Musical composition about the war. Literary and musical composition “These songs are sung about the war. "Goodbye boys"

“Dedicated to the children of war...”

On the screen is a slide dedicated to the birth of a child.

N.R. Presenter1:

And the noisy wave sank into the sand, and the sea became silent, and the winds froze...

And there is no surprise in our faces, that the greatest miracle of nature,

Who has to go through fires and waters, is born helpless.

O.D. Presenter2:

The eyes of children are the lamp of my soul.

Children's laughter never stops in my ears.

The baby coos and the winds calm down,

And the thunder fell silent - no interference!

N.R. Presenter1:

There is nothing more precious on Earth than the smile of a child. Rebbenok smiles, it means the sun is shining, the field is earing peacefully, there is no soundchat explosions, villages and cities do not burn.

O.D. Presenter2:

A star fell and someone's life was interrupted.

Not just someone's life, but a child's life!

Just recently he laughed loudly -

Now only his trace floats in the skies.

N.R. Presenter1: What could be worse than the death of a child? Senseless deathand cruel, death at the hands of an adult, called by nature itselfprotect and raise the child.

O.D. Presenter 2: Children who died during the Great Patriotic War did not finish singing anddidn't finish the game, their smiles were erased by adult inhumanity andcruelty at the very beginning of their lives. Their parents, grandparents and babushushki have never been or will never be fullyhappy.

N.R. Presenter1: We dedicate our performance to the blessed memory of all children on planet Earth.

    About our peers

What do you and I know?

How did they once live?

Just before the war?

O.D. 2) About our peers

We'll tell the story

In that distant time

We'll get there at least for a moment.

N.R .3 ) Favorite writer was Gaidar.

He wrote interesting books for children.

O.D. 4) “Timur and his team”

They knew everything by heart.

Detachments of Timurites were created everywhere.

N.R. 5) Everyone believed before the war,

That there will always be peace and quiet.

(call sign of the bugle, children in pioneer uniform run out)

(Lera) girl.

Today I am Zhenya!

(Andrey) boy.

And I am Timur!

It's our turn to stand guard.

And everyone else needs to know urgently -

Who needs help?

Addresses must be written down accurately.

(Irina) girl.

Grandma Matryona has a sick heart.

Medicines are needed and all that.

We'll clean her apartment.

We will be on duty at night and during the day.

(Lera) girl.

I should go for a walk with my neighbor's daughter.

Her father was called back to the unit.

And her mother has been at work since the morning,

It's time for me to look after her daughter.

(Andrey) Boy.

Believe me, this was the case all over the country.

Nobody foresaw that there would be a war.

(one verse “If there is war tomorrow”)

O.D. leading

School is over.

Summer has come.

Children have a vacation, their parents have a vacation, everyone has a day off...

( A girl with an air balloon comes out Rick, Boy with toys, game paradise. Mom is washing the window, dad is reading the newspaper.)

(O.Y.)GIRL :

To the beginning of World War II

We haven't gone to school yet.

To the station along the pavement,

shrouded in a cloud of dust,

the night truck was rolling,

the cart rumbled in the morning,

as if on the glass of a block

lashed from thunderclouds.

Above the river, right next to the water,

The vacationer was playing the guitar, the gardens were blooming, breathless,

and low birds flew.

It was such a time.

Ignorance. Childhood. Heat.

And suddenly - like a bolt from the blue...

(S.G.) mother:

What happened, tell me, wind

What pain is there in your eyes?

Isn't the sun so shining?

Or do the herbs in the gardens wither?

(T.K.) boy:

Why are people all at dawn

suddenly froze, eyes wide open?

What happened, tell us, wind,

Is this really war?

(Levitan's message about the beginning of the Second World War)

Ball in hands The girls are bursting.

Sounds audio recording of the song « Holy war"

Mom and Girl are taping window. Dad gets up, puts on his tunic, takes his duffel bag, says goodbye to his wife and children. and leaves, following him Yes. The boy got ready for war, armed with a toy piss tolet. Dad stops him, shows with a gesture that he needs protect mom and sister. Mal chick returns, approaches Mom, who is sitting on a chair. Boy and Girl standing next to each other Mom. The song stops.)

(T.K.) BOY:

My father was taken to war....

The boy is a latch,

But the War suddenly added so many years to him.

“So what, mother?

So, then, mother,

Am I the head of the house?

You start washing your clothes,

And I'm chopping wood!

You say: he's a bit of a woodcutter

Left.So be it

Sell ​​the elephantSell ​​your whistle!

You can live without them!

Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say!

Now there is no time for rags.

Only you, mom,

Do not be sad!I won’t leave you!”

(Mom takes the children holding their toys by the hands; they leave.

The Readers take the stage

(children in white clothes):

(A.K.)Reader 1: Your enemies have threatened you more than once,

They swept you away, they didn’t dare,

My love, land of Russia,

They couldn't destroy you.

(I.R.)Reader 2: You were trampled - not trampled,

They burned you - they didn’t burn you.

You and I have experienced everything,

And even more than they could.

(children dressed in red clothes)

(N.L.)Reader: 27 million dead, millions maimed, orphaned, destitute. Among them are not only warriors, but also children - boys and girls who did not have time to learn what life is, but who knew suffering and looked into the eyes of death. Children? No! No longer children.

The war suddenly burst into their childhood and youth.

(song “Oh, war, what vile thing have you done?”)

(N.R.) Ved.: I had to drink a bitter cup during the war yearschildren . They died under bombs and died of hunger, fought alongside adults, and became real heroes. An entire generation born between 1928 and 1945 had their childhood stolen from them. “Children of the Great Patriotic War” - that’s what they are called now. And it's not just about the date of birth. They were raised by war. They have now become veterans - children of war. And memory keeps everything in the heart.

(O.D.) Ved.: In those days, boys and girls, our peers, grew up early: they did not play at war, they lived according to its harsh laws.

Putting aside the unread books andschool textbooks, young patriots picked up rifles and grenades, became sons of regiments as partisan scouts, worked tirelessly in factory shops and on collective farm fields, bringing victory closer, sparing no effort and life itself.

A dramatization of an excerpt from V. P. Kataev’s story “Son of the Regiment” A Cossack boy cleans a saber. Vanya standing in aside, look at him with envy

(Roma) COSSACK: What are you worth?

(Vanya) VANYA: I want and I stand.

COSSACK: Go back where you came from.

