Wallpaper in large circles. Wallpaper with circles in the interior of the kitchen, children's room, living room and bedroom. Basic geometry requirements

Most likely, not everyone knows that there were times when wallpaper in the interior was considered bad form. Preference was given to whitewashing, while the following reasons were put forward: whitewashing is easy to resume, so maintaining the freshness of the walls is not difficult, and if you want to revive the look of the walls, you can add some color to the whitewashing, but wallpaper is the salvation of loafers who often do not want to to redecorate the apartment.

It should be noted that the wallpapers in those days (and these are the fifties and sixties of the last century) were very primitive, both in the drawing and in the texture of the base, they quickly became saturated with dirt from the air, turned yellow when exposed to light, departed from the walls with bubbles and cracked under the influence of dried glue. So, often, the fresh whitewashing of the walls surpassed any wallpaper of that time in attractiveness.

But times are changing, and with them our tastes and preferences are changing, wallpapers are changing, and, it should be noted, for the better. Now the fantasies of designers are so sophisticated, and the sale offers such a wide range that it became very difficult to make a choice, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Incredibly realistic 3D wallpapers will transform the room beyond recognition. About this our next material:

Well, you decided to repair the apartment. An important task at the moment is the selection of wallpaper. In the interior of the living room, as in other rooms, they play a major role. It is necessary to take into account how the room is located relative to the cardinal points.

If the window faces south, then excessively “funny” wallpapers will tire your eyesight, if to the north, then the calm color scheme will make the living room dark, that is, you must take this moment into account.

Giving preference to this or that material of wall-paper, first of all it is necessary to proceed from your material capabilities. Budget options include wallpaper on a paper basis.

Benefits of using

  1. In appearance they are very attractive;
  2. Relatively inexpensive;
  3. Work on gluing is not very difficult, if docking of a tricky pattern is not required.

Their main drawback is relative fragility, but this can be an advantage over the more expensive ones, since one and the same will sooner or later get bored, and, you see, changing faded wallpapers from a psychological point of view is much more convenient than boring, but solid ones.

More expensive, but at the same time, more durable and convenient for gluing, are non-woven wallpapers, among which wallpapers of the Russian manufacturer Loimin occupy a worthy place.

It is also worth noting such manufacturers as AS Creation (Germany, average prices), Blumarin (Italy, wallpapers are quite expensive) and Demoxy (Italy, wallpapers are extremely expensive).

There is a way to update the living room interior without plywood wallpaper; this opportunity is provided by special “paintable” wallpapers. The most environmentally friendly include textile, liquid and glass. These wallpapers are very beautiful, they are able to make the living room irresistible. To give a special solidity to the living room interior, linkrust wallpapers will surpass almost all, if not all, wallpapers in beauty and sophistication. They are indispensable for reproducing luxurious classic interiors.

Wallpaper of German brands are environmentally friendly and have a high level of strength. You will learn more information from our article:

Color selection

Wallpaper for small living rooms is best used in bright colors, bright, they visually increase the volume of the room.

The following colors are best suited:

  • Light green;
  • Pistachio
  • Terracotta;
  • Coffee with milk;
  • Light olive;
  • Silvery.

The drawings on these wallpapers should not be “heavy”, best with monograms or polka dots, it is important that the drawing is small, a large drawing will emphasize the small size of the room. To enhance the effect of space and give the room vivacity, they are used with a panoramic view on one wall.

Combination Ideas

It is also proposed to use combinations of wallpapers - this is a fairly fashionable and common trend. The arrangement of interesting combinations from different wallpapers requires a certain taste and skill from the artist, but you can use ready-made combinations, the so-called wallpaper-partners, which are offered on the market.

As a colorful finish use:

  1. Tiger and leopard wallpapers that reproduce the skin pattern of the corresponding animal and, to some extent, characterizing the preferences of the owner of the premises;
  2. Tapestry or tapestry wallpaper - elegant wallpapers that mimic tapestries.
  3. Newspaper - wallpapers imitating fragments of newspapers pasted on a wall, etc.

