New Year for children 8 years. New Year for the smallest. Ideas of interesting gifts to a child aged from year to three

New Year for the smallest: New Year's games for young children, puppet theater, home New Year's holiday for kids from 1 year to 3 years.

New Year for the smallest: games. Poems, home holiday

New Year for the smallest

In this article I shared with you ideas, games and useful advice on home New Year's holidays for the littleest babies:

- Children under the year,

- Children from the year to three years.

Section first. New Year for the smallest: first year of life

If your baby is soon a year, then the filament in his life is waiting for him.

Does the baby need a Christmas tree?

Undoubtedly need. This is a new experience, and vivid impressions, and the joyful mood of mom (and children "read" emotions of mom on the fly). The only question is how to acquaint the baby with the Christmas tree and ensure its safety.

First. The Christmas tree in the family, in which there is a kid of the first year of life, you need to put on the floor and on the table, high - so that crawling or making the first steps of Kroch could not touch her, pull it, reach the branch and, having clinging for her, pull the Christmas tree down.

Therefore, toys on the Christmas tree and the christmas tree itself will be viewed, sitting at mom on his hands.

Second. With the Christmas tree, the baby must necessarily introduce. How best to do it?

How to dress up a Christmas tree for a child of the first year of life and introduce a kid with her?

Each or conversation with the baby about the Christmas tree takes no more than 3 to 5 minutes while the interest of the baby is preserved.

First step. Show the baby, the unknown Christmas tree - such as it is. (If you can consider the natural Christmas tree on a walk - then consider it with her baby). When viewed, talk with the baby, using those brass syllables and small words that can already repeat the kid: "Ah! It smells! Ah - ah! Let's sniff the Christmas tree! (Keep a twig in your hand and give her to sniff a child, bringing her hand closer to him). Oh, as it smells! "," Oh, the needles spiny, oh, oh (to pour your finger and lightly a child's finger - oh, barbed - say jokingly). Ah, what a beautiful tree - ah! "

Read the baby's poem about the Christmas tree:

"Chose Dad Christmas tree
The most fluffy,
The most fluffy,
The most fragrant.
The Christmas tree so smells -
Mom immediately faces! " Oh! What a beautiful Christmas tree. Oh! (A. Usachev).

The second step. Play with a toy that has not yet been decorated with a Christmas tree and familiar toys, for example, we will use such toys - a bird and a bunny. We will introduce a kid with the names of these toys, their actions, we will encourage to repeat simple brave words.

Show how toy bunny runs to the Christmas tree: top top top-top, as he jumps - Jump - Jump - Jumping. Buck! Fell bunny. Get up! Jump jump, jump again bunny. Started a bunny under our Christmas tree, sits and stamps ears:

"Bunny white sits
And ears mechanics.
That's how, that's how
And shelit's ears. "

Give a hare in the kid's hands, let him stroke the toy, feed the bunny, will tell how the bunny jumps, where the bunny ears. "Where is the bunny?" (hide toy) - "No bunny!" (surprised). Looking through a bunny along with the child and find: "Here is a bunny (get toy)."

Remove the bunny in the box so that the baby does not see this toy and not distracted on it. And show the toy bird.

Put the bird on a spruce twig:

"Bird flew -
The bird is small.
Sit down, do not fly away!
Flew away. Ai! "

"Where is the bird? (Put an opaque bright handkerchief on the bird). Here is a bird! (Open the handkerchief).

On another day, other little animals are "to come running" to the Christmas Eve.

Third step. Make a kid with Christmas toys and their names. (Even if you dressed up a Christmas tree without the presence of a baby, then you can do it now).

Give the baby to touch safe toys safe for him: textile balls, wooden toys. Name what kind of toy, as it is called ("This is a horse's horse. The horse jumps and shouts: Igni-Igogo!"). Show like a horse jumps, let the baby play with this toy.

Useful advice: now produce very beautiful and safe wooden christmas toys that can be bought on New Year's fairs at the masters of folk art fisys. This is Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, cracker, sweetie, teddy bear, a nesting, grandpa, grandfather, a bright ball, icicle and many others. And the toys of the fabric and felt are easy to do or use ready-made, sewing a loop to them for hanging on the Christmas tree. Use them for the little ones.

Machine first with 2- 3 safe for the child with christmas toys and their names. Where is the bear? Here is a bear. What a beautiful. Teddy bear walks slowly: TOOOP-TOOOP-TOOOP TOOOOP. Who's that? Bunny When the kid will remember them, then introduce it with other toys.

Teach the baby to find a toy, calling the "adult" first of her name, and then lightweight children: Where are we a bear? Where is the bunny? And where is Lyal's doll? Where is the dog AV-AB? And where is the horse Igo? Where is the machine BBB? "

When you dress up a Christmas tree, then ask the baby to show you a toy: "Where do we have a watch tick? Here is the watch tick so. Hang them on the Christmas tree. Like this! Oh, what beautiful watch! "

Dressing Christmas tree, read the baby is a poem:

"Mom Christmas tree decorates
Anya (child name) mom helps
She serves toys,
Stars, balls, flappers.
We are visiting guests,
Completely drank and sing. "

Turn on cheerful dance music and let the baby boils under it with you.

Fourth step.

If your baby knows the name of the toys on the Christmas tree well and easily finds toys on it, you can change them in places on the Christmas tree - to outweigh. Does the kid of the watch find in a new place on the Christmas tree?

Also add new toys to the Christmas tree. Especially good bubakers or bells. Give the baby to produce the bell and hang on the Christmas tree. If the baby wants to give the bell, already attached to the Christmas tree branch - do not deny it in this. Run the bell right on the branch to the kid's handle and gently welcome the "child's hand in the hand of an adult", let's get together.

Useful advice: Bubakers can be bought in the store of goods for the hobby, and beautiful and comfortable children's handles small bells - in fishing stores. To the bell and the bubber, tie beautiful bows and a shell-hanging for hanging them on the Christmas tree.

Machine the baby with the lights of the garland on the Christmas tree. This spectacle always fascinates the child. Lights! So beautiful! Give the baby a few minutes just look at this amazing spectacle for him: the lights are burning!

"Tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Burn in lights different -
Green and red! "

What beautiful lights! Thoroughly! No lights. Where are the lights? (The lights went out on the flashing garland) here are the lights!

How to decorate an apartment for the new year, if the baby has no year in the house?

Decorate your apartment to the arrival of guests by the decorations in which your baby can play. Especially this concerns the babies of 8-12 months.

Play with multicolored flags

How to make a garland with flags for the first year of life. Cut from a bright colored cardboard of different colors of the rhombus, fold them in half so that triangles come out - check boxes. Put your "triangular checkbox" to the rope and glue it downstairs so that the checkbox keeps on the rope, did not open it and at the same time it could be moved along the rope. Make such a multicolored garland. The baby will be able to consider checkboxes and move them with a handle on the rope to the right - left when you take it on the handles and bring to your homemade garland.

You can take two check box with garlands, one to give a child, one to take mom in your hands. And to dance under the song Dress with the checkbox: the kid "Dances" on the hands of mom: waves the flag, mom spins with the baby in his arms.

In the hands of the checkbox take
And in a circle we will go.
And in a circle we will go.
Your check box will show
Up raise and fad
(Show how to do it, take the handle of the baby with your hand and put the flag, then let go of my hand, toddler waving myself).
Up raise and felt.
Look at your checkbox
Blooming with him a friend.
Ai-yes, Ai-yes!
Two friendship with him (mom slowly spins, baby in her arms)

Repeat this dance on different days - the baby will begin to recognize her melody and will be pleased to imitate your movements.

Play with bells or New Year's bubrels

For a child, decorations will also be interesting in the form of metal bells with bows suspended on the ropes as garlands or simply groups in different places of the room. The kid will gladly pull over the rope and call the bell.

Take the bell in your hands and spoil the song about him:

"Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Bell ring!
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
The bell is thin!
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Fun playing.
Ding-Don - Ding - Don!
Masha (child name) amuse! "

Play with rattles

Rattles can also be included in the New Year's garland and spend them with groups for bright ribbons. It can be done for a child a whole bunch of rattles, while engaged in their festive bright satin ribbon. Playing with a rattle, you can sing the kid adapted for the smallest dance option with rattles:

Oh how fun today
Having fun kids
Ane (child name) gave rattles
Rattles are good!
Ah-yes, get,
Walking toy
Ah yes, get
Our prayer
Where, where, rattage?
Hid their kids
Show rattles,
Rattles are good.
Ah-yes, get,
Walking toy
Ah yes, get
Our rattle.

Take the rattles and "hide" them, covering the scarf so that one part of them is visible. Where is the rattles? The child needs to pull the handkerchiefs and find rattles, after that he plays themselves with them.

Another garland for the littleest children. You can bind rattles and bells in one big garland. Make a box in two side holes of about 15 x 15 cm. Throw through the holes tape with toys and tie it into a single ring. It turns out a peculiar "carousel" in the box. The kid will pull behind the ribbon and get the next toy from the box.

Play with painted wooden spoons

Spoons can also decorate the room to the new year. Show the baby first, as you can knock the spoon on the floor, on the table. Later teach him to knock on spoons about each other.

Tuki, spoons!
Write palms!
Tuki Tuk, Tukyuk!
Sound spoons are heard a knock!

Play with bunnies

You can sew for a child small felt white caps on their finger. To the base - the cap of the trick is two long ear and draw a scales with a marker. It turned out "finger dolls - bunks."

Show the baby mini-performance with bunks:

Fingers - fingers,
Little bunnies,
Bunks danced (moving fingers),
Bunks played (we continue to move your fingers).
And ... (pause), ran away!

After displaying the toddler's caps on his fingers - let him move his fingers and play bunnies.

How can the baby participate in the home celebration home?

Useful advice 1. If you go to visit the New Year's holiday with your baby of the first year of life, then find out if you have the opportunity to remove from time to time with your child in a separate quiet room?

The fact is that the kid, and even after the road, will be tired of a constant presence in a noisy new group for him. Therefore, after 20-30 minutes of the baby's stay in a common room with guests, it is better to go with a child in a separate room. In addition, in a separate room there will be an opportunity to a child and sleep if it gets tired.

If there are no such conditions, it is better not to risk to visit the new year with such a small child. Because The baby may crack, and you will not enjoy the holiday. And he too.

You should not go right on the New Year's Eve, it is better to go with a child on a day holiday to friends with children or relatives.

Useful advice 2. Put on yourself and on the child "Weekend Festive Clothing" - She creates a mood! And your holiday mood is very important for the baby too! And also gives you strength!

Useful advice 3. With the baby on the festival, naturally, people who are unfamiliar to him will meet. You do not need to be afraid, but do not need and transfer the child from the hands to the hands of unfamiliar people, he can be afraid. But new contacts will be useful to a child who is soon a year. therefore let new people play with the baby when he sits at mom in his arms - They will tell him the fun, praise, will show him "ladies" or dance action. Kid in safety, he smiles, everything is fine!

Useful advice 4. Ask the owners and guests so that the baby is present in the common room in it there were no sharp loud sounds (clappering, for example), which can be frightened heavily so that the music does not sound loud. The kid of the first year of life cannot carry large emotional overloads, in the case of overload, it begins to capricious, cry and express this his unpleasant voice to in every way. If one guests need to slap clap, then at this time leave the common room in your quiet place outside it. And then go back.

Useful advice 5. With the baby on the festival, you will need to do, communicate, play. He will not be able to passively sit or lie during the holiday. Think out what toys you take with me so that the baby can be played with them. Teach guests to your favorite kid fun (forty - crow, ladies, ah-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and others). Let the guests with the baby play - they are punished with him.

Useful advice 6. If you take guests at home, then problems with a separate lounge, most likely will not arise. But another question will rise - if you need to retire with a child for a while to relax in a separate room, who will be able to fulfill the role of the owner or hostess with guests at this time? Well, if someone from girlfriends or relatives can take on this role so that you do not need to leave the baby one in another room in emergency cases.

Section 2. New Year for the smallest: children of the second and third year of life

For children from one and a half years old and older you can already arrange a small day in January children's home holiday. Invite 3 more 3 - 4 kids of the same age or a little older. It is important that the children's holiday is or at your home, or next to your home, because During the road, the baby gets tired and will not be able to actively take part in it.

