The best methods for cleaning moonshine. Purification of moonshine in traditional ways

Experienced moonshiners agree that the most effective and quickest purification of moonshine from fusel oils is the method using activated or charcoal. This is not surprising, because coal particles have large pores that are capable of absorbing not only small elements of impurities, but also large ones.

So, how to clean moonshine at home so that the filtration takes place with maximum effect. Consider 2 effective ways:

  1. Express method. During distillation, a funnel is placed in a container into which the distillate will be collected. One layer of cotton is placed in it, small fractions of coal are poured on top, then larger ones and at the end are covered with 2 cotton pads. Everything needs to be pressed tightly. As a result, you will not need to spend additional time to clean the moonshine from the fuselage, since the product is filtered directly at the outlet of the moonshine still.
  2. Infusion. After distillation, the alcohol is poured into a glass jar, and crushed coal is also placed there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and left in a cool place for 5-14 days. At the end of the exposure, the consistency must be filtered through multilayer gauze.

This is one of the best ways to quickly clear the moonshine before the second distillation. Coal is preferable to use from birch. A component from a water filter will be no less effective. It often contains silver, which will only improve the quality of filtration.

Apply charcoal in the following proportions: 50 gr. for every liter of alcohol. This calculation is suitable for both the first and second cleaning method. Therefore, when filtering moonshine through a funnel, cotton wool with a filler will periodically need to be changed to a new one.

Vegetable oil

Not all moonshiners know that fusel impurities and other harmful components are perfectly neutralized in vegetable oils. Therefore, moonshine can be cleaned with olive or sunflower oil. The main thing here is to use an odorless product, that is, refined, otherwise the concentrated aroma will be transferred to the drink.

With this method of purifying moonshine at home, part of the vegetable oil remains in alcohol, even with high-quality filtration. Therefore, the second distillation in this case is a mandatory step.

How to clean moonshine after the first distillation with vegetable oil:

  1. Dilute the moonshine with water to a strength of 20 °. For every liter of alcohol you need 20 ml of oil. For example, in 5 liters you need to mix 100 ml of cleaner.
  2. Stir the ingredients for 1-2 minutes, then leave for 5 minutes, and shake everything thoroughly again.
  3. Place the jar in a dark place with a constant temperature of 6-15 ° C, the lower the indicator, the better.
  4. After the end of the infusion, the liquid will become slightly cloudy, and an oily film forms on its surface. You need to drain the pure alcohol through the pipe. Try to do this in such a way that you do not touch the film.


Filtration of moonshine with milk is very popular among experienced craftsmen - this way the "soul" of the drink is preserved and its taste softens. The principle is based on the binding of harmful impurities with casein and albumin molecules that make up milk protein. As a result, a flocculent sediment appears, due to its gravity falling to the bottom. Filtration takes about a week, after which the distillate is removed from the sediment and re-run. After cleaning, the moonshine acquires a clean structure, and also becomes soft in taste.

Milk is a simple, effective and completely safe way to make quality alcohol

It should be borne in mind that milk contains fats, they make the drink cloudy. Therefore, in home brewing, there are 2 recipes for cleaning. In the first, low-fat milk is used, and re-distillation is not provided, in the second, the percentage of fat content of the product is not critical, since secondary distillation will help to clean the structure.

Method for cleaning moonshine with milk without distillation

The advantages of this filtration of moonshine are obvious, the method is absolutely safe, does not need secondary distillation and makes it possible to combine the purification of alcohol with other methods. But he also has disadvantages, in rare cases the structure of the liquid may become cloudy.

Cleaning steps:

  • prepare a low-fat pasteurized dairy product with the calculation of 150 ml per 10 liters of fortified beverage with a strength of 50 °;

Instead of pasteurized milk, in this case, it is allowed to use dry milk. But first, 3 hours before you clean the moonshine from fusel oils, it will need to be diluted in warm water.