VANIA: Go yourself. Not your forest.

COSSACK: A here is my!


COSSACK: So. Our unit is stationed here.

VANIA: What department?

COSSACK: It doesn't concern you. "You see - our horses.

VANIA: And who are you?

COSSACK: Do you understand the insignia?

VANIA: Understand!

COSSACK: So.(Shows shoulder straps.) Corporal of the Guards Cavalry. It's clear?

VANIA: Yes! Corporal! We've seen such corporals!

COSSACK: But imagine thiswow, corporal!(Showing the medal.) Have you seen it?

VANIA: Great job!

COSSACK: Great, not great, but a medal for military merit. And go back where you came from while you’re safe.

VANIA: Don't be too fashionable. Otherwise you will get it yourself.

COSSACK: From whom?

VANIA: From me/

COSSACK: From you? Young, brother.

VANIA: Not younger than you.

COSSACK: And how old are you?

VANIA: It doesn't concern you. And you?

COSSACK: Fourteen.VANYA: Heh!(Whistling.)

COSSACK: What - heh?

VANIA: So which oneare you a soldier?

COSSACK: Ordinary. Guards Cavalry.

VANIA: Interpret! Not allowed.

COSSACK: What is not allowed?

VANIA: Too young.

COSSACK: Older than you.

VANIA: Still not allowed. They don't hire people like that.

COSSACK: But they took me.

VANIA: How were you taken?

COSSACK: And so they took it.

VANIA: And count towards allowanceLily?

COSSACK: But of course!

VANIA: You fill it up.

COSSACK: I don't have such a habit.

VANYA: Worry.

COSSACK: Honest Guards.

VANIA: And they gave you weapons?

COSSACK: But of course! Everything, thatit's supposed to. Have you seen my checkerboard? Noble, brother, blade. Yes itWhat! I also have a burka. Burachwhat do you need? But I only wear it in battle.

VANIA: But they didn’t take me. At first they took it, and then they said it’s not allowed. I even slept in their tent once. The scouts, the artillery.

COSSACK: Therefore, you aredidn’t show up, since they didn’t want to take you for their son.

VANIA : How is it - for your son? For what?

COSSACK: It is known for which. For the son of the regiment. And without this it is not allowed.

VANIA: Are you a son?

COSSACK: I am the son. For the second year now, brother, our Cossacks have considered me a son. They received me near Smolensk. Major Voznesensky himself registered me under his last name, since I am an orphan. So now I call myself Guard Corporal Voznesensky and serve as a liaison under Major Voznesensky. They, my brother, once even took me along with them on a raid. There our Cossack women made a big fuss with the Nazis. How they will burst into one village where their headquarters was located, and how they will jump out into the street in only their underpants! We filled about a hundred and fifty of them there.(Waves saber.

VANIA: And did you chop?

COSSACK: Not. To tell the truth, I didn't chop. I didn’t have a checker then... Well, therefore, go back where you came from. Goodbye brother.

VANIA: Goodbye!

( Vanya and Cossack leave)

(N.R.) Ved.: The war is over...Not everyone returned home... But the memory of them lives on. How alive is our gratitude to them, who shielded us with their breasts.

(O.D.) Ved.: Children of war. Some of the guys, and there were quite a few of them, were taken by the Germans to Germany and placed in concentration camps. Experiments were performed on these children and they were sent to the ovens of crematoria.

(D. Af.) Reader: (dressed in black clothes)

Where does memory begin - with birches?

From river sand? From the rain on the road?

And if - from murder! And if - with tears!

And if - from the air raid!

And if from a screeching saw in the clouds,

From adults, stretched out in the dust!

And if from childish knowledge - how the living becomes dead!

And at five, and at fifteen, and at twenty-five years old

Memory begins with war.

(N.L.) Reader: 7 thousand children died in the Salaspils camp in Lithuania.

From memories : (children on stage in black)

(D.Af. )Camp Natzweier, where “scientific experiments” were carried out on prisoners. Among the documents found is a daily report from October 31st. In total, as of that day, 18,486 people were kept in the camp, including 2,595 children, youth and teenagers under 20 years old. Not only the disabled, but also the healthy were taken to the camp crematorium. While the former were killed here and sent to the oven simply for the purpose of extermination, the latter played the role of guinea pigs: they were inoculated with typhoid, cholera, plague, leprosy and other diseases. The camp gave the Germans a side income from the sale of ashes in special urns at a price of 60 marks and better - 120 marks. What could be more cynical and terrible than earth fertilized with the ashes of our peers!..

(N.L. )Fascist non-humans shot at children for fun, to watch how the children ran away in fear, or chose a living target for themselves to practice accuracy. Children imprisoned in the camps served as blood donors for German soldiers. And how cynically they were “sorted” into those suitable and unsuitable for work. If you come out tall, you reach the line drawn on the wall of the barracks - you will serve "great Germany", below the required level - you will go to the oven.

(D.Af.)Reader: The world has never seen a more terrible action

There is no limit to cruelty in the world

Children walk in single file under the bar.

She measures out their life and childhood.

It's funny and very simple

Who is at least a little below the height standard?

It will be sent to the oven without delay.

And the kids knew

About the condition.

Oh, how they stood on tiptoe!

Hess saw everything

He silently frowned

And silently they broke the chain of children.

Didn't cry

They didn't ask for mercy.

Stretch your body higher, higher

Children of Ukraine and Russia walked

Warsaw, Bratislava and Paris.

(N.R.) Lead: The world shuddered when it learned about the gas chambers of German concentration camps. About hundreds of thousands of people tortured, gassed, burned and shot.(song “Buchenwald Alarm”)

(O.D.) Lead: Every year poppies bloom on the sites of former death camps. They turn red, like splashes of the blood of victims of fascism, recalling the tragedies of war.

Flowers bloom in Buchenwald -

Scarlet poppies.

In the museum room there are shields,

And there are barracks nearby.

Flowers bloom in Buchenwald -

Scarlet flashes.

Poppies are looked at from above

Permanent towers.

There are no SS men on the towers

Smoke doesn't billow...

The flowers are flaming - and the light

Applies to faces.

Death does not walk around the camp,

Dogs don't bark

But it's still creepy to watch

On scarlet poppies.

(N.L.)Reader: In March 1943, 300 punitive forces appeared in the Belarusian village of Khatyn. They herded the villagers into a large barn, which they doused with gasoline and set on fire. Those running out were met by machine gun fire.(sound of machine gun fire). Children screamed, adults cried. People were suffocating and burning. 149 people died in the fire, including 75 children.

