Not of this world: why do women go to the monastery? How to get to the nunnery? The path of salvation or humility

Many people are unable to withstand the hustle and bustle of the modern world, so they begin to think that they are tired and fed up with everything. Constantly home-work, work-home, home life is already starting to get annoying, trips to relatives and travel do not bring the joy that was before. I want something pure and bright for the soul, in order to open up to the world and feel all the charm of life.

This desire to know something lighter and purer every day becomes stronger and more sensual. That's why people want to go to the monastery. A person begins to fuss and tries to look for himself in new deeds, as well as accomplishments. Begins to live a public life, but over time, he realizes that even here there is no joy that he would like to feel on himself. From that moment on, he turns to God.

In order to go to a monastery for women, the first thing you need is a desire. It is necessary to fully understand that after leaving a person no longer belongs to the world - now he belongs to God. This means that all his thoughts and deeds should be devoted only to the service of the Almighty.

In addition, at first, for a while, a woman he simply lives at the monastery, while dealing with his inner world and getting accustomed to the way and mode of life of the nuns, as well as the monastery. After that, over time, she is allowed to take part in the life of the monastery, as well as live according to its regime, but at the same time she is not given the title of nun for a year. This is done for so that a woman, feeling with all her heart, could decide for herself whether she wants to be a nun until the end of her days or not. After the completion of this probationary year, if all goes well, the woman may become a nun.

Can a married woman enter a monastery?

A variety of people want to get into the monastery, for a variety of reasons. There are completely grown-ups, there are completely young ones. Married ladies can also become nuns, but only when they do not have a small child in their arms. In other words, children must be fully grown and able to earn their own living.

Is it possible to go to the monastery for a while?

If the soul and heart asks to go to the monastery, however, the mind still hesitates in the fidelity of this act, then it is allowed to turn to the abbess of the monastery and ask for the role of a novice at the monastery. The Mother Superior will never allow herself to be denied support. As a novice at the monastery, you can be any time.

How can you leave the monastery?

It is allowed to leave the monastery at any time, since the monastery is a place where people come of their own free will. If a person has not been able to accept God, then it will be difficult for him to be in a monastery . So why torture yourself? In this case, you can leave on your own and sort yourself out, and God will already give a hint on how to do this.

How to go to a convent: detailed instructions

Within the walls of the monastery from daily problems and fuss is saved by a variety of people - of different ages, education, social status. The inhabitants are happy to accept almost everyone. Most of those who come to the monastery are strong and enterprising people, since life in the monastery is difficult both on the physical level and on the spiritual level.

What is needed for this?

In order for a girl to go to a monastery, you need:

  • identification;
  • autobiography;
  • certificate of marital status;
  • application addressed to the superior.

detailed instructions

To get into the nunnery, the first thing you need to do is:

What do monks renounce? What vows do they make? In Orthodox monasteries, there are such ascetic vows:

Spiritual world of man

The spiritual world of man is extremely diverse. and in almost everything depends on state traditions, the characteristics of education. Yet there are common points that are characteristic of virtually all peoples. It is the spiritual life that makes a person a person, it is able to reveal all the best that is in him.

The believer and his spiritual world

Faith in God guides a person on spiritual values ​​that go beyond the boundaries of everyday life. In addition, specifically spiritual life is the basis of human life, establishes moral and moral standards. A person tries not to do bad deeds - in other words, not to harm anyone, not to do something that can harm his soul.

Truly a believer in almost everything he is a role model, since he is very kind, peaceful, modest, generous, constantly ready to help in difficult times. Observance of the spiritual precepts of the greatest religions really makes a person much cleaner, brings his life to a higher quality level.

It's extremely important that a believing person constantly sees around him countless evidence of the truth of his own faith. A large number of events show him the omnipotence of God, they assure him that the Lord will never leave him alone. The mere awareness of this gives a religious person the most powerful spiritual support, and also helps to courageously endure various problems.

Spiritual world of an atheist

If a person does not believe in God, this does not mean that he does not have spirituality. After all, everything depends on the person himself. It has been proven that in practice many atheists are more conscientious and good people than believers.

For an atheist, the main human values ​​occupy the first place in his spiritual world. Kindness, mercy, love, honesty, empathy - even as an atheist, these qualities are extremely necessary . It's just impossible to forget about them., they cannot be bypassed. And also, other important values ​​remain, such as the craving for knowledge, research into the mysteries of our world.

