Necessary care for currants in the summer for a rich harvest. Autumn dressing of currants: how and with what to fertilize bushes after harvesting Is it necessary to feed currants after harvesting

Any suburban area is almost impossible to imagine without the presence of currants. Still, it is a very tasty berry, which is a real treasure trove of vitamins and other health-promoting elements. Therefore, every summer resident must necessarily know how to care for currants after harvesting.

Blackcurrant "Titania"

There are not many varieties of currant. It differs from each other in the color of the berries and the timing of the harvest. For currant bushes, good care is required in any season. But especially care is needed for currants after harvesting and subsequent preparation for the cold season.

Currant processing after harvest in August

This period is indeed very important. After all, already when the entire rich harvest is harvested, the bushes begin to transfer the remnants of their forces to their leaves, roots and young twigs. The time of the most active growth depends only on the variety of the berry, but basically it occurs at the end of summer - that is, in August.

If all the required procedures are carried out correctly and on time, then there is no doubt that next summer a rich and tasty harvest will again await you.

So, the secret of the correct processing of currants after harvesting in August lies in the implementation of the following mandatory procedures:

  • Pruning shoots;
  • Soil loosening;
  • top dressing;
  • Prevention and control of insects;
  • Watering;
  • Preparing for the upcoming cold weather.

Let's look at each of these procedures in more detail.

When to prune currants after harvest

The procedure itself is required to be carried out in two stages:

The original, so-called medical» pruning, during which it is necessary to remove all obsolete, diseased or damaged shoots. And branches that shade the bush.

The next one can be called cosmetic”, since the final shape is given to the bush and the number of branches of different ages is controlled. This will allow the bush to give a healthy full-fledged crop in the future.

An important point: bushes of any kind of currant, whose age does not exceed three years, should only be therapeutic pruning.

As you know, the main part of fruiting is shoots. The berries are distributed along the entire length of the branches, which are one or two years old. Branches die after a few years of fruiting. Therefore, it makes no sense to protect shoots whose age exceeds three years.

For this very reason, experienced gardeners do not advise growing currant bushes in the form of a border line. The bush must have at least fifteen healthy branches, among which two-year-old, one-year-old and very young ones must be present. Those who are not yet a year old.

What exactly needs to be cut:

All branches that have been removed must be burned without regret. But when to prune currants after harvest? Therapeutic pruning can be done almost immediately after picking the berries, so that the bushes do not transfer excess strength to the wrong branches.

Otherwise, pruning is carried out in early spring or late autumn. It is extremely important to carry out this procedure annually. And it is desirable to process all sections with garden pitch. And after that, actively fertilize the bushes.

How to properly process the soil around the bushes

Caring for currants in the autumn season is important not only in terms of looking after the bush itself, but also for the soil where it is planted. In general, tillage consists in digging up plots of land around the bush.

The soil must be dug up and loosened very carefully and carefully, stepping back from the center of the bush by about a meter.

After digging, the soil must be watered and sprinkled with dry soil, the layer of which should not exceed ten centimeters.

The benefit of pouring dry soil is that it will help conserve water and protect the entire root system from early frosts.

Features of seasonal feeding

Full-fledged care for currants involves not only digging up the earth, but also fertilizing it. For these procedures, it is desirable to take fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus type. Organic type fertilizers are more appropriate to apply only in the spring season.

Note that currant bushes can also be fertilized with superphosphate. And for mulching (sprinkling with dry earth after digging and watering), it is allowed to take humus.

Caring for currants after harvest is especially important for the reason that after the end of the fruitful period, the bushes begin to form new ones almost for the next season.

By the end of summer, the earth has already spent almost all of its nutrients, which is why it is so important to help it and feed the bushes on your own.

If you skip this procedure, you can not even hope for a good harvest next summer. Additionally, you can perform the so-called "calming" treatment, if the bushes look weakened.

How to feed currants after harvest

It is allowed to make both organic and mineral top dressing. But we must not forget that in any case, potassium and phosphorus components must be included there.

