Learn the fast reading technique. Why develop your reading speed. To read quickly, you need to be able to

Hello my curious. Completing a small cycle about the ability to read soon for children today, as promised, we will give speed reading exercises to master this technique. Therefore, if you intend to self-study at home, welcome to the training track!

Lesson plan:

Expanding the angle of view

First of all, exercises for the development of speed reading skills for children should be aimed at the ability to concentrate on the necessary information and see as much as possible with one glance, that is, to expand the field of text coverage over and over again. That is difficult for children to do without special training.

Their small text capture is one of the reasons for the slow search and perception of information. To a large extent, it is precisely because of the small field of vision that children are taught to read first in syllables, and only then in whole phrases.

So let's go! Our main assistant in this is Schulte tables. There are a lot of them on the Internet, you can print. There are even games based on these signs online for a while. Schulte tables can contain both letters and numbers, more often the latter.

The main goal is a dispersed view, which makes it possible to "take" a large area of \u200b\u200bthe page (on a computer - the screen). The exercise can be in different variations:

  • we are looking for the same elements with the help of a scattered gaze,
  • remember the largest number of elements,
  • we look at the middle of the line, and with our eyes we try to see the signs on the left and right.

All this is done with a fixed gaze from the central table object. By the way, this Schulte technique is good for too.

There are also such graphic pyramids, at the top of which the angle of view is the smallest, and closer to the base it expands noticeably. We'll have to go down from it to master “wide-angle” vision.

You can turn it over:

We train concentration

The worked out makes it possible to find the main idea among the "water".

Turning on both hemispheres

To do this, we take a text that is not difficult for a child and begin to read it in several sentences or in one paragraph. Only you need to do this with one eye: now with the right, then with the left. This simple trick involves both hemispheres of the brain.

We mark the main thing

This technique is often used by scientists and other famous personalities as well. Using a simple pencil, or better with a marker, they highlight the most important thing in the text - 2-3 thoughts each, by which one can judge the entire text on the page. Moreover, they do not just highlight, but put their marks in the form of "!", "+" Or "-", thereby agreeing or doubting.

Name the colors

A very interesting exercise that even adults do not always cope with right away. Here are the words.

When moving on to each next, you need to name the color with which the word is written, and not read what is written!

Looking for words

A simple exercise, but it develops attention quite effectively. You need to find all the words in the text for a given letter. Another option is possible: find a specific word or even a phrase on the page. Better to do it for a while.


This is the easiest way for children to practice concentration. Good for speed reading are the so-called trick riddles and trick questions. Well, for example,

Down with regression

In order not to return our eyes to the text read, we are doing these exercises that will increase the reading speed.

Cut off half a line

While reading the text, cover the child with a piece of paper half a line. This will teach you to guess about what is written and will develop a pattern of forward movement, and not go back - "until you closed it, peep."

We indicate

Take a regular pencil or pen as a pointer. Well, if you really want to play teacher, you can use a real mini-pointer. What are we doing? We constantly move the pointer forward as we read the text, so that the child’s gaze follows it intuitively, “without turning back”.

Reading at speed

Similar to school. Take a timer and improve the results. The highest peak will be reading with a metronome.

By clicking it, you need to go to the next line. Instead of the device, a parent can sit and, after a set interval, which decreases with each training session, will slap the table with his palm. When the claps are over, the lines must also end. And now questions about the text!

We read without articulation

Pronouncing words in children while reading is a real scourge for speed reading techniques, since additional articulation slows down the speed.


This is the name of the command that must be used to train silent reading. Hearing the command "lips!", The child presses his finger and reads to himself. Hearing "out loud!", He begins to read out loud.

Occupy the mouth

It's a bad habit to gnaw a pencil, better put a cup of nuts. Some people recommend chewing gum, but I doubt you can swallow it without chewing.

Drum on the table

Drumming with your fingers will help block speech. You just need to choose a tune and work it out in advance: at first it is easy to “play”, then it can be more difficult.

To the music

Train your memory

The development of memory is of no small importance in teaching speed reading.

We repair the word

For reading we take the text with the missing letters, which will have to be guessed "in the course of the play". This requires keeping in mind the words and the meaning of the previously read.

