Prayer for eating prosphora and holy water. About baptismal water

Eating Prayer
prosphora and holy water

O Lord my God, may Thy holy gift be: prosphora and Thy holy water for the forgiveness of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and weaknesses according to Thy infinite mercy, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all your saints. Amen.


V translated from the Greek "agiasma" - "shrine". This is the name of the water consecrated with a special rite. Blessing of water can be small and great: the small is performed several times throughout the year, and the great - only on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

There is a strange belief in the Russian people: as if Baptism and Epiphany are not the same thing, and the water that is consecrated on Christmas Eve, January 18, is Epiphany water, and the one that is consecrated on the 19th is Epiphany. This belief is so strong that sincere believers try to collect holy water for two days in a row and then store it in different vessels, fearing to be confused. This is a senseless superstition. Both on a holiday and on Christmas Eve, the water is consecrated with the same rite, in memory of the descent of the Lord Jesus Christ into the waters of the Jordan River. Epiphany water has a special grace, and people know (or feel) this. On this holiday, churches are overflowing with people, there is even a certain type of "parishioners" who come to church once a year - "for water."

What do they pray for during the great consecration of water? That this water should be sanctified by the power and action and influx of the Holy Spirit. That she was the gift of sanctification, deliverance from sins, healing of soul and body. That she received the blessing of Jordan. To drive away all slander of visible and invisible enemies. For this water to lead to eternal life. So that we too, through the eating of this water and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, are worthy of sanctification. Prayer is great - and sacred is great.

The baptism of the Lord sanctified the very nature of water. Any water taken on this day contains the pledge of grace. Therefore, those who are unable to come to church because of their own weakness or the distance of the temple can take water from any source, even from the tap, and use it like a saint.

It is necessary to drink Agiasma on an empty stomach, in the morning, but due to a special need for God's help, it is possible at any time of the day or night. Store - in a separate place, better next to the home iconostasis (not in the refrigerator at all!) With a reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It can be anointed, added little by little to food, sprinkled on the dwelling. People excommunicated from the Sacrament by penance eat hagiasma as spiritual consolation.

It is a bit of a pity that the miracle of the great consecration happens only once a year, and it is so rare to hear touching troparia:

"The voice of the Lord on the waters cries out, verb: come, receive the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of reason, the spirit of the fear of God, Christ is revealed ..."

All our life next to us is a great shrine - holy water (in Greek "agiasma" - "shrine").

Consecrated water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual defilements, sanctifies and strengthens them for the deed of salvation in God.

We plunge into it for the first time in Baptism, when, when receiving this sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the sacrament of Baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in Christ.

Holy water is necessarily present at the consecration of temples and all items used in worship, at the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water at processions of the cross, during prayer services.

On the day of the Epiphany, every Orthodox Christian carries home a vessel with holy water, carefully preserves it as the greatest shrine, prayerfully partaking of holy water in sickness and all kinds of weakness.

"Consecrated water," as St. Demetrius of Kherson wrote, "has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it." She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily diseases. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, after the confessions of the pilgrims, always allowed them to taste from the cup of the holy Epiphany water.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina sent a bottle of holy water to a terminally ill patient - and the incurable disease disappeared to the amazement of the doctors.

Elder Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling food and food itself with Jordanian (Epiphany) water, which, in his words, "sanctifies everything by itself." When someone was very sick, Elder Seraphim blessed to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. The elder said that medicines are stronger than holy water and blessed oil - no.

The rite of consecration of water, which is performed on the feast of the Epiphany, is called great for the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the Baptism of the Lord, in which the Church sees not only the mysterious washing of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water through the immersion of God in the flesh into it.

The Great Blessing of Water is performed twice - on the very day of the Epiphany, and also on the eve, on the eve of the Epiphany (Epiphany Christmas Eve). Some believers mistakenly believe that the water sanctified on these days is different. But in fact, on Christmas Eve and on the very day of the feast of Epiphany, one rite is used for the consecration of water.

Even St. John Chrysostom said that the holy water of the Epiphany remains incorruptible for many years, it can be fresh, pure and pleasant, as if it had been drawn from a living source just for a minute. Here is the miracle of God's grace, which everyone sees even now!

According to the Church's beliefs, haghiasma is not a simple water of spiritual significance, but a new being, spiritual-bodily being, the interconnection of Heaven and earth, grace and matter, and, moreover, very close.