(O.Y.) Girl:

(slide – Tanya Savicheva)

And the little Leningraders fought in the besieged city, fought hunger, cold, death, like Tanya Savicheva. This girl's diary cannot be read without pain and trembling.

The Savichevs died one after another. Tanya did not give up, she dried up, froze, became thin and very light, but she lived. Her mother was with her, and she held on. Then... Page starting with the letter C: “The Savichevs all died.”

Tanya Savicheva did not shoot at the Nazis, she was not a scout for the partisans. She was simply living in her hometown during a difficult time. But perhaps the reason the Nazis did not enter Leningrad was because Tanya Savicheva lived there and there lived many other girls and boys who remained forever in their time.

(Slide – portrait of Valya Kotik)

(T.K.) Valya Kotik. When the war started, I was only 11 years old. I studied at a school in Shepetovka and was a leader among my peers. When the Nazis burst into Shepetivka, I, together with my friends, decided to fight the enemy. We collected weapons at the battle site, which the partisans then transported to the detachment on a cart of hay. The adults entrusted me with being a liaison and intelligence officer for their underground organization. I learned the location of enemy posts and the order of changing the guard. The Nazis planned a punitive expedition against the partisans, and I, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punitive forces, killed him...

In February 1944, I died in one of the battles. I was 14 years old...

(N.R.) Presenter: On May 2, 1945, Valya Kotik was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. And in June 1958, by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

(slide – portrait of Zina Portnova)

(S.G.) Zina Portnova comes out.

The war found me in the village of Zuya, where I came on vacation. I joined an underground youth organization. She took part in daring operations against the enemy, sabotage, distributed leaflets, and conducted reconnaissance.

Having got a job as a waitress in the canteen where fascist officers ate, I found the right moment and poisoned the soup, and as a result, after 2 days, more than a hundred officers who dined in the canteen that day were buried. After this incident, the underground fighters transported me to the forest to the partisans, where I became a scout.

It was December 1943. I was returning from a mission. In the village of Mostishche, a traitor betrayed me. The Nazis captured me and tortured me. The answer to the enemy was my silence, my contempt and hatred, my determination to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, I chose the moment, grabbed a pistol from the table and fired at point-blank range at the Gestapo man.

The officer who ran in to hear the shot was also killed on the spot. I tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook me...

(O.D.) Presenter: The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained persistent, courageous, and unbending. And the Motherland posthumously celebrated her feat with its highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

(slide – portrait of Leni Golikov)

(V.N.) Lenya Golikov comes out: When my native village of Lukino was captured by the enemy, I went to the partisans.

More than once I went on reconnaissance missions, brought important information to the partisan detachment - and enemy trains and cars flew downhill, bridges collapsed, enemy warehouses burned...

N.R. Presenter: There was a battle in his life that Lenya fought one on one with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy hit a car. A Nazi man got out of it with a briefcase in his hands and, firing back, began to run. Lenya follows him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally defeated him. The briefcase contained very important documents; the partisan headquarters immediately sent them by plane to Moscow.

(O.D.) Ved. An order came from Moscow: to award the highest award to everyone who captured such important documents. But they did not know that they were captured by one Lenya, who was only 14 years old. This is how the pioneer Lenya Golikov became a Hero of the Soviet Union. And how many more battles there were in his short life! And the young hero, who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, never flinched. He died near the village of Ostray Luka in the winter of 1943.

(slide - children in the rear)

(N.R.) Lead: Who helped forge our common victory? Who shoes, clothes, feeds and supplies the Red Army with weapons to fight the enemy? They were both adults and very young boys and girls. No days off or holidays,placing shell boxes under your feet , they worked 14-15 hours per day as mechanics, turners, milling machine operators in factories, they grew bread to feed the army, while most often they themselves were malnourished. Children grew up early, replacing older brothers, fathers, and mothers who had gone to the front. In the rear, our peers showed miracles of labor heroism, and therefore received awards, just like their peers at the front.

(N.L.) Reader: For the courage and bravery shown during the war, more than 3.5 million boys and girls were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. 7000 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

(D.Af.) Reader:

13 million children died in World War II. How many Belarusian, how many Polish, how many Russian? Children, citizens of the world, died.

(O.D.) Lead: Bow down both young and old

In honor of those who are for happiness,

That he gave his life for the sake of life.

Summer sky above us

Wormwood smells bitter,

Black bells

The bottomless blue groans.

Moans with earthly sorrow

Those whose hearts don't beat.

The bells are not silent.

(N.R.) Lead:

The bells are ringing... their viscous, soul-freezing hum is perceived as an alarm bell. He appeals not only to the memory of the dead, but to everyone living on earth, he calls:

"People! Do not forget! Don’t allow new wars!”

(A message from the Council Bureau sounds about the end of the war ,

song "Victory Day" A mother and children come out and paste up the windows. Dad returns and gives the girl a balloon and the boy a cap. All participants come out and bow)

"Childhood scorched by war"

(Dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War,

for students in grades 1 - 4 using a presentation)

Developed and carried out

primary school teacher:

Pankova L.V.

Literary and musical composition

"Childhood scorched by war"

(Dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, for students in grades 1 - 4 using a presentation)

Target: Education of patriotism, citizenship, memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.


Expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War; to give children the opportunity to feel the greatness of the spirit of the people of the war generation, their faith in the triumph of justice and truth on Earth.

To contribute to the expansion of ideas about courage, bravery and dedication of boys and girls; evoke a feeling of pride, a desire to imitate heroes, and learn perseverance and courage from their examples; strive to show children at what difficult cost the Victory was won.

Talk about children of war; contribute to the education of patriotic feelings and respectful attitude towards war veterans.

Involve children in reading books about the Great Patriotic War; to promote a feeling of deep respect for people who gave their lives in the name of Victory.


Children's drawings about the war, portraits of pioneer heroes, book exhibition

Celebration progress:

1 student:

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May!

The soundtrack of the song is playing

"Cranes" music. J.Frenkel, lyrics. R. Gamzatova.

Presenter 1:

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war, honor the memory of fallen heroes, and bow to the living.

2nd student:

The war has passed

The trouble has passed

But pain calls to people.

Come on, children, never

Let's not forget about this!


