Can an HIV-infected woman give birth to a healthy baby? What can an expectant mother do to give birth to a healthy baby? Have a healthy baby after

No age can be one hundred percent guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby. But over the years, it becomes more difficult for a woman to decide on motherhood: doctors do not advise, and the pressure jumps, and friends dissuade.

But late motherhood has its own advantages:

  • the female consciousness fully understands the responsibility for the born baby, the expectant mother is ready to psychologically raise her child in love and a warm family atmosphere;
  • the changes occurring at the hormonal level rejuvenate the female body, give, along with a new life, a second wind for the mother;
  • the onset of menopause is postponed, which makes it possible for the mother of a born child to enjoy a full life for a few more extra years.

Cons of late labor

When planning the possibility of the appearance of another little man, one should not forget about the risks that may appear in women giving birth after 35:

  • the percentage of the possibility of getting pregnant decreases;
  • conception may not be for many months;
  • there is a possibility of genetic abnormalities in a child, Down syndrome, including;
  • complications often arise associated with the work of the kidneys, heart, increased blood pressure;
  • tissues change, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to the possibility of miscarriage, detachment of the placenta, all kinds of bleeding.

Give birth after 35 no need to be afraid

None of the listed disadvantages and all kinds of risks can be a convincing argument for someone who wants to be a mother. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she will try to avoid trouble by adhering to five simple rules.

Rule one. Lose excess weight

How quickly extra pounds appear, and how hard it is to lose them in the fourth ten. But this must be done to avoid the appearance of atherosclerosis, hypertension, strokes and other diseases. The entire body during pregnancy should work for the correct formation of the fetus, and not to help all organs, which find it difficult to carry an extra few tens of kilograms. Therefore, even before conception, we eat less, sign up for the gym and reduce the volume.

The ideal consultation option is your doctor, who knows all about your female functions, has observed you for many years, and can tell right away how much you are at risk. Do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist. An experienced doctor will tell you where to start preparing for conception, when the most favorable period for this, will prescribe possible procedures and treatment, if necessary.

Rule three. We breathe fresh air and eat vitamins

To saturate every cell of your body with oxygen, to give the body an opportunity to feel a surge of fresh strength, to be reborn together with nature - this is another task that must be performed. Make morning or evening walks in the park or forest a must, plan your time so that you always have an hour of time for oxygen baths.

Fill the refrigerator with vitamins. Fruits and vegetables, herbs and citrus fruits should always be on your table if you want your child's health to become excellent already within you. Chew nuts, raisins, dates and dried apricots, eat at least a teaspoon of honey a day - the result will appear very soon: a surge of new strength, a beautiful complexion, overwhelming energy.

Rule four. We delete bad habits from our life

Even experienced smokers can easily quit smoking forever if there is a goal. And the desire to give birth can become the goal of a lifetime. Therefore, the psychological attitude and full awareness of their capabilities give any woman the strength to part with smoking, drugs, alcohol and never return to them.

The fifth rule. We only think positively

Having made the decision to give birth after 35, you should never hesitate and doubt its correctness afterwards. Only a positive attitude, good thoughts, visual images of a healthy child will be another success in achieving the goal. A healthy mother and child - everything you dream of will definitely come true. You will be the happiest mother in the world, and your child will be healthy and beautiful.

If you are over 35, and you want another child or have not yet given birth at all, there is no need to be afraid. Fear destroys from the inside, and the expectant mother does not need it at all. We make a decision and begin to follow all the rules leading to the fulfillment of a dream.

Lana Alexandrova


Salma Hayek, Kim Basinger, Halle Berry are not just Hollywood beauties who have managed to make a successful career in their lives and have been married several times. They decided on a desperate act: to give birth at the age of 40 for the first time, and without using the services of a surrogate mother. Someone will say that this is a common thing for stars, and the latest statistics say the opposite: the average age of primiparous is actively tending to 40.

Today, more and more often women become mothers for the first time at the age of 35-37 years, and for the second time they decide to have a child, being at the age of 40 or more. Even in the Soviet Union, this went beyond, but now times have changed and it is becoming more the norm. But how safe pregnancy is after 40 years, doctors' reviews on this matter are divided: from positive to negative. What to do, risk it or not? What awaits those who want to become parents at this age?

