Sprayed thermal insulation is a modern practice of insulation. What is spray foam? Overview of insulation Spraying insulation on the walls

Before deciding how to insulate your home, you need to analyze the market - you will need to study a lot of offers, compare them with each other, and only after that make a final decision. Otherwise, it will not work out - trusting the builders or the opinion of other specialists, you can not only waste money, but throw it away twice. It should be remembered that redoing is always much more expensive than doing everything qualitatively the first time. In this article, together with the website, we will study in detail one of the types of heaters - we will answer the question of what sprayed thermal insulation is, we will deal with its scope, advantages and disadvantages, as well as application technology.

Sprayed thermal insulation: what is it and where is it used

Are you familiar with the concept of "polyurethane sealant"? Not? How about a term like this? Basically, both are one and the same. And both options can be produced in various variations - mounting foam (in our situation it is sprayed polyurethane foam) can be made in the form of a one-component solution or in the form of a two-component composition. It can be sealed in containers under pressure, or it can be sold in the form of two types of liquids. It is the latter case that is used for the method of insulating surfaces by spraying. Everything is elementary simple - pre-mixed liquids are placed in some kind of a, through which polyurethane is applied to almost any surface.

thermal insulation foam photo

The scope of polyurethane thermal insulation is quite extensive - in principle, it is suitable for almost any surface, including the floor. But it so happened that due to the high cost of this technology and some contraindications, it is not used everywhere. Its scope is as follows.

  1. Industrial, commercial, and sometimes residential facilities.
  2. Roofs. For this, this is an ideal option - polyurethane, hidden from sunlight, does not decompose and can last up to 50 years in such conditions.
  3. Vegetable stores and cold stores. In most cases, they are made from so-called sandwich panels, which are two plastic panels, the space between which is filled with foam insulation.
  4. Technological containers - for them, polyurethane foam is also an ideal insulation. A striking example of such products is already familiar to everyone.
  5. . For them, the so-called shell is made from polyurethane thermal insulation, which consists of a polyurethane layer and a protective coating.

In addition, insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam can be carried out on any surface - it's no secret that mounting foam has excellent adhesion to almost all building materials. Concrete, brick, wood, metal, and so on are no exception.

Sprayed polyurethane foam photo

Pros and cons of sprayed thermal insulation with polyurethane foam

There are a lot of advantages of sprayed thermal insulation - at least more than disadvantages, which puts this material in the lead. If we talk about the shortcomings, then there are only two of them - this is the high cost of the material and the work on its spraying, as well as high toxicity at the time of polymerization. After hardening, the mounting foam is absolutely non-toxic. As for the advantages, the following points can be attributed to them.

  1. High quality insulation. It is due to two factors. Firstly, it is the density of the material and the presence in it of a huge number of air bubbles that retain heat, preventing it from escaping to the outside. Secondly, this is the method of applying this material - the spray gun clogs the two-component composition into literally all the cracks of the surface, where it turns into foam, clogging them, one might say, tightly.
  2. Thanks to the same application method, there are no seams between the parts of the insulation, which in essence are nothing more than a cold bridge.
  3. Increased sound insulation. Polyurethane foam belongs to the category of high-quality - it is able to dampen not only wave noise, but also shock. Using this heater in the apartment, you can significantly reduce the noise level in the premises.
  4. This type of insulation belongs to the category of vapor-permeable materials - moisture vapor does not accumulate on its surface, but is absorbed.

In principle, it is possible to list such advantages further, but there is no point in this - the above advantages are quite enough to give preference specifically to the sprayed insulation. I will add only one thing here - mounting foam, although it easily catches fire, with a lack of oxygen, it quickly goes out. It is possible to reduce its ability to burn by applying a layer of special fire-resistant paint to the hardened material.

Insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam photo

Sprayed thermal insulation with polyurethane foam: application features

The technology of insulation using polyurethane foam looks quite simple, despite the use of special equipment - this technology is not complete without a powerful and special gun. In principle, all equipment for sprayed thermal insulation can be purchased on any construction market, and for relatively little money.

Another thing is a two-component polyurethane sealant, it will have to be ordered at a special enterprise, since this material is not available in free trade. Not only that, you still need to learn how to mix it correctly, but if you know the proportions, then it's easy.

Now a few words about the technology of insulation with polyurethane foam. There are some restrictions here.

