Roof heating. All about modern electric heating systems for roofs, roofs and gutters Anti-icing of roof gutters

The article provides information on the correct choice of a reliable roof and gutter heating system for your home or summer cottage. After reading the article, you will receive a lot of useful and important information that will be useful during the construction process and will help you ask the right questions when ordering roof heating. in a construction company and be sure to make the right choice, based on the advice and recommendations received in my article.

Roof heating system helps to protect the roof from the effects of bad weather in winter Source

Roof heating and its functions

Now such an innovation is only entering widespread use. Many people neglect roof de-icing work because they are afraid of unnecessary waste of electricity and money to create the system itself. However, it is worth considering that this approach can lead to an accelerated failure of the roofing pie. This will entail unscheduled repairs, and, consequently, unnecessary financial costs. Let's see how roof heating protects the roof.

So, the use of this system allows you to get rid of systematic ice, which causes significant damage to the structure, disrupting its waterproofing. By the way, do not hope that timely cleaning will solve the problem. It will not cope with all the moisture accumulating on the roof and gutters. In addition, by heating the roof, you get rid of falling icicles and snow, thereby increasing safety.

There are other ways to combat icing. For example, the arrangement of a special ventilation system of the attic or the treatment of the roof with anti-icing emulsions. However, all these methods are imperfect, require constant financial costs and take a lot of your time, and also lower the temperature inside the building. Therefore, the best option is proper roof heating.

Installation of an ice channel will help get rid of many problems Source

What is a roof heating system

It is called differently: snow melting system, heating system or anti-ice. Such a device consists of a large number of sensors, wires, executive and instrumentation devices, as well as heating elements. Such a complex prevents the formation of icing on the roof surface and prevents excess snow from accumulating.

It is not necessary to heat the entire roof surface, therefore, certain places are chosen for the installation of heaters, which are the most susceptible to the accumulation of ice and snow, as well as places that can pass moisture into the roofing cake. So the system must necessarily cover the edges of the slopes and the surface of the valley, as well as cover the entire length of the gutters.

Important! The roof heating system must be located below the snow holders. Firstly, this will allow not to waste too much electricity on heating roof sections that do not require it. Secondly, the melting of the snow cap on the roofs increases the thermal conductivity of the roofing cake, which entails an accelerated heat loss.

It is also convenient that the cables can be installed after the end of construction at any free time, because the system is most often located on the surface of the roofing material.

Roof heating cable can be installed at any time Source

If the heating system for the roof of your house is executed correctly and competently, then you can forget about the snow falling from the roof. Still, such a device lightens the load on the rafter system, which contributes to the greater durability of the roofing pie. In addition, you get good gutter protection. After all, there are frequent cases when it cracks from the frozen water accumulated inside.

By the way, the anti-icing system relieves the owners of the house from the regular manual cleaning of the roofing material.

roofing works of any complexity on a turnkey basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

How the roof heating system works

Let's see what the main elements are included in the system and how they should be located.

An approximate layout of the heating system on the roof Source

The whole complex of heating equipment usually consists of three main components.

    The heating unit includes a network of single or double heating wires. It is also worth pointing out at this point that a special film can also be used as a heating element. It is important that the heating elements meet certain requirements. They must be able to cope with sudden changes in temperature as well as power surges. The system must also be resistant to excess moisture. If you plan to walk on the roof, then resistance to mechanical damage is a mandatory requirement for the heating unit.

    The information and distribution unit is designed to control the transmission of electricity from the network to the heaters. This part of the system provides information in the form of sensor readings and feeds all the components of the anti-icing system. It is better to install all sensors and elements of this unit in places where moisture does not get. For example, in an attic or under a roof overhang.

    The control unit includes thermostats, weather sensors, as well as devices that allow you to manually change the roof temperature and power supply. Option with a self-regulating control system is possible. Here there is no need to constantly regulate the operation of the heating complex, and the necessary changes are introduced automatically. In this case, the mini-computer makes decisions based on the readings of the weather sensors.

The ice cable is also laid in the drainage channel. Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of completing the construction of unfinished houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

How to choose the right heating system

Such systems differ primarily in the type of heating element. Options with cable or foil heaters are possible. The second method has much in common with the "warm floor" system. An important difference is that the film must be located inside the roofing cake, because it is not designed for serious loads and is poorly adapted to mechanical damage. But the cable, on the contrary, can be on the surface of the roofing material. But the wire can also be laid inside. This is usually used when installing a flat roof heating system, as well as in the construction of high-rise buildings. Only cable is used to heat gutters and pipes.

The cable is used for external heating of the roof Source

Characteristics of different types of heating elements:

It is a matrix with polymer insulation and two cores of wires inside. It also includes a metal braid and an additional layer of insulating material. If it gets warmer outside, then the number of conductive paths inside the matrix decreases and, as a result, the temperature of the heater decreases. This type of heater has many advantages. Firstly, the installation of the cable is quick and does not require a lot of experience. Secondly, the matrix itself is resistant to overlaps and spot heating, thanks to the temperature self-regulation system. Thirdly, such a cable can be used in combination with absolutely any roofing materials. An important plus is that the system selects the optimal temperature and thereby prevents the consumption of unnecessary electricity. It is possible to install such heaters without using weather sensors, as well as using a self-regulating cable, you can heat gutters.

Self-adjusting wire is most easily mounted on the roof Source

    Resistive wire

Heating occurs due to the resistance of the conductor. This cable can be two-core or single-core. The insulation is made of a polymer layer, and on higher quality models, a nichrome core is used. When installing such a cable, you need to pay attention to the fact that both the beginning and the end of each wire must necessarily converge at one point. There is one rather serious disadvantage of such a heating system: in the event of a point damage, the entire anti-icing complex fails. Installation is inconvenient because the resistive cable must not be cut. This method is suitable for heating large roof areas.

The resistive system is more complex, it is better to entrust it to an experienced craftsman. Source

    Film heater

It is a flexible film with carbon conductor conductors. Heats such material with the entire surface, since conductive strips are often located over the entire area of ​​the heater. It is very convenient to transport and store, because such film is sold in small rolls. This material is attached only under the roof covering, so it can be used only in the case of roof reconstruction or during construction. The installation of such a heater should be entrusted to specialists. In the event of local damage, the heating system does not fail, but loses its efficiency. During the repair process, it is always possible to replace the damaged section of the film heater. I would like to note that the film is very safe, it does not self-ignite. Uniform heating of the surface gives good energy savings.

The foil heater is mounted on the inside of the roof Source

When choosing materials, you should pay attention to their cost. The most expensive is to use a foil heater. Self-regulating cable costs a little less, and the most budgetary option is resistive wire. But I would like to note that heating the roof using a self-regulating cable is more economical and will give a good benefit in the future. Also note that the installation of an anti-icing system on the roof surface is only possible with snow guards. Otherwise, the entire network will simply be torn off during heavy snowfall. Various improvements and options make the whole complex more expensive, but the choice is always yours. Remember that you should order a heating system for a roof based on the characteristics of your particular roof.

The heating system is chosen based on the type and characteristics of the roof Source

Roof heating system installation

First you need to figure out which roof area requires heating. As already mentioned, these are valleys, overhangs and places where a large amount of snow and ice accumulates, as well as gutters. It is worth noting that the benefits of partial heating of the areas that need it are much lower than of heating the roof in all problem areas. After you have decided on the area that is worth heating, you need to calculate the required amount of materials and purchase them.

So, after all the materials have been selected and purchased, you can proceed with the installation. Below you will find information on how to properly install the entire system.

