Unusual shrubs for the garden. What deciduous trees and shrubs to plant on the site

To decorate the garden, it is enough to grow several ornamental shrubs on the site. They are able to transform paths and open areas, as well as delight the eye with bright shades. Shrubs are flowering and non-flowering. Their varieties will be discussed below.

In order for an ornamental flowering shrub to fit well into the garden landscape, it is necessary take into account several important criteria:

  • Decorativeness... This is a key point to always keep in mind. All shrubs differ in their height, crown shape, color of leaves and flowers.
  • Height... You should always pay attention to the compositional structure of the garden. So, in a small area, it is better to plant compact varieties that do not have a spreading crown. If you want to make a hedge out of shrubs, then fast-growing tall crops will do. In this case, you need to make sure that the crown will look beautiful at any time of the year.
  • Growing features... Climatic conditions play an important role. So, some varieties do well in semi-shaded areas, while others begin to bloom only in bright light.

It is best to choose an unpretentious plant. It should be remembered that a flowering shrub for a garden should ideally bloom for at least 2 seasons.

Most gardeners advise purchasing seedlings with a closed root system. Such trees can be planted not only in late spring, but also in late autumn and winter.

The choice of an ornamental shrub depending on the season


For cold regions and the middle lane, such shrubs are ideal:

In regions with mild climates, it is worth planting camellias, rhododendrons, magnolias, witch hazel and azaleas.


  • Weigela... Flowering is observed throughout the summer.
  • Barberry... In early June, bright yellow flowers appear on the plant. In their place, red berries are formed in the fall. The foliage of the barberry has a beautiful maroon hue.
  • Hydrangea... Blooms in mid-summer. The buds can have different shades: white, purple, pink and burgundy. The ornamental form of the shrub remains until October-November.
  • Skumpia leather... In summer, the plant is covered with a huge number of small flowers, which is why the shrub is often called smoking. On sale there is a variety of Royal Purple, the leaves of which in the fall change the burgundy shade to bright orange.


  • Panicle hydrangea... Differs in its durability and frost resistance. Its decorative properties are preserved for 20-30 years.
  • Euonymus... In summer, crimson flowers appear on the bush, and with the onset of autumn, the foliage turns purple.
  • Rowan... This shrub is considered ornamental throughout the year.


For winter, not only evergreen conifers are ideal, but also shrubs with an original crown. For example, it can be white dogwood, in which, with the onset of cold weather, the bark acquires a bright red hue. Also in the winter garden, plants look great, which have a lot of bright berries on the branches. We are talking about holly, wild rose and berry yew.

Landscaping and flowering shrubs

Similar cultures in the garden can be plant with tapeworm, that is, one by one. However, they will not always look good, so most gardeners prefer to plant 3 shrubs nearby at once. They are positioned so that the tallest plant is in the back and the lowest in the front. The composition can be revived with the help of undersized flowers, large stones or decorative grains. The ensembles look good next to a terrace, a pond or near a walkway. With their help, you can hide a blank wall or part of a fence.

Ornamental flowering shrubs for the garden


Before planting a flowering shrub, you must choose a suitable place in the garden. It should be remembered that plants with red and two-colored leaves need good lighting, because in the shade such interesting shades will be invisible. You should also consider the requirements for soil, humidity and air temperature.

Before planting, it is necessary to mark on the site the place where the plants will be located. Then you need to carefully remove the top layer of soil and put it on a film. Next, planting pits are prepared, the size of which should be 2 times the size of the root system. A mixture of garden soil, peat and humus is laid out at the bottom of the hole. In some cases it is advisable to add a small amount of sand. You can also apply mineral or organic fertilizer. The pits are poured over with water and wait until it is completely absorbed.

The seedlings are carefully placed in the hole, and then the resulting composition is evaluated. If everything suits you, then you just need to cover the hole with earth, compact it and make a small roller, which will help avoid water spreading during watering. After that, the shrubs water and mulch the soil.

Showy flowering shrubs

  • rose flower... This is a rather capricious plant, which will take a lot of effort to care for. Novice gardeners should give preference to park varieties, which are quite unpretentious. Their disadvantage is considered to be flowering 1 time per season. The most beautiful varieties include Shevchenko, Hansa and Ritausma.
  • Jasmine... Such shrubs flaunt in almost every garden. Flowering is observed already in early summer. So, many snow-white flowers appear on the branches. In landscape design, plants are used to decorate alleys and create hedges. An ornamental shrub is considered shade-tolerant, but the most abundant flowering is observed only on plants that are planted in a sunny area. The most beautiful are the varieties with the architectural shape of the crown. This is pyramidal jasmine and the Virginian variety.
  • Bubble... A medium-sized shrub with a height of 1.5-2 m, ideal for creating hedges. The plant has burgundy and green leaves, red-brown bark and interesting inflorescences in shape. The bush can be trimmed periodically, so that its decorative appearance remains throughout the year. The fruits of the plant look especially beautiful, the color of which changes from green to deep red. The most popular varieties are Diabolo, Summer Vine and Coppertina.
  • Rhododendron... Such shrubs are often used to create various compositions in the garden. The most decorative varieties are Blue Peter, Alfred and Violetta.
  • Derain... This shrub is very popular with gardeners. Its height often reaches 3 m. The peculiarities of the plant are coral-red branches and a bluish bloom on the shoots. Flowering occurs in late May and lasts until early autumn. Inflorescences resemble panicles and umbrellas. In the autumn period, the shrub still remains decorative, as its foliage changes its shade to bronze-crimson. In winter, the plant with dark brown shoots looks spectacular against the background of evergreen conifers and white snow. Derain can be planted singly or in a composition. He tolerates a haircut well. The most decorative varieties are Gold Star, Rubra and Cherokee Princesses.
  • Lilac... The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise it will overgrow. So, at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to leave 10 powerful shoots that will set the shape, and the remaining branches should be cut off. After flowering, all damaged shoots must be removed. In the spring, a triple feeding is required. A solution of poultry manure is optimal for this purpose. The best varieties are Alice Harding, Condorcet, Paul Tyrion.
  • Japonica... Although this plant is considered conditionally frost-hardy, it can suffer from extreme cold weather. So, shoots that will not be hidden under the snow will freeze, which means that there will be no abundant flowering. At the beginning of spring, sanitary pruning is carried out: all dry and damaged shoots are removed. At the age of 5, you can begin to shape the bush. In this case, horizontal shoots cannot be cut off. 10 years after planting, the bushes must be rejuvenated. Only 7-10 strong branches are left on them. Japanese quince blooms in late spring.
  • Buddlea... This shrub blooms from mid-summer to October. Although the plant is considered thermophilic, it can survive the average winter if it is properly prepared for the cold. The buddleya needs sanitary pruning. Also, if desired, you can carry out a curly haircut.
  • Bloodroot... The shrub is considered unpretentious and winter-hardy. Flowering occurs from May to August. The plant needs good drainage, top dressing in early spring and regular pruning of wilted inflorescences in summer. The best varieties are Goldstar, Abbotswood and Pink Beauty.
  • Heather... It is a creeping shrub that blooms in late summer and lasts until September. For the plant to thrive, it is necessary to prepare the right soil. It should be a mixture of sand, sawdust, peat and pine needles. Watering heather can only be done with oxidized water. For the winter, the plant is covered with spruce paws. The most beautiful varieties are Million, Allegro and Alba Plena.