That is why the great agiasma, according to the church canons, is regarded as a kind of lower degree of Holy Communion: in those cases when a penance is imposed on a member of the Church for the sins he has committed and the prohibition to approach the Holy Body and Blood of Christ is imposed, the usual canonical reservation is made: "Let haghiasma be honored." ...

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every home of an Orthodox Christian. It is carefully kept in the holy corner near the icons.

In addition to baptismal water, Orthodox Christians often use water consecrated at prayer services (small water consecration), performed throughout the year. Necessarily a small consecration of water is performed by the Church on the day of the Origin (carrying) of the Honorable Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and on the day of Prepolovanie, when the words of the Savior, full of the deepest secrets, spoken by Him to the Samaritan woman are remembered: “Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will not thirst forever ; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water flowing into eternal life ”(Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 14).

It is customary to use holy baptismal water on an empty stomach together with prosphora after the morning prayer rule with special reverence as a shrine. "When a person uses prosphora and holy water," said the recluse Georgy Zadonsky, "then the unclean spirit does not approach him, the soul and body are sanctified, thoughts are illuminated to please God, and a person is inclined to fasting, prayer and all virtue."

Sacred bread

V bread occupies a special place in our life. He is a symbol of all food and those works that are necessary to get it. "In the sweat of your brow you will eat bread"(Genesis 3, 19) - God once said to Adam.

There is also religious symbolism in the bread. The Lord Jesus Christ Called Himself "bread of life"(John 6:35), said that "whoever eats this bread will live forever"(John 6, 51). Finally, He favored bread, very close in composition to human flesh, to be transubstantiated into His Body in the sacrament of the Eucharist: "Jesus took the bread and, having blessed it, broke it and, distributing it to the disciples, said: take, eat: this is my body."(Matthew 26:26).

The bread, consisting of many grains, personifies the Church - One with a plurality of its members. In addition to the Eucharistic Bread, the Orthodox Church contains several types of consecrated bread.

Prosphora ("offering" - Greek) is a white wheat bread baked with yeast, with the addition of holy water. The name comes from the custom of the early Christians to bring bread from home to celebrate the Eucharist. Now prosphora is prepared in diocesan bakeries. They consist of two round parts, to commemorate the two natures of Christ. The upper part is stamped with the image of the Cross (on the monastic prosphora there is an image of the Mother of God or saints).

During the Divine Liturgy, a rectangular part is cut out of one prosphora (lamb) in a special way - the Lamb, which will later be transubstantiated into the Body of Christ. From other prosphora, smaller in size, particles are extracted in memory of the members of the Earthly and Heavenly Church; at the end of the liturgy, these particles descend into the Blood of Christ. Small prosphora are given to those who submitted memorial notes to the altar.

The trimmed parts of the lamb prosphora are called antidore ("instead of a gift" - Greek). According to the Rule, they are eaten by people who have not partaken of the Holy Mysteries. Usually, however, the antidor goes to the ministers of the altar.

Artos ("leavened bread" - Greek) - bread consecrated on Easter night. Throughout Bright Week, the artos, a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, are on the lectern opposite the Royal Doors of the altar and will be worn every day for Easter processions. On Bright Saturday it is crushed with special prayer and distributed to pilgrims. Popular piety assimilated artos and baptismal holy water the meaning of a feasible replacement of the Holy Gifts for the dying, unable to receive communion.

And prosphora, and artos, and antidor are supposed to be eaten on an empty stomach, with prayer. It is necessary to store the consecrated bread in a clean container, separate from other products. Traditionally, artos is divided into small pieces and consumed throughout the year, from Easter to Easter ..

Another type of consecrated bread is the one that is distributed to those praying during the All-Night Vigil on the eve of the big holidays. Earlier, the evening services lasted quite a long time, and Christians ate bread to strengthen their strength. Now, although the duration of services has decreased, this custom has remained.


V translated from greek "agiasma" - "shrine". This is the name of the water consecrated with a special rite. Blessing of water can be small and great: the small is performed several times throughout the year, and the great - only on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

There is a strange belief in the Russian people: as if Baptism and Epiphany are not the same thing, and the water that is consecrated on Christmas Eve, January 18, is Epiphany water, and the one that is consecrated on the 19th is Epiphany. This belief is so strong that sincere believers try to collect holy water for two days in a row and then store it in different vessels, fearing to be confused. This is a senseless superstition. Both on a holiday and on Christmas Eve, the water is consecrated with the same rite, in memory of the descent of the Lord Jesus Christ into the waters of the Jordan River. Epiphany water has a special grace, and people know (or feel) this. On this holiday, churches are overflowing with people, there is even a certain type of "parishioners" who come to church once a year - "for water."

