Unexplained phenomena - on the verge of death, the course of time changes. When time fails: creepy and inexplicable cases of time travel

The most accurate clocks "lie" in the area where the Tunguska meteorite fell, at UFO landing sites, at nuclear weapons testing sites, near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Most often, the clocks are late in these places by a fraction of a second per hour, but according to a pattern that is not fully understood, at certain moments the phenomenon of “Time disruption” can occur. And then…

For many years now, this either a bike or a truth has been circulating: An airliner with 127 passengers on board, which was landing at Miami Airport, disappeared from the radar screens and from the radio for 10 minutes. Then, appearing "out of nowhere", the plane returned from non-existence the crew and passengers with a clock late by 10 minutes.

Also, suddenly in 1982, all the clocks on board one of the Black Sea ships stopped. In the same area of ​​the Tsemess Bay, subsequently, so unexpectedly for everyone, seconds were not enough for the rescue maneuver of the Nakhimov motor ship (not the only ship that sank in this area).
The phenomenon of disruption of Time can also be caused artificially, for example, with the help of a nuclear explosion. In Semipalatinsk, S. A. Alekseenko with two more military specialists were at the head of the well, when an explosion struck right below them at a depth of 3 km:
“Something lifted me up, the people in front of me were suddenly below and somehow reduced. I stopped feeling the earth under me, it seemed that the whole globe had disappeared ... Then I heard a heavy, heavy sigh from somewhere below, after which I found myself at the bottom of a deep ravine - Ivanov disappeared from sight, and Konstantin Mikhailovich was on the edge of a cliff, - I I saw it as if through a huge lens magnified several times!
Then the wave subsided, we all again stood on a flat surface, which, like jelly, shuddered ... Then, as if the door to another world was slammed sharply, the trembling stopped, and the earth's firmament froze again, returning to me the feeling of real gravity ... "
In the XVIII century in Sicily, in the town of Tacone, lived a respected artisan Alberto Gordoni. On May 3, 1753, the craftsman was walking through the courtyard of the castle and suddenly suddenly disappeared out of the blue, “evaporated” in front of his wife, Count Zanetti and many other fellow tribesmen. The astonished people dug everything around, but did not find any depression where they could fall.
Exactly 22 years later, Gordoni reappeared, arose in the same place from where he disappeared - in the courtyard of the estate. Alberto himself claimed that he did not disappear anywhere, so he was placed in an insane asylum, where only seven years later a certain doctor, Father Mario, spoke to him for the first time. The craftsman still had the feeling that very little time had passed between his "disappearance" and his "return".

Then, 29 years ago, Alberto suddenly fell into a kind of tunnel and went out through it to the "white and obscure" light. There were no objects, only bizarre contraptions. Alberto saw something that looked like a small canvas, covered in stars and dots, each pulsating in its own way.
There was one elongated creature with long hair, who said that he fell into the "crack" of Time and Space and it was very difficult to bring him back. While Alberto was waiting for his return - and he fervently asked to be brought back - the “woman” told him about “holes that open in the dark, about some white drops and thoughts that move at the speed of light (!), about souls without flesh and bodies without a soul, about flying cities in which the inhabitants are forever young.
The doctor was sure that the craftsman was not lying, and therefore went with him to Takona. Alberto took a step and ... disappeared again, now forever! The Holy Father Mario, signing himself with a cross, ordered to fence this place with a wall, calling it the Devil's trap.
Where did such “enchanted places” come from on our planet? After all, this is contradicted by another myth, invented by ourselves, - no natural phenomena affect Time. It turned out that Time slows down not only near massive cosmic bodies and when moving at a near-light speed, numerous experiments also confirmed the relationship between the speed of rotation of bodies and the change in Time near them (clocks are behind near the center of rotation, on the periphery they are in a hurry).
Almost all places with an anomalous flow of Time on our planet are exactly where there are currents of large masses of water around the circumference. These are gigantic (up to hundreds of kilometers) whirlpools in Bermuda, and turns of sea and treacherous underground currents, river bends. For example, high-energy fields that exist on the Zhiguli bend of the Volga have long been famous for their strange mirages and flights of a large number of UFOs in this area.
Air whirlwinds (tornadoes, tornadoes) produce a somewhat lesser effect, however, they also carry the whole “bouquet” of phenomena associated with the change in Time: clock delay, change in the weight of objects, the appearance of unusual extrasensory abilities in people after exposure to a whirlwind. A typical example is the famous Bulgarian Vanga, who, after flying inside a tornado, became blind, but received in return the gift of foresight and the ability to talk with the souls of the dead.
Once in Georgia (1984) they checked the correctness of the course of all undamaged clocks that were in houses destroyed by a recent tornado. They did not find a single whole or correctly going alarm clock, and in one courtyard from under the rubble they removed an electronic alarm clock, hurrying by 8 minutes. It is a pity that tornadoes "do not agree" to conduct a better experiment.
A case that occurred during the war with the crew of a bomber, returning in very heavy cloud cover to its front-line airfield, gained fame. In the half hour that has passed since the last location check, this plane somehow overcame the “extra” one and a half thousand kilometers and emerged from the “strange cloud” right beyond the Urals!
Sir Victor Gooddard's plane was also caught in a severe storm in 1934, and what happened to it cannot but be called a "miracle." There were dense dark clouds all around, and suddenly the pilot noticed a patch of land ahead, illuminated by the sun. Sir Goodzard saw the airfield, filled with a very bright blinding light, strange-looking hangars and yellow planes near them. There was nothing like it in Scotland, Gooddard knew it for sure! It was not possible to sit down, the plane again fell into some strange cloud.
Four years later, he nevertheless ended up at this airfield, where they had just begun to paint the planes yellow. According to Gooddard, who later became an air marshal, he really somehow saw the future of this airfield, as if illuminated by powerful lamps.
Incredible effects occur in a rotating charged plasma, a miracle known as ball lightning. The Artemov spouses from Vladivostok described their meeting with this “guest from another Time” in a letter addressed to the Phenomenon commission:

“In 1990, ball lightning flew into our window. She did no harm, bursting somehow silently. We experienced a shock a little later, when the program “Time” began to be broadcast on TV, although all the clocks in the apartment showed “15 to nine”. Probably, you can still explain why the electronic alarm clock went wrong. But mechanical wristwatches and even cuckoo clocks strangely lagged behind at the same time ... "