Ornamental shrubs are the best decoration for any garden. They can be used to create group compositions, flower alleys and hedges. To create a garden of continuous flowering, it is necessary to plant several different species and varieties that bloom at different times of the year.

The average climatic zone of the Russian Federation is distinguished by capricious weather conditions: in winter the thermometer drops to -30, and in summer it takes off to +35 C. Not every plant can withstand such harsh conditions, and today we have collected the best low ornamental flowering shrubs that are frost-resistant. These beautiful plants are ideal for the Moscow region and the middle climatic zone of the Russian Federation. Read our descriptions with names, characteristics and photos to create a landscape design for your summer cottage.

How to choose and combine shrubs at their summer cottage

There are a lot of types of frost-resistant shrubs, but you should not plant them spontaneously. When planting and selecting plants, you should follow these rules:

  1. The size of the plot and the area that is allocated for the bush.
  2. Compatibility of shrubs with plants and trees already available on the site.

An ornamental shrub is of interest throughout the year, and it can be distinguished by bright leaf color, shape, flowering and even berries. Some shrubs look great in a single copy, others are good as a decorative low hedge.

Choose your shrub to blend in with other nearby plants

A shrub is a versatile plant used for such purposes in landscape design:

  • demarcation of the territory;
  • creation of hedges, borders, flower beds dividers;
  • creating an emphasis on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe site;
  • dust protection.

The shrub can be cut into any shape so that it fits the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe site.

Low-growing shrubs: classification and types

For hedges, unpretentious plants are chosen, which are distinguished by frost resistance and endurance. The minimum height of the bushes starts from 10 cm, the maximum can exceed 2.5 m.

The shrub can be flowering and prickly, the latter consider:

  • Sea buckthorn, which is planted along the fence. Orange berries framed by green leaves look amazingly beautiful, and you can make a vitamin cocktail from the crop.

Sea buckthorn

  • Roses are also a shrub, of the undersized, the most beautiful wild ones. The short bush is completely covered with small buds that emit the most delicate aroma.
  • Japanese low quince is a low-growing shrub whose branches are covered with thorny thorns. The plant is not only beautiful, but also functional: it protects the site from the penetration of animals and strangers. After flowering, the shrub is covered with golden fruits, and you can cook jam or compote from them.

Japanese quince

Also, in the summer cottage, a classic shrub of hazel, honeysuckle, jasmine is often planted, as an addition to low-growing varieties. They go well with undersized yellow-orange cinquefoil and graceful action.

Evergreen rhododendron

Rhododendron is used to create fences on the north side of the site. This plant tolerates winter well, but it can burn under the first rays of the sun. The most hardy species is the Smirnov and Ledebour rhododendron, capable of surviving winter with temperatures below -50C. If the winters in the region are snowless, but frosty, it is better to grow Canadian, yellow or Yakusheman rhododendron.

Any species is planted on a site well protected from the wind with a minimum amount of direct sunlight. Shrubs love moisture, but they do not tolerate stagnant water either. It is optimal to water them after the topsoil has dried, mulching the rhododendron with pine litter every autumn.


The most beautiful varieties are:

  1. Album Novum is a spherical bush that can withstand temperatures up to -30 C. It blooms with pink flowers, the shade of which smoothly turns into white.
  2. Elite, characterized by lilac-pink flowers and leaves with a bohulnik scent.

Magnificent Mahonia

Mahonia is a gorgeous shrub with glossy leaves and a scent when flowering. The scent of Mahonia flowers is reminiscent of lily of the valley, and the berries are suitable for food and winemaking. Flowering occurs in November-March even during severe frosts.

Mahonia is planted in the shade of trees by combining several bushes. Before the onset of winter, the roots of the plant should be covered with spruce branches or needles.

Advice! Mahonia leaves can be cauterized by the spring sun, and it is recommended to shade the shrub with direct sunlight in the first few weeks.

