I need a machine to cut tall trees. All about cutting trees. Cutting an emergency tree: price and terms

Pruning trees. How it's done? Why is tree pruning necessary? We will consider this.

Pruning fruit and berry trees is a difficult and responsible undertaking. If pruning is done incorrectly, this can lead to a reduction in the fruiting period, as well as to a decrease in frost resistance.

Prune garden trees for multiple purposes.

Pruning to form a plant... This type of pruning is necessary for young plants. It aims to regulate the load of the crop on each branch.

Pruning to regulate fruiting. This type of pruning is needed for fruit trees. Thus, you can extend the fruiting period, as well as regulate the frequency of fruiting.

Cropping to improve lighting conditions. This pruning is done to shrink the crown of the trees so that more sunlight gets into the rest of the crown. So you can influence the yield.

Pruning to shorten the nutrient pathway.Fruit trees require rejuvenating and sanitary pruning. Anti-aging pruning is used to eliminate the signs of tree aging. It also helps to extend the life of the plant and the period of fruiting. Sanitary pruning is essential for trees to remove dead or dying branches, so that they do not interfere with the penetration of light into the fruiting branches and do not hinder the internal circulation of nutrients.

Garden trees are usually pruned in spring and autumn.... In the spring, this is done even before the leaves bloom and the sap begins to move. In the fall, pruning is necessary so that the trees overwinter easily.

To increase the pruning effect, it is necessary to properly care for the land, as well as to carry out preventive measures to combat pests and various diseases.

It is possible to regulate the growth and quantity of the crop not only by cutting trees, but also by changing the position of the branches. Pruning helps growers grow fruit trees of the correct height, with a sturdy trunk that can support the weight of the crop. If pruning is carried out incorrectly, then as a result you can get a thickening of the crown, a late entry into the fruiting period, as well as a decrease in winter hardiness.

There are two main ways to prune fruit trees: pruning and thinning.

The more the tree branches are shortened, the more the tree rejuvenates. This method of shortening stimulates the growth of shoots, the development of buds, as well as the thickening of the branches.

Thinning, i.e. complete removal of shoots, improves the flow of sunlight to the fruits, which in turn stimulates their growth and development.

Tree pruning technique

When shortening an annual shoot, you need to make an oblique cut above the bud. The kidney should be on the opposite side of the cut. Such shortening should be done with a garden knife or pruner. If the branch is very thick, you can use a saw.

When thinning, the branch must be cut into a ring. The cut should be parallel to the flow at the base of the branch. Pay attention to the fact that there is no hemp near the influx - this will make it more difficult for the wound to heal. Also, do not cut off the branch below the ring - in this case, the wound area will be larger. If the branch is very thick, a saw should be used. After removing the branch, the saw cut must be cleaned with a sharp knife so that the saw cut surface becomes even.

When should you prune trees? Pruning time

In central Russia, fruit trees are best pruned in the spring and summer. In spring, pruning should be done in March-April, before the trees have entered the growing season.

The species of fruit trees and their condition play an important role in pruning. You should start pruning with apple trees - the most resistant trees to adverse conditions. If the trees are very young (for example, planted in the previous autumn), then they must be pruned before the process of sap flow begins.

Stone fruit trees should be pruned before bud break.

If the trees have not endured the winter well, they look weak and damaged, then such trees should not be rushed to prune.

In the summer, you can do the pinching. This is a type of pruning in which the tops of the growing shoots are removed. Pinching is usually done with nails, without using garden tools. The branches are cut with pruning shears only if most of the shoot is removed.

Pinching at different times has different effects on trees. Pinching in June when the trees are actively growing can have an adverse effect on the condition of the trees in general.

Pinching, made during the period of dying of shoot growth, improves the formation of axillary buds, positively affects the growth of shoots, and also improves fruit ripening.

The age of the trees also plays a role in pruning. Fruit trees have different growth and fruiting patterns at different ages. When the trees are young, the crown grows actively. And in older trees, crown growth slows down, and the processes associated with the formation and ripening of fruits come to the fore.

Types of tree pruning

There are several types of pruning of fruit trees. The main and most common are two of them: whorled-tiered (or five-knot) and combined.

When the whorled-tiered crown is formed, 4-5 branches remain in the lower tier of the tree. In the second tier there are 2-3 branches. There should be a distance of about 50-70 cm between the first and second tier.

There should be about 8-12 branches on the trunk of an apple tree. It is not difficult to form the crown of a tree according to the whorled-tiered system, since the choice of branches is not difficult.

