Is it possible to become pregnant with cystic mastopathy. What pregnant women with mastopathy should know. Does mastopathy go away after childbirth

The fibrocystic form of mastopathy is considered the most common and common. Typically, it is diagnosed in women between the ages of forty and forty-five. Recently, however, the disease has become significantly younger. The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • poor environmental situation in the region of residence and the world as a whole;
  • wrong lifestyle of the patient;
  • craving for smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • poor heredity (it is known for certain that this ailment is passed from generation to generation between grandmother, mother and daughter);
  • failure at the hormonal level.


In most cases, this diagnosis is first heard by the fair sex long before the onset of an "interesting" situation. Statistics show that only five percent of expectant mothers first learn about their mastopathy during gestation.

For a long time, mastopathy develops without making itself felt and not showing itself in the first signs. But in the end, a woman necessarily goes to see a doctor, because she is worried about:

  • swelling of the breast, edema;
  • pain in the chest (in some cases the pain does not stop at all, in others it appears, subsides, and then appears again);
  • discharge from the breast (a little cloudy liquid flows out of the mammary glands);
  • detection of seals of various sizes in the chest (while the size of the neoplasms can constantly change).

Diagnosis of fibrocystic breast disease during pregnancy

When a representative of the fair sex in the early stages of pregnancy is registered in the antenatal clinic, the obstetrician-gynecologist also examines her breasts. Breast examination is a mandatory item in every medical appointment. That is why the diagnosis of the disease occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (if mastopathy was not detected before conception).

In order to confirm the alleged diagnosis, the obstetrician-gynecologist directs his patient to a specialist - mammologist. This doctor conducts:

  • ultrasound procedure;
  • mammogram.

Based on the results of these studies, the final diagnosis is made.


Mastopathy is dangerous for its complications. The consequence of this ailment can be the degeneration of benign neoplasms into a malignant tumor. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to visit a mammologist and a gynecologist from time to time for preventive purposes.


Those drugs that are used to treat fibrocystic mastopathy outside of pregnancy are prohibited for a woman carrying a baby during gestation. In this regard, two medical specialists - an obstetrician-gynecologist and a mammologist - gather at the site and in each case develop a special treatment for a patient in an “interesting” position. When prescribing treatment, doctors rely on the following factors:

  • the presence of diseases in the field of gynecology in the patient;
  • the state of the hormonal background of the pregnant woman.

What can you do

No matter how surprising it may sound, the patient's lifestyle and her own attitude to the disease play a decisive role in the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease in pregnant women. If a representative of the fair sex really sets herself the goal of eliminating this attack, if she expresses her readiness to provide doctors with all kinds of assistance, then the disease will recede. This is exactly what happens in 99% of cases.

What does the expectant mother need to do for a successful recovery?

  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol completely. This must be done not only during pregnancy, but also while the young mother is breastfeeding her baby.
  • Choose the right bra for yourself. It should be of the ideal size (no more and no less than the prescribed size). You need to wear this item of clothing a day no more than ten hours. Breasts also need rest.
  • Refuse to visit baths and saunas. Also, a pregnant woman with mastopathy is prohibited from all kinds of physiotherapy.
  • Refuse from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. The patient's solarium is also prohibited.
  • Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.
  • Move a lot, lead an active life, play sports for expectant mothers (yoga, water aerobics).
  • Ensure yourself a healthy and sound sleep. It should be at least eight hours a day.
  • Do not be nervous, avoid stressful situations, walk in nature more often, breathe fresh air.

What a doctor can do

The therapy prescribed by the doctor has several goals at once. Obstetrician-gynecologist and mammologist strive to achieve the following objectives through therapeutic treatment:

  • make fibrous tissue smaller in volume;
  • eliminate benign neoplasms in the chest;
  • stabilize hormones in the body of the expectant mother;
  • to cure the endocrine ailments of a pregnant woman;
  • extinguish the inflammation in the patient's body;
  • eliminate pain that worries the expectant mother and puts her into stress;
  • to identify the ailments of the reproductive system, if they have still gone unnoticed;
  • bring the kidneys and central nervous system into operation;
  • ensure the normal functioning of the liver.