Why is it difficult to get pregnant at 40

Female eggs are formed before birth, and their number is in the millions. They decrease rapidly while the intrauterine period lasts, at the time of birth there are about 2 million eggs left. The process does not stop, by the beginning of the menstrual cycle the girl has only about 300 thousand eggs and then they become less and less. This means that by the age of 40 a woman has very few eggs that can be fertilized. However, this is not the only reason why it is difficult to get pregnant at 40. Many factors, including age, affect the quality of the eggs themselves. They become less productive and often harbor genetic abnormalities.

How to prepare for conception

It is possible to give birth to a child in adulthood, but a preliminary preparatory period is necessary, both for women and men. First, it is necessary to give up cigarettes and alcohol; secondly, review your diet in favor of healthier foods. If there are problems with being overweight, it is imperative to deal with this problem for both partners, because it is often because of this that the couple cannot get pregnant.

According to doctors, pregnancy at 40 years old is no different from earlier, therefore, before conception, a woman also needs to visit a dentist and cure her problem teeth. In addition, the preparation period includes the intake of a vitamin complex with minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins B6, C, E.

And men need medications that will increase sperm activity, which means the chances of conceiving a child. Both partners should start taking pills at least 2 months before conception.

In order for the probability of conception to be high, it is necessary to accurately determine the time when the egg is ready for fertilization (ovulation period). This can be done using express ovulation tests.

Late pregnancy and woman's health

What to do, to give birth or not on the threshold of the 40th anniversary, because this can affect health? This is the first question women ask themselves. And the second, how exactly pregnancy and childbirth will be reflected. Do not be alarmed if pregnancy is diagnosed after 40 years, doctors' reviews do not prohibit having children at this age, but only in the absence of direct contraindications.

How does pregnancy affect the woman herself? In fact, there are two sides, positive and negative. On the one hand, this period rejuvenates a woman due to a hormonal surge, and the effect persists for the lactation period. However, all this is of a short-term nature, since it disappears after the refusal of breastfeeding, since the level of hormones returns to its previous state.

Required examinations

If you decide to give birth after 40 to your second child, or if you are preparing to become a mother for the first time, be prepared to undergo a series of necessary examinations. This is necessary in order to determine if there are genetic abnormalities in the fetus, since with age, the risk of giving birth with genetic abnormalities increases. These include the following:

  1. Ultrasound at 11 and 18 weeks.
  2. "Triple test". This is a blood test in the period of 16-18 weeks, helps to identify fetal abnormalities.
  3. Amniocentesis. To obtain results, amniotic fluid is taken, but not earlier than the 14th week.
  4. Cordocentesis. This is a blood test from the umbilical cord. It is done in order to calculate the exact number of fetal chromosomes. The optimal examination period is from the 22nd to the 24th week of pregnancy.
  5. Chorionic biopsy. It is carried out to identify Down syndrome and other abnormalities. Fragments of the placenta are taken as laboratory material. The test is carried out between the 11th and 14th weeks.
  6. Cardiotocography. This is a baby's heart rate test to detect oxygen deprivation. It is carried out at the end of the 3rd trimester.

Possible complications during gestation and childbirth

Even the first child at 40 will be healthy if the expectant mother will follow all medical prescriptions and take care of her health with a redoubled effort. On the other hand, at any time, pregnancy after 40 years, according to doctors, may be complicated. This could be:

  • gestosis (increased blood pressure, edema);
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exacerbation of chronic infections.

What other difficulties can there be? Every year, the elasticity of tissues and muscles of female organs decreases, it becomes more difficult for the uterus to hold the fetus, and therefore a 40-year-old woman automatically falls into the risk group for miscarriage. However, difficulties await during childbirth. Weak labor, premature birth, rupture and bleeding - all this can occur at any time when pregnancy is after 40 years, according to mothers.

Many believe that age means a direct hit on the surgical table. This is not the case, a cesarean section is prescribed only for certain indications. In other cases, it is recommended to give birth in a natural way, however, with long breaks, more than 10 years, the ancestral memory of the female body disappears and the process can take place like the first time.

The opinion of psychologists: late mothers are good or not?