The most beautiful types of Mahonia:

  • Holly - drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant. Reaches 1 m in height and 1.5 in width, leaves with a red tint, the flowering period falls in the spring, and the berries ripen by autumn.

  • The Vanger variety is similar in characteristics to the holly species.
  • Creeping mangonia is the smallest shrub, reaching half a meter in height.

Important! Magonia is the most unpretentious shrub that perfectly takes root in acidic, sandy and moist soils. It is not susceptible to pests, the exception is fungal infection.

Ornamental shrub heather

Heather is especially amazing during the flowering period, when it is covered with snow. The average growth of heather reaches 1 m, and the color options for the shrub are varied - these are yellow, white lilac and blue shades.

Consider the types of low-growing heather:

  • Pink heather, which grows only 90 cm. The stem of pink heather is straight with rigid branches, the flowers are small, and their color can be white, pink or cast in red.
  • Bil variety with green leaves and light pink flowers.
  • Golden, lilac blooming. The leaves of this species are golden yellow in the heat, and during frost their shade turns red.

  • The Elbe Plenums are a snow-white heather with green leaves and double flowers.

Abundant flowering, a variety of colors and unpretentiousness make heather a desirable resident of the Moscow region. Heather is used as a decorative flowering shrub, which can be used to delimit plantings or create a real heather field.

The heather looks most impressive in an ensemble with conifers, a flowering lawn meadow and flowering dwarf shrubs.

Let's sum up

Shrubs do not require transplanting, even undersized shrubs protect the site from drafts and dust, and some species will bring a good harvest of tasty fruits. Some types of shrubs bloom 3-4 years after planting, but after the first flowering they please the eye for many years.

If you want the shrub to bloom faster, then you should choose early-ripening hops, the fast-growing variety Highlander Aubert or clematis. If there is no time to take care of the shrub, then the chubushnik, snowberry or Schmidt currant would be an ideal option.

The main thing is to carry out sanitary pruning of old branches every 3-4 years, to prevent stagnation of water that can harm the plant, and add up to 5 cm of coniferous mulch every autumn.

Flowering ornamental shrubs: video

Shrubs for giving: photo

Already in early spring, we direct all our brain energy to planning a summer cottage, picking up ornamental shrubs that should bloom and delight us with their aroma throughout the summer. This is understandable, because the time for flowers is coming, and, finally, there is such a rare opportunity to create your own happiness in a separate corner of the earth. Further, your attention will be presented a selection (names and photos) of the most decorative and beautiful perennial flowering shrubs for the garden and vegetable garden.

Features of perennial ornamental flowering shrubs and their use in landscape design

Most gardeners plant ornamental shrubs for the purpose of zoning the site and creating a hedge. And if they also bloom beautifully all summer, then such perennial plants will just be a decoration of the garden.

When choosing such flowering perennials, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Frost resistance and, accordingly,need for shelter bush for the winter.
  • The degree of demand for care. Of course, the best option is an unpretentious perennial, which, as a rule, a flowering shrub is. But most of these plants, at a minimum, require periodic pruning of the crown, removal of peduncles, watering and fertilizing.
  • The composition and type of soil required for planting (although you can always additionally fill the planting hole with the required soil mixture).
  • The size of the bush, its height and volume of leaf mass. The perennial should fit well into its designated place on the site.
  • The timing and duration of flowering. It is ideal to plant flowers and shrubs in the garden that will bloom throughout the summer season.

The most popular perennial flowering shrubs for summer cottages


This is the most-most popular early-flowering perennial shrub, the peak of flowering, as a rule, occurs in May, and in early June it completely fades away. Nicely scented flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double and super double. Height - from 1.5 to 2 meters.


Incomparable with any other spring shrub, whose original flowers-stars will surely win your heart. As a rule, it is comparable in size to lilac (1.5-2 meters).

Important! Some varieties of forsythia are not particularly frost-resistant, so they should be covered for the winter.

Chubushnik (garden jasmine)

In almost every garden you can find wonderful jasmine (mock orange), which is not only beautiful, but also has a unique aroma. Sizes can vary greatly, anywhere from 1 meter to 4 meters.

Henomeles (Japanese quince)

In addition to beautiful flowering, this bizarre perennial shrub also bears fruit closer to the beginning of autumn. The height of the bush is from 50 to 80 centimeters.


Possesses extraordinary beauty flowers, which appear in late April and early May. The bush itself reaches a fairly large size from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

Scumpia (Wig tree)

Anyone who walks past this shrub during its flowering period will definitely stop and be simply amazed at the incredibly exotic beauty of its flowers and leaves. Height - from 1.5 to 3 m.

Important! For the winter, the skumpia must be covered without fail.

Wisteria (Wisteria)

It blooms already in late spring, while it can retain rare flowering lilac clusters throughout the summer.

It is worth making a reservationthat this very fragrant plant is more related to

Important! The plant is thermophilic, in the southern regions it blooms much more abundantly than in the northern latitudes, it definitely requires shelter for the winter.

Tree peony

It still possesses the same exquisite beauty of its herbaceous variety only in bush form, and its spring May flowering, as a rule, begins a couple of weeks earlier. The sizes of the bush are the most standard - from 1.5 to 2 m.


Delicate camellia flowers in the shape of buds are very reminiscent of roses. As a rule, a magnificent shrub reaches about 2 meters in length.

For the winter in cold regions, it requires sufficient warm shelter.

Pleasant colquition (lovely)

A wonderful decorative flowering and deciduous perennial shrub. Its luxurious bloom occurs in late spring and early summer, blooming with touching pink bells. The height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Luiseania (bean, garden almond, terry plum)

A very elegant ornamental spring flowering shrub. Depending on the variety, it can be a 1.5 meter bush or a 4 meter tree.

