Incredible and shocking stories of Mowgli children. Mowgli children. Oksana Malaya - geniuses and villains - Learn A girl who grew up with dogs what now

Angry Children is one of Julia Fullerton-Batten's powerful photography projects. This is a series of dark but atmospheric staged works inspired by real stories about children growing up in the wild or among animals. As Julia found out during her research, there are many documented cases of feral children in the world. Lost, lost, and for the most part simply abandoned by their parents, children quickly forgot their essence and adapted to new living conditions.

“There are only two scenarios: in the first case, the child stays in the forest, and in the second, the child actually stays at home, but because of the careless attitude of adults and constant humiliation, he feels more comfortable among the animals,” the photographer explains.

Lobo, the wolf girl (Mexico, 1845-1852)

In 1845, a strange incident occurred in Mexico: a herd of goats grazing in a meadow was attacked by a pack of wolves, with whom a little girl ran on all fours. She was caught, but after a while she ran away. In 1852, a girl was seen in the forest feeding two wolf cubs. When people approached, she immediately ran away. Nobody saw her again.

Oksana Malaya, raised by dogs (Ukraine, 1991)

Eight-year-old Oksana was found in a doghouse in 1991. She lived with the dogs for six years. The girl's parents were alcoholics. One evening they just forgot it on the street. In search of warmth, a three-year-old girl crawled into a doghouse and fell asleep, curled up. Over time, Oksana began to behave more like a dog than a human child. She moved on all fours, breathing with her tongue out, baring her teeth and barking. The girl, devoid of human contact, knew only two words: "yes" and "no."

Intensive therapy helped Oksana master basic social and verbal skills, but at the level of a five-year-old child. Now Oksana is 34 years old. She lives and works in Odessa in a boarding house where she takes care of cows and horses.

Shamdeo (India, 1972)

Shamdeo, a boy about four years old, was discovered in 1972 in a forest in India where he was playing with cubs. His skin was very dark, his teeth were pointed, his nails were long and curved, his hair was matted, and there were calluses on his palms, elbows, and knees. He loved to hunt birds. In 1978 he was taken to Mother Teresa's Home for the Disadvantaged and the Dying in Lucknow, where he was given the name Pascal. The nuns were never able to completely wean the child from raw meat, he did not speak, but learned sign language. He died in February 1985.

Vanya, bird boy (Russia, 2008)

Vanya, a seven-year-old boy, was found in the small two-room apartment he shared with his 31-year-old mother. He was locked in a room filled with bird cages, bird food and droppings. The mother treated her son like another pet. She never beat him, punished him, left him without food, but she never spoke to him either. The boy communicated only with birds. He could not speak, only chirped and waved his arms like a bird when something was incomprehensible to him. The woman was deprived of parental rights, and the boy was sent to a psychological assistance center for a rehabilitation course.

Marina Chapman (Columbia, 1959)

Five-year-old Marina was kidnapped in 1954 from a South American village and abandoned in the jungle. She lived with a family of small capuchin monkeys for five years before hunters discovered her. The girl ate berries, roots and bananas that the monkeys dropped, slept in the hollows of trees and moved on all fours. Once Marina got severe food poisoning. One old monkey led her to a pool of water and forced her to drink, the girl vomited, and she went on the mend. Having made friends with young monkeys, Marina learned to climb trees and understand what to eat and what not.

By the time the hunters found the girl, she had completely forgotten human language. Marina was sold to a brothel, but she managed to escape from there. So she ended up on the street. Then the girl was taken in by a mafia family. They treated her like a slave. A kind neighbor rescued her and sent her to Bogota to live with his daughter and son-in-law. They adopted Marina, despite the fact that they already had five children of their own.

In 1977, the family moved with Marina to Bradford (Yorkshire, UK), where the woman lives to this day. She got married and had several children.

Madina (Russia, 2013)

Madina lived with dogs from birth until she was three years old. She ate, played and slept with the dogs. According to social workers, Madina moved on all fours and growled like a dog.