  • mix the dairy product with a fortified drink, close the jar hermetically and leave for 5-6 days in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C;
  • every day during infusion, the container must be shaken well;

From the very first minutes, a precipitate in the form of large white flakes will begin to form in the liquid. This milk protein reacts chemically and precipitates harmful impurities.

  • at the end of the exposure, the alcohol is drained from the sediment and filtered several times through multilayer gauze with a cotton pad.

If, after cleaning at home, the moonshine has acquired a cloudy structure, it should be filtered through a charcoal filter.

VIDEO: What is the best way to clean the distillate - coal, butter or milk?

How to properly clean a moonshine followed by distillation

In this case, the fat content of the dairy product does not matter, the main thing is that the milk is fresh. The process of removing harmful impurities is as follows:

  • 100 ml of homemade dairy product is mixed in 1 liter of alcohol, but the alcohol is preliminarily diluted to obtain a strength of 45-55 °;
  • all components mix well, close tightly with a lid;
  • the container is placed for 4-6 days in a dark place, while the first 3 days the contents must be shaken for better cleaning;
  • moonshine is drained from the sediment and diluted by 20% with water, after which it is sent to secondary distillation with division into fractions - heads, bodies, tails.

These methods can be used to check the quality of store vodka. Sometimes the result is shocking with the amount of sediment.

Chicken egg protein

Cleansing moonshine at home using protein from chicken eggs allows you to eliminate not only harmful components in the drink, but also an unpleasant odor. This method works best when filtering a distillate prepared with wheat or sugar mash. But if alcohol was prepared with berries or fruits, it is not recommended to use egg white for cleaning.

The composition of the cleansing product includes casein and albumin, in fact, due to which all impurities are deposited at the bottom. By the level of absorption, this method of purifying moonshine at home is not inferior to coal. In addition, it should be noted the minimum loss of distillate - only up to 5%.

Consider the steps on how to cleanse and filter moonshine from fusel oils and unpleasant odors using egg white:

  • dilute the distillate to a strength of 45-55 °, but at the same time leave 20% free space in the container;
  • separate the white from the yolk, add water to it in the amount of 10% of the amount of alcohol and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, but until foam forms;
  • Stir the protein solution with moonshine, cover the container and leave to infuse for 1 week;
  • shake the mixture every day, but do not carry out these manipulations 1 day before removing from the sediment.

After the holding time has elapsed, strain the liquid without sediment through a cotton-gauze plug in a funnel. Change the filter and do the same with the sediment. Dilute pure alcohol with drinking water to obtain a strength of 18-20 ° and distill it a second time.


This is the easiest way to filter moonshine at home. When the temperature drops below 0 °, fusel oils and other impurities begin to freeze, while the freezing point of pure ethyl alcohol is -114 ° C. The method takes a lot of time compared to other cleaning options, but high quality is guaranteed in this case.

You need to put the jar in the freezer or outside if the weather conditions meet the requirements for freezing. When ice forms in an alcoholic drink, and these are fusel oils, the remaining liquid must be drained, the rest must be disposed of.

In the north, the scrap method is practiced, although it is more convenient to use a metal corner. It is left outside for a while to freeze the metal well, put it in a bowl and slowly drain the distillate through it. When moving, the fuselage freezes, and the raw material flows down. The result is quick and effective.

To eliminate extraneous aromas from the moonshine as much as possible, it is recommended to add 30 g to 1 liter of the drink. raisins and chopped violet root 5 pcs. The consistency should be infused for at least 10 days, after which it will be fully usable.

Rye bread

In ancient times, few people were interested in the best way to clean the moonshine from harmful impurities, since they used the bread cleaning recipe, proven for centuries. This method has not lost its popularity in our time.

You need to use only fresh bakery products from rye flour without various impurities. Homemade rye bread is ideal.

This product contains many yeasts and gluten, which help to retain fusel oils. As a result of such cleaning, even the most low-quality alcohol will acquire a pleasant aroma and brighten.

