Numerology by date of birth of Pythagoras online. Personal talisman "the magic square of Pythagoras"

With the help of the numerological matrix, you can tell a lot about a person. The square of Pythagoras reveals all the strengths and weaknesses of a person, his inclinations, character traits, compatibility with other people, and much more. In this article, we ourselves will calculate and build a psychomatrix, and give it a small description.

Knowledge from numerology is part of astrology. We are talking, of course, about Vedic astrology, as the ancestor of all other branches in astrology. Thanks to the numerological matrix, it is possible to help people more effectively from the point of view of psychology.

Therefore, take further information seriously and responsibly.

What is the square of Pythagoras?

The psychomatrix or Pythagorean square is a kind of “cast” of our physical and mental (subtle) body. The matrix is ​​calculated from the date of birth, through some transformations with numbers, which will be discussed below.

The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras studied even more ancient works on numerology, and then he brought it into a more understandable system. Here we will analyze the psychomatrix in a form adapted for our time.

The matrix allows you to look into the fate of a person. Thanks to it, you can understand what a person needs to focus on in his current life and where he may have problems.

What is the essence of the work of the numerological psychomatrix?

It may be news to you, but in our world everything consists of certain energies (vibrations). Everything is created, maintained and destroyed due to: goodness-sattva, passion-rajas, ignorance-tamas. Human life is also under the complete control of these energies.

One of the main tasks of a person in life is to get out from under the influence of the three material gunas (energies).

Astrology speaks of planetary influence on a person and his destiny. Planets are conductors of material energies in human life. As a result, fate develops in a certain way in all areas: certain health, wealth, talents, environment, opportunities, level of knowledge, and much more are given.

In numerology, each number is under the influence of a particular planet and also carries a certain energy or vibration. Therefore, within the framework of numerology, we will repeatedly return to the planets and ways to harmonize them.

The square of Pythagoras tells us how the influence of each of the planets is represented in the fate of a person. Numerology speaks on this topic in a simpler and more accessible way than astrology as a whole. But with the help of the analysis of the natal (astrological) chart of a person, more and more can be said.

How to calculate the psychomatrix of Pythagoras?

To build a Pythagorean square, we need two working lines . The first consists of the date of birth, and the second consists of four working numbers. Accordingly, we first need to calculate four working numbers. This calculation is suitable for those who were born before 2000. A little lower will be given a calculation for people who were born after 2000.

For example, let's take the date of birth 10/07/1952. The full name is also required here (in this example, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin).

  • 1 working number- obtained by adding all the numbers in the date of birth

25 - First working number

  • 2 working number- add the numbers of the first working number

7 - Second working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 - these are the dominant numbers, we leave them in the Second Working Number in the same form.

  • 3 working number- from the first working day we subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday


11 - Third working number

  • 4 working number- add up the numbers of the third working number

In this example, the Third working number is 11, which means:

11 - Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix and two working lines. The name of the matrix is ​​​​the name, patronymic, surname of its owner. Psychomatrix of Pythagoras is a set of energies in the form of numbers and planets that control these numbers, so each matrix must have its own name, corresponding to reality.

In our example, it looks like this:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


In each cell of the table we write out numbers from 2 working lines.

This is what a fully completed Pythagorean square looks like for a particular person:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


Can't box matrix because there is an energy behind every number. That is, there should not be external lines, like almost everyone who talks about the square of Pythagoras.

Each number, each row, column, diagonal in the matrix has its own meaning and can say a lot. Also some squares and triangles in the matrix matter.

When analyzing the psychomatrix, we rely on the ideal matrix, comparing with it the matrix that was obtained as a result of our calculations. Here is an example of an ideal matrix:

The missing numbers say what you need to work on (with what qualities).

Now we will calculate the matrix for those born in the 2000s, and after that we will describe the meaning of the numbers in the matrix.

Calculation of the psychomatrix for those born after 2000

In many ways, the procedure is the same as above, but there are some differences. We also need the full name of the owner of the future matrix and two working lines. We write down:

Full name– Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova

Date of Birth – 13.02.2000

  • We add up all the numbers in the date of birth 02/13/2000

8 - First working number

  • Then we add the numbers of the first working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 - the dominant numbers, leave.

8 - Second working number

  • We add 19 to the First working number (a constant is a constant number, support from the generations of the 1900s in the form of energies 1 and 9)

27 - Third working number

  • We add the numbers of the third working number

If the Third working number is 10,11,12, then we do not add up the numbers and transfer them in the same form.

9 - Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix (full name) and two working lines, and then fill in the matrix according to the same pattern as above:

Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova


Note to parents: it is important to give the energy of the missing figures in the family to children. The best ways: harmonious education and personal example.

For people born after 2000, there is a tough karmic task: follow the path of spiritual development, benefit the world and master a certain skill. For those born after 2015, this task is somewhat weakened.

I talk in detail about the self-calculation of the Pythagorean square for those born in the 2000s and later in this video:

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

It is impossible to give an accurate and detailed description of all combinations of numbers in the numerological matrix within the framework of the article, but I will talk about this a little lower. Therefore, now we will briefly talk about what each number in the matrix is ​​responsible for and which planet is under the control.

1 - Sun

On the one hand: character, self-determination, will, strength of personality. On the other hand, selfishness, pride.

This is a very important figure in the matrix and we start the analysis from it. According to it, we determine the strength of character, the tendency to leadership, the ability to achieve something. We can also see the degree of a person's egoism by this figure.

For example, if a person has “11111” or “111111” in the matrix, then this indicates a high level of egoism and this is a zone of special attention for him. But again, a more accurate "diagnosis" can only be made when considering the entire matrix as a whole.

The best option for women is "111", and for men "1111". But this is not critical, there may be other values. Much depends on how a person lives.

2 - Moon

On the one hand: relationships, partnership, choice, energy. On the other - laziness, apathy, anxiety.

Two shows the level of energy in a person, his ability to build relationships in the family and with others. “22” is considered the norm, but everything is individual.

When a person has a lot of twos: "222", "2222", etc., then he can do a lot, provided that he applies energy in the right direction and does not get scattered. But sometimes a large number of twos have the opposite effect and a person becomes very lazy.

3 - Jupiter

On the one hand: interest in science, curiosity, creativity, ability to study. On the other hand - unwillingness to develop, chaos.

In many ways, the triple speaks of a person's ability to exact sciences, various types of creativity and art. The norm is one triple, but if there are no triples at all, then this indicates that a person needs to develop in creativity. As the number of triples grows, it can develop as a strong interest in science and technology, but also a complete lack of desire to develop.

4 - Rahu

On the one hand: health, sexuality. On the other hand - neglect of the body and health, pedantry.

According to the four, we can determine the level of human health, the beauty and strength of the body, and study the issues of childbearing. The norm is "4". If there are no fours, then health and childbearing are a special area of ​​\u200b\u200battention, abortions cannot be done (although no one can do them, because this is murder).