We should not forget about conscience, which is an important spiritual property of a person. After all, a person who lives according to his conscience will never allow himself to act dishonestly, shamefully, unfairly.

Other teachings

The vast majority of other teachings now available also pay great attention to the spiritual world of man. In first place they have development of man, his capabilities, knowledge of the world. Even in the occult teachings, which, based on the beliefs of conventional religions, are completely wrong, spiritual development is considered not just necessary, but the most important and priority.

For followers of alternative teachings his path becomes the path of knowledge. And on this path there is no place for greedy, proud, bitter people. The path of knowledge is full of traps: in order to pass it, you need to be crystal clear. And here the most important are the same values ​​- justice, honesty, disinterestedness.

Again, the motivation, the basis of spirituality, is the desire to know our world. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to realize, understand, have always been characteristic of man. On the way of these teachings, usually, there are no dogmas. In addition, doubts about the truth of certain points of the teaching, the desire to ask questions is only welcome. It is not enough just to read about something, you need to test everything on your own experience. As a result, life becomes not just in following the established dogmas and rules, but a journey into the unknown, which is full of adventure.

We hope this article will help you figure it out. with questions regarding entering a monastery and will be helpful. Committing your life to God is indeed a serious and difficult decision, but it has many advantages. Of course, this path is not suitable for everyone, but for those who want to find something new for the soul, something bright and pure, this choice is suitable.

How to become a monk is a question that every person who has firmly decided to take the tonsure asks himself. Having embarked on a path that implies farewell to life's blessings and departure from the world, it is impossible to go through it quickly. Priests advise not to rush, as life in a monastery is far from suitable for everyone who dreams of it. What needs to be done in order to realize your desire?

How to become a monk: the beginning of the journey

Where to start for a person who has a desire to leave behind the vanity of worldly life and go to a monastery? When wondering how to become a monk, you must first understand what it means. Anyone who makes such a decision should prepare for cardinal changes in life. The benefits of civilization, to which all the inhabitants of the 21st century are accustomed to, will no longer be available to him - cell phones, computers, televisions and other achievements of technological progress will remain in the past.

It is important to realize that the life of a monk is dedicated to God, passes in work and prayers. People who have taken the tonsure will have to leave the usual entertainment outside the walls of the monastery. You will also have to refrain from contact with the opposite sex. Finally, not every person is ready to put up with the fact that he will rarely have to see close people - relatives and friends. It is separation from family that makes many change their minds.

Communication with the confessor

It is great if someone who plans to go to a monastery has his own confessor. It is he who should be asked the question of how to become a monk. In the absence of a confessor, you can visit any church, discuss the decision with the local priest. From him you can learn details about life in the monastery, which will help strengthen your desire or change your mind in advance.

As a rule, priests recommend that people who want to say goodbye to worldly life visit church every day for a year. In addition, they must follow fasts, read prayers and make changes in their daily routine. We are talking about getting up early (at about 5-6 in the morning), fasting food, refusing entertainment, including innocent ones like watching TV, using the Internet. Of course, the priest will advise you to give up intimate relationships with the opposite sex in advance.

In addition to all of the above, the future monk is shown reading the Holy Scriptures, getting acquainted with the works of worthy church fathers.


The next stage is for those who pass all the tests of the previous stage with honor, which, as practice shows, few can do. Before becoming a monk, the candidate will have to go through the path of a laborer. This is the name of a person who serves as an assistant to clergy. The worker is required to live permanently in the monastery, and it is also necessary to strictly observe all the rules adopted there. In particular, future monks get up at five in the morning, observe fasts, and spend their days at work. They are forced to clean the premises, help in the kitchen or in the garden, and are assigned other tasks. Of course, a lot of time is devoted to prayers.

The laborers live in the monastery for about three years, this is necessary in order to strengthen their decision. A person who wants to devote himself to the service of God must understand that he will have to work hard physically. This is also true for those who in worldly life were mainly engaged in mental work, have a diploma of higher education, and worked in a leadership position.


How to become a monk in Russia? It is impossible to take tonsure without having also passed the stage of a novice. If during the three years spent as a laborer the candidate becomes stronger in his intention, he becomes a novice. To do this, you must submit an application for admission to the brethren of the selected monastery. The abbot will certainly satisfy the request if the future monk has managed to demonstrate diligence and patience during his life in the temple as a laborer.