Madina's father left her immediately after birth. Her 23-year-old mother drank and was often too drunk to care for the child, drinking buddies constantly gathered in the house. One day, Madina ran away to the playground when her mother got angry with her again, but the other children did not accept her because she could not speak and behaved aggressively. In the end, the baby found friends among dogs and stayed with them.

The doctors reported that Madina was mentally and physically healthy, despite what she had to endure.

Jeanie (USA, 1970)

When Jeanie was still young, her father decided that she was mentally retarded. He kept the girl locked up in a small room where she lived in complete isolation for more than ten years and slept in a chair. In 1970, the guardianship authorities found Gini. According to the social worker, the girl, despite the fact that she was already thirteen years old at that time, was not accustomed to the toilet, could not speak, constantly spat and scratched. Gini moved sideways, jumping like a rabbit. Over the following years, she became the object of research.

After a while, Gini learned a few simple words, but she still couldn't form sentences. Later, the girl was taught to read and developed her basic social skills. For some time she lived with her mother, after several years she spent in various orphanages, where she was beaten and offended. Jeanie was forced to return to the children's hospital. It turned out that she stopped talking again. Funding for Jeanie's treatment was discontinued in 1974. Nothing was known about the further fate of the girl until a private detective took up the case. He found Jeanie in a private institution for mentally handicapped adults.

A boy raised by a female leopard (India, 1915)

In 1915, a hunter who killed a female leopard found that she had three cubs left, among which was a five-year-old boy. The child was returned to his family, who lived in a small Indian village. When first found, he could only squat and run on all fours, as fast as a grown man can run on two legs. His knees were covered with calluses, and his fingers were bent almost at right angles to his palm and covered with hard, keratinized skin. He bit and lashed out at everyone who approached him, tried to catch chickens and eat them raw. He could not speak, but only groaned and growled.

He later learned to talk and walk on two legs. Unfortunately, the boy gradually became blind from cataracts. But this was not caused by his life in the jungle, the disease turned out to be hereditary.

Sujit Kumar, Chicken Boy (Fiji, 1978)

As a child, Sujit was a very naughty boy. His parents decided to lock him up in the chicken coop. Soon his mother committed suicide, and his father was killed. Grandfather Sujita took care of the boy, but still did not let him out of the chicken coop. Sujit was eight years old when he was found in the middle of the road, clucking and flapping his arms like wings. He pecked at food, leaned on a chair like a chicken on a roost, and made clicking sounds with his tongue.

As a result, Sujit was placed in a nursing home. But because he behaved aggressively, for twenty years he lay tied with sheets to the bed. Now in his forties, he is cared for by Elizabeth Clayton, who took him from the nursing home.

Kamala and Amala (India, 1920)

Eight-year-old Kamala and twelve-year-old Amala were found in 1920 in a den of wolves. This is one of the most famous cases of feral children. The girls were discovered by Reverend Joseph Singh, who watched from a tree outside the cave where they appeared. When the wolves went hunting, he saw two figures coming out of the cave. The girls looked terrible, moved on all fours and did not look like people.

After they were first caught, the girls slept curled up, growled, tore off their clothes, ate nothing but raw meat, and periodically howled. They had deformed tendons and joints in their arms and legs, and their limbs were bent. They absolutely did not want to communicate with people. But their hearing, sight and smell were exceptional.

Amala died the year after they were found. Kamala eventually learned to walk upright and speak a few words, but died in 1929 of kidney failure at the age of 17.

Ivan Mishukov (Russia, 1998)

Vanya has always been a burden to his family and ran away when he was four years old. He lived on the street and begged. As a result, the boy nailed to a pack of wild dogs and shared with them the food that he could get. The dogs began to trust him, and eventually he became something of a pack leader. So he lived for two years, but then he was caught and sent to an orphanage. Even living on the street among dogs, Ivan used speech when he begged. This, and the fact that he was only feral for a short time, hastened his recovery. Now he lives a normal life.

Marie Angelique Memmie le Blanc, a wild girl from Champagne (France, 1731)

Memmi's story took place in the 18th century, but is surprisingly well documented. For ten years, Memmi walked thousands of miles alone through the forests of France. She ate birds, frogs and fish, leaves, branches and roots. Armed with a club, she fought wild animals, mostly wolves.