  • Do not work during rain or when it is foggy outside.
  • It is forbidden to perform work at low and at negative temperatures.
  • It is also undesirable to work in the heat and sunshine.

As for the spraying process itself, there are few requirements here, and all of them relate primarily to the use of personal protective equipment - these are overalls, rubber gloves and even a gas mask.

It should be remembered that do-it-yourself sprayed thermal insulation is inherently associated with the use of highly toxic materials.

In conclusion of the topic, a few tips that will help you apply sprayed thermal insulation as efficiently as possible. Firstly, the surface to be insulated must be carefully prepared - it must be cleaned of dirt and dried thoroughly. Secondly, it is better to do all the work in one sitting - you should not pull, otherwise the next day all the preparatory work will have to be done again. Thirdly, sprayed thermal insulation is not applied in thick layers - the optimal layer is 50-80mm. If you need more, wait for the first layer to dry before applying a second layer on top.

For houses located in the middle and northern strip of our country, the issue of insulation is always relevant. The market offers the modern consumer a huge number of different materials necessary for the insulation of walls and roofs of buildings. Recently, sprayed thermal insulation based on polyurethane foam has become very popular. The simplicity and reliability of this type of insulation allows you to do all the work yourself.

Varieties and details about PPU

Several types of insulation can be applied by spraying:

  • urea-formaldehyde foam - penoizol (KPF), which requires a foam generator. The composition is mixed with water, forming a foam, and when it hardens, it becomes like a mounting foam;
  • ceramic liquid insulation in suspension, which is suitable for all types of surfaces (brick, concrete, wood, metal, plastic, etc.). Safe, tolerates painting, wallpapering, plastering;
  • filler foam, which is suitable for warming any premises; It has no smell, and after hardening it takes on a cellular structure and retains heat well. Durable and suitable for high-rise buildings.

Sprayed polyurethane insulation is a type of foam. These gas-filled plastics are obtained by foaming and then curing certain liquid mixtures. The cells of the resulting substance are filled with carbon dioxide, air, sometimes other gases are used.

About 98% of the volume of this insulation is gas, only 2% is solid matter. This circumstance determines the main feature of gas-filled plastics of this kind - low specific gravity.

Popular manufacturers and prices

The most popular manufacturers of sprayed insulation are the following:

  • SEALECTION, designed for interior work;
  • HEATLOK SOY, which can be applied inside and out;
  • Ecothermix 300 (for outdoor use with 92% closed cells) and Ecothermix 600 (for indoor use with open cells).

Approximate prices for external thermal insulation with a foam layer of 2.5 cm / m2 can reach up to 500 rubles, for a layer of 5 cm / m2 - up to 800-900 rubles. Internal thermal insulation requires a layer of at least 10 cm / m2 and will require approximately 500-600 rubles at a density of 10 kg / m3. For walls and foundations, the cost calculation will be close to internal insulation. The price should also include the cost of equipment and equipment for work.


The most noteworthy quality for the user is ease of transportation and cost-effectiveness. Polyurethane foam is stored in small metal containers, light enough and quite convenient for transportation and storage. This material is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it is safe for human health and pets.

This property of polyurethane foam is especially important when warming the room from the inside. Neither temperature changes nor interactions with liquid provoke this material to release harmful substances, so the whole process can be done by hand, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Additional benefits

Sprayed thermal insulation absorbs noise well and has excellent waterproofing properties. This means that moisture will not accumulate in your walls, fungus will not start. Both in the cold and in the warm season, a comfortable atmosphere in the desired temperature range will be maintained in the house.

Since the sprayed thermal insulation is applied in one layer, there are no joints and seams in the coating. This means that there will be no leakage of precious heat even in the most problematic areas.

The composition of PPU includes various anti-corrosion substances. Therefore, when PPU is applied to metal surfaces, a layer is formed that retains heat and at the same time protects the metal from moisture and rust.

Polyurethane foam ignites slowly and quickly extinguishes in the absence of oxygen. Therefore, the chances of its ignition are very small. If you want to reduce the likelihood of ignition to zero, you should treat the coating with a layer of special paint.


The technology of polyurethane foam insulation allows for thermal insulation both during the initial construction and during the overhaul of the building. Sprayed thermal insulation PPU is widely used for insulation:

  • roofs of various buildings;
  • walls of industrial and residential buildings;
  • vegetable stores and refrigerated warehouses;
  • pipelines, process tanks, non-residential premises.

