A soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end. Lesson on the topic “A soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end. Topic "Soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end"

Lesson objectives:

I. Educational:

1. Formation of the skill of writing a soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end.

2. Repetition of spelling associated with writing a soft sign after hissing in various parts of speech.

3. Repetition of spelling associated with hyphenated, continuous spelling of adverbs.

4. The use of adverbs in the text.

5. Activation of the vocabulary of students.

6. Repetition of phraseological units.

II. Educational:

1. Raising love for the Russian language.

2. Formation of skills of control and self-control.

3. Formation of cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.

III. Developing:

1. Development of the ability to logically express your thoughts using literary language.

2. Development of the ability to argue, prove.

3. Expansion of horizons, cognitive interest.

4. Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment:

1. On the students' desktop: textbook, notebooks, pens and pencils.

2. Table "The letter b after the hissing at the end of the word."

3. Portrait of the Tsar, Tsarevna, Tsarevich (student work).

4. Material for independent work.

5. СD-ROM "Russian language lessons by Cyril and Methodius. 7th grade."

6. Presentation of the lesson.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational stage. (2min.)

II. Homework review phase (8 min.)

1. Performing the exercise in the textbook (3 min.)

2. Training exercises:

C) The use of idioms containing adverbs (3 min.).

E) Use of adverbs in speech (3 min).

3. Independent work (3 min.)

V. Summing up the lesson, homework. (3 min.)

I. Organizational stage. (2 minutes.)

Good afternoon guys. Sit down. Today in the lesson we will visit the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state in which the Tsar lived. (Show the portrait of the Tsar). He was very fond of his language, sometimes he wrote poetry. Listen to one of them:

You open wide the doors.
You drive the boredom away.
You start up and believe
That you will write everything exactly.
As it should be: here is a hissing one,
There is a real one behind him,
No fake soft sign-
You can't do without it.
So in the end it will shine
That someone will give "five".

Guys, today we have to study a new topic: "A soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end." Find adverbs in this poem with a soft end after sibilants (wide open, away, gallop, exactly). In the lesson, we will get acquainted with the spelling of such words.

II. Homework check stage. (8 min.)

The king in the distant kingdom, the thirty-tenth state, in his free time from reading books and writing poetry, loved to fish, but unusual. Today we will have to help the King in this matter. Checking homework. You need to catch a fish. Putting it in a bucket where "b" is written or "b" is not written. Explain your choice. (One of the students explains the spelling of a word. Others should "catch" a fish with the same spelling.)

Formulate the rules of writing b after the sibilants at the end of the word yourself.

(When students check their homework, a table is drawn up.)

Words for "fishing".

1. Lynch, hot, fresh, fragrant, good.

2. Summer cottages, tasks, clouds, groves.

3. Assign, multiply, smear.

4. Cut, bake, burn, protect.

5. Husband, landscape, reeds.

6. Trifle, quiet, wilderness.

7. You go, you sleep, you are silent.

Letter B after the hissing at the end of the word

Part of speech

Not written


feminine, singular, 3rd declension: ro f b, but h b, deep NS b, ve SCH b masculine, singular: but f, vra h, shala NS, comrade SCH
plural: a lot yes h

Short names adjectives

fresh f , groin h, good NS
2nd person, singular: wash NS b - wash NS be ;
imperative mood: hide h b - hide h eat ;
indefinite form: ispe h b, already h b
nasta f b, head down h b, completely NS b at f, deputy f, unbearable f

When is b written after sibilant nouns at the end? (B is written at the end of feminine nouns of 3 declensions).

When is b written at the end of adjectives and verbs? (B is written in the indefinite form of the verb, in the ending of verbs there are 2 singulars, in the imperative mood. At the end of adjectives b is not written.)

III. Explanation of the new material. (5 min.)

Well done, they helped the Tsar to catch so many fish on a very beautiful lake, which is not so far from the Tsar's domain. But the Tsar had to descend from a small mountain, and it is not easy to climb with a heavy burden. And always, climbing the mountain, he recalls the proverb:

Jump from the mountain, and even cry up the mountain.