Also a fairly fashionable option for gluing is the fragmented use of material with a colorful print on a monotonous background of the main wallpaper.

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

A place where you can sleep comfortably and calmly should contribute to this with your non-irritating color, dim lighting and good sound insulation. It is convenient to think about the upcoming actions, to seek solutions to many everyday, and not only everyday, problems. When decorating the interior of the bedroom almost always use wallpaper.

The use of decorative objects should be minimized, if not completely excluded.

Wallpaper can solve all the design tasks in the bedroom. They should be organically combined with the situation in the room (furniture, curtains, lighting fixtures, etc.). When using wallpaper with an ornament, the curtains should be plain and vice versa. Most people give preference to calm tones, creating an atmosphere of peace. If you still want to add some “zest” to the bedroom decoration - a beautiful vignette or something similar on the wallpaper, then it is desirable to place it on the wall behind the head of the bed. But how many people, so many opinions, in this case - tastes. There are lovers of exactly the opposite attitude to the decoration of the bedroom interior proposed above.

Wallpaper with circles in the interior of the room

In the design business, geometric shapes, especially circles, take their place at the height of fashion. This includes not only drawings on wallpaper, but also on curtains and decorative ornaments. Only it is necessary to make differences in the design of premises of different functional orientations.

If this is a living room, then you should not save on materials, following the proverb about "cheap fish", choose the best.

It is good to use dark wallpapers with light circles, the arrangement of which corresponds to a certain rhythm, and they are glued to one of the walls.

A fashionable and win-win option is the combination of dark brown with burgundy flowers. Polka-dot on wallpaper is a classic of the genre, only you need to adhere to some rules in the selection of colors: large rooms should have light peas on a dark background, and vice versa in small ones. You can use photos of cities, Amsterdam and Paris look good.

Interior room with photo wallpaper

The saying that everything new is well-forgotten old is the best suited to this case. At one time there was, if not a general, then quite an active enthusiasm among the fashionable part of the population for photo wallpaper. The possibilities offered by photo printing in the production of photowall-paper nowadays surpass the needs for them, therefore it is possible to order any photowall-paper with an exclusive drawing or plot, everything is determined by the material capabilities of the customer. The advantages of this type of wallpaper include the versatility of their application, they are good both at home and for the office, they are relevant in entertainment facilities, and as wall decorations.

Wall murals that increase the space of a room (video)

As you can see, there are a great many options to give comfort and individuality to your home, it is only important to find parity between stormy imagination and desires on the one hand and a sense of style and financial capabilities on the other.

Wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Wallpaper with a geometric pattern - a win-win option for those people who prefer rigor in the interior, who want to saturate it with brightness in simple forms. And the more entertaining and brighter the ornament, the more dazzling and cheerful the overall picture looks. Apparently for this reason, many designers noted the cell as the basis in a modern design.

Wallpaper in a cell of muted tones creates a soothing and pacifying effect. Despite all these advantages, few use them as background wall decoration. Wallpaper in a cage is rather capricious, they require correct combination of color, selection of furniture and decorative accessories. In addition, the number of styles using them as a basis is limited. Pay attention to the interior photo with such wallpapers:

Having decided nevertheless to add a cell, you can achieve a result that is very difficult to achieve using other paintings with patterns. The room will turn out respectable, effective, where both children and adults will be equally comfortable.

Choose the cell correctly

For some reason, not everyone perceives wallpaper in a cage in interiors harmoniously. Styling is very important in the selection, to do everything right, you should adhere to some rules:

Advice! The cell on the wallpaper is often used to emphasize certain areas in the room. If you make them in bright colors, it is very important to skillfully choose the color, for example, light green with raspberry will look silly and inharmonious. At the same time, it will not be possible to achieve a luxurious, colorful style in the interior.

Design with a cage.

The geometry of the cell on the wallpaper is used mainly in ancient styles, but recently designers have used it even in modern areas.