Spray insulation can be carried out on surfaces such as reinforced concrete, aluminum, asbestos cement, concrete, composites, and so on. Due to its properties, polyurethane foam adheres perfectly to any surface and completely fills any cracks and breaks.

Preparation for work

The process of warming is quite capable of being done by any owner. Sprayed thermal insulation will require two components:

  • prepared mixture of blowing agents, polyester constituents, foam regulators and fire extinguishing agent;
  • a substance based on isocyanate.

The first ingredient is thoroughly shaken. Usually, a mixing mechanism is used for this, do-it-yourself work may not give the desired accuracy. The isocyanate is carefully checked for the presence of foreign impurities. If they are found, the second ingredient is heated to 700С and mixed. Before use, the mixture is filtered through a metal sieve. The components are used in a 1:1 ratio.

It is important to remember that the ingredients must not come into contact with water, steam or moist air; foreign objects must not be allowed to enter them. Containers in which the components for insulation remain must be tightly closed.

All ingredients are best used in a short time, immediately after preparation.

The whole process of applying insulation foam is carried out by low-pressure machines. In addition to machines, for work you will need:

  • protective glasses;
  • overalls and footwear, rubber or cotton gloves;
  • additional equipment: gas mask, thermometer and respirator.

Surface preparation for application

Before you start spraying with foam, you should prepare the work surface. To do this, it is cleaned of dirt and wiped dry. The surface should not have cracks and dents with a diameter of more than 6 mm, otherwise the setting (adhesion) will be incomplete. If on the day scheduled for work it rains or there is high humidity, you should not start applying the foam.

Choose a dry, sunny day for work, on which the temperature of the working surface does not exceed 30 ° C. If the surface is hot, then the foam consumption will be more than normal due to poor foaming.

How is the application

From two containers, a mixture is collected in a certain amount using a pump. After that, the dispenser pistol, which has a nozzle, is filled with the mixture. The compressor pressurizes the gun to a certain value.

The components of the mixture are mixed and fall on the work surface. A thick foam is formed, which cools and hardens rather quickly. All equipment is equipped with electronic sensors that monitor the operating pressure in hoses and containers, air temperature, and so on.

Work technology

Spray should be applied in a liquid state. At low surface temperatures, a thin layer of insulating foam is applied to the surface. Only after the complete hardening of the preliminary layer, the insulation process can be continued.

Polyurethane foam is applied at first to hard-to-reach areas of the surface - ventilation holes, chimneys, difficult sections of walls, and so on. Each subsequent layer of foam is applied only after the previous layer has completely hardened. The standard thickness of the applied insulation is no more than 1.5 cm. For optimal insulation, at least three layers of foam must be applied.

Even if the area of ​​work is large, it is necessary to complete all the work in one day. If it was not possible to fulfill this condition, then by the beginning of the next stage it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface again.

Those areas of the surface that will not be sprayed should be protected from foam with a piece of dense matter.


Although PU foam is not a toxic material, handling it can lead to accidents. To prevent this from happening, basic safety measures should be observed.

The most important elements of the safety of the insulation process are serviceable equipment and protective clothing. It is better to carry out the entire spraying process in a special suit in which the human skin will be completely protected from contact with PPU. The mucous membranes of the eyes should be covered with glasses, the respiratory tract with a respirator or gas mask.

The instruction will help beginners to properly prepare the composition to be sprayed and load this heater into the construction gun. It is also required to have a special solvent on hand so that if drops of foamy insulation get on the skin, immediately wash it off. The cost of work is determined individually and depends on the complexity of the working surface and the thickness of the applied foam. The exact price of insulation installation can be said only after a visual inspection of the building.

Based on polyurethane, it has unique heat and sound insulating properties. Less commonly used is the spraying of cork-based compositions - a natural material with excellent characteristics and an attractive appearance.

The cost of spraying is quite high and, depending on the thickness of the layer and the place of work, is 350 - 1000 rubles per square meter.

Sprayed insulation has near properties, inherent only to this material:

  • lack of joints, which are the cause of the occurrence of cold bridges;
  • the possibility of insulating curly surfaces;
  • corrosion protection metal structures;
  • high adhesion, ensuring the absence of voids between the polyurethane foam layer and the wall, which eliminates the formation of condensate and mold;
  • vapor-water tightness material that allows you to do without protecting the insulation with films;
  • high work productivity- two people per day can apply polyurethane foam to 1000 square meters. meters of surface.

