New map from satellite. Google online cards

The satellite world map allows you to quickly move across the planet between any settlements. Detailed map of the world from the satellite in Russian:

Examine a schematic card or switch to the world map from the satellite in the lower left corner of the card. Conceptual map of the world - This is the plan of the countries of the world and cities with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map of the world shows the sights and tourist lines, the location of stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, city road map. Satellite map of the world Let me consider photos of the city from the satellite thanks to the pictures from Google Maps.

You can get closer online card, scaling it to streets and houses of houses. To change the scale, use the "+" icons (approximation) and "-" (distance) located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also bring closer or remove the map using the mouse wheel. The left mouse button brings the map, right - removes. The mouse can move the interactive map in all directions, grabbed the left mouse button for any place on the map.

Interactive world map online It is a very convenient and modern guide to explore the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, recreation and entertainment sites. Online world map can be an indispensable assistant for you on a self-journey. An interactive map is provided by the Google Card service.

How to create satellite maps of the world:

The satellite, passing over the planet, scans the ground surface and with the help of the software cards are compiled. More recently, a few years ago, satellite cards showed the surface of the planet from a height of several kilometers. Now the technologies allow you to make satellite cards from a height of several meters, and in the near future technology will allow you to create satellite maps with detail up to 30 centimeters.

What to see on the world map from the satellite:

First of all, people are looking for their country on the map, their hometown, the street and the house in which they live. To do this, you can bring the schematic map of the world to your city, and then enable the "satellite" mode in the lower left corner of the map. In the same way, you can travel throughout world countries online, studying the sights of countries and cities in real time. Popular places that are often looking for satellite map: Reichstag in Berlin (Germany), Athenian Acropolis in Greece, Egyptian pyramids, Italy - Colosseum in Rome (Ancient Roman Arena Gladiatorovskiy Battle, Peterhof in Russia (west of St. Petersburg), Statue of Liberty In the USA - a symbol of America, Eiffel Tower in Paris (France), the Great Wall of China.

Many users are interested in online satellite maps, giving an opportunity to enjoy the view of the favorite places of our planet from the height of a bird's flight. There is enough number of such services in the network, while all their diversity should not be misleading - most of these sites use the classic API from "Google Maps". However, there are also a number of resources using their own tools for creating high quality satellite cards. In this material, I will talk about the best high-resolution satellite maps available online in 2017-2018, as well as explain how to use them.

When creating satellite cards of the earth's surface, both snapshots from cosmic satellites and photos from special aircraft, allowing photographing at the height of bird flight (250-500 meters).

The satellite cards created in this way are regularly updated, and usually pictures with them have age no more than 2-3 years.

Most network services do not have opportunities to create their own satellite cards. Usually they use cards from other, more powerful services (usually google MAPS). At the same time, at the bottom (or at the top) of the screen, you can find a mention of the copyright of any company to demonstrate maps data.

Viewing satellite real-time satellite cards is now not available for a regular user, since such a toolkit is used mainly for military purposes. Maps are available to users, photos for which over the past months (or even years). It is worth understanding that any military facilities can be deliberately naked in order to hide them from interested parties.

Let us turn to the description of the services that allow us to enjoy the capabilities of satellite cards.

Google Cards - View from Space in High Resolution

Bing Maps - Satellite Card Service Online

Among the cartographic online services of decent quality, it is impossible to go through the "Bing Maps" service ("Bing Maps"), which is the brainchild of Microsoft. Like the other resources described by me, this site provides quite high-quality surface photos created using satellite and aerial photographs.

Service "Bing Maps" - one of the most popular cartographic services in the USA

The functionality of the service is similar to the above-described analogues:

In this case, using the search button you can define online the location of a particular satellite, and clicking on any satellite on the map you get a brief information about it (country, size, launch date, and so on).


To display high-resolution satellite cards online, it is worth using one of the network solutions listed by me. The largest popularity in the global scale has the "Card Google" service, therefore I recommend using this resource to work with satellite cards online. If you are interested in viewing geolockations in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is better to use the toolkit "Yandex.Maps". The frequency of their updates in the relations of our country is superior to the same frequency from Google MAPS.

Satellite map of Russia - high-resolution images made from space by orbital stations. An image that the user sees consists of a variety of individual pictures. The high quality used in orbital stations, equipment made it possible to achieve the highest picture quality. As a result, on the screens of mobile devices, PC monitors, high-precision high-resolution images are available to us, the image on which is very accurate and clearer.