Inside out

Let's turn the page upside down and try to read the text now from right to left. Such exercises for children are useful for developing letter patterns in memory, no matter how they are located.

Rebuilding the chain

A set of words is taken so that each previous one is desirably connected with the next, for example, a car-street-traffic light and so on, so that the child can line them up in a chain. You can start with 5, then increase their number to 10. Once the entire chain is listened to, and then the words are restored in the previously established order simply out loud or on a piece of paper.

We write visual dictations

The dictations developed by Professor Fedorenko consist of 6 sentences, their length is increased by one or two letters. The child is given time to read the text, doing it line by line. First, one line is opened, read, played. Then, from under the sheet of paper, only the second line in a row opens. And in this sequence, the entire text is remembered.

Long live thinking

Do you regularly solve logic puzzles? So you are all right with thinking. What does thinking give? It turns off the eyes in relation to unnecessary information and separates the main from the secondary.

We compose texts

We do this for a while according to a given scenario:

  • where all the words are only for a certain letter,
  • where the given words should be used.


In "cities", "vegetables", "fruits" and the like, as well as simply in words for a specific letter of the alphabet, choosing the right ones for the allotted period of time.

These simple lessons will help you master the speed reading technique at home. The main thing is the regularity of training, and then everything will definitely work out! Ready? Then let's start, let's go!

ShkolaLa wishes you good luck! He also offers to subscribe to blog news and join to our group "VKontakte".

Until next time!

The technique of fast reading has become extremely popular today. And it is not surprising, because the skill to read quickly and understand what has been read is required for people of any profession. Everyone can develop this ability in themselves if they use the method of fast reading.

The speed reading technique includes several stages. But the main thing in mastering this technique is a person's motivation and self-esteem. That is, in order for the speed reading technique to be successfully applied in practice, the student must understand why he sets this goal for himself. It is also extremely important that in the mind of someone who wants to learn to read very quickly, the thought is deposited that everything is achievable and almost everyone should succeed.

The fast reading technique includes the principle of "sighting". It consists in the fact that a person develops the ability in a few seconds by instant viewing to select in the text only those passages that should be paid special attention to, having eliminated already known material. That is, in order to learn to read very quickly, you need to be able to highlight unfamiliar information with a second look.

The exercise will be performed correctly if the student understands its essence, checking his ability to highlight the main thing first on the subjects. This is done like this: for a few seconds you need to closely examine an object. Then, closing your eyes, imagine him in all the little things.

Opening your eyes, you should note to yourself the difference between the visual representation of this object and the real image. Having selected 3 previously unnoticed features in the object, you should again close your eyes and again imagine the object. The picture will now be more complete. This exercise is done up to 7 times - it develops attention and the ability to highlight the main thing.

The speed reading technique includes exercises similar to the one described: Having quickly looked through the text (but you don't need to read it!) For 30 seconds, you should highlight the 3 main thoughts of the passage. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine these thoughts. Then the method is repeated 4 more times, but each time you should find new thoughts and facts by visualizing them.

Keyword finding method

But how to learn not only to read quickly, but also? For this, there are exercises for finding keywords in the text. This method can be jokingly called "Read through the word."

That is, before reading, you should decide on the subject of the text and, looking over the material, "cling" only those words together with the adjacent passages that are relevant to the topic.

Suppression of articulation

Since everyone can learn to read quickly and independently, you should just regularly carry out the necessary exercises. One of the main "inhibiting" moments of reading is the skill of people to pronounce the text to themselves. We even mentally articulate! And all this takes time. Therefore, in order to learn to read very quickly, you must develop the skill to suppress articulation. And exercises for developing fast reading skills will be as follows:

  • Mentally count while reading.
  • Tapping with your fingers while reading a familiar rhythmic pattern, for example, tam-tararam-tam-tararam.

Visual memory skill

Learning to read very quickly is impossible if you use the literal reading method. By the way, today, even in elementary school, many methodologists try to abandon this method at an early stage of education. They try to teach kids to memorize syllables, whole four and five-letter words. And adults have a more developed memory, so they should learn to grasp (and not to spell!) Words consisting of 9, 10 or more letters.

