Outdoor tiles: how to choose correctly, tips and recommendations of professionals. He was a "cable" or how to choose a tile in the bathroom Choice of ceramic tiles

If you already have a fix idea, select a dream color and let it become a starting point for selecting other shades. The main thing is not to overdo the accents.

Do not choose more than three different colors. To navigate throughout the variety of design options, it is best to search for photos of ready-made premises.

The room you want to arrange, small and you need to visually expand it? Use light tones. The classic option for the bathroom is a white tile.

If you think it is too banal, give preference beige, peach or blue.

The floor and walls laid out by one type of tile, mostly light and glossy, visually expand the space, add air.

Andrei Lyamin-Borodin, General Director of the Internet Service Repair Service Rewedo.ru

It is believed that cold colors create the effect of freshness and coolness, and warm soothing. One of the modern trends is the design of the premises in natural shades.

Dark tile creates an oppressive impression. Contrary to common belief, it is clearly visible dirt. Use dark paints carefully. For example, for the decoration of the floor and the bottom of the walls.

Avoid and very bright colors, such as scarlet or gold. In such premises you will be very quickly tired.

Use a bright tile or tile with drawings to create accents or room.

Choosing a tile for the kitchen, coordinate its color with the headcard.

How to choose the shape and size of the tile

Most often in stores offer square or rectangular tiles. If you do repair yourself, stop at these classic versions. Working with them is much more convenient than with a tile of an unusual shape.

Want to achieve various visual effects? Use a rectangular tile. Place it on the walls vertically, and you pull them out in length, horizontally in width. To visually expand the room, lay out the floor tile on the diagonal.

Do not choose a very fine tile for small rooms. Also refuse to make a room in a mosaic style from the idea. He strongly narrows the space. Do not use very large tiles. With it on the walls there will be large seams, which is also unprofitable to separate the room on the part.

Avoid extremes costs and for reasons of savings.

From the point of view of the practicality and cost of work for the walls, it is better to choose a medium-sized tile. Too small or, on the contrary, a large format can cause marks when laying. Mosaic is on average more expensive than ordinary tiles, and work with it will also be weekly.

Andrei Lyamin-Borodin

How to calculate the required number of tiles

Measure the length of the walls and their height and multiply these numbers. From the resulting work, deduct the door area (if necessary, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bath). Calculate the floor area.

Then calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, as well as multiplying it in the width. By sharing the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls or floor on the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, you decide on the amount of the latter.

Example of calculating tiles for wall with door

If you doubt, use any online tile calculator.

Do not forget to add 10-15% to the resulting value, as part of the tile will inevitably be corrupted during transport or mounting.

Naturally, this is the most primitive method of calculating tiles. With an unusual layout, it may be necessary to assume professionals that will make the right drawing and, based on it, calculate the required amount of materials.

How to choose a tile of the desired structure and quality

If you choose a tile for the house, it makes no sense to give preference to the super-resistant materials that are necessary for the design of common areas. It is unlikely that your kitchen or bath will walk the same number of people who attends cinemas or exhibitions.

Select the tile with the wear resistance coefficient from I to III (III - for the floor) and do not overpay.

If you are not going to arrange a large freezer or solarium from your apartment, then the temperature resistance of the tile should not be taken into account.

When choosing a bathroom tile, pay attention to the characteristics such as water resistance and relief (for floors).

The highest quality is the tile of Italian and Spanish production. To save, combine expensive tiles with a cheap.

Many Russian manufacturers, such as Kerama Marazzi, "Ceramine", Italon, offer quite acceptable tile quality. It can be taken as the base, pointfully adds more expensive and expressive or, for example, a mosaic.

Andrei Lyamin-Borodin

But buy tiles with huge discounts you need carefully. The fact is that the sale of a low variety can be inserted for a better. The coating of such a tile will be released inactive.

How to check the quality of the tile

Tile marriage are chips, cracks, uneven geometry and differentials of different tiles in height. If, having bought a tile and connecting it at home, you will find such defects, go to the store and return the low-quality goods.

Andrei Lyamin-Borodin

There are ways to check the quality of the tile before purchase:

  1. Consider the tile against the light: possible cracks and other imperfections are better visible on it.
  2. To evaluate the material plane, attach two tiles to each other and check how tightly the surface is adjacent. Take a couple of tiles from different boxes and attach them to each other in the same way.
  3. To estimate the possible slip, drop the water to the tile and spend the finger along it.

If you opened the packaging with the tile and found a marriage, write a claim. At the same time, it is possible to either bring the low-quality tile to the store yourself, or ask for a broker (it happens that half the package is already on the wall).