What do they pray for during the great consecration of water? That this water should be sanctified by the power and action and influx of the Holy Spirit. That she was the gift of sanctification, deliverance from sins, healing of soul and body. That she received the blessing of Jordan. To drive away all slander of visible and invisible enemies. For this water to lead to eternal life. So that we too, through the eating of this water and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, are worthy of sanctification. Prayer is great - and sacred is great.

The baptism of the Lord sanctified the very nature of water. Any water taken on this day contains the pledge of grace. Therefore, those who are unable to come to church because of their own weakness or the distance of the temple can take water from any source, even from the tap, and use it like a saint.

It is necessary to drink Agiasma on an empty stomach, in the morning, but due to a special need for God's help, it is possible at any time of the day or night. Store - in a separate place, better next to the home iconostasis (not in the refrigerator at all!) With a reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It can be anointed, added little by little to food, sprinkled on the dwelling. People excommunicated from the Sacrament by penance eat hagiasma as spiritual consolation.

It is a bit of a pity that the miracle of the great consecration happens only once a year, and it is so rare to hear touching troparia:

"The voice of the Lord on the waters cries out, verb: come, receive the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of reason, the spirit of the fear of God, Christ is revealed ..."

The daily circle of church worship

C The Church Charter prescribes nine different divine services to be performed during the day. Each has its own history, symbolism and duration, but spiritually they form a single whole, called daily circle .

In Orthodox worship, much is borrowed from the Old Testament prayer customs. In particular, the beginning of a new day is not considered midnight, but 6 pm. Hence, the first service of the daily circle is vespers .

At Vespers, the Church reminds those praying the main events of the Sacred History of the Old Testament: the creation of the world by God, the fall of the forefathers, the Mosaic legislation, the ministry of the prophets. Christians thank God for the day they lived.

After Vespers it is supposed to serve popular belief ... These are a kind of public prayers for the coming sleep, in which we remember the descent of Christ into hell and the liberation of the righteous from the power of the devil.

At midnight, the third service of the daily circle should be performed - midnight office ... This service was established to remind believers of the second coming of the Lord and the Last Judgment.

Before sunrise begins matins ... It is dedicated to the events of the Savior's earthly life and contains many both repentance and thanksgiving prayers. Matins is one of the longest services.

About 7 o'clock in the morning it is supposed to do first hour ... This is the name of a short service in which the Church recalls the stay of Jesus Christ at the trial of the high priest Caiaphas.

Third hour (10 o'clock in the morning) takes us with sacred memories to the upper room of Zion, where the removed Spirit descended on the apostles, and to Pilate's praetorium, where the death sentence was pronounced upon Christ.

Sixth hour (noon) is the time of the crucifixion of the Lord, and ninth hour (three o'clock in the afternoon) - the time of His death on the cross. The corresponding services are dedicated to these mournful events.

Finally, the main Christian divine service, a kind of center of the daily circle, is Divine Liturgy ... Unlike other services, the Liturgy not only reminds us of God, but provides an opportunity to really unite with Him in the sacrament of Communion. In time, the Liturgy should be performed between the sixth and ninth hour.

Modern liturgical practice has made its own changes in the prescriptions of the Charter. For example, in parish churches, Compline is celebrated only during Great Lent, and midnight office - once a year, on the eve of Easter. It is extremely rare that the ninth hour is served. The remaining six services of the daily circle are combined into two groups of three.

In the evening, Vespers, Matins and the first hour are celebrated one after another. On the eve of Sundays and holidays, this line of worship is called all-night vigil , that is, staying awake for a whole night. It is true that ancient Christians often prayed until dawn. Modern all-night vigils last 2-4 hours in parishes and 3-6 hours in monasteries.

In the morning, the third hour, the sixth hour and the Divine Liturgy are served consecutively. In churches, where there are many parishioners, on Sundays and holidays there are two liturgies - early and late. Both are preceded by reading the hours.

On those days when the liturgy is not supposed to (for example, on the Friday of Holy Week), a short sequence is performed pictorial ... This service contains some hymns of the liturgy and, as it were, "depicts" it. But the fine arts do not have the status of an independent service.

Church requirements

WITH The situations in which we need God's help are manifold. Knowing the needs of man, the Orthodox Church has drawn up a series of rites asking for help from above. They are called treb - as they are performed at the request of the believers.

