Prayer for the attraction of a loved one. The most powerful prayer for a man's love and attracting a betrothed into his life. Prayer to the Matrona for the love of a guy

Without love, a person's life becomes meaningless and the person begins to fade away.

Therefore, very often, if in life they were not lucky enough to meet it, people turn to a wide variety of ways to attract this energy into their lives.

Today we will consider one, perhaps the most effective way, attracting the circumstances of meeting the man of your dreams. It sounds somewhat unusual from the point of view of traditional atheistic philosophy. However, this method works extremely well. This is a prayer for love, a prayer to the Almighty that he send you a loved one and a loved one. No matter how strange the way to attract love into your life through prayer may seem strange to those who do not believe in anything and consider talking about God an empty fantasy, it will definitely work if you pray correctly and follow all the necessary conditions.

Prayer is a powerful enough tool in the mouth of a person. Everyone knows the words from the Bible, what you ask for and what you ask for will definitely appear in your life. This also applies to love. It is about pure love with a free person, whose heart is not occupied by another person, and who, moreover, is not married. Prayer from the lips of a believer is capable of much.

Prayers for love are indeed very effective, but in order to translate them into reality, a person must strongly believe in what the supreme forces ask for and in relation to what / to whom they apply.

As a rule, the Almighty forces respond very favorably to a person’s prayers for love. The only thing left to do is to learn how to pray.

It is a mistake to assume that a prayer is a memorized text, half of the words of which a person does not understand. Prayer is an appeal to God, Mother of God, All Saints in your own words. This is a kind of conversation with higher powers, so it makes no sense to memorize certain phrases for a conversation. Just pray in your own words.

Prayer has a certain structure, but this does not mean that it must be strictly adhered to. If a person prays in his own words, then it is enough just to remember the most important church prayer “Our Father”, in which at first a person glorifies the power of God, thanks him for the blessings that God has sent him already in life, then asks him about what needs, asks for forgiveness for wrong actions.
It is important to understand that prayer is not a conspiracy to achieve certain goals, it is not a magic wand that fulfills all human desires. A prayer for love is a request to give a person feelings, love, a soul mate, as Adam and Eve had, and not only for pleasure, but for procreation, and only if it is the will of the Lord.

Girls very often pray for love to the Mother of God, as well as to Saints Anna, Barbara, Natalya, Tatyana. Very strong prayers in relation to the guardian angels by name, as well as by date of birth.

Before prayer, relax, enter a state of maximum possible personal positive for you, focus in the middle of the chest (on the so-called "emotional heart"), tune in to the feeling of your own "royal" charm; charm, attractiveness, as if synchronizing yourself with the mood and inner state of the man of your dreams.

And then, start asking the Almighty to send a meeting with this person into your life. Try to keep your prayer request in one sentence (for example, “Lord, send me a loved one for love and joint improvement” , in principle, you can formulate any phrase that inspires you). And slowly, consciously passing through each word, repeat this formula, a prayer for love, about 15-20 times in a row with thoughtful faith and concentration.

Then stop repeating, as if giving the energy of your prayer request to the Almighty. In total, such a prayer for love should take no more than 3-4 minutes at a time. During the day, such a prayer can also be applied several times over several months. Sooner or later it will work. You just need to be persistent and behave correctly with a man who may arise in your life. If you do not make obvious mistakes in subsequent, real communication, both during the acquaintance and during the development of relationships, everything should turn out favorably for you.

Prayer from N. Pravdina

Imagine the person you want to see next to you and read this prayer:

“I thank the Universe for everything that I have. I know that I deserve the very best. Now I am attracting into my life a partner who is right for me. I gladly give him my love, kind heart and pure thoughts, and he answers me the same. I deeply believe that Divine power already knows where this person is, and every day he is getting closer and closer.
Now I turn to the eternal and only Divine power that created me for happiness and joy.
I ask you to let the best person for me appear in my life. bless me. Bless our relationship.
Let them be filled with trust, tenderness.
Please open my heart to him and his heart to me.
I recognize him immediately by the look in his eyes. I am open to happiness. Our relationship is built on deep mutual love. I thank
I want it that way, and that's the way it is!"

