Non-derivative and derivative words: examples

§one. What is word formation

The lexical composition of the language is constantly updated. And not only due to borrowings from other languages, as it might seem to someone.
For example, along with computers, the word computer came into the world, which was borrowed by Russian from English: computer... This word quickly became widely used, and already in the Russian language, according to the rules of our word formation, other new words were formed from it:

computer → computer,
→ computer scientist,
→ computerization

This means that the language has its own internal mechanisms for the formation of new words. Word formation studies them.

Do not be surprised: the term word formation is used in different meanings:
1) the process of forming words in a language;
2) a section of linguistics, studying these processes.

§2. Derivative and derivative bases

Derived word is a word whose stem is derived from and motivated by another stem. Motivated means that it is connected with it in meaning and is explained, interpreted by it.

A house is a small house (connection within the meaning)
Househouse (the word house is derived from the stem house with the suffix -ik, derived stem: house)

Hence: the word house derivative, and the word houseno.

Derived base - the stem of a new word, for example: candy ← candy, spring ← spring.

Manufacturing base - the basis closest in form and meaning to the derivative basis: spring → spring , sweetsa -\u003e sweetie.
When forming complex and compound words, they have two productive stems: waters(water) and wHO(carry) → water carrier or a combination of stems and words: yellow (yellow)and redth → yellow-red.

The derived base is derived from the producing base. If in the modern language the productive base is not determined for the word, then the word is non-derivative. These are words that are not formed from other words: spring, there, about.

§3. Word formation tools

Word formation tool is what words are formed with. The nature of word-formation means is different. These include:

  • derivational morphemes
  • special operations with word stem

The nature of the means is different, but their purpose is similar: to serve to form some words from others.

Word-building morphemes are

  • prefixes, for example: for-, na-, before-, re-write, write, add, rewrite
  • suffixes, for example: -tel-, -ik-, -onok- in the words writer, kindergarten, bear cub

Special operations with a generating stem or multiple stems are special operations that allow you to form words without the participation of prefixes and suffixes, for example, such operations are:

  • addition of bases: chimney, water supply
  • fusion of bases: difficult to access, obscure
  • reduction of the basis: special, comp and some others.

When forming words, one or several means can be used at once. For example, when forming the words homeless, on the right, in our opinion, both prefixes and suffixes are used.

§4. Ways of word formation


The illustration shows that the non-suffix way of word formation differs from others. Many textbooks do not say anything about this method: the authors do not highlight it. However, in the KIMs of the exam, this method is taken into account. Therefore, in our scheme the non-uxual method is included, but its special place among others, unconditionally highlighted by all authors of textbooks, is marked with a dotted line. And in the future, in other illustrations, such a line will show that the content element evokes different interpretations.

Word formation method - the very process of formation of a derivative basis from a producing basis. The method is determined depending on the means of word formation. A combination of different methods is possible.

Concepts: the means and method of word formation are different, these terms should be distinguished and used correctly. It is important to understand that the method of word formation is determined depending on the means used. For example, if the means is a suffix, then the method is suffix, if a prefix, then a prefix, if the suffix and a prefix are together, then a prefix-suffix. The names of the operating tools and word formation methods are the same. Have a word pipeline the means of word formation is the addition of bases, the method of word formation is also the addition of bases. Don't be surprised at this. Thus, linguists emphasize the originality of operational tools, their special nature.

The Russian language is characterized by various ways of word formation:

  • Prefixal: word formation using prefixes: view ← watch, suburb ← city, inexpensive ← expensive
  • Suffix: word formation using suffixes: Tuesday ← second, inventor ← invent (stem truncation), fence ← fence
  • Prefix-suffix: word formation using prefixes and suffixes: window sill ← window, on the sly ← quietly(truncate stem), shade ← shadow
  • Non-suffix (non-suffix):exit ← exit, altitude ← high
  • Addition: combining parts of the foundations of different words: forest-steppe, sofa bed
  • Addition combined with suffix: puzzle, car repair
  • Fusion: long-lasting, instant
  • Shrinking the base: head, deputy
  • Abbreviation,that is, the formation of compound words: RF, Moscow State University, salary, military commissar
  • Part of speech change: sick, dining room

Frequently, the formation of a word is accompanied by phenomena that facilitate the mutual adaptation of the generating basis and the word-forming means: a prefix, a suffix, a root.

  • Alternating vowels and consonants, for example: road → lane (alternation g // f)
  • Interfix inserts - a connecting element that serves as a phonetic link when adding bases, for example: steam + walk(stem truncation) → steam aboutmove
  • Truncate the generating base: roll → kat + ok (the suffix of the verb stem -а when forming a new word is truncated)
    You need to be able to notice and comment on these phenomena.

There are a great many words in the language. Among them, you must find derivatives. They are educated in different ways. The school curriculum requires the ability to identify derivative and productive (or productive) bases. It is necessary to understand by what means the derivative word is formed, and also to name the method of word formation.

In the school course, word formation is given a lot of attention, but very little time is devoted to teaching theory. However, it is impossible to make a word-formation analysis correctly if you do not know the basics of the theory. Do not flatter yourself that you can easily parse the simplest examples.

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. In a few words autumn - autumn the foundation autumn is it derivative or productive?

    • Derivative
    • Producing
  2. What is the name of the stem of a new word formed from another stem?

    • Derivative
    • Producing
  3. What is the name of the stem of the word from which the new word is formed?

    • Derivative
    • Producing
  4. gas pipeline, oil pipeline?

  5. How many producing stems do words have pale blue, dark gray?

  6. gray-brown-crimson?

  7. How many producing stems does a word have MSU?

  8. What is the name of the process of formation of a derived base from a producing base?

    • Word formation method
    • Word formation tool
  9. Are word-formation morphemes a means of word formation?

  10. Are special operations with a generating stem (or generating stems) a means of word formation?

  11. What is the name of the way words are formed using a prefix and a suffix?

    • Prefixal
    • Suffix
    • Prefix-suffix
  12. What phonetic phenomenon is observed during the formation of a word little hand from the word arm?

    • Interfix insertion
    • Truncate the base
    • Alternating consonants

Based on their morphological composition, the bases of all significant words are divided into derivatives and non-derivatives.

A non-derivative (non-motivated) stem is a single whole that cannot be split into separate morphemes (meaningful parts). Derived (motivated) basis is a compound unity, which is divided into separate morphemes.

The articulation of a derived stem into morphemes is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative. So, the basics of words highlander, chickenare derivatives, are subdivided into separate morphemes, because in the SRY there are corresponding non-derivative bases mountains, chickens.

A derivative stem loses its ability to divide into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the corresponding non-derivative disappears from the language or ceases to be related to it. So, the basics of words shelf, bowllost articulation into separate morphemes, became non-derivative in the SRYa, because the non-derivative stems corresponding to them in the Old Russian language ( fell, misa) dropped out of the FRY dictionary.

A non-derivative stem can act as a separate morpheme (in a connected form), combined with affixes or another stem. So, the basics of words tail, woodare derived from word stems tail, forest,which act as separate independent words in the FRY. Such bases appear in their pure form. Other individual stem morphemes ( haste-, hold-) are not separate words, but act exclusively as connected stems as morpheme roots ( hurry-and-t, hold-and-t).

To classify the stem as derivatives, it is sufficient to have at least one related word in the modern language, which has a correlated stem in a pure or connected form ( branch-branch).

Non-derivative stems of words, for example shaft, glass, sea, do not make it clear why these items are so called. The meaning of the non-derivative basis, which is, as it were, embedded in it itself, is unmotivated. Derivative base values roller, cup holdermotivated (a roller is a small shaft, a cup holder is a stand into which a glass is inserted).


Derived base:

    breaks down into separate morphemes

    exists as a derivative as long as there is a corresponding non-derivative

    means objects of reality indirectly.

Non-derivative stem:

1) does not break into separate morphemes

2) denotes objects of reality unmotivated.

Manufacturing base.