But a lot of fours is not always good. People with "444" or "4444" are very concerned about their body and health, or, on the contrary, they may not give a damn about their body.

5 - Mercury

On the one hand: intuition and logic at the same time, the perception of life according to the male or female principle. On the other hand, there is a retreat into mentality, an excessive tendency to think.

Also a very important figure in the square of Pythagoras. We look at it in the second turn after the analysis of units. According to it, we determine by what principle a person perceives life. If there is no “5”, then a person has 80% of the energy of the opposite sex and 20% of his own. This means that a person will be with a certain character and shortcomings in him.

The norm is one "5". If the fives are “555” or more, this indicates good intuition and even a connection with otherworldly forces.

6 - Venus

On the one hand: skill, ability to work with hands, physical labor, manipulation. On the other hand - fear, anger, fear, destruction, unwillingness to work physically.

Although the six in the matrix shows creativity, including its absence, it indicates a special propensity for creativity. The energy of this figure is easy to accumulate up to 12 years. To do this, the child needs to learn to do something with his hands.

If a person has "666", then he has a strong ability to manipulate other people, and he can also cause a feeling of fear in others. One "6" is considered the norm.

7 - Ketu

On the one hand: success, luck, connection with the Guardian Angels, the study of the laws of the universe, joy. On the other hand - sensitivity, excessive vulnerability.

Quite an important figure in the square of Pythagoras. Ketu is the planet of wisdom, good luck, luck, and it is desirable that there be at least one "7" in the psychomatrix. If it is not there, then it is imperative to develop the energy of "7" through gratitude to God and all those around you for everything that comes into life, through sympathy for all living beings, through the comprehension of deep and wise knowledge.

The norm is one "7". If a person has "77", then he should be lucky in life, unless he worsens his fate with his actions. And if a person has "777", then he is a happy talisman for others, but not for himself. Such a person needs to bless others, wish them all the best and kind.

8 - Saturn

On the one hand: service, truthfulness, reliability, tolerance, kindness, belonging to the Family, duty to parents and relatives. On the other hand - anger, intolerance, irritability.

Saturn is one of the most important planets in our horoscope, as it distributes the fruits of good and bad karma. Accordingly, the energy "8" in the matrix is ​​important for us. The norm is one "8".

The absence of "8" in a woman can lead to problems in her personal life and disrespect for the opposite sex. Two and three "8" speak of a strong connection with the Family and a person needs to pay attention to relatives and relatives.

9 - Mars

On the one hand: memory, the level of mental abilities, a tendency to teaching and psychology. On the other hand - resentment, envy, vindictiveness, greed, greed, vindictiveness.

First of all, "9" shows the mental abilities of a person and a tendency to teach others. Three or more "9" can give phenomenal abilities and a strong connection with the Higher powers. The main thing here is to lead a good life.

The norm is "99". If the nine is one, then there may be a weak memory. And the combinations "999 + 5" and "999 + 77" speak of a special gift in a person who is associated with the Highest Values, but we can only talk about this in detail during a consultation.

What do the horizontal lines in the Pythagorean psychomatrix mean?

The value in the matrix is ​​not only the absence, presence and number of numbers, but also groups of numbers in horizontal and vertical lines, in diagonals, some squares and triangles. Now consider horizontal lines - lines.

Line 1-4-7

Shows a person's ability to set and achieve goals, his views on life.

Four or five numbers in a line speaks of a good sense of purpose and the ability to correctly set goals, based on common sense and one's capabilities. Less than 4-5 digits per line indicates that this quality is weakened in a person. If there are more than five numbers in a line, then this means a tendency to overestimate goals and spraying.

The string ideal is "111-4-7".

A lot of goal-setting depends on the strength of a person's character. Depending on the number of units in the matrix:

  • "1" - usually doubts, sets goals and does something for the company;
  • "11" - does not take into account his interest in the goal and its subject, stability is more important, does not pay attention to details;
  • "111" - sets goals from the state of interest; that is, if it is interesting, then I will set a goal and I will achieve it;
  • "1111" - goals are set from the state of money and other material interests;
  • "11111" - is interested in power (powers) and goals that can give it to a person;
  • "111111" - like a person with one "1".

Depending on the presence of the four in the matrix:

  • There is "4" - sets goals and implements them;
  • No “4” - doubts arise in the middle of the path, there may not be enough strength to bring the plan to the end.

The following depends on the seven:

  • No "7" - there may not be enough luck and good luck to achieve the goal;
  • There is a "7" - able to achieve goals and have enough luck for this.

Line 2-5-8

This line speaks of the qualities of a family man in a person and the desire to create a family.

The ideal string is "22-5-8".

Four or five numbers in a line speak of the good qualities of a family man, such a person knows why he needs a family. If the numbers are less than 4-5, then this says that the family is not a priority for a person. If there are no numbers, the person wants a family, but something constantly prevents him from creating it (either the wedding was canceled, or something else) or saving it. And when the numbers are more than five, the relationship partner is of great importance, there is a strong attachment to him.

Line 3-6-9

This horizontal line speaks of the desire for stability, habits and rituals. It also shows a fear of change.

The string ideal is "3-6-99".

Four or five numbers in a line indicates that the person is stable and grounded. If the numbers are more than five, then a person can get bogged down in habits and rituals, be strongly attached to stability and the usual state of things. If the numbers are less than four, then such a person is easy-going and not afraid of change.

Columns in the numerological matrix

The columns in the Pythagorean square also show a lot of information about a person and the description of all the nuances of this requires a lot of time. For now, I would like to point out that

  • The column "1-2-3" shows a person's self-esteem, his desire to stand out;
  • The column "4-5-6" also shows financial karma;
  • The column "7-8-9" shows the presence of talents in a person.

I want to note that sometimes a person's real life differs sharply from fate in the matrix due to the fact that a person with strong indicators in his matrix is ​​strongly “included” in it. For example, a child with parents, or parents with a child, or one spouse with another.

The value of the diagonals in the square of Pythagoras

On the diagonals, we look at the material and spiritual component of human life.

Diagonal "3-5-7"

This diagonal is called descending or material. It shows the carnal interests of a person, the need for intimacy, and other material needs.

Let's look at the number of digits:

  • There are no numbers - such a person can be an ascetic and have very few material needs (rarely) or, conversely, very strongly strive for everything material;
  • 1-2 numbers - the needs of such a person are not too high;
  • 3 - numbers - the norm;
  • 4-6 digits - tactility (touch, massage) is important to a person, other material needs and their quality are important.

Diagonal "1-5-9"

This diagonal is called falling or spiritual. Shows a person's desire for spirituality, development, primarily in religion, psychology and esotericism.

Here we also focus on the number of digits in the diagonal:

  • Less than six digits - a person is more imprisoned for material interests;
  • 6 digits - the norm; strive for the spiritual, but also develops in the material direction;
  • 7-8 or more numbers - a person can become a fanatic, there are often clues for spirituality;
  • There is no number "5" - either the material side of life is more interested, or a person is shaken from side to side and he needs to find a balance between the spiritual and the material.