What else do we know about Time? That it is constant and uninterrupted? But a vivid example of the discreteness (ie discontinuity) of Time is shown to us by many cosmic objects, including the strangest of them - pulsars.
By the way, these cosmic bodies meet many signs of artificiality: small size (about a kilometer), high speeds (up to 500 km / s), high stability, in addition, pulsars often “line up” in space in clear lines in the form of geometric shapes, (and according to according to the calculations of the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences V. B. Neiman, pulsars are not balls, they have the shape of disks or cylinders).
In the archives of ufology, many cases of mysterious phenomena have been recorded that occur with incomprehensible periodicity. More than once in various places they noticed a strange pattern - the appearance of a UFO in the sky exactly one day, a week or a year after their previous visit: in February 1913 over Toronto (Canada); in 1950 over Farmington (New Mexico); in 1950 in Kolyma; in September 1972 in the city of Taree (Australia); in 1977 in New Guinea; in 1977 in the province of Huesca (Spain); in December 1978 in Olonets (Karelia); in 1982-1983 over Zhirnovsk (Volgograd region); in 1985 over Batumi; in 1987 near Staraya Poltavka (Volgograd region).
No less amazing events can rightfully be called cases of people moving in Time (including an integer number of days into the future or past).
In one of the regimental archives of the old Russian army, an investigation document was kept, sealed with the signatures of all the officers of the regiment and members of the emergency commission:
“The arrival of the appointed regimental commander was expected in the regiment. One evening they saw that the apartment prepared for him was lit up. When everyone gathered in the hall, the commander left the office, spoke with the officers and made some orders. The next day in the morning they again let me know about the arrival of the commander. The surprised officers again gathered in the hall.
Again the commander came out of the door, said the same thing as the day before, gave the same orders and, continuing the conversation, went to the office. Approaching the door, he shuddered and asked: "Do you see?" When everyone approached, they saw: another regiment commander was sitting at the desk - his double. The real commander went up to his double, and when the latter instantly disappeared, he fell dead on the floor.
Similar meetings “with themselves” were at Vyazemsky in St. Petersburg (he found himself sitting writing a letter) and at the Empress Anna Ioannovna in 1740 3 days before her death (the guard on orders almost opened fire on the false sovereign).
The transfer of people (or their souls, phantoms) in Time, in which the traveler does not meet his double in the past and future, ends, fortunately, without tragic consequences. During Mark Twain's trip to Canada, a dinner was given in his honor in Montreal, where among those present he noticed Mrs. R. next to him. In the evening, he was told that some lady wanted to see him. He recognized the visitor as Mrs. R., who looked and was dressed exactly as she had the day before. But R. was extremely surprised by Twain's story - she had just arrived in Montreal from Quebec!
Similar stories happened to the Irish poet Eats; abbot of the monastery Alfonse de Ligoro in 1744; by the English poet Byron in Greece in 1810.
Would you object to the following "law": Time only flows in one direction (the "arrow of time" principle)! There is not a single law forbidding Time to go "backward", all physical formulas are valid for Time flowing in any direction!
But how to detect such “wrong” phenomena, because it is sometimes not easy to distinguish them from “normal” ones? It is possible that you don’t have to specifically look for it, it will be enough to conduct a thought experiment: expand Time in the descriptions of already known mysterious and unsolved events and see if they become more understandable.
The experiments of Professor N. Kozyrev, in which he measured the speed of radiation coming from bright stars, simply baffled many. The results of the experiment were unexpected even for the Pulkovo professor of astronomy himself, needless to say, that soon he was simply accused of impurity in the experiment.
Let me briefly recall the essence of the experiment: a telescope was aimed at a star (Sirius), with a radiation detector (for example, a quartz oscillator) at its focus. Result: the sensor recorded the radiation that came from the points: where we see the star now and where it was 8 years ago (the speed of this radiation is equal to the speed of light); where it actually is now (radiation speed is extremely high or instantaneous); and from the point where she will be in 8 years!
The paradoxical result can only be explained if we assume that the last radiation came from a star system located in the Future! Consequently, the movement of the signal occurred ... against the normal course of Time!
In the archives of ufology, there are many cases of observation of UFO compounds. What it is? Imagine - two "saucers" fly across the sky, fly up to each other and ... disappear. Unclear! Very often, both objects are completely or almost completely similar. As in the case of the connection of two "plates" in the Alps in 1968, where both objects with cylinders at the bottom and rods at the top were mirror-like.
How did two devices become one? Did one enter the other? The paradox can be resolved if we assume that the UFO was originally only one. But we saw him twice: when he moved towards the Future, like us, and when he flew against the course of our Time. What we have seen as the moment of connection of two objects is in fact the moment of "reversal of direction" of the UFO's flight in Time.

Defence from

Choose a less dangerous area for life: do not settle where there may be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, typhoons, frequent heavy rains. In the selected area, determine a less dangerous place for your home: do not settle down where there may be avalanches, mudflows, landslides, floods, especially if the landscape and transport routes make it difficult to evacuate. Avoid the proximity of industrial facilities, transport hubs, military depots, etc.


Lightning occurs in cumulus rain clouds, and can also be formed during volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, and dust storms. The average speed of lightning propagation is about 200 km/s, the length is up to 10 km. The duration of multiple lightning is up to 1 s.

In open areas, a thunderstorm is much more dangerous than in a forest. Towering objects attract lightning because there is less layer of air insulation between the ground and clouds above them. For this reason, you should not hide from the rain under lonely standing trees, in a car or a barn in the middle of a field. If a thunderstorm finds you in an open area, find a lower area and sit down.

If you are indoors during a thunderstorm, close the windows, turn off the radio, TV, do not use the telephone. Even better, disconnect these devices and other electrical devices from the sockets, and also disconnect the external antenna cable from the TV. A lightning discharge can fall on an overhead electrical wire - power, telephone or radio transmitting, so it is dangerous to be in a thunderstorm near electrical outlets if there are water heaters or other grounded equipment nearby. An electric discharge can find, for example, such a path: a socket - a human body - a battery.

The electromagnetic effect of lightning can damage electronic devices. Its light exposure sometimes leads to temporary blinding of people. A lightning strike on an aircraft causes mechanical damage, damage to equipment, blinding or electrical shock to the crew. With a low electrical conductivity of the structure struck by lightning, the material of this structure evaporates intensively in the lightning passage channel and an explosion occurs.

Ball lightning

Ball lightning is a luminous ball of plasma with a diameter of 3 to 30 cm. It has great energy. It is a very rare and little studied phenomenon. Most people have never seen her. It sometimes forms after a linear lightning strike, but can occur in a thunderstorm atmosphere independently of it. Moves smoothly or in irregular jerks. It gravitates towards metal objects and often ceases to exist upon contact with them. The duration of existence is from several seconds to several minutes. The disappearance may be accompanied by a strong explosion, but may have the character of a quiet extinction. Many meetings with her ended without unpleasant consequences.

Ball lightning usually occurs outdoors, but can also occur indoors, such as from an electrical outlet. There were cases of ball lightning burning a hole in a window pane. Contact with ball lightning results in electrical shock. If there is ball lightning in the room, it is necessary to move away from it very slowly, so as not to carry away the air whirlwind, and try to stay away from large metal objects.

Fire in the forest

In a coniferous forest, the probability of a large fire is much higher than in a deciduous one.

Forest fires are mounted (tree branches burn), ground fires (forest litter burns) and underground (soil burns).

Severe fire spread rate:

  • riding - more than 100 m / min;
  • grassroots - more than 3 m / min;
  • underground - more than 2 m / day.

The speed of propagation of a ground fire against the wind is 6..10 times less than downwind. A ground fire in a deciduous forest occurs more often in spring - if there is a dry layer of fallen leaves and last year's herbaceous plants, but there is still no green grass that can stop the fire.

At a wind speed of more than 6 m/s, a ground fire can turn into a crown fire. The ground fire turns into a crown fire also in those parts of the forest where there is a lot of undergrowth, brushwood, dry branches in the lower part of the trunks. In a crown fire, bottom burning always continues.

An underground fire occurs on peat soils or in a layer of forest litter more than 20 cm thick. It is dangerous, among other things, because its edge is not always clearly visible, and you can fall into a layer of burning peat. Therefore, in the event of a forest fire, dried marshes should be avoided, and if there is a need to move through them, one should feel the soil in front of one with a pole. A sign of an underground fire is hot, smoking soil in some places. Most fires in peatlands are caused by spontaneous combustion of peat.

If the forest is on fire, leave the danger zone not with the wind, but at an angle to its direction, otherwise fire and smoke will follow you all the time, and carbon monoxide poisoning is possible. Do not enter a smoky area if visibility is less than 10 m.

Wind is an important factor in the spread of fire. As a rule, the maximum wind speed is in the middle of the day, and the minimum is at night. Accordingly, the most convenient time to stop the fire is at night. When the direction of the wind changes, people involved in extinguishing a crown fire may be surrounded by burning areas.

As a frontier for stopping a fire, areas unfavorable for the spread of fire should be chosen - a swamp, a meadow, an array of deciduous trees. The main way to extinguish a forest fire with a lack of funds is annealing (launching a counterfire) from a support strip (rivers, roads, clearings, etc.). Thick forest floor is difficult to put out without water. Usually, the litter burns or smolders until all of it is burned out. The spread of decay can only be stopped by creating a strip of bare earth.

Forest fire poses a great threat to small settlements adjacent to the forest. In addition to the fact that fire can spread to buildings, smoke and carbon monoxide are dangerous. If a fire is expected in the village, you can save household items by moving them to the basement or cellar, or by covering them with earth. If evacuation is impossible, it is necessary to isolate in the basement (cellar), caulking the holes with material moistened with water (rags, grass, etc.).

For trees, a ground fire in a forest is not a big tragedy: they have adapted to it in the process of evolution. It causes little harm to thick trunks, and at the same time clears the lower tier for young trees.