The process will require 100 grams. bread pulp for 1 liter of moonshine. Before cleaning, the alcoholic beverage should be filtered using one of the previous methods. After that, the bread is cut into slices, they are peeled from the crust and crumbled into small particles.

Crumbs are poured into a container, mixed with distillate, closed with a lid and left for 3 days in a dark place. After the end of the infusion, the consistency will acquire a yellow color, which is removed by subsequent filtration.

Place a funnel with a cotton pad in a clean jar and strain the alcoholic drink through it. The remaining pulp is disposed of without spinning. Further, the moonshine must be diluted with water and put on distillation with separation of fractions.


Bonding of fusel oils and other impurities is carried out using Karluk glue. The component is preliminarily diluted in water before use until a jelly-like consistency is obtained, after which it is mixed into the moonshine. Adhesive elements bind unwanted constituents of the beverage and deposit on the bottom of the container.

This method is of the highest quality, it purifies the distillate as much as possible. Its only drawback is its inaccessibility. The fact is that glue was used, as a rule, in large-scale production activities. Also, the deficit is influenced by a sharp decline in the number of sturgeons, from the swim bladders of which the component is produced.

Salt and soda

Quick cleansing of the drink from toxins and fusel oils is carried out through the use of baking soda with salt. The advantages of the technologist are in the short-term, the process requires no more than 1 day. The downside is inefficiency. The fact is that soda is not able to precipitate all harmful components, therefore it requires repeated distillation.

Cleaning steps:

  • dilute the moonshine to obtain a strength of 40-50 °;
  • separate 10 gr. baking soda in 100 ml of pure water;
  • mix the ingredients with 1 liter of alcoholic beverage, close the lid;
  • shake thoroughly and leave for half an hour, then stir again;
  • put in a cool dark place for 15 hours.

After the formation of a precipitate, the clean liquid is carefully drained and filtered. A cotton pad is placed in the funnel, granules of crushed charcoal are poured on top, after which everything is covered with one cotton layer. A fortified drink is passed through such a "sandwich" into a container.

With the help of salt and soda, you can partially cleanse the product from harmful impurities, the smell and taste remain unchanged.

Potassium permanganate with soda

There is also the usual method for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate, but it is less effective than the combined one, so we will consider the second option. Baking soda helps neutralize acetic acid when potassium permanganate partially removes fusel oils.

The main advantage of such cleaning is the minimum time required. Minus - the likelihood of the remainder of manganese crystals, which negatively affects human health. To exclude this factor, it is imperative to overtake the composition a second time.

Prepare the components based on the following proportions - 1.5 g is needed for 1 liter of alcohol. manganese and 10 gr. baking soda. Pre-mix potassium permanganate with water in a volume of 200 ml, pour the alkaline solution into the moonshine and shake thoroughly. Add the manganese, cover the jar and stir well.

Place the container in a dark, cold place for 14 hours. During this time, a thick sediment forms at the bottom of the jar, the clear liquid is drained from it and put for re-distillation.


A less effective cleaning method that partially removes harmful components from the alcoholic beverage, but at the same time gives it a pleasant aroma and aftertaste. Secondary distillation is a must here.

For 3 liters of alcoholic product with a concentration of 20 °, you need to prepare 1 carrot and 1 apple. The fruits are peeled, coarsely chopped and added to a container with moonshine. After that, the jar is left to infuse for 2-3 days until the fibers begin to separate from the carrot with apple.

Making alcohol cloudy

Some tasters love moonshine of a dull milky color, as it is made in real Russian settlements. To achieve this effect, you can use several recipes that give the product the desired shade, while not impairing its taste and aroma.

Some people like the authentic color of moonshine - it can be deliberately made cloudy

  1. Milk whey. For 1 liter of moonshine, you will need from 10 to 25 ml of serum, depending on the required color saturation.
  2. Powdered milk. Use the ingredient in proportions of 5-15 grams. for every liter of fortified drink.
  3. Vegetable oil. To obtain a white consistency, 3-5 drops of refined sunflower or olive oil are enough. After adding the component, the liquid must be thoroughly mixed.