The term generating (or forming) stem indicates the derivational role of the stem, and not its morphological properties. The basis (derivative or non-derivative), on the basis of which, with the help of one or another method, a word is formed (which is, of course, derivative, motivated) is called a productive basis. So, in related words brushwood, twig, twigthe stems are morphologically transparent: in the first word the stem is non-derivative, in the second and third it is derivative. For derived bases twigs-and twigsthe producing bases are, respectively, brushwood- (non-derivative) and twigs- (derivative).

Articulation and derivativeness of bases.

There are inseparable stems (that is, not divisible into morphs containing one morph, for example house, zero) and segmented into morphs (that is, consisting of two or more morphs, for example fighter, knife, scatter)... Weakening of the degree of articulation of the stem is observed when one of the parts of the word (root or affix) is in some way defective. This happens in the following cases.

    Linked roots.

In the Russian language, there are words whose roots live in the language only in conjunction with suffixes and prefixes. The bases of such words are called related: fromverg whip, fromverg whip, bottomverg whip. Linked roots are not complete roots. It is proposed to call them radixoids (from Latin radix - root and oid - similar). It is clear from the above example that the radixoid verg- / verge-in the FRY is incomprehensible. Its meaning can be understood only from the composition of the words in which it is included. A special category of words with associated roots is made up of foreign language borrowings: agitation, agitation, agitator.In these words there is a connected root everywhere.

2. Unique parts of the word.

In Russian there are words in which, with ordinary root morphemes, there are segments that are not repeated in other words: -ov in love, -elin doometc. These segments in the composition of a word do not serve as a building material for the formation of new words, but only form part of separate words that are atypical in their structure for the modern language (built according to the laws in force in the language earlier or borrowed from other languages). These segments are like - ov and - spruce, that is, single segments outside the words in which they are fixed are insignificant. Such segments are called unifixes, since the main property of such units is uniqueness. Unifixes appear only in a connected form.

3. There are also words with related roots, found in combination with only one affix: stroganin.Such words have roots connected and, moreover, unique, so to speak "uniradixoids".

Ticket number 26. Morphonological phenomena accompanying the formation of a derived word.

1. Alternation of phonemes.

A) alternation of consonants.

For Russian word formation, alternations on the morphemic seam of the root (or stem) and the suffix are most characteristic, for example: friend - druzh-ba... Alternating suffixes include, for example, the noun suffix - onok / -at (a). is he

causes alternation: posterior lingual / hissing, d / t, d / f, paired hard consonants / paired soft, for example: a wolf - a wolf "onok, a camel - a camel, a bear - a bear-onok.

Suffixes that are the same in form, but different in meaning, as a rule, behave in the same way with respect to alternation, that is, they cause the same alternations. Wed derivatives with a suffix im (a) from the bases to the back-lingual, which have the following meanings: a) magnification, b) singularity, c) the type of meat. For example: a) rhinoceros - rhinoceros, b) peas - pea, in) beluga - beluzhina.

Phoneme suffixes eh, cause alternation of paired

hard consonants with paired soft, for example: thick - plump, Leningrad - Leningrad "-ets.

Like other morphological phenomena, alternations can be productive and unproductive. Unproductive alternations persist in old formations, and even in them they are found irregularly. This is, for example, the alternation d / f: camel, teddy bearbut swan... In neoplasms, unproductive alternations are usually absent.

In word formation, the following types of consonant alternation are most productive: paired hard consonants with soft ones (for example, t / t ', d / d', n / n ') elephant - elephant'onok, cat - cat'-ische, posterior lingual with hissing ( g / f, c / h, c / w: legs - knives, sand - sand)

Less common, although productive, alternation b / bl ', p / pl', w / vl ', f / fl', m / ml '... It acts in the formation of nouns denoting an abstract action, from verbs to -announce: announce - announcement.

Unproductive and less common alternations include c / h (father-

fatherland), d / f (camel - camel), s / w (Circassian - Circassian),

s / f (prince - princely).

Alternations in borrowed stems.

When producing adjectives in -ic from the bases of foreign nouns with an outcome on -s, -z, -sia, -sia, -zm there is an alternation s / t ', z / t', zsh / st ': chaos is chaotic, hypnosis is hypnotic.

Alternating in base morphs.

These alternations are unproductive in modern Russian (such as reap - reap.)

Alternating in affix morphs.

Alternating phonemes t '/ h

After d, t usually morphs with a phoneme appear u: flutes - box.

B) Vowel alternation.

Vowel alternations for Russian word formation are less typical than consonant alternations. In Russian word formation, only the alternation of vowel / zero sound plays a significant role. For example: forehead-Ø - l # b-ische, lion-Ø -l ’# v-itza.

Alternating vowel phonemes in root morphemes o / a productive in the formation of imperfect forms of the verb using a suffix willow-: endures - bears... This alternation is not regular, that is, it does not apply to all cases of the formation of these forms.


It consists in the fact that an asemantic spacer is inserted between the two morphemes, eliminating combinations of phonemes that are prohibited by the laws of morphology or that are not typical for the structure of the Russian word. For example: zh- (l) -ets, pe- (v) -uch.

Interfixing is one of the morphological means used to combine morphs in a word.

Interfix fixes:

In Russian word formation, interfixes are usually used to combine 1) a stem and a suffix 2) two stems in a compound word. Let's consider the most typical cases of using interfixes.

A) After the stem ending with a vowel phoneme, an interfix consisting of a consonant phoneme is usually used before a suffix that begins with a vowel.

Interfix -t -: argo - argo- (t) -ism... Interfix n- : morphine morphine (n) -ist.

Interfix l- connects a verb stem to a vowel and suffix look for: dwelling- (l) -ishche, living- (l) -ishche.

B) Consonant interfixes also appear usually after stems on vowels if the suffix begins with a consonant. In this case, the most common interfixes are - w-, -v-, -n-, attached to nominative foreign language stems using vowels or abbreviations.

From the basics e, -and: coffee- (th) -th, blinds- (th) -th

In nouns with the suffix - nickname, - schik, produced from the same foundations:

Coffee- (th) -nik.

In adjectives with the suffix -sk-, derived from place names with

vowel stems.

Abbreviations: MSU emgeu- (w) -ny, vocational school peteu- (w) -ny.

C) In derivatives with stems ending with a group of consonants, before the suffix beginning with a consonant, interfixes beginning with a vowel are usually used.

-s-: column-ts column (s) -skiy.

-in-: Yalta yalt- (in) -skiy.

D) Using interfix to connect two (or more) bases in the composition

compound word.

Example: chimney.

Truncation of derived stems.

This phenomenon is the opposite of interfixation. When interfixing, the stem (derived stem) increases, and when truncated, the stems of nouns, adjectives and verbs can be truncated. The end of the stem is truncated.

Usually the suffix or final vowel of the root is truncated.

When word formation from the stems of nouns, there are two types of truncations: a)

Truncation of the final vowel stems of non-declining nouns. (libretto -

librett-ist, sambo - samb-ist.) b) Truncation of trailing suffixes or submorphs ( dudka - dud-et, swindler - cheat).

Overlay (or interference).

Overlapping morphs (the disappearance of one of two identical syllables, immediately following each other) a) stems and suffixes: lilac + -ish \u003d lilac;taxi + -ist \u003d taxi driver b) basics and interfix: NATO - NATO; Dynamo + - (s) ets= dynamo

Interfixing can also occur when the generating base is truncated, for example: radio - radio operator.

Ticket number 27. Form-forming basis, word and form-forming affixes.

The affixes with which new words are formed are called derivational, and the affixes that form the forms of the same word are called formative.

The use of affixes for word formation and shaping is subject to certain patterns.

The choice of one or another affix, its inclusion in a word depends on the lexical and grammatical properties of the word or stem. Each affix has its own derivational and formative connections with those morphemes that are presented in a particular word and stem. So, for example, the suffixes -at-, -ast- are used, as a rule, to form adjectives from the stems of nouns denoting parts of the human body or the body of animals ( bearded, toothy etc.).

