What will long fingers tell about? Finger length: meaning in psychology

Interesting information about a person can be found by the hand, and not only by, but also by the length of the fingers. Such information is useful, for example, to girls who go on a first date.

The relationship between the length of the fingers and character

Numerous studies, as well as the knowledge of palmists, have made it possible to reveal the relationship between the length of the fingers and some character traits of a person. Of course, the information is generalized, but many details often coincide.

What does the length of the fingers say about the character of a person:

  1. If the fingers are short, this indicates excessive emotionality and impulsiveness of the interlocutor. Such people are quickly carried away by new ideas, but their fuse quickly goes out. Owners of short fingers are active and prefer to work in a team.
  2. According to the average length of the fingers, one can judge such a person as patience and conscientiousness. They cannot stay angry and annoyed for a long time. For such people, it is important that the work brings pleasure, otherwise they will not achieve results.
  3. Speaking about the fact that the character is said by the large length of the fingers, so this indicates the balance of the interlocutor. Such people almost never make rash decisions, and they are also responsible and executive. For them, quality is very important, not quantity.

One can also judge the character by the length of individual fingers. For example, if the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, this indicates charisma and determination. Such people easily cope with problems, but at the same time they are compassionate. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, this is a signal that the person is self-sufficient, but at the same time he lacks determination. They value the attention and praise of others. A person whose ring and index fingers are the same length is peaceful and conflict-free. He is loyal and dedicated as well as organized.

Palmistry is a science that tells about the personality traits and fate of a person along the lines in the palm of your hand. She is very popular in our time, but few people know that she has a "relative" - ​​chirognomy, which determines the character of a person by the shape of the hands, their size, shape and structure of the fingers. It is connected with the influence of heredity on the character of a person.

We have prepared a simple test that will help you learn a little more about yourself, your loved ones and even strangers. Look at the photo and pick your finger!

What does the shape of the fingers say?

Finger A
If you have the same shape of fingers as in picture A, then most likely you are a secretive person. You do not like to talk about your plans and dreams at every turn. You trust such information only to those closest to you.

You have a big heart, you are ready to sacrifice yourself if necessary.

As a rule, people with this form of fingers are honest and kind. They also have a great sense of humor!

Finger B
The shape of your fingers is most similar to option B in the picture? Most likely, at times you are not confident in yourself. But if you really liked something, then nothing can stop you.

It is not easy for you to communicate with strangers, but you are ready to devote all your free time to close people. And they at the same time appreciate and respect you very much!

You are a strong person who will come out of any situation with honor. And also you can only envy your perseverance!

Finger C
If the shape of your fingers matches pattern C, then you are a real angel of the world, helping people find mutual understanding. Also, you are characterized by emotionality and an easy attitude to the environment, which in our time is not enough for many.

You are a person with a fine mental organization. The happiness of all people around is important to you.

You also have a good artistic taste and high mental abilities.

Diseases in the form of fingers

Some diseases can also be determined by the shape of the fingers and the condition of their joints.

painful finger joints that have an irregular shape is a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes appear in patients with gout.

If the joints swell and swell, redness appears - this is a manifestation of polyarthritis. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

But the pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warn of the imminent manifestation of the disease in the knee joints.

Too flexible or very poorly bent joints with reduced muscle tone of the fingers mean problems in the liver and gallbladder.

We have previously described the different types of hand, determined by the structure and shape of the fingers in general; then we talked separately about the thumb, now let's move on to describing other specific fingers. The length of the fingers can be determined by comparing it with the back of the hand. Place your hand - preferably your left hand - horizontally, palm down, clenching your fingers, and pay attention to the joint where the ulna connects to the wrist. Measure the distance in centimeters and millimeters from the center of this tubercle to the knuckle of the middle finger. It will be the measure in determining the length of the fingers.

Can the length of your fingers determine your behavior, your body characteristics, and your vulnerability to certain diseases? The truth is that the fingers are not the only ones that make any difference in these deep and dramatic effects. According to research biologist Dr. John Manning, who has been analyzing finger ratios for over 20 years, this subtle difference in finger length is due to exposure to sex hormones inside the uterus when we are still small fetuses, especially testosterone, the so-called "male hormone".

Simply put, more testosterone has a greater chance of having a more "masculine" hand, i.e. with a relatively short index finger. And it is this effect of testosterone in the womb that has a very profound effect on our behavior and susceptibility to disease.

Hand measurement method

Place your hand on a sheet of paper, palm down, and carefully trace its outlines with a pencil. Now place the tip of the pencil between the ring finger and the little finger, at their very base near the membrane, and make a point. Draw a horizontal line through it, strictly perpendicular to the fingers. Then step back down to the width of the little finger (measuring it with a compass) and draw a line parallel to the top. This will be the main line from which the length of the fingers should be measured. The general degree of their length is derived from a comparison of the length of the middle finger with the length of the back of the hand.

There is no rule, of course, but people of both sexes with relatively short index fingers tend to be more sexually adventurous, more likely to experiment with drugs, enjoy watching strong movies, and become addicted to alcohol more easily.

People with short index fingers are also better soldiers, engineers, speculators, and chess players, and are better at solving problems like crosswords. They are also more left-handed. The mystery is why this link between uterine testosterone levels and finger length evolved.



Let's look at a real example, shown in Figure 14. The length of the back of the hand is 10.5 cm, and the length of the middle finger is 11 cm. The index, ring and little fingers are respectively 9.5; 10 and 7.3 cm. We can say that the length of this hand is normal, since the middle finger is almost the same length as the back.

What Professor Manning and others have noted is that there may be an element of "sexual selection" that happens to the hands as well. Many evolutionary anthropologists have suggested that along with our ability to manipulate fire, one of the main reasons humans became so successful was our ability to project our power from a distance using weapons such as the spear, slingshot, and archery. Scientists have found that a longer ring can improve accuracy when shooting at objects.

