Nadezhda babkina biography personal life watch online. Nadezhda Georgievna Babkina: biography of the people's artist. Video clips of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Babkina is a popular singer, whose biography and personal life are always in sight. Its popularity extends not only to the entire territory of the country, but also beyond its borders. Such fame is easy to explain, because Nadezhda is not only a professional singer, but also a rather attractive woman who is pleasant to look at, whom you want to watch on stage.

Both adults and children listen to it. The repertoire is not divided into age categories, as a result of which the audience of fans only grows. First of all, Nadezhda Babkina performs folk songs that will always be popular. Recently, the singer has given preference to the pop genre, which also conquers her fans.

Personal life and biography 2017 Babkina Nadezhda interests all her fans. Today Babkina is a People's Artist of the following countries:

  1. Russia.
  2. Karelia.
  3. Chechen Republic.

Despite the fact that the singer is already 66 years old, she has an attractive appearance and is full of strength for new concerts and performances for her listeners.


Nadezhda Babkina was born on May 19, 1950 in the village of Cherny Yar in the Arkhangelsk region. Her family was very hardworking, her father worked in the national economy. He was an authority among his colleagues, had many friends and was rapidly climbing the career ladder. Her mother was a teacher and worked in elementary school. The biography of Nadezhda Babkina is very interesting, she shows that her personal life directly consists of music and helps her keep herself in great shape.

Nadezhda Babkina as a child

Babkina began to show her first vocal abilities in early childhood. Such a talent was inherited by her, because her father also sang very well, played various musical instruments and instilled in his daughter a love of music since childhood.

The girl also really liked to sing, she tried to imitate her father and aspired to grow up as a famous singer. And so it happened.

School and student years

In grade 10, Nadezhda managed to take part in a youth competition, in which she won. After leaving school, she was invited to perform at various concerts, after which she entered the Astrakhan School of Music. After graduating from college, Nadezhda immediately finds a job and becomes a soloist in a cinema. Before each session of the film, she went on stage and gave the audience a good mood.

Nadezhda Babkina in her youth

Youth and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina was very fun and eventful, as the biography shows. In 1971, she decided to enter the Gnessin Music and Pedagogical Institute. 1976 gave her the specialty "Leader of the Folk Choir", and 1981 - "Solo Folk Singing". Thanks to two several formations, Babkina received tremendous experience, as well as all the necessary knowledge and skills to maximize her potential in her business.

The beginning and peak of the career of Nadezhda Babkina

Since childhood, Nadezhda Babkina began to work on her career. Thanks to her father, who tried to instill the desire and habit to sing as much as possible, Babkina fell in love with this occupation and tried to develop her voice on her own. She managed to go to various performances, from childhood to attract attention and attract listeners. Her father very often traveled to the villages with concerts, which were attended by Nadezhda Babkina. She was the opening act for her father, giving the audience her beauty, tenderness and childish naivety. From a young age, Nadezhda fell in love with the audience, and therefore began to successfully develop in this area.

Singer early in her career

After receiving higher education, Nadezhda Babkina went to work in her own ensemble "Russian Song", which today has already gained great popularity. With each performance, the audience became more and more interested in their numbers, looked for positive notes for themselves and increased their popularity. A lot of spectators gathered at the concerts, who left with great mood and positive emotions.

Nadezhda Babkina always tried to make her songs modern and interesting, every year she brought notes of freshness and elegance to them, which could gain attention among young people of different generations.

In 1993, thanks to the efforts of Nadezhda Babkina, a large festival called "Nizhny Novgorod Carousel" took place in Novgorod. Young and talented musicians were able to show everything they are capable of, win the respect of the audience, and increase their popularity.

Folk performer Nadezhda Babkina

For all her work, Nadezhda Babkina received more than twenty awards, medals and orders, which she deservedly received. Despite her worldwide popularity, as well as her age, Nadezhda Babkina is ready to go forward, to give her creativity to more than one generation of young people, to introduce them to real folk music and art. Today folk songs are slowly fading into the background, the young generation has new interests, but Nadezhda Babkina will do everything to instill in them the habit of listening to really good songs with deep meaning.

Music is all life for Nadezhda Babkina

The singer really believes that music is her whole life. She made every effort to become a People's Artist not only in Russia, but also in other countries. One fine day, the singer managed on stage to meet Mahmud Esambaev, who was a real favorite of all women. At that time, the artist said that in the near future Nadezhda Babkina would become a recognizable person and achieve incredible success in musical creativity. This is exactly what happened. At that time, Nadezhda was very embarrassed, because it was incredibly pleasant to hear such pleasant words from a famous person.

