Alphabet letter numbers. What are the ordinal numbers of letters in the Russian alphabet? Who invented the alphabet of the Russian language? How the Russian alphabet appeared

(alphabet) - a set of graphic characters - letters in the established sequence, which create a written and printed form of the national Russian language. Includes 33 letters: a, b, c, d, d, e, e, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, p, s, t, y, f, x, c, h, w, sch, b, s, b, e, y, i. Most letters in writing are graphically different from printed ones. In addition to b, s, b, all letters are used in two versions: uppercase and lowercase. In printed form, the variants of most letters are graphically identical (they differ only in size; compare, however, B and b), in writing, in many cases, the spellings of uppercase and lowercase letters differ from each other (A and a, T, etc.).

The Russian alphabet conveys the phonemic and sound composition of Russian speech: 20 letters convey consonant sounds (b, p, c, f, d, t, h, s, w, w, h, c, w, g, k, x, m, n, l, p), 10 letters - vowels, of which a, e, o, s, i, y - only vowels, i, e, e, u - the softness of the preceding consonant + a, e, o, y or combinations j + vowel ("five", "forest", "ice", "hatch"; "pit", "go", "tree", "young"); the letter "y" conveys "and non-syllable" ("fight") and in some cases the consonant j ("yogi"). Two letters: "ъ" (hard sign) and "b" (soft sign) do not denote separate independent sounds. The letter "ь" is used to denote the softness of the preceding consonants, paired in hardness - softness ("mol" - "mol"), after the hissing letters "ь" is an indicator in the writing of some grammatical forms (3rd declension of nouns - "daughter", but "brick", imperative mood - "cut", etc.). The letters "b" and "b" also act as a dividing mark ("rise", "beat").

The modern Russian alphabet in its composition and basic outlines of letters goes back to the ancient Cyrillic alphabet, the letter signs of which are from the 11th century. changed in form and composition. The Russian alphabet in its modern form was introduced by the reforms of Peter I (1708-1710) and the Academy of Sciences (1735, 1738 and 1758), the result of which was to simplify the letterforms and to exclude some obsolete characters from the alphabet. So, the letters Ѡ ("omega"), Ꙋ ("uk"), Ꙗ, Ѥ (iotated a, e), Ѯ ("xi"), Ѱ ("psi"), digraphs Ѿ ("from") were excluded , OU ("y"), accents and aspirations (forces), abbreviations (titles), etc. New letters were introduced: i (instead of Ꙗ and Ѧ), e, y. Later N. M. Karamzin introduced the letter "e" (1797). These changes served to transform the old Church Slavonic press for secular publications (hence the name of the printing type - "civil"). Some of the excluded letters were subsequently restored and excluded, some of the extra letters continued to be used in Russian writing and printing until 1917, when by the decree of the People's Commissariat of Education of December 23, 1917, confirmed by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of October 10, 1918, the letters were excluded from the alphabet Ѣ, Ѳ, І ("yat", "fit", "i decimal"). The use of the letter "ё" in print is not strictly obligatory, it is used mainly in dictionaries and educational literature.

The Russian "civil" alphabet served as the basis for most of the writing systems of the peoples of the USSR, as well as for some other languages \u200b\u200bthat have a writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet.

Modern Russian alphabet
Aa[and] Kk[ka] Xx[Ha]
Bb[bae] LL[ale] Tsts[tse]
BB[veh] Mm[Em] Hh[what]
Yy[uh] Nn[en] Shsh[sha]
Dd[de] Oo[about] Shch[ucha]
Her[e] PP[peh] Bb[hard mark, old. ep]
Her[yo] PP[er] Yy[s]
LJ[well] Ss[es] Bb[soft sign, old. er]
Zz[ze] TT[teh] Uh[er reverse]
Ai[and] Ooh[y] Yuyu[Yu]
Yi[and short] Ff[eff] Yaya[I]
  • BylinskyK. I., KryuchkovS. E., SvetlaevM.V., The use of the letter ё. Reference book, M., 1943;
  • DiringerD., Alphabet, translation from English, M., 1963;
  • IstrinVA, The emergence and development of the letter, M., 1965;
  • MusaevK. M., Alphabets of the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR, M., 1965;
  • IvanovaV.F., Modern Russian language. Graphics and spelling, 2nd ed., M., 1976;
  • MoiseevAI, Modern Russian alphabet and alphabets of other peoples of the USSR, RYASH, 1982, No. 6;
  • see also literature at article

