Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP): description of the methodology, application, criticism. NLP - what is it, techniques, training, techniques, rules, practice

For half a century, I watched from a close distance how the domestic "elite" was skinned and corrupted. As a result, she surrendered and betrayed her country and infected her people with selfishness and admiration for the West. Betrayal at the top caused confusion at the bottom. Our people have become pathological. And a system of self-genocide unheard of in world history arose.

I think that historians and philosophers will have enough work for tens and hundreds of years to comprehend what has happened and is happening to us. And recently, a large material by Doctor of Philology Tatyana Mironova “Teletrans: Electoral technologies are turning Russia into a madhouse” appeared (). Many of the conclusions and considerations of this article are confirmed by my observations.

We, says Tatyana Mironova, are already tired of the abundance of unhealthy faces in the metro, nervous breakdowns of loved ones, hysterical attacks on the part of colleagues, and most importantly, of the arguments of these very colleagues and neighbors that are very far from common sense. Recklessness on the verge of insanity is characteristic today of the minds of many of our compatriots. It is as if an Orthodox seer said about us that there will come a time when the whole world will be driven mad, and those who remain sane will be declared insane.

The feeling of a general epidemic of insanity is not an illusion, it is the real state of many people, which can be called the general schizophrenia of society. Violation of the ability to think is manifested in a naively simplified perception of the world of things and events. Moreover, the patient may retain the ability to analyze facts and draw his own conclusions, but the connection between the event and judgment about it is random, for example, it will be said about the weather that “it is raining because weather forecasters promised bad weather.” A mentally unhealthy person is not critical in his thoughts. The uncritical nature of the sick mind is betrayed by arguments like "Luzhkov and Putin raised their pension by six percent, well done, they care about people!" The schizophrenic speaks without speech errors, and builds outwardly correct sentences, but all this is just empty mental chewing gum.

Personality change is a psychiatric diagnosis. A person with a personality change does not recognize the “hierarchy of motives for his behavior”: when he is given a choice between a cup of coffee and a visit to a sick mother, he will choose coffee and find weighty excuses for his choice, such as the fact that his mother took little and bad care of him. A patient with a diagnosis of "personality change" has formed pathological needs, often acting as obsessions. He may seek to make large and expensive purchases, or overeat, or compulsively hit on women. The patient is not able to control his actions, it is easy to infect him with a new "mania". Here the propaganda of beer falls on us from the screen like a flurry and makes millions of boys and girls schizophrenic, fascinated, walk the streets with beer bottles in their hands, take a puff on them with a thirsty look. And if you ask why they drink beer so much and anxiously, the answer will be schizophrenic, hammered into their heads through the screen - "to keep themselves from drying out."

Violation of thinking, personality change - these are not all the symptoms that bring the viewer closer to a schizophrenic. Schizophrenics are characterized by hallucinations - visions that the patient treats as a reality, he, in fact, lives in a world parallel to reality. According to psychiatrists, these hallucinations are so lifelike, their images are so vivid and sensual, that it is impossible to convince the patient that he is only the fruit of his inflamed imagination. But the hallucination of a schizophrenic in its psychological nature is similar to the live screen picture that our viewer watches on TV. The sensuality and authenticity of images, the brightness of impressions are experienced by both. It is precisely in the way that schizophrenic illness develops - from the loss of logic in consciousness to vivid, convincing hallucinations - that schizophrenic, hallucinatory thinking is developed in television and radio listeners, which is imposed on them by special methods of presenting information.

The main goal of information technology developers is to manipulate the masses in order to be guaranteed to have power obtained in general, direct, equal and secret elections, which in the 19th century smart people of Russia called the “four-tailed”, very accurately comparing with the whip, which was commanded by slaves in ancient Rome . With the help of suggestion technology, a reasonable person is transformed into a “voting person”, into a microelement of human biomass, which, obedient to external impulses-commands, acts as a voting machine. The manipulation of people has received the scientific name of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

The definition reads: "NLP is the speech impact of a person on a person in order to create new programs of behavior and action for the latter." We are also convinced that NLP is just "a process of accelerated learning and retraining, getting rid of unwanted behavior patterns, creating new behavior programs." But in all these formulas it is clearly spelled out that someone outside the personality makes up a new program of behavior for her, saves her from “stereotypes” that are undesirable for this outside person! As if the bearer of neurolinguistic technologies alone possesses true knowledge about the world and professes an authoritative approach to the rest: "A person is a text that can and should be edited."

It is precisely in the consciousness of a person that someone unceremoniously interferes, calling our mind and soul a “wrong text”, ready to erase one thing from memory, change the other to the opposite, insert as pleasant something that is disgusting to the depths of your soul. The methods of neurolinguistic programming proclaim the idea of ​​the enslavement of our souls: "A person, communicating with another, represents for the latter his territory, which he himself forms according to his own map." On the “territory” captured by an aggressive alien, “an impulse to a reaction that contradicts, is opposite to the reflex behavior of the organism, is carried out, because it is absurd to inspire something that the organism is already striving to fulfill.”

Let's give, says Tatyana Mironova, an honest definition of neuro-linguistic programming, which is openly used today in electoral games, in political arenas.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a psychological capture of the soul, violence against a person who may feel an aggressive intrusion (and then in response to a sharp rebuff to the rapist - “Do not get into the soul!”), Or maybe not feel. The latter is the diabolical art of neuro-linguistic programming technologists, who, already openly and brazenly boasting, call themselves "linguist priests" so that the victim of their violence does not feel the impact, so that mental changes occur in a person imperceptibly for himself.

Neuro-linguistic programming is someone else's intervention in the subconscious of a person in order to control it imperceptibly to himself. What political technologists, these “linguist priests,” call the subconscious, Christians call the depth of the human soul, and any intrusion into it is very precisely defined as seduction and temptation.

The invasion of the subconscious is carried out primarily by hypnotic trance. Hypnotic trance is a special state of a person when he is most easily able to perceive and assimilate suggestion, someone else's program, a command from outside. This technology was discovered by the psychiatrist Erickson at the end of the 19th century and was used for medical purposes for a long time, but the rapid development of television allowed political strategists to apply it to perfectly healthy people. Introduction to television trance completely coincides with the technology of introduction to therapeutic hypnotic trance.

A person should be in a position that is comfortable for him, for example, lying on a sofa or sitting relaxed in an armchair after a working day. His attention should be focused on some object, and such an object is just a television screen - a bright spot with constantly changing colors, which by itself attracts the eye. A person should not think about anything and not have any worries at that moment - it is in this state that the viewer sinks onto his sofa, having abandoned the bustle of work and home. This is the starting point of television trance, in all respects similar to professional hypnotic trance.

Then the technologists “split” the consciousness and subconsciousness of the client, that is, turn off the mind, convincing the person not to think about anything. In a state of light drowsiness or meditation, the viewer in front of the TV leads to a chain of rapidly changing images that are impossible to focus on: the consciousness turns off by itself.

The depth of such a trance can be different. It’s good if a person is teased by children, asked to check their lessons or read a book, it’s great when a wife grumbles with displeasure, annoyed that her husband doesn’t watch her favorite series, it’s just great if the phone suddenly rings or milk runs out in the kitchen. A hypnotic trance does not like such "suddenly", it is frightened off by external fuss, and then the human soul remains undamaged. But if all this is not there and you focus on the magically flickering screen with a bewitched look, then your soul is in someone else's and very dangerous power. It is then that the unhindered “formation of programs of human behavior, its goals takes place.