Recommendation 1. Duration of the holiday. So that children are not tired, the active part of the holiday for such little guys should be no more than 30 minutes, and all the time stay of the guests is about an hour. These extra 30 minutes includes changing children, and juice with treats after the holiday, but it does not include the preparation of the premises to the arrival of children - the room for the holiday is preparing in advance, even before the arrival of children .

Recommendation 2. Participants in the holiday. Invite for the holiday of children and adults already familiar to the child. If there is someone new for the child, it is better to acquaint the baby with these people before the holiday - let them come to visit you even before the holiday on a separate day. The fact is that early children always support each other in everything, especially in the crying! Therefore, if one kid will be afraid of someone unfamiliar and pay, then the friendly roar will be provided. So that there are no such moments, you need to take care in advance that all guests of each other knew well.

Recommendation 3. One important nuance. The holiday will bring the joy to children of this age and adults only in one case - if the kids are not the spectacles of the play, carefully prepared by adults, and its active participants! They will answer questions, call characters, play, dance. And for an early age it is very important that all children simultaneously make the same action: for example, everyone threw cotton snowballs in the fox, running it. Or everyone portrayed a bunny sitting under the Christmas tree - and at the same time.

Adults should also not be passive spectators: if you drive a dance, then children and adults are dancing. Also adults are also involved in games, showing a sample of actions to their kids.

A) or give everyone absolutely the same so that it does not happen: two kids grabbed over one toy and do not give it to each other (to give way and restrain themselves the children at this age still do not know how)

B) either have a big stock. And if someone from the kids suddenly grabbed the bell with a yellow ribbon, and the second immediately grabbed himself, then give the second one more such a bell tower so that everyone was happy and satisfied :).

Be sure to give the dancing kids with children. Beautiful props - the same for all snowflakes or ribbons or lanterns or rattles, as the bright festive props helps the kid feel the atmosphere of the holiday and is very attractive and interesting for small.

If you go to visit the family New Year's holiday with a child of 1 - 2 years old, and in the family of the owners, it is customary to bring individual gifts for the new year, then in no case ask the child 1 -2 years to give a gift to other children. There will be tears and spoiled mood. Just wrap a gift and give it yourself - and again it's not a child in hand, and in his hands!

Recommendation 6. About Santa Claus. It is desirable for a home tree for children under 2 years old not to invite Santa Claus, kids can be frightened. Santa Claus for many of them is an unknown uncle in strange clothes, and by no means a fabulous hero with gifts. Let Santa Claus be drawn on their gifts that they will find under the Christmas tree. And the "Living Santa Claus" will see a little later when they grow up.

What can take children of 1-2 years at home New Year's Eve:

- Dance (danced and adults and children under any fun music with the simplest movements: slamming, we make semi-trades - the springs, show the lanterns, twist, silent by foot),

- dance around the Christmas tree (under any song about Christmas tree),

view puppet theater (about it in more detail below),

game with lights on the Christmas tree: When we blow, then the lights on the Christmas tree are extinguished (you need to agree with someone in advance so that it was provided). When we slam in your hands, then the lights are lit up again! Delight children! But if we do it not together (for example, Vanya did not slam), it does not work, you need to repeat!

musication on children's musical instruments. Give the kids of the same bubrels, rattles and let them be played for funny music, and the toy bunny will drive them under their accompaniment!

- Movable game.

How to dress up a Christmas tree if there are children in the family 1- 2 years

At this age, the child can already be put on the floor, but to trace it to be stable and could not fall. On the bottom tier of the Christmas tree (At the height, an affordable child) toys unbreakable - from paper, cardboard, wool, fabric, wood. On the top tiers of the Christmas tree We post fighting toys. Mishuur also hang on the top tiers of the Christmas tree, so that the child could not pull for her and inadvertently did not drop the Christmas tree to the floor.

A child of one and a half - two years can already be taught to dress up the Christmas tree itself - to hang several toys on it. It is very useful for the development of shallow motorcy and sensor coordination. Make a thick loop of the cord for unbreakable toys and teach the baby to hang the toy on the twig and shoot it. Do not expect that the baby will decorate the whole tree - it hangs only 2- 3 toys, and maybe only one. Leave the rest for the next time. This is a difficult task for a child, and it is not necessary to overload it, forcing you to hang a few toys at a time.

Congratulations to relatives Happy New Year Together with a child of 1-2 years

Now it is often accepted that all adults focus on the child. In the traditional folk pedagogy, thousands of years from early childhood, a child was taught to take care of loved ones. It was then that he will absorb the ability to be merciful, sympathizing, helping adults.

On the other hand, how much can such a kid? One - no, but with mom - a lot.

When we do with a baby of 1- 2 years, festive crafts - gifts grandpa, grandfather and other relatives are two extremes.

First: for the child everything makes mom. It turns out beautiful, but whose is a snaps?

Second: everything makes a child himself. But ... it turns out ugly and clearly that this gift is not a fact that you will like it. Perhaps it will be accepted, but just like proper.

How to make and the gift was beautiful, and the child actively participated in its manufacture. Exit is the joint creativity of the adult and the child.

Examples of joint creativity in the manufacture of New Year's gifts with a child of 1-2 years:

- In the New Year's postcard adult draws background: Sky, at home, snow on Earth. And the baby "Tychka" paints only the snow circling in the air (we take a pencil and a reverse "urgent" end of a pencil draw points, immersing a pencil in a white gouache),

- A child on the background of winter forest made by adults, can draw the adjustment of the traces of animals: jump-jump jump, there is a bunny,

- A child can, together with adults, blind candy, apples on the Christmas tree made of salt dough,

- You can charge the baby in the background, plasticine waillee, and then on this background an adult lay out a picture of small parts of clay.

Opportunities and options - a lot! And there is a distribution of work - which makes an adult, and as a child. And in the "Children's" part of the adult does not interfere. If you need to show something to the baby, then we show on our separate sheet of paper, and not on a shared postcard.