❧ In no case should spontaneously growing crowns of fruit trees be allowed. If a young tree does not form a crown from the very beginning, then in the future this may lead to the appearance of intertwining branches, the load on different branches during the ripening of the crop will be different, which will lead to breakage of individual branches. The conductor may even break, which will hasten the death of the tree as a whole.

The combined crown is formed differently. The lower (first) tier forms three branches, depending on the variety, 2-3 buds from each other (about 15 cm). Sometimes gardeners leave two more branches from adjacent buds, but this is only if they grow in opposite directions. It happens that a spare shoot is left in the tier, which is used when one of the skeletal branches breaks.

The fourth skeletal branch is laid about 40 cm from the lower tier, and each subsequent one - at a distance of 30-40 cm. In total, there are about 6-8 skeletal branches on the tree. In the figure, side branches 2, 6, 8 and 10 are left as skeletal branches of the first order; branches 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are shortened to overgrown wood; branches 1 and 12 are cut into the ring.

Drawing... Pruning according to the combined scheme: a - seedling before pruning (dashes show pruning points); b - seedling after pruning

The bushy crown is suitable for those gardeners who prefer short trees.

Fruit trees with a bushy crown reach about 4 m in height, it is convenient to look after such trees, collect fruits, etc. After you have planted a seedling in your garden area, you need to choose 5-6 skeletal branches on it, the distance between them should be about 10-15 cm, and cut the rest of the shoots.

Saplings planted in spring are cut immediately. Annual branches are shortened by half or one third of their length, and the conductor is removed just above the last lateral branch during the period when this branch takes a stable direction of growth.

This type of crown is well suited for trees with highly branching crowns.

Young trees should be pruned every year, but in moderation, being careful not to cut or trim large branches. If you need to get a slowdown in the growth of any branches, then this should be done gradually, year after year. You should not immediately cut off the branches of the tree strongly - this will negatively affect the growth and development of the crown in the future.

Different varieties of fruit trees react differently to pruning, in this regard, you need to pay attention to their ability to form shoots, as well as to the degree of excitability of the buds. For example, apple varieties can be divided into three groups according to these characteristics:

The first group includes varieties with a weak excitability of buds and a low ability to form shoots (Brown striped, Korobovka, Kitaika golden early, Titovka).

Long, thin branches are formed on apple trees of these varieties. Their yield is not too high. Such trees should be heavily pruned, i.e. cut off 1/2 to 2/3 shoots. Such pruning will provide good branching, thickening of the branches, which in turn will lead to the formation of a large number of fruits.

Young trees have strong one-year-old shoots about 70 cm long, moderately growing - up to 35 cm. Strong shoots are shortened to 40-50 cm, and moderate ones are left as is.

Many pear varieties also have poor shoot-forming ability. As a rule, terminal shoots grow strongly, forming ankle branches. Therefore, pears are pruned in the same way as apple trees of the first group.

The second group includes trees with good bud excitability and weak shoot-forming ability (Grushovka Moskovskaya, Arkad yellow, Borovinka). These apple trees have moderate branching and abundant laying of short fruit formations. Apple trees of these varieties usually have a fruiting frequency.

Such trees should be pruned moderately - by 1 / 2-1 / 3 of the length of annual shoots. This type of pruning will ensure the emergence of growth shoots, as well as enhance the development of weak fruit branches.

The third group includes varieties with a high excitability of the buds and a good shoot-forming ability (Autumn striped, Suislepskoe, Antonovka, Melba, Pepin saffron, Riga dove, Anis). All trees of these varieties have good branching and a high level of fruiting. When pruning shoots on these tree varieties, be careful not to over-cut the shoots. It is better to thin out the shoots growing inside the crown, since it often happens that the shoots of these varieties of trees can intertwine with each other.

Old trees need to be pruned to prolong their life and fruiting. If the trees are very neglected and have not been pruned for a long time, then it is recommended to immediately carry out a strong rejuvenation. The branches of such trees are shortened by 1 / 2-2 / 3 of the length, which is from 0.5 to 2 m from their top. Branches should not be cut more than 2 m, as this can lead to tree death.

Pruning must be carried out over the growth shoot or fruit branch. Pruned branches should not be left completely bare. If there are dying branches on the tree with spinning tops on the lower parts, then such branches must be cut to these tops.

When rejuvenating trees, it is necessary to abundantly fertilize the soil under the rejuvenated trees in the spring. This is done in order to stimulate the active growth of new shoots in the first year after pruning.