Satellite map of Russia real-time displays high resolution pictures. You can see almost all Russian cities. By approaching the removal of objects, moving the cursor to separate parts of the card, it will be possible to consider streets, buildings, separate designs and areas. The greater the city's size, the more detailed part of the satellite map.

Satellite Map online real-time 2016 - We study the country together

High Resolution Satellite Maps Online 2016 is a set of high-precision pictures, through which it is possible to study the settlements of different values \u200b\u200bof a specific point in time. User, choosing the object you need and scale, gets his picture at the same time. When choosing the appropriate parameters, instead of the "satellite view" mode, you can display the image:

  • landscape view;
  • schematic representation of Russia, individual cities;
  • view from the satellite - the real image.

High-resolution satellite cards online 2015-2016 - the most adapted for the user's model of interactive card images from the site service. They will allow travel throughout the territory of the whole state, from anywhere in the world. Satellites make it possible to track topical data on the location and state of those or tint objects from different settlements of non-identical Russia.

Navigation maps may be needed in a variety of situations. Whether you are lost in the forest, or you are looking for the necessary street in the city. A service that can help you cope with this is Google maps. It consists of a pair of applications. Namely: from the Google Maps website and Google Transit (program for laying the route). Due to the fact that Google transmits data directly from the satellite, with the help of these cards you can find out the detailed scheme of the route, the rooms of the houses, the names of the streets, and how can you go on foot or drive (on the car, bus, bike) to the destination.
This service is a great reference book covering many areas of life: from traveling to planning a walk or leisure on vacation.


Map for users can be displayed in two versions:
  • traditionally (topographic map, analogue of a mercator);
  • satellite shots (not online mode, but made some time ago).
The projection of the Mercator was created a scale of cards, which is constant: in the direction of the equator from the poles, it decreases and vice versa.
The related project to Google MAPS - Google Planet (complies with the globe) complements the Snapshots of the Earth's Poles.


Not all countries disclose information about the location of their objects. Therefore, places on the map where there are classified areas, sharchovana. These include, for example, the White House, Capitol.

Miscellaneous permission on the map has different sections of the Earth. The less the density of the territory population, the less details know about it. Some places on the map are hidden under the clouds. Although not all objects were removed from the satellite. Images of some of them turned out to be used by aerial photography from a height of 300 meters and more. In such places, the details of the area reaches high values.

Services interface

Google maps are very simple in management. This application was done for people and so it works. In the left side there is a button to switch the appearance of the cards ( topographic or satellite view). And on the right on the screen, the user can find the scale changes buttons ( increase and decrease).
The system allows its users to enter the address or name of the object and get information about its location, address, coordinates, appearance. For some zones, the service of recognition "What is there" is available, while Google cards will show which object (gas station, museum, shop, theater) is there.

Google online cards JavaScript service is very widely used. New parts of the card are displayed on the page when the user moves it across the screen. If the address of a specific object was entered, the page restarts and the location of the desired place is displayed on the map with a dynamic red marker icon.

So that the card can accommodate owners of other sites, Google announced free service: API cards (Application Programming Interface) in 2005. This card can be added to any area of \u200b\u200bthe site. They are currently more than 350 thousand worldwide.

About google maps

According to 2011, Google Corporation announced that it provides its mapping service for more than 150 million customers. This makes the service one of the largest and most ambitious navigation Internet services.
Google's interactive maps are a free service, courtesy of Google Corporation, which does not contain advertising, but only provides high-quality and proven information about the location and purpose of objects around the world.

Remember the film "People in Black", where the agent Kay through the orbital camera looked at his beloved, watering flowers in the courtyard at home? The opportunity to look at how our land looks from a satellite in real time, attracts people from around the world. Today we will tell - and show you! - The best fruits of modern technologies for the observation of land.

Attention! If you see a dark screen, it means that the chambers are in the shade. Screensaver or gray screen - no signal.

Usually we get only static satellite cards, frozen in time - the details are not updated for years, and on the street the eternal flight day reigns. Isn't it interesting to look at how beautiful the earth from the satellite online in winter or at night? In addition, the quality of the pictures of some regions of Russia and the CIS leaves much to be desired. But now all this is solved in one fell swoop - thanks to the land online from a real-time satellite now is not fiction. Right on this page you can join thousands of people who are now watching the planet.