The novice also permanently resides in the monastery, he is given a cassock. The duration of the probationary period, during which a candidate for monkhood will have to confirm his readiness to devote his life to God, is determined individually. It is worth knowing that the novice is free to leave the monastery walls at any time, realizing his mistake.


How to become a monk in Russia? Having successfully passed the path of a novice, a person can finally say goodbye to worldly life. This will require him to take vows that imply renunciation of the benefits of civilization. Traditionally, people who wish to enter an Orthodox monastery take four ascetic vows.

  • Celibacy. Monks are inaccessible to sexual contacts with the opposite sex, they deliberately reject the opportunity to marry, have children, thereby dooming themselves to a lonely life. However, the walls of the monastery are also open to widowers who have adult heirs who no longer need care.
  • Obedience. One must be aware of the fact that by going to a monastery, a person actually renounces his own will, the ability to control his own life. It requires unquestioning obedience to the confessor. On this path it is better not to become freedom-loving and proud people who are not ready for humility and obedience.
  • Non-possession. What does it take to become a monk other than that? You will have to give up your property, whether it is an apartment, a summer house or a car. A person leaving for a monastery must necessarily make a donation in his favor. However, it can be symbolic, most of the property is allowed to be left to loved ones if desired.
  • Constant prayer. Of course, certain hours are set aside for offering prayers. However, a person who has taken the vows must pray constantly, even while doing physical labor.

People who are not allowed in the monastery

The above is about how to become a monk in a monastery. However, not everyone will be able to take this path. Every confessor will say that people should not say goodbye to worldly life if they still have obligations to relatives and friends. In other words, a person can enter a monastery only after he has dealt with all obligations towards other people.

For example, one cannot become a monk with elderly parents who have no one to take care of. The same applies to close relatives who are not capable of self-care due to disability. It is also forbidden to abandon small children, leave them in orphanages.

Finally, a person suffering from a serious illness cannot go to the monastery, since there will be no quality medical care within its walls. The same rule applies to people with disabilities who are unable to take care of themselves on their own. In such situations, priests recommend that people pray for their recovery.


Above is the answer to the question of how to become an Orthodox monk. How can a person be if he is attracted to Buddhism - an ancient religion that appeared more than two thousand years ago, the main postulate of which sounds like "here and now." Dreaming of joining the ranks of Buddhist monks, one must be aware that their lives are given to helping other people, they pass in hardships, they exist on donations, they observe a celibate dinner.

How to become a Buddhist monk? First of all, you need to get acquainted with the teachings of religion, acquire and prepare for leaving for the monastery. For example, with the help of a mentor, you need to master the art of meditation. scattered all over the world, they are also in the cities of Russia. A person wishing to adopt this religion must become a regular in such a monastery.

Buddhist monk

How to become a Buddhist monk in Russia? A person who has firmly decided to become a monk of a certain monastery must find out its requirements. It is better to ask them in advance, as they are different. A person whose candidacy is approved undergoes training in the temple, the duration of which depends on the rules of a particular monastery, the degree of readiness of the candidate. This is followed by an initiation ceremony, which can only be performed by an ordained monk. At this stage, the transfer of the Five Commandments and the Three Jewels is carried out, a Buddhist name is chosen.

The initiate has a teacher, usually the person who performed the ceremony. He is allowed to settle permanently in the monastery. Also, the newly minted monk takes the vow of the Bodhisattva - the legendary hero who laid his life on the development of Buddhist teachings, helping the suffering. By taking a vow, people promise to do good and seek enlightenment throughout their entire existence.

Wanting to devote himself to Buddhism, a monk will have to renounce worldly pleasures. Of course, relationships with the opposite sex, creating a family and having children will become inaccessible to him. However, there is also an opportunity to become a monk temporarily, devoting several months or years to the development of one's own spirituality, the search for the meaning of life.

Road to Tibet

How to become a monk in Theoretically, a person living in any country in the world can go this way, if he is not afraid of numerous difficulties. Education in the temple is available to anyone who has reached the age of eight. Candidates who do not speak the language need to set aside a year or two for classes at a special school. If you wish, you can also find monasteries with a Russian community without wasting time getting to know the Tibetan language. For example, the communities of Goman, Namgyel, which accept Russian-speaking novices, can be advised to residents of the Russian Federation.

How to become a Tibetan monk? Having mastered the language, it is necessary to find a teacher at the monastery (lama), who will agree to become a mentor. You need to understand that the number of applicants exceeds the number of places in the temples, so the search can take a lot of time. After studying with a lama, you will need to pass a difficult exam in Buddhism. Having coped with this task, a person acquires the status of a monk-student.

