New light trail golitsyn bay. Golitsyn's trail - along the roads of history

The mountainous component of the Crimean peninsula can boast of not only natural, but also man-made miracles. The Golitsyn trail in Crimea unites both. Nature created grottoes in the rocks near the site, and man turned them into an interesting excursion route!

Where is the route in Crimea?

The Golitsyn trail runs from the resort village of Novy Svet, famous for its wine production, to Cape Kapchik (Turkish slippers with a pointed bent toe) from the sea. The nearest town is Sudak, but you can get here from other settlements of the Crimea.

Golitsyn trail on the map of Crimea

Walks for singers and emperors in Novy Svet

Although the appearance of a mountain trail, from where beautiful views open and passing through unusual grottoes, is associated with the name of Prince L.S. Golitsyn, it existed before. Crimean Tatars called it the path of the infidels. The prince made it easily passable, equipped it with stone staircases, observation platforms, and built a depository of his unique wines in the rocks, because he is the founder of the Winery in the New World.

Lev Sergeevich did his best on the occasion of the imperial visit. While vacationing in the Crimea in 1912, Nicholas II expressed a desire to go to a small village on his yacht "Standart". The prince decided not only to treat the autocrat with wine (and the monarch knew a lot about drinking), but also to do it among the mountain beauties. For this, the trail was strengthened and improved, passing through one of the grottoes with stocks of aged champagne.

But not only the king was honored to walk here. Golitsyn had another favorite guest - Fyodor Chaliapin. He appreciated the beautiful views from here and the grottoes through which the path passes. The singer believed that there was perfect acoustics. In 1927, the destructive severely damaged the Golitsyn trail in the New World, but it remains passable without any equipment and attracts crowds of tourists every year.

Legends of the Golitsyn Trail

Like almost all historical ones, the Golitsyn trail in the New World has long been overgrown with a mass of fairy tales and legends. Some guides that lead tours here, "in all seriousness" explain the origin of the original name "the path of the unfaithful" by punishment for adultery. The Tatars themselves give a different explanation: there was a monastery in the mountains,
Christian pilgrims - "giaurs", "infidels" in Muslim terminology, walked along the path there.

But most of the stories are told about the main rock cavity known as. Among other things, such a tale arose. At this point, the friends decided to play a trick on the prince, who boasted of his skills in determining the quality of champagne. Lev Sergeevich argued that when you open a bottle of a quality drink, the cork pops, but the wine does not splatter, only a white "smoke" appears.

On a hot day, the jokers thoroughly shaken a bottle of champagne and invited the prince to evaluate the drink. Naturally, His Lordship not only bathed in wine himself, but also doused the wall of the grotto. And then, under the influence of wine, medieval frescoes appeared on it ... You cannot see them - it is argued that time has destroyed. But remembering the principle of quality control from Golitsyn does not hurt!

Excursion along the Golitsyn trail

An interesting route starts literally from the village of Novy Svet itself. The Golitsynskaya trail climbs Mount Oryol, skirting the cape. Its total length is about 3 km. The main attraction on the way is the very Golitsyn grotto, where the champagne was aged and the prince himself slammed the cork. It was dug in the stone by water, and in some places its height reaches 30 m. Its other name is Chaliapin's grotto, since the singer preferred this place for informal concerts. He admired the acoustics, and the sound of the sea provided additional accompaniment.

Further, the trail leads to the cliffs of Mount Khoba-Kaya, where bizarre heaps of rocks resemble a kind of fantastic kingdom. Some scholars believe that the Taurus, the most ancient people who inhabited Crimea, had a hand in this stone labyrinth. When entering the path, it passes over an underwater cave, it is called the "Legend". There are no excursions here, but those who wish, armed with a flashlight and a strong rope, the end of which is held on the shore by a reliable friend, can try to inspect it.

Perhaps the most amazing place is the Through Grotto. It owes its existence not to water, but to geological forces that displaced the limestone layers. Here they take the most beautiful photos on the Golitsyn trail. The restless prince equipped the unique crevice with stairs to the sea and elegant wrought-iron doors. The prices for the passage of the Golitsyn path are a controversial issue. So far, tourists continue to charge for walks without a guide, although on August 5, 2016, the environmental prosecutor's office ruled that it was illegal.

How to get to the walking path?

People don't go on the Golitsyn trail - they walk along it. It starts not far from the village bus station. The easiest way to get there is from, since minibuses go to the New World very often. You can also come by boat, including from Yalta and. Tourists who are vacationing directly in the New World find it much easier to trust their own feet.

The easiest way to get from Sudak to the start of the route by car is as follows:

You need to get from Alushta by car in this way:

Tourist notes

  • Address: Naberezhnaya street, 3, item Novy Svet, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44 ° 49'31 "N (44.825226), 34 ° 54'56" E (34.915481).