First, second or third pregnancy at 40 - to give birth or not, what to do? According to psychologists, the physiological readiness for motherhood lags behind the psychological one by 10 years. So, exactly at 35-40 years old a woman is ready to become a full-fledged mother, giving herself all the care of the child and his upbringing. According to statistics, late parents are more likely than others to raise geeks and live longer than other couples of a similar age.

The second aspect, why psychologists consider middle age to be successful for pregnancy, is that by this time a career, material level, and other values, for the sake of which many young women postpone the continuation of offspring until later. Subsequently, having secured a future for themselves and future children, they can completely and completely calmly devote the first few years after birth to the child.

For some couples, their first pregnancy at age 40 comes after a series of long failed attempts, just when the last hope dries up. A born child is unexpected happiness, but because of this, he is often in this case under overprotection, although excessive care and attention negatively affects the psychological development of the child.

Do not be alarmed if you have a pregnancy at the age of 40, the doctors' reviews prove that with proper management of pregnancy, taking into account all possible risks and the correct attitude of a woman to her pregnancy, gestation and childbirth itself pass without complications. A child born of adult parents in such cases is no different from his peers.

When you see a woman with a stroller on the street, it is not always easy to determine who it is: an elderly mother or a young grandmother? Now a woman can become a mother, regardless of age.

More and more women decide to have their first or subsequent children aged 35-40 and older. Some researchers attribute this trend to the development of technologies for early prenatal diagnosis, which gives families confidence in the birth of a healthy child.

Over the past 25 years, the number of women who become pregnant at the age of 35-40 has increased by 90%. Over the years, medicine has accumulated significant information about the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth in the late reproductive period. What difficulties will the expectant mother face?

According to statistics, a woman under 30 has a chance of pregnancy
within one month is 20%, and at 40 years old drops sharply to 5%.
Therefore, women planning pregnancy after 35 should
it is recommended to seek medical attention
after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

Probability of conception after 35

The ability to conceive begins to decline gradually after age 30. It's connected with:

  • a decrease in the number of ovulatory cycles;
  • an increase in the incidence of endometriosis with age;
  • an increase in the likelihood of tubal infertility;
  • high incidence of extragenital diseases.

Pregnancy over 35

Women over 35 years old automatically fall into the risk group for the development of pregnancy pathology. However, statistics show that if the expectant mother looks after herself and is in good health, then her pregnancy can proceed as successfully as at 20. What pitfalls a pregnant woman should beware of?

  • Women in late reproductive age have an increased risk of miscarriage.
  • More often, there is an abnormal development of the placenta.
  • There is a high risk of exacerbation and occurrence of somatic diseases, complications of pregnancy: arterial hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, bleeding, premature birth, pregnancy diabetes.

Features of childbirth over 35 years old

As a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the uterus and soft tissues, hormonal imbalance in women over 35, the likelihood of weakness in labor increases, which leads to an increase in the duration of labor. There is an increased risk of uterine and perineal rupture. Childbirth is more often complicated by large blood loss.

The first childbirth over the age of 35-40 years is more difficult than repeated and often ends by cesarean section.

Late pregnancy: risk to the baby

The biggest problem with late pregnancy is the relatively high chance of having a baby with a genetic abnormality. This trend is associated, first of all, with the aging of germ cells and the accumulation of genetic mutations in the mother's body. Over the years, the harmful effects of various teratogenic and mutagenic factors on the body accumulate: toxic products, ionizing radiation, and others.

Pregnant women of the older age group have a higher risk of premature birth, low birth weight, which reduces the adaptive potential of the newborn.

Pregnancy in late reproductive age is more common
multiple fetuses. So, the age of 35-39 years is considered the peak of the birth of twins.

After 35: secrets of a successful pregnancy

Despite everything, most of the desired late pregnancies are successful and end with the birth of a healthy baby. However, if a woman in her 20s can afford to be a little lightheaded, then a woman over 35 will need a particularly sensitive attitude to her health.

1. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment of chronic diseases - gynecological and somatic. Pregnancy at the age of over 35 should not be accidental.

2. It is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic in the early stages and undergo a timely examination during pregnancy.

3. It is important to strictly adhere to the diet and regimen, do not overload yourself with work, monitor weight and blood pressure.

4. Of particular relevance is screening during pregnancy for early detection or elimination of the risk of congenital fetal pathology.

