And ceramic models are a good solution for.

Those who prefer the avant-garde direction, and generally love everything bright, will appreciate the bright acrylic models of unusual shapes.

A few practical tips for choosing a sink:

  • the most convenient to use sink, consisting of several bowls. It is somewhat more expensive than usual, but allows you to adhere to the rules of hygiene, do not combine food and dirty dishes;
  • it's easier to keep a small sink clean, but when choosing its size, the first place should be the criterion of the volume of processed products;
  • do not choose too shallow bowls. In them, not only is it impossible to fill a tall pot or bucket with water, but water is constantly sprayed onto the work wall and countertop. The optimum sink depth is 17cm.

When choosing a sink, be guided, first of all, by personal taste and material capabilities. After that, it will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist in this matter and study the reviews of other buyers.

Following simple tips on choosing the perfect sink, the purchase will be successful, and the purchased product will be used for a long time and with pleasure.

Each of us knows how important it is to properly plan the kitchen space, equip work areas and a place for eating in it. Each element of the interior has a special meaning here. Undoubtedly, the comfort of a housewife is ensured by a properly selected and installed sink. This is where women spend a lot of time during, before and after cooking.

Modern sink designs are equipped with additional options and fixtures that make our life easier. How to choose this kitchen accessory, what to take into account, you will learn from our article.

What should be considered when choosing?

In conditions of limited living space, we strive to save as much space in the kitchen as possible. Therefore, when choosing a sink, we focus on its versatility, for example, the presence of a built-in dryer, a cutting board or a waste grinder.

But we forget about the main criteria:

  • spaciousness;
  • resistance to aggressive substances contained in household chemicals;
  • strength and ability to withstand a variety of mechanical loads;
  • resistance to a possible range of temperature fluctuations;
  • compliance with the interior and style of kitchen design;
  • practicality and versatility.

You can evaluate all the variety of offered samples on the presented photos of kitchen sinks. The main thing is not to get confused and choose the most suitable copy for you. And our selection criteria will help you make the right decision:

  • The material for the bowl, which sets the quality of the entire accessory and its performance.
  • Appearance, shape and dimensions. They depend not only on the desires of the owner of the house, but also on the size of the room and its layout.
  • Design features - single or double, with space for dishes or a cutting board.
  • Mounting method, which also depends on the layout and characteristics of the installed headset. In turn, it determines the saturation of the device with options and the degree of its utilitarianism.
  • The type of product should clearly fit into the surrounding interior of the kitchen, correspond to the design performance.
  • Washing costs can vary widely. It depends on the material used, dimensions, the presence of built-in devices, and the manufacturer.

Variety of materials: advantages and disadvantages

Until a few decades ago, consumers did not have much choice when arranging a sink area in a kitchen. Now you can choose the material that will satisfy the most sophisticated needs of homeowners.

Stainless steel

For the manufacture of sinks, a special steel containing chromium and nickel is used. Thanks to such additives, the product has the properties of resistance to the action of chemical compounds and corrosive processes.

But remember, if you were offered a stainless steel sink, then this will not be a guarantee of a good choice. A high-quality model has a bowl thickness of more than 0.9-1.2 mm. This can be checked with a conventional magnet. If it does not attract, then you are dealing with quality steel.

Despite the expected ease of cleaning, it can have a wide variety of surface designs - with a polished or matte finish. Popular are models with an anti-graphic surface that hides small scratches and water droplets. You can also find samples with a combined design.

An inexpensive and easy-to-install stainless steel sink for the kitchen also has the following advantages:

  • the ability to fit into a varied style of interior decoration;
  • resistance to harmful compounds and rust;
  • safety for humans;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • long period of operation.

At the same time, detergents can cause the bowl to lose its original gloss, and poor sound absorption of the material will require the arrangement of a special gasket.

Composite models

An artificial stone is used in the manufacture. It is based on solid elements and fillers for binder purposes. There are acrylic and anglomerate sinks.

Acrylic sinks are made on the basis of aluminum trihydrate and acrylic resin. They are very easy to care for, but at the same time they are hygienic, they perfectly tolerate temperature fluctuations. Also, when using them, there will be no problems with sound insulation, and minor surface damage can be easily sanded off.

At the same time, very high temperatures can damage the bowl. That is why, in order to avoid deformations, do not put hot dishes in them.