Cercis Canadian

Initially, this is a tree, but most often, if cercis is not grown at home, it has the shape of a bush. Gorgeous flowering begins in mid-spring and lasts until the beginning of summer, so to speak, until the foliage appears.

There is also a European version of it, but it is cercis canadian the most unpretentious and cold-resistant.

Video: the most beautiful flowering shrubs

By the way! Many of these ornamental perennial shrubs are capable of blooming all summer long, we'll talk about them further.

Perennial ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer


In plain text, we can say that this bright plant picks up the spring bloom from previous shrubs and rightfully occupies one of the most honorable places in the gardens of many summer residents. It is represented by a huge number of varieties, which have not only different flowers, but also the color of the leaves. The height of the bush can be from 1-2 m. It is believed that weigela is mostly a spring flower, but it can bloom and bloom throughout the summer (it blooms again in August).

Spirea (Tavolga)

There are a lot of varieties and varieties of this catchy perennial shrub: there are spring-flowering spireas, and there are summer-flowering ones. The colors and shapes of flowers can also be completely different. The size of the shrub is different: miniature 50-60 centimeters and up to 2 meters in height. Perfect for creating a hedge.

Cinquefoil (Kuril tea)

This spectacular and beloved perennial shrub blooms throughout the summer (May to September). The height of the bush is from 50 to 100 centimeters. This plant is not only beautifully flowering, but also useful (you can brew tea from its leaves). Also suitable for hedging.


What could be more beautiful than summer hydrangea bloom? The start of flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, the finale is in late autumn, and the dry hydrangea also looks incredibly beautiful. The sizes of perennials can vary greatly and depend on the species: from tiny 50-70 centimeter bushes and up to 1.5 meter trees.

Buddleya (summer lilac)

Buddleya is very similar to lilacs, not only with brushes, but also with a magical scent. Can grow up to 1.5 meters. Typically used in flower gardens in the background.

Oleander ordinary

The shrub not only has an irresistibly beautiful appearance, but is also considered to be very useful: it draws out literally all harmful toxins from the air. In height, this perennial can reach 2 meters, but you can hardly afford to keep such a huge plant at home.

Caution!This shrub is poisonous.

Note! Unfortunately, this thermophilic (exclusively southern) shrub mercilessly freezes out in winter. At the same time, the shelter does not even help him, so for the winter it should be brought into the room, so to speak, used as a tub culture.

rose flower

Rose, as everyone has known for a long time, is the queen of the garden.

Rose bushes can be made into a first-class and virtually impenetrable hedge.

Ornamental flowering shrubs can be found in almost every garden. They have many virtues. Firstly, they are very beautiful, and secondly, many of them are quite frost-resistant, and thirdly, they are high and low (which expands the possibilities of using them for different types of landscapes). But the main thing is that, with the right selection, you can achieve constant flowering of shrubs from the first spring days to late autumn. They are valued not only for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers, but also for their decorative leaves, crown shape and a variety of fruits. There are many ornamental shrubs.

Most of the shrubs do not lose their decorative effect throughout the warm season, and some remain attractive even in winter.

There are shrubs that attract with their bright and abundant flowering, they can be called beautifully flowering. And there are those who cannot boast of beautiful flowers, but they have leaves of an unusual color or shape. Such bushes can be called decorative deciduous.

The first group includes rhododendrons, lilacs, hydrangea, buldenezh, spirea, hawthorn, buddleya, euonymus and some types of barberry. And from the second group, you can name the Thunberg barberry, holly, privet, leather skumpia and others.

Flowering ornamental shrubs can be divided into groups by flowering time. In April, forsythia, wolfberry, and daphne delight us. A little later, they are joined by chaenomeles, low almonds, cotoneaster, spirea, barberry. In May, viburnum, wild rose, lilac, mock-orange take over the baton. Summer gives us blooming roses, cinquefoil, some varieties of spirea. In July, hydrangeas conquer with their beauty, which adorn the gardens until the very cold weather. Bloom in early autumn: heather, kalmia. Well, in winter, the decoration of the garden will be holly holly and its coniferous cousins.

Autumn gardens look unusually colorful and elegant, thanks to some deciduous types of shrubs. When nothing is blooming anymore, barberry, euonymus, chokeberry, spirea, dog rose, scumpia and hybrid azaleas add bright colors of various shades of autumn with their foliage. Most shrubs have fruits that are also very decorative.

Shrubs differ in growth, you can pick up both dwarf - undersized, and high varieties. According to the shape of the crown, there are dome-shaped, upright (pyramidal), fountain-shaped, creeping.

In addition to beauty and decorativeness, the practical properties of shrubs should also be emphasized. They grow rather quickly and are long-livers (up to 5-8 years without transplant). Most of them are unpretentious in terms of illumination, soil composition, and frost-resistant enough. Do not require constant care. Thanks to their shallow root system, they can grow on slopes, anchoring loose soil.

Barberry (Berberis) - deciduous or evergreen thorny shrubs, barberry family. The color of the leaves of barberry is very diverse, in addition to the usual green, it is variegated - with specks or a border, as well as purple or yellow. The height of the bush is also different, it depends on the variety. The range is from low - up to 30 cm, to high - more than 3 m. The flowers of the barberry are small yellow bells. Blooms in mid-May. A wonderful honey plant.

It will not cause much trouble, because it is a very unpretentious shrub. Loves light, but grows well in the shade. It is completely undemanding to soils, it can not stand only soldering. Not afraid of wind and drought. Frost-resistant, especially the variety - the Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii), but in the first three years, a little shelter is needed for the winter. If you do not know the variety of barberry, then you need to make a frame from arcs and cover it with non-woven material in two layers (since some variegated varieties may be less frost-resistant).