How to feed currants after harvest? Experienced experts advise using such fertilizers:

  • A mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate- one tablespoon per whole bucket of liquid;
  • A mixture of urea, superphosphate- one tablespoon per bucket of liquid, plus a glass of wood ash;
  • mineral fertilizer it is advisable to use if the bush is weakened;
  • If we talk about organic fertilizers, they can be used as bird droppings and verbascum(he is also a mullein).

Litter must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 12 and infused for two weeks. Take half a liter of tincture for a whole bucket of ordinary liquid. The mullein must be diluted in equal portions and infused for a week. The liquid will need to be poured into the furrows made in the process of loosening the earth.

Remember that any kind of currant simply does not tolerate bleach. This is especially true for red currant varieties. Therefore, using potassium chloride for fertilizer is a very bad idea.

If you do not have enough time to prepare organic tinctures, compost is a good alternative. It must be applied at the rate of one bucket per bush.

Do not forget about the benefits of folk remedies, which were successfully used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. So, for example, as a fertilizer, you can take a potato peel. It is enough to bury it in the ground around the perimeter of the bush.

Fishmeal and scales are also suitable for these purposes. One bush will require about four hundred grams. The bushes will thank you, because this fertilizer is rich in phosphorus, namely, currants simply love it.

Black currant, perhaps, can rightfully be called the most popular variety of currant. It has a special sweet and sour taste and a very pleasant aroma.

But even if at first glance the bush looks completely healthy, this does not mean that it does not require processing. After harvesting, this must be done, because for a long time the bushes have remained defenseless.

To protect currants from fungal diseases, you can use a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol or Topaz. These drugs will effectively help, for example, in the "battle" with powdery mildew. It is with her that blackcurrant gets sick quite often. If the bush is sick, it is almost impossible to cure it.

If you saw them in the process of picking berries, you need to do this - five days after treatment with fungicides, treat the currant bush with insecticides. For kidney mites, for example, "Kleshchevit" and "Karbofos" are a good remedy.

If no insects were found, then fungicide treatment is enough. After that, it remains only to sprinkle the trunk circle with sawdust or straw. This will help conserve moisture in the soil and protect the root system from overheating.

High-quality watering is the key to a rich harvest

In preparation for winter, all the plants in your garden begin to store nutrients and water. Including currant bushes. Currant care after harvest should include abundant and high-quality watering. And it is recommended to do this before the onset of the first frost.

In order for the currant bushes to have time to prepare for wintering, it is necessary to additionally remove all the leaves from the branches that did not have time to fall, and pull excess water from the branches. Only then will you allow the plant to retain more strength for a successful winter.

Preparing currants for the winter season

Winter is a special season. Which makes you shiver from the cold, but no doubt pleases with fluffy snow. This is the time when all nature falls into a natural hibernation. But it happens that during the winter many bushes, including currant ones, simply freeze, which, of course, not a single gardener wants. And so that such an unpleasant incident can be avoided, it is very important to properly prepare the plants for this period.

Caring for currants to prepare for the cold season is simple. In order for the wintering to be successful, it is enough to perform a few simple procedures.

Even before the first frosts, it is necessary to wrap the currants. You can do this with twine. She needs to pull the branches up in a spiral. In such a state, the branches will not be rubbed in the wind and will be able to maintain a maximum of fruitful buds;

If you are afraid of damaging the branches with twine, you can use a different method - lay the branches closer to the soil and cover with slate. This will protect the bush from the cold wind.

When the first snow appears, it will be useful to compact it next to the bush, and cover the entire bush. It is very important to wrap young shrubs like grapes and dig in the ground.

Remember that quality preparation for the cold season will protect your currants from freezing. It happens that the wrapping has already been removed, and the frosts have returned. In this case, it will be useful to cover the currants with straw or even old blankets. This will save the harvest.

Summer is a hot time for gardeners, summer residents. Already from mid-July, buds are laid on the currant for next year. Therefore, until the end of August, you need to set aside time and put the berry bushes in order. Mandatory procedures: pruning, watering, loosening, fertilizing and protecting against pests.

