To wash or not to wash: how to prepare green onions for long-term storage in the refrigerator and preserve their freshness for a long time. How to store green onions

Green onions are those vegetables that keep fresh for quite a short time. Therefore, the problem of how to preserve green onions remains relevant today, especially for people who themselves grow them in the garden. If a good harvest has turned out and it did not come out to sell it all on time, then you can try to keep it fresh for your own use.

The shelf life of green onions can be extended using simple methods.

How to keep onions fresh

The feathers of this plant should not be tightly wrapped in polyethylene and kept wet. Even in the refrigerator in this form, it will quickly begin to rot. If the harvest is small, then the onion must be dried by cutting off the root system and wrapped in a cloth moistened with water. When the feathers are dry, the greens are loosely wrapped in plastic and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, it is not stored for a long time, no more than a week.

If the harvest is very small and in the near future there are plans to prepare various salads, then place the greens in the dishes, collecting a little water.

The container must be installed in a cool place and used for a short period of time, constantly washing the greens taken out of the water. It is undesirable to keep the crop fresh longer, it will lose its density and taste. And the likelihood of the appearance of microorganisms is very high.

There is also a pressing issue that is especially interesting to inexperienced housewives, this is the storage of green onions in the refrigerator. Greens should not be kept open or tightly chained. Since the vegetable dries quickly when opened, and when closed, it is resistant. It is best to place the plant in an airtight package. It can be packed in polyethylene or in a glass container with special lids. It is advisable to place some greens in the bags, so it will be convenient to use it.

If the onion crop is small, its freshness can be preserved by placing it in water.

How to save onions for the winter


To keep the plant fresh for a long time, cleanliness is required. Feathers are sorted out, cleaned of dry leaves, and the roots are cut. Plants are thoroughly washed, allowed to escape and laid out to dry. At this time, the lids and bottles are thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. The vegetable is cut, and then placed in a bottle in small layers, adding salt to each.

It is desirable to use either rock salt or sea salt. All layers are carefully crushed so that voids do not form. After filling the bottle, it is closed and placed in the refrigerator.

For salting, the onion needs to be chopped


In this case, you will also need sterilized bottles, preferably dark ones. Washed and dried raw materials are cut, like on a salad, laid out in a neat layer on a napkin and allowed to dry completely in the shade. The feathers must be absolutely dry, if even a little moisture remains, then the feathers will be covered with mold in the bottle.

The dried product is transferred to a container, carefully sealed and placed in a dark place. This method has several drawbacks - the leaves lose their smell and pungency. This product will also lose shape. It is more convenient to transfer to bottles with a plastic scoop in small parts.

Dried green onions can be stored in glass jars


Quick freezing makes it possible to preserve about 80% of all nutrients in this vegetable. Moreover, the greens will retain their smell and taste for a long time. As a rule, paper and plastic containers or bags are used for freezing. You can freeze feathers with bulbs, but they will need to be cleaned from film and cut off the roots. Greens are washed, dried and cut, placed in containers and placed in the freezer. The best time to use this product is within 6 months.

Onions can be frozen in portions

The main rules for storing green onions

Storage features:

  • if the water, for some reason, turned out to be on the onion, then it must be thoroughly dried (laid out in a neat layer and wait for the water to leave naturally);
  • onions can not be washed, if there are dirt on the feathers, then they can simply be removed with a napkin;
  • in bottles, onions are stored for no more than 2 months (they are placed in a bottle and placed in a refrigerator with a closed lid, and the feathers should not be wet);
  • if feathers with small bulbs that have just begun to ripen, then you can wrap the feathers first in a dampened rag, and then in paper, you can rewind it all with a simple thread (in this state, they are placed in the refrigerator, due to the moist bulbs, the vegetable will be stored longer);
  • it is possible to save greens in the refrigerator in polyethylene only if ventilation holes are made in it in advance (otherwise the condensate will accelerate decay);
  • if the onion is stored in the refrigerator, then the greens themselves do not need to be bent (this way it will deteriorate faster);
  • during storage in the refrigerator, you can choose paper as a packaging (it is advisable to use cardboard, not newsprint);
  • during storage, be sure to remove dried, rotten feathers (dry leaves will accelerate decay);
  • freezing is the only option when the tops can be washed before storage (it is even desirable to wash it, but then the feathers are dried naturally);
  • you can freeze in containers, paper foil or polyethylene (packaging does not matter much here);
  • you can store greens for a long time without freezing using salted brine (the greens are cut, placed in a bottle and salt water is added);
  • to keep the product fresh and frozen longer, it is blanched in boiled water for several minutes before that (then it is cooled, dried, then packed and placed in the freezer);
  • if you pour the chopped onion with some oil, then the greens will also stay fresh longer (olive oil is great);
  • during storage of herbs with salt, you can not add water (feathers are cut, mixed with salt and placed in a bottle, you can store it exclusively in the refrigerator).