Preventing the development of the disease is the goal not only of every expectant mother, but also of every woman in principle. What does that require? In addition to the fact that a woman should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, she should use “drugs” that are chemical protectors. In other words, we are talking about substances that do not give a chance to malignant tumors.

The World Cancer Research Foundation considers the following substances to be the most effective and safe:

  • soy extract;
  • broccoli extract;
  • green tea extract.

If a representative of the fair sex eats something from the above list every day, then the risk of developing the disease under discussion will be minimized.

You may be surprised, but mastopathy is found in at least every second woman. Some researchers call the figure from 30% to 70%, others indicate that about 98% of all women suffering from gynecological diseases are susceptible to this disease. Moreover, it is quite rare, but the development of this pathology occurs in men.

Mastopathy can develop at any age - from the first to the last menstruation, but with age, the risks clearly increase. Often, pre-existing inflammation is detected even before pregnancy. But it also often happens that a woman learns about mastopathy during pregnancy or thinks about the combination of "pregnancy and mastopathy" only after conceiving a child.

Is it worth worrying in this case? What are the consequences of mastopathy for the development of the fetus and childbirth? Does this diagnosis affect the breastfeeding process?

We will discuss these and other questions today.

Nodular and diffuse fibrocystic breast disease during pregnancy: symptoms and signs

Perhaps each of us has heard about such an unpleasant phenomenon. But only if she is diagnosed, the woman learns that there are different types of this disease.

Mastopathy is understood as pathological changes in the tissues of the mammary gland, in which the ratio between connective and epithelial tissue is disturbed. Depending on the characteristics of such changes, there are fibrous (in which the gland is thickened), cystic (in which cysts are formed) and fibrocystic mastopathy (this is the type that occurs most often). Mastopathy is also called diffuse (accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue) and nodular (characterized by the appearance of a dense, well-palpable formation in the form of a node or several such formations). It is the last species of it that poses the greatest danger.

Due to the high prevalence of pathology, doctors urge women to regularly examine their own mammary glands and armpits (this must be done in the first phase of the menstrual cycle), and also to listen to changes that may indicate the onset of the development of the disease:

  • the appearance of seals and irregularities in the chest and armpits;
  • pouring, enlarging and tightening the breasts, especially in the period before the onset of menstruation;
  • pain in the chest in the last days before and during menstruation;
  • discomfort in the chest;
  • tendency to irritability and depression.

If any of the symptoms described is found, you must contact a mammologist or gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound and mammography.

As mastopathy develops, the symptoms become more pronounced. They are joined by:

  • chest pains, very severe, often persistent and not associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle, can radiate to the armpit or shoulder;
  • increased breast tenderness;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the chest, a strong increase in its volume;
  • discharge from the chest (similar to colostrum).

It is noteworthy that very often the disease is completely asymptomatic, especially in the early stages.

Experts note that mastopathy is hereditary, but other factors also significantly affect its formation:

  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • the onset of menstruation at an early age;
  • irregular sex life;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • improper lifestyle and nutrition;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • trauma to the breast;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine diseases (disorders in the thyroid or pancreas, adrenal glands, liver, ovaries);
  • overweight;
  • tendency to hypertension, etc.

The risk of developing pathology increases in women who become pregnant for the first time after 30 years, do not breastfeed or breastfeed their newborns very little (less than six months).

Almost always, changes in the tissues of the mammary glands accompany disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive or endocrine system of a woman. It is gynecological diseases (endometriosis, inflammation and polycystic ovaries) that give rise to the appearance of such formations in the chest.

What to do with mastopathy during pregnancy: treatment

Despite the fact that mastopathy is by no means a rare occurrence, there is no consensus among doctors about its treatment. Approaches to this issue are constantly changing. So, recently, more and more rarely and more and more carefully they resort to surgical removal of nodular mastopathy. The operation is carried out only after the woman has been tested for the level of hormones and only if attempts to “pull out” the contents of the cysts with a syringe do not give positive results.