The disadvantages include high cost, the need for special equipment for spraying the composition, an unpleasant odor that persists for three days after completion of work.

Recommendation: it is advisable to use sprayed thermal insulation if it is not money that matters to you, but Speed ​​and quality of work or insulation in other ways is impossible(the presence of complex surfaces and, the need to simultaneously perform waterproofing of the underground part of the building).

The polyurethane foam layer is formed by curing the foam obtained by mixing and spraying isocyanate and polyol. The process of foam formation takes a few seconds, solidification - a few minutes. Received insulation has the following characteristics:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity: 0.025 - 0.04 W/m*K- slightly better than extruded polystyrene foam;
  • life time: 25 - 30 years old- the same as that of polystyrene;
  • Operating temperature range from -150 to +145 degrees- an excellent indicator;
  • density from 7 to 60 kg/cu. m, with a density of more than 35 kg / cu. m material can be used as waterproofing;
  • water absorption: 0,04% decreases with increasing density.

Manufacturers assure that polyurethane foam is safe and does not support combustion, inert to acids and mold.

Preparation for spraying insulation consists in leveling walls, sealing cracks and priming the surface. When necessary, free the room from furniture and things and cover the remaining items to protect against flying foam.

Insulation spraying requires expensive equipment: bottles with components, compressor, hoses and a gun for mixing reagents and spraying them, so it is better to entrust this work to specialists. Work is carried out in protective clothing and a respirator.

Spraying is carried out from the corners to the center of the surface. For convenience, the surface is divided into strips by planks, which are successively filled with foam. After spraying the insulation on the strip, the bar is removed. The process does not take much time, specialists will insulate the room with polyurethane foam quickly and efficiently. After drying, the insulation is covered with paint or finishing materials for UV protection..

Many companies do not take on small amounts of work. If it was not possible to find a contractor, you can purchase a disposable Foam Kit spraying unit worth about 16,000 rubles, it consists of two cylinders, hoses, a gun and works without additional equipment. The capacity of the cylinders is enough to cover 19 square meters with a 2.5-centimeter layer of insulation.

Recommendation: before warming the room, carefully cover windows, doors and other objects with plastic wrap, secure the film with adhesive tape so that it is not torn off by the flow of gases from the gun. The foam is very sticky and does not wash off.

Sprayed thermal insulation has a number of advantages over traditional materials, but its widespread use is constrained by high prices. The modern building materials market allows everyone to choose heat-insulating materials according to their pocket and conditions of use.

Decide which is better: pay decent money and get a warm house in a day or make your own insulation from traditional materials, saving a lot on this.

To ensure that the new premises are not cold, the builders use modern technologies and materials. As thermal insulation, it is customary to use mineral wool, felt, penoplex. They do their job well, but are ideal only for flat surfaces. Spray insulation will help fill all the cracks and recesses. It penetrates into hard-to-reach places and becomes a reliable protection against the cold.

Consists of polyol and isocyanate. At the moment of spraying, these substances enter the mixing chamber of the equipment, where compressed air joins them. For the polymerization of the sprayed PPU layer, 2 components are mixed, which react with each other. Then they exit through the sprayer and form a reliable foam coating on the surface.

The sprayed polyurethane foam insulation has the following characteristics:

  • Volume weight from 25 to 32 kg/m3.
  • Thermal conductivity is about 0.2 W/m2.

It has good sound insulation. It is provided thanks to the foamy structure penetrating into any cracks. Polyurethane foam is resistant to moisture and aggressive environments.

Application of sprayed insulation

Features of thermal insulation allow you to use it for various surfaces:

