Liquid stool does not stop. What to do if loose stools persist for a long time? Diarrhea treatment: diet

When a person is worried about diarrhea every day, this is an alarming symptom. Why can this phenomenon indicate a disease or internal pathology? Let's figure it out.

The specifics of the disease

Short-term diarrhea is something that everyone has encountered. In most cases, the causes of this ailment lie in improper diet.

For example, short-term diarrhea can be caused by overeating or prolonged intake of high-calorie foods. But if this disease is chronic, the person needs treatment.

Diarrhea is not a separate disease, even if it is chronic.

If it occurs in an adult every day, this indicates that he may have problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To cope with this problem, the patient needs to go to the hospital.

Factors that trigger daily diarrhea

To cope with this ailment, it is necessary to determine the factors that provoke diarrhea. Key factors:

  1. Long-term medication intake. This is one of the most common causes of loose stools in adults. An upset bowel movement can be triggered by taking laxatives. If a person has treated constipation with laxatives and overdose, he may develop diarrhea.
  2. Frequent consumption of foods high in fiber. Why does diarrhea occur? This ailment can be caused by the difficult process of digesting food that is rich in fiber.
  3. A drastic change in climate. The causes of loose stools that occur every day may be associated with the inability of the body to quickly adapt to new climatic conditions. For example, if a person traveled to hot Mexico, and a few days later flew to the frosty Arctic, he is likely to develop diarrhea.
  4. Psychoemotional shock. No wonder people say that the causes of all diseases are associated with nerves. Why does diarrhea occur?

This ailment can proceed in a chronic form, that is, it lasts every day until a person regains a state of psychological comfort.

The work of the digestive system returns to normal after a person cope with stress and calms down.

These are not all factors that provoke loose stools. If the problem arose against the background of these reasons, the person does not need therapy.

It is possible to eliminate the problem with the intestines by eliminating the factor that provoked its appearance.

For example, if daily diarrhea is the result of prolonged use of antibiotics, then the digestive process will return to normal after the patient stops taking them.

And if this ailment appeared after a person's flight to another continent, it is worth waiting a few days for the body to adapt to new climatic conditions.

Causes of diarrhea that indicate illness

Now let's talk in more detail about all the possible reasons that could provoke diarrhea that occurs in a person every day.

  • The causes of this ailment may lie in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, frequent watery diarrhea can be a symptom of a pancreatic disease. Also, this phenomenon is observed in various intestinal pathologies.
  • The causes of daily diarrhea can also be associated with a viral illness. An infectious agent enters the human stomach, leading to intestinal upset. If you do not start to treat a viral disease in time, this can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Frequent loose stools can occur with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Problems of the small and large intestines also provoke this problem.

If frequent bowel movements with liquid feces were triggered by one of these reasons, the patient should be treated immediately.

To do this, he needs to undergo a medical examination. After the doctor has determined the cause of loose stools, he will prescribe the appropriate therapy to the patient.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the factors that most often provokes diarrhea that occurs every day. The exact causes of this ailment are unknown.

Symptoms for IBS:

  • Watery and frequent diarrhea. Sometimes there is foam or mucus in the stool. The excreted feces resemble granules.
  • The person does not leave the feeling of complete emptying, even if the rectum is empty.
  • Diarrhea can sometimes alternate with constipation.
  • Painful sensations in different parts of the abdomen. Sometimes the pain is localized in the center of the abdomen, and sometimes - below. The feeling of discomfort does not leave the person. The pain is relieved after a bowel movement, which is accompanied by gas.
  • The urge to defecate comes on suddenly. With irritable bowel syndrome, a person experiences strong urgency, especially in the morning.
  • Muscle pain. The patient may complain of body aches.
  • Frequent nausea.
  • Belching.
  • Fatigue. The patient may complain of weakness and complete lack of strength.
  • Drowsiness. The patient may complain of drowsiness even during the hours of active wakefulness.
  • Irritable bladder syndrome.
  • Quick satiety after every meal.
  • Heartburn after every meal.

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome cannot function normally in society. This ailment causes them a lot of unpleasant sensations, discomfort, and becomes the cause of nerves.

The disease negatively affects not only health, but also a person's mood. Because of the painful and unpleasant symptoms of IBS, the person becomes irritable and anxious.

Therefore, if, in addition to the daily loose stools, the patient also complains of other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, medical measures should be taken immediately.

Why else does chronic diarrhea occur?

The reasons why diarrhea occurs every day are not always associated with diseases and pathologies of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If loose stools are a consequence of a person's improper lifestyle, he will not have any other symptoms, except for belching and occasional nausea.

One-time loose bowel movements do not indicate any danger to human health, but if they occur daily, this is a reason to think about your health.

So, why else can daily diarrhea occur?

  1. Power supply errors. Improper nutrition always leads to malfunctions and disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy diet leads to impaired functioning of the digestive system and, as a consequence, to watery diarrhea.
  2. Long-term consumption of high-calorie foods.
  3. Eating a large amount of vegetables that contribute to loose stools. The diarrhea is frequent and watery.
  4. Treatment of constipation with laxatives. It is important to always consult with your doctor before treating constipation with any laxative. In this case, the bowel movements will be soft and watery.
  5. Pregnancy. During pregnancy, diarrhea occurs frequently, especially in the latter stages. Why does it arise? It's all about hormonal disruptions that occur in all pregnant women.