The simplest operations of inducing a hypnotic trance - joining the source of suggestion, subjugation to this source, fixing in a state of hypnotic trance with the consciousness turned off, but the subconscious mind open, control by suggesting programs new to your life experience - this is the ABC of neurolinguistic programming. And let them treat the mentally ill with these methods, but neurolinguistic programming is used for healthy people who, having received a dose of suggestion, begin to behave like psychopaths.

With a disconnected consciousness, as if half asleep, a person does not filter the information and commands that come to him, they freely penetrate the subconscious and are transported to the consciousness. As a result, the victim of a hypnotic trance cannot explain the motives of his actions even to himself, only the one who wrote down the command to her “subcortex” knows about this.

Programmed to elect a “favorite candidate” can be observed during any election, when confused, preoccupied, somewhat depressed people come to the polling station, absently take a ballot, peer long and tensely into a long list, as if trying to remember something, and then put a tick against some name unknown to them. Specialists in electoral technologies, advertising their services, boast that, "according to various estimates, by influencing the subconscious of voters, from 2-3 to 10-15 percent of the votes from the number of voters can be attracted." However, more pessimistic estimates give a figure of 35 percent of all voters who exercised their right to vote. It was this figure that American consultants named after Yeltsin's victory in 1996, when they talked about the effectiveness of their electoral technologies.

Approximately the same number was given by a survey of the population after the presidential elections in June 1996 (Kommersant-Daily, 1996, August 29): “For 32% of those who voted for B. Yeltsin, his victory was indifferent, and only 67% were satisfied with it." The command impulse to vote for Yeltsin was strong, but short-lived, and already in September 1996, the level of confidence in the newly elected president was, according to VTsIOM, only 12%.

What are the information "master keys" for "hacking" our souls? By penetrating into the subconscious, neurolinguistic programming specialists overcome the special “filters” of the soul that filter incoming information. These "filters" keep the mind from gross damage, trying to prevent clouding of the mind. The subconscious can turn off the memory, saving from the "brute force" of information that is obviously unnecessary to its owner.

And if you are firmly convinced that you will not go to vote, since the elections are a mixture of fraud and profanity, then all candidate names from all corners and pillars will slip past your memory.

The subconscious mind works as a “filter”, not perceiving, rejecting from itself what is undesirable for a person. And when they try to explain to an old communist that the Communist Party, to which he is devoted all his life, has sullied himself with repressions and the destruction of Orthodox priests, he will "shut his hearing."

The human subconscious, for the sake of the owner, is able to justify everything, explain everything, forgive everything. Having received the suggestion to love the president as his own father, a person “at the subconscious level” begins to justify, whitewash him, cleanse him of all crimes, sins and mistakes: the environment, assistants, subordinates, aliens from Mars, solar activity are to blame for everything, but not the president. And no matter what happens, be sure - there will always be an excuse for the beloved president.

The most stable of the psychological barriers of the subconscious, saving a person from information intrusion into the soul, is his beliefs, in the terminology of political strategists - the “barrier of myths”. To break this barrier, political technologists have developed especially cunning "master keys". So, a convinced Orthodox believer can be moved to vote by an Orthodox priest and only for an Orthodox one, which PR people are very actively using, releasing crafty people dressed in cassocks and persuading them to vote "according to the will of God" into the arena of agitation. For the same reason, PR people like to "serve" their candidates in landscapes with churches and crosses. The subconscious of the believer without resistance accepts a similar signal: "Own - Orthodox!".

A strong barrier on the way of an alien invasion into the subconscious is the palisade of professional knowledge. For example, people who are professionally engaged in speech - writers, journalists, philologists, artists, psychologists, politicians, will only laugh at the cheap electoral blackmail "Vote, otherwise you will lose", they will not believe the actor, who enthusiastically assures that Yeltsin's book "Notes of the President" - like Tolstoy's "War and Peace", the same scale, brightness of thought, artistic skill.

A serious obstacle to the penetration of strangers into the subconscious is the so-called interpersonal barrier, that wave of hostility that rises in the soul when you hear about people hated by life experience. Was it possible to win over the voters to Yeltsin, who gathered in power for a new term, destroyed the country, sold people's property to crooks, and unleashed a civil war? But even this seemingly insurmountable barrier of the subconscious was able to crack the political technologists. They did not invent a new “image” for Yeltsin, but, as if forgetting about their ward, they began to change the “image” of his communist rivals. They renamed them “red-browns”, inspired that under the “red-browns” there would be famine and civil war in Russia, and thereby changed the attitude of the population towards them. Having accumulated vast experience in hacking the subconscious, political strategists will soon force the hated name of Chubais to be perceived with benevolent good nature: he is not a rag, tough, strong-willed, he managed to restore order in the energy sector, and will restore it in Russia.

Each person has his own, sometimes very personal barriers of the subconscious of beliefs, knowledge, beliefs, and they are blocked from strangers, uninvited intrusions into his soul, therefore, during such mass campaigns as elections, soul seekers need to simultaneously find "keys" for millions of people . Are there such universal "master keys"? Yes, they are. All television and radio channels are strictly controlled either by the authorities or by their owners, and the information comes to the viewer and listener in the "packaging" of the commentary or with a "tag" of their assessment by the journalist. The military chronicle from Chechnya in 1995-1996 could not contain any reasoning of the reporter, but, talking about the opposing sides, TV journalists called Russian soldiers "federals", and Chechen bandits - "field commanders", and the viewer intuitively sympathized with the partisan commanders who heroically fought against incomprehensible "feds".

The false law of freedom of information tells naive citizens that the media in a democratic society show what the majority of television viewers want to see, that this is “the people's order”. But does the shaft of violence, sex, hypocrisy, meanness, rolling from the TV screen, yearn to see the people? Yes, if some space alien, knowing nothing about our civilization, would judge it only by those films that have been released in recent years, he would have made a firm conviction that Russia is a country of murderers, prostitutes and drug addicts. But they seriously convince us that we are exactly the way they show us, they inspire us that we are aggressive and evil by nature and television objectively, downright, mirrors our face and our nature.

We are convinced that the "black box" in the corner of the room is our friend, our window to the world, our eye following the most interesting things in the world. This bribes us to trust the screen as our own eyes, which, coupled with the gates of our subconsciousness opened with the help of a television trance, makes the viewer an obedient toy in the hands of political strategists.

The "split" of consciousness can be achieved in the most ingenious ways. The painting “Hunters at Rest”, known to everyone since childhood from reproductions in textbooks, appears on the screen, on which our eyes stop with pleasure, intuitively rejoicing at the images of childhood and school years, and suddenly the image begins to come to life, the hunters get up, the dogs jump up, and the viewer, Naturally, he shudders, believing for a moment that all this is "fantastic" to him and that he is going crazy. This momentary loss of a sense of reality itself splits consciousness and introduces a person into a hypnotic trance.

When a dose of information has hit the subconscious of the TV victim, the TV viewer is immediately taken out of a state of semi-forgetfulness. Most often this happens with the help of a series of bright flashes, to which the eye and brain react, as if awakening from sleep. This awakened consciousness is again exposed to an even stronger dose of information, which penetrates the human mind and memory in a state of post-hypnotic suggestion, very favorable when controlling a person from the outside. Such is the scheme of active influence on the subconscious of a person by the technical methods of television advertising.

Now imagine that all these tricks hit the same point, pursue the same goal: to force the people to vote for the candidate the authorities need, for the elective bloc of the Duma that is pleasing to the rulers. Having received an overdose of such a suggestion, a person, all the protective barriers of whose subconsciousness are broken, all the filters of the soul are destroyed, simply falls ill with the mania of love and devotion, becomes not himself, the symptoms of mental personality change clearly appear in him.