Endings yya, th, th, th, th etc. are used primarily for the formation of adjectives, and the endings -u, -yu, -you, -you, -no, -it etc. to form verb forms.

Not all derivational types of words and not all forms of words are represented in the language in the same way in terms of quantity. In the circle of nouns and adjectives, single word-formation models of words are distinguished, for example: groom, young man, thinand others, and in the sphere of verbs, single forms: i'll eat.

In the process of developing and improving word formation and form formation, affixes expand or, conversely, narrow their possibilities of word formation and form formation. Some affixes are more productive, others are less productive.

Affix -ost in the modern Russian literary language it is highly productive, and in the Old Russian language (until the 17th century) this affix was limited in relation to word-formation relations, combined only with non-derivative stems of adjectives.

Nominative plural ending -a, previously peculiar only to neuter nouns, expanded its productivity and began to be applied to masculine nouns: cities, meadows, doctors, professors etc.

From the point of view of productivity in the formation of words and forms in the modern Russian literary language, affixes fall into two groups: living and dead affixes. Living affixes include affixes that form words and forms in modern language; they are clearly distinguished in the composition of the word from the point of view of living connections and relationships in the language, for example: story, narrator... Dead affixes are distinguished in a word only with the help of etymological analysis, for example: suffix - r- in a word old, prefix su- in a word spouse.

Living affixes available in the modern system of word-formation and form-formation are subdivided into three types: unproductive ones that do not produce new words and forms, but stand out in the composition of words; productive, abundantly producing new words and forms and easily distinguishing; unproductive, rarely producing new words and forms, but highlighted in word-formation analysis.

Unproductive affixes among prefixes: great-grandfather, su-gloom, flood and etc.; among the suffixes: pass-out, down-out, empty-yr, in-water-yr, yellow-out-a, count and etc.; among the endings of verbs and nouns: give, eat, horse-mi, bone-mi and etc.

Productive affixes among prefixes: do-, times-, at- and etc.; among noun suffixes: - ik, -nik, -its (a), -chik, -shchik, -stv (o); verbs: -va-, -iva -, - well-; adjectives: - k-, -sk-, -chiv- and many others; among the endings of nouns and verbs, the overwhelming number of endings.

The distinction between unproductive and unproductive affixes is often not clear. In the word-formation system of the modern Russian language, there are frequent cases when the same suffix exhibits unequal effectiveness in the formation of words that are different in their semantics and structure. So, the suffix - ets, which forms nouns with the meaning "belonging to" from nouns, is highly productive (for example, michurin militia etc.). At the same time, the suffix is \u200b\u200bcharacterized as unproductive in the formation of nouns with the meaning of a person from verb stems (for example, singer-ets, kup-ets, gon-ets etc.). Verb suffixes -wa-, -iva-are only productive in relation to the prefixed verbs ( walk around, sit out etc.). Productive ending -ov in masculine plural genitive nouns ( factories, tables) is unproductive in neuter words ( clouds, shafts, hangers, glasses).

Ticket number 28. The main ways of word formation in modern Russian.

Ways to form words that have one motivating basis:

1. Suffixation... It is carried out by adding a suffix to the producing base.

Teacher (suffix body + system of inflections of adjectives of adjective declension)

Three times (suffix wait)

With a zero suffix ( exit, badass) the formant contains zero

word-formation suffix.

2. Prefix.The prefix is \u200b\u200bthe format.

Great-grandfather, re-write.

3. Postfix.The format is postfix:

1) wash, butt (postfix xia) 2) some. Pronominal prefix and postfix, in

unlike a suffix, they are attached to the whole word, not to the stem.

The term postfix has two meanings: 1) any affix after the root 2) an affix,

standing after the inflection and opposing the suffix on this basis.

4. (prefix combined with suffix,

financially expressed or nil): primorye, drinking, in a new way.

5. Prefix-postfix method (prefix combined with postfix):

scatter, walk.

6. Suffix-postfix method(suffix combined with postfix):

to be proud, in need.

The last three methods are called mixed. In mixed methods, the formant contains several derivational means (for example, suffix and prefix).

Accordingly, the first three are unmixed.

7. Substantiation of adjectives and participles.

The formant is a system of inflections of a motivated word (noun),

which is part of the system of inflections of the motivating (adjective and

participles) a system of inflections of one grammatical gender or only plural

numbers: nouns sick, new, daily allowance .

Ways to form words that have more than one motivating stem.

1. Addition (or pure addition) a derivative word is formed by connecting

one or more basics of any part of speech with an independent word. The last component is the main one in addition, since it is he who is the carrier of morphological indicators. The composition of the word-formation format with pure addition includes: a) an interfix indicating the connection between the components of a complex word b) a single main stress, mainly on the reference component. The interfix can be null: tsar Cannon.

2. Mixed the way of word formation is suffixally complex, or addition in combination with suffixation (materially expressed or zero): pathfinder, multilingual, bread cutter.

3. Fusion is a method of word formation, which differs from addition in that words formed by this method, in all their forms in terms of morpheme composition, are completely identical to the synonymous word combination and, thus, the syntactic connection of this word combination (control or adjacency connection) is preserved as a living connection in the structure of the word motivated by him: insane, evergreen. The composition of the formant includes: a) the fixed order of the components, the preposition of the subordinate component; b) a single main stress on the supporting component.

4. Abbreviation is a way of word formation, uniting all types of compound and abbreviated formations. The formant includes: a) derivative (indifferent to morphemic division) truncation of the stems included in the motivating phrase of words (the last of which may not be abbreviated). b) the system of inflections in accordance with the assignment of the abbreviation to one of the types of declension of nouns. For example: USSR, university, savings bank.

In splicing and abbreviation, the word-formation meaning is connecting, as in pure addition.

There are also such mixed methods: prefix-suffix-postfix

(joke around); prefix complex ( placate) etc. There are also phenomena intermediate between abbreviation and addition ( pioneer camp).

When a derivative word is formed, there is often a mutual adaptation of the connecting morphs. According to the laws of the Russian language, on the border of morphemes, not all combinations of sounds are permissible. On the border of morphemes, four types of phenomena can occur: 1) alternation of phonemes (the end of one morph changes, adapting to the beginning of another).

2) the interference between two morphs is inserted into an insignificant (asemantic) interfix element. 3) overlay (or interference) of morphs, the end of one morph is combined with the beginning of another. 4) truncation of the generating stem the end of the generating stem is cut off and does not enter the derived word.

Ticket number 29. Noun. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns.

Noun - a part of speech that combines words with the meaning of objectivity. Nouns can be the names of not only specific objects, things, substances, living beings and organisms, phenomena of objective reality, but they can also denote the most diverse abstract properties and qualities ( courage, horror, academic performance, blue), actions and states ( drinking, jumping, cleaning, resting).

Nouns are divided into two groups: proper and common. Proper names are the names of single objects ( Pushkin, Moscow, Mars, Izvestia newspaper). Common names are generalized names for homogeneous objects, phenomena, actions, states ( pine, thunderstorm, walking, fatigue).

In a sentence, nouns act mainly as subject and object.

Almost every noun has its own gender:

General ( touchy, quiet)



For nouns in plural including no genus, including plurale atantum (finance, trousers).

In some nouns denoting animals, or the name of a person does not have a gender distinction. They are not related to gender.

Gender-gender ratio in personal nouns.

Almost always, if the face is feminine, then the noun is feminine ( milkmaid). Mediocre -always feminine, as well as bastard... There are not many cases where a masculine noun can refer to a feminine gender as well, for example: barbel, some kinship terms - Do you have grandchildren? The grandchildren are both women and men.

It can also depend on number, context and meaning. Although there are feminine words of equal value, mostly masculine words are used. This is common in professional vocabulary.

Some words resist: names by national place of residence ( muscovite, American). Even in an environment of professional vocabulary - violinist, artist.In the plural, this phenomenon has advanced further ( muscovites).

