Annual runoff rate and its distribution. Search results for \\ "average annual stock \\"

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The main task of the present; work was: 1) to investigate the dynamics of the flow, and. flushing, depending on various natural and economic conditions and show how and how some of them can enhance, while others slow down and stop the processes of mountain erosion; 2) to identify the specific features of these processes in the zonal section - in two subtropical regions sharply opposite in moisture; 3) on the basis of the conducted research, data of advanced experience and literary sources, scientifically substantiate and outline the basic principles and ways of combating mountain erosion.

Runoff flush (runoff flush runoff "" flush Average (M) "from three replicates 24.3 101.7 37.2 412 49.8 G8I 47.6<...> soils and experience of their classification. "". "Five-year observations at the runoff sites showed that the total average annual<...> But with a small absolute runoff, "Table 10 Average annual runoff and washout, by land on stationary<...> flush drain; FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH Rain rate,. ... in mm / mni 1 ".... 1.5 * J 17.4 220 47.6<...> At the same average annual temperature (Sochi-14 °, Dushanbe-14.4 °), the zones under consideration are sharp.





The purpose of our work was to study the factors that determine the formation of the runoff of melt and storm water, to evaluate some of the moistening and anti-erosion methods of soil cultivation and their effect on runoff, washout and yield.

When plowing to a depth of 20-22 cm, the runoff was equal to "5," 4 mm, iipn to a runoff coefficient of 0.112.<...> joclinlo to the flow rate.<...> On.tacon; the plowing plowed along the slope had runoff. 2.0 mm, with a drain coefficient of 0.042.<...>drain 0.324 and. 0.541.<...> For winter crops, the runoff in 1965 was 25.7 mm, and the runoff coefficient was 0.664.





The main purpose of the work was to identify the originality of agrochemical and other properties of soddy-podzolic soils formed on parent rocks of different genesis and granulometric composition, also differing in belonging to a territory of a certain age of glaciation; the influence of this peculiarity, as well as the mesorelief on soil fertility, the effectiveness of fertilizers, some environmental consequences of their systematic application

Under the influence of the runoff on the sktons, mineral nutrients are removed.<...> e with pit montages than watersheds (especially in the absence of<...> POTOR EXTRACT zone (including the Central District) " LUEYATK" liquid and liquid waste<...> fertility) significantly affects the mesorelief. "" In conditions of systematic fertilization under the influence of runoff<...> Determination of standards for losses of nutrients (asthenia with solid * and liquid runoff as a result of erosion



Fundamental and applied problems of the hydrosphere. Part 1. Fundamentals of hydrogeology textbook. allowance

The authors focus on solving scientific and industrial hydrogeological problems, theoretical issues of the structure of the hydrosphere for the rational use and protection of water resources. It is shown that the Earth's water envelope has two areas of supply and discharge of waters and aqueous fluids. The unity of natural waters is ensured by the planetary water cycle, the interconnection of ground and surface waters, their regime and elements of the water balance. The history of hydrosphere research and its role on the planet is briefly highlighted. The types of water in rocks and their reservoir and water-physical properties are characterized. It has been shown that natural waters and aqueous fluids have unique properties and various chemical compositions. The processes in the water-rock-gas-living matter system are characterized, and the role of the main anionic components in the formation of the chemical composition of natural waters, and the complex nature of aqueous solutions and their movement are shown. Hydrogeology is a fundamental science and the solution of the most pressing problems of mankind depends on its research: from household and drinking water supply and localization of difficult-to-clean production wastes to the problems of developing mineral resources.

In the presence of meteorological data on the amount of precipitation, average annual temperatures, radiation<...> values \u200b\u200bof evaporation (mm / year) in the European part of Russia (World water balance, 1974) Average annual<...> period of time or the average annual flow rate from the ratio:, Q N V  (1.9) where Q is the value of the average annual<...> How are the parameters of the "runoff module", "runoff layer" and "runoff coefficient" related? 7.<...> The power of the zone depends on the average annual air temperature, climatic conditions of the area, geological

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The hydrological regime of the lake-river systems of the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe western part of the White Sea is considered. The influence of artificial regulation and climate change on the hydrological regime of the rivers in the region was investigated on the basis of the analysis of long-term observation series (1931–1996) for the main hydrological characteristics. Hydropower development of the rivers in the region has led to an increase in low-water flow and a decrease in the share of runoff during floods in the average annual water flow. Climate change in the region also contributed to this. On the territory of the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe western part of the White Sea, an increase in average annual temperatures and an increase in annual precipitation were observed during the study period. At the same time, the most significant increase in temperatures and an increase in the amount of precipitation occurred in the cold half of the year, contributing to the partial "drawdown" of the snow cover in winter. On the territory of the White Sea catchment area during the study period, a phase of increased water content and general moisture content was noted. Positive trends in average annual water discharge were noted in all rivers of the region under consideration. According to the estimates of the State Hydrological Institute, the increase in average annual temperatures and the increase in precipitation continue to this day. Taking into account the persistence of the noted climatic trends, it can be assumed that the seasonal fluctuations in the runoff characteristics will continue to smooth out. Coefficients of conditional water exchange for large lakes and reservoirs in the region are calculated. Most reservoirs are characterized by weak external water exchange, which means they are able to assimilate a significant amount of pollutants, including those of anthropogenic origin. The large number of such lakes located in river catchments can significantly reduce the flow of solid runoff and dissolved chemicals into the sea.

for floods in the average annual water flow.<...> In the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe western part of the White Sea during the study period, an increase in the average annual<...> Positive trends in average annual water discharges were observed in all rivers of the region under consideration.<...> An intense and statistically significant increase in the mean annual surface air temperature occurred<...> The decrease in the share of runoff during floods in the average annual water runoff is a consequence of climatic trends


to solve the problem related to the water supply of mining enterprises within the Yenisei Ridge, a zoning of the Olympiada area was carried out according to the provision of natural resources of groundwater. The article provides data on the assessment of natural resources by the hydrometric method. The substantiation is given for the use of the average annual module of underground runoff into rivers of 95% availability for the assessment of natural resources

The substantiation is given for the use of the average annual module of underground runoff into rivers of 95% availability<...> Table 3 shows the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the average annual modules of groundwater flow and calculated from them<...> Comparison of the average annual module of underground runoff of 95% availability with the value of the module of operation<...> Table 3 Calculation of natural groundwater resources according to the average annual module of groundwater flow Average annual<...>The average annual module of underground runoff of 95% availability is comparable with the module of operation, and can


The North-East of Russia is a region that is supplied with water in terms of the average annual runoff, but every year in winter it turns into a water deficit. To develop measures to reduce the effect of this negative hydroecological factor, it is necessary to study the regularities of changes in river runoff during the winter low-water period. The aim of this work is to obtain a mathematical model of runoff depletion curves for non-freezing rivers in the North-East of Russia during the winter low-water period and to apply it to predict the daily water discharge. Based on the analysis of the hydrographs of the winter runoff of non-freezing rivers in the North-East of Russia, differences in the nature of runoff depletion on both sides of the Earth's Main Divide, caused by climatic conditions, are revealed. The winter runoff depletion curves are well described by an exponential function. The runoff depletion coefficient is related to the river heat runoff, which indirectly characterizes the regime of heat and moisture supply to the catchment. For unexplored rivers, an index of heat water supply in the basin is proposed, which is the product of the annual runoff layer norm and the mean annual air temperature in Celsius, increased by 20 ° C. The obtained mathematical model makes it possible to predict the daily water discharge for six months in advance (mid-October - mid-April) not only at operating hydrological posts, but also at unexplored rivers. To do this, it is necessary to measure the water flow in mid-October or determine it by the flow modulus of the nearest analogous river. The model was verified according to the data of two hydrological posts, which were not used in the development of the design scheme, i.e. on an independent material. The accuracy of the calculation of long-term average winter runoff curves is 11.4–14.7%, and the curves for specific years are 3.3–16.7%.

Magadan) North-East of Russia is a region provided with water in terms of the average annual flow, but annually<...> The region under consideration is water-supplied in terms of the average annual runoff (for example, water availability<...> S is the norm of the annual runoff layer, mm; ty is the average annual air temperature, ° C; term 20 is introduced for<...> bringing the average annual air temperature to positive values.<...> The rate of the annual runoff layer for unexplored rivers in formula (6) can be calculated using SP 33-101-20035, and the average annual


The data of a quantitative assessment of the dynamics of the Caspian Sea level depending on a number of hydrometeorological indicators of the components of the natural environment are presented. Analysis of the research results confirms not only the hydrological, but also the tectonic concept of sea level change

compiled matrix of literary and stock data, in which, by years from 1878 to 2007. included average annual<...> groundwater flow (r \u003d 0.3) 3.<...>river runoff<...> Volga -0.31 1 Average annual expenses of the river. Volga -0.36 1.0 1 Runoff r.<...> Volga in low water (r \u003d 0.82), which is associated with the regulation of the river flow and a gradual increase in the average annual


In the long-term changes in the runoff of the mountain rivers of the Caucasus, there is an alternation of high-water and low-water periods associated with cyclical climate changes. A significant increase in costs has been observed in the last decade and is associated with an increase in precipitation. The effect of melting glaciers on the water content of rivers is ambiguous along the length of the river and is manifested in a change in discharge at a short distance from the glacier. Climate changes have practically no effect on the intensity of horizontal deformations of mountain river beds.