She was found at the age of 19, the girl was black, hairy and with long claws. When Memmi knelt down to drink water, she repeatedly glanced sideways, in a state of constant alert. She could not speak and communicated only by squeals and screams. She ate rabbits and birds raw. For many years she did not eat cooked food. Her fingers were twisted, as she used them to dig up roots and cling, jumping from tree to tree like a monkey.

Memmie's recovery from her ten years in the wild was going very well. She had wealthy patrons and learned to read, write and speak French fluently. In 1747 she became a nun for a time, but after that she returned to normal life. In 1755 Memmi published her biography. She died, being a wealthy lady, in Paris in 1775, at the age of 63.

John Ssebunya, monkey boy (Uganda, 1991)

John learned to speak and mastered the necessary social skills. He had a wonderful singing voice. Now he performs with the African Pearl Choir and tours the world.

Victor, a wild boy from Aveyron (France, 1797)

Victor was caught in the forests of Saint-Sernin-sur-Rance (south of France) in January 1800. He appeared to be about twelve years old. His body was covered in scars. He couldn't speak. Victor is believed to have spent seven years of his life in the wild.

The biology professor decided to test Victor's resistance to cold by leaving him out in the cold on a snowy day. This did not affect the physical condition of the boy. Other professors tried to teach him to speak and behave "normally", but to no avail. He was eventually taken to an institute in Paris and died at the age of forty.

Oksana Malaya

Many years of work of educators, who tried to return a child adopted by an animal, to a human form, almost crossed out the shooting of a film about the fate of a dog fosterling
In the Odessa boarding school for children with developmental defects, they remember very well mid-August 1992, when a strange creature was brought to the local first-aid post. For almost a month, it went through quarantine, lying helplessly on the floor in the isolation room. The child's medical record indicated that she was an eight-year-old girl. True, as soon as someone approached the new girl, she bared her teeth and growled menacingly. The baby really was very similar to a dog: she moved on all fours, jumped on the table, bench without visible effort, refused to sleep on the bed, barked and could bite painfully.
"After nine years of humanization, Oksana still loves to retire and howl"
A girl enters the room, small and shy. She looks nine, no more, although in fact she will soon be eighteen. If she resembles a dog in any way, it is only with her clubfoot, with a gait that bends her legs - I do not find other traces of savagery in a person who has repeated the fate of Mowgli in our days. Oksana is now no different from her girlfriends at the boarding school. From life in the booth, they say, she only retained the habit of sleeping, curled up like a dog's ball.
Oksana imagines herself to be a real star, she does not obey nannies and educators, and when she hears in her address: “Princess from the doghouse”, she only smiles down. She is frankly happy with this ugly happiness of hers.
- The case with Malaya is really unique, - agrees the educator Yulia Vershok. - Having worked in a boarding school for many years, I have not come across anything like this. I remember when Oksana was brought to us, everyone was in a real shock: the child on all fours was galloping around the yard like a dog - so fast that it was impossible to catch up. Every now and then he strove to jump somewhere or jump over the bench. The animal girl did not know how to cry, but she whined plaintively from resentment. When she wanted to scratch herself, she raised her leg and, throwing it behind her ear, quickly moved her fingers. Thoroughly bit the fleas. All these movements were purely reflex for her...
Oksana used words reluctantly, although she perfectly understood the speech addressed to her. Her language was different - wordless. A lot of effort was spent on teaching the girl to eat like people. Usually she mixed salad, soup and a second course in one plate, poured compote there, and only then began to sip this mess, munching loudly. The children, of course, laughed and teased her.
She told very little about her former life - something about a kennel and a dog ... She sorely lacked attention, affection and love, and the bitch only drowned puppies, and the mongrel gave all her unused motherhood to Oksana. And she taught Malaya everything she knew how to do.
With difficulty, Oksana got rid of the habits of the animal - almost ten years passed before the girl became like the local children. The educators and staff patiently taught her everything that is inherent in a human being, trying not to leave her alone for a minute. To distract, to occupy, to make people forget - such was the pedagogical task, which they did an excellent job in Odessa. The girl now reads and writes a little, she counts within two dozen. She learned simple things - to wash and brush her teeth, to take care of herself. And most importantly, I learned to communicate with people. Although animal instincts are deeply ingrained.