Anglomerate products are made from natural stone chips with polymer additives. Such sinks are not afraid of short-term contacts with high temperatures, they are resistant to mechanical damage and the action of chemical compounds.

You should be satisfied with the high level of noise absorption, the absence of greasy stains, as well as the design variety in real performance. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the content of stone chips. The more it is in the composition, the stronger and better the sink.

Natural stone sinks

These are stylish and graceful designs, for the production of which, for example, granite or marble are used. Such a sturdy material, however, requires additional care. You must regularly treat the surface with special sealants, and after completing the work, the sink must be rinsed.

The product is characterized by resistance to mechanical stress and excellent sound insulation. You can choose the design of the material that matches any interior style. In design, natural stone is often used to create accents.

Products from noble ceramics

Faience or sanitary-type porcelain is specially coated with enamel. The resulting sample can be decorated with decorative painting or have a variety of colors.

When choosing this option, be calm - they will not be damaged by high temperatures or aggressive substances, and you will not need to make any special efforts in care. The advantage is the variety of colors.

But the shortcomings in some cases can be critical:

  • such sinks are fragile enough;
  • installation difficulties may arise due to the large mass of the product;
  • have a high cost.

Selection of the optimal shape

The manufacturer can offer a wide variety of shells. The choice depends on your financial capabilities and specific requests:

Square or rectangular - they are characterized by high functionality and capacity. You will also be offered additional built-in fixtures and accessories.

Round and oval - suitable for customers looking to save space in small kitchens. They are very easy to clean and hygienic enough.

A corner sink for the kitchen will be an excellent option for arranging small apartments where spatial optimization is important.

A sophisticated pentagonal model extended with additional planks and side fenders. Its installation will require free space, and therefore should be installed only in large premises.

Constructive variety

There will be no difficulties when looking for a sink that has the most optimal design for the customer.

On the market now you can easily pick up such analogs:

  • Simple one-bowl sink without additional accessories.
  • One-and-a-half washbasin with two bowls. They vary in size. The larger one is used when washing dishes, and the smaller one is suitable for processing vegetables and fruits.
  • Double or triple sink for the kitchen with easy-to-handle bowls.
  • Model with wings that complement the work plane. They are very handy for drying or slicing.

Installation features

A sink with a cabinet for the kitchen is popular with housewives. Such an overhead model will look best in sets that have a separately installed cabinet. It is easy to use and requires no effort to install and connect.

But at the same time, you need to be careful - water can penetrate into the gaps between the bowl and the countertop. Therefore, attention should be paid to waterproofing issues.

The inset sink for the kitchen is placed in the countertop using the "recessed" method, thanks to which you can solve the problem of combining several kitchen sets of different design. It is important here not only to choose the right countertop, but also to take into account the features and material for making the base.

Plastic or stone countertops go well with integrated sinks. They allow you to create a common space in the work area. But during installation, installation is required in the worktop material itself, which is difficult to do without the involvement of specialists.

The under-table model assumes installation under a table top, for example, made of natural stone. This installation method makes the headset more original and guarantees ease of use.

Combination of sink and interior design

If the kitchen space is made in modern styles, such as high-tech, minimalism or avant-garde, then a stainless steel product will suit you. Tinted steel will complement the retro interior, while faux stone will complement country or Provence styles.

Classic or urban style kitchen design will only benefit if you opt for a ceramic sink. Acrylic sinks will surprise your guests visiting a kitchen decorated in modern or avnagard styles.

Modern materials and accessories make the cooking area as comfortable as possible. The selection of a high-quality and convenient sink will not only greatly facilitate the life of the hostess, but also qualitatively transform the interior of the kitchen.

Photo sink for the kitchen

An inconvenient sink can turn the cooking process into a real torture. And this is not an exaggeration. Scientists have calculated that almost two-thirds of things in the kitchen are somehow connected precisely with the kitchen sink. How to make it so that it will serve for many years, as well as be comfortable, stylish and functional?

What is the ideal sink for the kitchen: expert advice on choosing a sink, an overview of prices and materials, manufacturers and photos of popular sink models.

Which sink is right for your kitchen?

To determine which option will be the best choice for your kitchen, we will compile a list of requirements for an ideal sink.

The sink for the kitchen should be large enough. After all, not only plates and cups are usually washed in it, but also pots, pans, baking sheets and other kitchen utensils.