We consider the New Year pictures

With children 1- 2 years old can already be viewed by New Year pictures in books and postcards. Where is the Christmas tree, where a star, where a flashlight, a ball, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden in the picture? And on our christmas tree where is the star?

Horics for children 1-2 years

Children 1- 2 years old are very necessary dance. It is in the dance of the kid receives the first experience of interaction with peers. In the first rounds, all the kids make the same actions.

For example, the traditional New Year's dance "Zainka" for the smallest.

Zainka, come out,
Serious, come out!
So, so come out!
So, so come out!

Zainka, take a walk,
Serious, take a walk!
That's the way, so, take a walk,
So, like this, take a walk.
Zainka, groans.
Serious, groans.
So, like that, groans.
So, like that, groans.
Zainka, Topney with a leg,
Serious, Topney with a leg.
That's the way, so, drove the leg.
Zainka, babies,
Serious, babies,
That's the way, so, baptize!
That's the way, so, baptize!
Zainka, worship,
Serious, worship.
So, like this, worship.
That's the way, so worship.

All children in dance and adults make movements in the text. On the New Year holiday, a toy bunny can ask the kids to dance with him. Then we take a bunny to our hands, put in the dance (a bunny will dance between the two moms) and with him wept.

If children know this dance well and easily perform his movements, then you can complicate the task. Then one bunny is chosen from the children, it depicts all actions in the center of the dance, and all the players repeat everything. At the end, another verse is added:

Zainka, choose!
Serious, choose!
So, like this, choose!
So, like this, choose!

For a child to be in the center of the city - this is a very important experience! After all, he needs to behave freely when everyone is looking at him and attention is focused on it. Not every child will immediately go to the center of the dance. If the baby is not ready - let it just look at the dance or just likes it with you. When it gradually gets comfortable - it will be released in the center of the circle (it can be in a week or two).

New Year for the smallest: how to show a puppet theater for children 1-2 years

For a puppet play, it is absolutely optionally to buy special toys. It is suitable and ordinary your toys for the children's games.

Tip 1. Before the start, give kids in the hands of toys - characters. Let him examine them, will face them. Let them become new familiar to the child. Otherwise, during the performance, the kid will reach new toys and demand them to take them in hand.

Tip 2. Instead of shirma, you can use:

- Large box,

- suitcase, decoring it bottom as "scene with decorations", and the upper cover as "the sky",

- normal table

- Fabric, stretched between two chairs,

- Fabric, stretched in the doorway.

The scenery can be done using the clothespin: paste the figure on the clothespin, and attach the clothespin on the tissue - screen.

Tip 3. How to move dolls during the performance:

- When the toy says, she moves (for example, leans - swinging towards that hero to whom she says). When the character is silent, it must be immobile.

- When the toy goes on stage, it moves either from the depth of the scene to children (if it is a box), or to the right - left or left (if the scene serves as a normal table),

- If you need to move something to a toy on the plot of the performance or take into your hands, then you keep the doll with one hand, and the other hand you need the necessary actions,

- If you show a performance with dolls of bobbo (dolls wear on the hand), you can express different gestures with the help of the hands. For example, hands on the parties are surprise, the doll rejoices - these are jumping, the doll brings the handles to the cheeks "Oh!".

- If you used the toy and you don't need it anymore, then put it in an opaque box so that it does not distract the attention of children.

Tip 4. At the end of the performance, let all heroes first, the dolls will make a bow to the audience, and all the audience paint the artists and heroes - dolls. Moms - viewers show a sample of actions and send them.

New Year's dances for young children

Below you will find the choir options for the home children's holiday. To play kids to play, you must first at home until the holiday, sing a dance with the baby, make movements on the text. Only then the baby will be able to act with his peers at the festival with pleasure and quickly, and will be glad that he heard a familiar melody and familiar words. Early children love repeat and all recognizable and predictable. And you can not immediately get comfortable with a new beach for them.

It is enough to learn one dance or one dance with the movements in the text. And the ordinary dance around the Christmas tree kid can drive with other mothers and children and without preparation.

Dance with snowballs

For dance, snowballs are sewn from wool. We take wool lump and white threads with a needle. And we cross Wat so that it becomes a dense white lump - snowball. You can also make snowballs along with a white paper child, leaning her in lumps - balls. All movements perform children to music in accordance with the text.

We took snowballs in the hands, ran along the path.
Run kids, everyone is good! (2 r.)
We raise snowballs and rub it over your head.
Shake my snowy mischievous me. (2 r.)
Dance-ka you snowball, snowy little friend
Dance, do not yaw and repeat. (2 r.)
We will turn the foot with the snow in the palm
We will bring Snow Maiden and return to the basket. (2 r.)


Our kids have fun
And circled, and danced,
As if the bunnies are jumping.
Jump-skok, jump-skok,
Run the shoe.
All the guys on the floor sat down,
At the shoes looked.
So that shoes fix
It is necessary to nail cloves.
It is necessary to nail cloves.
Oh, our legs are tired,
We praise in the palm,
Claw-clap clas
We praise in the palm.
We knocked in the palm,
Our handles are tired,
I will put them, shake
Bai-Bai Bayu-Bay.
We rested a little bit
Again our legs are dancing,
La la la la.

Shine on the Christmas tree beads

Shine on the Christmas tree beads,
Flap and star.
We love our Christmas tree.
Yes Yes Yes! (The words of the purchase sings adult and older children, and the kids negotiate the last line of the song by the choir: Da-yes yes).
And grandfather cheerful -
Gray beard -
Bring us gifts.
Yes Yes Yes!
Snow Maiden in white fur coat
It always comes to us.
We sing her and dance.
Yes Yes Yes! (N. Founded)

Dance with handkerchiefs

Who in the hands of handkerchiefs,
He will go to me in a circle.
He will show his handkerchiefs,
Fun hurt.

Chorus: That's it, that's what

We take in the corner
Our bright handkerchiefs.
And raise above, above
Above our children!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

Sit quietly everything in the circle,
I hide behind your handkerchief.
And then, and then -
We will find all the guys!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

How like flowers,
Our bright handkerchiefs.
And our guys too
On the flowers are all similar!

Chorus: That's it, that's what
That's how my scribes! (2 times).