During the pre-election period, all genres of television serve the election, and their impact on viewers is especially aggressive. The number of victims of information technology increases many times, some fall into depression, the number of suicides grows, people become unreasonably angry, tormented by fears, or, conversely, fall ill with apathy. And this is not surprising, because in us, without demand, even without our knowledge, information is laid, command impulses are triggered, likes and dislikes are developed that are not characteristic of us by nature, which cause a painful feeling of a split personality, destroy the psyche.

Let's consider how sabotage "bookmarks" of information are made in our subconscious. The “25th frame” embedded in the videotape is not visible to the eye, but is well captured by the subconscious. A classic example of its use in popcorn advertising at movie theaters in the United States is always accompanied by a false assurance that such brazen manipulation of people is simply impossible today, since the “25th frame” is prohibited as a criminal unhindered entry into the subconscious, while the installation is allegedly easy to detect. and, they say, advertisers and TV technologists are afraid of trouble. Such assurances only lull our attention to what we receive from the screen. It is practically impossible to identify the “25th frame” on television; this requires a special computer program that appeared in Russia only in 2002 and showed the overload of “25th frames” of all television programs on all channels. When this computer program, due to someone's mistake, began to be advertised, the Russian Ministry of Press and Information let it slip that the "25th frame" is now used in almost every TV show and in every advertisement.

What exactly is being introduced into our subconscious through the “25th frame” - an indomitable desire to drink Pepsi, an obsession with worshiping Buddha or Krishna, or maybe a mania to love Zhirinovsky passionately - we do not know. It is possible, for example, to force a crowd of excited fans to smash shop windows and set fire to cars on the streets by transmitting to them a signal of fierce malice through the “25th frame” on huge street television screens. And then, in response to the provoked massacre, to urgently adopt in the Duma a law on countering extremist activity, punishing with repression all those objectionable to the authorities.

There are other ways to get into our souls and brains, to throw "fatal eggs" into our nests. This is the so-called "convolution" of information into an easily digestible image and its "scan" in the mind of the viewer in the form of a firm conviction. In 1996, on the eve of the next presidential election, the court director Eldar Ryazanov made a documentary about his visit to the Yeltsins. He was easily received in the kitchen, the fussy Naina flashed on the screen with a cabbage pie, the president mumbled something inarticulate, but the main event of the film was ... a chair on which Ryazanov, as if by accident, sat down and, as if by accident, tore his trousers. What a wonderful winning scene! The viewer is taken aback: Yeltsin has nails sticking out of his chairs! A simple, modest person, just like us sinners! A nail and Ryazanov's torn pants - this is the image in which the extensive information was folded that Yeltsin was not a thief and a villain who dishonored a great state, but a modest, simple, ours, his own. And "one's own" can't be bad!

The technology of "convolution of information" was put on a grand scale in the program "Without a tie" on NTV, where we were regularly presented with "domesticated" politicians - in kitchens and dachas, with wives and children, dogs and cats, came across subjects with camels. Why didn’t they just get up with an idiotically sincere face under the approving prodding of the presenter. Prime Minister Chernomyrdin batsal (you can’t call it a game!) Two stomps - three claps on an accordion, Saratov Governor Ayatskov demonstrated the art of riding a camel, Secretary of the Security Council Lebed did push-ups and played with an iron duvet covers, Prime Minister Kiriyenko stabbed with teenage enthusiasm Japanese kitchen knife of an imaginary enemy. Playing complete idiots was done by these people for the sake of one thing - to show the voter that they are their own, simple, accessible, like everyone else. The layman and his missus will look at how Chernomyrdin lives, and it seems that he visited Chernomyrdin, sat on a chair next to him, listened to his hoarse harmonica, admired his wife, noticed where everything is on the shelves, on what the prime ministers bread and salt are eating. And if you were at a person’s house, he becomes his own, completely dear, almost like a brother. And he sings no better than a drunken neighbor, and his woman is even fatter than my Nyurka, and his dog is mangy, such people run around in our yard. Well, how to eat your own! And for your own, familiar, dear, for Nyurka, an accordion and a dog - how not to vote here, the hand itself fumbles for the ballot ...

So, through a fleeting image, as if an unexpected detail, a seemingly random action, thoughtful information creeps into the soul of a person and spreads, filling the mind with a convinced opinion - about the modest and honest worker Yeltsin, about his own peasant Chernomyrdin, about the respectable family man Zhirinovsky ... In the elections campaigns, this technology is considered essential. If a politician is shown sweating in hard physical labor, say, chopping wood in the country, then they want to convince us that our future chosen one, the economic one, is hardworking. If a politician is shown stroking a horse or dog and ruffling a cat by the ears, beware: they want to convince you that he is a kind and sympathetic person. A cat, a dog and a horse very often have nothing to do with the hero.

The cunning Margaret Thatcher, for the sake of her image, walked a completely unfamiliar dog to her on the beach in front of television cameras. Mr. Putin's pre-election poodles, if they weren't his own, could also be rented from some dog club, and it is poodles - stupid, good-natured creatures that rush to lick the nose of anyone they meet and cross and cause tenderness of voters. Teletechnologists would hardly have dared to demonstrate the bloodthirsty bull terrier as Putin's pet.

To show a candidate stroking an exotic warty toad or a miniature domestic crocodile - some originals have such family favorites - PR people will flatly refuse, just as they will not offer the “client” to walk along the beach with a black Karakum tarantula on his shoulder or with a pair of thoroughbred white rats on an elegant gold twisted chain.

Be especially critical of idyllic reports about politicians surrounded by children - both your own and those of others. The little daughter climbed into her father's arms and pressed her rosy cheek against him. There is honey and molasses in the soul of the viewer - this person will not harm anyone, because he loves children so much! He will take care of our children as well as his own! And how many such idyllic pictures from the "children's album" political strategists have in store for a gullible voter: here you have a visit by a "client" to an orphanage with gifts, and his visit to a children's hospital with medicines. Disadvantaged children, suffering faces, sincere eyes with touching expectation, deputies and presidents so cynically crawl into the souls of voters. This is where the constant plot of the pre-election news comes from: the president’s wife with a sugary smile strokes the head of an orphanage, Luzhkov personally brings honey to an orphanage and solemnly holds a public tea party there, Putin almost every day attends school lessons, personally explaining his election program to second-graders ...

For a sane mind, this is the most incompetent pastime of a leader. People in such important positions, burdened with a bunch of state affairs, are engaged in mere trifles. It’s ridiculous for the mayor to work as a distributor of honey, and the president to teach constitutions to second-graders, but from the point of view of electoral technologies - wise steps - the voter will shed a mean tear and until the most cherished day of the elections will persistently remember - our chosen one is an unusually, exceptionally, wonderfully kind person!

Note that not all aspects of the life of their adored leaders are seen by voters in these "electoral pastorals." No one has ever shown how any candidate devours black caviar with appetite, and even a simple pork chop has not yet been publicly eaten by any of them on the screen. And why? Yes, because this is intuitively not to the liking of the layman, who, having looked at the chewer, will certainly decide: “Oh, and gluttonous! You can’t come to power like that - it will devour everyone! ”

In the same way, none of the PR people advises their “clients” to show themselves washing, combing their hair, dressing (but in the bathhouse, certainly in the steam room, many managed to show off from the TV screen - after all, this is figurative information about the Russianness and health of a person). But washing, say, in the shower, armed with a washcloth and soap, the candidate will certainly give the viewer a reason to think: “Looks like a lot of dirty, if you need to wash in public.” And since the subconscious mind does not accept metaphors, the image of a person who is dirty in all respects will be assigned to the “client” forever.