Experienced hands will not make mistakes when installing a cable roof heating system Source

The first step is to completely clean the entire roof surface, as well as gutters from debris or leaves. Further, the fastening tape is installed in the necessary places. The next step is the installation of the junction box. It is worth bringing and fixing the “cold” end of the cable, which is previously threaded into the corrugated tube, to it. After completing this procedure, unfold the cable inside the gutters, fixing it with the tendrils of the fastening tape. Now you need to fix the wire inside the downpipe. To do this, the cable is attached to the chain, for example, with plastic ties, and the whole system is threaded into the pipe. After that, it is worth fixing the upper segment. The bottom edge can be secured using metal ties. Next, you need to spread the loops over the surface of the roof and fix them using the antennae of the tape. If the roof slopes are too steep, then it would be better to add plastic ties. Now you can install weather sensors. They should be located on the north side of the building next to the junction box. The next step is to check the entire wiring system. The quality of the system can be determined by measuring the resistance in the circuit and comparing the readings obtained with the data specified in the product passport. It remains only to fix the control panel inside the room. After finishing the installation, you need to measure the temperature of the system in order to compare it with the data you entered.

Roof heating system structure Source

Video description

You can familiarize yourself with the installation procedure for heating the roof, gutters and gutters by watching the video:

If the check showed the correct result, then the installation of the anti-icing system was completed correctly. In this case, you get a good, reliable heating of the roof and gutters. Such a system will increase the service life of the roof, as well as eliminate the inconvenience associated with falling icicles and snow from overhangs.


A competent choice and high-quality installation of the roof anti-icing system will avoid the problem of clogging the drain channels and the destruction of the entire drainage system when snow melts from the roof. But it is better to entrust the design and installation of roof heating to professionals, because otherwise you can get a system that consumes too much electricity or does not cope with its responsibilities.

Icing of roofs and gutters is a common phenomenon during winter, especially when there are significant temperature fluctuations. The snow that has fallen at positive temperatures melts, then the temperature drops, and as a result, ice blocks are formed in the funnels of the drainpipes, and icicles form along the edges of the roof. With a slight increase in air temperature, the process of melting of the formed ice cannot be controlled. Water does not flow into the drainpipe, but straight from the roof, while falling under the roof slope, onto the walls, possibly flowing into various seams. Naturally, this brings tangible damage to the building. Heating the roof is able to remove the consequences of these phenomena.

Heating the roof with a heating cable prevents snow accumulation and icicle formation in winter on roof edges and gutters.

To eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to install a heating system on the roof and gutters of the building, which will help to avoid the formation of frozen ice in the future. All roof and gutter heating systems operate in automatic mode. The principle of operation is based on the heating of an electric current conductor at certain temperatures, the heating process is controlled by a control unit. As a rule, the system is turned off at +5 degrees of heat and -10 degrees of frost, since it is in this temperature range that ice forms, and heating the roof and gutters solves this problem.

List of materials and tools for installing a roof heating system

Roofs with different thermal insulation.

  • pliers equipped with side cutters;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers for crimping contacts;
  • puncher;
  • a set of clips for heating cables and wiring cables;
  • dowels;
  • hammer;
  • adhesive sealant;
  • ladder;
  • set of safety equipment.

Basic principles of the roof heating system

Self-regulating cable composition.

Heating includes the technology of special placement of a special thermal cable on the roof and in the weirs and its connection to controllers. Thermal cables are used of two types. Their principle of operation is different. The first type is a resistive cable. It is a conductor of electric current, covered with a special compound. The conductor, when current flows, heats up due to the calculated resistance. Heat generation by the resistive cable will be the same along the entire length of the installed heating system. The second type is a self-regulating cable. The global difference from resistive is that

that such a cable is able to change its resistance depending on the temperature at different places of the roof.

In other words, the self-regulating cable generates more heat when it is in colder places, such as a snow-covered roof area, the windward side, and heavy accumulation of melted ice. This approach ultimately leads to both energy savings and an increase in the efficiency of the installed roof and gutter heating system.

Heating cable laying diagram.

There are certain technological conditions and standards for the installation of heating cables on the roof and in the gutters. The installation of the cable should be located in places where the greatest contact with ice and snow masses in order to carry out maximum heating. This achieves the highest efficiency. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the places of the roof where the greatest accumulation of ice and snow occurs. As often happens in practice, the installation of the heating system is carried out along the perimeter of the roof, while capturing such places as the joints of the drain lines, the entry points of the gutters into the downpipe. In complex geometric roof structures, heating lines are installed not only along the perimeter, but also at the intersection of the planes of the roof slopes and in the so-called valleys.

Installation on different types of roofs

Depending on the type of roof and, accordingly, places “weak” for icing, the heating cable is laid in different ways.

High-quality heating is possible with the correct location of the wire. The cable, as a rule, is laid with a snake, the height of its laying is usually equal to the length of the roof slope before crossing the plane of the walls and plus 20 cm. In such places, the most intense accumulation of melted ice occurs. The cable is laid with a pitch of 50 or 60 cm. Here you need to start from the climatic zone. In places where very often the temperature changes above or below zero degrees, it is necessary to reduce the laying step, in this case the heating will be more efficient. For the free passage of melt water, the cable must be laid in the gutters and gutters along the perimeter of the building. This method is applicable for a single, gable roof with a soft roof.

For a metal roof, the following way of laying heating elements is characteristic. The wire is laid on each side of the seam of metal sheets, then passed through the gutter of the gutters to the second seam and further. The cable allowance along the seam is approximately equal to the distance from the roof slope to the intersection with the wall plane and plus 30 cm.

Heating of the roof and gutters with a flat surface is carried out by placing the wire along the perimeter and in the sloped waste planes. In sloped roof options for buildings where gutters are not provided, it uses a loop-shaped cable placement method with a 7 cm margin over the edge.

Ice accumulations also form in valleys, that is, in the inner corners of the intersection of a sloping roof, therefore heating is also necessary in them.

The methods of fastening the heat-generating core are selected depending on the type of roofing material. On soft roofs, a mechanical method of fastening is used with clips that are nailed to the surface. The joints are treated with a sealant. On the side of the roof with a length of about 10 meters, about 50-55 clips will be needed, when laying in the "snake" method.

Installation with glue is also possible. On a metal roof, the wire is installed by gluing the staples with special glue. Each seam requires 5 staples. When using the glue method, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the glue and observe the technology of its use, due to the fact that frost is especially strong on metal roofs and the heating vein must be securely fixed. Fastening staples with nails and screws to a metal roof is rarely used, due to the direct effect on the roof material and violation of the anti-corrosion coating.

Roof heating automation scheme.

In grooves less than 15 cm wide, the wire is placed without rigid fixation; in wider grooves, it is recommended to place two cores separated by inserts. Directly into the drain or funnel, the vein must be lowered by 30-40 cm to prevent ice accumulation, since the freezing of the drains makes the entire melt water runoff system unusable.

Features of the choice of control automation

Electrical installation has several types. The choice of a connection scheme through an automatic-type humidity and temperature controller is most justified. The system turns out to be fully automated thanks to moisture sensors installed in those places of the roof, where snow and thawed ice most often accumulate. The automatic control unit and self-regulating cables result in high system efficiency and energy savings. Connection via an air sensor or thermostat is possible. Such a system uses only one parameter in its work - the air temperature. And the probability of ice formation is no longer taken into account. Manual connection is the cheapest way, but requires constant attention and control of weather conditions.

Heating the roof and gutters is a relatively inexpensive and high-quality option for protecting a building in difficult climatic conditions and with seasonal changes in weather.

Roof heating

What is cable heating of a roof

The cable system for heating the roof and gutters is a de-icing system, which is based on the use of electric heating cables to melt snow and ice on the roof and in the drainage system of a building during periods of threat - at a time when daily temperature drops and ice formation are most likely.