According to the numerological matrix, you can look at many other things: propensity for certain professions, compatibility with a partner, tasks of a person in the Family, financial map, karmic tasks, draw up a schedule of fate, choose a name for a child, and much more.

Square of Pythagoras: the main conclusion

If you look at life from the perspective of numerology or astrology, then the main task of each person is to go beyond the matrix(psychomatrices of Pythagoras), or beyond the horoscope in astrology (natal chart).

Therefore, you need not to be conditioned and not to fall into dependence on your psychomatrix, but to take actions to get out from under the influence of fate. And this is a separate topic for discussion.

I ran through several articles that are in the TOP of Yandex and Google. And in them, the decoding of various combinations of numbers in the square of Pythagoras is largely superficial, and sometimes outright nonsense.

To give a complete description of a person according to the psychomatrix, it is necessary to carefully study it in all its subtleties. And in order to describe all the options here, you need to write a separate book. So there are two options in this situation:

    320 621 Sergei Yuriev http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergei Yuriev 2018-10-18 05:00:07 2018-11-13 18:13:20 How to calculate the square of Pythagoras (psychomatrix) by date of birth?

The Pythagorean number is an important milestone in the study of numerology. It will help reveal your hidden abilities, strengths and weaknesses, which can help you in self-realization.

Enter date of birth:

1 - if one unit fell out, then this characterizes a person as an egoist. He is neither good nor evil, he just does not care about the world around him. He tries to achieve some benefit for himself out of everything, to use others for his own purposes. Appreciates comfort.

11 - selfish, but this quality is hidden, does not come to light as brightly as in the previous case. However, people with two ones are also very fond of themselves, but, in addition, they can take care of others.

111 - kind, calm people. They think about the happiness of others, like to bring joy to people. They are difficult to anger or get out of patience. These people tend to seek compromises.

1111 is a very strong and honest person. Has great willpower. However, they can be overly strict and critical of others. They impose their opinions and advice on others. Very conservative. Men with this number often choose a military career, women become big bosses. They are the head of the family, regardless of gender.

11111 - a dictator, maybe even a domestic tyrant. Differs in an extreme desire to control the lives of other people. Very domineering. For the sake of his goal, he will do anything without the slightest remorse. I am 100% sure that I am right. “The end justifies the means” - it is said just about such people. Oddly enough, a person with 5 units loves his family very much, but in a very peculiar way. He is vindictive and vindictive, easily adapts to the necessary conditions, can hide his essence, but does not like to do this.

111111 is an extremely rare combination. A very outstanding person, also tough, maybe even cruel, but without that maniacal zeal, which distinguishes the previous version. Usually he has one great goal in his life and all thoughts are aimed at achieving it. If this happens, he can become depressed due to the lack of meaning in life. But more often than not, he quickly comes to his senses and finds a new dream. It is difficult to build relationships with them, but for the sake of loved ones, she will do anything.

0 - no deuces - energy vampire.

2 - these people are not very strong energetically. You need to develop your abilities, engage in spiritual practices, yoga, read mantras. Often sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. Avoid stressful situations, sudden changes, conflicts.

22 - has a fairly strong energy. Can heal people, with the development of skills and abilities, you can become a good healer. None of the relatives of such a person suffers from particularly ailments, but this is the case when there is a good relationship between them. They unconsciously share their energy with loved ones, but they can also take it away.

222 - sorcerer, magician. Usually they know about their abilities from early childhood, but sometimes even an adult may not know about them. If the "twos" develop their talents, then they achieve a lot.

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energy sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the "twos" of this type, there is the largest number of energy vampires. If three sixes are added (666), you need to be careful!

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energy sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the "twos" of this type, there is the largest number of energy vampires.

0 - the absence of a triple indicates that such a person is a little turned on cleanliness and order, and this hobby does not depend on gender. Good workers and bosses will do everything that depends on them impeccably. A little selfish. They are also good hosts, but unnecessarily picky. They do not tolerate non-punctuality or optionality. They love their children, but make strict demands on them.

3 - such a person loves cleanliness and order, but he does not like the cleaning process itself. Therefore, the degree of chaos in his house depends on the mood and workload of the owner. Well prepared.

33 - pronounced abilities for the exact sciences, have an analytical mindset. Skeptical, incredulous. They do not believe in mysticism and the otherworldly. To strangers they may seem like "crackers", but in fact they are kind and caring.

333 - also talented in the sciences, have a passion for power. If for some reason they fail to find a way for self-realization, then suppressed desires can break out into outbursts of rage, increased stinginess, stinginess and pedantry.

3333 - 33333 - very great abilities for the sciences in general, however, due to their versatility, a person can tritely “spray”, take on everything at once and never achieve something big in one field of activity.

0 - the absence of fours indicates poor health. This especially increases depending on the number of twos, since in this case more energy is given to other people.

4 - not very strong health, in adulthood many sins of youth will make themselves known, so it is better to immediately adhere to a healthy diet and play sports.

44 -444 - good health and increased temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

44 -444 - you have good health and increased temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

4444 - 44444 - excellent health and excellent sexual opportunities. Both men and women are naturally very strong physically.

0 - a person is "deaf", has a very weak intuition, therefore he often makes mistakes, all the time marking time in one place. It is often said about such people that they are unlucky in life. However, with due effort and patience, they can achieve a high position in life.

5 - have good intuition, can foresee major mistakes. They know how to calculate the current situation and extract the maximum benefit from it.

55 - strong intuition. They can correctly predict the course of events. Such people make good businessmen, stock market players.

555 - practically possess the gift of clairvoyance. They always know what should be done in a given situation, which is why they practically do not get into a mess. However, this skill develops over the years and needs constant training.

5555 -55555 - psychics - clairvoyants. They see what ordinary people can't. Can recognize both future and past events.

0 - No sixes. Man came into this world to get a profession. He does not like physical labor, but he is forced to do it;

6 - not a very down to earth person. He is forced to do physical labor, which he does not like, however, he has a desire for beauty and art. Maybe a good artist or poet, however, without fanaticism.

66 - very practical and earthly persons. They live a full-blooded life, but the intangible is beyond the boundaries of their perception. Very sober-minded people, sometimes scientists, do not believe in something that cannot be felt with hands. Good owners, many are very fond of manual labor, land.

666 is not an easy number. The people who got it have a special charisma and charm, they can turn anyone's head. Very sociable, always become the center of attention. However, we should not forget that they are fueled by others, in particular from their partner.

6666 - 66666 - very mundane people, forced to work hard and hard. In this way they work off the sins of their previous lives.

0 - no talent in this incarnation. In this incarnation, a difficult fate awaits.

7 - have the ability to be creative, but weakly expressed. But if you persevere and develop your gift, you can achieve a lot.