A good sink must withstand high temperatures, accidental shock, and exposure to various household chemicals. At the same time, it is easy to use and retains an excellent appearance with a minimum of effort.

It is worth taking a closer look at the sink only after you have decided on the style of your kitchen. Then it will harmoniously fit into the interior and will be combined with kitchen furniture, appliances and accessories.

Be sure to consider your family's cooking habits - how often you cook, what foods you use, and how many dishes you have to wash every day.

Decide in advance which mixer you want to choose, what items you will keep next to the sink, whether to put a water filter and a waste disposer.

Contemporary stainless steel model, Blanco

Kitchen sink size and bowl depth

The size of the sink does not only depend on personal preference. If you have a small kitchen, you will most likely have to abandon a large, spacious sink with two or three bowls. The solution to the problem in this case. Most often it consists of one large or two small rectangular bowls. They can be aligned or at an angle to each other. Such a sink not only allows you to use an empty "inconvenient" corner, but also looks visually more compact.

In addition to the size of the sink, the depth of the bowl is also very important. You should not choose a very deep sink, otherwise you will have to constantly bend over. Unpleasant consequences - constant tension and pain in the arms, shoulders, back. If the bowl is too shallow, tall dishes will not fit in it, and splashes of water and grease will constantly fall on the wall or countertop.

According to experts, the depth of 150-180 mm can be considered optimal - both the hostess is comfortable and the sink will be spacious enough.

When choosing a sink, it is important to take into account such a criterion as its depth - this is how the distance between its front and rear walls is called. This distance should be less than the depth of the base cabinet or cabinet of your kitchen unit.

Kitchen sink shape

Sinks designed for use in the kitchen can have both a completely traditional (round, square, rectangular), and the most bizarre shape. Modern materials and technologies make it possible to realize the bold fantasies of designers and at the same time take into account the recommendations of experts in kitchen ergonomics.

The classic kitchen sink is usually rectangular or square. It is not uncommon to find round sinks. Less commonly - sinks with an oval or triangular bowl.

The choice of wash shape is influenced by considerations of convenience. For example, round kitchen sinks are often more spacious when the volume is equal to sinks of a different shape. In addition, it is worth considering which form of sink will organically fit into the interior of your kitchen, complementing it in style.

A good kitchen sink may have one, two, or three bowls. Which option to give preference depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

A high-quality sink with two or three bowls will cost more than a regular one. It is very convenient to wash vegetables, fruits or herbs in additional bowls, to defrost meat or fish.

A single-bowl sink is easier to clean, but less convenient for washing dishes and handling food. A kitchen sink with two bowls is much more convenient and functional. This makes them very popular. A 3-bowl sink can be a real work center in the kitchen. As a rule, it has two large bowls and one small one, which is located between them.

Mortise or overhead sink?

Sinks made of different materials can be inset or overhead.

Mortise sinks "cut" into the kitchen countertop, that is, they are installed in the hole made in it. Typically, this type of sink is recommended if your kitchen has a nice, long, shared countertop. The inset sinks can be installed above or below the worktop, as well as flush with it. The choice of the best option depends on the model and your preferences.

Overhead sinks are simply stacked on top of the furniture, like a lid. Such a sink is traditionally mounted on a special floor stand and, as it were, replaces the countertop. As a rule, such models are best suited for kitchen sets made up of separate cabinet-modules.

Some manufacturers offer another type of sink - integrated. Most often they are mounted flush with the countertop work surface. Their feature is the perfect joining of the edges with the table top. Unlike the previous two types, the installation of such sinks is rather complicated and requires specific skills.

Which material should you choose?

The choice of material from which your sink will be made depends on many things. First of all, from the kitchen design and interior style, the desired characteristics and your budget.

A sink made of stainless steel or composite materials (the so-called artificial stone) is perfect for a modern kitchen.

In a cozy country-style kitchen, antique-styled metal sinks (brass or bronze sinks are especially good in such an interior), artificial stone or ceramics.

Stainless steel sinks

Stainless steel is perhaps the most popular material. Modern sinks made of this metal, which are produced by well-known manufacturers, are strikingly different from their predecessors in quality and characteristics. True, they are more expensive.

Quality stainless steel contains chrome and nickel. They give the kitchen sink a beautiful shine and reliably protect it from corrosion. Many metal sinks have one major drawback - noise. However, manufacturers offer their own solution to the problem - kitchen sinks made of thicker steel with a sound absorber made of soft materials under the bowl.

