Is it possible to sheathe the metal wood fireplace of plasterboard. Decorative finish of the fireplace - materials that are appropriate to use for such a cladding. Decorative Foreign Finish Fireplaces

The fireplace is a radical response to the shortage of coziness in the dwelling. Flame reflections fascinate and distinguishes fumes. Heat instords mental balance. It can also provide a firewall fireplace made with their own hands and fantasy.

The apartment has not so many things that you can give a pronounced individual style, without fear of irrenectable damage for a previously thoughtful composition. It will become a visual and organizational dominant of residential space. He can give any shape and style to emphasize the realized design design of the room or, on the contrary, to discharge the ordering with a catchy element of the interior. The home master of secondary qualification is even a simple facing of fireplaces with their own hands.

Effect of plasterboard fireplace on layout

At the same time, it is impossible to decide to establish a fireplace in its apartment frivolously. Incorrect solutions will raise advantages into disadvantages, and in the corner there will be a prayer unnecessary trimming shelf for trash and dust. Therefore, we have prepared information on how to make a firewall fireplace, in order to expand your designer horizons.

Initially, it is necessary to thoroughly consider changes in the layout that will cause the fireplace, choose the appropriate place. Based on the conclusions made, think about the form and the appearance that you would like to see.

Easy design of fireplaces from drywall reveals the limitless possibilities of this material. Do not stop at the grazing granite, the brick magnificence of the fences of the old England or marble, covered with bronze under gold. There are many other stylistic solutions whose very study can delight.

Imitation of fire against natural flame

The home comfort industry offers several variants of the imitation of living fire of varying degrees of reliability. From the full picture of the fire to the almost completely identical process of burning birch lane with a smoke and flame. The dimensions and characteristics of the selected equipment will determine the size of the firecart fireplace required for installation.

It is much better than real soot, soot, firewood and drafts of the real fireplace. The question of choice is only in the amount you are ready for paying, and the goals you want to achieve. Electrocamine, or combustion simulator, is the part of the design that will have to be purchased in the finished form. You cannot make it yourself, it is not worth experimenting. But the finishing of the electrocamine will allow their own hands to show creativity.

Start of installation work

The experience of using drywall in the finishing of the premises can be expanded on the elements of the interior. Production of fireplaces of the desired appearance with their own hands is a completely saturated task. Make a drawing and apply the main dimensions. Many neglect by this stage, making a big mistake at the very beginning of the case. Conditionally distinguished three complex of work:

  1. making framework
  2. facing a fireplace plasterboard
  3. finish

The frame can be assembled from tin P and r - shaped profile or from wood. It is difficult to say that it is preferable, it all depends on the dominant performer skills. The advantage of the tin can be considered that it makes it easy to reproduce the broken and even bent surface.

We use tin profile

Tin profiles are easily attached in places of intersections in the same plane. The connection of the elements is carried out by small screws with a screwdriver or similar nozzles on a drill or screwdriver. Making fireplaces from gypsum using tin profiles, appreciate your metal handling skills. Figinches or profile breaks are carried out along the lines of incisions in the side shelves. They should be made by an angular cutting machine with a disk installed on it for cutting metal. You can use an electrolovka with a filling of metal.

All cuts are performed on clearly placed places to be bent or the front side of the profile side is strictly in the desired place. Collecting the fireplace from drywall do it yourself, you will have to stock tools for marking:

  • galnik
  • construction level
  • roulette, construction line or laser tape measure
  • construction marker for applying labels and lines

The main requirement for the results of the work is that all surfaces should represent an impeccable plane.

Saving framework

After completing the frame, start creating a surface. Need to be installed on the future fireplace sheets of plasterboard. They are cut on the configuration of the closed plane. For trimming, you can apply a construction knife, hacksaw with small teeth or cutting machine. The material cuts and breaks very easily. It is enough to apply the fracture line and gently pressed along it along the streamlined side of the sheet. On the frame of the plasterboard are fixed with self-drawers, the length of which is about a centimeter more sheet thickness and a diameter of about five millimeters.