Expert:Tatiana Ivanova, gynecologist
Tatiana Uzonina

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You got pregnant. Well, it seems like how one should be happy, but for some reason there are some questions in my head "Maybe it's too late?", "Can I give birth to a healthy baby?", and all because you are no longer a girl, and your age has exceeded the fourth decade. Do you think that child after 40 cannot be born healthy, because this period is the most dangerous for childbirth?
Throw all doubts and nonsense from your head. Begin to rejoice that you will soon become a mom, and believe your pregnancy will go away without complications... Of course, doctors will tell you that it is dangerous to give birth at this age, and the pregnancy itself will be difficult.

If you have definitely decided for yourself that you are ready to become a mother, do not give up. By the way, after 40 their children gave birth to world starssuch as Madonna, Iman, Annette Bening, Cherie Blair, Susan Saradon and Jerry Hall.

We propose to consider the most popular questions that arise among those who are going to give birth to a child after 40 years.

At what age is a woman considered a late parturient?

In the early 80s, those who gave birth to children after the age of 28 were considered “late” mothers, and in the 90s, those women who were over 35 years old were called “old-born”. Nowadays, most often “late” women in labor include women over 37 years of age.

What are the chances of giving birth after 40?

With age, a woman's chances of getting pregnant steadily decrease. After 30 years, they fall by 20%, from 35 years - by 45-50%, and from 40 years - by about 90%. Of course, these numbers do not in any way indicate that a child over 40 is an unfulfilled dream.

You can give birth, and this was confirmed by scientists in North Carolina, who have been observing for two years for 782 pairs old age. The results showed that only 70 couples have failed to conceive, having sex without condoms for two years... Principal Investigator David Danson believes that couples looking to have a baby after age 40 need to have patience and wait, while not forgetting about the conduct of a constant sex life. As a result, the interference of modern reproductive technology can be avoided, unless there are good reasons for this.

Why do women give birth so late?

If we compare how 40-year-old women lived 10-30 years ago, and how they live now, then we can observe a high improving the quality of life... Today, such women are in good health, can take care of themselves by visiting fitness and spa centers, and besides, modern medicine is capable of working miracles. Dr. Julia Berryman believes that women over 40 are more ready for pregnancy, since they have already taken place in life, have a good job and all other benefits.

What is the percentage of mature women in labor?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of women giving birth in adulthood. Today, a child after 40 is born in 2% of pregnant women. Recent research indicates that out of seven pregnant women, one pregnant is over 35 years old.

Does a man's age affect pregnancy after 40?

Scientists at the University of Bristol conducted a study that showed that mature women have to wait longer for pregnancy if their partner is the same age.

So, it has been proven that a woman is 3-5 years younger than a man, has less chances of getting pregnant after 40 than a woman whose man is her age or younger by 2-3 years. British researchers have confirmed this fact. They interviewed several women who indicated that their child after 40 was born to men who were several years younger than them.

What else can interfere with pregnancy after 40?

The following can interfere with conceiving a child:

  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Overuse coffee... Drinking more than two cups a day can reduce fertility and increase your risk of miscarriage.
  • Use alcohol.
  • Smokingafter 35 years, threatens with congenital malformation of the fetus and the birth of a child with low weight.
  • Thinness and fullness also negatively affects the birth of children in adulthood.
  • Stress... The more a woman is nervous and worried, the less likely she is to have a baby after 40.
Do I need to seek help from doctors?

In adulthood, when she has already passed 35, a woman begins perimenopausewhen it is very difficult to catch ovulation days... That is why it is most advisable to seek help from a doctor who will determine what can be done. Most likely, he will develop a special diet and prescribe vitamins. Some doctors advise their patients to undergo acupuncture, which has a positive effect on the development of ovulation.

What is the impact of age on pregnancy?

The older a person gets, the more likely they are to develop any diseases... As a rule, closer to 40, many women develop chronic disorders, including diabetes. In addition, blood pressure can also rise, and the risk of malignant tumors is very high. Of course, such violations negatively affect the birth of children after 40.

And even if the woman does not have any diseases, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding can appear at any time during pregnancy.

Postpartum complications they increase at the age of 20-29, but more often, and this is 20%, they appear at the age of 35-40. As a rule, with the development of modern medicine, any abnormalities of pregnancy are recognized already in the early stages, therefore, there is a greater chance that the child will be born healthy after 40 years.