Nadezhda Babkina on stage

Her success was not long in coming, and soon Babkina received an award for her performance in the "Russian Song" competition, where she, together with her leader, received a medal for success in creativity. Nadezhda put a lot of effort into her work to achieve what she has at the moment. She thought through her entire production well, tried to interest the audience not only with music, but also with the performance itself.

Personal life of Babkina

Many are interested in the question of how Nadezhda Babkina arranged her personal life with Yevgeny Gore, and under what circumstances did they meet. From the archives, you can find out that Nadezhda Babkina first arranged her personal life and replenished her biography with her beloved husband Vladimir Zasedatelev, to whom she gave birth to a son. Their marriage lasted 17 years.

The first husband of Nadezhda Babkina was a drummer, whom she met during a regular concert. Thanks to her husband, she still managed to get acquainted with such a singer as Lev Leshchenko, with whom Vladimir worked.

The relationship between Nadezhda and Vladimir was very romantic and impetuous, they lived a happy 17 years. They raised a wonderful son, Danil, who chose his own path in life. But at some point, the couple's relationship began to deteriorate, they themselves did not notice how their married life cracked. The couple were forced to divorce.

Nadezhda Babkina with her first husband

For many years, Nadezhda Babkina devoted her personal life only to the child and to music, she gave concerts, raised an adult son, and tried to give him everything he needed. Of course, it could not do without short-term romances, which did not lead the singer to family life. Nadezhda started a love relationship in 1990 with Alexander Rosenbaun. But their love was short.

When her son had already grown up and finally got on his feet, Nadezhda nevertheless decided to think about her female happiness. Evgeny Gor appears in the personal life of Nadezhda Babkina.

Until that time, the couple is in a civil marriage and everything suits them. Almost nothing is known about him, the journalists only managed to find out that Evgeny works in an ensemble headed by Nadezhda Babkina. Rumor has it that Eugene is as much as 30 years younger than the actress, but this does not prevent the couple from loving a friend and enjoying life together.

With common-law spouse Eugene Gor

Sometimes you can find articles in various magazines that the relationship between Babkina and Gora is coming to an end. But at the moment there is no official confirmation of this, so all this can be called only rumors.

Babkina in our time

Nadezhda Babkina is still a popular folk singer known to both adults and children. Her work is developing rapidly, and Nadezhda does not want to stop there. Discussions of not only the biography and personal life of Nadezhda Babkina appear on the Web, but the topic of excess weight is also raised. Indeed, the singer has gained weight recently, but it does not in any way spoil her beauty and talent.

In 1950, the future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was born in an ordinary family. Her small homeland is the small village of Cherny Yar, located on the great Russian Volga River. While still very little, Nadezhda cried day and night. According to mother Babkina, even then she showed the makings of a future singer.

Having barely learned to speak, Nadezhda first voiced her desire to become an artist. The parents, of course, did not take it seriously. They were convinced that their daughter should receive a serious education. Parents saw their daughter as a qualified doctor, teacher, or engineer.

As soon as the girl came to the first grade, she immediately became an active participant in all school activities. The teachers were delighted with Russian folk songs performed by Nadya Babkina. All the singer's children's performances were accompanied by her brother, who learned to play the button accordion at a music school.

During her school years, the popular singer was a member of the amateur art circle. By the end of the eighth grade, the girl was already sure that she would be a great artist. At the end of the academic year, the students of the school went on an excursion to the Music College of Astrakhan. Nadezhda sang in front of the best teachers of the school, who invited her to come in a couple of years with the purpose of admission.

Two years passed like one instant. However, the parents persuaded their daughter to get a medical education. Nadya entered, but did not study at a medical school even for a year. She nevertheless became a student at a music school, about which she had dreamed so much all her childhood. After graduating from college, Babkina moved to the capital, where she soon became a student at the Institute. Gnesins to receive a conductor-choral education.

The creative path of the People's Artist

Nadezhda Babkina took her first steps in her career at the age of 16, when she became a laureate of the folk song competition. At this age, Nadezhda took part in many competitions.

Nadezhda Babkina at a performance with her team

Soon, Nadezhda got a job at the film distribution department. Her task was to perform Russian folk songs before the start of the film. The young singer was so fond of the cinema visitors that they began to come just to listen to the girl's performance. So she was noticed and invited to the role of a soloist in the "Bayan" collective. With this team, Nadezhda traveled half of the country, and learned many interesting creative ideas.

Nadezhda Babkina in the Star Breakfast program

The singer gained real popularity thanks to her collective "Russian Song", with which she still works today. Nadezhda Babkina immediately became the artistic director of the collective. They performed a lot in different cities of the country, but these performances did not bring fame.