It's time to look at your hands! According to science, the size ratio between the index and ring fingers reveals a personality trait. The secret lies in the reason that leads to the growth of one another. Conclusion of some of the studies. The researchers concluded that men with a larger ring finger than their index finger were 57% more likely to be promiscuous than those with the highest index finger. For women, the situation has changed. Those with the largest ring finger are 53% more likely to be faithful.

In three other examples, the results were as follows: in figure 15, the back is 11.5 cm, the middle finger is 10.75 cm; in figure 16, the back side is 11 cm, the middle finger is 11 cm; in figure 17, the back side is 12.5 cm, the middle finger is 12 cm. The hand in figure 15 can be called short, and on the other two - normal. Although the absolute length is different in all three cases, it can be said that the proportionality is more or less respected. Thus, we see that relative length is important here, and shorter or longer fingers in one person than in another - this does not matter.

Researchers attribute part of what they call the unconscious "Darwinian" strategy of maximizing the chances of reproduction to the amount of fetal testosterone. According to several other studies, testosterone levels during fetal development play an important role in certain traits of its behavior - and this is what leads to the fact that the ring finger grows longer than the indicator.

Scientists say that not only the size of the finger determines the actions of a person. "Many other factors affect human behavior, such as their environment and life experiences," said Oxford University professor Robin Dunbar, who led the study.

The proportions of the lengths of the index, ring and little fingers to the length of the middle finger are normally approximately eight, nine and seven tenths, respectively. For example, suppose that the middle finger is 10 cm, then the index finger should be 8 cm, the ring finger 9 cm, and the little finger 7 cm.

Long fingers mean a critical and analytical mind, weakly amenable to extraneous influence and not making decisions hastily (however, further, in the subsection "ring finger", there are exceptions). In love affairs, such people are somewhat fickle, it is difficult to please them. Very long fingers are associated with shamelessness and the desire for profit. Such people are often unscrupulous in their means.

Men with a smaller index finger than their ring finger are kinder to women, Canadian McGill University has concluded. Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry Simon Young evaluated the behavior of 155 people. Social interaction competitions were held for three weeks.

Men with "greater than the ring indicator" were three times more likely to chat with women. For the young - another sign of hormones in the fetal phase. "It is surprising to note that hormonal variations before birth can influence adult behavior," he wrote.

Guess the reason! “The amount of sex hormones a person is exposed to before birth contributes to how their face will develop and to what degree of attractiveness it will arrive,” Camille Ferdenzi, one of the researchers, told Live Science.

Short fingers mainly indicate an impulsive disposition; such a person follows the dictates of the heart rather than the mind (however, further, in the subsection “ring finger”, exceptions are discussed). To a large extent, this leads to a disregard for conventions - often this is expressed in the fact that a person wears unusual, provocative clothes. Extremely short fingers indicate a primitive, undeveloped type of person, although, of course, one should pay attention to other signs.

The study takes into account that the beauty of the male face is characterized by stronger features. Those with the largest ring were better at writing tests. According to the authors, testosterone stimulates areas in the brain associated with math skills; Although estrogen acts in the brain in cognitive areas.

If having a larger caliber means dealing better with women and prettier faces, it also has its drawbacks. The sample of this study was 500 patients with the disease and 3,000 healthy. Apparently, men with a longer ring or the same caliber size were 33% less likely to develop this type of tumor.

Straight and closely spaced fingers - unless other signs contradict these conclusions - indicate stiffness and intolerance. Their owner pays too much attention to formalities and conventions. Fearful of doing something inappropriate or unusual, he often refrains from small acts of kindness and generosity to which his heart calls him. Since he can blindly follow the precepts of religion or morality, he is difficult to deal with.

No, it's not handmade, but it almost is. And you know what's best? The evidence is scientific, made in various studies at several universities in the world. According to research conducted at Florida State University, the size of the ring finger compared to the index finger indicates the amount of the male hormone testosterone that the baby is exposed to during pregnancy.

Biologists Martin Kohn and Zhengy Zheng managed to testosterone and estrogen levels in pregnant rats, and guess what they found? The toe ring of the hind legs of mice was also affected: the higher the testosterone level, the higher the ring finger; And the higher the estrogen level, the higher the index finger of the rat.

Wider set fingers indicate an open disposition. If the fingers of the palm are clearly separated from each other, then this indicates an ease of character - this person is generous, he is not afraid to try new roads. Lumpy but not crooked fingers indicate versatility and adaptability, a penchant for art, although the thumb and palm lines should also be examined here. Twisted fingers are an ambiguous sign, often with an unfavorable meaning.

On the other hand, a study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry suggests that these high levels of testosterone, responsible for the ring finger itself, may also be associated with neurological diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Therefore, after several studies and surveys, we can display the main personality profile according to the size of your fingers. Because of their high testosterone levels, these people tend to be more agitated and impulsive. Due to low testosterone, these people tend to be calmer and quieter. . Different shapes of nail polishing - square, round, sharp and oval - affect the appearance of the hand in different ways, and when the shape and length match the size of the finger, the set looks more beautiful.

With regard to the pliability or inflexibility of the fingers, this is interpreted in the same way as in the case of the thumb. It should be remembered that different parts of the hand often say the same thing, only to different degrees and with different details, so that in order to get a whole picture, you need to take into account the most diverse features that complement each other. The main starting point is the type of hand, then the thumb and after that the other fingers of the hand as a whole.

The perfect format for every type of finger

Salon winners order square and round, but the best way to ensure a well-groomed manicure is to know which shape suits your hand for the thickness of your finger and nail bed, as well as your personality. Harmony, natural symmetry and what you are trying to get through your nails must be taken into account. Short, thicker fingers are best for short or medium nails. The format must be round or oval. Small fingers with a thin bed look good with medium length in an oval shape.