Learning to speed reading long words using visual memory is not at all difficult if you do the necessary exercises daily. Plates should be prepared with printed long words, most often found in texts (or purely professional). You can create pictures in computer programs with printed words. The tablet can contain 2-3 words or even more. These exercises consist in the fact that the student should only look at the plate, but not read the word, close his eyes (or remove the picture from the monitor) and say what is written.

You can start these exercises with words containing 6-7 letters, gradually complicating the task. Since it is impossible to learn to read very quickly in an instant, you should devote at least 15 minutes to each exercise daily.

Vertical Reading Training

It is impossible to master speed reading if you do not learn to read vertically. That is, you should "teach your eyes" not to move along the line, but to cover the entire line with one glance. There are special developments for the development and improvement of this skill - Schulte exercises.

This method is based on the use of square lined tables with numbers in them in any order. You need to start the exercises with a 16-digit table, then gradually move to 25, 36, 49 digits. The tables differ from each other in the arrangement of numbers, so it will be better if someone else will cook them. It is convenient to engage in the development of speed reading skills together, then the signs can easily be changed.

The main method of speed reading is to see the entire page at once without focusing on the little things. Therefore, when working with tables, you should look clearly at one point located in the center of the table.

Features of brain activity

Confused letters

Since learning to read speed at home on your own is most convenient for two people, some interesting, to some extent even creative, exercises will be very appropriate.

The speed reading technique is based on the specific features of the work of the human brain, discovered relatively recently. It turns out that the brain perceives best not literal reading, but namely dictionary... Moreover, the letters in words may not be in the usual order, but arbitrarily, the main thing is that the first and last letter does not change its place.

You can use this feature to read quickly in the following exercise. Both students prepare texts for each other, in which they rearrange the letters within the words. Then they exchange passages and check each other's reading.

"Crossed out letters"

Exercises to cross out letters within words are also great for developing fast reading skills. Both students also prepare assignments for each other, removing almost half of the letters from the text, for example, all vowels. You can even arrange a competition for a time, determining with a stopwatch how quickly your partner can read such a text.

Reading through a word

Such exercises contribute not only to the acquisition of the skill of speed reading, but also stimulate the brain, giving it training and developing the intellectual abilities of a person. The skill of fast reading is acquired if you know how you can quickly read the text, “without getting hung up” on each specific word, that is, through the word.

The exercises for developing this skill are also simple. You must first prepare the material: the text with crossed out (erased) words, for example, first remove every third word, then move on to exercises in which every second word is removed.

Assault technique - competition

You need to take two texts or different passages from one and the same and take turns reading for a while, followed by retelling.

There are a lot of speed reading techniques in our time. You can only say which one is the best. Choose the one that suits you. You can find speed reading techniques in books, courses, download on the Internet. Many of the author's quick reading techniques can be used online. Special exercises and trainings have been developed to expand the angle of view, increase concentration on the text, and develop memory.

Do I need to read and cram more?

Those who cram are not the most successful and quick-witted people. Have you heard anything about the life success of high school students?

The desire to learn to read faster does not leave me in any way! The point is, reading quickly is a must. By the nature of my work, I have to read a lot of literature, documents, etc. But I just physically do not have time to do everything I have to do. Ah, my progress in speed reading leaves much to be desired.

About speed reading techniques

Dynamic reading is a set of techniques that can significantly increase the speed of reading a speed reader without a big loss of reading comprehension. In particular, it should be borne in mind that there is no official separation between "slow" and "fast" reading methods, for the reason that many readers use appropriate reading exercises.

Basic speed reading techniques

  • Elimination, regression, stops, recurrent eye movements... With the classical way of reading, re-reading is widespread, and this significantly slows down the reading speed and reduces the coefficient of assimilation of information.
  • Practice the habit of instantly highlighting the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, cutting off unnecessary information and reading useful and effective information.
  • Suppression of internal articulation- development of a new reading strategy:. The average reader has the necessary visual reading skills. For example, logos are immediately decoded ("Nike", "Pepsi", "Ford", "GM"). Many familiar phrases are perceived by the picture. In this case, you should know that incomprehensible words must be read by decoding the words into sound images, that is, the text must be pronounced.
  • Viewing reading... "Scanning" without careful focusing on the text of little significance.
  • Expansion of the field of view... Special trainings are used (for example, the "Schulte" table) aimed at expanding the angle of view to two or three words, pages. Thanks to this skill, a reader who reads in one gaze can grasp much more information than a reader who does not have this skill.
There are many schools of directions, techniques, courses that train the skill of speed reading. Most of them are based on the speed reading techniques listed above.