Fire in the steppe, on the field

The speed of fire propagation in dry grass reaches 600 m/min. With sparse vegetation and no wind, the speed is up to 15 m/min. Thanks to the resulting whirlwinds, the fire overcomes obstacles up to 15 m wide. If you are caught by a fire in the steppe, and the wind carries fire in your direction, salvation consists in burning a large area of ​​dry grass before the fire front approaches and take cover in the middle of this area. With a light wind, an oncoming movement of air in front of the fire front is possible - due to the fact that the fire creates a strong updraft. This counter movement facilitates annealing.

landslide, collapse

A landslide is a sliding displacement of rocks down a slope under the influence of gravity.

Causes of landslides:

  • an increase in the steepness of the slopes as a result of washing them with water;
  • waterlogging, rising groundwater levels as a result of floods or rains;
  • earthquakes;
  • extraction of underground minerals;
  • terracing of slopes to control erosion;
  • digging pits;
  • construction of structures.

In order not to become a victim of a landslide, one must stay away from places where there are significant relief irregularities formed by sedimentary rocks. In particular, one should not settle in dwellings located in such places. The view from a hill or from a river cliff can be very beautiful, but a house built in such a place may one day fall apart due to a significant shift in the ground.

When moving along the river bank, in the area of ​​​​a ravine or gorge, one should not be on the edge of a cliff or under it: cliffs in these places exist because the soil collapses from time to time. Collapse is more likely in rainy weather and during spring snowmelt.


Mudflow is a temporary mud-stone stream that suddenly appears in the beds of mountain rivers. Mudflow speed reaches 10 or more meters per second. There are cases when the height of the mud-stone shaft reached 15 m, and boulders weighing 300 tons were easily transported.

Possible causes of mudflows (ordered in descending order of frequency of manifestation): -

  • prolonged showers;
  • combination of rain and snowmelt;
  • snowmelt;
  • melting glaciers;
  • collapses in riverbeds;
  • outbursts of lakes formed as a result of the blockage of gorges.

Many mountain lakes appeared due to the blocking of gorges by natural dams that arose as a result of mountain landslides or mudflows. Such dams can be destroyed by an earthquake, flood, gradual latent erosion. Erupted water is capable of forming a mud-stone stream of enormous destructive power. Less likely (but also possible) is a breakthrough of an artificial dam - as a result of an earthquake, a terrorist act, military operations.

Dams are being built to protect against mudflows. The capacity formed by the dam may not be sufficient to contain the mass of mud that makes up the mudflow. Then the dam breaks, and the material of the dam becomes part of the mudflow.

In order not to become a victim of a mudflow, one should not settle in gorges and narrow river valleys, especially if there are large artificial or natural reservoirs upstream. If there is a need to build a building where a mudflow is likely to pass, it is necessary to choose a place higher, away from cliffs that may be washed out, to make the first floor extra strong, especially from the side from which the stream will go. It is better to surround the building with a thick stone fence.


An avalanche is a sliding mass of snow on mountain slopes. The typical speed of an avalanche is 20..30 meters per second. The occurrence of an avalanche is possible in all mountainous areas where a snow cover is formed. An avalanche-prone place is a long slope with a steepness of 30..40 degrees. In principle, an avalanche requires a slope of at least 15 degrees. With a slope steepness of more than 45 degrees, it descends after each snowfall.

The following factors contribute to the formation of avalanches (ordered in descending frequency of manifestation): -

  • snowfall with a blizzard, forming a layer of snow more than 3 cm thick;
  • snow falling over the crust;
  • thaw;
  • sunny (it weakens the strength of snow, so the southern slopes of the mountains are more dangerous than the northern ones);
  • rain falling on snow;
  • a change in air temperature in any direction by several degrees during a snowfall; —
  • earthquake (even a small one);
  • explosion.

In the event of a snowstorm, an increased risk of avalanches occurs on leeward (that is, not blown by the wind) slopes, since this is where snow accumulates in a thick layer. Snow melting is more likely on concave than convex slopes.

The growth of bushes and trees on the slope protects this slope from the formation of an avalanche on it, but will not protect it from a large avalanche that began above. There is a high probability of avalanches on the slopes over which snow cornices hang - dense masses of snow protruding beyond the support, formed by the wind.

In order not to become a victim of an avalanche, it is better to move in the mountains in the morning, choosing paths on the slopes that pass higher. When using skis, you should try not to slap them on the slopes in the snow (especially when climbing sideways up), so as not to cause it to slide under you. A significant danger is represented by "snow boards" - vast flat masses of packed snow, which have a loose layer under them and are able to move down along it.

From the book "Journey in the mountains" by A. A. Maleinov and G. K. Tushinsky (ch. XVI):

« Any movement is prohibited during snowfalls, rains, fog, strong and especially warm winds and within two days after snowfalls, rains, snowstorms«.

« In avalanche-prone areas, people and vehicles should not be allowed to pass in columns. When moving, keep the intervals between people and transport at least 100 m. People should have red or orange avalanche cords dragging behind them in the snow, up to 30 m long (...) At the moment a person is captured by moving snow, his body can be buried deep under thick snow, and a light avalanche cord, as a rule, entrained by a stream of air, is ejected to the snow surface«.

« When passing through avalanche slopes on skis, unfasten the bindings and free your hands from the straps of ski poles«.

« The companions of the victim, not captured by the avalanche, must first of all follow the direction of the fall of the person carried away by the avalanche, so that even if he disappears together with the avalanche cord, they can at least approximately determine the place of his possible location under the snow«.

In narrow valleys, the effects of avalanches are more severe. If a steep section of great height is in the way of an avalanche, the falling mass of snow generates a shock wave of considerable force, capable of knocking a person down at a distance of a hundred or more meters.

There are avalanches of dry, wet and wet snow. When a person is caught in an avalanche of dry snow, the snow dust enters their lungs and can lead to suffocation. Since it is unlikely that an avalanche victim will be able to protect their nose and mouth with a scarf or sweater collar, it seems acceptable to wear a respirator in advance in avalanche areas (and along with a plastic helmet to protect the head in case of a fall).

A person covered with wet or wet snow is not able to get out from under it without outside help. Rescue work should be carried out very quickly, as those caught under wet snow soon die from lack of air.

If you are caught in a stream of sliding snow, tighten your knees and cover your head with your hands. In this position, there is less chance of fracture of the limbs, and if you are covered with snow, then there will be little room for the movement of the chest. Once under the snow, do not make unnecessary movements so as not to waste air. In order to find your way under the snow in the dark, where the top is, that is, in which direction you need to break through, you can, for example, by touch determine how the glove held by the edge hangs. It makes no sense to call for help by shouting, because the snow drowns out the sound well.

If your vehicle has been avalanched, do not use the engine to heat the passenger compartment, as this will lead to the accumulation of exhaust gases in the passenger compartment. The equipment of a person moving in the snowy mountains should include a small shovel. It is useful for digging out people covered by an avalanche, as well as for building a snow cave or snow hut. As for the latter, they should not be built in the mass of snow that has come down in an avalanche, since an avalanche can come down more than once in the same place.


If your area "never had" earthquakes, it only means that they have not been recorded for the last several thousand years. On a geological scale, such a period is negligible, and you need to prepare for this natural disaster, regardless of where you live.

You should not settle near objects, damage to which can lead to serious consequences. As a result of the earthquake, the destruction of dams, oil pipelines, oil storage facilities, gas pipelines, nuclear reactors, storage facilities for toxic substances at chemical plants is likely.

With a small earthquake, furniture will move, objects will fall from the shelves. Place heavy and valuable items lower, away from the edge of the shelves. Do the shelves along the edge of the sides. To prevent cabinets from falling, you need to attach them to the walls, to the ceiling. Better yet, use built-in wardrobes. Attach the chandelier securely. Do not sleep or sit under hanging shelves, and do not place a TV under them: they can break even without tremors.

Reinforced concrete buildings (but not panel ones) have the greatest strength. In an earthquake-prone area, staying in an old brick building that was not designed for seismic resistance significantly increases the risk. Low-rise buildings are less dangerous. The first floor is less dangerous: it is easier to get out from it. On the other hand, with the complete destruction of a 3..5-story building, those on the upper floors are more likely to survive. It is highly likely that the basement will survive, but if the building is destroyed, then those in the basement are unlikely to get out of it without outside help. In addition, if there is a gas pipeline or water supply in the basement, there may be an explosion or flooding.