The main types of requirements are prayers for the living, for the departed, the consecration of objects and food.

An intensified prayer for living people is called a prayer service. Prayer services are general and private (ordered). Custom prayers are performed by the priest at the request of the worshipers, and general prayers are performed every day at the end of the liturgy.

Memorial services include requiems and funeral services. They are performed only for baptized people. You can't suicide funeral.

The Church, by her successions, sanctifies the entire way of human life, including the objects that we use and the food that we eat. Consecration of food takes place on certain days, for example, on the eve of Easter, cakes and eggs are blessed, and on the feast of the Transfiguration - apples and other fruits.

There is a rite of consecration of a house, a chariot (car). These requirements must be negotiated personally with the priest so that he can perform them at a convenient time. It is very useful for military personnel to consecrate their weapons.


TO Every day in Orthodox churches, at the end of the morning services, priests perform services. One of the most common is prayer singing (moleben).

What is a prayer service? This is a short but earnest prayer for the various needs of life. During the Divine Liturgy, we hear requests for everyday needs, but often do not take them as they should because of the deepest mystical content of the liturgy. The need to pray "for little things" as the Monk Ambrose of Optina taught - "short and hot", is realized by us at the prayer service.

Are we sick? - We will serve a prayer service for the sick. Are we starting an important business? - At the prayer service, we will ask for God's help. Are we going on the road? - We will listen to the rite of blessing on the journey. Has the name day come, and you want to earnestly pray to your saint? Let's order a prayer service for him. Is the school year starting and it's time for our children to go to school? - Let's perform the rite of blessing at the beginning of the teachings of the youths. Has the Lord listened to our prayer, and we want to give praise? - We will serve a thanksgiving prayer.

In addition to private prayer services, there are also public prayer chants. The church contains many of those - holy water and New Year's; during dry weather (during bad weather) and dry weather (during drought); prayers for those suffering from unclean spirits and from the ailment of drunkenness; solemn rites on the first Sunday of Great Lent (the Triumph of Orthodoxy) and on Christmas Day (in memory of the victory of 1812) ...

At prayer services we turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, saints. Thanksgiving prayer chants are addressed to the Lord. When ordering a prayer service behind a candle box, we submit a note with the names of those for whom (or from whom) it will be performed.

Sometimes a person ordering a prayer service does not wait for its completion and leaves the church, leaving only a note. The Lord accepts any sacrifice, but it is much more effective to pray with the priest than to leave him to pray to God for us.

Sometimes akathists and canons are added to prayer services. Often priests, completing the requirement, anoint those praying with consecrated oil, sprinkle them with holy water.

According to our faith, the Lord gives His help very soon after the prayer service. Therefore, one should not abuse this sacred rite, ordering a prayer service several times on one occasion (an exception is the prayer for the sick and the service of prayer services according to a vow).

"Brother", "Father", "Lord"

H It is difficult for a person who has crossed the church threshold for the first time to find a suitable address to his neighbor. Indeed, what is the name of the candlestick - "woman", "lady", "citizen"? How to address a priest - "sir", "lord", "comrade"?

But there are no difficulties. Christians are one family, where all are relatives to each other. Relatives do not need conventions.

"Brother", "sister" - the best address to the laity. We are all children of the One God and descendants of Adam and Eve. "Father" or "father" - this is how priests are called as performers of the sacraments through which people are born into spiritual life. Usually a name is added after the words "father", for example, "Father Peter". A deacon can be addressed as "father deacon", and the abbot of a temple (monastery) can be addressed as a "father abbot".

In the conversations of Orthodox people, the word "father" is often heard. It must be remembered that this word is used only when referring directly to a person. You cannot, for example, say "Father Vladimir blessed me," this is illiterate.

It is not worth turning to the clergy "holy father", as is customary in Catholic countries. The holiness of a person is known by his death.

We call the wives of the ministers of the altar, as well as elderly women, by the affectionate word "mother".

Bishops - bishops, metropolitans, the Patriarch - must be addressed as "Vladyka" as if they were vested with ecclesiastical authority.

Sometimes there is a need to apply to a clergyman in writing. The priests should be called "Your Reverend", the archpriests ~ "Your Eminence", bishops - "Your Grace", archbishops and metropolitans - "Your Eminence", the Patriarch - "Your Holiness".