Now let's move on to specific fingers; their interpretation, however, is not as important as the interpretation of the features described above.

Forefinger. If it is short, then this indicates some carelessness and unwillingness to take responsibility. Such a person would rather work for pay than be his own master. A long finger indicates an imperious nature and a penchant for leadership. If very long - equal to the middle finger or only slightly shorter than it - then it indicates impatience and arrogant intolerance towards the opinions of others.
The reader should remember that the owner of a normal finger (four-fifths of the middle) is characterized by an average degree of ambition, the ability to initiate and moderate enterprise.

The shape of the nail can convey personality

Those with long, wide fingers can opt for medium-long nails with a square shape or slightly rounded tips. However, it is possible to tailor the nails to suit each person's personality, not necessarily following the natural format, and choose the shape according to what you want to convey. Unfortunately, women look for the rules when it comes to choosing a look, but this is the limiting factor. Each nail must be personalized. Hands say that they are a very expressive part of the body, and you need to know what they say by colors AND shapes.

Middle finger. If it is short, then its owner is impulsive and improvident. The heart governs the head to a very great extent and inclines it to inconsistent actions; the decision is made solely according to the emotions of the moment, and the judgments of such a person rarely have a rational basis. It is easy to make him laugh or make him cry, he is kind and generous, and besides, it is pleasant to communicate with him.

Rectangular nails convey an expression of strength and power, while rounded nails are more feminine, conveying softness, delicacy and romanticism. Deciding how to use a nail is a personal matter, which counts as a perception of what is aesthetically good and an awareness of what is conveyed. "It requires a certain amount of caution, because this choice is unconscious and it can give the wrong idea, causing even a certain deviation." It's important to know that each nail shape expresses and matches what it's trying to communicate, Philippe.

The extended middle finger indicates greater prudence and caution, the influence of the mind. Its owner can attach great importance to his personality, sometimes even be an introvert, come into a bad mood. A normal middle finger indicates moderation of judgment, sanity and foresight.

Nails also indicate health

The shape of the nails can also be an indicator of how health is, so it pays to have them repaired if they differ from sandpaper modeling. When the nail is spoon-shaped, such as well rounded, it is a sign that the person may be suffering from cardiovascular or pulmonary problems such as asthma and bronchitis that affect circulation. Vascular diseases can atrophy nails and some grooves May appear after a fever or a virus, explains dermatologist Tatiana Oddo.

Ring finger. The normal length of this finger is nine-tenths the length of the middle finger. In this case, it means love and critical perception of art and beauty in life, as well as a tendency to take risks in business and go to speculation.
If it is long, it indicates a passion for gambling, a tendency to place high stakes either on the stock exchange or on the races. Its owner can put everything at stake for the sake of a dubious business venture, and since this sign also indicates optimism, his hopes are more rosy than they should be. The ordinary course of life is not for him; he wants to live it with brilliance, even if only for a short period of time. A long ring finger can also indicate an interest in art. A short finger indicates a lack of desire to take risks, insufficient business acumen and undeveloped entrepreneurial spirit. In doubtful cases, he tends to be overly cautious.

Round nails are less likely to break, but neither shape affects growth. The type that tends to get stuck is the sharpest. Incorrect cutting of a nail consists of cutting the corners of the nail. This causes the tip to form at the end of the cut and allows the skin under the nail to be wetted up and in the direction “As the nails grow, the nails will block in this place,” the dermatologist elaborates.

An optical illusion helps to emphasize strengths and mask weaknesses, but the best way to choose a format is to respect its biotype and nail shape that best suits your personality and appearance. It is important to keep them clean, healthy and comfortable day after day.

Little finger. Normal length (seven tenths of the middle finger) speaks of adaptability, tact, resourcefulness in various difficult circumstances and indicates an active mind. A short finger indicates a hasty and impulsive person who easily quarrels with potential friends, making rash remarks and criticizing them.
A person with a long little finger is usually endowed with personal magnetism, has a great influence on others, and often has the gift of leadership. Whether he displays these qualities for the benefit of others, or simply uses them for his own purposes, can be determined from the analysis of the thumb and hand as a whole.

The art of reading hands has a very mysterious origin. It is believed that since the beginning of Mankind, the use of hand reading has already been used in order to know the future. However, it was in Antiquity that strong evidence of its existence was found, especially in China, where it is still used today in medicine and in Egypt, where the pharaohs did not make war without first consulting their magicians and knowing what fate was reserved for it. people.

But at the same time in Germany it was the subject of scientific research. Over time, this mystical art was influenced by Astrology, so some parts of the hand are called planets, such as the Mount of Venus, the line of Saturn, etc. But it was the gypsies who spread and popularized the world, and their participation is so strong that when you think of reading hands, the image of a gypsy appears. In fact, divination is one of the exclusive activities of the women in the group. They learn from their mothers and teach them to their daughters.

Nails are formed from the tissue of the skin, from the most tender part of the flesh. It is noteworthy that in people of mixed blood this fact can be detected by the nails. Even if for several generations a person had only Europeans in his family, nails can tell about African or Indian origin. They also talk about diseases. For example, pressing inward with indigestion; flattened fingertips also indicate this disease. It is known that during poisoning, some poisons accumulate under the nails and their presence can be determined by performing a chemical analysis.

Stretched nails indicate a calm, phlegmatic temperament; short - about a more impulsive character. If the nails are normally developed, with a semi-circular base and a distinct sickle-shaped mark on it, then a balanced character and sound judgment can be expected. Wide and rounded tips, combined with the previous signs, speak of openness, generosity and sincerity. Narrow, elongated nails are found in people with poor health, often from a lack of blood they are pale or bluish. If there are no signs indicating a disease, then elongated and moderately narrow nails speak of sophistication and idealism. Spade-shaped nails, especially excessively wide in comparison with their length, speak of pugnacity and enthusiasm. If they are reddish, then these qualities are enhanced.