They also have liquid stools due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the intestines.

Also, pregnant girls may have a false urge to defecate for the same reasons. The desire to empty the intestines does not leave them even if the intestines are completely empty.

Curative measures

To get rid of such a systematic problem as loose stools, therapeutic measures should be taken.

  • It is necessary to normalize the consistency of the stool. This can be done by taking appropriate medications. For example, in order to cure chronic diarrhea in adults, Imodium is used.
  • If diarrhea is due to a viral infection, only antibiotics will help cure it. You cannot prescribe an antibiotic yourself, only a doctor can do this.
  • You should stop taking medications that provoked diarrhea. Loose stools are one of the side effects of many medicines. It is not recommended to treat any disease with the same medication for a long time, as this negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If diarrhea is one of the symptoms of an allergy, the patient is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet. Sometimes an allergy occurs due to the ingestion of a contraindicated product. For example, some people are lactose intolerant.

If a person with this syndrome eats a dairy product that is contraindicated for him, he may have an allergic reaction, accompanied by watery diarrhea.


To get rid of prolonged diarrhea, you must follow a therapeutic diet. So, in order for the body to cope with this problem as efficiently as possible, the patient needs to be guided by these recommendations:

  • Diarrhea can lead to dehydration. To avoid this, you should replenish the fluid supply in a timely manner. After each act of defecation, the person should drink at least one glass of water. It is advisable to drink still mineral water.
  • Teas, juices, fruits and broths will also help replenish the fluid balance in the body. It is not recommended to drink coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine.
  • During a therapeutic diet, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages. Taking alcohol will only aggravate the patient's condition.
  • The therapeutic diet should include eating foods rich in pectin. We are talking about such products as yoghurts (preferably low-fat), apples, bananas, etc. Thanks to the pectin contained in these products, the digestive system quickly normalizes and diarrhea disappears.
  • Also, a therapeutic diet should include the use of foods that include potassium. This substance is found in bananas, potatoes, boiled in their uniform, fruit nectars, etc. Foods rich in potassium should be eaten because diarrhea promotes the removal of this substance from the body.
  • All dishes must be salted. Why? Salt helps to retain fluid in the body, which helps prevent dehydration. You need to add some salt to broths, vegetables, steam cutlets and other dishes and products.
  • To prevent fatigue and drowsiness, you need to eat foods rich in protein. The patient should eat fried beef, hard-boiled eggs, chicken, turkey, etc.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be eaten only after hot processing. Why? The fact is that some vegetables and fruits increase the acidity of the stomach. In such an environment, bacteria multiply, preventing the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main rule of a therapeutic diet is to avoid eating foods and foods that are hard for the stomach to digest.

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Publication date: 26-11-2019

What if diarrhea lasts 4 days?

Diarrhea 4 days in an adult is already a cause for concern. - This is nothing more than a fairly severe bowel disorder. Of course, the body needs time to get rid of the cause that triggered the appearance of diarrhea in humans. It takes several days to do this.

Diarrhea that does not go away for 4 or more days can be triggered by a variety of reasons. Sometimes the causative agent of the problem can be a corny, unwashed apple, and sometimes a rather serious, dangerous intestinal infection. Therefore, immediately after the appearance of diarrhea in an adult, it is necessary to immediately examine the patient, establish the causes of such an unpleasant problem and begin to treat it.

  1. In no case should you panic, because most often diarrhea is a consequence of minor poisoning and disappears after a few days.
  2. It is very important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene, which play a very important role in this situation.
  3. If diarrhea does not go away for a week or more, then you need to contact a specialist. If the cause is poisoning, the doctor will prescribe special medications so that the body clears itself faster. Sometimes diarrhea can be the first sign of a serious illness, which is much easier to treat at an early stage than in an advanced form.

Diarrhea is nothing more than a fairly severe bowel disorder.

What doctors say about this problem

If the diarrhea does not stop, then it can be treated not only at home, but also in the hospital. The most important rule in this case is that you need to very strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, especially if the diarrhea does not become less intense for several days in a row. If you monitor your diet and take your doctor's prescriptions seriously, then you can solve the problem with diarrhea in just a few days and without harmful effects on the human body.

Doctors don't call diarrhea a disease. It can be either poisoning or one of the symptoms of a disease. For example, it can be an increased function of the thyroid gland, and it produces a lot of hormones that provoke diarrhea. It is very important to treat the cause of the problem, not the symptoms. Removing only the signs of diarrhea will not cure the disease itself. It is necessary, together with a specialist, to study all levels, as well as stages of development of diarrhea. For example, if a person, with diarrhea, visits the toilet less than six times a day, then this may indicate the presence of a disease of the upper intestinal region. If the number of trips to the toilet exceeds six times, then in such a situation, serious problems with the large intestine or with the rectum may develop.

This means that a visit to a specialist is mandatory if the diarrhea is very severe and does not stop for a long time. Do not self-medicate, because this can provoke the appearance of many complications and more serious health problems than you currently have. Today, diarrhea is very common, and therefore doctors can provide each person with highly qualified and safe help in solving this unpleasant problem.