As you can see, there are many options for keeping chives fresh in the refrigerator. You just need to pick up one of the storage options described above, and make sure how working it is.

Every green onion lover tries to keep them fresh as long as possible. But how to do it without making annoying mistakes. I have prepared several proven methods for you.

We fight for the freshness of onions

If someone else does not know if it is possible to store onions in the refrigerator, then the answer is - not just possible, but necessary. This is how you can prolong the freshness of your greenery for several weeks.


I, like many other housewives, believe that you should not wash the plant before placing it in the refrigerator. The fact is that dry greens are stored longer.

But if you are of the opinion that all food in the refrigerator should be washed, follow this scheme:

  • Fill a small bowl of cold water.
  • Dip the greens into it, wash it from the lumps of dirt.
  • Shake off the feathers and spread them in a thin layer on a cloth.
  • After half an hour, dried herbs can be sent to the refrigerator.

Storage options: 3 ways

Greens can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. At 3-4 degrees, the plant will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks. At temperatures close to zero - 1-2 months.

To properly store the product, you can use one of the following methods:

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Method 1. In a glass container

For storage, you can choose a glass jar or other container.

  • Place the herbs in a jar.
  • Close it tightly with the lid, this way you can store the product for up to a month. At the same time, the feathers will not dry out, but will remain fragrant and crispy.

    Keep in mind that keeping green onions fresh in this way is only possible if they have small feathers that fit completely in the jar. Broken or bent feathers will dry out faster and become unusable.

Method 2. In the package

By choosing this storage method, you should never pre-wash the product. Just wipe it with your own hands or a clean cloth:

  • Collect the herbs in a plastic bag and tie tightly.
  • Pierce the bag in several places with a sharp object, creating holes for air.
  • Send the package to the refrigerator shelf.

    During storage, you will notice that condensation begins to collect in the bag, which shortens the life of the feathers. To solve this problem, before placing the onion in cellophane, refrigerate it to the temperature of the refrigerator compartment.

Method 3. In paper
  • Rinse the plant thoroughly.
  • Blot it with a napkin to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Wrap the entire product in paper.
  • Sprinkle it lightly with water on top.
  • Place the paper roll in a cellophane bag and send it to a cold place.

    Never use newspapers for this method. The ink they contain is harmful to health.

Preparation for the winter: 4 recipes

How to prepare onions for the winter, because in the off-season, the price for it grows significantly? The blanks will come in handy. The freezer and several proven recipes will help us with this:

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Method 1. In ice cube trays

If you use the onion in dosage in winter, it is most convenient to store it in ice molds:

  • Chop the feathers finely.
  • Divide the plant into ice cube trays. Fill them in no more than 1/3.
  • Fill the molds with water and place them in the freezer.

    Instead of water, you can use olive oil for a great salad dressing.

Method 2. Salting

Thanks to this recipe, you will be able to store the product for seven months. The instructions for its implementation are simple:

  • Wash and dry the herbs thoroughly.
  • Cut it as you wish.
  • Mix with salt. For 1 kg of onion, you need 250 g of salt.
  • Put the resulting mass in layers in a jar, do not forget to sprinkle each layer with the remaining salt.

Method 3. Harvesting in oil

Storing chives in oil is another way to preserve their excellent taste:

  • Wash and dry the plant and cut it into pieces.
  • Empty everything into a clean jar, about ¾ full.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the jar, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Close the jar with a lid.

Method 4. Drying

The plant preserved in this way is most conveniently added to soups and other hot dishes.

  • Wash the onion and chop it.
  • Spread the herbs out on paper and place them in a warm place. Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Wait about 5-7 days. If the greens become brittle and crumble easily, they're done.
  • Transfer the onions to a dry jar, cover and store at room temperature.


Now you know not only how to store green onions in the refrigerator, but also how to prepare them for the whole winter. Choose the method that works best for you and use tasty and healthy greens all year round.

Spring, summer and even early autumn do not get tired of pampering gardeners with fresh grass, which is not only rich in vitamins, but also gives ready-made dishes a beautiful look and improves their taste. But this season is not eternal, and the question arises of how to store green onions and other greens: I do not want to make annoying mistakes that can not only spoil the taste of the product, but also completely render it unusable. Our mothers and grandmothers did well without purchased onions, as they knew how to preserve homemade green onions, dill, lettuce and other greens.