Increasingly, preference is given to conservative therapy with drugs. First of all, hormonal preparations, vitamin and mineral agents are prescribed, sometimes - sedatives, homeopathic and phytotherapy, physiotherapy are quite actively used.

The homeopathic drug Mastodinon is very widely used for mastopathy, but during pregnancy and lactation, its use is strictly contraindicated! As well as the use of other medicines. That is why the decision on how to treat mastopathy during pregnancy and whether to treat it at all should be made by a specialist, and even more than one. When diagnosing this pathology, a woman should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a mammologist.

Traditional medicine offers many of its own methods of treating mastopathy. The most famous folk remedies are compresses from the leaves of white cabbage, pumpkin, beets, essential oils, herbal infusions. But official medicine has not taken such therapy seriously lately. The fact is that all traditional methods of treating mastopathy are aimed at eliminating symptoms (disappearance of swellings, resorption of seals, elimination of painful sensations, increased immunity, etc.). While the main reason (most often inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs) remains unattended. That is why after a while the problem returns, moreover, the risks of developing malignant tumors increase due to neglect of the state of health.

As for diffuse mastopathy, young girls are almost never treated for it, and women of reproductive age are advised to become pregnant. Doctors assure that it is the bearing and further feeding of the child that is an excellent natural method for the prevention and treatment of mastitis in the early stages. The researchers concluded that women who gave birth to their first child at the age of 20-25 and breastfed him for at least 6 months are significantly less susceptible not only to mastopathy, but also to breast cancer.

Pregnancy and mastopathy: consequences

Now you may have learned more about mastopathy. But the main question remains unanswered: is the pathology dangerous for the unborn baby if it was discovered during pregnancy or at the planning stage? And the answer to it is unequivocal: no! Changes in the mammary glands do not threaten the baby either during the period of his intrauterine development or during breastfeeding. You can carry a fetus and give birth without the slightest danger to the baby. But for mommy there is some risk ...

Any mastopathy is theoretically capable of transforming into onco if it is not treated in any way. The highest risk of such an unfavorable outcome exists with the development of nodular mastopathy.

In addition, since the tissues of the mammary glands are very sensitive to sex hormones, no doctor can accurately predict how the seal will behave against the background of hormonal changes during pregnancy. For this reason, nodular fibrocystic breast disease during pregnancy should be kept under control at all times. It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan every 3 months to monitor the dynamics of node growth. If there is a tendency to an increase in seals in size, then even the need for their surgical removal will not be excluded.

However, diffuse mastopathy and pregnancy get along very well with honey. In most of these cases, breast masses spontaneously dissolve, if not before delivery, then after them.

Mastopathy during pregnancy: childbirth and breastfeeding

As we have already said, mastopathy is not an obstacle for pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent feeding of the baby. And it is pregnancy, like nothing else, that can best save a woman from this ailment. There are very specific explanations for this result:

  1. Breast masses are sensitive to female hormones and usually occur in the presence of progesterone deficiency. Since the level of progesterone rises rapidly during pregnancy, mastopathy self-cures.
  2. Along with pregnancy, a natural "self-renewal" program is launched in the female body. The mammary gland also seems to be reviving and begins to work "in a new way", "from scratch."
  3. At the same time, special antibodies are produced that prevent pathological formations in the chest.
  4. In the process of preparing the breast for feeding the baby, epithelial cells are actively multiplying, which contributes to the disappearance of pathological formations.
  5. Long-term breastfeeding promotes rejuvenation and tissue regeneration in the mammary glands. Against this background, fibrous seals dissolve and disappear without a trace. But only on condition that a woman breastfeeds for at least six months (the more, the better in this case).

In most cases, the prognosis for mastopathy during pregnancy is optimistic. But something may depend on the woman herself.