Low-growing species of barberry look gorgeous on rocky slides and in rock gardens. And tall ones are like tapeworms and in group plantings. This shrub is the leader in use in hedges and curbs, both trimmed and free.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare) - deciduous or evergreen shrub, olive family, 2-3 meters high. In June-August, cute paniculate inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, white or cream, appear. They are replaced by shiny black fruits. The leaves are leathery, most varieties are dark green, but there are also decorative forms with yellow, bluish-silvery leaves.

Privet is an unpretentious plant. Can grow in full sun and partial shade. Any soil is suitable (except for clayey with an acid reaction). It is drought-resistant; in very hot times, rare but abundant watering is recommended. Winter hardy, easily restored, only some varieties need to be covered.

The peculiarity of privet is that it reacts very well to a haircut and can retain its shape for a long time. Therefore, it is great for tight curbs. It makes wonderful molded hedges. Even unusual living walls can be created. Topiary figures cut from privet are a wonderful landscape decoration.

Spirea (Spiraea) - deciduous shrub with beautifully curving branches, family Rosaceae. It is a large genus of shrubs that is subdivided into spring flowering and summer flowering. Flowers come in a variety of inflorescence shapes and colors (from white to deep crimson). Its height does not exceed 2 m.

The plant is very unpretentious. Well adapted to urban conditions. Grows normally in partial shade, but prefers sunny locations. Any soil is suitable, but slightly acidic is better. Watering is moderate. It grows quickly, blooms in the third year. Frost resistant.

Has acquired well-deserved love from gardeners and landscape designers. The great variety of its varieties provides many opportunities for creativity. The shape of the bush can be pyramidal, spherical, flowing. The color of the leaves varies from green to yellow, orange or purple-red. Numerous small flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes. All these features of the crown, leaves and flowers allow you to create wonderful compositions. And if you choose the right varieties, you can admire the continuous flowering of the spirea throughout the warm season. Used in rockeries, hedges, as a frame for green-leaved groups of trees.

Bobovnik (Laburnum) - legume family, has 6 types of shrubs, valued for beautiful flowering. The most common are anagirolist bean or "Golden rain" (Laburnum anagyroides) and alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). "Golden rain" is a shrub with smooth green and later light brown bark. It can have both a pyramidal and a dome-shaped drooping crown shape. The leaves are trifoliate, consisting of oval leaves, the underside of which is pubescent. At the end of summer, they turn light yellow. Blooms in May. Inflorescences in the form of a large hanging brush (up to 30 cm), consisting of yellow flowers with moth corollas. They have a weak aroma. Fruits are pubescent at first, then become smooth. Alpine bean is very similar to "Golden rain", although more frost-resistant. Its branches and leaves are smaller, the fruits are not pubescent.

The plant is poisonous! The fruits contain alkaloids - laburnine and cytisine. Children should not be allowed to him.

Bobovnik is photophilous. It is undemanding to soils, but good drainage is required. Bobovnik needs constant pruning to avoid turning the shrub into a large (up to 7 m) tree. While the trees are young, they need support. For the first three years, young plants should be mulched and covered with agrofibre. After a little freezing, the crown quickly recovers.

Both in group and in single planting, it looks very bright and beautiful, thanks to the large number of huge flower brushes. Beanberries make delicious awnings and pergolas.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) - deciduous or evergreen shrub, heather family. In nature, it grows in Western Siberia, the Far East, Mongolia and China. There are many varieties with a variety of foliage: spear, round, oval. Inflorescences are corymbose. The shape of the flowers and their color are also very diverse; in their beauty it can even compete with roses. Bloom from late April and almost all summer. Little by little, they began to grow in gardens, but you need to carefully select frost-resistant varieties that can winter in our climate.

The site for planting rhododendrons should be protected from the wind and in partial shade. The soil is acidic or neutral. Need regular watering.

In our area, they do not reach large sizes. By picking up various varieties of rhododendrons, you can ensure their constant flowering throughout the season. Looks very nice next to conifers. Their undersized varieties are great for rock gardens. Rhododendrons are used to create hedges near reservoirs.

Irga (Amelanchier) - deciduous shrub or small tree, Rosaceae family. In spring, often ahead of the leaves, beautiful white flowers bloom on the irga. Flowering is short-lived, after which small black-purple fruits of a round shape appear (similar to tiny apples).

The fruits are tasty, juicy, rich in vitamins (especially P). The green leaves of irgi in the fall flare up with bright colors: yellow, scarlet.

Irga is a very unpretentious plant. Photophilous, but also tolerates shading. Does not like waterlogging. Very hardy. Not afraid of either cold wind or spring frosts. Some species of this ornamental shrub are even suitable for decorating a garden in Siberia and the Far North.

This is not a complete list of frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.

Shadow lovers

Many ornamental shrubs can thrive and thrive in moderately shaded areas. True, this can affect the abundance of flowering. Some also tolerate shading well, moreover, direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Dogwood (Cornus) - deciduous strongly branched shrub, cornel family. In spring, the dogwood adorns the garden with its flowering. Small white, purple or yellow dogwood flowers are collected in a head or umbrella (depending on the species). There are varieties in which small flowers in inflorescences are unsightly, but surrounded by large bright petal-shaped leaves (bracts).

In autumn, the dogwood foliage also pleases the eye with bright yellow, orange and crimson colors. The fruits also ripen in autumn. Most often dark red, sometimes light yellow or pink, oblong in shape. They not only add decorativeness to the bush, but are also tasty and healthy.