  1. Roofs. Polyurethane foam is applied from the inside, thanks to which it is possible to start insulating the roof with sprayed insulation not only at the stage of building a house, but also after putting it into operation. PPU gives the structure reliability, increases sound insulation, removes defects from the base and strengthens.
  2. Attics. The internal thermal insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam is ideal for uneven surfaces, as it easily lays down and penetrates into hard-to-reach places. The whole job takes several hours. The material protects the structure from the cold in winter and helps to keep cool in summer.
  3. Stan. Can be used outside or inside the building. They are performed both at the stage of building a house, and during repairs. Helps to protect the surface from the negative effects of precipitation. According to user reviews, wall insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam is easy, the main thing is to properly prepare the base and apply a protective suit.
  4. Polov. It lays down well and forms a continuous coating, which makes the room much more comfortable, since cold air does not penetrate into it. Sprayed floor insulation not only improves the heating of the building, but also gives strength to the base.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  • Simple preparatory work, there is no need to mount the frame, as when using mineral wool or polystyrene foam.
  • Good adhesion - easily adheres to any surfaces.
  • Sprayed thermal insulation lends itself to additional processing, it can be painted, plastered or covered with siding.
  • Long service life - can last from 20 to 50 years.
  • It gives the structure resistance to moisture, it does not rot, mold does not form on it.
  • The sprayed polyurethane foam is environmentally friendly, but when ignited, it releases toxic substances.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • High cost. To buy a sprayed insulation system, you will have to pay an average of 200 rubles / kg.
  • Mandatory use of special clothing. During spraying, the insulation scatters around, can get into the eyes or onto the skin. It is washed off very badly and irritates the mucous membrane.
  • Spray equipment required. It is a special low pressure machine.
  • Low resistance to ultraviolet, therefore, after drying, the surface is recommended to be painted.
  • Fire susceptibility. Insulation by spraying polyurethane foam should be carried out only when a fire retardant is added to it.

Popular manufacturers of spray foam

Among the most famous brands it should be noted:

1. Ecothermix. The main advantage is that it does not contain harmful chemicals. Sprayed polyurethane foam thermal insulation Ecotermix contains vegetable oils that foam on a water basis. There are different types:

  • Ecothermix 300 - is a closed cell, used for outdoor work.
  • Ecotermix 600 - designed for internal processing.

Reviews of sprayed thermal insulation Ecothermix indicate economical consumption. After application, a comfortable temperature is established in the house, which is maintained throughout the year.

2. Polynor is produced in cylinders, which allows you to correctly calculate the required amount of PPU. Sprayed polyurethane foam insulation Polynor is easy to use, no additional equipment is required for its application. Ease of use affects the cost, the price of Polynor per cylinder is on average 400 rubles.

3. Heatlok Soy can be used for indoor and outdoor applications. The composition includes natural ingredients: soy and vegetable oils. It is a monolithic mass that envelops the base, adheres well to it and prevents the formation of corrosion.

How to apply with your own hands?

Before proceeding to insulate the surface with sprayed polyurethane foam, you need to prepare it. It must be dry, clean and even. The optimum temperature for the base to be treated is between 13 and 15°C. To carry out the work, cylinders are needed in which components are placed in liquid form. With the help of a pump, substances are taken in to form foam. Then the mixture of 2 components enters the spray gun.

September 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high technologies, computer equipment, programming.

In one of the articles, I already talked about how the home is insulated with polyurethane foam. But then I did not tell in detail what a sprayed polyurethane insulation is.

Today I decided to make up for this problem and dwell on the description of the technical characteristics and features of polymer insulating foam in more detail.

The composition of the sprayed insulation

Everyone has long been accustomed to using heat-insulating materials that have already become classic for insulation - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay and several others. However, science does not stand still and new heaters appear on the construction market, which have not only excellent characteristics, but also improved performance properties.

One of the newest is polyurethane foam. This material is a mixture of two polymers - polyol and isocyanate:

  1. Component A is a hydroxyl-containing substance necessary to support the reaction of component B. It is a yellow or brown liquid, which includes polyesters, catalysts, defoamers, fire retardants and foaming components.
  2. Component B - isocyanate - a dark brown liquid substance with a sharp chemical odor. The component begins to polymerize upon contact with atmospheric air, forming a solid polyurethane, which is unusable. Therefore, it is supplied in hermetically sealed containers, reliably protected from contact with liquid or air.

When mixed, they react and release a large amount of carbon dioxide, due to which the material foams. After hardening, polyurethane forms an insulating layer consisting of many small, hermetically closed cells filled with carbon dioxide.

Due to this, the material receives a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ = 0.023 to 0.041 W / (m * K)), therefore it is ideally suited for the role of a heater.

The exact technical characteristics of sprayed polyurethane are shown in the illustration below:

Sprayed polymer insulation has many advantages, but also several disadvantages. I will talk about this in detail in the next section.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important pluses, from my point of view, are such characteristics of the sprayed insulation.