History knows many cases when children are "brought up" by wild animals. What conclusions about the human psyche can be drawn from these stories?

Everyone knows stories about children raised by animals. I bring to your attention a few of these stories.

1. Wild Boy Peter

In 1724, a naked hairy boy who walked on all fours was found in a forest near the city of Hameln in Germany. When he was tricked, he behaved like a wild animal, preferring to eat birds and vegetables raw and unable to speak. After he was transported to England, he was given the name of the wild boy Peter. And despite never learning to speak, he supposedly loved music, was taught to do simple jobs, and lived to a ripe old age.

2. Victor of Aveyron

He was perhaps one of the most famous Mowgli children. The story of Victor of Aveyron became widely known thanks to the movie "Wild Child". Although his origins are a mystery, it is believed that Victor lived his entire childhood alone in the forest before he was discovered in 1797. After several more disappearances, he appeared in the vicinity of France in 1800. Victor has been the subject of study by many philosophers and scientists who have thought about the origin of language and human behavior, although little has been achieved in its development due to mental retardation.

3. Lobo, the wolf girl from the Devil's River

In 1845, a mysterious girl was seen running on all fours among wolves, attacking a herd of goats near San Felipe, Mexico. The story was confirmed a year later, when the girl was seen again, this time greedily eating a dead goat. The alarmed villagers began searching for the girl, and soon the wild girl was caught. It is believed that she constantly howled like a wolf at night, attracting packs of wolves that broke into the village to save her. In the end, she broke free and escaped from her confinement.
The girl was not seen until 1854, when she was accidentally spotted with two wolf cubs near the river. She grabbed the cubs and ran into the forest and since then no one has seen her again.

4. Amala and Kamala

These two girls, aged 8 years (Kamala) and 18 months (Amala), were found in a wolf den in 1920 at Midnapore in India. Their history is controversial. Since the girls had a big age difference, experts believe that they were not sisters. It is possible that they came to the wolves at different times. Both girls had all the habits of animals: they walked on all fours, howled at night, opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues like wolves. Like the other Mowgli children, they wanted to return to their old lives and felt unhappy trying to get comfortable in the civilized world. After the younger girl died, Kamala cried for the first time. The older girl managed to partially socialize.

5 Uganda Monkey Baby

In 1988, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle after his father killed his mother in front of him, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle, where, presumably, he was raised by green monkeys. Time passed, but John never left the forest and the villagers began to believe that the boy was dead.
In 1991, one of the local peasant women, having gone into the jungle to get firewood, suddenly saw in a flock of vervets, pygmy green monkeys, a strange creature, in which she recognized with some difficulty a little boy. According to her, the boy's behavior was not much different from monkeys - he deftly moved on all fours and easily communicated with his "company".
As in other cases with Mowgli children, he resisted the villagers who tried to capture him, and received help from his monkey relatives, who threw sticks at people. Later, having learned to speak, John said that the monkeys taught him everything necessary for life in the jungle - climbing trees, searching for food, in addition, he mastered their "language". The last thing that became known about him was that he was touring with the children's choir of the Pearl of Africa.

6. Chita girl who grew up among dogs

A few years ago, this story appeared on the front pages of Russian and foreign newspapers - a 5-year-old girl Natasha was found in Chita, who moved like a dog, lapped water from a bowl and instead of articulate speech made only barks, which is not surprising, because, as it turned out later, the girl spent almost her whole life in a locked room, in the company of cats and dogs.
The child's parents did not live together and presented different versions of what happened - the mother (I really want to put this word in quotation marks), 25-year-old Yana Mikhailova claimed that her father had stolen the girl from her long ago, after which she did not raise her. The father, 27-year-old Viktor Lozhkin, in turn, stated that the mother did not pay Natasha due attention even before he took the baby to him at the request of her mother-in-law.
Later it was established that the family could not be called prosperous in any way, in the apartment where, in addition to the girl, her father, grandparents lived, there was terrifying unsanitary conditions, there was no water, heat and gas.
When they found her, the girl behaved like a real dog - she rushed at people and barked. Having taken Natasha away from her parents, the employees of the guardianship and guardianship authorities placed her in a rehabilitation center so that the girl could adapt to life in human society, her "loving" father and mother were arrested.