After installing sheets, you can point the joints and seams using the plated ribbon. It is not necessary to do this if the surface is in the future it is not painted or not covered with a film. Attention should be paid to thorough alignment of the ends of the sheets overlooking the intersecting planes. Do not forget that the facing of the fireplate furnace of plasterboard should not be solid, since the electrical appliances installed in it need heat outlet. It is necessary to leave the vent holes at the top of the structure.

Finishing: Fireplace finishes and connecting fire imitator

Having created the surface of the product, proceeding with the final operations. It is important to determine the composition of the work before it started by making a design project or sketch. The decision to issue a firewall fireplace should be supported by your abilities. If you doubt them, it is better to limit ourselves to the type of finishes that you are ready to perform with sufficient quality.

One of the variants of the simplified solution can be the use of finished tiles or panels that are easy to arrange a fireplace portal. It looks good simple coloring for lime or finish under metal. The main thing, remember: the design of fireplaces is infinitely diverse!

Next, the electrical wiring should be installed according to the introductory opening predetermined or made at the place. Install the fire simulator, turn on the network, move the chair and inform your acquaintances that now you know how to make a fireplace from sheet carp sheets with your own hands.

What could be better than come home and see the fireplace. But it is quite difficult to build a real fireplace, and in some homes it is generally incomplete luxury, due to equipment. But there is a way out in any situation, and a fireplace from GLC will help. It can be ordered from the wizard or to build yourself at home. By choosing the second option, everyone will be able to embody all their ideas, make the fireplace in unique and beautiful. A firewall fireplace for decor is a design of profiles that are trimmed with plasterboard sheets. Decorative fireplaces can be both rectangular simple shapes and more complex designs in several layers.

Decorative fireplace with their own hands from drywall: the main design of the design

Thinking to make at home such an element of decor as a fireplace, you first need to decide on the shape, style and color of the structure. The time spent on the manufacture of a fireplace directly depends on the complexity of its shape.

If you think good idea, the imitation of the real fireplace can easily become a kitchen or living room.

Some may seem that the idea is not quite good, but at the right approach you can create a imitation of burning firewood and set up a decorative fireplace from GLC brick.

A decorative fireplace from plasterboard can be given not only the form of any complexity, but also a purpose:

  • The mounted fireplace will decorate the room or library, because from above you can make a shelf of plasterboard and place books there;
  • Decorative fireplace can split rooms for different zones;
  • Make a rest near the fireplace.

Therefore, if it is decided to build the fireplace with your own hands from drywall, it is necessary to initially think over all the details that would at the end to get the desired result and enjoy them for many years.

Required materials for creating a fireplace of decorative plasterboard

Today, the fireplace is a popular decor element and it can be easily made independently with the help of drywall. Before completing the work, it is worth carefully to think about all the details and nuances, it will be determined with the size and design, as well as the place where it will be located.

Preliminary drawing and calculation of materials will help save time and money.

Having calculated everything, it turns out to find out how much, and what material it is necessary. Accordingly, in the process of acquiring materials will not arise extra issues.

To build a decorative fireplace, it is imperative:

  1. Plasterboard sheets of the required quantity;
  2. Profiles for GLC;
  3. Screws for metal and drywall;
  4. Bulgarian, screwdriver, metal scissors;
  5. Roulette and pencil.

When the necessary accessories will be at hand, it is possible to start work with full confidence.

Options for angular fireplaces from drywall do it yourself

The construction of frame decorative fireplaces is permissible not only in the house, but even in the apartment. Getting Started to create a design pre-acquire a drawing: draw yourself, order at the master or download on the Internet.

Note! If you are not sure that you can independently make the right fireplace scheme, contact a specialist.

Nowadays, the decorative fireplace is easy to do not only on a flat wall. The angular fireplace of drywall is the perfect solution for small rooms.

Types of products:

  • Imitation. They are a picture on the wall on which the fireplace is depicted. This is one of the simple ways to realize the idea, even if you live in the apartment;
  • Conditional frameworks. Representation of the facilities where electrocamine can be mounted.

Of course, a real fireplace can be made in his own house, but sometimes it is impossible for certain reasons (it is necessary to do chimney, coordinate with some services in the plan of the house), the output is only one - the imitation of the real fireplace.

Finish facing of firecamine drying plasterboard

The final stage when creating a fireplace for decor is a facing of the fireplace firebox. The trim with the help of drywall will allow you to save time, because it is easy to work with such a material and quickly.

First of all, you need to cut the drywall sheets into pieces of the desired dimensions and then screw them into a metal profile. In order to cut off the GLK, it is necessary to measure the frame of the tape measure and move the dimensions on the plasterboard. It is possible to make it a good knife or a jigsaw if there are curvilinear lines in the drawing.

The finishing facing of the fireplace plasterboard occurs in several stages:

  1. Plasterboard is screwed onto the screw, and the joints are pasted with putty;
  2. After putting down, the joints are closed with a reinforced ribbon of paper (this process can be immediately made on a wet surface);
  3. Then the fireplace from drywall is sweeping over the entire surface so that it is as smooth as possible.

These simple stages will help you do everything in the right sequence so that at the end it turned out a luxurious result.

It is worth remembering that experts advise before putty first to brand the fireplace.

When finishing a fireplace from drywall, you can enable fantasy and make it special, for example, to paint. This process will give positive emotions, and in the house there will be a beautiful fireplace made of drywall with your own hands.

How do decorative fireplaces made of drywall do it yourself (video)

Make a fireplace from sheets of plasterboard is not difficult at all. A little imagination, attention, hardworking the goal is achieved. And if you install the burner with fuel in the fireplace, you can enjoy the beauty of the fire every day.

Design of decorative fireplaces made of drywall (photo in the interior)

Facing the fireplace furnace of plasterboard with their own hands is quite feasible. But should take into account a number of subtleties in the selection of material and work technology. If we talk about GLK, then it is universal. Moreover, not only levels surfaces, but also creates the perfect prefinite layer on which any finish can be applied.

Briefly about furnaces

Conditionally, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • Functional: open, closed. By material manufacturing steel or cast iron, brick. Such equipment requires additional refractory wall protection, gender.
  • Falekamines. Instead of real firebox, screens are used with imitation of flame flames. Chimneys are not installed for such devices, but electricity supply is required.

On the form of the portal (facade of the fireplace) there are no restrictions: rectangular, complex geometric shapes, radius, angular. For every taste and color. It should be noted that the finishing of the fireplace of plasterboard is your own hands is the process of preparing a rough base for finishing cladding.

There are two main types of fireplaces: these are functional - real, and falsecamines - imitation of the fireplace.


This is the very first stage in which several important points should be taken into account, especially for functional furnaces:

  • It is necessary to determine the place of equipment in the room relative to the walls, the location of the furniture. At the same time, do not forget about fire safety: from flammable surfaces distance to the furnace - at least 700 mm.
  • The base for the equipment is recommended to perform from a concrete height from 300 mm. The perimeter of the foundation should go beyond the sizes of 250 - 300 mm on each side.
  • Recommended gap between the furnace and drywall 50 mm.
  • You should provide a box for aircraft.
  • Podium. The design should provide air flow for heating, withstand the weight of the furnace.
  • The thickness of the fireproof wall decoration and the technical gap of 100 mm between it and the furnace.
  • To accurately determine the dimensions of the portal, the parameters of the facing material should be taken into account: profiles: guide - 27 × 28 mm and rack - 27 × 60 mm). For the trim, it is recommended to use a refractory drywall refractory or moisture-resistant thickness of 12.5 mm.
  • The design of the portal and its finish should be organically fit into the interior.

The listed parameters will help to avoid mounted errors.

Preparation of the foundation

Considering that fireplaces - equipment fire hazardous, it should be provided for the preparation of gender and adjacent walls before weching the fireplace of refractory plasterboard.

Floor preparation

The fireplace for the fireplace has a significant mass. Plus is equipped with an increased fire danger. Therefore, at the first stage, a concrete base is prepared:

  • The layout of the portal on the floor is made.
  • Installing formwork.
  • The base is ground and poured concrete.
  • After the frozen, the podium lay out (4 rows of brickwork). Then installed metal corners under the furnace.
  • Put the final laying level.

The whole process is made strictly by level. The blockage of the foundation and the podium will cause problems with high-quality installation of the furnace.

Preparation of the Wall

The easiest option when the adjacent wall is posted from aerated concrete, foam concrete blocks or bricks. In this case, it is plastered and whiten. If the adjacent wall is posted from combustible materials (logs, bar, etc.), then the following works are produced:

  • The treatment of walls with flame retardant compositions.
  • Fastening on a metal profile of foil basalt plate. Requires ventilation gap between the wall and the facing plate. The sizes of the protective screen must be 500 to 600 mm exceed the dimensions of the future furnace.
  • The fastening of the drywall, which is putting on, and from above the clinker or porcelain tile is laid out.

Other options: asbestos stove, magnesite. If the equipment is installed in the angle, the walls of the walls are treated with a special refractory sealant.

The same thermal insulation is made under the chimney. It should be known that the gap from the refractory wall to the rear surface of the furnace should be at least 100 mm, from a fuel surface - at least 700 mm.

Installation of firebox, montage of frame

The finishing of the fireplace firebox is plasterboard is made directly at the installation site. Therefore, first install the equipment and only after that begin to mount the framework:

  • On mastic or special glue is installed plate of porcelain stoneware. It is time for frozen.
  • On the stove install the furnace. We should not forget about the technical gap between the wall and the equipment 100 mm.
  • It is placed on the basis and wall of the dimensions of the future design, a frame of guide and racking profiles is collected. All works are running strictly in terms of level. Fixing the frame to the wall and the floor is carried out using metal dowels. Profile bonds are performed using a press-washer.

As can be seen, the construction assembly for plasterboard should not cause difficulties.

When designing the fireplace, it must be borne in mind that this equipment is flammable and use a refractory fireplace.

Facing plasterboard

Optionally buy refractory plates, moisture-proof material can be applied. Cutting plasterboard parts is performed using a simple painting knife. According to the laid line, the cut is made to any direct bar, after which the canvas bend. Cardboard on the other side is cut.

When performing a functional fireplace, the firebox and a box for removing smoke must be installed thermal insulation and a foil reflector inside the device.

Facing the fireplace furnace of plasterboard with their own hands can cause difficulties in hard-to-reach places. And so the technology of assembly does not differ from any other design of GLC:

  • Sheets are sewn to profiles using metal screws. Hats deepen in the canvas. It is better if individual parts are cut from a solid sheet. This will greatly facilitate its prefinite finish. For the processing of angular joints of the structure, a special plasterboard plasterboard or a paint knife is used.
  • For thermal insulation on the inside, the trim is performed using basalt stove and foil. There is a foil minister. But attention should be paid to the quality of glue used in this material. It must respond to safety standards and withstand the long-term effects of elevated temperatures.

The smoke removal box can also be made of drywall. Thermal insulation and foil reflector inside the device should be installed. In the chimney box, there are holes for ventilation grilles.

Finish finish

For the final cladding, the plasterboard base is prepared as follows:

  • Close up with a putty hats from the screws. The composition should be selected for an aggressive medium with elevated temperatures.
  • After the frozen of the surplus is removed with a spatula or special painting skurt / sandpaper.
  • At the end, the surface is completely spacked, it is squeezed, it is ground. The finishing of the chipper furnace carcarter approached the finishing facing.

GLK is a universal material, therefore, porcelain stoneware, plaster, clinker tiles, natural stone and other can be used as an finishing coating. The finish finish under the style of the interior is selected.

An interesting decision is porcelain stoneware. The modern market offers this tile with imitation for any other finishing material - marble, granite, wood. Moreover, the canvases can have a texture for natural fibers.

Finishing the fireplace plasterboard with their own hands is a simple process, but has a number of subtleties. For falsecamines, thermal insulation and solid foundation are not required. It is enough just to build a plasterboard portal and pick up a suitable finish finish. In the case of functions, it is recommended to turn to professionals that will perform high-quality installation, which will ensure the reliability of equipment and fire safety.

The fireplace designed in compliance with all major rules and construction standards will be warm and decorating their owners for long years and decorate their home interior. However, that the fireplace is truly beautiful and well fited into the surrounding space, it is necessary to fulfill its finishing finish.

Existing options for finishing private fireplaces are so diverse that you will be able to choose the option of decor without any problems, ideally inscribed in the interior.

After completing the masonry of the fireplace, the seams are required. In accordance with the technology, the solution is distributed between elements of masonry using a special curly tool. Seams can be made depressed or convex to the choice of the owner.
Also, the seams can be filled with mortar with pigments of the desired color. The finished design will look pretty beautiful and original.

Start processing from the design of horizontal seams. Surfed solution Suspend a brush from natural materials. Tools with wire bristles for such a processing are better not to use - it is too rude.

Finally, cover the laying with a special heat-resistant paintwork on your choice.

Painted brick fireplace

Stucco finish

The simplest in the simplest and one of the most budget methods of finishing a fireplace, which enjoyed through widespread popularity.

Plaster allows you to create a variety of decorative effects. For example, you can apply the finish plaster with a sponge or a special rubber spatula, which will create an attractive effect of "waviness". To enhance the result, the solution can be slightly tinted with paint on a water-emulsion or lime basis.

Give the erected brick fireplace to dry completely and proceed to shuttering.

Video - Fireplace Walking

First step

Add fiberglass mixture to the plaster mix, pre-cut into small pieces, and salt. Such additives contribute to improving the quality of the coating.

Second Step

Clean the fireplace surface and close the seams about the centimeter depth. It is better that the fireplace is a bit warm, so before proceeding to shuttering, you will need to protrud it.

Third Step

Lightly moisten the fireplace and proceed to apply the first layer of plaster according to the "splashing" method.

Fourth Step

Venetian - fireplace decor

After complete drying of the first layer of finishing, proceed to applying the finish plaster. To do this, use a trowel or brush. The applied coating align with a grater.

The thickness of the finish layer of plaster should be no more than 0.5 cm. Coating align the circular motions. The surface can be slightly sprinkled with water, if necessary.

Firecard Decoration - Lrack Vine and Decorative Plaster

The fastening of the material is performed traditionally on the pre-equipped frame. In the process of attaching vertical frame racks, control the sheets of sheets in the future to be maximally neat.

Plate connection can be performed exclusively on frame elements. Bashed sheets between profiles is prohibited.

First step

Apply a label on the mounting surface to fix profiles. Check the markup to be performed exactly and on the same level.

Second Step

Secure the frame rack according to the markup. Fixing profiles performed with screws.

Third Step

Mount the horizontal frame elements between vertical racks.

Fourth Step

Getting Started with a framework. Use screws for fastening drywall. Place the fasteners every 150 mm.

Fifth Step

Take the joints using a tape pre-moistened in a gypsum solution.

Sixth Step

Provide a fixation of the corners of the structure using metal corners.

In conclusion, you will only have to shock the finished facing. To do this, use the instructions below. You can also decorate the plasterboard with another suitable material for this.

Want your fireplace to look truly exquisitely and gorgeous? Then pay attention to the finish with the use of stone. Natural facing stone is characterized by excellent performance and fit perfectly into any interior.

If you have access to specialized equipment, you can independently perform pretreatment and installation of marble or granite. In the absence of the necessary devices, give preference to shells, limestone and butt stones.