Characteristic Description
Low thermal conductivity The material serves as an excellent barrier to unproductive heat loss in winter and helps to save on air conditioning in summer. Due to its good heat-retaining properties, only a small layer of foam needs to be sprayed, making PU foam ideal for internal thermal insulation.
Hydrophobic properties Insulating foam consists of closed cells, so the material has an almost zero water absorption coefficient. Therefore, foam can be used not only as heat, but also as waterproofing. PPU perfectly protects metal parts from corrosion and it is not necessary to pre-paint the latter.
No seams The sprayed heat insulator, as the name implies, is applied by spraying the mixture from a special gun connected to the compressor. Therefore, after polymerization, the material forms an absolutely seamless homogeneous layer, which excludes the formation of cold bridges at the joints and at the points of contact with the structural elements of the building.
Long service life Due to the fact that the cured polymer foam does not absorb water, it can withstand many successive freeze and thaw cycles without destroying the internal structure. In addition, the insulation is well tolerated by other external factors, with the exception of ultraviolet radiation. Subject to the installation rules, the insulation layer retains its technical characteristics for at least 50 years.
High adhesion The sprayed heat insulator adheres perfectly to all known building materials, from mineral surfaces to smooth drywall and metal. However, they must first be prepared by cleaning them of dust, debris and grease stains.
Easy to install To install the insulation, you do not need to use brackets, adhesives or crates. The latter, if mounted, is only for fixing the external decorative material (lining, siding, drywall). Therefore, even an inexperienced master can cope with the work.
Chemical neutrality The considered insulation does not react with the chemical compounds contained in the composition of building materials and mounting mortar. Also, the insulating layer tolerates the effects of aggressive substances well, with the exception of oil refining products. And acids dissolved in rainwater are not afraid of polyurethane foam.
High strength After polymerization, the foam becomes so strong that it can withstand very significant external mechanical loads. It can even be used for thermal insulation of foundations and basements buried in the soil. In the process of backfilling and subsequent operation, the sprayed insulation is not damaged.
fire safety The material does not belong to the class of non-combustible (NG), however, thanks to the flame retardant included in component A, it has been awarded a fire certificate G2. The material does not ignite well and contributes to self-extinguishing of the flame due to the release of carbon dioxide from the cells.

But it was also not without its downsides. Speaking from the point of view of independent use, I would highlight the following disadvantages:

  1. High price. The total cost of one square meter of insulation will turn out to be higher than when using classic heaters - polystyrene foam or mineral wool. However, high technical characteristics fully justify the cash investment.
  2. The need to use special equipment. For spraying foam, a compressor and a special device are used, where the two components are mixed. All these devices will need to be bought or, if you want to insulate only your home, rent. And this is an additional cost.
  3. The need to use protective equipment. The material itself is harmless after solidification, but during foaming it releases harmful chemical elements, so you need to work using a respirator. And to protect the skin from sticking foam (which is very difficult to clean), you need to wear overalls or other overalls.
  4. Low UV resistance. The structure of the material breaks down when the foam is irradiated with direct ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the insulation layer is always protected from the outside with decorative materials - cement plaster, panels, and so on.

There is another property that can be regarded as both a plus and a minus. This is a very low vapor permeability. Polyurethane foam does not belong to the category of "breathing" building materials, therefore it stops the natural infiltration of air through the enclosing surfaces.

But if this is good for metal or brick, then for wood and foam blocks it is not very good. All the advantages of using porous building materials are lost.

Although open-cell materials are now on the market, in which the vapor permeability coefficient is higher.

The decision to use polyurethane foam is up to you, but now you have something to build on. In the meantime, I will tell you where you can use the considered thermal insulation.

Areas of use

I depicted all possible areas of use in the diagram below:

Now a little about each of them in more detail:

  1. Roof. Polyurethane foam is used to process the truss system from the inside, so it can be used not only at the stage of building a dwelling, but also after all work is completed from the attic. After curing, the foam not only insulates the under-roof space, but also creates a noise-absorbing barrier, and also strengthens the roof structure.
  2. Attic. It is convenient to use a sprayed heat insulator for thermal insulation of attic walls, which usually have a complex shape with many joints and hard-to-reach places. It usually takes up to several hours to process a room, after which you can enjoy comfortable warmth in winter and pleasant coolness in summer.
  3. Walls. It is possible to apply a heater both on external, and on internal surfaces. In addition to direct insulation, this treatment helps protect the structural elements of the building from the effects of water, wind, temperature fluctuations and other destructive factors.
  4. Floors. The material fits perfectly on horizontal surfaces, and only a small layer is needed for effective insulation, so the distance between the floor and the ceiling does not significantly decrease.