In turn, it is the ice that is the cause of roof leaks in the autumn-spring period, as well as the cause of deformation of gutters and gutters due to ice and snow accumulated in them.

Since the cable anti-icing system of the roof does not allow the formation and, accordingly, the fall of icicles on the adjacent territory, it is classified as a security system.

It is quite natural that in 2004 a document of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Construction appeared "Recommendations for the use of anti-icing devices on roofs with external and internal drains for construction and renovation of residential and public buildings" which directly recommends installing such systems on all new buildings.

Currently, several thousand buildings are equipped with cable systems for roof heating in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Significant experience in design, installation and operation has been accumulated.

A properly designed and properly installed cable system for heating the roof on high-quality components prevents ice accumulation and ensures the drainage of melt water along the entire route. As a result, the roof itself lasts longer, the gutters do not bend, the gutters are not deformed, and the falling of icicles does not threaten people and cars located near the building.

Heating of a warm and cold roof

  • In the case of a cold roof (with minimal heat loss), it is enough to revise the drainage system and install heating cables in the gutters and gutters.
  • In the case of a warm roof, it is very likely that installation will be required in other areas: valleys, drip lines (cornices), dormers, abutments and overhangs.
  • If the roof is completely iced up, then the installation of KSO may not be economically justified and the reconstruction of the roof suggests itself.

System composition

The following classification seems to us the most successful:

1. Subsystem of heating elements

There are increased requirements for heating cables for use on the roof:

  • linear power: not less than 20 W / m and not more than 60 W / m at 0 ° С;
  • resistance of casings to UV radiation;
  • resistance to local overheating;
  • reliable operation in wet conditions;
  • the presence of a shielding braid;
  • certification of compliance with CU TR 004/2011 “On the safety of low-voltage equipment”;
  • certificate of conformity TR CU 012/2011 “On safety of equipment for work in explosive atmospheres” * (if the building is located in an explosive area, for example, a gas station).

As part of heating systems for roofs and gutters, resistive cables and self-regulating cables are used.

The advantages of resistive cables include low cost and stability of power characteristics. The disadvantages are the impossibility of changing the lengths of the sections and the likelihood of overheating. Resistive cables must not be used on soft (weldable) roof coverings.

Self-regulating cables have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to cut sections to the required lengths directly at the installation site,
  • "Automatic" change in running power depending on temperature and environmental conditions. The most dramatic change in characteristics just occurs when passing through 0 °.
  • Energy savings due to the self-regulation effect are at least 10-15%.

The disadvantages of self-regulating cables include:

  • their cost, which is about 3 times higher than the cost of resistive cables,
  • as well as the effect of aging of the semiconductor matrix, which is expressed in a drop in the linear power after several years of operation.

2. Power distribution subsystem

This part includes power cables, junction boxes, power supply units. This also includes information wires for sensors and boxes for them.

3. Control subsystem

The most favorable conditions for the formation of ice are temperature fluctuations from +3 to +5 ° С during the day and up to -10 ° С at night.

Accordingly, switching on the heating cable at temperatures above + 5 ° C does not make sense, since snow and ice melt on their own.

And at an air temperature below -15 ° C, the power of the cable will no longer be enough.

In the best case, he will heat the mink for himself and then reduce the heat release. In the worst case, dry loose snow will melt, and instead of an anti-icing system, you will get icing.

The simplest and most affordable thermostat is RT-330.

The upper setting is fixed at + 5 ° С, the lower one is adjustable from -15 ° to 0 °.

Maximum load current up to 8A.

Mounts on a DIN rail, takes 2 modules.

The most commonly used thermostat is OJ Electronics ETR / F-1447.

It has both the upper and lower on / off temperature setpoints adjustable.

Mounts on a DIN rail, occupies 4 modules.

An extremely reliable device. You can also find it on sale under the brands Raychem, Nexans, etc.

The Raychem HTS-D thermostat stands somewhat apart. It is used to control a small heating system for roofs and gutters, where the length of the heating cable does not exceed 30 m.

Its main advantage is its outdoor design (protection class IP65), which means that no control panel assembly is required.

HTS-D has a wide setting range - from -20 ° С to + 25 ° С, although the practical value of this is questionable.

The maximum load current is 16A.

Weather station in addition to the air temperature sensor, it has a moisture sensor, and some models also have a separate precipitation sensor.

The signal to turn on the heating is given when two conditions are met:

  1. moisture and / or precipitation sensor detects the presence of moisture;

The control panel for the cable heating system includes:

    • introductory machine,
    • thermostat protection circuit breaker (meteorological station);
    • residual current device (30mA);
    • magnetic switch;
    • heating circuit breaker;
    • alarm

In more complex and powerful systems, the control panel can be installed:

    • time delay relay,
    • soft starter,
    • current transformer,
    • specialized controllers, etc.

In principle, once configured, the system works fully automatically and does not require human intervention. Except for sensor cleaning and routine maintenance.

4. Subsystem of fasteners

Includes mounting straps, brackets, clamps, nets, cables.

Features of operation

The main task of the roof heating system is to ensure the drainage of melt water through the existing drainage system of the building.

If the system is turned on at the moment when a thick layer of ice is already on the roof, it will take about 48 hours for the anti-icing system of normal power to melt it and drain the melt water.

In this case, all components will have to work at maximum power, which is called "wear and tear".

This is after all an anti-icing system, not snow melting!

Therefore, you should entrust the operation of the automation system and only if necessary adjust the settings.

Cable heating of the roof: a description of the solution to the problem of ice by installing a heating cable

Description of the method for solving the problem of icicles using a cable roof heating system

Construction of houses

Due to the climatic features of the area, many owners of private houses, whether they are buildings with individual roofs of complex configuration or with simple gable structures, more than once faced the problem of accumulating large masses of snow on them, which, with the onset of the off-season, led to disappointing consequences. Among the most common of them are the destruction of roofing materials, frozen water in the drainpipes and, as a result, a violation of the drainage system, as well as the massive melting of snow rushing into the drainage systems, which cannot cope with the uncontrolled flow of water and dirt. The water formed as a result of the melting of the snow that came down from the roofs in an avalanche manner rushes into the gutter, where it freezes layer by layer. In addition, the gutters are exposed to uneven loads that they experience as a result of icicles freezing. All this will eventually disable the drainage system. To eliminate these unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to constantly clean the surface of accumulated snow and promptly knock down icicles, which, moreover, create a traumatic situation for people. In order to radically solve the problem, simplifying as much as possible the care of the storm water system, experts propose to install an anti-icing system based on a heating cable, which can be laid as an independent element along the edge of the roof to prevent icing. How to understand the characteristics of heating cables and how to properly install the snow melting and anti-icing system - we will consider further.

The principle of operation of the anti-icing system for roofs and gutters

After the air temperature reaches negative values, crystallization of water begins, which contributes to a decrease in the performance of the elements of the drainage system. How does this happen?

  • The ice crust forming inside the pipes and troughs creates obstacles to the passage of liquid, reducing their maximum throughput;
  • Freezing, the water expands in volume, which leads to damage to the joints, deformation of the roof elements and even violations of the integrity of the pipeline;
  • The decrease in the performance of the building is a consequence of the formation of ice plugs in the gutters. They are formed by the presence of foreign debris in pipes and gutters and prevent the flow of water that falls on the walls and foundation.

To prevent all of the above negative consequences, heating cables are installed in the most "unfavorable" places of the roof (drain pipes, gutters, valleys) to prevent the formation of ice in the direction of melt water. The cable is powered from an electrical network with a voltage of 220-230 V.

