Is it possible to give a child green beans. Is it possible to give peas to a child? Baked eggplant with beans

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Can children have beans

When you are already gradually weaning your baby from the breast and starting to give him complementary foods, questions often arise: what is possible for a child and what is not. Today we will tell mothers about whether children can have beans and from what age. After all, this is a useful product that plays an important role in the diet of a growing child.

Health Benefits of Beans

Beans contain almost all useful substances and vitamins. It is a hypoallergenic product containing essential amino acids. Remarkably, even in the process of heat treatment, the beans do not lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, to the question, children, the answer is only in the affirmative.

Is it possible to give beans to a small child

Bean is just a storehouse of useful micro and macro elements, but it is impossible to give it to children from an early age. The product enhances gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, if a child suffers from gas, treat this product with caution.

In addition to increasing gas formation, beans are still hard to digest by the stomach. But this applies only to ripe fruits. Green beans are well absorbed by the body and are not such a heavy food as ordinary beans.

Green beans are given to children from 10, and if there are problems with the digestive tract, then from one year. At this time, the child's body is already able to accept such food. You can even say that green beans are simply necessary for a child, because there are so many useful and nutritious things in it. Give it 1-2 times a week, mash it up or make a light soup out of it. You can simply boil the beans for a couple, lightly salt, grind into gruel and feed the baby with it.

But the usual mature beans are given to children only after two years, and then, in small quantities and not every day. This restriction is explained by the fact that mature beans are hard to digest food and it is difficult for a child's body to digest it. Therefore, if the baby is already two years old or even more, then you can gradually include mature beans in his diet, but do it carefully, watching the intestinal reaction.

If you notice that after the child ate the beans, he began to experience severe bloating or colic, then stop taking and return to the young green beans. This means that your baby's body is not yet ready for such a heavy meal. Although nutritionists allow the inclusion of mature beans in the diet of children from the age of two, we all understand that the body of each person is individual and sometimes there may be exceptions.

Legumes are very satisfying, healthy and rich foods. However, they are heavy enough for the still fragile digestion of the baby. Therefore, pediatricians do not advise introducing beans, peas and beans into the baby's diet too early. In this article, we will consider at what age you can give beans to a child.

Types of legumes

Such products effectively combine the beneficial properties of meat and vegetables, contain a large amount of protein, which gives the child a lot of strength and energy. They give a feeling of satiety for a long time. The composition of these products includes various vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, sodium and iodine, zinc and copper.

Leguminous plants have a diuretic effect and remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. They eliminate harmful bacteria and germs. And after heat treatment, the products retain up to 80% of useful substances. The most common types of legumes are peas and beans.

Peas contain vitamins C and group B, folic acid, iron and magnesium, carotene, selenium and other useful elements. It strengthens bones and teeth, stimulates and develops the work of the brain, replenishes the expended energy and relieves fatigue, accelerates material metabolism. From how many months you can give peas to babies, see.

Soy and lentils are less commonly used in baby food. Although they also contain a large amount of useful vitamins and elements, they include protein on a par with meat and are well absorbed. Soy contains vitamins E and D, group B, sodium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, and iron. Soy ensures the proper development of the bone skeleton, increases and maintains visual acuity, improves skin elasticity. In addition, it activates the functionality of the brain and improves bowel function.

Lentils contain magnesium and iron, B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, nerve cells. It is an environmentally friendly and safe product, as it does not accumulate harmful compounds. However, let us dwell on beans, as they are often included in the diet of infants.

The composition and useful properties of beans

The composition of the beans includes proteins and fats, carbohydrates and proteins, fluorine and iron, iodine and copper, zinc and manganese, phosphorus and potassium, sodium and calcium, magnesium and other minerals. It contains vitamins E, C and PP, group B. Due to this composition, the product is very useful and at the same time dietary. By the way, in terms of protein content, it is second only to meat.