At an altitude of 400 kilometers above the planet, where the station is constantly located, NASA has installed, developed by private companies. Cosmonauts themselves or by teams of the flight control center are sent cameras from which data is being transferred. Thanks to the manual control, we can see how the earth looks from the satellite online from all sides - its atmosphere, mountains, cities and oceans. And the mobility of the station allows for an hour to consider half of the globe.

How is the broadcast?

Due to the fact that the cameras are at the international station, we are noticeable even minor details that are commented by scientists, astronauts and professional journalists. However, our land online from a real-time satellite is visible due to the work of a whole complex of people and cars - except for the already mentioned astronauts and the control center, in the process, satellite communications transmission technologies, solar nutrition batteries and technical specialists engaged in translation and decoding data are involved in the process. Accordingly, there are nuances in the broadcast - their knowledge will help you see more and better understand what is happening on the screen.

Our observation point, the orbital station, moves with a huge speed - almost 28 thousand kilometers per hour, and takes plenty of land for 90-92 minutes. Half of this time, 45 minutes, the station hangs on the night side. And although on the amount of solar cells cameras can feed the sunset light, in depth, electricity disappears - therefore it is not always available from the satellite. At such moments, the broadcast screen becomes gray; It is worth a little wait, and you will meet dawn along with astronauts.

In order to find the best time to observe, you will use our special earth map from the satellite - it is not only not only the time of passing the space station, but also its exact position. So you can find out when you see your city from cosmic height, or find a station in the sky with binoculars or a telescope!

We have already mentioned that astronauts and ground management can change the filing of the cameras - they perform not only entertaining, but also scientific function. At such moments of the planet, the Earth from the satellite in real time is not available - a black or blue screen saver appears on the screen, or the already captured moments are repeated. If there are no satellite interruptions, the station is on the day side of the planet, and the background suddenly changed, then the chambers remove zones inaccessible to the public in connection with international treaties. Secret objects and prohibited areas are closed and on static maps, skillfully hidden by photo edits or just lured. It remains only to wait for the moment when the situation in the world will relax, and there will be no secrets from ordinary citizens.

Hidden opportunities

But do not be upset if the camera does not function right now! When the planet Earth online from the satellite cannot be shown, astronauts and NASA find other entertainment for the audience. You will see life inside the International Space Station, astronauts in weightlessness, which tell about their work and what kind of land from the satellite will be shown as follows. Let me look even in an impressively large flight management center. The only minus - even the speech of Russian astronauts to translate into English, in order to be understood by American staff, who manage the center. Turn off the translation is currently impossible. It is also not worthwhile to be surprised in silence - the comments are not always appropriate, and there is no continuous sound.

For those who predict the route of the cameras using the opportunities, which gives a map of Earth from a real-time satellite, we have a tip - check the settings of the date and time on your computer. The server that updates the card uses the specified formula of the international station movement and the time belt of your IP address to predict the position of orbital chambers. What the earth looks like a satellite, the online map judges solely by device time. If your watch is lagging behind or rush relative to the temporary belt, the station will move to the East or West, respectively. The use of proxy servers and anonymizers will also affect the result.

Live broadcast of NASA channel

You are a member of the scientific program

Surely you noticed that the quality of the picture of the planet Earth from the space Live broadcast from the satellite often changes - the image is covered with squares or lags behind the sound track. In most cases, it is enough to check the connection speed with the Internet, disable other videos and programs for downloading files or click on the HD button in the broadcast window. However, if there are interruptions, it is worth remembering - the planet is visible alive only due to a large-scale scientific experiment.

Yes, yes - the video on this page is not just so. Cameras installed at the International Space Station are part of the High Definition Earth Viewing program (from English: Earth View from High Resolution Satellite), which is still improving and developing. Cameras installed by astronauts in isolated from cold and dust conditions, however, they are subjected to hard radiation from the side. Scientists are experimenting with difficulties of incomprehensible data transmission in space, seeking the earth map from the satellite in good quality not only fixed, but also lively, dynamic. The results obtained will help improve existing channels and create new ones - even in the orbit of Mars in the foreseeable future.

So we stay in touch - in the world of space a new one appears every day!