The broker will make an act of a non-compliance of the goods to the stated characteristics and send your claim to the manufacturer. There your appeal will be considered and, if it will be deemed reasonable, replace the goods for proper quality. As you understand, the procedure is not enough. If the repair is in full swing, it is often easier to buy a new tile packaging.

Is it possible to pass the tile back to the store in case of error in calculations? According to Andrei Lyamyn Borodin, this is possible if you bought a tile with a large margin and you have all packaging. According to the legislation, the tile can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, not counting this day. Some manufacturers offer customers a redemption as a bonus, but it applies only to budget tiles.

Do you know any lifcakes on the choice of tiles? Share them in the comments.

Today we will tell about how to choose a ceramic tile for the bathroom or toilet. After examining this information, you can prevent popular errors that lead to an ugly result, empty spending time and money. It will be about the bathroom with an optimal value for money.

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Come to any specialized store, you will see samples of tiles for the bathroom (collection) that hang on the stands. The collection is a set of tiles that are combined in size, form and color.

The standard collection consists of 5 elements:

  • Light background,
  • dark background
  • border (frieze),
  • decor
  • floor tiles.

One collection of bathroom tiles can have several color options. In practice, in the same room it will be enough to combine one bright and dark background, take one kind of decors and floor tiles.

There are some collections that have good background tiles, but disgusting decors, or vice versa.

Most collections have the same size backgrounds and decor. The border in length is the same, but in height is much smaller. The floor tile has a square shape, with the sides greater than the height of the main elements, but less than their length. Sometimes the square length is equal to the length of the main tile.

Important moment: borders can be cut off only in length, and the decor can not cut off at all. This is due to the fact that many decors have embossed elements that can disappear during cutting. The second reason for this rule is a violation of the harmonicity of the drawing. Imagine how the sliced \u200b\u200bembossed curb will look like a pattern in the corner, glued next to its trimming after 3 mm layer of grout. So that the angle was beautiful, it needs to be shown two identical tiles.

Manufacturers and prices

The very first thing that is worth paying attention is the country of manufacturer. Tile in the bathroom can be made in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Russia. If you do not want to have problems when laying because of the large differences in the size and shape of the tile in the package, then it is better to immediately refuse Russian tiles.

In some stores, the tile on the stands specially subscribe so that at first glance it seemed smooth.

Each country has several manufacturers. But you should not focus on the name of the company, since each of them has good and unsuccessful tile collections for the bathroom.

A good tile for the bath is now from 900 to 1700 rubles per square meter. For this price, you will receive a high-quality and beautiful tile, but do not overpaid for the brand. If you are doing the repair for a long time for yourself, then you can buy more options, but it is not cheaper.


As a rule, floor tiles in the bath matte, and the wall is glossy. The glossy coating looks brighter and juicy, it is easier to wash. But if you are damaged by the floor with glossy material, it will be slippery and over time the layer of paint will be wound, they will appear propelly.

The texture of the tile under the mosaic is most practical when its parts are located unevenly, and under a slight inclination of relatively adjacent elements and have a slightly different shade. Externally, it looks like pixels.

It allows you to solve 3 main problems:
  • Bright drops from detergents;
  • Dark drops from dirty water;
  • Drops of toothpaste.

At the same time, the dirt on it is invisible, easily washed and all this is not to the detriment of the beauty of the coating. But if the size of the squares is too large, to such a relief surface will be ugly to impose angular elements and plumbing.


As for the choice of optimal size, the more facing tile for the bathroom, the better, but it should be within reasonable limits. Imagine how the 90-centimeter tile for a small bathroom will look like a 160 cm wide. In addition, you can not make the hidden hatch due to the fact that it should be installed under full tile, it will be necessary to somehow fix this Through and open it.

Optimal sizes for most bathrooms:

  • 60*20,
  • 50*20,
  • 50*25,
  • 60*30,
  • 45*20.

Large-format seamless porcelain stoneware for the bathroom and seamless tile is not suitable for several reasons. First, it has very large sizes for most bathrooms. Secondly, it is impossible to fix it on hidden hatches.

Why not use borders

Ceramic borders are now almost never used when laying.

Initially, they were used to get rid of narrow trimming due to a fixed height of the ceiling. But now you can install a suspended or stretch ceiling with any retreat from the main one, and this problem will disappear by itself.

Also, the border was often used to separate the light and dark background. But after the furnishings of the room, this belt turns out with a ribbon, and the beautiful effect is lost.