Dear guys, dear guests! Many years separate us from Victory Day in that terrible and difficult war. The entire people rose to defend the Fatherland. Thousands of boys and girls served in combat in regular units and formations of the Red Army, in partisan detachments, and worked in the rear along with adults.

Leading : 1

Today our literary and musical composition is about children of the Great Patriotic War.

Leading: 2

The summer of 1941 began wonderfully for many girls and boys. Summer promised its joys. The sun was shining brightly, flowers spread across the meadows like a colorful carpet.

Scene: “In a sunny meadow”

Girls and boys are sitting in a sunny meadow. You can hear birds singing. They dream about the future.

Boy 1:

Do you know what I dream about? I want to be a teacher. I will teach children to love their Motherland, I will read them my favorite poems by A. Blok

Born in the land of the deaf

They don’t remember their own paths.

We are children of the terrible years of Russia -

I can't forget anything...

Boy 2:

And I will be a doctor.

Girl 1:

And I will just be a good person.

Girl 2:

Guys, look how beautiful it is around, it’s even breathtaking. And what silence! And the dawns here are quiet, quiet. Pure, pure, like tears...


And high school students walked at proms.

(Several couples dance a waltz. The music ends. The guys say goodbye and go home.)

Presenter: 2

People slept, putting it off until the morning

All your worries and affairs.

In a bright house, quiet and cozy,

The little girl was sleeping.

There are toys on the bed, on the table,

Outside the window there is a large green garden,

Where are the apple and pear trees in spring?

They put on festive attire.

Leading: 1

The sky floated in bright spots,

The sky was also waiting for the day,

And no one knew that that night

At dawn the WAR began.


Leading: 2

More than one million Soviet children fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. They were from 8 to 17 years old. Thousands of children went through fascist concentration camps, survived the occupation, and survived the siege of Leningrad.

(A group of boys, marching, perform the song “Farewell of the Slav”)

1 student :

Forties, fatal

Lead, gunpowder...

The war is sweeping across Russia,

And we are so young!

2nd student:

We weren't taught how to throw ourselves under a tank,

And how to close the enemy’s embrasure,

And rush towards the enemy like a living ram...

But we were taught to love our Motherland!

3rd student:

How it was! How did it coincide -

War, trouble, dream and youth!

And it all sunk into me

And only then did it awaken within me!...

Leading: 1

The blockade of Leningrad became a terrible tragedy for the country. For 900 days and nights, the residents of this city were surrounded by Nazi troops.

Leading: 2

2 million 544 thousand remained in besieged Leningrad. residents, including 400 thousand. children.

Leading: 1

The children had to endure cold, hunger, the death of their relatives, and all this at a young age, but they held on to the end, going through all the cruel trials.

With their childish instincts, they understood that trouble had come, big trouble.

Scene "Brother and Sister"


It's so cold and mom isn't coming

Maybe she'll bring us some bread

Well, at least where to find a tiny one

I'm hungry and scared to go to bed


Don't I want to eat?


But I still remain silent.

After all, where is our dad now,

Heavier than ours.

The shells don't explode here,

And you and I have a home.

And most importantly, the Nazis are far away.

And who in the country has it easy now!


Do you remember pancakes with jam?

Tea with mom's cookies

Which she baked on holidays

Now I could eat it all by myself!


You're talking about food again

It would be better not to poison my soul!

The more often you remember about her

The more hungry you feel.

And I don’t need these memories.


And here you can hear mom’s steps!


Don't you dare whine in front of her,

let her rest first.

1 student:

These days are gloomy

We grew up in the yards

Those were non-school years,

There are tears and fear everywhere.

Oranges, bananas

We couldn't eat -

At potato peelings

We all grew up then.


But how many of them could not bear the hunger!

And how many were burned in the fire!

And how many died from the cold!

Don't tell me off.

If you can’t pronounce it, you won’t be able to speak!

Leningrad children number,

Whose lives are on those black nights

In those terrible days, it was carried away.

Leading: 1

18 million Soviet people ended up in fascist concentration camps. Among them were children. Only 7 million. people waited for their freedom. The Nazis used child prisoners as free labor. They performed medical experiments on them, used them as donors, taking almost all the blood.

(Fragment of the film “Remember Your Name”)

Leading: 2

Almost a third of the country's population lived under brutal German occupation. The occupiers destroyed towns and villages. They shot and burned residents, sparing neither women nor children.

Sketch "Grandmother and grandson"

(The lights in the hall go out. A weak spotlight illuminates the corner of the stage. There is a window, next to a stool and a table, a candle is burning on the table. Grandmother and grandson are sitting by the window, looking out onto the street.)

Grandson: Look, look, grandma! The tanks are coming! How big! And they all have crosses, and you said: “There is no cross on them.”

Grandmother: This is their word for “swastika”

Grandson: Motorcycles are racing...

(Phonogram - German phrases, pig squealing, laughter.)

Grandson: Grandma, look - the Fritz is chasing a pig!

Grandmother: (taking grandson by the hand). Come with me, Vasyatka...

Grandson: Where to, grandma?

Grandmother: You will sit in the barn until the news comes, what to do next with you...

Grandson: Why hide me, I’m small...

Grandmother: The piglet was also small... Let's go!

Grandson: I'm not going to the barn!

Grandmother : Don't argue with me. When my father returns, I’ll tell you everything, just know that.

Grandson : Grandma, didn’t he tell you where he went?

Grandmother: Don't know.

Grandson : I know. He joined the partisans along with the factory workers.

Grandmother : (scared). You will destroy everyone! Take photos off the walls. (Grandmother and grandson take photographs from the walls.) Now get ready. Let's go to the barn and don't contradict grandma.

Grandson : Grandma, dear... Ask me anything you want... Just not to the barn. Will not go! I'm afraid of the dark and mice. (Sobs.)

Grandmother: Eh, Vasyatka, Vasyatka! “I’m afraid of mice,” I don’t resemble my father in courage. What should I do with you? I'm afraid for you. You are a gullible boy. You blurt out about your father and that’s it, that’s the end. Here's what, Vasyatka, if the Nazis come, no matter what they ask: about your father, about your mother, about me, about anything - pretend to be dumb. (There's a knock on the door.) Oh, this is for us. My legs are giving way...

Grandson : This is Seryozha’s voice.

(Seryozha enters)

Grandmother : Oh, you scared us! They thought it was the Nazis who came. Why are you all blue and green? You don't have a face...

Seryozha: Shot, shot!

Grandson: Who was shot?