The alphabet of the Russian language has a long history. And although this is a well-known truth, few know who invented it and when.

Where did the Russian alphabet come from?

The history of the Russian alphabet plunges into antiquity, during the times of pagan Kievan Rus.

The command to create the Russian alphabet came from the Byzantine Emperor Michael III, who instructed the monk brothers to develop the letters of the Russian alphabet, later called Cyrillic, in 863.

The Cyrillic alphabet dates back to the Greek letter, but since Cyril and Methodius came from Bulgaria, this land becomes a center for the spread of literacy and writing. Church Greek and Latin books began to be translated into Old Church Slavonic. Several centuries later, it became exclusively the language of the church, but played an important role in the formation of the modern Russian language. Many consonants and vowels have not survived to this day, since this Russian alphabet has undergone many changes. The main transformations affected the alphabet during the time of Peter and during the October Revolution.

How many letters are there in the alphabet?

However, it is interesting not only who invented the Russian alphabet, but also how many letters there are. Most people, even in adulthood, doubt how many there are: 32 or 33. And what can we say about children! There is every reason for this. Let's plunge into history.

The Old Church Slavonic alphabet (as it came down to us in written sources) had 43 letters. Subsequently, 4 more letters were added, and 14 were removed, since the sounds they denoted ceased to be pronounced or merged with similar ones. In the 19th century, the Russian historian and writer N. Karamzin introduced the letter "e" into the alphabet.

For a long time "E" and "E" were considered one letter, so it was customary to think that there are 32 letters in the alphabet.

Only after 1942 were they separated, and there were 33 letters in the alphabet.

The alphabet of the Russian language in its current form is divided into vowels and consonants.

We pronounce vowels freely: the sound passes through the vocal cords without obstacles.
Consonants require obstacles on the way to create them. In modern Russian, these letters and sounds are in the following ratio, while the number of sounds and letters will be excellent:

  • - sounds: vowels - 6, consonants - 37;
  • - letters: vowels - 10, consonants - 21.

If you do not go into details and say briefly, this is due to the fact that some vowel letters (e, e, yu, i) can denote two sounds, and consonants have pairs of hardness-softness.

By writing, uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished:

Their spelling is associated with the need to highlight proper and common nouns in the text (capital letters are used for the latter, as well as for writing words in general).

Learning the order of letters

Even if your kid knows what the letters are called, closer to school age there is a problem related to the fact that you need to memorize letters in order in the alphabet. Most children confuse letters for a long time, and cannot arrange them in the right order. Although helping a child is very simple. There are several ways to do this.

Photos and pictures for kids

Pictures and photos with letters can help you learn the alphabet. You can download them on our website, print them, stick them on thick cardboard and work with your child.

What can be useful pictures and photos attached to the symbols of letters?

Beautiful design, bright colors will surely attract the attention of kids. Children are interested in everything unusual, colorful - and learning is faster and more fun. Russian alphabet and pictures will become the best friends in lessons for toddlers.

Russian alphabet in pictures for children.
Table with cards of the Russian alphabet.

Another option is a table of letters with numbers, numbers

It is also easy to download and print it on the website. A numbered list of letters for children can make it a lot easier for those who can count to learn alphabet order. So the guys remember firmly how many letters are in the alphabet, and the accompanying photos and pictures that the table includes help to build an associative array. So someone came up with a great idea - to learn the alphabet with pictures and photos.

Russian alphabet with letter numbering.