The heating process is controlled through a special thermostat that works automatically. The commands to the thermostat come from sensors installed on the roof. In the event of situations that can cause ice formation, for example, precipitation during a cold period or a thaw with drip melting of snow, the thermostat signals the need to supply energy, as a result of which the electric cable starts heating. This leads to the formation of water flowing freely through pipes and gutters. Today thermostats have been replaced by programmable thermostats.

Important! Experts do not recommend reducing the cost of work and installing the heating cable only on the surface of the roof, refusing to heat the gutters. This is due to the fact that snow and ice can often completely clog gutters and downpipes, which can lead to a violation of their integrity. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure the unhindered descent of melt water from the roof.

Functions and tasks of the anti-icing system

  • Having carried out the installation of roof de-icing, you will prevent the formation of icicles, the accumulation of snow masses on the roof and, as a result, their fall, which is the cause of traumatic situations;
  • Considering the above, it can be argued that the installation of anti-icing of the roof helps to reduce the mechanical load on its structure;
  • Increasing the service life of roofing materials, gutter systems and other structural elements of the roof;
  • Installation of a gutter and roof heating system will eliminate the problem of manual cleaning of the roof from snow and ice masses;
  • Organization of regular and timely drainage of melt water from the roof and gutters;
  • Thanks to the features of the system (the presence of specialized sensors), you get the opportunity to fully automate the process of heating the roof;
  • As an advantage of the system, one can consider the maximum availability and ease of installation, which even an inexperienced master can independently carry out.

Important! If you refuse to install a gutter and roof heating system, motivating it with high energy costs, experts are in a hurry to dispel your doubts - provided that the cable is laid correctly, the latter will provide reliable heating of the storm drain system, while consuming no more than 200-500 W, which depends from the roof area.

Installation of an anti-icing system for gutters and roofs

Heating part includes:

Distribution and informational part is a kit including:

  • power and information (signal) cables;
  • mounting elements;
  • junction boxes in which the wires are switched.

This part of the system is responsible for transmitting electrical power to the heating part, as well as transmitting signals from the roof heating control sensors to the control panel.

Control system, which includes the following elements:

  • anti-icing thermostat;
  • starting and protective devices, for example, an input three-phase circuit breaker, a residual current device, circuit breakers for each phase, etc.;
  • signal lamp.

Important! In general, the complete set of the control subsystem is selected taking into account the capacity of the anti-icing system for drains and roofs. The heating part, for the installation of which a self-regulating cable was used, can be operated automatically. This is due to its ability to independently regulate power under the influence of temperature and precipitation.

Features of the heating system for gutters and roofs

The design features and the principle of installation of the gutter and roof heating system depend on the following factors:

  • Climatic features of the region;
  • Roof type;
  • Type of electrical cable.

Particular attention should be paid to the types of roofs that directly determine the design features of the drainage de-icing system.

  • Warm roof... Due to the fact that during its installation not enough attention is paid to insulation, ice build-ups often form on it, which, due to the design features of the roof, melt even at negative temperatures, after which the water, flowing down to the cold edge, freezes. Experts recommend taking this into account and laying heating sections along the edge in the form of loops, the width of which is from 30 to 50 cm, and the specific power is 200-500 W / sq. m;
  • Cold roof heating which is characterized by fundamental differences. Due to the fact that they are qualitatively insulated and are often distinguished by the presence of a well-ventilated attic space, for their heating, experts recommend installing only an anti-icing system for gutters, the linear power of which is 20-30 W / sq. m with a gradual increase to 60-70 W / sq. m. as the length of the drain increases.

DIY installation of an anti-icing system for drains and roofs

System design plan

  • Correct determination of the heating zones of the roof, where the electric cable will be laid;
  • Choosing the right type of electrical cable;
  • Selection of the control system and determination of the localization of the junction boxes;
  • Calculation of the length and selection of the method of cable laying;
  • System power calculation;
  • Selection of fasteners and cable laying;
  • Selection of automation for the control panel.

Definition of roof heating zones

Roof heating zones- places of the greatest accumulation of snow and ice, where it is necessary to lay the electric cable. To ensure the smooth drainage of melt water, the cable is laid in the following areas:

  • gutters, their elements and the space around them;
  • downpipes all over;
  • water collectors and drainage trays;
  • eaves on the roof;
  • on the lines of joints of individual sections of the roof and adjacent walls, in valleys.

Important! The planning of heating gutters should be carried out taking into account the heating of the entire roof, since otherwise the efficiency of the entire system is reduced.

Important! During the installation of the system, the anti-icing cable is laid along the flow of melt water. It is important to use only waterproof sections, and to fix them as securely as possible. Cable strain reliefs are often installed over the drainpipes.

Selecting the type of electrical cable

The operation of the electric cable used for heating gutters and roofs is carried out in technically difficult conditions - it is affected by moisture, temperature extremes, and mechanical stress. In this regard, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Be sealed and weatherproof;
  • Be indifferent to temperature extremes and maintain their original characteristics even at negative temperatures;
  • Possess high mechanical strength in order to withstand the impact of possible snow load without problems;
  • Be safe in terms of electrical insulation characteristics.

Important! You can purchase an electric cable in coils or in the form of ready-made heating sections, which are fragments of a fixed-length cable with a sleeve and a wire intended for connection to the network.

The cable supplied in coils is most often used for drainage and installation of anti-icing systems on roofs of complex configuration, and therefore, in standard situations, experienced craftsmen advise choosing ready-made sections. They are considered a more convenient option, easy to install.

Anti-icing systems can operate on the basis of two types of heating cables:

Let's consider in more detail the characteristics of each group.

Resistive cables- the traditional version, the distinctive feature of which is the same output power along the entire length and the same heat dissipation. In the section, it is a metal core, an insulating layer, a copper braid and an outer sheath. During the installation of drainage de-icing systems, it is recommended to use resistive cables, the heat release of which is 15-30 W / m, and the operating temperature is 250 degrees.

Important! One of the main features of a resistive cable is constant resistance and uniform heating throughout its length. The degree of heating is determined only by the current strength and does not depend on external conditions, which can be diametrically opposite for different sections of the cable. For example, one of the sections of the cable can be located in a pipe, another in the open air, and the third hiding under foliage or snow. In this regard, for the optimal functioning of a particular section of the cable, a different amount of heat is required, however, a resistive cable cannot independently regulate the temperature depending on external conditions. This is the reason for the high but often unproductive energy consumption.

There are several types of resistive cables:

Serial resistive cables are a variety that is characterized by a fairly simple structure. It is based on a solid conductive core, represented by a copper wire and covered with an insulating layer on top. The wire is covered from above with a shielding braid that prevents electromagnetic radiation and performs the function of grounding. The outer layer of the wire is represented by a polymer sheath that protects against short circuits.

Advantages of Serial Resistive Cable:

  • High flexibility, thanks to which it can be used when installing icing systems for complex roof configurations;
  • Ease of installation, due to the absence of the need to use "extra" elements;
  • Affordable price.

Zone resistive cables- an improved type of serial cables, the structural basis of which is made up of two parallel conductive conductors. Around them is a heating wire, wound in a spiral and characterized by high resistance. Usually nichrome, this spiral, through contact windows in insulation, alternately interacts with both conductive cores, forming independent heat release zones. In case of overheating, only one functional zone will fail, while the rest will continue to work.

Advantages of Resistive Zone Cable:

  • The presence of independent zones of heat generation, which prevents overheating of the cable;
  • High flexibility, allowing it to be used for heating roofs with complex configurations;
  • Affordable price.