Seryozha: Three partisans were shot in the square. They say they were putting up leaflets. The Nazis caught them, and immediately... you understand?

Grandmother: Let's go, guys, hide in the barn until our guys come.

(Everyone leaves the stage)

Leading: 1

During the Great Patriotic War, 13 million people died in the world. children.

1 student:

Young fallen heroes

You remained young for us,

We are a living reminder

That the Fatherland has not forgotten you.

Life and death - and there is no middle

Eternal gratitude to you all,

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poems.

How many of you are cheerful and happy?

Buried in your native land?

2nd student:

Once again a stingy tear guards the silence.

You dreamed about life when you went to war.

How many young people did not return back then!

Without having lived, without finishing, they lie under granite.

Looking into the eternal flame - the radiance of quiet sorrow,

Listen to the holy minute of silence.

(Minute of silence)

Presenter: 2

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground.

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

In the name of the Fatherland -

Children (in chorus)

- Victory

In the name of the living

Children (in chorus)

- Victory

In the name of the future -

Children (in chorus) - Victory

Presenter: 2

On May 9, 1945, the long-awaited victory came. People waited 1418 days for this holiday. The war left its mark on almost every family. Our country missed almost 27 million of its sons and daughters...

A group of children perform a song"Victory March".

Several pairs of children dance the waltz.

1 student :

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with victory,

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever,

From all the earth, from all Rus'!

2nd student:

The war went on for four years, many guys died,

But it ended in victory six decades ago.

Sixty-five years ago that spring blossomed,

When the war finally stopped!

3rd student:

I don't know anything about this war.

I'll read the book. I'll see it in the movies.

But it's so hard to believe me today

That my great-grandfather was killed in the war.

4 student:

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you, soldiers.

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Leading: 1

Time is moving forward rapidly. The Great Patriotic War has become history. Every year Victory Day becomes an increasingly sad holiday. Veterans are leaving. And we have to sadly admit that the memory of the war goes with them.

Teachers sing the song “The Living Remember”

Leading: 2

Our generation of people of the new Russia cherishes the future of the planet, and therefore our task is to prevent a new war and to fight for peace throughout the world.

1 student:

2nd student: Peace is the most important word in the world,

3rd student: Our planet really needs peace!

4 student : Children need peace!

5 student: Adults need peace!

6th student: Everyone needs peace!

The holiday ends with the singing of the song “Let there always be sunshine”

The living remember the living,

About those who were once nearby

Legends are written about them,

About guys faithful to their exploits.

Our Russian soldier remembers everything:

With whom he ate porridge from the pot,

Shag, smelling of gunpowder.

It's hard to remember -

But you won’t forget the grief

Russia, like a mother,

A warm heart will not cool you down!

The living remember the living...

Progress of the event:

Slide 1

Children sit in a semicircle. The windows are darkened. There is a table in the center. The presenters are sitting at the table. A candle is burning on the table.. A recording with Levitan’s voice sounds “Today at 4 o’clock in the morning...”.

Slide 2

Then the song “Holy War” plays. Gradually, the sound of the music almost fades away, and the children read poetry.

High school student 1.

June. The sunset was approaching evening

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And there was loud laughter from the guys,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in 1945, in May.

High school girl 2.

Forty-first! June.

A year and a month of national struggle.

Even the dust of time

This date cannot be delayed.

The country was rising

And she went to the front in company,

Red stars

Carrying away banners on canvases.

Leading: The war began on June 22, 1941. Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front, straight from school.

A student reads B. Okudzhava’s poem “Goodbye, boys.” Slide 3

Leading: “Everything for the front, everything for victory” - the call was heard everywhere. Women, old people and children remained in the rear. They faced many trials. They dug trenches, stood at machine tools, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard. The boys who stayed at home replaced the men and did all the men's work for their fathers.

The student reads Ya. Berezkin’s poem “Man”. Slide 4

Leading: And how much has befallen women? Poets Mikhail Isakovsky and Lyudmila Shmidt wrote about their difficult fate in those years.

Students read the poems “Can you really tell me about this”, “I’ll sing to you, dear”. Slides 5 – 9.

Leading: The soldiers fought in the name of peace and dreamed of a future peace in the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. How many kilometers of roads have been traveled, how many soldiers' boots have been trampled. But they believed that the world, saved from fascism, would be beautiful. It was difficult. And the song helped me survive. Songs of the war years are especially dear to us.

1st grade performs the song “Oh Roads”, 4th grade - “Katyusha”. Slides 10 – 13, 14.

Leading: Very young fighters fought on the fronts and partisan detachments along with adults. Your peers, guys, did not pick up toy machine guns and ammunition. Next to the names of the legendary war heroes Gastello, Maresyev and many others, we name the names of young heroes who gave their lives for victory: Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei and others.Slide 15.

Children read poetry:

S.Marshak “Neither.” Slide 16

A. Tvardovsky “The Tankman’s Tale”, Slide 17

A. Barto “Partisan Tanya”, Slide 18

A. Barto "Sashko". Slides 19 - 20

High school student 1. Slide 21

Young, beardless heroes,

You remain young forever.

In front of your suddenly revived formation

We stand without raising our eyelids.

Pain and anger are the reason now

Eternal gratitude to you all,

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poems.

High school girl 2.

How many of you? Try to list

You won’t count it, but it doesn’t matter,

You are with us today, in our thoughts,

In every song, in the light noise of leaves,

Quietly knocking on the window.

High school student 1.

And we seem three times stronger,

As if they too were baptized by fire,

Young beardless heroes,

In front of your suddenly revived system

We are walking mentally today.

A minute of silence is announced. The metronome sounds. Slide 22

Leading: More than 26 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. 1,710 Soviet cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and hamlets were completely destroyed. 6 million buildings were burned and destroyed. 25 million people were left homeless.

The student reads S. Marshak’s poem “The Boy from the Village of Popovka.” Slide 23

Leading: The path to victory was long - 1418 days and nights of war. And every day is blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, immeasurable suffering of people, unparalleled courage and valor of the people, the joy of large and small victories.

Students read poems: Slide 24

A. Smirnova “Who was in the war”,

R. Kazakova “Clear Sky”.

Leading: The feat of the Soviet Army, the liberator, is honored not only in our country. In Germany, in Treptow Park, there is a monument to the soldier-liberator. This is a victorious soldier, to whose chest the German girl he saved trustingly clings.