After the old trees after rejuvenation give an abundant growth of new shoots, it is necessary to cut out all the stumps, and cover the cuts with oil paint.

It is better to stretch the rejuvenation process of old trees for two years. In the first year, cut off the upper branches, and in the second, the lower ones. In this case, the upper branches should be cut off more than the lower ones. The upper branches are cut by 2/3, the middle ones by 1/2, and the lower ones by 1/3 of their length.

If the pruning of old fruit trees is carried out according to all the rules, then soon the rejuvenated trees will quickly grow, begin to bear fruit and will give a rich harvest for about 10 years.

Stone fruit trees are fast-growing. In this regard, their crown is formed much faster than that of apple or pear trees. The crown of stone fruit trees is fully formed within 5-6 years. These trees are also pruned as this helps the tree develop more quickly. But when pruning stone fruit trees, you must carefully ensure that they grow on fertilized soil. Pruning in poor soil conditions can cause diseases and stunted trees in trees.

❧ An interesting and difficult process - olive pruning. It takes place after harvesting the fruit. It is important to correctly determine which branches need to be pruned, since fruits only form on biennial branches. For olive pruning, a specialist is invited - an olive pruner, who will prune trees. Olive crowns are often cupped. So the sun's rays can freely penetrate to each branch of the tree.

Cherry and plum trees are pruned in a combined or bush pattern. Branches are placed on the trunk singly or in groups of 2-3. A distance of 8-10 cm should remain between branches in tiers, between groups - 25-35 cm. Mature trees should have 8-15 branches. On the branches of the first order, branches of the second order are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, trying to ensure that the secondary branches are located on both sides of the skeletal branch.

Young seedlings in the first year after planting (pruned according to the general rules for pruning fruit trees. Skeletal branches must be shortened, and the top of the guide must be 15-25 cm high above the tops of the upper lateral branches.

Correctly and timely pruning of fruit trees prevents the occurrence of many problems that appear during the growth and fruiting of the tree. It is imperative to determine the need for pruning in a timely manner. If the pruning is carried out according to all the rules, then the trees in your garden area will live a long time and bring a rich harvest.

Despite the measures taken in the country to protect and preserve green spaces, cutting down trees is often a necessary measure. The reason for this action is the construction of new buildings and roads, the laying of communications, the removal of emergency and diseased plants. In some cases, the felling of trees is carried out in order to obtain firewood and construction timber. Regardless of why the trees are being removed, this process must be carried out in accordance with current legislation. In addition, it is necessary to remove green spaces so as not to harm your own health and the surrounding landscape. Consideration should be given to how to cut down a tree in a lawful, safe and efficient manner.

Felling on a private plot

Many land owners mistakenly believe that on their own plot, they can do with green space at their own discretion. This is partly true: small fruit trees and tall shrubs can be removed without any approval. Maples, oaks, birches and poplars belong to the state's green fund. They are not subject to ownership. To remove a tree in the country or in the courtyard of a private house, you need to obtain a permit. This also applies to those plantations that were planted by the landowners themselves.

Before cutting down a tree (maple, oak, birch, etc.), you must obtain permission from the authorities

To legally remove trees on your site, you must contact the nearest government authority. This can be a city or district administration, an executive committee, or a village council. Before that, you can talk with neighbors or friends who have already sawed trees in their plots. They will tell you what package of documents you need to prepare for a visit to a government agency.

As a rule, the application is reviewed within a month. After that, the applicant is issued a felling pass or a permit to cut trees. In most cases, a greenery representative comes to the site to determine the feasibility of felling green spaces.

A tree removal permit can be issued for the following reasons:

  • strong shading of residential buildings, flower beds and vegetable gardens;
  • emergency condition of the plant;
  • planning the construction of a house, fence or utility room;
  • carrying out landscaping where the tree does not fit into the design.

After the survey, an act is drawn up, which is the basis for making a decision in favor of the applicant.

Clearing the leased area

The reasons for removing a tree on a leased site may be the same as for a private property. The volume of the package of documents may be somewhat larger, depending on the terms of the contract and the form of land ownership.

To obtain permission to cut trees, the tenant must prepare the following package of documents:

  • letter of application from the owner of the land;
  • act of commission inspection of green spaces;
  • a plan of the territory indicating the objects to be cut down;
  • the contract on the basis of which the felling of trees will be carried out;
  • a list of green spaces with an indication of their breed, approximate age and diameter;
  • power of attorney from the owner of the site to carry out legal actions on his behalf.

If the lease agreement stipulates the tenant's right to use the plot without restrictions, then a power of attorney is not required.

