DVD mosaic. Mosaic from old CDs. Photo: DIY crafts from CDs

The time of CDs has almost passed, many still have a large number of them - music, with films, cartoons, with outdated computer programs - with images of heroes of fairy tales and films, flowers, graphic pictures on them.

They sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow on the one hand, on the other - they have beautiful drawings. Throwing them away does not raise a hand - and it is not necessary, from them you can make a lot of original, beautiful and useful things for the home.

In addition, it is very simple to work with them - they already have the correct circle shape, which in some crafts will only need to be slightly changed in order to give the future product or decoration the desired look. At the same time, they are easily cut with ordinary office scissors and are glued to the surface of almost any material.

It happens that some home interior items have lost their appearance, there is no way to replace them with new ones, or it is simply a pity to throw away an old favorite thing that has served faithfully for many years. Discs will help give things new life.

For example, they can decorate an old mirror, making an original frame from pieces of different shapes and sizes, sparkling and shimmering in the rays of sunlight from a window or in the light of an electric lamp with all the colors of the rainbow.

You can make a beautiful frame for a photo, decorate the edges of the drawers of the cabinet with a mosaic of pieces of discs.

Frame for a mirror or photograph

You will need a lot of discs, scissors, paints, glue, thick cardboard, colorless transparent varnish.

First, you need to cut a frame out of cardboard in the shape and size of a mirror or photo. Then cut the discs into pieces of different shapes - squares, irregular quadrangles, rhombuses, triangles.

Take glue and stick it on the frame of the figure so that there is a distance of one or two millimeters between them. As a result, you will get a mosaic of iridescent geometric shapes on the frame.

When the glue dries, and the figures cut from the disk stick well, use black ink or paint to carefully and carefully go over the joints of the figures. After that, the frame is covered with transparent varnish, allowed to dry and mounted on a wall with a mirror or photograph.

Mirrored disc frames look mysterious and original.

If the apartment has interior doors with glass, glass can also be laid out with a mosaic of disks. In this case, there is no need to paint the joints between the pieces, but simply cover everything with transparent varnish, then there will be a feeling of light and space.

Clock from discs

An option is to purchase a clock mechanism with hands or take it out of an old clock, lay a clock of any configuration on the wall with disks, stick them in the wall, and fix the clock mechanism in the middle.

Wall decoration with discs

On the wall in the room or in the kitchen, you can put an interesting composition out of disks with beautiful pictures, selected according to the theme. Or you can use them to create your own picture.

To do this, you need to take the disks and paint their shiny side with black ink, when the ink dries, outline the lines of the future image along it, and then go through them with something sharp - a thick needle, a special scraper or a sharp knife with a thin blade and a sharp tip.

Iridescent lines on a black background will look very beautiful - you can draw anything: unusual birds, flowers, abstract drawing. And hang the disks on the wall in no particular order.

Decorating the kitchen with discs

In the kitchen, the disks can turn out to be an unusual "apron" in the desktop area. It will look extremely original, and in terms of working properties the discs are not inferior to tiles - they are just as easy to wash from splashes of fat and juice of vegetables and fruits.

The principle of working with them is the same as with frames for mirrors and photographs - just stick on the wall.

Whether for a room or a kitchen, you can make a mosaic panel from discs by gluing pieces of the desired shape and color onto cardboard, and then covering the composition with transparent varnish.

Household items from disks

The disks will make an excellent hot stand. In this case, the disc will play the role of a base, you need to pull a nice cover made of fabric onto it, and the stand is ready.

It will be original to update the coffee table top with cut pieces of discs. To do this, cut them, fix them on the countertop with a plasticizer in any order or make a pattern from the pieces, and then pour a thin layer of transparent varnish on the countertop, making it even.

The coating will be durable. The table top will sparkle and sparkle beautifully.

Two discs and a thick branch of a tree can be used to make a holder for women's earrings.

The core of the rack is made of a smoothly processed branch, turned along the diameter of the hole in the center of the discs, one disc will be the base, the second shelf, in it - make holes and insert the earring arches into them.

How to decorate a suburban area with disks

Creativity and imagination - space. For example, you can make a flower bed out of old car tires and wheels by decorating the outer surface of the tires with a mosaic of shiny pieces.