Have you harvested currants? Do not rush to finish things with bushes. Of course, they do not look very beautiful: branches sticking out in different directions, yellowing leaves, shoots, slightly or strongly damaged by pests. All this needs to be cleaned up.

Advice! Do not confuse summer processes with autumn ones. Processing the bush after harvesting - preparation for subsequent activities. However, it is imperative to carry out all the procedures in order to get a good harvest next year. In addition, summer top dressing will allow the bushes to gain strength before wintering.

The processing process is carried out on all currant bushes, regardless of the variety. Consider what and how to do to improve the health of berry growers.

Pruning after harvest

Sanitary pruning is carried out after removing the berries. Sharpen the secateurs and cut first the diseased, dry, old thick brown shoots with a bloom and damaged branches. Also remove the extra basal shoots located inside the bush. These shoots only thicken the plant. Powerful annuals should be shortened by 5-8 cm, but the branches that lie on the ground or almost touch the ground will have to be removed completely.

Ballast prevents the bushes from developing normally and takes away juices. Once all unnecessary branches are removed, the plant will direct the juices to the main shoots. Remember that the thicker the bush, the less berries it has, so regular pruning of currants should become a habit.

And now the leaves. Damaged, old, diseased leaves are cut off by hand, but only on blackcurrant. On red bushes, the leaves should fall off on their own so that the plant does not experience severe stress.

Advice! If there are good healthy branches in the pile after pruning, they are cut into cuttings and used for propagation. The leaves can be added to marinades, dried and brewed into teas.

Proper watering currants

In order for the berries to lay strong buds, they need moisture. Watering is carried out after pruning and cleaning the leaves. Pour warm fresh water under the bushes in volume: for red currant 1-2 buckets for each bush, for black currant - 3-4 buckets also for each bush. The next watering will be only in the fall before the wintering of the bushes.

Abundant watering for blackcurrants is needed to nourish the root system, which is located close to the surface of the soil. Red and white berries have a deeper root system.

Feeding bushes after harvest

By mid-summer, the soil is already fairly depleted, so the bushes will have to be fed with a variety of compositions. A mineral mixture and organic matter will come in handy. And if the berries look tired, then anti-stress treatment is carried out.

Compositions for processing currants:

  • For 1 bucket of water, take 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate, add 1 tbsp. wood ash. Pour the mixture under each bush.
  • Dilute bird droppings (1:12) or mullein (1:6) with water, leave for a week and then feed the bushes. The finished mixture is once again diluted with water at the rate of 1 bucket of 0.5 l of infusion with droppings or 1 liter of mullein infusion. Pour a bucket of water under each bush (grooves will help to fertilize more evenly).
  • There is no time to insist on organic matter, add 1 bucket of compost for each currant bush.
  • A slide of potato peelings is the best way to feed a bush. Scatter around the perimeter or dig cleanup. Also useful fish meal and scales of 400 gr. for one bush.

Advice! Currant does not tolerate chlorine additives. Therefore, potassium chloride and formulations with it are best left until spring.

Anti-stress treatment consists in feeding with complex mineral compounds. It can be nitrophoska, and spray the leaves with Zircon. Both mixtures have a beneficial effect on the berries and help to recover from exhaustion. If the currant is affected by chlorosis, this can be seen from the intense yellowing of the leaves, treat with nitrogen: 1 tbsp. l. urea per 10 liters of water and spray the bush.

Pest control

You need to process both affected and outwardly healthy bushes:

  1. From the fungus, a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, fungicides Topaz, Fundazol helps.
  2. From powdery mildew, repeat the treatment after 7-10 days or according to the instructions for the drug used.
  3. From the currant gall midge, apply Lepidocid, Kinmiks, Bitobaksibacillin.
  4. From a kidney tick: Kleshchevid, Karbafos.
  5. From the glass case: Fitoverm, Spark, Aktara, Lepidocid;
  6. From aphids: Kinmiks, Fufanon, Spark.