77 - very talented in one area: music, painting, sculpture, etc. Nevertheless, they are forced to fight all their lives for the opportunity to live the way they want and develop their talent. Magically gifted.

777 - there is a huge talent, but you have to pay for it. Few live to old age. They always rush between two extremes, for them there is only black and white, there are no halftones and shades. They can become religious fanatics. Subject to the influence of more stable personalities.

7777 - the sign of the Alert. Life is often difficult and dangerous.

77777 - the sign of the Angel. Sent to earth for consolation. Yet their lives are often difficult and dangerous.

0 - no sense of duty. He never feels bound by obligations, forgets about agreements, deadlines. He does not hesitate to ask for help from those whom he has recently strongly framed. It can easily borrow and not return a large amount of money.

8 - these personalities are very reliable, respectable and accurate. However, they can be picky and petty, overly scrupulous.

88 - very good heads of families, feel responsible for all family members. Always follow their moral principles, never leave in trouble. They can stand up for the weak and infirm, even if they have nothing to do with them.

888 - conscientiousness and sense of duty of people from the previous case increased by an order of magnitude. Such individuals feel responsible not for one family, but for the entire nation. They make every effort to bring their people to prosperity.

8888 - 88888 - very unusual people. They are called "indigo children". They have great magical talent. It seems as if they are not in our world from birth.

0 - not very high mental abilities. To achieve high results, you need to make an effort, because nothing will happen by itself.

9 - this person does not immediately understand everything. He has the ability, but in order to learn the material, it takes a certain amount of time to understand it properly.

99 - easily perceive and memorize new knowledge. Despite this, in order to achieve a high position, you need to make efforts and not forget about your studies.

999 - very smart from birth and because of this they are lazy. Reading is enough to understand the material. Lack of development due to easy achievement of goals.

9999 - 99999 - geniuses. Sometimes they have psychic powers. And yet they are often rude and cruel due to the fact that they are not understood and not recognized. Ambitious and narcissistic, but attached to relatives and friends.

How to calculate the working numbers of Pythagoras?

As you know, Pythagoras is an ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who founded his own school of Pythagoreans. His ideas have influenced many scientists, and continue to amaze modern people. In addition to mathematics, he also studied numerology and is one of the fathers of this science.

So, how exactly should you calculate the Pythagorean number? First you need to take your . In this example, let's say: 10.09.1994.

First, add the numbers of the day and the month.

1+0+0+9 = 10

1+9+9+4= 23

Count together the numbers from the first and second steps. This number will be yours. first working number.

10+23 = 33

Now you need to decompose the first working number into components and add them together. It will be yours second working day.

33 = 3+3 = 6

Subtract from the first working number the second, multiplied by two. If the second working number is also two-digit, multiply only the first digit by 2. That's how you'll know third working number.

33 — 6*2 = 21

And the last step remains - decompose the third working number into components and add it together. Just what did you find out fourth working day.

21 = 2+1 = 3

How to make a Pythagorean calculation table correctly?

Now you need to take a blank piece of paper and a pen and draw a table on it, which consists of 2 lines of 8 cells each. On the first line you should write your date of birth, and on the other your working numbers. If any number is one-digit, then you need to put a zero in front of it!

You can understand yourself, relatives and friends with the help of the square of Pythagoras. The article describes a method for calculating a psychomatrix to determine the main character traits, compatibility, as well as a method for constructing a life graph according to Pythagoras.

The influence of the date of birth on the life path, character, health and talent has been proven long ago. Since ancient times, people have tried to figure out what fate promises a born child.

The square of Pythagoras is one of the important directions in numerology. With its help, with high accuracy, you can determine the character of a person, his inclinations, hidden abilities, characteristic features.

What is the square of the fate of Pythagoras in numerology?

  • The developer of the square is the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. He studied the mathematical works on the study of man of the Arabs, Phoenicians, Egyptians and Druids.
  • The square of Pythagoras is a system of numbers, the calculation of which is based on the date of birth. The numbers of the date of birth are added in a certain order, forming a series of numbers.
  • These numbers are painted on nine squares of the matrix from 1 to 9. Then they analyze the table, draw conclusions about what character traits and talents are inherent in a person by fate.

How does the square of Pythagoras work?

At birth, each person receives a vibration of a number that carries certain characteristics. This number is the date of birth.

By creating a horoscope matrix by date of birth, you can determine the character traits that are inherent in a person born on a certain day.

Square of Fate - a characteristic in nine digits

How to make a psychomatrix (square) of Pythagoras?

  1. Add up all the digits of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7+5+1+9+8+5=35
    It will be yours first working day
  2. Add up the numbers of the first working day: 3+5=8
    It's yours second working number
  3. Double the first non-zero digit of your birthday. In the example, the first zero, we discard it and double the number 7: 7*2=14
  4. Subtract the resulting number from the first working number: 35-14=21
    It's yours third working number
  5. Add up the numbers of the third working number: 2+1=3
    It's yours fourth working number

Write down all 12 digits 7.5.1985. into the corresponding digits of the cell of the Pythagorean matrix.

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras

The more numbers of one group, the more developed a certain quality.

The square of Pythagoras is a science from antiquity

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

Decipher the results obtained by the meaning and number of digits.

1. Character, willpower, ego in the psychomatrix

  • 1 - characterizes a person as selfish and weak-willed. Such a person always tries to demonstrate his exaggerated volitional qualities, but he tries not to make real decisions, he avoids difficult questions. Tends to argue with or without
  • 11 - a person is distinguished by a soft, complaisant character. He does not like to put pressure on people, he is sociable. Responsive and attentive to others, in dire need of praise, which increases his self-esteem. Lacks purpose unless he has enough twos
  • 111 - character - "golden mean". People find a common language with everyone, they can give in to anyone in a dispute. But if you put pressure on them, then in a dispute they will crush any despot. They have a gentle, tolerant nature, but it is not worth testing it, as there may be an unexpected outburst of emotions.

The unit in the psychomatrix characterizes the strength of character
  • 1111 - a person with a strong, strong-willed character of a leader. Such people make excellent leaders and commanders who know how to achieve goals, but without cruelty and despotism. They love sincere praise, but do not accept sycophancy. They rarely back down from a decision.
  • 11111 - a man of power, purposefully moving towards rule, no matter what. Despotic. But the desire for power creates a hostile environment around. It is better for such people to leave power, because it can give rise to a successor who will destroy him. Don't try his patience.
  • 111111 and more - "overload" of the despot, the character is not stable. Strives for great power: the king, the president, but the impossibility of achieving it leads to disappointment and a complete renunciation of power. But for loved ones can do the impossible

2. Energy level, psychic tendencies, passion, sexuality squared by Fate

  • no - a person’s energy is weak, therefore he is characterized by fussiness, mobility, and chaotic movements. At the same time, due to a lack of energy, a person can be lazy. Fours strengthen weak energy. Such a person is an energy vampire, because his own energy is not enough. Love dogs that are energy donors
  • 2 - a person's energy is weakened. But fussiness and laziness are manifested in them selectively, in certain circumstances. They try to avoid physical labor, conflicts, since this is a strong expenditure of energy. They love and know how to speak and receive compliments, gifts, this increases their energy level. Atmospheric phenomena have a strong influence on them