Healing can be promoted through proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, a healthy lifestyle, and wearing comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. It is also necessary to take into account that you should avoid stressful situations that can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. With mastopathy, it is better to give up sunburn (including in a solarium), baths, saunas, and instead go in for sports (swimming is especially useful) and ensure yourself a good sleep.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

If a woman diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease found out that she was pregnant, then she had nothing to worry about. Cysts do not affect either pregnancy or breastfeeding. If the disease is under the control of a mammologist, then the pregnancy will proceed without complications.

What happens in the body during pregnancy?

A woman's body is a special mechanism that is tuned to procreation and is designed to carry a child. During pregnancy, a special hormonal change occurs. Progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities and is needed to maintain pregnancy.

Often women who are prone to miscarriages are prescribed supportive medications (for example, "Duphaston"). The body lowers the level of estrogen. Estrogen causes premature labor and miscarriages.

Cysts are tumors that occur due to unstable hormonal levels. High estrogen levels cause neoplasms. That is why during pregnancy, there is a chance that the cyst in the breast will disappear. Due to the sharp drop in estrogen levels, small growths can "dissolve".

Pregnancy provokes changes not only of a physical but also of a psychological nature. A woman's mood is directly dependent on hormonal levels. From a physical point of view, almost all systems are undergoing changes.

Pregnancy affects the condition:

  • Hair, nails, teeth. Most of the calcium is spent on the formation of the baby's skeleton. Therefore, the condition of teeth, nails and hair deteriorates.
  • Genital organs. The uterus increases, provides the child with everything he needs. After giving birth, she needs about 40 days to return to her normal condition.
  • Breasts. She undergoes tremendous changes throughout pregnancy and after childbirth.

The rest of the internal organs also “suffer”. The intestines, kidneys, liver and stomach are in a pinched state as soon as the uterus begins to grow. The joints and spine are under additional stress due to the increased weight of the mother, baby's weight and amniotic fluid.

Due to the constantly dilated vessels and high load, spider veins and varicose veins are formed.

Breast changes

The breasts undergo major changes during pregnancy. She is assigned the main task after childbirth - feeding the baby. For this process to be successful, the body needs to "prepare" the breast.

Usually, before starting a new menstrual cycle the mammary glands swell a little and become rougher. This is due to a change in hormonal levels. When pregnancy occurs, progesterone begins to be produced in the body instead of estrogen.

It does not cause swelling. It affects the sensitivity of the nipples. Many women, even before the delay in menstruation, guess their position precisely by the mammary glands. Instead of the characteristic heaviness and soreness, the woman feels that the nipples have become more sensitive.

By the end of the second trimester, 90% of women notice a discoloration of the nipples and areolas. They become darker. Also, areoles increase in size. Areola is sometimes colored unevenly. Part of the nipple is darker, part is lighter.

In the second trimester, the mammary glands "prepare" for feeding. The milky ducts are expanding. From 20 weeks, some women develop colostrum. The breasts may increase in size (optional).

In the third trimester, the breasts noticeably increase, striae (stretch marks) appear. Colostrum may be excreted. Veins are often visible as blood flow to the milky tract increases.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

FCM is a disease that is diagnosed in 40% of women. During pregnancy, it does not affect the fetus, blood flow, or the condition of the mother. Fibrocystic mastopathy (if it proceeds without complications) is absolutely harmless to the fetus. Cysts in the mammary glands are formed in the interlobular space, therefore, they also do not affect feeding (milk is formed in the very lobules).

Sometimes during pregnancy, there is an increase. This is due to an increase in estrogen levels during a certain period. Estrogens exacerbate symptoms and may even trigger rapid tumor growth. But, as soon as the hormonal background is restored, the tumors decrease in size again, they stop pressing on the ducts, due to which the pain decreases.

A breast cyst cannot affect the course of pregnancy. The main thing is to regularly observe a mammologist, to follow his recommendations.

Mastopathy and pregnancy

Is a tumor in the breast dangerous?

Benign neoplasms are not dangerous. If a woman was followed up with a diagnosis before pregnancy, followed the doctor's recommendations, then there is nothing to worry about. The doctor will consult and determine the treatment regimen.