As a result of the assessment of the general trend in the change in the runoff of the rivers of the Caucasus according to the difference integral curves of the average annual<...> Change in the average annual water discharge of the rivers of the Caucasus: 1 - r. Baksan, city of p. Zayukovo; 2 - p.<...> the lines coincide with the periods identified by the integral curves of the average annual runoff.<...> According to the integral curves of the mean annual air temperature in the river basins of both groups,<...> Integral curves of average annual water discharge and annual precipitation amount: water discharge: 1 - p.


River basin Alei is one of the most developed territories in Western Siberia. Initially, the development was associated with the development of mining in Altai, at present - mainly with the agricultural orientation of economic development. The intensive involvement of the basin's lands in economic circulation over the past 100 years has contributed to the formation of a number of environmental problems: water and wind erosion, loss of soil fertility and soil salinization, desertification of the territory. The average annual water content of the river is decreasing. Alei for reasons that are both natural and anthropogenic in nature. A feature of water use in the basin is a significant amount of water resources used for irrigation and agricultural water supply. For guaranteed supply of household and drinking needs, two reservoirs and a network of ponds have been built and function here. The forest ecosystems of the basin are considered in the article from the standpoint of conservation and restoration of the flow of small rivers. The ability of the forest to accumulate solid sediments and to retain them for a longer time during snow melting is shown, which reduces the surface runoff of melt water, contributes to an increase in the subsurface runoff, and has a significant effect on the average annual water content of permanent streams. The state of protective forest plantations in the river basin is analyzed. Alei. A comparative analysis of the main river tributaries in terms of area, length of watercourses, forest cover of the basins is carried out. It is proposed to stabilize the average long-term value of the river runoff (i.e., the water content of the river (Snakin, Akimov, 2004)) by taking radical measures to increase the forest cover of the plain and mountainous parts of the basin. Measures have been developed to increase the area of \u200b\u200bwater protection zones of small rivers, afforestation of temporary and permanent watercourses, and protect soil fertility of agricultural land.

Ob: length 858 km, basin area 21.1 thousand km2, average annual discharge in the section of the city of<...> The average annual water content of the river is decreasing.<...> Makarychev (2010) found that the average annual flow of the tributaries of the river.<...> The natural factors of reducing the water content of the river can be illustrated by the following example of average annual indicators<...> Only for the period 1990–2010. the average annual flow of the Alei tributaries decreased by 20%.


Anthropogenic changes in the average annual runoff and water quality of the river are analyzed. Chickens. A comprehensive statistical analysis of the long-term series of the annual river runoff has shown that the trends in its changes are complex and ambiguous. Revealed spatial and interannual changes in water composition under the influence of economic activities.

The linear flow trend equation is as follows: Yt \u003d Yav + α (t-tav), (1) where Yt is the calculated value of the average annual<...> t \u003d YÂÝÕ \u003d YavdÂÝÕ avg + ÂÝÕ + αÂÝÕ α (t-tÂÝÕ (t-tav av), (1) ÂÝÕ), (1) is the calculated value of the average annual<...> hundred-ÂÝÕ - the calculated value of the average annual runoff at time t, YÂÝÕka at time t, YavrÂtime<...>The average annual content of phenols and oil products fluctuates, respectively, in the range of 0.006-0.009<...> Saatly, the average annual concentration of nitrate nitrogen is 2 MPC (maximum 6 Fig. 1.


The article provides a brief analysis of transboundary aspects of flow regulation in the river basin. Ural. The features and degree of transformation of the hydrological regime in different sections of the river are noted. The analysis of the location of hydraulic structures within the transboundary basin is carried out

drain.<...>Runoff r.<...> parts of the basin) and its main tributaries Average long-term discharge, m3 / s Watercourse, observation point Average annual<...> Most (up to 50%) of the average annual flow of the river. Ural, coming to g.<...> Shiklomanov, indicate a decrease in the average annual runoff in the river basin.


This article presents the hydrological characteristics of surface waters in the southeast of the Voronezh region, data on the anthropogenic impact on them, as well as data on the state of watersheds in the study area.

So, the average annual air temperature in the region is + 7 ° С, and the average July temperature is + 22 ° С.<...>The average annual runoff is 55 mm, spring - 50 mm, summer-autumn - 7 mm, winter - 8 mm.<...> Air humidity deficit in June - 9 mm, in July - 8.7 mm, average annual deficit - 3.75 mm<...> The river keeps flowing throughout the year. The river flow is regulated.<...> This index comprehensively characterizes the sum of normalized (by MPC) average annual concentration values


HYDROLOGICAL FEATURES AND MAIN HYDROTECHNICAL STRUCTURES OF THE TIGER-EVFRAT RIVER SYSTEM [Electronic resource] / Ali, Yurchenko, Zvolinsky // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Ecology and life safety .- 2013 .- No. 1.- P. 75-81 .- Access mode: https: // website / efd / 417316

The article examines the impact of the construction of large dams on river systems, describes the features of hydrology and the largest hydraulic structures of the Tigris-Euphrates river system.

Three watercourse regimes can be distinguished: high - from February to June (about 75% of the annual flow); low<...>Average annual precipitation in the Tigris-Euphrates basin (2009) Euphrates formed by confluence<...>runoff of the Tigris River in Baghdad ranged from 49.2 to 52.6 km3, which is significantly higher than the indicators of the Euphrates<...> According to the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources, the average annual flow of the Euphrates in 2009 was 19.34 km3<...> According to forecasts for 2025, the river flow of the Euphrates will decrease to 8.45 km3, and the Tigris - to 19.6 km3.


The results of ecogeochemical and eco-mineralogical studies of bottom sediments of rivers in the territory of the Sochi Olympics in 2014 are presented. Processes of natural natural self-purification and methods of rehabilitation of eco-anomalies are considered. An original approach to the post-treatment of wastewater with the use of natural materials, in particular shungite rocks of Karelia, which have a unique combination of properties of mineral and synthetic sorbents, is proposed.

The average annual runoff of the river. Sochi - 1,477 million m3. There are no large industrial enterprises within its boundaries.<...>The average annual runoff of the river. Tsemes - 70 million m3. It flows into the Novorossiysk Bay.<...>The average annual runoff of the river. Shapsugo - 222.4 million m3. The resort village is located at the mouth of the river. Dzhubga.<...> Shakhe is a large river with an average annual flow of 1,062 million m3, at the mouth of which the village of the same name is located<...> It is recommended to use filtration basins in places where polluted effluents are discharged.


The paper considers the results of studying the thermohaline structure inhomogeneities of the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean using data from different measuring platforms, including those from the North Pole drifting stations and ITP (Ice-Tethered Profiler) autonomous buoys. Characteristics of thermohaline structure inhomogeneities and mechanisms of their transfer are given. Qualitative conclusions are proposed regarding the types of eddy formations identified on the basis of observation results, and a classification of dynamical systems that transport water masses.

elements of the climate system ocean - atmosphere. taking part in the circulation of water, it regulates the inflow, runoff<...> this transport fresh water in volume up to 64.7 km3. for comparison, we can cite the data of the work on the average annual<...>runoff of large rivers of Siberia. so, from 1948 to 1993, their average annual runoff into the Kara Sea was 1326<...> therefore, during the year, on average, 98.7 km3 of fresh water was transported. this volume, although it does not exceed the average annual<...>the flow of siberian rivers into the arctic basin, however, is comparable and significant for the freshwater balance


For the first time, an assessment was made of the long-term variability of the annual runoff of water and chemicals in the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system under anthropogenic impact for the period 1980-2003. A comparative analysis of the water and chemical runoff of the whole system and its part, not subject to the direct influence of industry, has been carried out. A significant anthropogenic load on the water system in terms of chemicals, especially heavy metal compounds, nitrates and oil products, has been identified.

In this case, the water runoff of NSAIDs is approximately 20% of the total runoff of the river. Pyasina to the Kara Sea.<...> the volume of water flow from the lake.<...> It should be emphasized that the performed estimates of the average annual water runoff confirm the anomaly of its distribution<...> hydrological cycle, transport and deposition of pollutants from the atmosphere and improvement of the methodology for assessing average annual<...>Average annual surface runoff in the Arctic // Tr. AARI. 1976. T. 323, pp. 101-114. 9. Evseev A.V.


The South and North Caucasian Federal Districts are characterized by a relatively high population density and a high degree of use of surface water resources, mainly for irrigation and watering of arid territories. Such use of water resources has developed historically and is due to the natural conditions of the North Caucasus: fertile lands and an abundance of heat against the background of limited own water resources.At the beginning of the last century, the territories of Northern Dagestan, Eastern Stavropol, Kalmykia, the lower reaches of the Kuban and the Don suffered from drought for three years out of five.

in nB TsGu 10.54 km3; runoff into the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov 15.37 km3.<...> <...>river flow.<...> In modern conditions, irreversible water withdrawal from the Upper Kuban in some years reaches 17% of the average annual<...>river flow.