Or you can cut a peacock out of a rubber tire, and make the tail from whole round discs - for this you need to glue them in pairs with shiny sides outward, and then make them a large triangle-tail, gluing the glued blanks in pairs with an overlap.

On a summer cottage fence made of discs, you can depict a huge iridescent caterpillar. You can paint the discs under the ladybug - red paint, black make spots and draw a head, and plant them on fruit bushes and trees.

Christmas decorations from disks

Due to the fact that the discs in the rays of light shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful snowflakes will come out of them for the New Year's holiday - they are easily cut with scissors, you can cut the most intricate pattern. You can hang snowflakes both on the tree and on the walls.

You can cut discs into small pieces, thickly paste over a regular ball and hang it from the ceiling on a thread - it will rotate and sparkle, reflecting the lights of New Year's garlands.

The application can be very different. From the disks, you can make an interior curtain in the likeness of a bamboo - to collect disks on long threads. They can make an ultramodern necklace, a fridge magnet, a vase, a candlestick, a stand for ballpoint pens and pencils, a box, you can even decorate a summer bag with them.

Unnecessary CDs are an excellent material for creativity, a means of spending leisure time - making certain little things out of them, and the opportunity to decorate a house or dacha in an original and unusual way, without spending a lot of money.

Photo of ideas for fakes from discs

Nowadays, such information carriers as CDs are gradually fading into the background. Do not rush to throw away the iridescent circles that have become unnecessary, they can be an excellent material for creativity.

A second life for discs?

There are many ways to give a second life to old CD drives, in this article you will see some of them. Crafts from CD disks can be an excellent solution for an interior and a summer residence, or just help to have an interesting time while developing creative thinking along the way.

Creative people have long invented a huge number of options for beautiful crafts from discs for children and adults, you just have to reproduce their ideas, and maybe come up with your own.

Throwing away such wonderful and interesting material is a huge mistake. Using CDs, you can make unique interior items, original and stylish gifts are close, decorations for a summer cottage and a garden: whatever your heart desires and what your imagination and perseverance will be enough for.

Check out some ideas for unusual uses for old computer disks and create wonderful new things with your own hands!

Lamp made of CD disks

If you are in urgent need of a new original lighting fixture - old discs will come to the rescue. This craft can be used both in the home interior and in the country.

You do not need special materials for this work: the main condition will only be to apply a little imagination and patience.

Be sure to follow our detailed step-by-step guide:

You will need 12 unnecessary discs, a protractor, metal staples or paper clips, a lamp holder and a thin drill.

First, we divide one of the disks into five identical segments. For these purposes, use a protractor: the angle between the segments should be approximately 72 degrees. This disc will serve as a template for the rest.

On the line of segments, about 3-4 millimeters from the edge, drill five small holes. The next step: put the rest of the discs in a stack and using the first disc (placing it on the very top of the stack) make exactly the same holes in the rest.

Support rods are required to keep the craft strong and hold well. For this, the rods from ballpoint pens are ideal: insert the rods necessary for the role of guides into the holes just made.

If you've used a really thin, correct drill, you don't even need to fix the holes: they will fit perfectly.

The luminaire is almost ready, now we attach the remaining discs to the structure with brackets.

Now all that remains is to work with light: the last step is to screw the desired lamp into the socket.


If you've been dismantling old boxes in the country and found a lot of unnecessary discs, there is a great way to apply them to the beauty of your site. Crafts from garden discs look very original and interesting, in addition, they are incredibly easy to make.

In this mini-lesson, I propose to make small flowers from discs to decorate a garden, vegetable garden or yard in the country.


The toolkit for this craft does not require anything fancy: the right number of discs (it all depends on how many flowers you are going to make), a candle, scissors and paints to make the flowers brighter.

The manufacturing process does not require special skills, it is very fast, but at the same time it will captivate you from the first second.

All you need to do is to gently melt the discs over the candle (remember the safety precautions: it is best to do this not indoors and with some water nearby to extinguish the fire in case of danger) so that the plastic goes in beautiful waves, similar to flower petals.