Diarrhea causes

The causes of diarrhea, as mentioned above, can be very different. If the problem persists for several days, and at the same time it is very intense, then it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as possible. At the same time, there are some signs that can help an adult determine the approximate cause of diarrhea on their own. These include the following:

  1. If the diarrhea continues for a very long time - 4 days or more, while it can be interrupted by constipation, then this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the intestines, or else.
  2. The thyroid gland has an increased function and produces a lot of hormones. In this case, diarrhea does not go away on average for 3 days and bothers the person quite often with short interruptions.
  3. In addition, an infection may be present in the body, which provokes the appearance of diarrhea in an adult and in children.

In almost all cases, except for diarrhea, a sick person may have irritability on the second day, he is very nervous, he is worried about self-doubt. If the diarrhea is prolonged, then it can lead to a severe nervous breakdown, the development of insomnia, the adult cannot stand the heat and sweats a lot. All this together brings discomfort to a person and often puts him in an unpleasant position.

Sometimes the cause can be an unhealthy diet or eating stitched products, the body has an individual intolerance, or an allergic reaction manifests itself in this way. In some situations, a person may not follow basic hygiene rules, and this provokes the appearance of diarrhea, which does not go away even on day 4.

Forms of the disease in an adult

You can also determine the cause of the problem by the consistency of feces in an adult. If the diarrhea looks greasy and floats, then this may be the first sign that a person's body is very high in fat. Its excess is provoked by too poor absorption of substances in the small intestine. If there is at least a small amount of mucus in the patient's feces, then we can talk about the presence of irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

In the presence of a complex form of diarrhea, blood or even pus can be found in a person's stool. Feces can tell a lot about health problems and how severe a disease is. Therefore, during diarrhea, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of feces, and if there is a large amount of mucus, blood or even pus, immediately contact a specialist to establish the cause and further diagnose.

Very often diarrhea occurs in a person solely due to the fact that there is a common bowel disorder. In this case, the stool will be quite liquid, but without any admixture of blood or pus. Keep track of the number of visits to the toilet, because this can be used to determine which area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine there is a problem with.

An interesting fact is that you can determine the cause of prolonged diarrhea even by the time of day at which the problem manifests itself most actively. In the morning, irritable bowel syndrome makes itself felt. At night, too active production of thyroid hormones is manifested.

Folk remedies

After the cause of the diarrhea is established, treatment can begin. To do this, you can use the following recipes.

Buy ready-made dried oak bark at the pharmacy. Take 1 tbsp. l. bark and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then strain thoroughly. Drink a few spoons of infusion throughout the day, the effect can be seen after 2 days. If this does not happen, then you need to apply other methods of alternative treatment of diarrhea.

In order to quickly remove the symptoms of diarrhea, you can take a plate of activated charcoal and drink it with plenty of boiled water.

After a few hours, you need to repeat the procedure again. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Rice porridge or rice broth directly helps. It is very simple to prepare it. For half a liter of boiling water, you need 1.5 tsp. rice. This mixture should be cooked over very low heat for 40 minutes. Then wait for the broth to cool and strain it thoroughly. Drink a quarter of a glass of broth every 3 hours. The effect will be quick enough.

The recipe for a decoction of pomegranate peels is very popular. In order to prepare this medicine, you need to wash the pomegranate, wipe it well and then peel it. Before drying, be sure to cut off all the white flesh. You can store the crusts for a long time in a dry and warm place. Take 1 tsp if needed. dry crusts and fill them with a liter of water. Then cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave to infuse for at least 40 minutes. For an adult, to treat diarrhea, it is enough to take 2 tsp. broth, but no more than 5 times a day. If you take the medicine correctly, then a positive result will be noticeable the very next day.

A very effective recipe for prolonged diarrhea in an adult is vodka with salt. Take a glass of vodka and salt - the amount can be anything. Before taking, you need to dilute the medicine with warm water and drink it on an empty stomach several times a day.

To get rid of diarrhea will help such a simple method as strong black tea. For medicinal purposes, it is enough to brew twice as much tea as usual and add a little sugar. You need to drink this tea throughout the day for several sips.

Black pepper will also help in this situation. Swallow 10 whole peas and drink plenty of warm water. In about 30 minutes the person will feel better. This recipe can also be used to treat diarrhea in a child, only the dose should be reduced to 5 peppercorns. It is necessary to carefully take peppercorns for those people who have stomach problems, because this can provoke serious complications and very poor health.

Beforehand, be sure to establish the cause of prolonged diarrhea and treat it as well, because eliminating the symptoms will not help get rid of the causative agent of diarrhea.

Almost every person has encountered such a problem as diarrhea. But, what if the diarrhea does not go away for a week in an adult?

Description of the disease

Diarrhea is a human condition in which loose stools are secreted several times a day. This state has 2 forms:

  • sharp. Diarrhea may last up to two weeks;
  • chronic. Diarrhea can last for more than two weeks.

Diarrhea is not considered a separate medical condition. Rather, it is a symptom that indicates any malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea can be triggered by a variety of reasons. It manifests itself in adults and children. The condition is unpleasant, brings a lot of discomfort if it occurs in adults. But, if it is observed in a child, the parents are overwhelmed with anxiety and not in vain.

You can not pay attention to the malaise, which lasts 1 - 2 days, but if on the 6th day the diarrhea cannot stop, you need to contact a specialist. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, various complications may arise. It is very important to know for what reason prolonged diarrhea occurs, how to get rid of diarrhea.