What Muscovite doesn't like the Kremlin?(context dependent). Official situations require the use of the masculine gender.

In animals, sometimes the opposite is true - the main name is feminine ( goat, cat)

General words.

In the overwhelming majority, these are colloquial words or emotionally colored ( slob, glutton, crybaby, dirty). This also includes an orphannot emotionally colored. Morphologically similar to feminine nouns. Despite the fact that the feminine gender can also mean, the defining words ( This dirty trick got his shirt dirty again). Petya is a terrible filthy bastard. In the position of the predicate, it can agree on the feminine gender. In proverbs and tendencies. words that were previously used only in the masculine gender are beginning to be attributed to words of the general gender: headman, head, judge, colleague.

About type approvals:the doctor came, our doctor.

Two questions: 1) Are such combinations legal?

2) Can we say that these are general words?

In the 19th century, there were no such agreements. They appeared in the 20th century, in the 20s. Ten years later, they began to say “ young composer". A little earlier - " Our friend received a letter". There may be mixed approvals. In the 20th century, women became more active and this led to the emergence of many feminine words. Gender indication - syntactic, or woman doctor.

For a long time, this was treated negatively. Predicate agreement is the norm. In indirect cases, you cannot use the g. R. Therefore, these are not general words.

Determination of the genus.Grandfather grandmother - the same declension, but the genus is different. Words with a soft consonant can be feminine or masculine. The declination depends on the gender, and not vice versa. Tulle, roofing -both are masculine.

In the 19th century, words duel, cellowere of both genders, since they had just adapted to the language.

Special rules apply to non-declining nouns:

Face names ( curé) - depends on the situation, meaning

If a common noun, inanimate, mostly neuter ( stew, cinema, sconce).

There are exceptions: coffee -masculine gender (used in the 19th century. coffee), hindi -masculine (since language.).

Animal names ( chimpanzee, kangaroo, pony) - they must be masculine, but depending on the context, they can be used in the feminine gender.

The names of cities, rivers ( Po, Huanghe, Oslo), the city is masculine, and the river is feminine.

There are difficult cases when, for example, a noun can be understood as a state or country: Somalia -the norm has not yet been settled.

Abbreviations. In most cases, it depends on the gender of the core noun ( UN -feminine, MSU -masculine). If the word is not read by letters, then it is perceived depending on the last letter, since the word lives an independent life, for example: NEP, registry office.

Dual generic affiliation - skird - rick, periphrase - periphrase, shutter - shutter.

Most nouns denote countable objects and can be combined with quantitative nouns, that is, indicates the number of objects.

Plurale attantum - them. n. pl. number;

Singulare attantum - them. n. units number;

Some lexical and semantic categories of nouns are associated with these two categories ( clay, milk, velvet - real; kids, foliage - collective; rudeness, kindness - abstract).

When " snow, ice»The plural does not mean the substance, but the space covered by this substance. This is also characteristic of some abstract nouns (" beauty" - Beautiful places).

The plural (Plurale attantum) is very heterogeneous: debates, finance, petroleum products - nouns that cannot be counted, but pants, tongs, scissors can be considered in pairs. Here they designate specific objects that can be in more than one quantity and are used in the singular and plural, but they have the same form. Noun coatdoes not apply here, since it has consistent words ( my / my coats).

The only number is when it comes to one subject. The usual meaning of the singular form is the meaning of singularity. In some contexts - a generalized collective meaning (when it comes to the whole class, for example: Dolphins live in the same range with tuna). A book is the best gift (typical for proverbs); The participle is used… (Scientific definition). Very often, for example, a similar use: The viewer liked the performance.

Distributive meaning - These umbrellas have a broken handle.

For the plural - the designation of dismemberment ( Cats surrounded me). The plural can denote the class of one noun ( Cats are good animals). May denote a collection ( For the second, we have mushrooms today). Name of nationalities ( Georgians live in the Caucasus). Designate paired items ( boots).

Expresses the exact relationship of the designated object to other objects, to actions, states and signs.

There are 6 cases in Russian. All cases, except for the nominative, are used with prepositions - this is an integral unit of meaning ( harmful to the patient).

The case forms can have different meanings. There are no fixed values. Subject value ( the forest is noisy, misfortune has not happened, mom cannot sleep, we are invited by the dean).

The main meanings of the cases:

Nominative -original word form. In this form, the noun is used for the name, name of a person, object, phenomenon. In this case it always stands subject... In the same case, the nominal part of the predicate can be. In the nominative case, there is also the main member of a one-part sentence.

Genitive -used both after verbs and after names. The adjective genitive case indicates an object if the transitive verb has a negation with it, if the action is transferred not to the whole object, but to a part of it; this case also has the meaning of absence, deprivation.

The genitive case also indicates a number of attributive relations: belonging, the relation of the whole to the part, qualitative assessment, etc.

Nouns in gender. case, used in the comparative form of adjectives, denote the object being compared.

Dative -more often after verbs, sometimes after a noun. It is used mainly to designate a person or object to which an action is directed. In impersonal sentences, the dative case can refer to a person or object experiencing the condition expressed by the predicate.

Accusative -mainly used with verbs. The main meaning is to express with transitive verbs the object to which the action is completely transferred ( catch perches). It can be used to express quantity, space, distance, time ( whole summer, every day).

Instrumental case -used with both verbs and nouns. The instrumental case has the main meaning of a tool or means of action ( drive with twigs). It can have the meaning of place, time, space, image and mode of action, it can depict the producer of the action ( written by me).

The instrumental predictive case is used to express the nominal part of a compound predicate ( was a doctor).

The adopted instrumental case is used for nouns with the meaning of an instrument of action, rarely a mode of action ( sing tenor); with the names of adjectives to indicate the area of \u200b\u200bmanifestation of a feature with the meaning of restriction ( famous for discoveries).

Prepositional -it is used both with verbs and with nouns, but only with the prepositions about, about, about - the subject of thought, speech;

in, in - an indication of the place, space, object, within or within which the action is performed;

on - surface, limit of propagation of action, state;

when - being close, in the presence of someone.

Prepositional adopted: about - thought, speech, report;

at - place;

c - place, space, object.

Declination of nouns.

Classification of declensions.

Substantive declension is typical for nouns in singular. including pr. tv. cases of one phonem. end.

Adjective declension is characteristic of adjectives, but there are also substantivates ( pie).

Mixed declension is similar to both substantive and adjective. There are no one-phonemic endings in the adjective. The mixed declension includes typically Russian surnames. Them. case - Pushkin, in indirect cases - Pushkin. The masculine gender is also a mixture. The words "draw" ( draw), "Girlish" ( girlish).

In scientific grammar, the 2nd declension is -a, and the 1st declension is "field, table".

Diversified - "path" and -my-.

There are options: changes in the stem, a change in stress when forming case forms.

1st declension -y- in the masculine gender: a piece of cheese is a piece of cheese. Semantic factor: -y-

typical for real nouns. This does not happen with any case value, but only 1) with a partitive meaning; 2) in combination with some prepositions;

3) in cases such as people, rabble; 4) specific nouns: forest, house, floor, hour, nose; 5) in certain combinations with prepositions + adverbial meanings. Here the ending -y- is almost always optional. In the 20th century, this phenomenon is declining.

The ending -y- is mandatory in cases of diminutive use ( cognac - cognac), as well as in specific nouns, if the stress falls on the preposition - in other cases, optional.

The ending -y- can be in phraseological combinations: Our regiment has arrived; in my lifetime.

Maybe also in examples like: on an oak - on an oak. Required - on the forehead, at the post. Some cases have options: on the bridge - on the bridge.

Our sweaters - our sweaters... The main ending is -a-. Since the middle of the 19th century, the number of such words has been increasing, especially in professorial speech.

The old form is -y- no ( meadows, masters, evenings). Some words have use cases: years - years, conductors - conductors, poodles - poodle.

Sometimes the ending indicates the difference in meanings of the word : in a circle / in a circle, images / images, flowers / colors.