VIDEO: Little tricks of the moonshiner

Making homemade alcohol in itself is a rather time-consuming process. The mash alone costs at least 3-4 days. And even if you happen to (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steam generator of the brand) with good performance, distillation of the mash, and then the raw alcohol, still takes several hours.

Sometimes it happens that flaws were made during the distillation of the mash. Cloudy moonshine is always annoying, and most importantly, it again takes time to clean it. But over the years of practice, craftsmen have found ways to quickly clear moonshine from fusel oils and odor.

Most often, such cleaning is required by beginners, since they have not yet debugged all the mechanisms for observing the distillation technology. However, if you correctly approach the question “”, then you can purchase a distiller that is most convenient and easy to use.

We recommend quick cleaning of moonshine only if a second distillation is planned. After all, it is the re-distillation that is the key to a high-quality drink that is as safe as possible (in terms of impurities) for health. Even craftsmen, who happened to be with jewelry calculation, most often distill moonshine twice. Thus, in almost 100% of cases, a quick method of purifying moonshine is necessary after the first distillation to simplify the purification in the second distillation.

So, 4 methods for quickly cleaning moonshine:

1. You can quickly clear moonshine with regular baking soda. It will take 10 grams per liter of distillate and about 12 hours. Soda is poured into the moonshine, the container is shaken well and left for half an hour. Then shake the container again and leave for 10 hours (ideally overnight). However, baking soda binds a small amount of "fusel oils" and neutralizes acids. This eliminates some of the turbidity and unpleasant odor. After the formation of a precipitate, the pure distillate is carefully drained from it. For better purification, the distillate should be re-distilled.

2. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is a powerful oxidizing agent. It removes harmful aldehydes from the drink. Potassium permanganate powder is taken at the rate of 1 gram per liter of distillate. The container is shaken well and placed in a water bath at a temperature of 50-70 ° C for 15 minutes. After the precipitate has formed, the distillate is allowed to settle a little, and then it is carefully poured off the precipitate. It is best to use potassium permanganate in combination with soda and alkali, and re-distill the purified distillate.

3. How else to clean moonshine quickly at home without special means? Each house has a refrigerator and a freezer in it. The freezing method is one of the most ancient. The distillate is poured into a glass or iron container, and put into the freezer overnight. Water, together with harmful impurities, freezes near the walls of the container, and the purified ethanol solution remains in the center. If the dregs and odors persist, you need to repeat the procedure. The main thing is not to take a container with a narrow neck for these purposes.

4. The most efficient and fastest method is coal cleaning, where moonshine is passed through a coal column. However, this requires a special activated charcoal or coconut charcoal as well as a column. But this method allows for reliable cleaning at a speed of up to 2 liters per minute.

You can talk a lot about, however, over the years of practice, dubious methods have long outlived their usefulness. And if some methods may not seem “environmentally friendly” enough (for example, the use of potassium permanganate), then their harm is still much lower than the harm caused by excess impurities in the distillate. However, nowadays you can completely freely find a distiller that will allow you to get a clean and drinkable drink after the first distillation. meeting modern quality and safety requirements? It is best to do this directly from the manufacturer after studying the market.

Purification of moonshine at home without subsequent distillation

Cleaning moonshine at home
without further distillation

There are several ways to clean moonshine at home. The lower the alcohol content in the beverage, the better the cleaning process will be.
So, if you do not mind distilling the moonshine a second time, then it is better to dilute it with water and first clean it of the bad smell and harmful impurities.
If subsequent distillation is not provided, then we clean the moonshine, first diluting it with water to the degree we need (but not higher than 70, but preferably 40 degrees).
To measure the strength, we use a hydrometer (alcoholometer).

1st method. Cleaning moonshine with soda Since moonshine contains acetic acid, which is formed when alcohol is combined with oxygen, we add soda to it. Soda neutralizes acid. Add 1 g of soda to 1 liter of moonshine, this is about 1/12 of a teaspoon (at the tip of a knife).
Cleaning with soda is useful before cleaning with potassium permanganate.