If, in the presence of diarrhea, an adult does not have stomach pain, then the body independently cleans the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, mucus, decay products that accumulate after stagnation inside the tract. This functional disorder can disappear on the second day after dieting. If diarrhea lasts 4 days or more, contact a specialist.

Why does diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea, which lasts 1 to 2 days, does not cause pain, can be triggered by:

  • food poisoning;
  • alcohol poisoning.

Loose stools for 1, 2, 3 days can be observed during pregnancy, menstruation. The body is cleansed, then the work of the digestive tract is getting better.

Diarrhea can be caused by:

  • neurosis;
  • food poisoning;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • acclimatization of the body;
  • long-term use of medications that provoke diarrhea (anticoagulants, laxatives, synthetic sweeteners, antiarrhythmic drugs).

Diarrhea caused by one of the above reasons goes away very quickly, literally in 3 to 4 days. If diarrhea is provoked by one of these factors, it will not be difficult for you to calculate it. If the upset stool does not go away after 3 - 4 days, seek help from a specialist.

Weekly diarrhea may indicate one of the following conditions:

  • intestinal infection (rotavirus, flu, cholera);
  • dysentery;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • exacerbation of an existing chronic disease (dysbiosis, colitis);
  • enzymatic deficiency.

Features of diarrhea provoked by various factors

With diarrhea, the following processes occur in the body:

  • increased secretion of salts, water inside the intestinal cavity;
  • disruptions in the absorption of food (digested) from the intestinal cavity;
  • accelerated intestinal peristalsis;
  • violation of food digestion.

OKI. Diarrhea caused by acute intestinal infections occurs due to the effect of various microorganisms on the digestive tract. Microbes produce toxins that paralyze the intestines. Usually, with acute intestinal infections, diarrhea has an acute form, sometimes it develops into chronic (with dysentery).

Dysbacteriosis. It is characterized by a violation of the normal intestinal microflora (there is a growth of bacteria that are not characteristic of the intestinal microflora, a decrease in the number of "beneficial" microbes. Diarrhea is characterized by a chronic course. Diarrhea can last three days or more.

Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Diarrhea can last all day with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • chronic enteritis;
  • crohn's disease;
  • chronic colitis;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Danger of prolonged diarrhea in a child

If diarrhea is not in an adult, but in a child, you need to be careful. If the diarrhea is severe and lasts 2, 3, 4 days, signs of dehydration may appear. This condition is dangerous with the onset of dysfunction of all internal organs. When diarrhea is observed for a long time in a child, you need to carefully monitor his condition, any changes, deviations from the norm. The doctor must be called in when the diarrhea does not stop for several days, and abdominal pains appear.

If diarrhea does not go away for a week, dehydration occurs, which is not safe, especially for a child's body. A child can lose about 3% of their weight. To determine the moisture balance, you should monitor the frequency, the amount of urination. Alarming symptoms are:

  • darkening of urine;
  • concentrated urine;
  • long breaks between urination (more than 8 hours).

In this case, the patient is observed:

  • nervousness;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • depression;
  • disorientation.

If diarrhea does not stop within a week, it can cause coma, death without timely treatment. You should not postpone the trip to a specialist if the child has a watery diarrhea, the secreted fluid has a greenish color.

First aid for diarrhea

If you have long-term diarrhea, you need to visit a specialist to determine the cause of its occurrence, select the appropriate treatment. The duration of diarrhea should be the impetus for making a decision on diagnosis and treatment. You don't have to endure diarrhea every day. You can try to eliminate this unpleasant symptom yourself, for this you need:

  1. Take a sorbent drug (Smecta, Activated Carbon, Filtrum-Sti).
  2. Drink plenty of water (boiled), weak weak tea. This will help keep you hydrated.
  3. To restore the reserve of lost nutrients, minerals, vitamins, it is recommended to drink herbal teas. In the presence of temperature, it is useful to drink tea with currants, lindens.
  4. Cleansing enema (it can be given 1 time). With a cleansing enema, we remove bacteria from the intestines. Also, this procedure helps to lower the temperature due to the absorption of water into the intestinal wall.

Need to diet for diarrhea

Diet is also important for diarrhea. The past diarrhea can return after the ingestion of those substances that provoked it (poor-quality food, medicines, bacteria). Having passed the treatment recommended by a specialist, you need to be more attentive to your body. Diet is needed to restore normal gastrointestinal function. Its experts recommend observing adult patients, children.

The diet is based on drinking a lot of liquid. After diarrhea, the patient must follow basic dietary rules:

  1. Eat liquid food (light mashed potatoes, low-fat soups, broths).
  2. Porridge from cereals should be prepared slimy, semi-mucous. It is forbidden to eat large grains so as not to injure the intestinal walls.
  3. You should eat foods high in fiber (dried fruits, bananas, apples).
  4. Bread should be eaten white, bran.
  5. You can eat lean meat, fish.

Exclude from the usual products:

  • vegetables, fruits (fresh);
  • canned food, smoked meats;
  • dried foods;
  • tea (green), coffee;
  • seasonings;
  • salt, sugar in large quantities;
  • dairy products;
  • soda;
  • fatty food.