Explain the spelling of the word "cry" in this proverb. (An imperative verb, we write b). In what case will not b be written in a given word? ( If it is a masculine noun.)

Tell me guys, what part of speech is the word "jump"? (The adverb denotes a sign of action and answers the question how ?.) This word contains a spelling that we should get acquainted with in the lesson.

In Russian, there are not many adverbs ending in hissing. To remember how they are spelled, you need to learn either of two rules.

First. At the end of adverbs after sibilants, b is written, except for three exceptions: already, married, unbearable. Suppose we need to decide whether or not we need a b at the end of the word "jump." We just have to check if our word is among the exceptions. If not, put b.

Reasoning according to the second rule. We have to see which one is hissing at the end. If these are the letters W or H, then L is needed, if it is the letter Ж (except wide open), then it is not needed.

Both rules lead to the same result, let's check.

IV. Securing new material:

1. Performing the exercise in the textbook. (2 min.)

Guys, we're going to do Exercise 263 on page 120 now.

They rush at a gallop, open wide, completely strewn, get married, go away, hit backhand, fall backwards.

Explain spelling in words rushing, strewn. Explain the lexical meaning of the words "backhand" (swinging hard)"supine" ( tilted over on your back, face up).

2. Training exercises (18 min.).

A) Writing words in the appropriate column (5 min.).

The king was at home from fishing, the only daughter was waiting for her, who grew up before his eyes and very often began to repeat to her father: "Already, married, unbearable." He was waiting for the arrival of the overseas prince in order to quickly marry him. But the Tsar decided to arrange trials for the Tsarevich before he became the husband of her daughter. We will need to help the Tsarevich so that loving hearts will unite.

The Tsarevich sent the Tsarevna a letter in which he informed about his next arrival. But the Tsar confused all the envelopes. Let's help the Princess disassemble the envelopes and read the Tsarevich's letter.

(Students fill out the table in the notebook).

1. Viscous, prickly, squeaky.

2. Wide open, unbearable, too, exactly.

3. Tornado, doctor, brooch, midnight, watchman.

4. Cut, protect, guard, surprise.

B) Explanation of spelling in the poem (2 min.).

Well done. Coped with the task. They helped the Tsarevna find the Tsarevich's letter. And in the envelope there was also such a poem:

I dream of you in a pipe dream
about spring Paris:
sitting like a cat on the window
and you are silent like a fish.
(M. Alekseeva)

Explain the spelling in this poem: dreaming, unrealizable, cat-like, fish-like, silent. The princess read the Tsarevich's letter.

C) The use of idioms containing adverbs (2 min.).

What was the mood of the Tsar, you can find out by guessing the phraseological units depicted in the figure, in which there are adverbs:

1. Hair stands on end - it becomes unbearably scary.

2. The head is spinning - someone loses the ability to think from a multitude of affairs, worries, experiences.

4. Live happily - lead a carefree lifestyle.

D) Insert the necessary adverb into the sentence (2 min.).

Even at night, the Tsar had nightmares.

The king dreamed that he was Don Quixote. He jumped on his wooden horse and gallop rushed through the kingdom. He was intolerable fight the evil wizards who were running away from him away and hid in the nettles. He backhand chopped nettles until he tripped and fell supine.

E) Use of adverbs in speech (2 min).

The king was sad, he married the princess, she had to go abroad (foreign country, foreign countries). What part of speech is the word "abroad"? ( Adverb.) The Tsarevich rushed to the distant kingdom to ask the Princess's hand from her father.

Let's listen to the conversation between the Tsar and Tsarevich. ( Two students read the dialogue. One of them has a crown on the head, the other has a saber.) What is the name of the conversation between two persons? (Dialog)

How do you live?


How about the kingdom?


They say you had a cold? Now everything is all right?


Okay, then?

Well, as I say, it's okay.

Strange you say:

Why? Fine.

Do you think it's okay?