Normal nails should be pinkish or reddish, not pale or bluish. Ribbed or grooved nails usually suggest nervousness, although they may only mean a sensitive mind. Any irregularities in shape or color are indicative of disease. So, for example, blue indicates problems in the circulatory system. Nails are of secondary importance in determining character compared to fingers, but they can clarify something about health or temperament.

The appearance of the fingers can tell a lot about the character of a person, his lifestyle, talents and abilities. If the study of the lines in the palm of your hand can provide information about the future of a person, then by carefully examining his fingers, you can draw up his psychological portrait.

Finger length

Long fingers hands are found in people with a subtle nature and creative abilities. They know how to feel the mood of their loved ones, are tactful in communication, and are not prone to being rude. These are the owners of a calm temperament, vulnerable people who take any information to heart. They are not suitable for work associated with constant competition, they do not aspire to occupy the position of a leader, because they will not feel comfortable in it. In the first place they have a family and they try to find something to their liking, even if it does not bring a lot of income.

Medium fingers characterize a person as practical, dexterous, able to get along with the right people. He has leadership abilities and the ability to reach heights in his career. Such a person is very attractive to the opposite sex, but not too romantic, and will not commit madness in the name of love. He is not inclined to show aggression without a reason, but will not remain silent if his interests are hurt. As a rule, the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bof the owner of medium-length fingers are in balance, and a person does everything in order to live a full life.

Short fingers characterize a person as a materialist who does not believe in fate and intuition. He does not feel a strong attachment to loved ones, but tries to create everyday comfort for them. He chooses a profession that is not too difficult, not associated with great responsibility.

Short and fat fingers they talk about selfishness and the desire to extract material benefits from everything. If such a person falls in love with someone, then he is unlikely to take into account the interests of the chosen one, since he thinks only about his own pleasure.

Too short fingers found in limited people and a low level of intelligence.

Finger shape

square fingers(Fig. A.) are found in erudite people with a sharp mind. They clearly know what they want, confidently go to their goal, act deliberately, love order in everyday life and business. Square shape short fingers speaks of practicality and caution, and in the case long- developed intuition.

Tapered fingers, or pointed (Fig. B.) testify to the creative inclinations of nature. Such people are successful in work related to art, dependent on public opinion and need the approval of others. They are impulsive, not inclined to a deep analysis of the situation, they trust the first impression. Long conical fingers characterize a person as vulnerable and touchy, short- passionate, but somewhat selfish.

knotted fingers(Fig. C.) are found in observant people with an analytical mindset and endowed with administrative abilities. If at the same time long fingers, a person is inventive and fond of science, if short, he is pedantic and tries to achieve the best result in everything. He is just as demanding of other people as he is of himself, while he does not always act delicately and is prone to rash acts.

The meaning of each finger in palmistry


The thumb, or finger of Venus, is an indicator of endurance and self-confidence. The length of the thumb is determined as follows - you need to press it tightly against the side of the palm, and pay attention to where its ending is in relation to the index finger. If the finger of Venus ends at the base of its first joint, the length is considered medium.

A long the thumb speaks of a person's leadership abilities and his charisma. The owner of such a finger does not like omissions, acts openly, does not hide his intentions. As a rule, he is successful in his work and has a good income.

Short the thumb characterizes its owner as indecisive, secretive, prone to lies.

Developed the thumb speaks of cunning and the ability to overcome any difficulties.

short and thick the thumb characterizes a person as selfish, stubborn and straightforward. He goes to his goal in any way, in the first place he has material values.

underdeveloped the thumb indicates passivity, inability to make strong-willed decisions, and sometimes poor health.

Smooth the thumb characterizes its owner as balanced and not subject to panic.


The index finger, or finger of Jupiter, is a symbol of success and power. If it is equal in length to the ring finger, the length is considered average.

A long the index finger is found in individual leaders who are able to achieve success without outside help. Such people do not like to work in a team and are not inclined to share their intentions with others.

Short the index finger characterizes a person as dependent and subject to someone else's will. It is difficult for him to make decisions, he does not like to change his lifestyle, even if the changes are favorable. Such a person prefers to go with the flow and allows himself to be influenced by stronger personalities.

Smooth, or even, the finger of Jupiter is most often found in artists.

Knotted speaks of a difficult character and isolation. Such a person can achieve great success in the exact sciences, but he will act only alone.

Conical the index finger is found among aesthetes and art lovers, and also speaks of observation.

Square Jupiter's finger speaks of love for justice and the eternal search for truth.

Middle finger

The middle finger, or the finger of Saturn, will tell about the spiritual properties of nature. The average length of this finger is determined if its nail begins near the end of the index and ring fingers.

A long the middle finger indicates well-deserved success. A person acts on his own, not counting on the favor of fate and the help of others.

Short Saturn's finger is a sign of energy and irresponsibility. Such a person is active, but does not think about the consequences of his actions.

Straight the middle finger can be seen in prudent people who do not neglect common sense.

Knotted the finger of Saturn speaks of a tendency to deep introspection and excessive self-criticism. Such a person does not share his inner experiences even with the closest people.

Pointed the middle finger is found in impulsive people who do not know how to control themselves.

ring finger

The ring finger, or finger of Apollo, symbolizes creativity and glory. We can talk about the average length if it is equal to the length of the index finger.

A long the ring finger speaks of happiness in personal life and good prosperity.

Short Apollo's finger speaks of indifference to everything non-material and of the practicality of man.