7. Volgograd Prisoner of the Birdcage

The story of the Volgograd boy in 2008 shocked the entire Russian public. His own mother kept him locked up in a 2-room apartment inhabited by many birds.
For unknown reasons, the mother was not engaged in raising the child, giving him food, but not communicating with him at all. As a result, the boy, up to seven years old, spent all his time with birds, when law enforcement officers found him, in response to their questions, he only “chirped” and flapped his “wings”.
The room where he lived was full of bird cages and just overflowing with droppings. According to eyewitnesses, the boy's mother clearly suffered from a mental disorder - she fed street birds, took birds home and lay on the bed all day long, listening to their chirping. She did not pay attention to her son at all, apparently considering him one of her pets.
When the "bird boy" became known to the relevant authorities, he was sent to a psychological rehabilitation center, and his 31-year-old mother was deprived of parental rights.

Source 8The little Argentinean rescued by stray cats

In 2008, the police in the Argentine province of Misiones found a homeless baby of one year old, who was in the company of wild cats. Apparently, the boy was in the company of cats for at least a few days - the animals took care of him as best they could: they licked the dried dirt from his skin, brought him food and warmed him on frosty winter nights.
A little later, they managed to get to the boy's father, who led a vagrant lifestyle - he told the police that he had lost his son a few days ago when he was collecting waste paper. Dad told the officers that wild cats had always protected his son.

9. Kaluga Mowgli

2007, Kaluga region, Russia. Residents of one of the villages noticed a boy who appeared to be about 10 years old in a nearby forest. The child was in a pack of wolves, who, apparently, considered him "their" - together with them he got food, running on half-bent legs.
Later, law enforcement officers raided the "Kaluga Mowgli" and found him in a wolf's lair, after which he was sent to one of the Moscow clinics.
The surprise of the doctors knew no bounds - after examining the boy, they concluded that although he looked like a 10-year-old, in fact he should have been about 20 years old. From life in a wolf pack, the guy's toenails turned almost into claws, his teeth resembled fangs, his behavior copied the habits of wolves in everything.
The young man did not know how to speak, did not understand Russian and did not respond to the name Lyosha given to him during the capture, reacting only when he was called “kis-kis-kis”.
Unfortunately, the specialists failed to return the boy to normal life - just a day after he was placed in the clinic, "Lyosha" escaped. His further fate is unknown.

10. Pupil of Rostov goats

In 2012, the employees of the guardianship authorities of the Rostov region, having come with a check to one of the families, saw a terrible picture - 40-year-old Marina T. kept her 2-year-old son Sasha in a goat pen, practically not caring about him, while, when the child was found, the mother was not at home.
The boy spent all his time with animals, played and slept with them, as a result, by the age of two he could not learn to speak and eat normally. Needless to say, the sanitary conditions in the two-by-three-meter room he shared with his horned "friends" not only left a lot to be desired - they were appalling. Sasha was emaciated from malnutrition when he was examined by doctors, it turned out that he weighed about a third less than healthy children his age.
The boy was sent to rehabilitation, and then to an orphanage. At first, when they tried to return him to human society, Sasha was very afraid of adults and refused to sleep in bed, trying to get under it. A criminal case was opened against Marina T. under the article “Improper performance of parental duties”, a lawsuit was filed with the court to deprive her of parental rights.

11. Adopted son of a Siberian dog

In one of the provincial regions of the Altai Territory in 2004, a 7-year-old boy was discovered who was raised by a dog. The mother left little Andrei three months after his birth, entrusting the care of her son to an alcoholic father. Soon after, the parent also left the house where they lived, apparently without even remembering the child.
The guard dog, who fed Andrei and raised him in his own way, became the father and mother for the boy. When he was found by social workers, the boy could not speak, moved only like a dog and was wary of people. He bit and carefully sniffed the food that was offered to him.
For a long time, the child could not be weaned from dog habits - in the orphanage, he continued to behave aggressively, rushing at his peers. However, gradually, the specialists managed to instill in him the skills of communicating with gestures, Andrey learned to walk like a human and use cutlery while eating.
The pupil of the guard dog was also accustomed to sleeping in bed and playing with the ball, attacks of aggression happened to him less and less and gradually faded away.