The easiest option is a Scottish cage. Ideal for classic or English style. Skillfully selected stylized furnishings and, for example, a fireplace, will only complement and emphasize the chosen subjects. A tartan is a pattern made of a mass of perpendicularly connected lines creating regular and accurate rectangles or squares, most often in dark colors against a light background. Pay attention to the photo of the interior of the corridor:

Another very popular style is country. To create it, antique furniture, simple curtains and a discreet geometric cell on the wallpaper are used. A light tone with a medium-sized pattern is able to emphasize the warmth of home comfort. See how the checkered wallpaper looks in the photo in the interior:

Advice! For those who like to create a one-color interior, designers recommend choosing checkered wallpapers with barely visible borders of the picture.

You need to understand that each of the styles involves its own color scheme. For example, the Scandinavian style corresponds to the cold gamut. True, the American direction is completely opposite to the previous one, it uses bright shades.

A win-win interior design is a black and white cell and hi-tech style.

By and large, wallpaper in a cage is useful both in decorative design, and as a method of masking small irregularities on the wall surface.

A cell in the interior has a positive effect on the visual effect - this is an important fact, especially if the room is small.

Advice! When you design an interior with wallpaper in a cage on one wall, you should not furnish it too tightly. It is also not recommended to use shelves with frames, figurines or watches, it is better to place them on the opposite or any other, more monophonic.

Basic rules for the cell

A cell will help to visually expand the space, for this it should be correctly selected:

Important! Walls in a cage do not need a huge number of photos on the walls, frames, souvenirs and other accessories. They simply merge into one pile, including the wallpaper pattern and will not create any effect.

Wallpaper with circles

Wallpaper with polka dots or with circles is not often used in interior design. For some they cause nostalgia, reminiscent of antiquity, while others believe that this print on the walls is too naive, does not fit into a solid modern interior. Today, the print is very popular, some designers successfully use it in the decoration of rooms. It looks good, colorful and stylish. Having looked at the photo of the interior below, it is probably difficult to say the opposite.

And this version of the interior with polka dot wallpaper:

Circles and polka dots on the wallpaper

The circles on the wallpaper, in fact, a new kind of design, which is only gaining momentum, gaining popularity. They look great against the background of geometric geometry and strict furnishings, creating a soft, relaxed, natural contrast with decorative elements.

It is circles on the wallpaper that are considered the best of the figures in the nurseries, where you need to create an environment for games, activities, progressive thinking and development of the child. Light circles on a dark background add luxury to the interior. You can design one wall, and all others to make in a similar scale.

Small circles in combination with large ones are considered a conserved version of plainness, cordiality and classics. They look very good in bedrooms or a living room, with such decoration a complete rest for the household is guaranteed. Take a look at the photo below:

Wallpapers with plain geometric circles look modestly, recreate the retro style. This design does not strain your eyes, creates a pleasing look. Very often, this style of decoration is used in the interior of a nursery for a girl. Shades are selected from the pastel range - it resembles the cover of a girl’s diary.

The circles can be different in size and color, for such a design there are many options and the flight of imagination is unlimited: you can design one wall with a ceiling entry, supplement the interior with pillows, bedspreads, blankets of the same theme. The photo shows another interesting interior, where the walls are glued with wallpaper with circles.

If you want to recreate the style of the 70s in the interior, then coatings with circles of colorful shades are perfect. The picture can be selected as plain or simple.

The interior, decorated in black and white geometric circles on the wallpaper, performs a double task: it maintains a tendency to minimalism and displays a certain zest, a bright idea from the designer, and a playful mood for households. The circles can be small in the form of dots or very large.

Accent wall with circles in the interior is also relevant and widely used. This technique in design is simple, stylish and has a special effect, as in the photo.