2nd way. Purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate (reaction of slow oxidation of fusel oils)
Add 1-2 grams of potassium permanganate to one liter of moonshine, stir thoroughly and leave for at least 10 hours. After clarification and precipitation, we filter the moonshine. Can be filtered through household water filters.
You can make a filter for moonshine yourself from a plastic bottle or canister.
We make holes in the lid, cut off the bottom, turn it over, insert a cotton swab into the neck of the bottle and fill in the calcined river sand (we disinfect the sand by calcining).
It is even better to take crushed birch charcoal instead of sand (you can crush the Karbolen tablets bought at the pharmacy).

3rd way. Cleaning moonshine with egg white
The egg white coagulates (coagulates) under the influence of alcohol, absorbing the fuselage particles (the particles "stick" to the protein).
In cooking, boiling broth is clarified using egg white.
Pour in 1 liter of moonshine, while stirring, 2 beaten egg whites, let stand and filter.

4th method. Cleaning moonshine with fresh milk
This cleaning can be applied either to the mash before distillation, or to ready-made moonshine.
Purification of moonshine with milk occurs due to the adhesion of the fuselage to the particles of milk and its precipitation (we then filter the moonshine).
Pour 1 liter of milk into 5 liters of mash. We drive out slowly. During the first distillation, cloudy moonshine is possible. If so, we distill it a second time.
Or in 1 liter of ready-made moonshine pour, actively stirring, 100-200 ml of fresh milk, after folding, the moonshine is filtered (filtered).
After cleaning with milk, it is useful to clean with bread.

5th method. Cleaning moonshine with freshly baked black bread
It perfectly absorbs fusel oils and gives the moonshine a pleasant aroma. Stayed bread is not used because will give an unpleasant aftertaste due to microorganisms that have multiplied on it.
Broken bread in small pieces (100 g per 1 liter) shake in moonshine until the pieces are soaked and disintegrate. Then let it stand for a day or two and filter.

6th method. Freezing moonshine
Under the influence of low temperature, water and impurities freeze. Fusel oils freeze to the walls of the vessel with moonshine. Alcohol remains, which is poured into another container.
Freezing point of vodka -28-29 ° С, dry wine -5 ° С.

7th method. Charcoal cleaning
It absorbs impurities and foreign odors. Coal can be bought in any chain store, birch is better, because it has a greater absorption capacity.
Coal is preliminarily pounded in a saucepan, then poured into a container, 50 g per 1 liter. vodka.
All this is insisted for at least a week, periodically shaking it, then it is defended until the coal sediment precipitates and the liquid is clarified, drained from the sediment with a siphon tube and filtered.
If drained carefully, no filtration is required.
You can clean the moonshine with the activated carbon tablets Karbolen or Entorosgel purchased at the pharmacy.

Old recipes for cleaning moonshine and vodka

Method 1. "How to take away a bad spirit from vodka"

Add 1 liter of fresh milk to six liters of moonshine and distill so that it goes clean and there is not the slightest bit of chase.

Or: add 400 g of pure birch charcoal to 12.3 liters of moonshine.

Insist until all the coals settle and the moonshine is clean, then drain, dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (one part is water), add 800 g of raisins and distill again.

Method 2. "How to take away the bad taste of vodka"

Before distillation, depending on the size of the cube, put from three to six handfuls of sifted ash of birch wood with several handfuls of salt. Carry out the second distillation without ash and salt.

Method 3. Already prepared moonshine is subjected to the following cleaning:
Add 1-2 g of baking soda per 1 liter of moonshine to the moonshine distilled from the mash. The mixture is stirred and allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes. Mix thoroughly again and leave for 10-12 hours. Then the liquid is poured from the top, and the precipitate is removed.
Then 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate powder (sold in any pharmacy) is poured onto a 3-liter jar, stirred until the potassium permanganate dissolves (or you can pour in a strong solution of potassium permanganate in water) and wait for the precipitate to fall out (from several hours to 1 day).
Gently drain the moonshine from the sediment.
To intensify the process, after adding potassium permanganate, you can seal the jar, shake it and place it in a water bath of 50-70 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Then, in the process of infusion, periodically shake the infusion.
After these procedures, for the final elimination of foreign tastes and odors, keep the moonshine alcohol for 12 days on a violet root at the rate of 3-4 finely chopped violet roots with the addition of 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter.
After the product is infused, it should be filtered.