12. Ukrainian dog girl

Left in a kennel by her negligent parents at the age of 3 to 8, Oksana Malaya grew up surrounded by other dogs. When she was found in 1991, she was unable to speak, choosing dog barking over speech and running around on all fours. Now in her twenties, Oksana has been taught to speak, but is left with mental retardation. Now she takes care of the cows that are on a farm near the boarding school where she lives.

13 Cambodian Jungle Girl

Rochom P'ngieng got lost and mysteriously disappeared at the age of 8 when she was herding a buffalo in the jungles of Cambodia. 18 years later, in 2007, a villager saw a naked woman sneaking up to his house in an attempt to steal rice. After Once the woman was identified as the lost girl Rocham Piengeng by the distinctive scar on her back, it turned out that the girl miraculously survived in the dense jungle.
The girl was unable to learn the language and adapt to the local culture and disappeared again in May 2010. Much conflicting information about her whereabouts has since surfaced, including a report that in June 2010 she was seen in a pit of a dug-out toilet near the house.

14. Madina

The tragic story of Madina is similar to the story of Oksana Malaya. Madina lived with dogs on her own before she was discovered at the age of 3. When they found her, she knew only two words - yes and no, although she preferred to bark like a dog. Fortunately, Madina was declared mentally and physically healthy immediately upon discovery. Although her development has been retarded, she is at an age where hope is not completely lost and those who care for her believe that she will be able to lead a normal life when she grows up.

In the entire observable history of the human race, a little more than a hundred cases have been recorded, documented or oral, when children grew up away from people, alone or in the company of animals whose habits they adopted. The stories that happened to the "Mowgli" of all races and continents served as proof that a person is not made by an internal program, not by the presence of some special soul, but by normal upbringing in society.

In 1991, in Uganda, Milli, a peasant woman who went to the forest to get firewood, found a boy of four years old in the company of monkeys. The baby looked very bad, but was not given in the hands. Millie called for help, and the boy was cornered, fighting off the agitated monkeys. His knees looked almost white as the boy walked on them. The nails were very long and crooked.

The villager recognized the boy as John Ssebunya, who ran away from people in 1988 after his father killed his mother in front of him. He was then two or three years old. Since then he has lived as a savage. And a few years later, having learned to speak, John told how he made friends with monkeys in the forest, fed them roots and nuts, sweet potatoes and cassava. Five monkeys took up the forest education of the boy, teaching him to find food in the forest and climb trees.

They decided to test Ssebunya for knowledge of the monkey language and took him to the zoo, where he talked with unfamiliar monkeys with gestures and shouts in front of correspondents.

jungle girl in cambodia

On January 13, 2007, a dirty, naked, scarred, came out of a forest in northeastern Cambodia. Stole food from a peasant, he caught it. A local police officer recognized the wild woman as his daughter, who was lost in the jungle in 1988 at the age of eight.

Rochom Pngien, that was the name of the forest girl, lived with people for three years, but she could not get used to them. She continued to torment, from the Khmer language she learned only three words: “mom”, “dad” and “belly ache”. I liked crawling more than walking. All looked into the forest.

And so, in the spring of 2010, Rochom fled to the jungle, a native and understandable habitat. In June, she was found again - in the toilet, a hundred meters from the house. She cried. As it turned out, she spent 11 days in a cesspool at a depth of 10 meters. The forest woman was washed from impurities and handed over to a team of Spanish psychologists who teach her the norms of human behavior.

Oksana Malaya

Girl from Ukraine, raised by dogs.

In 1992, an incomprehensible creature was brought to the Odessa boarding school for children with developmental defects. The medical card indicated that it was a girl of eight years. She walked on all fours, easily jumped on the bed and on the table, did not let anyone near her, baring her teeth and growling. It could hurt. She was reluctant to use words, but she understood someone else's speech.