How is childbirth in adulthood?

Often, in order to give birth after 40, women have to stimulate labor, do epidural anesthesia... Many women in labor cannot give birth on their own, so they do cesarean section.

Some studies show that much depends from the mood of the women in labor... Those who are more clearly aware of everything, more easily fulfill the requests of doctors and agree to a cesarean section.

Does the risk of having a caesarean section increase over the years?

Until such an addiction not installed... Surgery has the same percentage, both at 30 and at forty.

Can the mother's age affect the child's development?

Chances are high that a child is born after 40 unhealthy or with developmental disabilities... There is a great risk of having a child with a disease such as Down syndrome.

According to recent studies, after the age of 30, one child in 400 is born by Down, and after 40 - one in 32. In addition, late birth can end ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and stillbirth... It has not yet been possible to establish the cause of stillbirth in older pregnant women, with only one out of 440 babies being born dead today.

What is the percentage of miscarriages in mature women?

Miscarriages have become a frequent occurrence in our life. Compared to young women in labor, the risk of miscarriage in mature women is about 50% higher... Childbirth after 40 most often has such an outcome.

Here, by the way, obstetric and genealogical history plays a role. It will not be difficult to understand that women who have never had miscarriages have a lower risk of miscarriage at the age of 40 than those who have experienced such a pregnancy outcome at least once in their lives.

How often does premature birth occur?

A child after 40 years of age may be born prematurely, but only if the woman gives birth not the first child. Those who are expecting their first child most often give birth on time.

Does the possibility of having twins or triplets increase with age?

The older the woman, the more likely that she will give birth to more than one child. But the greater chance falls on fertility fraternal twins.

It is believed that later children are more prone to diabetes. Is it so?

Yes, the disease of late children with type I diabetes depends on how old his mother was at the time of childbirth. At 35 years old, it is about 25%, after forty 30% or more.

For example, a woman can give birth to a child after 40 who will develop diabetes in adolescence, while the likelihood is 3 times higher than that of children born to young mothers.

Should a pregnant woman be under intensive medical supervision?

Yes, a pregnant woman should most often go to the doctor, get tested and undergo various studies.

What is the likelihood that the doctor will prescribe surgery?

Yes, doctors tend to be reinsured todayby prescribing a cesarean section for women in labor instead of the usual delivery. But today, all over the world, based on practice, doctors are trying to avoid such actions, increasingly directing women in labor to natural childbirth.

Maybe it's better to refuse to give birth to a child?

There is a certain proportion of the risk of having a child after 40 years, but this is not a reason to refuse pregnancy. After all a healthy woman at this age can give birth to a completely healthy child.

What types of tests are used to diagnose pregnancy in late mums?

There are two types of tests used to monitor a pregnant woman. it scanning and diagnostics... Scan tests provide only preliminary conclusions about the likely presence of deviations:

Study of hormonal levels in the blood... It is used to identify the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, including Down's syndrome. The time is 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound procedure It is also used to detect various abnormalities, including Down's syndrome and various genetic disorders. A child after 40 is examined at 10-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests provide more accurate and reliable information:

Chorionic test (CVS) - for research, cells of the uterus are taken, during the diagnosis of which the presence or absence of Down syndrome, as well as some other genetic disorders, is revealed. The test is carried out at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, the accuracy of the study is 99.9%.

Amniosentesisit is used to study the amniotic fluid, during which the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, Down's syndrome and many other genetic disorders occurs. The data obtained is accurate with 99.9%. Dates - 16-19 weeks of pregnancy.

Alpha-fetoprotein- a blood test, which is done at 15-18 weeks. It is used to detect Down syndrome and defects in the nervous system.

Cordosenthesis is a fetal blood test that can help detect rubella, toxoplasmosis and Down syndrome. It is carried out at the 18th week of pregnancy.

Are tests dangerous for mother and baby?

All tests do not pose a danger to the pregnant woman and her fetus, with the exception of amniosentesis, chorionic test and cordosenthesis. When taking cells of the uterus for research, there is risk of miscarriageand this can happen in one in 100 cases. The risk of miscarriage during cordosenthesis and chorionic test is 1-2%.

Should every woman do these tests?