Type No. 2. Self-regulating cables

Self-regulating cables- differ from their resistive counterpart by the presence of a matrix - a semiconductor layer connecting two conductive cores. In addition, on the cut of the self-regulating cable, you can see photopolymer insulation, a shielding sheath, represented by foil or wire braid, as well as outer plastic insulation.

Important! Due to the presence of two insulating layers (inner and outer), the self-regulating cable acquires high dielectric strength and resistance to shock loads.

Important! The matrix is ​​the main distinguishing feature of self-regulating cables. It changes its resistance depending on the ambient temperature. For example, with an increase in the temperature of the atmospheric air, the resistance of the matrix increases, which helps to reduce the heating of the cable itself. This is the principle of self-regulation that underlies the operation of a self-regulating cable.

Self-regulating cable advantages:

  • The ability to adjust the degree of heating depending on the ambient temperature;
  • Durability due to the absence of the risk of overheating and burnout;
  • The possibility of cutting into pieces of the required length (up to 20 cm) directly at the installation site;
  • Despite the fact that the cost of a self-regulating cable is 2-4 times higher than the cost of a resistive cable, in general this option is more economical due to the economical consumption of energy;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Low power consumption from 15 to 20 W / m.

Selection of the control system and determination of the location of the junction boxes

As devices used as a control system, the following can be noted:

  • Thermostat giving a command to turn on the heating system in a given temperature range - from -8 to +3 degrees;
  • Thermostat or weather station, in addition to temperature, it monitors the situation with precipitation on the roof and its melting. The basis of the weather station is a humidity sensor and a temperature sensor.

The junction boxes must be placed in such a way as to maintain free access to them. They are usually installed on the roof not far from the heating elements. Can also be installed under a canopy, in the attic and parapets.

Calculation of the length and choice of cable laying method

Before proceeding with the installation of the cable, it is necessary to calculate its length and determine the location. Since the areas on which the heating elements are laid, we considered above, we will indicate how to determine the length of the cable.

To do this, it is necessary to measure the length of all parts of the system, taking into account the number and length of the drain, as well as the length of the valley. For every 100-150 mm of the gutter, a power of 30-60 W / m is required.

System power calculation

When calculating the power of an electric cable, it is necessary to rely on standard indicators. If for cables of the resistive type, the required power is 18-22 W / m, then for the self-regulating type - 15-30 W / m. It is important to remember that if polymer materials were used for the manufacture of the drainage system, the power of the cable should not exceed 17 W / m, which will avoid damage to the drainage system.

Selection of fasteners and cable laying: expert advice

During the installation of the heating system, the following items must be prepared:

  • Heat cable, the length of which is determined by the total area of ​​the system, the diameters of the elements and the type of the cable itself;
  • Fasteners- for the roof, a reinforcing mesh is used, for gutters - anchor plates and self-adhesive tapes. The minimum distance between fasteners should be at least 30 cm. If you are using steel plates, pay attention to their surface - it must be galvanized to prevent premature rusting.

  • Make sure that in the section, the heating part is not bent, did not experience kinks and stretching and other mechanical influences;
  • In accordance with SNiP, the heating section needs to be grounded. If you intend to lay the cable in coils, then the diameter of the downpipe must be at least 70 mm, which is due to the minimum bending radius of the cable;
  • Make sure that the integrity of the cable insulation is not damaged during the installation of the heating sections. This is due to the hygroscopicity of the matrix, due to which the heating areas will absorb moisture and will soon fail.

Heating of gutters and roofs: do-it-yourself anti-icing systems, Construction portal

Construction of houses Due to the climatic features of the area, many owners of private houses, whether they are buildings with individual roofs of complex configuration or with simple

The accumulation of snow on the roof of the house, icing of gutters and the formation of icicles - these weather factors not only harm the roof, but also pose a danger to people below. Of course, you can throw off the snow cover immediately after it falls and knock down the ice blocks with a long pole, but who can guarantee that the roof and gutters will not be damaged in this way, and the falling icicle will not harm health or property. But there is a very effective way to eliminate all these phenomena in one fell swoop. The anti-icing system, which you can install with your own hands, will melt the snow in time and will not allow ice to form in the most critical areas.

Roof and gutter heating: how it works

The roof and gutters are safe and can normally perform their functions exactly until the air temperature reaches negative values. After that, the process of water crystallization begins, which is accompanied by negative phenomena:

  • ice forms on the surface of the gutters and pipes, which reduces their throughput and prevents the drainage of sediment and melt water from the roof;
  • the transition of the liquid to a solid state is accompanied by an increase in volume, which is fraught with damage to the roof and drainage line;
  • deterioration in the efficiency of gutters and, as a result, the accumulation of water on the roof, is the cause of leaks during active snow melting;
  • the formation of plugs in pipes leads to the fact that water begins to flow down the walls and foundation, deteriorating the appearance of the structure and contributing to its destruction.

In order for the rainfall drainage system to work successfully even in the most severe frost, electric heaters are installed in the most critical places. They prevent the accumulation of snow and the appearance of an ice crust, helping to reduce mechanical stress on the roof and avoiding congestion in the path of melt water.

The main function of the anti-icing system is to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice on potentially hazardous areas of the roof.

Most often, the following elements of gutters are equipped with heating cables:

  • snow holders;
  • collection trays and funnels;
  • gutters;
  • vertical pipes.

In addition, drainage collection areas near storm showers, as well as trays and other elements of the drainage system are equipped with electric heating.

With the automatic cable de-icing system, neither mechanical nor chemical methods of ice and snow removal can be compared. The first one forces the use of human resources and special equipment, besides, cleaning with shovels and ice axes is unsafe for the roof and gutters. The second requires the application of special expensive emulsions to the roof, which must be periodically renewed.

Anti-icing system device

The principle of heating roofs and gutters is in many ways similar to the functioning of underfloor heating. The main element of the electrical anti-icing system is the heating circuit, which includes one or several sections of the heating cable, as well as fasteners and insulating elements for its installation. The efficiency of electric heaters is ensured by power and signal cables, as well as a variety of switching and switching devices. To control the heating, a thermostat, temperature and humidity sensors, time relays and protection (safety) equipment are used. The inclusion of the anti-icing system can be performed in a simple or intelligent mode, which provides for synchronization with a weather station.

The operation of the roof and gutter heating system in automatic mode is possible thanks to the control unit (thermostat or weather station) and sensors that monitor the state of the environment

Operating principle

The operation of the heating circuit is simple and reliable. The heaters are switched on according to signals from temperature and humidity sensors, which are installed in shaded areas and upper points of drains. When the air temperature drops below the set value, the temperature sensor will give a command to turn on the heaters. However, the voltage will be applied to the cable only in the case of a certain state of the humidity sensor. The heating will turn on only at low humidity values, indicating that the liquid is freezing. The power supply will stop when the alarm sensor is in the water. This algorithm prevents the system from idling and contributes to its economy.

The performance of anti-ice systems is ensured by a heating cable, which is laid along the edge of the roof, in gutters and other places where snow and ice may accumulate.

The design of flexible cable elements allows heating roofs of the most complex configuration. The device of the anti-icing system depends on the climatic characteristics of the region, the type of cable and the degree of thermal insulation of the roof.

Types of heating cables, their advantages and disadvantages

Two types of heating cables are used to equip a reliable anti-icing system:

  • resistive;
  • self-regulating.

Resistive heater

Heating of this type of cable occurs due to ohmic losses in the conductor, which has a high resistance.

Depending on the design, the resistive cable can have one or two heating conductors.

The heat dissipation of modern resistive heaters is up to 30 W / m, while the temperature can reach 250 ° C. The section clearly shows the internal structure of the cable - a metal conductor, an insulation layer, a copper braid and a protective sheath. In addition, there is a variety of two-core cables with an additional conductive element. Thanks to him, the connection can be carried out from one end. This greatly simplifies installation and reduces the cost of work by reducing the length of the power supply circuits.