Advice! Treat with insecticides should be no earlier than 5 days after the application of fungicides.

After the mulch is scattered, the plants are protected, you can safely wait for the first frost. Then once again remove the weeds, carrion and foliage under the bushes, add soil to protect the roots from frost. And on the first day of snow, wrap the bushes with matting, burlap, spunbond and wrap with twine - this will save the berries from the cold.

Currant constantly needs nutrients, which it mainly consumes from the soil. From year to year, the amount of nutrients in the earth decreases, and in order to prolong the life of berry bushes, the quality of the soil has to be improved by applying fertilizers. During the season, it is recommended to feed currants 4-5 times, using both mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. The very first top dressing is carried out at the moment the plant awakens and the green mass is actively growing;
  2. The second dressing is carried out during flowering;
  3. The third top dressing falls on the period of formation and ripening of fruits;
  4. Fourth, after harvest;
  5. The fifth can be done when preparing the bushes for wintering.

Top dressing can be root or foliar. foliar top dressing carried out by spraying the bush, a weak solution of fertilizer.

Nutrients with this type of top dressing are absorbed through the leaves and get to the plant faster than with root top dressing.
When root feeding Nutrients enter the soil and are absorbed by the plant through the absorption of useful elements by the roots. The process of delivering nutrients to the roots takes time, and the bush does not receive them immediately.

To get a healthy harvest from berry bushes, it is recommended to alternate these two types of top dressing.

How can you feed currant bushes

On the Internet, there are a lot of tips and recipes for all kinds of solutions for top dressing with the percentage and weight content of all substances necessary for application, depending on the stage of vegetative development of the bush. Remembering everything is almost impossible, and probably not necessary. The most important thing that beginner gardeners need to know is:

  • The composition of the first two dressings should include nitrogen.
  • Subsequent feeding should be carried out by eliminating or reducing the level of nitrogen elements (because nitrogen contributes to the active growth of green mass, and at the stage of formation and ripening of berries this is no longer necessary, because the bush should direct all its forces to the formation and ripening of fruits, and not active green growth).

The simplest compositions for feeding currant bushes

Specialty Blends fertilizers for fruit bushes. Purchased granular or liquid fertilizers for feeding fruit bushes (spring-autumn) are easy to use. On the back of each package there is a detailed instruction for use, composition, terms and rates of fertilizer application.

Folk recipes:

  • Nitrogen-containing top dressing (spring);
  • Complex feed (summer - autumn).

Nitrogen is found in manure, compost, bird droppings.
1. The rotted manure is diluted in water 1: 4 and the bushes are watered. Fresh, pour water 1:1 and insist 2-3 days. The finished composition is diluted 1:10 and watered with the calculation of 1 bucket of solution per bush.

2. Bird droppings are diluted 1:12, the application rate is the same - 1 bucket per bush.
3. It is good to mulch the ground under the bush with humus or compost, throughout the spring-summer period.

Complex fertilizing currants

Complex feeding should contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other useful elements. For such top dressing, you can use ash, starch, yeast.

All of the above compositions can be used both for the root method of feeding, and for foliar. You should be more careful only with manure and bird droppings, their concentration should be halved.

At first glance, it may seem that the preparation of infusions is a long and laborious process, but this is not so, we put the necessary ingredients in a bucket of water and put them in a greenhouse. The cooking process will go on by itself while you go about your business.

Folk methods of feeding should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other.

Take care of the currant bushes and then they will surely thank you with a plentiful, juicy and very sweet harvest.

Any experienced summer resident knows perfectly well that during the period of bud formation, flowering and ripening, currant bushes should be fertilized abundantly in order to get a rich harvest. Everything is used - from folk remedies to chemical fertilizers.

Feeding currants after harvest ensures good fruiting next year.

Choosing the right fertilizer

Someone is surprised by the very fact of fertilizing the bush after the harvest is harvested. Indeed, why is this even necessary if the berries have already been harvested and there will be none until the next season? In fact, after harvesting, all the nutrients go not to the formation of foliage, flowers and berries, as in June and July, but to strengthen the branches.