No, not required. Usually, every fifth woman, intending to give birth to a child after 40 years, refuses from passing such tests. This is their right, but it should be remembered that in some cases it is simply necessary to do this or that test from a medical point of view.

Is it true that mature women do better with their children?

Research shows that “Mature” mothers are calmer, more balanced and, as a rule, spend more time with their child... Life experience accumulated over the years makes itself felt precisely during the period of raising children. They usually are better at shopping... By the way, according to statistics, children of "late" mothers are more educated and are distinguished by higher academic performance at school.

Could the birth of a child be a shock for the mother?

Undoubtedly, because before that, a woman devoted all her life to herself, and now 24 hours a day it is necessary to be close to the baby. Fatigue, which is inherent in young mothers, does not leave those who gave birth to a child after 40.

There is an opinion that mature moms live longer

Studies by scientists at the University of Manchester have shown that women who gave birth at the age of 35-40 have a greater chance of living to 80-90 years. It was not possible to establish the reasons for this, but there is an assumption that the increase in the life of the elderly is associated with delaying menopause to a later date.

They gave birth to later children
  • Gina Davis gave birth to a daughter, Alize Keshvar at the age of 46. Twins appeared in the family two years later.
  • Kim Basingergave birth to a daughter, Ireland, at 42.
  • Beverly D, Angelo at the age of 46, she gave birth to twins using artificial insemination.
  • Great Madonna gave birth to her first child, daughter Lourdes, at the age of 40, and 2 years later, her son Rocco was born. Hearing rumors that she was supposedly going to adopt a baby, the great star threatened to sue, as in fact she was accused of not being able to have any more children. Most likely, the pop diva will decide to give birth to her third child in the near future.

The birth of a baby is a happy moment, and no matter how old his mother is. I would like to wish the future "late" mummies patience and good mood. You will definitely be fine... So be prepared for the fact that all your time will be spent on a small creature. Is this not a woman's happiness?

Any person expecting a child dreams of being born healthy. Unfortunately, these dreams do not always come true. There is nothing to be done - even crumbs are subject to serious ailments, let alone all kinds of congenital diseases and disorders.

Many of them can be prevented by averting trouble from the long-awaited baby long before his appearance. And first of all, his parents will have to take care of this - as soon as they plan an heir.

Preparation for pregnancy begins even before conception, and it is a pity that many neglect this. The modern lifestyle leads people to overloads of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, chronic stress, poor nutrition and physical inactivity.

Few people closely monitor their health, not noticing for the time being alarming symptoms; having many diseases in latent or chronic form, it is possible to influence the health of the unborn child not in the best way. This is especially true for residents of megalopolises. Huge cities, in terms of ecology, are not the best places to live.

Some rely on their own health, on age, hoping that everything will work out and so - nature will help. It helps, but not always. Often, human nature is simply not able to independently cope with the grave consequences of all kinds of shocks and loads that are falling on the life of an ordinary average person in our time.

When planning an upcoming pregnancy, you should try to eliminate possible violations and deviations - not only in the external environment, but also in the state of health of both parents. There is no need to be ashamed of examinations before pregnancy, the main thing is taking care of the future little man.

First of all, the expectant mother should consult a gynecologist; most likely, the spouse will also have an interview. In some cases, consultation with other specialists is required - it is important to assess the heredity of potential parents and assess their physical condition.

The greatest attention, of course, is paid to the well-being and health of the expectant mother. She is to be examined by a gynecologist, a check for oncological diseases - examination of the mammary and thyroid glands, a smear. A routine examination will certainly complement an ultrasound scan, which is prescribed at the initial phase of the menstrual cycle.

Fetal-threatening infections

A number of infections, which both mother and father can be infected with, often have a latent course and are the main cause of fetal damage, death, and the appearance of various deformities. Many diseases proceed in a latent form, threatening to become the cause of congenital diseases of the fetus.

All microorganisms and viruses are divided into unconditioned pathogens that cause infection of the fetus, and conditional, whose pathological effect has not yet been proven.

The most common cause of the disease is viruses (cytomegalovirus infection, herpes simplex, rubella, hepatitis C and B, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, HIV); bacteria (treponema, streptococcus, klebsiella, chlamydia, listeria, staphylococcus); protozoa (toxoplasma, malaria, plasmodia); Candida mushrooms. Detection of microorganisms in the fetus does not necessarily cause the development of the disease, but increases the risk of possible negative effects. Even a woman who has been ill during pregnancy can have a completely healthy baby.