On average, novices study for five years, the duration of classes may vary depending on which monastery is chosen, as well as on the success of the student. During this time, future monks will have to exist on their own money, so you need to take care of the availability of the necessary amount in advance.

Tibetan monk

Not every applicant is able to endure the path from a monk-student to a certified lama teacher. Studying in a monastery is hard. Students have to refuse any activities that are entertaining. For example, a student monk can even be kicked out for playing football. The monks lead the lifestyle of ascetics, they are allowed to have a minimum of personal belongings.

The main subject is philosophy, and students also master logic, the concepts of Buddhism, metaphysics, and so on. There is a constant danger of being left for the second year, since the requirements for academic performance are extremely stringent, any manifestations of laziness are severely punished. Some monks are forced to study for twenty years or more if they wish to become PhDs. In addition to studies in the life of a monk, there is also monastic work. He can be entrusted with kitchen work, washing rooms and other tasks. The novices have very little personal time.

Interestingly, a person whose training is completed is not at all obliged to say goodbye to worldly life. Many monks become administrators, teachers of the temple where they studied. Some turn into hermits, going to the mountains of their own accord.

Path to Shaolin

Shaolin is a famous Buddhist temple located in central China. How to become This is also possible if a person is not afraid of the difficulties that are inevitable. First of all, the applicant should learn to understand Buddhism, Shaolin philosophy. Followers of the teachings comprehend the techniques of kung fu not at all for the sake of fighting, as it may seem to those who are familiar with art only through feature films and television series. The goal that they set for themselves is the development of self-discipline, the achievement of harmony with the outside world.

How to become a Shaolin Monk? For people who have such a desire, it is useful to visit kung fu sections for a while or to practice on their own by finding the appropriate video courses. It is also worth visiting the Shaolin temple, which can be seen as a tourist. In addition to China, such monasteries can be found in the United States and a number of European countries.

shaolin monk

What to do for someone who not only wants to acquire kung fu skills, but also undergo serious training? How to become theoretically ready to accept everyone who shares the Buddhist doctrine. Age limit - from six years. However, this person is required to permanently reside in China. In addition, the candidate must be purposeful, hardworking and virtuous, demonstrate readiness for the lifestyle of an ascetic, the manifestation of humility. Less stringent requirements apply to those who wish to practice in the martial arts schools operating at the monastery.

After becoming a novice, the aspirant undergoes training, during which mentors observe him, assessing his readiness. Some get the opportunity to take monastic vows already a few months later, others wait for this for several years.

When thinking about how to become, you need to assess your readiness. People who have been trained in the monastery acquire fantastic endurance, which is developed by grueling workouts. These are physical exercises, martial arts, meditation. All years of study are devoted to the improvement of the mind and body, there is no time for rest and entertainment. It is also worth knowing that the monks do not eat meat, their diet consists of vegetables, fruits, and cereals. This life path is categorically not suitable for those with poor health.

Instead of conclusions

A person who thinks about how to become a monk must understand that this is not a profession, but a way of life. You should not make an impulsive decision under the influence of problems that seem insoluble, failures in your personal life or professional activity.

How to enter a monastery. Not everyone is accepted into the monastery. There are a number of restrictions here that everyone who is going to renounce worldly fuss and go to the service of God should be aware of.

I will list the main requirements.
1) Citizens who are in an official or civil marriage are not admitted to the monastery. A divorce must be filed. You will have to present a certificate of divorce or other documents confirming the absence of marital relations. For example, if the spouse is deceased, a death certificate will be required.

2) Citizens who are dependent on minor children or have maintenance obligations are not admitted to the monastery.

3) To go to the monastery, you will need to pass an interview with the abbot. Non-Orthodox worldview is one of the main obstacles to entering the service in the monastery.

4) Absence of bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction.
5) Absence of mental disorders and diseases.
6) The absence of immoral and obscene tattoos on the body.
7) The absence of disability or chronic diseases that require constant medical supervision and treatment.
8) Some monasteries do not accept persons who have ever been in places of deprivation of liberty.
9) Citizenship of the Russian Federation is mandatory, in addition to this, there must be a permanent registration.
10) Age - over 18 years old.