Animals before an earthquake can feel danger and show anxiety. Reptiles feel the approach of an earthquake earlier than other animals. In winter, snakes and lizards crawl out of their holes. Warm-blooded animals begin to worry in about a day. Their anxiety increases two to three hours before the shocks and reaches its greatest strength a few minutes before the start of the earthquake.

During an earthquake, a vertical shock is sometimes felt first, and a horizontal shock after a few seconds. This is caused by different speeds of movement in the earth's crust of different types of waves generated in the center of the earthquake. Concussions last from a few seconds to a minute. The first shock may be followed by others in a few minutes, hours or days.

If tremors caught you in a room that you can't leave quickly, take cover in a doorway, under a table, or in the corner of a room. It can protect. In large-panel houses, the so-called "sanitary unit" is often made in the form of a monolithic block, that is, it turns out to be the most durable part of the structure. Since it also has a bath in which you can lie down, it turns out that the most preferred place to stay in the event of an earthquake (as well as a tsunami and) is the bathroom.

In case of a long stay in it after the partial destruction of the house, it is necessary to keep an electric one there, a small one, as well as a heavier hammer - to give signals by hitting the wall and to punch a hole in the wall when trying to do it yourself. For self-exit, a chisel and a metal file will also be useful.

Those who run out of a multi-storey building can, even with not very strong shocks, suffer from falling window panes, so you need to at least cover your head with something. If you're in an earthquake-resistant building, it's best not to leave until after the tremors have ended. If an earthquake caught you outside, you need to take a place away from buildings and power lines. If you were driving in a car, you need to stop it, but away from tall buildings.

It is extremely dangerous to be on a moving train during a strong earthquake, because trains in such a situation, as a rule, derail. If the shaking of the soil caught you on the seashore, it is better to get away from the water's edge as soon as possible, as a high wave may come.

If the house has a gas pipeline, then after the earthquake you should not light a fire, use electrical appliances. After an earthquake, cabinet doors should be carefully opened, as heavy objects may fall out.

A major earthquake in a large city is dangerous, among other things, by subsequent fires (mainly due to damage to gas pipelines), and later by epidemics (due to the everyday disorder of the survivors, and also due to the fact that a large number of rotting corpses remain under the ruins).


It is better to avoid settling in areas where there have been, are or may be volcanic eruptions. With regard to an extinct volcano, one cannot be sure that it will not erupt again one day. If you nevertheless decide to settle near the volcano, you need to choose a place away from the alleged lava paths and build a cheaper dwelling, and adapt all property to fast. Where and how you will get out, you need to decide in advance. During an eruption, the volcano throws out stones, volcanic ash, gases, so you should stock up on helmets, gas masks, and respirators.

Especially dangerous are volcanic eruptions on small islands, since evacuation by sea and by air can make storms difficult. Volcanic eruption is usually accompanied by an earthquake, and if the volcano is located on the coast, a very high wave can occur.

If not “your” volcano began to erupt, but located a little further, this should be considered as a warning.


In the atmosphere, horizontal and vertical movements of air constantly occur. Vertical air is caused by heating the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere and cooling it in the upper ones. Horizontal - a consequence of vertical: air moves horizontally to the place where it rises up or from the place where it falls down. Due to the rotation of the Earth and for other reasons, the horizontal-vertical movement of air takes on a vortex shape. A wide swirl of ascending warm air is called a cyclone, while descending cold air is called an anticyclone. A narrow whirlwind of rising air is called a tornado. The swirling of a cyclone begins as an intrusion of warm air from low latitudes into high latitudes (“warm front”) or an intrusion of cold air from high latitudes into low latitudes (“cold front”). A sign of the passage of an atmospheric front is heavy cloud cover and precipitation. After the passage of the front, the weather changes from cloudy to clear, from warm to cold, from cold to warm.

The diameter of a cyclone ranges from several hundred to several thousand kilometers. Low pressure in the center of the cyclone. In the Northern Hemisphere, the movement of air in a cyclone occurs counterclockwise, in the Southern Hemisphere it is vice versa. Cloudy in the cyclone zone.

In each hemisphere of the Earth, several cyclones are observed simultaneously. Each of them exists from several days to 2..3 weeks. In total, there are about 80 cyclones on the globe every year.

The speed of the cyclone is about 40 km/h, sometimes up to 100 km/h. All cyclones move from west to east.

Tropical cyclones range in size from 100 to 300 km and are characterized by stronger rotational and upward movement of air and, accordingly, powerful thunderclouds. They are formed no closer than 5 degrees of latitude from the equator, since the "Coriolis force" is involved in their formation. They move at a speed of 10..20 km / h. Wind speed - up to 100 m/s. In the center is an area free of clouds and with relatively little horizontal air movement. It has a diameter of 20 to 50 km.

Tropical cyclones form storms and hurricanes, and also carry a large amount of precipitation (up to 1000 mm) onto land, causing floods.

The anticyclone is less pronounced than the cyclone. Its diameter is one to two thousand kilometers. Moving - like a cyclone, from west to east, with an average speed of up to 30 km / h. The anticyclone can linger in place for a long time. In the anticyclone zone, cloudiness is small, and precipitation is usually absent.

Tornado, hurricane

A tornado, a tornado, is an atmospheric vortex of high power. Usually occurs in a thundercloud ahead of a cold front of a cyclone and moves in the direction of the cyclone's travel. Stretches in the form of a dark twisting sleeve to the surface of the earth or sea. In the upper part it has a funnel-shaped extension. When the tornado reaches the surface of the earth, its lower part also takes the form of a funnel. The height of the tornado is from 800 to 1000 m. The air in the tornado rotates (usually counterclockwise) at a very high speed and spirals upward. The diameter of a tornado over the sea is several tens of meters, over land - several hundred. Travel speed - up to 20 m/s. During its existence, it passes over land up to 60 km. It sucks in water and various objects, raises them to a great height and transfers them to a considerable distance. A powerful tornado can lift a person and even a car into the air.

To escape from the tsunami, you need to be away from the coast - towards the land or towards the sea (at a distance of more than 5 km). On land, one should try to reach a place located higher above sea level. You should leave the coast along the slopes of the hills, and not along the gorges and along the river channels.

If it is not possible to get a safe distance from the shore, the following is recommended: choose a building that is stronger, go up to a higher floor, occupy a room on the opposite side from the shore, lock windows and doors, and in the room itself, sit in the corner formed by the main walls. Outside the building, you must not be in a narrow place (between buildings, etc.), climb onto some fairly strong elevation, on which there is where to hide from the impact of the wave (floating objects that it carries with it are dangerous) and there is something to hold on to. It can be, for example, a durable tree. If a wave covers you in an open place, you need to take more air into your lungs, curl up and cover your head with your hands. It is better to have something buoyant enough with you.

It should be borne in mind that after the wave rises, a rollback follows and that there are often several waves - at intervals from several minutes to several hours.


If a natural disaster is expected, then it is usually to less dangerous areas. But the authorities do not always give the signal in a timely manner (if at all) and do not always care enough to communicate it to all potential victims.

Before leaving the dwelling, it is necessary to turn off the gas and electricity, protect the windows (close the shutters, lower the blinds, score with boards or plywood).

Scientists have managed to prove that it is possible to travel in time ... So, according to the research of the Israeli scientist Amos Ori, time travel is scientifically substantiated. And at present, world science already has the necessary theoretical knowledge to be able to assert that in theory it is possible to create a time machine.

The mathematical calculations of the Israeli scientist were published in one of the specialized publications. Ori concludes that the creation of a time machine requires the presence of gigantic gravitational forces. The scientist based his research on the conclusions made back in 1947 by his colleague, Kurt Gödel, the essence of which is that ...

The theory of relativity does not deny the existence of certain models of space and time.

According to Ori's calculations, the ability to travel into the past arises if the curved space-time structure is shaped into a funnel or ring. At the same time, each new coil of this structure will carry the person further into the past. In addition, according to the scientist, the gravitational forces necessary for the implementation of such temporary travel are probably located near the so-called black holes, the first mention of which dates back to the 18th century.

One of the scientists (Pierre Simon Laplace) put forward a theory about the existence of cosmic bodies that are invisible to the human eye, but have such high gravity that not a single light beam is reflected from them. The beam needs to overcome the speed of light in order to be reflected from such a cosmic body, but it is known that it is impossible to overcome it.

