At night, profuse perspiration during sleep on pressure. Why do I sweat profusely while sleeping? Causes of heavy sweating of the whole body in men

Ecology of Health: Have you ever wondered if it's normal to sweat while you sleep? In our article we will explain why this happens and how to deal with it.

If it's hot outside or you just got out of the gym, you won't be surprised to find yourself sweating more than usual. But have you ever wondered if it's normal to sweat while you sleep? In our article, we will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

Sweating is a natural mechanism of our body, the function of which is the timely cooling of the body, for example, during extreme heat or exercise.

Of course, on a stuffy summer day or after a workout in the gym, no one will be surprised at excessive sweating, but sweating while sleeping is a completely different matter, because it can not only cause a lot of inconvenience, but also cause anxiety and anxiety.

Our article will help you answer many questions on this topic: you will find out the causes and symptoms of sweating during sleep and understand whether it is harmful to your body or not. So, is it normal to sweat while sleeping?

Why do I sweat while sleeping?

Sweating during sleep is a very unpleasant property. Indeed, who among us likes to wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat! To find out why you sweat while you sleep, you need to take into account all the possible reasons.

The first and most important aspect that you should pay attention to is the conditions in which you sleep, in particular the temperature of the room. However, heat is not the only external factor that causes sweating during sleep: air humidity can also play an extremely important role. In addition, night sweats can be caused by an overly warm blanket or pajamas, an uncomfortable or old mattress, or extraneous noise in the room where you sleep.

If you often sweat at night, then in addition to monitoring the conditions and comfort of the body during sleep, you should also pay attention to your overall health. Have you recently switched to a new diet? Do you often feel tired and overwhelmed?

Night fever can be one of the flu symptoms: in this case, sweating is a normal reaction of the body to an infection. This means that excessive sweating during sleep can be caused by a fever, which in turn is a symptom of a cold or flu. However, if sweating continues for more than two or three nights, then you should seriously think about your health: perhaps this is a sign of some more dangerous disease.

One of the most common causes of sweating during sleep is menopause., which is associated with significant hormonal changes in a woman's body. A sharp decrease in the production of estrogens (“female” hormones) can cause a malfunction of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for controlling the temperature of the human body, as a result of which women often experience an unreasonable increase in temperature.

However, it cannot be said that hormonal failure can cause sweating during sleep only in the case of women, because the body of a man is also not protected from hormonal disorders.

Some of them, suffering from a lack of testosterone or taking drugs that block the production of "male hormone", may be subject to exactly the same problem. Many men may find it difficult to accept this fact, but the lack of androgens can actually lead to excessive sweating during sleep.

What else can make me sweat?

Many medications can increase your heart rate and cause your blood vessels to dilate, which can cause you to sweat more. Most often, these drugs are antipyretics or drugs for fever. As soon as we notice flu symptoms in ourselves, we immediately take aspirin, etc., without thinking at all that it can provoke a fever. Antidepressants are also classified as drugs that can cause excessive sweating.

Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or AIDS can also cause you to sweat while you sleep. Fever, which usually goes hand in hand with sweating, usually occurs frequently in people with HIV. Hodgkin's disease, a disease of the lymph nodes, is also referred to as an infectious disease that sometimes presents with fever and night sweats.

Consuming alcoholic beverages before bed is another reason why a person may sweat while sleeping.. Of course, a glass of wine at night will help you sleep better, but recent medical research has shown that those who drink alcohol before bed are more likely to experience night sweats and headaches.

Moreover, sweating during sleep can be caused by the consumption of spicy foods. Although you may not notice any changes while eating, your body may experience an increase in body temperature during the digestion of spicy food. According to doctors, caffeine can also cause an aggravation in those people who already suffer from excessive sweating.

Patients with hyperhidrosis also most often suffer from frequent and profuse sweating both day and night. If none of the above causes of sweating is right for you, get tested for hyperhidrosis. To do this, you will need to come to a consultation with a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Natural remedies for night sweats

First of all, you should purchase a thermostat - a device for maintaining a constant body temperature. Despite the fact that doctors recommend maintaining a certain body temperature, remember that everyone is different, and try to find a temperature that will be ideal for your body. If you're sleeping with a partner who prefers warmer or colder temperatures, try using different bed linens.

Try to remove from yourself everything that can cause stress and anxiety, because disorders of the nervous system can provoke active sweating both day and night. If you're getting married tomorrow or have a job interview ahead of you, don't be surprised if you're sweating more than usual. But if the sweating during sleep continues for several weeks, you should start worrying about your health.