Author's programs on political topics turn out to be an important technology of suggestion, penetration into our brains and souls. Their impact is based on the special role of the monologue. Questions, answers, disputes, objections, that is, the usual dialogue in our everyday life gives everyone the opportunity to analyze, doubt, think. A monologue - when one speaks, while others only listen to him - is possible in ordinary life when the elder speaks - the boss, teacher, leader, parent, owner, in a word, authority, which it is customary not to interrupt, to whom it would be better not to object, with which oneself more expensive to argue.

But the monologue from the TV screen in the author's programs creates a situation where we, the audience, cannot object to either Svanidze, or Pozner, or Shuster, speaking from the screen. We are forced only to listen to them, as if they were our fathers or teachers, bosses or masters. Thanks to the telemonologist, most viewers, against their own will, develop a habit, even a need to agree with what the “talking head” is broadcasting to them from the screen. The words of the "talking head" from the screen always seem more weighty and significant than the words of those who live nearby, even if they are a hundred times smarter than posners and shusters. After all, you can argue with a smart neighbor, you can even give him a blow in the ear so that he doesn’t get smart, but with a screen head, even the emptiest in the world, you can’t argue, you won’t pop into his ear. Here is the psychological reason for the height of the screen pedestal, which creates a cult out of any dullness.

A magnifying telelens aimed at the performer of monologues - a TV commentator, a deputy, a president, a banker, in an amazing way increases the volume of brains and the significance of the words of anyone who is skillfully aimed at. Let's remember how the speeches of the sick and drunk Yeltsin were served from the screen when he was president of Russia: they cut out drunken details, absurdities and nonsense uttered by him "not in himself." And these edited monologues were presented as words of the throne, which, imagine, many were taken for the soul! And how to condemn him, if he speaks, and you are silent, you subconsciously find yourself in the role of a guilty son in the eyes of a strict father. But is a father chosen, can a father be judged? This is how the magic lens of the TV screen makes a meaningfully trumpeting elephant from a shrillly yapping pug, from a midget - Gulliver.

Of course, not everyone renders resigned obedience to the “talking head”. It has been noticed that these very “heads” effectively influence people of rather high intelligence, who, as they say, are “easily trained”, because they are trained by life and work to learn from any authority. But for many people, by nature recalcitrant and unyielding, as well as slow-witted, who do not like to learn and listen to clever speeches, convincing monologues of "talking heads" do not work. Such non-rumours, even in childhood, the father-mother is not revered, at work they contradict the authorities, they quarrel over trifles. A trap for those who are not ready to participate in the incantatory "sessions" of "talking heads" is another virtuoso suggestion technology, worked out in television "talk show" techniques.

A talk show is a dialogue - the presenter or presenters question the guest or guests invited to the program. The spectator watching the conversation on the screen is the third party contemplating the action. It seems that the clash of opinions, heated debates, sharp objections make the observer free to choose with whom to agree and whom to support first with his soul and heart, and then with his head. A disputant and a non-verbal will surely catch an opinion to his liking in the hubbub of controversy.

But the freedom to choose one of two or more opinions is also illusory here, and here's why. You probably paid attention to the fact that in a talk show there are always spectators who surround the interlocutors in a dense ring. This audience is mostly youth (recruited from students) or women (it is not known where such a number of idle housewives are mined). It is with this audience, with its opinion, its feelings, its impression, that the viewer merges with his soul, heart and head. Psychologists have established that a third of humanity certainly wants to be like everyone else, not to lag behind others, to sing along to the general choir.

On solidarity in opinions, on the automatic connection of the viewer to the audience of the talk show, the calculation of the political technologists programming us is based. After all, the opinion of the audience of the talk show is absolutely controllable. For example, on Pozner's program "Vremena" there is an unspoken agreement between the presenter and the audience in the stands ringing the talk show: next to the videographer there is a prompter man, whom the stands look at from time to time, and this person frowns, is indignant, laughs. And most importantly, the first to applaud in the right places according to the script. And the tribunes following him frown, and protest indignantly, and laugh, clasping their hands, and, above all, unanimously pick up applause, giving the opinion that sounds in the arena the emotional assessment necessary for the manipulators. And we, pushing our sofas by the TVs, not of our own free will, but solely at the dictates of the talk show prompter, frown and indignant, giggle and applaud.

My colleague, being invited to the "Times" to Pozner, noticed the prompter's manipulations. Convinced that the tribunes rushed to clap their hands at the sound of his first clap, he began to clap at the “unscheduled hour” and “took” the tribunes behind him, they excitedly applauded the words, in response to which, according to Posner’s plan, they should have stamped their feet. The embarrassment in the "Vremena" program was complete, and the result of manipulation of the audience's opinion was practically zero.

Note that talk shows on television are presented in the widest range, covering all social groups of people who do not like to think and learn, for whom the logic of fact does not work. These are mostly women (and they are very conscientious voters), in the absence of a TV, they would spend days on end at houses on benches, arguing neighbors, relatives, bosses and everyone they meet, but there, on benches, it is impossible to control their opinion, and for elections these people would be lost. But managing them, merged into one collective soul with the stands of talk shows, is very convenient. And political technologists skillfully manage, playing on the curiosity of viewers to the "dirty topics" of perverted love, adultery, to the secrets of black magic and sabotage sorcery, to Kabbalah and fortune-telling, and you never know the worldly dirt that stupid female curiosity pecks at, overpowering shame, disgust , caution and squeamishness. Only the program “Wait for me”, which is engaged in the search for runaway husbands hiding from alimony, and prodigal sons who have forgotten about their parents, will chain the viewer to the screen so much that even the crying of her own child will not tear her from the shimmering blue lens of her enchanted gaze.

This almost maniacal attachment to the talk show makes poor women the obedient herd of their favorite shepherd - the host of the program. And this manipulator at the cherished hour pronounces the cherished word, according to which hundreds of thousands of his admirers carry out the task entrusted to them by the host as the main task of their lives.

Another technology of suggestion is feature series that tie the population to the screens day after day so that the old and the young forget about sleeping and drinking, they can’t wait to find out who will win whom in a gangster showdown, whether Rosa-Maria-Isabella will get married for Don Diabolis, whose son is the child of Lucia ... About ten years ago, the series had already done a disservice: they brought up a special type of teleman viewer, accustoming most of the country's population, including by no means sentimental men, to regularly sit down at the TV, get used to the TV, do not move away from the TV, think TV. Other sources of information began to leave the life of most people - books and newspapers, with which a person feels much freer in his judgments.

On this, the role of "Slave Izaura" and "the rich who cry" ended. Today they adorn the loneliness of pensioners who, instead of praying and raising grandchildren, the natural state of an old man who has experienced a time of passion and thinks about saving his soul, are in a narcotic half-sleep, whispered by the virtual passions of Mexican soap operas. The place of "Tropikanka" and all kinds of "slaves" has now been taken over by domestic series about "our life". Their task, having tied the adult population of the country to themselves, is to slowly re-educate them in accordance with the tasks set by the authorities. The black-and-white heroes of the series program the viewer, imposing on him new ideas about life, persistently form our new likes and dislikes.

For example, the series "Code of Honor", shown at the beginning of 2003 on NTV, is one of those that, on the eve of the December 2003 elections, bring up precisely national sympathies and antipathies. In several films, several episodes each, former special forces soldiers are shown, honest and courageous, who care for the state with their souls, among them there are five Russians and two Jews. The enemies that the Russian commandos are fighting are Chechens who are going to blow up a nuclear power plant, this is a Russian corrupt general who sells chemical weapons with Arabs, this is an Estonian bandit who controls the Kaliningrad port. But who are the friends and faithful helpers? It is not difficult to guess: a Jew Aaron, a former Soviet intelligence officer who once fled abroad and now yearns for Russia, a brave Jewish Mossad agent who, at the cost of her life, saves Russia from a Chechen atomic explosion ...