The boundaries of black holes are called event horizons. Each object that reaches it gets inside, and it is not visible from the outside what is happening inside the hole. Probably, the laws of physics cease to operate in it, temporal and spatial coordinates change places.

Thus, the spatial journey becomes a journey through time.

Despite this highly detailed and significant study, there is no evidence that time travel is real. However, no one has been able to prove that this is just a fiction. At the same time, throughout the history of mankind, a huge number of facts have been accumulated that indicate that time travel is still real. So, in the ancient chronicles of the era of the pharaohs, the Middle Ages, and then the French Revolution and world wars, the appearance of strange machines, people and mechanisms was recorded.

In order not to be unfounded, here are a few examples:


In May 1828, a teenager was caught in Nuremberg. Despite a thorough investigation and 49 volumes of the case, as well as portraits sent all over Europe, it turned out to be impossible to find out his identity, just like the places where the boy came from. He was given the name Kaspar Hauser, and he had incredible abilities and habits: the boy saw perfectly in the dark, but did not know what fire, milk was. He died from an assassin’s bullet, and his personality remained a mystery. However, there were suggestions that before coming to Germany, the boy lived in a completely different world.


In 1897, a very unusual incident occurred on the streets of the Siberian town of Tobolsk. At the end of August, a man of strange appearance and no less strange behavior was detained there. The man's surname is Krapivin. When he was taken to the police station and began to be interrogated, everyone was surprised by the information that the man shared: according to him, he was born in 1965 in Angarsk, and worked as a PC operator.

The man could not explain his appearance in the city in any way, however, according to him, shortly before that, he felt a severe headache, after which he lost consciousness. Waking up, Krapivin saw an unfamiliar town. To examine a strange man, a doctor was called to the police station, who diagnosed him with “quiet insanity”. After that, Krapivin was placed in a local lunatic asylum.


The tourists asked for directions, but instead of helping, the men looked at them strangely and pointed in an indefinite direction. After some time, the women again met strange people. This time it was a young woman with a girl, also dressed in old-fashioned clothes. The women this time did not suspect anything unusual until they came across another group of people dressed in ancient clothes.

These people spoke in an unfamiliar dialect of French. Soon the women realized that their own appearance caused amazement and bewilderment of those present. However, one of the men pointed them in the right direction. When the tourists reached their destination, they were amazed not by the house itself, but by the sight of the lady who sat next to it and made sketches in the album. She was very beautiful, in a powdered wig, a long dress, which was worn by aristocrats of the 18th century.

And only then did the Englishwomen finally realize that they were in the past. Soon the landscape changed, the vision disappeared, and the women swore to each other not to tell anyone about their journey. However, later, in 1911, they jointly wrote a book about the experience.


In 1924, British Royal Air Force pilots were forced to make an emergency landing in Iraq. Their footprints were clearly visible in the sand, but they soon broke off. The pilots were never found, although in the area where the incident occurred, there were no quicksands, no sandstorms, no abandoned wells ...


In 1930, a country doctor named Edward Moon was returning home after visiting his patient, Lord Edward Carson, who lived in Kent. The Lord was very ill, so the doctor visited him every day and knew the area well. One day, Moon, walking outside the estate of his patient, noticed that the area looked a little different than before. Instead of a road, there was a muddy path that led through deserted meadows.

While the doctor was trying to understand what had happened, he met a strange man who was walking a little ahead. He was dressed somewhat old-fashioned and carried an ancient musket. The man also noticed the doctor and stopped, obviously in amazement. When Moon turned around to look at the estate, the mysterious wanderer disappeared and the entire landscape returned to normal.


During the battles for the liberation of Estonia, which were fought throughout 1944, not far from the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion commanded by Troshin came across a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in historical uniforms in the forest. When the cavalry saw the tanks, they fled. As a result of the persecution, one of the strange people was detained.

He spoke exclusively in French, so he was mistaken for a soldier of the allied army. The cavalryman was taken to the headquarters, but everything he told shocked both the translator and the officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army, and that the remnants of it were trying to get out of the encirclement after the retreat from Moscow. The soldier also said that he was born in 1772. The next day, the mysterious cavalryman was taken away by employees of the special department ...


Another similar story is connected with the Kola Peninsula. For many centuries there was a legend that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea was located there. In the 1920s, an expedition was sent there, supported by Dzerzhinsky himself. The group headed by Kondiaina and Barchenko went to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero in 1922. All materials on the return of the expedition were classified, and Barchenko was later repressed and shot.


No one knows the details of the expedition, however, local residents say that during the search a strange hole was discovered underground, but incomprehensible fear and horror prevented scientists from penetrating there. Local residents also do not risk using these caves, because one may not return from them. And besides, there is a legend that near them they have repeatedly seen either a caveman or a snowman.

This story, perhaps, would have remained classified if, as a result of intrigues, it had not got into Western publications. One pilot of the NATO troops told reporters about a strange story that happened to him. It all happened in May 1999. The plane took off from the NATO base in Holland, carrying out the task of monitoring the actions of the parties in conflict with the Yugoslav war. When the plane was flying over Germany, the pilot suddenly saw a group of fighters that were moving straight at him. But they were all strange.

Flying closer, the pilot saw that it was the German Messerschmites. The pilot did not know what to do, because his plane was not equipped with weapons. However, he soon saw that the German fighter had come under the sight of the Soviet fighter. The vision lasted for a few seconds, then everything disappeared. There is other evidence of past penetrations that have taken place in the air.


So, in 1976, the Soviet pilot V. Orlov said that he personally saw how ground military operations were being conducted under the wing of the MiG-25 aircraft he piloted. According to the descriptions of the pilot, he was an eyewitness to the battle that took place in 1863 near Gettysburg. In 1985, one of the NATO pilots, taking off from a NATO base located in Africa, saw a very strange picture: below, instead of a desert, he saw savannahs with a lot of trees and dinosaurs grazing on the lawns. Soon the vision disappeared.


In 1986, the Soviet pilot A. Ustimov, in the course of a mission, discovered that he was over Ancient Egypt. According to him, he saw one pyramid, which was completely built, as well as the foundations of others, around which many people were swarming. In the late 80s of the last century, captain of the second rank, military sailor Ivan Zalygin got into a very interesting and mysterious story. It all started with the fact that his diesel submarine got into a severe lightning storm.

The captain decided to surface, but as soon as the ship took the surface position, the watchman reported that an unidentified floating craft was right on the course. It turned out to be a rescue boat in which Soviet sailors found a military man in the form of a Japanese sailor during the Second World War. During a search of this man, documents were found that were issued back in 1940. As soon as the incident was reported, the captain received an order to proceed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence representatives were already waiting for the Japanese sailor. Members of the team took a non-disclosure agreement for the fact of the find for a period of ten years.


The mysterious story happened in 1952 in New York. In November, an unidentified man was hit on Broadway. His body was taken to the morgue. The police were surprised that the young man was dressed in ancient clothes, and in the pocket of his trousers were found the same old watch and a knife made at the beginning of the century.

However, the surprise of the police knew no bounds when they saw a certificate issued about 8 decades ago, as well as business cards indicating the profession (traveling salesman). After checking the address, it was possible to establish that the street indicated in the documents has not existed for about half a century. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to find out that the deceased was the father of one of the long-lived women of New York, who disappeared for about 70 years during an ordinary walk. To prove her words, the woman showed a photo: it had the date - 1884, and the photo itself showed a man who died under the wheels of a car in the same strange suit.


In 1954, after popular unrest in Japan, a man was detained during passport control. All his documents were in order, except that they were issued by the non-existent state of Tuared. The man himself claimed that his country is located on the African continent between French Sudan and Mauritania. Moreover, he was amazed when he saw that Algiers was in the place of his Tuared. True, the Tuareg tribe really lived there, but it never had sovereignty.


In 1980, a young man disappeared in Paris after his car was covered in a bright, glowing foggy ball. A week later, he appeared at the same place where he disappeared, but at the same time he thought that he was absent for only a few minutes. In 1985, on the first day of the new school year, second-grader Vlad Geineman played "war" with his friends at recess. To knock the "enemy" off the trail, he dived into the nearest doorway. However, when a few seconds later the boy jumped out of there, he did not recognize the school yard - it was completely empty.