# 11 [Legality, 2015]

As you know, in the last decade and a half in Russia, legislation has been actively updated, on some issues - radically, many legal institutions are undergoing significant changes, new ones are being introduced. During this time, many discussion articles have been published on the pages of the journal about the place and role of the prosecutor's office in our society and the state, devoted to judicial reform, the new CPC, the jury, the reform of the investigation in the prosecutor's office, etc. But this has never been to the detriment of materials about the exchange experience and comments of legislation, complex issues of law enforcement practice. Essays on acclaimed prosecutors are also published regularly. The magazine has a well-established team of authors, which includes well-known scientists and law enforcement officials who are sick of the cause from almost all regions of Russia.

Ibragimov, who points out that “the average annual rate of victims of crime in Russia exceeds

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Voronezh State University Publishing House

The study guide contains the program of the theoretical course "Hydrology", methodological developments for laboratory work, questions and exercises for the student's independent work, maps, tables and nomograms necessary for laboratory work, as well as a list of mandatory and additional literature, Internet resources , electronic libraries at the rate. To use some of the chapters in this tutorial, you must be familiar with a text editor, spreadsheet, and graphics editor at the beginner level.

Construct a graph of fluctuations in average monthly consumption with drawing a line of average annual consumption. four.<...> the elasticity of water vapor (eg, mb) and the average annual air temperature (tg, ° C).<...> Calculation of the mean long-term water discharge (Qg) The value of the module of the average annual runoff - Mg, l / (s ⋅ km2) is<...> , ° C) and average annual water vapor pressure (eg, mb). ten.<...> \u003d 4.8 ° C) and the average annual water vapor pressure (eg \u003d 7.9 mb), then Ec \u003d 490 mm. eleven.

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The article "Lessons from flooding on the Amur" presents an analysis of the flood situation in the Far East of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2013, identifies the most dangerous zones for flooding, shows the state of flood prevention measures and the reasons for insufficient flood protection, proposes specific measures to reduce risks and damage from floods territory of Russia

The average annual runoff of the river. cupid at Mr.<...> <...> Zeya (length L \u003d 1242 km, catchment area a \u003d 233 thousand km2, runoff volume W \u003d 60.2 km3, average annual discharge<...> Bureya (length L \u003d 626 km, catchment area a \u003d 70.7 thousand km2, runoff volume W \u003d 28.1 km3, average annual<...> Zeya (length L \u003d 1242 km, catchment area a \u003d 233 thousand km2, runoff volume W \u003d 60.2 km3, average annual discharge


From the middle of the XX century. the anthropogenic impact on the natural environment has sharply increased, which has led to a deterioration in the conditions of human existence and a decrease in the biological productivity of landscapes. In this regard, it became necessary to organize and monitor the impact factors (primarily anthropogenic) and the state of ecosystems, predict their future state, and analyze the correspondence between the predicted and actual state of the natural environment. For the lower reaches of the Volga, monitoring of the soil and vegetation cover is required as the main energy block and indicator of the state of ecosystems. Without monitoring plant communities, it is impossible to make environmentally sound economic decisions, i.e. constant adjustment of the peculiarities of the exploitation of natural resources of the valley and the actual integration of the system for the use and protection of ecosystems. The paper shows the main trends in the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the river delta. Volga in the period from 1979 to 2011.

<...> <...> <...> <...>


From the middle of the XX century. the anthropogenic impact on the natural environment has sharply increased, which has led to a deterioration in human conditions and a decrease in the biological productivity of landscapes. In this regard, it became necessary to organize and monitor the impact factors (primarily anthropogenic) and the state of ecosystems, forecast their future state, and analyze the correspondence between the predicted and actual state of the natural environment. For the lower reaches of the Volga, it is required to monitor the soil and vegetation cover as the main energy block and indicator of the state of ecosystems. Without monitoring plant communities, it is impossible to make environmentally sound economic decisions, i.e. constant adjustment of the peculiarities of the exploitation of the natural resources of the valley and the actual integration of the system for the use and protection of ecosystems. The paper shows the main trends in the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the river delta. Volga in the period from 1979 to 2011. During the monitoring period, changes are considered in the leading environmental factors that determine the main ecological features of the vegetation cover of deltaic landscapes: some climatic characteristics (average annual air temperature, average sum of temperatures and total precipitation for the growing season), changes in the hydrological regime of the river. Volga and flood conditions, peculiarities of differentiation of vegetation depending on the delta relief and associated processes.

ecological features of the vegetation cover of deltaic landscapes: some climatic characteristics (average annual<...> XX century the average volume of water runoff became equal and even slightly exceeded the amount of water runoff into natural<...> water flow in the section of the Volgograd HPP for the second quarter, km3 Average annual air temperature, ° С<...> Over the last period of research (2002-2011), there was a decrease in the average annual runoff by 7% compared to<...> At the same time, due to a significant increase in the average annual air temperature, evaporation increased.


The methodological recommendations include materials necessary for conducting field practice in geography (section Hydrology). The plans for describing hydrological objects and the main methods of carrying out field hydrological research aimed at determining by students the place of water bodies in complex natural systems and understanding their relationship with other components of the geographic envelope are given. Information on the hydrography of the Ivanovo region is indicated. The program of work at the stationary post and the technology of work at the key site are described. The rules for keeping a field diary and writing a report on practice are given.

Average annual pressure ranges from 745.7 to 752.5 mm. rt. Art.<...>The average annual wind speed is 4.3 m / s (southern and western) and 3.4 m / s (eastern).<...>The average annual runoff is on average 5.5-7 l / sec per 1 km 2.<...>The average annual runoff is 5.5-7 l / sec per 1 km 2.<...>The average annual water consumption near the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 2,970 m³ / sec.

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The purpose and objectives of the work. The purpose of the research was to obtain an integral assessment of the Ust-Kundryuchensky sandy massif as an object of stable, inexhaustible water supply for river systems, as well as to develop a conceptual model of its forest-agrarian development. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: - dividing the territory of the Ust-Kundryuchensky sand massif into the main types of sands and collecting information on these types; - obtaining water regime and water balance characteristics of certain types of sands by type of land; - study of groundwater and determination of their role in water supply of forest biogeocenoses;

mm stock mm | % precipitation, mm Year stock mm | % Open l g l 6 1 5?<...> The territory of Ust-Kundryuchenskiy sands receives 85 million m3 in terms of average annual precipitation (538 mm)<...> Their average annual inflow is estimated at 1 million m3 with an annual surface runoff of 29 mm<...> and runoff along the coastline.<...> , both indicators are comparable with each other and give reason to use the calculation method, and to estimate the average annual



No. 3 [Water Resources, 2017]

with an increase in the minimum runoff (by 30%), a decrease in the average annual precipitation (by 12%) and an increase<...> Estimates show that the decrease in the average annual runoff occurs mainly due to a decrease in<...> For the research, materials of Roshydromet were used on the average annual flow and maximum flow rates<...> For fluctuations in the average annual water content and runoff of the spring flood, the most noticeable trend is a decrease<...> Orkhon is estimated at ~ 1% of the average annual runoff at the mouth of the river. Selenga. Since p.

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Educational geological practice for construction specialties textbook. allowance

Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM "& LLC" Agency Book-Service "63 Average annual flow - 3.4 km 3 / year, and below<...> In high-water years, the volume of runoff can exceed ten times the total runoff in low-water years.<...>The average annual sediment runoff of the Urals at the confluence with Sakmara reaches 1480 thousand tons. Freezing up on the river.<...>The average annual rainfall is uneven 185-731 mm, an average of 343 mm.<...>The average annual sediment runoff of the Urals at the confluence with Sakmara reaches 1480 thousand tons. Freezing up on the river.

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No. 8 [Natural and technical sciences, 2017]

The journal Natural and Technical Sciences is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which the main scientific results of the thesis for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (as amended in July 2007) are to be published in accordance with the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission (List of VAK ). Publications of the results of scientific research of applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences can be placed in the journal in accordance with the subject of the journal, i.e. in natural and technical sciences. Publications of the results of scientific research of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science may be placed in the journal on earth sciences; in biological sciences; on electronics, measuring technology, radio engineering and communication.

annual runoff and runoff for the spring period (March-April) and an increase in runoff for the summer-autumn-winter period<...> Row length, years 50 32 82 Average annual runoff, million m3 234.6 235.5 234.9 СV 0.38 0.38 0.37 Copyright JSC<...> minimum average monthly low-water flows in the downstream of the Belgorod reservoir Regulated average annual<...> natural average annual runoff in the section of the hydroelectric complex (235 million m3).<...> Excess of the regulated average annual flow in the downstream of the hydroelectric complex over the natural average annual

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Estuary ecosystems of large rivers in Russia: anthropogenic load and ecological state monograph

Rostov n / a .: SFedU Publishing House

The monograph is a generalizing work on the assessment of anthropogenic load and ecological state of estuarine ecosystems of large rivers in Russia. The study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of long-term regime hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological information from the State System for Observing the State of the Environment (GOS) of Roshydromet. On the example of large rivers of the European North, Siberia, the South of Russia and the Far East in a long-term perspective (1980–2012), the variability of the component composition of the aquatic environment and regional features of the functioning of estuarine ecosystems under the conditions of modern anthropogenic impact are considered. Data were obtained on the spatial and temporal variability of the inflow of dissolved chemicals, on the level of anthropogenic load on estuarine areas due to river runoff, and on the ecological state of estuarine ecosystems in terms of hydrochemical and hydrobiological indicators. These data make it possible to estimate the removal of the components of the chemical composition of river waters, including pollutants, and to obtain reliable information about their impact on the coastal waters of marine ecosystems.