Smooth the ring finger is found in good-natured people and outstanding creative personalities. If he is also pointed, there is a high probability of worldwide fame.

Knotted the ring finger speaks of pedantry and punctuality. Such a person loves clarity in everything, does not tolerate ambiguity, and is demanding of himself and others.

Curved from birth, the ring finger speaks of cruelty and selfishness.

Little finger

The little finger, or finger of Mercury, determines the business qualities of a person. Its average length is considered if it ends at the top fold of the ring finger.

A long the little finger speaks of the ability to think outside the box and easily navigate in difficult situations.

Short the little finger is found in people who do not know how to quickly respond and make decisions. It is difficult for them to communicate with others, due to slowness and self-doubt.

If the little finger twisted towards the ring finger, this indicates commercial abilities. Such a person does not miss profitable deals, but prefers not to take risks unnecessarily.

conical shape the little finger speaks of developed intuition and the ability to predict the future.

Spatulate the little finger is most often found in deceitful people with criminal tendencies.

For more information, read about the meaning of lines in the palm of your hand.

Fingers can provide a lot of information about a person. Their length matters the most. At the first meeting, many people immediately pay attention to the palms of the interlocutor. This does not happen by accident. It is from them that a lot is learned about their owner.

Palmistry attaches importance not only to the pattern of lines on the hand, but also to its general structure. The ratio of its various proportions is also important. Ordinary inconspicuous observation can provide a huge amount of knowledge about it.

General information about finger sizes

Therefore, subconsciously, everyone seeks to understand what the length of the fingers of a new acquaintance says.

Such information is especially important in the business sphere or in personal relationships.

It is necessary to understand in advance what is expected in communication with this or that individual, and also whether one should expect a catch from him. The very first impression of a person concerns the overall length of his fingers.

In general, we can say that if it is large, then people:

  • Very smart;
  • they like to evaluate everything on their own;
  • capable of careful observation;
  • demanding of others, sometimes even unnecessarily;
  • rational;
  • do not rush to make decisions;
  • sometimes out of balance.

Therefore, such people are usually trusted with fine jewelry work, because they tend to keep their emotions under control.

However, various doubts and thoughts from time to time can simply tear them apart.

In cases where the fingers are disproportionately long, it is believed that their owners are characterized by exorbitant greed. If they are engaged in business, then for the sake of profit they can sacrifice the well-being of others.

Short fingers mean that a person has a pronounced temperament and has difficulty keeping his feelings under control.

He does not care what impression he makes on others, so sometimes he is able to go beyond the accepted restrictions.

Palmistry experts have long noticed that this type of fingers is more often inherent in people who are benevolent and compassionate.

But if they do not have pronounced intellectual data, then they are capable of rigidity. Such a person judges everything confidently and is sometimes even capable of being tactless. He approaches everything very soberly and with both feet firmly on the ground. But, if emotions take over him, then he does not resist their command.

If the fingers are unnecessarily shortened, then their appearance indicates that people are not too smart and often indulge in rash acts.

Their average size indicates a pronounced patience. The individual tries to maintain equal relations with everyone.

In addition, he has a penchant for multitasking and uncertainty.

It is important to know about the characteristics of the length of fingers in children, which will allow parents or caregivers to better understand the child in order to facilitate the process of his development. Identification of the features of his personality will help to grow a harmoniously developed personality. It is worth noting that a child's hand is no different from an adult. The length of the baby's fingers usually indicates the same as that of mature people.

Different types of people depending on their fingers

Hands provide a lot of information about the character. Palmists divide them into three types. As a basis, they take a comparison of the length of the index and ring fingers.

Option A is inherent in those whose index finger is inferior in size to the ring finger. In such a case, we can say that a person has considerable charm, he is complaisant and purposeful.

These people often choose a natural-science direction of activity. They never get tired of learning something new and they strive all their lives to learn about the world around them.

Option B characterizes an individual whose index fingers are long enough and prevail in size over the ring fingers. In such cases, it is believed that their owner is somewhat closed, strives for isolation and is in no hurry to make new acquaintances. Even in the business sphere, he prefers to deal with trusted partners.

Option C represents people who have the same length of both fingers. The person is easy to communicate, preferring to be in peaceful relations with everyone.

He usually has many friends, and in the business field he is very reliable. Such people usually form the backbone of the team.

It is they who are honorably escorted to retirement after forty or even fifty years of work in one place.

However, they do not get better on the road, because they are terrible in anger.

Therefore, it becomes clear that knowledge of the length of the fingers is of great importance. They help build relationships with people in such a way that they bring as much joy as possible.

Finger sizes for men and women - interpretation

For representatives of different sexes, the length of the fingers can mean different things. In situations where a lady's index finger is shorter than her ring finger, this indicates that she will not be left alone.

If they are equal in size, then such women usually marry once and become excellent mothers of the family. A man whose fingers vary significantly in size has a high hormonal background.

This feature has its downside, as sometimes it is aggressive. However, these people make excellent husbands.

Length ratio of individual fingers

In this regard, the comparative length of the thumb makes a lot of sense. It is one of the main ones in the palm of your hand, carries a large layer of information about its owner and makes it possible to assess its energy reserve.

Its size is taken as the basis, when the tip in a straightened form reaches the center of the lower phalanx of the index finger.

  • In the case when it turns out to be longer, such a ratio indicates that the person has a strong character.
  • If it is shorter, this indicates indecision and a lack of desire for dominance.
  • When its upper phalanx is significantly expressed, such a feature indicates that a person lives by the dictates of reason. Sometimes he is able to suppress all good feelings in himself and then it becomes difficult to control.
  • If both phalanges are equal, then such proportions are a sign of a harmoniously developed personality.
  • When the length of the lower phalanx predominates, then the person is too soft and too compassionate to take decisive action.