I offer step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful rose from disks:

  • First, you need to cut the disc evenly along the entire length of the radius and heat one edge of the cut over the candle.
  • When the plastic is hot and soft, take a pair of pliers and use them to roll the edge slightly to the side.
  • Rotate the disc slowly over the flame and continue bending the molten fragments.
  • At the end, you should have a small spiral that will become the rosebud.
  • You can paint it in any color, attach a stalk of wire, cut leaves from other leaves and form a whole flower bed! It all depends on your imagination.

So, today you have learned how to make some simple crafts from old disks. I hope you found this tutorial useful and you learned a lot from it.


Photo of crafts from disks


We will need: about 50 computer disks, sandpaper (zero), PVA glue, a brush, magazine clippings, scissors, several disposable cups, construction putty, acrylic varnish.

1. Remove the mirror surface of the discs using sandpaper.

2. We wash the discs under running water or wipe them with a damp cloth.

3. Apply PVA glue on the matte side with an even layer. We select bright pictures in glossy magazines and cut them out.

4. Glue discs to magazine clippings.

5. When the glue is dry, cut the discs into equal squares with a side of 1.5 cm.

6. Arrange the squares by color.

7. Sand the old chair and degrease the pasting surface. We begin to glue the mosaic with PVA glue from the outside.

8. Paste the surface from edge to middle.

9. After the seat, we paste over the backrest. It is necessary to start pasting it after the seat has dried. For gluing with mosaics, the back is turned over to a horizontal position.

10. Leave the chair overnight for the glue to dry completely. We take construction putty and dilute it in accordance with the instructions on the pack. We select the color of the putty according to your taste, but it is better to use a natural one. We cover all the gaps between the mosaic with this putty.

11. A similar procedure is performed on the back.

12. Leave to dry for a few minutes, then remove excess putty with a damp cloth.

13. This must be done until completely dry. When the putty is dry, it will be difficult to do this.

The popularity of CDs is declining. Today, miniature flash media are pushing them out of our lives. But don't get rid of old drives. Laser carriers are a fertile material for decorating walls, furniture, creating garden miniatures for summer cottages, as well as for children's creativity.

Getting started, you should be careful and attentive so as not to get hurt. Cutting tools should be large and sharp.

If in the process it becomes necessary to heat the vinyl, it should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, and also keep a container of water near at hand so that in the event of a material ignite, extinguish the fire.

What can be done from CDs

A napkin holder, coasters for stationery and hot dishes, a sparkling ball, a candlestick, New Year's toys - this is just a part of what you can do from disks with your own hands. All these things do not require large investments, and the process of their manufacture does not take much time.

Shining ball

The disco ball is perhaps the most successful example of

Tools and materials:

  • foam ball;
  • unnecessary disks;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Use scissors to cut the media into freeform pieces.
  2. Lubricate the workpiece with glue and cover the surface with sparkling fragments.
  3. When the glue is dry, you can hang the disco ball under the ceiling.

An unforgettable atmosphere at the party is guaranteed!

Napkin holder

A napkin holder is not just a serving item, but also a stylish table decoration that you can make yourself.

You will need:

  • carriers - 3 pcs;
  • large beads;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • a mock-up rug or a piece of laminate.

Since the base will be the whole disc, you should start with preparing the holders. Cut off ¼ part of the discs with a knife as shown in the photo.

Attach the sides to the base with a pistol.

Start decorating. Glue a string of beads along the joint - this will close all the flaws of the glue seam. Decorate the napkin holder with beads at random.

Other decoration options are also possible. For example, using decoupage technique.

You can use floristic techniques.

Or you can decorate the napkin holder with stickers and miniature figurines.

Hot coasters

Continuing the kitchen theme - hot coasters.

For work, prepare:

  • floppy disks;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue and "Titan";
  • alcohol;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • napkins with pictures;
  • putty;
  • acrylic primer and varnish.

How to make

Cut a circle of the appropriate diameter from the cardboard.

Spread all the components with glue.

Build a "sandwich" of them, as shown below.

Pack in files. If several coasters are made at once, then they must be put separately.

Send to press. Once everything is dry, putty the hole and the ends of the "sandwiches".

Thoroughly grind the surface with sandpaper, degrease with alcohol, prime.

Dilute PVA with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Glue a napkin with this solution. Leave to dry.

After drying, walk along the edge of the stand with sandpaper, removing excess napkin.