Sectarians who do not have the priesthood reproach the Orthodox for allegedly violating the words of Christ: "And call no one on earth your father: for you have one Father, who is in Heaven."(Mt 23: 9). But it is clear that "do not call" has the meaning of "do not worship", otherwise the words of the Lord can be turned into nonsense. Back in the 1st century, the Evangelist John the Theologian, in his Epistles to the Council, addressed Christians as "children". The response was obviously appropriate. The point is not in the word, but in the internal attitude to it. 06 Deacon Andrei Kuraev writes this well:

“Even the most convinced Baptist calls his parent a father and does not mind when his son says to him“ dad. ”Here, as in relation to the icon: you can worship and serve only God. ".

"Bless, father!

NS A common picture of our days is a meeting of a bishop (metropolitan, patriarch) with a high-ranking person. Greetings, smiles and ... the president (prime minister, speaker of parliament) solemnly extends his right hand to the saint for a handshake ...

And here is another picture. Matins. The priest, standing on the solo, proclaims: "The blessing of the Lord is upon you" and blesses the parishioners with the sign of the cross. Praying grandmothers fold their palms in prayer and for some reason press them to their chest, performing an unknown ritual.

In both the first and second cases, there is a clear lack of understanding of how to treat a clergyman and what a priestly blessing is. Every believer considers it indispensable to ask for a pastoral blessing when meeting with a priest, but many do it wrong. Of course, there are no strict canons on this issue, but the traditions of the Church and simple common sense suggest how to behave.

The blessing has many meanings. The first is a greeting. Only those who are equal to him in rank have the right to greet a priest by the hand; everyone else, even deacons, when they meet the priest, receive a blessing from him. To do this, you need to put your palms together, right over left, in order to receive the blessing hand in them and kiss it as a sign of respect for the holy order. And for nothing more! The addition of the palms does not have any mysterious meaning, grace does not "descend" in them, as some old women teach.

You can bless with a priest not only when he is in church clothes, but also in civilian clothes; not only in the temple, but also on the street, in a public place. However, you should not approach an unveiled priest, who is not familiar with you, for a blessing outside the church.

In the same way, every layman says goodbye to a priest. If several priests are standing side by side, and you want to be blessed by everyone, then first you need to go to the senior.

The second meaning of a priestly blessing is permission, permission, parting words. Before starting any responsible business, before traveling, as well as in any difficult circumstances, we can ask the priest for advice and blessings and kiss his hand.

With the help of icons, prayer books, and other church symbols, Heavenly grace extends to a person. Through the use of prayer for the acceptance of holy water, you can get auspicious energy.

It is interesting that healing bread is prepared only in the bakery that is located at the church. Its composition and technology are strictly observed. Only believers, pious Christians are engaged in this business.

  • prosphora and holy water are used to treat both spiritual and physical health of a person. Prosphora should be consumed directly in the morning on an empty stomach. Then you need to wash it down with a sacred drink;
  • it is poured from glass to cup;
  • it is forbidden to treat unbaptized people with bread;
  • food should not be eaten before the sacrament;
  • note the effectiveness of the joint use of these elements. Individually, the effect will be lower;
  • in prayer services, a person, before receiving prosphora, asks for healing, the addition of physical and spiritual strength;
  • in the end, it is necessary to ask the Higher Forces to get rid of negative habits, shortcomings of a spiritual and physical nature;
  • bring the sacred bread to your home. Lay down a clean tablecloth, then place two symbols next to the icons;
  • there is a paper in which the bread was wrapped, it must be burned completely;
  • exclusively over clean dishes, it follows that Heavenly bread is eaten.

The prayer for the acceptance of prosphora and holy water sounds like this:

“O Lord, my God, let Thy holy gift be: prosphora and Thy holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and infirmities according to the boundless Thy mercy, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

After that, you need to eat antidor, wash it down with holy water.


It is worth knowing that the very concept means “donation”. After all, parishioners bring food and drinks. After that, people consecrated the food. Prosphora was called bread, which became key during the service. After some time, at the church they began to make crispbreads using a special technology.

Today, the prosphora consists of a part on which the seal of church symbols is applied on top. At the bottom it looks like a loaf. The second part acts as the personification of human origins. The upper area is believed to represent spirituality.

This is more than ordinary bread, prosphora has a rather symbolic meaning. After all, sacred water, yeast is a symbol of the human soul. Liquid combined with flour represents the physical body.

Video on the topic: When to take holy water and prosphora?