Genitive plural : five kilograms / five kilograms;

Name of persons by nationality ( many Buryats - many Buryats);

Names of persons by belonging to military units ( hussar - hussar);

The names of some items ( no stockings - no stockings);

Some vegetables: tomatoes, oranges, tangerines ... ( kilogram of tomato / tomatoes).

There are non-declining nouns ( sconces, kangaroo, attaché, taxi, blinds…).

Lost declension cases ( Shevchenko, Moniuszko).

Some place names: Borodino, Pargolovo, Levashevo, Ogarevo

Ticket number 33. Adjective. Lexico - grammatical categories. Declination of adjectives.

Adjective -part of speech that combines words that indicate a sign of an object and answer questions which one? whose?

The morphological features of adjectives are their variability in gender, number and case. Unlike nouns, in the names of adjectives, gender, number and case forms are not independent, since they completely depend on the gender, number and case of those nouns with which these adjectives are consistent.

In a sentence, adjectives are a definition or a nominal part of a compound predicate, for example: The weather was fine. The weather is fine.

Qualitative adjectives differ (indicating the attribute of an object directly: large, high quality, lightweight), relative (indicating a sign through the relation of an object to other objects: gas stove, brick house), and possessive (indicating belonging: mother's sister, bear den).

Typically, quality adjectives have two forms: full ( beautiful view) and short ( the view is beautiful).

Short adjectives sometimes acquire a new lexical meaning, different from the meanings of full adjectives. Adjectives such as glad, much and so on are used only in short form.

Declination of adjectives.

Full adjectives in the singular change by gender, number and case, i.e. lean. In the plural, the genders do not change, and the case endings of all three genders are the same: gold rings, bracelets, earrings.

There are three types of declension of adjectives:

1) declension of qualitative and relative adjectives;

2) declension of possessive adjectives with a stem in -ii: fox, bear;

3) declension of possessive adjectives with suffixes -in (-yn), -ov, (ev): mami n, lisitsin, fathers, baker.

Adjectives of the first type of declension by the nature of the last consonant base are divided into groups: adjectives that have a hard consonant before the ending (hard type of declension), adjectives that have a soft consonant before the ending (soft kind of declension), adjectives whose stem ends in r, k, x, or hissing (mixed declension): alive, new; winter; elastic; small, dry, hot, large.


Solid variety.

M. p. Wed R. J. p.

AND. new new new

R. new new new

D. new new new

B. new new new

or new new

T. new new new (oyu)

P. about new about new about new

Soft variety.

M. p. Wed R. J. p.

AND. blue blue blue

R. blue blue blue

D. blue blue blue

B. blue blue blue

T. blue blue blue (by her)

P. about blue about blue about blue

Masculine and neuter adjectives in all cases have the same endings, except for the nominative and accusative. The accusative case coincides with the genitive or nominative, depending on the animate - inanimate of the noun with which it agrees: to see a beautiful girl, to see a beautiful landscape.

Plural numberlo.

AND ... new gold blue

R. new gold blue

D. new gold blue

B. new gold blue

new gold blue

T. new gold blue

P. about the new golden blue

The accusative forms in the plural, as well as in the singular, depend on animate - inanimate: to see beautiful children - to see beautiful landscapes.

Adjectives in r, k, xmixed varieties of declension have a hard and soft stem: springy and resilient.

The features of the declension of adjectives with a stem into sibilants are due to modern spelling (after sibilants, only y, a, andand are not written yu i s) and appear only in writing.

Adjectives with a stem in -ii ( fox, bear, wolf) vary by gender, number and case. In the masculine nominative they have a zero ending, in the neuter -e, in the feminine -i, in the plural -and: fox, fox, fox... In other cases, the endings of such adjectives coincide with the endings of the soft type of declension of qualitative and relative adjectives.

Possessive adjectives with suffixes -in (yn), -ov (ev) have endings typical of nouns and adjectives. Masculine and neuter adjectives singular in all cases, except for instrumental and prepositional, have endings characteristic of nouns ( father's word, father's word, father's word). In the instrumental and prepositional cases, their endings are similar to the endings of adjectives ( -th, -th). Feminine adjectives in the nominative and accusative have endings similar to those of nouns ( -a), in other cases - with adjectives (- oh). In the nominative and accusative cases of the possessive plural adjectives, the endings are the same as those of nouns ( -y), in other cases - as in adjectives ( -th, -th, -th, -th). For adjectives with the suffix -in masculine and neuter genitive and dative forms (-a, -y) are supplanted by forms with endings of adjectives (oh, oh): sister (noun) large table) - sister; sister (noun) large table) - sister.

Male Russian surnames on -ov (s), -in (yn) in the instrumental singular and plural have endings, respectively th, th, i.e. inflection of adjectives: Nekrasov - Nekrasov, Pushkin - Pushkin... This does not apply to the names of settlements formed from proper names.

Ticket number 34. Short and full adjectives. Comparison of adjectives.

Short forms can be formed only from adjectives with a qualitative meaning, however, there are exceptions: adjectives on - sky (friendly, comradelyetc.), as well as adjectives such as backward, experienced, tired.

In the singular, the masculine ending is zero, for example: strong - strong, affectionate - affectionate, for feminine gender - ending - ( strong, affectionate), for the neuter - the ending - ( strong, beautiful). In the plural, there are no generic differences, there will be an ending -ы-, - ( beautiful, close). If the base of a full adjective has 2 consonants at the end, then when short masculine adjectives are formed, a fluent sound o / e sometimes appears between them ( rare, eternal).

There is a group of adjectives in which variation is observed in the formation of the masculine form. These are adjectives in -state ( natural, inherent); they can end with -en or -enen: peculiar - proper, natural - natural... However, variance does not always appear: countless is countless, meaningless is meaningless.

Short forms have controls: they are rich in vitamins (but not rich), he is deaf to requests (but not deaf). This river is shallow / shallow for shipping.

Brief forms indicate a sign of an object (at certain times): it is healthy - it is healthy. But this does not always happen: Vasya is polite - Vasya is polite.

Short adjectives also indicate the excessiveness of the feature ( wide leg pants - wide leg pants). May have stylistic differences: short forms are more typical for book speech. Shorter forms are more categorical, harsh.

Comparison of qualitative adjectives.

In Russian, there are two degrees of comparison of adjectives: comparative and excellent. A positive degree is the initial form for the formation of the main degrees of comparison. The name is an adjective in a comparative degree, a quality characteristic of a given object to a greater or lesser extent in comparison with the same qualities in other objects, as well as in comparison with the qualities that this object had or will have in the future. The adjective in the superlative degree indicates the highest degree of quality in an item compared to the same qualities in other similar items. The superlative form can be used as a means of comparing a certain quality only in homogeneous objects similar to one another, while a comparative form is a means of comparing a certain quality or one and the same object at different times of its existence.

Formation of superlative forms.

The superlative forms of qualitative adjectives are also syntactic and analytical. The superlative syntactic form is formed with the suffixes -eish, -aish. The forms for these suffixes have 3 meanings: 1) the ultimate, absolute degree of quality, attribute. This value is called elative. Similar forms are used in different styles of book speech. In colloquial speech, they are used only in separate phraseological combinations ( kindest soul, greatest artist); 2) the value of the highest degree of quality in comparison with others. This meaning is similar to the meaning of the superlative descriptive form ( most). Otherwise, this value is called superlative;3) the value of the comparative degree. This meaning is not typical for the modern Russian language, it has been preserved in phrases like upon closer inspection.

Complex forms of the superlative are formed in two ways: first, with the help of additional words most, largest, smallestadded to the original form of adjectives; secondly, by adding words everyone, everythingto the form of the comparative degree.

Complex forms with words most, leastare used mainly in official business, journalistic styles of speech; forms with the word most - neutral, used in different styles of speech.