A stainless steel sink can have a glossy or matte surface. Sometimes it is decorated with a textured pattern. To make sure that the sink you like is made of high quality stainless steel, use a magnet. If it is really good steel, the magnet will slide over the surface of the sink.

Ceramic sinks for the kitchen

These sinks look incredibly stylish and usually have a beautiful, eye-catching design. A high-quality ceramic sink designed for the kitchen, as a rule, is very resistant to surface damage, not afraid of scratches, high temperatures and the caustic effects of household chemicals. You can safely put a hot saucepan or frying pan on it, or put frozen food. The ceramic surface is easy to clean - modern sinks have a special coating that makes it much easier to clean the sink. However, ceramic sinks are quite heavy, relatively fragile and can be shock-sensitive.

Artificial stone kitchen sinks

Read more about them in our special review -. From it you will learn about the 5 most common problems that the owners of such sinks may face, how difficult it is to take care of them, what color of the stone is the most non-marking, how to choose the right sink and not run into a fake.

The main disadvantage of a composite sink is its rather high price. However, such a minus is more than offset by their quality characteristics. Good composite sinks are very environmentally friendly. They will perfectly fit into almost any kitchen interior. Easy to clean. They have a temperature maximum of +280 degrees. They are not afraid of "chemistry" and absorb the sound of pouring water.

Composite sinks are made from stone chips, a special binder based on resins and pigments. Their colors can imitate natural stone in the most bizarre shades. Each manufacturer has a different name for the composite material. Franke has fragranite, Blanco Silgranit, Teka tegranite, etc.

If you like stone sinks, keep in mind that there are two types of artificial stone - acrylic and agglomerate. The first is made on the basis of acrylic resins, and it is quite capricious. Acrylic stone is easy to scratch, however, it can also be easily sanded to restore the original appearance of the sink. Also, experts do not recommend pouring boiling water into such a sink and putting hot dishes.

A sink made of granite composite is much stronger and more convenient. The so-called granite sinks are very durable, beautiful and a pleasure to use them.

How to complement the sink in the kitchen?

An indispensable element of an ideal sink is a wing or dryer. It can be located only on one side of the sink or on both sides of it. Its function is to serve as a stand for dishes, food or hot pots and pans.

The modern sink in the kitchen is a real work center, which includes many additional accessories. They can be sold with a sink. In this case, they are guaranteed to match it in design and technical parameters. However, you can pick them up yourself.

Manufacturers of kitchen sinks often supplement them with waste shredders, grater sets, baskets for washing and drying vegetables and fruits, soap dispensers, as well as cutting boards, the shape of which follows the contours of the sink. All these devices make the life of the hostess a lot easier and save precious working space in the kitchen.

Where to buy a good sink?

Experts advise buying a kitchen sink from specialized plumbing online stores. The ideal option is if this is an official store of a large company that produces or sells car washes. This not only guarantees quality, but also provides an opportunity to save money. In the markets and in small shops, you can often find cheap Asian-made sinks, the quality of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.


Surely, you are interested in the question of how much a good sink for a kitchen that will serve you for many years costs.

The price of a sink is influenced by many factors: material, brand, size, number of bowls (main and additional), installation method, non-standard shape and finish, depth of the sink itself and the bowl, the location of the wing and the ability to turn the sink so that the wing is on the other side if it's necessary. And this does not include additional accessories!

We analyzed the assortment of several large online sanitary ware stores. Of course, this is very approximate and generalized data, but you can focus on them.

Most of all, the range of prices for stainless steel sinks. The most budgetary (models with one bowl of economy class manufacturers) cost from 800 rubles. There are many decent options ranging from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The same Blanco has inexpensive sinks for 2-4 thousand rubles and elite models for 50-90 thousand rubles.

The price of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone from well-known manufacturers in online stores starts from 7 thousand rubles, most of the models are in the price range from 9 to 30 thousand rubles. You can find more budget options and below this price, as a rule, these will be Russian-made models.

A kitchen will never be complete if there is no place for a sink in it. This unit serves as a place for washing dishes, cutlery, food, and all this is far from its only purpose. Modern kitchen sinks have an attractive appearance, which makes them ideally fit into the interior of the surrounding space, as well as emphasize its character and indicate the sense of style of the homeowner.