With good nutrition, the branches become thicker, saturated with salts and organic substances. In other words, top dressing currants in the fall provides an easy wintering. Some experts even argue that a healthy and strong bush does not need to be closed for the winter - it can easily withstand long frosts down to -30 degrees without harm to itself. Therefore, it is clearly not worth neglecting autumn top dressing.

It is especially important to fertilize sandy or simply soil poor in organic matter. If you first plowed virgin soil a couple of years ago, the soil probably has everything you need for wintering.

If three generations of summer residents successfully work on one piece of land, then currants will draw the last useful substances from the soil for abundant fruiting. The stock needs to be restored immediately!

So, how to feed currants in the fall? Avoid nitrogen fertilizers immediately. They "invigorate" the plant, ensure the growth of young branches, the formation of leaves. If in the spring this is extremely important, then by autumn, on the contrary, it is undesirable - the bush should begin to fall asleep, and not wake up.

But Compost will be a good solution. Unlike chemical fertilizers, it decomposes for a rather long time - the results make themselves felt after 2-3 months. Therefore, it is best to apply compost under the soil in mid-late September (for central Russia). Before frost, it will only begin to decompose, enriching the soil, but after the snow melts and the earth warms up, the bush will receive rich top dressing, which will be needed to form a large number of branches, leaves and buds.

Some gardeners believe that it is best to introduce humus and compost in stages. They feed blackcurrants in three stages: in September, October and November. Others are convinced that you can save time by fertilizing the bush at a time - the effect will be exactly the same. It is difficult to harm a plant with humus, so you can safely apply up to 4 kg under a young bush and up to 6 kg under a strong one that has been growing in place for more than a year.

The addition of ash also gives a good result. You should be more careful with it - 200 grams under a bush is quite enough. This is if the soil has an average acidity. If your garden has high acidity, you can add up to 300 grams. Conversely, on slightly acidic it is undesirable to use more than 100 grams per square meter.

If you have no prejudices about the use of chemical fertilizers, you can scatter Superphosphate on the ground - no more than 100 grams. It stimulates the strengthening of the roots, which means that it further increases the chances of a bush for a successful wintering.

After the top dressing of blackcurrant is completed, the earth must be carefully dug up. The depth is not more than 7-10 centimeters. Otherwise, you risk damaging the roots. If the autumn turned out to be dry, immediately after fertilizing, the bush should be watered abundantly - the water should saturate the ground by 40-50 centimeters, gaining access to the entire root system.

So that the wind does not dry the soil once again, it can be mulched. Use needles, dry manure, chopped grass, sawdust and any other mulch.

Alternative fertilizer

Autumn top dressing of currants is extremely important - it is impossible to argue with this. But besides the autumn, spring and summer top dressing, there is also a special one, stretching for the entire warm season. It is simple and does not cause concern even among the most ardent supporters of ecological farming. We are talking about the landing of green manure.

If you want to get the most out of green manure, then it is best to plant legumes:

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas.

Summer residents who simply want to improve the quality of the soil, in addition to the above crops, you can pay attention to:

  • rape;
  • lupine;
  • mouse peas.

All these plants absorb large amounts of nitrogen from the air, fix it and saturate the soil. And nitrogen, as mentioned above, contributes to the rapid growth of leaves, which has a positive effect on plant vitality and yield.

Some summer residents prefer to cut green manure before flowering, so that next year they do not have unnecessary problems with their thickets. But you can act more rationally - harvest peas and beans in the summer, and carefully mow them in August, sending them to a compost heap or chopping them and using them as mulch.

They can be soaked for a day in warm water, dig a small ditch around the perimeter of the hole with a bush and bury the potatoes and waste in it. Potatoes contain a huge amount of starch. Having rotted rather quickly, such a fertilizer will perfectly support the bush, nourishing its roots, ensuring that the bush will survive even the most frosty winter without serious losses.