To varnish. Since hot dishes are placed on the stand, it is advisable to choose a heat-resistant varnish.

Interesting models are obtained from felt, inside of which a DVD-disk is sewn - for rigidity.

Laying the mosaic on the flower pot

Flower pots, decorated with mosaics made from old CDs, look luxurious.

In addition to disks, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • stained glass paint.

Cut the laser plates into pieces.

Glue mosaic fragments to the degreased surface of the planter so that the distance between them is minimal. Let the glue dry.

At the end of the work, carefully paint over the seams.

You can cover the entire area of ​​the flowerpot with mosaics.


It's a great idea to make a clock from a used CD and a keyboard.

You will also need to work:

  • Super glue;
  • clock mechanism with arrows.

Take out the function keys, that is, those labeled F1, F2, and so on. There are 12 of them in total, just that much is needed. Apply a time-indexing scale to the disc. Fix the keys with glue according to the resulting markup.

Install the clockwork and hands. Insert the battery. And the clock is ticking!

Photo frame

An original decoration of the room will be a photograph, framed in a sparkling frame.

To implement the idea, you need:

  • cardboard - 2 sheets;
  • PVA glue;
  • disks;
  • scissors;
  • glass contour;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Draw the outlines of the frame on one sheet of cardboard. Cut it out.

Use scissors to turn the discs into rainbow shards.

Grease the frame liberally with glue.

Place the pieces of the mosaic with tweezers.

Leave to dry for 3-4 hours.

Draw a contour along all the joints, not forgetting about the edges of the frame.

Let the paint dry. Connect the frame and the backdrop, leaving one side not glued - the image will be inserted here.

All that remains is to place the photo and hang it on the wall.

Christmas toys

It is better to create New Year's decorations together with the children. This is an opportunity not only to acquire a number of unique toys, but also to have fun working together.

It is best to invite the child to make a favorite character from the animated series "Smeshariki".

All you need for this:

  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pattern;
  • paints (if necessary);
  • scissors;
  • unnecessary blanks.

How to make

Find your favorite character image on the Internet. Cut out parts of the face, hair, flowers, glasses from paper - everything a cartoon character needs. Then cut out the handles, legs, ears from the cardboard.

Glue all the elements on the disc. To make facial features more expressive, outline the details with a black felt-tip pen or marker. Glue the loop on the back and you can hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

The principle of making the next toy is the same.


  • a set of New Year's paper decor - snowflakes, stars;
  • postcard;
  • scissors;
  • some glue.

Cut a circle out of a card you like. Glue the fragment to the disk, add a frame of snowflakes in a circle.

One row is positioned to hide the outline of the cut element. The second is closer to the center. A puncture is carefully made with a hot awl, a ribbon is inserted, and a bow is tied. The Christmas tree toy is ready.

Christmas decorations from old discs will look harmonious on a large tree. If the Christmas tree is miniature, then crafts are used to create a festive atmosphere in the interior.

The installation on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree looks spectacular and unusual.

And if you hang a sparkling owl on the door, then it will definitely not go unnoticed!

Ideas for inspiration

When decorating New Year's crafts, you can use the technique of beading or isothread.

Or you can decorate them in an original way using decoupage technique or photographs from an album.

Tiebacks for curtains

Another useful little thing for the house can be made from vinyl circles - a curtain holder.

One grab will require:

  • disc - one piece;
  • bamboo stick for rolls - one piece;
  • a piece of whatman paper;
  • tape 2.5 cm wide - about three meters;
  • rhinestones, half beads - three pieces;
  • hot glue gun;
  • candle or lighter;
  • tweezers;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

Decorating technique

Cut out the inner part of the plate so that you get a donut.

Glue one end of the tape to the ring and braid around it. The turns are superimposed on each other so that the base does not show through.

When the entire surface is braided, cut off the excess tape, fixing it on the wrong side.

Go to floral elements. Cut the tape into pieces about 8 cm long. Singe the ends of each so that they do not crumble.

Fold the petal as shown in the pictures.

This is what the front side looks like. There should be 15 such petals in total.

Using a thread and a needle, collect three flowers, each with five petals.

Decorate the middle with rhinestones or half beads.

Collect everything into a single composition.