Holy water

The priests distinguish two main types of water. On one Sunday, one species is performed, and at the time of Baptism another species.

To consecrate the water, the clergy lowers the cross into the water, while reciting the sacred lines of the prayer service. Thanks to these actions, it is filled with magical, healing energy.

Then the shrine is carried home, it is known that it will retain its healing properties for another whole year. With the help of sacred water, you can cleanse yourself of negative thoughts, drive away evil forces, water strengthens the soul, the body of a person.

If you need to remove the evil eye, just wash your face with holy water. Often, sacred water is used to illuminate apartments, temples, and cars.

After using it, a person is sanctified, his faith in the Lord grows stronger.


Thanks to the Higher powers, you can change your life. This prayer service makes a person virtuous, drives away evil forces, directs a person on the right path.

From our article you will learn what words can be used to speak holy water so that it heals and protects.

For many of us, water is just a source of thirst quenching. And, probably, only a few know that it is able to heal from diseases, protect from negative energy and calm the soul. Of course, not all water has all these properties. In order for it to become life-giving, a church ritual must be performed over it. In view of this, if you want to stock up on holy water, then do it at the Baptism of the Lord.

On this day, absolutely all liquid on our earth becomes healing. In addition, the priests strengthen it with their prayer, removing from it all the bad that she has accumulated over the past year. With holy water, you can perform various rituals that will help you regain health, attract good luck or get rid of bad habits. We will talk about how to do it correctly in our article.

Prayer for healing before taking holy water: text

Healing Prayer Text

As you probably already understood, holy water can save a person from many diseases. But in order for it to be able to expel the disease from your body, you need to properly prepare your body for its use. This must be done, of course, with the help of Christian prayer. Before taking holy water, you must read a certain prayer over it three times.

By such actions, you will cleanse your soul and further enhance the healing properties of water. It is best to read such a prayer in front of the images, placing a glass filled with life-giving liquid in front of you. After reading the prayer, cross yourself three times, deviate low to the images and slowly drink the holy water. During this process, try not to be distracted by worldly problems and worries and think only about the fact that now a liquid will enter your body, which will drive out the ailment from you.

What does a full moon conspiracy for holy water give?

Full moon conspiracy

Everyone knows that the moon has a fairly strong energy. It has the strongest effect on water. And since the human body is almost 80% liquid, then on a full moon this heavenly body simply begins to control our actions and thoughts. And that is why the water, charmed on the full moon, has even greater healing and life-giving properties.

If you read the conspiracy over it, and then put it on the window so that the moonlight falls on it all the time, then the next day you will get a liquid so energetically strong that you can solve almost any problem with it. But still know that the power of the charmed water will begin to decrease as the moon wanes. Therefore, it is advisable to use the liquid charmed on the full moon literally in 2-3 days.

Prayer when washing with holy water from the evil eye

Prayer when washing with holy water

Unfortunately, a person is not at all protected from someone else's envy. The most unpleasant thing is that the negative coming from another person, we may not even notice, and we will quite calmly continue to communicate with him. And the closer our spiritual contact is, the greater portion of the negative will be received by our body and soul. If you began to feel some kind of incomprehensible anxiety around a certain person, then it is likely that he jinxed you. Holy water will help you get rid of this problem and protect yourself from the repeated evil eye.

If you wash your face with it before every exit from the house, then no negativity can have even the smallest effect on you. Begin washing with your eyes, then work your way down to your cheeks, chin and forehead. Wash your face crosswise, as if drawing a church cross on your face. Accompany this entire process with the prayer given a little above. If you wish, you can repeat the procedure also in the evening. So you can get rid of the evil eye as quickly as possible.

Conspiracy from the evil eye on holy water and ritual

Conspiracy from the evil eye

Water has one feature that allows it to be used for certain rituals. Due to the fact that it absorbs information like a sponge, you can talk to it about a certain action. If you want to get rid of the evil eye, then try the following ceremony. Take an herbal bath first, then change into clean clothes. Pour holy water into a glass and cross it three times. Then stand in front of the icons and read the prayer Our Father. After these steps, you can proceed to the spelling of water.

In the process of reading the conspiracy, try to pronounce the name of the person who needs help as clearly as possible. When the water is charmed, give it to the person you asked for a drink. He must take literally three small sips, and wash with the rest of the water. You need to wash your face the way we taught you at the beginning of our article. As soon as the ceremony is over, return to the icons again and thank God for his help.