The advantages of this type of heater include:

  • simplicity of design;
  • stability of characteristics;
  • elasticity;
  • high specific heat release;
  • relatively low cost.

The disadvantages of cables operating on the principle of resistive heating are:

  • difficult installation of the system, associated with the need to use circuits of a strictly specified length;
  • the presence of a "cold" and "hot" end, which causes thermal stresses;
  • the possibility of local overheating with a decrease in the efficiency of heat removal. For the same reason, cable overlap is not allowed;
  • limited maintainability: if the heater burns out, the section cannot be restored.

Since the power of the resistive element does not depend on external conditions, when using this type of cable, correct calculation is necessary, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

A resistive cable can be connected from one or two ends - it all depends on the number of heating cores

Self-regulating heating element

Self-regulating cable consists of live conductors placed in a special plastic medium. The presence of graphite grains in its composition turns the system into a long chain with many parallel variable resistances. The conductivity of the inner filler changes depending on the temperature, which ensures the regulation of the heater power - as the temperature drops, the cable will generate more heat.

Self-regulating cable is a high-tech electric heater

Advantages of self-regulating cables:

  • high efficiency;
  • simplification of installation - the heater can be cut into sections of any length;
  • impossibility of local overheating even in places where the heater overlaps, as well as in case of mechanical damage;
  • heat release, which varies along the length of the section depending on external conditions;
  • increased security.

The disadvantages of self-regulating elements include a higher cost, which, however, is compensated during their operation.

The most effective anti-icing systems are obtained using both types of heaters. Resistive cable, as having a higher power density, is recommended to be installed on flat roof areas, and self-regulating cable - in gutters, funnels and downpipes.

Heating system design

Designing a snow melting system includes the choice of heating places, the calculation of the required cable power, as well as drawing up drawings, diagrams or sketches. The documentation should contain data on the type and number of heaters for each zone, the location of the sensors and the features of the electrical connections.

Selecting zones for heating

At the first stage, the drawings of the roof are studied, with the help of which the number and type of heated zones are determined. Experts recommend including the following places in the snow melting system:

  1. Joints of adjacent slopes (valleys). The cable is laid in the form of a long loop, which covers from 1/3 to 2/3 of the height of the groove in its lower part. The bending width depends on the power density of the cable and ranges from 10 to 40 cm.

    The joints of adjacent roof slopes are equipped with a heating cable laid at 2/3 of their height

  2. Eaves of roofs with gentle slopes. If the roof has a slope of up to 30 degrees, then the cable is laid in a zigzag at the bottom of the slope, capturing the entire cornice and a 30-centimeter section above the projection of the building wall. If the roof angle is less than 12 degrees, then the areas adjacent to the funnels are equipped with heating.

    Next to the funnels, the heating cable is laid on an area of ​​1 sq. m

  3. Downpipes. The heater is placed in a riser, constructing a loop, which is attached to its walls. When draining into a storm, the loop is made longer, taking into account the depth of freezing of the soil.

    For heating trays and downpipes, the heating cable is laid in two parallel lines

  4. Funnels. On flat sections of the roof, the cable is mounted so that it covers an area up to 0.5 m wide and is brought into the water distributor below the level of the attic floor. For funnels, which are equipped with risers, additional heating is not required, since heating of the gutter will be sufficient.
  5. To heat the junctions and parapets, one section of cable laid along the structure will be enough.

    Different ways of laying out the cable heaters make the protection from snow and ice more effective

  6. Trays and gutters require two parallel lines to be laid down the bottom of the water distribution elements.
  7. Flat roof water cannons. The heater is mounted along the bottom and within a radius of up to 0.5 m from their entrance opening.

In addition, the heating cable is laid along the perimeter of the roof windows, in a meter zone around the water collectors, as well as in the path of the outflow of water. To ensure the operability of the storm sewer, it is necessary to consider heating the line up to the sewer.

Heating is used not only for the roof and gutters, but also for drains, as well as elements of the drainage system.

Roof slopes with a slope of more than 45 degrees do not require the installation of heaters, since the snow comes off their surface in a natural way. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the operability of the drainage system, all its elements must be equipped with a heating cable in accordance with the above rules.

Calculation of the required power

The calculation of the power of the heating cable is carried out based on the area of ​​individual zones that require installation of a snow melting system. To calculate this value, they are guided by data obtained in practice:

  • in drainpipes with a diameter of less than 100 mm - 28 W / m. Ditto for equipping trays up to 100 mm wide;
  • in drainpipes with a diameter of more than 100 mm - 36 W / m. The same value for stacking in trays over 100 mm wide;
  • in valleys - from 250 to 300 W / sq. m (it is recommended to lay up to 2/3 of the height at the bottom of the joint);
  • along the gutters - from 200 to 300 W / sq. m;
  • on drips and along eaves - from 180 to 250 W / sq. m.

On flat surfaces, zigzag cable installation is provided, not exceeding the bending radius recommended by the manufacturer. According to the laying scheme, the length of the cable is determined and, based on the data obtained, the total power of the snow melting system is calculated.

Before installation, you need a detailed drawing indicating the heating places and the method of laying the heating cable

Installation of switching devices

To control and manage the roof and gutter heating system, unified modules are used, the design of which provides for the connection of a supply wire, heaters, as well as temperature and humidity sensors. The control unit is mounted in a place convenient for monitoring and control. Signal sensors are installed taking into account the need for their inspection and maintenance.

Monitoring and control of the anti-ice system is carried out using a variety of sensors connected to an electronic thermostat or weather station

Anti-icing system installation procedure

After completing all the necessary calculations, they begin preparatory activities, collect the necessary tools and purchase materials and equipment. After that, the installation of the anti-ice system begins.

Preparatory stage

The preparation of the foundation includes the removal of inoperable elements of the old snow melting system, if such was previously installed. The places where the heating cable is laid are cleaned of accumulated debris and dirt. In addition, the roof is inspected to identify objects and sharp edges that pose a risk of damage to the cable.

Installation work

The assembly of the heating system begins with the fastening of the electronic module. It is best to use a separate control cabinet for its installation. Installation of other structural elements is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Signal sensors are installed. Mount the temperature sensor in a place out of direct sunlight, away from heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The precipitation sensor is mounted on an open roof area. Moisture sensors are mounted in areas that are the first to be exposed to melt water.

    Signal sensors are installed in such a way as to ensure the possibility of their clear and timely response.

  2. Power and signal cables are being laid. Nylon ties and plastic clips are used to secure them. After laying, the conductors should be ringed, and the insulation resistance should be additionally measured in the power lines.
  3. Laying heating cables. To fix them, use the brackets provided by the manufacturer, metal clamps and pads. Perforated mounting tape can also be used, provided that the heater sheaths are not damaged. When laying, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of free sagging of the heating lines in the air.

    A special perforated tape can be used to fix the heating cable.

  4. The ends of the cables are led into junction boxes, the resistance and the absence of insulation breakdown at each section are measured. The minimum value that the megohmmeter should show is 10 Mohm / m.

    For installation and fastening of the heating cable in gutters longer than 3 m, a metal cable is used

    A number of operations, such as winding an additional layer of insulation at the places where the clamps are installed, terminating the ends of electric heaters, signal and power cables, etc., can be performed on the ground or indoors. This will reduce the risk of damage to the roof during installation activities.

  5. Carry out electrical connections of heating, power and signal cables between themselves and with the control unit. The heating sections and the control cabinet are grounded.