Good moonshine burns. Bad, if you try to set it on fire, it will not ignite.

How to make alcohol close in strength to 100 degrees?
To do this, you need to calcine copper sulfate with constant stirring over a fire for dehydration in an open glass, copper or aluminum container.
Then cool the vitriol and immediately pour into the alcohol obtained after distillation. Since one molecule of vitriol during the formation of crystalline hydrate attaches to itself seven water molecules, the alcohol is dehydrated.
If you distill such alcohol again, excluding any contact with air, then it will become 100-degree.
It must be stored in a very tightly sealed container, because this alcohol is extremely hygroscopic - greedily absorbing water from the air, it will quickly reduce its strength to 96 degrees.
If the alcohol at hand has a strength of more than 96 degrees - it is poisonous after drying, it should not be taken orally under any dilutions!

For entertainment viewing
In a small hunting lodge, three friends - Coward, Goonies and Experienced - make moonshine.
The battery of bottles is growing rapidly on the shelves.
In those ancient Soviet times, it was strictly forbidden to drive moonshine to the people.
This is how the communists held a monopoly and made their business on vodka.

Moonshine is one of the oldest crafts that continues to develop and improve. Over time, knowledgeable people have developed universal methods for preparing and filtering this strong alcoholic beverage. As you know, it is not enough just to overtake alcohol: you also need to remove from it most of the harmful chemical compounds that cause a severe hangover. In this article, we will tell you how to cleanse moonshine from fusel oils at home.

General cleaning algorithm

There are a lot of algorithms for purifying alcohol from impurities. All of them are characterized by the presence of one active ingredient that absorbs harmful substances remaining in the moonshine after distillation. Only the drink that is obtained during the rectification process can not be purified, although it is considered the most harmful. All other products of home brewing necessarily go through the process of filtration and re-distillation.

Most often used for these purposes:

  • potassium permanganate
  • milk
  • charcoal
  • baking soda
  • egg white
  • Rye bread
  • vegetable oil

Most of the "garbage" exfoliates even at the stage of re-distillation, as well as in the presence of a distillation column, settler or reflux condenser in the system.

Pros and cons of cleaning with potassium permanganate

Purification with potassium permanganate is a popular but unsafe method. When this substance interacts with ethyl alcohol, an alkali is formed, which is used in the food industry as a preservative. Also, in the process of a chemical reaction, acetaldehyde is produced, which is a great danger to humans and is addictive.

It must be remembered that manganese is not able to draw out all unnecessary impurities from the solution. Some of them will inevitably remain in the liquid.

If you are not afraid of the possible consequences, and you still decide to try cleaning with manganese, use the recipe:

  • 1 l of mash in a glass container
  • 300 ml hot water
  • 2 g potassium permanganate powder
  • 1 tablespoon of table salt and soda

Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and mix it with moonshine. Let it brew for 8 hours, then filter.

Rectification with milk

There are three ways to purify alcohol, the active ingredient of which is milk.

  1. Adding this product just before the distillation process in a 1: 5 ratio. This method has long been widely used in villages and entails turbidity of the solution. Therefore, after filtration is completed, the wash is distilled again.
  2. Adding milk to finished vodka. After interacting with alcohol, it coagulates and absorbs hazardous elements. The resulting mixture must be filtered.
  3. The use of powdered milk. An indisputable advantage of this method is that when diluted, milk powder is easier to make skimmed, which will not allow the drink to cloud. Take 10 liters of warm water and dilute 6 g of milk powder in it. Stir the solution until smooth and let sit for a few hours. Combine infant formula with 10 liters of homemade unrefined alcohol. After a week, a sediment will appear in the moonshine. Drain and filter thoroughly.