The student reads G. Rublev’s poem “Monument”. Slide 25

Leading: Victory Day! With what impatience the oppressed peoples were waiting for you. In your name, rivers of blood were shed and the most difficult trials were endured. May 9, 1945... Is it possible to forget this day? He is memorable to every person.

Students read A. Usachev’s poems “What is Victory Day.” Slide 26

2nd grade sings the song “Victory Day”. Slide 77

Leading: We, descendants, must remember at what cost our happiness was won. I would like you, who were born and raised in peacetime, to never experience the horror of war and think about who we owe our lives to. War, even the most just one, is terrible because it involves the unnatural - the killing of people.

Students read poetry:

S. Marshak “Native language lesson”, Slide 28

E. Trutneva “For peace, for children!”, Slide 29

E. Yevtushenko “Do Russians want war.”

Leading: Millions died so that there would be eternal peace on Earth. That’s why your heart aches so much when you hear reports about today’s wars.

My child heard. Mine and yours.

I don't want Leningrad to starve

He touched them with his blockade hand.

I don't want the pillboxes to be exposed,

Like a cancerous tumor of the earth.

I don't want them to come to life again

And they took someone’s life with them.

Let people throw up a million palms

And protect the beautiful face of the sun

From burning, ashes and Khatyn pain.

Forever! Forever! And not for a moment!

My child heard, mine and yours.

Let the world explode with a cry:

"No! No need!

I need a son, not dead, but alive!”

The song “Let there always be sunshine” plays . Slide 31

Slide 32.

Summing up the results of the reading competition and awarding the winners.

Literary and musical composition about the war.

A soundtrack of children's laughter sounds, children play with toys. The laughter stops. The children freeze. Levitan's voice sounds.
War…. What a terrible word!
War - there is no crueler word.
War – there is no more terrible word.
War - there is no sadder word. War is letters that people wait and are afraid to receive.
War is a special love for good and a special burning hatred for evil, destruction, and death.
War - sons taking the ashes,
Russia cried out loud.

War - to stay alive
She asked everyone else.
The whole globe is under your feet...
I live...
I breathe...
But in our memory we always...
All. Killed in battle.
Let me not name all the names,
There are no blood relatives.
Isn't that why I live
Why did they die?
The further we move away from the war...

Verse 1:
How many letters from soldiers from that last war.
To this day they have not been delivered to the recipients.
Maybe there is no addressee and no writer...
So who is he looking for? The triangular envelope.

A triangular story, a story of several lines
“Like, I’m fighting with conscience. Listen to your mother, son..”
Verse 2:
Autumn covered the triangles with yellow ash
The lines are washed away by showers, like a widow's tear
And the words have already become very illegible
But the meaning of those letters is painfully clear
Triangular fable, impossible fable
At three dooms of the sky, bullets crazy quadrille
Triangular joy, triangular sadness.
The three words that survived: “I’m Marusya, I’ll be back..”
Verse 3:
We want the people of our country to know
These letters were written to us by soldiers from the war.
This is how everyone bequeathed to love fully
What they defended and were able to defend
Triangular fable, impossible fable
In three deaths of the sky bullets crazy quadrille
Paper triangle have dreams and hold on
It flashed once, “We’re winning, it seems!”
The years scorched by war are farther and farther away from us. Veterans are passing away. But the suffering of the war years and the immortal courage of the people are still alive in the people's memory. Frontline letters! Who among the older generation is not familiar with homemade paper triangles! These are the testaments of the dead heroes to the living!
showing the presentation

The first verse and chorus of the song “Holy War” are played.
Machine gun fire sounds. The rumble of airplanes. Explosions and shots.
Threads are stretched across the hall, along which soldiers' letters (triangles) hang.
Listen to letters from the war years!
These are letters from the dead to their relatives, friends and loved ones.
They wrote under bullets. And under bullets they don’t lie.
Listen to letters from the war years.
A postwoman girl comes onto the stage with an empty but very heavy bag and sits down tiredly on the edge of the stage.
- Postwoman! Postwoman!
Is your bag heavy?

All newspapers are newspapers.

- Postwoman! Postwoman!
How far do you have to drag?
- My bag is heavy. My bag is heavy.
All magazines are magazines.
Will I get them myself? Will I get them myself?
My bag is heavy! (gives the letter)
- Postwoman! Postwoman!
Did you go around all the houses?
- I went around all the houses. I went around all the houses.
She delivered newspapers and letters.
My bag is heavy!
I went around all the houses.
My bag is heavy! (gives the letter)
- Postwoman! Postwoman!
And you take off your bag!
- I can’t remove the bag! I can't take off my bag!
There is a funeral at the bottom.
I can't read to whom. I can't read to whom.
Funeral! Funeral! (gives the letter)
Gray stone on chest. Gray stone on chest.
Katya Katalova Nastya Dementyeva Katya Antsipovich remains on stage reading letters.