The boy rushed to the school, but he was stopped by his stepfather, who had been looking for him for a long time to take him home. As it turned out, more than an hour and a half had passed since he decided to hide. But Vlad himself did not remember what happened to him during this time. An equally strange story happened to the Englishman Peter Williams. According to him, he got into some strange place during a thunderstorm. After a lightning strike, he lost consciousness, and when he came to, he found that he was lost.

After walking along a narrow road, he managed to stop the car and ask for help. The man was taken to the hospital. After some time, the young man's health improved, and he could already go for a walk. But since his clothes were completely ruined, the roommate lent him his. When Peter went out into the garden, he realized that he was in the place where he was overtaken by a thunderstorm. Williams wanted to thank the medical staff and a kind neighbor.

He managed to find a hospital, but no one recognized him there, and all the clinic staff looked much older. There were no records of Peter's admission in the registration book, as well as a roommate. When the man remembered the trousers, he was told that they were an outdated model that had been out of production for over 20 years!


In 1991, a railway worker saw that a train was coming from the side of the old branch, where not even the rails were left: a steam locomotive and three wagons. It was of a very strange appearance, and clearly not of Russian production. The train passed the worker and left in the direction in which Sevastopol was located. Information about this incident was even published in one of the publications in 1992. It contained data that back in 1911 a pleasure train left Rome, in which there were a large number of passengers.

He got into a thick fog, and then drove into the tunnel. He was not seen again. The tunnel itself was filled with stones. Perhaps they would have forgotten about this if the train had not appeared in the Poltava region. Many scientists then put forward the version that this train somehow managed to pass through time. Some of them attribute this ability to the fact that almost at the same time when the train set off, a powerful earthquake occurred in Italy, as a result of which large cracks appeared not only on the surface of the earth, but also in the chronological field.


In 1994, a ten-month-old girl was discovered by a Norwegian fishing boat in the Atlantic's northern waters. She was very cold, but she was alive. The girl was tied to a life buoy, on which there was an inscription - "Titanic". It is worth noting that the baby was found exactly where the famous ship sank in 1912. Of course, it was simply impossible to believe in the reality of what was happening, but when they raised the documents, they really found a 10-month-old child on the Titanic passenger list.


There are other pieces of evidence related to this ship. So, some sailors claimed that they saw the ghost of the sinking Titanic. According to some scientists, the ship fell into the so-called time trap, in which people can disappear without a trace, and then appear in a completely unexpected place. The list of disappearances can be continued for a very, very long time.


It makes no sense to mention all of them, because most of them are similar to each other. Almost always, time travel is irreversible, but sometimes it turns out that people who have disappeared for a while then return safely. Unfortunately, many of them end up in madhouses, because no one wants to believe in their stories, and they themselves do not really understand whether what happened to them is true.

Scientists have been trying to solve the problem of temporary movements for several centuries. It may well happen that soon this problem will become an objective reality, and not the plot of science fiction books and films.

If you anger mother nature, she will not spare anyone. Every year, natural disasters kill tens of thousands of people. Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, snow avalanches are truly deadly phenomena. No less dangerous for any person is a meeting with some dangerous creatures created by nature, for example, sharks or box jellyfish. The people we will talk about in this article, as they say, were born "in the shirt." They survived the most powerful fires, lightning strikes, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Dai Vijay Gunawardane survived when the tsunami destroyed his train

More than a thousand train passengers died after a collision with a wave, only a few survived

In December 2004, the press dubbed the "Queen of the Seashore" a passenger train that ran along the coastline of Sri Lanka. As the train approached its final destination, a huge wave of devastating tsunami swept over it. All 8 wagons were flooded, each of them was thrown 50-100 meters from the railway track with incredible force.

Dai Vijay Gunawardane, a restaurateur from the city of Colombo, was able to survive only by a miracle when the car he was traveling inside turned over on the ground four times, being thrown off the tracks by a powerful wave. Dai, like the other passengers, was trapped in a closed, flooded train. In the end, the man was able to get out of the car by breaking one of the windows. Gunawardan was lucky to find his two children. After he pulled them out, the whole trio climbed to the ledge of a nearby mountain. Without a doubt, they would have died if they had not done this, because a second tsunami wave was already visible on the horizon.

According to various sources, from 900 to 1700 passengers who were in the "Queen of the Sea Coast" died on that fateful day. Among them were hundreds of children.

Louis-Auguste Cypress - the man who survived the most powerful volcanic eruption

Of the 28,000 residents of Saint-Pierre, only two survived the eruption.

In the spring of 1902, one of the escaped convicts, Louis-Auguste Cypress, voluntarily surrendered to the authorities of Martinique (an island in the Caribbean) in the city of Saint-Pierre. The judge sentenced him to imprisonment in solitary confinement, located in the dungeon of the local prison.

A month before, Saint-Pierre began to shake from powerful tremors. This is how the volcano Montagne Pele, located on Martinique, woke up. Clouds of volcanic ash and sulfur have turned life in the city into a living hell. Poisonous snakes that lived on the slopes of the volcano began to move closer to the settlements, due to a sudden meeting with them, hundreds of people and animals died. However, the locals only took the impending danger seriously when a devastating mudflow from the top of the volcano covered the distillery. Then 23 workers died. Then the mudflow hit the water, causing a powerful wave that destroyed the Saint-Pierre embankment.

When the local population began to try to leave their homes, Governor Louis Maute decided to stop the panic. He ordered the military to keep all the people within the city by force. To reassure people and make them change their minds about leaving St. Pierre shortly before the election, Mote ordered journalists from a local newspaper to write that the city was not in danger. And a group of unqualified researchers hired by him published a report confirming these conclusions. But it couldn't go on like this for long.

This is interesting: On the morning of May 8, the volcano began to erupt in earnest. The pyroclastic flow, which consisted of red-hot lava, ash and poisonous gases, reached Saint-Pierre in about 50 seconds. The scale of the destruction was incredible (there was absolutely nothing left of the city), and the number of victims staggered the imagination. Of the seventeen ships that were in the harbor at the time the eruption began, only one escaped. And out of the 28 thousand population of Saint-Pierre, only two survived - Louis-Auguste Cypress, a prisoner in the dungeon, and a shoemaker, whose name, unfortunately, is unknown.

Cypress was saved by the fact that he was sitting in an underground punishment cell - a cell with thick stone walls, a massive door and a miniature window. The chamber was so small that the only way to get into it was by crawling. This "stone coffin" saved the prisoner's life. Louis-Auguste received severe burns, as he could not get out of the punishment cell, buried under a layer of hot stones. It was accidentally discovered and dug up only 3 days after the disaster. Soon the governor of the island pardoned the offender. Cypress spent the rest of his life traveling around many countries as part of a troupe. He enthusiastically talked about the terrible tragedy and showed the shocked people the scars from burns.

Note that after the eruption of Montagne Pele, the city of Saint-Pierre was no longer able to fully revive and regain the title of the economic center of Martinique.

Eva Wisznerska got into a thundercloud and survived

Paragliding is a very dangerous sport

In February 2007, Eva Wisznerska, an experienced German paraglider, took part in a training flight dedicated to preparing for the world championship, which was to be held exactly one week later in Manila (Philippines). But 2 hours after the start of the flight, the excellent weather suddenly gave way to a strong storm.

This is interesting: Eva's light paraglider was picked up by a powerful upward air current and brought into a thundercloud at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Eva was at a ten-kilometer height. Because of the ice particles and the deepening darkness, the girl could not see anything. Heavy rain, hail and severe turbulence made any further progress impossible. The air temperature was -50°C. There was so little oxygen that it was difficult to breathe.

In the end, the forces left Eve and she lost consciousness. Wishnerska spent about 40 minutes in a fainting state. Doctors say it saved her life.

Eve regained consciousness when her paraglider, folded under the weight of the adhering ice, began to plummet down. Fortunately, at a height of 7 km, it opened again, and Eva managed to land safely near an agricultural farm. Half an hour later, a rescue team arrived at the landing site of the paraglider pilot.

Wisnerska received severe frostbite, but survived. She was incredibly lucky, because the Chinese paraglider He Jong Ping, who fell into the same thundercloud, died. He was killed by lightning.