If a woman did not know about the presence of a cyst before pregnancy, then the gynecologist will send her for examination by a narrow specialist, will give a referral for an ultrasound scan. After all the tests, the mammologist will prescribe. If the tumor is benign, does not grow, does not cause discomfort, then, apart from regular monitoring, no treatment is needed.

Tumors that suddenly begin to grow or clog the milk ducts are dangerous for the girl (you can find out more details about whether a breast cyst is dangerous). These growths can affect feeding. But even such tumors do not affect the fetus.

Important!Benign neoplasms do not affect the fetus in any way. The risk of abnormalities during pregnancy is very low.

Can the neoplasm dissolve?

Cysts are special formations that are filled with fluid and have loose walls. If the fluid is removed from the cyst, then over time, the cyst itself will resolve.

Very often women are interested in how to get pregnant? We will try to answer this question.

Really, during pregnancy, the likelihood that the cyst will resolve is there. It depends on the size of the tumor, its nature and location. If the cyst is small in size, located in the interlobular space, has clear boundaries, then it is very likely that it will resolve itself.

Hormones that are produced during pregnancy actively affect cysts. Therefore, both an increase in symptoms and the disappearance of the disease are likely.

Often, in the first trimester, the symptoms of mastopathy intensify, the tumors increase, but after a month the hormonal background returns to normal, the symptoms disappear. Experts believe that childbirth and breastfeeding have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the breast. Breastfeeding also has a beneficial effect on mastopathy.

But only small diffuse cysts can dissolve. Large tumors will not disappear. A relapse of the disease after the end of feeding is also possible. It's important to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Non-surgical treatments

During pregnancy, any surgical intervention is undesirable. Cysts may not affect the general condition of the girl, then treatment will not be carried out.

Women often use compresses and infusionsto cure mastopathy. This should not be done during pregnancy. Self-medication can be detrimental to the baby and mother. To cure mastopathy, you must definitely contact a mammologist.

Doctors usually prescribe girls in the position:

  1. ... The products of this diet are beneficial and keep estrogen levels in the body low. Experts recommend giving up coffee, fatty and fried foods. Dairy products and lean meat have a beneficial effect on the body.
  2. Ointments and creams that help the neoplasms to dissolve.
  3. Medicines that support a healthy liver. The liver can affect cholesterol production. If its level increases, then the hypothalamus (the part of the brain responsible for the production of hormones) will give a signal for the production of estrogen, which is the main one.

Experts do not prohibit pregnancy with a diagnosis of mastopathy. Many mammologists are sure that a special period has a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast, helps the cysts to dissolve and disappear. Careful observation of the patient will allow pregnancy to proceed without complications.

The breastfeeding period is also very important. Mammologists recommend feeding the baby for at least three months. This will help avoid recurrence of the disease.

It is highly advisable to feed the baby for a year after birth. After a year, feeding is not advisable for either the baby or the mother. There are no nutrients left in milk that the baby needs. And prolonged feeding can provoke the emergence of new tumors.

Mastopathy does not affect pregnancy in any way if it is under the supervision of doctors. It is not a contraindication for childbirth and nursing. The presence of a cyst in the breast does not affect the child and his condition.

Mastopathy is a dyshormonal benign disease of the breast, in which tissue overgrowth occurs, seals occur. This ailment appears in women of reproductive age, even in very young girls, causing some discomfort. The beautiful half of humanity is interested in the question of how compatible pregnancy and mastopathy are.

Read in this article


Establishing a diagnosis of mastopathy during pregnancy is a rare occurrence. Usually a woman finds out about a breast problem even before fertilization. The main signs of the disease are:

  • swelling of the breast;
  • slight cloudy discharge from the nipples;
  • (aching, dull, constant or cyclical);
  • the appearance of seals, nodules of different sizes;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes (optional).

Symptoms of mastopathy during pregnancy can be hidden, since the breast swells, pours, becomes sensitive during the preparation stage for lactation.