Dogwood leaves are easily burned in the open sun, so shaded areas are suitable for it. Prefers moist soil and air. It is undemanding to the composition of the soil. Most varieties are hardy, but some require a little shelter for the winter. Differs in dogwood and durability. In landscape design, dogwood bushes are used as a specimen or in mixborders.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) - family hydrangea, deciduous ornamental shrub. Flowers are collected in large domed or paniculate inflorescences. Most often they are white, but there are blue, red and pink. The color of some plants can vary depending on the chemical composition of the soil. AT
depending on the variety, the height of the bushes ranges from 1 to 3 meters. There are also dwarf varieties.
The plant is moisture-loving, it is better to plant in partial shade. Many varieties of panicle and tree hydrangea are frost-resistant. However, protection is needed in winter: pinning branches to the ground, followed by spruce branches and agrofibre. Frozen branches are cut in spring and the plant grows back quickly.

In landscape design, it is used both singly and in compositions with conifers or other decorative shrubs, as well as bulbous flowers. The bushes look amazing due to the splendor of the inflorescences and their large number.

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) or holly - evergreen or deciduous shrub, holly family. In the wild, it grows almost everywhere. It is a beautiful plant with dark green or bi-colored leathery leaves. Flowering lasts only two weeks from May to July (depending on the variety). The flowers are small, white and fragrant. It is especially decorative with the onset of winter, when modest flowers are replaced by bright seed fruits from beads and berries. Holly is a must have in Western Christmas wreaths.

Many varieties of holly have been bred. Some have a white or yellow border around the edges of the leaves, or a tinge of blue. The purely male Blue Prince is an excellent pollinator. It should be noted that the holly plant is dioecious and the female varieties delight us with red berries only if a male specimen grows nearby.

Areas exposed to the sun are contraindicated for holly, as it can suffer from sunburn. It should be planted in a shady place with forest soil. Does not tolerate drought, regular moisture is necessary. Most varieties are hardy.

Due to its dense and thorny foliage, holly is a good hedge. This is a slow-growing bush that responds well to a haircut, which is why wonderful topiary is obtained from it. The beautiful holly leaves in summer make a great backdrop for bulbous or other perennial flowers. Evergreen foliage and red berries in winter make holly a bright accent in a deserted garden.

Coniferous shrubs

There is also a type of ornamental shrubs that do not have beautiful leaves or flowers, but this makes them no less attractive. These are coniferous shrubs.

Juniper (Juniperus) - an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The needles are acicular or scaly. Fruits are blue-black cones (sometimes red-brown). The plant is dioecious. Exists
many types of juniper. Among them there are high bushes (more than two meters), there are completely dwarf (up to 30 cm). They are also represented by a variety of forms: creeping, pyramidal, domed. There are many frost-resistant varieties.

Junipers grow well in bright, sunny areas. They are not very demanding on the soil. Drought tolerant. In dry summers, you need to water them well several times. Even frost-resistant varieties require winter shelter in the first year after planting. Junipers with a pyramidal crown must be tied up for the winter so that branches do not break under the weight of snow.

Low-growing and creeping juniper varieties are used in alpine hills and for fixing slopes and slopes. Also, you can create very original borders from them. High varieties are used in single and small group plantings.

Thuja - evergreen trees and shrubs, cypress family. Leaves are scaly. Fruits are oblong or oval cones with several pairs of scales. Seeds are flat with two wings. This plant is monoecious. Has many decorative artificial forms.

Grows in full sun and partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but well-permeable. We need regular watering and mulching of the root zone. Thuja are frost-resistant, but young plants in the first two to three years require shelter for the winter. As with junipers, tall pyramidal varieties of thuja must be tied for the winter in order to avoid damage to the branches under the weight of snow.

Due to its durability, winter hardiness and adaptability to urban conditions, thuja is very widely used in ornamental gardening in many climatic zones.

In landscape design, it is used to create picturesque alleys. From densely planted groups, depending on the height of the bush, living walls or hedges are formed. Thuja also looks good as a tapeworm.

Ornamental shrubs, for the most part, are distinguished by their unpretentious care, they tolerate winter frosts well and at the same time are unusually beautiful. Everyone can choose varieties and types that are suitable for his garden. Their variety allows you to make the garden bright, blooming and delightful almost all year round!

On a suburban area, you can not do without large perennial plants. Beautiful and garden day after day create a unique atmosphere, help to divide the space into zones, define the nature of the site. There is a place for shrubs in hedges and when arranging curbs. Plants of different sizes and shapes are a great backdrop for perennial flowers and summer gardens, as well as bright decorations for the entire garden.

What shrubs are there? Today, land owners are offered many:

  • decorative deciduous crops;
  • plants that adorn the garden with their flowering at different periods;
  • tall breeds;
  • ground cover or low garden shrubs.

There are a lot of lush blooming or striking plants with a variegated color, but when choosing ornamental crops for a summer residence, attention is paid not only to their beauty, but also to the complexity of care. The less labor is required for cultivation, the longer the shrub retains its bright appearance, the more valuable it is for the summer resident.

There are many such unpretentious and at the same time incredibly spectacular plants. Among them are those that can be found in every garden, and undeservedly forgotten shrubs. Descriptions and photos with the names of ornamental bushes for a summer residence will be a good help in choosing the most worthy plants.

Beautiful shrubs for a summer residence: photo with names

An indelible impression is left by the bushes, which are covered with flower heads in spring or summer. If you create a catalog of photos of the most unpretentious shrubs for a summer residence, on the first pages there will be varieties of garden lilac, chubushnik, often called jasmine due to the similarity of aromas.


In May, gardens and summer cottages all over Russia are covered with lilac, pink, purple and white clouds.

This lilac blooms, a showy shrub:

  • up to three meters high;
  • with pointed-cordate or broad-lanceolate foliage;
  • with shoots covered with grayish brown bark;
  • with racemose inflorescences of simple or double fragrant flowers of various colors.