Correct geometry and interior design

There are situations when, after a recent repair, you want to urgently change something in the situation: rearrange the furniture, change the flooring, wallpaper is just peeled off the walls. You shouldn’t worry too much about this, you can try to combine a wallpaper with a geometric pattern. According to statistics, approximately 85% of users simply do not know how to properly combine shades and patterns and therefore feel discomfort and inconvenience. Let's try to figure out the details

When the geometry of the picture will help save the situation from bad taste. Geometry looks wonderful in any interior, but it should be used according to certain rules of decoration, especially if:

  • the room is too high or low;
  • the room is considered small-sized;
  • space is distributed disproportionately;
  • difficult geometric design of the room;
  • there is a need to mask architectural flaws or visually divide the space.

Important! Before choosing any wallpaper with a geometric pattern, it does not hurt to find out what expert designers think about this, as they recommend combining a variety of drawings in the interiors.

The geometric image in the wall decor. Wallpaper with a geometric pattern applied to them is too demanding on all the components of the room space. For a successful combination, the following principles should be adhered to:

Basic geometry requirements

Geometric patterns can revive any room, making it individual, stylish, colorful. If you use the advice of high-class designers developed by time and experience, then you can easily avoid bad taste and combination errors, achieve the desired effect quickly and seamlessly:

Important! The geometric patterns on the wallpaper must be correctly combined, meaning when wallpapering. The slightest discrepancy can pretty much ruin the integrity of the picture.

Wallpaper geometry can create an unusual atmosphere, comfort and beauty. One cannot but rejoice at the abundance of combinations and stylistic devices. Indeed, today everyone can create, thanks to them, real designer masterpieces that emphasize the taste and personality of the owner. Live modern and bright, do not be afraid to experiment, introduce something personal in the created canons.

The video shows the options for interior design using wallpaper with a geometric pattern:

Despite the apparent severity of form, there is a wide variety of patterns of this type. The differences between them are determined not only by color and size, but also by creative performance. So in addition to the wallpaper, which shows the correct geometric circles, options are available with the following patterns:

  • small and large peas;
  • plot bitmaps;
  • abstract circular compositions;
  • imitation of flower buds;
  • stylization for round objects: buttons, wheels, watches, lace, the sun, the moon, confetti, ship steering wheels, globes, windows, etc.

Wallpaper with a pattern of circles can be suitable for almost any stylistic direction. This is due to their versatility: depending on the size, color and design, circular ornaments will look like a classic or a trendy print. However, the following styles can be considered optimal for their application:

  • Provence
    Small peas and floral patterns blend harmoniously into the interiors of Provence. They will complement the lightness and tenderness of the style of direction, as well as bring into it some clarity and orderliness.
  • Modern
    Buy wallpaper with circles in a modern setting - this is ideal, because the style gravitates to rounded shapes in everything. The combination of such wall coverings with interior elements that have smooth contours will ensure design integrity.
  • Vanguard
    Bright and multidimensional circles harmoniously complement the bold avant-garde style. An important nuance is the presence of pronounced contrasts and the correctness of geometric shapes.
  • Minimalism
    Large circles can replace all other types of decor in minimalist interiors. Also, the direction makes it possible to use wallpaper with a small pattern for one of the walls, taking into account the equal size of all circles and their close linear arrangement.

Combination is a simple and effective design technique that allows you to transform any room, embodying your fantasies in an original and stylish interior. By combining materials for walls of different colors, textures and drawings, you can visually adjust the space and divide the room into functional zones. To decide how to glue two species to achieve the desired effect, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of combination.

Combination rules

The dissonance in the finish, found after the completion of the repair, is difficult to eliminate and requires additional costs.

Living in a room with a boring or “screaming” interior negatively affects the mood of households and can cause a deterioration in well-being. Proper combination is carried out according to certain rules and should take into account several factors.

Compatibility Assessment Criteria

When choosing materials for wall decoration in the room pay attention to the following parameters:


To assess the harmonious combination of different shades, you can use the color wheel scheme. The elegant classic interior involves options for gluing adjacent tones, and for room decor in a shocking pop art style, contrasting colors should be preferred.