From mother to fetus, the infection is transmitted either through the genital tract or through the placenta. To infect a child, the presence of an infection in the mother's body is not enough, there must be a large number of microorganisms; this happens with an acute infection or with a sharp exacerbation of a chronic one. But in this case, the child does not necessarily get sick.


When in childhood we heard that it is better to get sick with other diseases before growing up, it was not very clear what it was about. But when faced with pregnancy, many understand that this opinion is not devoid of logic.

There are infectious diseases that are practically harmless in childhood, but they turn out to be very dangerous for pregnant women. The disease transferred in childhood is accompanied by the production of antibodies, making the body immune to the pathogen and excluding the likelihood of infection in adulthood, especially during pregnancy.

Among other infections, chickenpox is potentially the least dangerous. It should be emphasized - less dangerous, but not completely safe. Firstly, this disease cannot go unnoticed, and a person almost always knows for sure whether he had chickenpox in childhood. Secondly, chickenpox is a childhood disease in 90% of cases.

Thirdly, its course is characterized by a low risk of embryo damage. Chickenpox becomes a dangerous disease for pregnancy if it occurs before twenty weeks of pregnancy, as well as before or after childbirth.

But this does not mean that at other times, chickenpox is not a reason to see a doctor. Risk can always exist, and only a qualified specialist can determine how best to minimize it.


The rubella virus for a pregnant woman is considered the most dangerous: most often it is transmitted to the fetus and causes irreversible damage. Congenital rubella is often the cause of heart disease, cataracts and deafness. Sometimes pneumonia develops, blood disorders, physical underdevelopment is possible. Infection is most dangerous in the early stages - the likelihood of congenital malformations is high.

The pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets, the source of infection is sick children; the expectant mother should avoid such contacts. Infection requires a fairly close and long-term contact with the patient, such as sharing a room or caring for the sick.

But a strong immunity is developed to the disease, so if a mother suffered rubella in childhood or was vaccinated, she may not be afraid of infection. In other cases, it is better to take a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the pathogen.

If pregnancy is planned in advance, then months before conception, an inoculation is done, followed by checking for the presence of antibodies that confirm the formation of immunity. And another characteristic feature of the course of the disease in pregnant women is that infection in the second half of pregnancy, after 20 weeks, has practically no negative impact on the baby.


It is considered the second most dangerous infection among those transmitted by airborne droplets and sexually. The worst option is infection of a pregnant woman from an acute form, because the absence of antibodies in her body allows viruses to freely cross the placenta and affect the fetus.

If a woman was infected with a virus before conception, and during pregnancy the disease worsened, the existing antibodies significantly weaken the virus, preventing its penetration into the fetus. When infected in the early stages, the likelihood of developmental anomalies or spontaneous miscarriage increases. At a later date, polyhydramnios, "congenital cytomegaly" may develop, and premature birth is possible. The baby will have jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver, anemia, hearing, eye and central nervous system damage. The best preventive measure is to avoid contact with infected and sick people.


The herpes virus, among other viral infections, is considered the least dangerous due to the fact that there is little likelihood of infection of the baby or the appearance of certain pathologies. A serious situation is an exacerbation of genital herpes in the expectant mother after 32 weeks. If the presence of the disease is confirmed by doctors, a cesarean section is indicated, which excludes the possibility of infection of the baby in the birth canal. To be calm about this, at the beginning of pregnancy it will not hurt to get tested for the presence of the herpes virus.


Everyone knows about the dangers of influenza, and infecting an expectant mother with it can cause quite serious consequences. It is no longer the pathogen itself that is dangerous, but the complications of the immune system, kidneys and heart caused by it. In addition, the disease is fraught with premature birth or threatened miscarriage. Staphylococcal or pneumococcal infections are easier after the flu.

Influenza is most severe in the early stages of embryonic development - in the first trimester. It is during this period that the main laying and initial development of the most important systems and organs of the fetus takes place. The conclusion suggests itself - to increase the immunity of the expectant mother, hardening, good nutrition and vitamins are recommended.