"Yes," I thought sadly. "It's strange: But once upon a time there was a completely normal person." (A.Shibaev)

What does the word "normal" mean? ( Normal: Normal, Normal; mentally healthy). Why can't it be used as in the dialogue between the Tsar and Tsarevich?

3. Independent work (3 min.).

After this conversation, the Tsar thought that the Tsarevich did not speak Russian well. The Tsar decided to give the Tsarevna for the Tsarevich on one condition: if he could find in the task a line in which all words are written b and read the text of an ancient manuscript. Let's help the Tsarevich cope with this task.

Imagine finding an ancient manuscript in a forgotten language. The grammar of this language is the same as we have now, and the meaning of most words has been lost. Try to guess where to put b.

Melestnaya maiden .. grabbed a comey boromog ..

Lusy cloudy .. dodged the stocked bike ..

Well done. That's the end of the fairy tale, and the Tsarevich leads the Princess down the aisle.

V. Summing up the lesson, homework (3 min.).

Testing on a computer will help to summarize the results of our work in the lesson.

1. What part of speech in the spelling rule b after the hissing ones has exceptions? Adverb.

2. What consonants of the Russian language are called sibilants? Sh, Sh, H, Zh.

3. Why in verbs sibilant and b may not be at the end of a word? Postfix.

4. How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language in which a sibilant is possible at the end of a word?

(The program grades students).

And we have no other property!
Know how to protect
Though to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech. (I. Bunin)

In the article we will analyze in detail, when it is written ь after hissing in verbs, nouns and adverbs... Also, using clear examples, we will show typical spelling mistakes. soft mark after sizzling.

There are only 4 hissing letters in the Russian language. These are the letters Ш, Ж, Ч and Ш. The main cases concerning the writing of b after the hissing ones are the writing of a soft sign after the hissing ones in the verb, at the end of nouns and adverbs. Let's analyze each case separately.

When is b written after the sibilants in the verb?

The answer is unequivocal:

"We write a soft sign after sibilant verbs ALWAYS!"

In textbooks, they most often list that "b" is written if the verb is in the infinitive (answers the question, what to do? Or what to do?), In the second person singular (combined with the pronoun you) or in the imperative mood (there is an indication for action).
Memorizing all this is not necessary, since in all other forms the sibilants at the end do not occur.
Let's take a look at some examples.
Infinitives: attract, burn, lie down.
Second person, singular: you write, you love, you breathe.
Imperative form: cut, smear, eat!

By the way, the soft sign can be used not only at the end of verbs. If you add –ca and –te after the hissing letter "b", it is saved. For example: cut, smear, fall in love.

The most common soft-sign mistake in verbs is spelling it between –т and –с in different faces. If we write “ to shave"(What to do? With a soft sign), then" shaves"(What does it do?) We write without b. The rule is simple: “ If the question has a “b” at the end, then we also write between –t and –th a soft sign.“Remember that the letter T does not apply to sibilants, so this rule is not entirely on the topic of the article.
We've covered verbs. Let's move on to nouns!

Soft mark after sibilant nouns

The rule is pretty simple:

"B after hissing nouns at the end is written ONLY if the noun is feminine singular!"

In all other cases, b is NOT written after sibilant nouns at the end.

Let's take a look at some examples.
With a soft sign after the hissing ones:
Rye, night, lie, thing, daughter.
"The queen gave birth to a son or a daughter in the night." A.S. Pushkin.
The feminine gender singular can be determined by substituting the pronoun "mine".
My daughter, my lies, my whim.

No soft sign:
Doctor, knife, many clouds, many pears, brick, roll, pugach, Alexander Sergeevich.
"Above him a ray of golden sun ..." M.Yu. Lermontov.

As we can see, the soft sign is not written after masculine singular nouns, in plural nouns, at the end of masculine patronymics.
It is easier to remember when the soft mark is spelled in nouns than when it is not spelled :).

Soft mark after adverbs sizzling at the end

Here, too, everything is quite simple:

"B after adverbs hissing at the end is written ALWAYS, with the exception of adverbs: already, married, unbearable."

Examples: away, completely, backhand, just gallop, wide open, supine, exactly.