Medication for diarrhea

If the diarrhea persists on the third or fourth day, contact a specialist to find out the reason. After diagnostics, clarification of the reason that provoked the onset of diarrhea, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Usually it consists in taking such funds:

  1. Sorbents ("Smecta", "Activated carbon").
  2. Antidiarrheal drugs (Imodium, Loperamide).
  3. Preparations aimed at restoring the ionic balance ("Regidron"). They are needed after the body is dehydrated.
  4. Pro / prebiotics (Linex, Bifiform). They are needed to restore the microflora inside the intestines.

If diarrhea is of an infectious nature of development, the specialist prescribes:

  1. Intestinal antiseptics ("Sulgin", "Phtalazol", "Furazolidone").
  2. Antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, amoxicillins).

Do not use these medications for self-medication for diarrhea. Each of the drugs should be selected taking into account such features as: the patient's condition, the cause of diarrhea. Medicines are prescribed in a course that should be followed to the end, and not stopped after the disappearance of an unpleasant symptom (diarrhea). Also, don't forget about diet. It is an important aspect in the treatment of disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Everyone, even a healthy person, has experienced diarrhea, or diarrhea. There are a huge number of reasons for its appearance, ranging from incompatible food products to very serious infections.

In this article, we will not consider severe infections accompanied by painful diarrhea, such as cholera and others. This is a separate topic.

Watery diarrhea

Watery diarrhea occurs when the small intestine is involved in the pathological process. This may be a situation when poisoning with poor quality food or acute intestinal infections has occurred.

Sometimes the number of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine can be very small. It is not the bacteria themselves that are dangerous, but the products of their vital activity, the toxins that they release.

In the cold season, watery stools are sometimes due to a number of viruses that are active in winter. These are the so-called rotavirus infections, which are very easy to get infected.

Why is diarrhea dangerous with water?

Diarrhea can be roughly divided into watery stools without pathological impurities such as blood, and blood-streaked diarrhea. If blood appears in the secretion of the intestine, this is a signal to seek medical help, because the causes of this symptom can be very serious: intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding, or a serious bacterial infection. All of these conditions can threaten the patient's life. But this also needs to be discussed separately.

So, if there is diarrhea with water in an adult, treatment should be immediate. It should be noted that a large loss of water occurs with watery stools, and if this process is also accompanied by vomiting, then we can talk about dehydration, and it can come very quickly if emergency measures are not taken.

The human body normally contains about 85-90% water. More precisely, the brain, muscles and heart contain about 76% of liquid, blood - 84%, and only the human skeleton consists of 15-20% of water. From this one can understand how important water is for humans. Each cell of our body consists of water, and with a lack of fluid, all systems and organs will suffer. In addition, with diarrhea, together with water, a huge amount of minerals is released, so necessary for the body.

For a small child, losing 10% of body weight with watery diarrhea is fatal. If a child weighs 5 kg, then the loss of 500 ml of fluid for him will be fatal. It is more problematic for adults to lose 10% of their body weight in a short time, because their weight is much greater, so they have time to make a decision. Dehydration (dehydration) is most dangerous for children and the elderly. Diarrhea in an adult - what to do? Of course, heal.

Diarrhea is not a diagnosis but a symptom. To choose the correct treatment tactics, it is necessary to establish the true cause of loose stools. Even if liquid stool in an adult happens 2-3 times a day, which does not pose a threat to his life, all the same, over time (if it lasts for several days), the body will be severely depleted, and the water-salt balance will be disturbed. It will take much more time to recover than the illness lasted. If diarrhea is in an adult with water, treatment is necessary, especially if an elderly person suffers from this symptom.

Diarrhea causes

Diarrhea is a kind of defense reaction against the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. Thus, the body itself is protected from the harmful effects of pathogenic microflora and carries out its detoxification. But if this condition does not go away within a few hours, help is needed. Especially if there is a temperature and in this case it is necessary. Hyperthermia (fever) may indicate general intoxication of the body. This state requires an appropriate attitude. You can't let everything go by itself. Some people think that diarrhea is not really a disease. Diarrhea should still be treated if it lasts more than one day. So you can save the body from serious consequences.

In case the patient complains of diarrhea, abdominal pain, treatment is also necessary. Pain is a serious symptom that may indicate a serious illness such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, gallstone disease, or appendicitis. If there is pain with diarrhea, then you need to see a doctor. Some of these situations require surgery.

There are other causes of diarrhea:

  • dyspeptic - this is the most common cause of diarrhea, it can occur due to insufficient secretion of the stomach, malfunctioning of the glands and, as a result, improper digestion of absorbed food;
  • infectious - can be caused by dysentery bacillus, various intestinal viruses, amoebas and food toxins;
  • alimentary is an allergic reaction to food;
  • toxic - poisoning with poisons and toxic substances, such as arsenic or mercury;
  • medication - caused by side effects of medications, for example, some antibiotics in the intestines kill not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial ones, thereby causing diarrhea;
  • neurogenic - can be caused by strong feelings or fear, such diarrhea is also called "bear disease".

Patients endure diarrhea in different ways, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, for example, loose stools in some 2-3 times a day causes weakness and poor health, while in others diarrhea 5-6 times a day does not cause negative consequences.

If diarrhea lasts for a short time, it usually does not cause negative consequences and goes away without much harm to health. If diarrhea continues for a long time and is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, false urge to defecate (tenesmus), nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and causes severe weakness (exhaustion of the body), then this condition requires urgent medical attention. Often, patients with these symptoms are hospitalized.

For any nature of diarrhea, you must drink enough fluids. Compliance with the drinking regime can protect against negative consequences and maintain the patient's body in good shape.