The formation of river runoff, channel and estuarine processes is influenced by the severity of the climate (average annual<...> The range of fluctuations in the average annual values \u200b\u200breached 19.6–57.1 km3.<...> Flow regulation influenced not only its annual volume (the average annual flow is<...> The regulation of the river flow was reflected both in the value of its annual volume (the average annual flow is<...> The ranges of fluctuations and the average annual values \u200b\u200bfor the outlet sections of the rivers are given in Table 34.

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The purpose of this work is to show the need for forest hydrological studies, which should be carried out in close connection with the geographical environment.

an increase in the average annual water content of rivers with an increase in the percentage of forest cover.<...> of the methods used in assessing the hydrological role of the forest, one should also include the operation with the value of the average annual<...> High flow on the river.<...> Runoff losses in the river basin<...> Very low river flow.



No. 9 [Nature, 2017]

Even if we increase the average annual river flow to the previous one, then the complete restoration of the lake will take about<...> Consequently, the average annual runoff of the Syrdarya should be at least 3.2–3.3 km3.<...> Even if the average annual river runoff is increased to the previous 56 km3, then for the complete restoration of the lake<...> In the period 2001–2010. the average annual flow of the Amu Darya and Syrdarya was only 11 km3, i.e. only 20%<...> But in this case, a larger minimum average annual runoff of the Syr Darya is required - at least 4 km3.

Preview: Nature # 9 2017.pdf (0.1 Mb)




Crop development of takyrs and takyr-like soils by furrowing with the use of local surface runoff for water charging of the soil and soil is an economically profitable measure that allows you to turn currently empty territories into productive agricultural, pasture and forest lands. The developed method can be implemented with great success in any farms with such a category of land, which will create a basis for obtaining a variety of additional products.

Local surface runoff. IV.<...> LOCAL SURFACE DRAIN.<...>The average annual runoff volume ranges from 94 m3 / ha (BayramAli) to 260 m3 / ha (Knzyl-Atrek), and the maximum<...> The volume of the average annual runoff per hectare of takyr, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bwork; 2.<...> The volume of the average one-time runoff, or runoff, formed during the period of one rainfall; 3.



Methodical instructions for the implementation of the course project "Project for the creation of field-protective forest plantations"

FSBEI HPE Orenburg State Agrarian University

The methodological instructions show the structure of the course project, its sections with a sequential description of the implementation of each of them. Particular attention is paid to the economic justification of the project, calculations of technological maps for the creation of protective forest plantations, the cost of 1 cent. grain, profitability and payback period of strips. Methodical instructions are addressed to students of full-time and part-time departments of agricultural universities, and are also of interest to specialists of agricultural enterprises.

Characteristics of the climate of the design area: 1) the average annual air temperature and monthly for<...> air temperatures through + 5 °, and its beginning is taken as the beginning of spring silvicultural work); 3) average annual<...> volatility, mm; 5) average annual runoff, mm; 6) thickness, mm and density of snow cover, g / cm3, character<...> Here the bulk of the surface water runoff enters the ravine through the summit.<...> ; continuous afforestation of the bottom is carried out if the runoff along the bottom is insignificant.

Preview: Methodological instructions for the implementation of the course project Project for the creation of field-protective forest plantations..pdf (0.9 Mb)


Improvement of the theory of formation of elements of water balance of river basins

An analytical review of the theory of water balance is presented. Experimental and theoretical studies are considered, as well as ways to improve the accuracy of determining the elements of water balance. The theoretical foundations and linear-correlation model of water balance are revealed. The assessment of the quality of correlations of variables, consisting of equally provided values, is characterized. A comparative analysis of the results of calculating the parameters of the water balance according to the complete control of the water balance and the three-term equation is presented. Possibilities of practical application of the linear correlation model are highlighted. Applications of the linear correlation model are given.

In conclusion, let us consider a numerical example of the correlation between the average annual runoff layer and the annual amount<...> Here σФ is the standard deviation of the average monthly water discharge from the average annual: σФ \u003d \u003d - ()<...> ∑100 100 12 2 σQ i Q Q Q Q, (8.17) where Qi is the monthly average and Q is the average annual water discharge.<...> Batista for CV: CV \u003d 0.573 - 0.000193R, where R is the average annual runoff.<...> These data on the average annual river flow and the amount of precipitation for each catchment are given here

Preview: Improving the theory of the formation of elements of the water balance of river basins.pdf (1,1 Mb)


No. 1 [Water Resources, 2017]

Materials are published on the assessment of water resources, integrated use of water resources, water quality and environmental protection. The journal covers many areas of research, including prevention of changes in the state of continental water resources and their regime; hydrophysical and hydrodynamic processes; environmental aspects of water quality and protection of water resources; economic, social, legal aspects of water resources development; water resources outside the territory of Russia; experimental research methods.

This value is very close to the average annual rate of water consumption; by, for 1930-1980. - 31.7 m3 / s.<...> ., characterized by a relatively stable value of the average annual flow (37.6 m3 / s); 1931-1978<...>The average annual air temperature, according to long-term data for 1891–1980, changed in the territory<...> Until the late 1980s - mid-1990s. the average annual concentration of ammonium N in the water of the river.<...> Change in the sum of the average annual concentrations of ammonium N in the water of the river.

Preview: Water Resources # 1 2017.pdf (0.0 Mb)


For the European territory of the Russian Federation, the spatial distribution of closed-drainage periods is analyzed in detail: their duration and frequency, the maximum catchment area, on which the absence of runoff can be observed at a given moisture content of the territory. The territory was zoned according to some indicators characterizing the absence of runoff. For the Don basin, a number of empirical dependences of the characteristics of the closed-drainage period on the hydrometeorological conditions of the year are proposed. Statistical analysis of the air temperature and precipitation series for the cold (November-March) period of the year showed the presence in most cases of statistically significant increasing trends. The dynamics of the lack of runoff under the conditions of modern climatic changes is considered.

Chusovoy); 2) with an episodic cessation of runoff and 3) with a permanent cessation of the runoff of some small rivers<...> runoff depletion conditions.<...> For most rivers, as well as for the Don itself, there is a slight decrease in the average annual runoff<...> and an increase in low-water runoff.<...> So, the analysis of the series of the annual runoff of the river.


The characteristic of water resources of the Irkutsk region is given taking into account the hydrological and ecological characteristics of the region. The problems of anthropogenic impact on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of water resources are discussed.

Less than 1% of the total river flow is used for household needs.<...> The flow regime of the Angara River from Irkutsk to the Bratskaya HPP depends on the operating mode of the Irkutsk HPP.<...> Baikal coast Length from source to mouth 4270 km, total catchment area - 2425 km2, average annual<...>runoff - 1400 m3 / s.<...> Urban areas are distinguished by a fundamentally different nature of erosion and an increase in solid runoff.


No. 1 [Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2001]

The journal is a multidisciplinary periodical. Initially (since 1889) it was published under the title "Izvestia of Tomsk University", then - "Proceedings of Tomsk State University", in 1998 the publication of the university journal was resumed under the current name. It is currently published monthly. Included in the VAK List.

The average annual temperature is -4.6 ° С, the annual precipitation is 184 mm, 64% of precipitation falls on<...> the amount of precipitation is 1000–1200 mm and the average annual temperature is about + 6 ° С.<...> Periodic variability of water runoff (Q) and suspended sediment runoff (W) r. Hopper at Mr.<...> Greater sediment runoff r.<...> Trends in the decrease in melt runoff, average annual rates of erosion and accumulation of its products were observed

Preview: Soil Science # 12 2018.pdf (0.0 Mb)


The hydrological regime of water bodies in years of different water content (low-water, medium-water, high-water) has a decisive influence on the value of the commercial stock and the qualitative composition of ichthyocenoses. In this regard, in 2015–2016. a retrospective analysis and ranking of the influence of the hydrological regime on these indicators were carried out. The assessment of catches and commercial fish stock under various scenarios of water availability of the main fishing water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, giving a total of about 80% of the total annual fish catch in the country's inland water bodies (excluding the Caspian Sea). In total, 2000 indicators of the hydrological regime (water level, annual runoff) and 1845 indicators of the commercial stock (catches, abundance, and biomass of fish) were analyzed. The critical values \u200b\u200bof water content for the commercial fish stock have been determined. A number of management decisions and actions have been proposed when water availability approaches critical levels: reduction of limits (quotas) for fish catch in the next calendar year;

Average annual runoff volume, km 3 Medium water High water Low water to m 3 Fig. one.<...> <...>Average annual runoff volume, km 3 Average water High water flow to m 3 Fig. 2.<...>The average annual long-term runoff of the river.<...> Esil from the average annual water level - a high (p\u003e 99%) correlation was obtained between the average annual




Research objectives. In order to study the regularities of the formation of melt water runoff and the effectiveness of soil protection measures in its regulation in the non-chernozem zone of RUSSIA, a stationary field experiment was laid and the following tasks were set: 1. To establish the role of meteorological conditions in the development of soil erosion. 2. To study the effect of anti-erosion treatments on surface and subsurface runoff, soil washout and the productivity of field crops. 3. Determine the effect of anti-erosion treatments on the water regime of slope lands. 4. To study agrophysical properties, anti-erosion resistance of sod-podzolic medium eroded soil and methods of restoring its fertility. 5. To study the influence of mid-depth soil protection treatments on the weed component of slope lands. 6. Determine the bioenergetic efficiency of anti-erosion soil treatments.