So that you can choose the right insulation, I will dwell a little on the features of the use of polyurethane foam in various conditions.

External insulation

The enclosing walls of the house are the surfaces with the largest area through which most of the heat energy flows. If you treat them with polyurethane foam, you can reduce heat loss by up to 30%, reducing the cost of heating and air conditioning.

For outdoor use, a sprayed heat insulator is used. with a density of 35 kg per cubic meter(subject to decoration with hanging materials - siding, lining) or 60 kg per cubic meter(in this case, the surface can be plastered with a thin layer using cement mortar).

You need to use a closed-cell insulation that does not let water through.

Internal insulation

For indoor use, regular 40 kg per cubic meter closed structure polyurethane foam can be used or replaced with 12 kg per cubic meter open cell spray foam.

Internal insulation with polyurethane foam allows:

  • reduce heat loss;
  • strengthen the overall structure of the house;
  • minimize the reduction in the internal space of rooms;
  • ensure energy savings;
  • soundproof your home.

Insulation of interior partitions

For walls that are not in contact with the outside air, I recommend using insulation with a density of 20 kg per cubic meter with open cell. It does not let dust through, retains unpleasant odors and substances that can cause allergies.

Treated with polyurethane foam, they acquire antiseptic properties, absorb sound waves and provide self-regulation of humidity in rooms.

Insulation of interfloor ceilings

In this case, the minimum layer of insulation and the low weight of the material are important so as not to exert a significant load on the structural elements. Therefore, I recommend using polyurethane foam with a density of 9 kg per cubic meter, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

But remember that a heat insulator of this density is not durable, so you need to spray it between the lags, laying plywood, board or something with the same characteristics on top.


Now about specific manufacturers and brands. There are two broad categories of sprayed heaters:

  1. Industrial. They are supplied in bulk barrels and serve for thermal insulation of large surfaces. Typically, such a heater is used by specialists who perform insulation under contracts with customers.
  2. In balloons. We are talking about such a heater as Polynor, which is sold in containers of one liter and is intended just for craftsmen who do the insulation of small structures with their own hands.

Industrial sprayed heat insulator

Personally, I have worked with several brands of industrial polyurethane foam, which I will list:

  1. Ecothermix. Material with a minimum content of harmful substances harmful to the human body. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils, which foam with a water-based substance. There are two varieties:
  • grade 300 - has a closed cellular structure and is intended for warming the external surfaces of buildings and structures;
  • Grade 600 - has an open structure, therefore it is designed specifically for interior work.

  1. Healtok Soy 200. Closed structure material made from polymer waste and soybean oil. After application, it increases in size by more than 50 times, sticking to any surface and filling all pores and cracks. The peculiarity of this material is that it significantly increases the torsional rigidity of structural elements (up to 250%).
  2. Sealection 500. Sprayed heat insulator produced by the well-known American company Demilec. It is a material with an open structure and has a fire safety class G2.


Polynor is a sprayed thermal insulation material made from polymer raw materials, which is supplied in a 1 liter can with an aerosol tip or an adapter for installation in a mounting gun.

Externally, the material is a pink foam, which is applied to the treated surfaces with a gun. After contact with air, the polymer foams (like polyurethane foam), and when cured, it forms a fine-celled coating with a low thermal conductivity.

Primary polymerization is carried out within 40 minutes, but at least 3 days are required for the complete solidification of the insulating layer.

The density of polynor after hardening is from 18 to 28 kg per cubic meter and the thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.023 to 0.025 W / (m * K). Usually it is enough to spray from 25 to 60 mm of foam so that the treated structure is protected from heat loss.

The service life of the insulation is 35 years.

One liter of insulation is enough to process 1 square meter of surface when applied with a layer of 4 cm. At the same time, an additional mounting frame, vapor and waterproofing do not need to be designed.

The areas of use of the material are as follows:

  • all building structures, regardless of finishing;
  • surfaces inside the dwelling;
  • engineering Communication;
  • vehicle bodies.

When using polynor, as in all other cases, you need to use protective equipment.


Now you know what polyurethane foam is used to insulate building structures. Instructions on how to perform thermal insulation with your own hands are posted in one of the past materials. You can also watch a video about this technology in this article.

And I wanted to ask you if you used sprayed polyurethane foam insulation for thermal insulation of your home? Or are you going to do it? Or do you still prefer classic methods and materials? You can post your answers in the comments to the material.

September 2, 2016

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