It is very important to understand what an adverb is, since a common mistake: writing a soft sign after hissing in short adjectives.
Good, handsome, hot, powerful, smelly, etc. are written no soft sign.

How to distinguish a short adjective from an adverb?
The adverb answers the questions: Where? When? Where to? Where? Why? What for? … And more often: How?
Indicates an adverb, a sign of action, that is, refer to a verb. Gone away. Refused completely. I repeated it exactly.

A short adjective answers the question: What? And it denotes a sign of an object. That is, refer to a noun. The house is nice. The shower is hot. Wind, wind, you are mighty ...

In addition to verbs, nouns, adverbs and short adjectives, b occurs after sibilants in particles and pronouns. In them, most people write the soft sign intuitively correctly and memorizing these cases, in our opinion, is not so important.
However, for reference:
In particles with hissing endings, the soft sign is WRITTEN always. These are particles: see, only, that is, see.
Examples of using particles in sentences:
That is, it is so. Look what you found. It's just thunder.

There are only two pronouns: OUR and YOUR... In them THE SOFT SIGN IS NOT WRITTEN.

These are, in fact, all the main uses of b after sibilants.
For consolidation, we also bring to your attention a scheme that unites everything that has been said above about writing a soft sign after the hissing ones.

If you have any questions about when it is written ь after hissing in nouns, verbs, adverbs or other parts of speech, be sure to write them in the comments.

The purpose of the lesson:

Познакомиться with new spelling "Letter B after hissing on the the end adverbs "

Repetition writing B after hissing in various parts speeches;

development oral and written speeches;

upbringing interest To subject.

Equipment and material:

Textbook, dispensing material (cards and crossword), computer with media- projector and presentation).

Stroke lesson:

1. Org. moment.

2. Warm up

You meet the dawn, the golden mug, the watchman's hut, an interesting thing, you reach the goal, the forest is dense,

thorny bush, light a fire, appointed a duty officer.

Warm up (answer)

You meet the dawn, golden rye, the watchman's hut, an interesting thing, reach the goal, the forest is dense,

thorny bush, light a fire, appoint an attendant.

3. Complicated cheating

Help (?), Watch (?), Hot (?), Hide (?), A lot of clouds (?), Shrink (?) Xia, dense (?), Wasteland (?), Eat (?) Those, undress ( ?) Xia, hut (?), ivy (?), hide (?), midnight (?), cut (?) those, drawing (?), smile (?), take care (?), past groves (? ), fresh (?), brick (?), pear (?), lily of the valley (?), scent (?), smear (?) those, installation (?), sword (?), strych (?), a lot puddles (?), rods (?), from the shoulders (?).

Help, guard, hot, hide, a lot of clouds, shrink, dense, wasteland, eat, undress, hut, ivy, harness, midnight, cut off, drawing, smile, protect, past groves, fresh, brick, pear, lily of the valley, scent , smear, mounting, sword, shear, lots of puddles, rods, off the shoulders.

4. Rule by topic

At the end of adverbs, b is written after Ч and Ш.

After the letter Ж, the soft sign is written only wide open in the word.

For example: completely, supine, already, married, unbearable

It is known that after hissing,

At the end of the adverb standing

As a rule, we write a soft sign.

For instance:

"It's all dark."

For instance:

"Lie on your back."

And if someone has forgotten everything,

Until I put the point,

What is the case: "already" .., "married" ..., "unbearable"

There is a life exception to the rule.

Working with the tutorial pages 33-34

5. Anchoring.

A gallop rushing (?), Wide open (?), Solid (?) Strewn, get married (?), Go away (?), Hit backhand (?), Fall backwards (?).

They rush at a gallop, open wide, completely strewn, get married, go away, hit backhand, fall backwards.

6. Work on cards.

Card 1

ten thousand ( R. n. Pl. h.);

remaining little thing (f. p.);

unbearable to wait (ext., excl.);

suppress (verb) attempt;

the answer is exhaustive (cr. adj.);

famous violinist (m);

cut along the line (verb);

shooting range (R. n. Pl. Ch.);

leak detected (f. p.);

collapsed on his back (adv.);

kind Chuvash (m);

provide (verb) protection.