In addition, it is very difficult to correctly correct the height of the installation of a relief curb on the wall so that it does not block the seats of the fit of the suspension plumbing, visually did not attach attention to himself and did not create a narrow trimming over the bathroom.

We select color

Let's start with the fact that the floor should always be dark color. It will be practical and durable.

The light tile in the bathroom will always be dirty, and since it is matte - dirt will be eaten over time. If on a dark background, the dirt will not be so rushed into the eyes, and she will be able to serve you more than a decade, then the light tile will want to replace after 1-2 years.

Select the color of the grout

Grouting to the tile is selected under the tone of the brightest elements, or a little lighter.

Imagine what will happen to a light grout in six months? It will become black. Of course, if you use a two-component epoxy grout for 2700 rubles per 2 kg and buy a means for washing for 800 rubles to it, it will remain white, but it is not worth it.

But it is impossible to use a dark grout, because in the eyes will be rich in the excessive contrast of each element.


The most beautiful baths are obtained if they are painted with horizontal rings, the integrity of which will only violate the doorway.

Optimal option:

  • Dark floor;
  • Dark stroke from below 0.5-1 row above the bathroom;
  • Light background in the center with properly located decors;
  • Dark stroke top with a height of 1 row.

In the toilet, the height of the lower row is usually combined with the drain button on the installation, that is, the border passed somewhere in the middle between them. If you fear that this area will be over dark, it is allowed to dilute with light rows.

  • First, on the dark stroke, almost there will be almost no traces of drops.
  • Secondly, it will be harmonized with dark outdoor tiles.
  • Thirdly, the dark color of the floor will be reflected in the White Glossy ceiling, and the stroke from above will only emphasize it, and it will automatically fit into your design.

Often the tile for bathrooms after laying does not look like you have seen it in the store. This is due to different color lighting temperatures and its quality in the store and you. It is better to abandon point halogen luminaires with low power, and use one powerful light source.

To properly arrange the decor, inside the central light strip, retreat on one row from above and below, and then replace all the whole tiles with decor. At the same time, it is not necessary to decorate the wall with the doorway, the maximum is to arrange in it instead of decor the background tile according to the scheme described.

In small baths, do not join the outer corners of the tile by roaming them under 45 degrees. Perhaps this dock will look more beautiful, but it will be hurt. In such places, the corners should be done with the help of plastic layouts.


Do not buy remnants of collections that have ceased to produce. They can be sold with a big discount, but, as a rule, there will be no elements in the collection. If you do not have enough 1-2 tiles, you can no longer buy it later.

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Over the years, the tile remains the most popular finishing material for the bathroom. Probably there will be skeptics that believe that it is terribly boring and trite. But such definitely minority. What can be attracting the gloss of glazed tile, which fills the room with a dazzling shine, turning photos from the glossy magazine into reality. There is nothing impossible on the way to implement any designer fantasies, if you know which tile is better for the bathroom. And it is simply necessary to know about it - because with the problem of choice sooner or later everyone faces.

Which tile is better suitable for the bathroom

The manufacturers, as well as the types of tile, such a huge amount that the choice of the desired sample will most likely take a lot of time. This can be avoided by deciding in advance with the main moments.

What needs to be considered first

Estimated in search of the ideal, do not be lazy to make a couple of other pictures of your bathroom. This will help the sellers, assessing the scale of the event, to give, which sometimes cannot be done, by the way, professional recommendations to those who stopped at the crossroads and can not solve - what tile to choose for the bathroom.
Decide with the material. Options Weight: mosaic, porcelain, glass, natural stone tile (granite, marble, slate) ... But the most popular tile is a ceramic, attracting many price / quality ratio. At the piggy bank advantage should include simplicity of laying, cutting and replacing if necessary.

The natural stone is able to act as an original decorative element, of course, provided that it is for your pocket. By the way, laying such a tile will also cost a significant amount. But the result is worth - the eternal beauty of the stone and the breath of Mother's nature in your home.

Next step - choose size. The tile of large sizes is organic in spacious baths, while for small rooms it is necessary to choose the instances of smaller.

Color palette

Regarding the color of the opinion of specialists diverge. Some believe that the bath is not a place for bright experiments and the most suitable shades here will be the tenderness of roses and purity of blue celestial expansion. Others are convinced that you need to choose that color, the influences of which you so lack in everyday life. For example, shy on Bordeaux's baths in color will give confidence and will give a powerful charge of positive energy. Third, perhaps the most reasonable, know that the best adviser is your own addiction. Guided by individual preferences can be created atmosphere in which you will be more comfortable.