The main thing is not to use rotten potatoes. Rot may well infect the ground and harm currants. Therefore, it would be better to send potatoes affected by rot to a compost heap.

Bread crusts and other scraps can be a good help. They must be kept in warm water, and then buried under a bush. Bread contains not only a large amount of starch, providing the roots with the same nourishment as potatoes, but also yeast. During reproduction, the latter emit carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by the bush and processed during photosynthesis.

You can also use mullein: every beginner who has not previously worked in the country can cook it, having a large capacity and fresh cow dung. Fresh manure is filled with water in a ratio of 1:5. It is advisable to leave the barrel in the sun - the warmer the water is, the more actively the bacteria necessary to revitalize the depleted soil will multiply.

Fertilizer is infused for a week. If possible, the contents of the barrel should be stirred with a long stick at least once a day. After this time, the resulting slurry is further diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and poured under a bush.

Manure is generally a universal solution. On the one hand, applied dry, it perfectly performs the function of mulch, protecting the soil from dry winds, retaining moisture.

On the other hand, constantly moistened and heated in the sun, it gradually rots, giving useful substances to the plant and providing a rich harvest.

It is worth recalling that black currants need significantly more nutrients than, for example, red and white. It bears fruit more abundantly, and the berries in most of its varieties are much larger. So, when a blackcurrant bush (especially if it has been growing in one place for 10-15 years) has to winter, make sure that the soil under it is thoroughly fertilized. Then you can be sure that the plant will not only easily overwinter, but will also bring a rich harvest the next year.

One of the most important components of caring for currants is its top dressing in the autumn, which gives a real effect in laying the future crop, improving its quality, and increasing weight. Taking into account the needs of the berry crop, it is necessary to correctly determine the options, methods for feeding currants after the end of fruiting and harvesting, as well as other necessary autumn activities: pruning and processing from pests. You will find detailed information about all this below.

In what cases is it necessary and why is it necessary to fertilize currants in the fall

Autumn fertilizing of currants is carried out in order to prepare them for the winter (so that they regain their strength and be able to endure frosts well), namely, so that the shrub will lay flower buds well for the next year, which means that in the future it will give a bountiful harvest.

Fertilizing currants in the fall (after harvesting) must be done in the following cases:

  • If the fruiting of the berry bush was intense enough (that is, he spent all his strength and they must be restored);
  • If the bush has been growing for a long time, that is, more than 3-4 years have passed since planting, which means that the fertilizers that were applied during its planting have long been “sucked out”, and the land has been depleted.

Worth knowing! The end of fruiting and the harvest of currants, as a rule, occurs at the end of summer (sometimes even in the middle), but such top dressing is usually called autumn, because fertilizers are still applied after some time, that is, closer to autumn - in August-September ( in the middle lane and Moscow region).

How to feed currants in the fall

In the period after fruiting, currants require phosphorus-potassium top dressing (a little more phosphorus, a little less potassium), since it is these fertilizers that are responsible for the growth and strengthening of the root system of the shrub, its stability in winter (frost resistance) and immunity to various kinds of diseases.

Note! You should always feed on wet ground, that is, you must first water the plant so that the shrub does not get a burn of the roots from the applied fertilizer. Water consumption is approximately 10-20 liters per bush, depending on its size and age.

Consider several different options and methods (combinations of funds - mineral and organic), how you can feed currants in the fall after fruiting.

1 way

One of the options for preparing liquid phosphorus-potassium top dressing for currants in the fall:

  1. Ammophos(52% phosphorus, 12% nitrogen). On a bucket of water you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons (30-40 grams) of funds. But first, it is better to dissolve any granular mineral fertilizer in a separate container in hot water (but not boiling water), since the granules, as a rule, dissolve quite poorly and reluctantly.
  2. You pour out there wood ash. Again, you need 1 cup of ash (100 grams) for a bucket of water.
  3. Mix everything well and stir.
  4. Under the bush, depending on its age, you need to pour 1-2 liters of nutrient solution, if it is quite old, then up to 5 liters.
  5. Loosen and add mulch so that a crust does not form on the surface.