Logging in the municipal area

Removal of trees growing on state territory is carried out only in exceptional cases. Do not use this procedure to harvest firewood or improve the landscape.

Cutting trees on state territory is carried out by public services

You can remove a tree on municipal land when the plant:

  1. Shades apartments. Here one statement is not enough: the conclusion and recommendations of the competent authorities are necessary. First of all, it is a sanitary and epidemiological station. If it is indicated in the inspection report of the room that fungus and mold are formed due to the shadow, then this will be the basis for cutting the trees on the site near the house.
  2. Creates a danger to the building. This applies to old trees, which, if dropped, can damage or destroy a building. Quite often, tree cuts are made when its strongly overgrown branches pose a threat to the integrity of windows and balconies.
  3. Prevents the laying of communications. Today, sewage and water supply systems are often replaced in houses built more than half a century ago. To obtain permission to cut down plantations, you will need technical documentation for the house, a conclusion on the degree of wear and tear of communications and a project for their replacement.

As a rule, a felling coupon is issued in cases when the customer undertakes to fulfill the proposed plan for the improvement of the territory, to clear it of stumps and plant it with fresh green spaces.

How to carefully cut down a tree (video)

Tree removal technology

When it is necessary to get rid of trees, it is advisable to entrust their removal to professionals with experience in such work and the appropriate equipment. The trees are heavy and large, which implies the observance of increased safety measures during felling operations. You can only cut down small trees that stand separately from other plantings or any buildings on your own. When a large plant is removed, the work is carried out according to certain rules, in compliance with various methods.

Whole tree felling

It is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of the plant. This is due to the fact that the trunk falls immediately, in one go. All other work (removing branches, cutting into fragments) is done on the ground in comfortable conditions.

Cutting the whole tree

The whole cutting must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Check for free space for the tree to fall. There must be a margin of at least 5 m in all directions.
  2. Prepare the logger's escape route. He should be able to quickly move away from the trunk when it starts to fall.
  3. Make a cut on the side of the trunk where it will fall. Cut a wedge a quarter of the barrel deep.
  4. Make a horizontal cut opposite the wedge-shaped notch. Do not bring the saw blade to the wedge by 3-5 cm.
  5. Move away from the trunk. If the work is done correctly, the barrel will fall in the right direction by itself.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the described process, there are certain difficulties in its implementation:

  • errors in determining the center of gravity of an object;
  • violation of the geometry of the performed cuts;
  • a sudden gust of wind that changes the direction of the fall;
  • rotting wood, causing premature destruction of the trunk during felling.

To prevent complications during felling, work should be carried out in calm dry weather using guy wires.

Felling of trees with guys

The use of guy wires allows avoiding accidental deviations in the direction of the felling of the sawn trunk. But this is a more complex technology, involving the involvement of experienced loggers with mountaineering qualifications. This method is used in cases where the trunk has an undesirable slope, with a complex crown shape or in windy weather. The use of braces is mandatory when there are any structures or communications in the immediate vicinity of the tree. In addition, such a decision is made in cases where the tree is emergency, it cannot be piled entirely or cut into fragments.

Saw cut with guys

The sequence of guyed felling is as follows:

  1. A climber is climbing up the trunk. Insurance is mandatory.
  2. The guys are fastened to the tree. Depending on the height of the trunk, 1-3 ropes are used.
  3. The side braces are pulled tight. This prevents the slightest possibility of deviation from the calculated direction of fall.

Further actions are similar to those that are performed when felling the whole forest: cuts are made, the trunk is pulled in the desired direction. There is a risk of barrel splitting during operation. That is why the use of braces involves the involvement of high-level professionals.

Sawing a tree piece by piece

This method of removing green spaces is more difficult, expensive and time-consuming. It is used in cases where the cutting area is limited in size. Cutting down trees in parts is used in cases where other plants, communication lines, residential and household buildings are located nearby.

Only a high-profile specialist with the skills of a lumberjack and a climber can cut down a tree in parts.

This procedure is performed in two ways: with dropping or lowering the sawn trunk fragments on ropes. You need to consider them separately.

Reset method

The decision to use the dumping method is made when there is a sufficient area under the crown. This approach allows you to complete the planned work quickly enough, relatively inexpensively and safely.

Removal method by parts with reset

This process is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The logger climbs up the trunk and is securely fixed in the right place. On the way, he cuts branches from the bottom up.
  2. Upon reaching the top of the trunk, individual fragments are sawed off and thrown down. The length of the pieces depends on the size of the pad and the thickness of the barrel.
  3. The lower part of the trunk is cut off. Depending on the chosen technology for removing the stump, from 10 to 50 cm is left.