Horovoode "Mishenka"

Come out - ka, Misha, babes, baptize.
Pet, paw, Misha, Mast, Mast.
And we go around the target round
Song cheerful roping, roping!
We will, we will hit the ladies, hit!
Will, there will be a target to dance, we dance!

Dance "Legs and Palms"

Like our guys
The legs are having fun!
Our people are remote
Although very small!

Only set legs,
Clap in the palm,
In palm cooked
Cheerful Clamps!

And how to let go,
Nobody catch up with anyone!
We are a delete people,
Although very small!

And now if you want
With my mother's side
Book, up, times and two -
Here's how the bastard is dancing!

"Dance kids" (on the motive "Ah you, Songi ...")

Here is our Misha (child name) gets up
He will start to dance.
There will be a target to dance
All guys amuse!
Misha, Misha, Bunch,
Our kids are pets.
Choose others dance
And fun to amaze!

Everyone slammed in his palm (on the motive "Lee in the garden, in the garden ...")

Everyone slammed in the palm
Frequently, more fun.
They caught our legs
Louder and faster.

I will hit the knees,
Quieter, quieter, quieter ...
Pens, handles raise
Above, above, above ...

Completed our handles,
Reduned again.
Became, concerned
And stopped.

Dance with rattles

They ran with a rattle, ran apartments.
All the guys with a rattle immediately became more fun.

Rattle, rattle louder,
Louder, louder Bay.
Dolls, Torchie, all animals
Immediately became more fun.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, twigs waved.
Fun having fun, all the guys are fun.
Became with a rattle,
Became fun.
All guys with a rattle immediately became more fun.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, twigs waved.
Fun having fun, all the guys are fun.

I wish you fun New Year holidays and interesting family winter holidays!

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It is not always possible or the desire to invite professional Santa Claus for a holiday to the defector. But this will not be a problem if you know a few interesting New Year competitions for children of 7-8 years to cheer guests.

New Year contests for children 7-8 years in the room

As a rule, for the kids of preschool age is very simple, and they will not surprise schoolchildren. But the New Year competitions for children from 7-8 years and up to 10-12 years are more complex. They, despite the difference in participants in age, are suitable for any age group of schoolchildren.

  1. "We consider to three."This is a competition for attention. That of the children who heard Santa Claus called the figure "three" gets a prize from his bag. But it's not so easy to do this, after all, the lead is not the bill in order, but in the scatter, intentionally ignoring the number you need. The desired figure may sound even as a "one hundred and three" or "one hundred and thirty".
  2. "What are the Christmas trees."Leading - Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, in a very fast pace called the qualities of forest beauty - high, wide, thin and so on. Children must show what leads the lead. From the competition, the one who confused and spread his arms to the parties, instead of showing height.
  3. "Song about the Christmas tree." Competitions for children are often on as this. Snow Maiden begins to sing with the famous song about the Christmas tree along with children. But suddenly the music breaks down and everyone should continue to hum in the song not loud, but about himself. As soon as the music renews, the children continue to sing out loud, and the one who moved from the rhythm or confused the word, dropping out of the competition.
  4. "Large snowballs."With adults, children from a wide sticky tape and newspapers make big and dense balls - it will be snowballs. At some distance there are more baskets in which the participants should be hit. Wins a team that filled the basket.
  5. "We collect snowballs." The game involves all the same balls of their newspapers and Scotch. Grandfather Frost pours them under the Christmas tree, and children compete, collecting them for speed. One who scored more than all such improvised snowballs in his basket.

New Year's contests for children 7-8 years old in the fresh air

The older they become kids, the more serious required

Poems about the new year for children 8-9 years

One of the features of school years is the need to participate in New Year's matinees held in junior classes. At such events, children face the need to perform the peers and their parents, and also learned the poems about the new year for children 8-9 years.

Adults usually consider memorizing simple poems about winter, New Year's holidays, school, Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost, a fairly simple task, requiring a child of a concentrated and multiple repetition of the text until the right memorization of the desired poem. However, it is quite difficult for the child to learn how to memorize the funny poems of New Year's holiday, along with another information provided for by the school curriculum.

Secrets memorization of poems

In order for the child to remember the poems faster, one of the effective ways to faster and efficiently memorize text can be applied. Most of these secrets are familiar to every adult, but becoming parents, they forget about their difficulties and problems for unknown reasons. Among the many ways to improve memorizing efficiency, you can allocate the most effective and time-tested.

Memorable verse in small parts

Remember verse is quite difficult, because the memory constantly loses lines or words in the middle of the text. To the verse remembered faster, it should be divided into several semantic sites. One plot may consist of 1 or 2 lines. They should be repeated a certain number of times until the full memorization.

Next, you can go to the study of the next line or pair of lines, periodically adding to the new line the previously learned text. So, you can remember the entire text of the New Year's poem much faster, avoiding hysterics, tears and permanent chains when reproduced by the exploded material. Also read: Poems about the new year for children 4-5 years.

Poems about the new year for children 8-9 years old:

Branches shaggy bent

Down to the heads of children;

Breaking beads rich

Overflowing lights;

Ball behind the ball hides

And star behind the star

Filaments light rolling

Like rain golden ...

Play, watch

Kids gathered here

And you, spruce,

Sing your song.

And, sparkling, swinging

Christmas trees.

Well, the tree! Just Divo!

How is it read! How beautiful!

Here the lights lit on it,

Hundreds of tiny lights!

And, the tops decorate,

There shines, as always,

Very bright, big,

Five star!

Doors manifest, exactly in a fairy tale,

Horror rushing in a dance!

And above this round

Speaking, songs, ringing laughter.

Happy New Year!

Happy new happiness at once!

The long-awaited new year

We encounter together.

There will be a friendly dance,

And poems and songs

Let the Christmas Tree

It will be lit.

All for the holiday of Santa Claus

Bring gifts.

The bells are ringing,

Christmas tree shines

Happy New Year Santa Claus

Baby congratulates.

Songs listens, poems,

Contests conducting

And cheerful dance

Near the Christmas tree leads.

Let the magic lights

Shine brightly brightly

Let all kids bring

Santa Claus Gifts.

Outside the white-white window

All paths prevail.