Plumbing manufacturers offer models created from all kinds of materials, colors and textures. The most common and customary for many are white enamel products and stainless steel sinks. However, exclusively black kitchen sinks can make the interior truly luxurious and unique.


Features and Benefits

A black kitchen sink is one of the best fittings to install in any kitchen. It is an original combination of functionality and aesthetic beauty. Created in austere style, its appearance resembles refined anthracite.

As a basis for the manufacture of black kitchen sinks, mineral granite, quartz or marble chips bonded with polymers are used. As a result, a product is obtained, which in all its properties corresponds to natural stone.

Advantages of crumb products:

  • Long service life. A sink made of plastics lasts at least ten years. This indicator is slightly less than that of products made from natural raw materials, but more than that of ceramic models. Manufacturers also note that with careful use, the sink will last even longer.
  • Hygiene. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, the surface of the sink will always be protected from the appearance of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. Such a sink never gives off an unpleasant odor and mucus does not appear.
  • Strength. In terms of mechanical indicators, artificial stone is twice as good as natural, so even if it falls from a height, the sink will remain intact.
  • Ease of restoration. Over time, even the most durable material wears out, loses its beautiful appearance, cracks, chips and other unpleasant moments appear. But, a black kitchen sink is easy to "freshen up" if you sand the surface of it and then polish it. The chipped piece is easily glued with acrylic glue.

  • Resistant to chemicals and sudden changes in temperature.
  • The beauty.
  • Safety for people.
  • Impact resistance.
  • The ability to complement any interior.


The modern market is distinguished by a wide range of kitchen sanitary ware. The main differences between kitchen sinks are:

  • Color.
  • Form. There are round, square, rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal and other shells;
  • The presence or absence of drying.
  • Installation type: angled, upright.

If a sink is made to order, then its shape can be the most unpredictable. But, it is the round units that are the most spacious, and the opinion that the square sink is the largest is wrong.

The most common type of sink is a one-bowl device. However, manufacturers today offer customers a wide variety of sinks. The most common is double, where dirty dishes are collected in one bowl, and they are washed in the other. There are also sinks with three bowls - a handy device for a large family.

Features of operation

Although black artificial stone sinks are resistant to a number of chemicals, prolonged contact of the surface with chemicals is still undesirable. Solvents, acids, alkalis, acetone-containing substances should not be on the surface. If contact occurs, all chemistry must be immediately removed from the sink by rinsing it off with plenty of water, then you need to wipe the sink with soapy water and rinse again with clean water. If this incident is ignored, damage may appear on the surface, which will be difficult to remove.

The material from which black sinks are made is non-combustible, however, its structure under the influence of very high temperatures can change. Therefore, kitchen utensils that have just been removed from the fire (pots, pans and other utensils) should not be placed on stone plumbing, in the same way temperature extremes (hot and cold) should be avoided. Before pouring boiling liquids (water or oil) into the sink, open the cold water tap.

Composite stone is very durable, but it can also be damaged by a fall of a heavy object or a strong impact with a sharp tool. As a result, cracks and chips may appear. Also, scratches arise from prolonged use, which are very noticeable on dark products. To prevent the appearance of minor defects, the entire surface of the sink should be cleaned only with non-abrasive cleaning agents, a soft washcloth and, of course, the sink should not be used instead of a cutting board.

Choosing and buying a black sink is a rather difficult task. It is necessary to choose this product in such a way that it fits perfectly into the place allotted to it. You will also have to look for a mixer that matches the color.

But the most important thing consumers need to know is:

  1. The top layer of a kitchen dishwashing attribute should be thick and sturdy. This nuance greatly affects the wear resistance. And you need to check it with the seller before purchasing.
  2. The depth of the container should be at least 19 cm. According to experts, this is the most optimal size.
  3. Based on the number of residents, the number of bowls is selected (one, two, three). For a small kitchen, one will be enough, and for a larger kitchen room - you can think of two or three bowls.
  4. Form also plays an important role. Thanks to the peculiarities of artificial stone, you can create the most unusual and extraordinary forms. Therefore, what the sink will be is influenced by the general stylistic direction of the room.
  5. Products made of granite chips must comply with radioactive safety standards, this point must also be checked with sales representatives. You need to buy such goods only from trusted sellers and manufacturers - they care about their reputation, so they will not disrupt technological processes in order to reduce the cost of their products.