Golitsyn trail (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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In 1912, the founder of the Crimean winemaking Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn was preparing to host the Paradise of Emperor Nicholas II, who traveled along the coast on the yacht "Standart" with his family. The hospitable host wished to treat the honorable visitors to sparkling wine in his cellars, for which he ordered to cut a wide convenient road through the coastal rocks leading to a deep grotto where hectoliters of champagne were kept. But this seemed not enough, the trail continued further along the coast to the foot of the Karaul-Oba mountain.

What to see

The Golitsyn Trail is a charming route for lovers of beautiful views, fresh air and vintage sparkling wine. It begins at the foot of Mount Eagle on the shores of Green Bay and quickly leads to the entrance to a deep grotto, where the wine cellars were located. The cave has extraordinary acoustics, they say that during Shalyapin's performance under its arches, the sound of a powerful voice broke a bottle of champagne. Here travelers can relax with a glass of excellent wine.

Another legend is connected with the phrase of Nicholas II that after tasting a new world opened up for him. Golitsin immediately renamed the estate, so the famous village of Novy Svet appeared on the map of Crimea.

Further, the trail leads through a juniper grove to Cape Kapchik, a narrow isthmus with numerous caves. One of them, the Rogue, even penetrates him through and through. Unfortunately, the access of tourists there is now closed due to the threat of landslides. But the rest of the beauties are more than enough to fill the soul with sincere admiration.

The excursion program ends here, but you can go further. The paths become less well-groomed, the slopes become wilder. In the end, the descent leads to a secluded beach, named Tsarskoe because of its inaccessibility and rarely clear water.

Practical information

How to get there: by car from Sudak along the P35 road or by bus # 5.

Many Russians who come to rest in Crimea know firsthand what a wonderful place the village of Novy Svet is. It arose thanks to the efforts of one of the founders of winemaking in Russia, the famous prince Golitsyn, in the nineteenth century. It was here that Lev Sergeevich opened a champagne factory on his estate.

Excursions are often organized to the New World. And this is not surprising. After all, it is here that there are two princely palaces of the founder of winemaking in our country. In addition, the status of a reserve was assigned to the outskirts of the village. Several thousand tourists come here every year. But few people know where the Golitsyn trail is.

There are many interesting places in Crimea that are worth seeing. The narrow path, named after the person who created it, is no exception.


This part of the coast not only attracts tourists and vacationers today. In 1912, Emperor Nicholas II also came here with his family. He planned to visit the village of Novy Svet, travel the entire coastline on a royal yacht called "Standard", make excursions to local attractions and just relax. By the arrival of the emperor, the prince ordered to cut a road, walking along which one could admire the magnificent Crimean landscapes. This is how the Golitsyn trail was born. Crimea, where a whole army of tourists comes every year, has many interesting places that are definitely worth seeing. And this path is one of them.


Many of those who step on it never cease to be amazed at how and with what efforts it was erected. The Golitsyn trail, which is more than three thousand meters long, is a real masterpiece of architecture. Work on the construction of the road was carried out under the personal supervision of Lev Sergeevich. The prince specially hired Turkish specialists for the construction, who had experience in the construction of such objects.

Today the Golitsyn trail (Crimea) is a real standard of architecture with perfectly honed stone stairs and observation platforms. In the most inaccessible places, where work was carried out at risk to their lives, workers were hung on specially created "cradles". The latter were held on very strong ropes.

Nicholas II was incredibly surprised and delighted with the work done. He appreciated the beauty and attractiveness in which the Golitsyn trail appeared before him. Walking along it, the emperor was invited to the table, where he tasted champagne produced in the village of Paradise. After that, he announced that he saw life in a new light. It was from this time that the new name of the village began.

In 1927, an earthquake hit the Crimea, causing severe damage to the peninsula. Many architectural monuments were destroyed. The Golitsyn trail was no exception, which suffered practically along its entire length. But, despite this, it has not lost its beauty and attractiveness for tourists.

Golitsyn trail (New World)

It originates from the foot of Mount Eagle. Smoothly encircling the cape, it leads travelers to the natural huge Chaliapin grotto. The Golitsyn trail perpetuates the memory of the famous industrialist and philanthropist. The grotto, carved by sea waves for many centuries, amazes tourists. In some places, its height reaches three tens of meters. This is an incredibly impressive sight.

In the depths of the grotto there is a stage, where, according to Golitsyn's plan, the musicians were to be located. Immediately behind it is one of the branches of the gigantic storehouse of the unique wines of Prince Lev Sergeevich. A small "well" was dug in the same place. It periodically accumulates water, which flows from the purest underground springs.