Santa Claus in Sanya hurried

Iaven in the beard glitters.

The lights are burning around,

Waiting for the gifts of all guys.

Soon the fairy tale will come to the house -

New year comes!

New Year rushed to us

With Grandfather Frost.

Congratulations I all of you

With this new year.

Let him bring to all of us

Happiness and wealth

To in the families of your all

There was always order.

Let him come to you success

Sunrise with sunrise.

I congratulate you all

With this new year!

There was a green Christmas tree

Today - all in the lights,

And each needle

Welcome guys.

Around her under the songs

All water dance,

With Santa Claus together

Meet the new year.

Compliance with the stamp memorization

Poems for the New Year for children 8-9 years can provide for the need to memorize several texts. In this case, it is not necessary to leave the first text in disarmed, accepting the memorization of the second. Only after full memorization and several repetitions of the learned verse can begin to memorize a new text.

If, after remembering the second poem, the child will forget a few rows or words from the first, you should not swear or edge it in inattention. It is better to offer a child to re-read the first poem re-and tell both texts at the intervals in a few hours. Re-checking the bought poems must be carried out the next day. No less interesting poems on the new year for children 6-7 years old.

Decoding terms and strangers

Often words seemingly understandable and familiar adults are new to children. Having encountered similar terms in the text, the child can be confused and focus on their memorization, intimidated in the sequence of lines or forgetting some words. To prevent similar troubles, you should first ask the child about the presence of words strangers, and try the most simply and accurately explain their meaning.

When a child will understand all the words in the memorable poem, it will be much easier for him to present the common picture of the verse, to present it to the plot in his imagination. If, when trying unfamiliar words, the child confuses the letters or constantly forgets these words when reading verse, it is necessary to repeat the unfamiliar word to the baby, picking up words, as similar to the sound. Thus, the child will be able to remember even a long verse, and also adequately present it at the New Year's matinee at school.

Make an unforgettable holiday for children - the task is not from the lungs. But this article will help you with this. In Ne. we have collected interesting contests for the new year for children.. All of them are solely thematic and easily fit into any New Year scenario.

We also note that for the new year, games for children can be teams, pairs and intended for the whole team. We divided the types of these games for your convenience.

Children's New Year competitions for two participants

Competition "New Year's piles"

In each tour of this New Year's game, two children can take part. The lead gives them a bag decorated in the New Year style, and offers to approach the table, on which there are two medium-sized cardboard boxes containing small unbreakable Christmas toys, Christmas figures and other items.

The presenter tie the children eyes and offers to collect as much new year items as possible, observing one condition: participants can take from the box and put in the bag only one object at the same time.

Competition is under musical accompaniment. After 30-45 seconds, music stops, children unleash their eyes and offer to see the contents of the bags. The winner is recognized by the participant who in the bag will be more objects for New Year's topics.

Competition "Get to the Christmas tree"

Under the Christmas tree is a prize. The presenter puts two participants in one distance from him, but from different sides, and offers a team to surpass to the prize on one leg. The most prominent wins and gets a prize.

Competition "Snowflakes"

This competition, like some other New Year's contests presented here for children, requires preliminary training. Between the chairs, you need to pull a thread with New Year's Mishur. Paper snowflakes hang on Mishuur. The presenter tie two participants to the game eyes and gives small scissors. The players fed to the stretched thread, the command is given. The task of each participant for a certain period of time to cut as much snowflakes as possible.

A version of the game without scissors is possible, in this case the snowflakes should easily be removed from Mishura.

Competition "Tree with a surprise"

To prepare for this New Year's game, it will take a little more effort and time than in the previous version. You must perform a mock-up tree from the cardboard. It cut holes, imitating christmas balls. On the reverse side of the layout, the bag is attached under each hole (but you can do without them).

The presenter issues participants in 5 small balls. The task of the player to get into the cut holes. Wins one who falls more than once. He takes the main prize that can be hidden on the branches of the main tree.

Competition "Who is the first?"

For this game for the New Year, prepare two chairs and a couple of winter clothes sets. On each chair hangs in the sleeves inside out the winter jacket. The seat is put on the seat, scarf and gloves. Two children take part in each tour of the game. They occupy a position near the chairs and the team of the lead run to them. They need to turn back and put on the winter jacket, gloves, scarf and cap. The participant wins faster, will sit down on the chair and shock "Happy New Year!".

Competition "New Year's Castle"

The presenter chooses several people who want to participate in the competition. They receive a drawing of the New Year's castle of Santa Claus, for the memorization of which is given 30 seconds. After that, the participants tie their eyes, and issue a set of plastic cups. The task of players to collect from the cups exact copy of the castle. The child wins, which is faster and more accurate to perform the task.

Committrices and competitions for the new year for children

Competition "Where is the Christmas tree?"

Players are divided into two teams. Each chooses a captain. Then the teams are built into two ranks in parallel to each other. The captains of the teams are obtained on a set of three flags. Two of the kit draws a forest animal or a character from a fairy tale. And on the third, the tree is depicted.

At the command of the leading captain teams begin to transmit flags on the chain back. The flag with the Christmas tree should be transmitted last. As soon as the extreme participant in the chain receives a flag with drawn fir, he shouts: "Christmas tree!" And raises her hand up. The team wins that the team that will make it faster than rivals.

Competition "Decorating the Christmas tree"

For this game for the new year, two artificial Christmas trees are needed for children and a pair of cardboard boxes with unbreakable Christmas toys. The Christmas trees are located at a distance of 2-4 meters from the boxes.

The lead divides children into two equal commands. Each comes to his starting line, located at the box with toys. At the command of the leading participants of the game in turn begin to decorate the Christmas tree. Each player can take only one toy for once. A team wins that faster rivals will empty his box with toys and dress up the Christmas tree.

Competition "Do not miss"

For the game you will need a small gate, in the number of two pieces, and ball tennis balls. Leading divides children to 2 equal commands. Each player gets one ball. The task of participants from a certain distance to roll the ball into the gate. Players perform their attempts alternately. The team defeats whose players have rolled more balls.