Educational cartoons

Nobody will argue that all children love cartoons. But this love can be used with benefit and learn the alphabet with the help of specially created educational cartoons. They include excerpts from Soviet cartoons, bright lettering, pictures, songs. Musical accompaniment makes children hum and rhyme the alphabet, and this way it is remembered much faster.

- "The alphabet in cartoons"

This cartoon can be viewed here:

This is a great video tutorial for kids. There is not only writing and reading letters, but also excerpts from cartoons, images of what words mean for this or that letter, etc. The kid will have no choice but to memorize the song and the order of the letters.

- "Learning letters: alphabet in verse"

You can watch this cartoon here:

In addition to colorful cartoons, melodic musical accompaniment, the cartoon "Learning Letters: The Alphabet in Verse" offers simple poems that are easy to remember and tell the kid which letter is next in the alphabet.

- "ABC for kids" studio Berg Sound

This is a wonderful cartoon for those children who are already familiar with the alphabet and are trying to read. Here we teach the alphabet and the rules of spelling words with the Computer and its assistant File. They tell the kids, using the example of words, how to read, and what place the letters take in the alphabet, as well as how many letters are in the Russian alphabet. This fascinating cartoon is designed for 30-40 minutes, so you have to be patient. But for children it is not needed: the material is presented in a playful way, and the children do not get bored.

You can view the cartoon here

- "Learning letters with the cat Bussey"

You can download the cartoon here

The main character is the cat Busya, who came out of an illustrated primer to demonstrate to children how letters look and read. The cartoon has not only colorful drawings, but also musical accompaniment. The cat Busya reads short poems dedicated to a single letter.

- "Learning the Russian alphabet"

It will be easy to watch this cartoon here

It is a viewing of an illustrated primer, and a male voice pleasantly and slowly reads small poems dedicated to letters.

Thus, learning the alphabet should be interesting for children, then they will quickly and easily master the material. We teach fun and unobtrusively! This is the main key to success. You can download the video on our website or print pictures, buy books for children or manuals, talking alphabet on batteries in the store. Pape over all available spaces in the apartment with letters and tables with the alphabet. Learning should merge into life itself, and then it will become invisible to the child, but with the most effective results.

    Oh yes, I remembered junior classes when we wrote encryptions, we used a digital system and put one letter in order, and the other against the order, by the way, a letter P it is the same in count and there and back, it is the seventeenth - once I knew all this by heart and was able to write ciphers quickly enough.

    There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. Each letter has its own number. The distribution is according to the principle A - 1 letter of the alphabet, B - 2 letter of the alphabet, etc. to the last letter - I, which is 33 in a row.

    It would seem, well, why would anyone need to know the ordinal numbers of letters in the Russian alphabet? Probably, those who passed the IQ tests know that you need to know this in order to successfully cope with the test tasks. There may be more than one or two such tasks in a test. For example, in this test there are five such tasks out of forty.

    For example, the very first task of the test and the last fifth:

    Below is the alphabet in the figure, which shows which letter of the 33 letters of the Russian alphabet has which serial number. The first digit is the up-count, the second digit is the down-count. In this form, the numbering and the alphabet itself are easier to remember than a list.

    The Russian alphabet has only 33 letters:

  • It is not always possible to find even the simplest things on the Internet, with regard to the numbering of the alphabet the same thing.

    The serial numbers of letters, you can see in the table below, the correct order and correspondence of the serial number.

    The letter A comes first with us.

    The letter B is in second place.

    The letter B is in third place.

    The letter G is in fourth place.

    The letter D is in fifth place.

    The letter E is in sixth place.

    The letter is in seventh place.

    The letter Ж is in eighth place.

    The letter Z is in ninth place.

    The letter I is in tenth place.

    The letter Y is in eleventh place.

    The letter K is in our twelfth place.

    The letter L is in thirteenth place.

    The letter M is in our fourteenth place.

    The letter H is in fifteenth place.