Using the kanzashi technique, you can create many different holders for curtains - just master the basic techniques.

If the tape is replaced with jute twine or sequin fabric, then completely different models will come out.


There is something mystical and bewitching in the candle flame, you just can't take your eyes off the flickering light! A matching candlestick will only emphasize the romantic and mysterious atmosphere.

Add to the already known instrumental set:

  • a pill candle;
  • a can of drinks;
  • decorations (cones, shells, pebbles, large beads, artificial flowers, and others).

Cut off the bottom of the jar, set a candlestick in the center of it on the plate. Arrange the decor in a circle: cones, beads. Lubricate the cones with glue, sprinkle with artificial snow. You can paint over the tips with gold or silver paint, and lay a "rain" around the perimeter of the circle.

Changing the scenery, you can make a candlestick for any theme: sea, for the 8th of March, in an oriental style, and just for a romantic dinner.

Country ideas

The dacha must be beautiful. This is a place where body and soul take a break from the bustle of the city. As a rule, all the trash accumulated in the apartment moves here, and vinyl rounds are no exception. Crafts from them can be used in the country house.

You can make an apron for the kitchen using mosaic technique.

Likewise, it is possible to transform a coffee table.

Rainbow circles make an interesting garden scarecrow or bathroom curtain holders.

You can make a window curtain.

And if you have talent and patience, then real landscape miniatures.

If 3.5-inch floppy disks are accidentally littered in the closet, they can also be used. Just to begin with, you need to prepare in a certain way: lower the protective plug and pierce the holes with a hot awl in the corners of the floppy.

You will get a blank with holes through which the floppy disks will be connected to each other. Wire, clamps, metal rings are used as connecting elements; for greater strength of the seams, it is advisable to go through with super glue.

You can, for example, make a stand for stationery.

From a larger number of three-inch boxes, a box or chest for small things will come out.

By changing the assembly configuration, you can get a stylish lampshade.

All of this is just a fraction of the DIY CDs. The main thing is not to limit your imagination.

Mini sharpener from an old hard drive

Do not throw away any sprinkled hard disk (hard disk). He can be given a second life in the form of a knife sharpener and scissors.

For this, in addition to the hard drive, you will need:

  • power supply unit from a PC (personal computer);
  • connector where power will be connected;
  • sandpaper;
  • a screwdriver for disassembling a hard drive;
  • wires;
  • soldering iron.

Remove all stickers from the hard drive, unscrew all the bolts, remove the pancakes. Remove all unnecessary components, leaving only the motor, spindle and logic board.

Attach one pancake to the sandpaper, circle it with a pencil, cut along the contour. Lubricate the circle with glue, glue. Put the pancake on the spindle, fasten it. Supply power from the computer power supply unit (power supply unit).

The mini sharpener is ready for use.

Products from old car rims

Over time, every car owner has obsolete rims. They usually collect dust in the garage. But from them you can make a solid brazier with removable supports for a country house.

Required tools and materials:

  • car drive;
  • metal rods with thread at the ends;
  • nuts;
  • a piece of square mesh - 400 x 400 mm;
  • sheet of metal 5 mm thick - 250 x 250 mm;
  • welding machine.

Weld a sheet onto the bottom of the disc. This is necessary so that hot coals do not wake up through its large holes.

Install the nuts on the legs (do not tighten completely, so as not to accidentally weld the racks, and they could be removable). Weld to their locations on the structure.

Turn over the brazier. Place grid on disk, circle with marker. Cut off all excess with a grinder.

Place the net in the designated place.


In the video you can see how to make a brazier stove from old rims.

The following video showcases 35 DIY examples from old DVDs, from simple miniatures to garden sculptures.

Another video review of crafts from old laser plates: 40 simple but original ideas.

99% of compact discs are made of transparent material - polycarbonate. That is why they are used for various purposes. For example, you can make useful and interesting DIY crafts for your home from CD-ROMs.

There are tons of CD craft ideas out there to add variety to your decor or just to help you have fun.

7 ideas for unusual uses of old CD-disks

Most often, CDs are used for simple crafts. For example, it is very easy to make a clock or a table lamp out of them. With children, you can make New Year's crafts from CDs and decorate the Christmas tree with them.