When using canvases with different textures for walls, it is advisable to select one shade. In this case, the difference in surface finish of the material will be more noticeable.


In order for the design of the sticky to be harmonious, their decorative design should be combined in color and style. It looks good composition of smooth plain and patterned paintings. Combining with vertical and horizontal patterns of bright colors is undesirable, since this option is perceived negatively.

Among the popular options - wall decoration with wallpaper of the same color, but in different shades. Graduated canvases in peach, beige, coral or dark blue colors can be placed both horizontally and vertically.

Plain and with a pattern in the form of wide or narrow stripes are well combined. Such decor visually increases the height of the ceiling and creates the effect of a more spacious room.

Selection rules

In order for the combination to be harmonious, the following rules must be observed:

1 Finishing material should be the same thickness, otherwise the difference in structure and joints will be noticeable. Paper canvases are combined with paper, and vinyl can be combined with vinyl. The surface of the walls before gluing is leveled.

2 To assess compatibility, you need to attach the selected samples to each other in natural light.

3 Combining canvases of different colors, choose: various shades of cold or warm colors; closely spaced tones or contrasting colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel.

4 When buying wallpaper in a room of different colors, you should choose a material with the same texture and surface finish. Combining matte and glossy fabrics is undesirable.

Studying the various options for gluing, you need to decide on the method of wall decoration and the effect that is expected to be obtained as a result of the repair of the room.

Combination Tasks

The choice of materials for transforming the interior depends on the purpose, overall dimensions and design features of the room. Combination allows you to:

Split space

The use of partitions, furniture and screens in a room of large area for dividing into functional zones requires significant costs and leaves a feeling of bulkiness.

To highlight the plots we combine different colors, decor or textures. This method clearly defines the boundaries of individual zones, allowing you to save the effect of space.

Hide defects

Aligning the walls is a laborious work that requires certain skills, time and significant financial investment. If you combine two types, you can hide surface defects and create a unique interior.

Adjust aspect ratio

In many apartments with a not very good layout, the overall dimensions of the premises violate the harmony of perception.

By pasting the walls with different wallpapers, you can visually change the space and adjust the proportions of the room.

For example, the perception of an elongated rectangular-shaped room will change if the ends are pasted with dark or bright canvases, and pastel-colored finishes are used for the side walls.

To create an interior with an unusual decor, you can combine saturated colors with smooth or patterned canvases in calm shades.

This combination draws attention to the selected area and gives the room a unique flavor. As an accent, instead of bright canvases, photo wallpaper with an interesting image of flowers and landscapes, picturesque views of cities or with an abstract pattern is often used.

Combination methods

To understand how to glue beautifully, you need to learn different ways of decorating walls and choose the appropriate option. For decoration use different methods of combining paintings.

Horizontal combination

It provides for pasting in the form of two stripes with horizontal division at a certain height. For the upper part, webs with volumetric ornament are usually used, and for the lower part, a pattern of vertical stripes of different thicknesses is used.

According to the color scheme, the wallpaper can be of the same hue, but the lower section should be darker. This will avoid distortion of proportions in the visual perception of the room.

The division of the border is made out using a border. To evaluate how such combined wallpapers look, a photo will help.

How to paste beautifully with horizontal division? The main thing is to choose the location of the line that separates the different canvases.

Its height depends on the ceiling height in the room and for standard apartments is 1 m. For low rooms this type of wall decoration is undesirable because it can visually reduce the space.

Wallpaper, combined with horizontal dividing the paintings, harmoniously looks in spacious living rooms and in offices in a classic or traditional English style.

Vertical stripes

If you are going to stick beautiful wallpapers of two kinds on the wall, pay attention to the canvas with vertical stripes.

Such a pattern visually increases the height of the ceilings, and the room is perceived as more spacious.

However, it is not worth gluing wallpaper on all the walls with stripes: the same type of decor quickly bothers, and many small stripes can cause fatigue. Option - a combination of striped decor with matching color plain or decorated with discreet pattern paintings.