Prayer for love

It is necessary, when pronouncing a prayer, to put your right hand on your heart and say:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick way to the only one who is capable of to illuminate my whole life with a new light and open your heart to meet mine for a miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen"

Prayer for loneliness

“I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new, successful path so that the great influence of the Lord helps me to be saturated with Light and my loneliness, caused by an unclean spirit, passes. I will block the river with three nets in order not to miss my happiness, and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a meeting by a miracle will happen with the only one I need in the world and our paths will be connected by the light of true love. Amen".

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for finding love

"Blessed Mary, Mother of our God Jesus Christ,
I beg you, look into my soul,
Find me a lover, bring him to me
The one who is also looking for love, the wife of my soul,
The one I love
And who will love me until the end of our days,
You who know the suffering and secrets of a woman,
I humbly ask in the name of our God"

Prayer to attract the second half
by Ariel Ford.

Say the following prayer only in a calm and balanced state, simply thankful for what you already have. Light a candle, stretch out on your big and beautiful bed, feel your home, your life and your heart as a cozy place where your loved one wants to land.

Let every word seep through you as you read the prayer out loud.
Daily prayer to attract your significant other

"Oh my God!
At this moment I am grateful for the release of my heart
from EVERYTHING that would prevent me from attracting my soul mate.
At this moment I remember that my ideal,
the right partner is attracted to me
and my only job is
it's calm to wait in absolute certainty,
that his heart is already connected to mine while I enjoy waiting.
Thank you".

Prayers for love are considered absolutely harmless, because a person will not be given something that can harm other people, even if he asks for it very strongly in his prayers.

But as for love conspiracies, it should be noted right away that conspiracies are magic. At the same time, even love conspiracies can be from the section of White magic, and maybe from the section of Black magic. Depending on what forces are called upon in the implementation of a particular conspiracy.

It should also be noted that the conspiracies of White magic cannot harm a person or a third person, but the conspiracies of Black magic act in such a way that, regardless of the outcome, a certain goal is achieved, even if people pay for it with their lives. That is why it is necessary to choose love conspiracies very carefully, since the possible negative energy from them will have to affect someone's life, and not one person is immune from the fact that they will not suffer from their own conspiracies as a result.
According to,,,

In search of love, we so need a faithful helper and adviser, which, under no circumstances, can be neither a friend, nor a sister, nor a mother. In such a sensitive position, a girl can only believe in the help of higher powers - unearthly, impartial, and sublime. If you need help, if you are desperate, and you no longer have the strength to seek understanding on earth, turn to God with a prayer for men, you will surely receive good advice and immediate help.

Prayers to Matrona

Holy people, guardian angels and the Mother of God are mediators between man and God. A correctly chosen saint is a guarantee of a strong prayer for a guy’s love, because, no matter how blasphemous it may sound, each of them has their own “specialization”, which depends on what good deeds the Saints did during their lifetime. Someone healed the sick, someone helped to find love, someone got rid of severe addictions. After their death, they continue their deeds, and turn to them with prayers.

About love, marriage, well-being in the family, they ask the Holy Matrona:

“O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on the earth, and given from above the grace of various miracles exuding. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but by your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for a man's love

You can engage in conspiracies for love, you can bewitch the chosen men with the help of black magic, but it is unlikely that this will give rise to happiness. Only bonds that connect two people by mutual consent and desire can really be called love. Feel free to say prayers to the Lord for love, but never do it to the detriment of other people:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask for, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick way to the only one who is capable of to illuminate my whole life with a new light and open your heart to meet mine for a miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen.

When feelings fade...

Even if the feelings of a man and a woman are mutual, even if they do not change each other, but, on the contrary, respect and value their relationship, after a while the feelings begin to fade, the sensations lose their sharpness, everything becomes ordinary, familiar, the same. First of all, such thoughts visit women. In such situations, you need to read strong prayers for the love and warm feelings of your man. Prayer is read before the icon of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian:

“Oh, the All-Praised and Great Evangelist and Apostle John the Theologian, Jesus' confidante, our intercessor and quick helper. Ask the Most High God to grant me, God's servant (name), and my husband, God's servant (name), the remission of our sins, for we have sinned from youth and throughout our life in word, deed, thought and our feelings. Pray to God Almighty to save our marriage and our eternal love. Amen".