The size of the index finger is also important. If it is small, then this indicates a pronounced individualism.

Usually such people can lead others, but tend to consider themselves superior to others. If the length is slightly less than average, then it indicates that all the qualities of the individual are balanced.

A shortened middle finger indicates impetuousness. In such people, feelings guide all their actions. Therefore, they often change their mind, which makes them unreliable. They have a certain amount of selfishness, so they don’t take too much into account with others. Normal length, as in the previous case, indicates a person's balance.

An enlarged ring finger indicates a penchant for adventurism. These people can succumb to real passion.

They live by the principle of "All or Nothing". Often they do not separate the important from the unimportant.

If the length of the finger is small, then such a person, on the contrary, is characterized by indecision.

A long little finger speaks of a subtle mental warehouse. Such people are very sensitive, due to which they quickly find a way out of any situation. A shortened finger indicates a desire to follow the inclination of your heart, as well as amazing charisma.

The length of the fingers allows you to fully judge the temper of people. Both their size and ratio matter.

The degree of influence of the individual in society, his desire to establish interpersonal relationships and the ability to business acumen depend on these data.

The length of the fingers also judges how a person is suitable for family life or whether he will become a good friend.

Therefore, it is very important to know what their size means. Many believe that the source of information about people is concentrated in the lines of their palms, which is true. But still, it is not always possible to examine it, and the fingers are in plain sight and it is not worth neglecting the data that they provide about their owner.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

Hands are divided into two groups according to their shape: square and oblong. Looking at the hand, mentally remove all fingers, including the thumb, and then you can accurately determine whether the hand is square or oblong. This is the first step towards revealing a person's character. Examine both hands. If your client is right-handed, then the right hand is associated with his daily life, while the left hand reflects his innate abilities, talents, and how strongly his imagination is developed. In the event that your client is left-handed, his left hand reflects everyday, real life, and his right hand reflects the imaginary world.


If the hand is square in shape, the following conclusion can be drawn:

The person is easy to communicate, practical, skillful and capable. He is overflowing with energy, he is hardy and strong and needs to constantly feel himself busy with something. He stands firm on his feet, tends to be realistic about the situation and does not draw speculative conclusions, preferring to base his conclusions on obvious and real evidence. He is a good worker and, when the need arises, is able to work hard and for a long time.


If the hand has an oblong shape, the following conclusion can be drawn: A person often dreams, from time to time plunging into a fantasy world. He approaches everything he does creatively, and therefore it is very important for him that the work be varied and give ground for initiative and imagination. Otherwise, he loses interest and plunges into the illusory world of his dreams. He often comes up with brilliant ideas, but also often has difficulty putting them into practice.

Naturally, in your practice there will be palms, looking at which, you will not be able to say with certainty what shape they have, square or oblong. It is impossible to divide all of humanity into two groups with clear boundaries, if only because many people have hands of a shape that does not fall into either the first or second category.

A person with a square palm may address you, but at the same time its outer edge will be convex and almost rounded. Such a hand should still be considered square, and we will discuss the meaning of the convex edge of the palm in one of the following chapters.

You may have read about other hand classification systems in the past. The classical system divides the hands into simple (primitive), practical, philosophical, conical and mental. This system was developed by the famous French palmist named D'Arpentigny at the end of the 18th century and best suited the historical period when it was much easier to classify people than it is now.

The form of the peasant's hand, for example, was primitive, while the aristocrat most likely boasted an exquisitely conical hand. Today, few people work in the field, and our hands, reflecting this fact, have changed accordingly, making D'Arpentigny's classification system almost completely obsolete.

I first heard about this system as a child and still sometimes classify hands as, say, philosophical or conical, if they exactly fit these definitions.

But in most cases, I am content with determining whether a person’s palm is square or oblong. I thought it would be useful to include a brief description of D'Arpentigny's classification system in this book, since from time to time you will encounter people whose hands perfectly correspond to one or another group of this system.


A simple, or primitive, hand looks somewhat rough. She is easily recognizable by her square palm and short, thick, relatively shapeless fingers. The skin is rough and rough to the touch. There are very few lines on the palm, sometimes no more than three.

People with primitive hands can be very stubborn and have little interest in anything. It is difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so from time to time, falling into despair, they become aggressive. As long as their basic needs are met, they calmly perceive everything that life presents them, without thinking about tomorrow.


The next step after the primitive hand is the practical hand. Her palm is also square in shape, but her fingers are longer than the primitive hand and have a more graceful shape. The skin is less rough, there are a large number of lines on the palm. Those with practical hands tend to have a variety of interests and can be carried away by anything - hence the name "practical".


The tapered hand is characterized by a soft, graceful shape and smooth lines. The palm is rather oblong than square; fingers, as a rule, are long, with rounded tips. The palm is soft, fleshy. People with conical hands are very aesthetic, creatively gifted and prone to daydreaming. They imagine a beautiful, magical world where everything is perfect and harmonious. They do not accept vulgar language and any manifestations of rudeness and bad manners.

psychic hand

This is the same hand shape that has always attracted the attention of artists. The palm and fingers of the psychic hand are long, thin and graceful. People with psychic hands are by nature idealistic, highly intuitive, and highly impractical. They spend a significant part of their time in an imaginary world invented by themselves, preferring it to the realities of life. The mental form of the hand is widespread in India and the Far East, while in the West it is quite rare.


the philosophical hand, as a rule, has a square shape. Fingers - long, with clearly marked joints. People with such hands like to analyze everything without exception. In order to better understand the reason for such meticulousness, we can use the following analogy: imagine that thoughts originate at the fingertips.

Reaching the first knotty, convex joint, they must first climb it and go around it several times before they can continue down. On the second joint, the process is repeated. As a result, by the time a thought reaches the palm of the hand, it has been repeatedly scrolled through, subjected to careful analysis.