The following films of this series will continue the list of national likes and dislikes, no doubt in the same direction. Caucasians, Estonians, Arabs will obviously resist the special forces, and the Jews will remain true comrades in arms, and for the glory of Russia. And so, unobtrusively, not on the forehead, but gradually, through the plot, through the image of the good old Aaron and the brave Mossad heroine, through the brave lieutenant Semyon, who died a heroic death, the audience forms a feeling, yes, so far only a feeling of deep sympathy for any Aaron , who will then propose himself for deputies, governors, mayors and presidents. And we will pour out all our indignation about the troubles of the Fatherland on the heads of the perpetrators of our troubles, deftly slipped to us - Caucasians, Arabs, Estonians ...


Many analysts pay attention to the striking non-criticality /=non-subjectivity/ of today's Russians. So the host of the Observer program, Andrei Yegorshin, in a conversation with Dmitry Furman, touched on this topic - “What should be done with our compatriots so that they wake up and come to their senses, begin to think sensibly.” Dmitry Furman replied that in the coming years it is better not to hope for this. However, he admitted that the next Russian generations might behave more dignified and want to live like a human being.

I prepared a note on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which described the most effective methods of influencing Russians in order to suppress their will and dignity, demoralize them and turn them into cattle. But why is it so easy to deceive the Russians, to lead them to suicide? Maybe their mentality is so weak, unstable, subject to all sorts of spiritual contagion? No, all people and all peoples are the same in their divine-human essence.

This means that there are some historically transient causes of the current Russian misfortune. The anti-state Russian intelligentsia immediately comes to mind - as they call it, "the spiritual AIDS of the nation." In many respects, the revolutions of 1905, 1917 and 1991 are on its conscience. But an intelligentsia similar to ours arose in other countries, and not only in peripheral ones, but even in Western ones. For example, the influential American protest intelligentsia were very active in the 1960s and 1970s and also almost derailed their country until the Reagan reforms eliminated the intelligentsia in our Russian sense and replaced it with the "new middle strata" of post-industrialism, the "class of intellectuals". ". Then the question arises - why, in what historical circumstances does the intelligentsia arise?

In order not to go into the jungle of superstructural historical specifics, I will turn to the basis. I will sharpen it - a person cannot think independently if he is financially dependent. Material dependence on the state, firm, employer distorts the depths of human essence, is deposited in the subcortex, and suppresses subjectivity. Yes, “induced subjectivity” is possible, excited by complexes of imitation (monkeyism), superstructural influences, formal rights. But normal genuine subjectivity grows only on the basis of economic self-sufficiency, which is possible on the basis of either private, or shared, or artel property, but in no case - state.

When a Russian person is economically self-sufficient, that is, on the rent from his property he can provide himself with a living wage, and if this self-sufficient property of his is not under the sword of Damocles of state arbitrariness, as in the current policeized and consciously desubjectivized Russia, then he behaves like a normal person , and not as an inhabitant of a madhouse. Alas, the vast majority of today's Russians do not have economic self-sufficiency and are not able to support themselves, they depend on the state or on the owner, and the owners themselves, right up to the richest of them (Khodorkovsky), also feel in limbo.

I note that in other poor countries, people are also extremely susceptible to NLP. The point is not in the national-ethnic mentality, but in the socio-economic conditions of life, in poverty. If Russia ever manages to make a breakthrough into post-industrialism, then Russians will behave no less sensibly and pragmatically than Europeans, Malaysians, Indians, new Chinese, Japanese, Australians. But the vicious circle of "poverty-authoritarianism-downtroddenness-suggestibility-slavery" is very unlikely to be broken from below, and the Russian "top" has become so skinned that it has become the main destroyer of the Russian people.

Gregory works as a salesman in the electrical goods department. An elderly woman came to his office. And she began to carefully examine the showcase with electric kettles.

He carefully observed the actions of the customer. She walked around the display case, looked at several teapots. At the moment when she lingered about one sample, he slowly approached her. And he asked: “Does she like this model?”

The woman rolled her eyes at him. Holding the teapot in her hands, she answered: “I don’t like the teapot, its case is made of too thin plastic.” Grigory looked at her sympathetically and said: “As I understand it, you want to buy a kettle whose body will last a long time?”

"Yes!" she answered in the affirmative.

Grigory lightly took the customer by the elbow and, directing the movement, led her to other models. Said, "Take a look at those teapots with a metal body. I have the exact same kettle at home for four years now. Works great".

He noticed a certain wariness in her eyes, and her elbow, which lay in his hand, tensed. Gregory realized that this model was too expensive for the client.

He calmly removed his hand, stepped forward a little and loudly, so that his voice could be heard well, said: “I can offer you this model”.

The buyer, having heard the voice of the seller, approached the new sample. And Grigory, wasting no time, said: “It’s true that the case is plastic, but the price is lower, and most importantly, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of not 1 year, but 3 years. Within three years, the product can be replaced free of charge.

After waiting a few more minutes, he asked: “Which teapot will you buy - with a metal case or the one that you looked at last.”

Result: a woman bought a teapot with a three-year guarantee in a plastic case and was very pleased!

To change the opinion of the buyer in his favor, the seller applied the NLP technique.

What is NLP? Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a model of communicative interaction between people based on modeling their experiences.

The “neuro” particle is associated with the processing of information that enters the brain from the sense organs (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch).

The term "Linguistic" defines the connection with language systems (verbal and non-verbal), their use for understanding ideas about the world and communication.

“Programming” is the processing of information. Psychological software as a result of a reboot (removal, installation, update) changes thinking and actions.

NLP is a young science. Appeared in the second half of the twentieth century thanks to the scientific psychologists Richard Bandler and John Glinder. Observing the ways of thinking, perception, motivation of actions, they identified common features in the processes of thinking and perception. We developed a model based on the relationship between perception of information and behavior. They proved that the degree of perception of information can change human behavior.

The model model formed the basis for the creation of effective, positive forms for controlling thoughts, changing and correcting them. The newly formed thought-forms create new beliefs and make you take the necessary actions to move towards your goals.

The essence of persuasion

When choosing an action, I help a person's views and beliefs. For example: an important belief is to improve one's own qualifications. Therefore, a person reads special articles and monographs, goes to the library, attends seminars. The belief in the need to communicate with children makes parents devote more time to them.

A change in beliefs also changes the behavioral foundations of a person. Sweet and harmless in childhood, a person changing his beliefs towards radicalism can kill another person. Sacredly believing that his actions are beneficial.

Thus, in order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his beliefs.

Changing beliefs is a subtle process. You can’t just take and convince someone to give up one action in favor of another. You can force from a position of strength. From a rational standpoint, no.

When beliefs change, the brain corrects the reaction to the familiar situation, and behavior changes. The following factors contribute to changing beliefs:

  • interactions between people;
  • communication process;
  • time (age periods);
  • acquired life experience;
  • understanding of the world.

For example, in childhood, everyone believes that Santa Claus exists. In youth, that this love of a lifetime. Today, these beliefs seem ridiculous. This process is inevitable. In the process of life, beliefs are subject to revision. People have beliefs in all areas of life, some they would like to change. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP is one of the ways to self-knowledge yourself and change for the better.

Applications of NLP

The NLP methodology is used in various areas of professional activity:

  • educational;
  • advertising;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • psychological;
  • in the field of sales;
  • in the activities of the secret services.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, managers, teachers, PR specialists, marketers and special services employees should know NLP techniques.