Prayer for the acceptance of prosphora and holy water

Prayer for the adoption of prosphora

Prosphora can be bought in a church shop, and then after reading a prayer over it, give it to your relatives. According to generally accepted church rules, prosphora should be taken on an empty stomach. It is believed that in no case should it come into contact with ordinary food in such a way as to reduce all its useful qualities. It is washed down exclusively with holy water, so if you want you to have the opportunity to receive prosphora throughout the year, then try to stock it up for the Baptism of the Lord.

One should start a prayer with a request for the enlightenment of the mind, and only after that one can ask for the restoration of moral and physical strength. At the end of the prayer, be sure to ask the Almighty to deliver you from sinful temptations and guide you on the righteous path.

Holy water from three churches: for what?

The water from the three churches has a very strong energy

Holy water from three churches is a strong enough amulet that can get rid of the most serious illnesses, as well as restore peace of mind to a person. In the old days it was also called three-ring. As a rule, they stocked up on it for the great Christian holidays, for the Baptism of the Lord or for Easter. It is necessary to take it in those different churches at the end of the festive service, and already at home pour everything into one container.

But in order for the water to turn out to be really three-ringed, you will have to find three temples very close to each other. It is believed that water acquires healing qualities if the church ringing of one church is heard in the other two. Therefore, if you need holy water from three churches, then go to any holy place, where many temples can be located in a small square. In this case, you can get three-ring healing water without any problems.

Conspiracy to trade and sell for holy water

Conspiracy to trade and sell

I would like to say right away that the church does not approve of a person's striving for enrichment. Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to carry out this rite, then be sure to go to the temple before carrying it out and make a small donation there, or just go out into the street and help someone in need. After that, you can return home and read the conspiracy over holy water. But keep in mind that in order for the water to absorb the necessary energy, it must be collected in a new glass.

If you pour it into an old, cracked cup, you will hardly be able to send the right energy message. After the plot has been read, wash your face and hands with this water and let them dry naturally. If you dry your skin with a towel right after washing, you will simply wipe off the energy of money from yourself.

Conspiracy of holy water for love

Love conspiracy

Love conspiracies are best read on a growing moon. If you do everything right, then as the circle of the moon increases, the feelings of your beloved will increase towards you. In addition, you must have the right inner attitude. This means that you must be completely focused on your feelings and with all your soul desire to be reunited with your loved one. To enhance the effect of the properties of water, you can tie a glass with a red ribbon or put it on a photo of your chosen one.

In case you do not have a photograph of him, then try to imagine his face all the time. Read the plot three times, and then cross yourself and leave the glass for several hours in front of the images. The charmed water will have to be drunk by herself and discreetly given to the object of adoration. Try pouring it into tea or compote, but in no case force him to drink it forcibly. He must drink the charmed water in a good mood, otherwise the ceremony will not give you a positive result.

Conspiracy from illness to holy water

Conspiracy from disease

As mentioned at the beginning of our article, properly charmed water can cure many diseases. People who have tried this method on themselves argue that the regular use of such a healing agent saved them even from chronic ailments.

In view of this, if you also want to drive out ailments from your body with the help of holy water, then just read the correct conspiracy over it, and then take it inside, or simply wash the sore spots with it. And of course, do not forget to pray to God every day and ask him for healing.

Holy water application treatment of female diseases

Conspiracy from female diseases

Holy water can help get rid of almost all female diseases. The best part is that it can be taken along with more traditional treatments without fear of further harming the body. But in order for such treatment to be effective, some rules must be followed. Before starting treatment, you must definitely go to the temple and repent of all your sins. Also, you should not forget to pray to God every morning and evening and thank him for another day lived.

As soon as you feel that your soul has become more calm, start taking holy water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach, eating prosphora before that. Once in your stomach, these two products will literally immediately begin to fill your body with grace. You need to drink holy water until the disease completely disappears.

Conspiracy to work for holy water

Conspiracy to work

It is better to use water for such a ritual during the period when the moon is growing. This time period is considered the best for attracting the required energy. It is necessary to start talking water on Saturday, because it is this day that helps people choose the right direction in life.

If for some reason you did not manage to do this on Saturday, then perform the ritual on Wednesday. This day promotes rapid career growth and salary increases. It is best to start reading a conspiracy with the first rays of the sun and this should be done as sincerely as possible.