Complex superlatives can be derived from all quality adjectives; not all adjectives have simple forms. Many adjectives with the suffix -ast, -ist ( big-headed, fibrous),-k ( brittle), -esc ( friendly), - l ( skillful), -ov, -ev ( honey, combat). From them complex superlative forms can be formed.

Comparative education methods.

There are two main ways of forming a comparative degree: 1) the suffixes -ee (s) and -e ( friendlier, more expensive) - syntactic, or simple way.

2) Words more, less - analytical way, or complex (descriptive).

Synthetic forms are equally used in all styles of speech, while analytical forms are used most often in official, business, scientific styles.

Forms of a comparative degree are sometimes complicated by the prefix -po to soften the degree of predominance of quality before the form of a comparative degree in the usual way (great expression - colloquial speech). From adjectives based on r, k, x, d, t, st, v forms of a comparative degree are formed with the help of the now unproductive suffix -e. In this case, there is an alternation of consonants: expensive - more expensive.

The adjectives used in the synthetic form of comparison do not change in gender, numbers and cases, they do not agree, they do not agree with nouns.

In a sentence, the synthetic form of the comparative degree most often serves as a predicate and less often as a definition. The analytical form, which includes a full adjective in its composition, usually acts as a definition in a sentence, although it can also be a predicate.

If the complex form of the degree of comparison includes a short adjective, then it is a predicate and when not, as a rule, the conjunction "what" is used.

Separate adjectives ( bulky, business-like, poignant and so on) do not have a synthetic form of the degree of comparison. From them the form of the degree of comparison can be formed only analytically.

Separate adjectives form forms supportively, that is, from other roots: good is better, bad is worse etc.

Ticket number 35. Numeral. Discharges. Features of declension and combinations with nouns.

A class of words that are the name of the number of objects expressed in numbers, as well as their order in counting, are called a numeral name. These include only words in which quantitative concepts are expressed using numbers, that is, generally accepted units of account. The content of their quantitative feature is specified and concretized only after subject words are added to them ( eight books, fifteen days etc.).

The categories and features of declension and combinations with nouns:

1) Definitely - quantitative - denote the quantity presented as a certain number of objects ( six pencils), or a countable concept abstracted from specific objects ( six more than five)*

Examples (conj. + Combinations with noun);

Numeral one changes in gender, number and case and is consistent with n. like an adjective.

Numbers. two three four (and composite numerals having at the end two three four): in them. the case is controlled by the R. of the item. nouns ( two tables, three handles), and in other cases, the agreement with noun, which is always used in the plural form. numbers ( two tables, two tables);

But: in wines. case inanimate \u003d I. p. anim. \u003d R. p ( photographed two houses, photographed two athletes) - this rule is not distributed. on the comp. numbers that have at the end two three four.

Numerals from five before twenty and thirty have noun endings 3 ad. In compound numbers from fiftybefore eighty and from two hundred before nine hundred both sides are inclined ( fifty)

* By structure: 1) simple - single-root words ( one, eight, ten); 2) complex - the addition of two or three words ( twelve, twenty, two hundred); 3) compound, formed by a combination of several separate words ( twenty one, one hundred forty five).

The combination of cardinal numbers with nouns person, year, years:

I. 1) Combined with a noun man appears in all plural case forms. numbers. Not base people,and the basis man(five persons);

2) C numbered onein all cases the word is used year.Also combined with n. year all compound numbers that have numbers. one (one hundred and one years);

3) With number. two three four, one and a half in R. p. used. wordform years;in other cases - the word year acc. pad. forms ( one and a half years).

II. Uncertain - quantitative -number - expressed as undefined. numbers ( many days, a few minutes): a little, how much, so much.

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{!LANG-71af7f9ad6642886bf3e6c0eab6ec39d!} {!LANG-b9385611c12ae0d846f22530f818a835!}{!LANG-b26ad078b3216c6d472b92ec0a19f0c6!} {!LANG-efabc368014303e74917e6986dbbf4bd!}{!LANG-f4978a55a6cd22dea914cb4da4189d21!} {!LANG-9594d972123592dcf239bbb2b7f0fe29!}{!LANG-cc02ab5a4c4407160d14c35a0cf83f61!} {!LANG-efabc368014303e74917e6986dbbf4bd!}{!LANG-8896bc68becdf8236de16f07ef8eae07!} {!LANG-2142f5b5c62da8788ef7b6412e63a3a6!}{!LANG-379e2db9df904533f3fd58fb9b26c7a9!} {!LANG-f0aacfde5fce0d4720fde36a35a6142b!}.

{!LANG-34e239ddd0c9e74aa80ccea63b5aad86!} {!LANG-44a86b716ce833178728d25b6ae6f37f!}{!LANG-41dec78b41918bc7544802ea2d8972e8!} {!LANG-77fb62564dadeed627b4127c968aa490!}{!LANG-6a4d98b7c605fe04e6f7b30f5e8105c9!} {!LANG-c8c74204cb8283915ec98b042f859d71!}{!LANG-fdc0fe08158bc18bbb475d88c19c4486!}

{!LANG-23ec9cf35c24d5bd123c81f12ce21266!} {!LANG-e7c1336ba953b7d1dd371500b9d82378!}{!LANG-cb7f2e1629ab71edcad06672dc5e11a2!} {!LANG-a63e8ce9c438f2f80fca16051f69cb61!}{!LANG-02a065a3cf66b137eec87739960d0041!} {!LANG-6060d02a8868e761b55254a35a724e67!}{!LANG-61d77459004aeab09e3cbf7af350bfa3!} {!LANG-275a4c76d67a0f06be8df871c30b306a!}{!LANG-6705587b7a0dd72bccde17e9813e58bb!} {!LANG-fb82687d5fc778eebd6911d469a5c17b!}{!LANG-fa47c1b14b0fda8a506f44f30f604a9d!} {!LANG-eb9b4918a2558eb4f7a6174089b51127!}).

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{!LANG-baada1ea80577a601439a0d83688d46d!} {!LANG-a28f8a630d8d455c20276c2f4018dad8!} ).

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{!LANG-d9cf03297cc3d63285ebab71d84c95ba!} {!LANG-ace016f0ae064f93a0449f65254b4c5f!}

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{!LANG-fe08a6f2007ccfaff4b0042e57a4bb4c!} {!LANG-5c3b3d271cc2859ec30de48528c2e9f1!}).

4) {!LANG-4a7b953831abb9526f869a9c85f68788!}.



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{!LANG-d201b3bd1a4ab89286ce876c821de12f!} {!LANG-038fd7f569d0818245219dc9a0c91524!}).

{!LANG-4c382ea5e6bc6aa0e2d0e8e84dfab67c!} {!LANG-b99326df08898435c715af83593a7cb1!})

{!LANG-1ecfe34d016c74a04136b3d9a3f3f760!} {!LANG-cb673e84db9e929604c89b1fc2aac37a!});

{!LANG-0b77bf18bcfc781cdbe727426bc190bf!} {!LANG-4e3346213b6dbb132f694fe265fd27b5!}).

{!LANG-b9a9f64803b902d641fe6e112a5c21d3!} {!LANG-af433969d1a59fc4fd2654f1c6c4eaa7!} {!LANG-f50bfabb1a017bab96e2019e31aabb6c!} {!LANG-4b66aec3ad9337f31bcbf344d7f0381d!});

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{!LANG-69a043bccbd4c8ed39c24574c4617bea!} {!LANG-bd84f3f30f0340aefa248f970e396528!}).