Another natural wonder

Immediately after the grotto, the Golitsyn trail leads to another amazing place. These are the cliffs that cover Mount Koba-Kaya from the southern side. They amaze the imagination with their intricacy: huge boulders in their shape resemble human silhouettes or animal figures, while gloomy gorges with steep staircases incredibly resemble the abode of a mythical creature. According to some scientists, these potholes in Koba-Kaya could belong to the hand of the most ancient peoples who once inhabited this territory. Here, in deep cliffs, fossilized remains of corals, various algae, sea urchins, etc. are often found today. Their approximate age is 150 million years.

Further along the route - Cape Kapchik

The Golitsyn Trail (New World) leads tourists to a small beach located in the Sinyaya Bay. From here, a narrow, long Cape Kapchik extending to the horizon opens up. On the left, the sea hides a stunningly beautiful underwater cave called the "Legend".

Unfortunately, not everyone can see this attraction. Only a few daredevils descend into the depths of the Black Sea coast.

Cape Kapchik is also famous for many interesting places. It is here that the Ozernaya Cave, which has numerous ornate bends and narrow manholes, is located. If you go a little further, approximately to the middle of the cape, you can see a rather large crevice cutting it through. This through hole, formed in the ground, is as much as seventy-seven meters in length. This place is called the Through Grotto. Tourists who come to the Golitsyn trail are very fond of this place where you can take amazing photos.

Through grotto

It is here that the excursion along the eco-trail, equipped for visiting tourists, ends. Everyone who comes to this resort is invited to visit it, listen to the fascinating story of the guide and admire the surrounding views. The Golitsyn trail opens up amazing panoramas. From here you can see Kamennaya Bay with majestic coastal heaps and green pine groves, steep cliffs that form narrow gorges, and, as if reigning over all this chaotic beauty, a mountain range called "Karul-Oba" is visible from here. This rocky reef was formed in the Jurassic period and today is a natural monument.

The through grotto is considered one of the main attractions that can be seen on the Golitsyn trail. Its main feature, which distinguishes this place from other caves on the Crimean land, is its origin. It turns out that this long and very deep tunnel, piercing through the cape, was formed not as a result of prolonged exposure to water, but from a prolonged and very uneven movement of the underground limestone rocks of Kapchik.

The creator of the trail, Prince Golitsyn himself, was the first to choose the amazing Through grotto. It was he who, at his own expense, landscaped this place, erected stone stairs in it leading directly to the sea, and put an original forged door at the entrance. It is believed that primarily because of the through grotto, tourists want to get here and leave positive feedback on how much they liked the Golitsyn trail.

How to get there

For those who come to rest in the resort village of Novy Svet or in the city of Sudak, travel agencies regularly arrange inexpensive boat trips to this amazing place. The entrance to the territory of the reserve is paid: a ticket costs one hundred rubles.

Those who independently explore the sights of the Crimea can get to the New World by regular shuttle taxi, and from there walk to the trail or take a taxi.

Additional Information

The Golitsyn trail, according to many tourists, is one of the most beautiful places on the peninsula. Picturesque views and fantastic landscapes can captivate even the seasoned traveler. A walk along the trail with a length of just over three kilometers lasts several hours. And this is not surprising, because tourists have to walk along the road, on which every minute they have to stop in order to admire the beauty of nature, take photographs and just relax after a difficult climb.

The Golitsyn trail has another name. This is due to the fact that one section on it runs at a slope of almost eighty degrees. It is because of this steep section that it is called the Path of Infidelity, although this has nothing to do with adultery. , in ancient times, this territory was ruled by one great king, who regularly went on long military campaigns. From every trip he brought a new harem with him. He had to get rid of the already annoying concubines. Therefore, the king came up with an original way: his unloved wives had to go along this section of the path with a full jug of water, which they held on their heads. Poor women were not allowed to hold onto the surrounding stones or splash water. Having passed such a difficult test, the concubine was considered loyal to the king and continued to remain in the harem. They say that the bay below is full of bitter tears, so it is one of the saltiest in the whole Crimea.

The Golitsyn trail is the main attraction of the resort village of Novy Svet

The Golitsyn trail in Novy Svet is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Crimea. Every day, thousands of tourists from the most diverse parts of Russia, Ukraine and foreign countries come to this glorious southern place on an excursion.

The history of the Golitsyn trail

In 1912, the great Russian emperor Nicholas II, together with his family, planned to visit the Shtandart yacht for an excursion to the local beauty and relaxation by the Black Sea. It was for his arrival that the famous prince Golitsyn was ordered to cut a large path, during a walk along which magnificent landscapes of the Crimean nature were revealed.