In order to extend the shelf life of a vegetable, it must be placed in the refrigerator. Of course, there are several rules, the observance of which will allow you to enjoy harvesting for several weeks.

Not everyone agrees that before putting the onion feather in the refrigerator, it must be washed. It is justified simply: dry feathers are stored longer. But do not forget that they must also be clean. It is possible not to break both rules by following the instructions:

  1. Pour cold water into a large container.
  2. Rinse the feathers.
  3. Shake off the water droplets.
  4. Spread the feathers on a soft cloth and leave to dry for about 30 minutes.
  5. Everything can be put in the refrigerator.

Suitable container

Of course, it's easy to say that the bow has been trained and can be refrigerated. Questions immediately arise as to how to properly store greens in the refrigerator for a long time and what container is best to use.

If you want to prolong the freshness of the vegetable for several days, you can simply put it in a jar of water and put it in the refrigerator. But if you need to significantly extend the shelf life, you will have to work a little and choose the best option.

If the temperature in the refrigerator is about 4 degrees, then it can keep its presentation and taste for about 2.5 weeks. If the temperature drops another 3-4 degrees, the shelf life can reach 2 months. The choice of storage capacity also affects the timing.

Glass jar and package

How to keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator - the main thing is to comply with all storage conditions. A young onion with small feathers can be stored in a glass jar. In this case, it must be prepared as described in the instructions. Then put in a clean glass container and close with a lid. Greens packed in this way can be stored for up to 4 weeks without losing their taste and aroma. But you should definitely remember that the size of feathers should not exceed the height of the can, since only whole onion feathers are well stored. Withered and spoiled feathers should initially be removed.

If you plan to use a plastic bag for storage, in no case should you pre-wash the onion. Greenery is simply wiped off with a dry cloth and visible debris is removed.

After cleaning, the greens are packed in a bag that must be tied. After that, several air holes are made in it. Onions prepared in this way can be sent to the refrigerator.

To extend the shelf life of fresh herbs, they must be pre-cooled in the refrigerator before being packaged in a bag.

Paper and cloth

Another way to extend shelf life is with kraft paper or heavy tissue paper. Onion feathers must be washed and dried and only then wrapped in a thick cloth or craft paper. Sprinkle a little water on top of the napkin and put it in a bag. Now you can safely place the bag in the refrigerator.

It is worth remembering that the newspaper is completely unsuitable for packing onions., as printing ink is harmful to the body.

All three options are great for storing onions in the fall, when there are a lot of them in the beds, but the weather is already approaching, and frosts are coming. But I would like to pamper myself with greenery in winter: at this time, prices for it are quite high. There is only one thing left - to prepare it for future use in the fall.

Long-term storage of greens

In order for fresh greens to be available in winter, they can be prepared for future use. There are several ways to do this.

Freezing and salting

To use green onions during the winter, they can be frozen in ice using conventional ice-making molds.

The sheet is prepared appropriately and is not cut very finely. Fill one third of the ice molds with chopped onions. The remaining two-thirds are filled with water. After that, the completed forms are sent to the freezer for freezing and storage. If necessary, remove the required number of frozen cubes with onions. This method will keep the onion for 10-12 months.

Greens must be washed and dried. After preparation, cut, the size of the cut depends on individual preferences, mix with salt and put in layers in a jar, each layer is additionally sprinkled with salt. Salt and herb are taken in a ratio of 1: 4. Sprinkle a little salt on top, too.

Oil use and drying

Onions in oil retain their beneficial properties and aroma for a long time. For such storage, it is necessary to use sterilized glassware, which is hermetically sealed.

Onions undergo the usual pre-preparation: washing and drying, cut and put into a jar. The container is three-quarters full, no need to tamp. Next, the jar is filled almost to the top with vegetable oil, and everything is thoroughly mixed. After that, the jar should be rolled up. The shelf life of such a product is 5-6 months.

If the greens are planned to be used in the first and hot dishes, then they can be dried. How to dry greens - it must be washed, dried and cut not very finely. Sprinkle on a newspaper or baking sheet and leave to dry for a couple of days. Do not leave it in bright sunlight. Cover with gauze to protect against insects. Once the greens are easy to crumble in your hands, they are ready.

Store dried herbs and onions by pouring them into a dry container at room temperature in a dark place, as it can turn yellow from light. The shelf life of dried herbs is approximately 12 months. The only, but quite a big drawback of this method is the loss of sharpness and aroma of the final product.

Storage rules

Following these recipes, you can skin and harvest onions and herbs until the next harvest. In this case, you must follow the rulesthat will allow you to successfully preserve onions and other greens:

By storing onions, following simple rules, you can preserve not only its unique aroma and light pungency, but also vitamin C. It is much more in onion feathers than in the onion itself, because this vegetable is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial agent.