Prayer for more love

The strongest prayer for love will help to improve relations between partners, refresh, help reconcile and forgive each other's grievances. This is a very ancient and effective prayer, which is used in the most extreme cases, when there is no one else to rely on:

“By the union of love, Thy apostles have bound, Christ, and we, Thy faithful servants to Himself, have firmly bound, do Thy commandments and love each other without hypocrisy, by the prayers of the Theotokos, the One Lover of mankind.”

God loves every person. Humans are God's children, and the human race has its own special role in the Divine Plan. Philosophers and thinkers have long been trying to find the meaning of life, and yet it lies in simply living, engaging in spiritual self-improvement. People should live for the good of the world, for themselves.

People turn to God with different requests. If the requests come from a pure heart, with diligence and faith, then the Lord will certainly hear them, will certainly help. But he gives only what a person really needs, if the fulfilled request does not bring any harm.

Often Orthodox prayers are addressed to God for the love of a guy. Young girls and unmarried women use pleading prayers in the hope of loving and being loved, finding happiness with a particular guy. It is necessary to pronounce the words with your heart, thinking about the object of your love, asking the Lord that this particular man enter your life as a spouse.

Pass prayer through the heart

Before using this or that prayer for love, it is necessary to understand that the feeling cannot be limited to pleasure and joy. You need to be aware that this is a responsibility. We are responsible for our own family, so during life we ​​will need to answer to people, and after death - to the Lord.

Love is given to people for respect, family creation, well-being.

Life without true love can become meaningless, even for the most avid bachelor. Prayer words for love cannot harm anyone, therefore they are considered harmless. At the same time, it is necessary to ask for pure, sincere feelings with a free partner.

The prayer for mutual love has a specific structure, but if you wish, you can pray in your own words. But before that, it is important to read the Our Father. In this prayer, people praise the Lord, thank him for everything that God gives him, only after that ask for everything they want. Ask for forgiveness for doing wrong, bad things.

It is important to realize that prayer for a loved one is not a magic wand, therefore, everything desired cannot be fulfilled in an instant. Prayer words for love are a request to grant mutual warm feelings, but not for fleeting pleasures, but for procreation and creating a strong family.

What are the prayers for a loved one?

Love is the source of life, happiness and inspiration. There are a lot of different prayers that help convey the request for love to the Almighty.

Many use the prayers of the Matrona of Moscow, asking the saint for well-being, health and love. Sincere requests addressed to the Matrona will certainly help to attract long-awaited love into a person’s life.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow "For the love of a guy"

“Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse your mercy either. Protect my love from unrequited cold and help find happiness in a vulnerable soul. May the servant of God by name (say the name of the guy) love me with all his heart and unite his fate with
me together. Ask the Lord God for a holy blessing and do not punish me with stingy loneliness. May your will be done. Amen."

Sincere words will surely be heard, and requests will be fulfilled sooner or later.

They also often pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Anna, the Mother of God. Saints, being mediators between people and God, intercede before him for the fulfillment of a sincere request, and your cherished desire will come true.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the love of a guy"

“O all-good Father Nicholas, the shepherd and teacher of all who by faith flow to your intercession and call you with warm prayer, soon rush and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that destroy it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, a coward,
invasions of foreigners and internecine strife, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And as if you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and delivered them the king’s wrath and the cutting of the sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, and deliver me the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as if by your intercession and With help, by His own mercy and grace, Christ God will give us a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and save me from standing, and vouchsafe the right hand with all the saints. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary "For the love of a guy"

“Before You, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I bow, and only before You can I open my heart. You know, Mother of God, everything that I want to ask, God's servant (name), because my heart is free, empty, it cannot be hot without love. I pray and ask, give me an ambulance to that one,
who can light up my whole life with light and open his heart to meet mine for the long-awaited and happy merging of our destinies and finding one soul for two. Amen."

Pray with sincerity and heart

After you read the prayer, you yourself will begin to wait for some signs from the Almighty. And they certainly will. People usually see, feel these signs, try to use them for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

It is best to refuse to independently invent signs. They will come when it is needed - not earlier, not later. Prayer for a loved one changes reality, affecting not only those people who surround you, but also yourself. This is due to the fact that everything starts with us, including our problems.

Prayers do no harm.

Harm can only come from love spells, magic. And a prayer for love is built on positive emotions, on faith, so you can only expect good from it. This does not mean at all that after reading the prayer, the beloved man will immediately be next to you. Love is a reward, and in order to deserve it, you have to work hard. Take care of yourself, be an interesting conversationalist and a spiritually rich person, and the Lord will certainly send you a meeting with your soulmate.