There are several ways to clean your mash to get the perfect result.

Purification of homemade alcohol with charcoal

An effective and simple method that involves the use of any kind of charcoal: both charcoal and activated. You can use charcoal purchased from the supermarket, but charcoal from a young beech, cedar, or birch stump will work. It is preferable that the tree is less than 50 years old.

Filtration process:

  • take a tree stump, peel it of bark, twigs and twigs. Remove the core of the tree, chop it into pieces;
  • Throw the wood into the fire and wait until it is completely charred. Get out the coals before the fire is completely extinguished;
  • finely grind the resulting coal;
  • add the powder to the liquid and incubate for three days. Filter the drink.

Cleaning "vodka" with soda

A cheap and efficient way. Using baking soda will give you a mild alcoholic beverage that tastes good and smells good. And the ingredients for the implementation of such a cleaning option will undoubtedly be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

For a liter of homemade mash, take 1 tablespoon of salt and soda. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and wait 30-40 minutes. After this time, stir the resulting mixture again and leave again for 12 hours. During this period, the liquid should stratify, after which the upper part must be drained.

Using egg white as an absorbent

When beaten egg white interacts with alcohol, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the protein folds and precipitates along with fusel oils. This process is called coagulation.

It is better to beat whites for cleaning without foam.

Filtering moonshine with rye bread

For 1 liter of 40-degree moonshine, take 100 g of rye bread. Divide it into small pieces and stir with alcohol. After 2 days, filter the formed precipitate.

Fighting vegetable oils against fusel

The use of vegetable oils makes the cleaning process environmentally friendly with maximum efficiency. For a liter of drink with a strength of 40 degrees, take 80 ml of refined sunflower oil.


  • stir moonshine with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • mix the solution with vegetable oil, shake the resulting liquid well;
  • let the solution stand, then shake the container for a minute;
  • put the container in a dark place. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 15 degrees;
  • in a day, a greasy layer with a high concentration of harmful chemical elements will appear on the surface of the solution. To drain clear liquid, make a funnel in the center of the film and insert a hose or tube into it. Filter the drink.


The simplest method, for the implementation of which excipients are not needed. You will need any amount of moonshine, a stainless steel or glass pan and a freezer. A balcony is also suitable if the frost on the street reaches 15-20 degrees.

Leave the pot of hoppy drink out in the cold overnight. In the morning, fusel oils and impurities will freeze, only pure moonshine will remain liquid. Drain it into a separate bowl.

It is better not to use plastic containers to clean alcohol by freezing. Under the influence of low temperatures, the plastic will react with alcohol, and poisonous substances can enter the solution.

Advice! To finally clear homemade vodka from harmful impurities, be sure to re-distill the product.

All of the above methods will be effective if you carefully calculate the proportions and take a responsible approach to the process of cleaning the moonshine. In this case, your efforts will not be in vain: at the end you will receive a soft, high-quality, aromatic alcoholic drink.

There are a great many ways to "make" moonshine. Particularly successful recipes for making this alcohol are passed on from generation to generation unchanged. Some "distillers" are trying to invent new technologies for the production of alcohol at home and drive it from the most unsuitable products, for example, from tomato paste or mash based on fruit caramels.

It is quite understandable that an unclear artisanal drink made from low-grade raw materials cannot boast of high taste and requires serious rectification. However, even the highest quality homemade alcohol needs additional purification, since it also contains impurities that significantly impair its taste and aroma, and also harm the body. Therefore, professional distillers have developed several effective recipes on how to remove odors and fusel oils from moonshine at home.

How to tell if there is fusel oil in home brew?

To make sure that there are impurities in the moonshine, you need to inhale its smell, or even better, take it in a spoon and set it on fire. When the alcohol burns out, droplets of oily liquid will remain at the bottom of the spoon.