Conspiracy on holy water from fright

Fright conspiracy

Little children, especially unbaptized ones, can be scared by absolutely everything. A loud sound, a servant or a dog barking can cause severe fright in babies. The most unpleasant thing is that parents find out about this problem only when the baby goes to bed. Such children refuse to fall asleep, toss and turn and cry all the time. In view of this, if you do not want this problem to take you by surprise, then stock up on holy water and, if necessary, speak it with a special prayer.

Such water can be given to the baby to drink throughout the day or, if the baby is very small, to wash him with it. Yes, and do not start talking too much water at once. After all, although you are performing a ritual over church water, the effect of the conspiracy will begin to diminish over time and you will have to prepare a new portion of the healing liquid. And since holy water cannot be simply poured out onto the street, it will be better if you speak such an amount that you can use during the day.

Conspiracy on holy water from enemies

Conspiracy from enemies

This is how life works, but each person has their own personal enemy. Sometimes hostility arises literally from scratch and begins to poison people's lives quite strongly. If former friends or relatives cannot reconcile, we must look for a way to protect ourselves from this negativity. As in all the previous methods, the charmed holy water will help you to do this.

As soon as you read the necessary words over her, she will immediately begin to put a barrier between you and the person who wishes you harm. And so that its protective properties are always with you, drink a couple of sips of this liquid before leaving the house. You can also use it to protect your home and car. To do this, you will simply need to read the prayer of Our Father, and then apply water crosswise on the doors and windows of your property.

Conspiracy on holy water from drunkenness and alcoholism

Drunkenness conspiracy

Drunkenness is considered a rather big sin, so if your loved one has such an addiction, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, take baptismal water and read a prayer over it. Do all this in a peaceful environment without the presence of the alcoholic. Pour water into a jar with a sealed lid, stand in front of the images, bend over it as low as possible and begin to whisper the words of the conspiracy.

When saying the prayer, your lips should lightly touch the water. Read the plot three times, cross and close the jar with a lid. Open it only when you add water to a sick person. If the charmed liquid runs out, and the husband or brother does not recover, speak the next portion and continue adding it to food or drink.

Weight loss conspiracy

Weight loss conspiracy

As you probably already understood, water can be used to get rid of various problems and ailments. But, perhaps, best of all, it helps to fight excess weight. If you speak it correctly and drink it regularly, then the weight will gradually begin to decrease, and this process will take place with additional benefits for the body.

Conspiracy water, getting inside a person, comes into close contact with the entire body fluid, thereby healing the whole body as a whole. In addition, holy water transfers the program to our subconsciousness and the body gradually begins to lose extra pounds.

Holy water conspiracies for pain

Pain conspiracy

Headache is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that most often appears unexpectedly. Usually we fight this problem with pills and do not even think about what harm they do to our body. In view of this, if you want to get rid of a headache in a more useful method, then use holy water for this, preferably baptismal water.

All you have to do in this case, just speak to her with the conspiracy, which is posted a little higher. After you read the prayer, you will only need to drink the liquid and slightly moisten the whiskey with it. If your faith in this folk remedy is very strong, then within an hour the headache will go away.

Holy water conspiracy for money

Money conspiracy

The moon is the symbol of money in nature, so it is best to start talking water to attract finance on a full moon. You will need to spray your entire home with such water, and especially the place where money is kept. This procedure must be repeated until a young moon appears in the sky.

From this point on, you need to stop spraying and patiently wait for the result. If your financial situation has not improved, then on the full moon you will need to repeat the procedure again.

When do you draw crosses on your face with holy water?

Sprinkling with holy water

Most often, crosses on the face are drawn with water on major church holidays. It is believed that festive water has the most powerful energy, so if it is on this day that you apply it crosswise on your face, then a person will receive quite powerful protection.

Thanks to these invisible crosses, you can not be afraid of the evil eye, envy and just human anger. Also, a cross on your face will help your soul to avoid temptations that periodically appear in the life of every person.

Prayer for sprinkling holy water at home

Prayer for sprinkling the house

If desired, with holy water, you can rid your home of negative energy. To perform this ritual, you will need baptismal water, a church candle, and strong prayer. First, you will need to clean your home with a live candle flame. When this stage is over, proceed to reading the prayer over the water. Read it at least 3 times, and then move on to the process of sprinkling your house or apartment.

Try to sprinkle all rooms as thoroughly as possible, paying special attention to the corners and pantries. Since all negative energy accumulates in these places, holy water must be applied here in two stages. First you will need to draw small crosses from bottom to top, and then seal them one with a large one.

Video: Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers