A man’s question: why children “fail.” If you are not happy with the way your child is doing something, not as well as you would like. The child is not doing something well.

Every parent has encountered a situation when a child begins to do something, but suddenly, without finishing it, refuses to continue what he had planned. Psychologists are sure that there are two reasons for this behavior in children:

The child can finish the task, but does not want to;

The child wants to, but something doesn’t work out for him, so he gets scared of difficulties and retreats.

To understand what stops a child, to teach him to complete things and not be afraid of difficulties, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm.

1. Understand the reason. Ask your child why he doesn't want to finish what he started. If we are talking about a school assignment, then among the reasons may be a simple lack of understanding by the child of how to complete it. This scares the child, and he decides to retreat.

In this situation, you can tell your child how best to do it, and if you don’t know yourself, then advise your child to find out the details from the teacher and still finish the job, because it is so interesting and important.

2. What is your child like? To better understand the reasons for certain actions of a child, it is necessary to understand what type of personality the child belongs to. For some children, difficulties are a challenge; they simply cannot afford to fail. Such children can search for a long time for a way to solve a problem and still bring the matter to the end. According to psychologists, there are very few such children.

For most children, difficulty is a serious problem, the first thing they want to do when they see it is to retreat. Such children want to complete a task without difficulty in order to become winners and receive recognition. To ensure that such children do not give up their work halfway, they need to be motivated.

3. It is necessary to choose the correct reaction to the child’s actions. If a child encounters difficulties while solving a task and decides to quit without finishing it, it is important to support the child at this moment. There is no need to force him to continue, just ask what exactly is causing him difficulties, try to help him, but not do it for him, only help.

If your daughter is mastering embroidery, but her threads get tangled and break, teach her to untangle them, take failures calmly and continue further, so that later she can happily look at the result and receive praise for the work done.

Try to explain to your child that difficulties in doing any task are normal; tell your child about the difficulties you encountered while embroidering, so that he knows that you really understand him and wish him well.

4. Don’t leave your child alone with the problem. Some parents, wanting to instill independence in their child, are in no hurry to help their child solve his problems. They believe that the baby should cope on his own. This approach is not entirely correct, because if your child perceives any difficulties as a challenge, then your refusal to help will become an impetus for him to solve the problem. But if your child is inclined to refuse to complete a task due to difficulties, he definitely needs the support of his parents.

5. He can, but he doesn’t want to, or he wants to, but it doesn’t work out?
The golden mean is important in this matter. If you see that a child can, for example, draw a picture beautifully, but at some point he shows his laziness and refuses to complete his plan, support him, persuade him to continue or return to completing the task tomorrow.

And if you see that the child has no abilities, no matter how hard he tries, it turns out to be some kind of “daub”, you should not persuade him, force him to do something that his soul is not in. Remember that with pleasure the child will always do only what he likes and what he does best.

Give him the opportunity to choose for himself. Don't be surprised if your child often gets carried away with something and then gives up. This only means that he is in search, and your task is to help him decide. But just don’t put pressure on the child!

Good luck communicating with children!

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Inspired by yesterday's visit to the neuropsychologist.

Wikipedia tells us that

neuropsychology- an interdisciplinary scientific direction, lying at the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, aimed at understanding the connection between the structure and functioning of the brain with mental processes and behavior of living beings.

This is not very clear, of course. Professionals can throw a slipper at me)) From my mother’s perspective, I see neuropsychology quite narrowly: the science of the interaction of the left and right hemispheres.

And specialists have a bunch of wonderful exercises that allow you to harmonize this interaction. At first glance they are very simple. But you never know what you will succeed right away and what will be difficult.

So yesterday I sat and watched my youngest son (he’s soon 5) working with a neuropsychologist. I see that he is trying. I see that not everything works out. And certainly not everything is as it should be (as the specialist shows).

What does a girl psychologist do? First it shows. Then they do it together. Then he looks and CORRECTS IF SOMETHING IS WRONG.

Matvey does a lot of things wrong. She corrects a lot. He tries. He tries very hard. And when finally everything comes out more or less correctly, she says: “Okay. Now, look and do this,” he gives the next task.

And when it was necessary to crawl backwards on the shoulder blades, moving them one by one and helping himself a little with his legs, Matvey specifically stalled. Well, he couldn’t manage to move his shoulders back and forth in a circle. They had already sat him down, divided his movements into components, and moved his hands so that he could feel the movement. No way!

And so I watch: Matvey makes another attempt, the girl looks on. He starts moving. She: “No.” He tries differently. She again: “No.” Well, he’s really doing the wrong thing, I see. And I also see how with every “no”, not even melancholy grows in his eyes - doom.

She didn't scold. This “no” was absolutely neutral, just a statement of fact. But for Matvey at that moment the best support was to hear WHAT HE HAD ADVANCED. This would allow him to understand WHERE TO TRY NEXT.

After all, every time he did it a little more correctly, or at least a little differently, I could also clearly see this from the outside.

In defense of the specialist girl, I would like to say that she seems to be new. And she tried really hard too. The trouble is that she tried to do everything RIGHT. The ability to HELP THIS PARTICULAR CHILD IN THE BEST WAY (even if this means not everything, not everything correctly and not everything in full) is the next level. Comes with experience.

My personal and professional experience confirms that criticism is often demotivating. And the right support allows you to move mountains. Yesterday I was once again convinced of this.

And when he couldn’t figure it out with his hands, she sat down next to him and suggested: “Let’s imagine that you’re in a boat. On the oars. Can you row? Here you go! And the pirates are catching up with you. Show me how you row!” And things slowly moved forward.

Lively participation, support, focus on achievements - this is what helps us move forward, overcoming difficulties.

And another game. Have you noticed how many trainings in game format have appeared on the Internet lately? The game helps even adults overcome resistance, inertia and achieve results. Children certainly need it like air! And don’t doubt it – it can help teenagers too. Try with your teenager or for a teenager to PLAY the boring – you will see that your efforts will not go unrewarded!

Please tell us, how do you support your children in things that cause them difficulties and/or resistance? And what helps you move forward?

A man and a woman decided to tie the knot, visited the registry office, played a magnificent wedding, spent a honeymoon and began to live a new family life.

With good and warm relationships in a couple, sooner or later people come to the conclusion that they want to have a child. Having made such a serious decision, a man and a woman begin to “work” on their offspring; only 10% of couples fail to conceive a baby on their first attempts.

And then a question and concern begins to arise in the lovers’ minds about why they are unable to conceive a child, the husband and wife often quarrel among themselves, the excitement grows, but there is no result. I would like to say to such couples, stop, don’t panic!

If you decided a month ago that you want a child and began to actively “work” on it, but after 30 days the test did not show the two coveted lines, then there is no need to sound the alarm and become depressed. To be honest, the reason for worry will arise only a year after you have decided that you are ready to become parents and have started making weekly attempts to conceive a baby.

6 months after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, it is worth thinking about and, perhaps, changing tactics, for example, position during sexual intercourse.

In general, today let’s raise such a difficult and very intimate topic as how to conceive a child correctly so that everything works out.

Why is the first “pancake” often lumpy?

If you start to figure out why couples who really want a baby can’t conceive the first time, then you’ll have to go back to school biology lessons.

When the teacher told the whole class about the human structure and the reproductive system, and we, for the most part, were busy with more interesting thoughts, and such important information was ignored.

Let's try to fill in the gaps. So, for the birth of a little toddler, it is necessary that a meeting of a sperm and an egg occur in the female body. As a result of this “date”, the sperm enters the egg, and only then the embryo begins its development in the uterus. But this, of course, is only in theory; in practice, everything is much more complicated.

The fact is that men produce sperm with every orgasm, but a woman produces an egg only once in a cycle, roughly speaking, once every 30 days. She “lives” for a couple of days, after which she is either fertilized or dies.

Accordingly, it is not always possible to conceive a child the first time, precisely because at the time of sexual intercourse there was no egg yet, it was not ripe to perform its function. Therefore, if you want to contribute to the speedy appearance of the baby, have sex as often as possible throughout the month to “catch” the egg.

How to conceive a child if it doesn’t work out: finding out the reasons for failure

Those couples who cannot fulfill their dream of conceiving for a long time are recommended to undergo a full examination. Moreover, both men and women need to do this. Very often such couples experience hormonal imbalance. Having found out this, the doctor will help solve the problem.

Nervous tension can also negatively affect pregnancy. For example, if relatives torment you with questions: “ When can we expect grandchildren? Will you have children soon?"and others, then conception may not occur for a very long time. Our psyche is a very interesting thing, so couples who are experiencing pressure from relatives are advised to go on vacation for a week, perhaps from there you will bring your little happiness.

Of course, we cannot help but say that some couples face such a problem as infertility. But here, too, you should not despair, the most correct option is to visit a doctor, perhaps he will be able to offer you some kind of treatment or an alternative way to become parents.

Those lovers who have been unable to conceive a second baby for a long time should also visit a doctor, since there can be many reasons for their failure; only after undergoing a full examination will it be possible to shed light on the picture.

What to do if you can’t conceive a child - useful tips

  • The doctor's consultation. This has already been mentioned more than once above and this is actually a very important step for couples who cannot fulfill their dream;
  • Healthy lifestyle. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits negatively affect the life expectancy of male sperm and the overall health of women. In general, if you want children, give up bad habits;
  • Calculation of ovulation. Since menstruation for many women is a very fickle thing, those ladies who want to get pregnant are advised to calculate ovulation. Various methods will help you do this correctly, for example, a basal temperature chart, the use of special tests, etc. I would like to say a few words about basal temperature. It is measured in the rectum for seven days in the middle of the cycle. On the day of ovulation, the indicator will reach 37, and sometimes more degrees. On average, the increase is 0.5 degrees. Some ladies find it difficult to perform such manipulations; in such cases, a special test that can be bought at a pharmacy is very helpful;
  • Power control. A balanced menu is very important for those who are planning a child. Women should include green vegetables, seafood, fish and other healthy foods in their diet. Men should give preference to mussels, fatty varieties of sea fish, oysters, etc. But it is better to exclude products that contain sweeteners, preservatives and other harmful additives from the menu;
  • Refusal of medications. Of course, those people who suffer from chronic diseases and simply cannot live without medications do not need to stop taking them, but it is worth consulting with a doctor about how such medications affect conception. Some elements included in medications can negatively affect the egg. This needs to be clarified;
  • Folk recipes. You should not treat such advice with disdain. Healers have several “secret” decoctions that speed up pregnancy. Among the most effective are a decoction of the inflorescences and leaves of the uterus, a course of taking sage, and an infusion of rose petals. If you read the forums, it becomes clear that traditional medicine often helps. For example, among the girls who used the boron uterus, 40% are satisfied with the therapy and say that the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred;
  • Taking vitamins. There are medications that are simply necessary for those planning a pregnancy. Moreover, a deficiency of these substances often causes problems with conception. Drugs that should be taken include folic acid, vitamin E and tocopherol. But, of course, you should consult a doctor before taking it.

That's all the advice for today. If something doesn’t work out for you the first time, then don’t stop believing in a miracle and it will definitely come true. Even those couples who have been given a serious diagnosis, thanks to the capabilities of modern medicine, can experience the unforgettable happiness of becoming parents.

“This child doesn’t want to study at all! He grew up so smart and quick-witted. At 2 years old I already knew letters and colors. And when I read the poems, everyone on the playground was jealous. And now, how did they change it... Why does he have such a dislike for school?” Such exclamations from parents are not uncommon. Quite often, parents of children who do not want to study, go to school, and do not show interest in learning as such, turn to psychologists. Mothers and grandmothers (and it is they who are often involved in their education) sound the alarm, scold, shame, draw an unseemly future for the “lazy” person, demand, and sometimes it even comes down to a belt. Then, powerless to do anything, they seek help from a psychologist. Let's try to figure out why children don't want to study, who is to blame for this and what to do.

Possible reasons for reluctance to study

Among the reasons why children do not want to go to school, there are 5 main ones. Parents who are faced with a similar situation should read them absolutely impartially, without trying what is written on themselves. Then, after calmly thinking about what you have read, think about how what is described resembles the real problems that have arisen in their lives and that their children have faced. The next section will give tips for getting out of the situations described.

  • Parents took responsibility for schooling.

This case is quite common nowadays. Having given birth to a baby, the mother takes care of his every step, every word, every action. When a child begins to study at school, the mother does homework with him (and sometimes practically for him), collects his schoolbag, she is always aware of all school affairs. The child himself is completely deprived of the right to vote, and he also loses the need to think and do something independently. Everything has already been decided by mom. Sometimes the grandmother plays the role of the total “guardian”.

How does the mother (grandmother) feel? Realizing that studying at school is currently quite difficult, she assumes the right to help a “small, stupid” child. Also nowadays, the following slogan is widespread among mothers: “I will do anything for my child!” Help and attention are very important for a baby, if you don’t go too far.

Another similar situation is total control. It differs from the previous one in that the parent does not seek to do his child’s school duties for himself, but constantly gives orders that the child carries out. The process of completing lessons is regulated from behind the shoulder by a vigilant controller; children sit down for lessons not when they want, but when they are ordered; packing a backpack also occurs under the insistent “advice” of the dictator. But the result of this parental behavior is the same: the son or daughter has a complete lack of responsibility regarding school matters.

As a result, the child does not want to study. What is the first thing parents do to ensure that school learning (grades in particular) does not suffer? In the first case, guardianship is increased, in the second - control. If you continue in the same spirit, you can “break” the child’s will. And for those who still resist, such behavior causes protests: scandals, conflicts, laziness, truancy, hostility to school.

  • Lazy genius.

If a child has outstanding abilities since childhood, parents predict a brilliant future for him. Imagine their disappointment when the little genius suddenly declares that he is not interested in school and does not want to learn anything. Such children go to lessons under pressure, and as a result, their academic performance suffers. Moms and dads are bombarded with numerous complaints from teachers, and the class teacher asks them to take action. But the parents don’t know what to do, they have no idea how to overcome his laziness.

  • Lack of need to learn new things.

A negative example of excessive guardianship of a child was discussed above. There is another side to the coin: children who are actually brought up “on the street” may have good natural abilities regarding mental development, but the lack of parental attention and communication with educated people does not allow such children to develop cognitive interest. In other words, children do not have the need to learn something new. If, thanks to their natural abilities, they can study well in elementary school, then in middle school problems arise - the child does not see the point in learning. And parents often cannot do anything about it.

  • Conflict situations at school.

Often children do not want to go to school because of difficulties with classmates or teachers. In this situation, reluctance to learn is a secondary factor. The child spends his energy and attention on problems, but does not have enough energy for learning.

  • "Poor patient."

Children with various diseases, of which the class teacher and teachers are aware, often feign attacks and ailments. Everyone feels sorry for them, makes concessions, and treats them condescendingly. At home, you can pretend to be sick and not go to class, and if you get really tired of studying, you can go to the hospital. The most important thing: no one will strictly ask for absenteeism; a decent grade will be “stretched” out of pity. Then a reasonable question arises in the child: why study diligently and go to school if everything will be the same?

What to do?

We looked at some reasons why a child does not want to study. Now let's move on to the fun part. What advice can you give to parents? We will analyze it in the same way, according to situations.

  1. If there is excessive care and control on the part of parents, it is worth listening to a psychologist and letting go of the reins. Many parents will ask the question: why will this measure work? Won't the child completely slip into grade two? It’s worth immediately warning moms and dads that taking responsibility is a long process. At first, academic performance will drop, as the child, having escaped from under oppression, will begin to do what he was forbidden for a long time. Then he will feel that being considered a bad student is not so pleasant, and he will take the first steps towards improving his academic performance. Once a child feels the taste of success, he will no longer be able to refuse it. He will finally come to the realization that making mistakes is not so scary, and receiving a reward for his work is very pleasant!
  2. In the case of the lazy genius, the problem is that the gifted child was praised from childhood for being smart and smart. But this is just a natural given, like hair color or height. He thinks: why should I make an effort, study to gain the approval of my parents and teachers, if I am gifted by nature and have always been admired for no reason? Based on the high potential given at birth, one should study and gain knowledge that will be useful in life. This is what needs to be explained to the lazy genius.

    Also, according to the psychologist, if a child clearly differs from his classmates in terms of level of development and is bored in class, it is worth choosing a specialized school for him, where a complicated program will help him feel the “taste of new knowledge.” This will have a positive impact on your academic performance.

  3. The situation with the lack of need to learn new things is sad, but quite common. Parents can develop cognitive interest in a child, but due to the specifics of this situation, this is most often impossible. It will be a blessing for a child if school teachers instill in him an interest in at least one subject. To the one that is closest to him. By planting a spark of knowledge in a child’s soul, you can light a fire that requires more and more new knowledge. Fortunately, such sensitive and caring teachers are quite common.
  4. If problems arise at school with classmates or a teacher, parents should delicately explain the situation. When all the nuances are clear, you need to think about ways to resolve the conflict. If you can’t do this on your own, you should seek the help of a psychologist.
  5. To avoid such a situation, you should communicate thoughtfully with a child with a chronic illness. He must not be allowed to begin to manipulate his parents, and this applies not only to the problem when children do not want to go to school, but to their behavior in life in general. But if a problem has arisen, then convincing a child that one cannot live off the sympathy of others is a titanic task that can take a long time. The best thing to do is to consult a professional psychologist.

Lay down straws, or how to prevent an unpleasant situation

Often a child's soul is darkness for parents. Advice from a psychologist will help you understand the possible reasons for your rejection of school and learning. But it is always easier to prevent than to later understand what happened and ask the question: “Why?” and think what to do.

Advice for parents of preschool children will help prevent reluctance to learn in the future.

  1. Kindergarten age is the right time to teach a child to study and work. Oddly enough, you need to get used to the process of systematic learning; it should become a constant companion of the baby (and in the future, an adult) in life.
  2. Give your child more freedom to express himself. From the age of 4, he must dress himself for kindergarten, have household responsibilities, and remember to do homework (in kindergartens at this age, children already have math classes).
  3. Cultivate perseverance in your child and finish what you start. This applies to crafts, drawings and other similar activities. Just don’t insist and force the child to finish what he started. You can, for example, offer to rest and return to the task later. But you have to come back to see the results.
  4. When the baby sees the result of his work, he must certainly be praised. Having felt success, he will strive for approval every time. Thus, it will be imprinted in his head: in order to receive praise, you need to work hard.
  5. Do not force your child with an abundance of activities and clubs, do not deprive him of games and childhood. Thus, from preschool age you can discourage the desire to study.
  6. Do not set high standards for your child that exceed his capabilities. Failures cause some children to give up. Subsequently, the child will be afraid that as a result of learning he will make a mistake and receive a negative reaction from his parents, whose opinion is more important to him than anyone else in the world.

What to do if a child does not want to study? First of all, don't blame him! Adults need to take a closer look at the situation, find the reason and think through its solution. If you wish, you can always contact a professional psychologist who will help you understand what happened and suggest the right way out. Peace and tranquility to your family!

Many couples are seen by different doctors for years, but they still fail to get pregnant. This problem is familiar to many, although the reasons are different for everyone. Why you can’t conceive a child, what to do in such a situation and which specialist to contact. Why do some spouses conceive without problems, while others cannot get the desired result for a long time?

During planning, you need to eat right, avoid alcohol, and quit smoking.

To conceive a child, it is necessary that an egg meets a sperm inside the female genital tract. As a result, the sperm penetrates inside the egg, where an embryo is formed, which is implanted into the uterine wall and continues to develop as a fetus. But this is only so simple in theory; in practice, the process is much more complicated. With each orgasm, a man releases some of the sperm that are continuously produced in the testicles. That is, representatives of the stronger half are always ready to conceive.

In women, maturation occurs once per cycle, and only one cell is formed, in rare cases several. This cell lives only 1-1.5 days. If fertilization does not occur during this time, the cell dies. The next chance of conception will be in about a month, when the next ovulation occurs. It is precisely this short fertile period that explains why fertilization is so rarely successful the first time. Therefore, if you are unable to conceive a child, it is recommended to have sex at least every other day in order to be sure to ovulate.

But there are also the opposite situations, when a woman keeps basal charts and knows exactly on which days the probability of pregnancy is highest, it is on these days that the spouses have sex, but something still interferes with conceiving a child, because it is impossible to get pregnant.

Reasons for long absence of conception

If for a long time the spouses have not been able to acquire offspring, then it is necessary to identify the cause of childlessness. To do this, it is recommended that both partners undergo a comprehensive examination.

  • Quite often, hormonal failure or pathology can prevent fertilization. For example, it is not surprising if conception does not occur against the background of hormonal diseases such as fibroids or endometriosis. But only a specialist can identify such a factor. For fibroids, surgical treatment is usually prescribed, and for endometriosis, hormonal medications are prescribed to correct the background.
  • Also, the reasons for the childlessness of spouses may be the presence of unhealthy habits such as nicotine addiction, use of drugs or alcohol. These dependencies lead to pituitary disorders, which provoke disruptions in the functioning of the whole organism. The endometrial layer of a potential mother becomes thinner, a man develops erectile problems and the quality of seminal material decreases, the production and maturation of germ cells in both partners is disrupted.
  • Adhesive processes in the pelvic area can also interfere with conception. The cell simply cannot get to the sperm due to the presence of barriers in the form of adhesive cords.
  • Menstrual irregularities are also sometimes a significant factor interfering with fertilization. If the patient’s female cycle is irregular, then it is imperative to establish menstruation. To do this, doctors may recommend certain medications, or you can use the recommendations of herbalists.
  • Also, the reasons for the absence of children can be determined by male pathologies, which is why in the absence of children it is recommended that both spouses be examined. Moreover, it is advisable to start with a man, because it is quite simple to detect or exclude the possibility of male pathology, whereas a woman can be examined for a long time. If a pathology is detected in a potential father, it is necessary to contact a specialist in the field of andrology. Maybe the man simply lacks vitamins or needs serious therapy. In any case, after the necessary treatment, the man’s fertility returns to normal.
  • Stress is considered one of the leading factors preventing a woman from getting pregnant. Therefore, a potential mother needs to learn how to relax with the help of auto-training, aroma baths and massages, aromatherapy, etc. Calming herbs are also good for avoiding stressful conditions. Even minor nervous tension can negatively affect fertilization. Especially if your loved ones constantly remind you when you will have children, etc. The human psyche is structured in an unusual way, so if there is such pressure from relatives, it is better for the spouses to go somewhere for a week, about 4-5 days before ovulation.
  • Weight for conception is also important. Girls who are too plump, like girls who are too thin, may encounter problems with fertilization. Husbands also need to think about their body weight, because when men’s weight fluctuates, spermatogenesis is disrupted.

If, after eliminating such factors, conception does not occur, then there is a high probability that the couple is faced with infertility. But today, such a problem can be successfully treated, and in case of incurability, you can use the help of reproductive specialists and alternative methods of ICSI or IVF.

Regular periods are an excellent indicator

If a woman thinks that she is healthy, but after repeated attempts she has not become pregnant, then she still needs to consult a specialist. If conception does not occur, it means that there are still some health problems. Moreover, the health of both parents matters, and not just the potential mother. Because the germ cells of both spouses take part in the fertilization process. That is why, having decided on an heir, it is necessary first of all to check the condition of the reproductive and other important organs.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. Typically, diagnostic tests include blood tests for HIV and hepatitis, syphilis, smears and urine tests for sexually transmitted infections, including those transmitted through sexual intercourse. These tests must be done by both spouses. It is also necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If the tests are normal, you can begin to conceive, and if abnormalities are detected, you will need to undergo treatment.

What to do to increase the success of conception? Of course, calculate the favorable period in the cycle when the egg matures and leaves the follicle. The simplest method is the calendar method for determining ovulation. This method is ideal for patients who have a regular female cycle. To do this, you need to subtract 14 days from the first day of your period, resulting in the day of ovulation. It is necessary to count precisely from the first day of menstruation. You should start trying to conceive approximately 5 days before the egg matures and a couple of days after it. It is on these days that the greatest fertility is observed. Just a sperm can live in the genital tract for about 5 days. In general, to be sure to get pregnant, you need to make love every day from 10 to 18 days.

The quality of the sperm is no less important, because it is the sperm that fertilize the egg, and if they are of poor quality, they will not have enough strength to reach their destination. Male sperm is completely renewed in two months. This is exactly how long before conception a man needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not drink alcohol or smoke, and walk daily. Also, the stronger half will have to give up gatherings with friends in the bathhouse.

Also important is the frequency of sexual intercourse. Previously, there was a myth that it would be possible to get pregnant only with long-term, almost month-long abstinence. Scientists have successfully debunked this statement, proving that the most correct decision would be to have sex once every 2-3 days. This frequency of PA will be the most optimal if their target is children.

How to treat infertility

But what can help if the problem is infertility. This is already a serious obstacle to successful conception. You need to see a doctor, today infertility can be successfully treated. Most often, the cause of infertility is factors such as menstrual irregularities, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, etc. If ovulatory insufficiency occurs, the girl is prescribed hormones and stimulant medications. In difficult cases, the opportunity to become pregnant is realized through artificial insemination, which is carried out in several ways:

  1. Artificial insemination with donor or spouse sperm;
  2. In vitro fertilization, when a female cell is surgically removed, and after successful fertilization it is implanted into the uterine cavity (IVF);
  3. A cocktail of sperm and eggs is placed into the fallopian tubes, and then fertilization occurs;
  4. Already fertilized cells are placed in the tubes.

Infertility is often caused by the removal of tonsils, which are the body's defense against various infections. Usually, if there is severe inflammation, they are removed. Doctors believe that such an operation will protect the patient from joint pathologies, kidney or heart diseases. But after removal, a natural weakening of the immune barrier occurs, and the production of immunoglobulin substances that protect the body from viral and bacterial attacks decreases. There is also a decrease in the production of substances necessary for the maturation of eggs and sperm, which leads to infertility.

If the cause is hypothyroidism

A blood test will help identify pathology

For some couples, problems with conception may arise due to thyroid pathologies. This organ is located at the bottom of the front of the neck, on both sides of the larynx, is small in size and weighs only about 40 grams. Under the influence of iodine, which enters the body as part of food, the gland produces thyroxine and other hormonal components necessary for the regulation of metabolic processes, mental and sexual, digestive and cardiovascular activity.

The activity of the thyroid gland itself is regulated by the pituitary gland and its hormones. With hypothyroidism, the patient experiences insufficient thyroid function, menstrual irregularities and infertility, and if pregnancy does occur, it can be complicated by miscarriage, placental abruption or postpartum hemorrhage. If hypothyroidism has a pronounced form, then due to hormonal deficiency there is a disruption of ovulatory processes, transportation, synthesis and metabolism of eggs, as a result of which infertility develops.

Typically, such a pathology is manifested by frequent colds and constipation, lack of appetite, anemic pathologies, etc. Serious changes occur in the patient’s appearance, her nail plates begin to peel, her hair becomes dull and brittle, and her skin turns pale. The patient is constantly cold, she wants to sleep, she is worried about hearing and heart rhythm disturbances, and her weight begins to increase. Residents of iodine-deficient areas are at risk of developing hypothyroidism.

Vitamins and microelements for a successful flight

To avoid difficulties with pregnancy, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins. How to conceive a child if it doesn’t work out?

  • Experts say that first of all, you need to supply the body with a sufficient amount of zinc, which normalizes reproductive functions in both parents. And in men, this microelement is extremely important for full spermatogenesis, because it ensures uninterrupted production of testosterone hormone.
  • Selenium is also important for male reproduction, which also normalizes cholesterol and prevents liver pathologies.
  • It is important for women to ensure a sufficient level of potassium, a deficiency of which often leads to erosive processes in the uterine cervix, infertility and miscarriage. A lack of potassium can be caused by pathologies of the intestines and kidneys, disorders in the endocrine system, uncontrolled use of hormones, diuretics or laxatives, as well as excessive consumption of foods rich in sodium.
  • Gold is also necessary for full fertility, especially for women in whom the element improves ovarian function and the production of sex hormones. Gold preparations are even recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Copper, which takes an active part in the synthesis of sex hormonal substances, will also help you get pregnant quickly.

Vitamin components are also necessary for successful fertilization. In order for the sex glands to function smoothly, they need retinol. Vitamin A deficiency causes infertility in men, and cycle disorders in women. Tocopherol deficiency also becomes a common cause of infertility in both spouses and causes menstrual irregularities. Vitamin E is needed for the normal functionality of the male reproductive system. Parents also need to ensure adequate levels of vitamin B12, which is necessary for metabolic processes. Cyanocobalamin deficiency is dangerous for anemia and other hematopoietic disorders. If a woman has been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time, she runs the risk of developing a similar deficiency.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that make conception easier. Herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of plantain seeds, an infusion of sage (drink after menstruation and before ovulation) and sorrel, linden blossom and ginger. But such methods of increasing fertility must be approached with extreme caution. Therefore, you must first consult with a herbalist.

If pregnancy does not occur the first time, then there is no point in despairing. There are a lot of happy parents who have previously tried for a long time unsuccessfully to conceive a child. Everything has its time. And if irreversible infertility is revealed, then the possibilities of modern reproductology are incredible. Even couples doomed to childlessness were able to become parents with the help of artificial insemination, and more than once.