In nature, there are several dozen types of lilacs. There are many times more cultivars and hybrids. All plants winter well in the middle lane. The tall beautiful bushes shown in the photo for summer cottages prefer sunny places and easily grow on any soil.

To maintain decorativeness, faded brushes are removed in time, root shoots are cut out and adult lilac bushes are gradually rejuvenated.


Garden or, more correctly, blooms a little later than lilac. A beautiful ornamental shrub carries an exquisite aroma in the garden and in the country, white, simple or semi-double flowers located at the ends of numerous shoots attract the eyes and hundreds of pollinating insects.

The existing varieties of chubushnik differ from each other in terms of flowering, shape and size of corollas. Even variegated shrubs of this species have been bred. Moreover, all plants are very hardy, not susceptible to attacks by pests and are rarely affected by diseases.

Like lilacs, mock-orange requires pruning after flowering; shoots that have reached 5 years of age are also cut out for rejuvenation. The removal of root growth and thinning of the bush will help to maintain shape.


Photos of these most unpretentious shrubs for summer cottages invariably cause a wave of admiration. Very different in appearance, covered with white or pink flowers, amaze with decorative foliage and are divided into two large groups. Plants blooming in spring are massively covered with caps of flowers, which quickly crumble. In summer, other varieties begin to bloom, transforming the garden for a long time.

Due to the presence of both compact and large forms, they help in creating hedges, they are indispensable in group plantings, but even alone they will not get lost on the site, becoming its bright decoration.

With traditional care, ornamental shrubs in the country feel great in the sun and in partial shade, take root in areas with any light, loose soil.

Rowan-leaved fieldfare

The closest relative of spirea will also not leave indifferent a summer resident who is keen on flowering shrub crops. Depending on the variety, the height of a shrub with carved leaves resembling mountain ash varies from one meter to two. In the first half of summer, flowering begins, which lasts up to 3 weeks. At this time, the fluffy crown of the bush is covered with white clusters of inflorescences. In autumn, the appearance of the shrub changes along with the color of the foliage, which turns from light green to bright golden.

In the middle lane, ornamental shrubs for summer cottages, photos and names of which are given in the material, winter well without shelter and do not be capricious even with minimal care. Fieldfare is no exception. However, the better the plant on the site, the greater the risk of overgrowth.

To limit the formation of root shoots, slate, plastic curbs or dense geotextiles are dug in during planting.


It has many virtues. The most unpretentious shrub shown in the photo for a summer residence from spring to late autumn will be its decoration thanks to:

  • dense decorative foliage of green, golden or purple color;
  • spectacular flowering in the first half of summer;
  • reddish-purple fruits appearing in place of white corollas.

Bubbles, related to spirea, fieldfare, and other ornamental shrubs, is absolutely unpretentious, characterized by rapid growth and easy care. The plant of the most spectacular forms preserves beauty in the sun and in the shade, but bushes with purple foliage are best planted in open areas.


Flowering begins in May. The fruits of this plant resemble a real quince, but much smaller and harder. They are edible. However, the shrub, the height of different species of which ranges from 0.5 to 2 meters, is valued not as a fruit, but as an ornamental crop.

Beautiful for a summer residence and a garden, it has a wide spreading crown, covered with tough elongated foliage of a dark green color. The peak of decorativeness falls on the appearance of many yellow, orange or, depending on the variety, large red flowers.

Japanese quince is frost-hardy, photophilous, not afraid of drought and haircuts, tolerates planting on any, even acidic soil. Some plants bloom again in the second half of summer.


Blue with edible early fruits is a popular garden plant. However, when decorating a site, they often forget about other types of shrubs, many of which are extremely decorative and unpretentious.

In Russian conditions, shrubs of real honeysuckle, Tatar, honeysuckle and other species feel great. Plants with a height of one and a half to three meters are densely leafy. Young greens and shoots have a bluish tint. In June, the bushes are covered with tubular white, yellowish, pink and orange flowers, emitting a delicate aroma. After their wilting, red, orange or dark fruits appear.

At the dacha, an ornamental shrub takes root both in the sun and in the shade. Feels good on any soil, giving an increase of up to 50 cm per year.

Three-lobed almond (Luiseania)

A bright decoration of the site will be a three-lobed almond plant. An ornamental shrub or a small tree up to 3 meters in height blooms until foliage appears, covered with a bright cloud of simple or semi-double flowers. Corollas can be painted in pink, crimson, coral tones. The numerous flowers that open in May sit tightly on the shoots, so the crown appears completely pink.

In the middle lane, plants can freeze slightly, so young almonds are sheltered for the winter, and areas protected from the wind are chosen for planting.


If there is a lot of shade on the site, many ornamental shrubs in the country feel depressed, grow and bloom poorly. Shade-loving will become salvation for the summer resident. She is equally good in a single fit and in a group. Spherical or spreading hydrangea bushes, thanks to the efforts of breeders, delight summer residents with white, pink, blue and greenish inflorescences, which can be admired in the garden, in cut and as a dried flower.

The culture stands out for its long flowering, versatility and adaptability to shade. Hydrangeas prefer acidic soil and abundant watering.

Unpretentious shrubs for giving: photos and names of beautiful plants

Lush flowering of shrubs in the country always attracts attention and makes the site "special". But the petals inevitably fade, and the greenery merges with the general background and is no longer so attractive.

To make those used in the design interesting in summer and autumn, in addition to flowering plants, decorative deciduous and original fruit crops should be planted. If you look around, it turns out that there are a lot of names of beautiful shrubs for a summer residence, as in the photo.