Beans perform the following useful functions:

  • Restores and regulates material metabolism;
  • Promotes harmonious growth and development of children;
  • Saturates the body with energy, vitamins and nutrients, eliminates stress and fatigue;
  • Removes heavy metals, toxins and other harmful elements from the body;
  • Increases the production of gastric juice, improves digestion;
  • It has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid, cleanses the body, eliminates swelling and helps with kidney stones;
  • Kills harmful bacteria and organisms, strengthens the immune system, saturates cells with oxygen;
  • Lowers blood sugar levels, promotes the formation of hemoglobin and helps with diabetes;
  • Prevents the development of anemia and tuberculosis.

Harm beans

However, pediatricians do not recommend introducing this product into the diet of infants and nursing mothers too early. It increases gas formation, slows down the work of the intestines and can cause. Legumes are hard and slow to digest and digest. By the way, white beans are easier to digest and cause less flatulence than red beans. And the safest and most suitable for a child is green beans.

In order not to cause flatulence and constipation, it is recommended to soak the product in a soda solution for two or more hours before cooking, and then boil thoroughly. You can also add gas-reducing ingredients to the bean recipe. These are dill, buckwheat and millet groats, baked vegetables and boiled meat.

In addition, beans are not recommended for use with colitis and increased acidity of the stomach, with gastritis, ulcers and gout. Legumes should not be eaten raw, otherwise serious intoxication will occur! Let's take a closer look at how many months they give legumes to children.

At what age can beans be given

Green beans can be given as early as 8 months. Boil the product or steam it and pass it through a meat grinder. Add a little vegetable broth and stir or beat with a blender. Do not put salt, pepper and other spices! You can add a few drops of vegetable oil for taste.

For the first time, give your baby half or a whole teaspoon of mashed beans and watch the reaction of the baby. If an allergic reaction or stomach problems occur, delay administration. Seek medical attention if necessary. If there are no complications, you can sometimes give the baby green legumes along with vegetable purees. In a year, you can cook a soup from green beans for a child. Such dishes are given to children no more than twice a week. You can buy ready-made baby purees.

Mature legumes, including white and red beans, are not recommended for children under two or three years of age. At first, thoroughly boil and wipe the product, use for making soups and mashed potatoes, do not give separately. First introduce peas, and after a week - beans. At the same time, the daily norm of legumes should not exceed one hundred grams, and the weekly norm - two hundred.

Do not give canned beans to children under three years of age! They contain dangerous preservatives and chemical additives that can harm your baby's delicate stomach and cause severe poisoning or allergies. A complete list of products prohibited for children under three years of age can be found at the link.

How to cook beans

  • To prepare green string beans, rinse the product, cut off the tails and soak in cool water for ten minutes. Then pour in plenty of water and bring to a boil. At the end, you can slightly salt;
  • To cook mature legumes, soak the product in cool water for three to four hours, then boil in plenty of water at a high boil without a lid. At the end, the dish is salted, mashed and mixed with vegetables or pieces of boiled meat;
  • Do not combine beans with other legumes and foods that are slow and difficult to digest! After two or three years, you can cook salads, casseroles, stews and meatballs for kids, as well as cook soup from canned beans;
  • For cooking, choose grains of the same size, without damage and dents, black dots and spots. They should be large, shiny and evenly colored.

Bean recipes for kids

Green bean casserole

  • String beans - 200 grams;
  • Broccoli - 200 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese hard grated - 200 grams;
  • Milk - ½ cup.

Prepare beans, cut together with broccoli and boil for five minutes. Beat eggs with milk, salt to taste. Place vegetables on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and top with egg mixture. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. To make the casserole more satisfying, add pieces of chicken or turkey fillet to the recipe.

Soup puree with beans

  • White grain beans - 300 grams;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter - 100 grams.

Soak white beans, then drain and pour 1.5 liters of liquid. Bring to a boil, cook uncovered for 50 minutes. After that, pour half the water into a separate bowl and beat the mashed potatoes from the cooked beans. Peel and finely chop the onion, lightly fry in vegetable oil, mix with bean puree and pour in the remaining broth. Cook until boiling and add butter. In a ready-made creamy soup with beans, you can add chopped fresh herbs and complement the dish with crackers.