Causes of the appearance and factors contributing to the development of the disease

The appearance of mastopathy suggests that there are some disruptions in the body (usually hormonal). You should not be idle and hope for a miracle. An early visit to the doctor will help you quickly restore health and return to a comfortable standard of living.

Why does mastopathy appear

Normally, in every woman in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, cell proliferation (polyiferation) is noted due to the action of estrogen. This is how the body prepares for a possible pregnancy. In the second phase, the level of progesterone rises, which helps to inhibit the polyiferation process. When the next menstruation comes, the extra cells atrophy, the gland takes on a natural state.

If a hormonal disruption occurs in the body (lack of progesterone, excess of estrogen), the polyiferative process is disrupted, tissues grow excessively. This is what causes the development of the disease.

What accompanies the development of pathology

There are factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • ovarian problems (inflammation, swelling);
  • liver disease;
  • problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid gland;
  • irregular sex life;
  • frequent abortions;
  • wearing a tight bra;
  • breast injury;
  • lack of iodine;
  • no pregnancy up to 30 years;
  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • prolonged depression, neurosis, stress;
  • intense rhythm of life.

Adequate nutrition and exercise are the keys to a healthy and happy life.


Fibrocystic breast disease during pregnancy can manifest itself in two forms.

  1. Nodal. In the gland, a single seal in the form of a node is noted. This type of mastopathy occurs in the form of a cyst (liquid capsule) and fibroadenoma (benign tumor).
  2. Diffuse. The gland contains multiple nodes of various structures. Depending on the type of nodes, various types of diffuse mastopathy are distinguished with a predominance of:
  • cystic component;
  • fibrous component;
  • mixed form.

Nodular mastopathy during pregnancy responds well to treatment. In doing so, it is important to find a doctor whom you will trust and listen to his advice.

How pregnancy affects the course of the disease

A pregnant woman is regularly examined by a gynecologist who assesses the condition of her breasts. If the iron was healthy before fertilization, and mastopathy developed after pregnancy, the doctor will quickly detect the problem at the earliest stage, and prescribe adequate treatment. This will require a consultation with a mammologist.

When asked whether it is possible to become pregnant with mastopathy, doctors answer in the affirmative. There is an opinion that pregnancy itself contributes to the cure of fibrocystic breast disease.

  1. During the period of carrying a baby in a woman's blood, there is a sharp increase in the hormone progesterone. It has a positive effect on the elimination of mastopathy, therefore, about 8 out of 10 women after pregnancy note that the ailment has receded.
  2. Pregnancy acts as a certain impetus for the renewal of all organs and systems, which contributes to recovery.
  3. If during pregnancy the seals did not dissolve, it does not matter. During lactation, the tissues of the glands are actively renewed, which also often leads to elimination. However, you need to feed your baby for at least a year. Short-term lactation can provoke a back reaction of the body and lead to a deterioration in the woman's condition.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis is established on the basis of a comprehensive examination.

  1. Palpation (lying, standing).
  2. Breast ultrasound. It is used to examine young women (up to 30 years old). At an older age, the density of breast tissue increases. The procedure allows you to assess the location of the seals, determine their composition (with liquid or solid).
  3. Blood test for hormones.
  4. Mammography. The X-ray dose is usually very small, so the procedure does not harm the fetus. This method is used for women over 30-40 years old.
  5. Aspiration. A thin needle is inserted into the nodule. If fluid is released, it is a cyst. Such a procedure is rarely prescribed during pregnancy.
  6. Biopsy. A small piece of suspicious tissue is removed for further investigation. The method is not recommended during pregnancy, but in exceptional cases (suspected cancer) it can be used.


Usually, doctors recommend it for the treatment of mastopathy, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy. The choice of therapy depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular woman, the state of her hormonal background, the presence of concomitant gynecological diseases. For example, diffuse mastopathy cannot be treated while carrying a baby.

Treatment has the following goals:

  • elimination of cysts in the gland;
  • decrease in the amount of fibrous tissue;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes (if any);
  • elimination of endocrine diseases;
  • normalization of the whole body (kidneys, liver, central nervous system).