In practice, you will find that most people's hands fit perfectly into one group or another of D'Arpentigny's system. The same hands that do not fall under the classification developed by him, D'Arpentigny ranked as hands of a mixed form.

Fortunately, with the help of his simple and convenient system, the story of which we began with square and oblong hands, you can quite successfully classify almost everyone. However, the hand shapes represent only half of the system. In order to complete the acquaintance with the D'Arpentigny classification system, it is necessary to move on to the fingers.


After you have determined the shape of the palm as square or oblong, you need to move on to the fingers of the hand, which can be long or short. For someone who has just begun to study palmistry, it will not be easy to quickly and accurately determine the length of the fingers, but you should not be upset. With a little practice, you will learn how to determine the length of the fingers by eye.

The fingers are considered long if, after you have bent them, the pads reach a point equal to seven-eighths of the total length of the palm. Unfortunately, there are quite a few exceptions to this rule, due to the fact that some people have plastic hands, while others are rather inflexible.

Moreover, a person with an elongated palm may have long fingers, although in this case they will only reach the middle of the palm. Having gained experience, you can, at one glance at a person’s palm, determine whether his fingers are long or short. Problems only arise when, as a beginner in palmistry, you come across a hand whose fingers seem neither long nor short.

There are several ways to resolve this situation, which we will discuss below.


Long fingers. Angle greater than 45°

If a person has long fingers, he tends to pay attention to small things, and we, in turn, can draw the following conclusions:

He likes laborious, painstaking work. He is patient and really enjoys the "subtle" moments, because he loves to deal with small details. Whatever he does, his work should be exciting and absorbing. If she is too simple and primitive, he will quickly lose interest in her.


If a person has short fingers, then in his case the conclusions are opposite. He is more interested in "broad strokes" than all sorts of details and little things, because he does not have patience. We can draw the following conclusion: such a person is always busy. Often he starts a new business before he completes the previous one.

At times it also happens that he is absorbed in several cases or projects at the same time. He wants to get everything immediately, so patience is not his strongest trait. Impulsivity can become a source of problems and trouble for him. In a sense, he is a jack of all trades.


Obviously, a person whose fingers are neither long nor short falls into the middle category. The conclusion is this: at times this person is very patient. However, it also happens that he first takes a step, and only then begins to think about the consequences of his act.
If something really interested him, he tries to get to the very essence and master everything to the subtleties. If the interest is of a transitory nature, he is content with superficial information and does not seek to get acquainted with the details.

As a result, we get four possible combinations: square palms with short fingers, square palms with long fingers, oblong palms with short fingers, and oblong palms with long fingers. This classification system is most commonly used by Chinese palmists.

I first read about it in Fred Getting's monumental book The Book of the Hand. The four groups are named after the four elements or natural elements of the ancients: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The groups correspond to the descriptions of fire, earth, air and water astrological signs, although it does not follow from this that, for example, Sagittarius (a fire sign) necessarily has a fiery hand. In each sign of the Zodiac there are people with hands of all four groups.


Fire is hot, energetic and in constant motion. It can spread pleasant warmth around itself, but it can also burn. It follows that fire must be handled with care. fiery hand

characterized by an oblong palm and short fingers. A person with a fiery hand, as a rule, is emotional, strong, enthusiastic and tries to be creative in everything. Short fingers cause a lack of interest in details, and an oblong palm - a strong intuition. About a person with such a hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He has a sharp and lively mind, constantly coming up with wonderful ideas that cause bursts of enthusiasm and inspiration. This enthusiasm is often short-lived, but until it fades, it gives an additional impetus to all the actions of a person. At times, it is difficult for such a person to cope with emotions, but it is thanks to his emotionality that he lives brightly and fully, enjoying life and all its positive manifestations as much as possible.

He treats details without much attention, and he is more interested in the picture as a whole than in its individual fragments. He feels happy only when he is busy, loaded with work and in demand. Probably, one of the areas of his activity is somehow connected with creativity.


The earth, or soil, is the dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on the planet is subject to the natural cycle "birth - growth - death - decomposition". The earth has no age and therefore symbolizes stability and constancy. However, under its surface there is constant movement, constant change. At times, this leads to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

The earthly hand is very similar to the practical hand. It is characterized by a square palm and short fingers. People with an earth-type hand are reliable, constant, practical, unpretentious and easy to communicate with. They like monotonous work, as well as all kinds of activities in which the hands are actively involved.

Such people are conservative, restrained, but jealous, they have a highly developed sense of ownership. They can be prone to temper tantrums and be very aggressive when forced to.

We can say the following about a person with an earthly type of hand: he can confidently be called a good, conscientious worker. He is not afraid of hard physical work, his skillful hands "think for themselves." Sometimes he is stubborn, it is impossible to lead him astray if he has made a final decision.

He likes to move, he feels the rhythm well. He does not know how and does not like to work with details, unless, of course, he makes something with his own hands. Most likely, he prefers to work outdoors. He is interested in practical areas of activity. He is reliable, honest, and a little reserved.


Air is essential for life. We take it for granted and rarely pay attention to it, except perhaps on windy days. Air creatures, such as birds and flying insects, are active and fast. The air hand is characterized by a square palm and long fingers.

People of this type prefer to trust logic rather than intuition. They are quick-witted, savvy, witty and clearly express their thoughts. They love to communicate and often make brilliant careers in professions that require sociability. Due to the fact that they tend to rely on logic, people of this type do not trust emotions - both their own and those of other people. About a person with an air type hand, we can say the following with confidence:

He is intelligent, choosy, insightful and tends to think soberly and clearly. Relationships with other people are of great importance to him, but sometimes he allows logic to guide his feelings. Reliable, you can rely on him. He likes to do everything right, “as it should be”. He has a quick analytical mind, and when necessary, he can express his thoughts exceptionally clearly and competently. He is a wonderful companion, and next to him life is never boring or monotonous.