Nadezhda Babkina and Alexey Chumakov at a concert

They performed mainly at the industrial enterprises of the Soviet Union. In 1976, Russian Song took part in a popular music competition. After that, the collective began to gain popularity, and acquired its first fans. In 1992, the singer received the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Nadezhda Babkina on the set of the "Fashionable Sentence"

Since 2010, the singer has been working on Channel One as the host of the Fashionable Sentence program. The popular artist is a member of the United Russia party. The artist travels around the country and collects the opinion of Russians about the state of affairs in the country. She then transmits these opinions to the President's reception. Subsequently, they are taken into account when drafting new bills in Russia.

The behind-the-scenes life of a popular artist

The personal life of the famous singer is very often discussed in the press. The first chosen one of Babkina was Vladimir Zasedatelev, a musician. They first met while participating in one of the festivals. Soon the young people got married, and in 1975 the couple had their first child. The boy was named Daniel. The marriage lasted for about 17 years. Vladimir was jealous of his wife for her successful career. Soon he cheated on Nadezhda, and at the request of his mistress left his family.

Nadezhda Babkina with her first husband Vladimir Zasedataev

After the marriage broke up, Babkina devoted herself entirely to work. Only in 2003 did she meet her second spouse. The promising singer Yevgeny Gor became him. Feelings immediately flared up between Eugene and Nadezhda. Many suspected the singer of self-interest, but several years of living together proved to Babkina's fans the sincerity of the young performer's feelings for the popular artist.

Evgeny Gor and Nadezhda Babkina

Read biographies of the most beautiful models

Nadezhda Georgievna Babkina was born on March 19, 1950 in the city of Akhtubinsk in the Astrakhan region. Being a hereditary Volga Cossack, she sang from early childhood and already in the tenth grade she won the All-Russian competition of youth in the genre of Russian folk song. Father of Hope, Georgy I. Babkin, came from the Cossacks who served in the White Army. Mum, Tamara Alexandrovna, - from the Chistyakov family; before the revolution, their family owned a manufactory in Moscow.


Nadezhda's childhood passed on the banks of the Volga - in picturesque places, the memories of which she keeps all her life. She grew up as a musical and artistic child. The village of Bolkhuny, where Nadezhda studied in high school, was multinational: Russians, Kazakhs, Cossacks, Chechens, Ukrainians, Armenians. The Babkins often had guests at home: they arranged merry masquerades, walked with accordions, songs - Nadezhda absorbed the multifaceted culture of her homeland.

She liked to travel through the villages and villages on an old village bus with propaganda teams, singing and reciting poetry in front of the audience. In high school, Nadezhda already takes part in all amateur performances, with performances from the district and from the school she went to other cities of the country.

Student years

In 1967, Nadezhda began her studies at the Astrakhan School of Music, after graduating from the school she entered the Gnesins Institute at the conducting and choral faculty. Right here Nadezhda Babkina and formed in 1974 her vocal ensemble "Russian song"... Success and recognition were not long in coming.

In 1985, Babkina continued her studies at the Higher theater courses at GITIS, at the faculty of stage directors and mass performances.

Theatre "Russian song"

In 1993, the Moscow Folklore Center was created in the structure of the Mosconcert "Russian song" under artistic direction N.G. Babkina... In 1994, it was reassigned directly to the Committee on Culture of Moscow, and in 2000 by the Order of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow (Order No. 329 of 08.08.2000) it was transformed into the State Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore "Russian song"... In 2018, the theater acquired its current name - Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Moscow State Academic Theater“ Russian Song ”under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina.

Today the composition Moscow State Academic Theater "Russian Song" ensembles and soloists are included: ensembles "Russian song", folk rock band "After 11", ballet Living Planet, Dance Ensemble "Russian seasons" under the direction of Nikolay Androsov, Folklore ensemble "Russians", Ensemble "Slavyane", children's studio "Heritage", virtuoso musician Alexander Varnaev, Honored Artist of Russia, singer Anna Litvinenko, laureate of international and All-Russian competition singer Evgeny Gor and laureate of national music awards Alexander Kogan.


Nadezhda Babkina awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia (1992), People's Artist of the Republic of Karelia (2007), People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2010), People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia (2012); has many honorary awards.

In addition to touring and managing the theater, Nadezhda Georgievna devotes a lot of time to social activities, embodies social projects. In 2014 Nadezhda Babkina took office as a deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the VI convocation.

Despite the busy schedule, Nadezhda Babkina spends a lot of time with his family, participates in various television projects. Among them, for example, the "Fashionable Sentence" program on Channel One, in which Nadezhda acts not only as a co-host, but also as a style icon.