Treatment of mastopathy during pregnancy should not be ignored. An experienced doctor will tell you which drugs are suitable in a particular case. But it is not recommended to use traditional medicine in an "interesting position".

After all, the patient can harm not only herself, but also the child.

What a woman can do to relieve the condition

Pregnancy and fibrocystic breast disease are quite compatible things. The main thing is that the expectant mother understands what changes are taking place in her body and how she can help herself.

  1. Exercise for pregnant women.
  2. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  3. Walk more in nature.
  4. Wear a comfortable cotton bra for no more than 10 hours a day.
  5. Observe a balanced diet.
  6. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  7. Swim in swimming pool.
  8. Do not sunbathe (in a solarium, in the sun).
  9. Do not visit the bathhouse.
  10. Do not be nervous.
  11. Completely quit smoking, drinking alcohol.

The most common cause of the development of mastopathy is hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the whole body of a woman is restructured, the optimal balance of hormones for bearing a child is restored. Against this background, fibrocystic breast disease can disappear on its own, without medication. However, it is important to visit the doctor regularly and follow his recommendations so that the situation does not worsen.

Mastopathy is a pathological growth, a change in breast tissue. Connective and epithelial tissue grow unevenly, hence the seals, sometimes painful, sometimes not. Is it possible to get pregnant with mastopathy and give birth, carry a healthy baby and successfully breastfeed? Let us examine in more detail below.

Forms of the disease

There are more than five forms of FCB. The most common are fibrocystic, cystic fibrous (mixed) and diffuse (initial). Diffuse is the easiest (initial stage), it is it that passes in most women after pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is a risk of becoming more severe if the woman does not give birth, breastfeeding, or taking medications. With the predominance of cysts, they speak of cystic fibrous mastopathy, with fibrosis with the presence of small cysts - fibrocystic mastopathy.

Oncologist's opinion: diffuse mastopathy can be considered as a natural change in breast tissue, which for one reason or another does not fulfill its natural function - milk production.

Mammology is a fairly new branch of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mammary glands (previously, gynecologists were involved in breast problems). Mastopathy is one of the most widespread diseases of the mammary glands, it became widespread in the 20th century, when women began to give birth a little and give preference to artificial feeding.

Why do you even need to distinguish one form from another, to answer the question about the effect of the disease on pregnancy? The fact is that to clearly define the essence of your own disease is to give correct answers to a number of questions that arise, such as: is it possible to give birth to a child, can you become pregnant with mastopathy, and how will lactation affect the state of an unhealthy breast?

Is conception possible with pathology

When it is impossible to get pregnant, the desire to give birth is painful and many women begin to look for the cause where there is none. The question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with mastopathy is not entirely correct. The mammary glands, as well as the reproductive female organs, have hormonal regulation.

The direct cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance. The disease itself cannot be the cause of infertility, but it can be caused by the same disorder as the immediate disease that complicates the onset of pregnancy.

For example, she may be accompanied by:

  1. Polycystic ovary disease is not a guarantee of infertility, many women successfully become pregnant with this disease, but it can significantly complicate conception (a sign of a "difficult option" - irregular periods).
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia - requires serious treatment, the possibility of getting pregnant appears only after eliminating the causes that caused hyperplasia.
  3. Inflammation of the appendages - according to statistics, every fifth woman who has had this disease is infertile.
  4. Fibroids itself rarely interferes with conception, the root causes of infertility in fibroids are ovulation dysfunction, compression of the fallopian tubes, however, removal of fibroids increases the likelihood of conception.
  5. Endometriosis - complicates the likelihood of pregnancy.
  6. Thyroid dysfunction - in addition to many negative consequences, such as miscarriages, premature birth, it also affects conception.

If there is a suspicion that mastopathy accompanies a latent disease, and conception does not occur for this very reason, you should be checked for gynecological and endocrinological diseases.