Light soup with green beans

  • Vegetable broth - 2 liters;
  • Green string beans - 200 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Soak the beans, clean the vegetables. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in a pan with vegetable oil. Grate the carrots and add to the onions, fry for another two to three minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put them in the broth along with the beans and fried vegetables, cook for 15 minutes until the potatoes are ready. At the end, add bay leaf, a little salt and let it brew. When you can start feeding your baby with soups, read.

Who knows how the fate of beans could have happened if once Columbus had not brought them to the mainland - this happened only in the 16th century. At first, it was grown mainly as an ornamental plant; hearty and tasty dishes were prepared from it later - in the 17th century. This type of legume contains a full range of useful substances necessary for a person. In terms of nutritional value, beans are comparable to meat, the fundamental difference is that it contains only 2% fat. Of course, it must be in the diet of children, and we will tell you at what age it should be included in the menu, how to cook it, and which of the kids it is contraindicated.

Beneficial features

The energy value of boiled beans is approximately 123 kcal / 100 g. This amount contains about 7-8 g of proteins. This legume is useful for many diseases. It helps with arrhythmias and pathologies of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure (note for hypertensive patients), improves the condition of children with lesions of the nervous system (in combination with traditional therapy). Due to the high protein content, it promotes rapid recovery after injuries, operations and serious illnesses. You can talk about the beneficial properties of beans for a long time:

  • thanks to arginine, it activates the production of urea, the same substance provides metabolic processes that help reduce blood sugar;
  • improves the condition of the respiratory system, in particular, it is useful to use it for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • corrects metabolism - for this reason, beans are part of many diets;
  • the zinc contained in this legume normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
  • copper in combination with B vitamins and iron raises hemoglobin; in addition, it contributes to the production of adrenaline;
  • thanks to sulfur, beans cleanse the skin, it becomes smooth and beautiful; beans also help cleanse the intestines.

The combination of beneficial substances found in beans helps dissolve kidney stones formed in the kidneys. Dishes from it activate the formation of gastric juice. Due to potassium, it helps to get rid of excess fluids - this is useful for mothers of babies who are prone to swelling.

bean treatment

Due to the many useful properties, beans are actively used in traditional medicine. Popular use cases:

With rheumatism. Boil 15–20 g of bean husks for 2–3 hours over low heat (pour 1 liter of water), then cool and strain. Drink daily - up to 5 times 100 ml.

To lower blood sugar and as a diuretic. Pour the crushed pods with 600-650 ml of boiling water, then simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave for 40-45 minutes to cool. Strain thoroughly, squeeze the cake, then add water to the original volume. Drink daily, up to 4 times 200 ml. To enhance the effect, you can supplement the bean pods with mountain blueberry leaves.

For the treatment of diaper rash. Roast the grains, grind, use as a powder to treat the affected areas.

A decoction of bean seeds is used to treat diarrhea in children.

Introduction to Diet

Like other legumes, beans are classified as heavy foods that put a high strain on the digestive system. For this reason, mature fruits are not prepared for children, only young beans, and then not as an independent dish, but as part of soups and vegetable stews - in a minimal amount. In its pure form, it is permissible to offer beans to children from three years of age and older.

When the baby is 9-10 months old, try making him a soup with green beans - half a bean per serving will be enough. Please note that this dish is not suitable for babies prone to increased gas formation. It is recommended to cook it no more than 1-2 times a week. Later, when the child is one and a half to two years old, you can offer him bean puree - no more than half a teaspoon, if he takes it normally, the portion can be gradually increased - up to 50-60 g, by the age of three - up to 100 g.

Precautionary measures

Most often, after eating beans, an increased formation in the intestine begins. It is accompanied by unpleasant, sometimes painful sensations and bloating. This reaction is due to the lack of an enzyme for the processing of polysaccharides. To reduce such phenomena, it is recommended to add a little mint to them during the preparation of legumes.

Main contraindications:

  • it is strictly forbidden to give beans to children with gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcers of the digestive system;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • since the bean is rich in purines, it should be excluded from the diet of children with nephritis, it should not be used for gout.

If the child has chronic diseases, be sure to consult a pediatrician - he will give individual recommendations, help to avoid mistakes when compiling the menu.


Bean soup puree

It is best to use white beans for this dish. Products: 150 g of beans, onion head, 2 table. tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of flour, herbs - to taste.