Competition "Magic Scooter"

For the game you will need two children's scooters and small artificial Christmas trees. The lead divides children into two equal commands. Each is built opposite his row of the Christmas tree. According to the leader, the first pair of participants on scooters circles each of the Christmas trees in its row and returns back to transfer the pretext to the following. A team wins, which will overcome the distance from all the distance and will somete less Christmas trees.

Competition "New Year's Mishur"

For the game you need tinsel and a cheerful melody, for example, "Jingle Bells". The lead divides children into two equal teams and gives everyone a tinsel to everyone. Teams are built into the line and, by teammate, the first participant in the team must tie a tinsel on the hand of a neighbor. He, in turn, tie the following. The last participants of each team run to the first and tie tinsel to them. The team wins, which quickly raises his hands tied with Mishera tied to them.

Remember that about some New Year Mishuur can easily be lit, and try to choose the most secure product option. Cut out only such children's games for the new year, in whose security are confident.

Competition "Collect snowballs"

The game can simultaneously participate 3-4 teams. Many white balloons of small size should be prepared in advance (it will be snowballs) and large garbage bags. From the bags you need to do something like a sharovar, cutting the two lower angle to so much that the legs climbed into the holes.

Before the start of the competition, you must choose one participant from each team, they will need to crawl into the harvested bags, and the rest, by command of the master, will have their own bag to fill with balls. The team defended the more "snowballs" in his bag.

Competition "New Year's bowling"

Decorate the kegli or plastic bottles of Mishuro - they will perform the role of icicles growing from under the ground. Competition can be both team and individual. The task of each player from a predetermined distance to knock down the snow ball as much as possible cashel-icing.

Entertainment for the New Year for all those who gathered

Competition "What does Christmas tree love?"

The lead declares the guys that he was preparing for this holiday for a whole year and found out about everything that the Christmas tree loves. And now he asks the guys to check his knowledge. Children should either confirm (if agree) of his statements, saying "yes", or deny the wrong opinion of the lead, saying "no".

Green needles ...

Candy and gingerbread ...

Plates and teapots ...

Games and fun ...

Boredom and idleness ...

Windows and ladies ...

Ryash and Songs ...

Maks and Mimosa ...

Grand Grandfather ...

Nuts and bumps ...

Dresses and pants ...

Confetti, clappers ...

Pistols, guns ...

Masquerades, balls ...

Decorated halls ...

Riddles and jokes ...

Drums, twins ...

And a cheerful new year ...

Contests for the new year for children in the form of simple questions and answers with great interest perceive children of preschool and younger school age. Use them in breaks between dancing or rolling games, providing children with a little rest.

Relax and the following interesting contests for children for the new year will help to relax and at the same time.

Competition "Choosing the Christmas tree"

All children participate, they get up in a circle and take hands, with them and Grandfather Frost. He explains and shows the gathered, what Christmas trees are:

  • high - all in a circle, together with the grandfather climb on socks and pull hands up;
  • low - everything is squatted and the hands are lowered down;
  • wide - everyone is trying to expand the circle maximize;
  • narrow - the circle should be maximized.

Then grandfather begins to walk in a circle and "choose" the Christmas tree. "Oh, well, and high!", "And this is a narrow!". According to Veliable Santa, the children depict the chick that he saw. Moroz himself tries to knock them down, demonstrating incorrect movements.

Competition "New Year Cap"

Playing form a circle. Merry New Year's music is included, and children begin to pass the New Year Cap in a circle. Periodically, music stops. A participant who has a cap is during the stop of music in his hands, puts it on his head and fulfills the desire of Santa Claus. Grandfather Frost may wish him to play a song, told the rhymes, mysterious or danced. Everyone who fulfits his desire receives a sweet prize.

Competition for the best New Year's costume

Little children love to dress up in carnival costumes and depict a variety of characters. About the competition for the best New Year's suit of children should be notified in advance. Nominations can be somewhat, but previously everyone will have to "protect" their suit. This will give the opportunity to evaluate not only the originality of the outfit, but also the artistic abilities of the child, who, entering the role, can depict the habits, sing a song or read the monologue of his hero.

New Year's entertainment "Happy number"

All love pleasant surprises, and children especially. Prepare small gifts in advance (there must be as much as children on the holiday) and wrap in multi-colored paper, then numb. Fold them into the bag of Santa Claus or post under the New Year tree.

From the cardboard cut out small gifts in the number of gifts in the form of Christmas balls or christmas trees and also number from the reverse side. Color tokens indoors in prominent places.

When the time of gifts come, offer each child to find for yourself one token. Now Santa Claus knows exactly how to give what gift.

Human memory is so arranged that for life we \u200b\u200bremember only the brightest and exciting events of our life. And most of these events each of us come from childhood. We hope that the children's competitions prepared by us will help you create an original entertainment program that will become another bright and unforgettable event for child memory.

Competitions for the new year. Children's holiday.

New Year holidays adore children of any age. And it's not just in gifts, but in the ability to have fun with a noisy company. , funny tasks, funny phantas - in all of this they are ready to take part until the morning. Especially loved by New Year's phantas for children who are simultaneously interesting, and fascinating, and cheerful. Children's phantas, must be drawn up taking into account age interests, so we offer tasks for both preschoolers and students of junior and middle classes.

In this article:

Phanti for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years

Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are fun and playful guys who adore different games, fun and contests. Putty phantas will help entertain both familiar and unfamiliar company. But even the easiest and funny tasks always require help adults.

"Photo portrait"

Merry phantas offer you carefully look at the neighbor on the left, to the neighbor on the right, then blindfolded, describe how they look with full details of the appearance (moles, hair color, etc.). If the company is small, you can describe all.


Speak tying (text will fit adults, focusing on children).


Woman without hand chopped different fruits on a plate.

"I know everything"

The master pronounces the text, and the performer should be repeated (show) it, but in motion. "I'm going to kindergarten, my right hand I clean my teeth, and I wash my eyes with my left hand. I comb your hair with my left hand, but I eat my porridge with his right hand. Left hand I do a charge, right foot - Mahi, left hand I am ironing the tummy after breakfast. With my right foot, I am Masha, the left hand again charging, I'm sacing right again. With my left hand, I drink milk, right I wear pants, and I go to school, and now on one leg ski, but on another roller horse. "


Organize a train and rent all guests around the rooms. Mandatory condition: do not demolish anything in its path.