Card 2

disclosure of thefts ( R. n. Pl. h.);

linyuch material (cr. adj.);

you will never forget (verb);

returned after midnight (adv.);

grease well (verb);

do not buy galoshes (R. n. Pl. Ch.);

wooden garage (m);

some kind of whim (f. p.);

marry (adv., excl.);

well versed (cr. adj.) in this matter;

smart mouse (f. p.);

last match (m);

defer payment (verb);

lie down (verb) in ambush.

1. Remaining trifle, stop the attempt, cut along the line, a leak was detected, fell backwards, you are happy, provide security - 7.

2. You will never forget, came back after midnight, grease well, some whim, smart mouse, delay the payment, lie in ambush - 7.

7. Physics

Once - get up, pull yourself up.
Two - bend, straighten.
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods of the head.
Four legs wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the table.

8. Complete the crossword puzzle by entering adverbs into it

1. Teach you a lesson, repositories, backhand, threatening;

2. Married, prime mover, tasks, mighty;

3. Away, guardian, viscous, pouring;

4. Inherit, cut, ingratiating, unbearable;

5. Schools, gallop, crush, help;

6. Youth, forget it, cut it off, supine;

7. Wide open, gear, shiny, bearded.

Answer to the crossword puzzle

9. Find a pair:


1. Wide open

3. Running at a gallop

4. Backward

4. Face up

5. Backhand

5. Swinging

6. Intolerable

6. Unbearable

7. Become someone's wife

10. Homework

Creative task:

Compose 8 sentences with the studied spelling "Soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end"

11. Summing up.

At the end of adverbs after sibilants a soft sign: wska h b , backwards shh, nastya f b . Exceptions: already, married, unbearable.

2. Letters a, oh at the end of adverbs

Why write left but , but to the left O ? The rule is very simple: writing letters but and O at the end of adverbs depends on the prefix.

3. Particles not- and nor- in negative adverbs

Particles not- and nor- in negative adverbs are prefixes and are written always together.

Under stress written not- : not where, not where, not when, not where.

No accent written nor- : nor gdе́ , nor where, nor when, nor where.

4. Hyphenated adverbs:


№54 Write out only adverbs from the sentences.

1. The horse started galloping at once.

2. It was well past midnight.

3. In the morning she opened the window wide open.

4. Black clouds, completely covering the sky, quietly sowed a fine rain.

5. The last carriage passed by, and the train rolled away.

6. The sky was already breathing in autumn.

7. They endured his antics for a whole month, and then it became unbearable.

8. He tripped over a stone and fell backwards.

№55 Rewrite the adverbs in two columns, highlight the prefixes.

At the end we write - but At the end we write - O

Left ..., direction ..., left ..., long ago ..., dreams ..., long ..., easily ..., son ..., fed up ..., occasionally ..., right ..., left ..., dawn ..., before dark ..., right ...

# 56 Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, opening the brackets. Emphasize adverbs.

1. (not, not) where (not) saw..l;

2. (not, not) where will meet ... smiling;

3. (no, no) where to go;

4. (not, not) where (not) went;

5. (not, not) when (not) you find out ...;

6. (no, no) when I talk to you.

№57 Write down in one column the phrases with adverbs, in the other

- with adjectives. Note the difference in spelling.

1.smells (on) spring - (on) spring ice;

2. (according to) your advice - let it be (according to) yours;

3. (according to) an old legend - dressed (according to) an old one;

4. agree (on) good - (on) good coverage;

5. according to the (summer) schedule - dressed (according to) the summer;

6. made (according to) his own - (according to) his project;

7. (in) my opinion - it will still be (in) mine.

Topic 13


Particle- this is a service part of speech that conveys shades of meanings and serves to form word forms.

Particles are divided into three groups:

1. Semantic ( whether, perhaps, really, even, precisely, only, only, nevertheless, out, now, just, almost, at least, hardly, hardly).