Sea view from the Golitsyn trail

The length of the Golitsyn trail was about three thousand meters. Under the leadership of L.S. Golitsyn, this place was created by a real work of art, a masterpiece of architecture and a standard of construction - beautifully honed stone stairs and observation platforms were carefully erected by specially hired Turkish builders. In the most inaccessible places and the most dangerous for health working sections of construction, they were suspended on special "cradles" held on strong ropes.

The earthquake that struck the Crimea in 1927 caused severe damage to the Golitsyn trail almost along its entire length, but it, nevertheless, did not lose its beauty and attractiveness for tourist excursions.

The Golitsyn trail is the pride of the resort village of Novy Svet

The Golitsyn trail in Crimea originates at the foot of Mount Eagle, on the southwestern coast of the Sudak-Liman Bay (Green Bay). Smoothly encircling the cape, the trail leads the traveler straight to the natural giant Golitsyn grotto (another name is Chaliapin's grotto), which was once knocked out by sea waves in the rocks and amazes the eye of observers. In some places, the height of this grotto can reach thirty meters, which cannot but impress. In the very depths of the grotto there is a special stage, where the musicians should be located, and immediately behind it - a huge compartment of one of the Golitsyn storages of unique wines. In the same hall, a small "well" was dug, in which water periodically accumulates, gushing from clean springs.

One of the viewing platforms on the Golitsyn trail in Novy Svet

Immediately after this grotto, an excursion along the Golitsyn trail leads tourists to a new miracle - under the cliffs of the southern side of Mount Khoba-Kai. Everything here amazes with its extraordinary intricacy: huge stone blocks resemble in their shape silhouettes of people or figures of animals, and gloomy gorges and steep staircases look like the abode of some mythical mountain creature. Some scientists suggest that all these potholes in the rocks could have been made by the most ancient peoples who inhabited this land - the peoples of the Taurus. Here, in the depths of the cliffs, you can often see the fossilized remains of the once sea creatures - corals, various algae and sea urchins - all this was still alive about one hundred and fifty million years ago.

Going down the Golitsyn Sudak trail further, tourists come to a small beach of the Sinyaya Bay, from where a view of the narrow but long Cape Kapchik extending into the distance opens. To the left of here, under the blue sea waters, there is an equally beautiful underwater cave called the "Legend". Unfortunately, getting on an excursion to this place on the Golitsyn trail is not so easy - not all guides dare to descend into the depths of the Black Sea and lead an excursion group.

Descent to the Black Sea on the Golitsyn trail in Crimea

Cape Kapchik also has interesting sights on its territory. Here is the Ozernaya Cave with ornate bends and narrow manholes. A little further, approximately in the middle of the cape, it is cut by a rather large crevice - a through hole in the ground, stretching seventy-seven meters along the cape. Here, near the Through grotto of the Golitsyn trail (this is the name of this huge crack in the ground), tourists love to take a photo as a souvenir.

It is with this place that the excursion ecological trail, equipped for tourists, ends. Here, each of the visitors to the Golitsyn trail in the New World of Crimea can escape from the fascinating story of the guide and admire the view. From Cape Kapchik you can see the coast of Kamennaya Bay with its majestic heaps, a green pine grove, steep cliffs with its narrow gorges, and the Karul-Oba mountain range, which rises as if reigning over all this chaos, is a rocky reef formed in the Jurassic period and which is a natural monument today.

The through grotto is one of the main attractions of the Golitsyn trail

Separately, it should be said about the Through grotto, which has already been mentioned above. A huge number of photos taken during an excursion along the Golitsyn trail in Novy Svet capture the beauty of this particular attraction.

The main feature of the Skvozny grotto, which distinguishes it from the rest of the caves of the Crimean land, is its origin. The fact is that such a long and deep tunnel, piercing through the cape, was not formed at all as a result of the impact of water, but as a result of a prolonged and uneven movement of limestone rocks that form Kapchik.

The famous Golitsyn grotto in Crimea

The creator of the trail, Count Golitsyn himself, was the first to choose this amazing place: he ordered to improve the grotto, build stone stairs in it that lead directly to the sea, and put an original wrought-iron door at the entrance.

To this day, tourists leave a lot of positive reviews about the Through grotto on the Golitsyn trail.

Where is the Golitsyn trail?

For tourists vacationing in the resort village of Novy Svet or, inexpensive boat trips to the Golitsyn trail are regularly arranged. A little more expensive boat trip to the trail will cost holidaymakers from or. When entering the territory of the reserve, you will have to pay about fifteen hryvnias.

Vacationers of Sudak are often interested in how to get to the Golitsyn trail in another way. The answer is simple: you can take a regular route taxi at the city's bus station and get to Novy Svet, and from there you can already get to the trail on foot or by transport.

Those traveling by their own car can make their own route to the Golitsyn trail using the Novy Svet map.