By the way! In the ashes that were obtained from hardwood trees(by burning them), contains more potassium, and from conifers - phosphorus.

2 way

Another option for liquid autumn dressing of currants using mineral fertilizers:

  1. 1/2 st. spoons urea or saltpeter (7-10 grams each), or 0.5 liters green manure dissolve in a bucket of water.
  2. Then add 1 tbsp. spoon potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate (15-20 grams).
  3. And finally, 2 tbsp. spoons superphosphate (30-40 grams).
  4. Pour 1-2 liters of top dressing under young bushes. If the bush is an adult, then up to 5 liters is possible.
  5. Loosen and mulch so that a crust does not form on the ground.

Advice! If you want the fertilizer to get as close to the roots as possible, then along the perimeter of the crown you can dig (somewhere at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the center) several holes 20-30 cm deep (or make grooves). Pour top dressing there, and then dig in.

3 way

If you are a supporter of organic farming (but not an ardent one, because it is almost impossible to do without mineral fertilizers), then you can first mulch the trunk circle currants manure or quality compost(somewhere 1 bucket - for an adult bush, 0.5 buckets - for a young one), and then it is still recommended to spill the bush with a solution superphosphate(2 tablespoons per bucket of water).

Note! The illustrations show double superphosphate picture, respectively, it is necessary to make it 2 times less than usual.

4 way (chicken manure)

A good idea for lovers of organic fertilizers is to feed the currant bush chicken manure. Moreover, it can be applied as for digging, that is, in dry form (consumption 0.8-1 kg per bush), or prepare a solution (1 to 15).

Important! If you are applying dry fertilizer to the trunk circle, then the depth of digging should be about 1/2 of a spade bayonet or 12-15 centimeters. Moreover, you only need to mix the dry top dressing well with the ground so that the plant does not get burned due to direct contact of its root system with this fertilizer.

Of course, chicken manure alone will not be enough, so a little later it is advisable to bring it into the trunk circle (for digging), again in a dry form, for example, 1 tbsp. spoon (15-20 grams) of potassium sulfate (or potassium salt) and 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate (30-40 grams) per 1 bush. Or you can prepare a liquid top dressing by dissolving the named fertilizers in the same proportions in 10 liters of water.

Video: caring for currants after harvesting - feeding and protection against bud mites

5 way (special fertilizers)

For lazier and more economical summer residents, there are special complex autumn fertilizers (in which both phosphorus and potassium are present, as well as a little bit of nitrogen), some of which are not very expensive, so they were able to gain popularity.

By the way! In addition to root top dressings, there are also foliar top dressings (spraying on the leaf). It’s only better to do them at the same time, because when foliar, the leaf absorbs and absorbs fertilizers many times faster, but the effect of such top dressing is much shorter. In general, foliar top dressing is rather an emergency measure when you need to either quickly heal or support the plant. And the root is a thorough or “long-playing” top dressing, more suitable for the autumn period (preparation for winter).

Other autumn currant care activities

In addition to top dressing, you will also need to carry out the following important autumn activities to prepare currants for winter and the next season:

  • autumn pruning(sanitary - after fruiting, shaping and rejuvenating - after the fall of all leaves). Sanitary pruning involves the removal of all damaged and infected branches (including those that lie on the ground) and leaves.

Advice! All information about pruning currants in the fall -

  • Mulching and shelter for the winter.

Note! You will find more complete information about autumn care and preparing currants for winter.

  • autumn treatment for pests and diseases.

For processing currants, you can use both biological products, such as Fitoverm, and any other means, for example, Akarin, Fufanon - Nova, Alanar.

  • Also in the fall, you can transplant shrubs.

Important! All detailed information about transplanting currants to a new place you can get .

Properly fertilizing currants in the fall, we lay the foundation for the future harvest, as we give everything necessary for growth and active strengthening of the roots, increasing immunity and frost resistance. The main thing is compliance with the timing and dosage of top dressing.

Video: fertilizing currants after harvest (autumn)

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