Peter Skillberg spent 2 months in snow captivity without food

Peter Skillberg lived in snow captivity for 2 months

In the winter of 2012, two Swedes riding snowmobiles near the town of Umeå accidentally stumbled upon an abandoned car covered in a thick layer of snow. When the police and rescuers pulled the car out of the snow (it took them more than 20 minutes), they saw that an emaciated man in a sleeping bag was in the back seat. The 45-year-old man (later revealed to be Peter Skillberg) was so debilitated that he could only speak with great difficulty. He told the rescuers that he spent almost 2 months in snow captivity, all this time he did not eat.

Doctors doubted his words, because it is believed that without food a person can live no more than 3-4 weeks. But the facts that would help to expose the man in a lie did not appear. Meanwhile, rescuers are confident that, if desired, Skillberg would have managed to free himself from the car covered with snow. They believe that he tried to commit suicide in this way.

Rachel Shardlow survives fatal box jellyfish sting

Box jellyfish - one of the most poisonous creatures on the planet

In April 2009, ten-year-old Australian Rachel Shardlow was swimming in the Calliope River. Suddenly, the girl began to sink. Rachel's older brother, Sam, saw this and jumped into the water to save his sister. When the guy pulled the girl ashore, he saw that long tentacles were wrapped around her legs.

Subsequently, it turned out that these were the tentacles of the most poisonous creature on the planet - box jellyfish. Experts were amazed that Rachel managed to survive the fatal bite. It is known that the poison of box jellyfish in a matter of seconds affects the heart and nervous system of the victim.

Rachel was in the hospital for over a month and a half. Today, she is one of the few people in the world who survived the encounter with the box jellyfish.

Lightning proof Roy Sullivan

This man was struck by lightning 7 times!

This is interesting: Since 1942, park ranger Roy Sullivan has been struck by lightning 7 times. The man survived all 7 strokes and got into the Guinness Book of Records. Most of the incidents occurred in the Shenandoah National Park (Virginia, USA), where Sullivan worked for 36 years.

In 1969, lightning apparently missed and struck in turn two trees that grew on both sides of the mountain road that Roy was driving on. First, she hit the first tree, then, passing through the lowered side windows of the car in which the "lightning lord" was located, hit the trunk of the second tree.

Sullivan committed suicide in late 1983 by shooting himself in the head for unknown reasons. Here, even the higher powers were powerless.

Grace Newberry was saved, being in the middle of a blazing city

Only people hiding in the pond survived the fire in Peshtigo

In the hot summer of 1871, a powerful fire broke out in the forests of Wisconsin. First, the fire completely destroyed the village of Sugar Bush (dozens of residents died), and then headed towards Peshtigo. Grace Newberry lived in this city with her family - her husband and two sons.

At that time, the city of Peshtigo, one of the largest timber producers in the United States, was completely unprotected from fire. The roads in Peshtigo were littered with a thick layer of sawdust, and houses and industrial buildings were built of timber. Therefore, one should not be surprised that when the fire reached the city limits, it broke out literally in an instant. On the first night, the furious fiery element killed 1200 people.

Grace Newberry, her husband and sons hid from the raging flames in a small pond. The husband, tired of waiting for salvation from nowhere, tried to escape with the children, thereby dooming himself and them to certain death. Only people who did not leave the pond could escape, among them Grace and her sister Martha.

Harrison Okin spent 3 days at the bottom of the ocean

This man spent 3 days at the bottom of the ocean

Nigerian Harrison Okin worked as a cook on the Jascon-4 tugboat. In May 2013, the tug was caught in a severe storm, and one of the waves overturned it. The ship began to sink. At this time, Harrison was in the bathroom. By a lucky chance, he was able to get into the engineer's cabin, in which a small air pocket formed when the tug was flooded. Eleven other crew members locked themselves inside their cabins, which is why they died.

This is interesting: When the tugboat sank to the bottom of the ocean, Harrison already mentally said goodbye to life. The fact is that oxygen in a small air pocket with each breath became less and less. In addition, the man was very frightened by loud noises. He believes that predatory sharks or barracudas, who sailed to profit from the bodies of his dead comrades, were the reason for them.

Fortunately, Harrison survived. Three days later, he, safe and sound, was discovered and raised from the bottom of the ocean by South African rescuers.

Vanuatan Lik Simelum - the man who survived everything

Vanuatan Simelum has survived dozens of natural disasters

Vanuatuan Lik Simelum, 76, has successfully survived dozens of natural disasters throughout his life, including volcanic eruptions, numerous landslides, earthquakes, and tornadoes.

For the first time, nature made an attempt to kill Simelum when he was eleven years old. Then the young man lived on the small island of Ambrim. The volcano of the same name then erupted almost every year, destroying crops and polluting drinking water. When it was no longer possible to live on Ambrym, all its inhabitants, including Simelum's relatives, were relocated to the nearby island of Epi. Less than a month later, a powerful downpour hit it, causing landslides. One of them fell on Simelum's dwelling in the middle of the night. Vanuatuan's father and brother died, and his mother survived, but suffered a severe back injury. Simelum himself, along with his two sisters, was not at home then.

When the guy's mother felt better, the family moved to the island of Efate. Here, Simelum, already in adulthood, survived a tsunami, two tornadoes (Uma and Pam), which destroyed his house in turn, as well as several floods and landslides. In 2009, Simelum again had to leave the place of residence when a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.7 on the Richter scale hit the island of Efate.

The release of gas from Lake Nyos killed all life within a radius of 30 kilometers

Late in the evening of August 21, 1985, 28-year-old Cameroonian Halima Suley, who lived with her family in a small house on the coast of Lake Nyos, heard an incomprehensible rumble. Then the woman felt that her house shook a little, as if due to a strong gust of wind. A few seconds later, Halima lost consciousness.

This is interesting: Other locals saw how a powerful jet, resembling a geyser, escaped from the depths of the lake. Soon a foggy cloud formed over the water surface, the height of which exceeded 100 meters. Rolling over the earth, it killed almost all life within a radius of thirty kilometers.

Sulei regained consciousness the next morning. Opening her eyes, the woman saw a horrific picture: all 35 members of her family, including four children, were dead. An incomprehensible phenomenon killed all livestock. The woman began to sob and scream in despair. Her screams were heard by her neighbor Efriam Che, who hurried to console her. All of Ephriam's relatives also perished. In total, the tragedy claimed the lives of approximately 1,900 people. Almost all of them, as it turned out later, died in their sleep.

According to scientists, the poisonous cloud that swept over the area contained deadly concentrations of carbon dioxide.

An analysis performed under laboratory conditions gave German scientists the opportunity to conclude that immediately after the 1985 disaster, the waters of the lake contained over 250 million cubic meters of carbon dioxide. The isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen showed that gases entered the lake by seeping from the bowels of the earth. For a long time they simply accumulated in the bottom layers of water. And then, during the rainy season, too much colder, denser water from the rivers got into the lake. At a critical moment, she sank down, and layers saturated with carbon dioxide rose to the surface in a matter of seconds.

It should be noted that already in April 1992 new studies of Lake Nyos were carried out. Scientists' measurements show that carbon dioxide continues to enter the waters of the lake - about 5 million cubic meters every year. Unfortunately, people still do not know how to safely reduce the CO2 content in Nyos. And the more time passes, the more the likelihood of a recurrence of the disaster increases.

According to scientists, there is a high probability that in the next 50 years there will be at least 2 catastrophes, the consequences of which will be catastrophic. The millionth city of San Francisco runs the risk of being destroyed by a powerful earthquake at any second. Well, the Italian Naples can be wiped off the face of the earth during the eruption of the active volcano Vesuvius. The worst thing is that scientists cannot predict such catastrophes in advance - so that millions of people have time to escape.

There is an opinion that time is constant and continuous everywhere and always. Time moves only in one direction, with the same speed, and neither nature, nor man, nor machine can change time.

But is it really so? There are many examples when eyewitnesses of events talk about slowing down or speeding up the passage of time.

Psychologists explain all known irregularities in the rate of change of time by the peculiarity of the human psyche. The more we hurry somewhere, the faster time goes - it flies; the more interesting the business we are engaged in, the slower the passage of time - it drags on.