NLP techniques are widely used in psychotherapy to solve the following problems:

  • various phobias;
  • transferred psychotrauma;
  • conflict situations;
  • psychosomatic syndrome.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Ten Ways of Neuro Linguistic Programming - Language Tricks

Beliefs are the rules of human life. They determine the behavior of a person, his position in life, prohibitions and permissions. Along with useful necessary rules, there are meaningless ones that hinder the development of the advancement of the individual. The speech method will help to get rid of or change them - the tricks of the language. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP is quite fast and productive. The scope of language tricks is wide:

  • negotiation;
  • therapy;
  • "elimination" of an unnecessary client;
  • Breaking a limiting belief
  • reinforcing an expanding belief.

Let's look at 10 ways to change your beliefs.

  1. Intention. Attention switching method. The focus is not on the belief, but on the task or intention.
  1. Override. Incorporating a word containing other subtext into a belief.
  1. Consequences. The focus is on the consequences of beliefs.
  1. Analogy. Looking for an analogy that gives a different meaning.
  1. Frame resizing. We change the meaning of beliefs or bring them to the point of absurdity.
  1. Another result. The focus is on other outcomes or criteria.
  1. Model of the world. Reassessment of beliefs through correlation with another model of the world.
  1. Reality strategy. The basis for the reassessment of beliefs is the events that led to their appearance or internal representations.
  1. The opposite example. Generalization is questioned in beliefs.
  1. Application to yourself. A person communicates rules (beliefs) addressed to other people, you need to apply them to the author.

The introduction of new beliefs will be effective if there is complete confidence that they will benefit the person.

Is NLP necessary in everyday life?

For someone, NLP is a tool with which you can: stop arguing with a girlfriend, move up the career ladder, improve relationships with loved ones. In this case, we are talking about the development of abilities.

Changing life principles is the foundation of the NLP methodology. Working with beliefs, human values ​​within the framework of technology involves the formation of a highly integrated personality. The person becomes efficient. Forms of incarnation, forms of behavior, principles and beliefs are creative in nature, expanding and developing experience.

NLP contributes to a better understanding of other people, a comfortable delivery of information to opponents. Teaches you to hear, see and feel the interlocutor, to speak with him in his language. Helps to protect ourselves from aggressors and manipulators, forcing us to do what we don’t want.

By changing beliefs, NLP helps to accelerate human development and forms the ability to sort perception, which allows you to learn the accuracy of decision making.

Thus, using NLP techniques, it is possible to:

  • normalize relations in the team;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • activate motivation;
  • concentrate the body's resources;
  • learn to understand people's behavior;
  • change the thoughts and behavior of others.

Should I do Neuro Linguistic Programming or not? The answer to this question lies within the person himself, it is tied to his values ​​and beliefs.

If a person is not satisfied with his current image. If he is ready for change, then NLP is one of the proven working tools.

More recently, the concept of NLP has entered the everyday life of many people. Techniques and techniques suggest that the human brain can be influenced in a certain way. That is why many people apply the practice of NLP, learning its rules, because they think that we are talking about methods of manipulating the minds of others.

In modern society, NLP is something like a "magic wand", using which you can influence yourself or others. In fact, NLP techniques are indeed effective, but with the conscious use and understanding of brain processes. Psychologists advise using NLP techniques to develop ourselves.

What is NLP?

What is NLP? People mostly narrowly understand this term. Neuro-linguistic programming is a technology that allows you to influence the course of thinking, the behavior of an individual, to control your own mind. Many people try to use these techniques in relation to others. This is why NLP is so prevalent in politics, training, coaching, trading, promotions and even seduction (pickup).

The NLP method is based on the teachings of three psychotherapists:

  1. V. Satir is the founder of family therapy.
  2. M. Erickson is the author of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  3. F. Perls is the founder of Gestalt therapy.

Individuals who adhere to the principles of NLP are convinced that reality is determined by how a person reacts and perceives it, which allows you to change your beliefs, heal psychological trauma, and transform behavior. Behavioral reactions have been studied by psychologists to determine their basis of occurrence. And in fact, they succeeded, on which the NLP technique is based.

NLP psychology

Change is inevitable – this is how the psychology of NLP explains it. This direction is an independent area that studies individual experience, behavioral reactions, human thought processes, as well as copying successful strategies.

NLP is an area of ​​practical psychology, when a person is engaged not in studying, but in the practice of transforming himself. This direction was born in the twentieth century in the 70s. NLP is based on all areas of psychology.

The main goal of NLP is to turn a person into a successful individual. Various ways and techniques of how to achieve this are explored here. It is based on the thought processes used by a particular individual, which is manifested in his emotions, beliefs, and behavioral reactions. That is why the main techniques are aimed at controlling one's own thinking, emotions and reactions, which should form a successful pattern of behavior that manifests itself in the outside world.

NLP methods are used today in many industries, especially in psychology and trading. When a person wants to influence, he resorts to NLP techniques that are aimed at transformation in order to acquire and develop a successful behavior model. It does not matter what a person is and what experience he has. What becomes important is what a person can do now, change in himself so that.

NLP does not claim to be an explanation of how the world works. In fact, he is not interested. An important tool becomes, in which theory turns into practice, which helps a person improve his own life and solve problems.

There is no concept of "correct" here. Adherents of NLP use the term "appropriate" no matter how moral or correct it is. What matters is what works and changes, helps and improves, and not what is considered right.

According to NLP, man is the creator of his own misfortunes, successes, bitterness and happy moments. All of them are based on his beliefs and past experience, which he continues to use at the moment.

NLP Techniques

NLP is a set of techniques that help a person manage their own brain processes. Here are the techniques:

  • Anchoring is the most popular in NLP. This is a way of creating an association in a person between his experiences and external circumstances. For example, when playing one music, certain memories arise that were associated with it. This happened because the music sounded at the moment when a significant event happened to a person.
  • Reframing.
  • Love techniques are used in a pickup when an individual wants to please the opposite sex. It uses hypnosis, anchoring and anecdotes. A popular technique is the Triple Helix, when a person starts telling one story, then abruptly switches to the second, after which he jumps to the third without finishing any. After the third story, he again moves on to the second, finishing it, and to the first, finishing it in the same way.
  • The swing technique is aimed at change, transformation. This is done in two ways. The first image is what a person wants to get rid of. The second image is what a person wants to acquire, what to replace with. First, we present the first image in a large and bright size, then the second image in a small and dim one. Then we swap them and imagine how the first image decreases and dims, and the second image increases and becomes brighter. So you need to do 15 times, and then track the success of the transformation.
  • language strategies.
  • Embedded message technique.
  • Manipulative techniques are especially popular with people who want to influence the beliefs and reactions of others. Among them are:
  1. "Demand more." First you ask for more than you need. If a person refuses, then over time you can ask for less - just as much as you need. Because of the inconvenience of being rejected, the person will agree to the second offer so as not to appear bad.
  2. Paraphrasing.
  3. Flattery. Here, through compliments and pleasant words, you harmonize with the sensations and feelings that a person has about himself. This wins the other person over to you.
  4. name or status. A person likes to be called by name. You can win him over by saying his name often. It’s the same with status: the more often you call someone your friend, the more he becomes one.