Pregnancy and mastopathy

Among the dozens of reasons that can provoke breast pathology, the absence of pregnancy is also mentioned. Why are women giving birth less likely to get sick? Let's take a look at how hormones work:

  1. The first phase of the menstrual cycle - under the influence of estrogen, breast cells grow. This is how the body prepares for pregnancy.
  2. The second phase - this process inhibits the hormone progesterone. It stops cell growth.
  3. Days of menstruation - excess cells atrophy, the breast returns to its original state.

As you can see, the process is similar to the proliferation of the endometrium in the uterus. The same cycle: preparation for a possible pregnancy - no pregnancy - cell death.

If the two hormones regulating this process - estrogen and progesterone are in an imbalance, tissues grow excessively.

And what is the effect of pregnancy on mastopathy? If, instead of menstruation, pregnancy occurs at the third stage, progesterone, which stops cell growth, continues to be produced.

Now it will be like this for the whole pregnancy. Eighty percent of pregnant women report that their chest pains have disappeared or diminished.

Does breastfeeding cure

It really is. Mammologists recommend feeding for at least six months. Desirable - up to two years. If the disease was present before pregnancy, it is recommended to breastfeed the child for up to 3 years - this will allow it to be cured without contacting a surgeon or a pharmacy.

If lactation is completed before 3 months of the newborn, then the risk of developing the disease in the presence of a tendency to it increases significantly.

In this case, lactation should not be taken as a panacea. Breastfeeding, if it is prolonged and correct (without milk stagnation), can undoubtedly help breast health, but if this health was lost due to changes in hormonal status, gynecological diseases or endocrine disorders, mastopathy will return.

Plus, breastfeeding can even make the condition worse, causing mastitis. The fact is that in many forms of the disease (with a predominance of tissue fibrosis, with a fibrocystic form), the ducts are narrowed, this complicates the outflow of milk and increases the risk of lactostasis. That is, a woman who decides to cure mastopathy by breastfeeding will require special patience and attention, and, of course, the supervision of a specialist.

No specific treatment of pathology during pregnancy is required, it is enough to visit the mammologist on time and observe general requirements, such as wearing comfortable underwear.

Getting medical treatment or getting pregnant?

Is it possible to get pregnant with mastopathy or is it better to cure the disease first?

The second option is preferable, that is, to carry out treatment, and then plan the child. However, mastopathy cannot be a direct contraindication to gestation and childbirth.

On the contrary, pregnancy and further breastfeeding are a significant contribution to solving the problem, especially when it comes to diffuse form.

According to various sources, from 50 to 80% of patients after childbirth and breastfeeding are completely cured. Whether a particular woman can be one of these lucky women, it is possible to say only if you know:

  1. The form of the disease (fibrous mastopathy is less malleable than diffuse, etc.).
  2. The state of the reproductive system.
  3. The state of hormonal balance.

It is these three points that are necessarily clarified when examined by a mammologist. So to give a more or less accurate answer to the question: to treat a disease, and then become pregnant, or vice versa, is only capable of an observing doctor.


  1. Does mastopathy affect conception? - Not.
  2. The cause of problems with the onset of pregnancy with mastopathy can be other diseases: gynecological and endocrinological.
  3. Mastopathy during pregnancy does not require drug treatment, on the contrary, pregnancy can eliminate symptoms.
  4. Long-term breastfeeding promotes breast health but is not a guarantee of recovery.
  5. It is important to know the causes of the development of the disease and correctly recognize its form.

The video tells about whether it is possible to treat mastopathy during pregnancy.

It's important to know! In women who have not given birth until 25-30 years of age, fibrocystic disease (mastopathy) does not cause much concern, but closer to 30, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth, 80 percent of women develop a complication of mastopathy. Along with women who have not given birth, many mothers who devote almost all their time to the baby forget about their health or think that this problem is trivial and will go away on its own. Expectant mothers are in an even more difficult situation - during pregnancy and hepatitis B, many pharmaceutical preparations are prohibited. Did you know that mastopathy, if not treated in time, by doing disease prevention, can cause breast cancer. Read about a completely natural remedy for mastopathy (fibrocystic disease) compatible with breastfeeding and pregnancy here ...