Here, with an average annual melt water runoff of 90-100 mm, 21.8 million tons are lost annually. soil (bt / ha), from which<...> In order to study the patterns of formation of melt water runoff and the effectiveness of soil protection measures<...> The dependence of the distribution of weeds on slope lands on the intensity of the runoff of thawed<...> To study the subsurface runoff, water balance plots (200 m2) were laid.<...> So, the maximum runoff of melt water (9.2 mm), with a runoff coefficient of 0.18 and soil smw (0.04 t / ha)



Thing. The problem of desertification is recognized as one of the most urgent. The article discusses the geo-informational features of water supply, calculates capital investments for compared options for the logistics of water delivery by auto transporters to the Karakum desert. Objectives. Determine capital and specific investments for the delivery of fresh water to the Karakum desert and the production of distillate using greenhouse solar desalination plants, the required dimensions of artificial sites for collecting atmospheric precipitation and the volume of storage tanks for the production of distillate. Methodology. Using mathematical and technical and economic methods, various aspects of investment activities in the desert region have been analyzed, and the most energy efficient water supply systems have been identified. Results. The technical and economic efficiency of water supply methods in the desert zone is analyzed. The operational indicators of watering, water delivery by auto-transporters, collection of atmospheric precipitation, their cost for the development of animal husbandry and the development of the desert zone are given. Findings. The proposed technique makes it possible to choose an economically viable way of water supply for a specific area.

Surface runoff is the oldest and most readily available source of water supply in deserts.<...> Their volume must be calculated depending on the area of \u200b\u200btakyrs and the value of the largest annual runoff.<...>The average annual desert productivity of the Karakum pasture is 3.5 c / ha, according to the Institute of Deserts<...> transfer about 25 km3 of water, and in the future, bring it to 75-80 km3 per year, which exceeds the total average annual<...>runoff of the Amu Darya river.




Conclusions 1. In the drained forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob region, precipitation of the cold period is about a quarter of the year. However, most of them are carried away from the fields, go to the surface runoff and evaporate from thawing to sowing ...

Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM "& LLC" Agency Book-Service "Average annual flow in the Novosibirsk region<...> The flow avlis of the Tula river shows the departure, tas goats & isch s "; t of spring" runoff is 0.44, and the average annual layer<...>drain 41 mm "p. cola. “. Lower io years and st 9 to 130 mm.<...>The runoff during the flood is more. 7C # annual.<...> PEEINS OF TILLAGE AND RUNOFF WATER.



Empirical morphometric dependences are used in the geomorphological approach to restoring the flow of ancient rivers from the morphology of modern rivers. They must meet the following requirements: 1) cover the widest possible range of conditions, so that the conditions for the formation of ancient rivers fall into it; 2) be constructed for a small number of variables, the choice of which is dictated by the task at hand; 3) to enable the choice of such a dependence, which would be suitable for the conditions of the formation of an ancient river. The application of these principles to restore the runoff of large late glacial paleoreches with a channel width 5–15 times greater than the current one showed that the average annual discharge of paleoreches was only 2–4 times higher than that of modern rivers. Such a large runoff was formed when the annual precipitation was approximately equal or only slightly higher than the present day. Consequently, complex climatic hypotheses are not required to explain the vast amounts of water in the past. The main conditions for the formation of a large runoff were: 1) a long winter period with the accumulation of sufficient (300–700 mm) moisture reserves in the snow; 2) short and friendly flood with maximum flow rates 5–10 times more than the average annual; 3) very small losses of runoff during this flood; 4) long low water period, when the channels were practically dry. At high flood discharges, which formed large paleochannels, the average annual water discharge was significantly less than the flood discharge.

5–15 times higher than the present day, showed that the average annual discharge of paleoreches was only 2–4 times<...> At high flow rates of floods, which formed large paleochannels, the average annual water flow was significantly<...> Formula (9) makes it possible to estimate the average annual water discharge in the ancient channel based on the measured width<...> This characteristic is the intra-annual variability of water runoff - the ratio of the average annual and average maximum<...> during this flood and the maximum discharge is 5-10 times higher than the average annual.


The article is devoted to the assessment of the influence of climatic changes on the rate of linear growth of ravines in the Vyatka-Kama interfluve (Republic of Udmurtia), established on the basis of monitoring 120 peaks located at 28 sites within the study area, for the observation period 1978–2014. The main attention is paid to the change in the contribution of melt and storm runoff to the linear growth of ravines over the entire monitoring period, as well as to a detailed analysis of the role of individual soil and climatic factors on the growth of ravines in 1998–2014. It was found that the average annual rate of linear growth of ravines decreased from 1.3 m / year in 1978–1997. up to 0.3 m / year in 1998–2014 The drop in rates is mainly caused by a sharp decrease in water runoff from the slopes of catchments during the spring snowmelt. Based on detailed observations (repeated measurements twice a year after the spring snowmelt and in the fall at the end of the heavy rain season) for the growth of ravines in the areas located near the city of Izhevsk, it was established that if in 1978–1998. 80% of the increase in ravines was due to melt runoff, then in the period 1998–2014. the contribution of melt runoff to the total increase decreased to 53%. The main reduction in the increase in length of ravines during the period of melt runoff is caused by a significant decrease in the frequency of winters with a depth of soil freezing over 50 cm. which allows us to assert that the contribution of storm runoff to the linear growth of ravines until the early 1980s was below 20%. Significant changes in the frequency of heavy rainfall during 1983–2014. Did not happen. It has been established that the main contribution to the growth of ravines in the warm season is provided by the water runoff from the catchment area, which forms during the fallout of more than 40 mm of rainfall.

It was found that the average annual rate of linear growth of ravines decreased from 1.3 m / year in 1978-1997<...>The average annual temperature varies in the range of +2.3 - +3.5 ° C, with average annual temperatures in January<...> A stable snow cover lasts for almost six months 155-175 days, and the average annual precipitation is<...> during the period of snow melting, the average annual growth rate of ravines of “warm” and “cold” points practically<...> Adamka Table 2 Average annual rates of linear growth of the tops of ravines with catchments of different exposure


The results of long-term monitoring (the period 1978–2015) of the linear increase in the tops of ravines in the Udmurt Republic are presented. The monitoring network includes 168 ravine peaks. All of them are located in the most agriculturally developed parts of the Vyatka-Kama interfluve. The main attention is paid to the dynamics of gully erosion in the period 1997–2015, which is characterized by significant changes in climate and land use. It was found that the rates of regressive retreat of the tops of the ravines gradually decreased in the period 1997–2003, followed by stabilization at a rather low level (0.2–0.3 m / year). As a result, in 1997–2015. the average annual growth rates of ravines decreased by 3–5 times for different types of ravines compared to the growth rates in the previous observation period (1978–1997). Some differences were found in the growth rates of primary and secondary ravines. The average annual growth rate of bottom ravines was 0.55 m / year, while the growth of various types of primary ravines was 0.31, 0.22 and 0.16 m / year, respectively. In addition, a distinct positive trend in the growth rate of bottom ravines was revealed for the period after 2008, which led to an increase in the average growth rate in 2015 to 0.8 m / year. The lithology of the rocks on which there is an increase in the tops of the ravines has practically no effect on the linear growth rates of the ravines

reliable indicators of the impact of climate change and land use transformation on flow changes<...> As a result, in 1997–2015. the average annual growth rate of ravines has decreased by 3–5 times for various<...>The average annual temperature varies from +2.3 ° С in the north to 3.5 ° С in the south of the republic.<...>The average annual precipitation is 500–650 mm.<...> and, on the contrary, its increase for the period of storm runoff.

To determine the river flow depending on the basin area, the height of the sediment layer, etc. in hydrology, the following quantities are used: river flow, flow modulus and flow coefficient.

River flow call water consumption over a long period of time, for example, per day, decade, month, year.

Drain module is called the amount of water expressed in liters (y) flowing down on average in 1 second from the area of \u200b\u200bthe river basin in 1 km 2:

Runoff coefficient the ratio of water flow in the river (Qr) to the amount of precipitation (M) on the area of \u200b\u200bthe river basin for the same time, expressed as a percentage, is called:

a - runoff coefficient in percent, Qr - annual runoff in cubic meters; M is the annual amount of precipitation in millimeters.

To determine the flow modulus, it is necessary to know the water flow rate and the area of \u200b\u200bthe basin above the section, which was used to determine the flow rate of the given river. The river basin area can be measured from a map. For this, the following methods are used:

  • 1) planning
  • 2) breakdown into elementary figures and calculation of their areas;
  • 3) measuring the area using a palette;
  • 4) calculation of areas using geodetic tables

It is easiest for students to use the third method and measure the area with a palette, i.e. transparent paper (tracing paper) with squares applied to it. Having a map of the studied area of \u200b\u200bthe map at a certain scale, you can make a palette of squares corresponding to the map scale. First, you should outline the basin of a given river above a certain section, and then put the map on the palette, onto which to transfer the outline of the basin. To determine the area, you first need to count the number of full squares located inside the contour, and then add up these squares that partially cover the basin of this river. By adding the squares and multiplying the resulting number by the area of \u200b\u200bone square, we find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe river basin above this section.