It is important that such figures and decorations look appropriate and beautiful. To do this, think over all the little things and details in advance. Check out the interesting DIY ideas for crafts from CD disks presented by us.

Dreamcatcher from old CDs

An excellent use of unnecessary CD-disks is to make an unusual attribute for the home from them. Do you know about such a popular decoration and at the same time a talisman like a dream catcher? Its main task is to guard your sleep and "catch" only good and kind dreams.

To create a dream catcher, you will need multi-colored threads, beads and a CD-disk, which must first be cleaned of shiny film.

Photo: DIY crafts from CDs

Take a CD and mark four points with a marker about 1 cm from the edge - three points on the bottom and one on the top so that the future dream catcher can be hung from the ceiling. Heat the awl and punch holes in the marked areas.

You can sew colored beads or feathers to the threads. You can draw a beautiful ornament on the disc or decorate it with stickers. Thus, you will get a ready-made dreamcatcher from available tools. It will look great in your bedroom or children's room.

Small DIY wallet from CDs

You can easily make a wallet with two whole CDs. To do this, you will not need almost any additional materials, except for a zipper and two discs. With a glue that is suitable for working with plastic, you can bond the two pieces together. An alternative is to use high-adhesive tape.

Old CDs are suitable for creating absolutely any kind of craft. If you like to decorate your summer cottage, make some beautiful figurines that will decorate the trees in the garden. In addition, crafts for summer cottages can be useful. For example, if you decide to create an interesting little thing from CDs, your crop will not be affected by birds and other pests. The brilliance of CD-disks will scare away birds that like to feast on fruits in the warm season.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bunusual crafts from cd disks

Create a unique piece of CD-disks smashed into small pieces. Please note that CDs should not contain any marks or inscriptions. Use large scissors to cut the pieces. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles as sharp shards can hurt you.

The original way to use CD discs is the luminous collar

To make it easier to cut the discs, soak them in hot water for a few minutes. Then remove them with pliers. The discs will become soft and you will quickly cut them into pieces to suit you.

Another option is to place the CDs in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Next, wrap the disc in a towel and use a hammer to break it into small pieces. Of course, you can cut the disc with scissors, but these two methods will greatly simplify your task. In any case, be careful not to injure yourself from the sharp edges of the CDs.

You can also decorate bags, hats or accessories with old CDs. As you know, a thing that has gone out of fashion can be transformed with rhinestones, beads or crystals. A collar decorated with geometric shapes from discs is perfect for blouses in pastel colors.

First, prepare your CDs and cut them into small pieces. Pre-lay out the cut out parts on the collar and mark with dots the places to which they will be glued. Be sure to leave a little space between them, so they will not cling to each other and will not cause peeling. Apply the glue in small drops directly to the fabric and apply shiny sheets on top.

Photo: crafts from CD disks

A headdress decorated in this way will surely attract the attention of others. To do this, you need to cut out pieces of a suitable size from CD disks in advance. This will help you transform your cap with a straight or curved visor in the best way.

CD Mosaic Can Give Your Regular Clutch a Whole New Look

Such applications look very impressive on leather bags. A pattern that looks like a broken mirror, laid out in large iridescent pieces, will look beautiful. Since you will be carrying the bag in your hands at all times, sharpen the sharp edges of the CD parts a little. The glue, as described above, must be applied in a small amount immediately to the surface of the bag.

Crafts from CD-disks for the new year

Christmas decorations can be made from shiny plates. How about creating your own disco ball? To do this, you will need a ball blank (foam, plastic or glass), an old CD disk, scissors and glue. Hot glue works best for a plastic ball. You can decorate the ball in several ways - cover its entire surface or distribute pieces of CD-disks, leaving a small space between them.

As an example, the photo shows a transparent ball, which can also be filled with something. Place a satin ribbon, colorful beads, or small chocolates in it.

Small flower pots from CD boxes

You can make beautiful things not only from old CDs. An empty CD box can serve as a pot for your plant. To do this, you need 5 empty boxes and a suitable glue. Next, connect the covers so that an open cube is formed. Leave it on for a while to allow the glue to dry completely and then start filling. Fill the pot with decorative stones, white gravel, or soil. Place the plant there gently and place it in a suitable location in your home or apartment.