The artificial stone externally does not have noticeable differences from natural finishing material. It can also be boldly used to finish the fireplace.

Artificial stone can be made with your own hands. To do this, mix the cement, sacrised sand and coloring pigments of the desired color and pour the resulting composition into silicone shapes. Give the solution in forms to harden, remove the products obtained and use them for finishing the fireplace.

Directly facing is performed equally both in the case of natural stone and when using an artificial analogue. It is enough to consolidate the elements on the fireplace surface with mastic or tiled glue. You can pre-lay stones on the floor to see the future finish and select the most optimal variant of the location of the stones directly on the fireplace surface.

Such cladding refers to the category of the most popular options for finishing fireplaces. Such materials are best suited for finishing:

All mentioned materials are characterized by excellent wear resistance indicators, resistance to elevated temperatures and mechanical damage.

When choosing finishing finishing material, you must pay attention to the size of the elements. Much tile is much easier and faster, however, it will arise with it when fit under the shelves, protrusions and all sorts of niches. With small tiles there will be no such problems, but you will spend more time on its laying.

It is also important to choose the right adhesive mixture for mounting tiles. Use exclusively heat-resistant compounds made using elastic substances. Due to the elastic structure, the glue will not be deformed by increasing the temperature.

First step

Prepare a fireplace to facing tiles. To do this, clean and deepen the seams. If any old coating is present on the fireplace, remove it.

If desired, the coating type of paint and plaster can be left, stretching over it with a metal mesh with cell size up to 150x150 mm. Fastening the grid with the help of screws or nails.

Second Step

Align the base with glue. Give the applied mixture to absorb and dry.

Third Step

Seam the surface for finishing and proceed to work. Tiles start securing from the bottom row of the fireplace.

Sequence of work: With the help of a toothed spatula on the reverse side of the tile, glue is applied, the element is tightly applied to the base and neatly embracing the rubber hammer.

So that the seams between the tiles had the same size, use special plastic crosses by installing 2 pcs. On each horizontal and vertical side of the facing element.

Immediately after the finishing service is completed, remove the glue residues, because Shipping it after drying is extremely difficult.

Leave the finish to dry up for about a day, and then set the seams. For such processing, use a paste-like mineral grout. The basis of this means is cement. Fill out the seams of grout and neatly align them with a wet sponge.

Leave the grout to dry about a day. Finally, you will only have to treat the filled seams with a special dirt-repellent means.

Finishing with tiles

A fireplace with such a facing has a very original, beautiful and unusual appearance. For decoration, glossy and matte tiles can be used, with a relief surface or some pattern.

The main difference between the tile from the ordinary tile is in the presence of the first special box protrusion, known as Rumpa.

This element allows you to fasten the tiles to the surface of the structure. In addition, RMSPs accumulate heat in the fireplace process of the fireplace, which contributes to some improvement in the aggregate heat transfer.

First step

Prepare the finishing material. Carefully inspect the tiles. Even samples related to one batch may have a slightly different shade. Complete the tiles so that the finished finish looks as homogeneously and harmoniously as possible.

Second Step

Pick the details of the facing for the same size. To do this, use the grinder.

Third Step

Start the fastening of tiles. Fixation of elements is performed using wire.

Fill the RuMPU tie with a mixture of brick debris and clay by 50% of the volume. Insert the segment of the metal wire in RuMPU. Traditionally, a rod with a diameter of 0.5 cm is used. In this case, the segment must be placed with some bend up.

Tie a soft wire to the middle of the rod installed. Fill the RUMPU previously mentioned with a mixture for the entire volume.

Place the tie, press it tightly to the surface and hide the soft wire in the masonry seam.

Use P-brackets to connect the tapes with each other.

Tree decoration

For the finish finish, the fireplace is perfect for natural wood. The breed may be any, because Special modern impregnations allow wood to give wood a view of even the most valuable breeds, but it is better to use high-quality, durable and durable material.
Wood is used to design a fireplace portal. Shelves are also made from this material.