Love is a fundamental feeling that gives us the strength to create, live, plan for the future and enjoy the present. It can be said that any person is always in search of his soul mate, having found it, he elevates himself to the highest levels of happiness. Having met mutual love, I want to soar and share this happiness with the whole world.

However, there are times when we do not receive in return for our sincere and very strong feelings of love the full return that we hope for. Strong mutual love is a dream! A dream that we can make come true if we put in the effort and diligence. Even if you are shy by nature and are afraid to reveal your feelings for fear of being ridiculed, then attracting the Powers of Heaven will certainly help you find reciprocal feelings.

The trouble is that many lovers, not seeing reciprocity on the part of their beloved, rush into all serious and give their souls to the mercy of the devil, attracting magical conspiracies to their aid. Witchcraft and magic in a certain period of the history of persecution of the church became very common, eclipsing the power of God. But now the time has come when it is time to free ourselves from the sin of godlessness and remember the strength of the faith of our ancestors.

If you hope to meet someone with whom you will share grief and joy, sadness and happiness, dreaming of living in love and harmony until the end of your days, then call on the help of the Powers of Heaven! They are able to give you someone who will be a reliable support and share their fate with you, but in no case do not involve conspiracies, because you risk becoming a hostage of the Forces of Darkness.

Traditionally, the relationship of lovers is under the auspices of the Virgin and her saints. In all women's sorrows and aspirations, it is customary to pray for her salvation, comfort and help. Hoping for the reciprocal love of someone who is dear to you, or when there is a desire to pray for a meeting with your betrothed, lift up your heart in prayers to the Ever-Virgin Mary. Only she can give you hope to find happiness.

The most powerful church holidays for prayers for mutual love and finding your happiness are:

  • Holy Trinity Day - girls always went to church on this day and prayed to God for granting them reciprocal feelings of a young man.
  • The Annunciation of the Ever-Virgin Mary - on the day the Virgin Mary is announced by the Holy Spirit that she will be the mother of the Son of God, it is customary to pray for the grace of all female happiness.
  • Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos - traditionally on this day, girls asked for intercession from the Virgin, asking for a good marriage.
  • All the days dedicated to the patron saints of the family and lovers, a sincere and strong request to them is surely fulfilled.

Prayer these days will have a very strong power and give you happiness, the hope of meeting the desired person. If you are sincere in your prayers, then the Mother of God will not leave you with her grace. All that the Power of Heaven can ask for in return is sincere faith in God and fervent prayers. Remember that the road to the temple should lead you not only during your own requests and wishes, but also during the days of the church service in order to show respect to the Almighty.

The ritual before the face of the Virgin "Assuage my sorrows" gives lovers the acquisition of their dreams

Any orthodoxy a clear maiden, in order to gain mercy from the Ever-Virgin in the patronage of affairs of love, must, first of all, be diligent in prayer. Giving them time in the morning or evening, you can ask for the fulfillment of your desires.

When your heart with bated breath remembers some young man, and you want to achieve reciprocity from him, then purchase the icon of the Mother of God “Satisfy my sorrows” in the church shop. She has a great miraculous power to heal, give good and endow people with happiness. Before her, it is customary to pray to young virgins for the fulfillment of desires and gaining reciprocal love. Ask for a wonderful meeting with the one you dream about, and you will definitely receive happiness.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Assuage my sorrows"