    Heating cables are connected in strict accordance with the switching and protection scheme.

  6. At a suitable outdoor temperature, the anti-icing system is turned on for 1 hour, after which the current consumed by each section is measured. In case of deviation from the nominal values, the causes of the malfunctions are identified and eliminated. To test the performance of the water and precipitation sensors in a clear sky, it is allowed to water them with water.

Video: animated heating cable installation instructions

According to SNiP 3.05.06–85, which regulates the installation and operation of electrical devices, heating cables can be installed at an outdoor temperature of at least minus 15 ° C. Installation of heaters must be completed before the first snow falls and ice builds up on the roof. The best time for editing can be considered the last weeks of autumn. If, for any reason, the work dragged on until the appearance of snow caps and ice plugs on the roof and in the drain, then careful cleaning of the cable laying places from precipitation will be required.

The installation of an anti-icing system is associated with a risk, therefore it is prohibited to work without insurance

Selection of control and protection equipment

The switching on and off of heating cables within the specified temperature limits and in accordance with the state of the humidity and precipitation sensors occurs at the command of the monitoring and control module. Depending on the complexity and functionality, these devices are divided into two types:

Of course, the first option, due to its constructive simplicity, is several times cheaper than the second. Despite this, it is not recommended to use it in regions with high humidity, since in this case there are risks of misinterpretation of the temperature sensor data. As a result, instead of the timely melting of snow, ice deposits can accumulate on the roof.

Weather station installation "anti-ice" and its connection diagram

The weather station is devoid of these drawbacks, but it has a more complex design, and therefore, less reliable. Nevertheless, the choice of this option will allow building a snow melting system capable of operating in automatic mode and, due to more sensitive control, saving electricity.

To protect the elements of the system when the load current is exceeded or a short circuit, a circuit breaker is installed in the electrical circuit. In addition, a residual current device is used, which monitors current leakage through the insulation and, when it appears, can de-energize the entire system or turn off individual sectors of the heaters.

Reliable, durable operation of the anti-icing system is guaranteed not only by correct installation, but also by regular, timely maintenance. Here are several operating rules that contribute to the trouble-free operation of the equipment:

  1. At the beginning of each season, namely after the leaves fall from the trees, the roof and drainage elements are cleaned of debris and dirt. To avoid damaging the cables and sensors, clean with soft brushes. In places with strong pollution, water is used.
  2. The system is switched on in the range of outdoor air temperatures from -15 to +5 ° C.
  3. Once every three months, an inspection and preventive work is done, which include tightening of threaded connections and restoration of damaged insulation. In addition, the functionality of the residual current device is checked.
  4. To protect cables from mechanical damage in places of possible collapse of snow and ice, protective structures are installed.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice: do not allow random people to work on the installation and maintenance of the circuit. Only skilled workers with specialized training know how to handle such a delicate and sensitive system.

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself snow melting system

With the appropriate knowledge and minimal skills, the installation of the anti-icing system is not difficult. At the same time, work at height requires utmost attention and concentration. In addition, we recommend that you refresh your memory of the safety rules for working with high voltage and strictly follow them during the installation and operation of the equipment.

The deterioration of the Moscow climate is manifested in a decrease in average monthly winter temperatures, an increase in the number of snowfalls and blizzards. Therefore, heating roofs and gutters for business business centers, government and public buildings, luxury residential complexes, sports arenas, shopping and entertainment centers is becoming not a luxury, but an urgent need. Roof heating is often ordered by the owners of Moscow mansions and country houses in the Moscow region.

Snow-free roof, heated gutters do not cause difficulties with regular cleaning after snowfalls. The melted snow does not form icicles dangerous for residents and passers-by. The company of industrial mountaineering "Tigris" quickly and efficiently assembles efficient roof heating systems on roofs of any size and configuration.

Heating system installation cost

When forming the estimate for the installation of a roof heating system, many factors and nuances are taken into account. The basic unit is the length of the heating cables, which depends on the heated area of ​​the roof, its materials, and the configuration of the slopes.

In running meters, the length of the supply cables is also measured, which must be sealed by tightening into metal or corrugated plastic pipes, connected to distribution boards that are installed by installers of roof heating systems.

The cost of installing a roof heating depends on the air temperature at which the work is carried out.

High-altitude operations in frosty temperatures are charged at higher rates.

The exact calculation of the estimated cost of roof de-icing systems includes drilling mounting holes in walls, interfloor ceilings, installing humidity and temperature sensors that automate the heating of the drainage system.

Production operations of delivery of cable materials and equipment, lifting them to the roof of the house, installation of safety fences by separate items are not included in the estimate.

Types of jobs Units Price, rub
Heating cable installation at temperatures> 3 ° C running. m. from 290
Heating cable installation at 0 to 3 ° C running. m. from 420
Heating cable installation at temperature< 0°C running. m. from 560
Installation of the supply cable running. m. from 100
Tightening of supply cables into corrugations and pipes running. m. from 60
Drilling holes in walls Ø30 mm running. m. from 900
Assembly of shields (for 1 element on a DIN rail) PCS. from 500
Installing the shield PCS. from 1500
Panel connection PCS. from 1500
Installation of the temperature sensor on the roof PCS. from 1200
Installing a moisture sensor in a trough PCS. from 1200
Installing a humidity sensor in a downpipe PCS. from 2400
Installation of the drainage system PCS. from 750

Roof heating installation technology

Of the several types of heating of roof coverings (water, steam, thermal panels), the electric system of roof anti-icing is recognized as the most effective and reliable.

The main element of roof heating systems is a heating cable designed to protect against ice and warm up freshly fallen snow.

The safety of using such cables is ensured by special multilayer insulation (from thermoplastics, elastomers, polyolefin).

When heating the roof, the copper bus bar can heat up to temperatures of 90 ° C.

Installation of electric heating is possible for all types of roofing. On flat soft roofs, the cable is laid on a mesh glued to the surface, fixed with bolted connections. On steep slopes, roof heating is mounted with a cable, which is attached to the ribs of metal profiles or slate with special clips. In gutters, gutters, heating cables are fixed with adhesive aluminum tape, equipped with tension protectors.

Electric roof heating is available for all buildings with power supply, is economical and easy to automate. For the automation of roof heating systems, temperature and humidity sensors are used. The required temperature for heating the roof is regulated by turning on and off automatic relays that react to the readings of remote sensors. This guarantees the economy of the system, since the heating does not work in warm weather.

Features of service provision

The main feature of installing a cable anti-icing system is that the heating is installed at a considerable height.

On many buildings, roofing requires additional repairs before installing heating, laying cables.

The lifting of mounting equipment and cables in reels to a height is carried out on ropes with chain hoists along the outside of the building.

When installing mechanical winches or lifting systems, care must be taken to ensure the safety of passers-by.

To install sensors in gutters (when ordering automation of the heating system), industrial climbers descend the walls on ropes using special climbing equipment.

Installation work on heating the roof requires industrial climbers to comply with the requirements of general and special safety measures:

  • admission to electrical work;
  • fencing with ropes, metal barriers of the working area on the roof;
  • correct organization of lifting points for equipment, points of descent of installers;
  • fencing of the territory under the place of climbs;
  • technological discipline during installation work.

By ordering a roof heating installation from the Tigris-Alp industrial mountaineering company, you guarantee yourself an efficient and trouble-free operation of the heating system. For urgent orders, it is possible for installers to work in frosty weather.

In case of strong winds, thunderstorms, installation operations for installing roof heating at a height are not carried out, but specialists are engaged in preparatory work in the under-roof rooms. Only long-term force majeure circumstances can prevent the installers of the Tigris company from observing the contractual deadlines for the installation of roof heating.