It is better to drink mineral water without gas, it will help maintain the water-salt balance. If there is prolonged diarrhea with water in an adult, treatment is necessary. If home treatment does not work and the diarrhea does not go away within a few days, this is a good reason to seek help from a medical facility. If severe diarrhea develops, a doctor will determine the cause and treatment.

Diet for diarrhea

Sparing, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is necessary. Until the condition improves and the symptoms of intoxication disappear, a diet must be followed.

The following products are allowed:

  • porridge on the water;
  • jelly;
  • lean boiled or steamed meat;
  • steam cutlets;
  • boiled fish or steamed.

Prohibited Products:

  • fatty meals;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • spicy dishes;
  • pickled foods;
  • any canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • too strong tea;
  • any alcohol.

After the disappearance of diarrhea and improvement in the state of the diet, you need to adhere to a few more days, at least for a week. By gradually adding other previously prohibited foods to the diet, the weakened body is prepared for the usual diet. You cannot immediately return to your usual diet. A sudden return to the menu of the wrong dish can upset the fragile and unstable balance after illness.

Diarrhea: causes and treatment

Treatment for diarrhea directly depends on the cause that caused it. What drugs are most effective for diarrhea? We will talk about this in this section.

First of all, any diarrhea should not be treated with antibiotics. This is done only in severe cases, for example, if the cause that caused the pathological process really poses a serious danger. This applies to diseases such as salmonellosis or cholera. In this case, the patient must necessarily be hospitalized, and further treatment he will undergo under the strict supervision of doctors. If an adult has diarrhea with water, treatment should be aimed at preventing dehydration and restoring the water-salt balance. For these purposes, solutions such as "Regidron" or "Oralit" are suitable, you can also drink mineral water without gas.

Solutions are taken after each chair for half a glass. In addition, you should drink at least 4 glasses of one of these medications within 12 hours.

Diarrhea medicines

Medicines for diarrhea are not a panacea at all. There are a number of things to consider when treating diarrhea. The most important of which, as already mentioned, is the fight. Consider the drugs for diarrhea in adults that are used most often.

All of them are divided into several pharmacological groups:

  • sulfa drugs ("Phtalazol");
  • antibiotics (tablets "Levomycetin", "Tetracycline");
  • nitrofurans (drug "Furazolidone");
  • antimicrobial drugs (Enterofuril, Sulgin);
  • antifungal (means "Intetrix") - used when;
  • enterosorbents (activated carbon);
  • antiviral drugs.

Consider the most famous in adults. In what case is it advisable to take this or that drug?

Activated charcoal for diarrhea

What to give an adult from diarrhea? Enterosorbents are a group of drugs that have an adsorbent and enveloping effect. Treatment should be started with activated carbon. Sometimes this is enough. These pills for diarrhea in adults (and children) are not absorbed in the intestines.

Activated carbon is taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of patient weight. So, if the patient weighs 60 kg, then, accordingly, he should take 6 tablets and drink plenty of water.

Activated carbon absorbs all harmful toxins, bacteria and viruses, and also binds water and covers the intestinal wall with a protective layer. After that, it is excreted naturally. It should be noted that after taking the tablets of this drug, the stool will be black. You shouldn't be afraid of this. If diarrhea has occurred due to poor-quality products, then activated charcoal in most cases is sufficient for treatment.

The drug "Phtalazol" for diarrhea

This group is most advisable to take for infectious types of diarrhea (dysentery, enterocolitis and colitis of an infectious nature). Taking the medicine "Phtalazol" for allergic types of diarrhea and ordinary indigestion will be ineffective. Its effect is noticeable only for 2-3 days, when the growth of pathogenic microflora under the action of the drug will be stopped.

Means "Imodium" for diarrhea

The drug "Imodium" (its other name is "Suprelol", "Lopedium" and "Loperamide") begins its effect within the first 40-60 minutes. This drug is effective for diarrhea caused by poor quality food, as well as irritable bowel syndrome and in the early stages of infectious diarrhea. It helps well with frequent urge to vomit. It is convenient to take this drug with you on the road. Diarrhea is a common travel companion.

Treatment with "Loperamide" and "Simethicone"

This is a new generation drug, it is a combined remedy for diarrhea "Imodium plus" and includes the so-called antifoam agent - simethicone. This substance eliminates bloating and adsorbs unwanted intestinal gases. Thanks to him, spastic pains and a feeling of intestinal distention disappear. These are chewable tablets for diarrhea in adults. It is not recommended to give them to children under the age of 12.

Natural remedies for diarrhea

These include drugs such as "Smecta" and "Kaopektat". These drugs are used for rotavirus infections. It should be noted that the drug "Kaopektat" is contraindicated in childhood.

These drugs belong to the group of enterosorbents, they gradually reduce the frequency of going to the toilet, and also relieve bloating and rumbling in the stomach.

Linex tablets for diarrhea

This product contains beneficial microflora and has a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. It includes 3 types of positive microflora:

  • lactobacilli - positively affect the functioning of the small intestine;
  • enterococci - have a similar effect and help the small intestine to function properly;
  • bifidobacteria - actively work in the large intestine.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat an ailment such as diarrhea. Folk remedies for diarrhea have been proven for centuries.