Numerology of Pythagoras is inextricably linked with the signs of the zodiac
  • 22 is the optimal energy level for life. A person is able to realize himself in any areas of interest to him. Equally effectively sets goals and achieves them. Can work with people. Laziness is not characteristic of such people, the main thing is that self-esteem and determination are at their best. If necessary, he can fiercely defend his interests. You can't scatter and waste your energy
  • 222 - a person is a psychic, can heal with his biofield, but they appear more often in extreme situations. These are quite closed people, they are reluctant to share their problems. But this kind of energy is not stable, it’s not worth doing hard physical labor
  • 2222 is a human donor with the strongest energy, everyone is drawn to them to recharge. The opposite sex pays special attention to such people. Often such people waste their energy, but they can afford it. It is necessary to get rid of an excess of energy, otherwise conflicts will arise.

3. A penchant for science in the square of Pythagoras

  • no - indicates a humanitarian bias, it will be difficult to deal with technical specialties. Creative professions are well suited, you just need to reveal your aspirations and talents in time
  • 3 - a person can become both a humanitarian and a techie. But, you can’t be scattered, you need to determine the area and improve in it, otherwise there is a danger of not achieving success anywhere. You can’t rush about, because the only three sprays, and does not fix interest
  • 33 - a person has the ability to exact sciences, technology. Analytic mind. Such people make excellent scientists, mathematicians, physics. If there is logic and memory, then excellent masters of their craft in the repair of equipment, its design and design can turn out. But if 5, 6 and 9 are weak, then you should not deal directly with repairs

You can know yourself and the world through the square of Pythagoras

333 - interest in the exact sciences is not stable, which means a craving for the world of art. Well, if there is an opportunity to combine it, so that one interest flows smoothly into another. Otherwise, internal conflict and dissatisfaction may appear. It is important for such people to realize themselves, which requires the support and understanding of loved ones.

3333 - a born inventor and designer, a very rare sign. If the numbers in the matrix are 5 and 9 in an amount of two or more, then you need to do science. If memory and logic are weak, then you are a generator of ideas, which can be difficult for details, so you need to implement ideas collectively

4. Fortress of health in the psychomatrix of Fate

When choosing a professional activity, measure this indicator and the level of energy. If health and energy are weak, then you should not choose a very nervous and strenuous activity.

  • no - speaks of poor health. In childhood, such children often get sick, but what kind of health will be in adulthood depends only on the person himself and his lifestyle. You should not go in for professional sports, enter into sharp conflicts either, because. while energy and health are wasted

The square of Pythagoras is a way to decipher fate
  • 4 - health from birth is quite good, but it must be protected. There is an opportunity to engage in professional sports, but on condition that the energy is not lower than "22". Waste of energy is best avoided, as it leads to poor health.
  • 44 - good health from birth. You will submit to professional sports, but when choosing a sport, one must take into account inclination and interest. A person has a strong sense of purpose, which will allow him to achieve serious heights. Just do not abuse your physical strength, the mind can be more powerful
  • 444 and more - a person is practically not susceptible to diseases, health is very good. Possesses big sexual possibilities and fine body. Men are physically very strong

5. Intuition, logic squared by Pythagoras

  • no - a person does not use logic well, it is easier for him to build castles in the air. Clear planning is difficult, but he "sees" how his plans should be realized. Intuition is very weak, you should not rely on it. Logic and intuition can only be developed through the thorny path of experience.
  • 5 - there is logic, but weak, so planning is difficult for a person. But it is easier to calculate the situation, take advantage of it and prevent the commission of a mistake than in the absence of fives. It is possible to engage in exact sciences, but only with a great desire of the person himself, a good memory and a sufficiently strong and stable energy

The square of Pythagoras is elementary mathematics
  • 55 - strong logic and intuition, you can do the exact sciences. Often they foresee events through the logic of reasoning, but they cannot always insure against failures, since not everything depends on them. It is difficult to deceive them, because they subtly feel the contradictions in the words of the interlocutor.
  • 555 - the strongest logic and intuition, often accurately predict events. They can predict the outcome of almost any case. But these opportunities are not constant, they appear on occasion. All the exact sciences are within their reach
  • 5555 and more are clairvoyants, they are completely clear about all the causes and consequences of events. They usually choose one direction in activity and develop it. Well versed in the exact sciences

6. Propensity for physical labor, grounding of a person in the matrix of Destiny

  • no - a person does not like physical labor, tries to avoid it in every possible way, does something only out of necessity. You don't have to break it. Such a person is not lazy, he just needs to do mental work or a creative profession
  • 6 - a person can engage in physical labor only at will, otherwise he becomes irritable and nervous. Forcing such people to work physically is not worth it, the quality of work may be low. But if he started to work, then there is no need to interrupt him or give instructions.
  • 66 - a person loves physical labor, it gives him real pleasure to do something with his own hands. These are the "golden hands" that any manual work is subject to. Such people prefer to read TV shows and videos on the Internet. They need to find their own business and realize themselves in it.

According to Pythagoras, some people do not need to work physically

666 - a person with a complex character. Under a certain set of circumstances (strong resentment, humiliation), cruelty, aggressiveness, a desire to suppress anyone standing in the way or simply not liked can develop

6666 - a person works a lot physically, and practically does not feel the severity of physical labor. But under certain circumstances, just as with three 6, cruelty can manifest itself.

7. Luck, luck, the influence of higher powers on the fate of a person in the psychomatrix of Pythagoras

  • no - a person is free from the influence of higher powers, the need to fulfill a higher plan does not weigh on him, therefore he is free to choose his own life path
  • 7 - a person needs to find an area in which he needs to open up. Then on this path he will be successful. Most of the trouble comes from choosing the wrong direction. But there are a lot of directions for self-realization, although this makes the right choice more difficult than it helps.

According to Pythagoras, not everyone can read the earthly information field
  • 77 - sensitive and gifted people, a person is lucky in life. You can take risks and set big goals. Choosing your path and following it is much easier than with one "7". The main thing is to believe in yourself and order correctly from the Universe: if you believe that nothing will work out, you really will not succeed
  • 777 and more - means that a person himself builds his life and determines the events that will happen to him, because he has vast knowledge about the Laws of Life. They can take into account and foresee a lot. Failures can appear only in case of disbelief in one's own strength or self-destructive actions.