1 reads the letter
“Hello, dear Zinochka and Galochka! I send you my warmest greetings. Zinulya, now there is only one task - the speedy defeat of Hitler so that we can meet again. I hope that after the defeat of the enemy our meeting will take place. I hope that you will pass this life test with honor. Always remember that I think about you in battles, that I, without sparing my life, fight for your quiet life, for your freedom and independence. And if you have to die, then don’t forget me, know that my life is the price of your life. I think you understand all this perfectly well.
2 reads the letter
I'll die tomorrow, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only lived 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live to defeat the hated fascists. I know my death will be avenged. Don't cry, mom. I die knowing that I gave everything to victory. It's not scary to die for the people. How I would like to live and see what life will be like next...
3 reads the letter
The silence is still indistinct,
There are still cartridges in the chambers,
And out of habit, the foreman
He runs, bending down, towards the battalion.
The machine gun is still squinting
There are black cellars on the windows,
The “civilians” are still trembling
And they don’t come out of the basements.
And, shocked by the silence,
The soldier who opened the doors to the world,
Doesn't believe in the day he
For four long years I believed.
Machine gun burst
The first scene of extinguishing "bombs - lighters", to the roar of planes, explosions and air raids. After the raid he returns home, takes off his coat and falls asleep in his chair. Under the coat is a white robe.
Second scene.
Prison, the girl writes a letter and begins to read it out loud: “Borya, they will kill us at night; the filthy ones feel that they will soon end. I told them to their face that ours will take it. Borya, forgive me for upsetting you. You know, not you always say and do as you want, but I love you so much, I love you so much that I don’t know how to say, Borya, I would cuddle up to you now, and I’m not afraid, let them lead me. Yesterday, when they beat me so much, I thought to myself. I repeated: “Borenka,” but I didn’t say anything to them - I don’t want them to hear your name, Borenka, goodbye, thank you for everything.”
“A dark, terrible moment is approaching! My whole body is mutilated - no arms, no legs... But I’m dying in silence. It’s scary to die at 22 years old. How I wanted to live! IN THE NAME OF THE LIFE of people who will come after us, in your name. Motherland, we are leaving. .. Bloom, be beautiful, darling, and goodbye.
Your Pasha."
Hospital. Everything is in white.
The walls smell of damp chalk.
Swaddled us tightly in a blanket
and making fun of how small we are.
The sister bent over and stirred water on the floor.
And we looked at the floors
And blue flew into our eyes,
Water, floors, my head was spinning.
The words swirled: and she.
Third scene.
Masha Podkhapova, Nastya Dementieva, Katya Antsipovich appear on stage
Inna Zueva as a nurse.
Everyone takes their place Inna in the center of the stage
Masha Podkhapova,
She saved a hundred wounded alone
And she carried it out of the firestorm,
She gave them water to drink
And she bandaged their wounds herself.
Nastya Dementieva,
Under a shower of hot lead
She crawled, crawled without stopping
And, having picked up the wounded soldier,
I didn’t forget about his rifle.
Katya Antsipovich
But for the hundred and first time,
last time
She was struck down by a fragment of a fierce mine...
Bowed silk banners
in a sad hour,
And her blood burned in them as if...
Here is a girl lying on a stretcher.
The wind plays with a golden strand.
Like a cloud that the sun is in a hurry to hide,
Eyelashes shaded the radiant gaze.
Young life lit a hundred lives
And suddenly it went out in the bloody hour...
But a hundred hearts for glorious deeds
Her posthumous glory will inspire her.
Spring went out before it could bloom.
But, as the dawn gives birth to the day, burning,
Having brought death to the enemy, she
She remained immortal while dying.

The song "Cranes" is playing

And they turned into white cranes.

They, to this day, from those distant times,
They fly and give us voices.
Isn’t that why it’s so often and sad
We fall silent, looking at the heavens.

A tired wedge flies, flies across the sky,
Flying in the fog at the end of the day.
And in that order there is a small gap -
Maybe this is the place for me.

The day will come, and with a flock of cranes
I will swim in the same gray darkness.
From under the heavens, calling like a bird,
All of you whom I left on earth.

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers
Those who did not come from the bloody fields,
They once did not die in our land,
And they turned into white cranes
The soundtrack of victory sounds
The wheat is ripe,
The dawn floats quietly.
Everything you could have done,
Guys who aren't there!

Mothers are tired of crying,
But after many years
They look at us carefully
Guys who aren't there!

As if bending over destinies!
As if stepping forward
They became our destinies -
Guys who aren't there!"

At this time, the readers come out and light many candles.
Poem by V. Mavrodiev “Mother”.
I once saw a guest on the mound:
Taking off the darkening scarf from his head,
She took two handfuls of earth from the hill
And she tied the earth into a knot.
The June sky brightened above her,
When your gait is quiet and graceless,
She walked past birch trees and statues
And she froze at the entrance to the Pantheon.
From the distant Second World War,
I don’t sell my memory and past,
I see how they look with longing

How difficult it is, after going through so many winters and hardships,
No warmth to be seen again!
It was, or was not, your solar year:
October, communists, war?

They promised you bright things,
You defended the kingdom of sadness...
Believed sacredly in the best years,
We walked along the stage to the kingdom of freedom...

You have become weaker and get sick more and more often,
We have become smarter and more cunning,
We can learn and accomplish a lot,
But can we be a little kinder?

I keep my late grandfather's medals
From the distant Second World War,
I don’t sell my memory and the past!..
Old people! Strict judges -
Who will remember you, who will forget you?
Life burns out, but pain does not age,
Time will test who can do what!

Scenario of the literary and musical composition “Candle in the Palms” (procession to the monument to fallen soldiers)

Author Matsegora Alla Vladimirovna

Description: The procession is attended by young people and schoolchildren, residents and guests of the village of Yulovsky.
The script uses poems by Soviet poets, songs of the war years and songs about the war.
The action takes place at a mass grave in the village of Yulovsky, Salsky district in the evening.

Fostering patriotism, love for the Motherland, and active citizenship.
Fostering a sense of pride for the country, respect for veterans;
Forming respect for the historical past of the country and its people;
Activation of the creative abilities of the younger generation.
multimedia installation.
big screen.
sound amplification equipment

Musical accompaniment: songs of war.

1, Music background “FANFARE VICTORY”

SLIDES “Candle in the palm of your hand”
TEXT Nothing lasts forever under the moon, no one is eternal,
Light candles above the crazy silence!

Slides “Photo – roads”
Musical background “Oh, roads”

(against the background of music) Roads are running everywhere... They run somewhere into the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again...
VED: But the roads can be very different, for example, the road of happiness, the road of success... Such clear, wide, bright roads.
VED: And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. Nobody chooses such roads, they just walk along them...

The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

A familiar house, a golden birch tree,
Everything was burned by wartime,
But you keep it like a dear memory,
A simple tune that we sang yesterday.

4 years, 2600 kilometers and 27 million lives lost.
27 million - this means every eighth resident of our country died during the Great Patriotic War. 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour, 10 people every minute.

And behind each of these terrible figures we see our soldiers who threw their boyish bodies under fascist tanks, kneaded autumn dirt and winter snow, burning sand and clay with their frostbitten, bloody feet, but still passed these 1418 days so that walls of the damaged Reichstag, finally sit down tiredly and say: “That’s it, guys, we won!”

The soldiers fought in the name of peace and dreamed of a future peace in between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, around fires in partisan forests. They believed that the world, saved from fascism, would be beautiful.

Musical background “Oh, roads”

The war passed through Russia through every family, through every destiny, clearly dividing Time into “pre-war” and “war”, dividing us all into “front” and “rear”.

And between the front and the rear there was field mail, triangles of letters, as if with thin threads connecting what the ruthless war had torn apart.

The few front triangles became the only thread of hope for return and faith in our victory. They saw off and hoped, waited and believed...

If you want to know about the war
And about the victorious spring of May,
Ask the soldier's mother
Read her son's letters.
Years froze on the pages.
He will always be 22.