What advises coloring? Each color affects our mood and well-being. So white in unlimited quantities can cause discomfort, so it should be used in tandem with other colors.

Orange and yellow tune on a positive way. However, people depressive cause the opposite reaction.

Blue, blue soothes, relax. Proven, these colors have a favorably affect the mental state, they have rest.

Brown symbolizes wealth, well-being. We will have to do with squat, practical people.

Green - nature color. It causes nostalgia, the desire to escape from the fuss and noise. It has a positive effect on any person, regardless of temperament.

Gray shivels, relaxes. Requires the presence of brighter colors in color palette. Neutralizes the negative impact of other colors.
Purple in unavalious causes longing, while active people contribute to the tide of the forces.

Red increases mood, self-confidence, vital tone. In large quantities can contribute to the appearance of irritability, headaches.

What should be a bath tile

The tile for the bathroom must have a certain set of qualities indicating that this product can be configured without feasible. So, the correct tile for the bath, what is she?

  • resistant to the effects of household reagents and chemicals;
  • withstanding the attacks of water vapor and temperature drops;
  • with minimal moisture permeability;
  • with a high-quality glazed surface, which is not losing the initial time over time.

  • high resistance to abrasion;
  • resistant to bending resistance;
  • insensitivity to the negative impact of abrasives.

Ideal for floors - porcelain stoneware, which is made of a mixture of high-quality clay, with the addition of mineral dyes, quartz, wild spasp. The price is high, but the impeccable quality is worth it, believe me.

It is important!
The thickness of the wall tile should be about 8 mm, outdoor - 10-12 mm.

Water resistance can be determined by turning the tile and paying attention to the base - the higher the porosity, the lower the quality, and therefore the water permeability. The bathroom should be purchased with a low porosity tile, which is denoted by the letters AA, A, B, C.

Calculate the number of tiles

With the characteristics of the choice and the properties of the tile figured out, but how to determine how much the tiles need?
First, calculate the total surface area to be facing.
Bathroom area \u003d Square wall + floor area.

The perimeter of the floor is multiplied by the height of the walls and take the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom openings. (We get the walls of the walls). The length of the floor is multiplied by its width (we get the floor area).
Further, calculations are based on the format of the selected material. Suppose you attracted a tile of 0.25 x 33 mm. Accordingly, the area of \u200b\u200bone instance: 0.25 x 33 \u003d 0.0825 sq.m.

  • calculate the amount in one square (1: 0.0825 \u003d 12.12 pieces);
  • suppose the area of \u200b\u200byour bathroom was 30 m2. Multiply the resulting amount of tiles on the area (12.12 x 30 \u003d 363.6 pieces). Round up to 364;
  • if the curb is assumed, the perimeter of the room must be divided by the length of one border;
  • the resulting digit add 10% (for wall tile), 15% (for outdoor).

Now you can not only choose high-quality bath tiles, but also correctly calculate its quantity. As, after such a thorough theoretical preparation, it is not worthwhile for the final result - it will be amazing.

Over time, the owners are thinking about how to choose a tile for the bathroom and toilet. However, it is a rather complicated process to study the bathroom. Manufacturers, cost, color design, strength, durability and many other aspects are important. With all this should figure out in detail.

Specificity of the room

To correctly make a selection of material, you need to imagine in advance that the owners want to get in the end. In addition, it is important to explore the room in which there will be repairs. To begin with, we will deal with:

  1. The height of the ceilings.
  2. Room size.
  3. Specifications.
  4. Design.

In addition to measurements and the choice of design, it is necessary to pay attention to the tastes and wishes of all residents. The more attention will be paid to the trifles, the easier and faster find everything you need.

How to choose a tile?

Stopping a large or small bathroom and toilet finish, it is necessary to choose the right product. Equally important is the floor and wall tile and its texture, it is also impossible to forget about security.

Matte type tile


  • roughness and discreet view;
  • when water gets into the water, the surface is not slippery;
  • ability to repel the dirt;
  • there are no divorces and traces.


  • the possibility of the appearance of divorces from mold.

Cafe glossy type


  • visually makes a small room more;
  • pushes fat pollution;
  • is perfectly washed;
  • it has a beautiful shine.


  • on a dark or light glossy surface, a divorce, dried water and others are visible;
  • in the presence of water, the surface is slippery.

We look at the size

If the room is spacious, then you can give the will of fantasy and choose not only a small tile, and almost any size, if not, proceed from the room features.