“Virgin, Mistress, Mother of God, who, more than nature and words, gave birth to the Only Begotten Word of God, the Creator and Master of all visible and invisible creatures, the One from the Trinity of God, God and Man, who became the abode of the Divine, the receptacle of all holiness and grace, in which, by the good pleasure of God and the Father, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, bodily dwelt the Fullness of the Godhead, incomparably exalted with divine dignity and prevailing over every creature, Glory and Consolation, and the inexpressible joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the most natural and wonderful courage of the martyrs, the Champion in exploits and the Giver of victory who prepares for the ascetics crowns and rewards eternal and divine, exceeding all honor, honor and glory of the saints, the infallible Waypointer and Instructor of silence, the door of revelations and spiritual mysteries, the Source of Light, the gates of eternal life, the inexhaustible river of mercy, the inexhaustible sea of ​​all divine gifts and miracles. We ask you and we implore you, the most compassionate Mother of the philanthropic Lord, be merciful to us, your humble and unworthy servants, look graciously at our captivity and humility, heal the brokenness of our souls and bodies, scatter visible and invisible enemies, be for us, unworthy, before in the face of our enemies with a strong pillar, an abusive weapon, a strong militia, a Governor and an invincible Defender, now show us Your ancient and wonderful mercy, so that our lawless enemies will know that Your Son and God is the only King and Master, that You are truly the Mother of God, who gave birth to according to the flesh of the true God, that everything is possible for you, and whatever you desire, Lady, you have the power to do all this in Heaven and on earth, and for every request to grant what is useful to anyone: health to the sick, silence and good navigation on the sea. Travel and protect those who travel, save the captives from bitter slavery, console the sad, alleviate poverty and all other bodily suffering: free everyone from spiritual illnesses and passions, through Your invisible intercessions and suggestions, so that, having well and unstumblingly made the path of this temporary life, we would improve through You and these eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven. Faithful, honored by the terrible name of Thy Only Begotten Son, who trust in Thy intercession and in Thy mercy, and in everything who have Thee as their Intercessor and Champion, strengthen invisibly against the surrounding enemies, scatter the cloud of despondency that envelops their souls, deliver them from spiritual trouble and give them light complacency and joy, restoring peace and serenity in their hearts. Save by Thy prayers, the Lady, this flock predominantly dedicated to You, the whole city and country, from hunger, earthquake, drowning, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, and turn any anger righteously moved against us, by the goodwill and grace of the Only Begotten Son and Thy God, to Him befits all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, with His co-eternal and life-giving Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever! Amen".

The prayer in front of the icon “Satisfy my sorrows” is a symbolic prayer for sending down liberation from all human sorrows. After reading the prayer three times, offer up your desires, name the person who is dear to you, and ask for mercy on your mutual feelings.

You can reinforce your efforts by reading the Psalter. After all, the power of the psalms is incredibly wonderful. How many troubles did she help people out of? she, yes, how many lives she saved from suffering. So help in matters of the heart will certainly not be long in coming. No magic conspiracies can be compared in strength with the Psalms of David.

  • Psalm 116 - will give a mutual feeling to both, making them a happy couple. He will bless with the grace of God, giving a bright feeling to the souls of both.
  • Psalm 45 - will help those young people who are made for each other, but have an obstacle to reunion. Pray and God's grace will surely unite you.

However, remember that prayer does not give satisfaction to whims, only sincere feelings can receive the blessing of reciprocal love. Conspiracies can play with feelings, but not prayers. God's power does not break fate, it creates it.

The ritual of asking for mutual feelings with a loved one

Most often, girls are much more emotional than young people, and they suffer more from unrequited feelings. But men, in fact, can also suffer from unrequited love or be extremely insecure about the feelings of their beloved. This ritual is much stronger than conspiracies, it is able to connect hearts, draw attention to someone who is in love.

Before his commencement of obligation Confidently, like any diligent Christian, confess and go through the sacrament of communion, because only a bright and sinless soul should ask for the fulfillment of its desires. Do not forget about the humility and humility of your spirit before the Lord, and only then dare to your requests.

Acquire icons of those saints whose names you were named and the one whose love you crave. Remember that a worldly name may be different from the one that was baptized according to the calendar.

  • Before you offer a prayer to your personal patrons, they call on the mercy of the Holy Spirit three times and read "Our Father".
  • Then they offer thanksgiving prayers, respectively, to each nominal saint, asking them to bless your meeting and the creation of a mutual feeling with the person of your dreams.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

“King of Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.”

It is necessary to pray in order to attract the fulfillment of your dream to yourself both in the morning and in the evening. This will create a strong energy field that can put a real love feeling into the heart of the person you are praying for. The same action is created by magical conspiracies, instilling in the minds of both a common feeling and attraction of souls. But, unlike sorcery, there is no demonic seal left on you. The Lord creates exceptionally bright and sinless feelings, for which you do not have to pay.

Not all relationships of lovers will be endowed with the mercy and patronage of the Almighty

The Orthodox Church in every possible way welcomes the bright, pure relationship of love between two people, built on mutual mutual feeling. However, love and reverence for the Lord God is always put at the head. Only those couples in love who honor the laws of God and do not violate this world order can enjoy an exceptional blessing.