2. Shaping ( would, let, let, let).

3. Negative ( no, no).

Particle writing rules:

Apart particles are written would (b), if (eh): looked would, Look the same it's not too late whether.

Hyphenated particles are written then, ka, same (after verbs and adverbs): Apples then! Look- ka! Invented- still!


# 58 Rewrite, expanding parentheses, inserting missing letters.

Once I was sitting at home on Sunday. To do anything (or) I was too lazy, and I thought: "And I'm going (ka) I go to my pr ... yatel Bork ...". He boasted that his father bought him (still) a computer game, but then a third ... ur ... even (no, no) who (not) passed, and there are (already) twelve of them. (Not) already (whether) and I (not) get at least (not) to the tenth? I za ... I turned to Borka as if (if) with the task of sorting out ... Xia, and I (not) went to the computer myself. Borka (still) (not) vyd out ... whinnied and then (the same) began to tell about his new game. And I told him: "Let (ka) take a look!" Pr ... we sat with him for about five hours. All (still) I didn’t lie to the pr ... yatel - further than the third ur ... vnya (so) and (not) got there!

Section IV


You talk to a friend, argue with him, or ask about something. You turn your thoughts into sentences. By intonation, you convey pauses, indignation, a question. In writing, intonation is replaced by punctuation marks: pause - comma, dash or full stop, indignation - exclamation mark, question - question mark:

- So you're married! I did not know the wound! How long has it been?

- About two years.

- On whom?

- On Larina.

- Tatiana!

- Do you know her?

- I'm their neighbor.

- Oh, let's go.

(By the way, from which literary work is this passage?)

Syntax(from greek syntakxis - compose) - a section of grammar that studies a sentence and a text.

Punctuation(from latin punktum - point) Is a system of punctuation marks and rules for their use.

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2) skills - to find the studied spelling in words and write them correctly;

3) develop persistent skills in writing a soft sign after adverbs sizzling at the end;

4) repeat the use of the soft sign after hissing in different parts of speech;


- development of attention, perception, memory, associative and analytical thinking, coherent speech skills, creative abilities;


- the formation of motivation for active creative assimilation of educational material, the formation of such qualities of the student's personality as tolerance, the ability to dialogue.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

    Oral vocabulary work. Explanation of the new topic. Training exercises. Literal dictation. Charger for the eyes. Independent work. Working with the tutorial. Work with signal cards. Creative task. Lesson summary

II. Oral vocabulary work

- Before we study a new topic, let's remember the spelling of the soft sign after the hissing at the end of the word in different parts of speech.

Through the projector, the words are displayed on the board. Students work frontally.

Youth ..., midnight ..., reeds ..., garage ..., many roofs ..., steer ..., surprise ..., cut ..., bake .., sush ..., squeaky ..., prickly ..., fresh ....

- Let's make a conclusion. When is it written B after sibilant nouns at the end? (A soft sign is written at the end of feminine nouns of III declension.)

- When it is written B at the end of adjectives and verbs? (The soft sign is written in the indefinite form of the verbs, in the ending of the 2nd person singular verbs, in the imperative mood. The soft sign is not written at the end of adjectives.)

III. Explanation of the new topic

- Now, guys, pay attention to the board.

The proverb is written on the board:

From the mountain vska h b, but at least up the hill h b.

The teacher reads the proverb aloud. Then he asks:

- Tell me, guys, is the word jump - what part of speech? (Adverb; the word answers the question how.)

- In the sentence, we met an adverb for hissing. This word contains a spelling that we should get acquainted with in the lesson. Write down the proverb in your notebook, mark the spelling. let's consider

first table.

Table 1.

The teacher reads the words in the table.

- Guys, please note that the words in the table are adverbs, and a soft sign is written at the end of each. Now let's turn to the second table.

Table 2.

- Using the material of the table in the reference notebook, try to formulate the rule of writing a soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end on your own. You have 2 minutes to think it over.