Any exercise that develops your brain, your thinking is very useful! It is especially good when these are very different exercises. Then you can be sure that the various functions of your thinking will develop. And all this will lead to the fact that you will change qualitatively.

The exercise kills two birds with one stone - expands the angle of view, which is one of the conditions for mastering the skill of fast reading. The second hare is going into a trance state while exercising. The eyes are defocused, directed forward. All signs of trance.

Everyone can learn speed reading without courses and without wasting money

And now we will use the visualization technology and write down the phrase "small scientist, but a pedant." All links go to direct texts.

Speed \u200b\u200breading is not acceptable if our task is to deeply feel the worldview of the book. Any psychoanalyst will explain how important "non-essential" details are, how much information they carry.

The age of information technology has come a long time ago, and every day data and knowledge are beginning to have more and more value, while the technical capacities of computers and data transmission facilities are constantly increasing, and the resources of the human brain are still used only to a small extent. Why more and more people want to develop their abilities.

Write an article. Now squeeze it twice, then two more. Repeat until one or two words remain. In pair technology there is such an algorithm for the work of a pair of students - it is called "paragraph reading". In it, everyone has one text.

Before reading the literature, do a short review of it - find out what it is about and in what genre it is written. Review annotation and table of contents. In order not to load your memory with unnecessary information, decide which parts of the book you will read. Reading is best done in a relaxed environment, with no distractions. The room should be light. Remember that information is less assimilated if there is a TV, radio or children playing nearby. The back should be in a straight position.

Diagonal Reading Training

Which person had the skill to read quickly?

He was one of the first to propose some speed reading techniques. They were seized by Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, John F. Kennedy. They had the best speed reading techniques.

To which the leader replied that, of course, he reads otherwise he would not have been able to get all the knowledge that he now has. One proven speed reading technique is to move the eyes from left to right at a rate of one line per minute. Reading speed decreases to the greatest extent the mental pronunciation of the text. Speed \u200b\u200breading requires increased concentration.

How Hitler read books

Adolf Hitler had his own fast reading technique. He would take a book, magazine, scientific article in his hand and open it to the last page. If I saw something worthwhile, I read it. From the memoirs of the secretary of Adolf Hitler, we know that the leader was very sorry that he could not read any fiction book, since his duties include only reading scientific literature. The famous choleric Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had a phenomenal memory. He remembered biographies of well-known dates, names of geographical objects. He read the works very quickly.

Karl Marx and quick reading

Karl Marx also loved to fold the pages of books and put notes in their margins. President Roosevelt was simply in love with speed reading. He could read the entire book in one sitting. Honore de Balzac told his contemporaries how easily he was able to read eight sentences at once, and at the same time single out one key from them.

Passion even for self-tests inhibits development. Testing is needed to understand what's going on. There have been enough cases in practice when the absolute absence of improvements was associated precisely with the violation of the prohibition on frequent home self-tests.

Theodore Roosevelt on fast reading

All texts are different. Theodore Roosevelt read two sentences at a time, and then could easily retell the text, sometimes even verbatim. Maxim Gorky had unique abilities. He perfectly mastered the technique of speed reading, and when he took the latest issue of the magazine, cut the pages and read the text, as if "drawing" a zigzag. After reading one magazine, I took up new literature. This technique is called diagonal speed reading. To increase the speed of perception of the text, a complex of speed reading techniques is used. Each of them works in tandem with a partner for a short time using the same algorithm. Students change partners many times until they have worked through their texts completely. As a result, everyone gets "very condensed and convex polyphonic" material of their text.

Is it possible to learn to quickly read billibers?

Try to open a site with Arabic script or Chinese letters, and you will experience the same feelings - "I look into a book - I see a fig."

Those who like to remember do not like to think very much. Is it possible to remember the history of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)? You are welcome! I got rid of pronouncing a long time ago and, unlike many of my friends, without much effort and almost no regressions, I always try to glide over the text with a vertical gaze. But the problem is that I constantly want to slide through the text faster and faster.