For 60 seconds, it is beautifully describing today's children's holiday.


Cover the bedspread, choose a lion and the children's song "Lion and Turtles".



Perform the desire of the second left player.


Friends should hide in the room some subject, and the player find it on the tips "hot" and cold.


To come up with everyone, including yourself, harmless nicknames and until the end of the evening call each other.


Picture using a pantomime as a bear falls in a hibernation and sleeps in winter.


Tell quatrain about New Year's holiday.


In the task of 5 words come up with a tale.

Words: "Forest, Hut, Boy, Beast, Baba Yaga".


With tied eyes draw a New Year tree.


Laugh two minutes without any reason, thereby sure to laugh friends.


This participant of the New Year holiday should be eats without hands a cake, while the child should stand on his feet, and lay the cupcake on the chair.


A minute for a minute on one leg, you can bounce, while not touching the floor. In the case of touch, 10 seconds are added.


Draw, holding a pencil between your fingers, a portrait of any of the guests, pointing to it the rest.


Choose a partner who will tell any meek fairy tale or poem, and Phanti will have to show it in a domestic language with different movements.

"Master of the Year"

To congratulate guests on the face of the host of the year in the Japanese calendar. Everything should be approaching and walking, and manners, and voice.

"Fairy tales"

Recall 10 of any fairy tales, cartoons, movies for children, where we are talking about winter, christmas or new year. Example for the lead:

  1. "12 months",
  2. "Nutcracker",
  3. "Winter Tale",
  4. "Snow Maiden" (from the cartoon "Well, wait"),
  5. "The Snow Queen",
  6. "Adventure Viti and Masha",
  7. "Morozko",
  8. "Toyed last year's snow",
  9. "Winter".


Remember 10 songs where it is about winter, christmas or new year. Example for the lead:

  • "Three white horse",
  • "Tell the Snow Maiden, where it was",
  • "Santa Claus song" (cartoon),
  • "Kaba did not have winter",
  • "Snowflake",
  • "Ice ceiling",
  • "5 minutes",
  • "Umka",
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
  • "Little Christmas tree."

"Fashion show"

To make a fashion show by using the gathered guests. If they are not very elegant, you should be stocking of various details of the wardrobe and dress up. Talk about children's costumes, show all their beauty on the podium.

"The president"

Come up with 5 new decrees from the face of the president and announce them by entering the role of the role in the appropriate situation.


Show Snow Maiden or Snowman, which began to melt with the arrival of spring and the appearance of the first sunlight.

"12 months"

List 12 months first from the 1st to the 12th, and then on the contrary.

"New Year costume"

From the primary materials to make a cool New Year's suit.

Phanti for children from 9 to 12 years

Children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old love New Year holidays and various fun games, contests. Connect them not only to the process of holding an event, but also to prepare for it and they will be happy. The guys will be able to pick up funny details to the children's New Year competitions, and perhaps even suggest interesting ideas. But leave the Children's New Year's phantas as a surprise, the children are so loved.


This player must show all how he juggles with three apples or oranges.


Pail with guests such plot tasks:

  • "Three heroes".
  • "Monument to the janitor."
  • "Kitten from Lieseukov Street" (remember exactly how it is depicted).


Singing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the RAP style, necessarily dancing.


The player is given two minutes. For the first minute, he must tell how to spend a week, describe the daily schedule: in the morning and to evening. For the second - to tell the same, only on the contrary, it should be started from today and ending in the morning of weekly limitation.


Come up with a short filmcenery with the participation of your friends, with a good end.


Come up with simple movements and show them all, then to the music to dance all together.

"I love everyone, I'll hunt everyone"

This phanta must be told about every good best, making compliments.

"Beautiful girl"

Childishly portrayed in front of an imaginary mirror as adult women, from beginning to end, and not just one eyes or some lips.


In the task of 5 nouns, 5 verbs, come up with a dream of a fairy tale.

Nouns: "Forest, night, sorceress, magic, princess."
The verbs "hid, saved, ran away, cried."


Show Pantomime Morning Awakening and Charges to School.


Prepare for a certain period of time from the fact that there is a fruit salad on the table and treat friends, waiting for assessments to your skill. Do not forget to wash your hands before cooking.

"Caring friend"

To tie a neighbor on the left towel, instead of a napkin, and blindfolded his eyes.


From any guest to create a New Year tree. Dress up with girlfriend, napkins, spoons, etc.


For a minute, call 10 cities (can both countries) on the letter "A".


Mix all guests. You can show a pantomime or come up with some joke.


For a certain amount of time (depending on the guests), pronounce friends names on the contrary.

"Lopni Ball"

Click the balloon between the legs and burst it.


Tell friends about your poles, which has not yet told anyone.

"Dance of Little Swan"

Wear a pack, cape and dance the dance of small swans. You can also wear a butterfly wings or something funny.


Choose a partner, to repeat the flow of movement two or three minutes. For example, it may be a children's dressing pantomime before the holiday or actions of dining meals.


Bypassing the whole apartment, without turning never. If the player turned, then it is necessary to go through a new one.


Choose a partner. Children need to stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other for the waist with one hand. With free hands, they will have to have a snack, feeding each other and walk around the room as Siamese twins.

"Ryaba chicken

Tell a fairy tale, showing and playing every hero, including the author, himself.

"Merry singer"

Watch any modern song with different sounds: "Hrew-Khrew", "Be-Bee", "Gav-Gav".


Show how chicken gets out of your egg and how does your first steps.


Pictulate a routine with closed eyes, which passes through the room. At the same time, it is necessary to do the same "Pa", as presumably can make a circus artist.


Take an interview in an adult, for example, at your dad or mom, asking questions about childhood of any of them.

"Well no"

For a minute, cook 10 questions to which there will be answers only "yes or no" and for the second minute, very quickly ask them to your friends, for example, to the right left.

"Nesmeyan (a)"

Strengthen 2 minutes without leaning never. At this time, friends should mix the player in every way, but without touching his hands.


To eat half of the lemon, neatly chopped on a saucer, explaining to everyone, as it all delicious, sweet and great.