NLP tricks

NLP techniques are no less interesting than techniques. Often they are practical in nature to influence others. Interesting ones are:

  1. Offering a person what he wants to receive, and then pronouncing what you would like to receive. For example, “You can take a break. Make some coffee, please."
  2. Complicating the situation. When you tell a person a complex mechanism for the development of events so that in the end you can get what you want. For example, "Tomorrow my friend will come to you to get your phone number, where I can call you."
  3. Using strong words that encourage people to take action. For example, always, constantly, every time, again.
  4. Repeating the end of the interlocutor's phrase, continuing it with his own statement.
  5. The use of the words “please”, “dear”, “be kind”, etc. at the beginning of the phrase.
  6. Pronouncing an important word that should be emphasized in a loud and distinct intonation.
  7. The "closer-farther" technique, which is often used in relationships between people, especially in love. This is when a partner first brings another person closer to him with his love, affection, attention, and so on, and then cools off towards him, moves away, stops paying attention, etc. The stages alternate between themselves.
  8. Tuning is a popular technique used to build trust. It lies in the fact that you adapt to the interlocutor, copying his gestures, facial expressions, intonation of voice, mood, etc.

NLP Rules

In NLP, there are rules that are additional transformative techniques:

  1. Pay attention to your own sensations, visual images, feelings, states. Any change inside a person indicates that something has changed in himself or in the outside world. This will help you control the situation.
  2. All human experience is fixed in his nervous system. It can be removed and modified.
  3. A person notices in others what is inherent in himself. In rare cases, an individual notes for others what is not inherent in him. Therefore, any lack or dignity that you note for others is most likely in yourself.
  4. A person decides for himself who he will be in this world and how he will live.
  5. Each individual has a huge potential, which is much more than he thinks.
  6. Everything in life flows and changes. As you move, new paths and paths appear.

NLP hypnosis is based on a different set of rules as it uses suggestion techniques, verbal or non-verbal. This is the introduction of a person into a special state in which he will not resist new beliefs. Hypnosis is used by all people in everyday life, because everyone wants to influence each other.

You can also resort to reprogramming, when you tune yourself into other beliefs.

NLP training

Can you learn NLP? There are many trainings that offer similar services. NLP training can be done not only at special trainings, but also from books. Of course, this process will be a little more difficult and take longer to advance in development, but it will also affect the transformation.

Perhaps everyone would like to master the techniques and techniques of NLP. However, it should be understood that all of them may or may not work. NLP techniques work best on people who are insecure, weak, and have low self-esteem. Successful and self-confident people are difficult to influence from outside.

It is better to use NLP on yourself for the purpose of transformation and development. After all, initially this practice was developed in order for people to change and improve each of their lives.

NLP training helps in expanding one's skills, establishing communication links, self-improvement. Here are collected various techniques and techniques that will suit everyone.


NLP is not a method of manipulation, although it offers technologies that are manipulative in nature. It simultaneously reveals both the theoretical and practical part of psychology. We are talking about influencing the subconscious, which often happens unconsciously in people. The result is a life that operates and develops according to incomprehensible rules.

To take control of the course of your life, you can use NLP techniques that show effectiveness not only in influencing others, but also in influencing yourself.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a popular and hotly debated field of applied psychology. The relevance of this subject is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, NLP methods are at the intersection of several disciplines: psychology, psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Secondly, NLP is a new research direction, aimed mainly at practical application in human life. In addition, although Neuro Linguistic Programming is often criticized by the academic community, this discipline contains a large number of useful and “working” techniques, which will be discussed in the lessons of this section. In this online training, you will learn for free how to use the key NLP techniques: metamodel, framing, reporting, anchoring, working with states and representational systems, as well as get acquainted with the best practices, games, books, videos on this topic.

What it is?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a field of practical psychology that develops applied techniques that model the techniques and practices of famous psychotherapists and communication masters.

In other words, NLP is engaged in the study of the positive experience of specialists in the field of psychotherapy, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, hypnosis, with the aim of further using this experience. Essentially, NLP is modeling the techniques of successful people in order to make those techniques available to the public.

It should be noted that NLP is not a science, and knowledge, due to the peculiarities of its acquisition, cannot be fully scientifically verified. Moreover, the scientific community is skeptical about this direction, and it is rare to find courses in NLP in universities. But it is important to understand that the creators of NLP did not have the goal of making a full-fledged scientific theory. It was important for them to find publicly available techniques, revealing the complex techniques of well-known practitioners of psychology.

Short story

The joint work on the creation of neurolinguistic programming was started in the late 1960s by a group of specialists at the University of California: Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, led by their scientific advisor, the famous anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The NLP system was developed to answer the question of why certain therapists interact so effectively with their clients. Instead of exploring the issue in terms of psychotherapeutic theory, Bandler and Grinder turned to analyzing the methods and techniques used by these psychotherapists by observing their work. The scientists then grouped the studied methods into various categories and presented them as general patterns of interpersonal relationships and the influence of people on each other.

The famous specialists, whose professional experience was decided to be converted into models, were chosen:

  • Virginia Satir - Family Therapy
  • Milton Erickson - Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Fritz Perls - gestalt therapy

The first results of studying the practical skills of these psychotherapists appeared in 1975 and were published in the work “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1" (1975). Then the expanded materials of the study of the model were presented in the books “The Structure of Magic. Volume 2" (1976) and "Changes in the Family" (co-authored with Virginia Satir, 1976). The result of this work was the so-called Meta-model, which you will learn about from the first lesson of our training. This model served as the foundation for further research in this area and led to the creation of a whole area of ​​practical psychology. Today, NLP is an open methodology that has many followers who supplement it with original developments.

Applying the NLP Skill

NLP tries to teach people to observe, understand and influence themselves and others as effectively as experienced psychotherapists and masters of communication do. Therefore, NLP has a wide range of applications, which can include areas such as:

  • psychotherapy,
  • time management,
  • education,
  • management and management,
  • sales,
  • jurisprudence,
  • writing and journalism.

NLP allows you to develop the communication skills necessary for every person. In addition, NLP helps personal development: the ability to correctly understand one's emotional states, perceive the world around you in a versatile way, and achieve flexibility in behavior. Advanced NLP techniques allow you to treat phobias and psychological trauma, maintain a good mental shape and maintain a high level of performance.

How to learn it

Additional material

Within the framework of one online course, it is impossible to describe all possible models and techniques of neurolinguistic programming. This is also due to the fact that this research area continues to develop, modeling new psychological and linguistic techniques. Many of these techniques are quite specific, so they will not be of interest to all 4brain readers. To make it easier for you to find the information you need, we decided to provide links to additional materials (books, videos, articles) that were not included in our course.


There are many NLP textbooks in stores, but often these books contain little useful information. To help you better navigate the Neuro Linguistic Programming literature, we have compiled a list of the most popular and trusted books. It included:

  • Foci of language. Robert Dilts
  • From frogs to princes. John Grinder
  • NLP Practitioner: Complete Certificate Course. NLP Magic Tutorial. Bodenhamer B., Hall M.
  • The art of persuasion. Richard Bandler
  • 77 best NLP techniques. Michael Hall
  • And some others.


Due to the fact that many NLP techniques are specific speech techniques and behaviors, it is difficult to learn all this just by reading a textual description. An important component of training is illustrative examples of people who have already mastered the necessary technique, as well as master classes and lectures by leading experts. We also tried to include videos with such examples and speeches in our training and additional materials.

Many are familiar with such an abbreviation as NLP. What it is, not everyone knows. After reading this article, you will get acquainted with this area of ​​psychology, which has received great popularity today. Neuro-Linguistic Programming - that's how NLP stands for.

What it is? Briefly, this question can be answered as follows: this is a field of psychology that studies the structure of subjective human experience, and also develops a language for its description, reveals the ways of modeling and mechanisms of this experience in order to improve it and transfer the identified models to other people. At first NLP was called "metaknowledge". In other words, it is the science of the structure of our experience and knowledge.