A guy, a girl and a man take turns taking the last 4 lines and sit down on the parapet near the monument. Sheets of paper and pencils are in her hands. They write letters.

"Mom, I'm healthy and alive..."
And the next morning the last battle.
Forgive me for the letter
Hurrying, breaking away, carelessly
I write like a boy's diary
And as a navigator - a magazine.
Here it begins again... Do you hear?
Rushing at third speed
Metal filled with fire...

Dear mommy!
Don't remember me in tears,
Leave your worries and worries.
The path is not close, the familiar land is far away,
But I will return to my favorite threshold.
4 I will respond to your voice with my heart
And I will respond to concern with heroism.
I'm far away, but I'll be back
And you, dear, will come out to meet me.

Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I'm writing from the front line,
Tomorrow morning back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists,
Take care, son, mother.
Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return victorious!
I will finally hug you.
Goodbye. Your father.

A woman comes out from behind the monument with triangles of letters in her hands.

Walks to the mass grave.


A funeral funeral struck the mothers' windows like a black, ominous wing. How many tears were cried, how much grief fell on the woman in an instant!
But no mother can come to terms with the death of her son. She waits and hopes all her life: what if a miracle happens and a son, her little blood, appears on the doorstep.

Take me with you, dear.
My child heard. Mine and yours.
I don't want Leningrad to starve
He touched them with his blockade hand.
I don't want the pillboxes to be exposed
Like a cancerous tumor of the earth.
I don't want them to come to life again
And they took someone’s life with them.
Let people raise a million palms
And protect the beautiful face of the sun
From the burning ashes and from the pain of Khatyn.
Forever! Forever! And not for a moment!
I don't want the voice of gunfire
My child heard, mine and yours.
Let the world explode with a cry:
"No! Don't! I need a son who is not dead,
but alive! "

Musical background.

Our God, all-merciful Father,
I ask for one thing in my prayers
Don't forget, put it before your eyes
Small, defenseless children...
Save me from temptation,
Let me find my way
For other people's sins
Don't punish them too harshly.
From cruel, rude people
God protect them
Their trusting lips
Don't burn with human poison.
Let no predators, no slugs
They will not pass into their world of heart...
What I couldn't do during my life
God make it endless!

SLIDES “Candle in the palm of your hand”
TEXT When an invisible choir sounds like angels in heaven,
Light your candle over the ashes of your brothers and sisters!

The world of achievement is inexhaustible, and everything in it is connected by the strongest threads.
The nameless soldier won. He won because he believed: his cause was just, he had only one homeland. And there won't be another one.

Soldiers who did not return from the war
They knock silently on our doors,
And it’s still hard to believe
That they did not reach silence.

Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
Day and night in a granite bowl
The holy flame burns reverently.
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe,
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Tens of years have passed between us,
The war is history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.
The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Get up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Get up! Perhaps then at least one less drop of blood will be shed in the world!

Damn war!
Burn it with fire!
Hearts are filled with longing and sadness.
Let's remember the fallen
A minute of mournful silence!


Lay wreaths on the sea,
There is such a human custom -
In memory of the soldiers who died in the sea,
They lay wreaths on the sea.
Braid earthly flowers
Above the ground to the burnt out pilots.
They didn't return from their flights...
Place wreaths on the sky.
Lay wreaths on the ground,
Everyone was burned in this eternal fire.
From jasmine, from white lilac
Place wreaths on the ground.

Musical background.
Wreaths and garlands are laid at the monument.
Candles are placed on the pedestal of the mass grave.

No, we didn’t expect Victory to visit us,
They themselves went to her for four years.
Our veins were torn, our bones cracked.
Every meter of land was worth blood.
Only when at the walls of the Reichstag
Our journey to the front was over,
We touched her with the edge of the banner
And they were able to look into her eyes.

Remember these days.
Listen a little
and you - with your soul - will hear at the same hour:
she came and stood at the threshold,
she is ready to knock on doors.

She hurried to you from a hike
so heavy
that words cannot be found,
She knew: all four years
you were waiting for her
you knew her ways.

You gave everything you could to her daring:
all my life,
whole soul
You did not doubt her in the days of suffering,
did not become proud idly on days of success.

And now - she is at your doorstep.
The breath catches and is silent.
Well - a day, well - two, just a little more,
Well - in an hour - he will take it and knock.

Remember everything! And in everyday worries
Celebrate the purest reflection on everything.
Victory is on your doorstep.
Now she will come to you.
ALL. Meet me!

Video sequence for the song by E. Dolmatovsky and A. Pakhmutova “May Waltz”.

We will live, meet the sunrises,
Believe and love
Just don't forget this
Just don't forget!
How the sun rose in the burning
And the darkness swirled
And in the river between the banks
Blood and water flowed.
There were black birches,
Long - years.
Tears were cried
Sorry, not forever.

The cannonades suffocated, the world is silent
On the mainland one day the war ended

Phonogram of the song “Let there always be sunshine” (Author Oshanin L.
Composer Ostrovsky A)
The sound is mixed. A performance by junior schoolchildren against the background of the song

1. I will draw a bright sun!
2. I will paint a blue sky!
3. I will draw a light in the window!
4. I will draw ears of bread!
5 and 6. We will draw autumn leaves,
School, stream, restless friends.
And let’s cross out with our common brush:
Shots, explosions, fire and war

We, the generation of the 21st century,
We swear to keep in memory the wars of the sacred date,
Through the centuries, through time, carry everything that is sacred to the heart!
And if necessary, we will stand in formation for the honor of our native state,
Like our grandfathers and fathers - crowns of soldier's glory!

We rejoice when the traces of war disappear on earth, but we sacredly keep in our memory everything that has been experienced. Our memory is nourished by living love for the dead and endless gratitude to everyone who fought the enemy without sparing themselves.

Let over my land
The sky is not torn to shreds!
Let the silence of the fields
It will spill with warm bread,
And the sun gives light to the whole planet in the morning!
There will be no war! Be to peace! Happy children!

SLIDES "Candle in the palm"
TEXT Become a little kinder and more humane,

Let the roar of hostility and evil speech cease,
There is no one else's misfortune in the world - light the candles!
And become a little kinder and more humane,
Light the candles in your soul, like in an altar!

Today the holiday enters every home,
And joy comes to people with him.
We congratulate everyone on the great day,
Happy day of our glory, Happy Victory day!