Those who retaken gave up in advance. At first they gave up and proved to themselves that they were not capable. For example, they are unable to remember or pass the exam, and only then the teacher told them this phrase.

Everyone's reading speed is different, but the average is 200 words per minute. Having practiced speed reading, you can increase this indicator by 2-3 times. Continuing training, you will be able to overcome about 200 pages of text in half an hour without prejudice to the assimilation of information.

Basic speed reading techniques

Like every scientific method, speed reading has its own tricks.

  1. Follow the text... To do this, drag along the lines with your finger or pencil. This technique will allow you to read faster.

  2. Don't go back... To do this, you need to concentrate on the material that you are studying. How often has it happened that you, lost in thought, skipped the meaning of a paragraph or even a whole page? Your task is not to let this happen. Understand what you read the first time.

  3. Don't say the text to yourself... This technique helps to pump your speed reading skill very well, since you will no longer waste time speaking words. To do this, use one exercise: while reading, sing a song to yourself, for example, "in the grass", and at the same time try to assimilate the meaning of what you read. Practice this exercise until you stop saying the lines you read to yourself.

  4. Read from top to bottom or diagonally... This is the next step after the "follow the text" technique. You are already skilled enough at speed reading to try to capture a whole paragraph in your field of vision, or at least a whole line, focusing your gaze in the middle of it. Start small. Master narrow columns of text first, gradually moving to standard portrait format.

  5. Skip the "water"... Interjections, introductory constructions and other non-essential elements do not have to be read at all, this will not affect the meaning in any way. So just glide over them and move on to the core.

  6. Focus on what's important... This advice may seem similar to the previous one, but here it is a little different. Go through the table of contents first and prioritize what you must read and what you can skip. Thus, due to lack of time, you will not miss anything important, and if time remains, you can study less important materials.

  7. Reading, read... Eliminate all irritants, anything that might distract your attention. Then the process of speed reading will go much more pleasant and easier.

How to develop peripheral vision

To do this, use the most popular method - the Schulte table. Your task, focusing only on the central part of the table, is to find all the numbers in ascending order, while using only peripheral vision. On the Internet you can find special table simulators, below is an example of such a table.

Develop concentration

All sorts of optical illusions will help you in this matter, for example, the significant drawing of Covey.

Try to shift your attention 90 times in 10, preferably 5 minutes.

More and more business people are coming to understand the importance of mastering the skill of speed reading. The training centers offer group or individual training courses. However, you can learn speed reading on your own at home. How to do it correctly?

Do not say words out loud or scroll them in your head

It turns out that you also need to be able to read about yourself correctly. Subvocalization is reading in which the words being read are as if heard in the head. This method slows down reading speed and reduces the perception of the text. How to get rid of this habit? It is enough to interrupt yourself with some other action, for example, chewing gum while reading.

Unlearn the returns

The reading process for many people involves the obligatory return to the read. For example, after a paragraph is read, instead of moving further along the page with the text, a stupor occurs. The brain deliberately tries to analyze words and sentences. This habit is ineffective. It slows down the reading speed. You can only get rid of it through practice.


Tracking text

Remember school literature lessons, when you had to use a pencil to lead along the lines, while reading what was written. This method is considered one of the most effective for developing speed reading skills. Remember to focus on the important words so that your brain can capture the information.

Skimming - skipping unnecessary


A great way to get a quick glance at books is skimming.

It is suitable when the purpose of detailed reading is not worth it. We will not replace it during the search for the necessary information, when something specific needs to be isolated from a large volume. One of the techniques:

  • Study the introduction or preface. Then review the table of contents. The goal is to understand if the book contains the information you need. If so, what part is it in.
  • Review the conclusion or the last chapter.
  • Read two paragraphs: the first and the last.

With the help of scrimming, in a few minutes you can find out whether the book will be useful for you, or whether it is worth continuing your search further.

Speed \u200b\u200breading method. How to read a book in 15 minutes


There is a huge amount of interesting information in the world - the experience of the wisest people, life stories and a flight of imagination. To read most of it is not enough for a lifetime. With the help of speed reading, the number of books studied will increase significantly.

Speed \u200b\u200breading method. How to read quickly