Men who suffer from the so-called andropause, or male age-related menopause, can drink tea with black cohosh. Black cohosh- This is a medicinal plant from South America, which is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases. meadow clover- another medicinal plant that helps reduce sweating during sleep, although, according to medical research, clover is much inferior to black cohosh in its effectiveness.

This will be of interest to you:

Both men and women who are familiar with the problem of excessive sweating can take medicines based on sage and motherwort root because they have properties that can help fight night sweats. Sage tea is used to relax, relieve tension and stress, and motherwort, a plant similar to mint, is considered the best remedy for the nervous system and blood circulation, and also helps to reduce sweating during sleep. published

When comfortable conditions for sleep are created, a person should not sweat at night.
If you are one of the many people who wake up drenched in sweat, you should be aware of the causes of sleep sweating, some of which are life-threatening and a sign of illness.

About sweating

Sweating is an important physiological process controlled by the vegetative-vascular system and providing:

  • maintaining normal body temperature (sweat, evaporating, cools the skin);
  • removal of excess fluid, toxins,;
  • hydration of the skin.

More than half a liter of sweat, consisting of water, salts and inorganic compounds, is secreted per day by sweat glands. Their work is enhanced by nervous or physical stress, which is a normal reaction.

Composition of sweat characterizes the state of the organism. With a heavy muscular load, the content of lactic acid in it increases.

Bad smell sweat is due to the presence in it of:

  • urea and release of ammonia;
  • waste products of bacteria living on the skin. In the event that more sweat is released, bacteria multiply more actively and, accordingly, the smell intensifies.

The phenomenon when sweat is produced in a much larger amount than necessary for cooling is called hyperhidrosis..

Excessive sweating during sleep is known as sleep hyperhidrosis or night sweats.

Distinguish their intensity:

  • Soft. It is enough to turn the pillow or throw back the blanket to continue sleeping.
  • Moderate. Sleep is disturbed due to the desire to wash the face or other sweaty parts of the body; clothes do not have to be changed.
  • Severe: requires a shower or a change of clothes and bed linen.

Causes of night sweats

divided into external and internal.


Bed linen, nightwear, blanket, made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through and create a greenhouse effect. The body is not breathing. It is advisable to give preference to natural fabrics and fillers.

The blanket is too warm.

The habit of sleeping in a hot room. The hygienic temperature norm for sleep is 14 -17⁰C.

Foods that raise body temperature.

These include foods that are difficult to digest (containing high concentrations of proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It takes a lot of energy to digest it.

You should not eat fried, sweet, fatty, spicy foods, as well as containing whole grain cereals before bedtime.

Alcohol actively binds and removes water from the body, which leads to its overheating. It is not recommended to drink any alcohol later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Spicy foods, caffeinated foods, and hot drinks make you sweat, so they're also best avoided before bed.

Internal causes of sleep hyperhidrosis:


Hormonal changes: growing up (puberty), aging of the body (menopause in women, andropause in men), pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, etc.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a condition where the body sweats profusely without a specific medical reason.


Tuberculosis is most commonly associated with night sweats. You can get infected with tuberculosis in public transport, a store, anywhere, because this infection is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Brucellosis. The most common infection (affects up to 2.5 million people a year) carried by animals. Sources of infection: not fried meat, not boiled milk, all kinds of contact with animals, etc. It can be manifested by coughing.

other infections.

Chronic infectious diseases.

Heart disease.

Decreased blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).

Medications: for migraine, hypertension, antidepressants (15% of people taking antidepressants wake up in a cold sweat), hormonal, etc.

Hyperthyroidism. There is an increased synthesis of hormones that stimulate the production of energy, which in turn heats the body and causes sweat.

Diseases of the nervous system.

Acute or chronic stress, depressive states, psycho-emotional shocks.

Autoimmune diseases.

Excess weight.

Allergic reactions.

Rheumatic disorders.


local tumor of the prostate or testicles in men,

lymphomas (damage to lymphoid tissue). Signs: weight loss, itching, sweating at night.

carcinoid syndrome, not always a malignant tumor that independently produces hormones and biologically active substances (tryptophan, histamine, etc.). It is located anywhere, more often in the intestines, sometimes in the lungs and bronchi.

The tumor itself is small and does not interfere with a person in any way, but the substances produced by it lead to profuse night sweats, flushing (the face and torso burn), bronchospasm (the person suffocates), and diarrhea.

Other tumors.