These are the very unsafe and foul-smelling fusel oils found in any homemade alcohol. Of course, a drink with so many bad impurities should not be consumed.

Method for cleaning moonshine with activated carbon

  1. Purchase the required number of packs of tableted activated carbon at the pharmacy, based on the proportion: 50 g of coal per 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverage.
  2. To enhance the absorbency of the charcoal tablets, finely chop and pour into a bottle with homemade alcohol.
  3. Close the container with a drink tightly and put it in a dark place.
  4. Take the container out of the cupboard several times a day for 2 weeks and shake it thoroughly.
  5. For the third week, let the alcohol "rest" on the shelf without shaking.
  6. After that, drain the clarified and no longer smelling like booze moonshine from the bottle into another container, filtering it through 6 layers of gauze. A precipitate will remain at the bottom of the bottle.

Biological method for purifying moonshine

  1. Pour 3 egg whites whipped into foam or ½ cup unboiled cow's milk into a bottle with 1 liter of muddy, "fragrant" moonshine.
  2. Plug the pan and shake vigorously.
  3. When milk or egg white coagulates, i.e. curl up and fall to the bottom in the form of soft curd flakes, pass the drink through a clean canvas rag folded three times.

Purification of alcohol with potassium permanganate

  1. In a small volume of cooled boiled water, dissolve the potassium permanganate crystals.
  2. The dose of potassium permanganate is calculated in the ratio: 2 g of the drug per 1 liter of crude moonshine.
  3. Pour the concentrated purple solution into your drink bottle, shake it, and your homemade alcohol will take on a pale pink color.
  4. Place the container with the drink in the cabinet.
  5. Take it out the next day. You will see that the moonshine has become transparent again, and a brown sediment has formed on the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Gently drain the drink from the dishes by filtering it through a thick cotton-cloth filter.

Cryogenic method of purification of moonshine

  1. Pour the moonshine with impurities into a metal dish and place it in the freezer overnight.
  2. In 12 hours, fusel oils will solidify and freeze to the bottom and walls of the container. And pure alcohol, which solidifies at a temperature of about -60 degrees Celsius, will remain liquid.
  3. Remove the dishes from the freezer, pour pure alcohol into the bottle.

Purifying alcohols with vegetable oil

This rectification method is based on the ability of substances to mix only with certain types of liquids.

Due to this property, fusel oils can dissolve in a related medium - in vegetable oil, while ethanol and water will not dissolve.

There is only one difficulty when using this rectification method. At the end of the cleaning process, we will have to make an additional distillation of alcohol, since in order to remove harmful substances, we will need to dilute the moonshine with clean boiled water to 20-25 degrees.

It is necessary to dilute alcohol with water in order to make it easier to "part" with harmful impurities. Strong, undiluted alcohol is much more difficult to get rid of the fusel oils dissolved in it.

Vegetable oil purification technology

  1. Pour the unrefined, foul-smelling moonshine into a large enamel container and add boiled cold water in small portions. Stir the liquid constantly and check its strength with a household alcohol meter. When the percentage of ethanol in the drink is less than 28 degrees, pour the diluted moonshine into a large glass bottle to 2/3 its volume.
  2. Pour the required amount of refined sunflower oil into a bottle of alcohol and tightly plug the dishes with a stopper. Stick to the proportion: 20 g of vegetable oil per 1 liter of diluted alcohol.
  3. Wear assembly gloves with rubberized palm surfaces and grasp the bottle firmly with both hands. Shake it vigorously for 5-7 minutes. As a result, the liquid in the bottle will become cloudy, but after shaking, the whitish substance literally before our eyes will begin to stratify into fractions and lighten.
  4. Leave the dish with the oil-alcohol emulsion overnight. The next day, the oil with harmful impurities dissolved in it will rise in a single layer to the surface.
  5. Using a long thin hose, lowered to the bottom of the bottle, drain the pure moonshine into another container.
  6. Pass it through a cotton cloth filter and repeat the distillation.