And finally, water, the natural state of which, like the elements, is complete stillness and tranquility. In order for this state to change and the water to move, it must be affected by external forces. Water itself is formless, it only fills the form into which it can penetrate.

The moon has a strong effect on water, causing ocean tides to ebb and flow. The expression "devils live in a still pool" is the best way to describe a water hand. The water hand is characterized by an oblong palm and long fingers.

This type of hand is sometimes called the intuitive hand, because people with such hands are incredibly sensitive, perceptive and receptive. They are also prone to rapid mood swings, emotional and impressionable. They are idealistic and have a developed and lively imagination. About a person whose hands belong to the water type, we can say something like this: His spiritual life is incredibly rich and diverse.

Due to the fact that he has a very vivid imagination, he indulges in fantasies and dreams. He is influenced by others, so he often changes his views. He has strong intuition. He is emotional.

If a person has attracted his attention, he tends to spend more time in his company, but he also needs time to think alone about what is happening in life. He feels happy next to a loved and understanding person whom he can rely on.


Most people believe that palmistry is the art of interpreting the lines on a person's hand. But you already know that this is only part of palmistry. Before jumping straight into line analysis, let's take a quick look at the hand as a whole.

Now we can already determine what type - fiery, water, air or earth - the hands of a person belong to, which, in turn, allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding his character and temperament. Just a cursory glance at the hand can significantly replenish our knowledge about this person.


To begin with, pay attention to whether the person’s hand is soft or hard. In some cases, the hand may feel springy to the touch, that is, neither soft nor hard. If the hand is fleshy, soft, this means that its owner loves luxury and pleasure and readily indulges his passions and desires.

If the hand has the opposite qualities, that is, it is hard to the touch, you have a strong person who endures all the vicissitudes of fate and is not afraid of trouble. Such a person is able to resist any temptation in the name of what seems to him more important and significant at this stage of life.


Now pay attention to how the hand looks and feels: rough or smooth. Don't be fooled by blisters that result from hard physical labor. Believe me, a person who earns a living by physical labor can have smooth hands. The rough hand is primarily characterized by large skin pores. As a rule, it is more noticeable on the back of the hand.

People with very rough hands tend to have strong primitive instincts and a similar appetite. Their needs are very limited, and if they are realized, people of this type feel happy and contented. If they are given the opportunity, they are prone to abuse. People of this type are called "thick-skinned".

People with smooth hands are much more cultured and aesthetic in everything they do. As a rule, they are keenly interested in all forms and types of creativity and strive to ensure that their homes and workplaces are as attractive and beautiful as possible.


Looking at the back of the hand, pay attention to the amount of hair growing on it. A small amount of hair indicates masculinity and is an auspicious sign on a man's hand. The abundance of hair indicates a person with great physical needs, who can only be happy when they are completely satisfied.


When the person holds out their hand to you, pay attention to whether the fingers are closed or slightly apart. People who keep their fingers close together tend to be cautious, cautious, introspective, and suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

People who hold out their hands with spread fingers are much more confident and open. They are less likely to doubt their own strengths and abilities than people who keep their fingers closed. Sometimes people extend their hand to the palmist with spread fingers and a completely unclenched palm, but in the process of divination they begin to gradually close their fingers and squeeze their palm. This process of slow clenching of the hand means that they are afraid of revealing their secrets.


The palm is divided into four parts by two imaginary lines. A vertical line running along the middle finger (finger of Saturn) across the entire palm to the wrist divides it into two parts, external and internal. The outer half includes the thumb and is associated with the actions we take in the world around us.

The inner half is connected with inner thoughts and decisions only known to us. An imaginary horizontal line passes under the base of the fingers and also divides the palm into two parts, upper and lower. The half that includes the fingers is associated with activity, while the bottom half is more passive and less receptive. As a result, the palm is divided into four quadrants: external active, internal active, external passive, internal passive.

As you examine your hand, pay attention to which of the quadrants is most pronounced, most obvious. Of course, this is very relative. One of the quadrants may seem more prominent and larger because of the hills (small bumps) present on it, or simply because one part of the arm seemed more important to you than others. I will share a secret: in the process of divination, a palmist should always listen to his intuition. It will never hurt anyone.

If none of the parts of the hand looks dominant in relation to its other parts, this means that the person has managed to achieve balance in different areas of life.


The active outer quadrant includes the thumb, index finger, and half of the middle finger. This section of the hand symbolizes the ambitions and goals of a person. If the active outer quadrant is dominant, this indicates that the person will spare no intellectual and physical efforts to achieve success.


Directly below the active outer quadrant is the passive outer quadrant, which includes the lower phalanx of the thumb and the mount (mount of Venus) lower in the palm of the hand. This quadrant is associated with physical endurance and sexual activity.

A well-developed passive outer quadrant indicates that the individual has great physical strength and endurance and no less sexual potency. If this part of the hand looks the weakest of the four, this indicates that the person is physically passive and rarely experiences spiritual uplift.


The active inner quadrant includes the ring finger, little finger, and half of the middle finger. If this quadrant is dominant, a person is more interested in science and art than in ways to achieve success and recognition.


Finally, we come to the passive inner quadrant. It includes a portion of the hand known as the Hill of the Moon, which we will discuss in detail a little later. The hill of the Moon is associated with creativity and the subconscious, therefore, being dominant, the passive inner quadrant indicates that a person understands his feelings well, feels their slightest nuances and fluctuations, and has a strong intuition.

This quadrant is also associated with imagination and tends to be especially well developed in creative people such as artists, poets, and musicians.