The dog girl was originally from the village of Novaya Blagoveshchenka, in the Kherson region. The parents were unlucky, and already at the age of one, Oksana was taken away from her mother and placed in a child's home. The mother left the village immediately, and the father married a divorcee with 6 children. A couple of years later, I took my grown daughter from the boarding school for the holidays. Nobody looked after the girl, and she made friends with a couple of local dogs. They taught her everything.

For many years, Oksana was humanized. Taught to scribble on a typewriter, embroider, count to twenty. It was impossible to leave her unattended until the age of fifteen, when the television men arrived and forced the girl to bark, standing on all fours, after which she almost went wild back. The grown-up girl was transferred to a boarding school for adults, where she is allowed to communicate with her best friends - yard dogs. And help take care of the cows.

Ivan Mishukov

A boy from Reutov who became the leader of the dogs.

In 1996, 4-year-old Vanya ran away from his drinking mother and her alcoholic boyfriend. Having replenished the two millionth army of homeless children of the Russian Federation. He tried to beg for food from passers-by on the outskirts of Moscow, climbed into a dumpster and met a pack of stray dogs, with whom he shared the edible garbage he found. They began to wander together. The dogs protected Vanya and warmed him up on winter nights, they chose him as the leader of the pack. So two years passed, until Mishukov was detained by the police, luring him to the back entrance to the restaurant kitchen. The boy was sent to an orphanage. And at the age of 11, Ivan entered the Cadet Corps in Kronstadt.

A girl, Oksana Malaya from Ukraine, who was brought up by a dog, was tried for a long time to re-educate in a boarding school for children with developmental defects. But this did not bring happiness to the child, once thrown out of the parental home into the street ...

An incomprehensible creature in 1992 was brought to the Odessa boarding school. The medical card said it was a female child, about eight years old. She walked exclusively on all fours, could easily jump on the bed or on the table. She reluctantly let people near her, bared her teeth, growled, strove to bite. She understood speech, but she did not like to talk.

Oksana was born in the Kherson region in the village of Novaya Blagoveshchenka. Her parents were drunken alcoholics and no one looked after the child. Until the age of seven, she lived in a kennel with the dog Naida, who loved her and raised her like her own puppy. Then the guardianship authorities became interested in the canine adoptee, and Oksana wandered around various children's boarding schools for several years, where they tried to humanize her.

Now she is already an adult, but she still remembers how her father and mother treated her cruelly. And what a devotee Naida was, who honestly shared shelter and food with a human cub.

Dying, the mongrel gave the girl part of her canine soul, and often this soul rushes out, not allowing Oksana to become a person to the end: she will bare her teeth, then she will claw someone, then she will growl from resentment. And most importantly, she divides all people into two types: enemies and friends of dogs.

While Oksana was a child, journalists constantly curled around her - they amused themselves with a live toy. When she grew up and was transferred to a boarding school for adult psychochronics in the small village of Baraboy, in the Ukrainian steppe, no one comes to see her. The mentally ill inhabitants of this house of sorrow are sedentary and unfriendly creatures. They hate Oksana. Oksana reciprocates them. Therefore, she often runs away outside the gates of the boarding school and walks and wanders along the dusty steppe road.

Oksana is waiting for a miracle. Suddenly, some guests with gifts will come to her. Or parents who, in her opinion, should have magically reformed ...

By the way, Oksana brought two dogs to the village of Baraboy, one of which was poisoned by the orphanage's electrician. The girl, without thinking twice, bit the poisoner. When asked why she did this, she replied: “But you shouldn’t have waved your hands at me. Dogs don't like it."
All local dogs, even the most vicious ones, take Oksana for their own. They wag their tails in a friendly manner and lick her cheeks and nose. The girl's favorite pastime is jumping with obstacles. More than once, the locals watched her teach the yard terrier Rex to jump over the bench.

Of course, by example. Oksana still, out of habit, can throw her leg over her head and scratch like a dog. And sometimes, on a full moon, a girl howls at the moon, scaring the faint-hearted neighbors in the boarding school. Oksana knows for sure only one truth - any dog ​​is better than the best person!