Using vertical combination, it is possible to distinguish functional zones. To decide how to glue the striped wallpaper on the walls correctly, a photo will help: having looked at various combinations, it’s easy to choose the right decoration option for yourself.

Accents and Niches

One of the most popular tricks in decoration involves highlighting one wall with the help of decor. Using wallpapers of bright saturated colors or with an interesting and unusual pattern, create an object that attracts attention.

The remaining walls are covered with neutral canvases of suitable shades. To understand how gluing such wallpapers is carried out, a photo will help.

The layout of some rooms provides for a niche. It can be draped with curtains, closed with a partition or built-in furniture.

Another way to mask niches and various ledges is to use wallpaper in dark colors and with a colorful pattern. You can vice versa, highlight non-standard structural elements with the help of bright canvases.

An interesting way to decorate the walls is a patchwork technique. This decoration is especially impressive in the children's room, in the country-style kitchen or in the bedroom, decorated under the "Provence".

To understand how to combine wallpaper with each other in these cases, you can view photos of various interiors or find inspiration in the works of seamstresses using the patchwork technique. To create a panel you will need pieces of paintings of the same shape.

A combination of wallpapers will help in creating an original and stylish interior. Using various application techniques, the design of the apartment will be unique, and small tricks will not only decorate the interior, but also will correct the imperfections of the room.

Having decided to make repairs in the room by combining wallpaper, it is worth considering the area, location, purpose and proportions of the room.

  • Choosing the main tone you need to build on the area. In a small room it is inappropriate to use a dark color palette, the light pastel scale looks more harmonious, which will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • In a spacious room, a combination of dark colors and volumetric patterns is acceptable.
  • An important role is played by location. In a room with windows facing north, it is better to use a warm palette, this compensates for the lack of sunlight.
  • Cold shades look more harmonious on the south side, they will give a breath of fresh air.
  • In an apartment with high ceilings, do not combine wallpapers with vertical patterns.
  • You can adjust the height of the ceilings using horizontal stripes and volumetric images. The same rule works in the opposite direction, for small rooms light monophonic wallpaper and a small discreet pattern are suitable.

Combination Methods

Combination with vertical stripes

With the help of striped wallpaper, you can visually increase the height of the ceilings. The frequency and bandwidth depends on personal preference. When buying material, you should stop your choice on rolls of the same size and, if possible, one collection. In this case, in the finished version, the finish will look like a whole composition. The color palette can consist of both two close to each other, and contrasting colors.

In the photo, one of the walls of the kitchen is decorated with striped wallpaper.

Horizontal Combination

Horizontal patterns and stripes are able to "push" the walls and make the room wider. This type of decoration is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, in a compact room you may get the feeling of a low ceiling.

Another way of combining is dividing the wall into two parts horizontally, the upper half, as a rule, in a lighter color than the bottom. Often the lower part is made of wall panels.

Accent wall

Most often, the accent wall becomes the one on which the gaze falls when entering the room. A bright shade or three-dimensional image “pushes” the wall, this technique can be a little narrow room a little closer to the shape of a square. Depending on the stylistic direction, the main color may be close in tone with an accent wall or radically different.

In the photo, the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with pink photo wallpaper with flowers.

Plain and Plain

Different shades of the same color will help to zone the space and create a play of shadows. For example, part of the bedroom is finished with a light gray tint, and the sleeping area is in deep saturated color.

Pattern or ornament and plain

One of the most common combination finishes. Floral patterns or ornament can overlap with the style of the interior. The pattern is applied by stencil, sticker or wallpaper. Today, one can often find collections in stores, in which monophonic options are presented and with a pattern applied on the same basis.

Pattern and pattern

In one room completely different patterns can harmoniously exist, but they should be united by a common note. It can be general motives, elements or color.

Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

Wall mural can significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Promising murals such as a road or a tall waterfall will extend the room and make it wider.