Ceramic tile is made in the form of squares or rectangles. The overwhelming majority of the tile sides the square form, it has different dimensions: ranging from 15 to 15 and ending 45 to 45.

For spacious rooms, it is better to choose squares, but for small - they are better lay out on the floor. Another thing is rectangles. They not only visually expand the area, but also look beautiful. But in this case, the rules below should be remembered:

  • For square rooms, the optimal option is a laying of a rectangular tile vertically.
  • In order to avoid a large number of seams, do not use a small tile.
  • For long and narrow rooms, correctly produce tile laying horizontally or the pattern diagonally.

Color decoration

"Right" tips, which tile is better for the bathroom and toilet, a huge amount. If you listen to all, then in the end there will be nothing good. But the most important thing is to remember:

  • A small bathroom should not be done in dark colors, as this visually reduce it.
  • Finishing only the white column is not recommended. Yes, the illumination will be added, but not space, and the room will remain on the look of small.
  • To increase the space, the laying of contrasting tiles diagonally is perfect.
  • Decorative tiles on one side of the wall, and the usual one - with another visually make a small bathroom more.
  • One collection of tile, laid on the floor and walls, add room unity of style.
  • Dark colors and colors with shiny shades will add elegance and aristocracy; Bright - dynamism; Pastel, light and neutral - space.

Many tips and specifics do not turn out to write about what tile to choose for a bathroom and toilet, since the selection of any color depends on the particular room, taking into account its internal structure. Therefore, it is better to be guided by personal preferences.

Methods of manufacture

Currently, there are several ways to manufacture tiles from ceramics, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Bicottura type. Thanks to the two-time burning, the detergents are not terrible, but the tile is relatively fragile. Wall decoration is the main application.
  2. Monocottary type. The firing is made once, which makes the material stronger, so fit for the floor. If the tile is glazed, then only applicable walls.
  3. Clinker. High strength due to the small porosity of the material. But the naturalness of the shades will not give much to experiment with the design.
  4. Porcelain stoneware. It has high strength and resistance to mechanical exposure, most often lies only on the floor. It has a rough surface, like a stone.

Varieties of material

There are various types of bathroom and toilet tiles. In addition to production ceramics, materials are applied:

  • Glass. Almost all the characteristics are similar to ceramics, except for impact resistance: it is worse. Separate the ceiling and walls.
  • Polymer type tile. Small durability, low cost. Excellent solution for repair with limited budget.
  • A natural stone. Large service life, beauty and luxury are the main advantages. But the material is expensive.

Important rates for tile selection

  • Chemical resistance is usually indicated by a flask icon. For cleaning, any domestic products are suitable.
  • Exposure to wear. They are divided into five classes: 1 - the material has small strength, 5 is the most durable. For the bathroom it is advisable to use the tile until the fourth grade.
  • To find out the thickness of the product, take a look at the pictogram. It is desirable to use a tile with a thickness of 6 to 9 mm thick for cladding the walls, from 9 to 12 mm as an outdoor option.
  • Porous structure. Please note that the more the porosity of the tile, the smaller it will last, as the water absorbs well.
  • Picture. The better the drawing on the surface, the more durable and stronger material.
  • Smooth surface on the reverse side. After the tile is fixed on the wall, large gaps and the depressions will not give it to her firmly.
  • The surface with the front side should be smooth and not have bubbles.
  • The tile should not be with curvature and disorders of geometry.

Also note that the surface of the tile from the masonry side is indicated by the corresponding small pictogram: the foot - the floor, palm - wall.

Rating manufacturers


  • High quality.
  • Exclusive design in the form of wood species, stone, marble and others.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Large margin of safety.
  • Practically does not fade.


  • Sometimes there are not very significant errors.
  • High price.

Tile from Ukrainian manufacturers.


  • Qualitative raw materials.
  • A large assortment.
  • Various design.
  • Adequate value.


  • Small errors in size.
  • The same collection has differences in shades.

Belarusian manufacturer.


  • A large assortment.
  • Beautiful and original design.
  • Affordable price.


  • Sometimes there are problems in the geometry of the product.

Produced in Russia.


  • A large assortment.
  • Low price.
  • New production technologies.


  • The outdoor option is not always combined with wall mounted.

There are plants in different countries.

  • The range includes expensive and inexpensive Tiles options.
  • Original design solutions.
  • High tile strength for floor.


  • A little overpriced price for products.
  • Cheap collections have a fragile glaze.
  • Perhaps inconsistency of sizes.


  • Advantages:
  • Big choice.
  • Low cost.


  • Fragility tile for wall.
  • Perhaps the inconsistency in size and shades.