Extreme night sweats, NOT due to an overheated room, an overly warm blanket, or hyper-insulating pajamas, are fairly common.

There are many reasons for night sweats, and although most of them are not life-threatening, do not put off your visit to the doctor if you begin to wake up in a profuse sweat. This will help to identify the disease at an early stage and take timely action.

For example, tuberculosis, when not advanced, is easily treated with antibiotics.

Many people complain that their feet sweat more at night than during the day. There are several causes of night sweats on the feet that everyone who suffers from this pathology should be aware of. Despite the fact that for most of them this problem does not bring much discomfort, it can signal the possible development of dangerous pathologies that must be treated.

Excessive sweating of the feet at night can be caused by several reasons. All of them are conditionally divided into external and internal. It is worth considering that each group has its own characteristics and irritants, eliminating which, you can temporarily or permanently deal with the cause of hyperhidrosis.

External factors

It is worth considering that nocturnal hyperhidrosis is not always the result of any disease. Most often, people begin to sweat their feet due to normal overheating. The source of overheating can be an overly warm blanket, woolen or synthetic socks. In addition to this reason, increased sweating of the feet can be affected by:

  1. Synthetic bedding - in addition to the feet, the whole body will sweat.
  2. An elevated temperature in the bedroom can provoke an active heat transfer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. The optimum temperature for relaxation is considered to be 20 degrees.
  3. Active physical activity on the lower limbs can provoke a rush of blood to them, and as a result, an increase in sweating of the feet.

Also, feet may sweat at night after eating spicy foods or alcoholic beverages. Usually, after eliminating the external irritant, the problem of nocturnal hyperhidrosis of the legs disappears on its own.

Internal factors

In the absence of external irritants and with regular sweating of the legs, you should consult a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate a dangerous developing disease. Most often, foot hyperhidrosis at night can be caused by:

  • infections;
  • diseases accompanied by fever;
  • the presence of an abscess with an abscess;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pneumonia;
  • fungus;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • cancerous growths;

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis of the feet can be caused by hormonal failure, menopause, provoking metabolic problems. In addition to the above reasons, sweating of the feet at night can be triggered by taking medications, for example, phenothiazines, antihypertensive drugs.


To eliminate hyperhidrosis of the feet, the first step is to establish the reason why the legs sweat at night. If you can’t do this on your own, having eliminated all adverse external stimuli, you need to seek help from a doctor.

In most cases, the cause of sweaty feet is non-compliance with hygiene standards and optimal conditions for sleep, therefore, first of all, it is required to deal with the problem of hyperhidrosis with preventive methods.

First, feet should be washed regularly with soap. Ablution is required to be done at least 2 times a day. Secondly, to dry the skin of the legs, you can use some cosmetics or folk recipes.

Traditional medicine recipes: rubbing

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of remedies that allow you to quickly get rid of the problem of hyperhidrosis of the legs. It is worth considering that an effective remedy is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the factors provoking pathology.

  1. Soda compress. 1 tablespoon of soda is diluted in 200 milliliters of warm water. The liquid is mixed, a pair of gauze napkins are soaked in it, which are then applied to problem areas. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers and the sole. Compresses are applied every day for 14 days.
  2. A cotton pad is soaked in 9% vinegar, and then problem areas are thoroughly rubbed with it. This procedure is best done in the morning. After several procedures, the problem of nocturnal hyperhidrosis will recede.

Rubbing is quite effective means in the fight against nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Their effectiveness has been confirmed by a large number of people, both women and men. However, such products are characterized by a rather aggressive effect on the treated areas of the skin, so it is better for people with sensitive epidermis to use baths.


There are a huge number of baths that allow you to quickly and effectively overcome the problem of nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Such procedures should be done no more than 1 time per day for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment with such folk remedies is 21 days.

  1. Two liters of water are heated, poured into a bowl and mixed with half a liter of any beer drink. The feet are kept in the resulting solution for 15 minutes, and then wiped with a soft towel.
  2. One tablespoon of chamomile flowers and three tablespoons of oak bark are poured into 1 liter of water. The mixture is mixed, put on a burner, boiled and simmered for 15 minutes at a low boil. Next, the container is removed from the burner and covered with a lid. In this state, the broth is left for 3 hours. The resulting liquid is filtered, cooled, mixed with a similar volume of water and used as a bath for 10 minutes. With the passage of a full course of therapy, such a prescription allows you to cope with the problem of nocturnal hyperhidrosis for 3-6 months.
  3. 3 tablespoons of potato starch are diluted in 5 liters of warm water. The feet are immersed in the bath for 15 minutes, and then dried naturally. When using such a recipe, you should not use a towel, and also rinse your feet with running water.