The greatest danger of bacterial infections is toxoplasmosis, which can be contracted through contaminated meat or contact with a sick cat. If a woman was ill before pregnancy, she received lifelong immunity. The danger of toxoplasmosis grows in parallel with the increase in the term. Infection in the first trimester is unlikely to cause pathology; in the second, the possibility of a congenital disease increases by 20% - numerous pathogens accumulate in the tissues of the brain and nervous system of the fetus.

Frequent consequences of such a lesion are increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy, mental retardation and blindness. In the last trimester, the probability of the disease is 50-60%. As a preventive measure, expectant mothers are advised to eat well-processed meat and avoid contact with cats.

Other infections

Diseases such as thrush or candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, gardenellosis, trichomonadosis, listeriosis and chlamydia can pose a real threat to both the mother and the fetus. Severe disease can lead to spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth. Timely diagnostics and proper treatment suppress the infection, leaving not the slightest trace of it. The main thing is to pass the prescribed tests in a timely manner and obey the doctor in everything.

Prevention of abnormalities in a baby

If the couple previously had unsuccessful pregnancies and various problems that led to premature birth, miscarriages or the birth of sick babies, she needs a thorough examination. It should include detailed analyzes, ultrasound at certain stages of the menstrual cycle (to determine the state of the endometrium), consultation with a geneticist.

With the onset of pregnancy, research and consultations are necessary even for a completely healthy woman - they will help identify possible deviations and violations. Even with a weekly delay in menstruation, the size of the ovum and its position in the uterus can be determined using ultrasound.

In about a couple of weeks, the expectant mother will have a comprehensive examination, including visits to a therapist, otolaryngologist and dentist. Mandatory regular ultrasound is prescribed for a period of 10-12 weeks and serves to exclude obvious violations in the development of the embryo.

If you suspect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities (especially if the age of potential parents is over 35 years old), a genetic analysis can be performed - a chorionic biopsy. This method allows, in the shortest possible time, to reliably exclude individual serious disorders or diseases of the unborn child.

From 20 weeks of pregnancy, using ultrasound, you can monitor the condition of the fetus directly: during the procedure, its organs are clearly visible, the amount of amniotic fluid, the state of the placenta, the quality of blood flow in the umbilical cord and uterine vessels and other important indicators are determined.

Pregnancy and lifestyle

In planning pregnancy, it is not only the health of the unborn child and parents that is important. No later than 2 months before the intended conception, parents should begin to carry out the prevention of probable deviations and violations - just during this time, the entire "stock" of sperm is completely renewed in men.

You should try to avoid overwork and stress, beware of "accidental" diseases and colds, exclude the use of alcohol and, if possible, quit smoking. Taking medications must be agreed with the doctor, with the exception of drugs contraindicated for pregnant women.

The expectant mother should lead a correct lifestyle and observe the diet: eat vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cottage cheese and dairy products. They are indispensable sources of protein and calcium so needed by the baby. They are necessary for the full formation of the fetus, skeletal bones and teeth, as well as to replenish the losses of the female body and to maintain the health of the woman.

It is better to limit flour dishes and sweets - excess weight adversely affects the course of pregnancy. Different soda, strong tea and coffee, which exert an increased load on the cardiovascular system, will not be beneficial. It is better to replace them with healthy fruit drinks and juices from fruits, and remove unnecessary gases from mineral water.

Physical activity should be moderate and planned; special complexes have been developed to preserve the health of both the child and the mother, as well as to prepare for childbirth. Swimming in an indoor pool is useful - it prepares the muscles of the pelvis, back and abdomen for the upcoming stress. In the pools there are groups of special health-improving gymnastics for pregnant women, and their own complexes have been developed for different periods.

It is better to limit swimming in natural reservoirs or even leave it for later - the possibility of catching an infection in one of them is too great. Reasonable care is necessary, physical activity should be alternated with rest. The expectant mother should eat a healthy and varied food, regularly consult and be examined by a doctor - then the pregnancy will proceed without complications, and the child will be born on time and healthy.

The pregnancy planning phase is extremely important, but not all couples go through it properly. Often, all important tests begin to be given after pregnancy. If, according to their results, infections threatening pregnancy are detected, self-medication cannot be performed. It is not dangerous for pregnant women, but here it can cause disastrous consequences. A doctor leading a pregnancy must prescribe competent and adequate treatment that can reduce possible risks to a minimum.

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