8. Sense of duty, responsibility in the square of Fate

  • no - the sense of duty is greatly blunted. A person is quite selfish, not in a hurry to take responsibility. It is impossible to put pressure on such people, they react very emotionally to this. But the upbringing and lifestyle of parents can have a big impact on the development of a sense of duty.
  • 8 - a responsible, conscientious, accurate person in business, but sometimes he needs to remind himself of tolerance for others. The sense of duty is blunted, but parenting by example and self-awareness can correct this

A sense of duty is the hope for a brighter tomorrow
  • 88 - means that a person has an innate sense of duty. He is distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, tolerance. Always ready to help loved ones. At the same time, they feel a lie keenly, it is practically impossible to deceive him, and he himself tries not to deceive
  • 888 - a person, just like with "88", is kind and sympathetic, respects his parents, is patient with his neighbors. But, too big a truth-seeker, he feels deceit and does not tolerate it at all, he can even become “Pavlik Morozov” in pursuit of truth. But can lead the masses and achieve outstanding results
  • 8888 and more - a person with parapsychological abilities, has exceptional susceptibility, his vocation is to serve people

9. Mind, analytical skills, ability to learn in the square of Pythagoras

  • no - learning is difficult for a person, he needs to work hard and hard. But the absence of "9" is observed only in those who were born after 2000. For them, there are other calculation methods that have not yet been sufficiently developed.
  • 9 - a person does not remember and reproduce information very well, but he creates something new with pleasure. They remember all the important and necessary information exactly, everything else is eliminated. Do not litter your memory with insults and negative information.

Philosophy of Pythagoras
  • 99 - smart people who can solve very difficult problems. They can quickly reproduce any information they need, so they can do science. However, you can not get bogged down in petty problems and responsibilities, this will lead to a weakening of abilities. It is worth learning to understand the motives of people's actions, so as not to accumulate resentment
  • 999 are very smart, quick-witted people with great analytical skills. Study is easy, so they can ignore it. They may have the gift of clairvoyance, because they have access to the information field, although their forecasts are not always absolutely correct
  • 9999 and more - people of very high intelligence. They make brilliant specialists in their field, but they are often intolerant of other people's mistakes, even cruel. These are the prophets, their predictions come true very accurately. But clairvoyant abilities sometimes need to be developed

How to determine the character of a person by the square of Pythagoras?

Not only the numbers themselves can tell about the character, but also their number horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

The more numbers that are responsible for a certain quality, the more this quality is developed. But if there are more than 5 numbers, then there is an inflection, which may manifest itself as instability and fanaticism to the detriment of other qualities.


  • purposefulness- 1,4,7. The greater the value, the greater the goals a person is able to achieve. With a value greater than 5, the desire to achieve the goal is so great that the means cease to be of interest.
  • The quality of a family man and the desire to start a family- 2,5,8. Some are ready to start a family and take responsibility immediately after school (value 6-9), others take this step for a very long time (value 1.2)
  • Stability- 3,6,9. Characterizes the desire of a person to surround himself with certain habits, daily routine. A person with a high level of stability is afraid and does not want change.


  • Self-esteem- 1,2,3. The greater the value of the number, the greater the desire for a person to stand out from the crowd and show himself as a significant person.
  • material independence- 4,5,6. The higher the value, the higher the person's desire for self-sufficiency, but with a value of more than 5 people work so hard that they can overstrain
  • Talent- 7,8,9. The higher the value, the stronger the talent. But often talent is not allowed to develop and improve, which brings disappointment and dissatisfaction to life. If you have a value greater than 3, then you definitely need to find and reveal your talent


  • Temperament- 3,5,7 characterizes the activity of sexual life. The higher the value, the more temperamental the person, but this indicator does not affect the quality of intimate relationships.
  • Spirituality - 1,5,9. The number of numbers up to 5 indicates the growth of spirituality, the absence of numbers indicates lack of spirituality, and the number of numbers over 5 characterizes a person who can become a fanatic

Compatibility according to Pythagoras

How to calculate compatibility for marriage by the square of Pythagoras?

He: 02/09/1982 She: 05/07/1985
111 44 No 11 No 7
22 No 8 2 555 88
33 No 99 33 No 9

Calculate the sums of the number of numbers diagonally, vertically, horizontally:

Compare your results with each other.

Compatibility in love according to the square of Pythagoras, table:

  • When the purposefulness of a man is greater, this characterizes a classic family, where the husband takes the leading position. Otherwise, a woman may stop respecting her man. If everyone understands their roles, then a union is possible, where a woman is stronger
  • The quality of a family man in a woman is higher, which characterizes her as an excellent keeper of the hearth. A man does not appreciate family values ​​so much, so in crises a woman needs to be more attentive to a man
  • The stability of both is at almost the same level, which ensures harmony. If there is a big gap here, then one will need an active life and change, while the other will need peace and quiet, which will cause dissonance
  • A man's self-esteem is higher, it is desirable for a woman to work with her own. Differences in self-esteem can affect relationships, a man may begin to put himself above his partner

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras will help to understand a loved one
  • Financially, both do not care too much about providing for the family, and this is harmony. If there is a big difference, then in the family it is immediately necessary to indicate who is the main earner, so that in the future there will be no conflicts
  • Talent is on the same level, no one will pressure anyone
  • The temperament of a woman is higher, that is, a man should pay great attention to his sexual life, otherwise a woman may commit adultery. The same applies if a man has a higher temperament. Better when temperaments are close
  • Spirituality has close meanings, which means respect for the spiritual development of everyone. A large difference in indicators can introduce dissonance, since a partner with less spirituality may not understand the partner and put pressure on him, which leads to the collapse of the relationship

Friendly compatibility on the square of Pythagoras

Having learned the character traits of a person that were laid down at birth, one can understand how much such a person can be trusted. The psychomatrix will show whether a person is ambitious, honest with others, energetic, financially independent, spiritually rich.

Sometimes people may try to pose as someone they are not, and in difficult situations this will come up. Having studied the psychomatrix, you can find out the weaknesses of a person and not impose on him more than he is able to pull.

The Pythagorean life schedule will help prepare for difficult periods

Life schedule according to Pythagoras by date of birth

The life schedule is based on the date of life. According to the schedule, you can determine under which sign every 12 years of life will pass.

Example: 05/07/1985 Multiply the date: 7*5*1985=69475 and get key points.

Build a graph.

  1. The horizontal axis will correspond to years. The first dot is the year of birth. Each next point is a year after 12 years. Set as many points as you like.
  2. On the vertical axis, plot the numbers from 0 to 9. Zero at the zero point
  3. Take the first digit 6 of the received number 69475 and put it over the year of birth, it will characterize the interval from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life)
  4. The next number 9 marks the next 12 years: the period 1997-2009. So to the last digit
  5. After the last point, we return to the beginning of the digital series 69475 and build the next period after 2033, starting from the first digit 6 vertically

Pythagorean graph according to the example

Deciphering the points of the graph

  • 0 - all actions taken before this will lead to a dead end, and you will have to start all over again, a difficult period. This is the time to work off karmic debts, problems are possible. But this is also the beginning of a new life. Engage in the contemplation of Life, draw conclusions, grow spiritually
  • 1 - a period under the banner of hard work. But the direction is right and all costs will bear fruit. Walk this path boldly, it will lead to victory. Irritability and imbalance can often occur
  • 2 - a period of doubt, when there is a choice of a further path. This choice is difficult, full of contradictions, but it will be only yours. Ups and downs alternate regularly, but the attitude to this will be philosophical
  • 3 - a period of stability, when you will definitely be sure of your choice of path. The period of implementation of plans, but this will require resources and they must be learned how to extract. You will make many friends, learn the flexibility of communication
  • 4 - the period when you need to take care of the soul. Develop in a spiritual direction, pay attention to family ties and their strength. This is a conservative period, abrupt changes are best avoided.