  • Soak beans overnight. The next day, drain the water, rinse the grains, pour 4 cups of water, bring to a boil, boil for 45–50 minutes.
  • Drain part of the broth (leave about half), prepare a puree.
  • Peel the onion, chop, fry until golden brown, gradually add flour, then dilute with broth (cast) so that the consistency becomes thicker, like liquid sour cream. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add roast to puree, boil, season with butter and salt. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Eggplant with beans

Products: 1 eggplant, 200 g canned (or boiled) beans, a small onion, 200–250 g tomatoes (replace with tomato sauce in winter), soy sauce, salt - to taste.

Many mothers are happy to eat legumes themselves, but are afraid to introduce them into the diet of their son or daughter, believing that these products will harm the child’s delicate digestive tract. They doubt whether it is possible to give a one-year-old child peas, lentils and beans, and also often do not know what dishes are prepared from legumes for the children's menu. Let's dispel fears and clarify when it is permissible to introduce soy, peas and other legumes into the diet of children.


Legumes are high in protein, as well as fiber, thanks to which they combine the advantages of meat and vegetable dishes. Soy is considered the most valuable legume in terms of protein content. It is recommended when it is impossible to eat meat or milk, for example, with lactase deficiency.

Legumes are rich in vitamins. In particular, soy contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin D, choline, biotin, folic acid, vitamin E and B vitamins. Beans and green peas contain a lot of vitamins C, PP, group B, vitamin K, carotene.

Legumes are also a source of mineral compounds. From beans, the child will receive copper, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals. Peas are a valuable source of selenium, magnesium, calcium and iron salts, phosphorus, iodine and potassium.

In addition to B vitamins, lentils contain healthy omega fats, magnesium and iron.

Legumes are actively involved in the digestive system. Their use enhances the production of gastric juice and facilitates bowel movements.

Lentils are called an environmentally friendly product, since such a legume does not accumulate harmful compounds and can be safely consumed by children.

Beans are noted antimicrobial, sugar-lowering and diuretic action.

Eating green peas helps avoid anemia.

Peas, soybeans, beans and other legumes are considered hypoallergenic products.

Eating legumes helps removal of radionuclides, heavy metals and other harmful substances from the human body.


Too early introduction of legumes in children's diet or an excess of such products cause increased gas formation in the intestines, as well as constipation.

Mature legumes are indeed quite difficult to digest, so they soak before cooking and offered to children in small quantities. If you follow these recommendations, all the disadvantages of legumes can be avoided.

At what age can you give?

Green peas and green beans can be introduced into baby foods along with other vegetable dishes, including them in multi-component vegetable purees and pureed soups. It can be done from 7-8 months of age. Also, the child can be offered ready-made canned purees that are allowed for his age. At the same time, it is recommended to include legumes in the children's menu. no more than 2 times a week.

It is not advised to cook dishes from mature legumes for a child until the age of 2, but even at the age of two, such cultures are ground and offered only as part of soups and other multi-component dishes.

give to children separate dishes from dry peas, soybeans and beans can be from 3 years of age in quantities not exceeding 100 grams. As for canned legumes, they can also be offered to children who are 3 years old.

Introduction to the diet

You should start feeding with legumes with green fruits (young), including them in small quantities in recipes for vegetable soups or mashed potatoes. Let the child gradually get used to new tastes, then his gastrointestinal tract will better cope with the digestion of this food.

Over time, you can treat the crumbs to mashed green peas, and after a few weeks - mashed young beans (green beans). For the first test, it is enough to give the baby a teaspoon of such puree, and with a normal reaction, gradually increase the volume to 30-50 grams.

Cooking methods

1. To boil green legumes for a child, they should be washed and soaked for a short time (for 5-10 minutes). To cook, pour the product with a large volume of water, bring to a boil and do not cover with a lid. You can salt the dish at the end of cooking.

2. If you are preparing mature legumes for a child, they should be soaked in cool water for 3 or 4 hours after careful sorting and washing. Then they are also boiled at a strong boil in a large volume of water, without closing the lid, and salt is added to taste at the end of boiling. Next, mashed potatoes are made from cooked legumes.