If, after using the bath, a rash on the skin, its redness, peeling was noticed, it is necessary to rinse the feet with warm water and treat with a soothing or baby cream. If such a reaction does not disappear after 2 days, you need to consult a doctor.


You can also eliminate foot hyperhidrosis at night with the help of pharmaceutical products, which are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Therapeutic agents, which include ointments, gels, creams. Allows to eliminate the problem of sweating.
  2. Cosmetic - deodorants, sprays. Contribute to the elimination of symptoms of hyperhidrosis: reduce the amount of sweat released and eliminate odor by clogging pores.

From the list of the whole variety of therapeutic agents for sweating, the most effective are distinguished:

  • cream "5 days" - manufacturer Galenopharm;
  • Formagel;

Of the most effective cosmetics are:

  • Drysol;
  • Scholl Fresh Step;
  • Deocontrol;
  • Hlavin Lavilin.

The use of these funds should be agreed with the attending physician, otherwise the use of deodorants can provoke the development of dangerous complications, allergic reactions.

Preventive measures

It is also possible to cure increased sweating of the feet at night with the help of preventive measures, however, such therapy will be effective only at the initial stage of the development of the pathology. Night sweats prevention includes:

  1. Care of shoes and slippers. This preventive measure indirectly affects the increase in foot perspiration at night. Pathogenic bacteria that thrive in the favorable environment of shoes can remain on the feet at night, causing excessive sweating and odor.
  2. Before going to bed, wash your feet with soap and dry them completely with a towel.
  3. If in winter a person puts on socks for the night, it is necessary to ensure that they are made from natural materials, and also correspond to the temperature of the environment.

The presented measures will help to cope with the hyperhidrosis of the feet, which appears at night. If the problem has not disappeared or has not been relieved after 2-3 days of its treatment, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate the development of a serious internal pathology. It is worth considering that, depending on the nature of the pathology, the therapist can refer the patient to other specialists, for example, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist.


Sweating can occur regardless of the time of day. As a rule, this process is not able to attract special attention, and it can be justified by various weather conditions or physical exertion. With the onset of night, sweating can occur during sleep, when a person is not able to control it. However, in some cases, it happens that a person’s body sweats a lot during sleep. What could be the reason why a person sweats at night? Let's figure it out.

What causes sweating at night?

First of all, when a person sweats heavily in a dream, this may indicate the presence of some serious illness. First of all, it is recommended to assess in detail the conditions during which a person is in a dream.

The reason that a person sweats a lot in a dream is external factors, which include the following:

  • warm bed linen and blanket. When choosing a blanket, especially with the onset of winter, it is extremely important not to overdo it. Warm modern blankets, especially those of a cheap price, have a filler in the form of synthetic winterizer and other materials of artificial origin, which not only warm, but also make you sweat a lot. The situation is exactly the same with bed linen - various terry sheets made of synthetic fibers can have a significant impact on the thermoregulation of the human body;
  • night clothes. While looking for the reason why you sweat a lot in your sleep, you need to pay attention to your sleepwear. Like a blanket, clothing made from satin and silk can cause excessive sweating. Pajamas made of silk are ideally able to save sleep;
  • air temperature in the room. Excessive sweating at night can result from too high a temperature in the room where you sleep. For healthy sleep, the norm is a temperature of + 18-20 degrees. If the room is not ventilated, then the person contributes to the conditions during which the skin cover seems to “suffocate”. If the reaction of the body is healthy, then the sleeping person begins to sweat;
  • alcohol and food. The use of spicy and spicy dishes, strong alcoholic drinks, especially at night, contributes to a strong activation of blood circulation. As a result, the need to cool the blood becomes the cause of severe sweating during sleep.

Internal causes of sweating during sleep

If, after all external factors have been eliminated, sweating continues during sleep, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. In most cases, excessive sweating during sleep is a sign of a serious illness.

Sweating is the basis of thermoregulation in the human body. The thinnest layer of sweat on the skin is able to cool the blood that enters the dense capillary network, while maintaining the ideal body temperature of 36-37 degrees. This temperature can be considered the standard of good health. If there are any violations in the work of the body, then they can manifest themselves in the form of severe sweating of a person in a dream. Many infectious diseases can cause fever. In such a situation, excessive sweating during sleep becomes a protective reaction of the body and a sign of the immune system's fight against infection.