To go to the monastery you need:

1) You need to carefully consider your decision and more than once. Taking it, a person must understand that he is going to radically change his life. Life in the monastery is hard - you need to work hard physically, keep all the fasts, tame the flesh.

2) If you have made a firm decision to renounce worldly fuss, then contact the abbot of the monastery and talk about your desire to come to the monastery. He will tell you what to take with you.

3) Upon arrival at the monastery, you will need to present documents: passport, birth certificate, divorce certificate. In addition, you will need to write an autobiography. If you are unmarried, have settled children and meet the above requirements, you will be accepted for a probationary period. As a rule, the duration of the probationary period in Russian monasteries is three years. However, it can be shortened, depending on how well-behaved and morally stable you show yourself in the monastery.

4) After the expiration of the probationary period of stay in the monastery, the rector will make an idea of ​​tonsure to the ruling Bishop, and you will be able to accept the monastic rank.

It is in a monastery that one can renounce oneself, take up one's cross and work and labor, be a follower of Christ, and not look back with difficulties. It is impossible for a person to fall into despair or indulge in despondency. If a person has decided in, it is that he has come to be saved and acquire humility. And humility is achieved through obedience, obeying the leaders of the monastery.

There are several ways to get to the monastery. The easiest of them, but also the most risky, is to get there on your own, without prior coordination with the services of the monastery, because in this case there may not be places in the hotel at the monastery. It would be better if you first try to coordinate your visit with the pilgrimage service of the monastery.

Many monasteries have their own websites, and if you decide to go to a monastery, write about yourself on the e-mail of the monastery you are interested in so that its leadership can make a decision.

Service in the army, of course, tempers men, makes them stronger. But what about those guys whose religion does not allow them to take up arms or the same pacifists? Do not despair, there is a way out. You can also serve for the good of your homeland in the civil service, in the ranks of alternatives. How to get to such service?


With alternative service, a conscript goes to work instead of the army. pass service it can be in state institutions, boarding schools, nursing homes, orphanages, hospitals. Also, as an alternative, you can be offered work at construction sites, in factories. But not everyone can get into this service, but only those whose beliefs and religions are contrary to military service, as well as representatives of small nationalities engaged in traditional crafts.

When writing the application, be sure to indicate the reasons that prompted you to apply for alternative service, as well as the profession that you own. You can also indicate the position you would like to occupy.
In the application, list those who are able to support your arguments that your beliefs or religion are indeed in conflict with military service. If possible, attach all relevant documents. The recruiting company will review your application and decide where to send you.

Many people cannot stand the hustle and bustle of our world and begin to think about how tired they are of everything. Constantly home-work, work-home, family life begins to jam, trips to relatives and do not bring the joy that was before. I want something bright and pure, for the soul, so that the inner world opens up and feels all the joy of life. This craving for something lighter and purer is getting stronger and stronger every day. That's why people go to the monastery. A person begins to rush about and look for himself in new deeds, new achievements. He begins to live a social life, but gradually he realizes that here, too, there is no joy that he would like to experience. And then he turns to God.

How to go to the monastery and what is needed for this?

In order to go to a nunnery, you need, first of all, desire. To fully realize that having gone to a monastery a person ceases to belong to the world - he begins to belong to God. That is, all his thoughts and deeds should be devoted only to serving Him.

In addition, at first the woman simply lives at the monastery for some time, understands herself and looks closely at the way of life of the nuns and the monastery itself. Then, after the time has elapsed, she is allowed to participate in the life of the monastery, to live according to its way, but with all this, she is not given the title of nun for a year. This is done so that a woman, feeling with all her heart, can decide whether she wants to be a nun for the rest of her days or not. After this probationary year, if everything went well, the woman becomes a nun.

How can a married woman go to a monastery?

A variety of people come to the monastery for a variety of reasons. There are quite mature, there are very young. Married women can also become nuns, but only if they do not have young children in their arms. That is, children should be already quite adults and could earn their own living.

How to go to a convent for a while?

If he asks to go to the monastery, but the mind still doubts the correctness of such an act, you can go to the abbess of the monastery and ask to be a novice at the monastery. Mother Superior will never refuse to help. You can stay in the novices at the monastery for any period.

Is it possible to leave the monastery?

You can leave the monastery at any time, because the monastery is the place where people come at the behest of their hearts. If a person has not accepted God into his heart, then it will be difficult for him to be in a monastery. Why bother yourself? It would be better to leave on your own and figure it out for yourself, and God will always tell you how to do it right.