Name details

The first part in the name "NLP" ("neuro") reflects what should be understood as "brain languages" to describe the human experience. These are neurological processes responsible for the processing, storage and transmission of information. NLP makes it possible to understand how inner perception works. The second part - "linguistic" - indicates the importance that language has in describing the features of behavior and mechanisms of thinking, as well as in organizing various communication processes. The final part - "programming" - emphasizes that behavioral and mental processes are systematic: translated from Greek, "program" means "a sequence of steps that are aimed at achieving a particular result."

Therefore, the name as a whole reflects the fact that NLP refers to subjective human experience and to people's lives as systemic processes that have their own structure. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to study them, as well as to identify the most successful experience, which we usually call talent, intuition, natural giftedness, etc.

Holistic Approach in NLP Theory

What is this area of ​​psychology, you now know. We note its main features. One can consider NLP as a scientific field of knowledge, and even as an art, since it can be represented at the level of practical technologies and tools, as well as at the level of spirituality. It is based on a holistic approach to the study of human experience, based on the concept of the unity of spirit, body and mind.

NLP authors and the research they relied on

NLP was born out of the interdisciplinary interaction of various researchers who studied the work of such great psychotherapists as Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Milton Erickson. Its founders are professional linguist John Grinder and psychologist and mathematician Richard Bandler. In addition, NLP co-authors include Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron, Robert Dilts, David Gordon. Today, this area is actively developing and supplemented by new developments. The circle of its co-authors is constantly growing.

NLP as an integrative independent field of knowledge has grown from the models of practical psychology, while incorporating all the best from a practical point of view. It was at first very eclectic, but over time it acquired a powerful methodology based largely on G. Bateson's epistemology, works on communication theory, and the ecology of the mind. In addition, B. Russell's theory of logical types was used, which became the prototype of logical levels in NLP. What it is, you will learn by referring to books on NLP.

At the first stage of its development, it began with the modeling of Fritz Perls. This man is the founder of Gestalt Therapy. The modeling was carried out taking into account all the most important principles and approaches of Gestalt psychology. That is why the way NLP looks at thought and behavioral patterns has a lot to do with the Gestalt method. The second "model" that was used is specific linguistic patterns that create trance states of varying depth. They were used in the work of a well-known hyptotherapist. based on the works of Noam Chomsky, he achieved a doctorate in linguistics. Therefore, it becomes clear why linguistics should also be attributed to the scientific roots of NLP. Its authors proceeded from the idea that linguistic structures and speech reflect subjective experience, its internal processes.

The scientific foundations of NLP, among other things, include the development of behavioral psychology. Its founder is A.P. Pavlov, Russian academician. Especially important are discoveries in the field of conditioned reflex activity. The authors of NLP focused their attention not on the mechanism of reflexes, but on the difference between unconditioned and conditioned, on the study of triggers (external stimuli) that trigger a specific reflex. This topic is called "anchoring" in NLP.

NLP - a way to manipulate?

NLP has become very famous today. You can learn some technologies and techniques quite quickly and almost immediately feel the practical benefits. Unfortunately, in the media, sometimes individuals say that NLP is a way of manipulation. However, in reality, this is just a set of techniques and description techniques, something like an alphabet that helps to transfer knowledge. NLP, like any other tool, can be used for good or bad. Manipulators have been perfecting their skills for centuries, long before NLP techniques arose. Therefore, it is wrong to link these phenomena.

What can be learned by mastering these techniques?

First of all, you will learn to better understand others, their needs and needs, and you will be able to clearly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor. A person is often not able to clearly and clearly express what he would like to say. You will learn how to ask the right questions, which will help the other person clarify their thoughts, structure ideas, and save a lot of time and effort.

Note that NLP is a purely practical thing. He should be trained, practicing skills and immediately applying them in business. Learning by doing and from books is like comparing a person who can speak a foreign language fluently with one who can only translate with a dictionary.

Why do people attend NLP trainings?

In addition to practicing practical skills, you will meet many interesting people. By doing the exercises together, you can not only communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, but also make friends, see yourself from the outside, and also note in others your own mistakes or moments that you have already managed to cope with. NLP training is usually quite fun. A significant part of the time is given not to lectures, but to practicing the knowledge and skills that are being studied.

In addition to cognitive tasks, other tasks are solved during the training - to spend time usefully and interestingly, to understand oneself, in relationships with other people, to set goals for the future, to solve complex problems facing the training participants. Together, this can be defined by the term "personal growth".

Duration and specifics of trainings

Usually NLP training is inexpensive. However, it has its own specifics - if you seriously study it in order to subsequently be able to freely apply its elements, you need to devote quite a long time to the process of developing skills. Therefore, the minimum certification course time is 21 days. Classes are usually held once a month on weekends and last for 8 months.

Practical benefits

NLP programming can help you in many areas of your life. For example, when starting a conversation, people often do not realize what they want to get as a result of it. Many problems can be easily avoided if you always remember the purpose of communication. This will prevent you from making hurtful mistakes. What other NLP rules can be noted for every day? Before starting a conversation, think about why you need it, what is your goal, whether the interlocutor understands your position, what arguments he may have. People are sometimes so carried away by the process of the dispute that they can forget about everything, including the possible consequences. The ability to control emotions and stop in time is another useful skill that NLP programming provides.

Application of the "anchoring" technique

To manage your emotional state, you can use a technique called "anchoring". With its help, you can prepare in advance for a difficult and unpleasant conversation, while maintaining a positive state of mind. You will also learn how to change your automatic reactions to things that irritate you using NLP. quite simple, but it is better to master anchoring in training or in life, and not theoretically. In a written presentation, what would be easy to demonstrate may cause misunderstanding and doubt.

Anchoring is the creation of a connection between a certain event and what is associated with it. The ship is held motionless by means of an anchor. In the same way, it causes a corresponding connection - the physical or emotional state of a person changes, or we recall some past situation by association. This NLP rule works well.

Unconscious anchors, for example, can be "happy" clothes, the smell of your favorite perfume, photos, etc. To create an anchor for a calm and positive state, you can, for example, use a photo of a place where you were once happy. You can also use special words or gestures that can be repeated mentally in difficult times. These are, for example, the words: "I am calm." It is important that they do not contain negation, as well as double meanings. All these and many other techniques you will work out in the NLP training. This practice has already helped many people from all over the world.

NLP today

By developing and integrating the most effective technologies and models, NLP today has become widely used in education, communication, creativity, art, business, therapy and organizational consulting, that is, wherever the resources of human behavior and thinking are most effectively involved. NLP today is primarily a methodology that allows us to successfully serve various areas of human progress.

Currently, NLP has become widespread in most countries. The best of it is used by many in practice, so there was a need for training. In the USA, for example, there are about 100 organizations associated with it, in Germany - about 70 large institutes and centers involved in development and research based on it in various fields. This direction of psychology came to Russia recently and is not yet part of formal education. However, NLP training is carried out as a special course in practical psychology in many institutes and universities. NLP today is available to a greater extent in our country in educational centers, as well as firms that use it (NLP consulting).

NLP: books

Of course, one of the most popular books is "From Frogs to Princes" (R. Bandler, D. Grinder). It is recommended to everyone, especially good at the initial stages of learning. Another useful book is "Communication Mastery" (A. Lyubimov). Everything is explained in an accessible and understandable way: sorting gate, tuning, meta-message and other NLP terms. This book will be enough to teach the basics of this area. You may also find other work useful. In the book of Gorin S.A. "Have you tried hypnosis?" you will find excellent descriptions of Ericksonian hypnosis and trance induction techniques. The book "NLP for happy love" is also very popular today. Its author is Eva Berger. "NLP for happy love" is useful for those who want to find a soul mate and live happily ever after.