Pre-wood must be impregnated with flame retardant to increase refractory properties. In conclusion, the design can be painted and covered with varnish.

Good job!

Video - finishing the fireplace with your own hands

The fireplace is not just a source of heat, but also an important element of the room design. The form and finishing of the portal largely determine the overall stylistics of the room, so the decoration of the focus pays special attention. You can give a fireplace of external attractiveness in different ways using a variety of natural and artificial finishing materials.

Facing a fireplace tile

One of the most popular ways to design the fireplace - facing with tiles. For decoration, a material with high thermal conductivity is used, for example, porcelain tiles or clinker tiles.

The decoration of the focus of decorative tiles has the following advantages:

  • a wide selection of shades and textures of the material;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • it does not require special care;
  • the ability to create compositions in different style;
  • easy laying.

Important! To lay a tile, you need to use special heat-resistant glue. Facing the fireplace is better to carry out a smaller tile - the probability of cracking of the finished coating will significantly reduced

Sequence of the decoration of the ceramic tiles:

Furnace Finish Technology Tile: Video

Fireplace finishing Tile: photo

Application of bricks for furnace furnaces and fireplace

A beautiful and neat brickwork can not be hidden under additional trim. It is enough to make the color of the material more expressive and perform the screening of the seams:

  1. The masonry of the fireplace to introduce the "sticking" - from the outer side to leave about 5-7 mm unfailed solution with a solution.
  2. After drying the solution, formed voids fill with decorative grout.
  3. If necessary, brick pollute and remove the champions on the edges.

To make brightness laying, the fireplace surface can be treated with a salt-sized or sulfuric acid solution.

Work on the finishing portal brick requires highly qualified wizard. Not every experienced cook is ready to take on the fulfillment of such a cladding. The choice of design under the brick focus is quite limited - it can be a rustic interior direction or the style of "under ancient".

Registration of the portal with natural and artificial stone

The decorative stone was widespread when the outdoor and interior walls are made. This material is suitable for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

Fireplace finishing options: Photo

Compared with other facing materials, the stone has some advantages:

  • high strength;
  • prostate installation - between stones do not need to leave even seams.

The disadvantages of stone include its heavyweight and higher cost.

The technology of laying a natural and artificial stone is the same as the facing of the fireplace tiles. The only difference is the design of inter-brass seams.

For foci finishes, such natural materials are most often used:

Finishing the fireplace artificial stone: photo interiors

Watching a fireplace and oven

Walking - inexpensive and fast furnace finish, fireplace. This version of the focal facing has such advantages:

  • easy execution - work can be performed, without having special skills and without the use of expensive tools;
  • affordable materials price;
  • facing does not waste the stone masonry of the fireplace, so there is no need to strengthen the foundation;
  • you can quickly refresh and change the color of the portal, giving it a new look and style.

It is important to choose the right plaster, with which the work will be performed. The usual material for finishing facades and walls is not suitable. The heat resistance of plaster provides such components: clay, lime, asbestos, hemp and straw. Adding fibers gives a working mixture of reinforcing properties. The finish of such plaster is considered the most competent.

You can make the decorativeness of the plastered surface using staining. Paints (silicone) are suitable, resistant to substantial temperature differences - from strong oven heat to completely cooling the fireplace.

The finishes of the fireplaces with their own hands by the method of plastering is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. From the surface to remove all pollution. Old plaster remove with grinding or spatula.
  2. To reduce dust, the base of the fireplace is slightly moistened.
  3. To decrease the laying seams at a depth of 0.5-1 cm - this will provide a reliable hitch of plaster with brick.
  4. Before applying plaster, a fireplace protrudes and dry. The base should be warm, otherwise the finished layer of plaster is cracking when the temperature is first lifted.
  5. On the masonry, consolidate the reinforcing grid with small nails.
  6. Heat resistant mixture of plaster breed with water in the proportion indicated on the package. Mix to homogeneous mass by a building mixer.
  7. Apply putty on the base. Equally distributed over the fireplace surface. Relief protrusions and internal angles to separate the narrow spatula.
  8. Leave the drying solution - about two or three days. During this period, the fireplace is recommended to warm a little.
  9. On top of the plaster, put paint or decorative putty. Posted by the portal the desired shade can be a water pool.