{!LANG-51378a48a82e90f62dd43059b8205e60!} {!LANG-d80e7db103fb33aa2a3fee160a1a28fa!}{!LANG-519789767758fc94b85b268793c0e403!} {!LANG-eb76dfdcf09ec3c644ba37ef90ef3d7c!}{!LANG-c73f2679fac5f801dd67d4b2334927e8!} {!LANG-5c352b40c4fde6fe302f7f3b96bc7d41!}{!LANG-471aa6995a833ef500bb5ed50656b356!} {!LANG-9dd1a0e501700b47e7734d8bef082dab!}{!LANG-39022aa0211651106f731e89a018a758!} {!LANG-1babb19a0af3262a62db24c83c76c902!}{!LANG-1d7f70f2f32ff55a6e38eb72ac6de563!} {!LANG-c3f9abc6e34e60413da120a42753dcbf!}{!LANG-aee8dd9e2d3160499c8d4055733437e0!} {!LANG-0c3b0331c1e6666ce28faa7554d9344d!} ({!LANG-a53e4b3c1f5d2d2f0b9dff29538f22d9!});

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{!LANG-0fe8afd134b6b524f3c05681ac727261!} {!LANG-a32afa049d79b09239de43667e05b811!}).

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{!LANG-be2d067fb8ab01ad30e8a0f9a364ace1!} {!LANG-18208f4f1f406362de67e0e71a071aa8!}{!LANG-b4be4e4d4bf219dbe8a7843771edc46b!} {!LANG-bee019ab43e69c3f2309ca4451ca2db0!}).

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{!LANG-6cf3d769ad3f6eeae2dcc1fc3f6677fb!} {!LANG-161130073d4e5c2fe2500f429ef67e0a!}).

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{!LANG-d4f25539c13f589716c6163da616f56a!} {!LANG-2430becaa4736a2f9fa69e7534f08a99!});

{!LANG-7d40d896d0a454c6bb004b9067ceaee6!} {!LANG-2e3da704671979cb57ddd42e251bc8e6!}).

{!LANG-7c0e29fc5a1faa6fcaa01c555036968c!} {!LANG-cbaf9a26b9f14af8494db1b4fd910bf0!}).




{!LANG-82f8ef73ce159bb64c61b0dbc1d4f28b!} {!LANG-de2eab7d3af543de24457fac108cb930!})

{!LANG-d0981e650bb938a9133363f5694c07ab!} {!LANG-6e407c1fe31dda6ea9f522afe9b2d851!})

{!LANG-b5d2e2af92db3c89410f74cfe4db84d1!} {!LANG-4582e5957e7144225b84223789ab5fb0!})

{!LANG-ae2866ce0cb4407740c7bcd92c7be6ed!} {!LANG-c76fffc2a71f831455101022fecf54a5!}).

{!LANG-ab28cc0db1a36c2df76934768c42633a!} {!LANG-2b60905acda15d95c0da77f6075d5c8e!}


{!LANG-36c3d69918d0902a6503369b2291d4da!} {!LANG-19eda000a50b3c82e8290d58002e817d!}{!LANG-e5f5c5886291e774311266625f4c4c72!} {!LANG-5dae9c72c6d69e9143fce40bc15b9d27!} {!LANG-4841ad25278380e1a592b92204788c97!} {!LANG-2a27ed8c04d8cb35d5240182e8ec0251!}{!LANG-a105803452193bd0580dbc9b848adada!} {!LANG-b41705855cd212d5f14088d7eaf561b7!}{!LANG-fb56aa552258cc418f09f5b31c943e18!} {!LANG-35f037f84dbcc7b07135aeb2dc3c61a1!}).


{!LANG-ec9fb72acbbbf0d7b9ab7c688eb0458a!} {!LANG-3c4ce5941a3db8ce810b98817b5d93f7!}).

{!LANG-ad962f6f76a2c4028f302510421cd33c!} {!LANG-dda50157b54ff094b7ca2b1181b237eb!})


{!LANG-20a092f32d504811b12eda9fa15a4e1d!} {!LANG-bb25fc05d6e816bd0569340ae7403f04!})


{!LANG-55a3a5818ffdb3e861d7687b686d6d48!} {!LANG-d92afd2842cc06c70b7459bd23734dcc!}).

{!LANG-d663aaef8b7866960cc574d4f1d02da4!} {!LANG-b46df4ba476dba704269925f66f45fde!})

{!LANG-91802bf5e0b78f623ec60291db7adb11!} {!LANG-e64c726fc2ead63180d371317f7af568!}{!LANG-1721080cff292a9bbeca334c5d06d540!} {!LANG-e1d75695d43a78f9a43496f9e3bab7e1!}).


{!LANG-82e3c87ea1f889b26ba4d99d661d81b1!} {!LANG-dbc8c1e0c0187a15b547f4891716d7d9!})

{!LANG-2013c3c88725fb6474673ef5fc8200f2!} {!LANG-09898d3d8874388fe990a54028cd12b7!}).


{!LANG-3e5260955857d2be03376286e3305947!} {!LANG-814e6d4682262552e7b5608a405c4f96!})

{!LANG-36b271296a228400adaa8c9f1b589ad5!} {!LANG-2b088420f95066486f219e9a185e7e38!}).

{!LANG-4a8e9c8fe228ee0941c51dde48567cae!} {!LANG-d8124a39778d1e1308ae102a83863653!}, {!LANG-a7cd473b38edb83280f375cd8c0fe550!} {!LANG-f3d381a18f4d3021a456d416756687d8!}{!LANG-661aecc55691af9c3ee07bf049a13053!}





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{!LANG-a42efa447784ea7e938d535b9d481559!} {!LANG-ef6ca322c71601f2bb544e7e2fc0729d!}

{!LANG-2a733e84c564b8045673e483f4831ed6!} {!LANG-ea62933b0b063340fc330cd3b7d64c00!}({!LANG-82e07fe2a51355707ea0293364ee08bd!}).

{!LANG-72842dd8d852e79d2e24d8e0ce4e1327!} {!LANG-7c1a15a5c5568f80e457d84c02b5f563!}


- {!LANG-f565e3c1cefc4e9616031d9cc99b31ff!} {!LANG-5a00c7a215e7062364832285e0ebd942!}).


{!LANG-1015e371fcf8e0ca361f6cd1e0cce650!} {!LANG-2df6e92dffe54c2a3e34d8289324e254!}{!LANG-5d856b5f4a87d8619e7f02bd702912e5!} {!LANG-66a8948c2c3a492cd18861cbb5404f38!}).

{!LANG-efec103074a0776ea463e7553caa74e0!} {!LANG-a6eb50dfb3226aae96560682a4d6aa1b!}).

{!LANG-3fa7c6da54278d0fe3be477c2adcdc28!} {!LANG-02c48704a2b428cd4e74b84e98007fca!}).

{!LANG-f61590a3357253b83a699e2802c35d60!} {!LANG-fbbdc9b37783195cd5cdacdc58765930!}).


{!LANG-9fb44d361d39482940c127b3645b9f98!} {!LANG-1ae0c309fac241ed09eff4f2bd817067!}{!LANG-c99ef8bb5451f9a3f51c1687327718a3!} {!LANG-a0cda35da333c15ec6b355c1d1a1a0ae!}{!LANG-308c519b57c112c90381742d32cd0a8b!}

{!LANG-5a4e3e079e0d7cf441f7b5b9c34ef042!} {!LANG-077c6d366137c53808ef42b29d1aabeb!}).

{!LANG-69fcd73c97f60d4f8c9c957e86f4e993!} {!LANG-517b9e65df77f1d4478a8e4000e98061!}

{!LANG-bde879ce4691fdd11f329fbcf05ecc73!} {!LANG-2949393f1ecc5cab684e9ad8eb39fe94!}{!LANG-2fce69066cd2061d09b41bde0d76eca4!} {!LANG-f76437e2ddc7bf58566713ee72fe54ae!}).

{!LANG-3b76f37ebc89a78ec0d0b88cf58fc0f1!} {!LANG-711b16b1147b3271e03e554f6f5f345f!}).


{!LANG-ad763659407ad8b3f2c71e9163023e50!} {!LANG-6c00ec62fabb6e6f54e2089108bd25e1!}).



{!LANG-28dafe31debc6913305a214a152ddaca!} {!LANG-aad4277284951e931c00119b7babf102!})


{!LANG-3c80d1fe301bb1422b0432abbb819b7d!} {!LANG-2dfc0e950314177f1fdfdffff1190280!}).