If the patient goes to the doctor because of heavy sweating at night, then he will definitely be prescribed an x-ray of the lungs - developing tuberculosis may be the cause of such a phenomenon in a dream. In addition, sweating, especially at night, may indicate the presence of a tumor - pheochromocytoma, lymphoma and malignant neoplasms, during which false signals from cells go to the thermoregulation center, causing hyperhidrosis.

People who have hormonal imbalances and metabolic problems can regularly throw themselves into sweat. Sleep sweating occurs in people with hyperthyroidism, orchiectomy, diabetes mellitus, and other thyroid disorders.

The occurrence of hyperhidrosis at night can be a symptom of pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Most often, they suffer from patients with tachycardia, hypertension, people with atherosclerosis and sleep apnea. It is necessary to highlight the reasons associated with the emotional state of people. Often, anxiety and stress, as well as severe overwork, can lead to an increase in adrenaline in the blood. If during the day it does not have time to be spent, then its “remains” can come out in the form of sweat.

Excessive sweating at night in women can result from hormonal and physiological causes that occur:

  • a few days before menstruation;
  • at the beginning of menopause;
  • during pregnancy.

In each of these three cases, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body. There is a significant fluctuation in the level of progesterone and estrogen, which causes a response from the hypothalamus - the part of the brain of the head responsible for thermoregulation. At such moments, a woman can be thrown into a cold sweat at night. As a rule, after the normalization of the level of these hormones, a woman's sweating disappears on her own, without medical intervention.

What to do about night sweats?

If you have such a problem as night sweats, then most likely you are also interested in how to get rid of it. Today, there are many different ways that can be divided into three categories: cosmetic, medical and folk. It is recommended to determine the reason why you sweat at night, and if possible, deal with the factors provoking it.

If you start to sweat a lot every night during sleep, then you need to make an appointment with your doctor. Together with the establishment of the initial cause of sweating in a dream (which can take some time, for example, during treatment or weight loss), you can use the means aimed at eliminating this problem.

  • adjust your diet, refuse to consume spicy foods at dinner. Swap a heavy meal for a light one. Do not drink alcohol in the evenings - this contributes to more sweating at night;
  • take a warm shower before bed - this will allow the body to get rid of excess moisture through enlarged pores. After that, you need to turn on cool water in order for the pores to decrease;
  • before going to bed it is very useful to take relaxing baths with the addition of medicinal herbs;
  • against night sweats, a decoction of sage will be a very effective remedy. It should be drunk every day for 15 days. The course can be repeated after a few days. The decoction reduces sweating and soothes;
  • if you have very strong sweating in a dream, then you can wipe the skin with apple cider vinegar or a decoction of oak bark before going to bed;
  • you can apply an antiperspirant to the skin at nightfall, which has the ability to normalize the work of the sweat glands and narrow the pores. It is much more convenient to use than a decoction of oak bark or vinegar - you do not have to cook, you can take it with you when you go on a trip (it is in trains, hotels and airplanes that the problem of night sweats becomes most noticeable). At the same time, such a remedy can be much more effective than folk remedies, as it allows you to reduce sweat production by 95%.

In summarizing

So, as you can see, the causes of night sweats are incredibly varied. With the onset of night, sweat can annoy no less than during the day. Although during sleep a person does not try to take care of his own appearance, but still, wet night clothes or sheets do not allow you to sleep well and fully relax.

As a result, you get a tired look, nervousness and a bad mood. For this reason, if you could not cope with sweating at night on your own, it is recommended to visit a doctor - an experienced specialist will quickly find the cause and make your sleep serene and calm.

Sweat production is a natural physiological process by which the human body regulates body temperature. But sometimes the real problem is increased sweating during a night's sleep, when not only underwear, but the entire bed becomes wet. In this case, we are talking about nocturnal hyperhidrosis - a disorder characterized by too active work of the sweat glands. Why is this happening and what can people do about it?

Causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Why does a person sweat a lot at night? The reasons may be different. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • household factors;
  • medical reasons.

household factors

Before sounding the alarm and looking for the pathological causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to assess the conditions of your sleep. Quite often the answer to the question: "Why?" completely obvious.

Overly warm bedding

Very often, a person sweats a lot because of a blanket that is too warm. Today, manufacturers often use synthetic winterizer as fillers. This synthetic material, of course, perfectly retains heat, but also contributes to overheating of the body. This is what eventually becomes the cause of heavy sweating at night in a dream.