Attention, only TODAY!

The use of green onions in cooking gives dishes an original aroma and taste, and also makes them healthy. It is necessary to consume this plant daily throughout the season to provide the body with vitamins and minerals, which is especially important in winter.

In order for green onions to be preserved for a long time, its correct preparation is important, which includes cutting, peeling, drying and slicing. In addition, for the blanks, you need to select high-quality feathers, intact and not dry.

A bow that has already fired arrows is not used for storage, such feathers are hard and tasteless.

Before proceeding with the procurement, you need:

  • cut off long feathers of bright green color;
  • cut off the dried tips of the feathers and discard;
  • rinse the onion thoroughly under running water;
  • dry the onion with a clean towel;
  • cut feathers as it is convenient for the hostess - finely or coarsely.

In addition, you need to know a few rules that will help keep the onion for a long time:

  • cut the onion feathers with a knife or kitchen scissors, but not with a food processor, from this the plant will let out juice;
  • store onions with salt or oil in a glass container;
  • dried onions can be stored in cloth bags or plastic bottles.

After preparing the plant, you can start harvesting onions.

Preservation methods

To freeze

Freezer storage is very convenient. You do not need to use oil or salt for this, you do not need to defrost the plant when preparing dishes.

You can store such an onion for up to a year. Freeze the plant as follows:

  • finely chopped clean dry onions;
  • greens are put in ice molds or other small cups, but not to the top;
  • containers are poured with clean water and placed in the freezer.

If there is not enough space in the freezer, you can use a more convenient method: wrap finely chopped onions in cheesecloth and throw in boiling water for a couple of minutes. After it drains, place it in bags, dividing it in portions.


Another way to prepare green onions at home is to dry them. This onion can be used in absolutely any recipe. In addition, there are no special storage conditions: the product is well stored and retains its nutritional properties at room temperature.

Drying is pretty simple: shredded feathers are laid out in a thin layer on white paper and placed in a dry, warm place where direct sunlight does not fall. To do this, you can cover the plant with another sheet of paper.

Another way is to dry in the oven. The plant is placed in the oven for several hours, the temperature is set to 50 degrees. The oven door is not closed at the same time.

Dried and frozen onions can be stored in sealed bags that take up little space in the fridge or freezer, are breathable and extend the shelf life of the product.


You can make a good preparation if you add salt to green onions. You need to mix it with salt at the rate of a glass of salt per kilogram of greens. The resulting mixture must be placed in glass jars, tightly closed with a lid and removed to a cool dry place.

You can use the mixture after two weeks. An alternative way of salting green onions is to place the feathers in a jar or bottle of strong salted boiled water.

Mix with butter

Top the contents of the jar are poured with sunflower or olive oil. You can also add dill, parsley, celery or basil to onions.

Make a green sauce

It is not necessary to procure only one way. For a change, you can freeze part of the onion, part of it can be dried or salted.

And another very tasty and healthy option is to make the famous Italian green sauce called Pesto from it.

Ingredients for Pesto:

  • green onions - 200 grams;
  • parsley, dill, cilantro, basil - 100 grams each;
  • head of garlic;
  • green bell pepper - 200 grams;
  • sugar, salt, hot pepper to taste;
  • vinegar - a teaspoon.

The preparation method is very simple: grind all the ingredients in a blender, or finely chop, add spices, vinegar, pour into small jars and put in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In winter, the sauce can be used as a seasoning for various dishes, salads, for making sandwiches, marinades.


Of course, the most effective and easiest way to provide yourself with fragrant green onions for the winter is to plant them on a windowsill. Many housewives put the onion in a jar of water and after a while feathers appear on it, but they are watery, pale, their taste is unexpressed.

To get a high-quality harvest on the windowsill, you need to pour coniferous sawdust into the box and dig in small bulbs at a short distance from each other. The contents of the box need to be watered, but not too abundantly.

How to save before processing?

It also happens: green onions have already been cut, but it is not possible to deal with harvesting in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the plant fresh.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Clean from debris, collect in a neat bundle and put in a jar of cold water. Place the container in the refrigerator, change the water in it every two to three days.
  2. Another way to keep onions fresh is to place them in a plastic bag. The plant is also cleaned of debris and then placed in a bag that needs to be tied tightly without getting air.

An important condition if you are going to store the plant for a short time - you should not wash it, but simply remove the dried tips of feathers and damaged parts. Also, it is important not to bend it. The saved bow can then be used as needed.

As you can see, there are several ways to store green onions in winter. Each housewife chooses a suitable way for herself, making her best dishes tasty and aromatic.