{!LANG-acc63175c59266f9cf48bd891fa87dd2!} {!LANG-70395e7922195ebe1fdcdcb67b3f9b61!}).


{!LANG-04ea7b1784e5f1484d003d1844f3df38!} {!LANG-012820314480dc0fa6dbb168f933e6e8!}{!LANG-a4fbaaf1f69aca18c429550d23d0218e!} {!LANG-bc5b050d6523329ee4141e15084d0ecd!}{!LANG-f39d65fc99bb4a99697d81dd03502b2f!} xia.



­ {!LANG-4c118ed4a4fd59019a09ada465155aed!}

{!LANG-9abc8ba7c9c7e8f8c362610a48386bc6!} {!LANG-24df64b476d4547bdfa5efa66f02f6c9!}



{!LANG-d9fc84b5de1155357c4e1bfe6069b461!} {!LANG-5f26c5cdf034003c425210b6c712f7bd!}.



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{!LANG-f3a9d7ba3c2b7ba4386e319e551024bb!} {!LANG-5ac6f5bcfbe65838c1dcab347a4df915!}, {!LANG-b75cc94a160b01146f85d410ef430b7b!})



{!LANG-40f70a5e88f4fdb5f327b8a720eb25ff!} {!LANG-001e157afa40a453671ca9dfc534c75f!}{!LANG-4bfb6432d7bb214319efc6d48e31988d!} {!LANG-3b2f4a98f63ccaa6fc3d03ad95c362a9!}{!LANG-a6b7b6ff3a6c64735c85038013b559fb!} {!LANG-6d07edd01e9ca7f528e702332d8b2c80!}{!LANG-4bfb6432d7bb214319efc6d48e31988d!} {!LANG-8a28ee7b63205af72d6354bc51d5bb2a!}.










{!LANG-c245bce78aa26dbf807b732b2d7fea84!} {!LANG-598b2b2a604c6391ec30f626894daa74!}{!LANG-e93eb5f9597d8c04b9f9f0e57f94a011!} {!LANG-58d8539d1ca279b4e92461548169832c!}{!LANG-696614c5d007d5770fed7906083f02f4!} {!LANG-9d782a2ac4d1d4f6e7d9df494fc08966!}{!LANG-a4046b0940d45561b162fd041fa1e1e2!} {!LANG-e1a9cd52a9ff61d3c1773ef105aa45f1!}.

{!LANG-c245bce78aa26dbf807b732b2d7fea84!} {!LANG-a426ace4fbe49b4d5a4366052f93d181!}{!LANG-e36d2f635744717544d3468d01fbe36d!} {!LANG-1910416eabd76644d31ef5b7e0bfce42!}

{!LANG-1349da0d9149c09746b249ad73a14d08!} {!LANG-a5221cd30498b24cb78cabe1d6dc407d!})

































{!LANG-e12843377277fce5f9e9c28541c4194d!} {!LANG-343fabc000b767491f7a7a59fc28c3ef!}


{!LANG-d8ef090b7a77c2120e7ce99c13e75ff6!}{!LANG-5667ed850f5bd81ef76ec19cd1036709!} {!LANG-3cdd8f2fb56dab0d1ac03e4effa973d3!}{!LANG-7365fc593aa3c197a30cce4449648fa9!}

{!LANG-fcefb704c1fad05b928527f1d98be34b!}{!LANG-9c0dc32ae052916b732f6d8497606c61!} {!LANG-5ec6aeb705630b94ab4544b064c19d79!}{!LANG-7365fc593aa3c197a30cce4449648fa9!}








{!LANG-fb8ff9671043c600ecdf0dc1446dfbab!} {!LANG-bc8df7c595d814b17f7f28ace273a33b!}

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{!LANG-7fced1973290338fc5a2fa542fc91b55!} {!LANG-6f11188947be281d333f4c69df2a65a6!}{!LANG-a8abfb0f61392c47bde655007a5b2921!}


{!LANG-8543721bf8e54818092bc200c8cf5de9!} {!LANG-64ef7ad05440984f91ff2f5b719690a1!}























{!LANG-2725bccf8648a22083065c30dcec3c04!} {!LANG-75410b9b4bce07b83b950a463624bb08!}{!LANG-9efc8411f2655721754709397e377461!}



















































































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{!LANG-cf3c464a320b5963746b72058722a5e4!} {!LANG-51c9db1472632eea9add8a4a3ebd8e73!}{!LANG-3fe9f8f8ccf2a12fe37d53a7cdeab3e4!} {!LANG-8826c8e205a6d98b6d4ec1e57041e5d5!}).

{!LANG-bc4360fb209baf0e2260843bb3a4d081!} {!LANG-af4aa00a780c5bf89f95d4d69e9a13e7!}?

1) {!LANG-dc43bb8107a8aee7faf979e64294322d!}{!LANG-1cd356c0462134fe48ce92449fc26060!}


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{!LANG-d5d5f90ddf6a8efafc5da1fb1800a5dc!} {!LANG-dd0a178b118b8aefa2ffcac59e8cbd66!}.


{!LANG-809fa9d55d0ff24794edf66287af29e5!} {!LANG-cebb7965abfa443b4731ea603bee5736!}.

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{!LANG-d9b73e255006a3e5f17d246afcf4ce8f!} {!LANG-0e78f62b138ee1ff345c9edd0ce2c151!}{!LANG-b28da80228e417caef46b742da740645!} {!LANG-89d0225d1f9d5cb59e88b8f497063c77!}


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{!LANG-40165449428b9c5a44879c990c4b064a!} {!LANG-6f44172da6754a95ffca8f92485b02e7!}.

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{!LANG-55380dba593c7a5439a09015e40e3fd8!} {!LANG-99f712b2a5042166e540935f45ca5bfb!}.



{!LANG-c409f7eea9141d38c08ae92dddc733b2!} {!LANG-7b60bfa93900d6d2bfc288ca034f63ea!}{!LANG-6388bb0e6d9f30dd500dd4ffd0d2039d!} {!LANG-71f978957a34ecadff52875437b9a5ce!}, {!LANG-7bdbc8c02b164d4e33373c77801bde83!}

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{!LANG-58cd85f16f70e2c0971e6a02febf9457!} {!LANG-3a97ce9eb250efcbbb2f0c3b70065f04!}.

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{!LANG-bbbed3998c1a0f2a3d80b9997145609b!} {!LANG-4bd2e767950ef942a3632bd700bddfa7!}.

{!LANG-37984401ac3d15159c36df3af6a583f2!} {!LANG-5e870589f90485e91dd40716b1c8b165!}.

{!LANG-c5af22a710f4ebe8a39680b8ff8acecc!} {!LANG-a0b8cd063a5f510cc889606629b0a84f!}.

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{!LANG-7abbf5586ce48ca08f7cb92e4b933c83!} {!LANG-cf6c8e9d9c31b6e384e99748b84ca22f!}.








































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{!LANG-4082c1704456141942f902dfeeb0861b!} {!LANG-a4f66b02e3046b14a7a8269dd0a953fc!}.

{!LANG-7fbe4880a0193726128b9b65b2840e3f!} {!LANG-3ce2820b72ce9869d57867153c6a3ba3!}{!LANG-59299f96ea1f391c7f4e59cfa4ab80e1!} {!LANG-72e81ce36bc0f29a53226e2a7c802186!}{!LANG-455446ccfed44a114af71a28728a432d!}

{!LANG-62eb4852f5b7f4d58913490a3ced3268!} {!LANG-faca32b6779613c3f39d1c99f05b3c78!}{!LANG-629c5c7d519b24f0c13975ffd4bf7a12!}


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{!LANG-e91d3cac0ca05fbfaee9bc4591d02568!} {!LANG-4f0f74ab5f73ab81ff89744c14ded729!}{!LANG-2a33adbb3fe3a3a3864c789eb195df07!}

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{!LANG-fc78e97776da1204e03e6b2c7a88aec1!} {!LANG-b959c37d42e827e44cdfaed443beabd9!}

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