People are told to ask in their prayers what they need for happiness, including praying to God for a meeting with their soul mate. But e There are categories that fall under the Lord's condemnation, and these unions will be ungodly, for they will go against God's will.


  • Divorces. The only exceptions are those cases when one of the spouses is barren - for the whole meaning of the future life on earth lies in the children. You cannot pray for union with someone who is already married.
  • Homosexuality. Sodomy is condemned in every possible way by God and the Christian Church, for it is a sin. Such relationships reject the main principle of the world order, not giving the opportunity to acquire offspring. Such feelings are a dead end branch of the development of human love.
  • Serious bodily ailment of one or both spouses. The Lord is merciful and tries to give his slaves just as much trials as they can bear. If he does not see the need for them, then he will remain deaf to the entreaties of the lover.
  • The use of witchcraft, conspiracies and rituals of magic, if any, are condemned by the Almighty, such a union is ungodly.

For many women, marriage is a real dream, they see their destiny in creating their own family hearth. But meeting your destiny is not easy. Here, prayers for the love of a man come to the aid of believing girls. To whom should one pray in order to find cherished happiness?

Who to pray for love

Believers should be well aware that any request must first be addressed to the Lord. The saints only support your petition with their prayers. They do not grant wishes or work miracles. It is simply believed that their voice will quickly reach God, because they managed to serve Him a lot during their lifetime. All this also applies to prayer for the love of a man.

An Orthodox woman should differ in her behavior from all others. Today it has become fashionable to grab each other with the next "victories". It is sad that such a desire to seduce as many guys as possible has become completely normal for girls. One should not think that strong prayer will help to bewitch someone. Even if you like a person very much, a man's love should be mutual.

If this is not so, know that the Lord makes it clear to you that this person is not for you. You don't have to give in to feelings. They make the voice of reason fall silent, the person, as it were, is under hypnosis. Many young people can take advantage of this. You should pray that the Lord will help you find true love for a worthy man. But you should show patience, have female pride, dignity. And then he will definitely appear in life.

What is the strongest prayer for a man's love?

The effectiveness of prayers is a variable value, and no one can give any guarantees here. But there are certain saints who are traditionally asked to marry.

  • Righteous Peter and Fevronia of Murom, miracle workers who were husband and wife, died on the same day, although in different monasteries. Now their relics rest in a common tomb. They are prayed to find the love of a man and keep it for life.
  • Saint Nicholas - although the life of the saint does not say that he was married, he helped the girls get married during his lifetime. Prayer to the miracle worker Nicholas will help worthy girls meet their beloved, make a good match.
  • The Blessed Matrona of Moscow spent all her free time in prayer, which remained after receiving those who demanded her help. Many today ask to find the love of a man: kind, strong, who will become a real support for both his wife and numerous children.
  • Blessed Xenia, who lived in St. Petersburg, was famous for having the gift of clairvoyance. She herself lost her husband very early, after which she gave up everything, giving the rest of her life to foolishness in the name of Christ. She, too, pray for the love of men.

Of course, a girl who wants to create a Christian family must also turn to the Mother of God. It will help to keep thoughts pure, to overcome carnal passions. After all, everyone experiences them, but not everyone can resist their desires. And often this leads to sad consequences - abortions, abandoned children, broken destinies. Therefore, you should especially pray that God will send a worthy spouse.

But it should be remembered that no, even the strongest prayer will help if a man does not love you. Appeal to God and the saints is not intended to bind someone else's will, to impose one's desires on others. Such an occupation is unworthy of a Christian title, and even more so a woman should not do this.

The strongest prayer is the one that is devoid of bad thoughts, pride, selfish aspirations. To wait for your betrothed, you must be patient. This quality will then be sure to come in handy in marriage, when feelings cool down, shortcomings appear, you have to work and look after the house. Therefore, it is so important not to rush in this matter, so that exactly the person with whom it will be easy is next to you! God bless you!

The text of the prayer for love and marriage

Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything.
Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God.
Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me.
Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors.
Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth.
Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The text of the prayer for the love of a man of St. Nicholas

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the most beautiful Lord, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and despondent in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, who have sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A strong prayer for a man's love - read and listen was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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