  • 5 - a period under the sign of the search for love, the warmth of loved ones and active actions. The period is full of unpredictable moments and adventures, you will want changes and impressions.
  • 6 - a period of happiness and harmony. Create, create, enjoy life. Good-natured mood prevails
  • 7 - period of crisis financial situations. Be careful, try to save money, do not make expensive and risky investments. The period is conducive to the study of everything secret, intimate and otherworldly
  • 8 - a period under the sign of change, the birth of a new era and material success. Everything around is changing, you have to adapt. Look around and make a choice to live this period the way you want. You will be successful in literally everything
  • 9 - Higher forces lead you to accomplish an important task. And you will be successful everywhere. After completing one thing, a new one will begin, but this gives life a special flavor.

Pay attention to the ups and downs on the chart, they correspond to the ups and downs in life. During such periods, you need to be careful. The most favorable are horizontal segments.

Date of birth is a magic number
  • The square of Pythagoras describes those qualities and character traits that are given to a person at birth. But, if the forecast is not very positive, do not despair. Work with your weaknesses and everything will turn out
  • Develop fortitude and resistance to stress, learn to accumulate and take the energy of the Universe, improve your health, make efforts where you would like to open up. Learn to understand yourself and others

Anna, 31 years old

For seven years she was angry with her husband for not being courageous enough, strong in spirit. You have to push him to key decisions. But the square of Pythagoras showed that a person is simply much weaker than me energetically and in terms of strength of mind. It helped me to calm down and do all the actions more consciously.

Marina, 40 years old:

The alignment for compatibility showed that we are completely unsuitable with my first husband, both leaders who find it difficult to negotiate. The second husband does not strive to be a leader in the family, but is stronger than me energetically. He gives me the opportunity to think that I am in charge, but always protects.

Video: Calculation of the Pythagorean Square

The square of Pythagoras is a numerological method for calculating fate according to the numbers of a person's date of birth. The date of birth carries a lot of information about a person: his character, his abilities, success in life, propensity for activities and professions. The square of Pythagoras allows you to find out the individual characteristics of a man and a woman, and then, based on these data, calculate the compatibility of the couple.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January February March April May June July August September October November December
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901
Calculate Compatibility

You can also make your own personal square of Pythagoras, which will tell you about your abilities, skills, talents and health.

How is compatibility calculated by the square of Pythagoras?

As you can learn from the article "", each of the nine cells of the Pythagorean square tells about some quality of a person. For example, the first cell of the Pythagorean square shows the strength of a person's character - the more units, the more strong-willed a person. The second cell of the Pythagorean square is responsible for the energy of a person - the more twos in the second cell, the more powerful the person from an energy point of view. The fourth cell of the Pythagorean square will tell about a person's health: a large number of fours promises a person excellent health, and the absence of fours indicates pain.
The author of this system for analyzing a person's personality is Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, numerologist and mathematician. The square of Pythagoras accurately describes the qualities of a person, his fate, and for many years has been very popular with people. Over the years, scientists appeared who were able to open up new possibilities for analyzing personality based on the Pythagorean square.

One of these people is the numerologist-mathematician Alexandrov, who proposed to consider the square of Pythagoras not only as separate 9 cells, each of which tells about the quality of a person’s personality, but also to analyze the columns, rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean cell. Each column, row and diagonal of the Pythagorean square carries information about a person's personality. For example, the first row of the psychomatrix (cells 1, 4, 7) will tell us about the person's purposefulness, and the first column (cells 1, 2, 3) will tell us about the self-esteem of the individual. It is for these personality traits, which the rows and columns in the Pythagorean square tell about, that the Compatibility of the couple is calculated.

Analysis of the compatibility of a pair by the square of Pythagoras (for example):

For example, let's take a guy and a girl born on January 8, 1987 and October 14, 1991 and analyze their compatibility. To analyze the compatibility of your couple, use the Pythagorean squares based on your dates of birth. To do this, at the beginning of this article, enter your dates of birth in the boxes called "He" and "She", and then click the "Calculate" button.

For analysis, lines, columns and diagonals of the Pythagorean square are taken in turn. Each diagonal and column is responsible for a certain quality of personality. The more numbers in a line or column, the more developed the quality of a given person.

To calculate the purposefulness of the guy in this pair, you need to add up the number of digits in the first line. It turns out: 3 digits + 1 digit + 2 digits \u003d 6. Purposefulness of the girl: 7.

Thus, according to the criterion of purposefulness, this couple does not quite fit together. The girl in this pair will be more active and ambitious, which can negatively affect her relationship with the young man. A man in this pair should develop a sense of purpose in order to achieve harmony in relations with his girlfriend.

Do the same with your Pythagorean squares: count the number of digits in the first line of the guy and the girl, and then analyze how you match each other in terms of the quality of purposefulness.

This couple is not too in a hurry to start a family, he is quite satisfied with a romantic relationship throughout his life without concluding a legal marriage. Both the girl and the young man have a low level of attachment to the family, which is 3 digits.

It is believed that a guy and a girl are suitable for each other according to this criterion, since both of them are not attracted by family values ​​and they are ready to live their whole lives in a celibate relationship, but have a feeling of love for each other.

Determine your compatibility with your loved one by the level of attachment to the family. To do this, count the number of digits in the second line of the guy's square and the girl's square. The more numbers, the more the person expresses attachment to the family and family traditions.

The stability of a man is 3: 1 digit + 2 digits. The stability of a woman is 4. Such a couple has moderate stability: they value a quiet family life, but at the same time they are ready for unexpected changes in their lives. An excellent level of stability in a pair for a long and strong relationship.

The first column of the Pythagorean matrix is ​​responsible for the self-esteem of the couple. The self-esteem of a man has 4 points, and the self-esteem of a woman - 6. This is not very favorable, since a woman can crush a man with her strength and faith in herself. A man in such an alliance should develop faith in his professional abilities, and a woman should believe in him and inspire new feats.

The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are called the Material column in the square of Pythagoras. The material well-being of a man in this pair is 1 point, and the material well-being of a woman is 4 points. This means that the wife in this pair is better able to earn money and has the ability to do so. This is not a very favorable compatibility, but in our time, some couples are satisfied with this kind of family life, when a woman provides more for the family than a man.

Using the same method, determine how much you fit each other in terms of material well-being. The more numbers in the second column, the more successful the person is financially.