Q - water consumption, l. To convert cubic meters to liters, we multiply the flow rate by 1000, S basin area, km 2.

To determine the river flow coefficient, you need to know the annual flow of the river and the volume of water dropped out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe given river basin. The amount of water dropped out on the area of \u200b\u200ba given pool is easy to determine. To do this, you need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bthe basin, expressed in square kilometers, by the thickness of the layer of precipitation (also in kilometers). For example, the thickness will be equal to p if precipitation in this area has fallen 600 mm in a year, then 0 "0006 km and the runoff coefficient will be:

Qr - annual river flow, and М - basin area; multiply the fraction by 100 to determine the flow rate as a percentage.

Determination of the river flow regime. To characterize the river flow regime, you need to set:

a) what seasonal changes do the water level undergo (a river with a constant level, which becomes very shallow in summer, dries up, loses water in ponora and disappears from the surface);

b) flood time, if any;

c) the height of the water during the flood (if there are no independent observations, then according to the survey data);

d) the duration of the freezing of the river, if it happens (according to personal observations or according to information obtained through interviews).

Determination of water quality. To determine the quality of the water, you need to find out whether it is cloudy or transparent, drinkable or not. The clarity of the water is determined by a white disc (Secchi disc) with a diameter of approximately 30 cm, summed up on a marked line or attached to a marked pole. If the disk descends on the line, then below, under the disk, a weight is attached so that the disk is not carried away by the current. The depth at which this disc becomes invisible is an indicator of the transparency of the water. You can make a disc out of plywood and paint it white, but then the load must be hung heavy enough so that it sinks vertically into the water, and the disc itself remains horizontal; or plywood sheet can be replaced with a plate.

Determination of the water temperature in the river. The water temperature in the river is determined with a spring thermometer, both on the surface of the water and at different depths. Keep the thermometer in water for 5 minutes. A spring thermometer can be replaced with an ordinary bath thermometer in a wooden frame, but in order for it to sink into the water to different depths, a weight must be tied to it.

You can determine the temperature of the water in the river using bottles: a tachymeter bottle and a bottle bottle. The bathometer-tachymeter consists of a flexible rubber balloon with a volume of about 900 cm 3; a tube with a diameter of 6 mm is inserted into it. The bathometer-tachymeter is fixed on the rod and lowered to different depths to take water.

The resulting water is poured into a glass and its temperature is determined.

The batometer-tachymeter is not difficult for the student to make. To do this, you need to buy a small rubber camera, put on and tie a rubber tube with a diameter of 6 mm on it. The barbell can be replaced with a wooden pole by dividing it by centimeters. The bar with the tachymeter bottle must be lowered vertically into the water to a certain depth, so that the opening of the tachymeter bottle is directed downstream. Having lowered to a certain depth, the bar must be turned 180 and held for about 100 seconds in order to collect water and then again turn the bar 180 °. runoff water mode river

It should be removed so that no water spills out of the bottle. Having poured water into a glass, the temperature of the water at a given depth is determined with a thermometer.

It is useful to simultaneously measure the air temperature with a sling thermometer and compare it with the temperature of river water, recording the observation time without fail. Sometimes the temperature difference reaches several degrees. For example, at 13 o'clock the air temperature is 20, the water temperature in the river is 18 °.

Investigation in certain areas on a certain nature of the river bed. When studying areas of the nature of the river bed, it is necessary:

a) mark the main stretches and rifts, determine their depth;

b) when detecting rapids and waterfalls, determine the height of the fall;

c) sketch and, if possible, measure islands, shoals, midstreams, side streams;

d) collect information on where the river is eroded and in places, especially strongly eroded, determine the nature of the eroded rocks;

e) study the nature of the delta, if the estuary section of the river is being investigated, and plot it on the eye plan; see if the individual arms match those shown on the map.

General characteristics of the river and its use. With a general description of the river, you need to find out:

a) in what part of the river is mainly erosive and in what accumulation;

b) the degree of meandering.

To determine the degree of meandering, you need to know the tortuosity coefficient, i.e. the ratio of the length of the river in the studied area to the shortest distance between certain points of the studied part of the river; for example, river A has a length of 502 km, and the shortest distance between the source and the mouth is only 233 km, therefore, the tortuosity coefficient is:

K - coefficient of tortuosity, L - length of the river, 1 - shortest distance between the source and the mouth

Study of meanders is of great importance for timber rafting and shipping;

c) Not pushing up the river fan cones formed at the estuaries of river tributaries or produce temporary flows.

Learn how the river is used for navigation and timber rafting; if the hand is not navigable, then find out why, it serves as an obstacle (shallow, rapids, whether there are waterfalls), are there dams and other artificial structures on the river; whether the river is being used for irrigation; what transformations need to be done to use the river in the national economy.

Determination of river feeding. It is necessary to find out the types of river feeding: ground, rain, lake or swamp from melting snow. For example, p. Klyazma has food, ground, snow and rain, of which ground food is 19%, snow - 55% and rain - 26 %.

The river is shown in Figure 2.

m 3

Output: In the course of this practical lesson, as a result of calculations, the following values \u200b\u200bwere obtained that characterize the river flow:

Runoff module? \u003d 177239 l / s * km 2

Runoff coefficient b \u003d 34.5%.

Water resources are one of the most important resources of the Earth. But they are very limited. Indeed, although ¾ of the planet's surface is occupied by water, most of it is the salty World Ocean. Man needs fresh water.

Its resources are also largely inaccessible to people, as they are concentrated in the glaciers of the polar and mountainous regions, in swamps, and underground. Only a small fraction of the water is convenient for human use. These are fresh lakes and rivers. And if in the first water is delayed for tens of years, then in the second it is renewed approximately once every two weeks.

River runoff: what does this concept mean?

This term has two main meanings. First, it refers to the entire volume of water flowing into the sea or ocean during the year. This is the difference between it and another term "river discharge", when the calculation is carried out for a day, hours or seconds.

The second value is the amount of water, dissolved and suspended particles carried out by all rivers flowing in a given region: mainland, country, area.

Surface and underground river runoff is distinguished. In the first case, we mean the waters flowing into the river along the underground A - these are springs and springs flowing under the channel. They also replenish water supplies in the river, and sometimes (during the summer low water period or when the surface is frozen) are its only source of food. Together, these two species make up the total river flow. When they talk about water resources, they mean it.

Factors affecting river flow

This issue has already been studied sufficiently. Two main factors can be named: the terrain and its climatic conditions. In addition to them, there are several additional ones, including human activities.

The main reason for the formation of river flow is the climate. It is the ratio of air temperatures and precipitation that determines the evaporation rate in a given area. The formation of rivers is possible only with excessive moisture. If the evaporation rate exceeds the amount of precipitation, there will be no surface runoff.

The nutrition of the rivers, their water and ice regime depends on the climate. provide replenishment of moisture reserves. Low temperatures reduce evaporation, and when the soil freezes, the flow of water from underground sources is reduced.

The relief influences the size of the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe river. The shape of the earth's surface determines in which direction and at what speed moisture will drain. If there are closed depressions in the relief, not rivers, but lakes are formed. The slope of the terrain and the water permeability of the rocks affect the ratio between the parts of the precipitation falling into water bodies and seeping into the ground.

The value of rivers for humans

Nile, Indus with Ganges, Tigris and Euphrates, Yellow and Yangtze, Tiber, Dnieper ... These rivers have become the cradle for different civilizations. Since the inception of mankind, they served for him not only a source of water, but also channels of penetration into new unknown lands.

Thanks to the river flow, irrigated agriculture is possible, which feeds almost half of the world's population. High water consumption also means rich hydropower potential. The resources of the rivers are used in industrial production. The production of synthetic fibers and the production of pulp and paper are particularly water-intensive.

River transport is not the fastest, but it is cheap. It is best suited for the transportation of bulk cargo: timber, ore, oil products, etc.

A lot of water is taken away for household needs. Finally, rivers are of great recreational importance. These are places of rest, health restoration, a source of inspiration.

The deepest rivers in the world

The Amazon has the largest volume of river flow. It is almost 7000 km 3 per year. And this is not surprising, because the Amazon is full-flowing all year round due to the fact that its left and right tributaries overflow at different times. In addition, it collects water from an area the size of almost the entire mainland of Australia (over 7000 km 2)!

In second place is the African river Congo with a flow of 1445 km 3. Located in the equatorial belt with daily showers, it never grows shallow.

The following in terms of total river flow resources: Yangtze - the longest in Asia (1080 km 3), Orinoco (South America, 914 km 3), Mississippi (North America, 599 km 3). All three flood heavily during rains and pose a significant threat to the population.

On the 6th and 8th places in this list are the great Siberian rivers - Yenisei and Lena (624 and 536 km 3, respectively), and between them is the South American Parana (551 km 3). Another South American river, the Tocantins (513 km 3) and the African Zambezi (504 km 3), close the top ten.