    The letter O is in sixteenth place.

    The letter P is in our seventeenth place.

    The letter P is in eighteenth place.

    The letter C is in our nineteenth place.

    The letter T is in our twentieth place.

    The letter We are in twenty-first place.

    The letter F is in twenty-second place.

    The letter X is in twenty-third place.

    The letter C is in twenty-fourth place.

    The letter H is in twenty-fifth place.

    The letter W is in twenty-sixth place.

    The letter U is in twenty-seventh place.

    The letter b is in twenty-eighth place.

    The letter Y is in twenty-ninth place.

    The letter b is in thirtieth place.

    The letter E is in thirty-first place.

    The letter U is in thirty-second place.

    The letter I is in thirty-third place.

    The Russian alphabet has 33 letters. Everyone knows, probably. And the serial number of the letter can be useful to solve some riddle, charade or read an encrypted letter.

    The ordinal number of letters in the Russian alphabet.

    • A - number 1 ,
    • B - number 2 ,
    • B - number 3 ,
    • Г - number 4 ,
    • D - number 5 ,
    • E - number 6 ,
    • - 7 (some people forget that e and are still different letters, they should not be confused),
    • F - 8,
    • З - 9,
    • And - 10,
    • Th - 11,
    • K - 12,
    • L - 13,
    • M - 14,
    • H - 15,
    • Oh - 16,
    • P - 17,
    • R - 18,
    • C - 19,
    • T - 20,
    • U - 21,
    • F - 22,
    • X - 23,
    • C - 24,
    • H - 25,
    • W - 26,
    • Щ - 27,
    • B (hard sign) - 28,
    • S - 29,
    • B (soft sign) - 30,
    • E - 31,
    • U - 32,
    • I am 33.

    Russian alphabet in reverse order looks like this (first comes the serial number, and after the number the letter itself)

    • 33 - A,
    • 32 - B,
    • 31 -B,
    • 30 - G,
    • 29 - D,
    • 2 - E,
    • 27 - ,
    • 26 -F,
    • 25 - Z,
    • 24 - And,
    • 23 - th,
    • 22 - K,
    • 21 - L,
    • 20 - M,
    • 19 - H,
    • 18 - Oh,
    • 17 - P,
    • 16 - R,
    • 15 - C,
    • 14 - T,
    • 13 - U,
    • 12 - F,
    • 11 - X,
    • 10 - C,
    • 9 - H,
    • 8 - W,
    • 7-Щ,
    • 6 - b,
    • 5 - S,
    • 4 - b,
    • 3 - E,
    • 2 - Yu,
    • 1 -I.
  • The letter A serial number-1

    B-serial number-2

    B-serial number-3

    The letter E has number 6

    The letter has a serial number 7

    F- number 8

    Letter Z-number 9

    And- has a serial number 10

    E girlfriend Y- number 11

    K-12 in a row

    Letter L-13

    We count the letter H 15 in a row

    16 goes the letter O

    B-28 letter of the alphabet

    A and a ordinal digit 1

    B b ba ordinal number 2

    V in ve ordinal digit 3

    Г г гэ ordinal number 4

    D d e ordinal number 5

    Its ordinal digit 6

    ordinal digit 7

    Zhe ordinal number 8

    3 z ze ordinal number 9

    And and and ordinal 10

    Th and short ordinal 11

    K k ka (not ke) ordinal number 12

    L l el (or el, not le) ordinal number 13

    M m em (not me) ordinal number 14

    N n en (not ne) ordinal number 15

    O o o ordinal number 16

    P p pe ordinal number 17

    R r er (not re) ordinal number 18

    C with es (not se) ordinal number 19

    T t te ordinal number 20

    Have ordinal number 21

    F f eff (not fe) ordinal number 22

    X x ha (not he) ordinal number 23

    Ts tse ordinal number 24

    H h th ordinal number 25

    Ш Ш Ша (not Ше) ordinal number 26

    Щ ша (not more) ordinal number 27

    B b hard sign ordinal number 28

    S ordinal number 29

    B b soft sign ordinal 30

    Uh uh (uh circulating) ordinal number 31

    Yu ordinal number 32

    I am I am ordinal 33

    It is useful to know the ordinal numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet, it is good to know the reverse numbering of letters, it is also sometimes required to know the numbering of pairs of letters equally distant from the ends of the alphabet. This knowledge can help in solving logical problems of various kinds.