The talent level of a man is 7 points, and the talent level of a woman is 3 points. This is excellent compatibility for family life: a woman automatically respects a man for his abilities in a creative or other field. Such a high level of talent in men suggests that he is able to achieve a lot in the field of literature, painting or business.

The temperament or sexuality of the couple is calculated along the diagonal of the square by the numbers 3, 5 and 7. The sexuality of the man is 3 points, and the sexuality of the woman is 0 points. This is not a very favorable compatibility, since the man in this couple needs sex more than his girlfriend.

This couple does not belong to the category of people who are deeply interested in spirituality and worship God. Although this couple has some interest in everything deep and mysterious. The guy and the girl have favorable spiritual compatibility for creating a strong family.

9. Household crisis

With the help of the square of Pythagoras, you can also find out when domestic crises await the family and prepare for them by minimizing discord and conflicts in the family. Use a calculator for calculations.

Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of a domestic crisis in their relationship. Having understood the method of calculating the terms of a domestic crisis, use it to calculate the terms of a domestic crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the ascending diagonal, the third and second lines of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 3 digits, 3 digits, 3 digits.
For enrollment volume of household stability of a man multiply these numbers: 3×3×3=27.

The girl gets: 0 digits, 4 digits, 3 digits.
To calculate girl's household stability volume multiply these numbers: 3×4=12.

2) Calculate total household stability.

To do this, multiply the amount of everyday stability of the girl and the guy.
Total household stability = 12×27 = 324

3) To calculate the period of the onset of a crisis in everyday life, you need to divide the total volume of domestic stability by 365 days. Thus, we will find out the number of years after which a domestic crisis will repeat in the family. Let's calculate the period of the onset of the crisis in everyday life: 324:365 days = 0.8 years. It turns out that a household crisis in this family will occur even more often than once a year. This couple needs to seriously think about how to improve and facilitate their life, try to build their relationship on a spiritual basis, not focusing too much on the little things of life.

10. Spiritual Crisis

The square of Pythagoras allows you to find out the period of spiritual crisis in a married couple.
On the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of a spiritual crisis in their pair. In this example, you will understand the method of calculating the spiritual crisis. Use this method and calculate the duration of the spiritual crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the descending diagonal, the first column and the first line of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 5 digits, 4 digits, 6 digits.
For enrollment volume of spiritual stability of a man multiply these numbers: 5×4×6=120.
The girl gets: 4 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits.
To calculate volume of spiritual stability of the girl multiply these numbers: 4×6×6=144.
(If there are no digits in a row or diagonal, then 0 does not need to be used when multiplying digits).

2) Calculate total amount of spiritual stability.
To do this, multiply the amount of spiritual stability of the girl and the guy.
Total amount of spiritual stability = 120x144 = 17280

3) To calculate the period of the onset of a spiritual crisis, you need to divide the total amount of spiritual stability by 365 days. Thus, we will find out the number of years after which a spiritual crisis will repeat in the family. Calculate the period of the spiritual crisis: 17280:365 days=47 years. This family is very strong on a spiritual basis, a serious spiritual crisis in this family will come only after 47 years of marriage. Despite the fact that every year this couple will expect a conflict on a domestic basis (domestic crisis), they will be able to save the family on the basis of high spiritual stability.
It is worth noting that the most dangerous for a family union are the years of the intersection of the spiritual and everyday crisis. For this couple, this year will come after 47 years of relationship. This year will be the most critical for the couple, because in addition to the domestic crisis, the family will face a deep spiritual crisis. You need to prepare for this year and try to maintain relationships by going through the crisis with the least loss for the family.

Your psychomatrix

Meaning of psychomatrix cells

Each number in the cells of the psychomatrix is ​​a quantitative indicator of an innate quality. It can also be said differently: this is an assessment of the influence of personality traits on the character and fate of a person on a scale from 1 to 9.

What makes it possible to calculate the psychomatrix in practice? Of course, answers to those questions that must inevitably arise in the process of developing relationships with a particular person. What does he want, what can he do, what will he decide? And what reaction should be expected from him in this or that life situation?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular, do not wait and do not demand what is obviously impossible.

"1" - strength of character
"2" - human energy
"3" - cognitive potential
"4" - health potential
"5" - intuition and logic
"6" - propensity to work
"7" - luck
"8" - level of responsibility
"9" - memory and intelligence

The meaning of the psychomatrix lines

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth sets eight lines - three rows, three columns and two diagonals. Each of these lines combines the qualities of its constituent cells, thus becoming an indicator of a personality trait of a higher, total level. Obviously, the degree of expression of this property directly depends on the number of digits in each cell that makes up the line.

For example: exceptional curiosity and the broadest sphere of interests, which is indicated by a large number of "triples", can in no way be considered a guarantee of stability with a weakly expressed industriousness (6) and a lack of ability to accumulate life experience (9).

The ability to correctly read the lines of the psychomatrix is ​​the basis for understanding the very essence of the numerological analysis of personality. The cells of the Pythagorean square are a list of the strengths and weaknesses of the personality. Lines are the real life of a person, his credo, his code of conduct, his life position.


The value of additional psychomatrix numbers

The calculation of additional numbers is not difficult, but requires care. The first additional number in the table is the sum of all the digits of the date of birth - these are the qualities that need to be strengthened in order to fulfill their destiny. The second - the sum of the digits of the first additional number - determines the life goal itself.

The third is the difference between the first additional number and twice the value of the first digit of the date of birth, and the fourth is the sum of the digits of the third additional number. These are the numbers of innate potential, those qualities that will help you achieve your goal.

Strengthening the psychomatrix

The indicator of each cell of the psychomatrix can be changed - strengthened or weakened by the influence of the row, column and diagonal, of which this cell is a part. The square of Pythagoras in numerology suggests for almost any person several options for such transformations. Without taking into account these influences, it is impossible to get a correct idea of ​​a person's personality.

Psychomatrix Compatibility

Compatibility according to the psychomatrix - an assessment of the potential of the relationship of partners according to the compatibility of key personality traits. Psychomatrix analysis takes into account the degree of manifestation of such character traits as purposefulness, propensity for family life, stability, self-esteem, talent, performance, temperament, spirituality, character and energy. The more indicators match, the higher the probability of a successful union.

Important and dangerous days

Identification of important and dangerous days is a comparative analysis of the special numbers of the date of birth and a specific calendar date. The coincidence in these rows of numbers indicates the days when the probability of making a fatal error is highest. It is impossible to influence the circumstances, to change the initial data. But if you know about it in advance, you can calculate your actions in advance and refrain from those of them that will have irreversible consequences.

Psychomatrix and forecast by years

A change graph is a description of the changes that occur with the type of perception and way of thinking of a person. A characteristic feature of this interpretation is that, unlike the numbers of a personal year, there is no cyclicality, predictable order. In one year, a person can make a cardinal moral gradation, which will completely change his system of values.