The disadvantage of this method is the rather severe damage to the lawn, which is caused by branches falling from a height.

Descent method

Removal of plants with the descent of parts is used in cases where the object is emergency or there is no site of the required size under it. In addition, this method is used when a tree is located in the immediate vicinity of buildings and communications. Before cutting a fragment of the trunk, the climber ties it up, and the assistant pulls and fixes the cable tightly. A sawn piece of wood hangs on a rope. After that, he slowly descends using blocks or a winch.

Portion removal method with pull

Stump removal technology

Even the most modern equipment does not allow cutting the trunks so that they do not leave traces: hemp always remains outside, and roots underground. If the stump does not find a place in the landscape design, then they get rid of it.

This is done in the following ways:

  1. Pulling. Depending on the capabilities of the property owners and the size of the stumps, they are removed manually, using a winch or a tractor. The work uses shovels, cables, axes, tractors and cars. Initially, the stumps are dug in. Removing the roots of the trees is carried out before pulling out the remains of the trunk.
  2. Chemical. Holes are made in the stump, into which a substance is poured or poured, causing the destruction of the structure of the wood. Chemical destruction of stumps can take several years.

Hemp can be removed with an ax or special mechanical devices.

How to get rid of a stump (video)

Tree filing is the partial removal of branches and twigs from a tree trunk. Most often it is produced when the plant is located in the immediate vicinity of a building under construction or renovation, power lines. Sawing is also relevant in situations where massive tree branches obstruct road sections and create a danger of car traffic. The service is especially relevant in large cities due to the “density” of buildings and developed transport networks. Accordingly, emergency situations in cities also occur much more often than in towns and villages.

Large-sized sawing services are provided by utilities and private companies. In case of contacting the housing office, you will have to collect a lot of papers yourself, visit many authorities and literally “suffer” the sawing of a tree. In this case, you will also need to prove the need for work, the threat of unkempt trees to human life or the integrity of buildings. Only after an appropriate vacuum can you contact the utility service with a statement. The most comfortable way to solve the problem is to contact a private company - here all the work, including organizational, will be done for you.

What is wood filing needed for?

Residents of apartment buildings are probably familiar with the problem of overgrown trees, especially poplars. In a strong wind, the branches of a large-sized tree risk being broken and falling down from a great height. This is fraught with damage to vehicles, outbuildings. It is especially dangerous when there are people in places potentially dangerous from the point of view of possible falling branches. If you understand the need for urgent sawing of a tree, you cannot postpone the work until later or try to bring utility workers to account for the overgrown large number. The money not spent on sawing a tree can ultimately become the cost of someone's life.

Sawing trees in the city

Please note: a branch broken by a gust of wind can also lead to serious problems in the power lines. Residents of large cities have repeatedly faced situations where the wires were cut as a result of falling trees from hurricane winds. As a result, hundreds of people were forced to be without electricity for weeks, even in cold weather. It is important to exclude the possibility of falling broken branches and tree trunks.

Such situations can be prevented by rejuvenating the crown as it degrades or grows. This is a more economical and rational way to ensure safety from tall trees than removing a large tree. The filing of a tree is carried out as accurately as possible and in a short time - the work will not cause discomfort to residents of apartment buildings.

In their natural habitat, the growth of trees is limited only by natural factors: the genetic characteristics of the plant itself, the amount of light and moisture, the presence of neighbors with whom you need to fight for a place in the sun, or their absence. When a tree grows near human habitats, it also limits its growth. Sawing trees in a city is an important activity aimed at improving the appearance of city streets (decorative filing), as well as maintaining the level of safety of townspeople (branches of an overgrown tree are at risk of being broken by a strong gust of wind) - this is the so-called sanitization. Many arboriculture or industrial mountaineering companies provide tree sawing services.

Tree sawing services

When a person is faced with the question of choosing a contractor, it is easy for him to get lost in the variety of offers in this market, especially since the price of sawing trees has settled at about the same level. Before you give your preference to any company, you should familiarize yourself with its website and reviews of past customers on independent sites. This will help you avoid mistakes and find the best value for money.

Tree sawing services usually include:

Departure to the site in order to assess the scale of work;

Drawing up a preliminary estimate of the project;

Direct filing;

Treatment of each saw cut with special antiseptic solutions;

Removal of felling residues "under the rake";

Final budgeting.