Council. As a solution, the mixture of sand and oily clay can be used in proportion 1: 1. The solution should not be broken, and after its application, the cracks should not be formed. Clay stucco creates longer - at least seven days

Fireplace finish: Photo ideas for using plastering and painting

Decorative finish of the fireplace

Tiles are clay or ceramic decorative tiles with a special box shape, designed to finish fireplaces, furnaces, walls and facades of buildings.

The use of tiles for focus facing has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  1. The fireplace, covered with tiles, quickly gains heat and saves it for a long time. This property is especially relevant for dacha portals that are not intended for permanent heating.
  2. The durability of the facing. Tiles are heat-resistant, impaired and unpretentious in care, so the term of their operation is calculated by decades.
  3. When heated, decorative tiles-boxes do not produce harmful substances. Tiles - environmentally friendly material.
  4. Resistance to high humidity and substantial temperature differences.
  5. The finishing of the tiles attaches the additional strength of the furnace or fireplace design.
  6. With the help of the material, you can easily hide all the firemarm defects.

Facing the tiles are also inherent in some drawbacks:

  1. Sophisticated finish technology - work better to entrust the experienced master.
  2. Due to the high weight of the tiles, they are recommended to use for the design of massive wood fireplaces.
  3. High cost of materials and work on laying of tiles. The set for the language fire / furnace will permanently cost 1400-1500 dollars.

The fireplace cladding kit includes such items:

  • angular tiles - for facing the corners of the fireplace;
  • flat - for registration of a smooth surface of the portal;
  • shaped elements - for decoration of sharp corners and bulges;
  • the basement in the form of a plinth - to fraward the bottom of the fireplace.

In addition, additional decorative elements can be used: shelf, finishing stucco, crown, etc.

Consider the phased course of work on the facing of the fireplace of the fires:

Important! Finishing with tiles ideally should turn out without seams. The maximum allowable gap for horizontal seams is not more than 3 mm, for vertical - 1 mm

Council. When finishing a fireplace, which will be treated with solid fuel to the solution, it is desirable to introduce 10% of the rotor powder

Fireplace finish: photo of the use of tiles

Finishing the fireplace plasterboard

Facing a fireplace can be performed from refractory plasterboard plates. The main advantage of this method is the ability to create an unusual configuration portal. The entire process of covering the fireplace can be divided into two stages: the assembly of the metal frame and the casing with its plasterboard sheets.

When making facing the fireplace of GCC, you should follow the following rules:

  1. The frame of profiles from the inside is desirable to sheathe the sheets of magnesite.
  2. In both edges of the fireplace, it is necessary to provide holes for air circulation. The holes at the bottom of the fireplace cover contribute to the air flow inside the fireplace, and the holes at the top provide the output of heated air.
  3. In the frame of the plasterboard design, it is necessary to lay basalt insulation.
  4. Plasterboard plates should be connected only on horizontal and vertical frame elements, and not between them.
  5. Plasterboard sheets can be awarded with artificial or natural stone, tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Features of finishing a fireplace tree

The use of wood as a finishing material for the fireplace seems impossible to many. However, when complying with a number of requirements, the portal you can give a noble and strict look, using wood for cladding.

Finishing the fireplace is a creative process, for the implementation of which you can use many ways. It is worth noting that some facing options (plastering, tile laying) are quite simple, and they can be performed independently. Registration of the wall of the fireplace and wood is better to entrust professionals. Experienced masters will be able to create a truly artistic masterpiece without violating the finishing technology and fulfilling all security requirements.