But there are thousands of documented testimonies that cannot be explained by a feature of the psyche. When mortal danger threatens, a soldier, a driver, a pilot, an astronaut, and even a person of a non-heroic specialty, is faced with the phenomenon of time compression and stretching.

Mark Gallay, a test pilot, spoke about the case when a fire started in the air during tests of the La-5 fighter. He described the observed picture as follows: “From somewhere under the hood, a long tongue of flame was knocked out ... From below, acrid gray smoke stretched into the cabin ... The time scale faltered, moved, and went according to some strange double counting. Every second has acquired the ability to expand indefinitely, as much as it takes to expand - such a large number of things a person manages to do in a similar situation. It seems like time has almost stopped!”

In times of military conflicts, a lot of inexplicable facts and events that are related to time happen. This can be explained by the fact that the world is coming out of its calm state and the reaction of a person is certainly changing. In situations where there is a threat to life, the effect of an excited psyche cannot be ignored. But, having become acquainted with the memories of the participants in the events, the question involuntarily arises again: what is time in human destiny?

July 1941 - Sergei Ivanovich Kolybin, an attack pilot, flew on a single-seat Il-2. The dangerous mission might be his last. But no imagination would be enough to imagine that he would be the first and only pilot to survive a ground ramming. But that's exactly what happened.

The attack aircraft was hit, and the German soldiers were already in a hurry to the place of its intended landing. Kolybin abruptly turned the plane around and crashed into the bridge. IL-2, before exploding, hooked the bridge structure with its wing and rolled over. Kolybin was thrown out of the cab, and ... time stopped in his perception. He managed to see the expressions on the faces of all the Nazis around him, to see how some of them tried to get out of the hatches of the tanks, others ran away from the flames or fell to the ground, but all their movements became inexplicably slow ...

Is it possible in such a situation to have time to do something to save your life? Or help someone else? A. Leonov and V. Lebedev recall: “During the flight, the plane caught fire. The pilot ejected, two other crew members could not get out of the uncontrolled aircraft and died ... The pilot, in accordance with the instructions before the ejection, gave the crew a command to leave the aircraft, but received no answer, although, according to him, he waited for several minutes. In fact, the time interval between the order itself and the moment of ejection was only a few seconds ... "

Medicine calls these phenomena an inexplicable loss of orientation in time. . The archives of anomalous phenomena contain a curious description that was made during the war years. Soldier Fyodor Nikolayevich Filatov, (a native of Balashov), survived several agonizing minutes in one instant of the explosion. As if spellbound, he saw fiery streaks running along the steel body of the projectile, the metal cracking and slowly, “like in a dream”, fragments fly apart. The researchers claim that the description given to them during the Second World War is exactly the same as later high-speed video recordings.

People who have experienced such a phenomenon tell seemingly implausible stories.

“... I was so carried away by the beautiful flight of a bullet flying right at me that I didn’t even think of dodging, even though I had plenty of time for this” (Captain N. 3.).

“... The black barrel of a light machine gun that fired at me from five meters seemed to me very large, even huge. Time stopped, there was complete silence. I simply slowly stepped aside, and the bullets went to the left ”(Sergeant V. Ch., 1984).

“... Dushman shot me in the head, I didn’t hear the shot, but I clearly saw how a cloud of powder gas slowly grew near his gun and how an explosive bullet carved fragments from a stone” (Private A.K., 1986).

And no matter how the researchers try to explain in their own way, the eyewitnesses are alive and willingly share their impressions, and this is the main thing!

In 1977, there was a case when a falling combine engine almost crushed a man. The calculations of the engineer Y. Roscius were as follows: the lucky man could not dodge the engine rushing at him, which weighed a ton, only a miracle saved him. Or a few extra seconds.

1992 - paratrooper A. Konakov, falling from a height of thirty-five meters without a parachute, claimed that he managed to group and land correctly only thanks to an inexplicably stretched time.

1992 - The Propeller newspaper investigated and timed the testimony of another skydiver who described one of his jumps in 1988 as follows: “There was only a meter to the high-voltage transmission line, and it seemed unthinkable to turn away from it. But inexplicably, my descent stopped, I hung in the air, almost touching the deadly wires with my feet. Weird! I looked up - no, the canopy of the parachute did not catch on anything, all that holds it is air! Out of the corner of my eye I saw people running across the field. They also froze in one place and seemed to hang in the air. Then I remembered everything that I was taught, pulled several lines with force - and ... the parachute was led away from the wires! I don't remember landing. The people who ran up later said that I sat with my eyes open for several minutes, not answering any questions ... "

Raymond Moody in his famous book "" cited a lot of eyewitness accounts for whom time has changed its normal course. This always happened in the moments preceding clinical death.

“I realized what was happening and I was terrified. And while the truck skidded onto the bridge, I changed my mind about everything that was in my life. I just saw some pictures ... just like in life. At first, I remembered following my father along the bank of a stream. I was then 2 years old. Then - how my brand new red car broke down, which I was given for Christmas when I was 5 years old ... How I cried when I first went to school, and tears dripped onto the bright yellow raincoat that my mother bought me. Little by little I remembered each of the elementary school classes, all the teachers, and some of the things we learned in each class. Then came my teenage years, working in a grocery store, after which my memory took me to the near future ... These memories and many others just flashed through my mind. Everything happened very quickly, literally in a split second. After that, everything stopped, and I stood nearby and looked at the truck ... It was absolutely broken, but I did not receive any injuries. I jumped out of the cab through the windshield frame ... I can remember everything I saw, but it would take at least 15 minutes. But then it happened instantly, in less than one second.”

1992, August - G. Snedkova returned to Moscow from vacation. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, the track was flat and half empty, when suddenly “... something happened to the Zhiguli, we were thrown off the road, the car turned over several times on a slope ... Maybe this is a literary metaphor, or maybe my subjective impression , but those moments for all of us simply did not exist. The car rolled over in less than an instant. The normal perception of time returned to us a little later.

Researchers of the Phenomenon group note the physical manifestations of high-speed time jumps. For example, watches on the hands of eyewitnesses of unusual events suddenly begin to rush. It happens that people nearby, who are not even aware of the imminent danger, unexpectedly for themselves begin to see a “slow motion movie”. In those on the verge of death, not only the speed of movements increases, but also the strength of the muscles.

The researchers explain the last statement as follows: the muscles do not become stronger, their work is simply done over a longer period of time. Moreover, the momentum of force increases as many times as the time is "stretched". That is why, fleeing from wolves, people sometimes climb up completely smooth tree trunks, and when they see a bear, they can jump over a high fence from a place. And it was this factor that helped fragile nurses carry the wounded from the battlefield, and mothers protecting their children turned cars over and broke iron bars with their hands.

There are many such examples in the literature. So, a case is described when, in order to save a comrade, a climber could move a huge boulder. Or an old woman, fleeing from the fire, lifted a huge chest, which later two hefty firefighters managed to tear off the ground with difficulty. Or the pedal jammed in a dying plane, but the pilot made an incredible effort and cut off the jammed bolt ... Each of us can recall similar incidents that we read about in books, newspapers or magazines.

There are cases when time is not stretched, but compressed. This happens when the danger is close, but has not yet arrived.

1974, summer - in Kyrgyzstan, in the Tien Shan mountains, Sergei Ratnikov almost fell into the abyss. My brother helped, who instantly, according to Sergei, overcame several tens of meters and extended his hand ...

Researchers have long had no doubt that the human body has colossal reserves. Moreover, some of these reserves, "turning on" in critical situations, help a person to influence the world around him.

Do we have a time management body? Most likely, we not only have it, but it is constantly in action. Each person's time is different. Even the appearance of a person can tell how his “internal clock” works. A large amount of stress shortens life expectancy. In other words, if we cannot accept the situation, drawing the proper lessons from it, we are offended by the world, then we ourselves reduce the time allotted to us for life.

Where is the time management mechanism hidden? According to A. K. Sukhval, this organ could well be located in the brain, more precisely, in the hypothalamus. According to R. Sharru and A. Priyma, the so-called third eye serves these purposes. . According to other sources, the spinal cord claims this honorary role.

We are talking about a qualitatively new function of the neurons of the brain, which, according to the research of academician V. Kaznacheev, are interconnected mainly through one common field (aura).