Water resources of the countries of the world

Water is the source of life. Therefore, it is very important to have its reserves. But they are distributed very unevenly across the planet.

The provision of countries with river flow resources is as follows. Brazil (8,233 km 3), Russia (4.5 thousand km 3), USA (more than 3 thousand km 3), Canada, Indonesia, China, Colombia, Peru, India, Congo are in the top ten of the richest countries in water ...

Territories located in a tropical dry climate are poorly provided: North and South Africa, the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Australia. There are few rivers in the inland regions of Eurasia, therefore, among the poor countries are Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asian states.

If the size of the population using this water is taken into account, the indicators change somewhat.

River flow resource endowment
The greatest The smallest




French guiana 609 thous. Kuwait Less than 7
Iceland 540 thous. United Arab Emirates 33,5
Guyana 316 thous. Qatar 45,3
Suriname 237 thous. Bahamas 59,2
Congo 230 thous. Oman 91,6
Papua New Guinea 122 thous. Saudi Arabia 95,2
Canada 87 thous. Libya 95,3
Russia 32 thous. Algeria 109,1

The densely populated countries of Europe, with full-flowing rivers, are no longer so rich in fresh water: Germany - 1326, France - 3106, Italy - 3052 m 3 per capita with an average value for the whole world of 25 thousand m 3.

Transboundary runoff and problems associated with it

Many rivers cross the territory of several countries. In this regard, difficulties arise in the joint use of water resources. This problem is especially acute in areas where almost all water is taken into the fields. And a neighbor downstream may not get anything.

For example, it belongs to Tajikistan and Afghanistan in its upper reaches, and to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the middle and lower reaches, in recent decades it has not brought its waters to the Aral Sea. Only with good-neighborly relations between neighboring states can its resources be used for the benefit of all.

Egypt receives 100% of river water from abroad, and the reduction in the flow of the Nile due to the withdrawal of water upstream can have an extremely negative impact on the state of the country's agriculture.

In addition, along with water, various pollutants “travel” across the borders of countries: garbage, factory effluents, fertilizers and pesticides washed away from fields. These problems are relevant for the countries lying in the Danube basin.

Russian rivers

Our country is rich in large rivers. There are especially many of them in Siberia and the Far East: Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur, Indigirka, Kolyma, etc. And the river runoff is the largest in the eastern part of the country. Unfortunately, so far only a small fraction of them are used. A part goes for household needs, for the operation of industrial enterprises.

These rivers have enormous energy potential. Therefore, the largest hydroelectric power plants are built on Siberian rivers. And they are irreplaceable as transport routes and for timber rafting.

The European part of Russia is also rich in rivers. The largest of them is the Volga, its flow is 243 km 3. But 80% of the population and economic potential of the country is concentrated here. Therefore, the lack of water resources is sensitive, especially in the southern part. The runoff of the Volga and some of its tributaries is regulated by reservoirs, a cascade of hydroelectric power stations was built on it. The river with its tributaries is the main part of the United Deep-Water System of Russia.

In the context of the growing water crisis throughout the world, Russia is in favorable conditions. The main thing is to prevent pollution of our rivers. Indeed, according to economists, clean water can become a more valuable commodity than oil and other minerals.

Let us determine the average long-term value (norm) of the annual runoff of the Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point according to data from 1969 to 1978. (10 years).

The resulting rate in the form of an average long-term water consumption must be expressed through other characteristics of the flow: module, layer, volume and flow coefficient.

Calculate the average long-term runoff module by the ratio:

l / s km 2

where F - catchment area, km 2.

Runoff volume - the volume of water flowing down from the catchment area for any time interval.

Let's calculate the average long-term runoff volume for the year:

W 0 \u003d Q 0 xT \u003d 22.14. 31.54. 10 6 \u003d 698.3 10 6 m 3

where T is the number of seconds in a year, equal to 31.54. 10 6

The average long-term runoff layer is calculated from the dependence:

220.98 mm / year

Average long-term runoff coefficient

where х 0 is the average long-term precipitation per year

The assessment of the representativeness (sufficiency) of a number of observations is determined by the value of the relative root-mean-square error of the long-term average value (norm) of the annual runoff, calculated by the formula:

where C V - coefficient of variability (variation) of the annual runoff; the length of the row is considered sufficient to determine Q o if ε Q ≤10%. The value of the average long-term runoff is called the runoff rate.

  1. Determination of the coefficient of variability Cv of annual runoff

The coefficient of variability C V characterizes runoff deviations for certain years from the runoff norm; it is equal to:

where σ Q is the standard deviation of annual flow rates from the flow rate

If the runoff for individual years is expressed in the form of modular coefficients
the coefficient of variation is determined by the formula

We draw up a table to calculate the annual runoff of the Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point (Table 1)

Table 1

Calculation data FROM v

Let us determine the coefficient of variability C v of the annual runoff:

The relative root-mean-square error of the mean long-term value of the annual runoff of the Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point for the period from 1969 to 1978 (10 years) is equal to:

Relative root mean square error of the coefficient of variability FROM v when determined by the method of moments is:

  1. Determination of the runoff rate in case of insufficient observational data by the method of hydrological analogy

Fig. 1 Communication graph of the average annual flow modules

of the studied basin the Kolp River, the Verkhniy Dvor point and the basin of the analogue of the river. Obnora, s. Sharna.

According to the communication schedule of the average annual flow modules, the Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point and the basin of the analogue of the Obnora, s. Sharna.M 0 \u003d 5.9 l / s km 2 (removed from the graph by the value of M 0a \u003d 7.9 l / s km 2)

The coefficient of variability of the annual runoff is calculated by the formula

C v - coefficient of runoff variability in the calculated section;

FROM V a - in the alignment of the analogue river;

M oa is the average long-term value of the annual runoff of the analogous river;

AND Is the tangent of the slope of the communication graph.

Finally, to construct the curves, we take Q o \u003d 18.64 m 3 / s, C V \u003d 0.336.

  1. Plotting an analytical supply curve and checking its accuracy using an empirical supply curve

The asymmetry coefficient C s characterizes the asymmetry of the hydrological series and is determined by fitting, based on the condition of the best fit of the analytical curve with the points of actual observations; for rivers located in flat conditions, when calculating the annual runoff, the relationship C s \u003d 2C gives the best results V ... Therefore, we take for the Kolp River, the Verkhniy Dvor point C s \u003d 2C V \u003d 0.336 with subsequent verification.

The ordinates of the curve are determined depending on the coefficient C v according to the tables compiled by SN Kritsky and MF Menkel for C S \u003d 2C V.

The ordinates of the analytical curve of the annual average

water flow rate Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point

The provision of a hydrological quantity is the probability of exceeding the considered value of a hydrological quantity among the totality of all its possible values.

We arrange the modular coefficients of annual expenditures in descending order (Table 3) and for each of them calculate its actual empirical sufficiency using the formula:

where m is the ordinal number of a member of the series;

n is the number of members of the series.

P m 1 \u003d 1 / (10 + 1) 100 \u003d 9.1 P m 2 \u003d 2 / (10 + 1) 100 \u003d 18.2, etc.

Figure - Analytical security curve

Plotting points with coordinates (P m , Q m ) and averaging them by eye, we obtain the curve of the availability of the considered hydrological characteristic.

As you can see, the plotted points lie very close to the analytical curve; from which it follows that the curve is constructed correctly and the relation C S = 2 C V corresponds to reality.

Table 3

Data for constructing an empirical supply curve

Kolp River, Verkhniy Dvor point

Modular coefficients (K i) descending

Actual security

Years corresponding to K i

Figure - Empirical security

P / p No. Years Annual expenses m 3 / s Q o K-1 (k-1) 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1963 207,52 169,79 1,22 0,22 0,0494
2 1964 166,96 169,79 0,98 -0,02 0,0003
3 1965 137,40 169,79 0,81 -0,19 0,0364
4 1966 116,30 169,79 0,68 -0,32 0,0992
5 1967 182,25 169,79 1,07 0,07 0,0054
6 1968 170,59 169,79 1,00 0,00 0,0000
7 1969 242,77 169,79 1,43 0,43 0,1848
8 1970 166,76 169,79 0,98 -0,02 0,0003
9 1971 112,24 169,79 0,66 -0,34 0,1149
10 1972 131,85 169,79 0,78 -0,22 0,0499
11 1973 222,67 169,79 1,31 0,31 0,0970
12 1974 185,51 169,79 1,09 0,09 0,0086
13 1975 154,17 169,79 0,91 -0,09 0,0085
14 1976 127,72 169,79 0,75 -0,25 0,0614
15 1977 201,62 169,79 1,19 0,19 0,0352
16 1978 190,26 169,79 1,12 0,12 0,0145
Total: 2716,59 16 0,00 0,77

With v \u003d \u003d \u003d \u003d 0.226.

The relative root-mean-square error of the long-term average value of the annual river runoff for a given period is:

5,65 %

The relative root-mean-square error of the coefficient of variability C v when determined by the method of moments is:

18,12 %.

The length of the row is considered sufficient to determine Q o and C v, if 5-10%, and 10-15%. The value of the average annual runoff under this condition is called the runoff rate. If and (or) more than the permissible error, it is necessary to lengthen the series of observations.