Students explain their rule statements. The teacher summarizes the work. The rule is: At the end of adverbs, after sibilants, a soft sign is written, except for the words of exception: already, married, unbearable.
The rule is repeated in chorus. Exception words are written in a notebook.

Before the practical application of the rule, the teacher reads a poem by O. Soboleva. This poem is a kind of instruction on a new topic.

Here's how to proceed.
To write correctly:
You open wide the doors.
You drive the boredom away.
You start up and believe
That you will write everything exactly.
As it should be: here is a hissing one,
There is a real one behind him,
No fake soft sign -
You can't do without it!
So in the end it will shine
That someone will be given a “five”.

IV. Training exercises:

Exercise texts are displayed on the computer screen.

Assignment for the first exercise: insert a soft sign at the end of adverbs, where necessary, and comment on your choice.

Backhand ..., completely ... and close by, push away ..., do exactly ... - exactly ..., get married ..., open wide ..., unbearable ... from the cold.

Checking the chain out loud.

Assignment for the second exercise: insert a soft sign instead of dots, where necessary. You will do this exercise on your own for 5 minutes.

Without a proverb, speech ... does not say. Already ... for a long time there have been proverbs and sayings in our language. They accustom us to the brevity and expressiveness of speech.
“You don’t know… where you’ll find… where you’ll lose ..”, “a well-fed hungry man is not a comrade…”, “looking for… yesterday, but he has already… passed”, “the box… is afraid of the light”, “mother-ugly…” feeds everyone ... "," looks good ... but not good for business ... ".
Yes, the speech is red ... a proverb.

Self-test is carried out through the projector. Individual students who completed the task earlier than others are assessed individually.

V. Letter dictation

The teacher dictates the words, and the students on the computer write down "b" if b is at the end of the spoken word, or "_" if it is not at the end of the word.

Backhand, completely, away, wide open, gallop, unbearable, supine, get married.

The work is checked independently through the projector. Then the teacher asks to raise their hand those students who completed the task without mistakes, then those who made no more than 2 mistakes, etc. (feedback is provided in the lesson).

Vi. Eye Charger

Within 1-2 minutes, any complex of charging for the eyes is performed.

Vii. Independent work

Each student is given a self-test card (with different level assignments). After completing the assignment, the student independently checks his answer and gives himself a grade. The evaluation criteria are suggested on the board. Individual works are checked by the teacher. Feedback is provided by raising your hand.

Card number 1

Assignment: write out all the adverbs, inserting the missing letters where necessary.

The steppe went into the distance. 2. Three loads of hay blocked the yard, the gates were wide open…. 3. The princess from the copper kingdom married ... her middle brother. 4. A tall guy walked towards me and smiled from afar. 5. The sun ray flashed between .. clouds. 6. The soldier was unbearable ... from severe wounds.

Card number 2

Assignment: Write down by inserting the missing letters and expanding the parentheses.

The young man lay down on his back ..., substituting the wind (n, nn) ​​th face in the rain. 2. The doors of the room were wide open…. 3. The rider backhand ... hit the horse on the rump with his hand, and it rushed at a gallop ... back. 4. Both dogs at the same time rose ... they rushed off with a bark .... from the horse and and (s, h) climbed in the dark.

Card number 3

Assignment: rewrite, inserting the necessary word into the sentence.

1. This time the horses were driven ... ... 2. Rodion ... dropped all doubts, cheered up. 3. Crickets sound violently, and fall asleep…. 4. Swung open heavily…. Iron door.

Words for information: jump ..., solid ..., completely ..., unbearable ....

VIII. Working with the tutorial

After completing the previous task, the children independently orally complete the task of the indicated exercise (p. 105, exercise. 238). Check: the words are read in a chain, the statement b is commented on after the sibilants.

Help ..., guard ..., hot ..., hide ..., a lot of clouds ..., shrink ... shrink, dense ..., wasteland .., eat ... those, hut ....

Homework: paragraph 49, rule to teach, exercise. 239 letters.

XI. Lesson summary

- Guys, what rule did we meet in the lesson? Name the exception words again. How have proverbs and sayings helped you learn the new rule?