In the forests of central Russia, you can find an amazing shrub with ribbed shoots, bright fruits, decorated with unusual orange-pink pericarp and foliage, which turns into bright pink and purple-purple tones by autumn. This is a European - an undemanding plant that can decorate a hill or become a highlight in a group of other shrubs.

Today, creeping varieties of euonymus with green or variegated foliage are very popular. The height of Fortchun's euonymus, for example, does not exceed 20 cm. This culture will be equally useful under the crowns of garden trees, under tall beautiful bushes in the country or, as in the photo, among stones and perennial grasses.


Speaking of the best shrubs for decorating a summer cottage, one cannot ignore the snowberry. This deciduous plant up to a meter high does not strike with bright flowers or variegated foliage. The highlight of the snowberry is its very long flowering and decorative white or pink fruits that persist on bare branches even in winter. In summer, the shoots are densely covered with pinkish small flowers and ovaries of varying degrees of ripeness.

In the middle lane, depicted in the photo, an unpretentious shrub for a summer residence, according to the name, is not afraid of either freezing or death from drought.

The best place to plant is sunny areas or transparent shade next to other decorative perennials or as part of a living border.

Golden currant

For many summer residents, currant is a favorite and valuable fruit crop. But not everyone knows that, in addition to white, crane and black currant, there are other interesting varieties.

A striking example is that, which will easily not only endow the owner of the site with a generous harvest of delicious berries, but also decorate the garden. In spring, a large shrub with a spreading crown up to 2.5 meters high is first covered with smooth three- or five-toed foliage, and then the branches are strewn with numerous yellowish-orange tubular flowers collected in brushes. An excellent honey plant, golden currant attracts a lot of insects to the site, and its flowering lasts up to 3 weeks.

In July, bright brown-golden or almost black sweet fruits are sung, which both children and adults like. Closer to autumn, the foliage on the shrub first acquires an orange or pink-red, and then crimson, carmine and purple color, which persists until the snow itself.


Kalina cannot be called a truly unpretentious shrub, but its beauty and the benefits of berries pay off the effort required to care for the plant. In Russian gardens, you can see both decorative types of viburnum, and ordinary, equally wonderful specimens. In spring and in the first days of summer, viburnum bushes literally sprinkle graceful white wreaths and lush caps of inflorescences. Flowering lasts up to two weeks.

Bright red fruits appear closer to autumn, then the color of the foliage begins to change, which turns from green to crimson.

The advantages of the culture include frost resistance, stable flowering, adaptability to the sun and shade, as well as decorativeness throughout the growing season.

However, with a general unpretentiousness, viburnum requires attention due to the need for constant watering and protection from pests. This beautiful ornamental shrub for summer cottages and gardens is very much "loved" by aphids, which, from viburnum, easily spread over other closely related plants.


Numerous photos of unpretentious shrubs for a summer residence with this name show plants that are very different in appearance. This is due to the fact that "rosehip" is a collective name that unites dozens of species of cultivated and wild-growing roses.

All of them, unlike garden varietal and hybrid beauties, are unpretentious and generously share their beauty and useful fruits with the summer resident. On the obligatory site, there is a place for a wrinkled rose with simple or double flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, sweet-spicy aroma and color in all shades from white to deep pink. This shrub has wrinkled, which gave the name to the shrub, large leaves and flattened fruits with juicy orange pulp and a mass of pubescent seeds inside.

A garden shrub belonging to park roses has a universal purpose, blooms from May until the end of summer. Due to this, the foliage, which turns yellow in autumn, is decorative from early spring to late autumn. grows well on all types of soil, does not freeze in winter and, with regular pruning, easily keeps within the specified limits.

The gray rose is no less decorative, with purple-silvery leaves, pink flowers and edible bright red fruits. A shrub up to 2 meters high blooms in mid-summer, waits harsh winters without loss and is not afraid of drought.

The light-loving plant is not demanding on soil fertility, but it is afraid of stagnant water and reacts poorly to the increased acidity of the soil.


Irga is well known to summer residents of the Urals and Siberia, but she will be no less interesting for those who are not indifferent to the beauty of the site in other regions of the country. A plant with a height of 2 to 5 meters is not only distinguished by winter hardiness. Blooming lush in spring, it is an excellent honey plant.

The flowers collected in a brush, white or milky, cover the entire shrub, and by the second half of summer they turn into placers of rounded, gradually ripening fruits. At this time, the shrub is colored in all shades of pink, purple and purple.

Simple, oval or almost rounded irgi leaves in spring and summer have a dark green color with a purple glow, which in autumn is replaced by festive carmine, orange, scarlet and purple colors.

Irgi fruits are tasty and healthy, therefore, a drought-resistant and frost-resistant shrub is often grown as a fruit crop. But its rich bloom and vibrant fall foliage make it a valuable ornamental plant.


Another shrub crop with beneficial fruits, hawthorn has long been recognized as a valuable plant for landscape design. In addition to varieties with ordinary, white flowers, specimens with pink, simple and double corollas are popular today.

It transforms the garden throughout June, and closer to autumn the shrubs are covered with reddish-purple fruits. A tall, beautiful shrub for a summer residence, as in the photo, is good both in a single planting and in a group, next to other bushes and smaller herbaceous plants.

For planting hawthorn, well-lit areas with loose soil are chosen. Without laborious maintenance, the plant will delight for many years with an excellent appearance and a generous harvest.

The list of noteworthy ornamental plants does not end with the above names and photos of beautiful shrubs for summer cottages. Many more cultures can decorate the site without requiring either daily protection or laborious care from the summer resident. An excellent example is the one who migrated from the forest. A bright forsythia will illuminate the flower beds with veins. An unforgettable impression on the viewer is made by a spectacular action,