Government, departmental and public awards


Special diploma of the Standing Committee of the Union State
"For the creative embodiment of the ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia"

Special award of the President of the Republic of Belarus
"Through art - to peace and mutual understanding"

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin
For many years of conscientious work and active social activity
(Order No. 96-rp dated 4.04.2014)

Gratitude from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky
For personal contribution to the preservation of Russian cultural heritage in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
(Order No. 112-vn dated 21.03.2014)


The order Honor Kuzbass
(Resolution of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region of 23.07.2012)

Honorary title "People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia"
(Decree of the Head of the Republic of Ingushetia No. 03077 dated June 17, 2012)


Honorary title "Laureate of the Kuzbass Prize"
(Resolution of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region No. 20-pnot 23.08.2011)


Honorary title "People's Artist of the Chechen Republic"
(Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic No. 52 dated 10.03.2010)

The order "For services to the Fatherland" IV degree
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 324 of March 17, 2010)

Order of the International Union of Charitable Organizations "For the revival of the traditions of charity and patronage"

Medal of the Order "For services to the Astrakhan region"
(Decree of the Governor of the Astrakhan region No. 89 dated 17.03.2010)


Honorary title "People's Artist of the Republic of Karelia"
(Decree of the Head of the Republic of Karelia No. 73 dated May 24, 2007)

Honorary title "Angel of Peace"


The order Francysk Skaryna
(Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 10.04.2006)

The order St. Stanislaus


The order Friendship
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 755 of June 29, 2005)


Rank "Honorary Worker of Culture of Kuzbass"
(No. 194 dated 02.09.2004)


Prize MK RF named after A.I. Fatyanova
(order of the MK RF No. 915 of June 30, 2003)


The order Of honor
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1557 dated 22.10.1999)


Prize Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Golden medal "For scientific work" International Academy of Sciences of Information, Information Processes and Technologies


Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"


Honorary title "People's Artist of the RSFSR"
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03.01.1992)


Honorary title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"
(Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of 04/28/1986)


Prize Lenin Komsomol of the Volga region

Social work

President of the Charitable Foundation
"Folk singing culture" - since May 1995

President of a Nonprofit Organization
"Fund for support of cultural workers" - since October 1996

Party member "United Russia" - since December 2002

Member Public Council under the Prefect of the Central Administrative District Moscow city - from September 2005

Member Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossacks - since March 2010

Confidant presidential candidate Vladimir Putin during the 2012 election campaign

MP Moscow State Duma VI convocation - from September 2014

One of the brightest performers of the folk song - Nadezhda Georgievna Babkina, whose biography will be described in this article, not only sings beautifully, but also independently creates scripts for the concert performances of her "Russian Song" collective. The artist has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the musical culture of Russia. is rich in bright performances, amazing performances with incendiary songs, which are loved by the entire Russian people. How the singer gained such popularity, read on.

Nadezhda Babkina: biography. Childhood of the artist

What is so special about the date March 19, 1950? The fact that on this day the great Russian pop artist, Nadezhda Babkina, was born. How old was the girl when she first realized that the meaning of her life is music? It is difficult to answer this question, since from early childhood the Babkin child grew up in a festive atmosphere of folk songs and dances. The singer's father, Georgy Ivanovich, played all musical instruments. In the village of Bolkhuny, where he was appointed chairman of the collective farm, a multinational people lived: there were Russians, and Ukrainians, and Armenians, and Kazakhs, and Chechens. Often, evenings of folk songs were held in their house, in which seven-year-old Nadezhda was directly involved.

In the tenth grade, the future artist decided to try her hand at a nationwide Soviet song contest, where she won first place in the folk song genre. This was her first real success.

Nadezhda Babkina: biography. The beginning of the way

In 1967, Nadezhda became a student at a music school in Astrakhan. During her studies, she had already begun to build her musical career - she performed before film screenings at the Regional Department of Film Distribution and Cinema; sang songs written by the talented composer Gladchenko. After graduating from college, the girl went to Moscow and entered the "Gnesinka" without any problems.

After classes, Nadezhda Georgievna and her fellow students gathered in the hostel and rehearsed a concert program with which they dreamed of performing on the big stage. However, success did not come to them immediately. At the first performances, which they gave in small villages, only a few gathered. And only at the All-Russian Soviet Song Contest the girls were seen, heard and loved.

Nadezhda Babkina: biography. "Russian song"

The collective, which began its existence in a student hostel, acquired the name "Russian Song", and in the period from 1976 to 1978 became very popular. Nadezhda Babkina was the main promoter of the rich Russian culture, thanks to her, the folk art of our country was heard in all corners of the world.