In the photo there are promising murals (a receding pier) that help visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

Given that the murals themselves have a three-dimensional and colorful image, then it is worth combining them with a calmer tone so as not to overload the room.

Focus point

In order to highlight any zone, for example, a fireplace or a TV, background wallpapers are used. Part of the wall may have a plain color that differs from the main shade or be with an unusual pattern.

Decorative ornaments

An unusual picture is formed by elements framed in frames and moldings. Against the background of a calm shade of wallpaper, there may be inserts with ornate patterns. This combination is suitable for the interior in a classic style.

In the photo in the living room in the classic style, the wallpapers are decorated with moldings.

Patchwork technique

Patchwork technique suitable for decorating a nursery or bedroom. The meaning is to combine the overall picture of the flaps of different wallpapers. When gluing, it is necessary to observe an even seam.

Niche highlighting

An interesting solution is to highlight the niches in the wall with a different color. Deepenings can be made a couple of tones darker. When decorating a niche with textured wallpaper or panels, the backlight looks good, the relief will cast interior shadows.

Combination of wallpapers with different textures

The combination of different textures harmoniously looks in almost any room of the apartment. In small rooms, wallpaper with a shiny surface due to reflective properties will increase the space. In addition, they look interesting in contrast to the matte canvas.

Room zoning

You can divide the room into zones in several ways, one of them is the division of color and texture. The kitchen, combined with the living room, will be divided by the wallpaper of the same texture, but in different shades of the same spectrum. A good option would be structural wallpaper for painting.

On the picture

Combining brick wallpaper

Brickwork is most often associated with the loft style. In a small apartment, it is possible to replace natural material with imitation wallpaper. Wallpaper under a red brick is successfully combined with a matte material of gray or white. White brick harmoniously looks with light walls.

How to combine wallpaper by color?

A calm combination of color, despite the saturation, can be called monochromatic. These are shades of the same color, differing in saturation. In the interior, a more juicy shade can indicate the desired zone or visually divide the space.

In the photo, a monochromatic combination of colors on combined wallpaper.

Complementary Combination

This is a combination of contrasting, opposite colors. For example, red and green, purple and yellow, orange and blue. A combination of this kind is suitable for finishing any room. The combination of calm shades can be used in the living room and bedroom, and bright ones are suitable for the nursery.


At first glance, similar colors are completely different, but their use in the interior looks harmonious, each shade smoothly flows from one to another. As a rule, this is a combination of two or three adjacent shades from the color wheel.

The combination of individual colors (table)

Beige Chocolate, white, red, blue, emerald, black.
White Universal color. It is combined with any shades. The most successful combination with black, blue and red.
The black Like white, a universal color, successfully combined with many shades. Successful options: white, red, lilac, pink, orange.
Brown Ivory, beige, green, pink.
Gray The whole palette of pink, from pastel to fuchsia. Red, blue, plum.
Black and white The combination of black and white is already considered complete. Both shades are universal, almost any color will complement the combination.
Green Yellow, golden, orange, chocolate, black, gray.
Pink Gray, chocolate, turquoise, the color of young herbs, olive, pale blue.
Blue Gray, orange, green, red, white, blue.
Blue White, pink, gray, yellow, brown, red.
Purple White, green, pink, chocolate, gray, black.
Red White, blue, green, black, yellow.
Yellow Brown, gray, black, blue, turquoise.
Violet White, yellow, orange, lilac, black.

In the photo, a combination of three types of wallpaper in the interior of a children's room.

Photos in the interior of the rooms in the apartment

Living room

For the living room there are lots of ideas for decorating walls. Material and pattern are selected depending on the style. The spacious hall with a corner sofa harmoniously looks accent wall reception. A beautiful pattern and rich colors mark the place of rest.


In the bedroom, as a rule, preference is given to calm shades. A combination of a calm shade of the main wallpaper and a photo wallpaper with a floral print at the head of the bed will look harmonious.


In the kitchen, it is more practical to combine wallpaper over the dining area and tiles in the cooking area. Colors can overlap.