A wet bed can be the result of an incorrectly selected set of bed linen. When buying, you should opt for natural fabrics, since synthetics can also affect the processes of sweating.


The culprit of hyperhidrosis may be the pajama fabric in which a person sleeps at night. Do not chase fashion and choose silk models. It is better to give preference to good old cotton fabrics, in which the body "breathes" in sleep, and the released sweat is absorbed by the material.

Air temperature in the bedroom

Waking up in a sweat can also be caused by the fact that the bedroom is too hot. The temperature norm at which it is comfortable to sleep at night is approximately + 18 ... + 20. If these indicators are very much exceeded, then at night a person throws into sweat. And this is a normal reaction of a healthy body.

Food and alcohol

The root causes of waking up in a sweat at night can be incredibly simple. If spicy or spicy dishes, alcohol were served for dinner, then such food can activate blood circulation processes. The result is increased sweating, which is a forced reaction of the body. After all, it is necessary to cool a sufficiently large volume of blood in a short time.

Medical reasons

The motives for why you sweat at night may not be so harmless. Here it is worth highlighting several groups.

Various infections

Very often, a person sweats a lot in his sleep when he is ill with classic colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature - flu, colds, acute respiratory infections or SARS. And here, increased sweating is a natural reaction.

But if nocturnal hyperhidrosis lasts for more than a month, it may indicate a more serious problem. In particular, he can talk about the development of such pathologies as:

  • tuberculosis;
  • endocarditis;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • fungal infections.

But in this case, there should be other symptoms indicating an existing disease:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • weakness;
  • headaches and muscle pains, etc.


If you have night sweats, it is recommended to check your blood sugar, as this may be a manifestation of hypoglycemia. A similar condition can develop if the dosage of insulin was incorrectly selected, or a person, for example, did not eat on time. And a sharp decrease in sugar that occurs at night is manifested by hyperhidrosis.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a pathology in which a hiatal hernia is diagnosed. This leads to the fact that the contents of the stomach can enter the respiratory tract. And the body reacts to such short-term stressful conditions with increased sweating.


The cause of nocturnal hyperhidrosis can also be cancer. Most often, strong night sweats accompany:

  • non-Hodgkin's lymphomas;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • metastatic lesions of the spinal cord.

Side effect when taking medications

Provoke nocturnal hyperhidrosis can take drugs of the following categories:

  • drugs that reduce blood pressure;
  • antipyretics;
  • fetosians;
  • antidepressants.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The reasons in this case are:

  • persistent hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For these pathologies, hot flashes, constant fatigue, and general weakness are also typical.

Deviations in the work of the endocrine system and hormonal disruptions

Hormonal imbalances can also cause increased sweating at night. In particular, it is the neck that can sweat very much here. And in this case, you can suspect problems with the thyroid gland. The neck can also sweat profusely at night and with giardiasis of the gallbladder. But in any case, people with such problems need to consult a specialist and conduct a diagnosis.

Women in a dream can sweat in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • at the onset of menopause;
  • for a couple - three days before the "menstruation".

All three situations are characterized by hormonal changes that have occurred.

How is night sweats treated?

During the initial visit to a specialist, a person is assigned a diagnostic procedure. This:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • X-rays of light;
  • cardiology research.

Diagnosis makes it possible to identify the somatic factors of nocturnal hyperhidrosis. This excludes diseases such as tuberculosis and oncology.

If during the examination it was not possible to identify the true causes of the pathology, then consultation of other specialists and more detailed testing of the body will be required.

The treatment regimen is prescribed depending on what diseases (accompanied by awakening in a sweat) have been identified. And therapeutic measures will be aimed at eliminating the very pathology that causes nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

In the case when diagnosing the causes is impossible, then the use of agents that eliminate sweating can be recommended. These will be medical antiperspirants, but the use of such deodorants is not always justified. Do not forget that large areas of the body sweat in a dream - back, chest.

You can use Botox injections, which block the work of the sweat glands, and sweat is no longer produced in such volumes, or electrophoresis procedures.

In the event that conservative methods do not give results, then surgical treatment may be prescribed. In particular, thoracoscopic or percutaneous sympathectomy.

Sympathectomy is an operation during which the nerves responsible for the activity of the sweat glands are suspended. After such an intervention, sweat is produced in smaller quantities. The procedure is effective, but has some contraindications and side effects.


Night sweats without any objective reasons are always an alarming sign and a reason to seek qualified advice. This is especially important if strong night sweats have been bothering you for more than a month.