  1. A decoction of pomegranate peels is considered an effective remedy for intestinal disorders. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a well-washed peel of one fruit and pour a glass of cold water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Take this remedy every two hours for 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Alternative treatment for diarrhea involves the use of rice water. Taking this remedy every 20-30 minutes for 3-4 hours will relieve bloating and stop diarrhea.
  3. Bitter wormwood will help to cope with diarrhea. But with this tool you need to be careful: do not exceed the dosage and do not use for too long. To prepare the medicine, 1 teaspoon of dry grass should be poured with one glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Take the medicine 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  4. A very strong folk remedy for diarrhea using an alcoholic infusion of walnut partitions has been known for a long time. It must be taken without exceeding the permissible dose (5-6 drops each), otherwise it can provoke a reverse reaction - constipation. As soon as the number of trips to the toilet decreases, you need to reduce the dosage to 2-3 drops. It is clear that only adults can use alcohol tinctures for treatment. To prepare the drug, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground walnut partitions and pour one glass of vodka. Insist in the dark for 5-7 days. This product is prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to always have this medicine on hand for those who are prone to frequent bowel disorders.


With an ailment like diarrhea, folk remedies can be very effective. Whatever the nature of the origin of diarrhea, this fact must be taken seriously. If you cannot cope with an intestinal disorder on your own, and in addition, pain or an increase in body temperature joins, in this case you need to seek medical help. This is especially true for elderly citizens, because they become dehydrated much earlier than young people in their prime.

Everyone faced diarrhea. This condition, with frequent loose stools, is very troubling. And under certain circumstances, it can cause significant harm to the body.

The main causes of diarrhea are food poisoning, infectious, ill-considered diet, uncontrolled medication, nervous disorders, helminthic invasion, intestinal dysbiosis.

Diarrhea indicates a digestive disorder.

Before you identify the causes of diarrhea, you need to learn how to identify the really started disorder c.

After all, the number of bowel movements is a fairly average indicator. For some, 2 times a day is already a lot, but for others - 4 bowel movements is a common occurrence.

Quite a wide range is also characteristic of the consistency of feces. Sometimes the discharge is solid and has a formalized appearance. But the consistency of thick sour cream is also not in itself a sign of violations.

Therefore, they look not so much at the quantity and quality characteristics, but at the familiarity of these phenomena. If a liquid consistency in the stool is observed for several months, and it does not affect the general condition in any way, then this is the norm. This is how the body functions.

If a person monitors the characteristics of his stool, he will quickly be able to identify diarrhea by a characteristic odor. The presence of impurities in the stool is another sign that it has begun. There should be no impurities in the stool of a healthy person.

Important! The onset of diarrhea is determined by the increased number of bowel movements, by the appearance of a watery character of feces and impurities in them. The general nature of bowel movements should be fundamentally different from the usual.

The main reason for the onset of diarrhea is a malfunction in the digestive tract, as a result of which all digestion processes are accelerated to an unacceptable level. As a result, undigested food, along with a large amount of undigested liquid, comes out.

This not only leads to liquefaction of feces, but also to an increase in the number of bowel movements. starts to malfunction in the following situations:

  • penetration of rotavirus / enterovirus / adenovirus / bacterial infections into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • salmonellosis;
  • food poisoning;
  • herpes viruses in the digestive system;
  • escherichiosis;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • , Whipple;
  • diverticulitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • treatment with antibiotics, cytostatics, anticholinesterase agents and prokinetics;
  • drug overdose;
  • bleeding in the intestines.

For the causes of diarrhea, see the video:

Since the most common pathogens of intestinal diseases enter the body through food and drinking water, it is necessary to strictly control everything that gets on the table.

Often, infection occurs during travel, when a person is faced with many bacteria that are unusual for the body. Due to the high frequency of diarrhea among fans of tropical countries, the concept of "tourist diarrhea" has been introduced into practice.

Since digestion depends both on the state of the internal organs and on many external factors, any negative impact on this system from the outside or from the inside can lead to diarrhea.

Therefore, the appearance of mucus, other special inclusions, an increase in the amount of defecation can signal the presence of a certain pathology in the body. For effective treatment, one must learn to distinguish between diarrhea caused by food poisoning, stress and other factors.

If diarrhea is caused by taking certain medications, it should be treated with special attention. After all, such a condition is considered very dangerous, capable of developing into a serious condition and even provoking death.

This development of events is possible with prolonged use. First, this leads to dysbiosis, and then to pseudomembranous colitis. This disease is accompanied by diarrhea, which is difficult to stop, and sometimes simply impossible.

Diarrhea caused by a viral or bacterial infection is also dangerous, however, with timely adequate treatment, the condition quickly returns to normal. With the help of medications, the body can quickly overcome the disease, because any viruses, bacteria, are part of nature, like the human body. But if the diarrhea began due to toxins, it is much more difficult to regulate the situation.

The mechanisms for the development of diarrhea depend on the reasons that provoked this condition. The pathogenetic mechanisms correspond to the reasons for which the diarrhea began. It should be borne in mind that only one mechanism for the development of a pathological condition rarely acts. A combination of several models is usually observed, among which one mechanism is the dominant one.

Varieties of diarrhea

Diarrhea is divided into several types.