In the photo there is a horizontal combination of two types of wallpaper - plain and floral print, the joint is decorated using white molding.


From the children's room you can safely combine bright and rich colors. For kids, you can use patchwork technique with flowers and patterns that match the floor. One of the walls decorated with photo wallpaper or wallpaper with drawings will also look good.

Hallway and corridor

In the spacious or open hallway, you can combine simple, even and textured wallpapers with imitation of different materials.

In the photo, a practical combination of decorative panels with wallpaper.

Combination with other finishing materials

The combination of painting and wallpaper looks good in the bedroom. The smooth painted surface is complemented by canvases with ornament, cage or ornate pattern.

Combination with decorative stone

The combination of wallpaper with stone looks harmonious in the living room or hallway. The corners and part of the wall are trimmed with stone. The material can be either natural or artificial.

Brick Combination

By combining wallpaper and brickwork, you can get a brutal loft style and gentle provence. Depending on the color and decorative content, the exact opposite design of the apartment will turn out.

In the photo a combination of wallpaper with a brick wall in the interior of the bedroom.

The combination of wallpaper and panels will be a good option for decorating the hallway, living room or nursery. As a rule, the lower part of the wall is trimmed with panels using the horizontal combination method. A variety of choices allows you to make repairs both in the classical style and in the modern one.


Combination for any part of the house. Stucco sets the basic tone in the room, wallpaper is an accent element. The combination can be with plain wallpaper, wallpaper with a discreet pattern and photo wallpaper.


Combination for kitchen and bathroom. The work area and the contact zone with water are finished with tiles, the rest is provided with wallpaper. The combination may have a contrasting combination or have a common color and elements.

In the photo, a combination of wallpaper with mosaic tiles.

How to make a transition when combining

No transition

The easiest and most common way is the lack of transition. Canvas wallpaper glued butt. It must be remembered that for a better result you need to prepare and level the surface. A similar method is well suited for accent walls.


Beautiful and graceful way of design. Visually looks like a picture or a panel. The main tone is chosen in a calm shade, the second part can have both a simple geometric and an unusual shape and is trimmed with moldings along the edge.

Wallpaper border

The border is placed on the upper edge or in the central part. He will add a twist to the interior. Looks harmoniously in the living room, bedroom and children's room.

Features of the design of a small room

  • In a small apartment, for example in Khrushchev, it is preferable to choose light shades when combining.
  • The vertical or horizontal direction of the pattern or lines will help to adjust the space.
  • Simple drawings and patterns can also visually enlarge a room. What drawings can visually expand the space you can see.
  • Mirror surfaces can significantly contribute to the expansion of borders.
  • Pairs of tall mirrors framed in frames will completely change the look of the interior.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, which visually increases the width of the children's room.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with wallpaper with an ornament, this technique will visually make a long room of a small area more proportional.

Layout Errors

Some combination errors can ruin the picture.

  • Along the wall with large patterns, do not arrange large furniture, it is better to choose plain background wallpaper.
  • In a small room, a mistake in the decoration in dark colors. Light shades and bright decor elements will look more harmonious. Also, do not use three or more colors.
  • In a narrow room, wallpaper with patterns does not apply to a large wall, so the room will be narrower.
  • In an apartment with low ceilings, horizontal stripes and patterns will further shorten the space.

The combination of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers deserve special attention. They allow you to create unique paintings, even diagonally, while being easy to apply. According to the tactile sensations, the liquid wallpaper has a soft and warm surface. The material is applied according to the principle of textured plaster. For an ideal result, it is also necessary to prepare the surface.

In the photo, the TV zone is highlighted with liquid wallpaper.

Photo gallery

Having delved deeper into the issue of combining wallpaper, you can discover a lot of interesting examples and ideas. Repair no longer represents boring paper wallpapering, layout of different textures and technologies creates a work of art. Below are photos of examples of combining wallpaper on the walls in rooms for various functional purposes.