3. Determination of the runoff rate in case of lack of data by the method of hydrological analogies

The analogue river is selected by:

- the similarity of climatic characteristics;

- synchronicity of flow fluctuations in time;

- the uniformity of the relief, soil, hydrogeological conditions, a close degree of coverage of the catchment area with forests and swamps;

- the ratio of catchment areas, which should not differ by more than 10 times;

- the absence of factors that distort the flow (construction of dams, withdrawal and discharge of water).

An analogue river should have a long-term period of hydrometric observations to accurately determine the flow rate and at least 6 years of parallel observations with the studied river.

Annual flow modules of the Ucheba and analogue rivers Table 5.

year M, l / s * km2 Man, l / s * km2
1963 5,86 6,66
1964 4,72 4,55
1965 3,88 3,23
1966 3,29 4,24
1967 5,15 6,22
1968 4,82 8,19
1969 6,86 7,98
1970 4,71 3,74
1971 3,17 3,03
1972 3,72 5,85
1973 6,29 8,16
1974 5,24 5,67
1975 4,36 3,97
1976 3,61 5,15
1977 5,70 7,49
1978 5,37 7,00

Picture 1.

The graph of the relationship between the average annual flow modules of the Ucheba river and the analogue river

According to the communication schedule, M o is equal to 4.9 l / 2

Q O \u003d M o * F;

Coefficient of variability of annual runoff:

C v \u003d A C va,

where С v - coefficient of runoff variability in the design section;

C va - in the alignment of the analogue river;

М оа - average annual flow of the analogous river;

A is the tangent of the slope of the communication graph.

In our case:

With v \u003d 0.226; A \u003d 1.72; M oa \u003d 5.7 l / s * km 2;

Finally, we take M o \u003d 4.9; l / s * km 2, Q O \u003d 163.66 m 3 / s, C v \u003d 0.046.

4. Construction and verification of the curve of the annual flow rate

In this work, it is required to construct a curve of the annual runoff provision using the curve of the three-parameter gamma distribution. For this, it is necessary to calculate three parameters: Q o - the average long-term value (norm) of the annual runoff, C v and C s of the annual runoff.

Using the results of calculations of the first part of the work for the river. Laba, we have Q O \u003d169.79 m 3 / s, C v \u003d 0.226.

For a given river, we take C s \u003d 2C v \u003d 0.452 with subsequent verification.

The ordinates of the curve are determined depending on the coefficient C v according to the tables compiled by S.N. Kritskiy and M.F. Menckel for C s \u003d 2C v.To improve the accuracy of the curve, it is necessary to take into account hundredths of C v and interpolate between adjacent columns of numbers. Enter the ordinates of the security curve into the table.

Coordinates of the theoretical security curve. Table 6

Security, P% 0,01 0,1 1 5 10 25 50 75 90 95 99 99,9
Curve ordinates (Kr) 2,22 1,96 1,67 1,45 1,33 1,16 0,98 0,82 0,69 0,59 0,51

Build a probability curve for fiber and check its actual observation data. (Fig. 2)

Table 7

Theoretical Curve Test Data

P / p No. Descending modular coefficients K Actual security

P \u003d

Years corresponding to K
1 1,43 5,9 1969
2 1,31 11,8 1973
3 1,22 17,6 1963
4 1,19 23,5 1977
5 1,12 29,4 1978
6 1,09 35,3 1974
7 1,07 41,2 1967
8 1,00 47,1 1968
9 0,98 52,9 1964
10 0,98 58,8 1970
11 0,91 64,7 1975
12 0,81 70,1 1965
13 0,78 76,5 1972
14 0,75 82,4 1976
15 0,68 88,2 1966
16 0,66 94,1 1971

To do this, the modular coefficients of annual expenses must be arranged in descending order and for each of them calculate its actual security by the formula P \u003d, where P is the security of a member of the series in descending order;

m is the ordinal number of a member of the series;

n is the number of members of the series.

As can be seen from the last graph, the plotted points average the theoretical curve, which means that the curve is constructed correctly and the ratio C s \u003d 2C v is true.

The calculation is divided into two parts:

a) the most important off-season distribution;

b) intraseasonal distribution (by months and decades), established with some schematization.

The calculation is performed for hydrological years, i.e. for years starting with the high-water season. The seasons begin with the same for all observation years, rounded up to a whole month. The duration of the high-water season is set so that the high water is located within the boundaries of the season both in the years with the earliest onset and the latest end.

In the task, the duration of the season can be taken as follows: spring-April, May, June; summer-autumn - July, August, September, October, November; winter - December and January, February, March next year.

The amount of runoff for individual seasons and periods is determined by the sum of average monthly costs. In the last year, expenses for 3 months (I, II, III) of the first year are added to the expense for December.

Calculation of the intra-annual distribution of the Ucheba river runoff by the layout method (inter-seasonal distribution). Table 8
Year Water consumption for the winter season (limiting season) Winter runoff Qm runoff for low-water low-water period TO K-1 (K-1) 2 Water flow rates in descending order (total runoff) p \u003d m / (n + 1) * 100%
XII I II winter spring summer autumn
1 1963-64 74,56 40,88 73,95 189,39 883,25 1,08 0,08 0,00565 264,14 2043,52 814,36 5,9
2 1964-65 93,04 47,64 70,83 211,51 790,98 0,96 -0,04 0,00138 255,06 1646,21 741,34 11,8
3 1965-66 68,53 40,62 75,27 184,42 679,62 0,83 -0,17 0,02982 246,72 1575,96 693,86 17,6
4 1966-67 61,00 75,85 59,10 195,95 667,87 0,81 -0,19 0,03497 240,35 1535,03 689,64 23,5
5 1967-68 39,76 40,88 51,36 132,00 730,81 0,89 -0,11 0,01218 229,04 1456,13 673,52 29,4
6 1968-69 125,99 40,88 42,57 209,44 862,01 1,05 0,05 0,00243 228,15 1308,68 670,73 35,3
7 1969-70 83,02 65,79 91,54 240,35 869,70 1,06 0,06 0,00345 213,65 1277,64 652,57 41,2
8 1970-71 106,58 75,85 72,63 255,06 793,34 0,97 -0,03 0,00117 211,51 1212,54 629,35 47,1
9 1971-72 99,09 61,94 52,62 213,65 631,92 0,77 -0,23 0,05325 211,46 1207,80 598,81 52,9
10 1972-73 122,69 47,51 58,84 229,04 902,56 1,10 0,10 0,00974 209,63 1185,05 579,47 58,8
11 1973-74 82,97 49,59 78,90 211,46 1025,82 1,25 0,25 0,06187 209,44 1057,65 564,21 64,7
12 1974-75 102,30 68,10 76,32 246,72 917,45 1,12 0,12 0,01365 195,95 969,18 538,28 70,1
13 1975-76 77,21 70,42 80,52 228,15 792,36 0,96 -0,04 0,00126 189,39 785,60 537,44 76,5
14 1976-77 69,20 72,73 67,70 209,63 747,07 0,91 -0,09 0,00820 184,42 727,76 495,20 82,4
15 1977-78 48,28 49,04 56,55 153,87 843,51 1,03 0,03 0,00072 153,87 714,91 471,92 88,2
16 1978-63 140,06 77,36 46,72 264,14 1005,48 1,22 0,22 0,05017 132,00 679,69 418,27 94,1
sum 13143,75 16,00 0,00 0,28992

Work description

During the flood (flood) period, part of the excess water is temporarily retained in the reservoir. At the same time, there is a slight increase in the water level above the FSL, due to which a forced volume is formed and the flood (flood) hydrograph is transformed (flattened) into a discharge flow hydrograph. The formation of a forced volume equal to the accumulating part of the high-water runoff makes it possible to reduce the maximum discharge of water entering the downstream, and thereby prevent floods in the downstream sections of the river, as well as to reduce the size of water discharge structures.

2. Initial data …………………………………………………………………………….… 4

3. Determination of the long-term average value (norm) of the annual runoff in the presence of observation data ………………………………………………………………………… .. …… .8

4. Determination of the coefficient of variability (variation) Cv of the annual runoff ……………………………………………………………………………… .10

5. Determination of the flow rate in case of lack of data by the method of hydrological analogy ……………………………………………………………………………… 12

6. Construct and check the curve of the annual flow rate ……………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Calculate the intra-annual runoff distribution by the layout method for irrigation purposes with a calculated probability of exceeding P \u003d 80% ............................... .................................................. ................................... 21

8. Determination of the estimated maximum flow rate of melt water P \u003d 1% in the absence of hydrometric observation data according to the formula ……………… .23

9. Construction bathygraphic curves reservoir 24 .............................................................................................

10. Determination of the minimum water level of ULV ……………………………………………………………………. …… ..26

11. Calculation of the reservoir for seasonal-annual flow regulation ……………………………………………………………………………… 28

12. Determination of the mode of operation of the reservoir by the balance tabular-digital calculation …………………………………………………………… .. …………… ... 30

13. Integral (calendar) flow and return curves ……………………………………………………………………………… .34

14. Calculation of the reservoir for long-term regulation ……………………………………………………………………………… ... 36

15. Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………