For almost forty years the ensemble "Russian Song" has developed a huge repertoire, consisting of more than two thousand songs. Nadezhda Georgievna herself created all the performances, and the performances of her team have always been something more than just a concert of musicians, they were amazing theatrical performances. Nadezhda Babkina since 1986 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, since 1992 - People's Artist of Russia, awarded with high state prizes and awards.

Nadezhda Babkina: biography. Personal life

The first husband of the artist was the drummer of her band Vladimir Zasedatelev. She lived with him for more than 17 years, in 1975 gave birth to a son, has a grandson George and a granddaughter Vera. Currently lives in a civil marriage with a singer

The future artist's love for singing was awakened in her early childhood and was passed on from her father, who played various instruments and had good vocals.

In 1967, Nadezhda Babkina entered the Astrakhan School of Music and two years later began working as a soloist-vocalist at the Regional Directorate of Cinema and Film Distribution in Astrakhan - she sang in the cinema before the show.

In 1971, Babkina entered the conductor-choral faculty of the State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after I. Gnesins. Four years later she formed the first composition of the ensemble "Russian Song". The first tour of the folk ensemble took place in factory and factory workshops with working machines. The first small success happened in 1976 - it was a performance in Sochi at the All-Russian Soviet Song Contest in 1976.

In 1985, Nadezhda entered the Higher Theater Courses at the GITIS. AV Lunacharsky at the faculty of stage directors and mass performances, which gave her the opportunity to create her own concert numbers and performances. Also, Nadezhda Babkina took an active part in directing and staging the landmark performance of the Russian Song Theater - Forged Wheel, in which she played the main role of Destiny.

The first album of Nadezhda and her ensemble "Russian Song" - "Soul in the Steppe" was released in 1986. In total, the singer released 16 records, including: "The reed was rustling", "Nadya the Kazachka", "I believed, I believed", "Black mole", "How zhahnem!", "Russian lady", "I did not think, did not know", Grand Collection, Four Courtyards, Forged Wheel, Ducks Fly, In a Star Round Dance, Songs of Russia, Babkin's Rock and New and Unpublished.

In 1994, the Russian Song Folklore Center became an independent organization under the authority of the Moscow Committee of Culture. As of the beginning of 2012, the Moscow State Musical Theater of Folklore "Russian Song" included 10 groups and performers: ensembles "Russian Song", "Russian Song XXI century", "Slavyane", folk-rock group "After 11", Evgeny Gor, show-ballet "Living Planet", ballet under the direction of Nikolai Androsov "Russian Seasons", Folk Music Theater named after Dmitry Pokrovsky under the direction of Tamara Smyslova, children's studio "Heritage", virtuoso balalaika player Dmitry Kalinin aka Crazybalalaika.

Since 2010, Nadezhda has also been one of the presenters of the "Fashionable Sentence" talk show on Channel One

Personal life

The first husband of Nadezhda Babkina was Vladimir Zasedatelev, drummer of VIA "Leisya, song". The artist lived with him for 17 years and gave birth to a man's son Daniel in 1975. After the singer began to live in a civil marriage with the singer Yevgeny Gor, who is 30 years younger than the artist. The last passion of the artist was the 37-year-old son of the mayor of Moscow, Anton Sobyanin.

Interesting Facts

She sang for Atamansha in the cartoon "New Bremen Town Musicians" and for the film "My Big Armenian Wedding"

Since 2010, she has been one of the leading talk shows "Fashionable Sentence" on Channel One

She starred in the films: "TASS is authorized to declare ...", "Who is the singer married to?", "If you only knew ...", "The Snow Queen", "Merry Neighbors", "Stupid Star", "Love"

In 2012, she was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

On March 11, 2014, she signed an appeal by cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea

He is an active member of the United Russia party

Surname by husband - Zasedateleva


1986 - Soul in the steppe

1994 - The reeds rustled

1995 - Cossack Nadia

1998 - I believed, I believed

1999 - Black Moth

2000 - How are we going!

2001 - Russian Lady

2004 - I didn't think, I didn't know - with the group "Diskomafia"

2004 - Grand Collection

2006 - Four courtyards

2006 - Forged wheel

2007 - Ducks are flying

2007 - In a star round dance

2008 - Songs of Russia

2010 - Babkin rock - with the group "After 11"

2010 - New and Unreleased

Awards and titles

Lenin Komsomol Prize, 1978

The title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, 1986

The title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, 1992. For great services in the field of musical art

Gold Medal "For Scientific Work" of the International Academy of Sciences of Information, Information Processes and Technologies, 1998

Order of Honor, 1999. For services to the state, great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art