Icicles or even an ice bank can form on any roof in the winter season. We will find out what means can be used to eliminate such phenomena.

We offer you a number of technical solutions for roof heating, which will help to combat icing of the roof and gutters. Ice and icicles can form on almost any roof. This is due to natural design flaws and is fraught with various consequences: from leaks to damage to the drainage system.

Roof and gutter heating solutions

  • Heating cable selection
  • Electrical equipment
  • Roof heating installation

Purpose and principle of operation

Even in a well-designed roof, thermal protection is not absolute. As the snow cover accumulates, heat leakage into the atmosphere decreases, the temperature of the roofing rises, which is why it gradually melts. Flowing down, the water reaches the bottom of the slope, where it finally freezes, forming an ice bank.

Above this shaft, new portions of water are collected, the risk of leaks increases, and the snow cap continues to accumulate, increasing the load on the supporting system. At the first thaw, the entire accumulated mass of snow and ice comes off the roof like an avalanche, damaging the drainage system and posing a threat to people and property.

Roof heating is an active anti-icing measure, the main task of which is to melt the resulting ice and facilitate the smooth removal of melt water. Depending on the roof structure, the specifics of the operation of the snow melting system may differ. Conventionally, roofs are classified according to the numerical value of heat losses:

  1. Roofs over cold attics or unheated rooms are called cold roofs. The snow cap on them melts only on a sunny day near the bare areas of the roof; ice practically does not form. Heating of such roofs is required in cases where the amount of precipitation is high, and an independent fall of the cover is impossible due to the small slope. Basically, cold roofs do not heat.
  2. Roofs over warm attics or attics with good insulation are called moderately warm. This is the most difficult case: snow melting occurs at a low intensity, due to which the thickness of the ice layer is slowly but steadily growing. The task of the snow melting system is to accelerate the melting of snow, while the system operates in a semi-automatic mode with infrequent but rather long intervals.
  3. Roofs with poor insulation are conventionally considered warm, and the melting of snow on them is very active. As a rule, the formation of ice is recorded in the lower part of the slopes and gutters, therefore, heating elements are placed only in these areas. Their power is quite high, the system works in a repeated-short-term mode.

Heating cable selection

Two types of two-core heating cables are used for roof heating. The first option is a heating section of fixed length and power, this is the most convenient way to heat gutters and pipes.

There are also self-regulating cables consisting of two parallel conductive cores, the space between which is filled with a weak dielectric, the resistance of which increases abruptly when heated to a certain temperature. Thanks to this, the self-regulating cable can be connected in segments of any length, only the maximum length of the line is limited.

Both types of cable have a rather complex structure. Heating conductors or steam are wrapped in a heat-resistant sheath with good dielectric properties. A shielding braid is wound over the shell - a protective measure in case of damage to the main electrical insulation. The cable is also covered with outer insulation, which protects against both breakdown and mechanical damage.

The self-regulating cable also has an additional layer under the outer sheath that eliminates the friction of the flat heating core against the outer insulation to maintain its shape.

All heating cables are divided according to specific power, which can be 15–50 W / m. Cables up to 20 W / m.p. used on warm roofs, up to 30 W / m.p. - in cold areas of moderately warm roofs, up to 50 W / m. - for heating the drainage system.

Electrical equipment

Since the electric heating system is operated in rather harsh conditions, and the safety measures are much stricter than when heating open areas, the system requires the use of a number of electrical products and protective devices.

Electrical connections require the most attention. In high humidity and ultraviolet conditions, standard heating cable joints do not perform well. Therefore, they are used only for connecting heating cables to each other or in conditions where the installation of a secure connection is impossible.

In other situations, the connection of the heating cable to the power cable is carried out inside the junction box with degree of protection IP66 through screw terminals. The box is placed below under the eaves of the roof, which somewhat increases the consumption of the heating cable, but is guaranteed to protect the vulnerable spot.

The worst thing that can happen to a heating system is insulation breakdown and a short circuit between the cores or to the metal roofing. Therefore, the circuit breaker for protecting the line is selected in exact accordance with its power and the effective supply voltage.

It is required to select the machine that is closest to the nominal value, and then adjust the thermal splitter according to the instructions. The second stage of protection is a fire class RCD designed for leakage currents of 200-400 mA. For its correct operation, the shielding braids of all heating cables must be reliably grounded.

The self-regulating cable is used in systems with manual activation and does not require the installation of a thermostat. The exception is heating systems for roofs of houses that are not designed for permanent residence, or if the goal is to make the heating work completely autonomous.

In such cases, the thermostat turns off the heating when a positive air temperature is reached, and the automation can also use the readings of the humidity sensor to determine the presence of precipitation. For heating sections, the installation of a thermostat is mandatory, the cut-off temperature is selected in the range of +3 ... + 10 ° C, depending on climatic conditions. In this case, the temperature sensor is not located in the open air, but is rigidly fixed 20–25 mm from the heating element.

Roof heating installation

The location of the cables on cold and warm roofs is different. In the first case, the heating elements are lifted in parallel lines along the entire length of the slope with a step of 30–40 cm. Such a heating system is used only on flat roofs with a slope of less than 10 °, where the snow cap is not possible to fall off on its own.

In all other cases, only the lower cold edge is heated, where ice accumulates. For warm roofs, the width of the heating strip is equal to the projection of the coating beyond the outer plane of the wall.

On moderately warm roofs, heating is arranged on the width of the eaves and walls plus 10-15 cm. The cable is laid with a triangular snake with a distance between the tops from 25 to 100 cm, depending on the density of the heating elements.

It is determined by the required specific power of the heated area, which for moderately warm roofs is 250-300 W / m2, and for warm roofs - about 400 W / m2. Depending on the climatic conditions, the manufacturer may provide additional recommendations for adjusting the power.

Fastening the cable to the roof with a snake pitch of more than 50 cm is carried out with point clamps, which are attached to the coating with self-tapping screws or blind rivets. Before fastening, a special seal is placed between the retainer and the roof. With a fairly frequent step of the snake, it is better to mount it on a perforated mounting tape.

It is attached with two parallel lines at the bottom of the slope and with the required indent from the edge, after which the cable is pressed by bending the cut petals. This method is especially often used on steep slopes, where there is a high likelihood of the snow cap coming off: the cable will not be damaged in this case, the mounts will simply be unbent.

Particular attention should be paid to overhangs and valleys. At each overhang, the cable should rise from the bottom by 2/3 of the slope height. An excessive amount of ice forms in the valleys and gutters, so the specific heating power should be increased by 1.5 times. As a rule, this is achieved by laying two or three parallel heating cable lines on both sides of the valley with a pitch of 10–12 cm.

Anti-icing of the gutter system

With an operating roof heating system, it is imperative to lay heating cables also in gutters and drain pipes. Without this, the melted water will not be able to drain freely, freeze and, most likely, damage the drainage system.

As a rule, two cables with a specific power of more than 25 W / lm are sufficient for gutters. One of them is laid along the outer side, the other - along the bottom of the gutter. Fixation is carried out on special brackets, which are fixed inside the tray with a step of 20-30 cm. If water freezes in the drain during operation, you can add another heating cable.

Pipes are the most vulnerable part of the drainage system, due to entanglement of the cable, plugs can form inside them, and the entire system will become unusable. Therefore, usually for pipes, cables with a capacity of up to 50 W / lm are chosen. with a high operating temperature.

They are mounted in a taut state: the heating cable of the trough is lowered to the very bottom, fixed at the bottom with a double bend to prevent freezing of the outlet socket, and then pulled back up. Particular attention should be paid to the receiving funnels: in them, the heating elements are laid with one or two rings around the perimeter.published

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