In accordance with the causes and mechanism of development, several types of diarrhea are distinguished:

  • Infectious. This species develops due to the penetration of a dangerous infection into the body that can cause illness. Such diseases include salmonellosis, others. Other infections that enter the body with food may be the cause.
  • Alimentary. It becomes a consequence of allergic manifestations, as well as an improperly composed diet.
  • Dyspeptic. This type develops with insufficient intake of enzymes, bile into the intestines, with a lack of gastric juice. As a result, the food bolt cannot be digested normally.
  • Toxic. It occurs after poisoning with mercury, other chemicals.
  • Medication. This is a consequence of the use of drugs that have a detrimental effect on the intestinal flora.
  • Neurogenic. can develop under the influence of factors that irritate the nervous system. Excessive excitement, stress often become a provoking factor in the disruption of the digestive system.

If diarrhea lasts a short time, it will not have any significant effect on the person. But if the trouble drags on, you can expect dehydration, hypovitaminosis, changes in the work of internal organs.


With diarrhea, abdominal pain may be felt.

With diarrhea, almost all patients present with the same complaints. However, each type of diarrhea has its own unique symptoms.

For a correct diagnosis, all symptoms are taken into account, as well as laboratory diagnostic data. The signs to which you need to pay special attention include the following:

  • Body temperature. If it is increased, most likely the problem is a viral or bacterial infection. After getting into the body, foreign immune cells lead to an acceleration in the production of antibodies, because of this. However, fever with diarrhea is a common occurrence.
  • , vomiting. Diarrhea is often accompanied by nausea. These are practically 2 inseparable phenomena. This fact is explained by the impossibility of the food lump to move normally along the digestive tract. Food fragments are thrown back, causing vomiting. The second reason for the appearance of nausea is the intoxication of the body. Toxins entering the bloodstream quickly spread throughout the body, causing systemic disorders. The emetic center reacts in its own way to the spread of toxins, signaling the need for the development of vomiting as one of the cleansing methods. Thus, nausea and vomiting are the result of malfunctioning of the digestive system and the desire of the brain to protect the body from toxins.
  • ... The soreness in the abdomen has several causes. First, the acceleration of motor skills is accompanied by a pain factor that arises from spasms. Pain attacks may increase and decrease. The pains become more intense before the moment of bowel movement, and after it they subside for a while.

This condition most often develops with food poisoning and when an infection enters the body.

Other types of diarrhea cause heaviness in the abdomen, discomfort, and cramping pains are usually absent.

Stool color

By the color of feces, you can tell a lot about the state of human health. If diarrhea begins, then the color takes on special meaning. If an experienced doctor looks at the color of the stool during diarrhea, he will be able to deliver enough.

Green color

Feces may vary in color.

The greens in the stool, like the green color of the whole stool, indicates the presence of an infection. These can be both viruses and bacteria.

This color is a consequence of the presence of leukocytes and pyogenic coccal flora in the feces. The pathogenic flora in the weakened intestine multiplies rapidly and gives the feces a green tint.

Greens usually appear in runny stool as mucus that is mixed with the stool and covers the top of the stool.

Such diarrhea without high fever is rare. Typically, the thermometer readings are increased. The condition is characterized by pain syndrome, nausea,. Changes in the body are reflected in the state of the blood, the UAC will show signs of inflammation, intoxication.


This color indicates a relatively normal condition. The most common cause of yellow diarrhea is accelerated intestinal motility.

However, even at an increased speed, much of what the body needs has time to be normally assimilated. True, such feces cannot take shape, they simply do not have enough time. As can be observed minor pains of a cutting nature, heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Black color

Black feces can indicate a serious illness.

Blackness in feces does not appear by accident, this color can be a messenger of life-threatening conditions.

But before thinking about the bad, you should analyze your diet.

Some foods, such as beets or blueberries, can give blackness. Reception also will not pass asymptomatically, the feces will turn black. The same consequences for taking de-nol, vicalin and similar funds.

Deep black color appears due to internal bleeding. Gastric bleeding is accompanied by erythrocyte hemoglobin, which is unstable to gastric juice. The formation of hydrochloric acid hematin in this case gives black feces, reminiscent of tar in color.

This condition is extremely dangerous, therefore, when black diarrhea appears, an emergency emergency care must be called immediately. The hospital should do tests, and also see if the hemodynamic parameters are low.

White (light shades)

Light diarrhea is also an alarming indicator. It appears almost only when the bile streams are damaged, as a result of which the food bolus loses the ability to receive bile processing at a normal level.

Therefore, white diarrhea is a signal of the presence or neoplasm in the bile ducts. As an additional sign of one of the above diagnoses, you can use dark urine, yellow skin.

The temperature in this condition rarely rises, the pain is not felt.

Presence of blood in diarrhea

If blood streaks are noticeable in the feces, then the integrity of the intestinal wall is violated. It can be the result of mucosal damage or destruction.

This condition is characteristic of serious toxic lesions. If the blood comes from the area located in the upper part of the large intestine, then the blood will appear, not as separate blotches, but will simply give the feces a cherry hue.

Mucus for diarrhea

The presence of mucus in the stool is not considered a pathological sign. To determine the state, you need to see its color. Transparent mucus is a variant of the norm.

But green, yellow, brown, bloody - this is already a clear symptom of a serious condition. Its cause can be as simple as the action of a severe infection.

If, despite the treatment, the mucus persists, it means that the medicines were chosen incorrectly, there is no effect of therapy. This is a sure signal to change the countermeasures for this condition.

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