    So, the Russian alphabet is numbered in order:

    Reverse alphabet:

    Pairs of letters equally distant from the ends of the alphabet:

  • fourth

    The letter DD will be 5

    Her letter will be 6

    The letter will be 7

    The eighth, ninth and tenth are the letters Ж, З, И

    Eleventh letter

    Twelfth letter

    An alphabet is a collection of letters or other characters used to write in a particular language. There are many different alphabets, each with its own characteristics and history.

    In this case, we will focus on the Russian alphabet. Over the course of several centuries of its existence, it has evolved and underwent changes.

    History of the Russian alphabet

    In the 9th century, thanks to the monks Cyril and Methodius, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared. From that moment on, the Slavic writing began to develop rapidly. It happened in Bulgaria. It was there that workshops existed where liturgical books were copied and also translated from Greek.

    A century later, the Old Church Slavonic language came to Russia, church services were conducted in it. Gradually, under the influence of the Old Russian language, Old Church Slavonic undergoes some changes.

    Sometimes an equal sign is put between the Old Slavonic and Old Russian languages, which is completely wrong. They are two different languages. However, the alphabet originated, of course, from the Old Church Slavonic.

    At first, the Old Russian alphabet consisted of 43 letters. But the signs of one language cannot be accepted in another language without amendments, because the letters must somehow correspond to the pronunciation. How many Old Church Slavonic letters were removed from, how many and which letters were destined to appear, this is the subject of a separate article. We can only say that the changes were significant.

    Over the next centuries, the alphabet continued to adapt to the requirements of the Russian language. Letters that were not in use were abolished. A significant reform of the language took place under Peter I.

    By the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian alphabet consisted of 35 letters. In this case, "E" and "E" were considered one letter, as well as "I" and "Y". But the alphabet contained letters that disappeared after 1918.

    Most of the letters of the alphabet up to the beginning of the 20th century had names different from modern ones. If the beginning of the alphabet is familiar ("az, beeches, lead"), then the continuation may seem unusual: "verb, good, is, live ..."

    Today the alphabet consists of 33 letters, including 10 vowels, 21 and two letters that do not denote sounds ("b" and "b").

    The fate of some letters of the Russian alphabet

    For a long time "I" and "Y" were considered variants of one letter. Peter I, reforming, abolished the letter "Y". But after a while, she again took her place in writing, since many words are unthinkable without her. However, it became an independent letter "Y" (and short) only in 1918. Moreover, "Y" is a consonant letter, while "I" is a vowel.

    The fate of the letter "E" is also interesting. In 1783, the director of the Academy of Sciences, Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, proposed to introduce this letter into the alphabet. This initiative was supported by the Russian writer and historian N.M. Karamzin. However, the letter did not receive wide distribution. "Yo" settled in the Russian alphabet by the middle of the 20th century, but its use in print media continues to remain shaky: either "Yo" is required to be used, then it is categorically rejected.

    The use of the letter "E" vaguely resembles the fate of the Izhitsa "V", the letter that once completed the alphabet. It was practically not used, because replaced by other letters, but continued to proudly exist in some words.

    The next letter worthy of a separate mention is "b" - a solid sign. Before the reform of 1918, this letter was called "ep" and was used in writing much more often than now. Namely, it was necessarily written at the end of words ending in a consonant letter. The abolition of the rule to end words with "erom" led to large savings in publishing, as the amount of paper for books was immediately reduced. But a solid sign remained in the alphabet, it performs a very necessary function when it is inside a word.