Be sure to clarify what kind of list of work will be carried out, since there are often cases when an unscrupulous performer considered his role to be over, when the branches were simply cut down. And in the end the client himself is engaged in their export and processing of cuts.

Tree sawing price

Filing of trees in the city can be carried out using an aerial platform, or by the forces of industrial climbers. The choice of the method strongly affects the price, the first method is more expensive, but faster, the second is cheaper, but requires a little more time. Also, the price of sawing trees will depend on the height of the tree trunk, as well as on the approximate number of branches to be removed. In any case, a specialist will be able to guide you in value when he sees the object with his own eyes.

Our company has been engaged in work related to trees for over 10 years. During this time, we managed to work with many trees at various facilities, both private and public. Crowning, diagnostics, strengthening, treatment, pruning, tree removal are just a few of the high-rise works that we carry out. Call us, a specialist will advise you, and, if necessary, will come to you. Consultation, assessment and site visit are free of charge!

Arborist.su provides services for cutting trees at affordable prices. We work with any trees and in different conditions, fulfilling the most difficult orders. You can cut a tree in the city or in the country at any time convenient for you - just call the phone number indicated on the website.

Removing the whole tree (guy)

If the tree does not have a slope in the right direction, a guy is used to remove it entirely.
The only condition: there should be no material values \u200b\u200bin the direction of the tree falling.

Technology: an arborist climbs a tree, simultaneously sawing branches (if necessary) to a certain level, where he fixes the guy line. A wedge is cut from the side of the direction of fall, after which a wedge is made from the back side, and the force is set using a guy wire or a chain hoist. This technology is often used when it is necessary to cut a tree in the country.

Removing a tree in parts

Most cost effective way to remove wood. Can be performed even in confined spaces.
Technology: with this method of removal, the arborist climbs the tree, sawing off the branches, which subsequently form a kind of pillow around the trunk. Then he removes the top of the tree - by hanging or in free fall (if the environment allows). After that, when descending, he cuts the tree in small fragments (0.5-1 m), dropping them into a pillow of branches. This does little damage to the lawn.

Removing wood with hanging parts

This method is the most expensive, dangerous and time consuming, unlike the others. Moreover, it can be used in any environment, in a very limited space and in the immediate vicinity of wires, buildings and other structures.
Technology: To cut a tree, a climber climbs by sawing small branches. Climbing upstairs, he proceeds to hang the remaining large branches. After that, the crown is removed. During the descent, the arborist saws the trunk in small fragments, which are lowered down on the rope.

It is required in cases where they died or grow in such a way that they create inconvenience or threat to people and buildings. It would be unwise to do this work on your own - it requires certain tools, knowledge and skills. In addition, by contacting specialists, you can count on assistance in obtaining a felling ticket (if the work is carried out on the territory of Moscow), without which your actions will be illegal.

Our team consists of experienced climbers armed with modern and professional equipment and equipment. Their skills and qualifications allow them to cope with the most non-standard tasks, including the use of special equipment.

Owners of suburban areas order services for cutting dry, emergency and disturbing trees in the country from us for a number of reasons. First of all, narrow specialization allows us to focus on performing specific work, bringing skills to perfection.

Having left the site, the Arborist.su employees will determine how best remove tree in order to save time and money for the customer. Methods are suggested such as:

  • roll;
  • tree removal entirely, with a guy;
  • sawed off by hanging parts.

In order to increase efficiency, a combination of several methods can be used. The advantages of cooperation with us also include the possibility of additional work - cleaning the territory, exporting sawn wood, and so on.

How much does it cost to cut a tree in a country house or other facility?

Before remove tree, the consumer will try to find a contractor who offers not only high quality work, but also the best price. If you need to cut a dry tree in your country house or directly in Moscow, contact Arborist.su.

The visit of a specialist to inspect the site and estimate the cost of work is free and carried out at any time convenient for the customer.

We offer the perfect combination of the quality of execution of the most complex orders and a transparent pricing policy. Please note that the cost of such a service as cut treesthat can be ordered on our website is characterized as economically feasible. You can study the price list and make sure that every penny paid will be justified.

Tree removal prices

Removal method Cost in rubles.
< 30 см. < 40 см. <50 см. < 60 см. \u003e 60 cm.
Entirely using natural tilt 700 900 1300 1600 from 2000
Entirely, with a guy 1200 1500 2000 2500 from 3000
Combined 3000 4000 5000 6000 from 6500
Removing wood with hanging parts from 5000 8 000 11 000 13 000 from 15,000